Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Beta-Mind and Chi Gong (Qi Gong)

The "beta-mind" is what I like to call a deeper way of thinking. A relaxed state to which one can think extremely clear and even be able to analyze a thought from many angles and perspectives. By becoming deep in thought, I naturally found myself in what Buddhists consider reaching an "enlightened state". I don't really completely believe in meditation or anything of that nature but but I feel interested in saying perhaps I found enlightenment on my own, possibly through a means of what appears to be in a state of meditation or deep way thinking. I did some research and after learning about Buddha's harsh road to enlightenment, I found myself understanding practices in which i believe to become even deeper in thought through conventional meditation. I have my own comfortable way of meditation without the use of being in an average meditation pose, i feel as if I can reach this beta mind state simply by relaxing,  thinking about it and trying to replicate the feeling of previous experiences, and  accepting anything that can affect me in the moment ( anything that uncomforts me is useful to achieve this feeling). In conclusion, the mind is truly a mystery even if completely analyzed by science. I think it's important for science to see that it's not the brain but the content or functionality it holds.

My scientific or rather mystical analysis of reaching this state is as followed:

Meditation: feeling every sense of your body, pushing past all feelings and accepting them. Moving past and accepting ever discomfort of pain and irritation, let yourself get sleepy in an uncomfortable position. Accept this uncomfortable position. Absorb your thoughts, clear the mind. If done correctly, you will soon find yourself naturally not wanting to move and perhaps become sleepy. Now you will be in deep meditation. That is when the adventure or the cinema of the mind begins.

When finished, breath slowly and slowly bring your mind back. Now it should feel certain your mind is relaxed at peace, and can think beyond clearly. You'll find the more you practice (which requires very little practice) you can enter this what I consider "Beta-mind" state, or state feeling, even when doing daily activates.

Chi Gong: I'm not an expert or anything but I found you can next practice Chi gong which makes the body feel very relaxed. It is also said you can harness chi/ki/chakra/ lifeforce energy (if you believe in that stuff).To do chi gong, I relate to doing simple physical exscerisezes in a slow forward motion. To do this, feel the energy and gravity distribution by simple movements of the muscles throughout your body. The burn is supposedly part of using your chi energy. Supposedly, one can harness or use their energy by doing this practice in a specific fluid forward pattern way.

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