About Time (2013), directed by Richard Curtis, is a
remarkable British movie about a father that shares a family secret with his
son. The secret is that all male family members can travel anywhere from the
past to the present using an average closet. Nonetheless, their actions from
the past can have consequences as it has the possibility of affecting their
future. The father gives this secret to his son who then uses it to get a girlfriend
who later uses the ability for the rest of his life as he gets married and has
In this movie, I have been shown a message that I found is
most valuable in everyday life. The message is the secret to life that the
father developed and told his son. There are two parts to the secret. The first
part to the secret is that the secret does not involve traveling to the past.
It is to live life regularly. The second part is to live regularly and average as
any other person would. Then the next day to live the same day again; however,
noticing and enjoying everything while making a difference.
In conclusion, I think this movie is a masterpiece. I believe
everyone should find the time to watch this amazing movie and perhaps see how
this message can make a difference in one’s life.