Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fear Warfare


Fear Warfare

    During the battle of Vietnam. The Americans played terrifying audio of spirits in the night jungles. Apparently this was so frightening to the Vietcong that it left a long lasting impression. That's when I came up with the idea of Fear Warfare. The Feudal Japanese used to wear scary helmet and masks as the Vikings looked intimidating and shouted barbarically wanting to appear maddening to their enemies. I figured if wars wanted to be won, perhaps a new kind of tool and strategy could be used to win conflicts on the battlefield. For this I want to reveal my ideas for soldiers to wear intimidating uniforms and strategic disguises to scare the enemy. Imagine being in a conflict and a grotesque-like demon soldier appeared before you with a menacing sound and look. It could strike enough fear in opponents that they might win the conflict without even having the conflict result in a firefight. Fear warfare isn't just about having soldiers look intimidating, but it can also be about battle field strategy, like in Vietnam. Militarys can study what makes other cultures and enemies afraid and use it to their advantage. They can also utilize something I want to call 'fear technology'. From imagery in the sky like the supposed project Blue Beam to mysterious and unidentifiable object flying in the sky floating in mysterious formations. It could be streaking laser orbs hovering very fast on the ground using morning mist to machines that can raddle the ground and use waves to produce eerie mysterious noises with freuqncies that make enemies feel sick. It could also be the use of animatronics with having dead soldiers rise from the ground to intimidating killer robots that stand ten feet tall. Fear technology can lead to great advantages for a modern military to win conflicts. The last idea would be a extremely unethical idea with the use of mysterious creatures and chimeras, but because such creatures could harm the ecosystem of an environment, I would greatly put off this idea. With the use of my idea for Fear Warfare, a new level of strategy, technology, and military advancement can be created to win conflicts.



Photo by Specna Arms:

by Specna Arms:

Photo by Specna Arms:

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