Friday, April 30, 2021

The SJ III Model of Edcuation

    We need to provide better education that takes on a new model of freedom, responsibility, and critical thinking. We start with introducing them to the school and teachers. What is expected of them. Then we teach them how to think properly and how to think for themselves. We will teach them how to learn. We will provide a reasonable explanation why something is taught and why it exists. We will teach using logic, reason, structure, theory, using psychology for cognitive digestability, simplified to complex concepts, foundational principles and build knowledge incrementally. Psychology and social engineering will be used as the modern tools for improved education. We will teach using a variety of methods that allow students to learn according to the method of teaching that works best for them that helps them learn more fast and retain information. Anyone can learn anything using modern psychology strategies. We will teach them to question everything and to question their peers and authority. We do this because we are building a culture of improvment. There will be a focus on quality teachers and teachers will be one of the most valued career choices. We will use storytelling and natural curiosity to build a students own self-desire to learn. We will utilize methods in which discipline might not be necisary as the student are self-driven to learn more and on their own. We will make learning fun and addicting. We will make learning as if playing a video game where they will have fun learning, building their level of knowledge, and have even more fun applying what they learn to the real world. We want to show them the model in which the goal of life is wealth, value, ethics, family, and personal happiness. It will no longer be about the factory worker model. We no longer want subservient drones who blindly obey authority. We do not want a controllable the mass, we want an intellectual and intelligent mass with a curiosity and goal of improvment. We want a collective of goodwill and wealth to everyone. We want entrepreneurs, businessess owners, and a society of individuals who build value. We want a healthy, productive, and goodwill-for-each-other society. We want to build unparallel unity and cooperation to the point everyone is family and crime is taboo because a life of freedom and goodwill offers so much more benefits and rewards. This is the future. A world without elitism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and propaganda think tanks. It's a world for self driven desire for peace and progress. I believe this is how true humanity will be created and this is how true human potential will be made. I call this the SJ III or Stanley J.anoski model of education (I used added a period because I dont want it showing up on search browsers). 

(I wrote this blog on my Galaxy phone.)

Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels.

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