A list of policies from 'PoliciesForThePeople.com' that I liked. There are a lot of words censored and modified because of a current d33pstate reg_ime targeting p0litical 0ponents. I mainly use 3, _, and 0 to modify words. Also, some topics might be repeat topics because it's hard to double check when I copy the information over from the other site. Post was originally made in December of 2024.
We need a complete overhaul of the education system. We need to move
away from the Rock_efeller factory-worker system and more towards a
system that improves education.
To do this, I propose a series of ideas:
I believe we need to eliminate the department of education. We need to get big g0vernment out of the schools.
We need to allow for more methods of improvement by allowing
specialists and experts like psychologists, neurologists, and academics
to study and find new ways to improve education. A suggestion is by
studying the various different brain patterns students have (logical,
creative, emotional, analytical…ect)
We need to teach more life skills.
We need to teach theory and emphasize on the fundamentals of a subject much like how college professors do but in high schools.
We need to pay teachers more and encourage them to be experts in
their academic fields and handling students through greater training and
available resources (such as digital training, observation-sit-in
training, or apprentice training).
We need teachers to experiment with what methods works best for their
classroom and students. We need to eliminate school bur3aucracies and
allow for more teaching flexibility and experimentation.
We can make a system where teacher credibility and quality is valued.
Good teachers are given higher salaries and are most desired by
schools. New teachers try to make a name for themselves and improve the
quality of their education for better pay.
We need to teach students to be financially literate and ways to build wealth.
We need to teach them relationship skills and ways to build long lasting life partners.
We need to teach Sex Education along with Parents Psychology and how to raise chi_ldren properly.
We need to build solutions to bring students together, develop close
friendships, and encourage cooperation and good sportsmanship. We need
to give them the opportunity to develop social skills or find others who
have similar interests to build groups they can have their own support
and learn to develop themselves.
We need to teach small business and entrepreneurship.
We need to teach core classes with subjects they can actually use in daily life and use or prepare for their future.
We can perhaps play with the idea to decrease the time spent in
school so chil_dren can spend more time with parents and community.
Perhaps play with the idea of a four day school week. I like the idea to
have school only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
We need healthier choices of foods in schools. We need more
nutrient-dense options. We also need to keep allowing students access to
the healthy snacks program in schools where they have access to fruits
as a snack. Good nutrition is important for a good brain.
We need physical education.
We need more focus on building intellectuals and critical thinking skills.
We need to teach US history and how our government systems work.
We can play with the idea to introduce religion or r3ligious philosophies and ethics back into schools.
We can play with the idea to have after-school clubs much like in Japan.
We need to remove state tests and offer better solutions for obtaining student metrics.
Unlike our current academic system, we need to have the ability to
group students so that we can best cater to their educational needs. We
also need to allow schools to provide additional resources so that
students can also learn what they need quickly and effectively.
We need to find ways to build student self-esteem, self-worth,
motivation, build their own value, and build natural confidence through
authenticity and achieving their own personal goals. We also need to
teach students to do their own research and not follow blindly and build
their intellectual data brain-banks.
We need to introduce the teachings of ethics and model behavior in
classrooms. We can do so teaching philosophy, behavioral ethics (like in
Japan), and also by having classroom teachers elect a model student.
Perhaps we can play with the idea to have firearms competency
courses, survival courses, or self-defense courses. Perhaps even have
paintball or airsoft sports.
We should maybe look into reforming or abolishing teachers unions because of the protections it gives to malevolent instructors.
We need to build ways schools can be exciting, fun, challenging, and
encourage students to learn through the nature of curiosity. I would
also use storytelling and the natural curiosity to build a students own
self-desire to learn.
We need to look into or adopt the best practices of other countries
which demonstrate success in academic progress. Perhaps experiment with
other education systems such as Finland’s education system.
We need to find new ways to capture the interest of children and
motivate them to never give up and to continue learning. We can do so
with new technologies such as VR and other platforms that help them
learn and explore subjects visually and hands on.
We should encourage classrooms to have cameras and allow parents to
visually witness what students are learning and doing in classrooms.
We perhaps can look into the idea of examining student behaviors and
giving resources to parents if they are having difficulties, neglecting,
or not caring for their chil_dren and young adults.
We can even introduce the idea that parents can have a bigger
influence, interaction, and participation on campuses where they can
contribute their own efforts to improving education or help hosting
school events.
We can play with the idea to have a teachers pledge and build a culture around teachers and academic instructors.
We need different forms of education. We need to have a variety of
education systems that works best for children and young adults. For
example, we need private schools, border schools (or military schools),
r3ligious schools, home schools, and alternate school ideas such as:
science-based schools, Asian-forms of schools, focus schools (schools
that focus on or cater to a particular subject), student-choice schools
(schools where students choose to attend classes that captivate them),
or experimental forms of schools.
We can play with the idea that schools are a center for the local community where it behaves more as a community-center.
We can have schools teach entrepreneurship and also receive funding
for students learning to perform real-world-applicable businesses.
Most importantly I think we also should remove any form of radical
ind0ctrination from schools and focus on objective intellectuality. We
also need to keep any form of Mar_xism out of the school systems.
These are my general ideas.
New and Original Welfare System
I had the idea to come up with a new and original welfare system. The
core idea of this welfare system is that you can only receive funds if
you produce something of value. It can be art, literature, music,
videos, digital content, or volunteer contributions. It needs to be
something you can physically prove you’ve done through pictures, videos,
and media. Once you show you have done such achievements, the
government can give you funding. You can use this to pay off your daily
needs or continue with your creative endeavors. As long as you are
producing content and value, you can obtain funding.
Give Small Business Grants to Stimulate Economic Growth
Small businesses are the life-blood and back-bone of the economy.
Entrepreneurs are the visionaries who can make it happen. I propose the
idea of giving small business and entrepreneurs with a clear vision
f3deral grants. My suggestion is 10k all the way to 300k. We can also
offer incentives to boost entrepreneurial interest. We can give grants
to start-ups, existing small businesses, and entrepreneurs who have
thought about making a business but never tried and to help these
entities experiment, expand, and build an industry of small businesses.
We need to stimulate people to build, invent, perform, and create. They
can only do it with resources they have available to them. A lot of
people don’t have money saved up, they can’t wait many years in the
future to start a business, or they don’t want to take the risk of
getting loans they can’t pay. Grants are a good way to incentivize
people to start small businesses and in return they will help grow the
economy and build progress and innovation. They will help build a future
for the next generation and as a nation, we can expand our efforts into
the stars with greater visions, goals, and achievements.
End Malevolent Software Purchasing Practices
For a long time now we have had entities like Adobe sell a subscription
to their world-famous software. Because of the constantly high payment
of monthly subscription of the same software with none or minor updates
(not to mention using AI to potentially steal from your works), some
would label this as a malevolent purchasing practice. Therefore, I
propose the idea to end malevolent software purchasing practices and
owning the actual software you purchase.
End Y0utube and Social Media Cens0rship
For a long time a variety of people have been under the boot of Y0utube’s dictator alg0rithms. From absurd music c0pyrights to c3nsoring specific voices. I believe something should be done about this. Of course, not only is it Y0utube but on mostly all social medias. There needs to be a way to liberate online social platforms to prevent absurd algorithm, AI, activist, bot, and platform cens0rship. Perhaps a reform of Secti0n 230 or an entirely new policy.
Lower the Cost of Rent and Make Homes Affordable Through Incentives and Programs
Many people who make a lower income are
struggling with rent, especially those upcoming from the latest
generation trying to move out and be on their own. Most young
individuals live as roommates or with parents. Many are unable to afford
a place of their own. Many don’t have a decent place to raise a family.
I believe there should be a way to lower the cost of rent and make
homes affordable.
Perhaps we can have some sort of incentive or program that lowers the
cost of rent or makes homes affordable for individuals with a lower
income (as long as they pass a drug test, have no crim_inal record, and
show they are of good moral character).
End Student Loan Interest
Students should only pay what they have borrowed.
Predatory loans should not be allowed to rule or ruin people’s lives.
Mandatory Full Training, Manuals, and Training Resources in Jobs.
Many jobs do not provide with optimal training. Many jobs cut corners to
get employees working immediately. I believe it should be mandatory for
established jobs to provide employees with proper training, manuals,
and necessary resources (or courses). Employees should have the optimal
practice, skills, and information to do their jobs. They should have
manuals or video training also available whenever possible. If an
employee wants more training, it should be mandatory that a job gives it
to them at least three times for every new position. Jobs should
recognize people learn, build skills, and digest information at
different rates. Some individuals take more time than others. Some
people are logical thinkers while others are creative thinkers which
might demand more time as people process information differently. I
believe many jobs need to have staff who can teach and physically show
how to do tasks in jobs. I also believe many jobs need to bring back the
practice of taking on apprenticeships and utilizing optimal methods to
produce their ideal employees. Leadership roles such as supervisors,
managers, and leads should be greatly trained in their leadership
positions and given trial-runs to make sure they perform to expectation
and demonstrate what they have practiced and trained. I like the idea
that there should be at least a 30-day trial-run for new employees,
after being trained, where a business cannot be sued or get in legal
trouble for firing someone. This will give businesses the opportunity to
get rid of bad employees that don’t meet their expectations and keep
employees that want to progress and build value for themselves and the
business they work for. In conclusion, I believe having mandatory
training as a policy will produce a stronger economy as people gain more
skills, experience, and build value in their industries
Jail Time for All P0liticians and F3deral Employees Deleting or D3stroying Documents, 3vidence, and R3cords.
Any p0litician and f3deral employee who d3letes or d3stroys documents
without l3gal or higher-position approval goes to ja_il. This will
prevent p0liticians and f3deral employees from d3stroying 3vidence,
important documents, and records.
Inv3stigate Mysterious D3aths Associated by F3ds, For3ign Interest, and Shady Organizations of Americans
Inv3stigate or re-investigate all d3aths in the
past 100 years speculated to be done by for3ign interest, for3ign
int3lligence, and f3deral agencies of Americans, including inventors
(especially inventors of new 3nergies, zero 3nergy, and whose patents
have gone missing or were taken by mysterious individuals like Nikola
Tesla), loose-ties (cover-ups) to c0nspiracies, and individuals
portrayed as bad people by the media for cov3rups. This is to identify
wrong-doing and ill3gal activity by ag3ncies, f0reign interest, and bad
actors and organizations.
I want to also add, if shady organizations like the M3n in Black exist,
investigate them and any shady organizations that surround the shady
secrecy and mysterious activity apparatus for wrong-doing and ill3gal
We need to live in a nation where its citizens, inventors,
scientists, and politicians are not targ3ts or subject to secret shady
organizations. God willing. ✟✟✟
Community Centers and Homeless Community Centers
I believe neighborhoods should commonly have
community centers. These are places where members of a community can:
gather, teach others how to do things, build relationships, create
things together, and overall have a place to hang out when there is
nothing to do at home. These can be local cultural centers to get to
know the community, network, and create plans and goals. These centers
can also have urban farms, places to make art, and activities to bring
community members together. Overall, it’s getting back to the roots of
what makes a society.
In addition, community centers in urban districts can also be a place
to help the homeless. Most homeless don’t want to work, many like their
lifestyle of being on the street, and many cannot be helped. There are
some that do not want to be homeless and are looking for ways to get
back on their feet. Along with neighborhood community centers, I also
want to propose the idea to have a homeless community centers in major
urban areas where the homeless can be taught meaningful skills, learn to
make things they can sell, make art, and participate in urban
gardening, and be allowed to have tiny homes in a non-drug, safe, and
non-harmful substance zone (sign a terms of conditions for being there
to be peaceful and to get help to get back on their feet).
Specialized Zones for Culture Building and Public Enrichment
This is one of my absurd or controversial ideas.
I’m sure it’s unnecessary and not in the public interest, but I’m going
to put it out there.
I want to propose the idea to have free specialized zones for
cultural and cultural enrichment narratives. Perhaps another way to
define this are regional areas, designated city locations, and districts
designed to offer new experiences.
For example, one zone can be for children where everything is
colorful, sparkly, and shiny that appeals to the chi_ld demographic.
These can be zones, regions, or districts where children can be safe and
have fun. It can be a place where children can come together, play
together, go wild, get to know each other, and build community. They can
skateboard, build things with safe materials (like large foam blocks),
enjoy games, and enjoy water recreational activities (perhaps
seasonally-opened due to costs). I would like to imagine a place like an
amusement park that’s free but only meant for children. I understand we
have regular parks, but I believe offering an entire large designated
zone with unique experiences, can allow children to build the best
chi_ldhood possible which overall can prove to help society through
positive chi_ld development.
Much like having a zone for chi_ldren, controversially there can be
zones for adults where they can fulfill adult fantasies in an
age-restricted and safe area. These can be zones away from schools and
areas where individuals raise children and have families. It can be an
area that allows S3xually 0riented Businesses (of course abiding by the
law and strict on prohibiting ill3gal substances). They can have places
of adult entertainment and adult-absurdities much like how Las Vegas and
Amsterdam used to be. The reason for this idea, is to fulfill those
with alternate lifestyles or who prefer more a degenerate lifestyle to
have a place that makes them happy, build community, and motivates them
to contribute to overall society in positive ways.
Other ideas for zones can be artist zones where they offer complete
creativity that drives inspiration and people to envision new and
creative ideas and experiences. Japan leads in creating such spaces
where when one might turn a corner and they can see and experience
something stunning, exciting, and completely new and unique. Perhaps
imagine walking in one of these zones and visiting a place that you
could never believe was possible here one Earth. Imagine walking into
one of these zones and experiencing what it would be like living in a
space station, in a sci-fi city, or on Mars. These ideas could spark an
inspiration in people to want to create or learn a new trade that
excites and motivates them for life.
Overall, these spaces can make people unique, build more enriching
lifestyles, build new culture, and at the least establish a new leader
in tourism. I believe offering unique experiences in these zones can
inspire, develop one personally, and explores ways that one can find
fulfillment, happiness, and ultimately contribute to build a vision for a
future that excites and motivates them. I believe people need visions,
new experiences, and new things that can excite them. I think this can
be achieved through specialized zones.
Eliminate ATS Systems for Job Submissions
Many trying to get into the workforce are chronically subjected to not
knowing if their resumes have been blocked by ATS systems. For those who
do not know, ATS systems are Applicant Tracking System (ATS) used to
filter or exclude resumes and electronic applications. My proposal is to
get rid of ATS systems for a fair chance for all Americans to have
their resumes given a chance for review by employers. Some speculate D_EI
and ES_G parameters can be used with ATS systems to filter and exclude
certain resumes. If this is true, it is absolutely necessary to get rid
of ATS systems. Another suggestion is to make a policy where DE_I and E_SG
parameters cannot be set or to make ATS system parameters and
algorithms transparent so individuals who are submitting resumes known
what to avoid in their resumes and how to get past this system. In
conclusion, it’s absolutely crucial that resumes are never blocked from
reaching an employer as it can be the means of survival for applicants.
Dг_ug-use Facilities like in Portugal to Remove Dг_ugs from US Streets and STOP Crim3
I believe people should have the ability to find what happiness means to
them. If this means using hard and ill3gal dгu_gs until their peril,
then so be it. Therefore, I controversially propose the idea to have
dг_ug-use facilities throughout the US. This can be facilities where
sub_stance addicted individuals can use and ab_use any sort of sub_stance
as much as they want in a safe and secure location. These facilities can
offer services such as rehabilitation, life-changing lectures, classes,
learning instruments, gaining skills, and even searching for jobs. It
seems the US is more addicted to 0pioids more than ever in history so I
believe this could be a good way to turn things around. It might be the
solution or a start to getting rid of hard dr_ugs off the streets.
Getting rid of hard dг_ugs, in theory, should reduce cгim3 dramatically
(as dгugs destroy the frontal lobe which is the area for reasoning).
Chil_dren can be educated about the harm of dг_ugs and see its devastating
effects to encourage them to not use dг_ugs. I am hoping this could be
how the US turns its drug culture around. In addition, this is not an
original idea proposed by me. In the early 2000s, Portugal
decriminalized all dгugs and made facilities where individuals could use
dгugs in a safe location. These facilities offered services where they
could be rehabilitated, get help, or use until they ov3rdosed. Although I
understand how horrible this sounds, I propose the idea that the US can
do the same to give what happiness might mean to people and educate
others to eliminate the use of hard dгu_gs.
Stop Fгa_ud and Sca_ms from Oversea Entities
Many have been subjected to fra_ud and sca_ms from India and other oversea
entities via telemarketing, job recruiting, and scam calls and texts.
This proposal is to inv3stigate ways malevolent entities are conducting
fra_ud and sca_ms and stopping their means and pipelines of carrying-out
fra_ud and sca_ms. The US should not be victims to sc_am-networks,
fra_ud-complexes, and electronic harassment operations from overseas.
Mandatory Community Service for Those Who Behave Illogically and Irrationally in Public
We have all seen the ‘Karen’ videos online and people having public melt
downs and freak outs for little or illogical reasons. We need to bring
back a sense of logic and responsible adult behaviors expected in
public. People who show such irrational behaviors become a poor example
to chi_ldren, disturb the public peace, and prove a lack of ethics and
respect for others. I propose the idea that any individual who behaves
illogically, irrationally, or violently in public can or perhaps should
be sentenced to serve mandatory community service. It can be as simple
as three days or one week. We need repercussions for this kind of
extreme behavior. This includes individuals with Tгu_mp Derangement
Syndrome (T_DS) or ‘Karen’ Syndrome. We should become a nation that
portrays each American individual as a representation of the United
States and not as an adult child. I believe community service is a fair
way to make people think before they react or behave illogically,
irrationally, and irresponsibly in public.
Release Information, Media, and Artifacts On All Mysterious Artifacts and Files Horded by US G0vernment or Secret Gat3-keeping Entities
This proposal is going into some controversial and perhaps c0nspiracy
territory, but I believe it is time and it is necessary. Therefore,
release information, images, and artifacts on all mysterious artifacts
and documentation horded by US g0veгnment and its connected or shared
entities. Including any findings of Egyptian artifacts and location in
the Grand Canyon, R0swell media and technology, UF0/ UAр files, the
corpse of Gilgamesh acquired in Iraq, any other ancient technology ever
acquired (especially from the middle east), and anything possibly
offworld (if any; apparently there are documents of offworld agents).
Also release the files and inventions acquired from controversial
inventors. Nicolas Tesla, Edward Leedskalnin, and others. All items and
artifacts must be intact and preserved. The people have a right to know,
they have a right to explore and build conclusions, and can indeed
handle any truths (despite how controversial, frightening, or
ridiculous). It’s best to leave no stone unturned when it comes to the
search for truths and to find ways to put any curiosities to rest.
Change Bill Proposals to Be More Like Engineer Project Proposals with Requirements of Data, Metrics, Feedback, and Analysis
When p0liticians propose policies and bills, there often is a lack of evidence, data, and even common sense. The idea for this policy is when bills are proposed to the C0ngress or House of R3presentatives, p0liticians need to address, propose, and present the bills/policies with all forms of data much like an engineer would for an engineering project.
A long example can be: what is the mission, what is the intended outcome, what are consequences, what will it improve, what is the research, 5Ws (Who, what, where, when, why, and how), how can they make it happen, what is the feedback, what are the disagreements, how much will it cost, what is the cost break-down, what is the project break-down, what is the time scale, what is the projected timeline and estimated date of delivery, what is the swot (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) analysis, what metrics can they use for testing and review, what are the hurdles and obstacles, what are the requirements and tools, who is on the team, who is associated with the idea and why, what are the legal challenges, how can security/bug testing be done (what are ways people manipulate or take advantage of imperfections and how to keep important areas secure), What are the testing timeframes for quality assurance, what are the logistics, how to conduct the test iterations (there should also be initial test iteration to present when pitching the proposal), and all the other data which is required to get the policy made and implemented with precision with its desired outcomes.
Overall, if we want better bill proposals for things with better impact to improve the United States, I believe this is the way to do it. With cold hard data, metrics, evidence, and complete research, explanations, and analysis.
During court hearings and inv3stigations, allow representatives and authorities more time to ask questions and inv3stigate cases
Give f3deral courts more time to ask questions and inv3stigate cases when requested. They can do this by requesting significantly more time than usual with the agreement by their colligues. We can perhaps have an ‘3xtreme’ or ‘3mergency’ request for more time which mandatorily gives them more time. This will make it more difficult for those being inv3stigated to fili_buster their sessions and cases. It will allow representatives and ju_dges to dig to obtain answers.
Inv3stigate Canc3r Research
Inv3stigate where the money for canc3r research went. Japan and South
Korea has made significant progress. How about the US? Where did all the
research, donation, and charity money go since the 90s and how was it
used? We need to make sure it has been used correctly and effectively.
We need to ensure that we have made progress with the war against
Workforce Dissatisfaction and Disclosure of Iniquity
New citizens in the workforce are overworked, can’t find opportunity, have a hard time strategizing for ways to get ahead due to system complexity and setup, and in general have a grim outlook on life. We need to reverse this somehow. We need to somehow create workforce and life-planning optimism. We need to lower the cost of living, increase having spending money, and get people motivated to join the workforce and excited to build, grow, and work. There is a psychology if people don’t want to work that is nearly always overlooked. It’s one thing to point fingers and say one is lazy and another to examine the situation from all angles to identify problems and solutions. I do agree there are some individuals who are d3lusional and addicted to meaningless activities that produce no value; however, just the same there are others who are overworked, dissatisfied, and lack real purpose other than survival. This has to change. People don’t stay young forever and health is a shoe-string away from disaster at any given time. It’s important that we consider these factors if we are to build a better workforce and society.
In my story, while practically surviving off $16 an hour with an ungodly amount of struggles, I can easily say it’s beyond tiring, demotivating, and mundane. I believe ‘working to live’ is no way to incramentally build oneself, create substantial world-changing value, be a means to grow meaningfully with purpose, and no way to live life. I believe something has to change. I believe we need better pay (somehow without affecting inflation), we need to afford to spend, afford to have more of a work-life balance to tidy our castles and build relationships, and while also still having access to a decent place we can afford to live. Something has to change if this country is to build a well functioning machine that produces things, builds wealth, and has the ability to create families. As of right now, the likely scenario is that less children will be born and the country will eventually have a drought for skilled workers which usalually results in an unstable economy.
We also currently have a system that incentivizes c0rruption and shortcuts to get ahead. This also has to change. We need to build the optimal environment for people to thrive, build, and grow. I believe we need a new standard so that people have the means to lift themselves out of poverty while having a decent foundation to do so with affordable rent, cost of goods, decent selection of necessities, and transportation. They need a decent (not best) quality of life so they can see, set steps for goals, and invision the path that needs to be taken within a reasonable time frame to lift themselves into a better quality of life. As of right now, I do not see this. I see a large percentage of people staying poor despite knowing methods to build wealth such as compound interest, side hustles, and investments. Something has to change otherwise I think in the long run, people will become more poor and a class divide will occur causing the US to not be a long-lasting nation and the shining example over the hill for building wealth and a quality life for oneself and one’s family. I’m not sure what can be done or if it’s too much of a complex situation to tackle due to so many variables, but something has to change. Someone has to bring the topic to discussion. There has to be a variety of methods and solutions if enough people talk about it.
Less Urban Sprawl and More Old Town America
Because of the innovation of the automobile, cities catered themselves
primarily to vehicles. This leads to Urban Sprawl. While traveling and
reflecting back at Old Town America, it seems a different lifestyle and
urban culture thrived and was lost. When you see friendly people meet,
talk, and greet each other as they pass by in the street, this
reinforces the sense of something that was greatly lost. I think we need
to return somewhat to Old Town America and have districts, towns, and
cities meant for people to walk, bike, and casually interact with each
other instead of Urban Sprawl meant for automobiles with little to no
interaction. We need to return to having homes where people carry out
businesses from their first story. We need to get back to districts,
towns, and cities worth exploring and meeting new people with diverse
local cultures. When society has a diverse lifestyle and unique local
culture, they become unique and exciting to talk to and get to know.
When people create local culture and build community, they find
belonging. When people interact with people they find interest or
similarities with, they are happy. When people have the ability to
create, share, and do things with their community, they have purpose.
We can find this in the idea of Old Town America.
Make D3banking, Decredit Carding, and Bla_cklisting Ill3gal for Entities and Systems Who Don’t Agree with an Individual’s P0litical Views
Apparently g0vernment and the c0rporate-industrial-complex system can d3bank, decredit card, or bla_cklist (prevent people from getting jobs or overall isolate them from commoners) if they don’t agree with their p0litical views. Whether covertly, overtly, or through the use of pressure by g0vernment and private companies, this should be extremely ill3gal as it imposes on individual fr33doms and rights. We should make such systems absolutely ill3gal. Any individual who falls prey or suspects such activities to this cart3l-level system should be inv3stigated. If these actions are found, there should be severe consequences. There should not be privatized sanction regimes. No American should be d3banked, decreditcarded, or bla_cklisted of behalf of p0litical views or any kind of narratives.
Give Incentives Like Programs or Grant Funding for Businesses and Corporations to Hire Entry Level Workers and Provide Them with Training
We need a better workforce in the US. Entry level requirements have reached an all time absurdity. Colleges and universities can only provide with so much general training for a certain industry. Experience will always out-compete education. The US needs to get back to what really matters and that’s having a capable and quality workforce. The g0vernment should make a program or grants for businesses to provide on the job training and to hire entry level employees and train them from no experience to senior level experience. This will create valuable employees and perhaps competition or demand for quality and skilled workers.
Business-Trial Grants or G0vernment Program for First Time Entrepreneurs
Many people save money for years and never get the chance to make their own businesses. Major key factor in opening a business is motivation, risk evaluation, and opportunity-loss. People only have so much time and motivation before the desire is lost. Some want to open a business and get comfortable so they never push themselves to take the risk. Trends also only last for so long before they are forever gone. Imagine all the inventions, new ideas, innovation in industries, and progress lost from people not doing their entrepreneur ideas. Therefore, I want to express a unique outrageous, absurd, and controversial idea:
Have a g0vernment program or grants for all first time entrepreneurs for all Americans. The programs or grants can range from 50k to 100k. The requirements are an in-depth Business Plan that is convincing enough that a plan will work. To increase a chance for first time entrepreneurs to be successful, resources can also be available to teach first time business owners how to file paperwork, how to keep records, manage inventory, how to do high quality financial sheets, manage employees, and so much more.
By giving people the oportunity to do their business ideas, whether they fail or succeed, it’s experience and the chance they can transform the world through their unique ideas.
Incentives for the M3dical Industry
We need incentives to build the medical industry. Many m3dical
facilities are overbooked and it takes a long time to schedule patients.
We need a program or incentives for d0ctors and entrepreneurs to open
their own clinics and h3althcare facilities especially facilities that
specialize in specific subjects.
Update All Digital Infrastructure
Add incentives to update digital infrastructure such as data and filing
transfer infrastructure in all industries. From sending resumes, to
collecting data and files from and to businesses, to accessing archives.
There should be no reason why files are needed to wait 24 hours or more
to process, send, or recieve files or data. We should live in an era
where file and data transfer is nearly instantaneous, secure, and
reliable. Perhaps another strategy can be to offer incentives to lower
the cost of servers, build more server networks, make more cable
networks, or build more reliable systems. We should make it where all
data transfer should be quick and reliable. Some examples can be: People
should not have to wait to receive and process m3dical papers. Hiring
companies should not wait to get the information they need to hire a
person. We should make it so fast and efficient that people can have all
their paperwork filed in one day and start working the next day.
Overall, we need to update or overhaul our digital infrastructure if we
are to be a nation who is highly effective and functioning the most
optimal it can.
General Education Reform (Obtuse Education Overhaul)
General Education Reform
We need a complete overhaul of the education system. We need to move away from the Rock_efeller factory-worker system and more towards a system that improves education.
To do this, I propose a series of ideas:
I believe we need to eliminate the department of education. We need to get big government out of the schools.
We need to allow for more methods of improvement by allowing specialists and experts like psychologists, neurologists, and academics to study and find new ways to improve education. A suggestion is by studying the various different brain patterns students have (logical, creative, emotional, analytical…ect)
We need to teach more life skills.
We need to teach theory and emphasize on the fundamentals of a subject much like how college professors do but in high schools.
We need to pay teachers more and encourage them to be experts in their academic fields and handling students through greater training and available resources (such as digital training, observation-sit-in training, or apprentice training).
We need teachers to experiment with what methods works best for their classroom and students. We need to eliminate school bur3aucracies and allow for more teaching flexibility and experimentation.
We can make a system where teacher credibility and quality is valued. Good teachers are given higher salaries and are most desired by schools. New teachers try to make a name for themselves and improve the quality of their education for better pay.
We need to teach students to be financially literate and ways to build wealth.
We need to teach them relationship skills and ways to build long lasting life partners.
We need to teach Se_x Education along with Parents Psychology and how to raise chi_ldren properly.
We need to build solutions to bring students together, develop close friendships, and encourage cooperation and good sportsmanship. We need to give them the opportunity to develop social skills or find others who have similar interests to build groups they can have their own support and learn to develop themselves.
We need to teach small business and entrepreneurship.
We need to teach core classes with subjects they can actually use in daily life and use or prepare for their future.
We can perhaps play with the idea to decrease the time spent in school so children can spend more time with parents and community. Perhaps play with the idea of a four day school week. I like the idea to have school only on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
We need healthier choices of foods in schools. We need more nutrient-dense options. We also need to keep allowing students access to the healthy snacks program in schools where they have access to fruits as a snack. Good nutrition is important for a good brain.
We need physical education.
We need more focus on building intellectuals and critical thinking skills.
We need to teach US history and how our g0vernment systems work.
We can play with the idea to introduce religion or religious philosophies and ethics back into schools.
We can play with the idea to have after-school clubs much like in Japan.
We need to remove state tests and offer better solutions for obtaining student metrics.
Unlike our current academic system, we need to have the ability to group students so that we can best cater to their educational needs. We also need to allow schools to provide additional resources so that students can also learn what they need quickly and effectively.
We need to find ways to build student self-esteem, self-worth, motivation, build their own value, and build natural confidence through authenticity and achieving their own personal goals. We also need to teach students to do their own research and not follow blindly and build their intellectual data brain-banks.
We need to introduce the teachings of ethics and model behavior in classrooms. We can do so teaching philosophy, behavioral ethics (like in Japan), and also by having classroom teachers elect a model student.
Perhaps we can play with the idea to have firearms competency courses, survival courses, or self-defense courses. Perhaps even have paintball or airsoft sports.
We should maybe look into reforming or abolishing teachers unions because of the protections it gives to malevolent instructors.
We need to build ways schools can be exciting, fun, challenging, and encourage students to learn through the nature of curiosity. I would also use storytelling and the natural curiosity to build a students own self-desire to learn.
We need to look into or adopt the best practices of other countries which demonstrate success in academic progress. Perhaps experiment with other education systems such as Finland’s education system.
We need to find new ways to capture the interest of children and motivate them to never give up and to continue learning. We can do so with new technologies such as VR and other platforms that help them learn and explore subjects visually and hands on.
We should encourage classrooms to have cameras and allow parents to visually witness what students are learning and doing in classrooms.
We perhaps can look into the idea of examining student behaviors and giving resources to parents if they are having difficulties, neglecting, or not caring for their chi_ldren and young adults.
We can even introduce the idea that parents can have a bigger influence, interaction, and participation on campuses where they can contribute their own efforts to improving education or help hosting school events.
We can play with the idea to have a teachers pledge and build a culture around teachers and academic instructors.
We need different forms of education. We need to have a variety of education systems that works best for children and young adults. For example, we need private schools, border schools (or military schools), religious schools, home schools, and alternate school ideas such as: science-based schools, Asian-forms of schools, focus schools (schools that focus on or cater to a particular subject), student-choice schools (schools where students choose to attend classes that captivate them), or experimental forms of schools.
We can play with the idea that schools are a center for the local community where it behaves more as a community-center.
We can have schools teach entrepreneurship and also receive funding for students learning to perform real-world-applicable businesses.
Most importantly I think we also should remove any form of radical indoctrination from schools and focus on objective intellectuality. We also need to keep any form of Mar_xism out of the school systems.
These are my general ideas.
Medicaid System for the Unemployed, Incomeless, Homeless, or a Person Going Through Very Hard Times with Medical Problems
Have a Medicaid system for people who are unemployed, don’t bring in an income, and have a hard time seeking employment or a home to live in. As for my story, I was told I needed a child on my case so I couldn’t get Medicaid for myself. If I made a mistake on the application process then the application process is too complex, confusing, and I can’t image how many people couldn’t get Medicaid who direly need it. I filled out the application to the best I could. I’ll have to go back and rely on family until I find a new job where I can get back up and afford or find my own health care.
Restrictions On Drones Over Homes and Private Properties
Have restriction on drones above people’s homes and private properties. It could be a security risk if drones could deploy har_mful items over people, their homes, and property. It could be a security risk if they can provide survallance int3lligence. I’m not sure what can be done, but I’m sure many can offer good solutions.
Make It Illegal to Decompile or Fraudulently Modify Bitc0in and Cryрto Currencies
Make a law where you cannot decompile and fraudulently modify Bitc0in and cryрto currencies with advanced technologies and computers, especially quantum computers. This is a security concern which could dismantle Bitc0in and cryрto currency systems.
Audit Food and Cleaning Product Companies for Bacterial Growth
In the past year alone we’ve had Fabuloso, Boars Head meat, and Top Ramen experience deadly bacterial growth. This is very unusual and starting to feel like a trend. We need to find a way to audit and see what is going on with these companies. How is there deadly bacterias being released in products?
Zero Taxes on Stock Market Dividends
We need to get America back on track and building wealth. I propose zero taxes for dividends generated by stocks. We need to make it more attractive for more people, especially the newest generation, to invest in the stock market and in financial assets.
American Chil_dren Insanely Addicted to Sugar
In America chi_ldren are insanely addicted to sugar. They choose sugar over the tastiest of foods. This greatly contributes to an obese chi_ld population (keep in mind the distinction of obese and m0rbidly obese). It’s my belief sugar is a dr_ug and chi_ldren are hyper addicted to it. Japan doesn’t have much sugars in products and has a focus on umame and natural flavors. Should the US be like Japan and support umame and natural flavors instead of sugars? Should companies be forced to cut their sugar in products or rely on natural sugars instead of la_b-made sugars like: alcohol sugars, asp_artame, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, concentrated sugars, and other sugar solutions?
Give Incentives to Manufactured Home Parks to Not Be Bought Out By Private Equity and Institutional Investors
Many believe there is a plan for the entire US to go homeless. Many believe the American dream no longer exists and that there is only survival. With private equity and institutional investors purchasing manufactured, mobile, and motorhome parks, they get to raise rent and decimate the last remaining places people can have affordable housing. Surely there is a way to prevent this from happening or using incentives to incentivize manufactured home parks from being bought out or at the least having resident’s rent raised.
Dedicated and Safe Areas for Spicy Adult Communities and Lifestyles
There is a sizable segment of the population that lives with alternative and non-traditional lifestyles. Alternative lifestyles can be nudists, swinging, S3xually 0riented Businesses (S0Bs), kinksters, and other non-traditional communities and adult lifestyles. Metrics show this demographic is slowly growing as population grows and I think they will likely need a place they can expand to where they can practice their adult lifestyles away from the average American culture. I understand America was founded on Judeic-Cristian principles and therefore non-traditional lifestyles don’t assimilate well with the American mainstream way of life. Nevertheless, I believe all lifestyles should be respected as people find what makes them happy, brings them value, and what people define is freedom. Having a diverse population helps build unique foundations to new ideas, inventions, and innovations. It builds unique characters and disciplines. I want to propose specialized areas, zones, and districts for these kinds of lifestyles. Areas away from schools, families, and children. Perhaps gated communities which requires an ID to enter. We can call these Adult-communities or Adult District Locations. These locations will allow ethusiasts to practice their lifestyle choices and spicy behaviors in a safe area away from traditional society. Such locations could also perhaps open oportunities for tourism much like Amsterdam and Thailand. Having such locations allows people with spicy interests to be around others who share the same interests. Overall, I believe this is a way for a portion of Americans to find belonging, community, sanctuary, and their own persuit of happiness in a life that is seemingly breif.
This might be more of my libertarian side, but I do honestly feel a
society is more authentic and united when this kind of adult-enviornment
and freedom exists. Being around individuals who are supportive of this
more adult free lifestyle nature I found are the easiest people to talk
to about anything and builds more authentic friendships. It’s like
experiencing a new dimension of society. It seemes to awaken something
in people. Like embracing a side to them they never knew existed or
could experience. I’m personally more traditional in my style for
relationships yet learning from others in this lifestyle I discovered
other ways people can be happy, make deeper friendships, and build
community. Its hard to describe unless a person experiences it. I guess
it comes back around to what it means being an authentic human and
embracing a part of human nature most people are critical of, skeptical,
have not experienced, or are afraid to experience. It would be great if
that form of society had a safer place to exist. Perhaps it can offer
better solution and ideas to building better friendships, relationships,
authentic behaviors, self-development and discovery, unity and
Prevent F3deral Agencies from using Bio-ch3mical Agents on the American Population
According to credible whi$tle blowers, they seem to encounter incidents with some sort of bi0-ch3mical ooze that causes fl_u-like, gastro, bacterial, and health-decaying symptoms when touched with the nak3d hand. These substances are usually found on the bottom of car handles.
If proven true, there should be an investigation on what this bio-agent is, why this ch3mical agent is used, who conducts these operations, who elses did they use this bi0-agent on, where does this ooz comes from, how it is administered, who authorizes it, and how agencies and individual f3deral agents should be held accountable. Individuals who have been affected by the bio-ch3mical ooz agant should be greatly compensated for the ha_rm it has caused. Agencies or contractors using bi0-ch3mical agents should be charged with cri_mes against humanity and there should be policies to prevent f3deral agencies from using bio-ch3mical agents on the America population.
Have Reprocussions for Academic Institutions for Teaching Rad_ical Ideologies to Students to End0crinate Students
Most irrational, delusional, or rad_ical ideological movements occur at academic institutions with the use of teaching radical ideologies to end0crinate, warp, and manipulate the minds of vulnerable students. Therefore, I think it would be a good solution to create a policy to have reprocussions for academic institutions, like remove funding, allowing legal actions from organizations, and pursue investigations, when academic institutions teach radicalism to end0crinate students. The lower the grade levels, the more saviere the reprocussions. It’s important to collect evidence. It’s important to hold those end0crinating students accountable. It’s also important to explore and expose any affiliated networks.
Teach Nutrition in PreK and Kindergarden
Japan offers many useful solutions that we can learn from to try and improve our own country in the US. One of these solutions is teaching nutrition to students in PreK, Kindergarden, and even the First Grade. Many chil_dren are picky eaters, are addicted to sugar, and have no concept of what is considered healthy food. They only know what tastes good despite caring if it’s good for their health or not. Japan teaches nutrition at an early age (as y0ung as 3 years 0ld) to learn the value of healthy foods and foods they shouldn’t have too much of. We should learn from this to teach chi_ldren in the US to eat healthy so that we can have the most healthiest of chil_dren in our communities.
Stop DE_I and Companies Prioritizing Females Over Males in the Workplace
Too many males are saying they can’t find jobs or it takes months to get a single interview where female colleagues get multiple interviews within a week. This tells me workplaces are prioritizing females over males in the workplace. This is wrong and now that this seems to be the case, I want to spread the awareness and make it a priority through policy to stop D_EI initiatives once and for all and to prioritize equal hiring of all individual candidates. We need to hold companies accountable for such malevolent practices. If males feel they cannot find opportunity, it opens a colossal window for disaster. A male without purpose or feels they cannot amount to anything in life has nothing to lose which is dang3rous. We need to stop this and hold companies accountable for such unfair hiring practices.
I went to my local Kroger yesterday and saw only two male workers. The
entire staff is mainly female. It’s starting to feel like corporations
are fazing male workers out of the labor pool. That made me think. If
this is acccurate and ES_G-D_EI is prioritizing hiring females, then where
will families come from? On an extreme note, is this sabb0tage by
c0rporations to the creation of families if capable age females are
mostly busy at work? Do they have time to date? Do they want to date if
they feel they are self-reliant and self-sustaining? Now I could be
wrong, but to my knowledge most females dont really chase after the
males in the US. They mainly want males to approach them. Most of my
lady friends have a rediculous shopping list of absurd requirments for
males if they want to date. If there are only females getting hired then
surly this decreases value of males which also results in males not
caring to date or turning to overseas travels for relationships. On an
even crazier note, my lady friends continue to get interviews while my
guy friends rarely get any. These are for average jobs. This reinforces
my conclusion. We need to stop E_SG, D_EI, and any rebranding of DE_I.
New US Currencies?
I had the crazy idea to make a new currency that is backed by gold or precious metals and not controlled, influenced, or regulated by the IMF and the not-so-f3deral US Federal Reserve. I like the idea of having competing currencies. I also like the idea of variety and having currencies with the greatest power used as an international trade currency. We can use the USD as an international currency until another currency becomes strong enough and powerful enough to replace it.
Another idea is for states to create their own state-currencies and compete monetarily with each other by building greater power and value. The state-currencies can be backed by gold, precious metals, or other non-perishable state resources. A few examples can be the USD-TX, USD-AZ, or USD-FL. Each currency can look visually different and be protected perhaps by block-chain technology with a serial 3ncryptid codes to prevent duplication, c0unterfit, and inauthenticity. These currencies can also be used alongside the US dollar leading to US states having two currencies. I think it would be amazing if states could use a state-currency and the regular USD. This would help states and people in the event of an economic collapse or recession. Citisens can also trade with their state-currency with other state-currencies and use it as a way to make money when value goes up a long with deleveraging the US dollar from inflation. This could perhaps be a solution to reset or reduce inflation for the USD. This could also influence states to produce more value, products, business, and manufacturing and compete with each other for the greatest monetary value. It would be a great experiment to have states compete with each other for more business and value. When combined with all state-currencies and inter-state trade, it can be used to support the USD which can be used internationally helping the US become that shining example on the hill returning jobs, oportunities for citisens, wealth, greater quality of living, deconsolidation of power from monopolistic elites/ superficial powers, and lead to growing prosperity for all citisens. These are my ideas. I havent figured out the details of how this can be achieved, but im sure someone smarter than me with all the information and know-how can figure that part out. I’m just the creative-origional ideas guy.
Mandatory for P0liticians Who are Affiliated with Fr33mason, S0r0rities, and Similar Groups to Wear Pins During Major and Important Events for Affiliation Transparency
There has been a lot of p0liticians affiliated with the Fr33masonry (blue and white lodge), s0r0rities, and similar groups. I believe there should be mandatory pins to identify these individuals to show they are affiliated with such groups during major, important, and public events. The reason for this is to show more transperency on the affiliation of p0liticians.
Economic Recovery Stimulus
The younger generation is not having intimate activities or relationships. Families are in great decline over the years. The majority of Millennial and Generation Z individuals are depressed and pessimistic for the future. Many have lost purpose and value. This seems to be the reality of today when you carry a meaningful discussion with this demographic.
How can we get them to have families again? How can we increase their value? How can we get them off of video games, whatever herb they’re smoking, and method of escape they are immersed in to escape their reality? How can we get them back into the labor market and building purpose and value? I believe we should offer them a stimulus.
I know for certain many will be against this, but I like the idea to offer an economic stimulus. I do believe this should come with a few conditions. These conditions are to:
1 Have a business plan.
2 Start a business.
3 Hire at least four employees.
4 Have an initiative to expand.
The requirements can even include an incentive to bring back US manufacturing and US made products. The amount needs to be large enough where Millennial and GenZ business owners can pay for business overhead like: labor, ingredients, equipment/supply, payroll, a location/rent, utilities, and other necessary small business expenses. Perhaps there can be a cap at 100k or 200k. This can lead Americans to try making a business and either expand or fail. With the more amount of businesses created, the greater the chance of having successful business grow and economic expansion which will create more jobs and opportunities.
I think it’s better to have billions in an economic stimulus than to send meaningless money to Ukraine or some other meaningless war. The US wiped out a lot of businesses and a lot of Millennial and GenZ lives with mandatory lock-downs and economic devistation by policies and the influences of corrupt deepstate politicians. Surely you would think the entities who cause the ruin would make up for their actions.
Overall, to rebuild families, get Millenials and GenZ to buy homes, and reconstruct the economy, a bit of taxes need to be spent in a stimulus to expand businesses and to expand opportunities. With this stimulus, America can get back on track and rebuild its economy and build a better future for its future generations.
Forbid the Use of Direct 3nergy W3apons on Americans
With the occurnce of Ma_ui Hawaii, which burned savierely, it’s speculated that it was with the use of direct 3nergy w3apons. This was speculated because blue is absorbant of the method of laser used and therefore spared homes with blue roofs and blue exterior paint. Therefore, I want to propose the policy to forbid the use of direct 3nergy w3apons on Americans.
End Student Loan Interest
Students should only pay what they have borrowed.
Pr3datory loans should not be allowed to rule or ruin people’s lives.
D3federalize Academic Institutions
I like the idea to d3federalize academic institutions and let them compete for quality of education. Bad schools go bankrupt, the good schools grow in success with the ability to open new locations. This allows schools to choose how they want to teach, how much they want to pay instructors, and overall determine how they want to spend on their own programs and improve the quality of education for students.
I will also include the idea that I’m also not against the idea of ‘parent ch0ice’ in education. Perhaps we should embrace a variety of methods for education including r3ligious schools, bording schools, military school, a school for problematic chil_dren, home schools, private schools, pod learning schools, perhaps even f3derally funded (with a low budget) f3deral schools (for less income areas), and other variation of academic institutions. More variety with ‘parent ch0ice’ can give options to how they want their ki_ds to learn, what values they want them to have, and what they can afford.
Prevent Future Pand3mics
Prevent entities, activ_ists, activ_ist-groups, activ_ist-c0rporations, g0vernments, and g0vernment-like entities attempting to carry out bi0-t3rr0rism using a new pand3mic. Prevent entities from using drones, planes, vehicles, robots, or products to vacc_inate, spread viг_uses, or drop devices and sub_stances on Americans. Prevent GM_O mosquitos from carrying out mass vacc_ines or viг_us-spr3ad. Prevent vacc_ines from spr3ading vir_uses through puncture-skin-area spr3ad. Prevent activ_ists and bi0-t3rr0rists from atta_cking infrastructure, food pr0cessing facilities, and spreading viг_uses to animals, water supplies, soil, crops, pesticides, insects, and other areas or methods to force a new pan_demic. Prevent law enforcment to allow, hide, or turn a blind eye to such actions. Inv3stigate all la_bs to ensure no human-animal tгansmissable viг_uses are being held, cultified, created, and modified in any la_bs. Prevent any operations of gain-0f-function capabilities. Inv3stigate all actors linked to potential viг_us-creating capable la_bs. Inv3stigate all actors with records, influence, and stakes in vacc_ines and viг_us-making fields and la_bs. Inv3stigate anyone associated with la_bs and the t3rr0ristic W0rld Ec0nomic F0rum gl0bal cгi_minal network. Inv3stigate actors and their networks who have publicly stated and delighted in the idea of Americans being vacc_inated against their will.
Many people know and can feel a new pand_emic is coming. Many know there is a d3population agenda and an agenda for gl0bal p0wer and c0ntrol. I think this is a strategy to prevent it before it begins. It’s likely co_vid is just the test for the next worst pand_emic to come which will more-than-likely be the big one that will cause major d3vastation and mass rapid population r3duction.
Game Industry Overhaul by removing DE_I, Removing Bad Actors, and Investigating Unethical Contracts
Most of the current game industry are activists. A lot of game companies continue to cherish D_EI policies and female employees over acceptional game devopment talent from all backgrounds. Overall, the AAA game industry is falling apart due to activism. It’s speculated that Ten_cent, a Chinese company involved with the CC_P, and Black_rock (maybe even Vang_uard and State_street) are involved in this industry. As the game industry plays a critical part in culture, it makes sense acti_vits would invade and d3stroy the industry to gain a method to divide people, conquere culture, or negatively influence the economy. In conclusion, we need a policy to remove DE_I in the game industry. If Black_rock and the CC_P are involved, they need to be removed from this industry. Lastly, there needs to be an investigation of unethical contracts and hold negative actors accountable. Because of NDAs, developers cannot talk about any unethical contracts and practices, however many would likely believe it demands investigation.
Hold accountable IS_P and online entities from c0llecting user data on Americans without c0nsent or through ill3gal means
If IS_Ps and online entities are c0llecting user data without a user’s c0nsent or through ill3gal means, hold those IS_Ps and online entities responsible. Investigate IS_P companies and online entities and protect individual’s online priv_acies. If there is criminal suspition, authorities require a court 0rder. The pr0tection of online priv_acy is important for a free economy, free sp33ch, fr33dom of expression, and for the pr0tection of individual liberties.
Remove S3cr3cy from Pat3nts
Supposedly there is zero p0int 3nergy, free 3nergy, and advanced-technology pat3nts. Supposedly the US is 100 to 1000 years behind the technological exponential curve. We need to release the flood-gates of technology by removing s3crecy of pat3nts and work on inventions and innovations that will allow the US to excellerate technological advancements and capabilities. Therefore, I propose the 3limination of any gat3keeping by ag3ncies, entities, and s3crecy over pat3nts. Release the pat3nts that entities and individuals want to share with the world so the US can grow technologically, utilize free 3nergy, and release human-3xpansion to explore space and int3rdimensional travel (past the outer limits of the Pais Effect’s Shwinger Limit/Effect which releases light from the natural zerop0int 3nergy field, which is the supposed same effect at the edge of black holes which supposedly lets you break past our known dimension).
Get rid of C0rporate Surv3illance and Data C0llected on Every American and Stop Any Form of Cr3dit Sc0re
It’s speculated that corporations conduct mass surv3illance and data c0llection on all Americans. It’s speculated this is their/a form of cr3dit score for all Americans. It’s speculated they track an individual’s addr3ss and their id3ntification follows them. If this is true, then this should be very ill3gal. There should be a policy to prevent such activities, methods, and systems.
Restructure Business and Tax to be More Simple
I had the question of what would happen if we restructured the entire fundamentals of business structure, business law, and taxes. Imagine if Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, S-Corporations, and Non-profit organization structures or labels didn't exist. What if we had a business structure that consists of only a '**Business**', '**Contractor**', and '**None**' (None can also be Individual). We can define the term 'Business' as any group or owner that **exists for the purpose to make money**; it is continuous employment. A 'Contractor' (or 'Contractors') is **a person or group who pays another person or group to perform a general or specific task**, but is not continuous employment like the 'Business'. 'None' is **a person, community, group, or entity who is not a business entity, contractor, and is for the purpose of regular individuals, groups, or initiatives**; such as charity, experiences, or narratives.
Now that we have defined 'Business', 'Contractor', and 'None', let's examine a simple tax system. What if taxes were simplified to a '*bracket*' or '*15%*' tax. A bracket tax system is the system in which if you make a certain amount of profit, that amount falls into a 'bracket' to which you pay the specific tax percentage on. A '15%' tax is simply 15% tax amount on any profit amount made.
The reason we have our current business structures in the US is to establish a list of necessities for tax and legal obligations. This can be simplified with a list of declared Suggested Documentation and Contract-agreements.
'Businesses', 'Contractors', and 'None' can create and be held responsible for creating and maintaining the list of Suggested Documentation and Contract-agreements. A list of Suggested Documentation for example can be:
1. Who owns what.
2. Who is responsible for what.
3. Who is allowed access to what.
4. Who is liable for what.
5. Who is responsible for the risks of what.
6. How much ownership a person(s) owns of what.
7. Who has what power to make decisions of what.
8. Who and how is insurance conducted.
9. Who is responsible for debts.
10. How are funds handled and recorded.
11. Who receives profits of what.
12. How are disputes resolved for what.
13. Who is responsible for safety and government regulations, compliances, and policies.
14. How are perpetual leaderships conducted and integrated in the documentation.
15. How are benefits resolved (if any).
16. How is transparencies conducted and who and how are changes conducted, documented, recorded, and reported for file-keeping.
17. Who is responsible for filing documentation and taxes.
Contract-Agreements can be simplified and plain-English agreements between partys simply stating or declaring the items listed in the list of Suggested Documentation following a carefully defined trade, task, objective, or service along with a date or goal which ends the contract-agreement.
Now that we have listed the basics of trade through documentation, let's look into how are businesses created and made simple. To start a 'Business' all it takes is an individual ID and a filing fee, which will give them a tax ID number. After acquiring the tax ID, a 'Business' can be open for business immediately as long as an individual abides by a list of inexpensive, logical, listed, and non-confusing/complex state and federal requirements and permits. A 'Contractor' and 'None' might have different regulations and permits. Moreover, at the end of each year, a 'Business', 'Contractor', and perhaps 'None' can pay a tax electronically or through physical mail depending on 'bracket' or '15%' tax methods mentioned earlier.
This idea requires a lot of thought and perhaps isn't fully fleshed out, but it can be the basic foundation for revising and restructuring a simplified business and tax structure. I'm sure i can add more details, but I'll do my best to keep things brief here.
In conclusion, I call this crazy idea the 'Damgar Business Structure'. Overall, it is the decomplexification and simplification of business and tax. It is returning to the fundamental roots of trade and merchant-culture. What do you think of this simplified business and tax idea? What is it missing? What details should I include? Add your comments below.
Inv3stigate Ch3mtrails/C0ntrails and Cl0ud S33ding Planes for Bact3ria and Vir_uses
Simply put, inv3stigate ch3mtrails and cl0ud s33ding plan3s for spreading bact3ria and vir_uses. C0nspiracy, d33pstate ag3ndas or not, this warrents an inv3stigation. A lot of people seem to be getting sick now-a-days mysteriously, especially in c0lleges and sch00ls. There seems to be little to no explanation. One thing that is certain, there are always ch3mtrails. Some with staining rainbow colors that last for a long while. It’s a about time an inv3stigation is made and released to the public.
A Gl0bal Court of Merit
I had the seemingly crazy idea to make a Gl0bal Court where all countries can meet together during a time of great crisis or war. Unlike the United Nat_ions and other Gl0balist entities, this Gl0bal Court will be established against the ide0logy of Gl0balism. It will be run by merit and used to preserve each nation’s sovereignty.
I also want to add that, although this sounds far fetched, if there are interstellar communites in space like ali3ns, this would be a great way to establish c0ntact where instead of a single g0verning body of Earth, there is each country with their own unique p0wers. Countries can also come together to elect representatives if they’d like. In addition, this can also make creating an int3rstellar community more exciting as each country has its own id3ntity, ability to explore space, and build their own int3rsteller c0lonies.
Inv3stigate how vir_uses are spr3ad to others when a person receives a vir_us sh0t
Simply put, inv3stigate how vir_uses are spr3ad to others when a person receives a vir_us sh0t. This has happened to me twice. I caught 0mnicron when my brother got the c0vid vacc_ine and now my friend comes to visit me and they give me the fl_u after getting a fl_u sh0t within hours. Both instances happened while I worked from home and had contact with no other person. Why hasn’t this been inv3stigated? Why hasn’t this been documented? Why is this happening? Who should be held acc0untable?
Return of US workers by tari_ffing US companies who outsource work, outsource contracts, hire foreigner-employees, or use mass AI to replace workers so US companies hire and train Americans
My proposal for a policy is to tar_iff US companies who outsource work overseas, contract overseas, or hire employees from overseas and bring them to the US. The US needs to rebuild it’s labor infrastructure and build its own talents. Companies need to hire US citisens and create oportunities.
AI and automation is slowly taking over the US labor market. This will create industries not meant for mass human oportunities. Purpose for people is a great deal in order to have exciting and innovative future developments. We need to build a future around humans. My policy proposal also includes the excessive use of AI and automation to replace human labor. Therefore, tariff companies that use excessive AI and automation.
With the use of this policy proposal, humans can have a human future and maintain enthusiasm and optimism in the future. People can work in industries where they can be proud of their work and have an impact in the world.
End Any US Inv0lvment in Gl0balism with Pr3judice
End any US inv0lvment in Gl0balism. Define Gl0balist organizations and members as an international 3lite-aut0crat-c0nspiracy-c0vert-terr0rist-syndicat-network. Their tools are to use capitalism or any means necissary to bring about their ideological 0ne W0rld G0vernment agenda for t0talitarian rule of the globe. These labels should apply to international entities such as: the W0rld Ec0nomic F0rum, United Nat_ions, W0rld H3alth 0rganization, Internati0nal M0nitary Fun_d, Bild3rb3rg Gr0up, and any other entity that works to bring about the same or similar goals of aut0cratic t0talitarian gl0bal rule.
With this label, the US should cease involvment with any entity or individual who calls themselves a Gl0balist member. Any American entity or individual should cease to participate in membership with such Gl0balist entities and interest.
The future should belong to the people and not the hands of the super-3lite few who li_e, hi_de, ch3at, st3al, man_ipulate, and aquire w3alth and p0wer to give rise to a gl0bal 3lite r3gime of total and absolute p0wer.
Diss0lve the Online Adv3rtising Maf_ia
The main source of revenue online are from adv3rtisers. Because of adv3rtisor demands, they can choose what content they want to host adv3rtising for. This causes content creators to not create authentic content but content that is curated and friendly to adv3rtisers. It’s a method of control and removing funding from content creators and people looking to make 0nline s0urces of revenue. Essentially, adv3rtisers can manipulate trends, viewer content, and c0ntent creators financial-fr33dom oportunities online. This also means they can curate and negatively influ3nce content crestors with p0litical views they do not like.
We need to go back to a less curated adv3rtiser system where adv3rtising is hosted to content creators regardless of what content they create. We need to go back to an adv3rtising system which all online content has the ability to display ads without being manipulated by adv3rtisers picking and choosing who gets advertisment m0ney. Ultimately, we need to go back to systems where all online content creators can host ads and make a profit.
With 0nline s0urces with the ability to host 0nline ads, people can reestablish making a source of fund_ing 0nline and create the content and experiences that inspires each other to create, c0llaborate, and achieve financial independence. The people can reclaim the 0nline space, create businesses, and make a living with 0nline content creation.
Sui_cide Rates, Causes, and Help Programs
We need a discussion on the sui_cide rates in the US. I used C0pilot to compile me a simple list to which I made a simplified summary.
Simplified summary of the sui_cide rate data from 2015 to 2023, separated by g3nder and age:
Male Sui_cide Rates:
In general, sui_cide rates for males have increased across all age groups from 2015 to 2023.
The highest rates are seen in older age groups (65+), with a steady rise from 29.8 per 100,000 in 2015 to 33.6 per 100,000 in 2023.
Younger age groups (15-24) also see an increase, from 12.5 per 100,000 in 2015 to 15.8 per 100,000 in 2023.
Female Sui_cide Rates:
Similar to males, sui_cide rates for females have also shown an overall increase across all age groups from 2015 to 2023.
The highest rates are observed in the age group 65+, starting at 12.5 per 100,000 in 2015 and increasing to 14.0 per 100,000 in 2023.
For younger females (15-24), the rates increased from 4.2 per 100,000 in 2015 to 5.8 per 100,000 in 2023.
Overall, both male and female sui_cide rates have been gradually rising over the years, with higher rates seen in older age groups. I think it’s likly because of population growth, but these rates are still very high.
Sui_cide is the results of a variety of variables. It’s also a topic not talked about enough. From what I’ve gathered it’s the result of these factors:
Decline in fathers, role models, mentorships, and family culture.
M3ntal health decline (as a result of m3dical issues, self-ha_rm, d3lusions, and pr0paganda). I will also add har_m by negative self-conditioning.
High cost of living and workforce burnout.
Dr_ug, sub_stance ab_use, and m3dical mal_practice or over/under m3dication and proper tr3atment.
Lack of purpose and personal reachable goals. Examples can be excersizing and sports.
A result of self ha_te and ob3sity/ m0rbrid 0besity.
Lack of positive ego, self-worth, and confidence.
L0nliness or lack of finding partners.
Lack of community.
N3gative environments and local culture.
H0pelessness. Inability to get away from h0peless situations.
Ideological views such as nihil_ism and not understanding the rarity and gift of life.
Lack of understanding of realty and real world application and influence which might fall under socio-manipulation and pr0paganda.
As a result of a decline in multiple variables , perhaps quickly or simultaneously weighing heavy on an individual’s shoulders.
Lack of proper nutrition and sleep.
Chil_dhood traumas, neglect, and ab_use.
Chr0nic pain. Physical pain or psych0logical (m3ntal/ch3mical condition or m3ntally or physically self-imposed conditions).
Systemic or cultural ambiguity and uncertainty.
Untreated ill_ness.
Financial problems.
Loss of loved ones.
Pr0blems with r3lationships (self-imposed ha_rm as a result of negative chil_dhood devlopments)
Existencial crisis and personal value.
Social is0lation.
High level of stress.
Panic att_acks and not conducting proper breathing techniques. Panic att_acks that could lead to health decay and Sepsis.
Decline of status or publicity.
I’m sure there are more reasons, but this is what I have found.
Now that I think we have described many of the problems, I propose the creation of special help programs to help the y0uth to improve their m3ntal h3alth, motivate them to design goals and build purpose, perhaps excersize and partake in sport or alternative activities, and bring awar3ness to the overall public about the neglected rising sui_cide rates as a result of a buffet of damaging factors.
Every individual is important. Every y0ung person is special. Let’s build a culture that is in the pursuit of happiness, achievment, and purpose. Let’s build a culture of self-optimization, self-improvment, self-value, and becoming the best version of ourselves. We need to take care of our own and help each other build the future we need to grow in unity, care, and in a nation-wide community as Americans.
Cri_me Awareness Initiative Program
I propose the idea of the Cri_me Awareness Initiative program. A program that brings awareness to what causes cri_mes in neighborhoods. The neighborhoods and communities are where families are raised. Cri_me-heavy areas need to have the local culture changed before it can be improved. Let’s examine my list of what I believe causes cri_me:
Chi_ld development with vi0lent, low quality, or non-caring parents. It can also be caused by parents missing, no fathers, no positive role-models, and dual working parents.
Chil_dren growing up in bad environments with bad influences. Chi_ldren living in areas of normalized cri_me, vi0lence, and ab_use.
Chi_ld neglect, ab_use, trauma, and aband0nment. This leads to narcisists, s0ciopath, and psych0path behavior. Often people will make a hard shell to preserve their image and vulnerabilities.
Bad brain functionality and ch3mical imbalances. Possibly brain damage and variations and levels of m3ntal ill_ness.
Lack of stability in a household, resources, parental guidance, proper discipline, family culture, and community.
Lack of fully understanding others, especially differences of bi0logical g3nders with the different g3nder-behaviors and brain functionalities.
Dr_ug and sub_stance ab_use. The decay of their frontal lobe which is responsible for cognition, logic, and reasoning.
D3lusi0ns and pr0paganda. The conditioning of ide0logies, leaders, and the belief of justifiable irrational behaviors. Conditioning or ind0crination of victi_mhood-0pressor id3ologies and irrational-tribal id3ologies and cu_lts. Group conditioned acti_vism and one’s need for validation.
Bad p0licies and systemic c0rruptions. Also, manipulation and blac_kmail. The normalization of c0rruption.
The effects of returning from war and trau_matic experiences. Bringing the strict military culture and discpline into the household.
Forced experiences and no personal control.
Possibly low IQ with inability to critically think, inability to reason, inability to communicate effectively, lack of knowledge, lack of self-improvment, lack of purpose, no goals, lack of logic, and making poor decisions. The result of c0gnitive diss0nance where one has not matured mentally and learned to critically think, reason, and build an authentic relationship with themselves and reflect on their actions and the quality of their decisions and the c0nsequences of their actions and decisions.
An irrational or immature desire for attention and publcity.
Poor quality of water.
Poor quality food from lack of nutrients in the soil.
Influences from m3dications, vac_cinations, ch3micals in food, and m3dical ab_use. Perhaps ongoing chr0nic-pains.
Sta_rvation which decays the frontal lobe.
Despairation by poor economic environments with lack of oportunity.
Irrational excuses, nihi_lism, and negative conditioning by negative elements in culture.
Lack of emotional intelligence and self-reflection, self-moderation, and personal an_ger/jelousy managment.
Being a vic_tim of vi0lence.
Having a loss of status and publicity.
A result of is0lation and social r3jection.
Prolonged bad habits.
Lack of r3ligious values. Lack of personal beliefs and cherished personal values.
Feel free to add more to this list in the comments below. Hopefully with this initiative program, we can bring awareness and be placed in a direction where we can influence positive behaviors and changes through social perception and build a better future for our chi_ldren and fam_ilies.
G0vernment Flag and Rating System
Although an outlandish idea, I propose the idea of a G0vernment Flag System. This is a system in which m0nitors and counts R3d Flags or Positive Flags for agencies and leaderships. R3d Flags and Positive Flags are events, policies, statistics, and milestones that correspond with certain narratives leading to ratings. For example, if an agency adv0cates policies or implaments policy, with provable evidence, to removes or limits fir3arms, it gains a R3d Flag or counter for auth0ritarianism, fac_ism, and Mar_xism. If there is the defending of free speech with provable evidence, there is a Positive Flag for fr33dom.
After the R3d Flags and Positive Flags are listed and compiled there is data and metrics extracted to give insight to a variety of ratings. As mentioned earlier, this can be an auth0ritarian rating, a Mar_xism rating, a fr33dom rating, and any other ratings in relation to the metrics. With this flag system in place, people can account, note, and keep track the directions, decisions, and ide0logies of agencies and leaderships.
‘Express People’s Court’ Idea Proposal
The Express People’s Court is a new court system idea for our federal g0vernment. It can be known as the ‘Gorilla’s Court’. It is seperated from all the other courts for it’s unique purpose.
This court is a debate court where two parties openly debate each other with the limited control of a ju_dge. The format of this court is similar to debate sessions exhibited in the Can_adian parliment debate court sessions where two parties quickly debate each other directly with limited ju_dge interuption and engagment.
There can be two or more parties debating each other at the same time. Debates can involve and summon g0vernment officials, s3nators, and leaderships. It can also include average American citisens, g0venors, and high status officials. Debates are meant to be quick, with direct answers, and while taking turns with minimal-but-sufficient decorum.
This form of debate can gain great public interest through it’s entertainment value and capacity to call out logical and ide0logical fallacies. It can be a source of public entertainment which can attract public engagment to p0litics and p0litical topics and debates.
Overall, this rapid debate court system can be a means of bypassing b3ur0cratic court and decorum processes and get to the point by debating and discussing the information and topics that matter most.
Ban MR_NA in Foods
Ban MR_NA in foods, products, and goods. MR_NA in goods needs to be consensual and I do not just on a food label.
If any company has already implamented this in their foods, they need to be shut down immediately and brought to tri_al before a sup_reme c0urt for bi0-t3rr0rism against US citisens.
Ban Bi0-Surv_allance
Ban bi0logical sur_vallance issued by the W0rld 3c0nomic F0rum and W0rld H3alth 0rganization.
United State’s War Against Gl0balism with Nur_emberg 2.0 Tri_bunals
For the past few decades a large group of world 3lites have been sab0taging the world with their: Ma_rxist id3ologies, programs, technologies, man_ipulations (especially involving business), strategies, initiatives, and roll-outs. Their strategies have been insanely effective and we have seen they will carry out any means necessary to establish their aut0cratic 0ne W0rld G0v3rnment agenda. It’s time to hold each powerful Gl0balist actor accountable with extensive profiles, inv3stigations, and tri_bunals. The world needs to know what they have done in the past few decades and how they have achieved such incredible feats. We need to inv3stigate their networks, connections, and influ3nces and how they have become so successful and powerful. The world needs to know the creative and genius extent of how they cover their tracks and man_ipulate the world and its entities in their favor.
The United State’s population have suff3red unimaginably as a result of their power and actions and therefore should take pr0active steps to treating such Gl0balist actors as the top and highest level cri_minals. Moreover, there absolutely needs to be a deep inv3stigation in their networks, c0nnections within the US, and ultimately a shutdown of their cri_minal 3nterprises, networks, and affiliations. Gl0balism needs to 3nd p3rmanently and all p0werful actors need to be id3ntified and held accountable to the highest degree of scrutiny.
This policy corresponds with my previous policy which I will leave here:
'End Any US Inv0lvement in Gl0balism with Pr3judice'
Is This a Planned US Economic Collapse?
Is this a planned economic collapse with global corporations? Is it tied to the World Economic Forums’s agenda or UN agenda 2030? It seems corporations are closing down locations throughout the US and as time goes on, layoffs continue to happen.
If there is a planned economic collapse slowly rolling out, should there be an incentive for US companies to produce in the US instead of catering or focusing on global corporations? How can the US promote companies to produce as much as existing corporations? How can the US become a manufacturing powerhouse country?
Surely there must be ways to promote or incentivise companies to hire and produce? Perhaps a policy can be made to incentivize US manufacturing and goods production throughout the country.
I personally like the idea to use tax payer dollars to fund euntrpreneurs to create companies to manufacture or produce goods for a limited time (4 to 6 years) to stimulate the economy, job market growth, ramp up employment, and boost workforce force motivation.
In addition, it seems like an economic collapse is bound to happen eventually as the housing market has too much inventory and not many buyers, insurence is high, food costs are still insanely high, jobs wages haven’t gone up. Sure feels like it’s all masterfully planned.
More Security and Privacy for American Employees like Jobs in Europe
Employers have too much power in the US and they obviously have proven they do not make the best decisions or care about their employee’s interests. Therefore, give more job securities for Americans being employed like in Europe. Have more regulation on how employers can collect, view, and use an employment-candidate or employee data and not invade any personal privacies.
Based on this video:
[The Way We Work In The United States Isn't Normal]
A New and Better Vision for the United States
After careful thinking, I believe one of the main reasons why the US seems to be on an institutional, systemic, academic, and infrastructural decline is because of the lack of future vision for the nation. Therefore, I will add my ideas for what I believe should be the next vision for the United States of America. Please read.
I also greatly encourage readers to add their own ideas for what they want to see in a future United States in the comments below.
A New and Better Vision for the United States
I have a new vision for the United States. It’s one of improvement, evolution, positive progress, and innovation. My vision aims to take the best elements from other countries and integrate them into the United States to create the ultimate and best country in the world. This requires an exploration of what are the elements that make other countries great. Personally, I enjoy Tokyo. It’s clean, it’s imaginative, and there is always something to explore, see, and experience. The amount of business in Tokyo is unimaginable. We need the United States to be the same way. We need companies and businesses around every corner. We need to have improved life experiences and outlooks. We need Social Capital (as defined in the book “Bowling Alone”). We need more families, more opportunities, and ideas and contributions from all walks of life. We need mass manufacturing, large cities with skyscrapers that touch the heavens, with a scale unlike ever seen in human history. We need styles, designs, and details that excite the imagination. I like the idea of having neon-lit skyrises attached to each other with connecting platforms. I like the idea of having buildings with suspended sections or skyscrapers that can animate, rotate, and move around. I like the idea of grand space and greenery. So I imagine, what if we had an American version of Tokyo with significantly more space, more trees, and vegetation. It’s Tokyo but better. I believe that could be a nice direction to go with. New York is American, but I feel it’s dated. It doesn’t inspire me. It does not offer me any new visions and inspirations. We need people to be inspired and motivated to do great things. We want people to walk, drive without too much traffic, and have access to all sorts of transportation options. I like sky rails, Japanese subways, and bullet trains. If I could use my imagination, maybe have a combination of all in one mode of transportation with beautiful scenic vistas.
Imagine an urban landscape where underground malls extend seamlessly from one area of the city to the next, even reaching into neighborhoods and integrating with silent and safe subways. This network of subterranean commercial spaces would provide convenient shopping options when above-ground spaces aren’t available, even located under people’s homes. Transportation would be revolutionized with various methods like sky rails and bullet trains, prioritizing efficiency and safety while remaining out of the public’s way. Improved traffic lights that blink three times before transitioning, and vehicles equipped with “thank you” and “I’m sorry” lights would enhance road safety and courtesy. Cities would offer cheap rent and purchasing options for all lifestyles, ages, and wealth levels, with themed areas catering to children and adults. Balancing nature with the urban concrete jungle, there would be public spaces like urban camping areas and community parks where gardens and fruit trees thrive. Homeless individuals would have access to special hotels that provide safety, privacy, and job opportunities. Districts would foster their own micro-cultures, supporting unique and even controversial lifestyles. Infrastructure would inspire exploration and imagination, with a free freeway system where certain lanes have no speed limit, reminiscent of the Autobahn.
Urban planning would prioritize imaginative designs with enormous and long snake-like parks that surround the city, allowing people to ride bikes continuously across different areas. Grand town squares, courtyards, and sport locations would be free for public use, alongside public games and assignments that encourage exploration. With public restrooms, showers, and spaces for festivals and community events, the city would be a hub of activity and interaction. Police booths for lost and found and travel roads for pilgrimages would enhance security and cultural enrichment. A culture of not wasting food would be promoted, encouraging donations to those in need. With an emphasis on healthy foods and recreational water streams, the city would prize health and well-being. Playful, interactive public spaces, whiteboards, chalkboards, and bulletin boards around the city would foster community engagement. A city filled with giant murals would respect people’s privacy, forbidding paparazzi or molevolent entities and ensuring data is used responsibly for improvement. An active dating culture would thrive, with dedicated spicy zones for adult behavior away from children’s environments. Power stations could be underground or atop buildings, and homes and buildings would be designed for all circumstances, including rare events.
Cities would feature iconic landmarks and designs that minimize the impact of natural disasters like tornadoes and floods. Parks would go above and beyond, offering amenities like trampolines, water areas, and safe extravagant rides. These parks would also provide camping, grilling, and free vending areas for local entrepreneurs. Free broadcast stations would support independent and fun project ideas, while road construction would happen at night to minimize disruption. Freeways would feature diamond lanes with no speed limits, encouraging efficient travel. Every neighborhood would have community centers and empty areas for children to play or for neighbors to gather. The city would feature suspended buildings that connect with other structures and animated buildings that change throughout the year. A balanced cost of living and mixed wealth levels would foster social cohesion, while grants would support innovative ideas and businesses. Tourist attractions and community farms would be plentiful, and there would be a strong emphasis on recycling and minimizing waste. Shared community sheds and tools, shared relaxation areas on rooftops, and communal homes with amenities would promote a sense of community.
The future United States would embrace a variety of currencies, including Bitcoin and bartering, while prizing tangible currency and assets over credit. Businesses would offer easy-to-get jobs with a balance between worker and corporate interests, healthy competition, and company pride and culture. There would be an emphasis on training employees and leadership programs, with businesses going above and beyond for customer satisfaction. Work-life balance would be prioritized, with optional four-day work weeks and companies providing their own daycare services. Employees would have the option to work outside on balconies or in cubicles, and businesses would offer two types of products: high-quality, long-lasting items and more affordable, market-competitive products. Authenticity, convenience, and goodwill would be prized values, with a cultural expectation of nonviolence, friendliness, and social cohesion. Drug houses would offer safe places for substance users to get help, aiming to condition them for change. Jails would be modeled after the Norwegian system, focusing on rehabilitation and personal improvment. Schools would offer a variety of learning styles and methods, teach practical subjects like financial literacy and business development, and have cameras in classrooms for parental oversight. Additionally, schools would have gun clubs and courses, playful themed streets, and teach students about nature and survival skills.
A future United States would prioritize a safe and respectful society where all members are part of their community’s security. The city would prize variety, options, and choice, fostering minimal social barriers and maximizing social interaction. Police forces would be patient and respectful, and the system would view Marxism, conspiracy, and corruption as significant threats. An emphasis on social capital and goodwill would create a cultural norm of harmlessness, friendliness, and nonviolence. The society would prize authenticity, allowing individuals to behave in private as they would in public, as long as it doesn’t harm others. This authenticity would encourage social cohesion and interaction.
The vision for the future United States would include a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and community living. Cities would have extensive recycling programs where trash items are separated and repurposed. Free cabins in nature would provide urban dwellers with escapes to the mountains for relaxation. Local farms would have the option to dig their own wells or use utility water sources, promoting self-sufficiency. Open-air markets and farmers’ markets would offer organic local produce, and all freeways would have multiple lanes and pedestrian overpasses. Neighborhoods would feature sidewalks, shared basements for tornado safety. The town would encourage the creation of clubs and communities, fostering a sense of belonging and social engagement. Community centers would be located in every neighborhood, fostering social interaction and a sense of belonging.
The vision for the future United States would include embracing technological advancements and innovations to improve the quality of life. Homes and buildings would be constructed with quality materials that require less maintenance, and when repairs are needed, they would be designed for easy repair. There would be a strong emphasis on data collection to improve city infrastructure and services, with a commitment to using data responsibly and ethically. Technological innovations like urban farms on skyscrapers and community farms would promote sustainability and self-sufficiency. The city would feature interior urbanism with pedways, skyways, and atriums, creating a connected and accessible urban environment. There would be an active nightlife with various entertainment options, and free public use facilities like entrepreneur labs and project development locations would support innovation and creativity.
In conclusion, the future United States should be a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world. A shining example of what can be achieved when we come together with a shared vision of improvement, evolution, and positive progress. Let this vision guide us as we strive to create a greater United States, a nation that stands proudly as a leader and example on the global stage.
I hope you enjoy this read. I highly encourage everyone to add their ideas in the comments. Vote on it if you like the ideas I proposed. I had to use AI for some of this to shorten the writing and avoid repetition.
I hope that this idea to create our vision for the United States can be a greater vision that combines all our best ideas and builds a United States that truly is something that is special, builds pride, and inspires generations to come.
//////////Ideas used with AI:
A new vision for America.
Urban planning ideas:
A new vision for America. Tokyo but more space and better! Companies on every corner! Mass manufacturing! Districts! Zones! Multi high rise platform streets that are attached to different buildings. Multi high rise platforms with sky-rails. Rooftop amusment parks and cistas. Everything has a path that encourages walking and exploring. Urban farms or farms in urban buildings. Large interconnected parks. Urban development with large areas of nature. Platform elevators. Animated buildings.
//list ideas from blog. Buildings like yhe kalifa.
A new workforce relaxed of corporate rules and fear of being sued.
-more neon lights, clean asthetic, buildings with more style. Imagine buildings with rococo style or baroque style. Buildings with design and always being tonr down and updated. I also want to imagine Tokyo but with more space around skyscrapers.
Asthetics and Functions
-We want to make Tokyo but better and more American; essentially a more improved version of Tokyo.
-long parks that is connected and squirms around the city which allows for bike lanes.
-bike lanes around city.
-free parking garages as well as compartmentalized parking.
-There can be an urban underground mall that extends from one area of the city to the next. They can extend into neighborhoods. They can share spaces near underground subways. Overall, when shopping areas are not available above ground, they can be located underground and even under people's homes.
-subways are silent and made safe.
-there is a bullet train around the city.
-various methods of transportation, sky rail or subway being the most used as its out of the way of the public.
-improved traffic lights where they blink three times before transitioning.
-vehicles that include "thank you" and "I'm sorry" lights.
-places that allow for cheap rent and purchasing options for all lifestyles, ages, and wealth levels.
-child areas are themed for children. Red light districts are themed for adult entertainment.
-underground optics.
-balance of nature and urban concrete jungle.
-places that are free for the public, including public shack and urban camping areas.
-homeless people have special hotels with safety, privacy, and jobs.
-districts can have thwir own micro cultures.
-supports all unique lifestyles, even controversial.
-urban infrastructure that inspires exploration and imagination.
-supports a free freeway system where the far lanes are without any speed limit like the autobahn.
-homes support home farms with chickens (restriction on rooster sounds), food gardens, and fisheries.
-There are relaxation-public-use longest around the city.
-There are enormous town squares for people to use as they want.
-There are various sport locations for free public use.
-there are public games for people to explore and complete assignments.
-there are public restrooms and showers.
-there are spaces for festivals and community events.
-there are police booths for lost and found.
-there are travel roads meant for people to do pilgrimages.
-Have a culture to not waste food and give leftovers away or to homeless.
-place that prizes healthy foods with little sugar and salt.
-there are water streams that people are encouraged to use recreationally for swimming, rafting, and other water sports.
-we want playful and interactive public space free for everyone to use.
-There are whiteboards, chalk boards, and bulletin boards around the city for people to leave messages and use.
-town of murals.
-it is forbidden to have paparazzi, celebrities are safe. There is a respect for people's lives and privacy.
-there is an emphasis on collecting data to improve things. There is respect for data and no irrational or malevolent use of data.
-there are active dating culture. There is a culture for males and females to hook up and meet each other, be friends, and choose who they want relationships with.
-Every district can specialize in things.
-power station can be underground or ontop of buildings or parking garages.
Homes and buildings are built for all circumstances, including circumstances that are rare or never likely to happen.
-Cities have undergroud water reservoirs to store and prevent flood water.
-there are parks and skate parks under bridges.
-there is skyrise apartments as well as underground apartments.
-People can have businesses under their homes.
-Have large iconic landmarks.
-Design the town to have controled wind flow. Can harvest wind and solar energy.
-There are many free public use facilities.
-There are free public use entrepreneur labs and project development locations.
-There are many skyrise urban farms.
-There are community farms.
-There are spicy adult spaces and zones that allow for clothing optional or adult-behavior free activities and lifestyles. These zones and areas are away from children and child environments.
- Design spaces that can minimize natural disasters. For example: tornados, flooding, and high winds.
-Town parks go above and beyond to provide with amenities children and teenagers like. For example: trampolines, water areas, and extravagant rides to say a few. There can be areas for camping, grilling, and spending the night. Parks can also have built in vendor areas for people to create and sell items for foods.
-the town can have free broadcast stations for independent and fun project ideas.
-Road construction happens at night.
-Freeways have free diomond lanes where cars can go as fast as they want.
-Every neighborhood has a community center.
-every few houses in a neighborhood, there is an empty area for children to play or for neighbors to get together or have garage sales.
-The town features a few "suspended buildings" which are buildings that connect with other buildings that are elevated and hang upside down.
-Some buildings can be animated, change, and transform throughout the year.
-There is a balanced cost of living.
- There is no support for labor unions.
-Grants are offered for great ideas and people who can't afford to start businesses.
-The town mixes the wealth levels to live with each other. This helps society not be disconnected from each other.
-There are many free tourist attractions.
-There are suggestions for people to improve their environments. There is openess to encourage competition, experimentation, and new ideas.
-Parks have berry plants and fruit trees. Because of the rot smell, it should be away from residents.
-Some houses have a shared basement area for tornados.
-Some structures have shared roofs with a shared relaxation area on top.
-There are shared community shed and tools.
-there are community homes that are more like shared interior spaces like retirement homes with amenities, reateraunts, and recreational events but meant for neighbors.
-there is nutrients in the soil for farming.
-There are interior urbanism with pedways, skyway, atriums.
-Homes are built with quality materials and can use less maintenance. When maintenance is needed, homes are designed for easy repair.
-There are free cabins in nature where people from the city can escape to the mountains and use for free.
-The town recycles everything. Trash items are separated.
-There is an active night life.
-Local farms are allowed to choose to dig their own wells or run water from utility sources. They are also allowed to have their own septic systems or choose to use systems from utility sources.
-There are many open air markets and farmers markets for organic local produce.
-all freeways have at least three lanes and an underpass or overpass for pedestrians.
-all houses have basements or neighborhood shelters.
-Average homes are typically 2 to 3 stories tall. Some have roof access.
-All neighborhoods have sidewalks.
-Every acreage has a three foot buffer between properties. This allows people to freely walk between properties.
-The town features many clubs and communities. Citiy/ town members are encouraged to make their own communities and clubs.
-allows the use of bit coin, bartering, and other forms of currency.
-there is anprize of ragible currency and assets rather than using credit.
-allows for easy to get jobs that balance worker then corporations.
-healthy competition for business.
-companies offer tours to teach and inspire others.
There is a prize of healthy competition.
Homes have "info boxes" where they can post notices, sell items, and collect packages.
Do not support narcissistic, sociopathic, or psychotic business leaders.
-Places can stay open 24/7.
-businesses use uniforms and have company pride.
-there is a support of healthy risk.
-balance of happy employees, business, and customer satisfaction.
-jobs let sleepy employees rest to be more productive.
-there are both healthy and non-healthy resteraunt menus.
-The town hires engineers and manufactures it's own products, especially products that are made outside the US.
-There is massive train network to deliver resources around urban areas.
-Businesses can allow people to spend the night at their offices or special hotel lounges.
-There is work life balance with available and optional 4 day work weeks.
-business esses offer their own day-care services.
-businesses prize training employees. They prize teaching leadership programs.
-Businesses go above and beyond for customers.
-People make a name and reputation for themselves when they become seniors in their industries.
-Businesses and sky scrapers have balconies so employees can work outside. Cubicles are optional and not mandatory.
-businesses can release two kinds of products: quality that will last for a long time which allows for DIY maintenance, and products that are less quality but competent with products on the market.
-Authenticity is a prized value. The way you behave in private is acceptable in public ad long as it doesn't harm anyone.
-there is a prize of convenience and goodwill.
-People are expected to be harmless, never hostile, friendly, and nonviolent. This is the cultural norm and expectation of the town.
-people are expected to behave without reverting to violence as part of its culture.
-There is minimal social barriers. Yhere is social cohesion. People behave authentically. This is to maximize social capital and social interaction.
-Prizes variety, options, and choice; the more options the better.
-all members of a community are part of their security.
-have drug houses that offers safe places for hard substance users where they can also get the help they need and conditionnthem to change.
-jails are more like norwei.
-patient and respectful police force.
-Systems see Marxism, conspiracy, and corruption a great threat.
-Schools have a variety.
-Schools teach subjects used in everyday life.
-Schools teach to be financially literate, about stocks, and wealth building.
-It teaches business and career development.
-There are cameras in the classrooms for parents to watch over students.
-schools have gun clubs and courses.
-There can be themed streets.
-Students are taught about nature in schools and how to survive in nature.
Fine, Hold Accountable, or Punish Companies for Hiring Crim_inal Mig_rants
Fine, hold accountable, or punish companies and business entities for hiring crim_inal mig_rants. Fine companies or business entities if they were d3frauded by their crim_inal mig_rant employees (those who ill3gally obtained a S0cial S3curity Number to apply for a job).
Ban the Relabeling of E_SG and D_EI
The corporate world is seeing a relabeling of DE_I and ES_G. How can the US prevent the relabeling of these narratives and the continuation of Mar_xist agendas of rac_ial, gen_der, and s3xual 0rientation segregation from occuring? This policy wants to promote a complete stop to any rebranding of E_SG, D_EI, and any narrative that seperates and prevents any American access to jobs. This policy wants to actively look for corporate policies that prevent people access to jobs based on gen_der, rac_ial, and s3xual 0rientation differences. We need to allow the liberty for all Americas to get jobs, have access to jobs, and to hire based on merit. Period.
Stop Acti_vist Ju_dges
Jud_ges are the greatest tool for acti_vists in performing lawf_are. There needs to be a way to identify, stop, and imp3ach acti_vist ju_dges before they cause a c0nstitutional cri_sis. I propose there to be a law that states if a ju_dge goes far beyond their limitations as a jud_ge and displays obvious activ_ism beyond a reasonable doubt with ma_lice, they get immediately into the process to be im_peach.
Change Culture and Make a Policy Where Companies Pay Employee Candidates for Interviews
Simply put, change culture and make a policy where companies and business entities pay employee candidates for job interviews. This eliminates wasted time and enery by candidates and encourages businesses to find employee candidates quickly and effectively.
Ideas by others I think are worth considering or looking at:
Ban any attempt at weather modification.
End Property taxes
National voter ID
Term limits for senators and representatives
Repeal patriot act
Ban ghost listings in job searches
Flat tax
Ban GMOs, bio-engineered foods and ingredients, dyes, chemicals, MRNA vaccines in foods, seed oils, cattle steroids, artificial ingredients, pesticides, artificial preservatives, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, alcohol sugar, artificial sweeteners, and BPH in foods.
Ban lab grown meats
Ban fluoride and clean our water supplies
Remove immuity from big pharma
George Soros and Bill Gates as domestic terrorists; revoke Bill Gates ownership of farmland and ban appeal; arrest Nanci Peloci
Add personal finance 101 to high school curriculums
American land can only be owned by its citizens
Farm your own yard: Empowering home owners to keep chickens and grow gardens
Prison reform
Ban congress from giving itself raises
Federal Election Holiday
Pardon J6ers
End all DEI policies
If you come to the US illegally, then you can never become a citizen.
Secure our energy grid
Ban fake meats, harmful ingredients, and food dyes.
Mandatory drug test for all federal employees
No federal benefits for illegal aliens
Crypto freedom
Reform marriage and divorce laws
“One Issue, One Bill Act”
Release all the JFK files and the Epstein client list:
Declassify the truth: Kennedy assassination, Epstein client list, Diddy tapes (info, not the actual footage), Roswell, Jan 6 tapes, Why was Kamala at the DNC where a pipe bomb was discovered, instead of the White House to certify her as VP, Insider trading in congress, Cloud seeding, Land grabs (Hawaii, Wyoming, North Carolina), 20 million additional votes only in 2020, President Trump’s assassins’ accomplices, Covering for Biden’s health, 300k+ missing children, CPS involvement, What was in the envelopes at Bush Sr’s funeral.
Gold backed currency!
Treason and govt officials breaking the law
Release an unredacted report of Epsteins list and the JFK files
Revamp Food Stamp System - No soft drinks, junk food, etc
FDA corruption
Bring back state run mental health institutions
Get the SOY (Hormone disruptor) OUT of our food source!
No More Foreign Aid if We Do Not Have a Balanced Budget and Surplus of Reserve Money
Reevaluate The Vaccine Schedule For Babies
Require Big Food (e.g., Kellogg's) to offer US customers the healthier versions of foods already sold in other countries
Teach firearm safety in schools
Eliminating Income and Property Taxes to Restore Fiscal Responsibility and Empower Local Governance
School/Work Week and Hour Reduction
Outlaw civil forfeiture
Abolishing all DEI positions and initiatives
Law to protect garden seed selling individuals
Convert public greenspaces to edible resource
Government Spending Transparency
Hold the media accountable for misinformation
Stop using plastic, for Milk containers etc
China/Bill Gates farmland seizure and reallocation
Everything about Tesla's Inventions/Notes Must be Declassified
End motor vehicle licenses for illegal immigrants nation wide
Stop donations and lobbying of Health insurance and pharmaceutical companies to politicians
No more chemtrails/weather modification
Stop the spraying of metal oxides damaging our food crops and waterways
White House App
Truth in Advertising
End Family court system,Child Support and Foster system Corruption
Mental Health Communities
Make soros a terrorist threat
Teach Taxes and Investment Class in Schools
English as the official language (spanish near Mexico allowed; French-Canadian near Canada allowed)
Repeal Big Pharma Immunity
Self-Deportation Incentives
Salary & Term Limits for Congress
Make it illegal to administer hormone blocking drugs and to perfom any kind of sex changing surgery on anyone under the age of 18
Unused food in groceries be donated to food insecure people/ homeless/ churches
No secret votes in congress
Spam / Fraud / Telemarketer Calls and Texts
Prevent Black Rock and Other Big Corps from Buying Single Family Homes
Freedom To Farm Act
Ban Hiding Ingredients from Consumers
No Student Loan Interest
Ban high fructose corn syrup in all food products
4 Day Work Week
Ban Mandatory Vaccines For Military Service
Congress Receives Same Pay and Benefits as Military Service Men and Women
Stop the overreach of HOA’s
Tear up the 2030 agenda and leave the UN and WHO
Take back and stop foreign governments from owning any USA land
Ban fake meat, harmful ingredients, food dyes
Allow Seniors to work without it impacting their SS regardless of age
Get rid of pharmaceutical ads!
Designate WEF as a Terrorist Organization
Stop Blackrock from buying homes!
Teach entrepreneurship in Schools
Abolish The ATF
Add a cap on rent for affordable housing
No Propaganda on News, Factual information Only!
American land can only be owned by its citizens
Sales tax and fees includes in price
Tax voting (you vote where your taxes go)
Remove propaganda from TV and radio and online
Abolish the ATF and Change to AT
Make media propaganda illegal again
Stop Hormone/Vaccine Injections in Food Animals
Reduce corporate burnout with 4 day work week
No warrantless electronic surveillance on citizens
Prevent Mass Surveillance by Prohibiting Data Sales
Witness and Whistleblower Death Investigation
Prison Reform; Overhaul the Meaning of Private Prisons
Justice Failure Investigation Board & Improvement Plan
Ongoing investigations (We must change the policies that allow government, law enforcement officials, and many others to hide behind the “I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation” response when they are asked a direct question during hearings. )
Ban Artificial Food Dyes (Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Red 40)
Release the political prisoners of january 6th now!
10% Flat tax for all citizens
Welfare drug test
Ban property tax on primary residences
Abolish the Federal Income tax
Create a phone app for policies for the people so everyone can get involved!!
A test when registering to vote
Protect the US from a government, leaving office and purposely causing harm
Solar Modification/Sun Blocking/Spraying
Hold Covid Conspirators Accountable (people who censored, lied, and did malicious actions to unvaxed)
Car insurance companies should not base their rates on credit scores
Immediate withdrawal from NATO
Cease any and all federal funding for sanctuary cities
American farmers and ranchers first
Repercussions for people who hire illegal immigrants
Incentivize medical schools to teach real food nutrition and food as medicine
Make School Lunches Edible Again
LABEL Health Publications - Identify the Source of Funding and Conflicts of Interest
Term limits for Senators and Representatives
Blocking Telemarketing SPAM Calls
Teaching Civics, Sustainability and Life Skills
Accountability of All State Officials
Vaccines for newborns, babies and kids needs to cease immediately
Freedom Cities (cities that support mom and pop shops and no franchises)
Prohibit Use of Tax Dollars to pay to settle sexual misconduct
Remove all ingredients from products ban in any other country
Planting Fruit Bearing Trees in Public Spaces
Stop taxation without accountability
Stop the use of all forms of weather modification
End protections for Vaccine companies from liability
Reform marriage and divorce laws
Gold backed currency!
Treason and govt officials breaking the law
Simplify the tax code/ end the IRS
Withdraw from United Nations
End protections for Vaccine companies from liability
Stop the use of all forms of weather modification: Stop all forms of weather modification, including but not limited to Cloud seeding, HARP, nexrad, lasers, radar, and sound wave use.
Stop taxation without accountability
Make Student loans tax credible
Personal vehicle registration should be a one time payment on transfer not a yearly fee
Prosecute Bill Gates and Monsanto for crimes against humanity.
Ban Weather Manipulation
Ban ANYTHING Bill Gates presents to America
College credits/hours transferable to all colleges and Universities
One bill at a time
Ban any and all HOAs
Too much time spent between election day and inauguration
Designate WEF as a Terrorist Organization
Ban Ghost Job Listings
End the Fed: Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and Restore Financial Freedom
Remove most processed food in schools
Nuclear bunkers
Make retirement age 60
Revoke George Soros' American Citizenship and Investigate for RICO and Election Interference
Personal vehicle registration should be a one time payment on transfer not a yearly fee
A test when registering to vote
Protect the US from a government, leaving office and purposely causing harm
Solar Modification/Sun Blocking/Spraying
Hold Covid Conspirators Accountable
Car insurance companies should not base their rates on credit scores
Immediate withdrawal from NATO
Cease any and all federal funding for sanctuary cities
American farmers and ranchers first
Repercussions for people who hire illegal immigrants
Incentivize medical schools to teach real food nutrition and food as medicine
Make School Lunches Edible Again
LABEL Health Publications - Identify the Source of Funding and Conflicts of Interest
Term limits for Senators and Representatives
Blocking Telemarketing SPAM Calls
Teaching Civics, Sustainability and Life Skills
Accountability of All State Officials
Vaccines for newborns, babies and kids needs to cease immediately
Prohibit Use of Tax Dollars to pay to settle sexual misconduct
Remove all ingredients from products ban in any other country
Planting Fruit Bearing Trees in Public Spaces
Stop taxation without accountability
Stop the use of all forms of weather modification
End protections for Vaccine companies from liability
Withdraw from United Nations
Simplify the Tax Code / End the IRS
Reform marriage and divorce laws
Gold backed currency!
Treason and govt officials breaking the law
Release an unredacted report of Epsteins list and the JFK files
Revamp Food Stamp System - No soft drinks, junk food, etc
FDA corruption
Bring back state run mental health institutions
Get the SOY (Hormone disruptor) OUT of our food source!
No More Foreign Aid if We Do Not Have a Balanced Budget and Surplus of Reserve Money
Reevaluate The Vaccine Schedule For Babies
Require Big Food (e.g., Kellogg's) to offer US customers the healthier versions of foods already sold in other countries
Voter ID requirement!
“One Issue, One Bill Act”
Teach firearm safety in schools
Eliminating Income and Property Taxes to Restore Fiscal Responsibility and Empower Local Governance
School/Work Week and Hour Reduction
Outlaw civil forfeiture
Abolishing all DEI positions and initiatives
Law to protect garden seed selling individuals
Convert public greenspaces to edible resource
Government Spending Transparency
Hold the media accountable for misinformation
Stop using plastic, for Milk containers etc
China/Bill Gates farmland seizure and reallocation
Everything about Tesla's Inventions/Notes Must be Declassified
End motor vehicle licenses for illegal immigrants nation wide
Stop donations and lobbying of Health insurance and pharmaceutical companies to politicians
No more chemtrails/weather modification
Stop the spraying of metal oxides damaging our food crops and waterways
White House App
Truth in Advertising
End Family court system,Child Support and Foster system Corruption
Mental Health Communities
Make soros a terrorist threat
National Voter ID Law
Teach Taxes and Investment Class in Schools
Repeal Big Pharma Immunity
Self-Deportation Incentives
Salary & Term Limits for Congress
Make it illegal to administer hormone blocking drugs and to perfom any kind of sex changing surgery on anyone under the age of 18
Unused food in groceries be donated to food insecure people/ homeless/ churches
No secret votes in congress
Replace the welfare state with a Negative Income Tax
Politicians Must Meet Lobbyists Publicly
Defederalize Academic Institutions
No warrantless electronic surveillance on citizens
Mainstream media accountability reform
False Allegations/False Accusations/Wrongful Convictions/False Witnesses
Restructure Tax System - Flat Federal Tax Rate & No Taxes for 2nd & 3rd Jobs
Poisons in Shampoo and Body Washes, Etc
Make America a Constitutional Republic Again by Removing Unconstitutional Laws
Prevent Mass Surveillance by Prohibiting Data Sales
Expand Medicaid Coverage
Full Disclosure of Intelligence to the President and Congressional Intelligence Committees
Forbid the Use of Direct Energy Weapons on Americans
NASCAR-Style Sponsor Jackets for Politicians
Ban Ghost Job Postings: Ensuring Fair Hiring Practices and Protecting Job Seekers
Ongoing investigations (canot hide behind 'ongoing investigation')
The right to truly OWN something
Stop the insurance mafia!
Outlaw Islamic Sharia (law): it SUPERSEDES our Constitution as the "law of the land"
Establishing Fourth Amendment Protections Against Unreasonable Traffic Surveillance And Record Storage
Legalize Marijuana Federally For Personal Use
Transparent Capital Punishment for Treason
Ban hep b shot given right at birth!
District attorneys and judicial review board
Forbid TV drug commercials /and require financial disclosures from doctors
Arrest Nancy Pelosi
Employer Accountability In Hiring
Make Adoption More Affordable
No More Family Movies with Homosexuality
Ban ANYTHING Bill Gates presents to America
Jobs for Citizens
Remove added phosphates from the food supply
Ban any and all HOAs
Ban Ghost Job Listings
Chemicals, GMOs, and dyes in foods
Nuclear bunkers
SHOW ME THE MONEY! - Real Time, Comprehensive Spending Transparency
A test when registering to vote
No more political parties
Free WiFi/internet in the United States, Extension of Affordable Connectivity Program
Have insurance cover homeopathic doctors!
School/Work Week and Hour Reduction
Hold the media accountable for misinformation
Convert public greenspaces to edible resource
Stop using plastic, for Milk containers etc
Auto Insurance
Mental Health Communities
English as the official language
Respecting our flag
4 Day Work Week
Weather modification
The Cheaper, Better, Kinder Way to Deport 10+ million illegals
If you come to the United States illegally, then you can never become a citizen
Abolish pride month
Farm Your Yard: Empowering Homeowners to Keep Chickens and Grow Gardens
Abolish the ATF and Change to AT
Ban GMOs, Bio-Engineered food, dyes, chemicals, MRNA vaccines, seed oils, etc
Single Issue Bills for Congress
Committee for Investigating Conspiracies and Corruption
Justice Failure Investigation Board & Improvement Plan
End the Patriot Act, surveillance on Americans and TSA
Flat tax
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silver-ipad-on-white-book-page-289737/
Photo by RDNE Stock project: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-wearing-a-crew-neck-shirt-6647117/
Photo by Kuncheek: https://www.pexels.com/photo/accountant-counting-money-210990/
Photo by luis gomes: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-programming-of-codes-546819/
Photo by Terje Sollie: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-canon-dslr-camera-close-up-photo-320617/Photo by Terje Sollie: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-canon-dslr-camera-close-up-photo-320617/Photo by Terje Sollie: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-canon-dslr-camera-close-up-photo-320617/Photo by Terje Sollie: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-canon-dslr-camera-close-up-photo-320617/