Sunday, October 23, 2022

Economic Collapse Society Survival Ideas

I had a few ideas on what to do during the event of an economic collapse.

My first idea is something I call Farmer's Aid. When the economy collapses, all function stops as money no longer has any value. This means industries cannot continue. I think it's primarily because they don't have fuel. Nevertheless, I came up with an idea where farmers get together with people from the city and continue to distribute resources among the people in society and encourage them to trade and share. There will have to be substantial security because there may be more areas desperate than others. Farmers would have to rely on city organizations and trust worthy groups to distribute the food evenly. I think this is a good idea instead of dumping their food on the side of the road to send a message that food is worthless. When the economy picks up, they can be reimbursed for their actions and rewarded. 

My next idea is an idea I want to call Community Farming and Skill-Based-Micro Economy. This idea is that communities come together to form communes where individuals are given roles. Here is a list of roles as an example: security, resource management, engineers, administrative, farmers, craftsman, repair-men, water-man, sewage-waste-trash managers,  teachers, and guards. I call these base classes for roles during an economic collapse circumstance. Security, administrative, and farmers have the most duty heavy roles. The most important role I think will be the farmers. These are individuals who have to grow food products for the community with what is available. Each community will plan and make a clearing for a farm using empty spaces in their communities. They will require a lot of help in the community to ensure they grow the food right and that there is enough for all. Resource managers will be used to make sure things are well planned and all objectives are met. Security and guards will be in charge of establishing a perimeter and maintaining security in and out of the community. Guards or internal security will also be used to make sure food is not taken advantage of by greedy individuals. The administrative side of a community will be used to create the local micro-economy and to form agreements and trade with other groups. They can either have a trusted-dictatorial system or a system by vote. Nevertheless all adults will play a role in this system of economy. The goal is to be self-sufficient and self-reliable. 

My next idea is to use backup systems of trade. People can trade talents, favors, or resources. Bartering can be a good method of trade or people can trade their skills and energy for resources. Moreover, everyone should aim to complete the personal goals of making a garden, obtaining livestock, and forming reasonable relationships with their neighbors. 

This idea is something I call the backup and deleverage currency. This is a second form of currency or crypto currency (assuming there is still power) that is created through the state. The purpose of this form of currency is to deleverage the power of the dollar as a crutch system so that the dollar regains its value. It could also be seen as a transitionary currency. Perhaps a form of currency to use during times of economic instability. This system of currency can be utilized with the gold standard or backed by other precious minerals and reserve resources. This system can also be backed up by crypto as an artificial tangible resource or it can be backed by culture which are the arts, music license, or masterpieces of artists and producers. 

These are my ideas on what can be done in the event of an economic collapse. Perhaps they can be of some use and used to condition the masses prior to a collapse. To solidify these ideas, I will label them under the name of the Handbrake Economy System. 



My ideas in case of an Economic collapse. 

The Economy has just collapsed. You are confused and you don't know what to do or how you will survive. Welcome to the Community Eco-Contingency Proposal (CECP). 

The first objective is to spread awareness. Inform as many people as possible. Create flyers and tell to your neighbors. Find a day and location where individual can meet-up for a community meeting. 

In this meeting, have all members come together and find a method in which to become organized. Elect a leader, group of leaders, and create an administration who can handle various administrative tasks. Be sure to watch out and exclude individuals with sociopathic, psychopathic, and ideologically-driven behaviors. 

In the event of a collapse there are various roles in which a community will need. These roles are:


Elected members who conduct the administrative intelligence and management of all other systems. They should utilize the democratic system and have access to the administration. They create the rules in which all members agree to abide by. The leader speaks directly to the people to make administrative decisions. 

Resource and system management

Administrative people who manage resources, collect data, and create, check, and observe systems. 

Job, task, and labor management

Administrative individuals who maintain the labor and roles needed in systems. 

Maintenance management

People who maintain, check, test, and repair assets and equipment. 

Farming, irrigation, and livestock agriculture

Farmers, irrigation specialists, livestock farmers, and agriculture specialists who check, observe, and maintain agricultural systems.

Food gathering and distribution

People who help collect food, store food, and distribute food. 

Water, purification, and collection.

People who collect water and rainwater, maintain the quality fo water, purify used water, and store water. 

Waste management

People who maintain a waste site, collect and reuse fertilizers, burn waste, and maintain waste systems. 

Security, protection, and defense engineering

Officers who conduct security, guard, and observe potential threats. People who maintain order, perimeter security, and protect the community and its systems. People who train others in security and weapon handling. 

Electronics and communication

People who maintain electronics. People who establish connection and communication with credible and trustworthy outside sources. 

Health and medicine

Members of the health and medical profession who can help collect, manage, and provide medical supplies. 


People who can teach younger members of the community. 

Social Welfare

People who build additional shelters, take care of the seniors, watch children, and takes care of the disabled. 


People who create, maintain, and repair hardware and assets. 

Trade operatives: Diplomats, peacekeepers, translators, and trade negotiators. 

People who can keep the peace within and outside the community. People who help the administration with outside communications and negotiations. People who translate for outside trade. People who negotiate and create win-win situations with outside forces. People who conduct trade with outside farmers in the country side. 


People who create manuals, documentation, research, data collection, and information gathering. People who scout, conduct outside surveillance, and identify threats and problems. 


People who manage bodies and give them proper burials into make-shift grave sites away from water supplies. 


Unessential entertainers, storytellers, and musicians to maintain moral health of the community. 

Utilizing all the roles mentioned, there are many essential jobs and tasks needed to guarantee the survival of the community. 

The second objective is to come up with a plan to incentivize members of the community to help. This can be done with a credit system, the continuation of using the casual use of the collapsed dollar, or a system where people can swap their labor for food and resources. Members can trade skills, cooperation initiatives, and form negotiations in exchange for resources. Any members who act irrationally against the community can be excluded and exiled from the community. Members who do not want to cooperate and pose no threat can be given time before they willingly circome to cooperating and helping the community. They can also be incentivized utilizing negotiative strategies and deals. 

Methods of trade:

Bartering would be a good solution. There can also be: trading goods for goods/ resources, trading labor for goods/ resources, and trading information for goods/ resources. Member can also use the continuation of  the collapsed dollar, IOUs, and credit systems. Members can also use make deals, partnerships, apprenticeships, and make contracts and agreements. Signatures can be used to seal agreements. Businesses can be given agreements in which they can be paid back by the community after a collapse when they use their business to help the community during a collapse. 

The third objective of the community is to establish security and a security plan utilizing a perimeter. Once a perimeter is established, you can form a defense from outside criminal forces. It may be very important to create a defense wall to keep the external dangers out of one's community. A make-shift wall with a layer of sharp objects such as razor wire could provide a decent defense as society breaks down into disparity. Neighborhood patrols and blockades could also be used to ensure only allowed people can transpass into secure locations. The trade of information with trusted sources also becomes an extremely valuable commodity. The collection of accurate and trusted information and communication is extremely essential in times of collapse and could help build and strengthen defenses.

The fourth objective is forming a plan for food, water, waste, education, health, communications. Any parks can be transformed into farms. If no parks are available, a large area of land or clearing must be made available. Any slopes can be used to gather rain water. Waste can be sorted for recycling and reusability. Other trash can be burned or reused as fertilizers. Communities can create public bathrooms to maintain biowaste and keep it from seeping into the well water- soil supplies. 

The fifth objective is to re-purpose locations or unused locations to help others in need. This can be done by repurposing storage facilities to using parks. Communities can incentivise storage business owners to reuse and repurpose their empty storage lots for people in need. Individuals who allow their storage businesses to be used can be paid back, perhaps with IOUs or agreements, when the economy picks back up. 

Photo by cottonbro:

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