Friday, July 6, 2018

My Idea for Prison Reform

America has the highest amount of incarcerated individuals with currently millions in prison. It was around an astounding 2.3 million people in 2016. Despite the use of the system, it seems to me the prison system is more of a method to spread prison culture and refined crime than it is to create individuals that are reformed and reintroduced back into society. I believe in justice and that those who do wrong should pay a fair price. However, I’m not convinced that the American prison system is the best method or perhaps a good enough system compared to what is done around the world. Despite other countries possibly having a better prison system, I have my own ideas for a prison system. I’m sure this isn’t the only time this idea has been established; nevertheless, my idea for a prison system is to create something called the Prison Guard. Minor offenses who don’t meet the level to be in the prison guard are kept in prisons to serve and wait their sentence; however, those who commit great acts of violence, murder, rape (even in prison), and heavy crimes are sent to the Prison Guard. The Prison Guard is a military branch for prisoners. It acts as a border school for the incarcerated aimed to breaking them down, reforming them, building them back up, reintroducing them back into society, and ultimately making them more valuable members of society. We even want them to consider themselves as civil servants of society aimed to creating a better world for themselves and others. The process of turning a hardened criminal into a civil servant isn’t easy for sure, but utilizing psychology studies, there are various methods in which to accomplish just that. The process of breaking them down is essential and is just like basic training in the military. Perhaps it is even more strict and more intimidating to break them from their perceived psychological habits and mindsets. If prisoners are persistent to maintain their habits and to lower the quality and integrity of such system, then there are punishments in which are also tactics and methods used for oppositions by the military, such as: isolation, sense deprivation, insomnia, wake boarding, and other nonlethal methods. It’s a unfortunate process; however, it’s essential to bear in mind that the system aims to build better civil citizens and that they will be eventually reintroduced into society, and which should also not be a repeated offender. As prisoners go through the reform process through the use of military practices, they will have the ability to climb the Prison Guard ranks. By rising through the ranks they will incrementally gain the ability to house larger living spaces, amenities, college courses, sports, music, art, and entertainments. I would highly recommend psychology, philosophy, sociology, ethicology, theology to be part of the curriculum. They will have to convince their officers that they are worthy of going back into society. I would add that their sentence is not complete until they reach a high enough rank and level of satisfaction. We want reformers to be loyal to this program/system that even with a chance to escape, they will remain through personal integrity to stay and serve their sentence. I want to think with such loyalty, we can even give them guard positions to police themselves and eventually earn a salary.

After they are nearing completion of their sentence (perhaps a year or two), they will be prepared and reintroduced slowly into society. After they are finished with their sentence, there is a ceremony and the reformees will thank and apologize to the judges for their crimes and vow to never come back to prison again. If they do, they will know of the even more savvier consequences (much more strict, much more difficult, and harder punishments). They will also have to start all over again from the lowest rank and it will be harder this time to climb the ranks. After they are released, the US military also has the ability to check on their progression and give them opportunities to join the US military.  There will also be job opportunities, some of which can be more dangerous to average citizens, and the ability to build a resume. There will also be opportunities to work in the prison system as well. With an inmate's release they are always given a safeway house for six months in which they can try and make a decent transition back into society.They will also be given a small amount to purchase groceries and necessities.

In conclusion, this is my idea for the prison system. 

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