Friday, February 20, 2015

My List of Random Questions

I have taken the luxury to think up some very interesting questions. Some are random; others self evaluating. Please take the time to look through the questions and think about them for yourself. 

Random questions:
  • What would happen if you needed to be a virgin to get married?

  • What if old ancient tribal logic was true that once you eat a creature, not only do you gain it's strength, but you also begin to think like the animal. 

  • Political question: Should only those with a sufficient education, such as a high school diploma, be allowed to vote?

  • Political question: Should the government have a law reset, review or change every twenty years? 

Self-evaluation questions:

  • If there were a billions duplicates of yourself would there be peace or chaos?

  • What would you do if you were a king in ancient times? Would people think you are a good king?

  • How would you be different if you were the opposite gender? What if you woke up one morning and your gender was swapped? What if you met yourself from an alternate reality and you were a different gender? How do you think you would act?

  • What would you be like if you had super powers? Would you be good or evil?

  • If you could teleport where would you go?

  • What would life be like if we could fly or hover in the sky?

  • What would you do if you were the ruler of the world? What would you change? How would you change it?

  • Would life be more interesting if we could space travel? Would we ever get bored from it? 

  • What would you do if everything was free and you didn't have to work? How would you spend your time?

  • Imagine being stuck on an island or in a remote forest. Could you survive? 

  • What would you do in the future if everything has been done, invented, and explored?

  • What if you were actually in a simulated environment and nothing was real? Would you escape? 

  • Reflecting back on life, are you the same person you once were? Do you like what you have become? If you don't like what you have become, how would you change? 

  • What would happen if one day you were of a different race or a race in which one least desired? How would you act? Would it change your perspective on things? 

  • What would life be like if you were: 1. A feral person with no understanding of size, dimension, or how life functioned. 2. If you were only one inch tall. 3. If you were an unstoppable monster or creature and the world was out to destroy you. 

  • What would happen if your dreams or nightmares were to one day become reality? How would you react? What would you do?

  • Imagine your bedroom as a enclosed environment. That nothing exists beyond the door of your room. How would you survive? How long would you survive? How would you live? And overall, how would you stay sane? 

  • What if the world was literally turned upside down; where you had to walk upside down on the ceiling. If you were outside during the reverse, imagine falling into the sky and perhaps to your doom. 

  • If for one week you were to have all the knowledge in the universe and beyond, what would you do? Would you teach it? Or would you use or abuse it? 

  • If you lived in a rural poverty area and you had nothing, what would you do to survive? Would you invent, farm, or sell something? 
I will add more questions as I update my blog.

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