Thursday, September 7, 2023

Personal Quotes XIV

 Personal quotes is a blog post I use to write my philosophy, ideas, opinions, and thoughts. It is a place I can express myself freely and openly without commercial or worldly inputs. I write mainly for myself but allow the audience a peek into my thoughts. This post will have more content added over time as I come up with more things to write about.

To help out the Indie-game community, I'm allowing anyone to access the info from my Game Design Document Template. I will list them bellow. 

Game Design Document (or Game Bible) and things to include:

General info:


-High concept

-Game genre


-Key features (what makes it standout)


-Game story/Timeline (keep clear game objectives in mind)


-Conditions (how do you win or lose, how do you progress?)

-Target audience

-Hardware platform

-Competitive analysis (what games are your competition?)


-Swat analysis/ Risk analysis

-Market research


-Budget Analysis (estimated budget sheet of the entire operation)

-Ideas sheet or brainstorming sheet (all ideas and experiences considered for the game, even if not used. Any ideas that dont make it due to scope-creep can be left for the next game)

Production Sheet:

-Devopment style (single developer vision, team development collaboration, following business-trends?)

-Scrum or Ganban/Agile project management method?

-On-board method (consider weekly meetings to discuss progress and achievment)

-Communication method (discord, online, on-site, hybrid?)

-Asset Sheet (list of all art (including mood boards and storyboards), characters, animation, particles, audio, music items estimated for the game. Prevents scope creep.)

-Resource management (who is in charge of what?)

-Engine and code management and architecture? (Big data?)

-Asset pipeline (delivery of assets method, formats expected, optimization limits)

-Production timeline with milestones. (Include character design, game design document (1 day to 4 months), concept art, game research, reference gathering, and team training, in Pre-production, grey-boxing (aka white box prototyping), and actual production utilizing the Game design document as a guide, and Testing phases). 

Post-Production Anaylsis:

-Post-production analysis (how well did the game do, why wasn't it successful? What could of been improved? Was it close to you're predictions?)

-Post-projection analysis (was the goals near projections? Why)

-Profit analysis (How much did it make and why? How much did it cost and why? Was it close to projections? Where can you save?)

-Consumer analysis (survey what people liked and not like and what to improve)

-Developer Analysis (development mistakes, things learned, what to improve).


I think the secret to making money is: 1 Solving a problem. 2. Producing something of value 3. Growing something over time (for seven years). 

I think ignorence provides a risk of dangers. Be curious and learn as much about everything as possible. 

I think the nature of existance is violent. Peace comes from order, stability, and positive progress. 

My own personal principles prevent me from following others. I have to be responsible for my own life. I'm the one who has to live it. I understand life is short and I have to create the kind of life I want. My own philosophy is that everyone is responsible for themselves. They need to reflect deep inside themselves and ask what do they truly believe in. I believe a person needs to be authentic. They should be authentic even if it goes against mainstream culture and the world. They need to stand up for what they believe in, even if others believe it is wrong. If it makes sense why something is wrong, then beliefs can change according to what is most logical and reasonable. It's also my belief that one needs to be ethical. They are responsible for maintaining the integrity, harmony, and functionality in society. They are responsible for behaving in a matter that respects others and contributes to build society and communities. I believe there should be family values and that it's critical to teach, guide, ethically discipline, and excel the next generation. I believe people should be accountable for their actions and live life making the best decisions possible. I believe knowledge and information is critical. I believe a person should know as much about everything as much as possible. Its my philosophy to 'leave no stone unturned'. The more knowledge and information a person has, the more they can be accurate in knowing what is truth and what is deception. I believe in life there needs to be a balance. A person should always ask themselves why they do something and find solutions for themselves. My philosophy is to never be depressed and hopeless. It is always to create one's own purpose, make goals, and construct a plan that can be broken down into much more simple steps. When you accomplish goals, you build achievments and create a sense a pride for yourself. I believe accomplishing difficult goals builds authentic self worth and value because you achieve something many people has not done. In the end, you made yourself into a unique life with experiences that only you can have created. This means you have a unique life and are irreplaceable. All your achievements in life need to be cherished and celebrated for when you stumble upon hard times. With mental strength and fortitude, you are able to succeed in difficult circumstances. These are some of my principles, beliefs, and values in life. What are yours?

(maybe) I believe all jobs should carry the standard to train their employees effectively, thouroughly, and with a company culture. I feel like it should be done by State law. I believe providing members of a occupation with manuals, videos, and memory brochures can help set this standard of excellence. Jobs should maintain safety of their employees. I strongly believe jobs should allow for seniority freedoms where members longer than two years can gain a leniency to certain company policies. Companies should have company cultures which allows employees to be proud of their work and have the desire to further their career. Labor day should be reinvisioned to be a major holiday to appreciate all occupations. Everyone's jobs should be values as important despite how mundane, common, or seemingly irrelevant it is. I think employees who demonstrate great company qualities should be promoted and rewarded so that they are an example for others. I believe managers and supervisions should tell their staff compliments for doing a good job. Managers and supervisors should be role models of expected performance and leadership. I also think competition can be good in the workplace so that individuals can compete for higher positions. Employees should also have team buiding where they plays games and learn more about each other on a deeper level. I believe employees should allow for all sorts of cognitive levels and types because they can come up with unique strageties and methods to refining, optimizing, and performing tasks. I believe all companies should not care what employees do on their free time or what side hustles they might have (even if lewd). Businesses should encourage side hustles because it create value for people which builds industries which also builds their communities. These are a few standards I believe should exist as perhaps state law. 

(Incarseration) I want to consider the idea that people who do not show they have a conscious, any remorse or empathy for their actions and consiquences, do not have the reasonable mental or ethical ability to have the capability to have consideration of others, show sociopathic and psychopathic behaviors should have longer and stricter sentences when it comes to the law and perhaps should even work labor. Moreover, I'm a advocate for chronic savere offenders should not have the ability to continute to live in a world of civilian life. I think culling these repeat-saviere offenders is the solution. I understand this is extreme and contrary to Judeic-Cristian based fundamental law; However, for individuals of this reality, the only thing they understand is fear and I believe fear is what should be used if they cannot provide the mental ability to live in a civilized society. 

(Neuro-link and AI) I'm all for an external apature to experience the neuro-link experience. I believe in what is natural, authentic, and organic. I will never want a neuro-link attached to my brain. My philosophy and values of life will forever be rooted in the real world. I believe the real world can integrate with neuro-link. I believe neuro-link can enhance the real world. My philosophy will be to have a balance of the neuro-link universe and reality and build a person's avatar and experiences from the neuro-link but in the real world. A balance of this technology while also sharing such a feature with others in based reality can be the next evolution to a better humanity and a happy life-experience. Life is best shared with each other. I shall call this idea the Neuro-Reality-Balance Experience (NRBE). Despite what happens in the neurolink universe, base reality will come first. We must be free, do what is right, reject tyranny, and build a future of freedom, family, and prosperity before everything else. When we are truly free from any tyranny, we can enhance reality with the neurolink and I ultimately believe it can bring people closer together.

Before AI should be used to generate anything, I believe first humans should ask for tutorials from AI on how things are made so that humans can be on par and replicate what AI can do. I believe human skills should be parallel with AI performace. For example: Humans should learn from AI on how to make art just like how AI renders art so that there is no loss of human skill and talent to AI. People should not neglect human perfomance because they use AI. I call this the AI-Par-Proficiency. 

On the Myer Briggs personality test, I tested INFJ and ENFJ. Aparently being an artist and a writer is what I was meant to be. It would be great to be able to write like a professional writer. Sadly, I like to write fast and pour every inch of my thoughts into what I write or journal.  

(Law idea) I'm starting to believe people should have the ability to charge others for not having Goodwill for others. I think if goodwill could be defined in law, people would have to be aware of how they treat others and how they conduct policy. 

(Term) Enhancement standard is a term I made where you are constantly improving upon something with the use of goodwill to others, a product, a service, a trade, or technology. 

(Term) Corporate terrorist is a term I made for a person who obtains a position of power in a company, corporation, or organization and sells their stocks before they destroy themselves and walk away from the situation with tons of money without any care of what they've done. 

(Term) Techno Rent-Subscription Feudalist Economy is a digital economy of renting and subscriptions. It is a system of economy where people rent and subscribe to digital products instead of owning it. Under this business model system, products may not innovate and continue to charge for the use of their digital products. It is a predatory model where executives lock their users for product-user control. I believe this ultimately stifles innovation and the authentic capitalist model. The solution is competition with a better product and not hiring predatory executives. 

(Term) A captured economy is an economy that is owned or controlled by a political ideology, a major overlooking entity, or a system of control and manipulation. It can also be done by a secret entity or system of control or manipulation.

I think there is destructive capitalism and constructive capitalism. Destructive capitalism is commonly ruined by predatory executives and take-all or overtly greedy shareholders. I believe there should be laws to prevent having destructive capitalism. 

Urban idealism which creates liberalism is something that exists after every urban society becomes self sustaining. From Rome to New York city, it's important for people in urban areas to understand urban idealism is not the natural state of reality and there is a base reality where people would be origionally hunting for food. It's important to keep this in mind so that people do not fall under idealistic sounds-or-feel-good fallacies. Every decision and mistake has a large cost. Every decision and mistake can lead to tribal social decay which eventyally can tears apart society. Debate, philosophy, logical thinking, rational discussions, testing, videos, streams, literature, and asking the critical questions is how society becomes aware, improves, and learns. 

I feel like those who do evil and who are largely sociopathic and psychotic should be demoralized publicly. They should make public statements of apology and be humiliated to be an example for others who do evil. Mostly from what I see from such individuals is no mental reprocussions from the evil they have commited. I feel they should be traumatized and to an extent that it disincentivises others who want to do the same. 

I think complaining is the most important part of forming the realization there is a problem. Complain, quickly get it out of your system, but then realize why you are complaining, get to the root of the problem by asking why, and form strategies to slove the problem.

I believe fear, death, despair, violence, and destruction is the nature of reality. It is up to logical, intelligent, and intellectual minds and will power to build a world where an organism can succeed to survive. 

Thing I currently want to make if I had money: small businesses x4, skateparks x2, indiegames x30, phone apps x4, platform software x2, technology inventions x2, drift car park, water park, stories for editing x4, animation films x2, and my craziest idea which is an entire Japaness town in Texas. 

I believe the solution to war is debate, resolution-compromise, and legal trial (having a court system).

(Term) Shoe-string harmony is a term I made that means being polite to keep the peace or avoid conflict. It's the equivalent to the artificially polite interactions used at family dinners. My belief is that everyone should not be synthetic and instead be authentic by being honest (to an extent from extremes). I believe everyone should accept each other for who they authentically are. I believe being authentic brings out the true personality and humanity in people in which you have the ability to learn a lot and develop a meaningful relationship with an authentic person with aspirations, experience, and interests. 

I believe in schools, business, and press we need to praise and give gratitude to individuals who ask the right and most critical questions. The right questions can even take lifetimes to ask. The answer to a single question, can build empires. 

(Term) volteire is a term I made to define a male who began as weak, who cried, and who complains and eventually runs out of tears to cry, runs out of excuses, accepts fate, accepts consiquence, and realizes truths within himself that he learns to accept and begins to build upon to become an instrument of progress, improvment, growth, immune strength, focus, and achievment. The term is a reference from one of my stories and blog posts. 

I personally like the idea that anyone who protests should serve light community service for being a disruption and abstructive in society.
Multiple protests should equate for a single light community service. It will teach people to maintain a respect and responsibility of ethics for their communities by showing their community consideration and a maintenance of trust for their positive values. I also like the idea that leaders should carry public debates, discussions, and speeches on behalf of protestors to let the protestors know they are being heard and their messages considered if rational, reasonable, logical, ethical, and legitimate. 

(Term) Contract-regamortis is a term I made for when a company hires developers on contract with no invested interest or dedication to a product instead of hiring dedicated salery developers with more passion for the product. An example is having a game company hire contracted software engineers and having them work on a game engine where they have to read multiple layers of documentation and develop an understanding of complex systems in order to build upon a product rather then hiring a costly yet more dedicated salery software engineer who understand the system inside and out who has a passion for what they are working on. The average result of hiring the contract developer is a cheaper labor force and a low quality product where with a salery dedicated developer it's a higher cost and greater quality product which results in more sales, consumers, and customers. 

I think your actions shows who you are so much more then what you think in your mind. 

(Law idea) I believe citisens should have the ability to arrest other individuals. They should have the ability to arrest others in Citisen's Arrest without fear of consiquence if they are wrong, unless they abuse or overuse the Levels of Force (This can be a Level of Force specific to Citisens Arrest or the use of Use of Force Continuum which is used by Security occupations). The law should make it more legal and lawful for any citisen to perform a Citisen's Arrest and basic search (they can only look for firearms, knives, and weapons. They cannot open your wallet or contents in your pockets or purs or it is a violation of privacy and warentless and illegal search and seasure. It can be illegal seasure especially if they take anything from your purs which can count as a misdeminor or felony of theft). They have the right to know their name and age. It should be that any citisen can arrest another for any reason and the Police should be the ones who determines if an arrest is legitimate or not. If the individual under Citisen's Arrest commited a misdeminor or felony then it is legitimate. If it is an infraction, then it is not legitimate. If it is legitimate, then the Police should take over and make an official arrest after reviewing the evidence and witnesses. If it is not legitimate, then the Police can ask the individual who made the Citisen's Arrest that it is illegitimate and that he has to remove his position and right of making this case of Citisen's Arrest, his right of holding the individual, and let the individual arrested to be free to go. If they don't release their position, an officer will release the individual under Citisen's Arrest. The Police then asks the individual who was arrested if the individual who made the Citisen's Arrest overused or abused their Level of Force (or the Use of Force Continuum) and if they want to simply drop the case entirely. The individual arrested can drop an illegitimate case or press charges if the Levels of Force was abused or overused (or if there was an illegal search and seaisure). If the Level of Force was abused and overused (or if there was an illegal search and seisure of property) then the individual who conducted the Citisen's Arrest can be arrested and charged. Overall, I believe every individual, including Karens, should have the ability to make a Citisen's Arrest. If an individual runs from a Citisen's Arrest (with evidence and witnesses), it is the same as fleeing from the scene of a crime and counts as an immediate misdeminor (The degree of the misdeminor depends on the crime which can be ruled by a judge). Moreover, all individuals making a Citisen's Arrest needs to have compelling evidence and witnesses of the misdeminors and felonies commited (The individual making the Citisen's Arrest can also be a witness). No citisen should ever abuse or overuse the Level of Force (Use of Force Continuum) unless it is absolutely necissary and called for. If every individual has the ability to make a Citisen's Arrest, the public and communities can police themselves and greatly deter crime. I call this the SJ's Citisen's Arrest Response Idea.  
Use of Force continuum: 
Level1: physical appearance. 
Level2: verbal commands. 
Level3: come along and wrist locks, empty hand controls. 
Level4: strikes and take downs. 
Level5: firearm and strike to vital areas (Lethal force only for: self defense and defense of third party). 

Basic Guide to Politics: If you just starting thinking about politics then you're starting at level one. You can come up with your own beliefs, but this is hypothesisas there is no accurate evidence and research. To understand politics, first start by learning who your representatives are in each party and what they stand for. Next research the topics they stand for. You need as much unbiased information from as many sources as possible; including controversial sources. Greatly value origional sources.  Everything is information and everything is intelligence. You need information from the perspective of every political party. You need to know what everyone is talking about and the minor details of what everything accurately means. Never assume, be accurate, know as much as possible. You need to learn to ask the right and critical questions and obtain accurate answers for accurate solutions and results. You need to learn how to think critically, think for yourself, be curious, and most importantly come up with your own interpretations, answers, and explanations. Your interpretation of topics with the accumilated accurate and nonaccurate information from every source is extremely important. Perhaps think of it as if building a case for court. Next you need to know your information and perhaps even your statistics. After learning the topics that your representatives stand on, know your political ideologies. What is Americanism, Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism, Liberalism..ect. Learn all the isms. Learn the history, literature/books, and pros and cons of all the isms. Audiobooks versions and online video summaries can help tramendously. After understanding your political ideologies, learn how the government works. Learn historic documentation like the constitution. Learn why the documents exist and for what purpose. You can also visit historic sites to get more tangible details. It will also help you learn faster. Visiting the sites can shape perspective through realism and physical accuracy. Learn world and US history. Politics is an information, logic and reasons, and statistics game. It's also a game of experience where it helps to visit sites of interest to gain accurate information on-the-ground at the interest site. Finally, if you do all this, you'll be ready for the world of politics. You'll be taken from level 1 to 100 and ready to make your own interpretations for solutions in politics. After knowing this you can become a journalist or gain experience to work in politics. Being a politician requires personal growth, proof of leadership, and a build of public trust. It takes having evidence of leadership and authentic confidence by building your list of achievements. It takes knowing how to do fundraisers, developing strong principles and ethics, and saying no to interest groups, groups of intimidation, and shadowy-lobbying organizations. The best politicians are the ones with the greatest accuracy, logic, strategy, and courage. They are the ones who fear nothing, stand for principles, and are an example for others. 

*I believe the US needs more public squares. They need areas where people meet other people, talk, debate, relax, picnic, show off their talents, work on projects, and perhaps even play social games, do social activities, or have open-conventions and interest-meetups.  

It's my belief that spoiled woman make no families. 

I like the quote, "You miss all the shots you don't take".

My idea on how to teach Programming to right-brain creative minds (Teaching creative-mind programming structure):
1 Start with basic coding with data types, loops, conditions, functions, arrays, collections, libuaries, comments, Enums, Accessors, scope...ect. 
2 Learn about abstract ways to write code. 
3 Learn about API and go through every single function in a library and how it can be properly used with examples. Be sure that every function in a libuary is organized in catagories. Make sure all function in a libuary has a detailed explanation for what it does, how it's properly used, how it's not supposed to be used, common problems, common confusions, common misconceptions, common errors, and common fixes.
4 Integrate and learn how to use and write basic programming (data types, loops, conditions, functions, arrays, collections, libraries , comments, Enums, Accessors, scope...ect. ) with API and libuaries. 
5 Learn about conversions. 
6 Learn about architectures. Learn about object oriented programming design. Learn about some of the best ways to organize your code and common ways people organize their code. 
7 Learn about test planning, analysis and assesment, error finding (bug finding), troubleshooting, logic proofing, test cases, and bug/risk assessment. Learn about quality assurence: functional testing, compatability testing, performance testing, localization testing, usability (UX/ UI) testing, regression testing, and compliance testing.
8 Go into stack over flows, managing data, and optimization. 
9 Learn about security (what systems can be vulnerable to hacking and manipulation). 
10 Learn about code safeguarding and protection (protecting confidental code). 
11 Learn theory and how to build logic systems properly through mainstream, proper, common or popular methodologies. For example learn from basic scripts like Get Component, Set component, and Event handler/ manager and move to advanced common methods to code basic first person shooters. Learn 3D space scripting with vectors, transforms, and object manipulatale scipts. Explain the logic behind certain systems on whiteboard and then elaborate by using actual code. 
12 Learn about systems that are common in games, app development, simulation, and engineering. In games, learn how to code UI adn back-end data, inventory, create tools, health and damage methods, conditions, cinematics, animation, physics, ragdolls, level streaming, LODs, charcter controllers, AI and pathfinding, lighting and day and night cycles, sound and audio, basic object interactions, object customization, GUI interfaces, HUD systems, particles and FX, hardware access, net code, multiplayer implamentation (online and split screen), GPU and CPU optimization managment, and so much more. In app development, learn back-end design, net code, and how to put buttons and features together and build or reference data, databases, pages, and external systems. In Simulations, learn to calculate and simulate real world properties, data, and effects. In engineering, learn to do intense calculations; simulate rigs for robots; interfaces for controls for internal components, voltage, and temperatures; lidar, gps, and censory; real-world physics; and test cases and operations. 
13 Export builds, export to platforms, and cross compatability. 
14 Conclusion and review with ways to remember the most important elements. A person should start as a begginer coder and be able to write fully functional scripts. 

I find the current housing market to be nonfunctional. I believe we should have an independent system to buy and sell homes. We should have, and I want to introduce the idea here, for an independent homes market. 

What it seems people desire in jobs: People crave fun jobs, jobs they can do without too much stress or maybe effort, jobs that provide with value and purpose, jobs with comprehensive training and training structure, jobs with good managment, jobs with certain freedoms, jobs that do not degrade a person, jobs that provide a sense of status, jobs that provide a sense of freedom. 

How do you defeat Marxism and toxic ideology? I came up with the process I call Evolutionary Direction. You use the Marxism division methods or tribal methods which is used to commonly create division and evolve it through social engineering into a favorable direction. Diversity evoles into Diverse-Americanism. Perhaps this can be explained by diversity under the collective foundation of initial American values, goals, and unity. You can evolves Equality to be a balance of values where every individual finds a logical balance each other agrees with. If equality carries cultural implications, then you evolve it slowly each month and social engineering it to a favorable value. If there is wokeness, you redefine unity for everyone to accept each other for who they are and build a unity of being proud of personal growth and acheivment. You slowly build new values where you direct and social engineering the reintroduction of vision, freedom, improvment, truth, and Americanism. If a political party is hijacked, you reintroduce values by exposing truths and reinjecting the vision of freedom, truth, justice, infrastructure, and creating the best version of life possible. This is my solution called Evolutionary Direction. 

Our economy and system is an artifical economy ruled by a super elite class of individuals. The freedoms aren't really freedoms. They're inauthentic. Its a game and we have to figure out the rules on how to play it. With true freedom, we would have risk and authentic oportunities to build and grow without the dependency of any system outside from a small system that's necissary to live in harmony with each other. What we have right now is a secret ruling elite and the illusion of freedom.

I want to consider the idea to remove institutions for more smaller companies and apprenticeships. I think this will create variety in business. I also think marriage should not be an institution. I don't think schools should be an insituation. I don't think banks should not be an institution. Instead these businesses should be plentiful in variety. I believe variety is important. I believe competition within variety is also important. Right now I believe we are dominated by mainstream institutions to the point they become a method of obtaining or be utilized as a tool for power and control. Variety is essential. 

I think when females are 100% sufficient, independent, they become their own version of narcissistic behavior and spoiled. This causes them to not seek life partners or authentic life partners and in the long-term causes males to stop dating and looking for traditional partners elsewhere. The ideal solution would be to have males who have more status and wealth then the narcissistic female, however in an artifical system of labor like in modern days where political agendas secure artifical leverages for positions and status for their desired demographic audience, males will end up pushing away from the modern dating market and looking for partners elsewhere, stop dating completely, or become independent from dating perhaps turning to methods of fantasy.

I want to create my own style of movies and video series that take away the theatrical dialog (or Hollywood-style screen writing) and replaces it with near authentic reactions and diologue. Dialogs that people use on a day to day basis in reality while also at the same time participating in an actual story (which can be any kind of story). Characters aren't 2 dimensions or black an white in regards to personality, motives, decisions and will dance with different behaviors in different situations much like reality. An example can be joking and not taking things serious character in serious situations to making a list of critical decisions and choosing the best decision to use for a situation. I call this idea Realics (or realistic-behavioral cinema). 

I wonder if "Free everything and teach everything." would be a good idea. 

I agree that there should be serialized number on a tear off receipts on ballot votes. The serialized numbers can be used to check votes online. 

I like my own quote. "When civilization ends, ghosts and demons no longer matter."

(Term) Stobelief is a term I made for those who partially or fully remove the idea or reliance on religious beliefs and instead believe in ethics and the science of human-kind (seeing the world through ethical human eyes) and the personal role to improve oneself, build, and make the world a better place by being a personal example for good (goodwill for oneself and others) for the world. (ex:Build families, communities, and things that improve the quality of life for people.)
I think some people are leaders and some are followers. For followers, stand with/for leaders you trust and with vision's you believe in and that you believe will make the world a better place. Distance from leaders who have bad energy and who are the opposite.

I like the analogy that righteous people fight because of the fear of standing over the dead bodies of their family members and not because they fear their own death.

I like my quote, "Never undermine doing what motivates you." I believe life is short, do as much as you can that motivates you. Do less of what demotivates you and do less of doing things that are great but not what you intended to do. Do things you enjoy. Do things that give you energy.

I think systemic beurocracies are the weak areas or fracture points of society. I believe ever-so-often society needs to audit and investigate their own beurocratic systems to ensure security, accountability, and intended functionality. 

I wonder if it's worth considering to have search games in stores for adults and kids to obtain coupons or prizes. Perhaps this could make the shopping experience more fun?

I think businesses should emphasize the experiences they want to give their employees, customers, and leaders. Perhaps a system can be made to allow employees and customers to choose the kinds of experience they want in a business. Perhaps they can have different experience for the traditional users, a different experience for the technological users, and perhaps a hybrid experience for people to choose that caters to their interests and preferences. 

I believe in war there are no morals, only the endless thirst for victory. War is absolutely hell and will always echo hellish tremors. Even the bravest of men can't always stand the hellish realities of war. There are also no good guys in war. It doesn't matter who is right, only what the people believe. War doesnt determine who is right, it only determines who remains. Nothing will ever justify the murder of innocence. I believe the solution to war is dialogue, court systems, peacful resolution, compromise, and agreement. It also requires an investigation of ideology, greed, corruption (commonly in secret), motives, and leadership. Those who desire the murder of innocence will always be the real evil ones, whether or not they stand for what they believe is good or bad values and reasons. 

It blows my mind that a judge will have thousands of cases of the same thing and not provide valuable input as to what are the real roots of the problem, what are possible solutions, and what data can be invaluably extracted for research as to stopping the same crime from happening over and over again. Surly this has crossed a judges mind as their greater purpose is within an industry that has a goal stops crime. This leads me to believe the legal system is an industry of profit when crime can be eliminated with policy, psychology, medicine, lower cost of living, family values, cultural examination, and other possible methods. 

According to some people from what I heard, narcisists are believed to be in such fear of themselves or their morality that they have to show they are superior to others and maintain a sense of moral purity and keep the illusion of perfection of themselves to cope or hide from the reality of being average or perhaps from childhood traumas such as neglect, abuse, rejection, or violence. That to me shows why they cannot show authentic behaviors. So how do we get them to be authentic? It appears to me, that narcisists perhaps have condition themselves by their own version of moral reasoning that they are perfect. It explains why they target competion, perceived weak individuals, and why they double down despite being called out from their lies. It seems they can't cope with the realities or are afraid. In my opinion, it seems the only way to make a narcisists authentic is to build repore through trauma or recondition them over time to be authentic and deconstruct the hard shell they made for themselves. 

I believe everyone is resonsible for their own mental illness. I believe everyone is responsible for their ethics and how they treat others. Nobody is responisble for anybody's behaviors, actions, and consiquences. All individuals needs to work on themselves. There is no excuse for self-improvment. They should question themselves, self-reflect, and improve themselves without any excuses. Excuses will only hold a person back. If they feel they might be affected by mental illness, they need to work on themselves, learn new things that are applicable to jobs and themselves. They should try and see new things and visit new places. They should hang out with friends, families, and other individuals. They can always help their family and improve their relationships. They should volunteer their time someplace, practice a sport, do a hobby, or create and build something. If they are constrained, they can always work out and get fit for free. 

According to some people from what I heard, narcisists are believed to be in such fear of themselves or their morality that they have to show they are superior to others and maintain a sense of moral purity and keep the illusion of perfection of themselves to cope or hide from the reality of being average or perhaps from childhood traumas such as neglect, abuse, rejection, or violence. That to me shows why they cannot show authentic behaviors. So how do we get a narcisist to be authentic? It appears to me, that narcisists perhaps have condition themselves by their own version of moral reasoning that they are perfect. It explains why they target competion, perceived weak individuals, and why they double down despite being called out from their lies. It seems they can't cope with the realities or are afraid to. In my opinion, it seems the only ways to make a narcisists authentic is to build repore, perhaps even repore through trauma, or recondition them over time to be authentic and deconstruct the hard shell they made for themselves. In conclusion, perhaps narcisists are trauma patients. 

I wonder if making an award and achievement system for jobs could make jobs more desirable? If I could, I would love to make it to where working jobs could be: easy to start (perhaps a tutorial phase and learn the basic fundamentals which will later help an individual learn more about every aspect of a business; they should also encouage competition to prove they are the best), fun, addicting, and always offer new learning experiences (even if not related to the job, perhaps with complimentary trips and sight packages; which could get coworkers to know more about each other, learn to get along with each other, and develop a community-like bond). I believe a job should be more than a job. It should be an experience. An experience employees can be proud of and develop a culture. A company should be such a bonding space where layoffs are unheard of and where profit is sacrificed to retain employees and company community value. If a company leader has always had the intention to sell a company, I kind of believe they should make employees aware and offer benefits to stay with the company. The honesty will sort out employees who are on board with the decision who will retain delivering value to the company. Being honest with the employees, I think will help employees make the best decisions as to contribute or find a job they think best suits them. I also believe companies should pay extra for jobs nobody wants to perform or have a high level of danger. Continuing, I think a company member should be more than a number, they should be like a family member and always held to the highest standard of safety. I also believe companies should always build value with their employees. They should let them have side-hustles, hobbies, gigs, and things that can help them build value. Companies should inspire those who can to become leaders and even to move on finding better opportunities and to feel a sense of achievement in being able to offer unique experiences in a particular company that catered to an individual's growth. I believe companies should be so well bonded with their own employees where they act like community to the point their former employees come back to check on the company and revisit their old memories in a company. Overall, I like this vision for businesses being more than average businesses. If I had to redefine this vision, I want to say perhaps this form of company can be seen like communities-occupations and such a job could label employees as community-members or community-employees. Although many would most likely argue this is a bad idea, I think this way or lifestyle of doing business is what builds unbreakable empires and industries. Leaders should always do what is in their best judgment to protect their business, make as much money ethically possibly (remove sociopaths, extreme narcissists, substance users, and psychopaths from leadership positions), make the best decisions, and expose any areas of fracture that could harm employees, the business, and perhaps even their industries and markets. 

I believe there is an importance of being dumb sometimes and making mistakes. Information is valuable and sometimes being dumb allows you to get the information you need or use to learn and understand more complex materials. Some may believe some information can be so valuable that it's worth comparable to an individual's life. I agree information is important and to get it sometimes you have to allow yourself to look dumb or make mistakes. In western society, there is a lot of pressure to be precise and not look like a fool. People will often follow others to prevent from standing out or being perceived as a fool when in reality the best solution is to make mistakes, learn for oneself, and pass valuable information to others (by verbal communication or physical mediums like signs). You look like an idiot in the moment, but in the end you will go far learning perhaps more than any other person. It's always best to make mistakes with a comprehension of possible consequences and to limit the consequences the best one can. Ask questions and learn the fundamentals of everything. Always move in the direction of logic and take steps to maximize chances of success. Overall, making mistakes is how we learn and we should have a society that tolerates mistakes and not brutally condemn and punish people from making honest mistakes (unless there is complete negligence and ignorance of the consequences). In the end, those who make mistakes are the ones who have the information that stays with them and who can use it to help others. This can build great value. As Mrs. Frizzle says in the Magic School Bus, "Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" A saying that is greatly under appreciated. Fear is also conquered by doing what you're greatly afraid of and facing one's fears. So make mistakes, get messy, and get learning whether you fear being dumb or not. The information for knowing what to do and not to do is always valuable. 

The worst things that can happen always seem to wait for the right moment to happen. When getting one of my jobs, my car broke down (the belt exploded), my computer stopped working, I had to get a bunch of papers from different places, and my family needed my help in storage confined by their limited days off. Very high levels of stress. I look at it like scattered fires. Each fire needs to be put out one by one. When you're organized, create a plan, and put out each fire one by one, you can get yourself over the needed horizon where things can be stable enough to where you can start getting things you need done. It also felt like everything was waiting for that most critical moment in time. Months before that point in time was very stress-free and everything was working as routinely planned. This makes me believe there is something in irony that we cannot understand or explain. If I can be absurd, I would say some sort of quantum force of chance or like a Dungeon Master creating a random scenario of event. It's very strange. I'll continue to think about how this force of irony is possible and why it exists. Nevertheless, in life, you never know what will come next so it's best to have caution and always think ahead.

I extremely believe the modern American hiring system is beyond broken. I personally feel greatly tramatized and degraded by it. It's unimaginably, undeniably, absolutely, and unbarebly broken. If it was up to me, I would have teams in companies used to physically and manually scan, interview, trial, and hire individuals for a business. I would make it prohibited (even illegal) to use AI, ATS, and other artificial hiring systems. Humans should hire humans and give every single individual a chance and provide with a good, pleasent, and simple hiring experience. 

I think to have a good brain, one should never or rarely take drugs (not unless it's absolutely necissary). I'm a big fan of keeping the brain origional. I question the use of Ioaska (or use of DMT). It might be something worth trying once in one's life becasue of the extrodinary and unexplainable effects. Nevertheless, I remain a great fan of keeping the brain origional, healthy, and sharp as much as possible. 

(term) Chill hopping - walking around while listening to lofi while stepping back from reality and admiring life and everything in existence as a spectator. 

I think our soul is our consciousness. I also think our souls are tied to the quantum level as an electro-magnetic entity or residual form of information produced by reality (or our dimension). I think this electro-magnetic entity cannot be transferred but can be duplicated. In addition, I think it's possible that we are alive and perhaps dead at the same time strung by a web of possible chances and possibilities depending on our actions in the moment. What is irony could be the events, levels of occurrence, or stresses happening in different dimensions. I shall call this SJ Electro-consciousness Theory.

(term) Evasive covering - is a term that I made which means when you try to protect something when someone labels something as a possibility. It's also an action to prevent someone from looking further into a subject because it could possibly reveal undesired truths and lies. It's also an act of seeing something as suspicius because of the actions other use to protect something from being investigated. 

Partially my belief is that everything in modern day is an illusion and by design. I believe it is orchestrated by a group that controls most aspects of life. It's not a nihlist view of life. I believe good people has to find ways to reform this system so that it can create a better world that mutually benefits everyone. I personally would like a functional system where perhaps many systems and methods of society can be tried nondestructively where people can subscribe to their own systems and lifestyles. This form of system does not exist currently and I beleive may never be tried due to struggling groups reaching for grabs of power and control. Continuing, I believe in freedom of options and variety. I believe people should absolutely live peacfully with each other without destruction of any kind to which can contribute to building innovation and progress in humanity to become an intersteller or multi-dimensional species. I believe people should learn why peace, harmony, and being copperative with each other is important and how every individual has to be the best, ethical, and most improved version of themsevles so that they can build a great future for generations and milleniums to come. 

(Term) Progress reversal is a term I made for when political factions try to subvert and control other govt bodies and systems which interrupts, stagnates, and reverses human progress and possibility. 

A movie is a fantasy. Life is not a movie. Nobody is a protagonist in their own version of a movie of life. To think one is a character in their own movie is delusion. We are in life together. Together we share life with each other. Everyone needs to live in reality. We all need to contribute to building the reality and environment we all want to be a part of.

I think we design our own set of beliefs, we then make our own set of rules and it creates our own path in life. Every action has a consiquence or the possiblity to have a series of consiqurnces. I think there are multiple time lines. There are guardians spirits. I believe a person should never fear and to believe in yourself. I ultimately believe people should listen to thwir thoughts
And all or most answers are within oneself. 

I think it's wise to be mindful of any ideologies you subscribe to because they can ruin your life and the lives of others. Irrational ideologies and delusions are like mind viruses or mind parasites. They create a lifestyle and way of thinking that can ruin a society leading to social decay and a painful and sad existance for many. 

(Term) EgoBeamed - when you think or behave like you are the star of your own movie. When you behave entitled and ego-centric or nonmature. 

(Term) Teaching scientist -Someone who explores alternative ways and methods to teach. Someone who explores different ways to teach for different brain and comprehension patterns. 

I like my quote that "Human ignorence and arrogance never changes."

I think in the future its possible that a person can be transformed into packets of information and used to be teleported to a different location instantaneously or be at both places at the same time like in the game Portal. I believe we can also open up micro worm holes and walk to two places instantaneously. 

Good exampling is a term I made that means the practice of rewarding those who do good. It displays appreciation for good behavior and for others to see a positive example of a good role model. Reward for good can be used to reinforce good behaviors. 

*Privacy is the key ingredient to prevent authoritarian control. Privacy is the barrier to authoritarianism. I think privacy is unmeasurably important. 

(Random) I have a huge desire to create the next great and high-society. One where people are mostly wealthy if not respected for their occupations. One that is has ever system optimal for best performance and greatest iteration of improvment. I have a desire to bring the next iteration of freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility. I want to do away with irrational corporations and business practices. I also want to do away with having a system for everything to maintain power and control over a person. Everyone should only pay what they can afford. Taxes should be removed and all taxes go to the state. Government will be small and collect only taxes from businesses and to never touch the casual individual worker who is not a business owner. Business taxes will have brackets that businesses fall into and they will never exceed more than 30%. There would be a return to privacy where agreements have to value an individuals privacy and get permission for every detail. People will have the ability to sell their data (easy way to make money) if they don't mind limited access to privacy. Street cameras would be limited to common traffic areas and large intersections. Govt agencies would have to notify you that they are looking into your private information and collecting data. Corporations would also have to ask for permission to access data or purchase data. All job hiring will be done in person, by humans, and businesses will be allowed to have 30 day trial runs. 

I strongly believe anyone can be a genius. It takes an individuals desire to be curious and to willfully seek accurate information (can be information built upon over time), a person who is good at critical thinking, a person who can apply thoughts and knowledge to application, and a person who understand different ways in which people think and who understand what is culture and how it shapes behaviors and socio-behaviors. Its also a person who can be creative to build by making up origional concepts with the knowledge they collected throughout their life and experiences. 

Amazing Japanese terms:
Kaizen - making small improvements.
Ikigai- finding self meaning. Finding you're reason for being. 
Wabi sabi- beauty in imperfection. 
Shoshin- a begginner mindset. 
Ganbaru- doing your best. 
Shirin-yoku - the art of forest bathing. Also being one with nature. Spending time outdoors and in nature. 
Hara hachi bu- satisfied, not full. Eat until you're 80% full and not 100% to prevent being lazy and sluggish.
Pomadoro - work for 25 mins and take a break for 5 mins. 

I think in relation to today's jobs, ghost jobs should be illegal and should not get subsidies. It should be accounted as fraud. 

The home recycling system. Imagine a system that turns aluminum, plastics, and other materials into ingots that you can sell. I thought maybe the use of a material recyclers might be a cool idea for homes. People can recycle materials they want to throw away and sell it back to companies. Perhaps they can seperate materials and have companies pick them up for recycling. //this might be mentioned before but I'll add it again here so I can clean out my journal notes. 

I think the greatest corruption tend to happen at the top by the most wealthy. 

I strongly believe artists must make art. Writers must write. Comedians must make comedy. They should not have restrictions because it influences and lessens creativity. Instead they should be encouraged to explore their limits and boundaries to maximize the possibility to create the next masterpiece that influences the world and inspires others. Inspiration creates purpose, value, and vision. 

I think there need to be leniency to make mistakes. Never demonize mistakes. You learn. You look dumb in the moment, but you learn.

 I like the word Maitrī (Sanskrit; Pali: mettā) means benevolence, loving-kindness, friendliness, amity, good will, and active interest in others. 

I want to be about making humanity more authentic, prize being human, and embracing a more free and authentic humanity with goodwill unity, harmony, and trust. 

I think respect is given through action and not affirmation. You do things that naturally rewards you with respect. Respect should be authentic and not through force. People who force respect eventually lose it. People who force respect I believe do not deserve it. I also think respect requires protection of reputation and always proving respect through action and evidence.

Perhaps the use of a ghostbox can be used to talk and obtain advice from those in the spirit world. 
It's a dream of mine to connect with humans of the past and learn as much as possible about every lesson in humanity to become the highest ethical, wise, and intellectual version of human kind. 

An idea for teenagers: You either choose a trade (low risk and in demand; by low risk I mean the risk of not finding employment) or by default you're going to be an engineer. If you do not want to be an engineer, you can choose to be a lawyer, doctor, or other always in demand trade (low risk and in demand). This can be jobs that are trade-jobs like being a plumber, electrician, mechanic, chef, programmer, home repair, landscaper, construction worker, maintanace technitian, and much more. If you're a Creative with a creative mind, you'll learn traditional art (like drawing and painting) and you'll learn to play the piano, drums, or guitar (acoustic, bass, or electric). Or, you are free to choose an instrament you want to be good in. You can also learn to sing. You should also learn how to use many softwares, animation, 3D, raster and vector digital art, 3D sculpting, and video enditng. You should write stories, poetry, and write down ideas. An artist must make art just as a creative must be creative. Next you should learn to monetize and scale your art for profitability. In addition, all teenagers should learn the art of small business and small business financing. Having all these directions opens oportunities and builds a path you can use to build your life in a meaningful way. School is not important, self critical thinking, logic, curiosity for the ability to learn and be disciplined is what is most critical. Overall become an expert in a field and choose a path wisely with the path you believe best suits you. These are my ideas for teenagers. 

(Maybe) I think after the age of 18, ladies should immediately begin looking for a bf and life partner. I think they should be married before or by the age of 35. By the age of 30, they need to remove any high standard or delusion they have and seek a relationship with any average individual, because they are expected to be mentally mature which gets rid of unrealistic expectations and fantasies. At the age of 30 their eggs reach near an expiration date which causes ladies to lose value to many potential male life partners. 

(Maybe) I think when a major institution is compromised, you need to check every system, connection, institution, and method surrounding it. I think if a market is compromised, you perhaps need to check ever product, service, payment method, and so fourth surrounding it for corruption and political collusion. 

I wonder, if where there is authentic feedom there is active community? 

(Money) I made something and people want it and are willing to pay money for it. I create value for more money oportunities. People pay me money so that I can continue providing value. 

A free society vs correctional society. A free society is a society that enacts authentic and organic behaviors where individuals thrive. A correctional society is one where people operate upon the limitation set to them from an authority system. Both societies are different with one believing a society needs to be controlled and told what is good for them by elites and experts where the other is ruled by the individuals in a society to build a meaningful society that can rule itself through shared and agreed rules (could be logical rules, aka common sense, and doesn't always have to be rule of law). 

I think all corruption, intimidation, and manipulation requires exposure. Exposure is what exposes truths and real solutions. 

*(Psychology) I wonder what would happen if we had an androgynous balance of behaviors for boys and girls. Boys typically grow up with other boys playing war games. Girls socialize with other girls. What if boys were to become balanced in socializing like females and females grew to play like boys? Should young boys socialize like ladies and should ladies do actions like males? Could this make males and females more united, cooperative with each other, or balanced? How can these behaviors be more enjoyable for each gender? Perhaps this can be done with games. The reason for this idea is so that boys and girls can learn from each others differences and behaviors and perhaps grow more united which helps familiarize with each other to improve friendships, relationships, and community. 

Stanley's weight loss or calorie-burn system. We can call this the Stan-burn system for short. This system is the rate at which ones metabolism burns and digests food and loses weight by complex conditions of organ function, along with glucose/glycol/glucosamine factors. Ultimately it's the amount of food going into the body, excersize and movment of the body, conversion and use of food in the body, the metabolism-organ-pressure-chemical functions of the body, and the ultimate result of losing weight. To summarize, it is the intake of food in the body, the process of the body, and the resulting rate (rate or variable) needed to lose weight. 

After two years of applying to ghost jobs with only four denial replies, I finally got a job. I've been actively applying for jobs every morning for the past two years to the point it has become part of my daily unconcious 8am routine. It's not a high paying job, but it's something. It makes less than 30k a year, but it's literally all I could find for work. Finding a job has been the hardest thing I've done in my life, and that's with a bachelors and associates degree. Without thinking twice I can honestly say that the hiring process is absolutely, undeniably, and unimaginably broken in this era of history.

(Term) Behavioral amiability - being polite, kind, and asking questions around people with different cognitive patterns, behaviors, cultures, and belief systems to understand another person. Being friendly and wanting to know more if someone isn't making sense, shows a sense of not being very social, and giving a chance to get to know them (recognizing some people have a complex shell in order to get to know them). 

(Term; simple explanation) Behavioral amiability- being polite, curious, and friendly to people who behave, think, and act different then you. 

(Term) Cognitive reasoning: asking yourself why and what is the reason you do what you do. It can also be asking what or why is the reason you did something. Sometimes you're brain or subconscious makes dumb decisions on autopilot and you have to be ontop of it and ask yourself why you're doing something this way.

Could it be that when it comes to business fear is a lack of experience, lack of information, and a fear of risk? I think the solution is having a guide, mentor, a way to get accurate and updated information, and courage to try and being okay with failing and being seen as a serial failure. 

I believe when a person does bad and evil, it hurts a society. When a person does good, they build society. It's easy to destroy a society and extremely difficult to build society. A good or bad society is determined by the majority of its individuals and their behaviors, quality of culture, and mindsets (especially if it's logical, mature, and desires to improve). 

(Education) Aristocratic teaching system is through activities and experience. Modern western system is an industrial standardization system which teaches uniformity and uninteresting and isolated subjects. My system would be a hybrid system. You are taught to survive first and the fundamentals of everything. You build your intelligence with curiosity and starting as a begginer in everything where you incramentally build knowledge, application, and skills or telents. You harnest creativity or logicality depending on brain function (if one is right brain or left brain). Passion learning would be greatly valued (fun and curiosity learning). 

Never fear liars and manipulators, especially if they work for evil regimes and organizations. Always shine the light on them and spread awarness. Their awarness and exposure will lead to their own downfall. 

No matter how incapable or unintelligent a child seems, keep teaching them and giving them a great experience while teaching them everything you know and that will help them be successful. With all that experience in their mind, when they grow older they will have that experiences to recall and reference. In time every cell in their body will develop, change, and be replaced turinging them into an adult. This is when their childhood experiences become applicable to applications in their lives. 

Without a doubt, communication, media (news and information), and propaganda is the greatest force to a society. 

I think every environment has its own associative way of thinking. When you're at home, you think at a casual and comfort way of thinking. When you're in an online game, you're in an action, competative, and fun way of thinking. When you are at work, you're thinking in a way that suits your coworkers, service, and managment. Every environment has its own associative way of thinking.

(Term) valfore - a term I made for doing what is right not because its it'll take you to heaven, not because of karma, not because of any personal benefit, and not because of any reason aside from because it is the right thing to do. It is an act out of personal integrity.

I think a business should involve integrity otherwise it eventually decays overtime. I think a business should be a good deal for their employees and their business to maintain a productive and positive work environment. 

I like the saying, "You eat junk, you become like junk."

I feel the US has a culture of normalized ignorence and violence. Perhaps reintroducing quality and family content to be set examples for society's behavior and how families should behave could be a good way to revitalize society and family behaviors to denormalize ignorence and violence. //I'm more in favor introducing people to the concept to have common sense and to be the quality assurence of their own families without relying on cultural values, copying from other examples, and having themselves make their best judgment on how to bring out the best solutions and results. 

I believe one should be mindful of cults and how their ideologies operate. It may be common sense for most to identify how rediculouse an ideology can be but some people lack this cognitive maturity. It's my belief to never join cults. There is also a difference between a cult and a community with a community allowing one the freedom of personal initiatives and motivations. A cult however is led by a person or small group. No one is a prophet. No one should believe the end of the world, a coming rapture, or an apocalypse. If bad things happen, its for a reason and by factors ones should be aware of and hopefully can help to prevent. Nobody is the chosen few. Everyone has the weakness to be: lied to because of ones feelings, manipulated, and led to steer their motives into a certain direction through mob efforts, propaganda, and conditioning. One should always ask questions and understand the nature of power for authoritiarians, psychopaths, and sociopaths. Overall, follow your own path and make your own personal decisions. Be responsible for your own life and have your own goals. 

I think the biggest hurdle to self discipline is removing the desire for attention. I think those who want attention don't deserve any. 

I believe those who perform a significant effort, even if they are not looking for attention, deserve righteous attention. 

How to raise a nacisistic sociopath or psychopath: Be a parent who raises theirs through ignorence, neglect, and abuse. I will also include: malnourishment (not enough vitamins, minerals, and nutrition for the brain to develop properly. Too much bad sugars and too much salt), no critical thinking skills (never challenged and asked questions by parents), perhaps controversial vaccinations, and no example of family values and ethics. 

I have to agree with the quote that weak men who weasel their way into positions power causes problems. 

(Business) I think there should be an official Epmployment Rating system for companies. If an Employment Rating is high, a company should get a tax deduction. This will incentivise companies to provide amenities and a suitable employment work environment with appropriate work conditions and benefits. Most importantly, it will incentivise people to come work and perhaps build retainability.

(People in business) In business, I think there are risk-takers and strategists. Risk-takers do things fast despite the consiquence. Their logic is to worry about the consiquences later. Risk-takers succeed fast and fail fast. Often they find the fastest success because the more one fails, the more likely the chance to succeed. The strategist on-the-other-hand use strategy, make plans, and consider caution and evidence in their implamentation for business. Because of this, they are slow to succeed and take steps to build succeed which makes them least likely to fail. Unfortunately, the strategists approach might also lose oportunities because some decisions require speed, especially when it comes to competition.

I think confidence, charisma, and creativity is the root of all sales. 

I like the idea to create value, find a place that appreciates you, and a place that appreciates your value. If there are none, create it. Give it a few months to a year to grow. It will help not only you, but also build values by others. 

I believe a society with crime (especially family decay, drugs, alcoholics, abuse) is a society without community. I think communities naturally form in public squares and parks with the use of exciting, interesting, and inspirational activities. When a society is afraid to leave the house to such places, communities dissapates. When people have to pay to go to places that are safe, they also disapate. The result will most likely only be with online communities which will be a result of digital mediums. Communities are also the spaces you form meaningful relationships and friendships. A lot of human development surrounds communities that I think most people are not aware of. 

(term) Misphilanthropy - Doing malicious agendas under the disguize of positive philanthropy. 

Glout - A word that is meant to describe: 1 Clout for an angry mob. 2. Showing one is part of an irrational movement or mob to invoke a violent response or гєvolution. 3. Expression of satisfaction in being angry, spreading an angry message to other followers to make them believe they are angry while also convincing them their anger is justified. 4. Expressing anger with a mob for little to no reason, for a political agenda, or to satisfy an irrational or ilogical personal emotion. 5. An expression of disatisfaction through irrational behaviors or subversive political agendas using a mob. 6. Satisfaction in building momentum to an irrational mob outcome. 6 Building a movment in victimhood and spreading a victimhood-opression narrative to other followers. 7. Expressing personal irrational feelings with a mob on behalf of past trauma, neglect, and abuse. 8 Joining a mob and expressing the need for care on behalf of mental illness. Joining a mob to express one's desire for attention and to fit in someplace. Joining a mob and expressing one's personal-influenced turmoil, culturally-influenced turmoil, or made-up narrative of opressionhood, victimhood, and abuse with excuses and false justifications for a lack of self-love, self-care, and self-reasoning. 9. Joining or creating a mob to influence disunity and growing division for the purpose of distabilization for an agenda of later authoritarian regime, control, mob control, or гєvolution. 10 Joining a mob on behalf of propaganda and covert political narratives. 11. A demonstration of entitlment without extensive unbias research so that one can display unecissary anger and influence other in a group to feel angery with them for irrational self-satisfaction and molevolent agendas. 12. A term used to describe the disatisfactions of oneself and to feel the company of others who can also be lead to feel the same way. 

(term) Obsevirent - a made up term used to describe an individual who is hungry to learn as much as possible, learn a little bit about everything as much as possible, a person who questions everything, and a person with intense curiosity to learn and apply their knowledge into something useful.

*When you make content (like art, literature, music, and videos), make two versions. Make a version you enjoy and call it the original version and make a commercial version based on public feedback, interest, and enjoyment. 

My solution for protecting children online from adult materials: I think to protect children from easy access to adult websites, I would have parents set up adult-restrictions using internet browsers. I would make it to where browser have an easy and simple to set up solution for child and teen protection for online content. Parents simply follow an easy list of steps after installing or opening an internet browser and they get to choose the frequency of the message to renew child access and view a website log of their children and teenagers. Regular adults can bypass this system easily. The next idea, and perhaps questionable idea I would like to consider is the idea to have adult websites to have their viewers call their website's number, have a brief video-chat interview where viewers present their ID and actual face (to make sure they are not minors). The company staff authenticates the individual by comparing their face to ID and using their Date of birth. After they are authenticated and accepted, they are allowed to obtain an access-code for an entire year that allows them to view all adult content. Every year a code expires and a viewer needs to be re-authenticated. Moreover, I believe adult content should remain a free resource and monetized by ads and products unless the goal for an adult websites uses different plans for making a profit. I believe the video-chat interview for authentication should strictly not collect data on users so they can remain anonymous and should only serve the purpose of ID and date of birth verification. I believe with this access code they can make, upload, and sell adult content just as much as watching adult content. Each time one accesses an adult site, there is a three questionnaire verification. The first is using one's date of birth (which perhaps is the only tie to certain numbers on the access code), then they answer a question only an adult would know (ex: where do you pay for your car registration? What is the role of a district attourney? Why does an electoral college exist? What common tax form do you file while working for yourself? ), and lastly they have to solve a simple math problem that results in a negative number. After a person successfully completes the questionnaire, they have full access to the adult website or adult communities. I also want to consider the idea that children can be fined by adult websites and adult-only locations for invading sacred adult spaces only meant for mature adults. The fines can be given to their families to which they can be influenced to pay a fine or set parental-control protections for their children. I would also include a hazard warning notice or message when a mature adult enters the site for them to recognize that: 1 Dopamine is a chemical drug for the brain. 2 Adult-entertainment addiction is a real thing and for viewers to watch adult materials in moderation 3 I'd list the symptoms and side effects that adult materials can have on the brain and on one's health (like erectile disfunction and low sperm count) and possibly on one's social life due to possible isolation. 4 I would also have a notice or message to state the value of having real social activities with real individuals and being part of a community over viewing and indulging in adult fantasy. 5 Minors and their families can be fined for minors invading adult-only spaces. In conclusion, this is what my method would be for a more safe internet for children. 

(Marketing and sales) Got to believe in the product to sell it. Alternate of choice; "I can do Chinese or Italian dinner." (Either way you get something to eat). Porcupine technique. Do you have one in blue? We do have one in blue. Come across as an expert adviser and not a sales man. 
People are afraid of you, have fear of making mistakes. They have a fear of mistakes and of being lied to, so you have to be honest. They are also afraid of taking debt. They need to know the perceived value and the assurance they get that value. They have a fear of losing face and a good salesman makes everyone feel important. People need to feel like you have empathy for them. People might be afraid of the unknown, you have to educate them. Fear of a bad past experience. Fear based on prejudice. Fear because of the words you say. Either its a positive effect or negative effect. Never say cost or price, share with them the shared amount or total investment. Don't use the word down payment, instead say initial amount or initial investment. Never say monthly payment, instead say monthly amount or monthly investment. Never say contract, instead say paperwork, form, or agreement. Never say buy, instead say own. Never say sell or sold, instead use get them involved or get them to acquire. Never use deal, instead use the word opportunity or transaction. Don't say sign, ask them to okay it, authorize it, endorse it, or approve it. When they say sign it, say fine and nod with a smile. The whole process is giving information, doing the presentation, and closing the deal. It is an art form for closing a sale. Make your own closing style. Closing a deal means professionally using a person desire to own the benefits of your product then blending your sincere desire to serve in helping a person making a decision that is truly good for them. When closing a sale you: 1 Help clients rationalize a decision. 2 You help clients head off procrastination. 3 You help clients get over their fears through different words and educating them. 4 You help clients overcome indecision. Final closing is 1 When a buyer asks you a porcupine question. You write on a piece of paper letting them know you'll make a note of that. 2 You ask them a final closing question called a minor close or testing closing question like "Name how are you feeling about all of this so far?". When they say good, you make a note of it and know to move on to doing paperwork. 3rd way of closing is a reflex question. This can be as simple as asking them for the date, how to spell their name, or what is their middle initial. Finally have a closing sentence. "Name, if your finished with the papers, we can have things delivered by next week". Then you shut up and let them talk. If they say they'll think it over, you tell them it's fine and tell them they wouldn't take the time to think this thing over if they weren't seriously interested or considering it. Obviously you wouldn't just say that to get rid of me so I would assume you're giving it really deep consideration. Then you can ask them what phase of the opportunity they would like to think over. You ask them if there are any minor issues or is it about the money. If they say it cost too much, tell them everything costs too much in today's world. Then you can ask what amount is good. Then use a reduction to the ridiculous method which is to use an annual amount, to monthly amount, to daily amount to reduce the sounding of how ridiculous it sounds. Learn to be enthusiastic. Every morning say today I will win, why? Because I have faith, courage, and enthusiasm. Memorizing this can help achieve sales and financial freedom. 

(Sales) 7 step sales process: Prospect and speak to right people, create repore and trust, ask questions and identify their needs accurately, make a presentation and show them your product, answer objections, close the sale, and get resales and referrals.

(Term) Solis-respect - 1 A respect and acceptance for one's personal decisions after the carefully states facts, information, and instructions. 2 A respect for one's individuality with the acceptance for one to take self-initiative and consider useful information and make their own decisions and mistakes for the process of learning for oneself, growing in maturity and building intelligence while also learning to consider and distinguish valuable information for critical decision making.

To me, humans are human. We come in many colors, deformations, cultures, and cognitive levels and ways of thinking. I believe we have to embrace humanity. We should look at everyone as if they are a small piece of ourselves. To me, they are in some way like brothers and sisters. It's our responsibility to build unity or at the least embrace each other as human because we come from the same planet. Being human should unite us together. 

My idea for the 17 Pillars of a Prosperous Civilization: education (especially access to engineering, medicine, and storytelling), economy, labor force, culture, family, community, logical law (includes political structures), housing/property, agriculture (food, livestock, and nutrition), water, septic (waste), energy systems (not essential however greatly builds infrastructure), transportation (primarily transportation of resources), trade (currency, agreement, or trade systems), communication, defense (military or defense systems) and ethics (the individual mindset and behaviors people have towards each other and behaviors made socially acceptable). 

* TF-EBI means truely free ethical behavioral independence. Other terms for this can be the Trust-by-ethics-driven Society, Trust-driven society, or Neutral-trust Society. This is a system where a person understands what is right and wrong, has mastered ethics, had made a personal promise to not do crime and hurt others, and has given themselves full behavioral and creative behavior freedom. They fulfill social expectations of being themselves yet also taking care of others at a personalized sense level of ethics. The way they can now behave is not caring how they behave because they can take responsibility and accountability at any time; they are also always mindful and aware of the thoughts of others. The others in society trusts them allowing them to behave however they want and they will be accepted, respected, and even overlooked for their flaws or childish behaviors. Society in return does not scolled, judge, or form a negatively light towards their awkward or embarrassing behaviors. Everyone is like a brother or sister and shares a family-hood-like bond with each other which puts others at a natural level of neutral trust. Society does not get annoyed as easily due to their culturally-driven or social-norm-driven level of trust. Imagine being a VRChat player or an online player in a game in real life where you can have fun being yourself and screaming down the hall and nobody cares. It's an example of how people in a society can already have a trust level that you can be yourself and maintain a level of ethics even if you don't currently show it. Imagine being at an important and world-broadcasted ceremonial awards stage on TV with live cameras and you can just wander the stage and people tell you the cameras are rolling so you wave and are free to get off whenever the show starts, that is a small glimps of the freedom one would have in this kind or form of society. Be yourself, be accepted to be to yourself, and you are seen as being part of a much bigger ethical society or community with a personalized sense of ethics who naturally trusts each other to always be aware of their actions and having a respect or awareness of others yet has the freedom to behave however they want. Ultimately it's a society of trustworthy people who can be free to behave authentically and however they want and still be a part, accepted, and appreciated as being part of this form of society. 

Secret to woman psychology: they have a mind of a 10 year old child. They argue illogically and jump around thoughts. They have no real topics of interest just food, travel, and sex. Its hardwired. Be like a father to them. Ladies cannot make static-critical decisions or original ideas on their own. It's the reason they don't invent things. Their minds get overwhelmed and they struggle. Sometimes they break down. It's like a guy trying to multitask. It's overwhelming. So be an authority figure for them. Accept them the way they are, respect them, build repore, gain trust, and use confidence to influence them. Females are simple after you understand their mind is like a 10 year old child. Once you understand this, you understand female behaviors and ways of thinking. 

My belief is that everyone is independent. Nobody should worry or be forced to do anything they do not want to do. I think if they do not want to do something, they should be honest, even if it's rude or hurts feelings. I find it best to always have a strategy (perhaps according to an agenda I want as an outcome or result). They can also find ways of being honest that lessens the pain but mainta9ins the information being accurate. If they do not want to do something, form deals, convince them why it's a good idea, and sell it to them through sale strategies. I believe everyone can have a win-win situation, even if a person is stubborn. If you cant form a deal or sell it to them in the moment, try another time. Everyone human has a psychology, even if it's insanity and animalistic. It's up to people to experiment, be creative, and learn ways to influence (by strategies or long term slow incremental conditioning) and get what they want. 

I don't care how people live their lives or what they define as an occupation. It doesn't matter if they are a begger, a multi-millionair, or an escort. I believe humans are human. It doesn't matter how much money a person makes, what race, gender, culture, or ethnicity. It doesn't matter what illnesses, vulnerabilities, mental issues, political ideologies, intelligence level, or income level or status.  None of that matters to me. We are human. We all come from a very isolated and unique planet Earth. At the core, we are all the same. We are human. We come from Earth and we have a human brain with human behaviors. We might not think all the same and have various patterns of cognition, but equally it doesn't matter. We all need respect and to respect each other. If you came from a different planet or solar system, we are neighbors and you will get equal respect. The world needs this view because through unity, we can achieve greater success, purpose, and value. I believe we can travel to realities and instances nobody could of ever dreamed. I believe we can create things and experience things nobody could had ever imagined in their wildest imaginations. We need to influence those who have less cognitive reasoning and ethical behaviors and we need to build a human brand of unity and positive progress that benefits everyone in the best possible, logical, and most reasonable way. 

(Maybe) I think there is a difference between thinking and responding. Responding could include little to no cognitive thought, but when you think of a response, one can give themselves time to make a good response allowing themselves to think.

(generic) I think information is a key resource, because you can't be strategic for things you do not know or understand. It's best to know everything as much as possible. Information is vital to survival and strategy. 

I think it would be interesting to have a creative division in the military. Most individual in the military seem to be mainly logical thinkers and perhaps may propose a lot of ways adversaries can imagine and plan ahead. However, if there was a creative division in the military, perhaps there would be out-of-the-box ideas for solutions and strategies. 

Crime Fundamentals and Reasons: I'm writing this to empty my thoughts about where crime comes from and why it exists. The main principles I think typically comes from parents, bad environment, and brain functionality. The foundations of crime can start in early childhood with neglect, abuse, and abandonment. It could also come from trauma. Environment can be from one's location to the use of drugs, alcohol or substance abuse, and the normalization of crime or abuse in one's environment. The problem could also be psychological from malnurishment and poor water or air quality. Poor food quality could be from lack of nutrients in the soil or contaminants in the soil. A bad brain and effect of one's body could come from eating too much salt in foods or the use of bad sugars in food such as: unnatural and artificial sugars, aspertaime, alcohol sugars, and sugars with BPH. Brain functionality, brain damage, brain issues, and mental illnesses can also play a role. Some might say vaccinations could cause issues. Other things that could influence crime is a child's behavior to copy the negative traits of their parents. Parents displaying violence could be a cause to make a child behave as if violence is normal. Some parents  may not teach their children what is right and what is wrong. Critical moral values that are not set can result in negative behavioral normalization. Some might say discipline or some sort of discipline is necessary for a child's development. Others might say a child requires the influences of both a male and female parent. Being a victim of violence or crime can also influence a individual in a negative way. This was my initial list, here is now another list of possible reasons for criminal behavior: Drug and substance abuse which I believe is the biggest problem because it ruins an individual's frontal-lobe which is the area of cognition and reasoning. Bad Parents or lack of parents. Lack of being raised in a functional household. Perhaps raised in a bad or negative environment. Maybe being raised in a crime-normalized environment. It could be normalized culture with negative and bad values being normalized. It could be a culture without considering logic and reason. It could be that one lives in a state of injustice or perceived injustice. I think culture plays a great role. Culture can be referred to being local culture, entertainment, valued negative culture, or a culture of ignorence or where ignorence is prized. Ideology can play a role such as maoist-marxism that infiltrates through culture or traditional marxism which takes over through deceit, redirection, and victimhood or oppression behavioral ideology. Common marxist tactics are tribalism, cultural infiltration, cultism, or divsion with divide and conquer strategies. Corruption can also play a major role. Corruption can be from bad or illogical policy, corrupt officials, or the use of intimidation methods. Intimidation systems can play a role as well with gangs, mobs, and powerful groups. Tribalism can be a factor where groups are against other groups. A Poor economic environment can also be a factor where individuals are in a place not good for making businesses and economic wealth. A place with so much crime where businesses cannot operate. It can also be a place that doesn't have enough resources to survive economically. It could be a lack of purpose or meaning in youth lives. It's important that youth individuals have peers, purpose, and inspirations. It could, once again, be malnurishment and a lack of nutrients the brain needs. It could be an environment of poor morals where deranged, nonsencical, and illogical behaviors are normalized. It could also be because of perceived non-consiquential behaviors which sets an example for others, especially younger individuals. Some might say it is the lack of religion, moral guidance, or ethical personal development. It could be the lack of personal development and emotional intelligence. An example could perhaps be jealousy and a desire of what other has. It could come from people with poor reasoning and reflection. Such as people who use excuses for everything and never examining their own behaviors and the consequences of their choices and actions. It could come from people not controlling their anger and understanding where their anger comes from. It could come from brain functionality and behavioral issues. It could be actions and behaviors on behalf of narcissism, sociopathic, and psychopathic behaviors which extends from poor child development with neglect, abuse, abandonment, and trauma. It seems a common behavior is the need for acceptance and attention because it is a value that wasn't given by their parents. It could be the result of people with voices inside their head, which is a result from an enlarged pineal gland, where they get convinced through illogical reasons instead of conditioning their brains with positive methods and ways to control the voice in their thoughts and obtaining ways to eat healthy, get exercise, get fresh air outside, get a hobby, and get involved with a community to maintain a healthy brain. It could come from low critical thinking skills and cognitive development. Cognitive development is important to understand laws, consequence, and understanding what is right and what is wrong and the reasons why. It could be the lack of cognitive skills for planning for success. Part of cognition is also learning from the mistake of others and finding ways to be the person you want to authentically be. Perhaps it's the lack of access to education or quality education where people can practice and develop critical thinking skills and obtain basic information of their environment and life. A lack in positive family values could also be a component to building a negative future development. Lastly, perhaps it is the lack of community. Community is important because other individuals and mentors can guide an individual and inspire them to find the right paths in life. Overall, I believe these can be reasons or the foundation why there is crime. 

*(Formal Individuals vs Artists) I think the world needs more artists. People who can be expressive in their talents, think outside-the-box, be creative, and behave authentically, even with an unprofessional expressions (even immaturely). Most people prize being formal, decorous, perceived normal, and having a professional image. I strongly believe the world needs a balance of both. Repetition and solution comes from the left brain professional individual, but innovation, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking typically comes from the right brain artists (designer). Artists are the carriers of fantasy, unusual storytelling, and unconventional strategies which drives new ideas, innovation, and ultimately an interesting visions for solutions, answers, and the future. A good example of this is that AI and robots can replace the professional individual capable of repetition, maintenance, and engineering; however, they cannot replace creativity, new ideas, and things that have never been done before, because to do this you need imagination. Imagination in which artists thrive having. We should respect great artists and encourage them to continue creating, pushing vision, and new ideas which could lead to future innovation and ideas that create communnities and culture which unites people from all walks of life. 

(Guerilla branch) I like the idea of a guerilla branch for the US military. A branch for artistic-creative or right-brain soldiers. These can be soldiers who compete with each other for progress and completing their missions instead of the usual obedience under the direction of a commanding officer. We can have solo-operatives as well as guerilla soldiers choosing which platoon and military group they find commonality with. 

I think there are two schools of thought in business. Those who believe there needs to be an ignorent and poor class where people can work the labor jobs so that wealth can be multiplied. Then there are those who believe everyone should be intellectual and raised to the highest intellectual level of education possible to build a community of wealth and competition. They carry the business philosophy that competition is good where the most creative thrive in the competitive environment where brands and customer-trust matter most. 

I think children may or may not be smart, but regardless they need to be programmed. They need experience. Teach children how to fish, ride a bike, tie a shoe, and even sell lemonade.

(Term)Cultural-building-centers - places where people can meet other people, have some coffee, drink some alcoholic beverages, play some games, and network. 

I think for making games, play with people's imaginations, deliver on expectations, build credible uniqueness and culture. Compete with the best games on every level. Revisit the best moments in past games and be inspired by it. 

*Building wealth: Solve a problem or produce something of value, or build something over-time (takes seven years). 

*Making millions: Do one thing for seven years. Be consistent and learn as much as possible. Read books and watch videos. Stick to one thing. If others are making money in this space then it's you and not the "vehicle your driving". Alternatively, purchase good yielding dividend stock and build compound interest. Another method is making an LLC and being a renter of your own LLC while buying assets through the LLC and writing it off in taxes. 

I don't even think we need any leaders. Typically the narcissistic or sociopathic rush to this position so they can get status and power deriving from internal issues they bury and hard-shell-over. Sociopaths and narcissists like the spotlight and use fame, lies, and popular behaviors and elements to get it. My opinion is to just let everyone share in the leadership position and build natural respect through a proven record of actions, decisions, and achievements over time. If a narcissist or sociopath tries to take control, separate from them and form new circles.

I like these life advice from someone who is in their 40s giving them advice if they were back in their 20s:
1. Your relationship with others is a direct reflection of your relationship with yourself.
2. The only way to feel better about yourself is to do things worth feeling good about.
3. The only failure is not trying.
4. No one is coming to save you.
5. Be the partner you want to have.
6. The most valuable things in life compound over a long period of time.
7. The most sexy and exciting things have diminishing returns.
8. If you aren't turning down things that excite you, then you're not focused enough on something that matters.
9. Taking responsibility for all your problems alleviates more suffering than it creates.
10. You give power to who you blame.
11. If you have to tell someone you're that, then you're not that.
12. Motivation is not the cause of action, but the effect.
13. Love is not the cause of commitment, but the effect.
14. Passion is not the cause of good work, but the effect.
15. The person you marry is the person you fight with. The house you buy is the house you repair. The dream job you take is the job you stress over.
16. A happy life is not a life without stress, it's a life of meaningful stress.
17. Don't view exercise as an exchange for something.
18. Trust people. // Trust people, remain skeptic until they prove themselves. 
19. There's no such thing as a life without problems.
20. Growth is rarely accompanied by joy and celebration.
21. F**k being normal
22. If you can't say no, then your yes's mean nothing.
23. Be careful how you define yourself.
24. Don't make assumptions about people.
25. No one thinks about you as much as you think about yourself.
26. Confidence does not come from an expectation of success, it comes from a comfort with failure.
27. Develop a willingness to be disliked.
28. You cannot be a life-changing presence to some people without also being a complete joke to others.
29. Floss. And wear sunscreen. Every day.
30. Extraordinary results come from repeating ordinary actions over an unordinary amount of time.
31. Choosing a partner isn't just about romance.
32. Don't overestimate romantic love.
33. Trust is the currency of all relationships.
34. If all of your relationships have the same problem, you're the problem.
35. There's no such thing as a bad emotion, only a bad response to an emotion.
36. Mornings are the real sh*t. 
37. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, including yourself.
38. Bad advice will be useless within a few weeks, but good advice will last you a lifetime.
39. Nothing meaningful in life is easy, nothing easy in life is meaningful.
40. It's never too late to change.

I think great people learn from mistakes that are not their own. 

I think a person should never get into a mediocre loop (mediocre routine; avoid the doing nothing routine with your relationship partner), they need to always be improving, building something, and producing something of value. 

I believe parents should instruct and discipline their children never to bully others. Instead they should insist them to be genuine to them and if possible to make friends or build trust and repore.  

(term) Pit - pity is a term i made up that means to be aware of one's ignorence, negligence, and stupidity and to accept being wrong almost all the time. The term mainly means to accept being stupid, accept demonstrating you said or did something stupid, and to learn from it. It's the idea that out of stupidity and mistakes, you will learn an grow. It's the idea that you might make a mistake, say, or think something dumb multiple times before it finally cognitively or comprehensibly sinks in. An example scenario can be when you are in an argument with someone and they say something that makes sense and you finally see that you are wrong and that they have a good or valuable point. To pit means to breath in and breath out, accept you were wrong, quickly apologize to save face, and silently walk away to think about why you thought that way and to reflect on their point. It's important to ask yourself why you did something or thought a certain way. It's also good to reflect on your behavior and to also compare why your thoughts and decisions are right an theirs is wrong and why their decisions or information is wrong and yours are right. To compress the idea down, to pit means to stop, retract, and reflect once you feel you made or considered yourself making a mistake and to think about the narrative to improve your decisions and thoughts. 

I think landlords should disclose tenant (a renters) housing conditions. I think they should disclose how well a renter maintained a space. Other landlords can then keep a rating or ranking of how good a renter is. If they are an average or good renter, they should get places quickly and easily. If they are a bad renter then I believe they should go to a unique place for renters where the walls and ground is more durable and more suitable for people who have lower standards in living. This leads me to my next idea. I think it would be a good idea to have good or regular places for rent such as apartment complexes, duplexes, and rent-homes and there are rent locations build for individuals who have lower disregard for commercial property. I will call these places, fortress homes. Fortress homes (or fortified renting spaces) are locations where the ground is harder and layered with easy to replace materials and the walls are more cinderblock covered in easy to replace wall paneling or wallpaint/covering. These are places expected to take on a degree of damage and to be easily repaired and materials quickly replaces. The location is build for those with less care for quality, maintenance, and who are more susceptible for destruction tendencies. If they surpass a certain level of destruction or hazardous safety then they should have some sort of penalty. I think these places should be more cheaper then the average renter commercial property, but I feel if it was more expensive, then people wouldn't destroy rent property and would rather maintain and repair a rented space to save money. 

I believe children in schools should form groups (separate into groups) according to their learning patterns, levels, and behaviors. I understand this can be seen as discriminator as of our current teaching practices. However, i believe in experimentation and logical methodologies to accomplish a certain goal and outcome. Just like anything else in life, teaching students requires balance, discipline (essential and logical discipline and not unnecessary discipline), and strategy. I believe once they are caught up, they can be placed back in average classrooms with other students. I also think schools need to follow logic. There must be a rational and logical reason that drives all the decisions being made at a school. If students put themselves in the shoes of their instructors, they should be able to be lead to the same conclusions and develop a level of understanding and respect. Perhaps students should help in coming up with reasonable solutions that will help them achieve the desired outcome of quality education, intellectuality, logic, and critical and rational thinking. I would also include the ability to reflect, question everything, be taught how to work on themselves, learn about the most essential information and skills to live life (bills, home repair, car maintenance, personal finances, investing, business (and small business), personal health (hygiene, nutrition, excersize), and electorial systems). they also need to form meaningful friendships and relationships, be part of clubs, and community events is also valuble. I strongly believe teachers should utilize different ways of teaching or more strategic ways of thinking to build the outcome of students they want to see become successful in life. I guess and example can be, some classes that are more creative should allow students to walk around and choose if they want to sit or not. I want to consider the idea that the more a class's subject is challenging the more they should needs discipline and the teacher should encourage them to sit down and use the desk as a literal logical tool to help learn the subject. The most valuable thing I believe any school should teach a student is to never give up. They should also teach them there is greatness, respect, and the feeling of growth and accomplishment in achievement. Hardships are temporary and life requires sacrifice to achieve great things. However, more a person achieves, the more the can improve the quality of their life and the life of others around them. 

(term; video production) Scene extracting - a term I made up for making every scene in video production unique. It means the style of looking at every scene and somehow making it unique, creative, or overly dramatic. The idea is to leave every scene a work of art, a dramatic work, a unique style, a unique something, and to never do anything normal or expected. 

I think anonymity can be a shortcut to rapid progress and innovation because it can avoid the public light allowing freedoms. I also think the loss of anonymity is conformity.

*Demoralization (and demonization) is the greatest tool for decay. It is how you get males to stop trying. It is how you get society to stop functioning. Demoralization is a very powerful wэapon and with enough time, it can cause a righteous person who thinks highly of themselves into a great degenerate. 

If I could speak out a desire I have right now, it would be to see more happy endings, because I've seen far too many sad ones in this point in history. 

When I was growing up, I was demoralized by the older generation. Instead of them telling me I was lazy despite going to college at the time, they could of encouraged me, taught me what they knew, and could of been a mentor. One thing I learned growing older now is that most your men need a mentor. They need guidance. They need someone to inspire them, motivate them, encourage them, and teach them ways to be successful. They commonly need a guide to increase the chances of their success. If I was someone who knew my younger self today and looked back and listened to them over all the dreams and steps taken to get closer to that dream, I would help them. I'd keep him around like a young brother. I'd take him places to learn and do things. Younger guys need a role model or someone they can develop positive traits and characteristics. My message for today would be to help guide the younger males in society who you see have taken steps to build themselves or head in the direction of their goals. Teach those individuals. Bring them along to do things. Ask them if they want to do things or learn things. Encourage them and not force them. When you encourage them to do things, they learn to make their own decisions. Sell them the idea why they want and should come do things. Make deals with them. In the end, they gain leadership experience and experience in being a critical thinker and becoming successful. 

(Term) Mainstreamification is a term I made for turning or transforming something to reflect current cultural values. Orginalauthentication is a term which means something outside cultural values, a perspective that is original or seemingly abstract that requires reinterpretation to obtain a foothold of understanding. Perhaps an example is Hollywood's movies that cater to the masses compared to the original Final Fantasy 6 or 7 when playing it for the first time and learning about their worlds and how mysterious and unpredictable their stories are which might not fit the scope of mainstream culture and thinking of today (might also not fit within the safety or comfort standards also). 

 (Term) Idioprox- a term I made that means individuals of low iq or knitwits of slightly higher iq that make a country look bad and function poorly. 

I think there is a difference between functional capitalism which is how the capitalist system was intended and dystopian capitalism which operates through power-grabs and corruption. I think the difference is in mindset. Functional Capitalism is like a tide that raises all boats. This means they want everyone to be wealthy. The jobs that are in demand are made desirable through incentives and higher pay. Dystopian Capitalism or Dark Capitalism shares the ideology to obtain power. Their idea is that people need to be ruled over for their own good, that the economy depends on them (as if in an oligarchy system), and that they need people at the bottom to be less educated, fortunate, and capable so that they perform the tasks nobody desires.

(Children) Perhaps with children there should only be the three times warning rule. After the third warning, you let them f-around and find out for themselves. Children need to learn to make good choices. They need to learn to listen for guidance as it is a tool for them to learn as a shortcut for making good decisions. They need to learn that if they do not ask questions and learn, they will make mistakes. They need to learn that they can avoid making mistakes by seeking guidance, wisdom, and asking the accurate and critical questions. If they make bad decisions we should tell them what we would do in their circumstance. If the result of their mistake is humorous, we should also make light fun of the situation to lighten up a mood.
I also think we should also place expectations when it comes to embarrassment because we should not embarrassed each other. Children should not embarrass their parents and parents should not embarrass their children. This standard should cause children to respect others. I think if children embarrasses their parents, the parents have the right to briefly and temporarily neglect their children until they act rational. This could set up the standard for how they should behave and what is expected. If a child has behavioral issues, parents should form strategies to cause a child to think for themselves and make good decisions. For example if a child wonders away on their own repeatedly, the parents should form a strategy to get a child to think for themselves and learn a lesson. Perhaps a good strategy is to find a group of individuals a parent can trust to keep an eye on the child and let the child wonder away from its parents. The trust worthy individuals keeps an eye on the child until the child starts to cry realizing they are lost and cannot find their parents. This will cause a child to start thinking and being responsible for themselves. Overall, these lessons and thinking-influences causes a child to become critical thinkers, listen to guidance, and make better decisions. Using strategies for lessons, I think parents can break children of bad and non-thinking habits. 

I believe AI is a great achievement and I believe it is a tool to be used along side people to build, check, and accomplish great feats. I do not believe everything should be automated and generated by AI. I believe we should improve make more tools with AI to further human vision, production, and creativity. I believe humans should always be at the forefront above AI and automation. I believe it is important that we make an organic human-center future.

(Term) A Focused-man, or Goal-oriented-man, is a man who focuses on their own goals, success, and achievements who only view females as companions and sex-buddies. They see female companions commonly as tempuary companions who are free to tag along and perhaps offer themselves to them but the overall view is companions are tempuary and their main focus is on their goals. There is no or rarely any importance or relevance over the desires of their female partners. They will discard female partners and companions when they create problems, get in their way, or desire more attention. The objective for a female would be to win him over, never get in his way, and to allow him to continue to achieve his goals. If this kind of man gets a family, it can be part of their goals to raise the family, but keep in mind, they can leave at any time and without warning or care as their goals are still more important. 

(Term) Demon of Hate - a phrase I made to signify an irrational, ilogical, or conditioned hate from malevolent, subversive, and manipulatable ideologies and behavioral strategies. It can be used: 'when one follows malevolent behaviors on behalf of a dangerous group similar to a cult, within each individual member is a demon; the demon of hate.'

I think if I had to make my own school (for teens), it would be a lot more different. I'd make it to learn new introductory subjects every school year. I'd make the school four or five hours long, a place to socialize and make friends, a place where students can choose to sit or work wherever they want, a place to get curious and explore things on one's own and on their own free time, no homework, a place for clubs and sports (including paintball). I'd have it where students are taught the basics of life and subjects that could make them do their own research to learn more. The subjects I would teach throughout the semesters would be: money, finances, investing, nutrition, health, survival, self-improvement/ self-discipline, ethics, farming, agriculture, family, sex-ed, basic hygiene, basic law, psychology, entrepreneurship, small business, art, useful math, writing, reading, world history, US history, local-regional history, trades/work skills, home maintenance, basic car maintenance, govt (and cycles of government), school field trips to the local meat factory or historic sites, cooking, science, community buildings and fundraising, sales, leadership and managerial skills (for jobs), programming (maybe AI or latest technologies), biology, physics, music, philosophy, foreign language, and perhaps economics. The importance would not be to teach but to introduce teens to the subjects so that they can get curious and learn more on their own or go into greater detail by going to college.

The way I see most people now-a-days depict the future can be best summarized as 'aesthetically pleasing, functionally dystopian'. The reason I say this is because the one's designing this future wants the masses owning nothing, submissive, controlled, and lacking authentic freedom. In my strongest belief, freedom is one of the key ingredients for building a future with unlimited possibilities without it you reach stagnation and decay due to the lack of authentic imagination, creativity, and self-driven purpose and meaning. 

I think it's important to live in reality and not in fantasy or delusion. It seems when people live surrounding their emotions and a lot of culture, they seem to fall into an internal world of fantasy or seeing the world in a way they want to see it and not for what it really is. They seem to push out things that do not fit their own narratives. When you live in reality, you live a world where real problems are understood, positive changes can occur, and brighter futures can be created. 

I think Marxism always ends up with the system collapsing, people becoming less intelligent, oligarchs becoming insanely powerful, people being forced to do things, dissonance who dont comply or  being labeled being brutally iraticated, and providing a demonstration of how dangerous having a horde of unintellectual people whose minds are warped by culture, delusion, and ideology subvert and mercilessly destroy systems, traditions, culture, and families which are requirments for a productive and self-driven society. Ultimately it leads to the wipe-out of the human race because of evolving factors such as technology, sterilization methods, enviornmental damages and hazards, distabilization norms, and so much more. I believe one year of damage is a few centennials if not a few milleniums of lost progress.

I believe in the value to never forget those who died who also created meaning in your life. 

I think one lesson for all females is to make friends with everyone. Never judge anyone. Never look at everyone as a person as if they are seeking a relationship and date with you. Make as much friends as possible. Never be picky. Learn as much about everyone as much as possible. 

(Term) Cultural dissonance is an individual whose behaviors, mindset, and logic is based on cultural, entertainment, and fantasy narratives instead of valuing objectivities, evidence, and actual reality.

(Term) Indiv-collective is a person who is individualist alone and collective in a group. By collectivist, they prize doing things in groups.

I believe Police are for a civilized society. When a society devolves into chaos, communities should police themselves. They should defend their own and use the law to defend their right to defend themselves and protect themselves as long as the law is not corrupt. 

In the US today, there seems to be less care about males so I'm not surprised males go their own way, ignore ladies, or go over seas to find a relationship partner. This nation seems more in favor of political ideologies and cultural narratives more then traditional relationships and marriages. Ladies dress to impress other females in what appears to be a narcissistic competition rather then finding ways to attract males. If males don't find females attractive or care to approach females then it seems likely the US will have a loss in population size as families decline. If males do not approach females then females will have to approach males. It's likely this won't happen and females will hit the fertile wall which ultimately and likely will result is a huge loss and gap in population size. If it was planned, it was masterfully done. People should of been intelligent enough to identify this and make the choices that best suit them, improve their life, and that builds on society, community, and family. 

In times of economic hardship and diminishing freedoms, one thing I find that is absolute is that everything you grow to love and enjoy eventually goes away. 

I believe today we have a curated culture. Content creators create content on behalf of terms of services and advertisers. This means the holders of creativity are corporations and advertisers (and institutions (media) or governing bodies that influence this space). A person can create anything but if it is not seen then it gets no attention and practically does not exist. Culture is also set by the curators which means artists and content creators will not only not have their creations shown to the world, they can be isolated, ostracized, or demonized because those who create the culture set the norms and precedent. If something goes against the norms then it is almost always a target of scrutiny which puts the artist and creator in a negative light. In the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, I believe this was balanced with a variety of mediums, communities, outlets, and platforms. Now, things have become consolidated resulting in few organizations and umbrella companies owning many of the existing platforms which creates a monopoly or perhaps a hidden-monopoly (monopoly with an illusion of individualistic behaviors yet still operating under different influences of their umbrella entity). In addition, those who own what you search, see, and hear can cause a business not to have any attention, growth, and publicity. Organic growth of platforms with innovative ideas thus do not rise or exist unless they get purchased or promoted by the existing consolidated platforms. This also means the consolidated and popular platforms become the equivalent to town squares and arbiters of success and publicity. I don't think there is a solution unless an entirely different version of internet or medium of transferring information and data is created. It's likely web search engines will never reach mainstream success without being consumed by an organization. The solution is unclear. Until then I believe great innovations in art and culture will remain curated and ultimately controlled or suppressed.

(Term; law idea) Self-liable-risk-activity is a phrase I made to describe the idea to have a unique law which allows for the freedom for an individual to take an activity or risk into their own hands. They can do so as long as it is of no harm to others and only subjects the risk to themselves. A few examples can be train surfing, roof top parkour, or skating in dangerous areas. This removes the risk for insurance and liability from companies. 

My thoughts on misbehaving children:
1 Instill values and expectations to not embarrass themselves or their family.
2 Instill respect for others, respect norms and rules, and preserve social harmony and providing the reasons why.
3 If they misbehave, they will never earn what they want.
4 If all fails, have a warning then physical discipline and the reason why they are being disciplined.
5 Be an example. They copy everything. They will copy your worst flaws.
6 Spend time with them at least a few hours everyday. Do new things. Teach them how things work. Have them help you with choirs. Take them places. Have them exhaust their energy. Make deals with them to get them to do things you want. If their demands are not logical or irrational, let them cry it out and let them know they are being unreasonable.
7 Teach them what is right and wrong and if they are doing something good or bad and why it is good or bad. Let them know why something is bad or good.
8 Let them know there is a time for everything. Teach them as much as possible about reality and the real world to catch them up with the adult world as well as balancing being a child and enjoying being a child.
9 Condition them out of being spoiled by teaching them about money, how it works, and where it comes from. Open a lemonade stand (preferably in a garage sale) so they learn about money, sales, marketing, customers, and business.
10 Raise your own children. Do not let others raise them for you. Do not let television raise your children. Instill your own values, culture, principles, and ethics. 
11 children digest certain information slowly so you have to break things down for them to understand. They need to know the reason for things. For example: the reason you put your toys away is so that you can have a clean house, be hygienic, not lose things, not step on things and hurt yourself, develop good habits, and influence a healthy state of mind. You need to have them understand they might have a home one day and it needs to be clean. You need to put the child in your shoes and get them to see reality and that life is not all about play and instead it is about balance, being hygienic, considering others, having some level of safety and avoiding unnecessary disaster, and so much more. They digest information slowly so it takes multiple times of iterations in different time intervals (tell them three times in different time periods). You need to remind them they should know something by now after you have stated it. They should tell you the reasons why they need to do things. Be an example and show them you clean up after yourself and show them you keep a clean home. 
12 Continuing, children need to be told what is right and what is wrong. They need to be told they did a good thing when they do something good and that you appreciate it. They need to be called out for doing something wrong. It's important that they clean their own messes. They need to be told what is wrong, why, and they need to be put in a time out to think about their actions and decisions for at least five or ten minutes. If they constantly refuse to obey and constantly argue back, perhaps it appropriate to use appropriate physical discipline to break them of that behavior. After each session they do wrong, you calmly sit with the child and talk about their behavior. They should understand they need to improve and to not do it again. It's important they know they have to learn from their actions to improve and not do it again. When they do good, you reward them. A child should not repeat the behaviors. If they do, the time for timeout is extended and if they continue doing it, physical discipline should be annoption used to correct their behaviors. They should be told to be a good child and not an animal. You should show yourself as an example and have a level of expectations for the child to meet, otherwise their life will be hard. Be mature, be an example, never argue with a child as you are a mature adult with decades of experience on earth with an understanding of survival, how the world works, and the dangers it has. A child has zero understanding or experience of the world, no experience in survival, and does not have a fully functioning brain, and because of this they only imitate. Their concept of the world is always learning, imitating, and living in a fictional reality of dissonant abstractions trying to make sense of everything. Because of this you have to teach them. Others with child experience and useful essential life experience should help teach them. It also helps when they see others in ones community being rewarded for doing good and also helping to set a positive example and role model.  

I want to think when organizations commonly run themselves like the mafia is when an economy and country is lost to corruption and decay. I think this is evident when NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) are tools for illogical, irrational, or illegal secrecy. 

I think things may come to a point when a mafia becomes so absurd or disillusioned is when a person should return back to principle and cut ties to stop the decay of corruption and return to a state of normalcy otherwise the natural state of society turns entirely corrupt and normalcy becomes a vision of the past as powers compete with and against each other resulting in chaos and vi0l3nce. 

Could it be through the eyes of desperation you can find opportunities? 

Dead Internet Theory and my Regulated Internet Theory: Dead Internet Theory is the idea that the internet is inhabited by bots and inauthentic human users. My Regulated Intetnet Theory is the idea that the internet is heavily regulated by ISPs, governments, and censorship institutions and services. These are interconnected organizations who choose and filter what connections, information, data, and content people are allowed to access and consume. They choose who sees your resumes and what jobs you apply for, what media you are allowed to consume, what content you can provide to be seen to others, what content you have access to, and who you have communication with. It's a very authoritarian system in which there is absolutely no privacy, you do not always have access to content you desire, algorithms and content you are given access to shapes an agenda or behavioral and mental outcome, and anything can be revoked access to at any time. This is my Regulated Internet Theory. 

I think demoralization is the greatest tool for decay. It is how you get males to stop trying. It is how you get society to stop functioning. 

I like the saying, "If I don't do it, who will?" 

(Term) Azumin is a literature term I made up that means having a story and balancing it with a dimension of realism or reality for the purpose of believability and immersing an audience in the story-universe's reality. It's making a story's reality seem believable as if living in the world of actual physical reality. The reason we do this is to further immerses an audience in a world where anything realistic-occurring is possible which provides the audience with something they can connect with. Another way to explain this is imagining a simulated reality of actual physical reality, the reality one is currently present in, and merging it with the reality or fantasy of the story in a way it's believable. Realistic behaviors of characters can occur even ones that have little to do with the story. There is also a change in character diologue to fit more realistic diologues and behaviors of characters instead of the common dramaticized diologue and behaviors in stories which does not reflect realistic diologue and behaviors found in normal everyday life. Overall, it's a story that reflects a level of believability and authentic behaviors. That is what the term I made for Azumin means. 

I think ignorence is not a remedy for something you can help prevent.

I think a person who is extremely emotional is mentally vulnerable, lacks a lot of personal development (especially being authentic, working on their self-esteem, who needs to build a list of real achievments and naturally gain confidence, experience new things, learn more about new things in life while also accepting and overcoming bad experiences while sharing their good experiences), and who needs more mental fortutude (or perhaps a fortitude of objecive reality and a reduction in fantasy-cultural-thinking). It's a good idea to practice logic and reasoning and practicing a comprehention of evolution of cause and effect, and the effects leading to consiquences. It's also a good idea to have creative outlets to pour one's emotions using creative mediums, and to improve one's mental fortitude through ethics, learning new things, rooting oneself in reality (spending time alone without technology or being outdoors and less with electronics) and being more social with a variety of personalities. In life you will meet a variety of different people who have lived a variety of unique circumstances and situations. There is always things to learn or take away from others. The goal is not be rational and logical and not emotional. Emotions is where the irrationality and weaknesses can create seemingly never ending problems. Mental fortitude will make you a natural leader and an example of success for others. 

I want to consider the idea that a lot of troubles in the world could be due to loneliness, lack of self-development, and lack of community.

For a long time throughout my 20s to 30s I wanted to be a business owner. I had many plans for a variety of businesses. I made about 30 business plans; skate parks, water parks, chill lounges, themed cafes, community centers, funding centers, LARP centers, a paper company (making paper mainly from bamboo), a language learning center, a lakeside tourist area, game studios, and art and animations studios (that teaches youth art, animation, and business for creatives). I wanted to make a variety of inventions including the scrolling car strip, optional vehicle channel communication, and mobile interest-driven community resources. I wanted to make a variety of apps such as the voting app, the post it app, the unique-method dating app, the about app, streaming apps, and much more. Because I have a hard time getting hired and a hard time saving for funding my projects, it's unlikely any of these projects will ever exist. These projects all require a moderate startup cost. My ideas have been put on hold for such a long time, it's hard for myself to even believe. Finding investors, contacts, and resources for information and funding is near impossible. Some ideas included creative experimental ideas never seen before that I feel could impact whole industries. I even wanted to make working fun and addicting with a new approach of having 'fun jobs' or 'jobs as a game'. However, my fate seems to have led me to this direction I am on and therefore I will likely not have an impact in anyone's lives. Life didn't turn in the direction I expected. If it was up to me, I'd get a 3D Artist job, a UX Design job, or Narrative and Story Design job. I strongly believe as long as the job includes creativity and a level of creative-liberty, it's a job I can do forever and never get tired. After over 1k resumes and over thousands of job submissions, I have landed no relevant job. I have tried absolutely everything imaginable to get a job in my desired fields. There isn't anything I feel I can do to land a job in these field unless I produce something that goes viral and brings attention to my resume. I've ultimately made job searching my career. It's embedded in my daily routine every morning for one to two hours. Now that I'm reaching my mid 30s, the drive to make a business has almost completely dissolved. Perhaps it's a loss to me, perhaps it's a loss for the opportunity of  involving, innovating, and contributing to an industry to help grow the economy. In my current state, I do not feel it is possible to make an impact anymore so I will simply focus on what is within my capabilities. I will make art, make animations, write stories, make videos, make songs, and do my best to find work anywhere I can. I don't care where I work as long as it's enough to make a living. My outlook on the current state of the nation is grim and I feel it cannot be helped. If it was up to me getting the funding I need, I would have made multiple businesses, inventions, and apps by now giving jobs and careers to millions. 

(Term) Ideological virus - A term that means accepting and using an ideology produced from political agendas, cultural influences, manipulation, or a tool to gain clout and attention. Ideological viruses mainly infect the least intelligent, unintellectual, or individual who follows with a cognitive dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome, or without a desire to question logic out of maybe fear, an indesire of removal of personal fantasy from reality, a desire to maintain social-acceptance or relevence, or maintain an in-group-dependency. Ideological viruses typically fade out over time when least publicly favored or when it fails to continue to pick up momentum. Ideological viruses that are assimilated in mainstream systems, institutions, marketing, and economical structures are mainly funded by entities with an agenda and power. 

(Children) I discovered you can use body language to discipline children. You can stare at them with a serious face and a pause which can influence or affect their behavior. Silence and having long pauses can be a tool. Using body language with placing your hand on your hips and glaring at them can also influence behavior. Of they don't meet expectations, this behavior can cause them to form a connection that there is dissatisfaction. 

(Term) The Golden Ivory system - A system in which you can only rise in fame or higher positions unless you prove you are highly intelligent. This system creates a status which has to be maintained or you will lose respect and be demoted to a loss of fame and high position.

I feel like the universal rule for self-defense should be to only attack/strike when another throws the first attack/punch or approaches you aggressively in a certain way as if carrying a weapon or ready to strike an attack/punch. When an altrication reaches violence, that should be the point of no return; it's a level that reaches an extreme; and one obtains the status of a violent individual who will irresponsibly harm others with little to no reason (making them a danger to others or to themself). The nature of an alrication should be to voice one's anger, make ones discontent and frustrations known, and then stop the altrication with no further excalation. If a brawl does occur, it seems an easy way to end a brawl is to grapple, lift, and drop another to the ground with force. Strangely I feel this action could symbolize we are all part of the same Earth and we have to somehow get along. I feel the only time a brawl is ethical is when two individuals agree to brawl in private using logic, reason, and being responsible. I also feel legally, there should also be a level of penalty/ reprocussion for individuals instigating another for a brawl. I feel this behavior should also not be acceptable. I also feel the guesture of having ones hands up should be a universal sign one doesn't want to fight and is backing away from the situation. I feel those who stop or prevent fights should be congratulated or rewarded. I feel vigilantes who do good and righteous justice (that builds social safety, maintains order, and builds a free and productive and functional society [without delusion or corruption] should also be awarded and congratulated. 

Part of me wants to believe there should be justification for certain fights like for a patent to get some feeling of justice for a loved one. I feel like the authtoties could make a law that allows them to fight with the criminal that dis harm to someone and get the anger out of their system as authorities watch and get ready to break up the feud. When they are done duking it out, the authorities can step in, break it up, and send the criminal to prison. Another part of me feels we should consider brawling a normal event and let people duke it out with the authorities present so the rivaling parties can learn more about lessons that should of been common sense and lessons their parents should of taught them. Perhaps if we let people brawl, it would disincentivize fighting. I want to also add, it perhaps allows people to show they have ethical limits so it should be up to them to know when to stop a brawl, admit their wins and losses, break things up, and go their own way otherwise it could become an offense by more unique laws. These are ideas I want to think about and put out there. 

I think a currency should remain within a country to help build up its wealth and infrastructure. It should only begin trading outside the country in limited means when a country has achieved a level of absurd wealth. 

I strongly believe no individual is better then another, only those who brainwash themselves because of their weaknesses, insecurities, false conditioning, desire for attention/purpose/status, and delusions/ fantasies. 

It seems many Marx policy makers manipulate and look for exploits, while good policy makers and average citisen abides by the law as a mutual and shared method of maintaining a productive society (as far as it remains logical, reasonable, and ethical) without a desire for exploits. 

*Wealth building: 
1 Solve a problem. 2 Produce something of value. 3 Build something over time (7-10 years). 4 Convince people to give you money. (Like convincing a wealthy person to give you money). 
Also, to make money ask: What matters to others? What motivates others?

After ones attempts to commit su*cide by jumping from a high distance, there is always a change in mindeset from survivors; therefore, it must be part of a self-loathing fantasy, a need for attention, a crave for purpose, or perhaps a cultural victimhood mindset, because survivors say when a person survives from hitting the ground, they immediately change their minds to want to live again and try harder. Perhaps this is a breakdown from a fantasy or cultural-think in their mind to a more authentic and realistic view of the world. 

I like the quote, "Winners never quit and quitters never win".

One of the secrets to life is to make good decisions and gain great rewards. Make poor decisions, suffer great consiquence. 

(Term/phrase) 'Ease of onboarding' is a phrase I made which means slowly easing a person into an occupational role. 

(Academic)I believe we need the optimal methods in education. One thing I believe is important in education is Phonex. This is putting images and words together for students to memorize image with a sound. This is an example of how I believe school need to have the optimal teaching methods and best teaching environments for the different styles and variations of student learning. I do believe we should group students who learn differently and cater the best academic practices and methods that cater to their style of learning to produce the best academic results we want to see. 

(Child development) In my soft belief good children deserve lenient discipline and be given a lot of great experiences, rewards, and amenities. Then you can be more like a friendly-guide and mentor. Bad children require more discipline, stern communication, and pre-explained rules and parameters. A parent needs to be the hard, strict, and a disciplinary parent and nothing near any sort of friend. In my opinion, once a child hits an adult, its game over when it comes to being friendly. Parents need have the courage and thick skin for physical discipline, put their child in time out and make them recite what they did wrong and why they are being disciplined, and if their behavior gets very bad or worst, they need boot camp or military style boarding school. Bad children deserve this harsh method of curriculum until they learn to behave. When they become good children, then they deserve leniency and amenities. A parent serves the role to be a role model and an example and must turn a child's behavior in the span of one year. 

My belief of life is you bare the responsibility to make the best decisions, discover truths (even terrifying and difficult to digest), and you bear the responsibility to improve life and improve the life of others. It's never to follow others but to always follow yourself and form your own philosophy of life taking in the best information from all sources. Never leave a stone unturned, learn about everything as much as possible. The root of my beliefs is maxing out yourself in regards of becoming the optimal and best version of yourself. It's about being the smartest, the strongest, the wisest, and the best you can be. It's about having the best ethics, being the most intellectual, being the most disciplined, and being well-balanced. It's about influencing the world and building the best version of life and maintaining it. That is my philosophy. 

(Children) Much like Asian families, tapping children on the top of the forehead can change their behavior and teach them something is wrong. Let them know you tap them on the head to get them to 'use their brain and make better decisions'. If you play with kids, especially with toys, you can also teach them morals, lessons, values, new words to learn, new subjects, and help teach them to think better. You can also get them to correct your behavior when you play with a toy the wrong way.

(Bullying) I like the study in sociology that bullying is dominance behavior. Its an imbalance in dominance. If you never get upset and never care about what a bully says, their insults don't hold much meaning. Dominance behavior is a bully trying to gain power over another. Resilience and thick skin is how to overcome the attempts of bully. Being emotional strong, mentally tough, and no matter what the bully says you don't care or take them serious. Ignoring them with a cold silence can create a dramatic effect. Once the bully throws a punch, you have the right to get angry, defend yourself (depending on state laws) and look for ways to press charges because they commited a crime of 'assault and battery'. I would add my methods to stop bullies: 1 Build ones ego by achieving goals. Build a sense of authentic pride in yourself. Show authentic confidence. 2 Build and show some muscle. 3 Learn to defend yourself. 4 Show pictures somehow (phone or physical photos) of you in some sort of group. 5 Talk to the opposite gender infront of them. 6 Make fun of their insults. 7 All bullies are like eggs, they make a hard shell to protect their vulnerabilities. Commonly their vulnerabilities come from their own families with neglect, abuse, or trauma. Sometimes it's jelousy for females. You can insult this area on them which could affect them dramatically. 8 Develop resilience, show that their words does not effect you. Don't care what they say. Dont pay attention to them. Deflect their insults by being smart with them. 

50 job ideas that I believe should exist:
1 Parental-children counceling 2 Funding counseling 3 Skatepark mason 4 Appliance, furniture, digital device, and clothes repair 5 Home repairman 6 Inline coach or trainer 7 Language tutor 8 Apprentice archeologist 9 Home survalance agent 10 Cooking tutor 
11 Home pet trainer 12 Arts and craft tutor 13 Home music tutor 14 Children park and pool babysitter 15 Home furniture assembly 16 Home workout trainer 17 Personal image, presentation, and asthetics councelor 18 Child- group nanny/baby sitter 19 Home caretaker 20 Home repair tutor 21 Home computer and laptop repair 22 Child-discipline nanny and councelor 23 surrogate father 24 Home surveillance doctor-caretaker 25 diet councelor 26 Home defense councelor 27 Personal detective 28 Neighborhood watchman 29 Executive investigator (private investigator for high officials and politician investigation) 30 home mental health psychologist and counselor 31 Exorsistologist (demonologist, exorcist and savirere mental-health scientist and psychologist) 32 Personal grocer (for shopping) 33 Treehouse and playground contractor 34 Natural disaster responder and specialist 35 Nutrition specialist and tutor 36 VR job-experience trainer 37 Farming assistant 38 Personal investment manager 39 job-seeking service agent (finds jobs specifically for you) 40 Metal health scientist 41 Emergency surveillance (using a drone) 42 Accident 3d scene scanner (scans accidents into 3D) 43 Child-experimental business manager (a person who manages children selling homemade crafts, items, or lemonade for business experience) 44 Personal financial manager, planner, and tutor 45 Small business apprentice 46 Small business councelor 47 Personal resource-search agent (an agent that researches and looks for resources for personal and business needs) 48 Assistance agent (A person who goes and does things for you while you handle something else) 49 Selling agent (a person who sells things for you that has great value for a specific amount of time and keeps a percentage of the sales) 50 A full-time drone surveillance operative (observe and report through VR drone surveillance). 
These are a few examples of jobs and careers I feel should exist. Overtime, I could make more. 

(Self-improvment) I think there is the physical gym and mental gym. I think the mental gym consists of: thinking to oneself and putting puzzle pieces together, meditation (reflection), developing self intellectuality, asking yourself why, asking yourself why something didn't work and what are alternative methods, getting good rest, developing origional creativity, learning new things, wonder how one should behave and why, looking at a dame subject through different perspectives and angles, asking yourself how can I improve, asking yourself what can I do to build myself better, making goals and break-downable steps to get there, what is a possible illusion or delusion I am apart of, what do I really think and feel about something, what are my regrets and how can I avoid making similar mistakes, what brings me peace and serenity for hard times, and what do I need to work on. 

(Term) Silent seekers - people who look for voices less heard and give them a spotlight. It's so others hear what lesser known voices have to say.  

(Child development) When a child does something wrong, you yell at them as you catch them in the act. Let them cry. When they finish, you ask them why was the reason you yelled (what caused you to yell at them). They should respond to you and be made to apologize to you. 

(Child development; parenting) I found tickling children is the greatest deterence when they keep immaturely pestering you.

(Teenagers) As a teenager, I think your goal should be to build up as much skills as possible. 

(Terms) The range of probabilities - Imagine something goes wrong. Many would simply point to one possibility while they should list of range of possibilities. I call this the range of probabilities. People should ask what are likely scenarios. A good way to play poker is thinking about a range of possible cards an opponent might have instead of just one. 

Sadly I think stupid people can be so stupid they don't know they're stupid; much like crazy people don't know they're crazy. 

I think if a woman is 'traditional' with no boyfriend experience, kept virgin, and has an old school way of thinking, I believe a guy should also be 'traditional' and court her by being a gentlemen for her, and carry the responsibility and expectations from a 'traditional' male parter looking to date. If a female has a modern mentality for dating, slept with multiple partners, not traditional, has strange or unrealistic expectations, and has a sense of entitlment then males should not be expected to be 'traditional'. It is up to the man to decide if he wants to move on to finding another partner. Males need to find life partners who have the quality and credentials that will remain as life partners. Getting married in today's world and having children is an extreme risk for males due to the heavy responsibilities. //Also a fun fact I discovered is that the white dressing marriage symbolizes purity or possibly virginity.

I like the quote, 'you can't see the forest for the trees'. Which means they are too focuses on the details and not the whole situation or bigger picture.

My hypothesis for pe_dos and what leads to their behaviors: I think this behavior starts in child development where children are neglected, abused, or traumatized. They are children who do not get a stable family environment where children are raised to be model citizens by being taught good and bad values and consequences for their actions. In young adults, edgy trends or fads with criminal indecent child content could be a call for attention due to neglect from parents and lack of mature development (lack of being raised in becoming a fully mature individual). Specifically for males, it could be due to not growing with a father or with a father who is present in a child's life. It could be a male not raised in a community or environment where they see and explain these things labeled something very wrong and not normal. In the pe_do behavior there is a gratification of dominating someone who is weak which is likely due to how they were treated. They should realize underage individuals are not fully conscious of their actions and decision and that their brains aren't fully developed until around the age of 25. They need to separate culture and fantasy from reality. That's my hypothesis. It's up to everyone to create a world safe for children so that they can grow to be mature capable individuals. In addition, I think it should be stated that teenagers should be in just as much trouble as adults when there is an indecent mix-up of inappropriate behaviors. It's important that parents and society emphasizes indecent interactions with teenagers and adults should be absolutely forbidden and that all parties will be in equally amount of trouble. Adult spaces should be strictly for adults and if teenagers are caught in such spaces, they should be held to a high degree of consequence.

I believe the demoralization of enemies is important to winning the greater conflict. Conditioning the enemy through demoralization can create an effect or build an desirable influence on an enemy over time. With demoralization, an enemy can also lose influence and support with others resulting in one taking the high ground. I think in conflict, it can be very important to always gain and win the support of others.

I think time is a more valuable then money. To an artist, I believe their creations are more important then time. 

(Teen) I think when teenagers feel a lack of purpose, lack of understanding of the real world, and meaning for the world they are about to enter, their behaviors changes to where they lack a care for anything. I think this can make them unpredictable. The solution I think is building purpose, making a stable economy with many job and career opportunity options. I think rediscovering community and building family values will inspire effective participants in society. 

*I think time is a more valuable then money. To an artist, I believe their creations are more important then time. 

(Story development) Multiple characters can allow for multiple kinds of endings or even endings with different character perspectives. 

(children) I think there needs to be an industry of healthy foods for children that is appealing to most children. Children seem to love hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, fish fingers, and grilled cheese. They like taste, aesthetics, texture, color, first impression, and non-forceful introductions (slow introduction and a personal endevour for experimentation). It's important that these foods remove the amount of sugar and salt and instead improve on umame. I think if there was a brand or a category for children's foods that specialized in foods that specifically cater to a child's taste-preferences that was also healthy, I think there can be the opening of a new industry for children's foods that could bloom a multi-million dollar industry. 

I like the idea that a person should plant a fruit tree and grow it overtime in their house and when the time comes, plant it outside. The tree can be a symbol of progression and memories in life. 

(Term) Cooperative-injustice is a term I made when there is a form of cast system (system of those deemed more valuable) that has prejudice that does not provide with the same oportunities and belittles those who are labeled on a lower level of the cast system. An example is someone a person with perceived status sees as a suspected no-life or person of little value and refuses to grant them with proper respect and comrodery as any other individual comparable to their status. Moreover, it's my belief everyone should be ethical and respect each other, build friendships and comrodery, and help bring up and uplift all members of their community. It's my great desire to make all members of one's community brothers and sisters of something much greater than themselves. 

In my life I've played many videogames. Below is my list of favorite games: VRChat, Skyrim, Metal Gear Solid4, Metal Gear Solid 3, Splintercell Chaos Theory, Nier Automata, Phasmophobia, Call of Duty4, Call of Duty MW2, Killzone, Pokémon Red Version [1998], Conckers Bad Fur Day (N64), Halo 2, Halo 3, Final Fantasy 6, Minecraft, Zelda Ocarena of Time, TimeSplitters, Way of the Samurai, Way of the Samurai 2, 007 Golden Eye (N64), Age of Empires 3, Age of Empires 2, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy III (Game Boy), Amnesia: The Dark Decent, Deadspace II, Far Cry Instincts Predator, Animal Crossing (game cube), Super Smash Bros Mele, Pokémon Snap (N64) Undertale, Quake, Doomed Eternal, PavlovVR, Megaman Legends, Megaman Legends II, Tony Hawk 4, Tony Hawk Underground, Beat Saber VR, Mischief Makers (N64), Rush 64, Airboarder64, Super Mario Bros 3 (snes) Double Dragon (snes), Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Diablo 2, Zelda Links Awakening, GTA 3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, GTA V, .hack//infection, .hack//GU, Persona 4, Half Life 2, War of the Monsters (PS2), Enter the Matrix, Tenchu Z, Burnout 3, Need for Speed 2, Need for Speed Underground, Armored Core 4, Armored Core 5, Ace Combat 6, Deadpool, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 3, Medal of Honor, Dead or Alive 4, Dead or Alive 5, Soul Caliber 2, Soul Caliber 3, Sims 2, Power Rangers (snes), Okami, Zelda Wind Waker, Sonic Adventures 2, Beast Masters (sega), Red Faction 2, Unreal Tornament [2004], Devil May Cry 2, God of War 2, Battlefield 3, 7 Days to Diee, Far Cry 3, Fable 2, Castle Crashers, Bioshock, Left 4 Deead, Crisis, Portal, Borderlands 2, Dark Messia, Street Fighter 2 (snes), Mirror's Edge, Rainbow Six Vegas, War Hammer Space Marines, Lethal Company, Gears of War, The Witcher, Oregon Trail (Dos), Duke Nukem, Space Invaders (Dos), Little Big Adventure (Dos), Sly Cooper 2, Power Stones, Turok64, Resident Evil 2, Bunjingai (Ps2), Samurai Western, Blood Will Tell, Jet Force Gemini (N62), Among Us, Squad, Pulsar: Lost Colony, Stalker, Journey, Dark Souls, S4 League, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (snes), We Love Katamari, Red Ninja: Endgame of Honor, Shinobi (ps2), The Lost Vikings, Mario Paint (snes), Blazeblue, Enchanted Arms, Shadows of the Collosus, Final Fantasy Tactics, Xblades, Bmxxx, Heavenly Sword (ps3), Last of Us, Batman Arkham City, Yakuza3, Army of Two, Alien vs Predator, Starship Trooper: Extinction, DBZ Legends (ps1), Jackie Chan (ps1), Battle Tanks (N64), MarioKart64, Smash Brothers (N64), CS:Go, Serious Sam, Life is Strange, The World Ends With You, Final Fantasy Type0, Digimon World (ps1), Simgirls (flashplayer/new grounds game), Stickdeath (flash game), Zelda Majoras Mask, Left 4 deead 2, The Walking Deead, Ghost of Tsushima, Zone of the Enders, Zone of the Enders 2, The Forest, Sons of the Forest, Stellar Blade, Legend of the River King GB (gameboy color), DragonBall Z Legendary Super Warriors (Gameboy), Legacy of Goku 2 (Gameboy Advanced), Battle Toads (Sega), Getal Gear Solid V, Pokémon trading card game (gameboy color), River City Ransom, River City Girls, Gunslinger Stratos (arcade JP), Microsoft 3D Pinball Space Cadet, Microsoft Solitare, Far Cry Instincts Predator Demo, Prince of Persia, Odin Sphere, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon Gold, Blade and Sorcery VR, Scorn, Second Life, Hell Let Loose, Chillout VR, Insurgency sandstorm, WarHammer40K:Space Marine, Succubus, Parasite in City (18+, Android), Adventures of Kincaid (18+), Miho Adventures (18+)

My top 20 favorite games: VRChat, Metal Gear Solid 4, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Nier Automata, Call of Duty MW2, Halo 2, Final Fantasy 6, Tenchu Z, Dead or Alive 4, Killzone, Phasmophobia, Pokémon Red Version (Gameboy Color), Way of the Samurai, Amnesia: The Dark Decent, Skyrim, Doom Eternal, Half Life 2, Zelda Ocarena of Time, and .hack//GU. 
Honorable mentions: Call of Duty 4, Pavlov VR, Conckers Bad Fur Day, Far Cry Instincts Predator, Quake, Smash Bros Mele, Tony Hawk 4, Minecraft, Age of Empires 3, Final Fantasy 7, Grand Theft Auto V, Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Undertale, Life is Strange, Metal Gear Solid 3, Need for Speed 2, Time Splitters, Lethal Company, Battlefield3, Unreal Tornament 2004, Castle Crashers, Deadpool, and S4 League. 

My top Anime: Cowboy Beebop, Deathnote, FLCL, Great Teacher Onizuka, Samurai Champloo, Ghost In the Shell, Shinchan, Desert Punk, Air Gear, Full Metal Alchemist, Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke), Bleach, Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto, DragonballZ, Trigun, Konosuba, Tales of the Abyss, Golden Boy, Blue Seed, Pokemon (Season 1 and 2), El Hazard, Kill La Kill, Rerouni Kenshin.

Other anime I've watched: Tenchi Muyo, Jojos Bizarre Adventures (Season 2), Excel Saga, Love Hina, .hack//Sign, Neon Genesis Envangelion, Durrara, Akira, Blue Gender, Welcome to the NHK, Saber Marionette J, Bubble Gum Crisis, Blade of the Immortal, A certain Magical Index, Ghost Stories (English dub), Gintama, Hellsing, Gurren Lagann, Inuyasha, Soul Eater, Vinland Saga, Negima, Metabots, Abenobashi Shopping Arcade, Anohana, Assasination Classroom, Attack on Titan, Bakemonogatari, Chobits, Basilisk, Berserk, Black Butler, Black Lagoon, Cromatri High School, Baki the Grapler, Full Metal Panic, Blade Runner, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan, Blue Submarine, Brave Witches (warning), Burst Angels, Cardcaptors Sakura, Case Closed, Casshern, Chi's Sweet Home, Fruits Basket, Spice and Wolf, Chrono Crusade, Claymore, Tsubasa, Code Geass, Comic Party, Dance of the Vampire Bund (warning), Danganropma, Deadman Wonderland, DearS (warning), Disgaea, DNA^2, Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro (warning), Ranma 1/2, Eatman, Eden of the East, Eromanga Sensai (Waining), Ai, Eureka Seven, Fate Stay Night, Fist of the North Star, Fushigi Yugi, Garhantia on the Verdurous Planet, Genshiken, Girls Bravo (warning), Goblin Slayer, God Eater, Get Backers, Guilty Crown, Gun Sword, Gunbuster, Gunrave, Gunslinger Girl, Clannad After Story, Hero Tales, Highschool DxD, Ikki Tousen, Itazura na kiss, Jin Roh, Kanon, Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san, Kemono Friends, Lain, Last Exhile, Little Nemo, Lucky Star, Lupin the Third, Rayearth, Mischievous Kiss, Mobile Suit Gundam, My-HiME, Naruto, Nichijou, NieR: Automata, Sargent Frog, Ninja Scroll, Nisekoi, Nisemonogatari, Owarimonogatari, No Guns Life, Gunsmith Cats, Noir, One Piece (minor watch), Aika, Oreimo (warning), Sister X Sister (warning), Ouran High School Host Club, Pani Poni Dash, Panty and Stocking Garterbelt, Parasyte, Persona4, Precure (Pretty cure), Prison School, Psycho-pass, Madoka Magica, Re:Zero, Robotech, Rosario + Vampire, RWBY, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Sakura Wars, Samurai 7, Samurai Pizza Cats, Scrapped Princess, Senran Kagura, Space Dandy, Spy x Family, Squid Girl, Street Fighter, Strike Witch (warning), Sword Art Online, Tenjo Tenge, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The Helpful Fox Senko-san, Food Wars, Tokyo Ghoul, Toradora!, Girl and Panzer, Tsubasa, Tsukimonogatari, Nadia The Secret Blue Water, Witch Hunter Robin, xxxHolic, Your Name, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuri!!! on Ice, Paranoia Agent, Shaman King, One Punch Man, Ah! My Goddess, Elf Lied, Hand Maid May, Midori Days, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Steins; Gate, Mushishi: The Next Chapter, Doraemon, Shangri-la Frontier, Shimoneta, K-on, Blood the Last Vampire, Wondering Island (manga), Dungeon Meshi, My Otome Zwei. 

(Child development) Could it be that the quality of a civilization is only as good as its parents' ability to discipline, teach, and play with its children? 

(Child development) I can understand why kids need both parents with nonstop monitoring and interaction by the parents. Parenting is a 24 hour operation of long-term influencing a child's behaviors to mold a child into adulthood. 

(Child development) When it comes to raising children, I think there are many daily steps. Soft and hard discipline. Soft discipline is tapping or slapping them on the head, or tickling them to shape their behavior and mold their behaviors and mindset into a certain behavior direction. You tap them on the head and tell them it's for them to 'use their head and think' and to 'stop being dumb' or for 'not listening to their good concious and thoughts'. If they misbehave, you tell them you'll slap them harder on the head if they continue doing something bad. You can also tickle them which will get them to drop to the floor. The other is hard discipline. You should say something once or say 'no' once and a child should obey. If they throw a tantrum, you talk to them with authroity (never repeat youraelf). If they dont stop, you tell them you're leaving them behind; if they continue, you leave the area and observe them over time from a distance. If they still don't obey, then you go to hard discipline which is physical discipline. That involves giving them a spanking in private. They need to know why they are being disciplined. They need to know the reasons why. You need to tell them how its embarrassing for themselves and the family. You have to tell them why you need to get physical for them in order for them to learn. You need to ask them so you can hear their answers why because its insight to how they think and how they should be thinking. You need to ask them what they should do differently for next time and what you would do. The behaviors you want to see over time is molded through time. It is conditioned overtime through reward and punishment. A parent can never be a friend. They have to be a strict teacher with tempuary moments of empathy. That is why raising a child is a 24 hour process. It takes a few weeks to a few months to shape them into the useful behaviors. Physical discipline open up aggressive and bullying behaviors so you need to assert such behaviors are not tolerated and that people and animals need to be respected. It takes giving children things to do. Having them make useful decisions. Asking them for their input, even if its useless. Allowing them to have fun time while also teaching them responsibility, balance, and that there is a time for everything. Asking them why and what are the reasons and meaning for things. Asking them questions (or even random questions) and always explaining information to them because over time, it keeps them engaged, curious, and wanting to learn more; they soak information in like a sponge. It's making deals with them and setting up pre-expectation (telling them to behave in advance). It's recalling and making them remember their past mistakes for reflection. It's playing games with them and playing pretent or role-playing to spark their imagination. It's knowing when to set limits and break roleplay to get back to reality and personal responsibilities in life. A parent also needs to know what they are feeding their child and how it influenced behavior, because sugar makes children fat, hyper, and detract brain/ cognitive function (high fructose corn syrup, concentrated sugar, artifical sugar, alcohol sugar, artificial sweeteners, aspertaim, BPH...ect). It's also important to realize parents can mold their child overtime and teach them lessons with a vatiety of methods which captures their curiosity and imagination. It truly takes a community or a group to raise a child. A child needs other children to grow up around; other children who are positive influences due to good strong families and parents with good family values (families who teach their children good lessons). More on the topic of discipline, a child needs a figure they cannot play around with and will not let them be taken advantage of. Children need to learn to respect people and animals. They need to know when is play time and when its time for something else. They need to know why something is dangerous and why. They need to learn about (FAFO - f*** around and find out; or MAFO - mess around and find out). They need to learn to listen carefully or think critically. They need the impression that information is very important and that they should absorb all information as much as possible. If they refuse to listen, let them make their mistakes and learn their lesson the hard way. Reward them for good behavior and discipline them for bad behavior. When you see another child misbehave or make a mistake, show your child and let them learn from the mistakes of others.

(Children) Little girls can be manipulative, sometimes use crocodile tears, fake crying, use charm, and love to over exaggerate things. Males might have a difficult time identifying these behaviors. That's why having another lady parent helps identify, navigate, discipline, or correct their behaviors. It's also important to know it's good for children to cry, they'll cry for latent reasons (tiredness, hunger, boredom, attention...ect). They need to learn that crying gets them nowhere and the ability to reason and negotiate gets them farther. 

I consider the old saying, "woman don't change, they get tired of acting". I think guys need to find female partners who live in reality, are authentic, and enjoy staying spicy. 

(Term) Media-activists is an activist in the news-media or equivalent reporting media to control narratives and pursue activist-group agendas. 

(Term) Sirening is a term I made for people alerting attention to something they feel is wrong, could be evidence of danger, requires attention or investigation. It can also be considered alerting attention to what they think is fraud, corruption, or an agency conducting methods of intimidation.

(Term) Capitalistic-oligachic-terr0rism an elite wealthy group dedicated to using capitalism to fund an agenda or ideology for power, authority, and absolute control. To sum up the term, it is a group of highly wealthy elites who use or hord wealth in a geographic location (or the world's wealth) to fund initiatives; control institutions; and bribe, manipulate, and control actors and leaders through overt or covert methods to push agendas or a leading overall goal for absolute power, authority, and control. 

I believe there should be an Efficientcy Commission in government. This will allow governments to calculate and measure their efficiency and stay on track to progress.

I want to consider the idea that schools should stop bullies before it reaches a noticable level. Once bullying becomes an obvious extreme, schools should stop or defend students who stand up to bullys. It's my believe bullies need to be taught lessons and learn to 'f*** around and find out'. It should be a person's obligation to take down their obvious bullys. It should also be up to a community to help stop that person from bullying. I call this idea the Egg-principle as bullies are commonly like an egg with a hard shell from their victimhood personal problems from home or their proximal enviornment and how their competely mush-eggyoke on the inside. It's because of this they force their pathetically rationalized negative behaviors on others who they think are weaker than them. I think society should perhaps rationlize and cheer-on when a bullied-person stands up and attacks their bully. In conclusion, bullys are a community's responsibility and a bullied-person's responsibility to stop the bully.

I like the quote, "Remember you're not a victim, you're a product. A product of systems, conditionings, culture, and society. Identify your illusions, delusions, and build a better and authentic version of yourself."

(Term) New culture is a term meaning a person who subscribes to a new or origional form of culture. It can also be a neutral term which includes to build better culture instead of being part of: preexisting, mass, mainstream, promoted, or seemingly synthetic cultures.

I believe destructive, subversive, manipulative ideologies such as Μагх_ism, Fас_ism, Μао_ism, and so many other destructive ideologies could be the real threat to the world.

I believe rewards are used to inflate false egos. Real rewards are shown in owns mindset and behavior through authenticity. 

If classical music and lofi can stimulate the brain for improved learning capabilities, then what are other methods that can be used to improve or stimulate rapid learning and cognitive functions? Could a focused frequency be a tool? It would be great to have methods for a brain to learn more quickly. It would be even better to find a way to pass critical information to the brain without using external influences. Imagine a person learning through light, frequencies, or electric current. Imagine if signals could be sent to the brain for people to learn without visual, auditory, or physical interaction. 

I personally believe children need to grow around both parents. They should only be in school for four hours for their beginning school careers. I want to consider the idea to teach boys differently from girls. I also want to fascinate the idea to have parent community circles, large community interaction, and to give classes on the best methods and practices for how parents should teach their children. I believe the use of community centers can provide with great community opportunities, support, and interactions. 

I like the quote, "There are no religions without wolves."

I like the quote, "You're life is as good as your mindset."

I like the quote by Budda, "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create".

Could political correctness be fa$cism pretending to be manners? 

** I believe when it comes to civilizations there are only two types of people: people who build and people who destroy. Neutral people also destroy. People who build, grow civilizations. People who destroy, decay and collapse civilizations. The results will always be starvation and population reduction. It's easier to destroy then to build. 

I believe the most expensive thing on earth is time. 

I believe a person should never be completely civilized. Become a Julius Cesar, Ragnar Lodbrok, or a demon-monster when you need to be. Always remain a mystery to others on what you might do.

I want to believe the language of the universe is frequencies. Frequencies can design very interesting visuals with sound. I also believe frequences can be scaled nearly infinitly on a decimal-fractional level. If other extraterrestrial civilization exists, perhaps symbols through frequencies and sound can help establish a universal form of communication. Perhaps there are other methods of communication using frequencies that we don't know about. It would be amazing to explore this area of physics.

It seems 'Marxism = starvation'. It seems many people who are in some form of a Marxist government system eventually evolve into a population in starvation. It may not be immediately, it might take a few decades, but it will happen eventually. It's absolutely inevitable. 

I am not religious, but I strongly believe the nation needs to return to Cristianity and God. At the least, we should be a nation of logical and reasonable individuals comprised of goodwill and principle.

I agree and think self-sufficiency is a scam. Living on a farm is very difficult and requires a lot of knowledge and effort. It just takes one accident to derail one's efforts to be self-sufficient. Instead people should focus on community because communities thrive. 

Could a piece of building culture to build community be finding people who share the same values, goals, and desires? 

Could it be that ones IQ is linked to their demonstration of ethics? 

I like the quote, 'c3nsorship is the child of fear, the father of ignorence, and the w3apon of tyrants.'

(Children) My ideas on how to discipline a child:
It could be that children do somethings for attention, show a display of independence, or to try to communicate to have their needs met. Needs could be like hunger, tireness, sickness, or pain. Another thing I need to do is pay attention to if they do something right, and give them compliments when they do right things. I should reinforce the behaviors I want to see and discourage behaviors I don't want to see. I should reward when they do good and punish when they do very bad. There are methods for punishments such as: tickles (when they joke, tease, or try to assert dominance or control), take away their toys or hand held items (until they earn it back, deserve to use it, or can be trusted with it), tapping them on the head (tell them to use their brain and think critically and correct themselves), tapping harder on the head (as a warning to think and correct themselves), use a thunderous voice of authority (when a limit has been reached), time-out (for ten minutes or until they are done misbehaving or acting up. In public, sit them outside and wait until they stop misbehaving and throwing a tantrum. Be silent and give glaring disgusted looks at your child to show their showing an ugly behavior), then there is a warning for physical discipline (some use a count down), and finally there is physical discipline. Children will test you and test to see what they can get away with. You reinforce the good and tell them consiquences for doing the bad. Predict and pre-announce the bad behaviors ahead of time before the child does them to prevent them from doing it as they know the consiquence. About the different methods: When a child teases, annoys, or tries to display authority over you, you can tap them on the head or tickle them. When they do something you don't like, you tell them to stop. If they don't stop you bark/yell for them to stop. If they continue, you can do a count down. If they still don't stop, you get the belt and use physical discipline on their behind. Time-out is also a good idea. You put your child on time-out and tell them to reflect on their behavior for ten minutes. If they are throwing a tantrum, you wait until they are finished with their tantrum. Once time-out is done, you ask them why they were put on time-out. If they cannot give you an answer, they stay more time in time-out. If they give you an answer, you ask them what was the consiquence for their action. Then you ask them if they will do it again, and if they do it again what will likely be the response of their consiquence. The last thing you ask them is why it's necissary for time-out. They should tell you it's so they can learn to become better, more civilized, and not do bad things. Also, let them remember the last times they behaved poorly and the consiquences. Tell them they should learn their lessons once and not repeat them. The biggest take away is that you have to be meaner, more tough, and intimidating then the child. All children are little monsters, provocative, and look for ways to get away with things. You have to be bigger, badder, and trickier then them. You need limited constraints to show you can prevent yourself from becoming a complete monster to a child. Ultimately a child learns through the fear of a parent. It sounds unethical, but its the most useful method. Love is knowing when you know where the limits are for taking it too far and hold no hard feelings and allow them to rejoin after they finish acting up. If you give a child limitless freedom and everything they want, they will take advantage and take power over a parent. They will become rotten spoiled and it will be near impossible to correct their behaviors in the future. Children are always looking for way to get power, dominance, and assert control. They are always looking for way to take advantage. Regarding independence, I also think parents should give more choices to their child as to what they want sometimes to give them a small sense of independence. 

(Children) I believe we need more 'parent scientists' who can learn different methods to disciplining and teaching a child. Perhaps there are better or improved parenting methods we haven't discovered yet. 

(Child psychology) In relation to children, how can a child learn to be civilized quickly, where a parent does not have to always be disciplining their child, and instead gain a fascination and curiosity so that it wants to learn more about the world and be part of society? I hypothesize this can be done through group behavior (community). Group behavior is when a child is surrounded by a group, community, or people where it replicates their social behaviors (replicates social interactive behaviors and thinking to fit in).

(Children) Children need stimulation and have a desire for getting endorphins. Could this be a method for getting them to learn things? Can there be methods and ways to get them to learn things without reward and punishment? Can there be ways to get them to want to learn and be curious so they can critically think, ask the right questions, and learn on their own? 

(Children) The earliest years of a child are the most important. It sets the stage for personality, behavioral norms, and potential behavioral issues. 

(Children) I think a child needs to apologize after they do something wrong. They need to also say why it's wrong. 

(Children) Perhaps a good way to teach children is by reinforcing the idea of shame and embarrassment. Shame and embarrassment in themselves and for their family. 

I strongly believe there needs to be a system that understand who is fit for major, high, and powerful job positions because they seem to attract psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcisists who are starving for power and control. We need people who are ethical, accountable, and logical. If there was a system to isolate these kinds of individuals, then I believe there can be greater success for the entities they serve. 

(Maybe; Term; child development) Ratioed - be nice when children behave and mean-within-reason when kids act irrational or misbehave. You need to be one level more with aggression, sterness, and strictness when they misbehave. The goal is to never let them walk over you and you choose what you want them to do otherwise you won't give them what they want. When they throw tantrums, you wait outside when in public, sit them down in time out, or give them physical discipline when they keep doing it. Make sure they know what they did wrong, how they should act, what are your expectations, and what are the consiquences. Reward them and compliment them when they do good things; confront them when they do bad things; punish them when they get out of hand and uncontrollable. 

I agree that in war, there are no good guys. Everyone is evil. Wars are mostly unecissary and can be handled in somesort of court.

Perhaps we should consider a police force for the police. Perhaps this is a viable solution to prevent police criminality, abuse, and misconduct. It could perhaps be a considerable solution for people to call this special force in the event of police criminality, abuse, and misconduct for on-the-spot investigation to ensure the police is conducting their job correctly.

Currently, it seems the US is a place where parents are working too much and gaining too little with strangers raising their children. I think this could be a reason why parents don't know how to be parents. It's my strong belief that parents don't spend enough time with their children. I find it strange that it seems often there is no one to pick up their children from school when both parents work a 9 - 5 job. I also find it strange how parents have no clue what their children are learning in school. There are no cameras in the classroom and children are very bad at explaining details of what they learned when school are eight hours long. A child is typically burned out in 3 to 4 hours. Boys don't learn well when they are sitting down at an organized desk, they learn effectively through action, interaction, and experience. I feel we should do away with the Rockafeller-factory worker type school system and embrace more effective methods of early education. Finland has an interesting school system that seems to be more effective to which I think we should observe, study, and implement what can be more effective. We need intelligent children who are healthy, critical thinking, physically fit, and are excited, self-motivated, determined, self-challenging, competitive, and curious to learn.

(My unique idea and phrase) Rule of human provocation: complete civility does not work because it leads to unethical compliance where people take advantage or manipulate another. The rule of human provocation is if you unreasonably or irrationally interact with another by provoking them, means of violence because an option. Everyone should respect each other. Those who do not show respect for another, need to learn respect. Ultimately it's f*** around and find out. Respect is not just earned, it's inherited. Respecting each other is necissary unless you give someone a reasonable reason not to have respect. 

I think a person should measure tasks and performances in terms of energy. In a day, a person only has so much energy. If a person wastes their energy on meaningless things, then nothing substantive and meaningful gets done.

In everything, focus on what's important and what should be a priority. When you feel weird, awkward, or embarrassed, focus on what is important and what should be your priority.
I think when you follow a cult, a cult silences; whether by isolation or by force. This includes making deep routed members dissapear.

I have an idea I call the 'hiarchy of presets principle'. This is to build presets of a system or tool until it becomes very easy to use, feels very good, fun, or even becaomes addicting to use. 

I think perhaps the harder something is, the more you practice it. Perhaps eventually it becomes easy.

**Perhaps a secret in life isn't believing in something very strongly. The secret is something I want to call 'collective claiming' or 'collective manifestation'. This means to claim something and to have many people know of it or believe it and therefore manifests it into existance.

Perhaps humans can later do careful research into what are spirits or electro-magnetic beings and find a way in which they can communicate with humans or with other spirits in the 3rd dimension. I mention being careful because there are bad spirits or more evil entities and we should find a way to mute, avoid, banish, or isolate them. Perhaps with careful enough research we can also avoid a pandoras box of problems from the spirit realm or frequencies.

(Vivid Dream) Future vision (a guy told me of what could be and what it is to them). More dreams of the future: buildings are quarky, smooth, and hard surface. There is a lot of detail. It would be difficult to recreate with cg. Some buildings walk and move around. Some buildings fall down and get back up. Some buildings/structures can fly. People can fly using magnetic distortion (or magnetic dialation?). 
I slept in a comfy skyscraper window loft bunk bed and could see other people around me outside reading a book and preparing for bed. There were in the top of another building. 
I got down from my bunk, and tossed my blankets aside to fidget with the light that were on another bunk a few feet from my bunk. It felt like an office. There were different kind of bunks everywhere. Some were even elevated. I liked my bunk near the window. Going downstairs was an office with a recreational lounge and something called a lobby lounge which was the transition point between an office and another resting area. We were really high up. We could see surrounding buildings. I met a few people and told them about the light switches on the level above but they shrugged me off. That's when I decided to visit ground level. I teleported down and I walked down the street and almost telepathically a person I could see in my mind was talking to me. It was a black guy similar to the guy from the final fantasy 13 game. He had an small afro and a long coat. He was giving me an introduction of the city. A handsome guy was walking in front of me but I was mesmerized by the flying building or floating structure behind him. I slipped in front of him cutting him off. I lifted my fingers as if to take a snap shot with my hands trying to capture the moment. The building was a bluish green, it had areas with a lot of detail. It was mainly smooth but had beveled areas that were a bit of a transition to hard surface. There was also areas where it were planer and areas like a cruise ship or a regular stylized building. Some areas were quirky with features that looked like the Jetsons family series. Overall it was a cool combination and everything flowed and meshed well together. I went into a stationed building. The entrance was like a fancy new York style subway entrance. It was dark reddish brown with darkish yellow and some areas were black and dark grey.  They had an elevator built into the lobby, it had a bench and chairs as it took you up. You could position the chair legs any way you like. It was dark red and black. Then the guy appeared in my thoughts and he floated around saying in a self orbiting circle while moving slowly in a single direction, 'you know how I'm doing this?' Magnetic distortion.' Then I woke up. 
//It was a vivid and realistic dream. So real you swear it was real. So many building styles and combinations. Some retro and some an arangment of different forms. Areas with a lot of detail and areas designed for humans to look out of, rest, or experience outdoors. I had grey baggy clothes with a slick jacket shirt if I remember correctly, then I took them off for bed where I had black shorts and a white shirt. The guy in the other building was reading a book. Another guy was just laying in bed looking around as if thinking to himself. 

(Maybe, not entirely sure about this post yet, but ill put it out there) It seems many females in this country are incredibly self-destructive. They can be incredibly self-destructive usually without the use of logic, reason, reflection, and emotional intelligence. Many date the wrong guys and commonly don't learn to distinguish a male of quality and good support and patental values. I found a common solution for females is to make friends with every person, be friendly with everyone, who put scoundrel-men (oportunistic, arouse-absesed, and advantageous, men looking for partners in bed) in their place so that they can choose quality male partners, and build a good association with others. Many sometimes lack the future foresight to predict consiquences in their future as a result of present actions. They perfom actions that are likely to result in conflict. Many commonly lack the grasp to get a hold of their emotions, especially when it comes to envy and jealousy. I believe there should be a level of grounded logic and reason. Many commonly always want to be right without the higher value on accuracy, objectivity, and diplomatic solutions. Many can be incredibly selfish and self-centered. Many lack emotional balance, being reciprocal, and treating others as they would treat themselves. Some lack the consideration of others. Some lack the ability to understand greater systems in which they have responsibilities towards such as legal and policy frameworks. Some believe the world revolves around them when they are as average as any other human being with similar psychologies and mental-physical differences. Many vote based on nonsense instead of logical policy. Most are addicted to fantasy. A common thing I find in the way they think is wanting to live a luxurious or fantasy-reality when the reality they can be given is based on an objective reality that requires maintance otherwise its structure, such as economy, governance, business, and legal frameworks can decay and quickly fall apart resulting in a distopic corrupt system of poverty or irrational class structures. I found in maoist-marxism, females are very easily persuaded and indoctrinated to follow irrational ideaologies and actions. I believe this is because their natural sense of social-hiarchy or collective interaction behaviors (behaviors associated to group-think and interaction). For my solutions, I want to think perhaps females need better role models. Another idea is a perhaps a return of some level of cultural decadence or decorum for an improve mental framework and behavior. A better level of decadence or decourum can improve the quality of society, social behavior, and can be used to create families and life-long plutonic friendships. Decadence can also be used to attract males of good quality to produce good families. I also think there needs to be an incentive for females to want to learn, be decadent, and to raise families. Lastly, I would promote the behavior for females to understand the gender differences of males and to make friends with everyone instead of solely seeking relationship partners and selective friendships. Overall, I'm sure there will be some backlash with this topic over female behavior. However, there are things that must be said, examined, and talked about to produce positive change. I feel people might see this and be angry due to their sensitivities. They could become angry because it's something they themselves do. My overall message is that of finding solutions and improvment so that humanity, regardless of gender, can create families and to build a better world. 

(Parenting) I think the fastest way for kids to learn is to teach them new things and take them places and give them new experiences. This helps neuro-plasticity and ultimately helps their brain to digest new concepts. 

(Parenting) When it comes to kids, you need two parents. Parents can easily be overwhelmed and tired. When a parent is tired of disciplining, another parent needs to step in and should takeover. What one parent lacks, another might have. When one parent is fatigued, another can step in and take over. Children can cause extreme tireness, sickness, and mental-physical fatigue. Two parents (or perhaps an entire village/community) are definitly needed to raise a child. 

(Parenting) Children exhaust most resources. They are a 24 hour operation. Any goals and dreams one has is made extremly difficult to achieve with children around. Perhaps accomplish the dreams as fast as you can before having children.

I think it's likely in a Marxist based system, capitalism is labeled the enemy and a system that doesn't work when in reality, it's been the most useful and productive system known to ever exist. I believe we should have monuments for good capitalism (I say good capitalism because it can also be used for greed. It's important to have a personal sense of balance and ethics to build a capitalist system/society that works for everyone and builds the future we want to have where everyone has a level of wealth, happiness, and quality of living to raise their families). 

Quality jobs (nondegrading jobs) and job incentives are essential in an economy because if people are not incentivized to work, they will find other means of work that requires less effort. Females will sell their bodies and males could likely form mafia/underground organizations and underground businesses or economies to sustain a better quality of living. It's important the economy is a balance of different jobs and not just corporate jobs. People can be motivated to work by work-culture and relaxed policies that allow them to be themselves in the workplace and not behave like a corporate-robot. Of course the quality of living plays a massive role. If a person doesn't have the quality of life or see the oportunity for the vision to achieve their quality of life or lifestyle, they might not be motivated to participate in the mainstream workforce. 

(Parenting) Aparently its a good strategy that when a child throws a relentless and continuous tantrum, you let them cry for an hour and then you go talk to them rationally and calmly to tell them to calm down. Give them ten minutes to calm down and then talk to them again before continuing on with the rest of the day. When a child throws a tantrum, you can also make them take a nap or eat something. It's usually do to some sort of need not being met. 

*(Non-fluent expressive Aphasia or Brocade Aphasia) Aparently I seem to have non-fluent expressive Aphasia or Brocade Aphasia. I won't know for absolute certain unless I visit a specialist. This affects my speech when I meet and talk to new people sometimes. I say dumb things or the wrong things when I talk. I might not state something accurately or I might word something in a weird way. I might also have trouble with clear thinking and recall. I also get speech issues when I'm super tired. Around friends and family, I can communicate effectively and accurately. Aparently the solution is speech therapy, but I'm not sure. It's a super annoying issue that affects my daily communication with people. There are times it's really bad and times where it doesn't happen at all so I suspect it's episodic on behalf of some sort of mystery conditions. It would be great to learn more solutions for this brain condition. There is also Anomic Aphasia where its hard to say words, naming objects even though they know what the object is. These are done by TIA (transiac escemic attacks) with loss of blood flow to areas of the brain. It's less likely I have Conduction Aphesia where its hard to repeat word and phrases, however I thought I'd make a note of this. My Aphasia triggers randomly, when I'm tired, or when I meet new people.

I like the idea that if anyone who breaks major laws has to go door to door to the neighborhood of a community and apologizing to every single neighbor.

(Alt stock matket idea; stock market marketplace) I kind of like the idea to have an alternative stock market. A stock market with different rules and less regulations. Perhaps it can be a stock market that's more risky and less controlled. Perhaps businesses can choose which stock market they want to host their company within. Perhaps we can make a stockmarket market place where companies choose which stock market is right for their business. 

To me, it seems wherever there is corruption, there is illegal or mind-altering drugs and large portions of dark or hidden dirty money. 

I want to think inmates either eventually go crazy or breakdown due to the effects of their subconscious to which they have nearly zero control over. It can also be if an inmate has no concept of right from wrong, if they have psychopathic behaviors, or have major mental illness, they might not have any effects of a guilty subconscious.

I think evil follows the path of continuous suppression. 

I think life is about finding hacks to reality. 

It seems to me businesses now-a-days are more about activism, politics, bias narratives, character personas, and charming or symbiotic personalities rather than about making money. 

The common way you cure depression is to first get rid of hate. Learn to love yourself. Learn to forgive others. Learn to make peace with enemies. Expand your intellectual capabilities. Expand your knowledge by asking why and by doing personal research. Learn the sources for abstract problems. Learn to identify propaganda and false-truths.

Sometimes you have to stop and listen to your inner self, inner voice, or what something is telling you. It could be a spirit, the universe, or higher entity. Simple pause and listen with one's imagination and inner thoughts. 

Never fall to delusion. Leave no stone unturned and follow the evidence. I think people who fall into delision lack information, critical thinking, fundamental (basic) information, proper nutrition to sustain normal brain function, live in fear because of hate, lack self awareness and self reflection, and don't do their own research. It's important to not live entirely in fantasy and always live in true reality first. Reality in which you make your own interpretations and meanings. Accurate and critical thinking takes practice and a collection of all information. False information reveals its falsehood over time. One needs to have a sense of humility that they do not know everything and are actively looking for the truth. They have to question everything. Most truths are buried in logic, reason, cause and effect. The more you practice thinking, the more is revealed to you naturally. Recognize and collect your own findings of information and truths  from the information and proposed truths given from the outer world and not from oneself. Consider but never solely rely on information and truths given by the outer world. The information that come from experts are people like yourself and are subject to biases and agendas. It's important never to follow and to always recognize delusions. It's also important to recognize manipulators, distortion of truths, reframing of information, agendas, and reason for agendas. Always ask what you believe in and why. Ask how you got that conclusion. You hold the key to finding truth with your own mind, thoughts, questions, and search of accurate information. 

(Term) Debate-chafing or Discussion-chafing is when an individual conducts a variety of methods to dodge, weave, and manipulate a discussion or debate. Many examples can be a person who: manipulates a conversation, makes word-salads, says a bunch of things that mean nothing, filibusters time, gaslights, prop-clips, lectures through proof-texts, engages in personal attacks, enacts victim tactics to elicit an audience or cult response or backing, searches for ways to elicit an irrational reaction, plays with finding different ways to interpret something differently to throw off a debate or topic, focuses on terminology and semantics rather than the topic of a discussion, conveys a false idea or lie based on a discussion for redirection of discussion, changes a subject, becomes emotional, uses emotion to sway away from logic or a topic, tries to portray a discussion-win with 'gotcha' moments, invokes a crowd to behaves a certain way to portray winning a discussion, builds an irrationally agressive or intimidating tone or behavior to throw off a topic or discussion, enacts using complex vocabulary to win arguments and portray their oponent as less intelligent, behaves irrationally to preserve delusion or propaganda, shares no reflection or understanding of their own beliefs or critical think and instead continues to repeat themselves, refuses to understand the perspective of others to understand another's view of a topic, refuses to answer critical questions to avoid looking bad and appearing wrong, stages a series of arguments to make their opponent look bad or become confused, states too many topics at once to appear more virtuous, looking to one's allies or a staged environment for help, not wanting or unable to explain one's stance or belief, has the inability to breakdown and explain one's bias and beliefs in a digestible and comprehensible way, and insults another for a cult reaction. Overall, it's the manipulation of a discussion or debate to win without answering critical questions and points and explaining oneself fully for another to learn, comprehend, and fully understand a position.

Be aware of dramatic people. They might have Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) which is a mental health condition marked by unstable emotions, a distorted self-image and an overwhelming desire to be noticed. People with HPD often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention.

I think ambiguity is a tool for manipulation which is a tool for deception and corruption. To prevent things like this, I think there needs to be details and specificity. 

I believe if the world was pacifist, it would be run by treaties and courts.
I believe corruption thrives in secrecy, it is brought to justice through exposure. 

I think low IQ people are subject to bad think-tank ideas. They easily become followers to things that sound smart despite doing their own research or listening to all feedback, including oppositional feedback. I will call this rumba-minded people.

I like the lyrical quote of, "Do what you got to do to be you". 

**I like the Japanese quote that 'when it comes to professions and skills, rules are for begginners'.

I think people with the greatest intellectual and knowledge filled consciousnesses are some of the most valued people in life and we should never let their capabilities go to waste. 

(Term) Delusion Viruses are mental illnesses created by culture and propaganda. A person is what they consume. From media and music to TV shows of interest or random junk they've glanced playing in the background of their livingroom; it all influenced one's mind and personality. It's important to get a dose of everything just as it's important to consume a variety of foods for its nutrition value. A person needs a variety and balance of everything. A person needs a healthy mind to produce a good life. 

Negative propaganda is one of the most damaging things to exist in a world that can go vastly more farther with hard facts and accurate calculations. 

Although obvious, if you feed your brain with positive, helpful, and useful information, you'll wire your brain for success and growth. 

*Spiritually I believe we are not the keepers of our own destinies. We answer to higher powers, forces, and systems. 

I strongly believe that if a person develops their creative skills along with their ability to be an intellectual and critical thinker, they can ask and think of concept far beyond the average person. They can even imagine origional ideas never before conceptualized. 

**There is a large part of me that believes people can be born again but in a different body with different parents. It's critical that one remembers their full name after being reborn so that they research and relearn the life they once had. In such a case, the greatest challenge is the great race to fertilize the egg so that one can be reborn again. If one does not make it, they die and will have to retry with different parents. The goal will have to be determination and never to give up. This life is a great gift. To get another chance and to live again is beyond worth it. My greatest goalnis to teach humanity. Heaven does not interest me because the real challenge, lessons, adventures, and achievments are here on earth, I strongly believe. A life with emotion, stunny beauty, and a level of exploration and control in the real world space where you can share with other living and breathing humans. I hope that one day the human reality and the spiritual reality will cross over and live as one in peace and harmony, but until then I will race to be the first and to be born again so that I can learn, expand my knowledge, share, and build humanity to its full potential. "Live life again". 

I believe all people think differently. One person may explore the idea of the metaphysical, spiritual, or possibilities in science while another barely comprehends the idea of spirituality thinking God is a physical man living in the sun. IQ and intellectual capabilites very upon every person (intellectual abilities, creativity, and thinking requires a lot of practice). Despite the differences in thinking and the capability to understand concepts, all people should be respected, admired for their talents, and appreciated. All people should be encouraged to grow their mental abilities and, without ignorence, share in ideas and possibilities. 

I believe psychic intuition is received through messages from external forces and entities using one's imagination. One can be given visions and bits of information that hopefully can prove useful. 

(How to make origional ideas) The easiest way to make origional ideas is to: 1 examine the abstract, 2 listen to your imagination, 3 write down lucid dreams, and 4 use roleplay. Referring the the first method, a person can examine the abstract. This can be from coming up with stories and ideas while making sense from staring at one's textured ceiling. It can even be visiting nature and staring at the clouds. You can also examine abstract art and come up with ways to make sense of the patterns, textures, and shapes. The second method kind of blends in with the third method. The second method is to listen to your imagination. Let your imagination run wild with ideas. Give consideration to ideas from outside thoughts, day-dreams, emotions, logics, analysis, forces, and gifted-ideas from the mysterious universal forces or entities. Have a mind like a sponge and absorb or consider any feedback. The third method is lucid dreams. To prepare for this, learn as much as you can about everything as much as possible. From non-fiction and history to fiction and fantasy. Before you sleep, your brain will produce beta waves, write down any ideas as you fall asleep. Also, write down any ideas after you wake up. You can also set a timer in the middle of the night and record your dreams as you wake up and go back to sleep. The fourth method is roleplay. Roleplay to your favorite music with imaginative scenarios. Roleplay or play DnD with friends and imagine various scenarios and adventures. The more creative, the better. Creativity also requires practice if you want to push your boundaries beyond the average person. These are the methods to how you can create origional ideas.

(Rant) I've been plagued with very bad luck in my life. I expect I'll have cancer or die in my sleep due to a lung infection or heart failure. Bad luck and irony has played the biggest part in my life, even when I have made or attempted positive changes. Irony and bad luck is a force and it definitly seems to come from something or somewhere. It's ironic that I graduate and not find a job in my field. It's ironic my family sees me as a failure despite all my seemingly useless achievments. Its ironic that at the time I need a job most in my life, DEI and ESG exists. Its ironic ATS systems or ghost jobs get me no jobs. It's ironic, I'm still with with parents because I'm unable to find a decent job that supports a stable means of living. It's ironic that when I do get a job, it has the worst managers or is subject to 10k fines for simple mishaps. It's ironic the country has gone Marxist with destructive policies and actions. It's ironic my brother got the vaccine and Omnicron happened to travel through recent vaccinated persons. It's ironic my immune system tanked after taking a gut-biome destroying pill. The irony and bad luck is absolutely measurable and completely dependable to happen. Therefore, I say to other people, do what you can to change from having bad luck. Obtain charms and prayers as much as you can, because irony and bad luck is a mysterious plague. I don't know what causes it, but it has never failed to suprise me. I hope one day the forces that control, manipulates, influences, or allows irony and bad luck can be disabled. 

Life on Earth should be a convinient blessing because life outside of Earth in our interstellar neighborhood or interdimensionally should be the real risk-taking and dangerous frontier.

From Y0uTube comments about Leftover Woman. 
Woman 20s: I don't need no man; men are useless; I can do what a man can do; I prefer woman; I chase bad boys; my body my choice; I need a rich man; I need to become a strong and independent woman; He has to have these list of qualities; I need a man who is like from this series (obsessed with a fictional character) I can change him or he will love me one day (chases narcisists, sociopaths, and psychopath boyfriends instead of quality guys).
Woman in 40s: where are the good men? Why won't men look at me? Why am I not married? Men only use me; Why am I not happy (as they live with their many cats)?
Woman I'm 70s: Where are the men?
Alternate universe: 
Woman in 20s: I need to make many platonic guy friends. I need to find quality guys by becoming their friend. I need more understanding of men, how they think and what makes a quality guy. I need to balance my career and relationships. 
Woman in 30: I'm too busy with my children and taking care of my man; I found someone who makes me happy. I have created a great balance in my life to have my own career and take care of my children and husband. I have experience now to know I have to make changes in myself to help find a quality guy before I hit the wall (before the age of not bareing children).
Woman in 70s: We've made many memories together, we've lived through the hard times and best times, I can't live without my hubby. 

I like the saying by Richard P. Feynmen, "Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PHD and still be an ideot."

(Term) Gold Careers is a label for the careers in colleges and universities that are nearly always in demand and guarenteed to make a good living. Careers like being an engineer, doctor, lawyer, electrician, IT, plumbing, construction, business managment, mechanic... and so on. These are the careers worth going to school for. There should be a lot less emphasis and even discourgment for going to colleges and universities for careers that are not Gold Careers. Neverless, my suggestion is to follow the careers that are ultimately in demand and come back to your hobby/ interest/ dream careers later.

(Term) Spark Analysis is a term I made to answer the question what makes something great or desirable. What makes something relatable and what value does something provide to consumers. 

I like the Chinese saying to pursue a virtuous wife and not a beautiful one. 

I want to strongly believe if you cannot achieve your basic needs in society while being honest, then there is a major problem in that society. A person should have the upper hand when they are honest otherwise it's a dishonest society and system. Honesty in a society should be a great virtue. A society should have deep roots in virtue. 

I believe all females are utilitarian, it's in their nature. Females are the ones who should be fighting for a guy's attention. Fairytale love didnt exist prior to the 90s and families prospered. I also think guys should aim for average females and not models due to high standards and lifestyle. Guys and females should make friends with each other and make as many friends as possible. This is the greatest tool to see if people are compatable and are of quality to make a great family. 

It seems female lesbian relationships commonly never last. Perhaps this could be a call to return to historic roots with traditional relationships. 

(Term) Unhingedread- someone who is mad about everything, seeks something to be mad about, has a need to be angry about something. Someonw who has a need to feel like a victim or claim they are being oppressed. 

I see many females seeing guys as utility rather than a partner for companionship or friend. I think this is wrong. A male should not be seen for their gender or for a utilitarian purpose. All people should be respected and seen as an individual and not a class, label, or group of people. If a male has the right mindset, determination to succeed in life, posesses natural and authentic confidence, and are actively pursuing improvments to build a better life and better self then these are the qualities females should seek in a guy. It should be a sin to fall in love for a guy for what he has. It is wrong to seek a relationship with a guy for his nice car, six figure salery, how tall he is, how confident he is, and any other material or qorld quality he has. Females should look for greater qualities. I also believe they should make as many guy friends as possible. Great friendships are priceless. I also believe commitment to one's principles and values are also very important. 

I thibk psychopaths (especially delusional people), sociopaths, and narcisists are some of the most dangerous individuals when put in positions of power. Their totalitarian, authoritarian nature and desire for power has no limits. If given the chance they will rule with terrifying force or terribly ruin the world absolutely. 

I think free speech is necessary and important. I also think freedom of speech ends when it is a direct or indirect call to violence that puts others in danger. 

I remember around early to mid 2024 touching some sort of mysterious ooz on my right hand. It was on our Crown Victoria passenger side door. It was like a viscous but thick globulate oily soap substance without the after-oily or slippery texture when you slide your fingers in it. I remember it was transparent. I touched it from under the car door handle. I wiped it off from on the bricks on the side of the garage. The encounter with the substance was a very strange occurence. I feel it has contributed to my mysterious gastro problems. I'm not sure what the ooz is, where it came from, or who put it there. After I touched the ooz with my bare hand, I was never the same. My doctor prescribed me something for my bladder and lower intestines. The symptoms were intense. I laid on the sofa with a black hoody feeling super sick and miserable. I keep asking myself what was this mysterious substance and is it accurate to be the source of my continuing health collapse. It has been many months now since the incident and I still think about it. Never have I encountered anything like this substance in my entire life. 

I think when elites come together to consolidate for power and control, chaos happens.

I believe authenticity is true freedom. 

I agree that the best ideas come when one is bored. 

I think a lot of people can experience being around others and yet continue to feel lonely. What they lack in my opinion is being around others who share the same authentic enthusiasm and interests. I think its possibly a lack of being around authentic people or people that understands you on a deeper level. I also think this can be achieved by having a community. The loneliness can also be due with a person being undecided about their direction and how to rediscover new and exciting goals, interests, and adventures for oneself. 

(Marketing) The more you interact with people the more you can know what they want. Interact and be social with target demographics to reveal consistencies in what thwy really want. Knowing this can help you find a market. Ask what they want and wish they could do. Give it to them in a form of medium. For new ideas, sell them the general ideas of things. You want to be a modern commando viking? 

(Term) School-of-fish-brain - a pattern of thinking where there are no new ideas. You have to spoon feed new ideas to them. They recycle ideas with what they are perpetuated within their 'school off fish'. Origionalists and creatives need to sell and introduce new ideas. Best ideas become culture.

(Term) Stroggard is a term I made-up that means a person who is weak minded, sensitive, or emotional who prefers to hold a victimhood stance and seek social validation and approval instead of taking a proactive initiative to improve themselves, do research and collect information, build skills and intellectual independence, gain real confidence through personal achievments, question themselves and discover their authentic-self, find a means of independence, a sense of responsibility, take part in a community, and build value for themselves and others. 

(Storytelling) I want to invent a new plot story device called 'Reality Fusion'. This is the combination of fact and fiction to make a story more believable and surreal. 

I like the quote by Asmongold, "You act like you have no control over your destiny. Take control of your destiny." and "Do something you need to do."

I want to maybe consider what should be my number one rule in life, maybe "do not be stupid and do not be ignorent". 

When it comes to minecraft, there is typically: Authoritarians, anachists, greivers(chaos), and democracy. Could this resemble sociological groups in real-life?

I believe high-inflation is how oportunities and personal dreams are brutally crushed for those at the bottom and middle class. 

I feel like bad children should be separated from good classrooms and put into their own classroom where they can be educated under more strict conditions. I understand schools currently cannot do this because of policies surrounding not being able to group children. 

I think there should be a fine line somewhere when lies from m3dia leads to activists and low IQ people doing violent behaviors. There should be some form of accountability. My solution is a build-up of cases by volume. When their volume of lies builds credibility to them becoming an ‘activist news organization’ with tangible evidence, that’s when they should be held accountable.

(Term) Bimbo mind virus - authentic people can be seen with average behaviors and share a casual, common, or traditional form a language, culture, interaction, and mannerisms. A person infected with a 'bimbo mind virus' are overly or extremely invested in culture which can be intertwined in ideological values commonly rooted in politics and propaganda. Their behaviors, language, and interests are vastly different from the average traditional person. Their intellectual abilities are inhibited by following trends, propaganda, and icons instead of personalized self-reflection, personal improvment, critical thinking, personal research, and authentic practice of intellectual development. They can be commonly emotional with little development on emotional EQ (emotional intelligence). They commonly neglect the critical life requiments of facts, life skills, and personal growth and improvment to become the optimum version of themselves. They carry more a focus on their own version of reality through delusion or illusions than reality and logic itself. 

My crazy idea for dimensional communication for fun. My dimensional communication idea. To entities in the 4th dimension, we are ants. To entities in the fifth dimension, we are amibas. To communicate with them, we need patterns of communication. Observe, recognize positive patterns and maturity/wisdoms (patterns of recognition in behavior) with interactions and behaviors over time, and repeat it back carefully in correct conditions and perhaps contexts. Study, identify, learn, recognize conditions and context, carefully interaction, familiarity, and iteration. I think the easiest way to get an entity of a higher dimension's attention is using light. How do you get them to not 'squish' you is a peace offering or to amuse them somehow and deliver simple messages and slowly build methods to bridge communication.

I strongly believe real leadership comes from authenticity. It cannot be taught. 

(Term) Toxic empathy is letting people get away with wrong doings under the excuse of empathy, or situations which enables wrong doings to continue when a circumstance is not delt with in the moment also under the excuse of empathy. 

Could the cure for cancer be in first modifying virus properties then dissolving it with frequency? 

(Term) The Enable Principle is my idea that if you let something happen once it will continue to happen. Therefore, you stop something when it happens, or even have no tolerence and state having zero tolerence and standing by your word. I think it's okay to let something slide once or provide a warning, but state there will be no tolerance next time. A story can be, when you let a child grab candy when they want, they will grab it whenever they want and as many times they want, and they won't have dinner, get sick, geow obese, have no personal discipline, and refuse to eat real food. Another idea can be a bully who intimidates an individual will continue to do it until you physically put a stop to it or find a person who can put a stop to it.

I believe when common sense and logic is required to be written down in policy, I believe it is a sign that a society is collapsing. Logic and common sense are core component to a productive and functional society.

(Spicy) YT comment reply: I believe in a different set of virtue and morality. My virtues and morality are based on authenticity. There is no philosophy on earth that is the same as mine. In my philosophy of life, you are responsible for yourself and have a duty to have respect, consideration, and goodwill for others. If a person wants to have an only fans, to me this is respected. In my philosophy of life a respected CEO can have an only fans, be a spicy dancer, or a kinkster and still be a well respected CEO. I understand my philosophy does not align with traditional religious or American values and morality. I believe authenticity creates real humans, authentic behaviors, real relationships, real dreams, and real leaders. In my philosophy of life people can do things that make them authentically happy instead of behaviors they have to fulfill to please or fit into society. People need to have methods to grow and become mature. People need to form their own authentic views of morality based on logic and reason. Right now its based on religion values and culture. If people want spicy lifestyles, i believe this should be allowed as long as it adopts a method to be in harmony with the rest of society; such as having zones or distinct, restrictive (age apropriate), and secure spaces. With authenticity, life can introduce many unique behaviors, life storys, lifestyles, and authentic core beliefs (instead of what comes from dogma and culture). This create origionality, intellectuals, and positive new visions. Being authentic also makes people live fulfilling lives to which they will only have one ever in the history. They should live it well, help others, stand for truth, stand for logic, be origional, be intellectual, have goodwill and respect for all, and live life authentically. I strongly believe is how humans will go to the stars and beyond.

(Term) Corporate corruption to me means finding methods to increase money and power while taking advantage of markets, managment, and resources. This includes lower pay to employees, finding financial advantages, especially overseas, to increase profit ethically and unethically. This is commonly under the cloak of being a 'global citisen' or 'global entity'. To me it shares roots with mixing marxism, capitalism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, or utilitarianism. 

Life and being healthy is the greatest gift. I believe heaven is not a gift at all because life after death shares no evidence of equivalence. All portrays are through human-perceptions. I believe people need to live life with meaning and purpose. We need to teach and help others. In my opinion living a long life and dying in peaceful sleep without pain is one of the greatest gifts a person can have. Living for a longer time than 100 years with the best health is what humans should strive for. People should live a life of peace where they can invent, self-improve, and build or explore amazing thing. I think an amazing idea would be to have the oportunity to live for 300 to 10,000 years lifespans. Imagine the knowledge and how valuable older members would be. If I could choose, I think 300 to 3k years would be find for me. 

(Term) Modern sage - In today's life, everything revolves around money, families, and progression. Often it rarely revolves around hobbies and personal initiatives. What if a person wanted to have the personal goal to learn as much about everything about the world as much as possible. From how something was conceptualized to how it function in a modern setting. The subjects and topics are nearly endless. I want to label such an individual as a modern sage. A modern sage is an individual who acquires information about any subject and continues to learn as a personal endeavor. They are driven by fascination, interest, and curiosity. What they learn, they can find ways to apply to other things. Culture and unique time-period narratives always change so every modern sage can be extremely valuable in relation to their time period. An example of culture can be a person from the future will never authentically experience playing an entire immersive Pokémon world on Pokemon Red Version for the first time on Gameboy Color as a young kid in the 90s. Overall, Modern sages can be like walking databases of information, intelligence, humor, and knowledge where they can piece things together and be an intellectual gem for their communities. 

I have a dissatisfaction for how the current world is and my thoughts and vision of how the world should be. I understand many can disagree based on their various IQ levels, maturity levels, and the experiences and knowledge they are exposed to or acquired. I'm always looking for ways to improve the world despite not having a method to enact change. All methods to enact publicity to my works have failed. I'm okay with this. My perception of the world as an INFJ (Bryce test) individuals let's me explore and see the world differently. I would love to portray my world in an artificial setting like a videogame simulation or something, but no such technologies exist yet. I think if I could test my version of society through my vision of how it should be, I can test to see how I am wrong or right and offer maintance and corrections. I don't strive for perfection or utopia, but a world that functions well like a well maintained machine where people have meaningful and impactful purpose and are happy would be amazing. 

(Term) Glistening status - This is taking the best out of the golden era of all or any subjects and putting them together to make an ideal glistening status for a sustained and stabil term until things are improved and even more optimized for oportunities and ways to advance and excel.  

Power to me is the ability to make things move your way. It can be used for good or for evil. Power used for good improves the world. Power for evil destroys it.