Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Things I Would Like To Do As A Political Leader

I have always told myself if I was a political leader, what type of world I would like to imagine. What kind of laws would I make today?
I don't know if this is right; however, over time I will probably make another list with more corrected ideas. This is my first draft of a list of things I would do as a political leader or president.
1.       Limit free trade and instigate growth of products made in the US.
2.       Give more power to local governments. Move towards more of a republic system.
3.       Give incentives to businesses and business growth.
4.       Create a more simplified flat tax system. Also find ways for the government to give back to the people to promote confidence in government. An idea would be for every couple of years, the government gives out free gifts or events in exchange for government participation and appreciation. Another idea I would like to create is using taxes to implement plans that could help benefit every citizen, such as plans for a more beneficial health care system, plans for personal deficits and specific liability payment...ect. Ultimately, I want a system where the government gives back to the people seemingly more than what the people put in.
5.       Give incentives new energy ideas; laws based on psychology and scientific methods; and scientific development. This will also include testing Jacque Fresco's government idea and ideas for a resource-based economy.
6.       Create a free education system. This is using both a single track and multi-track system.
7.       Implement a class with the teachings of world ethical and moral principles and understandings (like the teaching of Confucius, Plato, Buddha, Christianity, Gandhi, and other moral and ethical leaders of the past) so that children can learn what is right from wrong and wisdom of life at an early age and what it takes to succeed in life.
8.       Incorporate a new decision and congressional communication system where the average individual can look and give suggestions on refining existing laws for voter consideration. Use this system also to enact a simple summery explaining a blueprint or diagram of every law in simple English to where a child can understand using videos and visual elements. Make our law making system simplified and intractable for average individuals.
9.       Instigate a body that puts high priority for personal freedoms, privacy, and perusing happiness in a manner that every individual desires that does not impose on each other.
10.   Enforce privacy by not tracking GPS signals, not monitoring internet or electronic devices, or anything else without a court sepina or a notice telling the individual so.
11.   Fund an agency/organization of modern non-bias philosophers for ethical decision making in every state. 
12.   Fund a new agency dedicated to government investigations and to dissolve conspiracies. Every state will have an agency of their own and will come together if there is a problem in Washington. This agency is the war hammer of any litigation, conspiracy, or hint of corruption. It will bring any conspiracy or form of corruption to light which will then be passed to the representatives of every state.
13.   Release all critical or extraterrestrial intelligence for enthusiasts and those who desire to know. This includes information in regards to full transparency for journalists and media outlets. All intelligence regarded to be secret should also be released and done so with the use of agreements and confines of the law or more secure circumstances to ensure no information leak (ultimately everything is determined by how badly do you want to know and if one is willing to take the measures to protect the information).
14.    Build up the borders. Pay private individuals or local governments to build up the borders.
15.   Examine the prison system and come up with a better plan of incarceration and revise all inmate who are incarcerated to see if they deserve incarceration (such as letting go of those with minor felonies). Another idea would be to separate inmates and relocating them to specified incarceration facilities depending on their offense, perhaps in hope to promote a less violent or inhumane institutionalized environment.
16.   Stop crimes with the use of scientific methods, such as psychology, neurology, and sociology.
17.   Give families incentives for raise children properly (families with both parents).
18.   Build a bullet train system throughout the US. Build a walk path with occasional shopping districts through the US. Ultimately, make a transportation system not limited to vehicles and airplanes.
19.   Create a nation and state ID that can be used for voting, transportation, and identification (and that cannot be stolen or used by another individual).
20.   Instigate new methods for protecting identity, credit, and person income. Seek corrupt businesses and take them to court. (Crack down anyone who disrupts personal freedoms.)
21.    Set a date and make all illegals before that date a citizen and stop the further flow of illegal immigrants.
22.    Politicians get no money from lobbyists (maybe; or until negotiations are made public) and are limited of two terms.
23.   lower the cost of building homes, rent, and products.
24.   Raise standards and wealth among farmers and build a surplus of food production.
25.   Put the dollar back on the gold standard by making a gold surplus over a long period of time.
26.   Develop a more secure national defense along with a global defense.
27.   Enabling undesired orphans to join scientific or military institutions at an early age.
28.   Set up a system where we can further move towards more complex systems and futurist ideas and developments.
29.   Implement drug facilities for those who desire to use illegal substances. Permit the allowance of marijuana and harmless illegal substances with a list of required regulations. An example such as not allowing individuals to elicit substance in public or near children.
30.   (maybe) Create a leniency for unnecessary traffic violations and implement the use of vehicular communication technologies.  Ex. Create a system where if a person is late or has an emergency to allow other vehicles to allow the speeding vehicle to pass them by.
31.   Create a system for unused food production from supermarkets and restaurant don't throw food away. Instead, create a new government run facility that will allow families and individuals in poverty to get food for extremely cheap prices. (Second change to hunger foundation)
32.   Enable flying vehicles, regulated with technologies that pertain to national and individual safety.
33.   (highly controversial/ debatable/maybe, if desired) Because of sex trafficking, I came up with an idea to make a specific law-regulated contract allowing the use of personal care or owning of another or apprenticeship with the use of heavy regulations. Regulations such as the contracted individual can be granted certain freedoms. If their freedoms are impose on, their guardian/contractor will be subject to custodial terminations. The desired apprentice/ contractee has the freedom to choose to be contracted or not. I think it's best that contracts should be updated annually. Such contracts will include mandatory and exceptional living conditions, education, health and labor standards. To summarize, this is for individuals that desire to be taken on a as apprentices or to allow themselves to be taken care of by another with the use of contracts which is regulated by heavy lawful conditions.
34.   (controversial) Allow the use of prostitution with strict regulations regards to health, hygiene, personal protection and to solicit their services in designated area that has no children-related facilities, institutions or businesses.
35.   Create massive reserves designated for no human development or tampering with nature.
36.   Simplify the federal grant system for individuals and businesses to receive funding within 2 weeks.
37.   Switch our entire government to be caught up with modern standards of computerized technologies as well as simplified physical filing methods.
38.   Maybe make a limited (for four to six years) production of easy to manufacture federally funded cars and give them to college graduates.
39.   (maybe) Make a different system for high school graduates or college students to live within a different circumstance to where their expenses are cut exponentially. This is if housing expenses or previous plans cannot be cut or implemented (Maybe this can be a plan that a person can later pay for by paying taxes).
40.   (maybe) Promote the renovation and job expansion to old and forgotten towns, if their community approves. Allow small towns to petition and possibly implement their own unique features that can be made functional in cooperation to universal laws. This is to make small towns more attractive and open to trying new ideas to expand personal freedoms and lifestyles. For example, a small town petitioning then implementing their own traditions or ethical lifestyles. A crazy idea such as a town desiring to be like the renaissance fair where this becomes the norm.
41. Invest in infrastructure, such as the renovations of roads and bridges. I would also incorporate new technologies such as solar powered electronic roads throughout America. I would put all power lines underground in a secure, protected, and accessible enclosure beside roads. I would also invest in the design of more scenic routes, highway art, and other ideas that could make traveling exciting outside city limits; for example, using road bumps to play music, using side rails to display animated graphics, or decorate tunnel systems. I would also invest in paved paths that run from city to city throughout the United States for people to travel by foot or bicycle. 
42. I would invest in machines that filter pollution from cities and turn them into sources of energy or fuels. 
43. I would invest in public-use underground hyper transport systems. 
44. I would focus on developing, redesigning, and protecting the grid. 
45. I would make the use of wifi free for everyone throughout the country. 
46. I would allow for the carry of firearms only with a valid permit. Allow for military grade rifles and non-explosive/ projectile weaponry to be sold to the public. Only permit sales and issue permits to carry with the use of extensive background checks and mental illness and criminal evaluations. 
47. Implement a system where people can rent a portion of a city or public location and take care of it or decorate it to their liking. For example, a person rents out a park or a public highway. They can then decorate it or take care of it for a limited number of days before it returns to the city or owner. 
48. For conflicts and problems around the world, I would use technology to survey ideas, decisions, input or ideas made by the general public, groups of philosophers in major universities, and ideas generated by military or political leaders in order to come up with fully functional strategies to help eliminate conflicts and problems around the world. 
49. Replace old military gear, hardware, electronics, machinery, weaponry and vehicles and update it with modern technology. I will also include non electronic components so EMP does not become an issue. 
50. I would make it so that military-like armed forces cannot train or conduct military exercise around public areas, towns, or cities. In the event of civil conflict, such forces cannot engage local militia (militia defined as average or local civil population banning together to protect constitutional rights or patriotic duties). 
51. I would initiate mandatory recycling and refining or reusing of used materials. I would also find new alternatives or develop new technologies for the disposal of harmful substances and materials; or convert these materials into alternative fuels or energies. 
52. I would allow for the disclosure and use of free energy. If the energy industry is harmed by this action then maybe it would be a good idea to have a tax or some sort of payment or return for energy companies (like giving them energy as a form of payment). 
53. (maybe) I would create a new space station or moon base for the further development of space and modern science, space exploration , weapon engineering and entertainment recreations. This idea would also involve the colonization of Mars or Europa. 
54. Further develop medicinal technologies; reexamine current medicines and treatments; provide methods or technologies where individuals can grow or treat their own symptoms (at their expense if desired); and research, discover and rediscover of new medicines and treatments with preexisting and unconventional methods. 
55. Create and allow alternate ways of living and transportation without the use of social security.
66. Maybe create an organization that investigates identity theft, bank account fraud, and other seemingly financial frauds to which law enforcement, banks, and other financial institutions seemingly fail to take action from. The purpose of this organization is to seek, track, and hold to justice those who feed on fraudulence and corruptions.
67. I would remove income tax and have only a flat sales tax with a fixed tax percent for different wealth bracket. 

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