Friday, July 12, 2019

Personal Quotes XI

Here is a list of ideas, personal quotes, and other things I would like to write about. I will continue to update this list as time goes on. I would have continued on the other Personal Quotes but blogger's update button doesn't seem to work.

-(Statue with paper idea) I had a strange thought to carve a statue of myself with a material that would last a long time. In the middle of the statue is a opening. I was hoping to put anything related to my blog and documentation within this statue for the reason of preserving it. I want to then hide the statue or burry it. The location of the statue is on a map which is coded, encrypted, and offers minimalist clues. If I could, I would make three of these statues and burry it throughout the US. If I have the resources and time, I will make it a simple life mission. 

-There is an importance with peace of self and peace of mind.

-(Sounds canceling tech for babies) I had an idea to use sound canceling waves that affect the waves or bounce of waves from when a child cries. I believe such an invention could make a lot of money (July 01, 2019; anyone who takes this idea should give me compensation. lol).

-I get the feeling that in the future, people will look back on the technology of today and call it primitive or less technologically significant when in reality in the present, we are the innovators with a wide range of current experiences and feelings in developing the technology that the future will more-than-likely never will ever get the chance to experience from our initial interactions with such technologies. For example: No other generation in history will ever experience opening a new box of pokemon on the game boy color and get the new feeling of a unexplainably new world of exploration and imagination in the universe of pokemon as a child. I believe we should prize these feelings and the innovation it later inspires.

-After watching an interview, I wonder if we should balance professionalism and authenticity, or prize authenticity over professionalism. Could being authentic lead to better employees in some industries? For example: If an office centered business were to do away with dress code and rules and allowed for more flexibility in the workplace, would they still get work done? Would they still obey orders? I mean the conditions of not doing your job still apply, but could giving individuals a sense of personal identity in the workplace prove to bring out more productivity and collaboration with other employees? Personally, I feel as if a direct and seemingly professional interview doesn’t accurately portray a person. I personally would prefer an interview using casual conversation while out for coffee with the person looking to hire others than face-to-face looking at the resume or application.

-Personally, I see this mechanical system in the US which is in control by burocrats and elite groups. A system by design that is inorganic and is merciless for those who oppose it. It’s my desire to disassemble this system and replace it with one entire functional that will allows the country to fulfill the dream, desires, happiness, and imagination. To do this, I believe systems need to be reassembled and improved allowing for more flexibility, more options, and freedoms. For example, there should be multiple systems for poverty or welfare, there should be multiple work place structures, there should be many forms of currency…etc. The more freedoms and multi-functional systems will allow for a more functional and prosperous America. When the country moves forward and becomes more free, prosperous, and allow for people to do great things with their lives while achieving a decent standard of wealth, the entire world will desire to follow in its footsteps.

-(maybe) While walking around Bellaire Houston and seeing people go about their day or while at school  listening to others on their phone in the elevator arguing about failed relationships and latest in popculture concerts, it gives me the impression that the illusions of society are extremely dominant. I wonder what a society capable of heavy critical thinking and ethics would be like. Would it be prosperous? It gives me the impression people don't care what happens in the realm of higher powers that dictate their lives unknowingly. The power of currency and where it comes from and the illusion they are led to believe. The law and policy makers which create the standards of society. What would it be like if everything were to collapse? Where would their current state of mind go? Would they feel they should have influenced and done something before everything fell apart? Perhaps it's part of a mindset of ignorance or dissonance because of a failure to perceive to do anything. Unlike in the past, it seems individuals were more ready to join a town meeting for public discussion; where in today's mindset it's about comfort and gaining status and wealth even though when they obtain it, they don't influence or cause discussion or change. I guess this is the cycle or a glimpse between population and rise and collapse of civilizations.

-Could it be that if a person is constantly going, moving, working, and doing things nonstop, could they lose a sense of peace of mind or who they are? If that’s the case then perhaps due to burn-out they should take necessary time off or pause from the working world. 

-Could there be a mythos to belief? Could it be that what is real is real and what isn’t real is not real. Could it be that an idea that belief will cause something to be real or manifest will actually not make it real or manifest. Perhaps this more realistic idea conflicts with a belief that has existed for a very long time and reused by many, even great figures, in society. 

-It seems to me there is importance in the way females dress as they desire to portray a desire of status to which they would like others to recognize. Often males don't see this.

-(random info)Harvard studies show that people initially judge you by two subcontinent principle questions in their mind: Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person? 

-I continue to believe we are in need of philosophers more than ever. I will also add that we need system improvers or improvement theoretical thinkers. The more improvement we can come up with, the more we can innovate and find greater alternatives to our systems and industries. 

-(random narrative) If I were to compete for an answer from a group of people, I would find my best answer with an amount of time to think about an answer and preferably without any influences from the opinions of others. I’m not the smartest man, but I can offer my thoughts, opinions, and possible solutions. If another has a better solution, then they should have the glory. I would like to learn and think about the person with the greater solution and use it as a way of improvement. I want to add that some people are always looking for the smartest person when they should be paying attention to all thinkers. Everyone can improve their own thinking processes by observing and thinking about the solutions of others. It’s important to value the greatest solution but to also learn and critically think about how and why they obtain their solution and how you can use their mental framework to help you critically think and improve your own mind. 

-(random experiment) I want to experiment with the idea of relaxed classrooms in a college environment where chairs and tables can be moved, the layout is flexible, and people can sit wherever or however they want. It’s a classroom which allows the students to be comfortable. The only catch is that the students have to display an high level of ethics to their fellow students and instructors. The goal of the experiment is to see what dynamics can be learned to create a more comfortable learning environment.

-Could it be a good idea that for every few horror, violent, adult content/ narrative a publisher or entertainment entity should release a narrative or entertainment that centers around family values, inspiration/motivation, humor, and real-life values and narratives?

-(caution heavy irrational material; I don't believe in this but it's a crazy idea) I was talking to a girl about artists and then she forced the narrative to turn towards heavily modern day feminism which is complexly dissolved of logic (not the traditional feminism that I respect but the feminism in which is irrational and illogical). I was very polite but it made me furious on the inside so I came up with an irrational narrative on what if there were to be a gender division because of irrational feminism. What if males were to create a culture of masculinity that catered only to the male species? I don’t believe in this narrative but I thought it would be interesting to make something up and share it here. The modern masculine movement; the ultra-alpha male: Their aim is to create a society in which males are the ultimate dominant species. The average female that does not subscribe to their culture are outcasted and ignored. Thy only want females who subscribe to their culture. Guys in this culture carry various ideologies. They are extremely heavy in logic, reasoning, and being seemingly completely emotionless. They casually use females sexually and feel no remorse or guilt after using them. They want a heavy masculine society with no or almost no feminine qualities. They believe females were meant to be dominated by males, even their own daughters. If there is a female that demonstrates greater values and qualities then them, they will respect her but still see her as inferior. If females get physical with them, they will treat them as if another male and will have no guilt afterwards. They feel as if warriors and carry their masculine power and pride with them at all times. They exclude the traditional family values and replace it as a system in which operates more as a business as they look for companies to raise their children. To have a traditional family is up to them. They make families a business leaving behind few offspring’s which they prefer are also male. It’s a very egocentric society. On average they go to brothels to fulfill their sexual needs. They see all females as inferior, even if they are more intelligent. They are part of a masculine collective in which all males share a heavy brotherhood-like bond. They don’t care about homosexuality as long as they are very masquiline. They are heavily disciplined in ethics and do not resort to violence quickly but show violence in their tone of their voice and in the colors of their words. They are more than willing to quickly defend themselves and others like them. If in the case they have to fight or go to battle, they are more than ready to do so and perform in a matter in which most violent, most psychologically traumatizing, showing unimaginable courage, and providing the greatest demonstration of being heartless and merciless. They find their greatest family in their brotherhood. They desire females that subscribe to their culture where they offer themselves as submissive and allow themselves to be used at any time. This masculine society prizes camgirls, escorts, strip clubs, and being a sugar daddy to those who submit to their lifestyle. They have wives for hire if they desire to have more of a traditional family who will cater to their every need. These males are tough, manly, often rude, to the point, sometimes aggressive, and without fear or guilt. They pay escorts to be in psudo-relationship where they tell them everything they want to hear and help them feed their ego. Their ideology is that the average female that doesn’t subscribe to their culture dies off leaving a culture in which all females are submissive to them where only their ideology and culture remains.

-I perhaps want to believe the workplace should be more than a workplace. I want to perhaps believe it should be family, and a place where one can feel comfortable contributing their time in life and effort.

-Should college campuses offer dating services?

-Sometimes before a project, it’s a good idea to show a proof of concept. A proof of concept means you are fully capable of creating a sample or prototype to show that it’s realistically possible to create whatever is needed.

-traits of a leader: 1 Growth mindset of moving forward. 2 Emotional intelligence and being self-aware. 3 manage transitions; share their transition challenges, management, and being honest and sharing their frustrations. 4 Coaching: timely and effective feedback, delivering hard feedback in a motivational and thoughtful way, tailoring approaches to meet individual communication styles in regular one on one meetings, practice empathetic “active” listening and being fully present, being cognizant of your own mindset and that of your employee, asking open-ended questions to discover an employee’s acumen. 5 Feedback and valance the positives and negatives. 6 Decision making. – What are you solving for, and is everyone on the same page? (identify and communicate the root cause) –Why is it important? (Does it support other business goals?) – Who is the decision maker? – How will the decision be made? – When can people expect a decision? (Keep stakeholders in the loop, and manage expectations.)  - Ask for other opinions.

-I like the quote: “To build a strong team you must see someone else’s strength as a compliment to your weakness and not a threat to your position of authority”. 

-(term) Draft queen – A girl that will force you to be her boyfriend. Girls that are not shy about picking up or declaring a target as her boyfriend. 

-I think it’s a good idea that if a guy or girl likes someone, they should tell them. If they do not have the courage to say anything, they should write them instead explaining their feelings.

-I believe honesty is the key to introducing to the world what you want or need. If you tell others, it could be used as a vessel in which information has been declared and perhaps a possibility to be manifested. For example, I like someone. I would tell them I like them so that they know. Perhaps in the future, they might come to you. A crazy and illogical way of saying it would be, “State your wants into the world and cosmos and declare it so that others hear, let the universe know and soon or later it will respond or manifest”. Perhaps the simple phrase of saying it or repeating it holds power to be manifested in the appropriate time. It’s a superstitious idea, but worth a try. 

-Should we plan laws where they are not used for corruption? Should we make parameters in which if a politician is trying to use it a certain way, they are proving themselves to misuse the law which builds credibility to ethical violations? 

-A government that does not use logic and truth in its systems is one that still immature in development. I also believe objective data, one with proof it has not been tampered for political purposes is also important for credibility. 

-Could it be that one has to consider and question the irrational and absurd to keep growing in intellect? For example, questioning something that is obviously not true so that you can comprehend the absurdity from every angle and use this form to improve critical thinking capabilities. 

-It seems to me commonly western style of management centers around authority when in my opinion it should focus on goals, priorities, and methods of achievement. 

-It seems western culture plays a role in toxic or linear way of thinking. I think it’s important to think multi-dimensionally. An example would be a westerner with the ability to think in a mindset of a common person from Asia. 

-I wonder what would a system be like if a government was only paid when an economy is growing/making money.

-I think a person should be a balance with many mindsets. If they cannot find balance, they should attempt to balance with many mindsets. The use of multiple mindsets brings upon the understanding of different cultures, ways of thinking, and even new ideas and unique behaviors. 

-I wonder if a female who is of great ethics, emotional discipline, and understanding of others who possesses great intellectual and critical thinking capabilities can exist. Imagine a female philosopher that pushes the boundary of philosophy into a new wave of inspiring philosophers (imagine a female Dali llama, Confucius, or Plato; an objective individual not created for the sake of political female narrative). 

-I think there should be an emphasis on learning culture. Imagine having scanable codes or stickers on items on stores where if you take a picture of it with your phone, it will open a menu or webpage which talks about ever inch of detail about the item. Such as where did its raw ingredients come from, where was it created, info about the company, who was it’s producers, who are the company owners, who are the CEOs, live statistics on a product, live reviews, prices, nutrition facts, locations of assembly and manufacturing, logistics, and about the stores they are sold at…ect. 

-(education; random questions) Should high school teens be given twenty minutes of homework so that they can balance enjoying life at a young age and academic life? Should they only be given four or six hours of school? Should they be given cram school to make up if they fall behind? What are the students inputs and survey? Can we test a balance between student desires and academic needs? Should we make high school like college with more expectations on behavioral conduct (perhaps more leniency on immature conduct depending on circumstance of goodwill/ good-intended pranks)? How can we test these changes? Does these changes or results bring about an increase in a desire to learn and productivity? 

-Could we use heated sand to easily warm up objects or meals?

-Abstinent sex – sexual behavior not involving intercourse. 

-(lewd; maybe) Perhaps in the future people will be expected to look beyond nudity, because they believe it’s irrelevant and a more animalistic behavior than an intelligent one. They believe humans are expected to be better than that. I had an idea where this was used in a society of high IQ. 

-It’s my belief that elites, powerful and wealthy individuals, groups, and families, can also create great problems in societies because of selectionism/favoritism, centralization, a wide range of potential political  influence (with an expansion of potential consumption of power), and irrational ideologies (which can be advanced through publicity/ marketing).  

-I want to say for those who know their history, it’s pretty obvious there is no such thing as normal, only what perhaps culture and society dictates to you. I think it would be interesting to live in a society where people are free to do and behave more without social, cultural, or even mental stigmas. I’m not referring to anarchy but a world in which there exists ethics but also a world where you can have much more freedoms.

-I believe close friends can say I love you. If a close friend says I love you, there shouldn't be a fear of rejection as it shouldn't be taken personal. If people develop deeper feelings for each other, they should show it and not rely on words. Perhaps depending on the circumstance, the use of I love you can mean something more profound, but I want to believe saying i love you to friends should be a casual thing.

-I think stress and anxiety creates drama, I think we need to maintain harmony to keep the peace and work on rebuilding relationships.

-Could it be that having balance can undo negative conditionings and culture?

-In western society it seems discipline is a reoccurring element in an individual’s development. It’s taught in the education system, the military, and even in the bible. I have a different opinion. I think discipline should be only where it’s necessary. I think it should be for individuals who behave irrationally and absolutely need structure. I don’t think it’s necessary or entirely necessary for those who prove themselves to be rational and behave responsibly.

I want to believe a truly loving person never completely concentrates on themselves.

If I was a female, I would befriend all the nice guys and get to know them. If I came across someone that I liked, I would become their best friend and see if a relationship forms. I would avoid guys with malevolent intentions because although perhaps exciting in the moment, I would have thoughts on the relationship being successful in the future.

(maybe) I want to ask the question that if males and females are always in search for attraction instead of a true friendship then perhaps either can truly be or remain true and authentic friends. I do ask the question that what if a person can be objectively androgynous. Could this person resemble a true friendship relationship?

Could it be that a family that is always angry is a family that may be in need of fundamental examination and to question their beliefs and ideological values?

Could it be a good idea to give freedom to those who deserve it; enforce structure to those who are irrational?

Could balance be the unconditioning of conditioning? Could balance be the tool to undo negative cultural conditioning?

I think it’s important to listen to others even when what they say or think is illogical and dumb. Perhaps questioning their thoughts and beliefs can be a learning to for others to become logical thinkers.

A good idea for an app in Tokyo, because people fall asleep everywhere, is to have a night stay app where screened families and individuals can stay at a home for a very low price.

It’s a good practice to never neglect friends, especially close friends. To make them feel welcome, it’s good to always say hi and bye.

I believe it’s a good idea for people to great each other every time they see each other to not make them feel isolated, even if they are strangers. I feel this isn’t necessary if they see each other on a daily basis.

I ultimately feel the American system has betrayed my and the oncoming generations and has to be fixed. I believe revising the fundamentals and reviewing the perspective of what it truly means to be a free, is heavily worth consideration. I believe freedom based on cultural construction should be taken down and the vision of the kind of world the founders has is worth revisiting.

 I believe to live forever would suck. I’d imagine it would get to a point of extreme feeling of isolation and loneliness. Those who you cared for will come and go. Technology and places you once knew would evolve. People and society would constantly be changing.

(random) Should there be discipline in children only where it’s needed?

Children should be taught that people/ humans can looks different and have different mindsets but ultimately are still human/ people and need to be respected and treated equal.

Part of me wants to treat people equal only by the level of their ethics behavior. Perhaps most of which a stranger initially present themselves.

There are things in life you need to learn. Life doesn’t start by just learning to think on an intellectual level; you need to learn how to think effectively and how to think critically. It’s also important to learn what self-discipline is before disciplining yourself. I would also add you need to learn how to love before you go and seek or find love. I believe the fundamental basics in life are also the most critical to learn and understand.

(maybe) life is short and people should try to live the best they can in the brief lifespan of their lives. I want to consider to try as many things as you can in life. To live life making smart decisions and not decisions that will haunt you or effect you in the future. To learn about everything imaginable; good and bad.

I think it’s important for teenagers to learn or understand how young they are and how small their view of the world is, consider how their future self will see them, the importance of being themselves and not worrying about if other will like them, the importance of having the tools to later critically think.

Could it be that the more you are to your authentic self and personality and showing others what you honestly like without the constraints of society and culture, you will be able to attract those who will be your closest and most authentic friends and relationships?

Could ethics/ethical behavior be the resource to end divorce?

What if controversially ethics and behavior was made into a law. Would it be a good idea? For example, what if you were graded on your behavior when pulled over by a police officer? What if you were graded on authenticity, humility, and ability to cooperate?

Could it be that the wealthy could achieve a level of wealth that they don’t recognize or realize the existence of poverty or the dire circumstances in which it takes to survive without anything. Could it be they easily dismiss poverty as laziness, being unintelligent, ignorance, or some excuse to avoid their existence? I wonder if those with wealth might find more satisfaction in making real friends and community by raising them out of poverty by finding the right individuals or agents with potential ambitions. Perhaps growing a community can prove more substantial to perceptual wealth than associating with others wealthy individuals.

Could it be for every good thing there is a possible negative side? Perhaps we should always state and explore the positive and negative state to everything.

I noticed in today’s fast paced world, ideas and decisions are often black or white. I wonder what would happen if we took the time to explore the grey areas and to critically think about every aspect of an ideas; abstract, logical, from multiple perspectives, angles, and mindsets.

It’s interesting to see different or experimental ideas outside mainstream ideas. For example, Iyashikei for healing style of storytelling.

(maybe) Perhaps it could be important to surpass, overlook, and ignore the emotions of feeling jealous, ignored, and not accepted.

It’s a good practice from recognizing positive emotions from negative ones. Perhaps it’s also worth self-reflecting when a person tells one to calm down.

Perhaps public festivities should be balanced with what one can do with money and what can they do without using money. I believe having some things free has value to community; perhaps retention value.

I feel like the fight for humanity is the fight against ignorance.

Maybe it’s a good idea to ask if something someone really and honestly likes or is it something they like because of culture, environment, or society/community/other individuals.

I believe it’s important to address the ignorance and negative aspects in oneself. This is critical before you help or address the ignorance in others.

(general) in some projects its best to have the idea that less is more and to start extremely small and in bitesize/doable chunks and build from there.

I would like to say if you were as depressed as me for as long as I have been depressed, and you didn’t have the courage to commit suicide, you would take love and affection from anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

Would it be a good idea for jobs to give nonmandatory five to ten minute courtesy breaks throughout the day?

I think we can’t help people from changing, but we can encourage them to be the best they can be (improve in every possible way; physically, mentally, emotionally; intellectually).

What we do in this present reality shapes the future of our existence, therefore I think we need to make the best of this reality and make it a place that’s fair, a place where the right and best decisions are made, and ultimately make it a place where people can prosper, live happily, and live well.

I think it could be possible that the revelations at the end of the bible is being manifested by occult organizations who have adopted luciferin traditions and ideology to bring about the plan for the end of humanity using scripture as a blueprint. I believe if such organization were removed life would continue as normal without any religious or occult influence.

For a long time I made a personal declaration with God of the dogmatic roman catholic religious faith ideology. The declaration (one sided agreement) I made was if my basics in life were not met then I have no obligation with God. It’s not until I get a compatible and trustworthy girlfriend-wife, a stable and satisfactory occupation, and a decent standard of living, and minimal health that I will rebuild my association with God. Until then, I respect him and the faith, but I am numb/forbidden/removed from further involvement.

Should the president and politicians disclose their financial donors?

(For creating wealth) what’s my worth? What info or trade/skill do I have that makes me valuable?

(Feeling society and ethics; victim society and ethics) Ethics is not catering to the emotions. It is a practice of rational behavior in which to be in consideration of others to create a more harmonious and free thinking society. Imagine the ability to talk to anyone in any way despite emotional values or a desire of conflict. For example, you can say something that isn’t in a direct manner (“I would”… instead of “you”… and address a subject/topic in a manner in which preserves the respect of other parties without the desire of argument.

Should the nation have a civil standard of what it means to be a civilian? To have certain qualities to be considered a civilian? Should it also emphasize what it means to be a civilian?   

Could most Christians be considered hypocrites of they don’t question the narrative to find the truth? For example, to question the authority of dogma and to revisit and question the Sumerian cuneiform scripts?

It would be interesting to have a society where people are interested in each other, want to know more about each other, and ultimately come together.

I believe unconditional love is the ability to love while accepting the flaws and bad habits of others.

Unconditional love is also the ability to move on and let those they love be happy.

If a person who you love falls in love for another person and not you, I believe it’s with love that you let them be happy with the other person despite having the feeling hurt inside within yourself. If the other person makes them happy, then you should be happy for them. I think it would be selfish to try and tear them apart. Its better to move on, but I want to believe life always opens us to new oportunities when we make the initiative to explore and engage with others.

A person might have many angles. It’s best to separate these angles or sides; for example a person should respected and accepted with multiple angles such as their career side, home side, talent side, personal-alone side…ect. Nobody fully knows a person unless they’ve seem most of the sides of another person. I think it could even be rare to see every single side of a person because there might be something you learn about someone that’s entirely new depending on a unique situation. K also want to consider that with age these sides also change.
I think if a person says they love someone but the other person doesn’t feel the same way or is uncertain, I feel the person they are with should always be friendly but it’s up to the person confessing their love to back down they get the feeling their crush doesn’t have the same feelings/interests. I believe they should still keep their friendship. I also believe they should maintain a level of emotional discipline to not let their emotions get the best of their behavior toward that other person. I believe love is accepting if one doesn’t have the same interests as you, you have the ability to move on, and you have the capability to stay friends and help the other person be happy.

I have a heavy dislike for boomers and y-ners (baby boomer and generation y) for trying to preserve the world they grew up in. As a millennial I welcome the new generation’s differences, technological changes and mindsets.

I would love to have the personal goal to improve culture.

When it comes to ex relationships, I want to consider with the current mindset of today’s dating culture, to burn the bridges and not revisit relationship values for the sake of preserving future relationships. If it’s possible to be friends with an ex in a true authentic friendship relationship removed of historic dating values, then I would consider making friends with an ex; however, given the nature of today’s dating culture, it would be a bad idea.

Could it be that our entire sociopsychology is surrounded by the leading desire to be selfish? What would it be like if we were to create a culture of not having selfishness or having the desire of resources from others? What would society, relationships, and friendships be like?

As observed the effects from wars on various cultures, it seems problems arise due to how aggressive individuals can become on behalf of wars and devastating cultural events. We can observe how such a level of aggression carries over to their relationship, family, and occupational behavior. Ethically, I would think they would comprehend how barbaric, irrational, perhaps illogical, and how ignorance drives people apart. It perhaps plays a pattern in the role of the cycles of societies. Perhaps when it comes to family life and structures, we can see a huge difference in family life before a war and tears after a war. I want to say examining the difference of a family in the 1800s and after world war 2.

I want to consider the idea to motivate those in poverty areas by giving a motivation to be self employed and to start their own business. Perhaps social engineering and marketing can be a good idea by promoting business through songs, education projects, and banners.

I think a relationship is not a relationship if you can’t ask the right questions.

I think one should respect and appreciate those who are alive because when they die you might miss them more than you know.

Could it be that where it’s for lust for males, it could be infatuation or obsession females?

(lewd) it makes sense that people masturbate to make their bodies feel good. I wonder if it’s healthy for later in life.

Could it be in scientific terminology, my idea of ethics is more accurate by the terminology or modesty? Also, I want to ask the question if modesty should be upheld and why. Should modesty be upheld in status in society?

Could there be a remedy to improve the qualities of our own taste buds?

I came up with an idea one day to spontaneous say good things about random people I knew. I feel like it helped boost people’s self-esteem and confidence.

Children learn by example. Could affectionate parents lead to affectionate children.

Should artificial intelligence be for tasks people in society do not want to do?

Culture is a cluster as it incrementally changes. Sometimes those who try to dramatically change culture has the potential to become a cultural phenomenon.

Could it be a good idea to always have an expected date or goal for results? Perhaps for example: if it’s putting a house on the market, expected a goal of the amount of people who are interested.

(Term) ambicollective- an individual who is collective in groups and individualistic by themselves and adopt both collective-individualistic socio-properties. I would like to add by nature they lean more collectively.

I feel like modesty/ethical individuals should be role models and leaders because as today’s society it seems there is a desensitization of ethics/modesty. I think if we allow individuals enter into positions of power, it’s obvious what the negative results will become or progress towards.

It seems unfortunate that to thrive in an unethical society, being stubborn can be beneficial.

I want to state there might be two types of brains; a creative brain and a logical brain. I find myself leaning more towards having a creative brain.  

Where there is poor leadership and planning, the best strategy to get ahead is to ask a bunch of questions. Question them on every thought, idea, and topic until you obtain the necessary information to succeed.

The ability for self-monitoring and self-reflection is extremely is extremely useful for self-improvement.

The western world seems to be a feel-good kind of society right now. I believe it should be a balanced society. A balanced society that understands happiness, death, sexuality, and everything else that makes us human that is natural in life.

Referring to cuneiform scripts, it would be interesting to put oneself as the next anu and to have power over the heavens or a diplomat for Anu.

(restated previously) If you honestly and truly love someone, you want them to be happy. Because you want them to be happy, you sometimes have to let them go.

(term) folgy-a term for previous generation before millennials who do not respect or welcome the oncoming generations and the changes.

There are many kinds of love: Love for family, love for a friend, and romantic love. The kind of love I developed for a friend is unique because I always want to be with them. It’s a kind of friendship that is intimate in a wholesome way. It’s a friend in which allows for cuddling and being as close as if in a relationship but without having to be in a relationship. Overall, close friends are like family.

(term) Care-friend: a friend of the opposite gender that you can be very intimate with.

I believe conspiracy always warrants investigation (public or publicized investigation). Failure to investigate can perhaps be considered as part of the conspiracy.

In my personal research children six to ten years of age need to be introduced to a variety of tasks, subjects, and experiences. They need to experience the outdoors, visit factories to see how things are made, business offices to see how and why things are done, put in the teachers shoes to experience what it’s like to teach a class. Introduce them computer software, take them to a plantation, put them in your lap and give them a steering wheel of a car. Give them the tools to look up and research stuff. Have them read the materials to you and you translate it into a words they can familiarize, understand, and comprehend. Teach them philosophy and ethics. I’m a big advocate to “send them on a journey” at a young age to get accomplish a simple task and get a feel for having a sense of individual self-worth. I think its very important that they do this before teen hood. I believe this is how you incentivize critical thinking and sense of reality. Hopefully by the time they are teenagers they know how many things work and how to do a lot of things that you help teach them.

Sometime testing things just to see what happens can be a good thing (when it’s not dangerous obviously).

I think no one serves to be alone. We humans are social creatures, we need companions. Even if you were by yourself in the mountains, you will always find some sort of creature or nature in general to keep you companionship.  

Could it be that to reach true freedom and sovereignty you have to bypass, overcome, or depower man-made or artificial constructs?

(maybe) It might not always be a good idea to ask for help from higher powers because commonly in a hierarchy or power structure might live to preserve bureaucracy and positions of power. I also believe true leaders don’t stand for the preservation of positions of power but is willing to step down for others who they consider greater than themselves.

It’s my opinion that all forms of territorial expansion or military takeover after a long established boundary is very wrong.

It’s my belief that those who are wholesome should respect those who enjoy lewd culture and those who are in lewd cultures to respect and help preserve those who uphold wholesome standards.

Perhaps those who don’t understand the nature of culture ultimately lives with a construct or blindness of cultural conditioning (perhaps even cultural brainwashing). I want to believe knowing about these constructs allows a person to see, question and take away positive values from these constructs/elements.

(maybe) Boomers don’t see why millennials act the way they do. The millennial grew up in a different society. The economy was garbage after reach teen to adult age with a lack of jobs from corrupt political agendas. Many have been brainwashed due to infiltration of liberalism in schools where many instructors carry liberal and social agendas. They were also raised in a poor educational environment where their sole purpose is not to think intellectually and critically but to study for a single state required test (the factory worker model; more-than-likely has to do with politics at the top). Millennials commonly grew up with broken families where both parents are working leaving a child to be raised by a daycare or in front of a video game or television set. Financially, they don’t see much success because of financial brick walls. Instead they became accustomed to credit cards and debt. They are commonly depressed because they don’t see much going for them incentive-wise when everything has essentially become corporatized, federalized, and too risky to do something on their own due to the lack of financial resources or ability to save money when the cost of living is exaggeratingly high. Some think socialism is the best method because they think capitalism is failing or not good enough to see the freedoms or lifestyle they want.

(caution lewd) How to have safe sex: get close to your partner, make them feel a certain level of comfort and warmth. Tell them how you feel and that you feel aroused. Move in closer and touch their body slowly. Maybe ask to give them a back massage. The goal is to make them feel horny and wet. When they are that way, get into a roleplay of being polite and asking to touch their body. Touch their body gently while complimenting their body. Hear them breathe and feel their heart beat. It’s important that you breath regularly and not focus on your own sexual desires. Continue to compliment, breathe, and touch their body. French kissing can also help excite another when done slow or as if a dance in one’s mouth. Slowly make your way to their breasts and private areas. The breast is the best place to start with permission/consent. If they shut down from there then just cuddle them and caress their skin until they get into the mood. If not caress them with your hands while also continuing to touch the rest of their body. You want to play as if you’re partially interested in the goods so that they feel they want more. Caress their body and breasts with your hands, chin/cheek, lips, and tongue. Tell them sweet things in their ears like compliments. Tell them nice things about how you feel. Then ask them if they trust you. If they say yes, then you can begin to remove their clothes. Compliment their undergarments and when they reveal their body. It’s important that they are comfortable. It’s also important that there is a smooth and mentally pleasant pace. Continue to caress their body and more sensitive areas. Your goal is to stimulate their mind and body; almost as if in a trance. If everything is done well then they should feel comfortable doing the rest. Do everything slow, passionately, and embrace every aspect of the experience. Experiment to see what they like slowly and not like. One of your goals is to try and make each other feel good and perhaps have some fun. Having pauses while not wearing clothes can also add to the experience. When you both feel comfortable, play around with pleasuring them. Lick them places. Try to keep them wet. Because this is safe sex. Most activities will revolve around foreplay, masturbation, oral, perhaps playing with toys, or other kinks they might consider fun. Ultimately, if they are masturbating, you’ve done a good job. Whether they orgasm or not or if you orgasm or not, lay with them, cuddle, and talk with them; perhaps crack a few jokes to lighten the mood if it’s their first time. When your sexual mood goes away and you feel back to normal. Thank them for the experience and perhaps show your appreciation.

I think it might be a good idea to place awareness on movies, music, and entertainment to ensure those not of age or are obsessed about a subculture to not imitate any form of fictional reality. For example, perhaps the first track of a song on a gangster rap album has a mandatory first track that tells it’s audience to not imitate the culture as it is a form of entertainment, perhaps even state it’s entertainment despite it’s real world inspirations.

I believe relationships are give and take, sacrifice and reciprocity.

I want to think my kind of society could be the beginning of an androgynous-collective society.

I think it could be a good idea to observe a subject before jumping in and getting involved in it. The information could impact one’s involvement dramatically.

For those with social anxiety or an anxiety to be ambitious, have a plan and just like taking baby steps forward, keep achieving one step at a time. Having a time frame also can be just as important. Eventually with every step, you can get closer to your desired goal and create a better life for yourself.
(term) Rawsome- mixing NSFW with SFW material. It’s a form of seeing things through the unfiltered human experience.

Could roleplay be the foundation of creativity?

Could expectations be a useful form of family or social discipline? Could the use of expectation be used to put children in line?

(random) Here are some friendship types I came up with: traditional friendship- standard friendships where you befriend individuals through association or interest. Close friendships- those of whom you have a strong friendship bond with. Companion- a person who you do things with without or a temporary meaningful reason. Androgynous friendship- a friendship between both genders that go beyond expected gender norms. An example is a guy who is an individual that integrates with female and male narratives to make a neutral gender experience. Bromance and sistermances- semi romantic relationships between similar genders that are not homosexual but are extremely close. Traditional relationship- a regular/average relationship between a guy or girl or any lgbtq standards. Swingers- individual or groups open to all sorts of sexual friendships and experiences. Friends with benefits- Friends in an open relationship that have sex as a normal or casual friendship experience. Safe-sex friendship- a friendship like friends with benefits but removing the use of intercourse and replacing for more safe methods of sex while also allowing the open use of casual nudity and casual sexual narratives.

(lewd) Controversially, in the case sexuality becomes normal among friends if culture adopts casual-sexual practices, it makes sense females would develop a strong mindset for many sexual partners but would more than likely grow an attachment to only with those they have the strongest connection/ bond with.


I wonder if it’s possible to change culture through propaganda? Perhaps this can be a tool for positive change.

I wonder if it would be a good idea to create a set of ethics for using cellphones and interacting with them around others.

I think if children are engaged on their phones, parents should also engage with them on their platforms.

Could statistics miss factors? For example could marriages being down affect the statistic for divorce rate? Perhaps people should see how statistics affect each other and make more accurate assessments with data.

According to science, being a sexual is linked to abuse. Being a hetero A-sexual I can state I was a product of physical and verbal abuse growing up.  

According to socio-psychology, there can be an instance in which woman try to change a bad boy to which they cannot change or when they do change them, they are not the same person and might not like them anymore. I personally find it strange how in other cultures, females are attracted to successful or ambitious boys who can be seen as possibly achieving a high position later in life and in other cultures these boys can be neglected or ignored for the bad boy.

In a video called “The development of age” they quote it takes a village to raise a kid. If a kid feels “invisible” and does not feel part of the village, they will burn it down to feel its warmth.  It’s important to get to know village members and to build communities and give the youth an identity to not feel invisible.

According to contemporary socio-psychology into child development and growth studies, “rough and tumble play” is hyper critical for children and the mental development. Supposedly ADHD studies show a correlation to suppressed “rough and tumble play”. Also, playing with children is like teaching them how to dance and get along with others and managing their own behavior.

School lecture notes from a millionaire instructor: There’s a difference between a driven person and average person. A driven person wants fast and expects results by a certain time. Everything is a choice; you choose to do it. The difference is value. If there’s too much competition, relocate. You need to convince yourself what you are worth. There needs to be a change in mindset, if necessary reinvent yourself. It’s important how you apply your knowledge and experience. Walk before you run; have a goal. You need to learn things from the basic principles and build upon them until you can become proficient in them, much like taking baby steps to walk then run. A good tactic for achieving goals is to tell friends what you’re going to do by a certain date and do it. Always have a when for your goal and ask the questions why, when, what and how. Best to make a list at what info or trade makes you valuable. In life you trade time for money. For value, information and intellectual ability is a valuable. Nobody has never made any money in an industry. “What is your worth? AS MUCH AS YOU CAN GET!” Give more respect than they deserve? In life things always change, need to keep changing with it. You have 30 seconds to make an impression. Sharing goals creates accountability. People need people; go to people who can help. Save money and use jobs as stepping stones to reach a greater goal. It’s hood to think about your own thoughts. Balance between family and time. Do what makes you happy; if you’re not happy then leave (even if it’s a business you created from the ground up, don’t be afraid to leave it).  Decisions shape destiny; any decision in the moment affects your future. Need to be giving off fulfilment? Never say “but”. Need to see both positive and negative sides of a decision. If you give someone everything, you entrust that it’s with great reassurance you have great responsibility. A meeting is not a meeting without an agenda. Always be positive around your kids. Do the maximum and your employees will do the maximum. Tell them what is expected and if they constantly underperform, fire them. Good employees go while negative employees stay. Good employees are constantly jumping for higher salaries and positions. Knowledge is power and it is something that can never be taken away. You’re only as good as the people you surround yourself with. What motivates you? Peter (or peler) principle employees/managers afraid of others in high position (not sure why this is but it’s in my notes; perhaps it meaning always go to the person above a manager when you want things done; or people in power try to preserve their position by keeping you down). In business know your market, know your niche, and think ten years into the future. Quality is in the owner. Business falls when things go unsaid. Salary vs incentive determines self-worth. If you lose your integrity, you have a price for everything and other will be sure to lower your worth; never give up your integrity.

Contracts are way of stating you agree to pay a price on behalf of something of value. If you’re at a restaurant and they don’t meet that valued expectation, then you don’t have to pay. If the law can prove it didn’t meet expectations then the evidence speaks for itself. How do you fix people paying for dishonest quality? “Quality control”.

The west seems to only know how to teach utilizing authoritarian tactics. Could the west instead benefit from using passive aggressive tactics?

I believe we need to be more than we are, especially psychologically.

I think it could be a good idea to bring back stores or shops in which haggle and negotiate prices.

I think it could be a good idea to open up a new market of houses that utilize an affordable cost of living.

I think it could be a good idea to influence people through games to like occupations and hobbies.

Should we ticket or charge a fine for ignorance?

I believe if I went to college in the 1970s, I feel certain I would not be able to get into college because I slowly grew into my level of intellectuality. Unfortunately this could not be tested.

I like how Japan wastes no time and goes to the source directly to get things done business wise. I also like how Japan keeps persevering until they become experts. This would be a good value in the west.
***Are we seeing friendzone wrong in western society? What if friendzone is what is missing in western culture for people to make a bunch of friends to find their ideal type and person most compatible? Perhaps it's what we need to unify people.
After a long talk with an acquaintance, I was introduced to the term demi-sexual. It seems I am along the lines of a demi-sexual and hetero A romantic (hetero-a sexual).

In western culture it seems friends with the opposite gender or freindzoneing is a forbidden thing because they see it as an individual using the other. If it's one's intention to be in a relationship then they should be honest. However, I'm not sure why making friends with the oposite gender or friendzoning when it seems like a good idea for everyone to be friends with each other. That's how you find you most compatible partner. That is how you create life long companions. Moveover, in the western world it seems things are always in a indisputable need to progress to a relationship level.Why is this? Why can't people be companions? Why can't they overlook sexuality and be regular friends? I don't understand why western culture see things this way. Making friends with everyone builds unity and builds community. I want to add that I think it would be great to have an androgynous coming together of all members of society. By androgynous, I mean destroying gender roles, allowing people to be authentic despite gender norms (like have guys cook, shop, and do the same as and with females) and how people see genders and have everyone be part of the same species, the human race. I believe the destruction of how we see genders in today's society to become this more unified mindset will make for a more unified and prosperous society.

It’s my belief we imitate cognitive/mental behavioral-patterns. For example: I could be around a group of friends in western society and we might be thinking a certain way utilizing a metal cognitive pattern/style, but when I pull away from that to watch a documentary. My brain can adopt the cognitive-pattern/style introduced in that documentary which can mold how I think and behave temporarily. Another example, a person who watches anime might adopt the animated behavioral style of that anime along with its strange cognitive pattern. Moreover, I also found it I wanted to think in a different style/ cognitive pattern, I discovered I can watch a channel like NHK and adopt the zen-like cognitive pattern which I feel soothes the way I feel. I can also use it to think deeply and critically. Perhaps I might feel a little Japanese-y also.

As an artists you should always ask yourself is this the best you can do? Where can you improve? How can you push creativity? How can you make it unique to you? How can you build value?

(crazy/abstract thought) What if by thinking things, we manifest it into reality? If we quiet out thoughts and not think of anything, do we let the natural run its course? Moreover, what if there is a force acting against us? Perhaps one we do not understand yet. After-all, to have things happen by coincidence seems very unlikely yet they happen any way substantially. 

I want to think that philosophical thinkers think about things that are beyond the capable realm/reality. I want to think philosophical thinkers think beyond culture and contemporary thoughts.  I want to think they are capable to think vastly outside the box where it almost makes no sense due to amount of details leading up to crazy thoughts. I want to push the idea that I think philosophical thinkers are capable to question the abstract and think beyond the known average-mind spectrum. Although many of our philosophical minds in history are logical, I believe there should be value and an importance on artistic/abstract/creative philosophical thinkers.

Perhaps there should be the goal to make friends with everyone with a close level of intimacy (nonsexual) and to look past their visual appearance and to recognize the person who they are underneath.

(outlandish social model) I wonder what would it be like to have a society where everyone is close, intimate, friendly, accept everyone for being themselves, and authentic/original would be like? Imagine tossing out traditions and culture and replacing them with more intimate culture. Imagine moving into the neighborhood where your neighbors couldn't wait to see and meet you. Where they throw away this outdated behavior of being polite and giving you casserole dishes and making you feel weird inside meeting them in the back of your mind, and instead replace the outdated way of meeting people for more new behavior of being their authentic selves (hopefully utilizing ethics) where they tell you everything including the good and the bad and form a close intimate bond with you. Imagine if this society didn't mind going to their neighbors house to spend the night talking, dancing, drinking, jamming to music with them or even cuddling and sleeping over. Gender didn't matter as everyone saw themselves a human or gender neutral (gender harmonious/blind or androgynous). On the sleeping side of things imagine if they had a different form of sexual ethics where they were open to doing lewd things but with a more wholesome method, culture, behavior (like my idea of abstinent sexuality). You could have this massive intimate society where everyone honestly loves each other and could not help but to want to be around each other every second of the day. I feel like it would be a new kind of society almost abstract or so insanely different it would change how the world sees itself. I want to call this idea the Intimate Society.

Turn down pitch. For ever time a person says they like me, it's hard to come up with a rational response that is not leading them on or straight up rejecting them. So I wrote this: "I don't want to turn you down and i also don't want to say yes. So I will say let's just be friends and let me get to know you more to see if you're the kind of person I want to spend my time with. I don't ever want to make you suffer, disappoint you, or make you feel rejected. I want our friendship to be the device that leads us to become more than friends, otherwise I feel we are not being honest with ourselves or I'm not being honest with myself. I hope you understand. Lets just be friends for now."

-(useless info) polyamory (compression [happiness of self and others], communication (honesty), community, compatibility). Metamour - being friends or like teammates with your partner's partner. Communication to partners (identify wants/needs, share wants and needs in a way others understand, listen to others wants and needs, clarify agreements and boundaries).

-I would like to consider myself a raw-humanist. A person who wants to live with the functional-yet harmonious nature to human behavior separated from mainstream cultural ideology.

-Response to Youtube video on "Why Millennial support communism": I guess for average generation Y or baby boomer, they carry this false notion of stereotyping the average millennial or gen z, but what surprises me are the facts in which lead to the idea of why they think this way. I am a millennial and I know why we think this way. You are partly right in the fact that it is because of the decay of education. Our current education doesn't rival the success as Asian countries and other successful educational structures found around the world. Our fundamental education structure in the US is more of an 1900s style factory-worker structure and not a modern structure of teaching to critically think and have a logical-reasoning structure. A factor that also might surprise many boomers is the climate in which millennial and gen z are growing up in are not the same as past generations. There is an unequal housing market with a high cost of living, there is a lack of quality jobs, a crisis with financial debt in education (I also want to state that no subject is irrelevant because in prospering economy there is always a demand for new or related fields or the creation of new or related fields), more laws and restrictions in terms of obtaining licenses to do things, lack of investors or sources to start businesses, lack of proper family structure as modern generations are raised by day cares instead of whole family, and influence from politics with a focused agenda for power. The climate is extremely different from when previous generations had grown up in. Overall, putting all the variables together, you paint the picture that millennial and generation z see things as not heading in the right direction and want to change it towards something more functional. The common ideology is socialism because it's widely used in Europe. Obviously this is due to a lack of education and ignorance, but also the fault of those who were allowed to teach the ideology. Universities seem to prize keeping staff with the ideology in the first place. Overall, Millennial and generation z want prosperity just as much as everyone else but don't know how to bring about it. I hope this sheds light on the thesis of your video.

-Could expectations be used for discipline? Could social expectations or personal expectations be used for personal discipline? 

-(Controversial) list and ideas for friendship types: traditional friendship, close friendships, androgynous friendship (a friendship that is gender blind), friends with benefits (friends that allow for sexual intercourse), traditional relationship, safe-sex friendship (masturbation only friendship), lgbtq friendship. 

-Could roleplay be the foundation for creativity?

-Rawsome – mixing nsfw with sfw content. The reason for this is to carry the view that anything raw-human is socially acceptable. By this I mean people accept sexuality as a normal part of everyday life. They learn to control their sexual behavior (or relieve themselves in times that are appropriate) instead of indulging in it. 

-I believe there should be methods in which to test societies; to see if they are self-sustaining or not. 

-I think it would be a good idea to create artificial wombs and genetic storage capsules so that families can maintain genetic materials and traits and apply them if they are needed in life. It would be interesting if people could store their genetic material in case there is an instinctual event where humanity needs to procreate rapidly or if the human genetics merge into one race with similar features and traits thorough long evolution. 

-Now I feel as if I’m a mix between hetero-sexual, hetero-Asexual, and demi-sexual. Between these three types, I seem to lean more towards hetero a-sexual. 

-I believe those who are hypersexual, like a nymphomaniac or satyriasis, should be proud of their nature to be sexual. This makes them unique. This of course doesn’t give them the right to use the sexuality irrationally and without logic. Those who are hypersexual should be accepted for being this way as it makes them unique in a world that might now see the world through their eyes. 

-I believe the US has a lot of work if it wants to catch up to Japan and other Asian countries with their monster economies. I think it’s time that the US revisits their systems; revisit academic, economic, political, technological, urban mechanical, social, and cultural systems. 

-Could society be too dumb down to think big? Could that be why I feel some ideas from others and myself are ahead of it’s time? Perhaps it might be worth critically thinking about ideas before denouncing them instantly. Sometimes one might discover the thought processes, the mythology, an unanswered question or reason, or the latent intrical critical message behind and idea.

-Things evolve overtime. Real events turn into myths and people could be misinterpreted or even over glorified. Messages could evolve as it passes on a different meaning to later generations.

-For an artist, one can always ask is this the best I can do?

-(Game) An interesting idea for making games is to appeal to the emotions of the player. Starts with the central narrative and build towards that narrative. The narrative should be the peak of emotional response for the audience. I got this idea from watching the lead project designer of NieR: Automata.
-Should western culture place emphasis on the important of decisions, values of decisions, and results from one’s decisions? 

-(Relationships) There are levels of love. Guys can ask hypothetical questions to their partners. They can follow the evidence in relationships (to what works and what doesn’t). Prior to engaging in a relationship, one needs to make it clear what they believe and what their boundaries are. Females often react in the moment with little planning because something might feel good. I personally believe real love is reciprocal. When females react in the moment, they respond by wanting guys to make the initiative and do things new all the time and give them attention when they want it. 

-I want to believe there is a balance between work and play. As one works hard, they should equally play as much also. 

-Perhaps young children need to be forced sometimes. It’s perhaps good to notice a balance between talking forceful measures. 

-There is a song that states, “Can’t always get what you want, if you try, you might get what you need”. I believe this is a strong message to try thing, it’s okay to not accomplish your goals exactly, and to keep going and keep trying. 

-I wonder what would happen if the world came together to make a rule to make wars illegal and that if a leader promotes war, they will be arrested for the abuse of power. The narrative could be backed up by the military from all over the world. 

-Unfortunately in today’s world, every day we are bombarded with propaganda, we may even see something we are familiar with daily and not recognize that it is a form of propaganda. It’s good to keep an eye open to potential messages. 

-I believe faith is risk. To have full faith in the idea of a creator for a chance at heaven is very risky. We are given one life to live in this dimension. To live out of fear is not a way to live. I believe we should understand that to live in this world we need ethics so that we can live the best we can, considering others, and to do the right thing to keep humanity moving forward to prosperity and survival. I also do challenge the notion of God’s existence. It seems a God of everything was brought about from the Roman catholic church which is a branch from Judaism. The fundamentals of Judaism is traced to the God Yawei. The origin of Yawei is Sumerian, therefore shouldn’t we revisit the Sumerian-Akkaidian period of history to find the real truth on who the real God or Gods are and where they came from? To me, examining and researching this earlier period in history shows how true humans are meant to behave and believe; ultimately, without the original Gods, we are left with the humanist principle of establishing goodwill-ethics as the method of our peace, prosperity, and existence. 

-I believe a civilization without ethics, especially ethics based on goodwill, is degenerative in nature. As generations progress, values will decay over time until it’s complete chaos or forcefully restrained. I believe ethics should be balanced with logic and reasoning. By questioning ethics with logic and reasoning as well as what feel right in an understandable manor, ethics can be made socially functional. I want to believe that allowing humanity to like what it naturally likes, include the controversy of sexuality; it will establish an organic, natural, and authentic society that is functional, balanced, peaceful, and prosperous. I also want to believe that it will balance itself out in regards to population grown.

-I believe friendships come about naturally when through frequent meeting and association. 

-I think it would be great to have an accepting family who will allow their family members to be completely honest and perceptually degenerate they want so that they learn through their own experiences. It should be up to them to have the personal drive to make a good life for themselves and to understand the results and actions form their decisions and to critically think or obtain information to make the best logical decisions they can to improve their lives or live the best way possible.

-Teenagers may think they know what they are doing, but they are mostly driven out of emotion (perhaps the desire for attention) and hormone changes. It’s not until they reach their twenties that they realize the cringe of their actions, interests, and behaviors. 

-Could it be that sexuality is more predominant when people are not busy with fulfilling goals and accomplishments?

-I believe questions could be answered in a matter of seconds or in the process of thousands of years. I believe asking the right questions can make a world of difference and could even change the world. 

-It seems obvious to me that females have a strong fascination with the lives of others where guys could care less. 

-I like the idea that if ladies see a fun and great guy, be their friend. Don’t fall in love automatically. Expect guys to chase you and want to be with you. If a guy confesses their feelings, expect to be turned down. I also agree with the idea to destroy cultural obstructions like the idea of friendzoning. Ladies and guys should be friends with each other and should be honest. If I could influence this culture of friendship, I would like ladies and guys to be close friends to the point gender boundaries are nonexistent. 

-Should we have paths or roadmaps in education where we can start by examining the mental structure a person has, perhaps starting with a person being more left brain or right brain, and designing an educational path or roadmap that best suits their goals and ways of learning (perhaps also utilizing if they are a visual, auditory, hands on, or perceptual learner)? I believe with designed and focused academic systems, we can advance education dramatically and accelerate educational development. 

-Creativity and imagination is just as important as logic and reasoning. Logic makes things functional where imagination/ creativity innovates. I also want to state there are logical minds and creative minds. In society they are both equally important. Academics should not always push one side to be more towards the other. It should allow both sides to exist cohesively and excel in their rightful areas of talent. 

-(general) I don’t mean to seem against western society but in all honesty it seems western society compared to Asian societies are behavioral extremists. For example, something is either black or white; is or not. There often never a grey area. I would imagine it’s within this grey area where you can find temporary tolerance, experimentation, and more intrical methods. Another example can be: Things need to be a certain way, there’s no “let’s try it this way and let’s see what happens” or “let’s see the results of various ideas.” Utilizing grey areas, I believe there is could be a need for flexibility where there is many ways to examine the end goal or outcome. 

-Many logical individuals seem to think it’s important to state ever wrong possible. I believe not every wrong has to be addressed for example if it’s minor or of relatively less importance and can be overlooked. When it comes to people hopefully they can give a general direction or their opinion on what they do but not “steer the ship” by always being in need for control as to always stating what needs to be done. It’s important that others can have a window to improve themselves without having others tell them what to do. 

-(Child development) You can observe the signs before a child throws a tantrum. You can also put yourself in the baby’s shoes. It’s possible to predict an infant’s behavior or response before they start misbehaving. For example, waking up a child before going out to an event could cause the child to be rowdy. Having the child stay up an hour or a few hours before an event could tire the child to where they sleep during the event. 

-(child development) Before a baby reaches one years old, one can try different techniques such as not giving a to directly just to play with their sensory motor skills. One can also conduct activities that will cause the baby to think or wonder. I believe the accumulation of these efforts could cause the baby to advance in practices for thinking faster. 

-(child development) I think children need to be conditioned and told to do the right thing. Perhaps they should also never be told what is the right thing to do so that they can critically think for themselves. When instructing children, you can tell them what you would do in their situation. 

-I want to think it is a good practice to say the truth without ignorance or arrogance. Perhaps one of the best ways to tell the truth is to consider others by looking at it from their perspective or their perceived mindset. 

-Should females be balanced? Should they balance being between anger and harmony, wholesome and lewd, feminine and tomboy? 

-I heavily believe the current system in the US in regards of economics, education, and overall lifestyle is an extreme and colossal waste of manpower and brilliant minds. There is so much to gain if the system was redesigned to allow for a functional society to do what it wants and needs. By this I don’t mean adopt another system of government. The one we have can be remanaged or reformed in a way where it puts the people and their true endeavors first.

-I‘m a big believer that people should just be people and accept everything that is humanly natural, and to help establish a functional and harmonious culture and collective. 

-Looking at myself I can say that some of my ideas and behaviors can be considered degenerate. It seems everything that I’ve done in life, especially the right way has never worked out despite how realistic it’s planning was. It has never worked despite my more than one hundred percent efforts utilizing a hard work ethic and having the ability to critically think. I conclude the worst road is one without direction, if there doesn’t seem to be a direction, even with the heavy compiling of information, then there could be a larger problem that goes ignored. I want to think that it could be a fundamental or systemic problem waiting to be addressed. 

-I believe there needs to be more unique experiences in life. Although the repetitive life could be adaptable for many, I believe unique experiences create special scenarios in which help connect people. I believe an example that we can help create unique experiences is placing unique structure, obstacles, or even games/puzzles to help connect with others. An idea can be as simple as making functional piano stairs or a slide that replaces an escalator. 

-Could drinking ruin emotional tolerance or affects the area of the brain that makes a person anger (perhaps in long term)? If so, people should be aware of this. 

-(term) Raw-humanist: a person who believes people should have a great acceptance for what’s human-natural. I want to add to this definition by adding “while also obtaining the idea for human functionality, harmony, and goodwill.”

-I want to think that to see life in its most vulgar, savage, and irrational state is to see the raw nature of reality. 

- I wonder if it’s possible to come up with ideas on how a primitive society can formulate principles or ethics in which allow its people to govern themselves. 

-Perhaps a test of intellectual skill is for a person to be a CEO of a company for a day. I want to believe a true intellectual would observe, ask questions, and plan for profitable methods or areas to improve by even means of experimentation. 

-I believe education can benefit from utilizing the latest in technology and technological advancement. In today’s world it can definitely benefit from playing games and being fully immersed in VR. 

-Reciprocity in a relationship can help improve relations. When one does something to upset their partner, they can make up for it by also doing something nice. 

-What if there was a system of government that utilized individual intelligence levels and adopted a system of government embodying their levels? For example, if we use IQ, imagine if individuals bellow a certain IQ to utilize a more socialist form of government where if they had a higher IQ, they are more towards a republic style of government. One side of government is authoritarian where the other allows for individual risk and freedom. I will call this system a climb-the-ladder form of government as one tried to obtain a level of IQ or academic level of critical thinking where they can gain access to the more republic style of government.

-I believe no body undeserving in comparison of unethical magnitude of irrationality is to have their character degraded. To do so should be beyond unethical. I would be right in my opinion to create distance if a person puts someone down who is truly undeserving. My philosophy is to never put anyone down. If they are a good person, always find way to uplift them. One can also state the truth in ways that does not harm or degrade another character. I believe doing this, is a good demonstration of quality leadership. 

-(charter) I want to add “win-win” to the charter of ethics. I also want to add “selflesness”. 

-I believe everyone should be equal despite IQ, wealth, occupation status, and how relatively important once is. We should see each other as human. 

-I think what builds motivation for the oncoming generations is showing ideas of the potential future and having them see ideas to aspire to. 

-I am a big believer that we should eliminate homelessness by providing them with ways to obtain a free education, at minimum a tent and warm blankets to sleep in, perhaps land to help farm, and mental health or to recondition them to be functional members of society. I also believe homeless individuals should not enter dense downtown areas because such places are vastly too expensive to even consider giving them money to help them purchase food and goods. 

-I believe in terms of desired population outcome, there should always be more females then males. It should be this way because not all females desire or find comfort in a male companion. Having more females then males allows for males to continue the stability of reproduction.

-Is jealousy being selfish? Is selfishness from a lady good because it retains loyalty? Should the correct response when a guy is with a lady-friend for her to be jealous or accept he has chosen her over them? Or should she try to befriend everyone in hope that he chooses her over the others?

-Perhaps the idea of no expectation should be a good idea for one to have capabilities to enact in behaviors which are intimate but not entertain the idea to be in a relationship. 

-The images a person gives off doesn’t always define them. For complex individuals, the way you perceive their image creates a false impression as to what complex and unseen attributes one really has. Therefore, before one thinks of someone in a way which is unchangeable, question if there is more to a person than what they perceives or see. I think the more you understand another, the more you’ll see how unique they really are. 

-Far leaning “doms” or alpha-like males seem to produce the greatest results. They seem to always be looking for strategies to get ahead or what they want. They also look for the best strategies for information and psychological impact. Many societies are ruled by these individuals despite their ability to keep harmony and later functionality. I believe the best person to put in a leadership role is not a dom but the person who is balanced as I believe they can keep things going for a long time. Overall, I observe that doms are short periods with big results but corrupt overtime where a balanced person would be slow or paced improvement overtime with consistency and long term functionality. Incremental consistency is good compared to brief rise and often fast/ eventual collapse. The same behavior can be carried over to businesses and even relationships. It’s possible that females in relationships with doms look for security, a culture narrative, or personal desire or satisfaction they didn’t get in their family; perhaps from their parents. //if i ever go into dom mode, i usually tell myself that I play by my own rules to get what I want. 

-Sadly not once has western society come close to having a truly ethically society. Asian culture comes extremely close but isn’t there yet in my opinion. 

-I like the saying “Team work makes the dream work”. 

-Perhaps as stated earlier, there are trends in which females do not want to participate in finding a male partner. Therefore, I believe there should be more females then males in society to keep up with the trends so that they are both balanced in marriage and procrastination rates.

-I think it would be a good idea that products provide with a source or link to where they can give permission to use their labels in productions and videos. 

-(family constitution) I believe people should make family constitutions. In feudal Japan, the family used to write narratives for their families to be passed down in generations. Unlike ancient Japan, I believe constitutions are a good way to bring a sense of honor, importants, and belonging in family. If I were to make a family constitution it would be like this: Perform reciprocity; if you make someone angry, you owe them a nice favor in return. All family members are proactive and perform tasks despite gender stereotypes. 

-(extremely controversial) A strange idea outside of religions tradition is the controversial idea that if your spouse has sex with another person that is not their married partner, they should tell their partner immediately or before it happens and they themselves owe their married partner a sexual partner. 

-I think it’s a good idea to have a few days of the month to allow your married partner to take a day or two off so that they can be lazy and enjoy themselves. Then alternate before going back  to regular day. Maybe have days where you get to see what’s on their phone or PC. I believe married partners should be open about everything, even if it’s controversial. I believe they should overcome obstacles and challenges among themselves without any judgment and with the idea that they are married for life and never plan to separate. 

-(Game) 3D modeling methodology: box modeling (chamfer modeling and low-highpoly modeling), edge-extrude-face, spline, lathe, cloth, texture modeling, displacement modeling through bump/greyscale textures, sculpting, proboolean-mesh fusion modeling. In the future perhaps there will be scan modeling with coming scans and scan pieces. 

-***I believe when it comes to finding companionship, you should never have expectations. Not until there is an irrefutable stated obvious or undeniable mutual liking for each other. To have expectation very early is not mature for an individual ready for a relationship. In a simple way, having sex doesn’t mean you’re together. Perhaps irrelevant to state but you can also love each other without being in a relationship, you can be close or intimate friends. 

-When products are too expensive, innovation in mass production and manufacturing needs to improve. 

-How do you improve a civilization? Perhaps with all hands on deck with focused research on subjects. All hands on desk as in to educate the masses and motivate them to join organizations that are willing to be focused on revising old subjects for more detailed studies or to focus on braches of research that is new and requires exploration and new hypothesis. I believe a culture of answering hypothesis instead of obtaining results can lead to further discovery. 

-Could the current lifestyle influence eating habits? I think a balanced lifestyle could change eating habits. 

-I think it’s a good practice to break things down into steps or manageable pieces then take small snail steps towards increasing the likeliness of success and reduce the risk of failure. 

-I think for people who present facts ignorantly should have their statements and facts considered but ignore proceeding with communication if there is nothing productive to gain from it. Listen to them but do not reply unless they reduce or remove the use of their ignorance.  

-Could it be that those who are excited by violence be detached from reality? From my observation, the moment they are faced with violence personally, they often freak out as they suddenly realize the real risk of injury or casualty. 

-Education can be improved with the use of psychology, technology, and the use of patterns of cognition. It can also be influenced by student interest (perhaps pop cultural references), curiosity, and experimentation (let students try it themselves or try different things on their own surround a particular subject). 

-(sexual) Most females love sex, so they want guys who are experienced in it. Supposedly, guys will have to practice with many women to be good at it, but when it comes to them, they want guys to want only them. Therefore, just as previous stated, it’s important that they know there are not to be any expectations. It will be up to them to change their mind. Even if they might manipulate you with their emotions/ use of making one seem guilty or like the bad guy and aren’t the least bit compassionate. Furthermore, it’s best to be honest. 

-It seems there are potentially a lot of females that like drama because it has a psychological effect which leaves them potentially wanting more; weather they are the influencer or victim. Perhaps they could be addicted to confrontation or the effects of feeling superior. 

-I found it interesting the thought that when a heart is broken, you don’t automatically get back together or get with another in a relationship, the rule is to give it two weeks so that the heart can heal. “You broke my heart, it will take time to heal.” Trust and healing needs to be done before making yourself available again. 

-I find it extremely honorable when a lady-friend tells me she want time to herself (or she’s not feeling well) when she is a whirlwind emotions inside. She doesn’t demonstrate it and allows for distance to not hurt anyone (especially the ones she loves). 

-Irrelevant note: 15 grams is in one tablespoon. In drinks, perhaps coffee, I prefer 30 grams of sugar. I wanted to note this to keep in mind how much grams are in products. 

-(sexual) I always wondered why females weren’t more like guys in the regard they can be expressive about sexuality. Most females I have ever talked to has lied about them having sex. Why not just say it. Is it because of labels? If I was a slut, I wouldn’t care. I would take pride in it. It makes me unique, fun, and dangerous if you come too close. 

-A dumb idea on how I want to feel after I suffer an incident where my heart is crush or after a breakup: I want to make it THE LAW to have no more females in my life. Focus on being selfish. Perhaps if I was a roman soldier in the roman period. Focus on being a dom and never cute. Talk in a way where nothing fazes you and nothing else matters anymore but your own selfish desires. Be a complete alpha and go for what you want. If a female steps in your way, you use her and leave and you make it clear that she’s never going to get anywhere with you and that you don’t care if she’s out of your life forever. // This was back in a time where I was feeling a lot of emotion because the two girls that I loved and poured my heart out had boyfriends and couldn’t break from them, so with the best in my field of psychology and psychological knowledge in manipulation I unfortunately came up with a dangerous strategy for female manipulation. It’s how to enter a relationship, get what you want, and get out. I feel awful that I made this and how dangerous it can be for manipulators, but here it is. Here is the psychological weapon I made for your entertainment. The first step is to gain their attention and talk with them a few casual conversations and lead them up to where they feel a hint in the back of their mind you might like them. Just like a dating game you keep talking to them as if leveling their attraction stats. Be sure to tell them you aren’t wholesome and do have a devious side. Eventually you confess and tell them you like them. Once you get them to feel a certain level of them liking you, you can express more and more how you feel about them. Be genuine and creative. When they feel the same way, you go all out and express you full romantic feeling for them. Once you got that level of trust, go get what you want. Say things what she wants to hear. Play a little bit with her game and add a little bit of yourself into mix by being yourself. Be authentic, nice, and not too overconfident/assholish/ selfish. Be patient with sexual things, the mood has to be right and the trust needs to be there. When the right moment comes where you feel will have the biggest impact in her being horny, you open up a little bit about sexuality. Usually starting with a  sexual question or joke that breaks the sexual barrier. Once they respond with something meaningfully sexual, you’re in. Make her feel you are open to everything. It’s a matter of making them feel comfortable. The more you talk about it occasionally, the more they will be used to it and hopefully it could lead to some roleplay (or hypothetical roleplay). If you make her feel ingenuine or that it’s rushed, you already lost the game. It’s like playing a dating simulator. You need to win her over time. When things get heated you can move on to the more steamier phases. It’s important that this is when you ask for nudes, because if you look for the same opportunity later, you most likely wont have another chance. If it’s physical you can move into touching her gently and arouse her in the moment then slowly kiss her. It’s important that you make her forget everything around her and what’s going on. If done successfully, shy can be hypnotized. With one event after the other, you can go anywhere you want with her. One you get what you want, you can do two things. Let the relationship dye slowly, or kill it incrementally. To let it dye slowly you maintain talking with them and let things cool off. Females like new and exciting so this will allow them to lose interest over time. When things finally stop, you can have your final confrontation why you don’t talk anymore or try to revive it in a last attempt to keep thing going before admitting to move on. Another way, which is to incrementally end it, is to wait for them to act irrationally and play the sensitive guy. Pretend you’re heart is crushed. Often most females will have a period in which they will blame you or act out irrationally towards you. This is your chance to pull the cork from the boat and slowly distance yourself. It’s important to never feed in to doing the wrong thing. Let them mess up so you walk away clean. It’s important that you need to make them feel comfortable, love, and want to trust you. //another strategy is the use of euphoria and having a great time. Once you get your partner from a high spirited and high energy mood/atmosphere to a mood that’s calm and relaxing, you can go into a make-out session and by looking at each other’s eyes in a certain way and moving in from there. Also, females love eyes, chin, lips, hair, jawline, v-lines, abs, butt, torso, and back.// Remember that you don’t get anywhere by being completely nice with females. It’s a give and take sort of situation. The use of minor drama, pretend drama, or slight annoyance keep them coming back because it keeps them emotionally engaged. Never be too perfect or you become stale, even if you are Mr. perfect.  

-Take care of yourself and eat healthily, don’t let ignorance influence you. Eat from a variety of foods in moderate amounts. 

-I consider it a hot-potatoe situation is when you love two people but are not sure how to choose or if you are to leave them. Another example is loving two people, perhaps loving another more and wanting to keep them as a friend. 

-I wonder how does my inner brain correlate with how others see me. 

-I believe we truly live in a backwards world. People rather be with others that mistreat them then those who are honest, sincere, and kind. I guess it’s just the way it is. 

-In the past I would of explained the most perfect girlfriend personality would be like this: similar to the playful personality like Ruby Rose from the series RWBY; someone who speaks Japanese (so that I can speak with them and have fun practicing), someone who I can please and who is reciprocal who can help please me. Someone who plays games. Someone who loves to cuddle. Preferable adorable looking, perhaps petite, and who is still a virgin with no baggage. Someone who isn’t shy to be lewd or have fun with lewd behavior. 

-**I think it’s important to note that if one is in a wholesome relationship with a person who is entirely or unchangably wholesome, never bring up sexual topics; only when they are asked. I think topics that are controversial for them can cause them to distance themselves.

-My philosophy is that everyone should be friends. Obviously this might be controversial or conflicting when it comes to modern western society’s view of guys and younger females. If it was my society, there is tolerance or the ability to overcome arousal for the underage. My personal golden rule is to have a ten year difference from one’s own age.

- (lewd) A lady likes it when you wake up when she wakes up. They also like it when you tell them they can do anything with your body. 

-I find it strange when supposed prophets talk about feeding the poor but the poor stay in unreasonable places, do substance abuse, and have mental issues. It’s my belief this way of thinking is outdated. We need to create a platform which gets poverty to spark growth in their communities. Perhaps have dedicated institutions to help improve mental health, diet, and perhaps allows them to get educated and improve their lives.  I find the culture in which poverty derives from is absolutely beyond terrible. People who are homeless says that no one looks in their eyes when they talk to them, but when you do make eye contact, they target you for money making you feel guilt, pity, or shame. There should be another way. I believe the real poverty worth helping are the ones that are most humble, thankful, and most ethical who are perusing plans step by step to get out of poverty or who has an agenda to find ways to improve the community. 

-(sexual) Many females don’t have the level or lust as men do, but if they play along with partners who are horny, even if they themselves are not, their partners would appreciate it. It’s also okay to tell them you are doing this for them and not having any fun for yourself, they will understand. Overall lust and sex for guys can be a big deal. 

-With any form of dictator, there will never be true peace; only peace through rule and authority. 

-It seems that ideologies are meant to be kept secret as if one knows you ideology, they can learn to manipulate you. 

-Perhaps it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that great guy are meant to remain single. 

-I would like a relationship with a partner to please and who also pleases me proactively. 

-Should we penalize medical observations/proven information that are suppressed due to political agendas? 

-I once was attracted to any female with an attractive personality. It didn’t matter their size, but now it seems the larger they are the more emotional they can be so I tend to want to want to stay away from heavier females. I do think many plus size females are sexy, but I haven’t come across a plus size females that wasn’t considerate of their emotions or utilize ethics to the point they formed strategies to maintain harmony, especially when times are at their most difficult. 

-You don’t live in this world forever so it’s a good idea to leave something behind. 

-Self-relativity – selfish view of yourself but in a way establishes individuality. If one had no interest in a relationship, their will help them thrive in security and independence. 

-It’s extremely wrong to blame others or have an excuse when you have faults with yourself that you should already comprehend or address. 

-(maybe) I feel that hypersexual individuals are discriminated on. Who cares if they are perverts, escorts, satyriasis, nymphos, cam girls-guys, and even prostitutes. I believe their lifestyles and sexual preferences should be accepted or tolerated. I find it hard to label them as mental illness and disorders when they have been around throughout history in every class of society whether in secret or known. I believe what matters most is the conduct in which they behave and the self-discipline they can demonstrate to fit in socially. If in the case being that most people are hypersexual and its suppressed human nature for thousands of years, then it’s definitely a good idea to adopt modern ethics; perhaps so that one day it can be culturally acceptable and a normal part of the full human experience which i believe will allow humanity to live happily and prosperously. 
-(Term) shelved woman – a woman who purposefully avoid anything sexual due to supposed loss of sexual interest. This can be for a variety of reasons. Low estrogen levels leading to overall poor sexual health. It could be that they have had too much sex or exhausted their sexual interest. They could be wrapped up in their own delusion or self-made reality. Perhaps it’s the idea that they have settled. They are reluctant to try new things. They perhaps might suffer from self-inflicted shame or guilt. For whatever reason, shelved woman will be stagnant in obtaining new relationships and will more than likely lose interest in a new partner fast. If they were to peruse a relationship, it would be more than likely more out of self-benefit or credentials. It could be that if they don’t open up sexually, they are perhaps better left alone. The changes that can occur is if they realize their lack of sexual health and allow themselves to try something new or to play along with another’s sexual interest; even if it’s just finding something they like with another’s sexual interest. Otherwise their eggs will eventually each an expiration date, they will reach menopause (commonly followed by weight gain and shrinking), and realize it will be too late to find a meaningful partner full of new and adventurous experiences. There can be a way to break a shelved individual by physically revitalizing their sexual experience with introducing new sexual experiences or feed the imagination, but if nothing works physically, they truly have become shelved and should be avoided if desiring a full meaningful relationship. 

-It’s my believe that the sciences of today is still very young, undetailed and not thoroughly examined. I believe every subject of study requires reexamination, more hypothesis through philosophical and hypercritical thinkers, and more specialists to experiment and solidify objective answers. 

-I noticed guys keep up with lady friends but lady friends never keep up with guy friends. I would think they would care more about their friendships. Everything regarding other individuals doesn’t always have to revolve around being in a relationship. 

-Could it be that when there is an abundance of males in a country, females exhibit more selfish behaviors, could be unforgiving, and don’t generally care about guys? 

-If I could remove myself from Judaic and Christian-based ideologies, I would like to change my own marriage structure to have two wives. I have the strange desire that a married party of three is perfect for me. 

-I think one can find ways to increase their efficacy in their lives by perusing plans step by step to eliminate the risk of failure and gain the chance of success.

In my observations all ladies want honest men, but often lie about their own self being honest. For example, when you say you are virgin, they say they are virgin; when in reality they don't tell you they aren't so they can maintain a fantasy or personalized image of themselves or to avoid labels. They might also say it's how they are supposed to be seen in culture where guys can do anything and females have to be a certain way. I would prefer both to tell the truth and tell each other what they really want in full open and transparent honesty regardless of labels or culture.

I'm more of a fan of removing derogatory labels or labels used for control and manipulating others (might be hypocritical for me as i made terms).

I think it would be a good idea to have an observation culture where people are allowed to observe occupations, lectures, or even how their politicians conduct their work. I think people could benefit extremely in seeing how things are done in reality compared to what they are taught or told.

-Although useless, I think it might be a fun idea to turn township into an actual class where you are guided on how to make a town from scratch and how to manage it and it's resources.

-It’s my belief the nation is seriously lacking in real skills and positions in occupations in which make a big difference toward contributing to real changes in society and technology. I believe if there is no funding or growth in a nation, the question of where is all the money going is a critical question to ask. 

-Should the western world consider doing business like Japan where it makes agreements and negotiations with their competitors. Should businesses create win-win negotiations that benefit their company along with competitors? Perhaps the idea of dog-eat-dog is a reflection of ignorant business practices. 

-(term) Dissasociative personality disorder – When a person hears voices from within; it could be a subconscious personality within them that is not of a person’s obvious personality. This could be the reason they are being taunted by demons or why insane people speak with themselves. Perhaps it’s much like a multiple personalities but instead of manifesting through a person, they only live in the mind or subconscious. 

-Because it seems our system does not cater to the hypothesis and investigation for all and every possibility of any possible threats, in the future the nation or the world has a great chance to be manipulated and controlled by elites and the most powerful in society. The possibility to gain influence or ownership in major companies, organizations, and political branches helps in the possibility for a group or even one major person to gain control or manipulate resources giving them absolute power. 

-I’ve noticed females want honest men; however, she should examine if she is honest herself. 

-Without the mind of a critical thinker and imaginative thinkers, all you have is the conservation of previous ideas or slow incremental progress. 

-I think a country should pay for the damages that they cause to other nations. If a lab makes an artificial virus and it gets out and affects the whole world, they should be held liable and have to pay for the damages. 

-Ladies are more likely to talk with you if you talk to them or if you are with another lady-friend and casually talk to her. It gives other ladies around the subconscious thought that you are safe and already evaluated as harmless by the female you are with. A shortcut to getting females fast is to have a female with you who can help boost the interest in other females towards you. It’s an easy psychological strategy.

-If it was up to me I would want to see what society would be like if it were mixed with ideas they consider indecent today. For example, what if it was normal that nudity or sexuality was normal in society? What if people adapted an ethical, harmonious, and integral culture to sexuality and it was considered normal? What would society be like? Could it complete the sociological mentality of society or humanity? Could it lead to humanity being a true, unified, unfiltered, harmonious, productive, and more prosperous society? If I were to be sociologist, this would be something I would like to further study and perhaps experiment with. Perhaps allowing humanity to be its raw true form, with the use of ethics, perhaps we can unleash the best of humanity and what it means to be truly free. I personally believe and like the idea to mix sexuality with what sis considered normal. If I could make my own culture, sexuality would be a normal part of the human experience.

-If you feel you cant get anywhere in life or even get a soul-mate, then perhaps you next best tactic is to join an organization or group that can help you. For example, volunteering, helping with charities, getting active in the community, or even getting active in local government. 

-I liked Yamasaki Sochiro’s Kodomo Roppo book idea. It’s taking Japanese law and converting into a format where children can understand the law and their rights. I believe such a book should also be made practical for young students of today. 

-Perhaps homeless should understand their contribution towards an aesthetic to a setting. When they are at a place, their presence in the place makes the area look bad. Perhaps they should be given resources where they can find ways to get donated clothes so that they can be more pleasing to their environment. Their contribution to an environment doesn’t stop to simply looks, their behavior also plays a role. A homeless person should feel obligated to participate in being the eyes of the street and to report what goes wrong. They should show others that even though they are unhappy, they also want to contribute in ways to improve society. They should be the number one contributors to participating in volunteer work, humanitarian efforts, and helping the community. If a homeless person is humble, kind, and considerate to others, they deserve to be helped. I believe the more ethical they are, the more people should feel inclined to help them and help lift them from poverty. It’s a homeless person’s job to rise out of poverty and others who see their efforts, who have the resources to do so, should help them.

- *It’s my belief that true leaders bring others up. If I was a deity, I would make use of strategies to bring those under me to my level. The reason I would do so is so that I could bring them into a greater community of incremental possibilities and achievements; a community where they can improve or prove themselves and provide great resourcefulness in a greater reality. It would be a reality where they can feel greatness and be recognized for their efforts and achievements.

It’s my belief that the current state of the nation is seriously lacking in current real skills and occupations. If there is no money or growth, where is the money going? I believe this is a critical question to ask. 

If it’s what you truly believe and if you have given it countless thought; accept being controversial. Let other scold you. Perhaps if you’re not taking certain form of ridicule, you’re doing something wrong.  

I found that the best ideology to believe in for success is to not fear authority but to see the meaning in it. Don’t follow society, be the person that drives it. Learn the necessary skills then make your own path. Try ten things, if you fail most of them, at least one or two things are bound to be successful. The more ten ideas you try, the more you chances of success. Continue to try with the idea to minimize the risk of failure. Give yourself permission to fail, go bankrupt, and humiliate yourself. The world is good at destroying people, allow yourself the possibility to be ridiculed. Let the emotions hit, then get back up after a brief period of time and keep going. Note the amount of times people ridicule you, be the opposite, and be the hope for others who are also trying to carve their path to success. The more you fail or the more you succeed brings value. Value is what builds your wealth in the modern world today. Take note of others but follow know one. Build your own path and try your ideas. 

(abstract idea) True leaders bring others up. If I was some sort of deity, I would make use of strategies to bring those under me to my level. I would want them to accomplish inspiring things. I would inspire a new community for those on my level. There would not be a subject of authority. I would not want to keep people under my control because that brings rebellion. I would teach them to do what’s right and to do great things. They should manage themselves and do what’s right from their own personal values and ethics. Those with the greatest accomplishments will naturally rise to power and be recognized for their achievements. These are the ones that can be of great examples and inspiration to others. I also want to believe that if I was a deity, it would be my role as a teacher. Perhaps I would emphasize the use or teachings of ethics (not traditional ethics of defined morality but ethics pertaining to personal goodwill for a functional of social harmony). I believe this is the key to making leaps in intellectual development, improvements, and achievements. It’s important that as a teacher to give those under me the resources to achieve or attempt to achieve great things. If they are not ready, I will show them what is possible and they should have to prove to me they are ready; perhaps out of selection, I will make others leaders as they can be the examples and teachers for others. The goal is to promote those most worthy of skill to the top who can further develop those they teacher until later on when there is incremental growth in ethics and skills that shows others are ready. 

Could it be that if you are not learning, you are stuck in place and not mentally progressing?
(controversial) Controversially, I had a strange dream about having two female Asian companions. They would change in height and often with skin color and hair color. Their faces would also strangely change. It felt like I knew them all my life. At first it felt like they were my girlfriends, but later it became obvious I was their master and they were more like my pets. It was a strange dream and it scenery in the dream would constantly change from an urban area to a strange twisty-like area that was like an inter connected labyrinth of subterranean tunnels but in a large building that felt like the side of a colossal mountain. They followed me everywhere and it fell like I had known them forever and they were my eternal companions. It mostly felt like I couldn’t live without them and they couldn’t live without me. The environment changed to train station/ subway/ railkart, when one of my companions left, I kept having this dreaded feeling of hopelessness, despair, and abandonment; later in the dream it was as if they were the key from me to keep getting up and walking and not feeling sick. When they returned, I instantly felt better again and continued to walk around in the rooms in this labyrinth-like environment. This time the rooms had holes and I could see the building underneath. It felt like I was on a bridge with holes or a grated platform. There was even a small Kroger-like shopping area in a room the size of a store with a strange log-cabin-seas house aesthetic. The dream was very strange and would make for some interesting art or experimental architecture. I remember being at the shoreline of an ocean but instead of water it was space and galaxies. The shore was a pale white and some small rocks were blue. The ocean with space would go back and forth and me and my two companions would walk in it, which it felt like regular ocean water. That most of what I remember from the dream. Having a strange dream like that kind of opened me to the idea of what if I had two pets or wives irl, I wonder what that would be like; one to keep companion for the other. Because of how my perspective shaped by religion and belief in ethics, I think this would seem controversial, but I’ll keep an open mind about something like this to think about.

I want to say those who get angry easily and act irrationally have a lot of mental and intellectual maturing yet to be done. I like to refer this as mental age or having the mind of a philosopher or a leader. Their minds have not yet opened up to critical thinking, why the idea of rationality is important, the reasons why they do what they do, the reasons why they do it, where their real behavior comes from, how culture and cultural conditioning affects them, and what separates them from those who they consider superior, great leaders, or those who inspire them. There are always ways to improve, grow intellectually, and create or change the world or society that they desire to see.    

(abstract) Just like a person’s mental age, I believe government or the policy making and law behaviors also have a form of mental maturity. If they are capable to be changed in the worst way by policy makers, then the average mental maturity for government also needs to be examined or more thoroughly thought out or perhaps tested. Perhaps a rating system or statistics of progress and expectations and the objective results of those decisions could be of use. 

After researching automotive influence in urban environments, it seems America does have a form of corptocracy as corporations through lobby groups mold and shape a lot of how we live. I believe it is a failure of law makers to recognize this issue and to stand for values larger then themselves. They should have limited the power of corporations and the influence they have on society. A democracy fails when the people aren’t the main focus in a nation. In my personal research on how America was shaped, urban development, through the use of zoning, seems to be primarily used for vehicles. There are more roads and parking lots then average walking spaces outdoors.

It’s my belief that the US has excelled in many ways, but has many unquestioned drawbacks and even failures. I believe US education is a failure, urban design is a failure, family life is commonly a disaster, among many other things. Looking at urban infrastructure, environment plays a vital role in our mental development and perceptions. I believe urban design is a colossal failure and a major contribution to poor families, bad culture, crime, antisocial behavior and mental illness. It’s the reason why society is the way it is today. It’s especially why millennials and Gen-Z are the way they are today being antisocial and very depressed. It is not their faults but the faults of the social engineers, politicians, law makers, urban planners, corporations who profit the most form this design, and lobbyists for cars companies.

Is it possible for females to be sexual spoiled? Why do many close themselves off sexuality? The solution is obvious to keep things new and exciting. However, what causes females to become this way? Is it diet, culture, fantasy, delusion, the cause of too much sexual stimulus? If the roles were reversed, what would it be like to be a guy who is sexually uninterested? What would cause him to be that way? I feel like the answer could be psychological. If a person balances themselves with their partner’s wants instead of being on sided, they can find a sexual balance. They can please their partner and also come up with ideas they might like to try out; essentially it’s active participation, dialogue, and perhaps exploration, and experimentation. Another angle for when I revisit the question what causes sexual disinterest, I want to think it goes back to play time as children, the use of roleplay and the playful experience. If one thinks sex is dull then they aren’t much fun to play with. It’s like a person who enjoys playing outside and another who acts mature and likes reading a book indoors. The one reading a book might think of themselves overrated from outdoor experiences, when they are not knowing what they are missing out on by not playing with the other outside. I want to use the expression they have shelve themselves like their books on a shelf itself. It’s up to them to also seek new and exciting ideas so that they can maintain appeal to their partner and so that they can keep their inner sexual nature alive. For if they don’t they might grow unhappy, unappealing, and their partners will become disinterested and look to fulfill their sexual excitement elsewhere.

For people who think they are slow at learning, don’t worry about being slow as long as you don’t stop learning. 

Once again I think about love and question its existence. Does love actually exist or is it just the need for companionship? Could it be that the more attractive or desirable people a female talks to the more their desire of relationship with others change? Could it be possible that someone’s wife can find a person who is immensely wealthy, good looking, and has a great personality be always capable of winner over the female heart and steal them away from whoever they are with in only a matter of time? 

I wonder if there could be two ways to learn a language. One way through structure like in universities and colleges and another organically as if a child. The method that is inorganic is in a manner which you learn the names of objects, verbs, and so on then learn how to use it in a sentence.

When guys lay down, body extended, facing upwards for a period of time or after they get comfortable, they naturally get blood flowing between heir legs making them horny. 

(strange idea) A quorumo – is a fantasy idea that just like how people believe in curses, the quorumo idea is about expecting dreams results by repeatedly imagining and saying them to project your thoughts into the universe. It as if a spell or a charm but self-projected. For example, imagine coming across a picture of a person you once knew in your past. Imagine saying to yourself, “they will contact to me tomorrow about we will catch up on old times.” Then you think about how it will happen and how it won’t happen and see what are the results the next day.

I wonder if it's possible to make unbreakable glass or "steel glass" if you use moon dust and the pressurized and moisture-free environment of the moon. 

I would love to say to females that you had your chance to be with an ideot like me. Lol

Connect4 tips: Own the middle. Try to make a 2x2 group from the middle so you can place a piece on the ends and win. Try to make a seven with three token up and three sideways. Tokens at the corner is a no no. Odd-even method: if you drop your pieces first, focus on the third and fifth row; if you start second, focus on the second, fourth, and sixth row.  

It always ends up feeling like I was put in this world to suffer. My pitiful mind wants to tell me I must suffer and that my push and lack of accomplishments is evidence of that and how none of my goals has ever been fulfilled. 

Is it possible that frequency, or the patterns caused by frequency, could replace numbers? Could it also be possible that drawings frequency and sound emits through sand as it displays an image could one day be use as a language or basis for mathematical means?

In everyday life I witness the common culture through verbal communication. It seems apparent that the everyday communication is influenced by culture/ pop culture, slang, and environment. So I wonder; what would American verbal communication be like without these influences? Taking it a step further, how much people are influenced by mediums of today? Considering a handful of corporations like Disney and Warner Bros design the culture they aim to produce, it seems very possible they are the social engineers or conditioners to produce a desired cultural outcome to influence behavior. It’s possible that what they promote or portray in culture is not just entertainment. Car manufacturers have also redesigned America to suit vehicles rather than people walking or commuting with more widely available means of transportation. They have changed how individuals commute and live by building neighborhoods rather than densely urban areas (sprawl development) where people are closer together and more involved in community and human activities. From the way neighborhoods are built, to what people watch on tv, listen on the radio, to even the food you eat, it all possible and greatly influences our behavior by social conditioning by social engineers through a very wealth groups in society. So revisiting my question while changing it a bit, what would America looks like and how would it feel like if it were organic and not by artificial design?

I believe most questions can be answered within oneself by asking why and being painfully honest.

Reacting without thinking leads to consequence; to critically think leads to strategy and greater possibility towards success. 

Could it be that competition builds success for those who keep trying?

Developing positive habit improves overall society, such as eat healthy, good hygiene, limit portions, stretch and exercise, improve neuro plasticity by challenging yourself, doing new things, and learning something new, and also by being proactive and productive.

Push yourself by setting a standard of quality for yourself.

Bored? Learn conceptual physics, psychology, philosophy, programming, art, music, a new language, write, blog, read, volunteer, and overall try something new.

Doing new things keeps, keeping yourself busy, making plans, and setting goals is a geat cure for depression and anxiety. 

Time is beyond precious in life; don’t waste it. 

By building value for yourself you can make plans to not live under a boss who determines what your value is worth. You can then bring your own value to the world. 

It’s interesting how the wealthy think and how the average person thinks. Both are radically different. The wealth is about giving value to the world where the average is about living in the means where one’s value is determined by another. For example, the wealth states you can go out and make your desires and goals a reality; compared to the average person who states you should find a way to sustain yourself and create financial security. 

I think gravity sucks for everyone, therefore why not develop a suit that can save a person from falling from distant heights? I had the thoughts of a suit that inflates to a degree where if a person falls, it allows air spread out to the sides while allowing the person to free-fall and stop under the pressure they cause inside the slightly inflatable device. 

What if there was more to physics we don’t know. What if the way we think we know about physics works is only a method we can understand because it’s manipulatable by our own human-thinking or functional by human-experimentation. What if it’s even more complex and to acquire it’s more profound understanding (for example imagining getting the bigger picture of how everything relates to each other and being able to have full understanding of what can be interacted with to get a desired functional outcome), we need to expand our level of information, knowledge, or perhaps mental capacity and capability of how much or how far we can think as human-beings. Perhaps asking why to every angle of our dimension of physics may lead us into a more complex rabbit hole of needed understanding. I want to think that if we discovered everything about our known universe or reality, perhaps all we might be left with is empty space. I want to think that the big bang derived from a chemical reaction in empty space. Perhaps this is a phenomenon that is common on a higher level of reality; one that might be out of our reach with the modern tools and technologies of today.

I believe in our education system that students should be taught theory, reason, and the fundamentals before learning a subject. For example, in math they should be taught theory, reasons why math is important to learn, and taught the basics of math. To make math more interesting they should then see what course can inspire their interest in learning more about math, such as demonstrating conceptual physics. 

The formula for crime is simple. Where you have unfairness, lack of necessary resources, poor education quality that does not promote to think critically or use logic and reason, where there is more fixation on culture/ pop-culture and propaganda/ conditioning, a destruction in family values, political corruption and power-manipulation, disincentivising policies and laws, and overall systemic dysfunction, you get crime and eventually chaos as it all eventually breaks down. Crimes only multiplies over time as negative or crime culture grows with ever generation. Overall, it’s the result of wide dysfunction and everything gone wrong. 

A democracy fails when fake ideologies due to propaganda and conditioning from irrational forces gets involved and when corruption becomes widespread, education quality is poor, and logic and critical thinking fails, and where illogical policies goes undisputable and ignored most likely due to fear. 

(hunt for relationship) Many females will test a guy. They do this so they can know if a guy is of high status/quality and wont bend to their will. For the guy, the goal is to be relaxed and not care what a female says if she’s trying to brush him off or push him away (you don’t give a f****). Her feminine charm has no power over you. You know what you want. Without guys, life doesn’t go on. After she realizes you don’t care, she will see you don’t need her and can move on to find someone else as you don’t cave to any female demands as you know what you are looking for. You can test her also in return to let her know you’re capable of continuing the hunt for other females you are interested in. First hook her, let her test you, don’t give in, and then this dramatically increases the chances she will want to be with you. 

  People often get angry when other people mess up; especially on jobs. I want to think they should minimize people messing up (that is if they are not purposely negligent) by delivering the proper in depth teaching instructions in a learning method that works for the other individual. Give analogies. Give them documentation. Allow them to take notes and revisit them when unsure. These are all part of a greater teaching habit that improve work quality from others. The quality, methods, depth, structure, and teaching strategy of the instructions that are functional to the other person in a digestible manner should prove itself in work quality and performance. If there is a great amount of ignorance, you should find the root of the ignorance and correct it to improve teaching conditions and work quality. If it’s the other person who is stubbornly ignorance and arrogant, then it’s up to the person to ensure the kind of work culture they want to establish. 

I’ve always felt like I’ve never belonged. It makes it hard for me to connect with others; in all, all I have are my ideas and goals. 

(evolution of mindset) It seems I learned late in life for my age. Life is meant to be learned incrementally just as one’s thoughts takes in information and matures incrementally. In life you start from the basics. To run you have to walk; to walk you have to stand; before you stand you learn how to crawl; and to crawl, you learn how to get up on all fours arms and legs. Just like learning to run, there is a foundation for everything. There is even a foundation to learn how to think or how to react which leads to how to behave. Learning to behave is part of ethics. In society today, you’ll see some are more advanced in ethics than others. They have collected information over time and with critical thinking and self-initiative to discover things on their own within their own minds by thinking about things (perhaps things that are completely irrelevant with the information they currently have), they have gained the ability to advance the way they think and reason. That is true intellectuality and use of knowledge. That is the true purpose of education. It is collecting and digesting the information from previous intellectuals so that we can share and build upon their knowledge to advance our minds and our capabilities which also grants us the ability to advance our understanding and abilities as a species. 

Could it be that bellow a certain IQ cognition does not occur as frequent? Could the practice of critical thinking and creativity be the driver of cognition? 

Perhaps already stated, but I enjoy the saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.”

I want to say one’s ego is your status (or power core) for females; protect it at all costs. 

I want to believe if you teach a very creative person such as an artist math or physics, they can use their wild imagination to come up with strange or perhaps new or extremely innovative ideas. If you leave these values only to a logical person, it’s possible creativity and imagination could be lacking. 

Perhaps it might be a good idea to include note areas on tests and assignments for teacher to look at students thought process as they choose an answer or resole a problem. Perhaps using this to see a student’s logic allow instructors to improve a student’s logic or use their way of thinking as a basis for analytical data in which to improve academic solutions. It’s important I believe that schools teach theory as much as actual subjects. For example, they are taught the reason and logic behind math before actually learning math. The use of analogies in which allows students to connect with ideas and narratives they already understand, helps retain materials in a subject.

I like the idea to make space drones that has the ability to orbit the moon like a satellite. The drone operates with solar power and perhaps has a camera. It can be released into the atmosphere with a balloon. The propulsion type is yet to be determined, but I think plasma technology can be a good idea. When the camera orbits the moon, it has the ability to zoom in and relay images back to earth. 

My thoughts on Satanism or Luciferianism? I believe the idea to believe in an anti-deity to God or Jesus is absolutely irrational and illogical. The only reason Satan exists is due to the rebellion of religious ideology, a desire for acceptance, or to engage in irrational, criminal, and violent behavior in the conditioning or feeling of security of a group. The psychology of on who engages in such ideology is that of often low intellectual abilities, the inability to understand the reason or long term reasons of their actions, the replacement of an internal narrative that’s is usually caused by an external event or motivator such as family problems, drugs, or a terrible environment/ living condition, and who is often under the conditioning of irrational and fictional ideological values and cultural influences. Moreover, religious people can be devastatingly closed minded and arrogant which over time if pushed upon to their offspring can lead to rebellion. However, where does the ideology of Satan come from historically? Christianity was introduced in the Roman era after the death of Yeshua or Jesus Christ. His disciplines split up to spread the teaching of Jesus and God. Later there were many religious groups some with complete different views of the same religion, such as the Gnostics. Due to persecution of Christians and scale of how much the religion has grown, especially since the masses were very much uneducated the religion grew substantially, the roman persecuted the Christians until later adopting their religious views due to possible rebellion or gradual spread and takeover. Therefore, they retired the belief in Poseidon and other Greek-like Gods (usually Gods they reform to fit roman views and asthetics) to worship God and to spread the teachings of Jesus. Therefore, under Constantine they merged all the bibles, scrolls, and literatures and formed the Christian dogma and church and bible. Years later the ideology spread and the church gained power and grand cathedrals were built such as the Byzantine Hagia Sophia and as construction improved many grand cathedrals around Europe in the Gothic style spread due to architectural innovations to become more grand and heaven-like. As the church got more power it also influenced politics and governance over people. After the fall of the Roman Empire by the Visigoths (a group of people held captive by the Romans for a substantial amount of time leading to internal takeover when the rmons had become substantially curupt), the church stayed with limited power. As the renaissance era came, the Medici family in Italy began to build their empire of wealth and revived the church. Over time the church grew more powerful and became more involved in politics and eventually to the point of corruption. This included burning of the books and many other irrational responses by the church which took a population along with famous artists, such as Michelangelo’s The Last Judgment and even a monk from Germany called Martin Luther to hammer a note on the castle door to get the church to see their corrupt ways and to change. From there it is an ongoing struggle between politics and church corruptions; I will stop there. With the evolution of Christianity came the evolution of negative or antichristian depictions of demons and other malevolent entities. Two ways these form could have been brought about and one is due to due to the some of the irrational and ignorant natures of some highly devoted Christians where demonic forces were made (possibly due from all the death from the plague or ancient stories of demons and possessions); or for the purpose of more control from the church. The devil has evolved along with Christianity. From the Old Testament idea of worshiping a calf (ritualistic icon of the Sumerian bull of heaven; also used by the Egyptians) to the pagan worship of Boccus and Baal later in ancient history, and even taking elements from other historical characters such as the Greek minotaur and the faun. In Christianity, the devil originally started as a small chattering entity that told you what to do in your ear, then it later became depicted in grotesque and morbid forms as artists depicted the devil in various animal-like enigmas throughout their paintings in the mid-renaissance era which caused fear in people. Just as there was God, there had to be the creation of a grotesque anti-deity therefore from the concept of the devil came the elite devil-leader Lucifer. It wasn’t until after the renaissance and the adoption of purgatory that the church adopted this figure so that they can have more control over moral reasoning and religious direction over their practitioners, especially during an era of the devastatingly dark bubonic plague where death and despair became rampant. Overall, Satan is the evolutionized fictional deity that is the antagonist for the Christian belief which is an evolution of the idea of the devil. It’s a deity modern devil worshipers believe that if they believe in him that he will become real, such as the idea from faith, which is derives from the Buddhist mantra for prayer which with focus creates a manifestation of that which you are praying for. Unlike God or the existence of Yahwei, Satan is not known in early history from the Old Testament. According to Sumerian clay tablets, Yahwei served under the rule of Ia (Enki), who then was directly under the ranks of Enlil and Anu. The closest to an anti-hero from these times was Demuzid of the underworld, Nergal (a deity of pestilence, illness, and disaster), the creature Anzu (Imdugud), and perhaps later Marduk/Rah in Babylonian times. In conclusion, the belief in this fictional entity leaves me baffled why people would adopt in such irrational ideological values. It seems the outcome of if there were to be a global adoption of such irrational forces would be only chaos and misery which will bring about the cycles of political change witnessed in the past. The eventual long tern cycles of such change will lead to devolution and possible return to an earlier time in history where urban development and innovation is less likely to occur. If left in this state for too long, the Earth will die out as it leaves the sun’s habitable green zone and humanity will cease to exist if it’s not whipped out by a meteor or virus first. I’m sure the Satanists would mind, however. It does seem rather sad that a race of organisms such as the human race began in a world with the mental ability to develop technologies to escape their cradle of origin from possible future disaster and to spread throughout the universe is impaired by a group of irrational 21st century pre-human thinkers bent on chaos, evil, and destruction due to irrational culture and destructive ideologies.

I believe as humans multiply resources become more scarce. Therefor, it's important that shelter, food supply, water supply, medicine, waste infrastructure, and technology maintains with the increase of such growth. I believe technology is the solution for mega societies. It's also important that people adopt productive methods in which birth rate growth fluctuates by going up and down as mortality rates decrease. There should be many ways to do this. The most irrational and worst method is by killing people. This is the work and mentality of very unintellectual and irrational thinkers not fit for leadership. Positive methods can be through ethics where people adopt the person value to maintain social balance by conducting their share of limiting the amount of children they have until a period where society is in demand for more people. Another method is by having children be a very expensive expense and therefore the desire to have children will forcibly be disincentivised. Overtime the results of such action will lead to population decline into a manageable range where technology and resources can keep up.

If you are taught the truth and have factual knowledge, you cannot be fooled and therefore less likely manipulated or profited off of.

You don’t always have to try and be great, just be yourself. 

You always hear about demons and bad spirits but never about spirits who create charm and fortune.

I think capitalism fails when wages and labor (the hours in labor) becomes unsustainable to supply with a viable and basic standard of living; I feel at that point it becomes a form of injustice and perhaps slavery. In early times of US history people didn’t have to work nearly as hard to survive. With the analogy of the hunter to bring back food for his family; the hunter doesn’t keep hunting nine to five hours every day. I believe it’s important that there be an agreeable and healthy balance in the cost of living. Moreover, I think the root is not businesses, it’s inflation, and systemic malfunction. 

I think communism is a unique form of government and can be functional with the right laws and policies in place for its leaders and citizens. I feel there isn’t as much innovation because this requires a free thinking, self-motivated, and highly educated society. I think communism fails when there is unnecessary loss of life, especially due to political decisions. Overall, I think communism fails when there is political greed, lack of logic or use of resources by leaders, and loss of basic sustainability for its citizens.

(term) Mental amplitude- providing with materials (situations) for people to think about for the best solution so that they can make greater decisions in life. For example, teaching ethics by providing with scenarios in which others can think of greater solutions which will shape how they behave in society. This will allow them to speed up their mental state of maturity and revise the meaning of what it means to be civilized, ethical, and how to go about with personal integrity to bring about a functional society. 

I think it’ a good idea to suggest a new formula for calories and dieting. For example, I want to consider the idea of calories + rate at which you burn foods + digestion time + nutrients collected in the body + perhaps rate in which nutrients are used.

For those who follow others, it’s best to see what is society’s average IQ. If the average IQ is low for those around you, it’s perhaps better not worth following. It’s better to go the extra mile and research, learn and know as much as you can more than those around you. 

One of the purposes of ethics is to get the irrationally minded to agree on ethics and behaviors that is agreeably unacceptable in society. 

In the case with Japanese single men (the passive man), could females who complain/ nag too much, are too needy, get jealousy easily, or keep guys in a friend zone cause guys to turn away from relationships? If that is the case, what could bring them back?  

Best way to study is to have a place that is specific for studying. You study until you feel your mind fade and get easily distracted then you take a break. If you feel tired, rest. Then return soon. If you are in a time crunch, set your alarm for thirty minutes. 

I believe to hate someone immediately before getting to know them is wrong. I believe it’s right to give them a brief amount of time to see how they portray themselves or who they truly are underneath. If the bad outweighs the good, then it’s a good idea to distance oneself or ignore them. 
One day I believe we will have atomic energy, like that of the atom bomb, safely inside a long lasting battery. 

For guys not to get friendzoned, perhaps make friends with a female and in two weeks do a check to see if you like her. If you do like her, tell her. If you still are not certain, check again in a month. I think a month is more than enough to see if you like a person and would like to stay with them. Nevertheless, I would like to say that those who rush into relationships could be as if like a candle. The speed of the fire and wax melts fast when a relationship moves too fast; however, I would like to think a slow burning candle lasts for a while. Perhaps those who are slow who enter a relationship, get the best kinds of relationships. That’s my opinion, I could be wrong. 

As perhaps stated a long time ago, a clean room, a clean mind.
(random) I want to think of the idea that perhaps if United States history utilized ethics with both the Union and Confederate states , there might of not been a civil war. Both sides could negotiate an agreement and strategy overtime. I feel an incremental strategy could have been that over time states could transition to not having slaves and to making them free at the expense that the Confederate states maintain their way of life and wealth but operate under incremental or slow transition of not purchasing slaves and slowly making slaves free. I would think they can help change the minds of slave owners by slowly introducing propaganda to see why the north thinks slaves should be free and the kinds of societies capable to exist if they were as free as others. If all fails and there is more economical issues, they can do this by introducing fair policies that could aim at slave owners to give up their slaves slowly for other materials gains and aid. The Union can also negotiate state rights and the preservation of wealth made by tobacco and cotton overtime. Overall, with more moral and intelligent negotiations, deals, and agreements, the civil war is unnecessary as it displays the lack of civility and tremendous ignorance when more civilized approaches could be done if they had the right education and strong morals taught in their society. Violence may be a quick solution, but it often leads to more or greater conflicts later. I believe the lack of education and ethical values (which should have taught and emphasized through teaching of religious values) was the most destructive part of the civil war. Personally and perhaps invisibly, I believe the ignorance, greed, and corruption behind the scenes were the greatest tools which prohibited people from seeing a more prosperous and greater future. When violence is used, that is when intelligence and logic has failed and ignorance and lies have won.

Add mental maturity to charter.

Perhaps smaller themed towns can be the new frontier for those who want different lifestyles.

Despite the scandals in the 20s with Ford, I like the quote by Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”.

I want to believe culture builds identity whether it’s for good or for worst.

I want to bring back the spirit of the 20s, and energy of the 50s; this time with smart economics. Everything grows at a steady pace. If things were to grow fast, they should do so in a way where it’s hard to die fast by discovering and adopting healthy models. We can design infrastructure with economic balance in mind.

We should make documentaries on what if situations in America would have happened and what we could have learned from them. They are in essence fictional documentaries; probably best to let everyone know it’s fictional. 

Add fairness to the charter. 

I think the use of AI can be used to stabilize the economy. In the long run, the US can get back to the gold standard.

Perhaps have an electromagnetic device for disrupting electromagnetic anomalies such as ghosts. If a family is burdened by these anomalies, they can perhaps use this to detect when an entity is near and disrupt its abilities. I believe doing this can prevent malicious electromagnetic anomalies to disrupt human lives. 

If poltergeists are real, they are most likely operating on the electromagnetic spectrum. There has to be a way to disrupt the electromagnetism in the area to remove their activity.

I believe we should get the best minds to come up with better financial systems or economic systems that is better than what we have now. One that does not have to include or can limit inflation and deflation. Also a currencieless system is not a good idea because of the globalist desire to use it for future authoritarian style control.

Everyone seems to always be looking for a leader figure or a figure they can follow when they think another is more intelligent than they are; I think those who have great experience, wisdom/ mental maturity, intelligence of a subject, and intellectual and critical thinking capability always have moments or things to take away from. Overall, I think one should not follow others but only follow themselves as use others as a peer or a method in which to learn more from.

I hate money. I’m not angry at a capitalist system; I’m angry at the imbalance of it. For someone who does not want to live for money or to obtain "stuff", it’s a great dishonest use of time and effort. I do enjoy work as long as it’s balanced with time i can spend on my own projects and spending it to think of ideas on what can be improved. I also feel the imbalance of such a system can cause greed and corruption. Perhaps the values of fairness, balance, and the removal of ignorance are the tools to making a more productive and harmonious society. 

Sometimes I think it’s better to ask ourselves if we're full of shit and realize we don’t have to be the victim. We can improve or create our own unique personal culture that makes us happy. 

I wonder if i am the only one that believes that those who are poor should be educated so that everyone in a community can do what they can to raise the wealth of their community and environment. I guess another way I can explain it is that I overall believe every class and community should help raise the wealth of each other without relying on those who already have money.

I think evil breeds evil, hate breeds more hate.

(sexual) Is it possible to enjoy masturbating with others without having it sexualized? Can a male and female masturbate together for the sole purpose that it feels good and orgasm instead of having to have intercourse? Can such a culture be made or made mainstream?

Ignorance easily embeds itself in culture; therefore it’s a good idea to question culture.
It’s possible that seniors and typically conservatives fight to keep things the same. I believe the world is always evolving; therefore, I suggestion taking note of their messages but continue to keep the country and its culture moving forward in an ethical, intelligent, and positive direction.
I think the removal of ignorance and the practice an improvement of accuracy in language will open a new productive mindset for communication.

I wonder what songs would be like if their lyrics of propaganda were swapped out with the truth; for example, the WWI one over there, but redone with lyrics that told the truth.

I think spirits operate in the darkness a lot better because there is little electromagnetic interference and any sort of radiation. I question what is the dark mist in which seemingly malevolent spirits manifest and where does it come from?Could it be that molecules in the air are charged or undergoing some sort of transformative or chemical reaction from ghosts? Perhaps from the effect of electromagnetic activity?

I see so many videos on how to fix the prison, judicial and education system, but nothing on how to fix the occupation and cost of living system. I wonder if we should take a more in depth look into this.

I found in my research that intelligent crime syndicates will commonly operate under the shadows of conspiracies, invisible cloaks, and Machiavelli tactics. If they do evil, they cover it by making it seem like it's the right thing to do (perhaps a downplay of intelligence) or by actually doing good things as if to have good intentions as a means to keep a safety net in case they are caught. This is to build credibility in case they have to win the minds of an audience under justice. With the money they earn, they can pay for alternate forms of security by brainwashing people through various means (drugs, media, culture, money, and personal desires). Overall, to combat intelligent criminals, you have to lessen the grip of mercy and charge based on the findings and not emotions. If you haven't discovered already, dishonest people and liars use ever rule in the book to pray on emotions and to manipulate to get what they desire.

If people say I live in a fantasy then that’s okay. With the right people, even some fantasies can become reality. 

(sexuality)It’s okay if people think I’m a pervert. I’m honest with myself. I’ve spent most of my life repressing and hiding this fact because I come from an extremely religious family where impure thoughts were considered sinful. Now that I am very much later in my life and have dived into a variety of cultures, ideologies, and psychology, I see this repression is incorrect and people should live the way they choose. I am an ethicalist and my beliefs on nudity and sexuality are different than others. I believe there is self-discipline and moderation while as the ability to enjoy things of this nature. It’s an ideology I have not seen anywhere else and I’m sure I would be condemned for it. Obviously I don’t believe people should be harmed nor forced upon. My views are that of consent as reflected in the literature I write and ideas I have. I’ve kept my ideas and narrative secret from everyone. I’ve only told them to two people in my entire life. I cannot present my ideologies in public because anything sexual related to the mainstream carries a negative perspective and commonly results in a negative outcome such as being condemned or treated in a way that is unjust. Anything related to sexuality and nudity by today’s standards is still taboo despite how common in pop culture and subcultures. I would like to see one day where nudity and sexuality can be expressed openly and a culture of ethics can be developed around this narrative where it’s seen as human nature as it objectively is. This doesn’t mean everyone should be swingers or cheat on each other; these means are unethical in my opinion. I honestly believe nudity as sexuality has a mainstream place in humanity’s future where it’s not taboo and can be conducted in an ethical and rational manner. Unfortunately, these values don’t exist in today’s society and I don’t expect anyone who is not understanding of human behavior and psychology to comprehend such a complex subject. I feel like one day I’ll be condemned for my action. I expect this. I would like to say where there is improvement and innovations; there can also be resistance for those who want to keep the status quo; and it’s only natural. Perhaps complex subjects are for the intellectual minded and those who think critically. I want to believe the best option is to try and test new ideas and system, perhaps physically seeing improvement creates credibility of its functionality. 

(sexuality) I wish and hope one day society would learn to see nudity and ethical sexual behavior differently so that it embraces and understands all qualities of human behavior. I believe this will bring us closer together as a species.

I personally feel the majority of jobs, low wage jobs, don’t present a sense of intellectuality or perhaps mental room to grow and learn. Perhaps jobs, just like school, can give their employees a sense to want to do more, learn more on their own, and give insights as to other opportunities that can spark their interest and creativity. 

I wonder if it would be a good idea to have it as an option to dedicate oneself to working. It would be interesting if there could be alternate lifestyle choices besides working all one’s life. Perhaps like being a poet, writing novels, making music…ect. As of right now, it seems most jobs make you work with little interest to anything you want to accomplish on your own. I think if people didn’t have to work to afford the basic cost of living, people could allow themselves to have their passions and interest give much more meaning in their lives.

I wonder if there can be measures in which those who vandalize their streets should be caught on tape and actively seeked for justice. As of right now, it seems they vandalize and get away with it. They should offer rewards for capturing and turning in these individuals with significant evidence. 

(invention) I have a space invention idea called PAL. It’s a companion robot for astronauts in space. It keep their tools with them, it can be used as a guide or display instructions, and can even be used as a vehicle to transport an astronaut from one place to another. An astronaut can also be retrieved by this robot if they were to somehow fly away from the shuddle. The robot can serve as part artificial AI and another part remote control from an operator within the shuddle through VR or a monitor with controls. Another unique feature from PAL is its ability to inspect the shuddle and detect anomalies. I imagine to monitor the shuddle from tiny particles of space wind chewing at the shuddle’s exterior would require maintenance in the future. 

(invention) absorb lighting for personal power consumption or to sell back power to the power companies. This can be a rob to a generator which has a ball at the end which had static electricity inside it to act as a conductor for lighting strikes. If the power company desires to capture lighting, then they can use this device at the top of a light pole and attach it to another transformer where they can send the energy back to the company or reuse it for people’s houses as a reserve current. 

(abstract idea-achieving goals) Consider you own ideas and opinions before listening to everyone else’s options; if you can write them down, do it (example: this is what I think, this is what I want, and why). Then listen to their opinions and the options of everyone out there. Make no notice of ignorance but the focus on your goals. Finally do your research to see if their opinions are accurate and valid and what can be learned from them. It’s important to separate ignorance from accuracy. Next if necessary make revisions to your ideas do it on a separate document/ analysis. Finally always keep you final opinions the hallmark of your goals. If you want reread your old ideas and how you’ve improved them with the new version. Use the options of others to build a platform of stability as you address their opinions as a series of problems waiting to be solved. If you considered other’s options and they happened to be accurate from your research, then it strengthens the possibility to accomplish your goals.

(from class)

If the United States went into a depression, I don’t think there is much that can be done other than to take baby steps to improve the conditions and the economy over a long period of time. From my research the effects of a depression are absolutely devastating as well dangerous as violent mobs will do whatever it takes to find resources to survive or obtain power. A program that would be good to have is a city or town to reach into its reserves and to provide aid and humanitarian efforts to places that are hit the most by the depression. If that were to happen, I could donate my time and effort to make sure people get the resources they need to survive. If a city has depleted reserves, then a program I could start is to act as the distributor from farms and food growing businesses. The food they have will be worthless as seen during the great depression where they often dumped produce on the sides of the roads to rot as it had no more value. It would be better to organize and negotiate with the farmers and food businesses to distribute the food evenly among the starving. Another more outrageous idea I’ve always had was to make my own town that essentially reboots the economy by performing tasks and manufacturing products where it can be sold on a global scale in competition with similar products in a global market. Through the distribution of trains to ports, the town can export products around the world. I believe it’s important that the town itself focuses on a more lower cost of living for its members as it tries to reset inflation that has accumulated in America since the 1960s. Because everything loses value in a depression, it is a good opportunity to rebuild value with more functional pricing on resources such as food and raw materials. It would also be a good time to buy stocks in companies and to have them centralize in this town for a concentrated area of growth and development. Local banks and not global banks will play a key role as they can once again offer services that allow personal incomes to generate a profit while being stored in a bank with accumulative interests. They will also allow for investment opportunities as CD, bonds, and other various funds that were once profitable options for the average person. The foundation of the town’s ethics is perhaps controversially as it emphasizes a series of personal values such as to be fair, ethical, and balanced. I want to make it a town belief that a person with a balanced work and home life, and not one that overworks for little gain, creates a productive and happy person. I believe it’s also important to focus on family values and to have families engage in practices that keep it united. The town also greatly emphasizes on a greater quality of education through more robust influence on human psychology rather than more widely used systemic practices found in our modern academic institutions today. There’s a lot more to this idea and to mention more will take more than a page, but that’s the overall idea of how I think making a town can help the country rebuild from economic disaster.

Perhaps some of the greatest ignorance’s I want to consider from the church is the lack of understanding who their God is. I’m not sure if they have the simple explanation that there live in spirit or in a higher reality, or is a form of energy that resides in all things. In my early research on the Jewish tradition, to which Christianity derives from, I found many traditions were perhaps similar to that found in older cultures during Mesopotamian and the earlier Akkaidian and Sumerian period. They can read about the older Gods in the atrahasis cuneiform. I believe if the church were to do its research and learn about the Gods to where Yawei comes from (being a deity under Ia, Enlil, Ninhursag, Shamash, Inanna, and the Great Anu), their views on religion could change as they become aware of the possible real truths surrounding these myths. Many things will be revealed. Such as where the idea of the soul and the heart comes from (post-Egyptian belief), the evolution of God (post-Egyptian belief where God was went from a physical being to a supernatural being), the food of heaven (the food of heaven administered by Anu in the Niburian heavenly abode past the planet Jupiter; almost given to Adapa by Anu after Ia/ Enki’s or Adapa accidental order to stop the “winds” of the Earth), the relevance of the bull and the lion (the lion being Ia’s greatest creations (possibly sphinx)and the famous bull of heaven(also the reason why Pharoses carry bull whips)), or even during Exodus with the reason why the people wanted to bring back the older Gods making a golden calf which was condemned by Moses. How Anu made the universe and stabilized the solar systems (by puncturing the eye of  a celestial phenomenon and calming “her” waters (gravity) which was then rewritten as Marduk propaganda so that he could take over Ia’s and Enlil’s place as king of Earth’s dominion. Not only does it give insight to traditions, it also sheds light on other things such as: it gives light to the serpent in the garden of Eden and the tree of knowledge(the serpent meaning medicine and learning associated with Ia/Enki and the tree of life depicting the gardens that used to be on mountain Tiamot where a variety of foods, herbs, and plants used to grow [Tiamot was widely used for a variety of names including the creation of the universe]), how the animals were tamed because they were unaware of any dangers, why Enoch was taken to heaven and given many secrets, why Jesus changed spiritually after the reveal of Yaweii came down from the clouds in a ball of light, how Adam/ Adapa was made by the Gods (and other initial humans), how the Canaanites came to be with its first God-king, how Noah built the arc/ coracle and who told him to prepare for the great flood, how the great flood was made, where early man came from and how Adam was actually seen as a king or a prince in reverent to IA and allowed to procreate, how in Babalyon why people wanted to build a tower (or shem or muse) to visit the Gods and why were punished(to be like God); why different cultures have the same foundation in similar lore(Ia traveled to different places after humanity spread around the earth after thousands of years); how there was primal ape man and the leap to modern man with the creation of Adapa and the first humans, why there are pyramids and similar stone constructions in ever culture(stones so tight they look welded together); why gold today is our form of currency(after humans were used to mine for the Gods after the lower class Gods refused to labor under unfair conditions); why the church removed Thomas’s quote about the power of God’s name, why the revelations part of the bible exists (Yaweii has given humanity a period of time in which if it becomes corrupt, they will destroy the Earth),how giants did exist and how the Gods were giants, how the same technology used to punish Egypt was the same technology used to punish Sodom and Gomorra (sulfur balls of fire from the heavens)and of course literature and the many of the traditions we have today. There is much more that to try and remember would be time consuming as now everything is fading from memory. I recommend people to do their own research over cuneiform tablets and the Sumerian mythology. They should read the cuneiforms of the atrahasis, the Enuma Elis, the Ziusudra  and God king list, xisuthros, the Creation Myth and tales of Adapa, The deluge myth and Gilgamesh flood myth, and the decent of Inanna and the bull of heaven.  
I strongly believe the mindset and culture in the Unites States is that of authoritarianism and not that of liberty and logical and variety of choices. I believe this is where the United States fails to provide with the quality of life and freedom its founding father promised. I also strongly believe The United States has an infiltration problem where malevolent forces from outside the country and secret organizations within it run rampant and essentially are allowed to engage in practices that slowly change the ideology of the people and obtain power through many advance strategies. I watch on C-span as those who obviously show malevolent Machiavellian signs and authoritarian political agendas get away with their actions(Hilary,irs targeting, military force police, possible reindocination camps..ect [2015 still sends chills up my spine] I still ask myself if the worst has yet to come as a civilization falls to secret authoritarian regimes leading to a future Orwellian society if not complete self-annihilation; could it also be true that the secret of the early versions of bible of when things become evil, they become more corrupted over time be true?). In addition, I believe when education is advanced/ improved and there is a comprehension of how to critically think and utilize ethics, there isn’t a need for authoritarianism. The expectations that people should already know what the right thing to do causes them to be rational and make the right decisions automatically.

In the times of the Ziusudra people were under a ruler (assuming the myths are true), their comprehension of education was minimal. Now that humanity has evolved and are capable of more rational thinking, I believe they can be capable of higher levels of critical thinking and personal analysis. I like to use myself perhaps as an example that to dive into many subjects and allowing it to come together like puzzle pieces or moments of spontaneous connections by constantly thinking and analyzing, I feel strongly people can do the same and are capable of doing the same as the possible kings that once ruled over them. Personally, given my sexual philosophies, understanding of psychology, and beliefs in ethics, I believe humans are capable of creating a wonderful place to live utilizing complex behaviors that could bring people closer together and make a world that thrives to achieve things that are great from being happy.
Perhaps the brain is also like a muscle where the more you practice and use it the more it get develops.

I think the difference between an insane minded person and a rationally minded person is that the rationally minded person can question their own ideas and even argue against it in order to improve their ideas.

I want to say perhaps a utopia is by design from an average mind is authoritarian, but when revisited by a mindset that is different and more sophisticated through the comprehension of many self-studied subjects, I believe a near-utopic view can be created. The idea of a utopia will never be fully completed because of the existence of problems; problems which reside through human behavior and ideology. As demonstrated through Confucius’s resolve in a town in early China around 500BC, if the people have everything they need to thrive and be happy, the life of crime should theoretically go away. With ideology, however, a mind can be forever altered in to a brainwashed state to which has the possibility of never changing; I believe that is why people need to improve education so that they can understand the motives of others due to their ability to critically think and logically reason.  

Often I see people in conversation wanting the best answers immediately. This is great if they care capable of it, but for me unfortunately the best answers are made overtime as I reflect and deeply think about them. I want to say the greatest ideas and solutions don’t always come overnight.

My greatest annoyance is that the president is not going after or doing enough to stop globalists and those who want to authoritarian power. I want to think that if I were him my pursuit of secretive and shadow-like entities and organizations would be relentless. If the president was acting immediately, perhaps the viral outbreak might not have happened or might not had as much impact as it did. His failure to pursue these malevolent entities and organizations will cost lives, destroy minds, waste resources, and if they have their way, it will change the world for the worst with no ability to recover from in the future.

Could it be a possibility that the real reason there is seemingly little advancement in the medical industry because there is a need for more philosophical thinkers that are capable of advancing research and coming up with new hypothesis? Perhaps there are significant advances but it goes under-reported. If that’s the case then perhaps there should be a convention that announces, talks, and actively seeks ways to make the public aware of the achievements and advancements. This can help inspire people to help. The only place I hear about advances and achievements that even inspire myself are from Japan watching NHK. 

(term) Celecestry - ancient astronaut ancestry

I think it's good to let children and teens know what to expect in their coming years. How their body will change and how they can prepare for it in advance. I think this is part of being a proactive parent.

(maybe)Could it be that emotions drives away logical thinking for those who think with emotions? If so I wonder if those who are emotional can adopt a mindset of logical thinking and to aid in the progress of philosophical progression.

Does maturity reflect wisdom, intelligence level, and intellectual level (perhaps ability to logically reason and critically think)?

(science of possessions) I understand now why people says the person in their minds made them do it. It's because they are telling the truth, what i found was multiple personalities is actually more common than what people think. Even people being possessed is the development of multiple personalities and mental illness as the frontal lobe decays and hypothalamus grows exhibiting a different neurological state and decay. That is why possessions get worst. There is a science to it and it involves the inability to reason and the development of an alternate personality. How it happens is unknown. It could be malnourishment (also lack of sleep and exercise/stretching), savvier childhood trauma, brain injury, or a variety of things. I want to believe education and a clear understanding of morals is part of a solution to this initially because morals can tell the voice in the head something is wrong and so a person can reason. However, how it evolves and gets worst is a mystery and how to treat it is also a mystery as it means to repair parts of the brain. Something modern science has yet to improve on. I found a Ted talk on the issue a day ago that's worth sharing. (The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta)

The US seems to have periods of great innovations. In today's world, it seems the progress of innovation isn't increasing at a projected pace even if it's at a non-steady rate. It's doesn’t seem to be progressing as it did from the 1800s to today which leads me to believe there is something blocking the next leaps of innovations. Could there be a problem with US patents? Could it be some entity or force prohibiting innovation? Could it be industries safeguarding or hording patents and creating altercations with those who discover it on their own? With technologies and innovation in industries and science all over the world increasing at a substantial rate, where are the innovative ideas associated from these innovations as we see when new discoveries are made? Why hang on to old technology for money when we can create a better world for our future? Should be have to brute force out these entities in order for progress? Should we inspire the next generation of great minds in philosophy in individual industries to serve as a tool for innovation?

If anyone finds me and my ideas useful, now would be great time to get my attention before I end up with alzheimers or become non-existent in the future. With the rate of violence, epidemics, and political struggles, now would be a good time to do something with my ideas and skills. If this is the future then more than likely it will be already too late. In that case, oh well. "Knock knock. Whose there? Not me, I dead mutha’fucka". xD You guys had your chance. Goodluck yo! t(^^t) Peace!

I want to think it’s okay to focus on yourself for a while so that it can put you in a better situation in the future to help others.

It seems political ideology is the predominant tool in the world's affairs with the potential of starting wars. What if through the UN, or a new organization, world leaders could limit the powers or involvement of dictators or political-ideological leaders and promoters. What if there was a way to make an international law against the spread of political ideology and its ability to expand. Another idea is what if there was a treaty that not only halted the expansion of political ideologies but also from engaging in expansion through war or annexation. Perhaps it would be a good idea to outlaw the secret propaganda/ psychological warfare to change political views to change a country from the inside out. I think there very well there is psychological warfare going on as a means to alter the state of public opinions. If that is the case then our defenses in a sub level state of warfare is missing and unarmed. I would imagine if powers could not attack each other directly like in the days before world war 1 and world war2 due to completely devastating and annihilating weaponry, there is an engagements of alternate warefare styles such as psychological warefare. If that is the case then it’s possible psychological warefare is the silent secret arms race. Contrary to tin foil hat people, perhaps government leaders should prepare themselves from mind-control-like influences.

(negative idea for evolution into warefare)I think before a massive world war there are other warfronts. There is information warefare where accurate information must be given to make accurate decisions. This is followed by psychological warfare with propaganda such as controlled or fake media. There is biological warefare where countries or entities can secretly reduce the number of economic power to which supplies a nation. Technological advancement will also constantly be evolving as countries aim to out due each other in the case there is a physical military activity. Another more unique arms race should also lead into development as countries or entities (possibly a wealthy power-hungry entity that is not confined to countries who can control nations through wealth or technology) venture into space, the ocean, or underground for unexpected superiority. The ongoing desire for more technological advancements also focuses more on functions of control and surveillance (spying) as it can be used as a dramatic method to get one step ahead of those who are against their agenda. Eventually, it’s possible the final move will be a return to brute force which will come at the peak of their strength when all opposing force are struggling economically which decreases their ability of resistance. I think with the use of secrecy, political gain, a hording of the world’s wealth, there can be almost an accurate certainty they can take over without any military force or in the midst of chaos offer a solution which they can win a victory without having to use force what-so-ever. Brute force is only assurance in this instance would be only to suppress those who don’t agree with the rapid incremental and smooth progression of change in laws and policies that benefit primarily their favor. If this agenda is revealed they would most likely be put in the retaliation seat and will carry out a series of pre developed movies in which to maximize all warfare styles in order to topple their discovered force. If they fall, they will return later as a more organized organization and proceed with the development of new strategies to achieve their agenda. It will most likely be probably because of this that future elites could have a wealth cap so that this potential event in history does not happen again. In a last desperate move, its obvious nuclear weaponry can be used as they set their final plan of control for the direst circumstance of their own survival and to resume their agenda and “pick up the pieces” after the damage to the globe has occurred and all countries had suffered astronomical economic devastation. This would probably lead to the third world war to which no country will be unaffected one way or another. The devastation will more than likely drive people to revert back to local barter and trading if not local currencies as they go back to local production instead of one on a global level. Climate conditions, geological, and geothermal conditions will be unstable. The ozone layer could become very thin leaving a possible future scorched Earth that is subject to cold temperatures. Zones of savvier radiation would be near permanent and it’s possible jet streams could carry radioactive wind which spreads the effects of radiation. The worst case scenario is that it kills most things on earth (everything but the damn radiated and evil cockroaches) All resources will be scarce, not leaving much with those with a global agenda much to take over for even if they did, it wouldn’t be much they can build on without concerning themselves with every other form of disaster and hazard. Nevertheless, the next world powers could be the countries least affected with near-stable economies like Brazil, South Africa, and Philippines. At this point Earth would be a semi-inhabitable place to live more-less thrive. This is just a generalization of how the world could evolve in a negative way. The next catastrophes that would end us would be the near-complete eradication of the ozone, a meteor, and the eventual leaving of the sun’s habitable green zone, forcing what is left of us to move to mars. I could add a lot more to the topic, but I’ll kept it simple. If this is the case people in the future will wish they were in the chaotic times of today and would desire to stop it before it becomes the point of no return. If people became more intelligent in the future, the would wish the intelligence of the people in the present would have kicked in after World War One and learned why it should have been the war to stop all wars as the use of modern diplomacy, treaties, and philosophical intellectual thought would have caused countries to have treaties and policies in which to had never fight each other again.

I enjoy being a questionable writer. I want to question ever area and “leave no stone unturned”. It’s one of my goals to make people revisit the status quo and understand and question why we have it and abide by it. Is it logical? Can it be revisited, updated, and improved (preferable without irrational political agenda involvement)? I think this is a method in which we can improve society or allow methods for improve ways people can be happy, build virtue, make a better environment to thrive, and have more freedoms.

I believe most violence today is based on ignorance and not logic. If it was logic there would be no violence as there would be alternate and more safe methods to promote the problem and the solution.

People can be a variety of things. Their interests or what they are most known for shouldn’t have to define them. For example, a person can be a parent, a teacher, a mentor while also being sexual deviant or a person of various questionable interests. Nothing they do should define them. What should, however, define them is their behavior, attitude, and how they treat others.

Going in and out of depression, I have found that depression can be a useful tool for learning. Being depressed, with much anxiety, and often stressed, I would look for way to deal with how I’m feeling. I learned depression can be a useful took to settle down, get focused, and occupy my time studying as a coping mechanism to deal with how I felt.

mute sexual - a person who has exhausted their ability to be sexual.

I think there are many ways to overcome mental barriers. As seen when doing research on the psychology of propaganda, there are subjects that are over exaggerated creating a barrier in our minds. Perhaps a good idea to explain what I’m trying to say is imagine working for Pixar. You studies all your life and see Pixar with a mass status in delivering quality entertainment with the best technology. You could be the kind of person that feels not worthy to work at Pixar due to their great status, thus perhaps creating a mental barrier for sending your application. Obviously if we are determined and proactively apply ourselves, we are capable of doing almost anything. I say almost because while pursuing our missions, we discover what are weaknesses and limitations are.

I expect people to turn away from what I write. It’s not always things they want to hear or learn. If they stick around and read what I have to explain then they might learn a lot. Perhaps there are narratives they would have never had thought of learning about that might of taken a few lifetime for others to figure out or realize.

I question if it could be a human fallacy to expect a person to be perfect  with the greatest knowledge to follow. I learned everyone has bits of information that can improve oneself and there is almost never a single source. Everyone seems to desire a person they can look up to and follow or use a the perfect guide as to how life should live. What life is truly about is how you make your own path and utilize all the information given to you and to actively seek information to improve your quality of life as you live your time on Earth. I also learned everyone has fears, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and imperfections. A person who says they have none seemingly has the most and fails to be honest with themselves. Some people progress and develop mentally more quick than others. Even if you think a person is an idiot presents valuable information as they might of had a situation in which you can learn from. Despite how intelligent or high of status a person is, it doesn’t mean follow them, instead, it means learn from them so that you can improve yourself and improve the life of others.

I'm a believer that to improve, the mindset needs to be changed. How can we change the mindset of high schoolers to be more united? A good idea would be to change the tables and layout of classrooms to be less militarized or organized. I recommend students to sit more closer together and in tables and not desks. I also recommend smaller classrooms and for students to progress through the same grade level getting to see familiar students as they go through the grade levels. The first week of class is critical as the teacher needs to find ways to excite the student to learn. Handing out packets, doing assignments, homework, and reading on their own is not meant for everyone teachers should have an assortment of mediums for students, video, books, power point presentations, VR, interactive games that also use competitive gaming, audio books, board games, and AAA quality games and game play. Let the student have choices on how they want to learn. These choices will also let them expand on mental development and critical thinking. In addition, we need students who want to be at school and are excited to learn. The school should only be strict for those who cause great trouble. There should be a respect for the school with very short tolerance on major instances of trouble caused by a student. What i had in mind is if they do something major, like flood the school or pull the alarm, this can only happen once or twice then they are expelled. If they do playful jokes and pranks, these are minor; but if they do too much, the buildup can haunt them. Their goal is to learn, learn to critically think and logically reason, and acquire applicable life skills. Moreover, I believe if they cause major trouble, they should be expelled and find another school to learn at.

A major dysfunction of the wealthy is the disillusion of the real state of the world. It's good to have the wealthy to look at the reality of things and to see the world logically, objectionally, and not by mere observation or excuse.

I believe people should have mediums in which to seek and obtain money here and now whether by government, investor, or any other source. Waiting twenty years is not a valid method of obtaining funding as well as pinching money from friends and family.

To my teacher:
What you wrote is very true and I can agree. Funding in the case of my post would have to be from local government reserves or pull together by the people to unite and pickup things up with a collective community mindset. As for socialism, I don’t take sides in politics, but I know socialism isn’t the best answer despite how much college clubs try to tell us that it is. I’ve done enough research to know that countries that adopt socialism fall under many heavy restrictions and eventually run out of funding due to increase spending. It does feel that our nation is halfway into the development into a socialist government with so many programs and government dependencies as it continues to get bigger. I think a misconception for my generation is that everyone assumes we desire socialism when not all of us do; that is if we do our own research and know our history. The common and unforeseen reasons why our generation and the next seemingly desire socialism is because of the quality of education which does not address the conditions of socialism nor Marxist ideologies. This leads many to consider it as a political option. It’s also due primarily to the high cost of living and maintaining small wages under antagonizing conditions that affect our ability to see a bigger picture of how we can improve our community and make ourselves more valuable in our desired industries. Many in my generation want to believe there is a solution that already exists and that the rest of the world has already figured it out. Overall, these are just a few examples that influence this generation’s political ideology. I’m going to assume for the older generation the cost of living is not too much of an issue because the conditions in which they grew up were different and the majority have established occupations that allow them to support themselves and to raise a family or get them to places they want in life; perhaps until many realize their retirement fund runs out of money and they have to go back to work due to the high cost of living. Despite the high cost of living, people say living in Texas is cheap but even then it’s still pretty expensive. According to the bureau of labor statistics the average person makes 30k annually with the majority having retain and service jobs. It’s projected that a person needs to make $16.25 an hour to have a barely comfortable living. I personally want to think it’s an economic issue and that if we can loosen up the monopolies of dinosaur companies by breaking them up and to allow for more competitive markets, then the country can have another economic boom. I also believe there are technologies not yet released or withheld from the public which can help lessen the cost of living such as new alternate energies (for example, bio-bacteria energy, free energy made by electromagnetic motors, ocean-generated electricity, or Tesla’s harmonic- vibration resonance technology found in the atmosphere and Earth’s surface. I believe there’s a lot that can be done, but isn’t being done due to significant barriers from political and corporate sources wanting to maintain the status quo. I could be wrong, but my long term personal research has led me to this conclusion.

Looking at the Vietnam war and try to see the world as people back then. I think when a war is desired by political leaders and its people, the first means is to question your political leaders. Are they legitable leaders or do they have an irrational agenda. Next you should question their motives and reason and potential reasons. Is it political reasons, is it resources? Are political leaders lying? What does the research suggest? Next you should question your enemies and learn who they are and if they are worth fighting against. Are they expanding? What are their goals? How much of a threat are they really? I also want to believe part of being a military general is to make moral orders and be a source of justice otherwise they are contributing to the evils of politics.

I wonder if it’s possible to find some sort of method that repairs synapses and repair neurotransmission then use heat or static-electricity to reignite parts of the brain. I can imagine repairing thousands of synapses can be a daunting and seemingly impossible task, even with the technology we have today. However, I wonder if it’s possible that a machine or methods can be automated to do this automatically in the future. I believe the result of this technology can allow people to have access to the various problematic parts of the brain, perhaps getting rid of mental illnesses due to a decayed brain. My desired mission, knowing how demonic possession which is actually a savvier case of personality disorder where the areas of decay are in the frontal lobe and the increase of the hypotheses, I would like to find a way where people can be healed of demonic possession –like disorders as well as having an alternate method to reconstruct the brain and keeping it functional, healthy, and repairable.

Logic and Reason- Logic are things that can be proven and reason which is the ability to solve problems (I would add rationally and to the greatest outcome).

I personally find the idea of not listening to others unless you see a purpose in it that can help you move forward. Don't listen to anyone negative, push past it as it's just noise. You have your own visions. Your life will never and should never be the same as anyone else. Don't ever let anyone run your life. Fools follow fools, even if they are "successful". Fail as much you can and don't fear. Work hard to minimise the risk of failure. Put your feelings away ; use it sparingly for the moments that are worth it. Keep moving towards your own visions. Vision is what makes a visionary. Make plans, take small steps towards achieving it. Don't give in to ego and pride, keep close to the vision and keep on moving forward.

I want to perhaps consider the idea that there are things you shouldn't answer to others that can be considered an opponent or enemy. if you don't give them answers or answer very vague then you can block giving power to your opponent or enemy. To never give power to your enemy is to have some control over the conversation; you give control to your enemy and they will put you don't because commonly it's likely they are not ethical or honest. They have an agenda. Share with those you trust; leave your enemy without ammunition and hopefully control. //When an enemy, person with a dishonest agenda, one who is ignorent, or a person looking to demean another asks you a question, purposely answer it very vague and never give a direct answer; they need to earn it with trust. Give the tone that "when I trust you, then I'll tell you."

Many people see the world with a materialistic mind. It's more common for them to see the "here and now" then "what it could be" or "how it can be better". This views of a greater vision and improvement, assuming the person talking about it is of logical mind, mostly comes to those with greater intellectual abilities who understand life is always evolving and things may need to change or adjust in order to improve. Whether it's an industry, occupation, product, service, environment, or personal lifestyle.

Some brief ideas on how to rebuild the United States:  Create a vision and revive the American dream; build a new set of ethics and unite people; Remove any form of corruption or occult practices; fund new ideas (fund archeology); focus on improved education; reform prison system; seek new system strategies for functional American lifestyle; abolish idea of full socialism/ communism/ anarchism/ globalism/ and revive a democratically elected (non-globalist-foreign interest affiliated) representative capitalist republic; balance currency and market values to be sustainable; make a system/ strategy for inflation and deflation; and balance rent and wages; return to a system of ethical business practices (perhaps less emphasis on unions). I highly suggest education to be free despite it being a socialist ideology (Americans only; those who lived here for at least ten years).