Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Opinion on Jobs

What is a job? How does it affect our life? What should we gain from a job?

"You're fired!" A famous quote stated by the renowned millionaire Donald Trump. If you were to hear those words tomorrow, how would you feel? I'm sure it's something along the phrase, "THE WORLD IS ENDING!" I'm going to take the time to think and analyze what is actually a job and what i think about it.

A job, a paid position of regular employment or paid task or piece of work, is important to pretty much everybody. The obvious reason for a job is that we make money to survive or pay for assets.
It seems reasonable to say that having a job can alter our personality on a day to day basis and change who we are or the way we think. But what do we have to gain besides money? I personally believe there's so much one could gain.

Foremost, It's obvious the reason why we get jobs, everybody needs to survive. Other alternatives to making money would be working hard by creating a small business (selling a product or service), making a corporation or relying on investments/ income streams. Another alternative would be to remove your social security and live off the land like the pioneer days; however, this is subject to public and political scrutiny.
I've had three jobs in my life time. My first job was a dog councilor (i worked with dogs). My second job was at Kroger (I vaguely remember my name being a number). My third and most recent job, as of the moment, was working as a carpet cleaner.

While remember the times I worked I came up with ideas on what we should gain by having jobs:

1. Insight and learning: When we get a job, we gain the insight of an industry. Therefore, learning everything about that job is definitely a great idea. See how they work, what their business model is, how they conduct their services or sell their products. Every source of information is worth knowing for future reference. It's also important to set goals in the company, what do you want to accomplish, what skills or information do you want to obtain. I found it very important to know about the legal and financial side of running the business. I also found that there is a significant amount of information that can be gathered, the amount one knows is insignificant compared to the amount of information that's actually out there.

2. Acquire skills: Skills are one of the most important thing one should utilize in a job. Once you have obtain a skill, improve upon it. If one already has mastered a skill, find ways to make it more efficient, less time consuming, and more productive. By doing this, not only are you improving self worth, you're also improving yourself and your desirability in the work force.

3. Acquire social skills: When in a job, begin developing a can do anything attitude. Learn to communicate effectively. Learn to deal with problems effectively and be the person you want to see yourself as. By doing this people will respect you, you will gain publicity and possible recognition  by individuals in higher positions. If I may, pause for a second, there is a difference between being a boss and being a leader. A boss pushed and is essentially  jerk, a leader inspires, motivates and leads from the front.
4. Gain references: It's not what you know, it's who you know. This can be a good idea to obtain and find contacts in a work environment. Having great communication skills and talent can get you far in any industry.

5. Improve yourself: You're gaining knowledge, skills, social skills, and contacts. Use everything to improve yourself. It's important to keep in mind what you want to accomplish. Don't let your dreams fall idle to the ambitions of the job/company. If you can, make the work place more fun; play some music, dance a little; become an example for others.

6. Find a job you love or can create: One should find a job, or job position, that suits his or her desires. This will allow the individuals to gain intrinsic motivational values and allow them to stay with the company. Another idea can be to utilize everything you've learned and experienced to create your own enterprise. When working in a job you're making other people money, by creating your own business, you're the one in control. You are your own boss. Identify niches, do your research, build a plan, find financing, and run life the way you want.

By adding this list, I hope that one can learn and utilize the information and improve the quality of their own life.

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