Thursday, December 4, 2014

Possible Changes to our Current Education System

Education is by far the most important things we can pass on to the oncoming generation. That being said, I feel educational institutions are declining in educational standards. Therefore, upon studying and learning sociology, I came across a part in my sociology textbook that I wanted to share about how to create a better modern educational system and what I would add to it.

1. Create smaller schools such that any given school would have a student body of several hundred rather than thousands.
2. Assign each student to an adult who has the time to talk with the student in order to provide an adult mentor to serve as a significant other and role model. 
3. Encourage small groups of students to work together to solve problems. Students would help one another as equals rather than slower students being placed in a separate group. This would mean tracking would be abolished. 
4. Organize teachers into teams with authority to revise schedules and curriculum; place control of curriculum back into the local school’s hands. 
5. Support student volunteer work in the community. Research findings suggest that students benefit academically and socially when they participate in efforts such as keeping highways picked up and serving Thanksgiving to the homeless.  
6. Involve parents in their child’s schooling. Research findings suggest that parental involvement would be beneficial to students. 
7. Have a strong basic core emphasizing reading, writing, arithmetic, and science for all students (I probably would also introduce philosophy {moral/ethics}).
8. Instigate a system of discipline and order that is perceived fair. 
9. Create a smaller class size which would allow the teachers to give more attention to each student, spot students that were experience difficulties in a subject area and get them help to master particular concept in order to build on that one and then go on to the next level of learning. 
10. Have committed teachers who like what they are doing and dedicate their time , energy and knowledge to the education of students. 

These are my additional ideas:
11. Have classes of familiar students that can learn, grow and progress in their education levels together. Doing this will create a sense of family or unity as students progress to different grade levels. 
12. Have a large mix of institutions to choose from, such as a multiple track school system (trade schools) or a single track school system. 
13. Allow for more student hands-on or real profession experience or new creative teaching methods. 
14. Allow for a more lenient-regulated or professional-expected environment.  
15. Provide students with rewards (or maybe even cash rewards). Also offer rewards for those students that help and encourage other students (students who take the role of a leader).

Source of literature: Seventh edition, Sociology by Adrian Rapp and Lynda Dodgen. 

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