Saturday, January 31, 2015

Is there such thing as justice?

Adultery, backstabbing, lying, greed, vandalism, murder, assault, molestation, fraud, crime… Do people actually get away with the things they do that are extremely immoral? I’m sure many of them do, however I think justice can be a misconception.

Many people go through life getting away with immoral deeds. There are millions of records of unsolved crimes, more than likely millions of people who cheat on their spouses routinely, often personal items are stolen, identities taken and the list goes on.

When not subjected to the law, often one talks about karma or that God will judge them upon their last hour. I think it’s all matter of opinion. However, I question the idea that everyone who does evil deeds eventually receives justice.

I think justice is a misconception and that true justice should come from within an individual to have the desire to change, to actually change, to ask for the forgiveness of others to whom they have affected and ultimately do what is right. Unfortunately, such a world does not exist. Nevertheless, I think it seems only right that a person would desire to change so that they can prove to themselves they is still a good person inside. It's then they can pick up as a new person and rediscover themselves as having a new life.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Eplicas (mirrored reality theory)

If I may indulge myself into theoretical science, I have come up with a somewhat fantasy theory regarding the topic of dimensions and alternate realities. I call this idea Eplicas. These are alternate realities that extend beyond the idea of infinity. It’s the idea that when one looks into a mirror using another mirror one can see an infinite number of reflections. This concept takes that idea but imagines every version of that reality has a slight change. For example, imagine living one’s life with the only change in one’s version of reality is that a person decided to move their finger slightly to the left. In addition to this idea, imagine that this person moving their finger like this attracts the attention of another person and they decide to look at it. This leads to a changed event. Taking this concept and using this mirrored principle would show that there is essentially an infinite amount of alternate realities that vary in slight changes. Eventually it will lead to an alternate reality in which there is a dramatical change. For example, the guy movies his finger, catches the other person’s eye, the individual doesn't see where they’re going, bumps into a female spilling coffee and later in the future gets married to her. It’s an exaggerated example, but there could be alternate realities with different outcomes. In addition to this idea, I think it's important to mention realities would continue even if a person is deceased or doesn't exist. Furthermore, I have called realities that are vastly different from each other, key realities, much like key frame animation where there is a change of movement in a specific frame. By taking these key realities and listing them out, there will eventually be an array of interesting and unique alternate realities with significant changes. There is also perhaps an infinite number of key realities as well. If I may add more to the idea using labels, I would like to add the idea that each reality has their degrees of dangers depending upon their circumstances and unique events. For example we could label passive or safe realities green realities, moderate passive or somewhat dangerous realities yellow realities and label dangerous and very grim realities red realities. Referring back to the idea of key realities, if we were to take the idea a step further, I think eventually such changes will lead to not only alternate key realities but maybe alternate dimensions as maybe there is a change in the unknown environment related to holding these realities. I call this greater dimensional environment the Eplica Universe or Eplica Library. There could be an infinite number of dimensions as well. There could also be greater dimensions upon those dimensions as well. Perhaps even such that the ideas in one’s mind could be a form of reality housed in an alternate dimension. If I may use my imagination, perhaps this could also one day be our next frontier. To explore Eplicas and maybe beyond. It would be interesting to live in an actual reality we have thought up in our own mind.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Personal Fashion & Style

I have to state that I have a passion for fashion. Although I feel it’s not very popular here in the United States, I feel it’s a must for everyone to have a respected style or fashion sense. After all, it seem no one escapes judgment by appearance. Often when I go to college I normally see the average jeans, something with camo, or someone dressing like someone popular. I think this is okay if that’s the look one is looking for, but I think there’s so much more that can be done to reinvision oneself and improve one’s image. I feel it gives one a sense of originality or unique character. I also think having a sense of fashion can be used to describe one’s mood, personality and interests. If the fashion style is abstract or unique it could also make it hard for others to stereotype or shape a perspective of an individual. I think this could be good or bad. I don't think fashion always has to represent something about an individual. I think it's great for everyone to try different fashion styles. When I dress in something I consider fashionable, I often feel good, charismatic, more outgoing and confident about myself. My personal fashion style revolves around an Asian fashion sense, particularly Korean and maybe Japanese. I also enjoy the urban upper class New York look, even though I often don’t have money to afford such a luxurious style. Style is another thing I think everyone should have. I think everyone should experiment and get feedback from different styles of fashion. I would also consider being random a unique style in fashion. In places like Japan and Korea, this is common. Some styles may even be a collage of styles. Having a sense of style gives a person a special kind of uniqueness; that is if they don’t go overboard with it. I think by having different styles and fashion senses individuals will find others more interesting, influential, and perhaps even friendlier and possibly even improve social interaction. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

How to Improve Self-Esteem

These are my notes from Speech class.
Self-esteem may contribute to choosing the wrong partner; to becoming dependent on drugs, alcohol, or other substances; or to experiencing problems with eating or other vital activities.
We can improve our self-esteem by changing the way we think about our self and the way we interact with others.

Engaging in self talk: Positive reinforcement is a good tool to pick yourself up. The use of words like, "I can do this." affects the subconscious and enough self talk will result in a different frame of thought about one's actions. Self talk should be realistic and positive. Repeating negative messages will affect one's frame of thought just as positive self talk does.

Visualize positive images about yourself: This takes self talk a step further. This is where you try to imagine achieving and obtaining your goals.

Avoid comparing yourself to others: It's best to avoid comparing one self against others. Everyone's backgrounds, status, level of wealth is different. It's best to find self worth rather than compare yourself to others.

Reframe appropriately: This is redefining events and experiences from a different point of view. Look at negative situations and see what is the positive side of a situation. For example, if your boss says you can't do something right, don't look at it as being devaluating or labeling yourself a bad employee. Instead, shrug it off, learn from your mistakes and utilize any information that can make you perform better. It's important to remember your self worth as a human being.

Develop honest relationships: Find trust worthy individuals to give you honest feed back when you need it. It can held determine what you need to work on specific ways to improve yourself. The more credible the information, the more you're likely to believe it.

Let go of the past: Things change. You change. Others change. Often letting go of the past can be hard for some, but research finds by not letting things go affects you ability to interact, form relationships, and move forward in life. Often religion says to forgive, this is definitely a good idea, because by not letting things go it could affect one's mental health and well being.

Seeking support: When a person has a problem, it's natural to express care, concerned and show support. When we have a problem, it's always great to have another person like friends, family, pastor or even professional help to share your problems with. Many often find talk therapy a good idea. It help put your negative thoughts and emotions into words that a counselor or professional can listen and offer useful reinforcement.

Long Lasting Friendship Hypothesis

Over the past couple days I have come up with my own hypothesis for developing long lasting friendships. I have listen all the specifications bellow:

Don’t get too emotionally tangled or too attached. Have a little bit of personal space.

The best friendship is a loose relationship

Accept everyone’s differences, imperfections and weaknesses. Maybe it’s even good to admire their imperfections as something that makes them unique.

Avoid drama with humor or positive reinforcement.

It’s okay to be open, I think it’s good that friends should speak their minds and be open about everything.

Never involve money

Don’t take things too seriously. If there’s a problem, it’s best to confront them directly.

This is pretty common sense, never backstab, put another down with destructive intentions or

If one messes up, play it off to elevate the mood and come up with solutions and suggestions.

Never be forceful, aggressive or be the negative person out of your group of friends.

Just relax and chill. I think the hippies are a good example of what a good idea of what a friendship should feel like.

I think it’s best to never ignore anyone, if a person is making a fool out of themselves or doesn’t seem to be on the same page as everyone, make him feel comfortable, give him questions and use humor to pick him back up. After all, everyone has their days.

Associate with people you like or will make you a better person.

Think for yourself, yes means yes, no means no. By being honest you’ll be more satisfied around them.

Always share things in common and enjoy each other’s company.

I find it very fun when friends reinforce behaviors that other friends do. For example, the image above. 

Humor makes everything fall into place. A friendship without humor makes for a stale relationship.

My Idea of Healthcare and Similar Plans

I'm not too familiar on how everything works, but this is my idea for a fully functional common sense-like health care system. I would make a system that is like a retirement plan where a certain percentage of one’s paycheck will be added to his own health care fund. I would have it start with the current working generation. Seniors will use the existing system. One of what I believe to be a great reason of having this percentage transferred from one’s paycheck is, just like retirement, that the person won't notice they are paying into it. Maybe the same can be done for transportation insurance or other insurances. Moreover, if individuals have over a certain amount, then the system stops taking from one’s paycheck. Maybe if this amount is never used by the individual, it can be returned to the individual through their retirement or allocation to where the funding is needed. Maybe they can even get the option to transfer funding around or even remove if things get to desperate (perhaps they should pay a penalty for this). Through this idea, I believe it will simplify the system and get people to not feel burdened by it. Perhaps this can also be used to collect a certain amount on taxes from their paychecks and keep it at an extremely low flat rate.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Imagining A Peacful and Imaginative Society

I'm sure this is rehashing the old topic of a free culture society; nevertheless, I would like to add more ideas.

Imagine a world of fair laws. A society free of judgment. The ability to obtain and create whatever one desires. A world of respected difference (even if considered immoral by others). A world free of crime and tyrannical ideologies. A world that freely thinks, gives rationalized solutions, and where everyone cooperated as a whole.

This is the type of world I want to live in. Although it is a fantasy, I can live in it inside my imagination.

I remember walking into Walmart today and pretending to mix reality with a little bit of imagination. I walked into the store and thought to myself. Everything is free, now what do I need? Although I could only afford buying a pack of black and grey undershirts, I walked around the store and found myself fascinated over other unessential items I could imaginably obtain. The imagination came to an end when I started comparing prices for the shirts, however.

I also thought up of a couple other scenarios using my imagination:

I used my imagination to picture myself looking up at the stars in my own front yard. I set up a futon with a pillow and a couple comforters. I spent the night stargazing until finally falling asleep. I had no worries and felt at peace. In the morning I pictured myself with one of my legs hanging off the side of the futon and the neighbors walking by telling me good morning or telling me how it was an interesting place I had slept. Knowing how hard it would be for me to get out of bed, I would probably just ignore them and fall back onto my futon. I'm sure in our actual society, this could be considered immature or subject to hostility, but I think it would be great to be able to do this and have no need to feel ashamed, judged or have any though of being hated or harmed. 

I saw a commercial along time ago that was for an Xbox 360 commercial where the entire city was participating in a water balloon fight. I wanted to be in that scenario. I thought about it and imagined what fun I would have. Imagine having the entire nation one day deciding they were going to have a day to have a water balloon fight. I could imagine driving down the freeway and having another vehicle open up their windows and battering my vehicle with water balloons, and as I look over, they are just a simple family having fun. How enjoyable that would be (even though, yeah it could be hazardous). Taking my imagination further, imagine paintballing. Now that would be even more interesting.

I imagined attending college and made learning my career. It wasn't mandatory to do the work or even participate the class. I simple craved knowledge and would spend all day listening to lectures. Occasionally, I would imagine getting excited over a subject I thought I had no interest in and desires to know and learn more. Perhaps one day, I would desire to utilize or apply this knowledge and turn it into a personalized career or help an entity create something for the better of human kind.

I thought of a scenario where I felt too tired to go home and so I knocked on a random person's house and asked if I could spend the night. Then I imagined spending the night in a stranger's home looking at their belongings and wondering what kind of unique lifestyle they have. Then in the morning maybe they would make breakfast for me and I would introduce myself and start to meet new people. 

(these are all my ideas for now, I will add more later)

Friday, January 16, 2015

Love vs Actual Love

I have given this much thought. I believe the idea of love has been altered from what is the actual purpose and portrayal of love. Because of the result of commercialization in society, I believe love is taught to be a sentimental value. If I may describe this with more accuracy, I think it’s a term I can state by describing it as a commercialized fantasy. Where the idea of love comes as a display of what one feels inside or feels in relation for another. I think this is either incorrect or perhaps a different version of the meaning we think of love. Moreover, I believe the true definition of love is through the act or action in which one demonstrate unimaginable kindness, compassion, and understanding. In the ancient world and in biblical texts, love is described as being kind, helping your neighbor, and displaying various forms of compassion. The Greeks describe this as four meanings: Stoge- affection, Phileo- friendship, Eros- romance, and Agape- unconditional love. Referring to the actions in modern day relationships, I think often the idea of love is convoluted with emotional misunderstandings or mishaps. Perhaps it’s best to examine what one defines as love and compare it to actual definitions. I don’t believe it’s right to be in the idea of one is in love and yet instigates to follow one’s own romantic fantasies to another. By ancient means, it seems the entanglement of emotions is a variable that has very little to do with love. Therefore, I believe it must be because of the influence of modern culture and commercialization their idea of love. It’s my opinion that if everyone were to use the ancient idea of what was defined as love, then one shouldn’t have no problem in their relationships because it would not be based of sentimental or personalized variables. It’s possible anyone would be able to get along with anybody, regardless of one’s differences. I believe a good depiction of what actual love is can be seen in the movie Maleficent (2014), where Maleficent’s spell was created out of revenge and with the intention to prove that there is no such thing as true love, however when growing up and becoming attached with the princess, she learns to show an unconditional side of love which shows the true side of love as something more than emotional value. This demonstration of love awakes the princess at the end showing in what I believe can be considered the actual representation of true love. Although this is also commercialized, I think it’s a good model for what real love can look like. In conclusion, perhaps our idea of love is either commercialized, fantasized or self-interpreted; nevertheless, I believe true love in unconditional and is not about sentimental value but the demonstration to be compassionate, understanding, and to show an unimaginable kindness not only for those we are in relationship with but for everyone around us.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Curse of the Overcast Skies of Doom

I don’t believe in superstitions. However, I have a personal superstition that simply can’t be ignore. It may sound ridiculous, but it truly haunts me every time. It has haunted me ever since I noticed it in high school and it continues to haunt me to this present day. This superstition is, the curse of the overcast skies of doom. There’s something about overcast skies that drains my energy, makes me feel miserable and gives me extremely bad luck. It can be bad luck like waking up in the morning and having everything feel like it’s trying to bother you, get in the way or find ways to make your life difficult. An example of this can be waking up and starting your day cleaning cat puke or simply brushing your teeth and the toothpaste falls off your brush and onto the floor. Another example is going to college and forgetting your assignment at home or being called on in class and you can’t help but studder or find it difficult to speak accurately. Under the overcast skies of doom, there are sometimes that the day can go from being difficult to becoming impossible or even a complete disaster. There was one time I was taking a shower and all of a sudden there was trickling water coming from the ceiling. I’m sure everyone knows when the ceiling starts to urinate, your time is numbered before your house becomes a swimming pool of procrastinated guilt. This lead to driving around for supplies and doing a bunch of time consuming repair work. Nevertheless, while driving around, I couldn’t help but to be reminded of the cursed blanket of happiness absorbing clouds that foreshadowed suffering upon my insignificant existence. Therefore, I devised a plan. Always be aware and cautious of overcasted skies. When there’s overcasted skies, try to stay indoors. In conclusion, this is a superstition that seems to only desire to bring me suffering, despair and confusion whenever possible. It’s best to think of happy thoughts and try to look for any blue areas in the sky for it could mean a difference in luck in my day. If not, I try to ignore it or do what I can to survive the day. Nonetheless, it’ best avoid the curse of the overcast skies of doom.

 Art by: Tasa78

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Proud to Step On a LEGO

My childhood and middle school years all had one thing in common, LEGOS. I think the reason I’m so creative now-a-days is because I grew up enjoying my time building things. My parents made the best decision possible when they found three large crates of LEGOS being sold at a garage sale. Ever since then, my mind has grown in a fantasy world where I could find ways to bring it to life with the use of LEGOS. Often I would lay out all the LEGOS on a carpet with my brother and sister and simply build. I have even had times where I would use every single blocks we had to make one object, like a multifunction building, and would wish there were more. Having the amount of fun I had while playing with LEGOS, I highly recommend all parents to get LEGOS for their children or even pre-teenager. Don’t just buy one pack, go online and buy them by the barrels, because I believe once they start building, their creativity will refuse to allow them to quit.

Japanese Games, Anime and Manga

Ever since I was young, I loved reading manga and watching anime. My obsession at the time started with Pokémon, Dragonball Z, and vaguely Sailor Moon. I use to wake up every Saturday morning to be completely excited to hear the introduction to the Pokémon theme song. The feeling of Nostalgia was unlike any other. I spent a lot of my time collecting Pokémon cards by begging my parents, although it was a complete and extremely difficult struggle because I had a tyrannical religious mother, I would often find ways to make money or make deals to purchase them. When the Pokémon games (red version and blue version) for Gameboy Color came out, my mind screamed that I had to do whatever it takes to buy a Gameboy Color and those games. It was my destiny. I worked, made deals, and begged my parents to get it. After I gave up begging my mom, I could only turn to my father. The only response was I will think about it. One the final day, the day we were going to the airport, to go to Brasil because my mother wanted to live with her relatives, I remember passing the local game store. As soon as we past it, I had felt like my life was going to end. It felt I was a prisoner walking to death row or an innocent man to the gallows. I begged, screamed, pleaded, cried to get that game. After I felt it was no use, I felt betrayed and that all hope was lost. The game of my dreams was far beyond my reach and there was nothing I could do to get it. I knew if I didn’t get that game, I would never be the same again. But then, as if nothing short of a miracle, we stopped at a game store and my dad walked in and out of the store with three packages. He gave me both packages and my mom fought with him all the way to the airport. I’m sure it was because of me, but I didn’t care. I held both games in my hand. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was it a dream? Did we crash the flip over? I was trembling with excitement, yet terrified to even open the box. We said our goodbyes to dad and I suppose he bought the games for me as a parting gift. I didn’t open it until I got on board the plane. Once I tore through the Gameboy color box, like a raccoon through a restaurant garbage can, I pulled out the Gameboy color and turned it on. The sounds was magnificent. The beeping sounds that brought me the feeling of a thousand Christmas presents in one single device. I popped in blue version and began playing the Pokémon game that would change my life. It was a new world and I was on an epic adventure.

Brasil was filled with Japanese culture and pop culture, I couldn’t help but to be fascinated by it. I use to spend my time watching weekly morning anime and an anime channel called Locomotion. With this I grew with more fascination with the art style.

In middle school, Pokémon cards became popular a few years later after I use to collect them in the United States. The entire school played with pokemon cards. I would spend all lunch period battling with my English cards against their Portuguese cards. We had a rule that the winner had to give up a decent card to their opponent. It was a challenge to buy Pokémon cards because you had to drive to another city to buy them. To my friends, this made losing cards very terrifying. Nonetheless, after losing and winning a few time, my deck became a mix of both English and Portuguese cards. I only smile and laugh when I nostalgically reflect upon those days, some of the best days of my life.

After I trained my Pokémon to be level 100, which was the maximum level, in my Pokémon red version on the Gameboy Color, I began battling friends at school because my dad sent us a Gameboy link cable in the mail. I battled my friends and beat them all. I even battle Tachiani, one of my closest Japanese friends. Then one day after school I went to battle my friend Andre Perreira. He had trained his Pokémon to be as high as a level like mine. We spent almost two hours battling. Many other students and grade school watched as we battled on. It was an epic battle, in our minds it was an epic battle unlike any other. Eventually it was only my Charizard and Mewtwo against his Blastoise and Mewtwo. I defeated his Blastoise by using fly and he killed my Charizard with his Mewtwo. It was Mewtwo against Mewtwo. We use every single attack and gobbled down our max potions. Eventually we both ran out of potions and he ran out of Pokémon power in which to perform attacks and all he could use was struggle. This slightly damages his Pokémon when they attacked. I had also used up all my Pokémon power and had only one attack left. However, this attack was risky. It was called metronome which allowed me to use any random Pokémon attack in the game. However, there was a dark and scary side to this attack. Not so often when using this move, one could wind up with an attack called explosion or self-destruct. If I were to get this attack, I would surely lose. Nevertheless, I was out of options, it was up to fait to decide the winner. Nonetheless, the strategy in my mind was to survive long enough to have his Pokémon faint from using struggle. I repeatedly smashed the A button and my Pokémon were getting random metronome attack, most were not doing anything to knock down his health points. I was becoming frustrated and sweat streamed down my face. After a few minutes, my Mewtwo’s health points were nearing the red. I began to pray in my mind. Then my Mewtwo got a solar beam and lit his Mewtwo up like the fourth of July. I yelled in excitement; however, his Mewtwo was not finished yet, somehow it was still alive with a hair of an inch away from fainting. Terrifyingly, my Pokémon was forced to recover which allowed him to hit me one more time causing the dreadful low Health points sound. I had to rely on one more hit to finish it off. I used metronome and realized I was running out of Pokémon power. If I didn’t get an attack that does physical damage now, I would surely lose. The next couple of terns, as our health points were nearing evenly low, I grew desperate for an attack. All of a sudden, having only two more metronomes, my Mewtwo used explosion. I was terrified, the attack I hoped never to get was being executed. I closed my eyes. I was certain this was it. I had lost. All of a sudden the crowd around us cheered and I got patted on the back. My Mewtwo had finished his Mewtwo off and fainted in the process. I had become the winner. Andre began to cry because of his defeat. I had won and I laid back upon the school’s front steps. It was the most exciting and most terrifying battle I had ever done.

A few years later, I lost that Pokémon data. Everything I had worked hard and grew up with all ended in a matter of seconds after I gave it to someone else to play. I cried all day when it happened. The Pokémon game was never the same after that. Later I came to find out the battery in the cartridge of old Gameboy games eventually give out. With the amount of time I played that game, it didn’t surprise me nowadays. I reflect upon those times as lines of data being some of the most memorable digital friends I had ever had and an entire world inside a near 2-3 inch cartage.

I didn’t get much involved in anime and manga until I went to high school in America. I got involved with the anime and manga club, although it started with 10 people, it easily grew to 30 in my junior year.  In this club I would receive manga to read, issue by issue, whether I liked it or not. We read and talked about it almost every day. I grew a passion for reading manga as I would put myself in the character’s role or what I would have done if I was the character. In essence I was part of the story as the story unfolded. I must have read more than 1000 issue of everything that existed at the time. From Chobits, Cowboy Bebop and Negima to Battle Royal, .hack, and Tsubasa. My mind had become obsessed with reading manga at the time. I enjoyed anime, but I felt manga had a lot more depth. I remember watching AMV Hell3 when it came out. I’m sure everyone stayed away from me as I smiled and laughed looked a mad man while I went from classroom to classroom throughout different periods of the day.

After I went to college, my obsession with anime and manga faded as things became repetitive, unoriginal, too long or simply unattractive. It was also because utakus were being referred as weeaboos which seemed as if being stereotype as some sort of a nerd or basement dweller. Nevertheless, from time to time, I would find something interesting and would read it online. In addition, I never stopped going to conventions and I feel the passion still remains dormant. Perhaps one day the same passion will come back.

Now I believe it’s worth discussing the details about anime compared to reality. Over the longest period of time, I observed how the anime world is different from reality. This suck I’m sure. I observed that anime is based on a fantasy world like most entertainment mediums. Not-to-often, I see dedicated fans take on a role as if loving the fantasy. I think it’s wise to know what is fantasy and what is reality and to respect and share this form of entertainment. Perhaps one day they may have the ability to create their own anime or manga and desire it to be respected. Moving on, the characters seen in anime are part of a sub culture and fantasy world. Their personalities, characteristics, and story events are very far from being realistic. I’m sure not all anime are this way, for example Miyazaki’s vision of anime takes on very realistic personalities of how one could possibly act in the real world to a fantasy world. Nonetheless, as anime is part of a sub culture, it is a genre of entertainment that shares imagination and creativity that I believe the world should enjoy.

Taking On an Acting Role

I’m sure everybody has played make believe when they were young. I say what’s the point in quitting. The reason I’m saying this is because after playing a great game or watching an awesome movie, I like to make believe I’m one of the characters or maybe a made up character in the game or movie’s universe. I often come up with back stories, ideas, mental designs and scenarios while day dreaming living in that fictional world. Often I get inspired and start to write or draw in my little note pad, which I normally look at this for inspiration later on. In addition to that, while I listen to songs, I also think of scenarios in which makes listening far more entertaining. I guess it’s part of having a vivid imagination.

My Programming Logic Course Notes

These are my notes to computer programming logic. Caution: it's very long. 

These course notes will display the fundamentals of programming using psydocode to basic understanding. This course will explain the logic behind all psudocode code. If you desire to see how it can be applied, I have added Javascript so that you can compare psudocode to actual code to understand the logic is the same but the code is different. Understanding computer logic is just as important as learning to write code; therefore, let’s begin.
Intro to programming Logic:
Click to show.
Click to hide.