Monday, October 8, 2018

Personal Quotes IX

 (This post is subject to additions and change over a lengthy period of time)

  • Could it be that people in this generation sees mental illness in a wrong way (perhaps seen in a way in which was not intended)? Could it be they see it in a way or use it as an excuse (perhaps even for self pity) to explain their undesired behaviors? Whose fault would it be' one's own, big pharma, culture? Could it be brought by false knowledge, or a lack of objectionable knowledge in the field?
  • It would be great to have a record on how many individuals surpass the $30,000 annual poverty line and how many individuals are made millionaires in a whole year. Perhaps we can also establish a prosperity threshold in which a formula can be used to ensure the country is in a range where poverty can be kept minimal and prosperity can be kept continuous by allowing people from all around society to increase the ways they can obtain and build wealth. Perhaps we can also come up with a formula in which we could help measure the wealth creation and prosperity for the country.
  • I think it's important to push oneself when things get tough or give it a heavy attempt and fail at it. In the case of a degree, it seems hard to push for something when nothing could come from it. It's a risk with time and energy. I'd push myself further than 200% if I knew I could get something out of a degree. Even if it's a small bit of cash. The idea of achievement feels dead as to me it feels like a bland sense of useless or emotionless duty or bland-nonfruitful task and to finish with one task and move on to the next like a conveyor belt in an assembly. Feeling this way I feel no sense of achievement, just a small island of hope that is illusory and non reliable. I continue because it seems meaningless to get a repetitive and demeaning job and still not have enough money to support rent, family, and to have a means of financial freedom to travel and invest money in ideas i care about. I want to believe it's best to have a bachelors and have a shred of hope and to have an illusion or day dream of living the dream of doing something one loves and could see themselves doing with pride and passion for the rest of their life. It seems much like an invisible system concentration camp, the mind is the only place to escape. ... that and VR. Oddly VR seems like paradise when everything around is in a state of dysfunction (perhaps in a word where all one does is work; or in my case study). Working to me seems worth while if there is a means of stability, independence, and sustainability. One shouldn't have to work two jobs just to afford a old apartment in a seemingly dangerous environment.  As it goes in the present day, there needs to be at least two incomes coming in to have a somewhat sustainable way of living. As most of people my age knows all too well, things are still too expensive. Perhaps it's a battle between handouts or the poor house. Both lead in a meaningless, fruitless, bland, repetitive, and depressing existence.
  • I think usually families and community can help a person see the wrong in anything that one is doing or might be trying to rationalize or justify. It seems the desire for acceptance might be universal. If one denies it, then they perhaps fail to see it's not immediate but a development that gives after an extended amount of time. The body dislikes the feeling of tremendous social isolation. I think it's a subconscious behavior that is perhaps uncontrollable.
  • I'm a person who wants to do things and go places, without funding it's impossible. I wish there was a convention where I could publicly voice my idea and see if anyone will fund the idea or provide feedback. 

  • I like the question: "What is one lacking that everyone else is experiencing?"

  • I don't like the idea of power plays when behaviors and communication can be used as a tool to obtain power indirectly. I think everyone should be humble or submissive to each other to a rational degree. I believe the Roman perspective of power is a poor solution to western behavior and for a functional and rational future.

  • I would rather avoid conflict, but sometimes conflict could be a tool for solutions (thus it becomes strategy). I believe when a conflict presents itself, rational behavior and ways of discussion can be a good tool to discuss a solution in a nondestructive way in which one can learn and not feel emotionally crushed by another. For example: One doesn't have to be too direct by saying "you" or discuss the subject in a personal context. There can be an indirect approach where one plans a way to say something in a way where another doesn't get emotional scorned. One can even use metaphors, examples, questions, and thoughts on what they would have done instead. Although I believe this is strategy applied to language, I think it could prove difficult to people who are familiarized in utilizing a slang or mainstream language/ways to talk.

  • I hear many people question, "why do we exist?" Although it's a good question, I like to replied with why do you think we exist?" Often I am met with, "I do not know". After being asked that for many times now, I think if a person asks, "why do we exist?" I think of the irrational idea that a person has taken their first baby steps into trying to think outside the box but haven't gotten the sufficient knowledge or level of intellectuality to come up with a rational personal answer. It's my belief that a person who asks this question should have some sort of level of intelligence or intellectality to piece together an idea of their own for a possible or rational solution. If one feels they objectively don't know, then t perhaps they might realize their knowledge on the subject warrents curiosity and perhaps should be further explored and researched. I find the answers one solidifies themselves (independent from others) holds the most relevance in depicting the level of our intelligence and intellect to which, like a videogame, can be leveled up when we explore and use our abilities in the world around us.
  • It's my belief that every speck, every blade of grass, every pattern of fabric, every combination of clouds, hair on a person's arm, combination of trees, formations of nebulas, and even a single words on a page is a means in which to collect ideas, data, and a way to drive imagination, curiosity, and creativity.
  • Perhaps a mental challenge could be to learn and understand, and most importantly memorize everything one does every second of the day in a procedural way. I could imagine if a person was able to remember and retain knowledge since his birth and study all the subjects they come across, they would have a huge level of mastery at and early age.
  • I think the more value one brings to a company, the more money one should make.

  •  I believe people can provide value in the lives of others in day-to-day activities. I believe this is a good method to improve society and improve the overall quality of life.

  • I like the quote, "in business you get what you negotiate". 

  • Looking at the dating failures of others, and perhaps my opinion is situational, but I think one's reproductive organs does not provide additional value to anything. No one should have the idea that sex should be compinsated. I think in a relationship both parties love sexuality equally and therefore shouldn't be used as an excuse. I think one's partner shouldn't also be used as a therapist. Relationship also needs balance. When one act irrational, they need to balance it with good qualities. This adds value to the relationship. Also the use of reciprocity is a great tool to improve a relationship. If one is always pouring negativity (even the smallest) and need into a relationship, it only harms it in the long run. Stability in emotions is important.
  • The female reproduction ability is a countdown clock. One should be getting serious in a relationship by their twenties, because their eggs could have a upcoming expiration date.  

  • (interesting theoretical thought) I believe humankind has the ability to create a new incremental technology where fields and incremental forces can be used to interact, modify, and create matter and energy. I want to think this technology, technology I want to name, "beyond tech or god technology" will be technology of the distant future, if the distant future were to be obtainable depending on what we do on earth in the present which is non destructive and non illusionary and includes goodwill to others, unity, and prosperity in which human kind can use to create such tools. I believe this "beyond technology" will create a new form of material periodic table. This technology will be the key to making biological forms into more intelligent forms. An example would be to use this technology along with the human brain to create the next evolution in humanity and human consciousness and thinking. A technology beyond Artificial Intelligence, and technology beyond limitation of reality, dimension, and mathematical existence (perhaps this will shed a new understanding on the metaphysical as it would introduce to people a state of creation they may not understand entirely). 
  • Quartz crystal for future computers? 

  • I want to come up with a system that if one works regardless, they can afford the basics. This is what I fundamentally believe. One should work and afford a t least a minimum quality of living.
  • Perhaps for sanity purposes for some, it’s best to know or distinguish what is in one’s mind and what is objective to the world around them.
  • (maybe; perhaps controversial) I think people should work less. Perhaps out of seven days, I want them to work two or four days a week if their job is an easy low paying job. If they want, they can find more jobs. I think career jobs should be as they are now. Nevertheless, Regardless of how many hours worked, if one works, one should afford the basics. However, I think to design an economy that caters to this would be a great transition risk and challenge. I want to think mass production with more complex machines and technologies could be a good idea that can help. I think the cost of living will also have to find a way to be balanced or at the least affordable. Much like other ideas, this idea would have to be tested. It has to be a system of freedom and not of control; perhaps flexible and not strict.
  • I find there is no such thing as normal. It’s however you portray your image and to get others to see however way you want them to see you.
  • I believe much of what students get in present day high schools are set-in-their-ways education. Coming from such a system, I feel it is not so much about a quality of education but a means of conditioning.
  • I believe confidence in projects are boosted when one answers the how, what, when, and why.
  • Through the years and the recent study of cuneiform Sumerian texts, I am beyond the certainty the existence of extraterrestrial life. I feel this argument is outdated. I have researched UFOs, greys, and tried my best to sort fiction from facts. Although the information is not often of great quality and detail, I feel I know enough that if I were to meet intelligent life outside the planet, I would know enough to understand how they might think and behave. Although there are seemingly an exaggerated number of possibilities of the existence of other intelligent life, I believe the human race should form interstellar alliances with other intelligent life. I believe with the use of caution, heavy careful examination, trade and strategy, an alliance is possible. To help with this effort I believe we’re going to need a heavy number of diplomats to study, travel, interact, report, and allow for strategies and methods for diplomacy. Perhaps this can also help the human race explore the origins of the creation of life and what is beyond the known universe and dimensions. I think it could also be possible to venture outside the known universe to explore that which is possibly unthinkably incomprehensible.
  • (maybe; I wrote this very fast to get out an idea) I believe in the ethical society. If I could day dream of such society, I would imagine it like this: A society of unity in which everyone gets along as if a close friend or even brother and sister. Where people talk to each other regardless of value, reason, status or personal image. They talk to each other in such a way that doesn’t demean or lower their image or emotions. People are free to speak to each other in any topic and said in such a way where it’s never offensive or self-harming. They feel open to carry a conversation regardless of how another thinks. A society in which people can feel free to act however they want and others will obtain a level of understanding or even tolerance for unnatural behaviors. A society where almost everything can be logically explained and even that which is illogical can be accepted. A society of harmony where everyone gets along and uses behaviors that shows one desires to keep the peace. A society that disregards physical attributes and operates with a more attentiveness towards personality. A society that aims to grow in personal wisdom and is curious of that which they don’t know. A society that is both individualistic and a collective; individualistic in trade and by themselves, and collective when around others. A society patriotic for being part of the human race and then that of their country, and then that of their smaller cultures and subcultures. A society that also sees every harmonious member of the human race with value and importance. A society that looks down upon ignorance. A society that knows no fear of harm or abuse. A society in which collaborates, even without reward, to achieve the unthinkable. A society in which members try to do great; achieve, try, and sets on a path to accomplish the unthinkable. An intelligent society that values functional education and methods of teaching that makes it easy for others. A society with a diverse set of personal cultures in which they can find ways to stand out from others and others will accept them. Perhaps controversial, a society in which can sleep, drink, and doing things together and trust each other from primal behavior. I see a lot of these qualities in Asian cultures. Although very beautiful, I still have yet to see more of what I envision. The idea I’m trying to portray is complex and sounds like complete fantasy. Nevertheless, it’s the kind of society I want to dream of.
  • Sometimes the way we think is constrained by the culture that is around us in the current time period. If we lived in the medieval days, we would adopt a different language of thought. I think it’s necessary to define our own state of thinking. It could make us different or unique compared to others, however I want to believe this way of thinking could produce the greatest minds.

  • I want to believe that sometimes the best results or solutions for a problem or topic can be from gathering the greatest minds in a field or surrounding fields and allowing them to express their ideas.

  • I believe war is the result of the failure in politics. War happens when political leaders and society fails to do what's right. I also believe war happens out of ignorance. I want to believe diplomacy and strategy is the ultimate method when done well. //I also want to include the use of logic is extremely important because it seems logical that the truth is never clear and direct, I believe a search for truth is always needed, for this one must ask their own questions and do their own research.

  • I think the result of a society which includes an elite structure is that those who are new or those who don't have prestige, go unknown. Therefore, it's possible that many ideas go unknown and even lost. Ideas that could have accelerated the advancement in technology, innovation, philosophy, and the success of advancing economic wealth and prosperity. I believe a good idea has a force to spread like wildfire, even if it's just a whisper.

  • I think if we did meet an extraterrestrial race that saw the human race as an upcoming threat to their power structure, we should observe them before their discussion to take action to exterminate and negotiation with them a means to create a stabilized and cohesive relation. I think we should continue to build our defenses and weaponry but never to use it against any of our interstellar allies. We should conduct fair trade and means of diplomacy and find ways to strengthen relations. I believe it's also important to learn their conduct of ethics and use this as well. I believe the human race can create a healthy competition for strength which in the long run could create healthy competition for ultimate strength.

  • Could it be important to seek out enthusiasts of a particular field and give them the path to try and take on working in the field of their passion? Could their passion create highly motivated experts in their fields? 

  • I think I should of put Diligence as part of the charter of ethics. 

  • I want to think that what one says reflects what's inside. 

  • I had a funny thought that what if in the future, with the manipulation of frequency, if fire arms could utilize manipulated sounds to shoot and sound like a song or specific sound. Like what if a bazooka could act as a real life dubstep cannon. lol

  • !!! I had an interesting though that could be a bit absurd. What if there was an intellectual system. Those under a level of mental-philosophical and moral framework go to a more ruled-by-law (authoritative) system where-else those with a high mental and moral framework (high philosophical understanding, perhaps high IQ,) operate under a different system which is more of a freedom system where people understand the consequences of their actions, know what's right from wrong, and are entrusted with the amount of freedom they are given; perhaps this system of vast freedom operates with minimal amount of laws as they expect people to understand ethics, logic and reason, and the concepts of morality. I want to think such a system would push people from a ghetto-mentality or entitled poverty to become intelligent as they want to become part of the class with more freedoms. I think this can be granted when they learn the foundation of psychology, sociology, ethics, world history, and philosophy. 

  • Compandent - My own word that I would like to term as someone of a close group or close family; someone part of both a brotherhood and sister hood relation; a call for unity; a pulling from arousal for brother-sister relations; another word like commerad; a word pulling away from youth-senior relation to see each other as equals; a person who is instantly a friend casting aside dislikes, strangeness, and imperfections; a term that means a helping hand or a call to do things together; a term that implies a person with a sense of belonging; a term that means strength in numbers; a call to be part of a collective; a full acceptance of another for who they are; an acceptance of differences and to through differences aside; a term that calls for duty or action; a let down of one's guard and defense to let another in; to be seen as equals disregarding race, gender, and any other differences. 

  • An abstract idea I had a while ago that I thought would be interesting and wish could exist if people were being observed by humans of the future would be to have a technology in which one could project one's thoughts into the sky and space using it as a method of neural  transmission. Perhaps such technologies could even be used to listen to one's thoughts by reading their neuro-brain activity.

  • (perhaps controversial) Neohumanism- A new vision of human thinking which partly contains an acceptance that a person may have erotic, deviant, or controversial behaviors and activities and that by accepting these as norms, humans can accept and look past the erotic nature of any individual and recognize a person for who they are and by the actions of their personalities. I would like to think a person of high status in society can do web cam strip tease with society knowing about it and yet still be seen as a person of high respect and status. 

  • I want to think high schools can be improved if they stopped learning though textbooks and started using teachers from the field of study much like college professors. I believe such an occasion will call for a demand of people to go to school to fulfill an important field; I believe it would motivate or inspire students to want to learn; and overall I believe it would give students a quality and fulfilling educational experience. 

  • I like the idea that the path of goodwill is shown with the tears of happiness. 

  • Could there be a great fallacy in western civilization due to the desire of fulfilling requirements or having proof? If a visionair cannot fulfill a vision or concept because they are not famous or do not possess the credentials for a certain element, then how are new ideas and innovations to exist? An example could be an inspiring artist is trying to make an art piece, such as to send a sculpture in space to be photographed with the use of atmospheric lighting but cannot because nobody knows who he or she is, then this presents a barrier in a project that could be interesting or help inspire a new line of artists. Another example, is if an independent film director is trying to shoot a film, but cannot because of a lack in funding, this presents a barrier. It would be great for those who have a project, a need, or a vision to make something happen yet cannot, there should be others who should look at their ideas and invest or helps them if they think it is an interesting or good idea or experiment. Overall, I believe if an idea is good, it should have the power to gather people who want to see it happen or find it interesting. It shouldn't be ignored completely, rely on behalf of organization leaders at the top, or have a need to be approved or dissaproved by someone based on status and affiliation. By helping others with interesting ideas, the world can make the world more interesting. 

  •  The Japanese word kazuya carries a deep meaning for me. I've seen examples of peace, harmony, and compassion in the Japanese culture that has taken my thoughts and feelings by storm bringing heavy tears to my eyes. A sense of help each other during difficult times and a sense of unity that defies explanation. No other circumstances in other cultures I have ever seen has ever done this. The feeling was so deep that it's best compared to music with profound poetic words. Perhaps a traditional Tokyo-style song that portrays a sense of hardship and having strangers struggling yet helping each other. The feeling was so deep that I have made it part of my life. I use kazuya on my screen names as a reminder of such a deep feeling. 

  • *** I think masters, philosophers, and writers of ethics should be in a community or at least know of the existence of each other. It should be common to ask each other questions and perhaps get a different variations of opinions and answers. It should also be expected that some should take their time to get a solidified answer or opinion. Sometimes the longest answer can come with hours of hard mental work. I also think those who truly are ethical see others with ethics as part of a community who has no need for rivalry and come up with solutions together or present interesting opinions. I think it's important for those with ethics to show an example of discussion that is civilized, rational, normal toned, respectful, considerate, perhaps humble, and with the interest to explain thoroughly as if playing the role of debater, role model, student, and teacher. I want to believe the quality, accuracy, comprehensibility, and method of presentation of answers and opinions might also be important.

  • (response to Dali Llama) I like the quote: "As social animals we need friends, but we make friends on the basis of trust, which comes about as a result of affection and concern for others. You can't buy trust or acquire it by use of force. It's source is warm-heartedness." I feel as if trust is lacking in the west as people seem to be neurotic and selfish, but perhaps it's best to accept these qualities and accept the flaws of every individual and accept who they are. Being  friends with all and accepting all I think is perhaps the path to trust. 

  • After the establishment of ethics, in a kind of society I would like to vision, I would want people to be free to act however they want. I think it's great to let them act as crazy, carefree, and dramatic as they want as long as they know what is right and wrong, have a sense of logic, intellectuality, and when it's appropriate to act a certain way. I believe in such a society, they should feel carefree to be themselves. Personally, I had this idea that how people act in online games or specifically VRChat could be an example of how life could be made fun, interesting, and full of real energy (this might sound crazy, but it seems to me, this gaming/online experience seems to bring out a quality in people that is unique, original, and authentic). 

  • I believe the middle class is the true class in society do to the similarities and balance of having to both work for survival as well as enjoy the possible luxuries or fruits of their works. 

  • I like the idea of family surprises. Perhaps if one can afford, it would be a good idea to leave family surprises. Perhaps money for future children fr college; perhaps priceless air-looms for specific family members; or maybe time capsules that need to be discoved using a map. 

  • Although I don't believe in the word love, perhaps one can only love another if they first learn to love themselves. I believe being loved is an amazing thing, but even if nobody loves me, I am also fine with that too, I feel as if I have enough love for myself that I can learn to live without it. 

  • If I could be put in a place where I could influence the world, I would like to seek out interesting concepts and art and use them for environments, designs, and to make the world an interesting place. Image concept art for games, movies, anime, and cg being used in actual world environments. I would like to bring a sense of imagination into the world to create expand the human imagination and vision of the future. It's as if an experimentation of visuals styles, art, architecture, fashion, and philosophies. I believe by doing this humanity can have another renaissance of vision and ideas that can open the mind to new ideas and achievements. 

  • (controversial; sounds crazy; no reason) I believe if our world was once ruled by ancient astronauts (anunnaki-nepahlim, Igigi), we should be thankful for our advancement but continue on a separate path of humanism and human evolution (humanism deriving from after the flood where humanity self-developed on a path of scientific understanding). I want to believe humanity can be greater and achieve greater than any intelligent entity in our universe. If the Anunnaki did exist as the Sumerian texts portray, then I believe it's good to make peace, have healthy competition, and coexist with our interstellar neighbors. I believe we can trade, make ethical deals, and ally with them as long as their desires also suit Earth's/human's desires (I believe it's important to utilizing ethical and intelligent methods and not get involved in things that can later harm Earth/humanity. I also believe humanity should also maintain it's nationalities and country sovereignties while also being celebrated as one human race originating from Earth). I also believe it is necessary that our interstellar neighbors understand human laws and to abide by the laws when on human territory/property/soil. I also think it's a good idea that humanity, much like Japan in history, perhaps remains conservative when something does not suit us, but I suppose that could be lead to acceptions or debates. I personally think it's a good idea to have cities on Earth that allow for extraterrestrial visitation, interaction, and trade and to allow them to walk and interact among the human population after an agreement of: an initial sterilization process; agreement of trade (no weaponry or forbidden science that might cause harm); comprehension of human interaction (to understand how humans behave and think); and a brief comprehension of human laws and what they are liable to. Ultimately, this allows Earth to protect itself and allow for ET life to interact and conduct business with humanity on Earth. I think trade with other ETs can make Earth extremely wealthy and abundant for it's expansion. Regarding human expansion, it's important that our expansion is not by force but that of ethical methods of trade and acquiring territory thoroughly, lawfully and ethically. I also believe it's important to brand or occupy territories to prove human expansion. I also believe humans should also prove their strength through negotiation and not wars, be critical with it's expansion to show who owns it and how it was acquired, and to not interrupt or self-impose on other civilizations. I believe it's important to rule by peace through strength. Finally, just as in the Chinese chi arts of Tai Chi, our presence should flow like water creating a dynamic harmony with other interstellar civilizations. 

  •  (controversial) Looking into the moon, how could the moon be so perfect in the existence orbiting the Earth. Was it once hallow or used as part of an ET the mining operation? Was it built like the dyson sphere? How could it be formed as part of the gravity theory without being consumed by earth's gravity? And, how is it older than the Earth? I think the origins or development of the moon might prove very interesting.
  • I believe the idea of working to create opportunity is a good one and builds pride and a sense of achievement, but I feel with current economic conditions, it is a waste of time when ideas takes too long to achieve, fund, and implement. People with great ideas generally don’t have resources or connections. Who knows how much technological ideas could have been lost due to time working to make it happen. One’s time on earth is limited and should be valuable. I believe every individual should contribute to doing something great, make an attempt to do something great, or make an attempt to execute and interesting idea. I believe ideas are what drives innovations. I propose a new system that allows for the execution of ideas (especially that in technology) to be executed in a more faster timely manner. It would be great to have a system where ideas are heard quickly, easily discovered, and where people can push for great ideas to become a reality. I want to consider the current rate of Japan's innovative industries and technological advancements to be a good example of how fast ideas can be created, made, and utilized in various other industries. A system in which it is possible to allow the possibility for such methods to build ideas is what I believe will excel the next generation of innovation and technological achievement. I also believe the utilization of this system can be the next technological renaissance in which can change the world and the future of human destiny.
  • (controversial) I disagree with the existence of secret societies due to the secret nature of potential hierarchal dangerous agendas. Such agendas in history usually lead to a desire for lust, greed, authority, control, and power. It's my belief that any organization guided by man always has the potential for irrational behavior. If secret societies are hiding rituals, technology, and agendas (perhaps even that of ancient Gods or self-godliness), I think it would be best for such secrets to be brought into the public realm and made as a resource for human study and knowledge; or if proved as a subject of usefulness, perhaps improvement or innovation.

  • I believe what one wants to do in life is what they are meant to be doing or experimenting with. 

  • ***According to Hebrew text the name of God or the creator is Yah. Yah comes from Yahowah (yawei) . Yahowah comes from Hayah, Howeh Yihyeh; translating to: He was, he is, and he will be. According to the Hebrew book on Enoch. Yah is in reference to many names found in the old testament giving praise to Yah. Yah or Iah is also supposedly the god of the moon in Egypt. Yah commonly assimilates with Osirus the God of the dead. In the Sumerian cuneiform text, Ya or Ea is a name given to Enki (𒂗𒆠) in Akkadian and Babylonian cultures. Enki is seen as a God of Creation, Intelligence, Crafts, Water, Seawater, Lakewater, Fertility, Semen, Magic, and Mischief. Could Enki be the creator that most Judaic-based religions pray to? 

  •  𒋢𒋫𒈾𒇷 (Stanley; su ta na li) I tried spelling my name in cuneiform. 
  • I had a strange and perhaps controversial idea that I thought I should mention regardless of usefulness or not. I had an idea to allow for people to become serfs. Serfs are people who are under an apprenticeship, companion, helper, some-sort-of duty or obligation for an individual. They are close workers to the people who offered their apprenticeship. Serfs work for people who will give them a trade, business, or a large return on the time and effort they put for their service under another person. The duties can range from learning to manage an entire company, to helping out with old age as a full-time companion, or learning a trade. The difference between serfs and regular people is that surfs are around their employers most of the time. They live with them, work with them, and play a role in the lives of their employers. I think serfs should operate under a surf contract. Serf contracts are different than average contracts as they also deal with living standards, sexuality, privacy, code of conduct and behavior, metal health check, termination of contract, NDA, terms of service, goal, and reward. Serf contracts need to be approved in a court of law and should feel as if almost a legal binding like marriage. Surfs are not slaves, they have rights like everyone else. The breaking of a serf contract can lead to legal action. A serf contract, or a serfdom contract, has many key elements. Both parties have to agree on what is allowed and what is not allowed. The contracts can change every six months or one year to four years. There are a lot of elements that goes into a serfdom contract such as living standards. Employers have to provide with a certain quality of living standard. They have to provide conditions in which are appropriate for the serf which may include and allow for certain amenities. Sexuality is a large role as both parties need to agree on what is acceptable or not; if sexuality is allowed to begin with; if a serf is allowed for sexuality outside of contract. Privacy is also important as a serf needs for some time off and property to preserved. Code and conduct and behavior to show how parties should behave around each other and what is subject to terms of termination. NDA which is self-explanatory. There should also be a clause for what is allowed to be whistle blown (scandal, corruption, forced silencing, black mail). Terms of service is what will the serf be in charge of and expected to do when on duty and off (choirs or what not; this can be the same hours as working a part-time or full-time job). Termination of contract which are all the provisions that could allow for the termination of contract. Every serfdom contract needs a goal, the goal should be clear, such as to teach a trade, teach how to operate a company, to be a companion, to have temporary legal custody…ect. Finally reward; in what time frame or potential cerca time frame will an individual will collect a reward such as the acquiring of a company, the completion of a trade, the giving back of legal custody, financial compensation, the completion of a companionship agreement..ect. It’s important that an employer has something of value that will attract an individual to take of a close servitude. The use of a serfdom can be a good idea for people to gain status, achieve heavy or complete training (perhaps like Durer of Nuremberg), learn from a close proximity of a master or professional, obtain large financial compensation, or to acquire the assets of another as a method of trade. Perhaps a few specific ideas could be that parents who cannot afford a child can allow for such a contract to have another family they know look after a child for some time before returning them. Another idea could be that a person who commits a felony and wished to conduct community service can work their felony from the person they committed the felony from. Another and perhaps more useful idea can be for people in poverty or who are looking for opportunity, status, better way of life, a different way of life, learn a different culture, or how those with wealth operate can take on a serfdom in which they can learn or achieve their desire. 

  • When things get tough, keep on going. I find the best practice to complain briefly and then get to work.
  • I had an idea for “company loyalty”. Perhaps it would be interesting if a job was more than a job. Perhaps a place that feels like home, part of a family, sorority, or a space that feels personal where you can be yourself and thrive. It’s being part of a family or a group that you feel you can contribute to that helps the company grow. A place where you can help it grow and have pride in doing so. Perhaps company loyalty can be established if a company has loyalty to its employees and their desires while the employees have a loyalty to the company and its desires.
  • Telling a person what to do should also be irrelevant as one should already know what to do using logic (common sense) and integrity. I think a better method is to ignore or turn away from what is wrong with another person as a person should already know what is wrong and should find ways to fix the problem themselves. I will make an acception based on age or if the problem isn’t so obvious; for example cultural etiquettes. Another perhaps shouldn’t have to tell another what to do as it’s part of logic (common sense), consideration, and integrity. I want to believe that if a person thinks for themselves, then they will automatically know or pickup on what is wrong with them. I think if a person cannot think for themselves then they will never figure out what is wrong because they are operating with a drone kind of mind or mental-state.  A mind conditioned or consumed by culture (meaning consumed or conditioned by entertainment, popculture, media, television, internet, environment…ect) operates in this drone state which is difficult to deconstruct for a return to logic and reality (not saying these things are wrong, but there’s definitely a balance). I want to believe education is the solution. Often I see only time and experience opens their minds, yet very narrowly. From all the people I have encountered both wealth and poor with this drone state-of-mind, I find their capacity to be curious and to look for answers and acquire wisdom relatively nonexistent. To be simply put, their worlds are very small, their false yet egos are grand, and their reality is a built illusion for the purpose of emotional satisfaction. It’s not until they travel outside the country and experience a different culture, shoot a rifle, parachute from a plane, conduct a heavy research out of curiosity on their own, see how the food is made, learn and gain proficiency in a useful trade, or read books on the wisdom of others that they start to break their conditioning and learn to think outside of the illusion of their reality. Then they realize they are not like anyone else and that they are a tool for future innovation, a tool to introduce new ideas, or a spark that sets an example to a new generation of potential thinkers.
  • I would like to create the genre of "compression"or "compression of knowledge" blogs. These are blogs in which bloggers build and anaylize throughout their lives to measure their own growth, wisdoms, and to give others information that could also help them. It's a blog in which people question, put out ideas, write a diary and experiences, put fourth their ideologies, controversies, and beliefs, and build a portfolio of growth and wisdom for later generations. I want to think it's important that the blog isn't influenced by others as it is only relevant to oneself and allows one to be completely honest and open without limits. Much of these blogs will allow bloggers to anaylize their own thoughts and build upon their wisdom. I strongly believe people should be allowed to look into one's blog or eventually look into one's blog, but that's a privacy reserved for the blogger. To allow the world to look in to one's personal blog allows for the understanding and obtaining of knowledge and data. 

  • I believe in a balance of local and global. It's a good idea to create local traditions and cultures as much as catering to global culture.
  • I think chi energy seems only to be real for those who believe in it. If a person claims to fight with chi, they can be taken down by a non believer. Chi is also not a solution for actual fighting as it wasn't designed for modern combat. I guess the best use of chi is to make one's body more durable and to have a good concentration or ability of the mind. For martial arts, I believe MMA, boxing, kickboxing, and primarily jujitsu to be the best option. 

  •   (sounds ridiculous; extremely controversial, not sure that I believe this entirely) Upon discovering that the tomb of Gilgamesh of Uruk, Sumeria had been discovered and in a remarkable state of preservation. I questioned many ideas on why such secrecy was needed. It's obvious they would want a DNA sample (who wouldn't want it obviously). Therefore, why was the obtaining of DNA considered so important? My conclusion is a bit controversial, but nothing for me is beyond limit or should go without questioning (fact or fiction).  So I question, could it be that government/global elites/secret powers desire to acquire power by or through the ancient Gods of Sumeria. Is this why they wanted to erect a Babylonian monument in New York or the idea that the monument could act as an occult portal or a symbolic representation of Babylonian order? Is this the agenda of the Freemasons (who might of acquired ancient Babylonian tech and secrets)? Is it to obtain power to be or be like the ancient Gods of Sumeria? I also question those at the top of the occult if they have ties or heritage to the supposed ancient Gods. If one thing is clear, it appears that those at the top of the pyramid will always desire the acquiring of power through any means necessary. The logic of man's behavior is obvious. Nothing seems new under the sun. I personally believe without ethics, those who strive and acquire power are no different than the desires of man from the ancient past; the future of this is a repetition of history leading to destruction and eventually and hopefully not to human extinction. I think perhaps humans and human engineering is the only force that can keep the human species alive in this physical realm. I believe goodwill and ethics is the way that brings order in which unity keeps humanity to thrive and prosper. I overall believe with goodwill, ethics, and logic and reasoning, human life can live forever and beyond dimensions. Perhaps it can build universes, act as as a guide to grow other civilizations, and perhaps even build its own realities. Perhaps humanity can exist and not exist at the same time (exist whenever it wants to) in which it can guide and continue to learn beyond comprehensible understanding.
  • Could a practice of drawing oneself in the mirror help with an understanding of oneself? 

  • I want to believe if one takes care of their body, their body will take care of them.
  • It would be amazing if all schools taught many world large languages all at once. I find it extremely fascinating if languages of the world could communicated with each other in their own native language and yet understood enabling a casual multi-lingual conversation. An example could be a English person talking to a person in Japanese who then talks to a person who is Russian while at the same time laphing at jokes from a German person. I want believe there could be a method in which this could be achievable without the use of technology. I want to believe there is a natural method the brain could adapt learning new languages with the use of psychology. I question if the use of variable patterns could prove useful. Such as learning languages according to one's psychology and the use of clustering patterns to familiarize and retain memory for a person. Perhaps it can be similar as if learning the lyrics to a song. I think such an idea would take years to figure out in the field of psychology if it were ever possible. 

  • For education, if you treat students like animals, they will act as animals. If you treat them as individuals to uphold a quality of expectation, they will have around a quality of what is expected.

  • I want to think perhaps it could be a good idea for parents to have the ability to assign their offsprings a mate if their offspring fails or can't seem to find or secure a mate in life. 

  • I believe life should naturally inspire the oncoming generation; just as a good leader leading from the front naturally inspires and gives confidence for others to follow.  

  • I don’t believe the nation is real democratic-representative-republic if foreign and secret powers can tamper with systems, crucial government organizations, institutions, and the country’s wealth. I believe this will eventually lead to corruption which will lead to a nation’s downfall. I believe this leads to education falling and other institutions falling or becoming cripple to the fundamental functions of a government system. It seems to me a common pattern in most government decay is the dumbing down or dissolving the quality of the education system. Perhaps this could be an indicator or corruption.

  • In a thriving economy, you always need more occupations and career positions. It could be a good possibility that if an economy is thriving, the idea of scarcity of getting a job or career is unnoticed.
  • I feel many are obsessed with the idea of genetics. Some people think the strongest or warrior class should pass their genetics because they are the most favorable to females. I believe anyone can be strong or intelligent; it’s just how their brain develops.

  • I want to consider the idea of moral intelligence, moral reasoning, and moral knowledge. I think perhaps this idea can be split into two directions: one of goodwill for all and one of Machiavellian desire. I think the one of Micheavellian desire is the self-focus while stating or engaging the desire of goodwill.

  • Could there be tricks to learning a language much faster or easier? What if there could be a way to adopt a method of using mental patterns and musical functionality. What if learning a language through rhymes, much like lyrics of a catchy-song, could be used to learn phrases. For example, words using rhymes or musical narrative and functionality to produce phrases that could be easily repeated and hopefully retained in memory. I wonder if the music’s sound, harmony, or use of lyrics, or perhaps frequency of a sound could trigger different areas in the brain for memory retainability. Using this idea, it could prove interesting with a hypothesis that music could produce effects in the brain that could help with memory retention.  

  • I'm a thinker and I feel like I'm going to be a crazy person in the future. This is what loneliness does I suppose. Nevertheless, I'll make it my best effort to be like one of the Buddhist monks that can be years in isolation and yet come out as if they were just placed in isolation. lol

  • Listened to a talk from A-Fest Montenegro Bay called "Unleash Your Super Brain To Learn Faster And Work Smarter by Jim Kwik". All learning is state dependent. It depends on emotional states. Playing generates neuro brain growth and neuro plasticity (neuro connection growth). Like being in a shower. This is the theta state of the brain. Information along with emotion creates a long term memory. Playing or using a creative approach to learning creates a mood in which you're feeling can get attached to what you want to learn. Another method is to be fast. Moveing the body can also help prepare the brain to learn. Jim states all behavior is belief driven. Energy is not something you think, it's something you do. Things one can do can be created in the form of strategy. The mind is always ease dropping on your self talk. Beta is when you're most awake, delta is when you're asleep, theta is above delta which is the state of creativity or in and out of sleep. In between theta and beta is alpha state. Alpha is the meditation state. It's a great state to obtain information or learning things. "The same level of thinking won't solve the problem". How do you think differently? Learn how to learn? Forgetting what you're learning can help to improve information retention (mind is like a parachute it only works when it's open). Learning in a bored states does not help learning, therefore one should find ways to control their state. Learn with the intention of teaching a subject to somebody else. A deep message Jim shares is if you could go back to your past self, what would you say; if you could go back to you present self a few years from now, from the projected future looking back on the present and right now, what would you say? He also states a quote about stress, that your life is like an egg. If an egg is broken by an outside force, it ends, if it's broken by and inside force, it begins.
  • Referring to Jim's presentation, perhaps there should be a class on how to learn, thinking, problem solving, creativity, reading faster, better focus and concentration, improving memory, recall, retention, and remembering.
  • I think anyone can be trained to be a genius or a person of great importance. The use of psychology can be a powerful tool to creating or conditioning a person to be a certain way or to become a person one desires.
  • (random) What would happen if I found millions of dollars worth of gold? I would build my town idea, make my product and company ideas a reality (I have a lot of them), and begin the creation of a new culture with a new philosophy for those who find it appealing or interesting to join. It would be the collection of ideas used throughout my blog. It would be a dream come true to give peoples of this town the tools and vision to create a better society. I would push for better education using up-to-date methods and teaching techniques, make this town a town of craftsman, artisans, scientists, engineers, doctors, and so much more by funding for quality instructors and even hands on training. Essential, I want a small yet improved Tokyo in Texas that combines eastern and western philosophies to create a society that is more human, unique, more rich and free in personality and culture, and free to behave however it likes as it puts consideration of ethics first which is designed to unite people. I want to make a unique hall mark in western civilization. A place that can be a shining gem in Texas and overall a new attempt at creating a modern renaissance. It would be a great and extravagant experiment that I hope sets an example for the rest of the world or at the least an iterative process to becoming the vision of greatness I want to dream. If it fails I want to know that I've done my best and there were moments created that made the idea well worth it. That's what I would do if I had millions of dollars in gold.

  • I believe there is a method to teach anyone anything as long as they are willing to try and learn. 

  • (economics; random unfinished thought on a currency system) I think perhaps to limit the growth of inflation, maybe there can be a standard, min, and max limit for money. These are fixed limits under economic circumstances (perhaps circumstances such as if poor, regular, or healthy). Another idea is to have a currency switch system (or a competitive currency). When one form of currency reaches it's medium to ceiling, another currency form takes over which is in proportional balance with the other form of currency. When one form of currency goes up, the other goes down. When one form of currency reaches it's ceiling, it gets stuck at a fixed worth and the other form of currency immediately takes over as getting even more worth as it desires a switch to be used. Another idea could be that perhaps the initial currency loses value when it hits a ceiling, and the other currency becomes more valuable. I think the goal is to try and balance the currencies out into a median (middle). It's a strange idea to have competing currencies, but I think this might be the birth to a new currency system in which can drive away from inflation and bring a system of currency balance around a middle average worth depending on economic circumstance.
  • Perhaps there should also be laws on government involvement on currency or the economy to prevent currency depreciation. 

  • Kaizen is not just important to Japan, it also can be of use to the west. 

  • (strange ideas) I don’t ignore the absurd so easily, therefore I want to consider outlandish ideas. Perhaps we should adopt laws for extraterrestrial activity. I think if an ET abducts a human being, it should be arrested, interrogated, and held for some time, with technologies that prevents it from disappearing. The space craft should be captured and tagged with an ID and tracker. I think there should be methods in which to take complete control of the craft or to steer it remotely or pulled physically to an air force base. I personally believe all UFOs should be public information and not hidden. I also believe there should be a basic knowledge of UFOs. I also believe people should also have the knowledge to build UFO-like flying crafts and making it mandatory to ID, register and have a license to their Flying craft. I believe they should have public access of UFO footprints as long as they register first. If a citizen finds a UFO, I think they should be allowed to keep it if it doesn’t belong to anyone. The weapons or any time traveling or dimensional traveling abilities should be removed from it and it should be ID’d and tracked. Moving on to the idea of extraterrestrial trade, I believe trade with other interstellar civilizations is a way to get ahead of the Earthly competition with other nations. It’s my belief a nation could trade it’s minerals for technology and non-human intelligence. I believe trade should be done fairly, in increments, with strategy, and without putting Earth at risk. I also think it’s important to have weaponry that competes with those humans are trading with in case there is a dispute or threat. Moving on, I think a great weakness to our solar system security is the idea that our sun is not protected. I could imagine if a threatening extraterrestrial race were to be desperate to eliminate a civilization, it would hit a resource that is unimaginably of importance. In the case of the destruction of our sun, also think this would affect neighboring systems or perhaps galaxy. On to my next idea, it’s my hypothesis that Earth is still a new planet compared to those in order galaxies. My personal opinion is that Earth needs to be hidden as much as possible in order to avoid dangerous or offworld civilizations that is expanding its interstellar military force. I think the asteroid oumuamua could be an example of what if such an object were to be a probe; probe meaning an object in which to ping signal back to it’s origin. It seems to me Earth should always be prepared for any other hostile interstellar force. My next idea is that I think individuals who can think critically, rationally, logically, are very intellectual, and have exceptional creative skills, should be given opportunities to use their brain skills for greater ideas and purposes that benefit Earth security and resources. I think Earth should consider and have ideas for many possibilities when it comes to exploring or getting involved with different offworld civilizations.

  • Perhaps stated before, I believe selfishness could be a fundamental issue to what most things that are wrong with western society. This is a post I wrote from a philosophy discussion on Facebook (yeah, I don’t like facebook but every once in a while I’ll check it): The question by Leila Nietzche (not sure if she’s a fb-bot or not). “What do you think is the greatest motivator for murder?” My response (aside from being a smartass later on): 1. Leila Nietzche my answer is still the same. Murder always has a motive: jelousy, envy, greed, lust, desire, revenge. All fundamentally deriving from selfish intent and interest. 2. if we're going to look at it that way, then theres the study of criminal psychology in which depends on a case by case examination. Could be mental illness, result of drugs, could be financial motivation, perceived examination of benefits, to obtain something, to hide something, emotional satisfaction,irrational ideology, radicalization, and even nowadays politics can be involved. Each reason extends to the self involving some sort of personal desire or gain which leads to the fundamental of selfishness.  3. Not excited. I would think the answer would be logical where one is capable of identifying or rationalizing an answer for oneself with the use of critical thinking and reasoning. Shouldn't need to post on a phil forum to find an answer. I want to beleive that murder is always unecissary and is an extreme behavior. The primitive mind rationalizes murder where the complex and rational mind provides an equal solution yet to utilize ethics in providing a punishment where the criminal can learn of their wrong, do time in understanding the wrong of their actions, and giving back to society from the peace taken, being an example of not to do murder and wrong by educating others. (there’s more to this, but I thought I would highlight this, because it drives a point despite my lack of ethics in the discussion. lol)
  • Could it be there is disillusion in almost everything? I think it’s a good practice that we should develop an awareness of what is objective and what is not.
  • I believe people should rely on themselves for answers and not rely on others, that is why critical thinking is important. 
  • My philosophy is to accept all those who are strangers and not see them as threats as long as they demonstrate ethics first. I think for those who are different, one should be curious and have a desire to learn more about the uniqueness of another and to accept them as they are. I believe it's important to have unity and to do things often united. 

  • I believe there is a balance to everything. Too much pride can be bad for example. Balance is obviously important. Nevertheless, and perhaps unknowingly, pride can also play a role in one's dignity, self-respect, and even loyalty. On the flip side, it can lead to one's ignorance and arrogance. I would like to emphasize the importance of balance, regardless how difficult it can be to have control of one's character (personality), thinking habits, and behaviors.
  • I want to find a mindset where people can act out of courage or a personal-driven force of strength in times of terror. I have found this behavior in Russians where they walk up to what scares them and confronts it even if they don't know what it is or if they are in danger. I have never seen such courage before and it continues to amaze me. If someone were to walk in the woods by themselves and they hear something startling or disturbing, instead of running away, it would be interesting to see if a person could grab a stick, perhaps pull out a camera, and pursue the noise courageously (perhaps as an act of selflessness and of the feeling of duty, curiosity, or test of strength mentally and physically). I feel as if this is a behavior that can be practiced, self-conditioned, or instantiated upon a time of need.

  • With the use of pictures, one can preserve a sense of an image frozen in time. In the future, one can miss or forget how it was like back in time. I find it interesting how images can hold not only an image frozen in time, it can hold memories, smells, feelings, styles, and past ideas. 
  • I think to try and know and learn of everything and to be corrupted by nothing is a virtue. 

  • I think those who write stories can identify the sequences of events deriving from a starting problem, event, or sequence of events. This cognitive understanding allows one to understand what can happen as a result of an action or sequence of actions. I believe this cognitive understanding is important to everyone as with human understanding we can sort-of pre-know what will happen using logic and the basis of a current  or ongoing action or choice we make. Another thought that could help drive this idea is asking what do you think the result or reaction would be based on an event? How would you react?
  • (Rant) I live in a gulag reality where VR is your only escape, nobody respects you, and that you're commonly talked over, overlooked, and invisible. I guess this is your typical 30 year old American no-life in 2016-18. It seems the nation is dominated by rich old people that see millenials as the slime of society. The amount of hate I got climbing out of 2015 was astounding but it still continues today. At this point I don't even care anymore. I'll just get my bachelors and copy everyone else looking for a job. It's true that it's easier to get a job in todays market compared to 2015 where it was near impossible. My only issue is that it's not a quality job , morethelikely minuimum wage or around the 30,000 poverty line. Most of your paycheck goes to rent and security will be around $150 to $300. Could you imagine saving money to make a business that costs $50,000 to $300,000? SBA loans don't have a positive rep, banks don't give business loans to peons, and no company or organization cared to help starting or starving entrepreneurs. The most intelligent idea would be to ditch college and start working in the gulag system. Scrap the dreams, they're too expensive. And participate in the system designed where you born, get conditioned by a socialist education system, get a girlfriend, get a job, work, retire, watch the world change around you change for the worst (as if you had any impacted in it whatsoever), and finally die where your grave will be eventually reused and nobody would have had known you existed. Another thing I would like to rant about, because I'm a freak'n loner and I have nobody to rant to, is the fact that I grew up in a religious house hold where expression wasn't allowed (especially creative expression). Anything not religious was an extremely taboo, sometimes to the point it had to be destroyed. I'm weird; introverted; poor at talking to people (this is a death sentence when it comes to jobs); and my brain is unusual and defective on average. I've never met anyone who understood me and accepted me instantly due to my complex personality. I come from a noble Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian ancestry, but is meaningless in today's world. I lived and learned a lot about Japanese culture which also plays a role to my personality (ethics mostly). Overall, a bunch of complex shit to get a very complex person. I don't expect anyone to ever understand, not even the world best psychologists. I've failed more times in business than taking out trash to the curb. I've lost around a total of $5000 to trying to start a business. I'm ideotically (not sure if that's a real word but who cares) trying to get a bachelors in game design even though i have an associates which gt me nowhere. I'm more than likely going to do nothing with this degree and settle working at some warehouse, cleaning, or physical labor company. Sometimes it feels like I'm blacklisted or the world operates like in a 1984 manner where there is like this an early age selection in life for individuals that might have the brightest minds to become labeled successful and given the best jobs and roles in society while leaving the rest to live mediocre lives. Moreover, someone suggested for me to run for politics. If I do that, I might as well paint a big L on my forehead and just tell jokes on TV. I am no way capable of doing such a thing. All it takes is a studder, a rude remark, or a poke at my insecurities to obliterate me into a lifetime abyss of isolation. I wasn't raised in life with a high self-esteem or a go get it attitude. I had a great childhood but it came with a lot of verbal abuse (some physical but not enough for me to care to explain about; woopen weren't always in the ass). It was definitely an unusual child development, especially growing up poor in America and living like a wealthy person in Brazil. The cultures also clash ideolistically because Brazilian culture is warm and touchy-feely where American culture is individualist and more cold. If it was up to me I would like to take the best qualities of the cultures I know now and merge them together. But overall, take all of the above and you end up with a fucked-up person writing blogs to express the way he feels in a world he believe would rather just pretend he never existed. P.S. Steve Molyneux and Leo (from are the real geniuses.
  • //Any real comments will be left on this blog, but for the most part I keep getting spammed about an agent for Bangkok gambling and rooster fighting.
  • I love the idea that if one has accumulated an outrageous amount of money and isn't being used for anything, it can be used to help others and the community. After watching MrBeast on Youtube, it seems like a task that could be used for bringing people together or allow the impossible to become possible. It would be amazing to see more people capable doing the same.

  • One thing I can across during my studies of the rise of the French Rococo period is the use of selling an appealing fantasy. Such fantasy could be one of grandure, luxery, or extreme appeal. Could this idea can be used to manipulate the psychology of people? (both intellectual and not) Could it be that the way to manipulate, influence, or modify culture is by using an fantasy that appeals to a large or possible growing audience. Perhaps this goes side by side with marketing. I want to think marketing is also an overlooked powerful tool that can be used for social conditioning or directing. Perhaps with such a fantasy idea one would also need to mass promote to reach as much of an audience as they can. Overall, I think this seems to cater to the evolution of society. 
  • I hold sympathies and have a strong desire to help the next generation, despite any perceived negatives. I do not see the same view with many older and senior generation of my generation. I feel it is either their values are dramatically different, perhaps to conserve the traditional world of their own past, or it's the change in the world in which they might not had been prepared for that could render certain old traditional ideologies meaningless. In the past I have been treated very negatively by senior members of society that I have grew in dislike and disassociation. My behavior towards the elderly should not influence the behaviors of others either. My entire adult period in life starting midway in college can be summed up as the millenial-liberal driven media stereotype of being entitled, lazy, immature, and a loser boomerang basement dweller when I pushed extremely hard in college and was busy failing my ass off trying to start a business. This was all during the Obama era, everything sucked and was heading towards a depression, and caters to the kind of meloncoly, sensitive, and youre-a-stranger-until-you-get-to know-me kind of person. I guess I've been shoved so far down the social shitshoot that I really don't care about people a whole lot anymore or making it big in society. After so much effort, energy, and tried, I'm not sure what works anymore. All the books, videos, and webinars I've done seem to be outdated and useless. Now, I just dream big but want to live a comfortable life.  I feel people are chosen to be at the top of society. It would take a whole lot of money and building of character for me to feel as I once did. I don't put any faith in it or anything great happening anymore. I wouldn't mind leaving this country to try and look for opportunities elsewhere. I'm proof that you can try, try, and try and not get anywhere utilizing the most of the information and practices that worked for others (much of which I have wrote about on this blog). If there is one thing that is certain for me, it's that resources are a necessity in order to get what you need. How you go about getting resources is a mystery as I commonly know many out there don't want to buy or give you money. This is coming from a person who is trying to work his way out from the bottom from the rat-race with no family, no addictions, and no life working towards a constant goal. I learned that word of mouth and physical contact is probably the best way to get resources. But there will be a lot of bruises a long the way so one will have to build an immunity or defense for their own egos. Overall, I can tell a person how I failed and maybe they can learn from what I've done, havn't done, and tried to do. What makes people successful in the world of today is beyond a mystery for me. And this is coming from a person that feels he has tried a lot of plans and strategies to achieve a goal or series of micro goals.

  • I like the quote, "Life is not fair, it plays favorites, and likes to put the worst in charge."

  • There is a psychological strategy about changing ones emotions to alter their mental behavior to produce a different physical reaction. I wonder if this is the mental strategy performed with intelligent officials to not give away their cover. If so perhaps this might be a good strategy to face others in intimidating circumstances. 

  • School is the gulag where you'll find me. Keep in mind it's not my reality and the culture is designed to keep you under control. The place of my own is in my imagination, memories, the things I love to do, the places I have been. The culture I created is original and also my own. Let nothing change the way I want to live my life, for the best life lived is the one where you are in control.
  • I want to say I found what i consider the best protocol for a situation in which confrontation is unavoidable, especially if it's in a public or professional setting such as if a bully makes contact with you but you don't want to make a scene. I think one should roll up their sleeves and to assume a fighting position as if to fight the other person. However, never throw the first punch. Don't throw the first punch regardless what they are saying. Only cowards fight with their mouths. Always say nothing and wait until after the first punch is thrown. Once their punch is thrown, have a field day. It's important to remember you fight to win. You win by knocking them down. If they are ready to get back on their feet, prepare for round two. If you lose, it's painful but still okay. Perhaps run away to avoid profound injuries or get nasty by kicking them while on the ground. Curling in a ball is a terrible idea, fight until you see no more lights. If you are certain you can't win and the fight is life threatening, then fighting dirty with make shift weapons is a new option, but best to be avoided due to legal reasons. Martial arts is very handy, especially Judo, Jujitsu, and Krav Maga. Also, if possible pick your fights. Never take on too many people. Moreover, if no punches are thrown by your enemy, you wait and calm down in your fighting position. Once you are calm, you grab your belongings and leave the area. It's important to show the form of your muscles and to show you will not be intimidated. You're expression must be that of readiness in case the first punch is thrown. In a world in which ethics does not plays a role in society, one must always be prepared. One should be prepared psychologically and mentally. Make this practice instinctual when one presents themselves as an obvious threat after making physical contact.

  • Although I could never find a way into game industry, my secret personal motto was to try and be the Stephen king of game design. There’s a lot that goes into this idea. For example: to brainstorm on a philosophical level and to try out every idea that comes to mind. To fulfill the mood of a particular atmosphere in a game. To try out original ideas and ideas that nobody has seen before. To make compelling and fulfilling stories that bring a piece of the audience into the characters or the situation of the game. To add philosophical concepts in which keeps the player critically thinking even when not playing the game. To introduce a culture in the game in which the player want to continue it even after the game is finished. To go into detail, when manga or comics capture it’s audience, it does so on an emotional, circumstantial, or a way where the player desired themselves to be in a character or character’s circumstance where they can connect with the character on a fundamental level. The list goes on, but these are to name a few. With 27 game design documents, I prefer the world to never know unless I’m hired and grants me the position to use my ideas.

  • Anthropological illusion vs logic: While studying cities of the past, I came across an interesting realization. Perhaps due to the assumption of having infinite amount of resources, it seems the culture within the cities could be molded towards catering to the idea of illusion than that of logic. We see this especially with the wealth class of society and places where there is more a visual culture. The most apparent of times was before the French Revolution when the rise of the Rococo style and idea of the illusion of wealth and vanity was created while the rest of France was suffering in poverty. It seems apparent that due to the wealth of the upper classes, they can afford to live the lavish illusions of their desires and imagination. Moreover, if one steps outside the classes of illusion, there are the more average and farmer individuals in which logic is more the predominant way of thinking, because of the reality of survival and the strong moral reasoning of the surreal realities of life. 

  • (strange thought) They say life is always changing. Although I agree, I can’t help to think if it really changes when history is bound to repeat itself.

  • I had a strange idea to fight inflation and that is for every certain numbers of years there can be period used to recover or fight inflation. My idea was one or two years, not back to back, out of ten years or maybe a few months out of a year can be used to recover and pay back to fight inflation. I think it’s important that money can be kept within a certain worth range or standard.

  • I wonder if perhaps truly appreciating what one has can create a feeling of satisfaction and taming of the desire to acquire more.
  • It's obviously I believe every individual in society should be educated. I also greatly believe they should be educated in ethics.
  • Much like the ideas in the Italian Renaissance era, I perhaps want to say there should be a balance between acquiring all that is vanity and also living in a way in which one can also find happiness or satisfaction living without that which is vanity.
  • I question if the secrecy concerning extraterrestrial life is not just about the concealment of extraterrestrial life but of the extraterrestial’s activity and the activities that might be happening offworld.
  • I may have said this before, but self-discipline is extremely important. It’s what says I will only eat this amount, I will do this at this time, or I will improve this quality of myself. I think without self-discipline, there is no control and without control, no peace of mind.
  • I want to say part of life to me is about improvement. Kaizen. I strongly believe that if you improve yourself, you also improve society.
  • As stated before, I believe ethics is the way of self-improvement and in that the improvement of society. All the tools are already given to you with logic, reasoning, and critical thinking. The shortcut of age and wisdom is already given to you by individuals such as Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, and various other teachings that emphasize harmony, ethics, unity, and humanism.

  • I personally prefer one to show their true face than to be fake; of course with the use of ethics on top of that. I think showing one’s true face is being honest to oneself and others. People say I’m melancholic. I’m alright with this as I primarily value treating others well and to not allow myself to mistreat others on behalf of how people think I would treat them in such a state.

  • I want to say that perhaps one can see the health of society by how people (or a group of people) truly behave ( a sample) when they are acting their true selves perhaps in private.
  • I may have said this before, but there is beauty in realism; an acceptance of the ugly, truths, and the reality of life as a whole.
  • It’s important to be a critical thinker. It can help you predict the moves of others. An example could be by understanding logic, you can predict logical behaviors. I want to say that perhaps if you predict behaviors by trends, stereotypes, patterns, you can somewhat predict another’s behavior. Understanding the human psychology can allow one to be ahead of another. It’s possible to out think, outperform, and manipulate another. One can even develop an elaborate strategy by creating a web of events out of predicable behaviors in advance with the use of micro strategies. I like to think of it as programming where you a create an architecture and nest it with If and Else statements. Perhaps just like in chest, you can add additional pawns in case you need more resources on the field. Using this idea, one can conduct an elaborate strategy to accomplish their overall goal.
  • I want to believe there are two big ways to fund education. One way is through competition and another way is through federal funding. I believe both ways should coexist with each other allowing for more options for individuals and an examination for multiple functionalities, effectiveness, and qualities of education. I believe a great way to fund education is by having schools, universities, and other educational institutions to compete with each other. This creates a competition to see who can create the best institution of quality allow students to be the forefront of educational quality and resources. Although modern day conservatives would disagree with me, I also believe federal funded education is also a great way to fund educational institutions. When you pay your taxes, you are also investing in the future of your country’s citizens. I also perhaps need to mention that I don’t believe in socialism or handouts from entitlement programs. The reason I believe federal funded institutions is a good idea is because it’s fast to implement, fast to experiment and try new ideas and methods to teaching (using up-to-date and effective methods, psychology, and studies from education institutions from around the world), and easy to increase the quality of education on a large scale. If federal funded institutions can utilize the performance of competitive educational institutions, then the quality of education overall in the country can create a highly educate society and technologically-progressive infrastructure.
  • When one acquires a rumor, I think it’s ethical that they be mindful of the rumor but disregard it as to respect who it’s effecting. I also believe it’s unethical to continue the progression of a rumor unaware of all the truths or if it’s for the purpose of harming or slandering another.
  • I wonder if once in a while it would be a great idea to make a compilation and document or make a video on stuff we know that we could share with others. 
  • I think the illusion of the mind can mix or invade reality. Perhaps it's best to live in balance of the mind and reality.
  • Dunning and Kruger Effect or once known as Meta Cognition (thinking about thinking)- gives us an insight to issues in ourselves we cannot see. They are behaviors related to self-awareness as to how we think of ourselves and how the world sees us. It's good to research this topic as it could reveal a behavior one might posses and yet are unaware of to which other see.The definition I found can be this: Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority comes from the inability of low-ability people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
  • Could romanticism be a good way to promote an idea? 
  •  With so many problematic students, could it be a considerable idea to introduce discipline or "breaking" a student , like in the military, before entering an educational institution?
  • I feel as if I have two modes: extremely intelligent and extremely and often embarrassingly stupid.
  • I think it might be important to come up with a method to estimate the circulation of money used monthly by an economy. I question if it could be possible that a single or group of organizations, institutions, or government entities could be hording money and not allowing money to circulate freely. I guess to go more into detail, I want to ask if it was possible that if large corporations wanted to strangle an entire economy by hording money or taking it elsewhere in the world and sucking a nation dry, could it be possible? 

  • An interesting idea I had for an invention that I would like to share is the influence of a market on a product. Imagine if through a bar code individuals could rate, suggest ideas, or discuss a product. It could be any product, perhaps one that can be bought off a store shelf. Perhaps this can be a good use of technology to improve products or enable a way where more consumers can purchase a product. 
  • I feel like there should be some sort of system or perhaps a variety of systems a person can choose to live their life. I feel like if a person identifies a system, they can have a stable foundation in which to explore lifestyle choices and lifestyle or career paths. 

  • The culture of corporate America. Who designed the idea of a suit and tie society whose culture feels catering to the higher authority? I feel if people had a different culture to coportate America, perhaps the corporate culture would be more tolerable, less stressful, and perhaps people could feel as if they are part of a family and that their efforts are part of a history which overall caters to the growth or improvement of a country.

  • I thought I’d give an update on the melancholic husk I feel myself to be. I feel convinced by the stares I often receive from people that I feel too little anymore. Perhaps they see right through me, perhaps they see a cringe into thinking I believe I’m something I’m not, perhaps they don’t care at all. Regardless, I feel like my overall value in contributing to society is dried up. Life feels meaningless, even as I write. Nothing has gotten me anywhere and it seems that if things keep going the way it is, I will forever be nobody and I will remain invisible not going anywhere. My reality feels as if I was an anomaly in the construct of this dimension. It feels as if the mandala effect had produced anomaly that only has a limited purpose before it takes effect and I quickly vanish from existence. If I had it my way, I would give myself credit for anything I produce that enlightens, reveals, or illuminates the mind of a reader. I would seek interest into intellectual ideas and provide myself with an opportunity in which allows me to use my intellect for a meaningful purposes. As of right now, I plan to leave the country and if not that, I plan to work a worthless job outside of my desired career field as the culture of such field is no longer how I desired it initially going into college. I feel the future is uncertain, bleak, and offers no real opportunity for my and the next generation. I feel the president has great intentions, but with no progress in the senate and congress, I feel the nation has hit stagnation. With every passing year I grow older, my ideas fading and caring less, and the country less of an interest to contribute to. I’ve never experienced a real sense of pride for my country as it has only gone downhill with time. If it were to flip and become successful, prosperous, and become obvious of opportunity, I would have a reason to grow and reinforce a sense of pride, but it seems the reality is what it is and life continues regardless. It’s not only the economic and political atmosphere that puts me off, it’s society as well. I’ve never felt such a cold society, a society so backwards, so misguided, such lack of ethics and a desire to improve, and mentally and culturally warped and conditioned. I question if society can be improved and if it can become a society I would desire to contribute to. All I have are wishes and questions as my outlook grows more uncertain or faint. It seems more clear that the lifestyle and dreams I once wanted is unobtainable and the result is the person I see in the mirror. No emotions just thoughts and wishes. Thoughts of where will my future lead me and how will I survive. And wishes of the world which could have been if the country had a desire to improve.

  • I believe all should accept the flaws/bad with the good. If a great mind has an irrationality, accept them for both a good mind and flaws. Being human, we should admire a real soul and not the image a person wants to portray. I believe the illusion of the perfect human is a fallacy. We should accept people for who they truly are and what it is they truly believe in. I believe narrative will allow society to see individuals and the universe in it's entirety. I would like to think within imperfection is a narrative of perfection.

  • I believe we should take what’s useful from the ideas and traits of others but never to follow them completely. We should examine what it is we truly believe and follow that.
  • I want to invent the term “wholeistic friendship”. This is where a friend is so close, they are practically part of you. A friendship which is inseperateable, nonjudgmental, a friendship which goes beyond words, feels like family, accepts each other’s faults and vulnerabilities, and even serves each other.
  • I discovered something crude but perhaps is worth mentioning despite being contradictory to my own beliefs. When a person puts you on the defensive, they ask you a lie on purpose, they ask a sensitive question or questions you don’t like because it’s for the purpose of insulting you, you insult them back preferably by stating a fact or truth in return. I would personally state that their question is insulting, the question demands real meaning behind the question, give the perceived reason behind the question, or tell them not to ask such irrational and meaningless questions. The idea behind the crude response is to hammer them negatively enough times you keep the other person in check and on an argumentative leash. Another strategy is to use their words against them. Everything they say can be like ammo for your own response which you can throw back multiple ways.
  • In western society, people don’t seem to realize the pain they cause others until other push it to the extreme. Example, a bully does a shooting. There seems to be very little social compassion for each other unless it benefits oneself. I believe it should be that if one inflicts pain, even if it’s minor (because they add up), it should be a good practice to make up for the pain caused. I think where there is bad, should be reinforced with good. I think this makes life balanced.
  • I think there is a natural process in which a young individual can become a natural member of society. Perhaps we should find this process(s), which is in sync with the human developmental psychology, to create valuable members of society. Perhaps for example, from a young age, one could learn to understand simplified concepts of the world and to spark a natural curiosity. This allows them to grow without burden of the unknown and to feel cluttered with the world in which they might not understand. I think these social processes should cater to multiple lifestyles and cultures. The overall purpose is to create an individual who has the ability to peruse happiness in an environment which minimizes uncertainty, stress, and anxiety but instead raises curiosity, personal achievement, and a desire to influence the future and the way they see the world. I believe a happy individual is a productive individual and one that improves the quality of life for themselves and others.
  • I believe there should be some sort of method for measuring freedom and prosperity. I would like to all it the “Freedom and Prosperity Overview Analysis”. Perhaps there could be multiple formulas or an overview of a variety of statistical data. I want to think an interesting idea for measuring freedom is to look at those in poverty and see if they have the ability to do stuff in a reasonable time that can benefit the economy. I think such data can reflect the health of a country to see if the country is in health condition of its population. Nevertheless, the data should not reflect political involvement and topics. This will scue the data for political agendas.
  • I believe everyone should have an initial interaction of ethics because I also believe people represent their countries and cultures.
  • I’m wondering if my philosophy should be called harmonism.
  • I believe males should be polite to females and females to male. I don’t agree with the idea of being a gentleman. I feel the idea is outdated today. If we are to keep the idea of being gentleman, than a lady has to maintain the decour and decorous responses of a proper lady. It’s my belief the values of today have changed dramatically and both genders should maintain a balance of seeing each other as equals and to be polite.
  • I believe countries should stick to their own borders. I believe the borders now should be made permanent (even if it’s a simple picket fence). I also believe the idea of a global and centralized civilization/citizenship and being a single culture is irrational. I believe we should maintain our cultures, our nationalities, and our different ways of thinking.
  • I believe everyone should have a sense of unity and being in a collective. I believe they should be in a collective despite nationalities. I believe they should be polite to each other and understand and accept the cultural differences. I believe there should also be a sense for a desire to maintain harmony with each other and instead have healthy competition/ sportmanship. Since it’s the mindset and ideology that create nationalistic and cultural divisions, we should adopt a mindset that everyone is human and have many things in common(such as living on Earth). I believe this patches the divisions between our global community and to build global unity while accepting all cultures as being part of our ourselves.
  • I believe everyone should be in a collective, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality and overall differences. We should all be initially polite to each other and to never degrade others in any form.
  • I want to believe my philosophy builds upon Platoism and Confucianism.
  • Could tempering with the weather affect the Earth’s rotation? Could this cause time to go faster? Is there a way we can use this to get time to go slower? Could we decrease the rotation which gravitates towards the sun?
  • I believe a united family is important. I believe family should have an internal culture that disregards external social and mainstream norms. I believe the family should be the most powerful structure in a nation.
  • I think if there is a problem in the system (system meaning US politics, education, economic…ect), there needs to be a strategy or perhaps an immediate stop of the cause, because not only does it affect ordinary people, it will affect the minds of the next generation and perhaps resources. On a systemic level I think there may have yet to be many of unseen variables which get changed or damaged to which we cannot yet calculate or see. I think perhaps such changes or damages can reveal itself over time (or a long period of time). If we are to strive for more of a functional system(s), we should do our best to maintain, innovate, treat to health, optimize, and constantly research ways to improve of system. Improvement through data, analysis, research, testing, philosophical perspective, statistics, and a view from a variety of fields in which it could potentially affect or surround.
  • I think the most realistic ideology to achieve anything is determinism. I believe these are the attempts and realistic steps of action (with a realistic plan and strategy) towards a goal. Cause and effect. I believe it is the effect from the cause of your action. The more determined or the greater the steps towards that goal, the more one can manifest or mold a change toward manifesting in one’s goals. I believe the universe reacts to your actions. Perhaps this idea makes sense if you look at life on a timeline where it’s created in the present and what you do in the present determines the effects of your future.
  • I would like to have a wish that goodwill be one day a value that is greatly admired and seen extremely honorable. I would like to wish those who possess such quality can easily achieve their agendas in life with the help of others. I believe if the value of goodwill is prized, it could transform western society into a society which has real leaders, real progress, real prosperity, and people who are objectively happy and productive.
  • I would like to add determination to the charter of ethics.
  • There isn’t just one way to look at things, there are many. Different people, different thinking patterns. For example, when one looks at art, one may see a mastery of aesthetics and form; another might see the values, meaning, and ideas being portrayed; and another might simply admire the craftsmanship.
  • Because people may think differently from all over the world, I believe it’s important to respect, accept, and allow people to make whatever they desire. It could be that there is always an audience for something somewhere.
  • (personal anxiety) I think I have poor mental health. I feel as if I have been studying too hard for too long. I’m often degraded, especially academically, where there is only a hair-strand of ego. I’ve been alone for many years now with little outside interaction with others aside from family and friends in VRChat. My life revolves around religion because of my parents. Although I respect religion and have a personal relationship with Jesus, I don’t believe in the ways of the church. I also have a depleted relationship with God the Father, I feel as if he has diminished mercilessly the quality of my life, plucking my sanity, removes all luck or grants me negative irony, taunts me when I’m down leaving no room for me stand back up with any pride, and so much more. I don’t believe he is a divine or good God, as heretic as it sounds. I can go all day talking about this. And despite my negative perceptions about God, there is always respect for the catholic religion and creator). I haven’t felt I have had any real freedom in life do to restrictions of money and resources. I have never been given any real great oportuntities to prove my self worth. I don’t have time for anything because of school. I would love for my personal projects to become my career. Personal projects such as making videos (Youtube does not allow this to be profitable; patreon just the same), games (takes too long), art, illustrations, comics, web series, animations, and to experiment with other ideas such as fashion, electronics, sculpting, programming …ect. If it’s not school, it will be work as I experienced this working full time for minimum wage. Overall, I feel my mental health is becoming more poor and decreasing each year. It shows in my ability to remember things, even if it’s basic; my ability to speak English and say things logically, even if it makes sense in my mind; my interaction with others and the desire to interact; my depleted self-worth and ego; my desire to become someone in the world and anting to find a crack in the wall and starve to death. I feel as if I’m more invisible than ever despite helping others and treating others kindly. All my hard work in school, art, and personal projects mostly goes ignored. I feel as if I’m not good at anything anymore. I have very little faith in the future; I have little faith in politics, and my career. And I feel no emotions at all when it comes to the idea of ending it all. It would feel almost as if simple choir if I was to try to end my life, but it’s not one of my philosophical values that I live by. My method of suicide would be to starve myself to death, giving a small window of opportunity that things could get better if the world decided to help me. I feel this way about suicide probably because I’ve been thinking about it for so long and rehearsing the scenario. This is my truth. If times were better, I would blog on my success. I joke saying to others that if I were my brain in the game Amnesia The Dark Decent, my brain quality would be “crystal clear” in 2014, “A slight headache” in 2015, “head is pounding and hands are shaking” in 2018, and “…” in 2019 to 2020. I know already for a fact 2019 and 2020 and up for a fact will be the worst years to come. Probably until I reach the point of self-execution. Starting 2015 to 2017 have been beyond the darkest in my life; from meaningless relationship issues involving jealousy to having a terrible work experience with a very intimidating boss to a school which seems knee deep in negligence (not helping students), corruption(nationwide fraud and lawsuits to where they have to close campuses), lack of quality (hiring outdates and the worst qualifies teachers who give out exaggerated amounts of homework), and greed (charging an arm and a leg for supplies and cutting assets for costs from art packages). All of this is just a wave in the tsunami that is about to hit shore. I can expect the worst to happen when I have to live out on my own. I can with full certainty guarantee I won’t get a career in my field. Rest in peace sad, lonely, and depressed future me.
  • I believe the problem to being an original, or perhaps a pure original, is that there’s no one like you. This can get a bit lonely.
  • It’s interesting that perhaps with family when a family member shows signs of “going the wrong direction” in life, nobody desire to ask why or to make attempts to understand. I think a reasonable method, which does involve time, is learning about the faults one projects and to question why from oneself and then to slowly gain the trust of the broken family member, by silence and non-force, to get them to open up and explain their problems. I believe non-awkward silence is a great tool, much like that of Japanese elders who ask questions slowly and allow the other to digest their emotions for a good answer. I believe enabling of letting the emotions of a family member in trouble open up their emotions and allowing them to sort through their own baggage from within, they will progressively get stronger. A hypothesis of min is that the teenager is starting their mind a new and have a lot to sift through in their development, when they obtain the necessary qualities to become an independent individual by being treated as an adult, they learn to develop their own character and become mentally strong and complete, and a real intellectual capably of questioning and reasoning within themselves. Perhaps any attempt that brings them back to this emotional state is a setback that requires starting over. The family member might be dramatic or irrational, but over time hopefully they will see their behavior and develop into to an adult mind. I believe this is when their parents can be a great asset, especially when building family values that contradict the mainstream. This is my hypothesis.
  • I believe those in leadership positions should be held to a degree responsible for those that are influenced under them. I believe this is their responsibility for their position and they should take steps to ensure that the needs of those under them are met in order to stay productive. Moreover, if times are tough, I believe there is also compromise to see what can be done. I also believe where there is a level of hardship that demands a lot of sacrifice, there should also be reward for the sacrifice. I want to think logic and reason can help achieve a bare stability. I also want to think that even in chaos there are leaders or hidden potential leaders that are rational and can help to good, find solutions, or tell truths.
  • Could it be that life lived dangerously or with a certain degree of danger produces real results, progress, and achievement?
  • I think if I could make a political party, I would call it the futurist party. Also if I ever get into the right position in life, look out world, I’ll straighten things out. I would rename myself Ivan (a name I greatly prize) and would like to call myself Ivan the Magnificent.
  • I believe part of serving each other is every now and then we make someone or a group of people feel good.
  • Perhaps mentioned before, a good strategy for marketing and building culture is the use of Romanticism in a subject. Building a portrayal of a subject that can be seen in a way where it is romanticized and made to look grand or divine.
  • I wonder if it's possible to have a democratic representative republic that not only operates with the rule of law but with ethics to which law makers are expected to uphold a mastery in.
  • Hopefully, others will make a backup of my blog just in case there comes a time when the internet becomes too censored, shutdown, or obsolete.
  • Could demonic possession be a different kind of illness using frequency to the brain. Could the evil or effects and behaviors portrayed be from the subconscious or corresponding areas of the brain? Why is it that elecroshock affect the possessed host? 
  • Could it be that any culture of control or authoritarianism has a guild or shame system that they can use or manipulate?  
  • I believe the most intellectual, most intelligent in their field, extraordinarily high IQ, and most creative minds should be kept busy with projects of great importants. I believe heavily that great projects could benefit from these minds.
  • I like the term Eudaimonia but I'm not sure of the full representation of the meaning. I promote my own set of ethics based upon goodwill, I'm not sure if this is defined by eudaimonia.
  • It seems communication also has it's restrictions. Emotional and perceive restrictions (perceived as in stereotyping, labels, or reading your intentions or trying to understand what it is you saying underneath or motive). It would be great to be able to speak without these restrictions.
  • Could sleeping nude and feeling sexy and having self appreciation and gratitude help heal the mind and body?
  • What would happen if educational institutions offered a separate program for the highly intellectual and critical thinkers?
  • It's my opinion that anyone could "wake-up" to the ability to critically think. I think the key to this "wake-up" is to increase the personal interest of a subject to it's student. The goal is to give the student the desire to want to learn more.

  • In interesting idea I had that I thought was worth sharing. You're bedroom is where you start your day. It's a place for your own culture that can be away from the influences of the world. It's your most intimate space. After you get out of the bedroom, you prepare for your home life and perhaps family. However, once you leave your home and go out into the world, you are at the mercy and behaviors of the world. I was wondering, what would it be like if you could bring or openly share the culture of your most intimate space to the world.

  • I find it interesting that in my mind I can be anything. I can be the manliest of men, a fearless leader, or a father who raises a new and improved generation. I find it interesting at the same time, I can be kind, warm hearted, or a male version of feministic (grooms, smells good, always looks his best). I can balance whoever I want to be and have the freedom to try new ideas and experiment. Considering what I have stated I believe females could also do the same thing where they can also be “manly” and work like a rough farmer and yet also have a kind feminine side. Overall, I think this helps create a balanced and complete human being.

  • Could there be two possible outlooks in relation to looking at the world? Perhaps a person might think of what the world expects from him (ex: if only he graduated faster, he somehow needs to find a position in his field and has to compete with others to live a life of happiness). And perhaps another person might think of what the world can provide to him that works for him that he believes will make him happy (ex: when I graduate, I’ll see what my interests are and see if I can get. If I can’t get it then I’ll keep moving on until I find something that suits me and will ultimately make me happy).

  • A nation or state decays when proven incompetent individuals are put in positions of power. A nation or state builds when ethical philosophical and proven effective leaders are put into positions of power.

  • I believe everyone should learn business in high school.
  • We calculate age by years and birthdays but what if age is only in the mind. Wouldn't it be more beneficial seeing age by one's mental age?
  • Could one's decisions reflect one's intelligence, critical thinking capacity, ability to reason, or ability to hold back and control one's emotions?
  • I’m not sure if consolation is on the charter of ethics. If it isn’t, I want to add it (outside the middle area).
  • People say they are free when they stop caring or perhaps stop caring about what other people think. Although I think this is true, I can’t help but to think that what if this plays a role in an ignorant society?
  • I probably have mentioned this before, however I am willing to state it again. I believe it’s a good practice to double checker everything. I also believe self-mastery and discipline in everything that one does, even if it’s simply taking a new step, one should be in control or mastery of every aspect of their being. I believe this will give those who are older a sense of appreciation in the small and insignificant things, provide with a mind that keep track of everything and forgets nothing, and a removal of doing something unintentional or foolish that’s perhaps do to repetition.
  • Could it be the closer people live with each other, the closer they are with each other?

  • I hypothesize that the capitalist system has a weakness. Perhaps it’s do to the implementation of a socialist system that is not originally suitable. I hypothesize that there comes to a point in the system where there is a high cost of living. This high cost of living causes people to depend on money more and more. I think people increase a culture of a desire for more money because it creates the illusion of wealth, fame, status, power, importance, and stability. This leads to the desire for more money to which an ideology of greed is created. Greed leads to corruption and eventually a misuse of power. With organization and an increase number in this ideology, ethics, loyalty, honor, and personal values are replaced with a desire for more money which brings about the illusions that money provides.
  • I think perhaps most females believe that males objectify woman through sexual intentions, interests, and ideas. However, I believe perhaps there is also a flip side to this coin. Perhaps males are objectified by females through their expectation and imposed perspective of what a male should be. Where they believe males should be like guys in a TV drama; where they are somewhat emotional, sensitive, considerate, honest, uphold a level of loving or romantic value, have a sense of mystery or surprise, or present some sort of conflict to female emotional response and satisfaction. I believe males adopt this female perspective and adopt an emotional or perhaps feminine behavior to cater for the desire of female interest in them.  
  • (caution sexual) Controversially, I think people should experiment with their own sexuality. By this I mean they should experiment with things by themselves. They should walk around naked in the privacy of their home. They should take naked pictures and make videos of themselves. Of course it should all be in private and should never see the eyes of others unless one trusts them profoundly. It’s my opinion as we age, we will forget how we once were with or without clothes. I also want to believe all this sexual activity is a good idea because I think it can create or boost one’s healthy sexual behavior. I believe by doing this one learns to respect sexuality and discipline themselves. I also want to believe they can grow into understanding more about themselves.  It also shouldn’t be an issue if another were to refrain from anything sexual until later in life. Moreover, I believe sexuality takes self-discipline. I believe self-discipline is what will allow one to respect their partners and to be logical of their actions when aroused. I also know that one will learn a lot about their own body and preferences that they otherwise would have never had known if it were ignored. Females might never learn that they can have multiple orgasms, they can squirt, and they can have unique sensations they otherwise would have never had known. The human body is an amazing vessel. Just like a female, guys can learn what their sexual preferences are and what to look for in a partner without the influence of sexuality. It’s also important that a male should learn to control their sexual appetite and desires. It’s my belief the sexual attributes of a person is the compilation of neurological active of their childhood development. Furthermore, it’s okay to fantasize and dream about sexuality, however beware when the dreams and fantasies step into the realm of reality. Sexuality creates conflict (especially in modern society). Conflicts can be both minor or be so great that it changes your philosophical perspective and lifestyle. Make sure you are aware of the dangers and potential risks involved with intercourse. This conflict isn’t limited to just teen but also adults. Adults have a sexual weakness. If they are constantly taunted with sexuality, they could break into a mindset that is illogical. That is also why I believe sexual discipline is necessary. I believe the more you understand about your sexuality, know about how the opposite gender mind works, understand how culture and the world’s mindset is, one will build a sexual tolerance and discipline to overlook irrational or illogical sexual situations.

  • I feel as if I reached a state of depression so profound that death is no longer seen immoral, lowliness is beyond time and space, purpose has long been lost and deprived of meaning, and hope has been a decades forgotten. It's a feeling like someone wanted to check on someone they once knew just to discover they had been gone for years. A silence that one might feel when they go to a place where great sadness remains after a great atrocious crimes had been committed. I feel a mixed feeling like the world had been a place where one never fitted in and felt like they belonged or felt as if they were from another dimension and were cursed being brought to an existence they have very little control of in terms of chance and luck. A misfit observing the seasons and the changes of the world while in a coma of sadness. Everything just feels so numb and numb for a very long time. A feeling like there is no mental spark to want to do anything anymore. Like an old dog waiting on a porch aware he has grown wise, patient, and still; perhaps waiting for an owner who has not ben seen for years. I want to imagine the wind blowing as a sad piano plays from the upstairs of a lonely house. In my mind life feels like the selected few and the people who were gifted to become someone were meant to hold the reins of the horses of the chariots of life. I'm sure if it were up to me and my unconceivable wishes, I would have made a difference in the world, I would have been a vessel for good, and a torch for justice, righteousness, innovation, and harmony. But the world is the way it is. It leaves it's trail of corpses of those who couldn't make it. The times of complaining were long forgotten where there is a sad existence of what now just is the way it is. That is how I am feeling. Melancholy is the mood of my existence from a system that has long failed me many life times ago. A wife I never knew. Perhaps a child never to exist to continue a day dream legacy. This is the reality of today. This is how I feel. Let it rain on my lonely grave from a starved soul who wanted to truly make the world a great and better place and to show the world that I along with my foolish ideas had once existed. Perhaps it was meant to be this way if after all history is already determined. All I have now are my cherishable memories and my day dreams which will soon fade away as my mind decays with time. Perhaps my last fantasy is to create a world in which nothing great is wasted and that all minds have purpose. A world in which everyone can help each other be the best they can and be who they want. As for me, it is long to late. Silence is the instrument I will play as I fade from existence.  

  • It seems clear to me the difference between a worker and a slave. Although a lot of people wouldn’t recognize this unless it’s too late. An economy can turn into a controlled slavery. This can be done when one’s cost of living is raised extremely high forcing them to work beyond the means that they would if they had the flexibility to work or find work leisurely. The same can be said when industry prices can be set so low that those who produce resources can’t turn a profit. I want to call this a slave economy. When the benefits no longer outweighs the means and it turns into a circumstance where it’s more a sacrifice to survive or to continue going onward, it’s logical the players will begin to start refusing to play. People may not want to desire to work and producers won’t have a desire to produce. That is why balance and fairness is needed. When government regulates industries and cost of living to a point where it becomes a burden, then it has gone far beyond the means of being democratic (for the people). We can see that in Brasil’s recession and perhaps with the millennial generation in the United States (placing stereotypes of an entitled generation aside).
  • I would like to think a real friend would be honest and be there when you need them as long as you ask for their help. Of course it wouldn’t be right to always burden them with one’s issues, therefore appreciate greatly when they give the time and effort for you. Reciprocity also binds friendships. Friends also accept each other regardless how illogical or problematic one is. Friends are also a blessing as one can share their life an experiences with creating priceless memories in life.
  • A teacher should be held as a very high status in society and occupation. Teachers and instructors should dedicate their careers on refining the teaching experience and seeking active methods to spark curiosity and critical thinking in students. A teacher who does this for their paycheck is not a teacher and shouldn’t be a teacher. I believe a teacher should be binded by commitment and dedicates their career to create the best next generation of intellectuals.
  • Kuhera- I would like to make my own version of the word comrade. Something specific to people who follow or have a similar philosophy like mine. I want the word to mean close-family. This term applies to both female and males. Both genders see each other as the same like in my philosophy. Obviously all race, ages, cultures, status, or any differences see each other the same. I would like this term to be similar in an effort to see others as the same or mutual casting out differences; it should be seen as a close bonded collective; a movement of putting ethics first; an acceptance and unspoken befriending of everyone; an embrace of allowing people to acts as they are when they are at home or if they were in their room alone; to promote being in groups and always being around others; to always be kind, polite, respectful, and mindful of others; promote goodwill, harmony, and a happy and fulfilling life; a devotion to goodwill and ethics, disciplined in the control of sexuality and lust; and allow everyone to be who they want and help each other to improve each other in a sincere and ethical manner. I want to call this word kuhera. I also want etiquette to go along with this term, such as not needing to say hello and always going the extra mile to understand others, listen, and to strategize to accomplish a task, even when the strategy is abstract. //I might add more to this later, I rushed it due to game jam.

  • People say guys are the most hungry for power, but in my life I've seen more females hungry for power. Not sure if it's a power or authority complex or if it's because culture is feeding them with this idea. 
  • To learn more about the Summerians, Akadians, Egyptians, and Babalonians, a lot has been made potentially clear of the origins of man. I highly recommend everyone to look into the studies by scholars. It seems it gives birth to extraterrestrial life/people, Earthly visitation, and the origins of humanity. Anu seems to be the lifeforce God or creator of the universe, Enki seems to be the human creator (through genetics and experimentation) and very much the mischief maker and protector, Enlil seems to be the higher ranking overlord and destroyer or punisher. The cuneiform script also mentions Eia (eiya is either Enki or another God under Enki's command or follower) and Yawei who looks over Adam in the garden of Eden by Enki. It could be that Enki was also the serpent or informer who provided Adam with knowledge on purpose. The knowledge of nakedness and lust. In the times of the great flood (the deluge), it was Enki, Upnaktpishtim/ Noah who saved humanity by building a boat. After the confession of Enki to Enlil, they blessed Upnaktpishtim and humanity to procreate. 

  • With a conclusion of all my research, it has become apparent to me that the freemasonry is nothing but a long standing illusionary occult that inverts religion and cultural ideals that often derives from many older religions. It's a tool by the elites, corporate and world leaders, and perhaps secret Jesuits religion to control and gain power for political agendas. Its a method to obtain power and resources under secrecy. A sham that has one set of rules , codes, narrative for those at the bottom and alternate or real rules and narratives for those who can be trusted or brainwashed to be at the top. Now if I cross reference my research on the ancient past, I ask the question if Christianity and Jewish derives from cultural influences from the Sumerian and Egyptian, who or what are the real Gods of this reality. Who is Anu and what is he? //also just for fun, the G in freemasonry means geometry/ gate/ generative principle, meaning male genetalia. The goal is to be a perfect man which leads to become Christ-like which leads to becoming God in which you learn to save yourself. It's a religious occult sham brought about on a narrative of inverting early Christian and other religious teachings (which derives from picking up influences from previous religions). I beleive the true creators, to which there seems to be evidence, is the physical Gods of Acadian and Sumerian origin of the Anuniki (casting aside all the conspiracy junk and following what is written in cuneiform script). I'm curious to learn more about Anu and the origins of Enki and the Anuniki.

  • I want to believe the more objective research that comes about, the more the wall of illusion will come down revealing objective truths. I want to believe that learning the truth about the origin of man will grant us purpose, fulfilment, and perhaps unity. 

  • It seems to me Buddhism is much older than we know. There was a story about a giant buddha being discovered at the Grand Canyon. There was another story about Buddhism in long forgotten cave carved in Mumbai and Ekvira Mander, India and Luoyang, China. A giant head in Guatemala (keep in mind there is some evidence that South America housed supposedly a prehistoric human civilization around the time of the dinosaurs (to which historians deny and dismiss instantly)). If all of this is true than could Buddhism be a religion that predates the Sumerians? What else do we not know about Buddhism?

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