Monday, December 8, 2014

Added Personal Quotes I

This is a list of my ideas and personality quotes.

·         An example of the difference between uneducated and educated is that an individuals who's uneducated discusses the results, where the individuals who's  educated discusses what led to the results. 

·         To love another one must first love them-self. To love oneself, one must first discover that love.

·         In an argument with a loved one that are not seeing things logically or listening to reason about their self worth or feelings, it's best to find ways to state that the reason you're helping or challenging them is because you love them and want them to be happy. This maybe an phileo type love or a stoge type love. In the end everyone desires to be loved. 

·         It's best to be mindful before expressing one's feelings. Such an expression can be detrimental. Expressing ones feelings means to show certain vulnerability. 

·         The biggest tool in a relationship is honesty By being honestest, with yourself and others, it's my believe you'll eventually attract the right person. 

·         I believe the death of a loved one is as if the closing of a book. Their history, written, and put away. 

·         Life and loneliness can be one’s greatest enemy; however, if one sees love within themselves, one can surpass loneliness and find self-comfort and happiness. I personally see loneliness as a friend. Sure they’re cold and share no sympathy; however, it helps me look at the bigger picture and pushes me to do greater things. 

·         I believe life is about the gain of personal satisfaction in achievement. 

·         I believe the greatest gift mankind can give is the ability to cooperate and function as a single unit (as a single organism). 

·         In gossip, that of which one seeks in others, one lacks in themselves.

·         To live with regret is to not live at all.  

·         Without moral(knowledge of right and wrong), no peace and prosperity.

·         Even when conditions are at their worst, one can still make the best of their situation.

·         It's my opinion one should live to work and not work to live.

·         I think it's proper to respect the beliefs of all, even if it's wrong and as long as it's not destructive to society. It's also my opinion not to attack one's beliefs, instead it's proper to question and understand why they believe the way they do. The reason being is because one's beliefs can be very sensitive, it is best to handle such sharing of ideas and information with upmost rationality and civility. Furthermore, it's the sharing of beliefs that may lead us to alter our own choices if an idea is right or better than our own.

·         The irrational man, beloves lust above relationships, never satisfied. The rational man beloves relationships and love as an extension of relationships.

·         If one cannot start from nothing and become the person they desire or do that in which they dream, then I believe such a system is unprosperous.

·         Controversially, raging religious wars, not aiding those who need it, allowing for the genocide of many and having devotees wait upon solutions is ungodly and will never turn people to God and promote peace. I believe the proper way to promote peace is to structure ethics to create social harmony which will promote the personal desire for peace.

·         It's a possibility that negative forces could be real (perhaps dimensional if I may refer to theoretical science); however, I believe it's very much possible that individuals create their own demons, both metaphorically and psychologically.

·         Life is simple, human-beings complicate things.

·         The beauty of nature should reflect what we lack within ourselves.

·         By observing nature, become more personalized with nature, and perhaps further developing our senses, we can reflect what it means to be human or to be alive.

·         (romantic quote) The beauty of roses withers away, but the beauty of love lasts forever.

·         Good is often unnoticed; evil stands out. 

·         Regarding to negative external stimuli; it doesn't matter what others do, it matters what you/I do. 

·         It's good to have emotional intelligence, doing so can help with having empathy, understanding, sympathy and compassion when interacting with others. 

·         Sometimes, one must look past hate to find hurt. 

·         Could it be that a males sexual desires can be motivated not only by their hormones, but by curiosity? 

·         It seems like common sense to eventually forgive everyone. Or, perhaps it's one's obligation to state an apology for the pain they caused for others to desire to forgive them. 

·         Could it be in times of great desperity that having faith helps from having destructive intent,  losing sanity, or forgoing chaos?

·         I find humor is a great tool for serious or depressing situations. 

·         leaders lead; bosses boss. A boss should be a leader. 

·         If one doesn't accept consultation or guidance, then it's best if one learns on their own. 

·         Friends can enrich or pull apart one's life; choose friends wisely. 

·         It seems with the use of hormones sex can also have the properties of a drug. Perhaps it's best to not make decisions when one's under the influence of their own hormones. 

·         With rationality comes solution and resolution.

·         I believe to have a prosperous society, there need to be an abundance of resources, more possibilities for freedoms (even if it's questionably controversial), a change in social mentality for a mentality that promotes functionality and harmony. 

·         I wonder what a government would be if it were ran by philosophers?

·         If one is complete in identity and virtuous in thought, is he not a source of happiness in the lives of others? 

·         If one lives life without expectations, perhaps he or she has the world to gain.

·         I see many children becoming over dependent and even oblivious to others when it comes to utilizing technology. Should tradition and social value be taught and cherished? 

·         It's my opinion that I believe the irrational individual needs many laws (even self-governing laws); the rational individual needs few but necessary laws; and the superior individual needs no laws. 

·         I personally find happiness understanding myself and my honest intentions.  

·         Over time, I found by blogging/writing my beliefs and ideas, I feel more relaxed to be myself and I feel like I can think more freely without the worry of the judgments from others. It feels almost as if I have created my own paradise or hole in the wall to be myself. 

·         It's my opinion that why have sex when it's not with someone you love or value. I have heard of the term that it makes you a man, I personally find such a statement absurd and irrelevant. In addition, I think having sex at an early age is a terrible idea, because it seems to be the platform in which true love or meaning in companionship is misplaced or dissolved. I think it's right to wait at a mature age to have a basic understanding what love truly represents.

·         Education is extremely important for a prosperous society. I think it is also important to be taught with the help of curiosity and maybe structure. The passing of knowledge, experience, and skill is what makes a society most functionable.; if this is jeopardized, unattainable or even slightly limited, it's my opinion that society will begin to loose interest in achievement and functionality will become stagnate. 

·         Violence is never the answer. It's only a victory for ignorance. 

·         Life is perhaps best lived with the desire to be happy and the pursue of passions. 

·         During difficult times of anxiety or depression, it should be encourageable for one to admire themself for all they have accomplished. One should admire who they are, the journey of who they have become, what makes them unique, and all they have positively experienced.

·         Updating my old statement: Do what is right, common sense, and in favor of social harmony. 

·         In friendship, in love. Meaning in friendship one can grow to love. 

·         It is wise to seek relationship with those who share the same emotional values as one does. 

·         There are two way into the heart; directly and indirectly. Direct is to be honest and tell them directly. Indirectly is growing in friendship and then being honest and telling them how you feel. 

·         In sexuality, innocence. I believe sexuality in a way should have a certain amount of innocence.  

·         If I may state controversially and for the sake of just saying it; you're either a decent person or a terrible human being. 

·         One should value the definite decisions of others; whether good or bad. 

·         To understand culture is to partly understand yourself. 

·         With strategy the utilization of patience or haste. However, with patience, proper or more precise strategy. 

·         When guiding or consulting someone over the direction of their life, it's most wise to do so in a way that shows no disrespect or to feel as if you're attacking them. You might consider it is being bluntly honest or that you care for the individual, however doing so could demonstrate a lack of empathy, reflect personal internal frustrations, and unwillingness to understand the reasons of the other individual.

·         Shamelessness exists where righteousness and virtue does not. 

·         Life is temporary, however legacy can be eternal. 

·         As time goes on, looks and memories fade. 

·         Those who live in sin most likely live with the dishonesty within themselves.

·         It's simple to say that life waits for no-one; therefore, why wait for life. Plan, perform and conquer. Accomplishments will become like trophies and reward ever so sweet.

·         Life is temporary , it  depends what you do with it. In good virtue; in evil sorrow.

·         I had the thought that perhaps it's best to ignore negativity until it becomes a continuous problem, then perhaps it should be dealt with. 

·         Controversially, regarding racial inequality, it seems the idea of equality derives from culture and sub culture. Nonetheless, it seems the unnoticed truths lies in the shadows of their own institutions and mindsets.  

·         I suggest when guiding or consulting someone over the direction of their life, it's most wise to do so in a way that shows no sign or disrespect or to feel as if you're attacking them. You might consider it as being bluntly honest or that you are showing care for the individual, however doing so could demonstrate a lack of empathy, reflect personal internal frustrations, and unwillingness to understand the reasons of the other individual.

·         It’s my belief the remedy for those who are introverts or antisocial individuals is to travel. When a person becomes a part of something or gains personal experience in a new subject or event, it's my belief their minds will seek further involvement and satisfaction naturally.  


·         In sociology, we're taught about the five institutions, family, religion, economy, government, education. I believe there is potentially seven, including military and the urban or country environment as a whole. The military is a potential institution because it's changes people into become part of something more and to make something of themselves. I would also consider the urban and country environment its own institution because in a way it molds people into the mentality in which the people within the environment thinks is tolerable or correct.  

·         I believe people unknowingly trade time from one's life for money. 

·         I hope this is taken negatively. Ever since I was in middle school I felt like I was born to rule. I’ve had a dream where I even ruled my own island starting from native tribes. I wonder if this feeling could have derived from my noble aristocratic Ivanoski/ Jankowski family origins during the existence of Prussia.  

·         Is it possible to think beyond possibility? For example, I’m sure there would be many people who would freaks out if they got in a car accident, because they weren’t prepared for such event. However, what if a person prepares in advance and does some research in case he or she gets into an accident before any accident occurs? Is that not thinking beyond possibility? How about in the scenario of politics, where an individual has to elect a congressman. I would think there would be many who would choose an individual based up on a political party they are familiar with, their family agrees with, or what their environment desires; where a person thinking beyond possibility thinks about which candidate best represents their ideology which caters to similarities of political choices they themselves would make if they were in the congressman’s position.

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