Friday, May 13, 2016

Personal Quotes V

This is the continuation of my persona quotes, ideas, suggestions, and beliefs

  • For any future audiences (perhaps distant future), I would like to inform that I am aware of every tribulation and conspiracy faced today. I am also aware of the hypothesis of future technologies, and the ideas proposed by highly classified scientists, world known physicists and their written essays and works. 

  • For those who propose violence, bear in mind psychology is vastly more effective and harmonious solution. Perhaps an example can be that instead of harming another, I suggest using logic, reasoning, and understanding another and challenging the differences in each other's ideology. I believe humans eventually cave into the truth and have the desire to do what's right after they cast aside their personal indifference or open up to the overall narrative.

  • It's with justice that I believe individuals should be trialed according to their crimes and not their irrationality. It's also important to consider their ideological values and why they think a certain way. 

  • I believe facts trumps ignorance. 

  • I believe competition to be a good thing in an economy. I believe the more competition, the more opportunities for jobs and economic growth. 

  • Perhaps calculative models can be adapted to our government to improve on corruption and economic conditions. For example, when trust in government is low, a calculation can set and made public to color values on level of transparency. A rough example of this is if trust in government is at 30% the level of which is classified begins to diminish. When it reaches 10% trust in government, then there are no documents that can be with held from the people. Essentially making all important or secret documents open. Another example of using a calculative model is if depending on the health of the economy, the economy automatically goes through a cycle to which lower interest on bank loans, taxes, and regulation to promote small business growth and more luxury spending for lower house hold income families. 

  • Perhaps when overall trust in government reaches an all time low, a system can put in place (to what I would like to compare to as a red alert or siren) that there is a constitutional uplift making the constitution more valuable and above all other current national narratives. Perhaps this can trigger an automated production of pocket-size constitutions to send to everyone in the nation by mail by law and paid for by the government.  I would consider this a useful safety precaution. 

  • Part of social harmony is caring for those around you. 

  • Perhaps those who find vast success always go above and beyond normal actions. 

  • It seems unethical decisions in western society is too extreme. I personally find the simple consideration of taking the life of another is beyond criminal. It seems the western world finds it can be justifiable in regards of their own personal judgments and conflicts. How are we to have a harmonious society when people want to harm each other as a way of nature. I think we should change society's way of thinking and culturally condition (by society saying it's unacceptable) people that the desire or consideration of violence, or murder, is not acceptable. I believe all inquires should be delt with by rational communication. If one cannot be reasoned with, then leave them and forgive their psychological fallacy and lack of rational thinking, civility, and moral values. An angry or wild animal cannot be tamed nor reasoned with; therefore, it is best to respect it's temperaments and leave it alone. 

  • I believe if the world is objectively logical, violence is unnecessary. If the world is objectively rational, the thought of violence is unnecessary. 

  • After a certain high degree of free masonry, I perhaps believe they should be excommunicated from the church. The reason being is because I believe from then on a lusifarian ideology or agenda is pushed. 

  • I believe to never judge the life of another, even if you think they're wrong. There may be things one doesn't know or understand. Change comes from them and should be through their own thoughts. 

  • Often people are pushed or directed to make decisions, I believe this makes them dependent on others and disincentivises them to think on their own. I believe people need the flexibility to learn to make their own decisions and see what works for them. 

  • I believe people need the flexibility to fail. I believe with failure, success. I believe if people aren't afraid to fail and fail often, eventually they will be successful. I also believe failure should be appreciated or respected just as much a success, because a person who risks and has a goal most-likely has passion and self- motivation. 

  • Always strategize. Even failure requires strategy. Failure without strategy can be destructive. You don't want to fail so bad that you can't get back up and keep trying. 

  • Be a little bit of everything. An example is to once in a while update yourself on global events, do some research, experiment and try new things outside one's comfort zone, practice and make a goal. Having a balance between your self created world and the real world is important. 

  • I find it interesting how I often have a question and when I least expected, even as I age, I seem to always eventually discover the answer. 

  • I believe it's a good idea to have a question and to make the effort to quickly find an answer. 

  • I believe a wise man is never ignorant. A wise man is a person who looks into and knows a little bit about everything (including topics of controversy or disinterest). 

  • (maybe)Behind a person who is truly unmotivated is a psychology. One should ask why is a person this way, often the answer comes from cultural conditioning. The person who does nothing, lives in a small world with a small mind. The best way to get a person out of this cycle is to bring them to see new things. To take irrational measures is extremely unnecessary. modern psychologists say limit their individual activities, get them a job, or even throw them out of the house. I disagree, I say broaden their intellect. Make it to where they can be of use. I would even like the notion to invite them to stay and to have them change so that they can be a pleasure having around. It's my belief they could be trying to fulfill a need that is not there present in the family, such as the sense of belonging. It seems reasonable to me that the family structure in the western world is perhaps at a state of decay. They need the full family experience, support, and the experience to crate a desire for their own life. I suggest creating experiences with them. Do something extreme like sky diving, river rafting, or something that more than excites them. If one gives this individual many experiences, one will see change. I also recommend opening their thoughts to possibilities. Tell them how people started their own business. Tell them where specific technological advancements came from. Give them insight to how things work. Show them. I also believe their might also be a desire to understand themselves and their own life's purpose. Although we cannot force them to do anything, one can give suggestions. Some people need their hand to be held until they can walk on their own. I find this can even be true in people in later ages as well. Therefore, I don't stress who's fault it is if a person isn't motivated. It's a matter of taking the initiative to help them walk. I believe the most stubborn and irrational, the more you'll see motivation when they find that special something that drive their interest. The battle is simple exciting them to it. 

  • Often people are thrown out of the house at 18 in the western world. I disagree with this. I find the majority of people who are thrown out lack a family structure and aren't typically successful. I suggest the age of 22 is more appropriate to leave the house, because their mind is completely developed and can think and make logical decisions on their own. I also suggest to not throw them out of the house, but to allow them to stay as long as they want until they are ready to leave. They should know there is always a place to fall back to when they fail. This logic will also be a reverse psychological tactic to where they wouldn't want to stay at home and want to leave and make a life for them self. If they have no desire to leave then I believe there is something wrong with the family structure and it needs to be worked on. 

  • (maybe) I don't believe having a job is the answer to self purpose. Money is only a tangible item. Although there might be a lot to learn from having a job, I believe the true value is in oneself, what one does with their money, and how one wants to have an affect on their environment (or the world). 

  • I think working too much is a bad thing. If people focus too much or only on work, their world begins to shrink and become small. I also believe it can stifles creativity and perhaps their ability to think or understand things that are much greater. Perhaps it can create an atmosphere that is very self- oriented. Perhaps it can even obstruct their ability to monitor their own attitudes. Because of this, I think it's important to have a personal goal and participate in other activities not work related. Taking it a step further, the use community is also important.  

  • I think a nation in which one cannot live with a sense of reasonable financial stability to where one has the ability to live comfortably, is a world in structural decline. Another way to put this can be: if one cannot make a living and survive, there is something wrong with the nation and it's more-than-likely going down hill. 

  • I think people who express interest in doing things that doesn't make money should be paid by maybe the government or state. For example: if someone is an artist, a designer, a sculpture, a painter, an inventor, or a person dedicated in the arts, they should have a means to make a sustainable living. I believe these individuals have the possibility to excite a new form of vision and innovation. 

  • (maybe) I think perhaps people should be given some federal or state funding if they lose their job or even decide to pull back from work life for a few months. I believe this can create a peace of mind that one doesn't have to worry too much about if they lose all their money being unemployed. I believe financial freedom can create a world that thrives on money but doesn't live for money. 

  • I think it's wrong to see society as a machine where people have to function as part of a system. I believe people should be like nature where it has freewill. 

  • I ask myself the question, could the extent of our written and verbal communication be the limit to imagining what's beyond? Perhaps an example is looking at art. What can a particular art piece tell us without physical forms of expression.

  • I often see a miss understanding in generation diversity I think much need for acceptance and rationality is needed. Perhaps this is a reason we should respect and take care of our elders. 

  • I believe safety to be human logic and a necessity. It's only right we should care for the safety of others. It shouldn't have to rely on laws. 

  • Perhaps people at work should find productive ways to express they feel about other coworkers. For example, imagine a chart with stickers. Certain stickers represent how they feel about that individual. A person can choose to write their name if they want to be noticed and express themselves openly. If this seems too childish, perhaps alcohol in a respectful manner, would be a good idea for this suggestion. 

  • I think society should find ways to interact with each other more. More specifically, perhaps using more primitive technologies. For example: why not have a stationary and scratch proof whiteboards that can also survive weather condition which will allow strangers to write, draw, advertise, or share their opinions or whatever they want and share it with others.  I think this can benefit society tremendously. This can give people the ability to learn from others or to understand problems in local communities. 

  • I believe a person should try to be good all the time, but like the yin and yang allow for an area of imperfection. I believe this makes us human. 

  • I don't think it's right to be part of a strict single path system. Everyone has their way of living and I believe it should be appreciated. 

  • I don't think males and females could coexist rationally as if being part of one gender. Although it would be interesting, I think there is perhaps a culturally created barrier that defines the separation of the way different genders think and how they are physically different. 

  • In the future, maybe it would be cool to see reenactments, full hours long documentaries, VR entertainment, or music made for past pop culture and historic events to preserve the culture and keep it alive and interesting. For example: using a VR head display to watch mother Teresa help poverty. Listen to good quality and educational songs made with the help of pop culture icons; like Songs of Martin Luther King's speeches. Have plays or transparent screen reenactments of past events such as the raising of the flag in Iwo Jima and perhaps telling an accurate story though the eyes of a solder. 

  • I question the idea of allowing people with supposed ethical minds to participate in a routine or onward-creating governing system. Perhaps a system should be simple, direct, and mathematically calculative according to economic and social conditions set by universal rules and perimeters. I don't believe robots or AIs should carry out this task. I think it should always be carried out by human activity. Nonetheless, such a question is seemingly difficult to articulate and ask to where anyone can understand. 

  • I think Alex Jones does a fascinating job at carrying out real news. I use the screen name js103036 to give him my opinions. I only give my opinions on his videos if I think they are absolutely necessary. I think we need more people who shares his same passion. 

  •  Sadly in the future I can see the scenario of a controlled society and manipulatable markets. Where just like in 1948 by George Orwell, participants in this society don't even know they are part of this system. This is most unfortunate, the idea of truly being free has only had a temporary existence in history. Even as I write this, I do not feel I live in a completely free nation. 

  • Perhaps it's worth considering the idea that maybe the local/ state government should have perhaps a business-like relationship with the federal government where the local/ state governments can pull out from doing business with the federal government (or cease using their regulations and laws; as if removing from doing business with) if they do not like what's going on. 

  • I don't believe mind linkage or collective advanced technologies is the solution to world peace. If this were to be real, there should be two modes. As I once wrote, the hive mind would be a great technological advancement, but it loses the uniqueness, originality, and organic nature of man's thought original process. If this were to happen, I suggest this to be a tool to have two modes: An individual mode, where a person can turn off the hive mind mode tool; and of course the regular hive mind mode where people can be everyone at once or share their thoughts synchronously with everyone also at once. To preserve man's organic natural mind, there should be a version of the tool to be used as modern tool of today, like a hand held device, where it isn't use to merge with the natural human body. If others want to transition to an external technological man-made body, they may. I believe it's important to keep and maintain the average organic, natural, and untampered species, because of the potential forward evolution that man can naturally become something vastly more intelligent and adaptive than any biological technological man-made advancement humans in this century could ever create. To have complete world peace, it must be done right through the use of ethics and ethical social conditioning. 

  • Para psychology is a very interesting topic I believe we should make more known and further studies in today's world. We should investigate, study, learn, and teach the para-spiritual world, different dimensions, and overall paranormal. Understanding this field of study could further our own technologies, scientific advancements, and understanding of the evolution in that which we do not yet understand. 

  • What is truly secret is only whispered (meaning it's undocumented and not on record).  

  • (strange idea) I wonder if there is the possibility of  spirits who are good, powerful, and are always fighting and taking down evil both physically and spiritually. It would be great if such spirits could interact and teach selective good humans how to defend or attack evil with greater superhuman or spiritual powers. 

  • Pacing and leading: Beware of psychological tactics, when you agree with others, this can lead one's psychological understanding to accept anything false or something that another leads you to accept or believe. Be aware of pacing and leading tactics. A pace is a true statement where a lead is deceptive. Often by a deceptive person, people are paced three times before providing a lead to which they want you to agree without dispute. The pace is to get you to continuously agree until giving a lead which is to get you to accept and agree to their deception. Always be aware of what others say, look for deception, and keep to your own thought processes, conversation thesis, and address (even to yourself or in your thoughts) what you think is correct and what is incorrect. Always be aware where other want you to lead your opinions. With the use of pace, a deceptive person can lead you into any direction they want; therefore, it's proper to also lead the conversation by also driving the conversation to where you want it to go. 

  • (conspiracy) I feel as if people in high or wealthy position are related to sororities, secretive societies, or selective organizations. I question if the average free thinking uncontrolled individual actual is apart of the free-world. Perhaps Asian countries like Japan are the last example of an ideal uncontrolled freethinking society. 

  • A system by design made to control can control the path and destiny of any individual's life. Commonly such a system can be restrictive to personal prosperity. 

  • Could the primal areas in our brain expand out attention in conversation? I heard of a system of communication called Reptile supposedly used by corporate lawyers. It's part of neuro-marketing. Supposedly the way they speak and drive conversation is extremely effective winning corporate lawsuits. Perhaps this is also used in government. 

  • I think we should invent an alternate televised sources some free but mostly for the sole purpose of citizens and independent news. A medium anyone can use, even from home. A source which is unrestricted, uncensored, and entirely up to the creation of it's content creators. 

  • I question the ethicality of Iarpa's projects and the purpose they are being used for.  

  • I think in the future there will be brain augmentations where people can use their brain more efficiently, effectively, quickly, and out-thinking non-augmented humans. Perhaps this could render non-augmented human inferior. 

  • I think all faults from a parent are reflected in the behaviors of a child, and even perhaps in their pets. 

  • A household without the use of ethics, that exists conflict, and no harmony, is a household in ruin and decay. Part of the solution is self-examination and resolving personal problems. 

  • I think the perhaps the unethical behaviors in a parent can create disharmony and perhaps even laziness in offspring. 

  • I believe good families are rooted tightly by ethical decisions and behaviors. 

  • Perhaps one behavior I see in western society is something I'd like to call Inicial Interaction Judgement. This is the instant and perhaps subconcient judgement or analysis of an individual before an interactive response. I think this is adopted as a result from parents or environemnt when as a child. I think by thinking about how we enter or behave during the start of a conversation can change another's Inicial Interaction Judgment. Perhaps this is something to consider when making a friendly or inviting conversation. 

  • I have came to a conclusion to what I think happiness is. Happiness in my opinion is finding the zen-like satisfaction upon reflection, achievement, and appreciation. 

  • I believe we should make it mandatory for highschool to complete a program which enrolls them in a communistic scenario so that students understand what communism is like and learn to appreciate our form of government. 

  • It's good to be aware that guilt or perceived guilt can be used as a weakness for manipulation or social manipulation. 

  • There is a difference between animals and humans. Animals do not have ethics and etiquettes. Being human we should be more than an animal. 

  • In times of deep trouble, the rational man should never panic and resort to animal behavior, instead he should be smart and utilize strategy. In times of distress, he should bring people together, and seek a functional and logical solution to any problem. For example: If there is a no food and there is a mass of individuals starving, a rational minded person should gather those who are willing to contribute their efforts and venture out to make a farm where everyone can creating the means of providing food for those who are hungry. 

  • I suggest in high school students physically go out in the wild and spend a few days to create primitive tools and technologies on their own. Trying to see what they can come up with. Everyday the teacher can teach how to create a primitive tool, hut, weapon, garden, or anything else of interest. After a week, perhaps they can choose to continue making a club and using textbooks to create stuff on their own. 

  • I think it's a good idea to have clubs and to have the teacher spend a week introducing and doing things catering to each club. 

  • I think basic farming is also needed to be taught in high schools. 

  • I believe high schools should go through events to which transforms them psychologically to which students seemingly start as someone who are unaware, lacking in leadership, and so much more and evolve into an individual capably of critical thinking, aware of everything, and able to think for himself and for the good of others. 

  • Maybe it's a good idea or worth experimenting for entry students in high school to shake each others' hands. Could this prevent bullying and promote student cooperation?

  • If one feels guilty by another but is ethical in actions and decisions, is it really their fault? I think the other person should seek faults within themselves.

  •  I think more people should focus their interest in conversation towards introverts and those who appear to never get attention. I believe the more a person talks to an Introvert the more they will open up. A suggest a unique approach of asking them questions, preferable questions that art to the introverted person's interest.

  • I think a contribution to friendship is embracing and celebrating each others' differences.

  • I think there should be a healthy sense of patriotism or pride to one's country, company, culture and perhaps subculture.

  • I like the quote, "Life is about failure. There is more than one way to do something".

  • I think economic decay happens when the cost of living is too expensive, the cost food is too expensive, and the means of transportation is limited. I think in such a society, musicians and artists cannot peruse their passions for a living. 

  • I think it's not good to be entirely worldly (where one is hugely consumed by materialism and mainstream culture). I think there should be a balance with simplicity, non worldly desires, and that which has greater concerns. I also think their should be an appreciation for minimalism and those who seek non-worldy desires. 

  • Something I think all parents should tell their offspring is that a person only gets one life, anything they do wrong could forever be apart of them until the day they die. 

  • It seems reasonable for teenagers to respect their parents because they have more experience in living. Unfortunately not all parents are deserving of this, but it is still out of good will to be kind to them and when favorable, help them. 

  • I agree with the idea to never jeopardize your personality to be accepted by others. Always be yourself. Let others accept you for who you are, perhaps this will create life time friendships. In the beginning of life one wants to be accepted so they shift personality archetypes. Later in life you discover to be yourself and that you can't always make others happy. When you age you find yourself not accommodating to others and focusing on yourself and your own personality. When you reach a really late age, you find yourself with your defined and set personality but with a dynamic relationship with personalities around you as the world changes. 

  • In the future, I think there should a respect for those who use future technology and those who do not. Those who use future technologies should have a balance or tradition for that which is not future technology. I think it's in good practice to appreciate old technologies and even lifestyles of individuals. 

  • In the future I think there should be respect and appreciation for those who use augmentations and technologies in their bodies and those who are traditional and purists. I believe there should always be a market that caters to both. 

  • In the future I believe there needs to be a balance between that which is modern and that which is traditional. 

  • I think we should identifying greed or those who are power hunger as a real problem. I proposed the idea to have a cap on wealth; however, those who are greedy or power hungry will try to find ways around this. There I ask the question, how do we perhaps eliminate this problem? Should there be a greed/ power hungry rehab?

  • I like the idea of having a set of universal laws that do not change that caters to common sense/ logic. Something people can easily read and understand. For example: laws that are limited to a set number of categories and sub categorizes only with a simple explanation and with a detailed through explanation. Universal laws so simple a child can read and understand. 

  • People seem to enjoy activities that allow for dopemean to enter the brain, do you think, if possible, jobs should also allow for actives that allow dopamean into the brain? Another way to put this is: are there ways jobs can be made addicting or fun? 

  • I believe politics should return to it's Cristian-catholic roots even if it does not believe in God. It should make decisions based on this system of beliefs. 

  • Regarding racism, it's best to be color blind, and for those who sees in color should be frowned upon and ignored. 

  • I believe it's right to understand and question the intentions of another, for if immorally or criminal, perhaps it's a moral responsibility or best to disassociate with their plans/ intentions and to disassociate with the individual. 

  • Some people say creating a collective society is a bad idea. After thinking about their reasons I found their view of the way they use this word is different from my vocabulary. When I think of a collective society, I think about everyone living in mutual harmony and cooperation with each other. But also looking at the terminologies used by others, I think people should also think individualistically but also act as if a social unit. For example: a person has their own individual ideas and perspectives (to which they can also share openly) but they also has the ability to join others in a cooperative activity and act as one unit. The best example for me to explain this is as if soldiers in a tight military unit. In conclusion, I would like people in society to have the mindset and act as if they are in a close military unit but capable of being free thinking for themselves. 

  • The ability to express ideas and opinions openly without harm should always be protected. 

  • People should also have the ability to team and group up whenever they feel like it. 

  • Never bully anyone, because the one bullying can open themselves for the risk of personal harm. 

  • Possibly sounding controversial, I love Japan's ethics, etiquettes, and social structure. I want American to utilize them as a sociological example and build a society in which is possibly greater than Japan's ethics, etiquette, and social structure to which can set a new behavioral example for all of the western world to which peace, harmony, and social collectivism is it's foundation. 

  • Could it be possible for apologies to be more effective than violence? Should there be a culture of apologizing instead of justice through violence? 

  • I think people should have a balance between entertainment and how they can improve themselves. It's like a game character, if you watch TV all day, you're not leveling your character, but if you are gardening or learning new subjects, you're leveling up your character and creating more special abilities. 

  • I believe people are culturally conditioned to be angry when they see or hear something they don't like. I find myself accepting and tolerating that which I don't like and often forgive those who think have faults. I turn away from those who instigate hate and instead I fight the bitterness inside myself yet show no disrespect to another. I say what I need to say in a rational manner and with moderation of my own feelings. If I overstep myself, I should always apologize. I often find silence is the best tool for others to self reflect on their own actions. I believe to show such civility, rationality, tolerance, a sense of kindness, and self discipline shows what I believe is the level of wisdom society needs as an example. I personally believe this is the perfect blend and behavioral innovation of western-easter mentality to which I believe should be the future behavior of humanity. I truly believe that if humanity were to live harmoniously, rationaly, in civility, and with a deep desire to do good and what's right, humanity will naturally manage itself without the need of irrationality and violence, and bring prosperity and virtue for all. 

  • I find that when I accept everything including that which I dislike or find vulgar, I find myself always at peace.

  •  I believe females should maintain decency and preserve a level of innocence and self respect. I think it is right for them to have the mindset to distance themselves from males that only want lust. Part of finding a partner in life is the challenge of winning their potential partner's affection. I think procreation is the fruits of the reward and should be kept special and innocent. If a female chooses a life of indecency, they should also be respected. All lifestyles will bring about alternate dimensions of unique relationships. 

  • I want to define etiquette as demonstrative ethical behavior for social harmony, civility, self discipline, cooperation, politeness, kindness, professionalism, and respect.

  • Perhaps controversially, I believe mentioning mental illness or referring to someone's mental illness prevents the person with mental illness to try and overcome their disorder and instead I believe it creates this awareness where they acts according to how they are perceived. I believe instead we should see people with mental disorders as people with personality problems, because if they see themselves this way, they will try to get better and improve themselves.

  •  I believe people should have firearms. In a completely harmonious society, I believe fire arms are something that should rarely seen or considered to be used around the mass public. I believe those who have fire arms have the moral responsibility to use them appropriately and to never show them off to others outside of friends and family. The reason I believe this, is so that society doesn't consider or associate the dangers around a firearm to which they have been culturally conditioned to believe. I very much would like to reach a rational society to which considers fighting with their fists as the common method to settle irrational situations (In an irrational situation, I men to fight with their fists (a non-coward and real man's weapon) and resolve their personal issues to which eventually settles a conflict where both parties can eventually go about their lives).

  • When I die, I want people to remember me by thinking about me with the saddest music. ... Preferable sad Japanese music, personal preference. 

  • I don't completely like the technology of our time. When I see something the main stream like, I'm also driven to imagine how better it can be. 

  • I think everyone should make time capsules. The idea of people in the future learning about one's existence in the present seems amazing to me. 

  • Not a lot of people appreciate having a body. Not a lot of people appreciate having limbs or prize the five senses which is the ability to see, touch, taste, listen, and smell. I appreciate having a body, limbs, and these abilities. I suppose after I die I'm perhaps going to wish to have this body, therefore I should appreciate having it now. 

  • Controversially, I feel the entire world, especially that of western society, has adopted a new era of barbaric or incompitant thinking. I question if it's possible to change this into becoming more rational and ethical . //I do believe if globalist leaders could do this by design it would be after they condition and control the masses. :T

  • Everyone sees me the way they want to see me but not for who I really am. Perhaps it's my fault for not knowing how to portray my true self. Or perhaps it's because I don't really know how to truly see others for who they really are. 

  • I believe the money or currency are to be the driving fuel of an economy. Where in a functional society it is a mechanic that is as liquid as water and as valuable as gold. It is a byproduct of one's efforts and ambitions. I believe it should be a tool that is used but not viewed as the most important tangible value in one's life. It should always be plentiful even when one puts in the least amount of effort. Another way to put it, money should always be dynamic and unimportant by nature. For when an economy values money before personal goals and family, there are structural evils at play. 

  • Compared to other economic systems, I believe that of capitalism and the utilization of  currency to be by far the most productive. I also value Fresco's currenciless- resource based economic system; however, I see an economy which uses capitalism to be the most successful and productive.

  • I believe having expendable income after one is finished paying one's living expenses (such as rent/ home/ property, food, and utilities), should be of greatest economic value. Perhaps having calculable economic models to ensure that people have expendable income should be utilized. For example, perhaps there should be a calculable equation for the percentage people should pay in living expenses according to he economy (perhaps even have this as a maximum limit to how much people should pay). Moreover, the cost of living expenses should always be at a low rate so that even those moving out into the world for the first time can afford the essentials. 

  • I think the use of mathematical formulas should be an essential tool to ensure functionality in our economic system. For example using calculative formulas to regulate/ limit costs that affect our daily living expenses. I also believe this could create an occupational opportunity for economic mathematicians and mathematical economical scientists. 

  • I wonder if microwaves can take down tornadoes. 

  • Find comfort and enjoyment in the smallest of things.

  • I believe isolation is an unnoticeable battle. I think we should have a mixed strategy to take on the challenge of isolation. I propose people should advertise groups, societies, events, and activities to get those who isolate themselves out from their comfort zones. I also believe the tactic of personal encounters is a great way to get people's attention. I would think once a person felt they were needed, felt they could be a great use, felt a personal connection, or share interest, they could feel self driven to become active and get away from their isolated habitats. I believe everyone should be given oportunities (even given oportunities in person) and choose to take them. I think this is a good way to end isolation, strengthen community, and empower people to continue learning and trying things new.

  • How does one believe? If they believe will it be without question? If one questions one’s belief then won’t they open up to the possibility of not believing, and if they do not believe how are they to believe? Should one force themselves to believe? I would think the only answer is to show physical proof, so that one cannot disbelieve. Wouldn't belief without evidence be blind faith? Moreover, I think perhaps the most righteous idea is to be believes, on behalf of evidence or perhaps blind faith, but also to question so that one can disprove or further their belief.

  • I believe the United States needs to remove all these secret societies and perhaps sororities, because of the influences to job growth and national prosperity. The reason I believe this is, is because participants are more likely to be put into positions of power than the average individual, moreover they more than likely can carry a secret agenda to which can be used for power purposes and could limit prosperity for the average individual.

  • I disagree with the thought that God should punish the human race by sending his chastisement because of their sins. The reason I disagree is because people are culturally conditioned by the leaders of institutions. If people are culturally conditioned all their lived, perhaps since birth, by design then it is something to which they do not have control or perhaps can not even see. If one doesn't know they are sinning, is it their fault? Should they be punished? I believe it is a matter of conscious. If one knows they are committing evil then it can be recognized as sin; however, if they do not know what they are doing is a sin then they shouldn't be punished for it. Instead, the leaders of institutions should be held accountable and punished by God instead of the people. This to me makes sense. 

  • Upon reflection I have realized mating is a very primitive behavior which reduces a person to an animal like state of mind, therefor for this reason it is best to be kept private. People should learn to be more than animals and push themselves to surpass human thinking. In addition, I believe nudity should be of little concern (one should have tolerance, respect, and self-discipline for another). I believe this animal-like state of mind is the path to human devolution.

  • To cry is to show the most simplest form of humility. To cry shouldn't be seen as a weakness but a demonstration of being human. 

  • Pity, compassion, sympathy, empathy, and consolation for those who feel sad. 

  • A common pattern of human existence and history is that the people never obtain what's in their favor both as an individual and as a whole. 

  • I believe the future reality of the human race is not only the transcendence of human evolution and thinking but the physical opportunity to be practically Godlike in any way imaginable both as a single individual and as a species as a whole. I personally believe first we must learn about how to think ethically and to cooperate as a species. I believe this can be achieved by changing how we think, communicate, behave, on a personal level and becoming an example for others. 

  • The human mind is of the most destructive tool and the tool capable to create peace. 

  • Destruction is most simple. But to build is to transcend. 

  • Could it be to control culture, media (news), and education are the tools for complete social dominance? 
  • From a mass of people that are disorganized a political system is adapted. Democracy is the when a mass of people get organized and elect representatives. A republic is when the mass agrees to establish laws to which they and their representatives abide by. If I may give my input for the next system, I believe it should be the placement for a multi-alternative dynamic system depending upon political dynamics. Depending on the political health, this system adapts dynamically to the shifts in governing systems to preserve it's political health. For example, when there is corruption, another model is enabled to which preserves/ reestablishes the political health. If this particular model fails, another model is automatically adopted and continued the cycle until a model works and political health is restablished. Maybe consider it as a present day computer virus clean for one's political system. This idea also changes ever so often to keep our government in a state of progression towards all parties/ mass political suggestions to keep it's citizens interested, awake, and involved. 

  • Perhaps it's a good idea to have expiration dates on laws. 

  • What do you do when people stop caring about the nation? You make it part of culture or the culture they are interested in. 

  • (poetry) When night comes. I prepare for sleep. Everyday is an episode. The same as the last. I lay in bed. Every night ends with a sad song. Overtaken by silence and emotion, I know how the song ends. Tomorrow will be another day, but like tonight will it last?    (I listened to some songs by Kumada Kahori which drove me to create this piece. It demonstrates the depth of feeling I have at the end of the day, especially when I note the progression of how the world is progressively getting worst with evidence by design.)

  • I think people should feel free to try out different personality types. Eventually they'll find themselves and discover who they are.

  • Be one person in many worlds. (for example, if you like rap also try gardening)

  • I suggest having a patriotic appreciation to our farmers much like our veterans for their job is also of great importance.

  • If one can critically think for themselves, then the world becomes a giant textbook. 

  • It seems to be a challenge to admit when one doesn't know too much about a subject. Although, one might feel ridiculed, it should be the humbling start to learn something new. 

  • If one can critically think for themselves, then the world becomes a giant textbook. 

  • To know the theory of something and to have a little bit of knowledge of everything, I believe one can find themselves capable of realizing how things are connected to which can push personal innovation. 

  • I believe the greatest innovations and masterpiece mediums are not done by those who follow a systemic institution; I believe they are done when one feels free and has the ability to gain a personal drive to do things on their own and to master their interested subject. 

  • I believe liberty, the freedom to peruse happiness, and prosperity leads to personal ambition which is an important part to push beyond innovation. 

  •  I think information can be more precious than gold. 

  • (rant) I have yet to find a place I feel I belong. Most places have a mainstream mindset to which I feel astray from. I have yet to find a place that accepts me for who I am and how I behave and a place that truly gets to know me. For the most part, I very much feel misunderstood. 

  • I feel there must be some way I can reach into a person and talk to them on a core personal level, their soul being, perhaps this could make us individuals of pure enlightened thinking. 

  • I hypothesize, working makes people have tunnel thinking. Where their thoughts are mainly focused on themselves and work. 

  • (maybe) I believe courtship should come from a male and female. I believe both the male and female should attract each other through kindness, casual flirting, being polite, and by participating together in non-sexual activity. Perhaps if the male is unlikely to show interest, than a female should silently win his heart by attracting him through flirt and activity. The same goes for the male. The male should win a female's heart through acts of kindness and flirting.

  • Metaphorically speaking, people should have to pairs of eyes. Their own eyes and the eyes of the world.

  • Politeness comes also from tone and volume. I would like to think a gentle voice comes from kindness.

  • When one is caught doing something personal and inappropriate, forgive and disregard their actions, for what is personal should remain personal.

  • The base of my religious beliefs is in part of the Cristian-catholic faith. I am a scientific thinker and not theologic. I consider theology, but dwell in science.  My spirit is something extremely personal. It is a zen-like sense of spirit, but not buddhist, I prefer not to have it tampered with my external influences. I do not follow the church completely for I also know it can be used as an institution and perhaps subject to manipulations. I believe the spirit is personal and should be flexible for personal-judgments. I believe there is the spirit of Jesus as well as all that are holy. I question the existence of God, but also pay my respects. I speak to God on a personal level. Whether he exists or not is of no concern. When I pray by talking to God or ask him for help, it is done on a personal level. No priest, pope, or bishop will demand that I pray a certain way. Furthermore, my involvement and faith in the church is very traditional. I would date to perhaps around the 1940s when to me there was a lot of clarity. I prefer a Latin mass as well, I feel the more traditional, the more it is closer to God and fills the overall traditional narrative of the faith. I feel my own interpretation of faith and spirit is very personal to which is only between me and God.

  • In an encounter, I think it's best to overlook or ignore the conditioning of prejudging a person,  the judgment of a person based on their ideology, and instead immediately try to look for good qualities first.

  • I think a person should perhaps feel free to argue with another person only after they first get to know them.

  • I believe there's a quality of life that is beyond that of our own values and ideologies. Beyond the ranks, statuses, and perceptions. It's the human-initiative before worldly and personal influences. It's a quality of life that I want for humanity. Where we're beyond that to which and how the world sees us. If the world could some how find this perhaps enlightenment and mutual plain, then I think a harmonious and family-like society can exist.

  • Perhaps it's best if one is polite and kind first before expressing one's opinions and emotions freely. Doing so could be the initiation to respect each other's existence, intellect, and to acknowledge each other as an individual.

  • (poetry) The coming of age. The passing of the seasons. Life shouldn't have words to be defined. When you listen silently to the wind, the silent voices of the passed might be heard. So many stories. Long forgotten dreams. We observe time from the clouds. The family of the stars. Despite the echoes in the mountains. Life is preciously. Beauty is found for the philosophers who dwell in it. The seeds we leave behind, a new tree grows. Such goes the passing of seasons.

  • (poetry) I take part in the world but feel I'm not in it, it makes me sad how people act among each other, there's no call for kindness, or pleasing appreciation. The roots of self centeredness runs deep, racing to grab ideologies from the lions and rams. The water is bitter, where did the taste from the past go? Does it matter? Will it ever return? The aromas of those who teach the good seems distant now. One day the will go unnoticed. Is it our fault? Did we not twerk the fernus before the fire ran out? Many noes, no reason whys. I plant a seed in the forest, will it ever be found? One day, maybe one day. But for now, perhaps it cannot be helped. Till then, let the storm come. We cannot run. It might wash away the shores of thought and imagination. I still dare ask if the sounds are pleasing. For when we wake up to watch the leaves fall as we take our last breathes. We can dream for one last time the taste of pure waters.

  • I would like to think wise men avoid confrontation if not do so rationally. I would also like to think when their voice isn't being hear, that talking is pointless and should find it within themselves to walk away. I think the only reason to stay for confrontation is if there is strategies or necessity involved (like paid social justice warriors).

  • (sexual) I feel as if there is a shift in my narrative of sexuality. I'm now finding certain sexual acts perhaps disgusting. For example: the use of any oral activity. I'm surprised at how far sexuality has become mainstream since high school. I feel the use of the internet has very much to do with this. It seems many sexual activities and behaviors has become mainstream to the point it is now considered absolutely normal. Nevertheless, it's best to respect another's sexual habits.  

  • I think everyone should ask themselves why do they do what they do. Why do they behave a certain way. By doing this they will perhaps eventually reach the conclusion it comes down to family and environment. Of course environment is in reference to all that which is external such as friends, work, pop culture...ect. I separate family because of the amount of from-birth and growth development influence. Nevertheless, I find it most significant to create my own influences from my own personal interests.

  •  Controversial: I think not everything requires reason. The spiritual world by nature seems erratic. I think we should respect those who act abstractfully from reason for perhaps there can be greater results from acting within reason. (The reason I say this is because I believe some things are to be discovered without knowing how to expect they would work or have the opportunity to obtain greater results in a fashion which we may find absurd or unexpected, I believe we should always allow for the possibility to which this can be allowed to happen)

  • My level of mental abstraction is not the result of mental illness. It is the result of living in an irregular family structure. Living in multiple countries. In association with multiple cultures, and if self conditioned through my own interests. And a result of the various environments and experiences I have participated in. I agree, I am an extremely complex person. I believe such a level of complexity is a treasure in other people for it makes an individual unique and interesting. If everyone had such complexity, it would undoubtedly result in a lack of subscribed perceived social labels. Everyone would always want to know more about each other.

  • I believe the best freedom is the most dangerous freedom. 

  • Man I love watching Youtuber channels. I mostly watch Neebs Gaming, Markiplier, Simon's Cat, Rooster Teeth, Ted, Samgladiator, Akidearest, Arimus3D and a bunch of tutorials. I use to watch a lot of PewdiePie, Tobuscus, and Game Grumps but those channels seemed to have changed over time for me. Man, what would I do without Youtube. I hope Youtube never changes. 

  • I don't believe it's a good idea to consume too much culture.

  • It seems likely the more one knows about the world and it's secrets, the more one becomes paranoid. The challenge of finding internal peace becomes very real. I find the best solution is to take one's mind off of things though interests if not reflect on times of earlier dates. 

  • Although I am not into theology, I find the perhaps daunting study of the old testament, including scrolls, scripts, and documents that are said to have been removed, controversial, or never discovered, to be of huge interest to me. I wish the study and popularity of such subject was more mainstream and publicized. 

  • I like the idea that the western world should have more child influences. I think it's important to be reminded how children and a child's development is important. Perhaps with more child influence (art and things that are child friendly), the more the community will explore ways to be more creative. 

  • I believe the nation should be so judgment free that one feels free to do anything strange, unusual, and crazy they want. For example, why not put a miniature maze in a restaurant. Why not put a dance dance machine in the subway, why not your own hand crafted cardboard theme park display. I believe the country should explore ways to be creative, attract people, and to put smiles on each other's faces. 

  • I do not believe in political correctness, I believe people should have the ability to say anything they like. Everyone should be accepted for who they are, even if they are irrational and barbaric. 

  • If I could sum my life feeling in one song, it would be this: (Dir en grey - The Final; using these subtitles). 

  • I think the best way to find oneself is by self reflection (asking oneself why they did something or acted a certain way in a situation) and talking to oneself in their mind (if one doesn't know how to do this, the most simple solution is to start writing literature).

  • I find reality can often be more bizarre, crazy, or insane than fiction.  

  • I believe privacy and personal space should always be respected.

  • I believe there should be such a degree of respect that even celebrities can walk amongst the crowds as normal individuals. In addition, if one wants to show their appreciation, they can politely ask or stand a few feet away to wait and be noticed. Out of respect and appreciation to their fans, a celebrity can then greet their fans if not apologize if they do not have the time.

  • (abstract poetry) Forgotten hopeless in exile. My voice prejudged and unreaching. Seeking truths for a world of harmony I want to dream. The reality. The world is truly dark. Drowning, I reach for a anyone's hand. There is no feeling. Is my existence real? Or am I a prisoner in myself. Move onward glorious, infinite blue sky, beautiful seasons, ignore me. Such cold ignorance. Depression, an old friend with a welcoming embrace. I want to live. I want to care. Destroy and tear my dreams with a gentle whisper. On the other-side of sadness is a a smile.Can it be reached? With incomplete dreams, will I be a ghost? Perhaps I killed my future myself. Heaven is missing. I'll wait. My heart is broken. Chained to my worthless existence. Do I play a part in prosperity? I'm a shadow. Drive on and pass me by as I wave warmly. The ambient noise of rejection feel comforting now. No more tears. It doesn't hurt anymore. I watch as life evolves without me. Where is it I am suppose to be? What will I do after I explore the cosmos and obtain infinite wisdoms? Rebirth? I want to be here, tomorrow, and forever. With a life of peace, harmony, justice, and prosperity. How long will I have to wait?  Does it matter? I should face my foolishness. It will be eternity before my worthless existence fades. Ash is all that's left. Scatter. The vanished I've become. Nevermore. 

  • (maybe; abstract, dark, and macabre poetry) With a growing new hatred, I will punish those who are beyond evil. The end. A promise. Fear me. All the hollowness will break like glass skin. Run from your past evils, I will stalk nonstop. My vengeance, until I am satisfied. Clinch, crack, and splinter like broken bone. Until you feel my pain. Conversions. A desire for no more evils. Your cult ideology to which nothing will be left but ruin and ash. Fear your own evils and beg for mercy. Feel the wrath of my sorrow. Feel it like the sorrow you caused to others. Merciless with my own tears raining like tsunami. Do you feel my pain? No? More? I'm not done with you. You need to learn. You will scurry like pathetic rats and maggots. The demons who tricked you are next. Until all evil is purged like flesh eating virus. Cringe. You will beg for forgiveness. A promise of merciless punishment. You will carve mercy and forgiveness into your own hands. In the end sorrow is all that remains. You are forgiven. I will stand for good until the end. 

  • (game and film) Uniqueness, differences, and irregular animations can redefine an animated sequence and story feel. Miyazaki's films are a good example of this. 

  • Making games is my battle field. Sacrifice, no sleep, no bathing. Only integrity, perseverance, and dedication until the mission is complete. I am a game developers. 

  • I would like to believe there is always an ethical solution or approach to any situation. I know there can be some situations in which doing what's right may not seem as ethical, such as a call to defend oneself. In such a case, the most logical approach is an irrational response. Thus, perhaps doing what's right may not always be doing what's rational; however, perhaps its most common sense. 

  • I think in life there is no right or wrong answers, just what's functional. 

  • Sometimes the thoughts that we know that is objectively wrong can hinder our progress. 

  • It seems to me constant direct eye contact in communication can be too direct which could lead to leading a person to say things they don't mean or that is inaccurate. I find it more sufficient to look away in communication, because it allows me to focus on my words and thoughts instead of reading the person's facial expressions which could throw me off making me interpret that they don't believe me or find what I'm saying disinteresting. Therefore, I find it best to make eye contact in communication minimal when expressing my own thoughts or reserve eye contact until after I have given a response. The point of this is to say things extremely accurate, without distraction, with flexibility to think, and to avoid unnecessary conflicts or misinterpretations.

  • I think there should be more emphasis that people aren't suppose to be perfect, or if perceived as perfect, there should be emphasis to not always be perfect. We should appreciate this quality of imperfection, because imperfect individuals have room to grow. Those who reach a status of perceived perfect perhaps should be an example for others. I believe these individuals should perhaps be our leaders, icons, or role models.

  • Could God be on a higher dimension than that of the spirit world dimension?

  • Perhaps strangely, I believe in what I believe is true friendship. A friendship to which I believe words and constant involvement is unnecessary. Where a family-like environment is created and exists forever. 

  • I am a fan of models and systems (potential business or financial systems for example). I like models and systems that can repeated over and over again and that I can share and that might work for someone else. 

  • I would like to summarize all my philosophy ideas, ethics, and collection of definitions into a single name. If I had to call it something, I would call it one of the following: Janoski-ism, Stanley-ism, Ivanism, or Kazuya-ism. Ivanism and Kazuya-ism because my game design stage-name is Ivan Kazuya. 

  • Now looking at my collection of ideas, I think I could give all my ideas, suggestions, and thoughts a purpose. I think the purpose I would give myself is to get people in the western wold to think deeply, for themselves, create their own culture, and learn the ways of social harmony. 

  • Everyone act natural at home or when they are alone. It seems people act different when out in public. I wonder if it's possible to act the way one does at home but out in public. Would this be a good behavior? 

  • I wonder if the feeling after deep meditation or deep thought be useful in day to day activity. 

  • I don't think it's good for others when one is (perhaps a lot) ethnocentric. We should respect the traditions, behaviors, and ideologies of all races. Perhaps we should also participate in the traditions of another race to fully understand what it's like to be in the shoes of another race. It's my believe that all ethnicities have their pros and cons, perhaps it's best to learn the pros and cons of every race. 

  • Perhaps controversially, I believe people can live without getting angry. In addition, my use of the word anger, does not include being agitate or annoyed. 

  • Could it be that guilt is a perceived value? Perhaps controversially, I think guilt can also be subject for one to manipulate another. I think we should truly question and know ourselves to protect ourselves from this form of potential manipulation. 

  • My response to an article on Globalization: "I disagree with globalism. It is an indirect dangerous direction for the nation and the world. It is an untested model to which is subject to the philosophical cycles of government and as history accesses will more-than-likely commonly lead to the exploit by the extreme elite and subject humanity to potential tyrannical dangers. The proper way to go about this is to study it, test it, create a system of fundamental laws that dictate the safety and direction of how such a system is functionable and exploit-proof. The next step is to announce the idea of Globalism by mediums to which, if it's a great idea, will get the attention of the masses. In addition, according to the rumors of conspiracy, the extermination of the masses to a controllable population number is beyond a terrible idea. A practical solution would be to use sociology and make a functional, safe, and harmonious transition, for population reduction (such as that seen in Japan). It seems obvious from a philosophical perspective that the extreme elites are in no position to obtain a rational, harmonious, and productive solution for the transition of Globalization. I very much believe they are incapable of such an rational transition because of their uncontrollable desire for power or to become God. I believe there is always a logical, rational, and functional solution for the direction of this new system if proven functional. However, it's obvious the way the extreme elites are going about it is completely wrong, destructive, dangerous, and even foolish. They should restore ethical analysis and make decisions based on rational, logical, and objective strategies." I also made another post: "I disagree. I disagree with the path towards Globalism and a technocratic system. Regarding Plato's Republic philosophy, a free capital economy with free and open opportunity and innovation is what will take humanity beyond the stars. Eventually with this technocratic system, as proven by the relentless cycles of governments, a new political system will evolve politically and so fourth goes with the cycles of government. By far the best system is the free economy ruled by a democratic republic-system (a system of representative organizers ruled by set values). I also question if a resource-based economy could work also. Nonetheless, the designers of such a technocratic system will surely lead the world into a place potentially darker or even irraverseable than what humanity has ever seen. It's a dangerous idea to which could be used as the evolution of tyranny if not researched, studied, and examined by the masses instead of a selected elite few."

  • "The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood." —Ralph Nichols, professor of rhetoric 

  • I don't believe all social-related issues need a political solution. I believe it depends on a level or magnitude, or even urgency, of the issue. The reason I state this, is because there needs to also be a balance for the preservation of liberties. 

  • I think there should be an urgency to address the drug within the nation. I believe we should follow Portugal's example and decriminalize all drugs, allow the use of substances for individual choice, and provide with a facility to where an individual can use drugs safely, and have access to rehabilitation.  

  • I think it's wise to consider the opinions and beliefs of others, but to think for oneself and what one thinks, because if one follows another, they are following their path, their decisions, and not one's own. 

  • I believe in following my own path. I consider everything but make decisions and judgments based on my own beliefs, philosophy, and research. I believe this is the path to wisdom. For I believe wisdom can be insightful from another, but ultimately comes from oneself. 

  • I believe perhaps the next step to a democratic-republic is a calculative-scientific system that has the potentiality to be self manageable. This is not a technocratic system, it is a system that is based on a democratic-republic that uses calculative measures to organize, manage, indicate, suggest, and alert a democratic-republic political system through high accountable operators. 

  • I believe often the most difficult solution are the best solutions when it comes to important matters. It's not wise to do things halfheartedly and expect the best results. 

  • I am absolutely for liberty. I believe there should be so much liberty that everyone has the ability to live the lifestyle they desire even if it's unethical, strange, insane, or disturbing. I disagree if one person has control or domination of another. Everyone deserves to create their own decisions and path in life with extremely minimal limitations/ control. 

  • I believe everyone should be equal in status but present themselves as humble and lowering in status as much as possible in respect for others. A good example is that I believe in the metaphor where even kings should present themselves with respect and humility to peasants and even prostitutes.With such a narrative in society, I believe respect, harmony, and cooperation will naturally be encouraged. 

  • Regarding materialism or minimalism, I suppose it's a good idea to keep items that help retain value, create value, benefit to survival, or can be useful at the moment or in the near future. In the future I believe everything will be minimalist but a person can hold a library of appliances, items, and objects digitally until they need it physically (which they can turn a digital asset into a physical tangible asset with the use of technology).

  • I think a good idea to add to culture is to make art, sculptures, and literature placks, or even structures that are randomly placed on the side of the road, in the middle of the forest, in a remote location, or anywhere people might come across that will insight curiosity and create interest. 

  • I believe weapons should be a personal items and be up to the individual to decide to carry it in public if they so decide. Another idea I am not for but I am willing to consider is if weapons should be legal but forbidden to be seen in public unless there is a necessary reason for use. 

  • Stating sources ,such as who said who, where one got their sources from, or if one is stating according to their own beliefs or opinion is what I believe is communicating accurately on a basic or fundamental form. I believe all forms of media perhaps could take from this. 

  • When one thinks on a critical level and thinks for themselves, they should eventually come across what they would like a functional society to be like. With a humanitarian mindset, they would perhaps desire the improvement of the environment and to create harmony among their neighbors. I think perhaps they would be willing to set an example to others though the personal endeavor to treat others with a sense of ethical behavior and interaction hoping it will spread among neighbors to create a harmonious environment. 

  • I believe mental preparedness is very important. I believe before a dramatic situation if one knows what is to happen in advance, they will be mentally prepared, ready, accepting, and won't react so harshly. For example, I have to move to a house and according to the owners, I have to leave my cat outside. Although he's an indoor and outdoor cat, I soon has to come to the conclusion that it's something I'm going to have to accept. 

  • I have done ethical analysis and experiments with the public on a more ethical social interaction behavior on behalf of how the public will react to certain behaviors. Although, I haven't documented much on my experiments, I did come up with interesting results. Perhaps in the future I would be able to redo my social and psychological experiments so that science can study ethics so that a behavioral norm can be adapted for the benefit of a harmonious society. 

  • I believe we live in a time where the majority's social interaction has a lot to do with cultural influences. I believe there should be an examination of what it would be like if individuals were to interact on a more personalized critical thinking level. I'm unsure, but perhaps an example of this is how the wealthy great and interact with each other compared to those of a lower class in society. 

  • I believe criminal gangs should be a priority for the authorities. I also believe it shouldn't be up to just the police, but also up to the community to take the extra measures to report suspects and do what they can as a community to stop criminal gangs. 

  • I would like to consider the idea that all cost of living expenses are to be lowered to an extent that poverty is inexistent. That the objective means to be poor is up to an individual's choice, thus to which they have alternate methods of survival and sustainability. Another idea I would like to consider is to have special locations where the cost of living is so cheap that people can sustain a minimalistic life style. Perhaps this can be done by using minimalist materials or using an innovative way to construction to make building structures very cheap but long-lasting. 

  • (maybe) I would like to believe everything has a balance, including work. For those who disagree with working too much, perhaps it's best to have a balance; therefore, families have time to spend with each other and have oportunities for personal activities and personal development. The first thought that comes to mind is to decrease the cost of living to where people can sustain a living and then set work hours at a wage to which can sustain a minimalistic living so that if they want something that is more extravagant, they can work more for it or save.

  • My trust for everyone in the world has dissolved. The only people I trust are those who's culture comes from an Confucian background.

  • If I could make a rule in this world, it would be to give all those who are Confucians tremendous respect, and to maybe help them anyway possible.

  • I'm considering the idea if there should be a system for those who want to work and those don't want to work. Maybe for those who want to work, a currency system. For those who don't want to work, maybe a system based on cultural value.

  • Today my parents sold the house and didn't secure a new place. We settled for a deal with our neighbor. I thought it was for rent, but it turns out we're only looking over the house with extremely strict regulations. To summarize we're pretty much homeless because of the tyranny of my own mother. Unfortunately, I still wasn't able to secure a job, internship, interview or for the most part a return email about a position in a game company or anything related. I want to move out and be self-sustainable more than ever now, but it seems God has cursed me. Spitting me from his mouth like yesterdays salad wedged from between a gap from his teeth.  The reason I say this is because the neighbor who is now the land lord disliked how we had organized the house for showings and even had boxes where he didn't want. Furious, I had no choice but to be civil and assure him that everything will be put in storage. Unfortunately this was my rude, crude, and cruel awakening. My life has never got so low as to the status of homeless. Perhaps it's my fault for not trying hard enough or to expand my career search nation wide. I feel as if I have truly been cursed by God and my destiny to damnation. There are no safety nets in life, no easing or transition from shifts, just the bitter reality of an unfair world, an unfair system, and an unfair wasted life. I feel as if I am truly cursed. Call it a sad story, make humor of it, the truth is I am also not alone.

  •   I don't know why I waste my time writing or blogging about ethics, philosophy, ideas whatever. Chances are no one is reading this and the act of wanting to change the world to make a difference is a failure. I should quit blogging. Perhaps I should stop writing and follow the heard, get two minimum wage jobs, be like everyone else and don't create culture or value but be a slave to the system. I wonder if there is a study on how working affects your brain, creativity, or to pay attention on what's happening around the world around them. Nonetheless, I believe it's going to take me two jobs simply to live in an apartment on my own. If I can afford it, i probably could try to transfer to a university. More than likely I'll have to go indo debt financing. Something I always wanted to avoid, because of the risk of graduating and not finding a job to pay off the loan. Is it worth it? Why can't I just get a bank loan for a small business risk free if it fails or not. If I could do this I would start a game company in a matter of days while feel more than motivated creating a purpose for myself and creating potential value. But being the interest and the amounts are ridiculous, this would be a bad move and possibly drag me further into debt financing. Plus I have no credit, I find the concept of credit cards ridiculous. ... Perhaps I have no choice. The only thing I have that's free is my ability to dream(perhaps that too one day will vanish).

  • I'm begging to believe that high intelligence takes practice.

  • I think a great idea for a merciless villain is someone who was extremely good, nice, and very kind continuously gets betrayed, used, and seemingly abused by everyone including people in society.

  • Logic and reason has evolved through the ages. I think logic and reasoning prevent the repetition of history.

  • I don't think intelligence is knowing things, I believe it's applying what one knows.

  • I came up with a thought about something I like to call Base Origination Value, Base-values, or Base Philosophy. It's a value one develops in their life to which they apply day to day in social interaction, life style decisions, and behaviors. It's a value given by parents, environment, or culture. Often it is also determined through cultural nationality. Base Origination Value seems most transparent when looking at the differences between eastern and western cultures. Many eastern cultures have Confucian values where western cultures have either Judeic-Christian values or seemingly independent values (perhaps defined by culture, parents, environment, or nationality or even none what-so-ever). Perhaps it might be a good idea if one can examine functional base-values from other cultures and philosophies and subscribe them to oneself as a base values for their lifestyle.

  •  I would love to blog for a living, unfortunately I don't think this is possible for me.

  • I question if working too much for too long has negative long term effects on the brain. From my own analysis, it seems people who work too much for too long know little or have a disinterest in the world around them.

  • I think one of the greatest evils is to be someone who is illogically unreasonable. It's best to be polite and disassociate from them.

  • I like the radical idea that it's a curse to fatally harm a Confucian and a grave and unforgivable sin to kill one. To add to that radical idea, I would like to think of Confucians like harmless monks.

  • I believe there should be housing for all levels of income. I had an idea to convert a storage facility into a housing community. To prevent this from becoming a ghetto, I think it's a good idea to establish strict yet fair regulations. Perhaps people are only given three strikes before they have to leave, and perhaps a limit to six months until they have to move on or pay more to stay by having the rent raise from $50 or $100. I believe $500 or $800 should be the average max and depending how long the person stays the rent will continue to increase. If people are getting a long well with each other then I suggest it's okay to extend their stay perhaps for an entire year or more with the addition of lowering the rent. I believe it's a good idea to have the facility ethics based. Moreover, I suggest the minimal a person should pay $50 per month. Of course being a storage facility, there is outdoor and indoor, each one varies, especially for larger space. All cells or spaces has a bathroom, not all have a shower. There are outside facilities for showers and restrooms (gender separate of course with lockers and independent secure showers like at a beach).  

  • In the controversial case of the paranormal, I would reserve free fly and landing areas for UFOs/ extraterrestrials and have specialized facilities and locations for all possible visitors. Like an ET pit-stop where we can study visitors and visitors can learn more about humans. I would also have locations for possible time travelers where they can provide with any potentially important information regarding our world/ dimension. I also want to make a hub location (or hub port) for tome travelers to use their technology freely and to even exchange technology. It would be interesting to have a possible place where technologies is extremely advanced and used as a port for all time travelers to stop by to relax, exchange intelligence, and use as a port point for their activities. And of course all locations are accessible to the general public who are proven ethical/ rational enough, have noncriminal backgrounds, and no political agendas.

  • Could it be that the root of ethics is fairness?

  • Without a doubt most crimes are committed because of parental (the state of child development or mental illness), financial (including possible food production, housing, and environment reasons) and substance abuse (drugs) reasons. To add to that, I would include crime is increased though the decline of economic standards, social engineering, and political control. Although I do not feel it is necessary, I perhaps should also make the statement that I believe mental illness is perhaps a byproduct of such activities (even though I regard them as personality defects to which they can condition themselves to health). 

  • According to the Personality Test I am a INTJ. Interestingly, perhaps we should utilize this testing mechanic for multiple personality types and use this as a basis for ethical analysis to make a functional and harmonious social interaction hypothesis. 

  • Although I have an idea of what a harmonious society may be like in my mind, I understand it's a fantasy compared to the social interaction of many different personality and behavioral types. Therefore, I had the idea to address and analyze all personality types in hopes to collectively create a potentially all-functional harmonized society. To put this differently, I know I can't make the idea of a harmonized society like the one I imagine, but I feel I can design it to be functional for all behavioral interaction types. 

  • I find my own personal weakness being my mind that wants me to be in a state of intellectual superiority which displays intellectual arrogant or seeing the world as irrational, ignorant, or even illogical in traditions and methods. Often, I see past this mental snobbery, because I find it easy to identify as being non-ethical. Humility is the best way t deal with this issue. Nonetheless, perhaps there are more people with a metal process similar to that of my own that also comes across this intellectual complex.

  • I think the government should have a safety restore law or feature. I say make it a law where if the government is proven to be 50% corrupt, then instantly initiate a law where the government begins instantly firing anyone who is associated with corruption and then trialing them in court. By that I mean anyone who has committed an act or crime against the constitutional oath or who has aided in a act against the constitutional oath with proven evidence. Let it also not be just for those in the government but those outside the government who also aided in different agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any other federal agency, police, military, contractor, or company leader role; especially high ranking company officials, federal leaders, and contract leaders. Make it a risk to do deals or contracts with the government if they have a history of being corrupt.

  • I would like to add that I believe modern Confucians should utilize strategy and action when they have a definite and factual information needed for their actions. Of course the end result of all action should be for a righteous and good cause.

  • I believe we should always be polite, kind, and respectful when talking to anyone, even if they are wrong. I believe we should state that "I believe" or "my opinion is"in something rather than speaking on behalf of what we think is right. I find it with good intent to not push one's opinion over them. I believe the more rational one is, the more the other will be capable to think for themselves without the need to be irrational. If they continue to be irrational, then there really is not point of continuing. That is if there are more people who want to listen then perhaps it's with strategy to be loud and vocal to convince others. Also, if something is wrong I question myself if it is right of me to say something against it. Often I come across situations where other are convinced by their ideology and I find it is not worth debating with them; therefore, I state what I believe without any attempt to convince them. I will question them rationally, however, I will also apologize if I offended them. I find it very much a challenge to respect them even if they do not show respect in return, rationality, or even an open mind to question their own opinions.

  • I would like to think being American is something that unites people collectively. Where we can celebrate together without cultural, ethnical, racial, gender, or religious barriers. A highly crazy and controversial example I imagined was like going to a block party with people of various races, occupations, wealth statuses, and walks of life while enjoying themselves without and barriers. In further detail being able to dance with an random Indian person without having to know them, listening to a Mexican band, with one of the members being Jewish and another Buddhist, but to have a lot of fun while dancing to western country four square while drinking expensive champaign. It's this collage of differences and chaotic randomness that brings about the pride of being American where we can be collective without any visible, cultural, or perceptive barriers. A nation United by a single nationality. That's the crazy, dislabeled, multi-cultural, random, free, do what you want nation I want to be a part of.  

  • I believe farming is extremely important. I think farmers should be protected, have educational oportunities, and also perhaps never should have to pay for owning their house or land.

  • I think it's ridiculous how some people cling to materialism. Materialism is a great addition to life, but it shouldn't be more important then the lives of another rational human being.

  • I like the idea of being able to be who we want. For example, a long time ago I watched a movie where this white guy joined a native American tribe because he believed he was a descendant from the tribe. The guy loved everything about Indians. Eventually he finds out he's not a descendant of a native American tribe even though he had stayed with the native Americans for a while and was convinced to be part of the tribe. He felt heart broken to find out the truth. However, although he felt ridiculed for being a white guy who felt absolutely part of the tribe, the chief accepted him as their own. The chief was delighted to have his passion for the Indian way of life. This idea where a person could be part of his passion despite his ridicule, moved me. I think this idea also embodies the American way. In addition, I like the idea that a person can have the freedom to be who they want, create what they want (regardless of how ridiculous, obscene, or controversial), and live how they want. I think this form of freedom should be reflected in US culture.

  • I like the idea that along with a best by dates on food products, there should also be projected expiration dates. After all, best by dates are when products are at their best quality. 

  • While watching a documentary about video games, I watched how Japan turned to a technological revolution. I wonder if it would be a great idea to do that here and now in the United States. 

  • I suggest the nation should begin using tree farms to produce lumber. Perhaps engineering can speed the growth process.

  •  Regarding history and political agendas, I think before progressing into prosperity, a political system must first rid itself from past non-prosperous objectionably oppressive political systems. Otherwise it's like 

  • We should have a annual future projection of the nation and where it is heading or what it will currently look like three, five, or ten years from now. 

  • Everyday is a chance for self mastery of our actions, thoughts, and emotions.

  • I think the world is always going to have enemies. I think it's our task to find these enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bring them to justice. When a time ends and there are no more enemies, we should look even harder until their truly is no more enemies.

  • I believe the end of logic is the end of prosperity.

  • I wonder if my blog will be shared in the future. It would be sad to have written so much and to have it fade away without anyone to care what I wrote. Personally, I do believe my analysis and ethical beliefs have objective value to which I strongly believe the average individual can greatly benefit from if not take into consideration.

  • I think we're living in a form of interaction or social dark age in this country. Often I find it's stereotypical or perceived labels from culture which seems to define a person's character/personality. It seems irrelevant in this period of history that people are sought by nationality and similar values to become a collective. It would be interesting to have self defined characteristics and interests where others are interested in each other for their interests and personally defined differences. It would be interesting to see what a society would be like if everyone was unique and didn't follow stereotypical cultural norms. I think this would push for the desire of personal knowledge and intellect. 

  • I think it's best to have strict laws that govern the nontampering of the market and currency. I believe this to be the engine which pumps fuel into the system allowing it to run which should be extremely guarded and kept safe. Essentially, I look at it like a UT3 energy core, where if it gets destroyed, you lose the match. 

  • A quick summery of my study of a the fall of a republic: begins by accumulating power and wealth. Then the wealth needs to be expanded by the accumulation of tremendous more power by owning and controlling more assets. Currency is then used to lobby for political control. Education is unified and controlled for incremental manipulation. There is a take over of mass media and disinformation. Trends are then manipulated to control mass culture and to control society psychologically. There is a inversion of logic and information. Controlled instances of fear to give more power to political control. Psychological tactics are studied, used, and exploited in counter intelligence psy-ops (needed for political security). Manipulation, black mail, and assassinations create political fear, dysfunction, and sabotage. Controlled chaos leads to societal dysfunction. Military action is then used for population and psychological control. A political transition changes from republic to dictatorship (culturally controlled population follow). Military is then used for suppression of rebellions. A reinstitution of political system is established and technology is used for control and suppression. Further education and cultural institution convinces the masses to never go against or question the status-quo. A selected monitored few is allowed privileges to innovate and create new technologies. Further technologies are created and psychological and mental control is established which permanently controls the masses. This ends any system, cycle of government, or systemic opposition. Moreover, in the instance of a physical global catastrophe, humans as a species fall permanently unless organic humans are still around or have a means of repopulation. 

  • Extremely controversial: I do believe sexuality and nudity can be harmonized. I believe there is a way to where it can be socially/ culturally acceptable, made harmless, and that does not create conflict (irrational response and action). 

  • Witnessing there are two sides in a conversation, I think the side asking more questions to be the one in a superior position. If they back up their questions and topics with their own answers logical or more of a solution than the other person in argument, thy have taken the more superior position.

  • Major highlight: In my lifetime the majority of westerners I have come across have been barbaric, irrational, ignorant, arrogant, rude, self-centered, mean, and even uncivilized. I find it extremely rare to come across a person ethical of thought and action. I wonder what it would be like to have a western society that practiced personal ethics. 

  • I ask the question if there were a million of a single person living in a community. Would there be constant fighting or would it be peaceful? If a person cannot be truthful with this answer then the subject of them being rational is truly at question.

  • Perhaps it's ethical to introduce a message before engaging in conversation or finding a way to approach another that gives them respect for personal space. For example when someone is in their room (irrelevant if the door is open or not), perhaps it's best to ask them if they have a minute first or if a person want to quickly ask another person a question or say something quick, always use the word excuse me. I think this will create more respect for personal space and overall a more harmonious and functional environment.

  • One thing that seems certain for me is that t seems all people have the need to feel accepted. 

  • (maybe) It seems common to be judge and guided for common sense and moral ordeals due to the perception of questionable intelligence. I think we should assume all people are intelligent and judge and guide them this way unless continuously proven not to be. If we treat others this way then I think there will be respect for everyone and perhaps a need to become intelligent to be socially appreciated. 

  • Could it be the best practice for getting children to think for them-self is to question them? Perhaps ethics can be institutionalized at a young age by asking children what can would do in a certain situations regarding politeness, kindness, and morals, and common sense. The more they practice thinking on this level, I think the more they will act for themselves and work on a basis of ethical personal development. 

  • Those who want power use the excuse that people need to be ruled when in reality people are or can be self sufficient in governing themselves. 

  • I think a new system or perhaps even complex matrix needs to be creates so that dictators can never rise or ever have their way against the people. Perhaps this system or matrix can be done through calculative, psychological, or scientific methods. In addition, perhaps our government should make political boobie-traps to raise red flags in case a political leader is to take steps towards obtaining more power. Perhaps the use of a major three strike count (maybe due to major red flags) can be used to immediately throw out a political figure from obtaining a dictatorial stretch or obtaining too much control. Also, in an addition to that, perhaps this system can be done for other forms of government agencies if the system is repeatable to ensure agencies cannot obtain political control or take over. 

  • Researching history, specifically the Nuremberg Trials, I came up with an idea. Why don't we have a law regarding the protection of a person or mass of people that do not want to participate in an act that goes against their morals and values. In addition to the idea, perhaps we should also enact a process that trial activists for known or objectively established tyrannical regimes and crimes against humanity, where even soldiers and police are subject to the same scrutiny as high ranking officials. I also want to add for the sake of furthering conversation that just wars are fought by just men, with just ideals and morals. I want to believe soldiers are made from moral principle to deter evils and not to be told what to do by dictators. To do so by a dictator, means they share the same ideologies or values as a dictator. To do so by a dictator, I believe, is a pawn for cannon fodder. 

  • (maybe) I believe a system should be put in place before an oppressive tyrannical regime (or figure) rises, where such a regime can naturally operate their tactics of oppression and take over in secret and silence; however, it is in this silence where information is collected and monitored for in the case they are to be trialed for conspiring future crimes against the nation. If they are a just political figure then there shouldn't be anything they need to worry about. Nonetheless, this should be an agency that should be completely and strictly illegal for political figures capable of political action to interact with. An agency that never destroys data and that has top secret clearances and a secure top secret environment. Overall, I believe a system can be put in place where any political figures capable of making illegal decisions can be monitored at all time for the sake of national security. Perhaps this can also be an emphasized role of Checks and Balances. 

  • Wouldn't it be interesting to have a day in every year where the general public has the ability to declassify three top secret documents from any agency of the government? 

  • I like the idea of being an architect. The E.P. Architect (Ethical Philosopher Architect). Sounds interesting. ... I really need to get out more. 

  • I suspect my controversial idea of ethicalizing and harmonizing nudity and sexuality will generate hype for the noticeably of my perhaps questionable ethical beliefs. 

  • Dark Poetry: The end of August is the final dying sun. The tide will rise and soon a sea of tears, confusion, and chaos as a world we once knew drowns itself. Although the cries echos, no life-boats, no help, only growing silence as each heart, one by one, tires to the ever more salty sea. The red moon is truly a remembering sight for the following mornings of tomorrow will never be remembered. I will remember. I will remember.

  • Why not have a vibrating device for tires to slide and park in any direction? :D

  • Although I observe, listen, and feel like I know what happening all over the world, especially in this country, I am rational but feel powerless to how i can affect change. Although there is many like-minded individuals, I feel alone and unable to talk more-less debate others of rational mind over such subjects or even the possibility of such subjects. I feel I have done all I could to push objective information backed by recorded and physical evidence to try and open people's eyes. It is clear to me the illusion of comfort, conditioning, and culture is unmovable. Therefore, I feel the world cannot be helped. There's a deadly storm coming and although there are sirens, I feel the masses have chosen to ignore it. (July 08, 2016)
  • I think intelligence starts when one questions and answers ever detail of themselves. 

  • I think as a species we need to slow down. I think it's wise to have at least a ten year digestive period to embrace and appreciate innovations, work on self improvement, and get the most out of life. I wouldn't mind continuously innovating technologies; however, perhaps specific technologies should slow down so that we can grow to appreciate and cherish them, or perhaps even further improve them. 

  • Random: I wonder if iron particles from asteroids can turn the ocean red. 

  • I believe somethings can be instinctual. For example, sometimes I feel what I do is instinctual; like I was programmed to do this. 

  • Perhaps the nation should establish or emphasize a traveling culture, so that homeless people are seen as travelers instead of homeless (perhaps an individual searches for opportunity).

  • Should we have more respect, tolerance, and appreciation for those in a degree of learning a subject? I think if we do this with incremental learning, people will perhaps motivated themselves by wanting to take the next step forward instead of dreaming to be already be an expert in a subject. 

  • Normally, I'd keep this to myself, but I find myself happy being a loner. People create too many problems. I would appreciate a collective if they were more ethical. I want to be part of a social that is pleasant, respectful, accepting, and rational. 

  • (maybe; random) I think a question everyone should ask themselves is how do they want to live? What morals and values do they want for themselves? What is a functional and realistic way they can live the way they want? How can they approach to live this way or improve living this way?

  • I think there should be a lot of value and admiration when a person dedicates their life to something or if they spend a great deal of time towards something. 

  • Talking to oneself is perhaps a good way to talk to one's subconscious. 

  • Instead of making laws for everything and not giving the option to obide by it if another feels it's questionably unnecessary, why not make a law a suggestions. How about a word for "a suggested law". Taking it a step further, why not even have a suggested law as a means to test new laws.

  •  I feel anything obtained out of force, irrationality, or bribe is metaphorically cursed; therefore, I do not accept it.

  • When one oversteps their moral boundary by forcing you to go or do somewhere you don't want. I find it best to let them do what they want as one stands their moral ground in protest. I suggest no reply or response of any kind, stay completely still with very subtle movements, and make no eye contact. I feel this is a moral obligation in demonstrating that one will not be treated a certain way and primarily to prevent them from doing the same forceful action again.
  • Could it be that if a child screams at the top of their lungs for an item they didn't get to already be subject to being spoiled?

  • When homeless, I would think businesses stop being businesses and become ordinary structures for what is inside becomes irrelevant to cost or necessity.

  • If I had a choice to live with family or to accept welfare, I would choose family anyday. I feel I have a sense of honor that prohibits me from accepting money from that which is not mine or that I do not deserve. I wouldn't accept it even if the system of working turns into a sucker's game. In such a case I would gladly go homeless or move to a different place. 

  • When people see industries moving forward, people get motivated and want to be a part of something, but when nothing industries do not move forward, people lose motivation and consume a lot of culture. 

  • (Dark poetry) What injustice is this? One who falls from a basket and shatters onto the floor. No second chance? No one to call left isn't there? Life's end? Orchestrated chaos from the top is brilliant mud oil to the vein. Will I ever see the day so pure again? World released. Clenching my fist knowing the truth. Evil rains. Clenching my fist I yell with no echo. Evil clouds. Evil clouds. One day I want revenge for those who gave up. Orchestrated chaos is brilliant mud oil to the vain. Will it end? Will it rain purity? Bury me. God has cursed me with existence of nothingness. You like that don't you. Cheering for the dark, hidden, silent statistics. I want my revenge now. Violent only in my mind, I can only hide the tears in shame. Lonely collectivist shouting at nothing. Will my echos reach anyone. I wonder why. Psychology weapon, the serum to ever lasting happiness will make you numb. Such brilliance. Ripple effect. Orchestrated chaos is brilliant mud oil to the vein. Take your daily does and sleep. Memories fade. The light's bad habit of turning grey happens all the time.While I am the only one awake and waiting for a pure sky. I step on the decaying broken dreams of others staring at the lifeless sky and praying that God hears my voice. I suppose it's always too late for those who are cursed. The new world of dead rising. Such beautiful orchestrated chaos is mud oil spilling from the vein. Grey. 

  • (Dark poetry) Burying me alive. Useless chills of sad angery music. Love is an abused word for people to throw at glass emotions. Life comes and goes without warning so why am I still here? Staple my eyes open and stare at a happy picture with a pretending memory. Every day is the same it seems. Yet again yelling is useless why try it over again and again. Every day is the same as the next. 

  • I believe there has been a long established communication of Earth and other planets. I wonder when this will become declassified. I believe the people deserve to know. Perhaps not everyone needs to know, but those who are long looking for the answer. Perhaps official documentation can be declassified that will allow for those curious enough to know of the records and documentation of alien life, biology, human interaction history, and off-world sociology, psychology, and anthropology. I believe it's been a long time overdue to finally recognize our extraterrestrial neighborhood. Perhaps it's also best that we initialize regulations to stop humans from implementing ways to interact with extraterrestrial life on a basis that like Japan in the early years, prohibit the trade, or in this case interaction, with off-world beings. We should acknowledge they are there but should concern with our own world until we are ethically capable of off-world average human to Extraterrestrial communication. 
  • Controversial: I'm reminded that when you die, take procautions and do not go directly into the light. Wait a bit and call the name of Jesus or a person that's holy. Observe your surroundings and think twice if you see someone you know and trust that might give you clues to help you figure out the next step. This will be the needed guide to find the real light and not the potential trap light you see instantly as you make your way to the next life. Have caution, death can be painful as these strange or perhaps disembodied figures or dark entities can potentially eat at your afterlife form. The sooner you call out to an entity of the light the less time you could be tormented by these figures. 

  • I disagree with the stereotype that I'm a brainless millennial even though I was born at the end of being a generation Y. I find myself very different compared to any millennial ideology and cultural influence. I'm fully aware of everything culture, enjoy participating in things i like, but i also understand it's irrelevant or extra compared to real topics and real problems. It is a good way to escape, but it's only a small part of my world. I value real topics and subjects and wish i could have more time and money to learn more on my own or by institution. 

  • I understand the state of our world and how it is perhaps the darker days of our time period in history. I also belief there is a lack in personal intellectuality and proper education. For myself, I have concluded it's not the best time in history to find a partner in life. If I could have it my way, I would love to have the ability to help the world. I personally would like to find a way to emphasize ethics or perhaps create a community that researches and teaches ethics. 

  • (sexual and highly controversial; questionable/ maybe) I should admit I am perhaps liberal when it comes to nudity and sexuality. I wouldn't want this to influence my overall philosophy of ethics. This is just a personal belief. I also wouldn't want to force this belief to manifest in real life, because I feel the western world isn't ready for it or could ever be ready for it, because a sense of personal ethics (such as: integrity, self-disciplined, tolerance, respect, kindness, politeness, and courtesy) needs to first be established. Or simply put, it could be a bad idea with little result to providing a harmonious balance for sexuality in casual society. To elaborate, I do believe nudity and sexual habit can be harmonized. I believe nudity should be a normal or common standard in daily life. In addition, I also want to consider the idea of masturbation being a be common and as normal as nudity. Both standards should always be innocent and not meant to arouse others. Having a sense of being conservative, I believe males shouldn't participate in this narrative and it should only be for the female gender. The only way a male can participate in this narrative would be to be around a water -related area like a pool, river, beaches or around their personal property. I believe males should find visual pleasure in seeing females but ultimately should keep to themselves in self-discipline. I understand overall it's a radically liberal or perhaps insane narrative. I believe this idea to be socially or psychologically functional because males have curiosities of the female body and females perhaps find delight or over sensation in exposing themselves in a liberating way whenever in a perhaps carefree mood. I'm sure it would be common for males to be aroused; therefore, I believe if necessary they should relieve themselves in complete privacy. I also agree this should be a common standard until over time people get use to seeing female nudity and acts of pleasure as the norm where eventually it goes relatively ignored. Regarding sexual activity, if both genders find themselves with an arousal for each other, I believe they should not engage sexual penetrative activities as a standard but only to pleasure each other through touch or oral activity. I believe this should be the way for lovers to pleasure each other in a safe and protected manner. I want virginity to be the norm where sex is kept special for marriage. Ultimately, it would be a narrative of consent. Perhaps highly controversial, I do have a Christian-Catholic side and a believe in God. I'm sure this would be considered offensive to God and it would be something I might have to pay for when I see him; however, being honest with  my personal beliefs, I choose to acknowledged yet restrict this narrative. Perhaps considered a liberal-Christian-Catholic, I believe penetrative sexual activity should be reserved for marriage only. This feels very right to me. I do not believe individuals should share partners or cheat on each other. I believe having the ability to see someone in the nude or how they act in an average behavioral plane, a person can feel carefree to selecting a compatible partner. In conclusion, I believe this narrative can create a liberating society where individual have more liberal freedoms to which can expand human interaction, perhaps remove personal feelings of sexual oppressions, and ultimately harmonize nudity and sexuality. These are my personal beliefs which will continue to be repressed as I believe it is radical, ideologically insensitive, and overall extremely liberal, and perhaps offensive to God. It's also an idea to which I believe should first be tested and made solid and static to prevent the further evolution of such an idea.

  • If I make games I'll make fun of my radical sexually ideology. Perhaps I'll make a reoccurring Easter egg character that always says, "masturbate, not penetrate." Perhaps he will always make references to stroking objects and not penetrating objects in a humorous way. I'll make him a recognizable character.  
  • Although I believe a person should be treated with kindness and respect all the time (perhaps with the use of strategy), I like the American idea that one treats others for the first time with politeness, courtesy, respect, and hospitality or a sense of how you would treat yourself, then the next time you encounter a person you treat them the way they treat others. 

  • I think it's good practice to think beyond. 

  • A good feat of being intellectual is having the ability to understand the perspective of the other individual, know where they're coming from, and perhaps having the ability to analyze it from multiple/ different angles. 

  • I see the world going dark. People growing cold, self centered, and too individualistic. I feel this world suffocating me as it is forcing me to conform to what everyone else does. I want to be free, be flexible in day to day activities, be truly liberal. I want to live in a world of freedoms, where ideas and imagination is wide spread, and people are free to try new things even if it's not politically or culturally acceptable. I want to make a creative and better world. I want to make an even brighter future then what is projected. I want every day to be exciting and personally challenging as like minded free-thinking culture-creating people push themselves and their passions. I want a world that has little relevance on survival; such as, paying rent, buying food, worrying about political garbage and do what it is they want to inspire to. I want to make the world a safe, peaceful, harmonious, and overall better place. I want to do beyond the stars and beyond dimensions. I believe the method to acquiring the treasures of our world, society, and universe is through ethics. 

  • In the time period of today, there lies evils beyond imagination. The future is dimming every day as political forces within the nation make their chest board moves all while making innocent people disappear.Everything is moving very quickly. I am sad at the suppression of true free market and freedoms and everything manipulated by corporations, banks, governments, extreme elite, globalists, and perhaps secret societies. I believe this to be so, as I believe as a philosopher the results of which I see around me as there is cold civil mentality, no market growth,growing difficulty in living conditions, regurgitating education, lack of social innovation and ideas, problems occurring as result of decaying infrastructure and an overall bad economy, I do believe this is the dark ages of modern time or dare I say the fall of Rome. Although I believe this to be, I am unfortunately a skeptic of what's going on around me and of the rumors of what's to come. 

  • I'm under the impression that those the elites deem special get their stories out there and ultimately become well known. Of course, this would include the simple peasant most likely won't be known and will eventually be forgotten in the pages of unknown history. 

  • In times of political and economical downfall, I feel it's impossible to carry on normal. Ones the eyes are open, it cannot be closed. I also believe it's impossible to make others proud, to make a name for oneself, I feel the burden within becomes unbearable. Never to I think about ending it all, because I know no matter how hard it gets, just like in the movie Reverent (2016), you just have to continue breathing. Keep planning and going forward. Adapting a shogun-like strategic step-by-step planning and perhaps robotic-like mindset without the intervention of emotions, it's possible to continue and do anything. I believe life is a chance and the mind is a place where one can escape at anytime (until they eventually control it). It's up to us to make taking that next step a strategic artform (or personal craft), stay focused, have self discipline, be fearless (emotionally and psychologically) and imagine and reach for a goal. If a goal is never to be reached and morale seem low, write in a journal, and seek power in memories (such as photos) and past experiences (perhaps achievements and developments). If it's all lost motivate oneself with the power to have nothing to lose, harnest an inverted prideful power of the idea if one never had existed one can do significant tasks/ abilities(or damage to be sarcastic), obtain a yakuza-like mentality that without significance you can do anything without social judgments, and above do what one can to find peace within oneself (excising, movies, writing, martial arts, cooking, cleaning, staring at a ceiling fan. these are things that work for me). 

  • I believe there are many ways to achieve or reach a goal or objective in the human sense, but I always keep in mind there are also unforeseen (perhaps overly intelligent, conditional, or manipulative methods) and abstract paths as well. 

  • I look at the law in this time period of history and understand how corrupt, illogical, irrational, destructive psychological strategic, dishonest, and harmful it is. Most due to a sense of irrational culture created by political institution, militaristic conditioning, authoritative abuses or perhaps even by conspiratorial devices. This is just how things are in this time period. It may or may not change in the future. Nevertheless, I look at those in authoritative positions as actors. They are given a role and one has to play along to respond. If one takes the situation they create personally, one will lose. A good example of this is if one get pulled over. Before getting pulled over do research and study what to do to protect yourself against unlawful practices by the law. When an officer approaches your window, pretend you are also taking an acting position and take the information one has studied in the case of such an event. Very quickly regarding the authorities, I hope that one day our police can be like the Japanese police where they train for civil action but are always passive, polite, patient, willing to help, and do their best to better a situation, and in extreme times, they are willing to give it their all to handle a situation lawfully. By far the best example I had ever seen for a police force. In conclusion, it's in best practice to take an acting role, show no emotion, act according to strategy, always be polite and civil, and appeal to the law, unless the law becomes objectively and irreversibly corrupt to which to do what's right becomes unlawful, then doing what's unlawful becomes the logical approach. 

  • I believe if you feel you cannot change the world, write about it. 

  • Instead of a culture of "can't", how about a culture of "try it out" or "how about this".

  • I'm considering the idea that we should ban the mastery of the human domain (such as the utilization of psychology and social engineering to sell products) and only leave it as a subject of study. 

  • Could disinformation be the greatest weapon? 

  • After observing my cat Al Capone, I came up with a question. Could the cure of schizophrenia be done through conditioning? Perhaps if one completes their objective for self-security, they can condition themselves free of schizophrenia. Perhaps if they find a new long interest in something else, they will lose their schizophrenia. 

  • I had a radically crazy idea, should we have a national day of oppression where people are forced to stay indoors with no power? Perhaps this will provide an insight to what it feel like to be oppressed by tyranny where people will come to value the importance of freedom. As the French philosopher Victor Hugo states, "Adversity makes men, and prosperity makes monsters." 

  • I agree with Moritaka Miyajima, an elementary principle. People live together and should care for each other as a group. If one is selfish, it affects everyone else. I agree that manners and social harmony should begin at an early age where young individuals are given duties and responsibilities where they learn to trust each other and develop a sense of harmony. In addition, I believe there should be a class on morale education in schools. 

  • To speak honestly, I do feel like the family disappointment. I have high dreams and a lot of ideas and goals, unfortunately I never imagined it would be this hard for me to take off on my own in life. I know i can get a part time job, but I found it wouldn't be able to sustain an dependable independent living. By looking at the life styles and problems of others, I would be running in the same heard as they are. I would be struggling to pay rent, have no flexibility with time, perhaps be dependent on food stamps, and live paycheck to paycheck when I feel like I shouldn't be wasting my life and instead be more of an entrepreneur or content creator. 

  • When we die how do we know we don't create our own reality. How do we know it's part of our reality on Earth? 

  • (Caution sexual and highly controversial) If a male and a female were to masturbate with each other instead of sexual intercourse involving penetration, would that cause significant effects on their relationship or gender perspectives? Would it equalize, blur, or merge the gender difference perspectives? Would it make partners more intimate? Would it improve their friendship or create relationships? Would it change the way they behave with each other? What would happen if this were to become common practice, would it be like the same emotional results as if regular intercourse or would it be awkward? 

  • Perhaps it's best to never trust a system unless you yourself created it.

  • I find when it comes to systems and processes in general, it's best to never assume things are the best they can be, are 100% completely functional,  or because the majority follows without question, that it's the best thing for oneself. Always question the system or process, what is the basic understanding of it, what are the loop holes, how can it be manipulated, and how could it be improve.

  • (The human condition regarding vulnerabilities) The stereotype of the bully or a person who demands authority from those they perceive are weak. From examination, these individuals will often follow culture on behalf of what they think will display their perception of power. This may be a person who wants to be seen as rich, more than likely due to a wealthy environment or by association, the other is of lower class or a darker or more brutal use of culture, this type is more than likely due because of a lack in parental structure. The most common vulnerabilities for this kind of individual archetype are their self-esteem and self-perception. Their vulnerabilities commonly derives from parents and environment. Less common is drugs and substance addictions. One can find weakness in the bully archetype through the manipulation of self-esteem by targeting vulnerabilities in the lack of a parental role or the influences in their environment.

  •  (The human condition regarding vulnerabilities) The commando is a very strong and merciless archetype. Perceptive weaknesses often take time with this archetype. The common structural weakness of this archetype is the objective analysis and conditioning. One can target a vulnerability through the use of their conditioning. Through the targeting of their militaristic conditioning, one can manipulate the side they are on. I will consider this the conspiracy tactic. Of course targeting this is a chance depending on how well their militaristic conditioning was. Nevertheless, the reinforcement of deceptive compassion, the demonstration of being weak and frail, and overall use of deceptive behavioral tactics can make a command second guess the side he or she is on and be subject to manipulation. When one can surpass this commando psychological behavioral conditioning, one can then target their human condition making them vulnerable to manipulation.

  • (personal) Regarding my personal life, I am certain I can find a job anywhere. However, it will more than likely be a minimum wage job. I will more than likely be spending most of the income on rent. I found it's common that individuals have two jobs to make ends meet. Those who do not are reliant on welfare an food stamps. I also take note these individuals seem mentally exhausted and have no time for themselves or even time to sleep eight hours every night. Regarding my condition, I have concluded it's not worth leaving my parents. I have calculated the risks of success to be exaggeratingly low. I would have to find another alternative to sustain a living in the world. I would need to obtain a decent wage (one that increases my value because of being subjected to layoffs), get a career job, or find some way to generate wealth through passive income or through entrepreneurial means (which seems to also be of risk). Unconventional solutions would be to travel elsewhere that can provide with a sustainable lifestyle. Nevertheless and metaphorically speaking, it would be as if trying to fly for their first time from the nest during a heavy storm. If I follow the mainstream ideology, I would commonly have to settle for a minimum wage job, which would put my at risk for layoffs. Even with a minimum wage job, I won't have flexibility. If I were subjected to being layed off, I would be losing a means of survival as savings will be depleting rapidly. I would more than likely find myself with my parents again. Unless I save money by having roommates. However, being already have done this, I found this also to be a risk because of the lack of reliability. It seems a minimum wage route is most risky but is the straight forward solution but has far too many risks of disachievement. I also do not want any welfare, because it's someone else's money. This system is too dishonest for me for because of my honor and pride, I refuse to take such handouts. While living with parents at the moment, I can save up income by getting a job. Although I have done this, I found this doesn't get me any value or a way to climb the ladder. I would have to continuously search for opportunities through other jobs positions. Doing this I have discovered a great challenge because of the competition for greater job positions. However, being that I’m living with my parents, I also found that I am also free to try things; therefore, I have taken on personal projects such as making android apps and indie games. None of which has generated me any income, also because of heavy competition. It seems the odds are against me when trying to create a business. It seems I'm really going to have to come up with something that has value or that will get a lot of attention. Although I'm full of ideas, perhaps I should be making more value for myself by increasing my skill-sets, so as of the moment I have taken up trying to learn to program in C#. Perhaps this will get me into a position where I can find a position I can sustain a living or create opportunity to create something myself. I would like to eventually make a company for myself,  but when looking for funding, I have failed in securing any sort of funding. I have tried to reach out to investors, banks, and other chances of funding. Loans from the bank are nearly impossible to get because of lack credit. Loans also have high interest rates and offer very low amounts. I thought it's best to try and secure a loan from the SBA. However, the other problem with this is risk. The kind of company I would like to make involves too much risk. I have tried looking and applying for grants, but I found this also to be impossible. I even went to the city hall and couldn't find any useful information. I wouldn't want to involve my family because of my lack of achievements, it would more than likely lead to damaging what ego I have left. My last resort is moving out of the country. Moreover, I have found I am the most productive and happiest when making indie games. I keep trying to think how can I make this my career. Nevertheless I believe the overall condition of trying to find a job and its ridiculous competitiveness ultimately is the result of a dying and poor economy due to political corruption and manipulated markets. I question if by working in such conditions we are actually being enslaved by the banks. This is the current problems I face. 

  • In psychology, people can be conditioned to be misled or to think a certain way. If they are conditioned to think a certain unethical, illogical, or irrational way, then is it their fault? For example, if a person in the hood is influenced by rap and hood culture their entire life and are told the world works against them, they are conditioned by association/ environment. If they never take full action for their own life and thoughts or ever question the system they are in, how will they know they are being conditioned? Perhaps controversially, aren't they innocent? Of course, if they enact a crime to which they should know is immoral then it becomes obvious they should be punished. Some will argue it’s because of the lack of education; however, if the education is also manipulated or is poor then the results will be the same. Furthermore, perhaps they are guilty or should take the blame when they themselves know of the conditioning and have the ability to change it along with others. Therefore, in the religious sense should they have punishment by God if they are manipulated? I think punishment would be wrong in this case. The real crime is being by the manipulators, controllers, and those in charge of creating the conditioning.

  • I don't believe anyone should put themselves above another. Nor kings or performers. Metaphorically speaking I believe kings should find delight in dining with peasants. 

  • I disagree with the elite mentality that people need to be ruled, for it they also grew in the same place and had the same education, they would be subject to the same instances. 

  • I believe if people had the best education, the best economic conditions, the best living conditions, prosperity, virtue, and righteousness would be imminent. 

  • I understand the second generation seems to lack the intellectual experience as the generation before them, although we can teach, the likely they place importance on that which is taught is unlikely. I think there should be demonstrations or simulations to obtain importance of that which is taught that is detrimental to the human experience. Moreover, perhaps aside from learning a subject through educational means, perhaps by utilizing experience, there can be importance of a subject. I suggest to place value in a subject, it can be demonstrated through film, simulation(games), and culture.

  • I find myself more confident when I know and understand the definitions of the words I use on a day to day basis. I also find my vocabulary growing as I research new terms. It use to be common to use words that I thought were suitable, but now I value the importance of using the right words with the right vocabulary, including the right perceptive feeling to communicate my message. Therefore, I would like to state that the online dictionary and thesaurus are extremely useful to me. I want to believe if everyone use the dictionary they can also grow more confident in their own terminology, messages, and conversations.

  • I believe everything has a mastery. Where even the turning on of switches and opening of doors is a task of great skilled relevance. Regarding academics, I want to believe the furthering and mastery of a subject will lead to professionalism, efficiency, and eventually masterpiece.

  •  (maybe) I often see there are limitation of the self where there is a barrier to portray their human condition to rest of the world. I believe the complete portrayal of the self is to show the human condition in it's most objective form. I believe just like in a diary, people should have the ability to state or portray their fears, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and controversies. I'm certain the reason this is, is for the protection of one's status and ego. I would think perhaps by letting the world know everything about oneself, there is nothing to hide. One can be completely honest and find themselves invulnerable to negativities. I believe this is what humanity is truly about, where they can accept everyone for who they really are, how they really think, and how they feel, and not be afraid and to celebrate their differences even if it's controversial. I believe ethics can deal with any situation, including perceptions regarding the human condition. I want to believe through this idea, humanity will accept each other regardless how crazy, sinister, or insane they may portray themselves; where they can live fully understanding each other without any thoughts of harm or dishonesty. I want to believe the true honesty of the self will grow the human understanding and expansion of ethics to make a more humble, harmonious, and functional society.

  •  What are expressions if we do not know the meaning or origin. Surely we should examine language to portray our messages accurately.

  • Although humanity has advanced in technology, I think if the nation maintained a prosperous structure and system, technology could have vastly surpassed that of the technology we see today.

  • I believe the ethical individual disregards the desire for power unless it fits with an agenda to further virtue, righteousness, justice, and prosperity through objective means.

  •  Should we only allow for those who are ethical to be in positions of power? Perhaps this could be a safety net from those who are corrupt.

  •  To think before you leap is obvious common sense.

  • It seem common sense to have defensive or safety measures in case of government corruption.
  • (Dark poetry) Broken glass in the heart. Goodbey. Wasted. Life. Love. Lost. God bring me horizon. Tomorrow is a lotus fallen and withered. Breath's last. Fallen angel once more. I can't reach you. I can't hear my voice. Blinded by my curse. I belong in the shadows. A monster of disgrace and of result. Careless mistake. Damned from birth cursed, is my existance. I cannot love anymore. The haze is to strong. Where do I belong? Rolling thunder sweeps the tears away. Broken glass in my heart. I watch as life passes me by mercilessly. Forever curesed. Hands raised to the sky reaching for God's hand and once again greeted by friendly silence. I laugh and apetheticism. Dark goes the world. Fading away from existance. Screams become whispers. Will I ever live normal again? Forcasted loneliness. Frozen grace. Desolution. Desolution. Laugh at my misery and I'll laugh with you with bloody tears and a mindless smile. Resolution. Fold rage and put my tears to ease. Will I ever live normal again? Fade and smile as I drown my sorrow. Forever fade. Madara conceived sorrow. Forever fade. Did I create this curse? Will I ever live normal again? 

  • (Poetry) I don't have it. Like sand it slips from my hand. Untamed and blind. I don't have it. Meteor shower. Blazing over what the memories I had of you before. Could it get any worse? Loosing the lights from my eyes? I am wrecked. Gravity distortion from the inside. Is this the answer, right? Can I let go? Haunted by dark clouds of my mind clarity. All because of disturbed emotions from the past. Blindfolded again and again. But evidently...Wild go disco go round. Round and round. Can I let go? What should I do? My feet won't stop running towards you. Reaching. Climbing. Can't I run any faster? I will not stop. I will never give up. Please turn around just this once. Please turn around and reach for me too! Smaller and smaller. Failed? It's too late. I watch as you fade from existance. Such disgrace and angery. Angery at my own selfishness. Can I let go? But eveidently... Wild go disco go round. Round and round. Can I let go? Not once again. Rival for the reason. And eventually my feet won't stop running towards you. Reaching. Climbing. Can't I run any faster? I will not stop. I will find you. Beyond insanity, only my emotions can take me there. Breaking point. Will I reach you? I do not know, but I will never stop finding you. Cyclone of despair. Fear voyage. I don't have it. Untamed and blind. I will not stop. Reaching. Climbing . Can't I run any faster?  ... My memories of you never fade. 

  • (poetic romance story) There we were. Friends on the same path of life. Equal in distance until a night of fireflys. You fell. I helped you up. I carried you. Innocent memoreis of the past still remaining. We both found our calling didn't we? When we met again, my you've grown. We became so close. At the festival you held my hands. I was so shy. Breathing is difficult around you. A heartfelt feeling that won't leave me alone. Forever in my mind. Why was I so shy. I want to tell you how I feel, but. I wish I could overcome my myself so that I can win you tomorrow. But, forget it. By the river we made that promise as it showered meteors and fireflys around us. But now... It's crazy how times can change. Seasons come and go so fast doesn't it? Time passes so quickly, but when I saw your face... My you've grown. Remembering the promise, breathing is so difficult around you. Like old times. The many stories we shared. The feeling now is forcing it's way out. Critical. I want to tell you how I feel, but I'm so scared. You look at me. Worried you smiled. Scared, I whispered. The cursed words that bind two lovers. You ask me a question and I stray away. You smile and stare. I look away. The fireflies surround us. A kiss on a cheek steals me from the inside. We hold hands as we watch in the distance. Then the final goodbey. Goodbey. Goodbeye. A new phrase from your lips that suffocates me inside. Time, difficult bitter sweet. Screaming in my mind, my breaths become heavy, as I watch you go. In my mind, I wait for you. The streets are quiet now. They seem lonely without you. Time can be so crewel. Everyday that passes. Is a day without you. With memories in my head, loving you more and more now becomes missing for you. It seems now I'm hiding behind a smile. Waiting for you. Photos of the times become ever more precious.  Let's be with each other alittle bit longer you use to say. Forever in my mind. It makes me wish, but in life I know wishes don't come true. Dead end as my thoughts reach the crossroads. Maybe it was best for us both. Perhaps ment to be. The times were special for us then. But now we are not together, things are distant now, isn't it? Caring for no one but you,  the distance seems to fade. Do you feel the same way too? The seasons pass, but you are not there. Only the ghost of our memories remain. Childish promises never last, just as wishes never come true. Then from the corner of my eye, I see you standing there. Breathing is difficult around you. It seems time can't keep us apart and my wish came true. We meet each other in the middle and you say you wished for me too. Surrounded by fireflies and the glimmer of your eye ... A single question remains. Will I be shy? 

  • I think people evolve mentally as they realize things. What they realize from themselves and what they realize about the world around them. 

  • The best strategies involve planning for outcomes and results ahead. 

  • In this nation, I feel people repeat themselves day in and day out dreaming for a dream that is unreachable, because they are not aware they are living in a system that’s completely broken.

  • (meh) I think it's possible that since the human world operates with human neurons, it can one day also be made to be replaced with hardware and software on a more personal or even wide geographical scale. I think we should be careful with this and not lose the sense of being human and having a sense of pride being organic and not man made. As a summery of the Emperor Meiji stated. Let traditional and the new merge together and coexist harmoniously.

  • (maybe; unnecessary; controversial) As seen from controversial or perhaps even occult mentality. Things can be manifested into the world through technology. For example, a false deity can be brought to life with AI. Or, as seen with China, super human powers can be simulated with an illusion using satellites, light, and water molecules. It's a new form of smoke and mirrors on a more advanced level.

  • (psychology) Could we have yet to explore different results for different mental behavioral or neural activity from other cultures? For example if we have a person from the U.S. (or U.K.) and a Korean (or different Asian cultures) do a variety of tasks that cater to the difference of cultures and interview them on behalf of why they did something a certain way, I believe not only will we see a difference in reasons (perhaps on behalf of culture), we will also perhaps be able to see a difference in mental patterns. To move forward from this, we can also experiment with greater experiments such as group efforts and find their collective reason for doing something, then study the mental processes. I hypothesize the difference in neural activity will be that one might be more complex than the other. Perhaps the finishing result is understanding the difference in mental processes as a result of culture.  Furthermore, by examining this data we can understand difference in psychological and neural processes and patterns which could help westerners make or condition their our own neural networks to think more creatively, think more deeply, think more in detail, or outside the box using different conditioning and mental processing tactics or methods. To experiment further with this, we can then come up with more conditioning methods on behalf of irregular cultures to condition minds for abstract experiments and perhaps come up with alternate mental processes that may or may not result in unique behaviors in mental processes which could output doing tasks with different or unforeseen approaches. Moreover, we can then test to see what an abstract thinking processes can create on behalf of artistic values, mechanical theory, and other subjects. The results could prove significant, perhaps with further research finding complex conditioning strategies reaching to the complexity or uniqueness as talented severance. I think it could be interesting to revisit scientific subjects from an alternate psychological perspective.

  • Could it be a good idea to have a publicized government program greater than welfare for entrepreneurs where their living expenses are taken care of as long as they are trying to create opportunity?  I think maybe this could get people on welfare to become business owners.

  • (maybe) Should our government participate on social media and be allowed to manipulate/pay mainstream media on behalf of political purposes? Do you think we should have laws about government connection,intervening, using, and utilizing in social media and manipulating of the main stream media? Perhaps it might be a good idea to pass laws that disable the government's intervention, manipulation, or utilization on such platforms.

  • I use to be very Confucian, although I still feel I am, I also feel because I have found it in my own way to merge being Confucian with western culture, I would say I am now more of a liberal Confucian (perhaps I should say westernized Confucian if such a thing can exist). Nevertheless, I can never forget that I am always Confucian at heart. Ethics is the core of my daily life philosophy. 

  • To be bored and to know many subjects is impossible. For an intelligent person, they feel there always is a lack of time. 

  •   (heavy rant; warning speaking my mind without holding back) What do I think about living in the United States? The United States is a place with great history, great technologies, great culture, and great food. I love everything about the U.S. except to it’s people and their values. I am more lenient and even grateful upon their country side population; however, I have never lived in such a place where people were so cold, indifferent, arrogant, ignorant, dishonest, disrespectful, selfish, mean, egotistical, irrational, unreasonable, uncivilized, backstabbing, disharmonious, misguided, unethical, unintellectual, inhumble, self righteous, judgmental, ethnocentric, culture absorbed, authoritarian, unjust, rude, impolite, fake, unwilling to wish good will upon others, unwilling to understand others, unwilling to cooperate with others, and overall are completely materialistic and base their living on materialism or elitism. By far the worst from it’s people I would have to say is it’s senior population. I also can’t help but to completely hate the county’s crime culture and politics. I have never seen such a backward ideological and corrupt nation. Moreover, I will completely agree that in this country you can’t trust anyone. I have only felt righteousness among its immigrant and cultured Asian populations, specifically Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese/ Chinese. I am also fond of certain Hispanics. However, the overall population in general has been by far the worst I had ever experienced.  I don’t wish harm upon Americans, but do desire they will one day find judgment for their idiotic ideologies and negative behaviors and be put in their place. I want them to see their thoughts and actions and change for the better of their nation and all of human kind.

  • I don't expect anyone to understand what's going on in the nation at this moment in history, perhaps those in the future will understand and carry the same feelings as I do currently. If so I am very appreciative. I don't expect a bright future, and personally I don't expect my situation to ever improve. This is how the world is this period in history and there is nothing I can seemingly do within my power to change it.  

  • According to individuals from the Asexual community who emailed me on behalf of a friend, I am classified as a hetero Asexual. An uncommon sexuality type that supposedly likes females without the desire for sexual relationship. I guess this goes perfect for my unique and rare INTJ personality type.

  •  Yup, I research and write about ethicolgy in my parents basement. I don't expect anyone to ever know of my work or care for that fact.  

  • Given the way my brain works, I wish people would pay me to learn subjects, because I have the type of brain that enjoys challenging the status quo, loves coming up with alternate methods, sit for ours analyzing, philosophizing, hypothesizing, and thinking of different outcomes, strategies, possibilities, innovations, and rediscoveries. One of the ways I learned Japanese was sitting and thinking about it and correcting myself or double checking my notes. If I could get my mind on physics or even quantum physics, I would probably be outputting hypothetical possibilities, challenging certain methods for calculations, and stay in Einstein dedication to my work. I probably would never go out and socialize and would have to be dragged out from my studies, work, and projects.  I would never do it for publicity, but it would be great to make something that improves the lives of others. I think first I'd have to get rid of political corruption first. People of power seem to eliminate those who are more intellectual them themselves. Nevertheless, I can only learn what I can on my own, because of a lack of money to take my life towards dedicating my time that improves the lives of others. Too bad I'm in the race against age and survival.

  •  I think the biggest fault for people in this country is that they never look at their own faults, thoughts, behaviors, and actions.

  • Children need to be taught to respect and honor their parents, and taught not to embarrass them. A parent can only teach these values if they themselves know what it means.
  • Those with power and wealth put little to no value on a person with little to no money, perhaps for the perceived stereotypical reasons portrayed by wealth culture or parent-environment conditioning. Those with power and money are most-likely always seen with great value. I bare witness to both made of the same biological properties and I believe either one can be smarter or more intellectual than the other. I believe no one should stereotype a person, or in the immediate sense, unless the portrayal of culture/intellectuality level is reflected as evident. Nevertheless, the wealthy and power and those who are not wealthy or powerful should respect each other. I believe it possible the person without power and wealth may also know how the wealth is created and how the power is obtained but is unable or doesn't desire to obtain it. Wealth is a great goal, but perhaps for some it is not a life's goal. For in the eyes of a man of wisdom or philosophy, money is only a tool for survival when the true wealth and power resides within them.

  • I believe people should develop their own values and principles. 

  •  The best practice is to have personal sexual boundaries. Although contraries to today's sexual mainstream ideology, not having this can get a person in major trouble, especially with other females. Perhaps this is what also makes a gentleman.

  • I believe a person should always be aware of social manipulation, emotional attraction (and capture), neural linguistics, psychological shifts. I believe a man is best thinking for themselves on an individual level then to follow or unknowingly follow others and to be influenced by social influences.

  • I strongly believe the establishing and adapting of Confucian ethics in western society is extremely important, otherwise western society is subject to seemingly natural, negative progressive, or even destructive patterns and cycles.

  • I believe the ideology to manipulate human life for destruction for the sake of the world’s heath or the conclusion for what’s best for human existence is an exaggeratingly terrible idea. O believe with ethics or the personal development or utilization of using ethics human life can be sustainable. For example, if there is over population, people can design an ethical system to limit birthrates or place the task upon themselves to commit the duty or sacrifice to not have children or limit having children at will to control birth rates and population control. Another example is the technological solution for planetary colonization and interstellar habitation.

  • I find myself attracted to the idea that one can be free to act themselves, to be themselves, to look the way they want regardless of how ridiculous, unnecessary, shameful or embarrassing they might look, as long as they have personal ethics and treat each other ethically.  

  • I think it’s justifiable that if another is cold or doesn’t care to get to know you, don’t care and get to know them. However, it’s is in good nature to break down this possible social barrier.

  • I think to master one’s personal psychological response, body language, perceived situational outcomes, and another person’s perspective all at the same time is seemingly impossible. This renders the perfect actor (psychological and in control of every aspect of their body) or perfect liar seemingly impossible.

  • I think it’s perhaps in good practice to be used to being embarrassed or in socially uncomfortable situations. I think mastering these emotional responses can be helpful and productive in psychological responses.

  • I think it’s in good practice to consider external influences, but to not act upon those influences without thinking.

  • I believe the person who lives without external influences, lives with a personal perspective and is capable of thinking completely on their own. Consider the idea that if a man lived on their own with no one around them in the wilderness, they have their own perspective on life, it’s not until he meets others that can influence the man to which he develops other ideas in extension of his own ideas; however, without being subject to fallacies of the influences of others, isn’t the lonely man successful and free thinking on his own?

  • I have considered a set of values to which I call Human Life Variables Principles which should be considered in day to day life. These values are: duty, ethics, spirituality, family, goals (self-improvement and education), luxuries (entertainment), and society.

  • I had an outlook I call The Underlying Objective Message Lens. This perspective consists of looking at the world through the thought of objective messages. It’s a perspective of stripping away labels, interpersonal communications, and perceptual attractions and focuses on the underlying message of subjects and narratives. When considering this perspective, it may surprise or awaken a person at the reality of the world they really live in. An example of this can be as followed: An ad’s underlying message can say “buy this”. A hand shake could mean “Can I have your attention”. Even a cat meowing at you in the morning is as if stating “feed me”. Or, even the nasty glare of a girlfriend can mean “You just crossed the line”.

  • I believe the functional and prosperous future of humanity can be obtained by the acquiring of deep personal ethics.

  • It's somewhat of a burden to face the possibility that someone could take my ideas and statements and put them into a false context, inverted narrative, or to be used or bent to their malevolent purposes. I discourage this action. Long after I'm gone, my ghost will be looking after this. 

  • Feel free to talk to me after I'm long and dead. I'll do my best to get back to you or give you a message from beyond the gave if you ask nicely and are an ethical person. If you leave a letters on a white board, your computer on, leave a pen and paper out, place a camera between two mirrors, or have a board with lights with an alphabet attached to each light, it can give me the opportunity to possibly communicate with you. Keep in mind it might tale me a lot of time and energy. Hopefully I'll be in a good position to do so while in the afterlife, it will be a new experience and I don't know what to expect (aside from personal research). I'm also open to maybe providing help to people who ask for it or maybe try and grant them a wish. I also would like sakura (cherry blossom) pedals on my grave if possible, or also if possible participate in the Japanese ceremonial feasts for the dead. I'll definitely let you know I'm there and give my polite appreciation. Be sure to call me by may full name and summon me though, and to spread, debate, and share my blog ideas and encourage others to consider adapting Confucianism into western philosophy.
  • Always be conscious of the agenda of others. It's common that evils come from the minds that are unethical in their approach.
  • I’ve been working on this game by myself in complete isolation for four months now, there’s no certainty ot’ll be ever finished. Anything can happen at any moment that could stop the project. It’s happened a few times already. Nevertheless, I’m depressed because of being unable to get a job in the game industry not to memtion given my age at 27 and 7 years to graduate, I can feel everyone I meet look down on me. I could never had graduated without my parent’s help, but I find the degree of which I got is completely worthless. It could be worst, I could be in debt. Nevertheless, it’s been an almost impossible task working on this game, I’m using an old broken alien ware computer, pirated and often disfunctional software, while sleeping on a couch (4 years; 2 years with roger, 2years because of move), while moving from house to house (x3) each with its own set of challenges. The only contact I have is with parents, church, family and twitch. Other than that it’s like Halo ODST but in real life. Homeless, lights being turned off, landlord mistreatment, decaying economy, and corrupt politics.  I work on this game because I can’t see myself doing anything else. It’s my passion to make games, movies, art, and storytelling. Anything else feels like a waste of time. If I were to work, all my time would be spent working a shitty job. Suicide would seem like an honorable solution. If I move out and get a regular job that’s minimum wage, I’ll eventually end back up with parents after a few years when savings depletes. I’ve seen two of my friends do this and now they live paying rent for their parents. Although I would do the same, I honestly believe I have no future. This is my reality. Work to survive and go know here or stay with parents to make this game.  Overall, I’m technically a homeless game developer at the moment being we're watching over a neighbor's house while they sell it. Metaphorically, I’m a rounin wondering aimlessly to rediscover purpose without a shred of hope while kept alive by big dreams and dire ambitions. It seems like torture to see the great sense of happiness from those who are successful. Perhaps one day I can be just as happy, even settling for less.

  • I feel the more you know things, the less you care about death and the more you want to create and do things.    

  •  Sometimes I wonder if I'm compatible with the western world. More than often the world just doesn't get me. I feel if I ever get awkward, do something original, or questionable the least anyone can do is question it or make fun of it. I wouldn't mind laughing at myself if I do something irregular than most people. I guess snarky or disgusted looks is the norms. Oh well, all I can do is be me. You only live once anyways, right?

  •  When one person makes decisions, it's common to make wrong or poor decisions. When one gets advice and suggestions from others, they can increase their chances of success and making good decisions. 

  • When it comes to finding a life partner, I foolishly believe in destiny, even though I find it irrelevant if I find a partner in life or not. I wonder if I could ever be a romantic. 

  • I believe ever second of every minute of one's life should be done with a tremendous mastery of skill and thoughtfulness. Something as simple as opening a door should have value. This experience often lets me think how useful it is to have something exist, to have ownership, or to even of had the experience of associating with it, and of interest of how we use it or for the purpose it was made for.

  •  Comparing the US to Asian countries, I believe America could be just as great or even better if it wasn't corrupt, controlled, and manipulated politically, economically, legally, and ideologically (referring to culture and mindset). 

  • It's not me to brag and I would hate for it to be seen that way, but often I feel like an eagle amongst goldfish. It's rare that I find someone capable to be thinking on my deepest level.  Should I dare say to understand the world around me and to question it's logic and daily rituals to be capable of a philosophical mind? Why is it people never question things? Why is it they don't care to know more? Why do they think the way they do? Why don't they question what they believe or why? Why don't they question what could be the objective reality of things? Surely an individual who questions eventually understands and evolves themselves as well with those around them who are also willing to do the same. How can a society grow in prosperity when perhaps part of virtue is enlightenment in understanding. I await the day when education, logic, reasoning, and understand (themselves and others) becomes of utmost priority to a virtuous and prosperous life and community.

  •  I find ethical practice to consider everything anyone says even if it isn't true. The more I know, the more I can think for myself, and the more I know what is truth or can concude different outcomes and strategies. 

  • I would like to perhaps state my idea of western Confucianism is not the same as eastern Confucianism. western Confucianism is more action on behalf of strategy for the result of harmony, instead of sole harmony (including personal and social harmony). For western Confucianism, sole harmony is established after there is strategy to keep it.

  •  I propose something called a Stanley-scale that wages the amount and accounts of wrong doing against right doing. The way it works is where you collect good and bad subjects/variables then for each subject/variable you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 on how good or constructive it is and how bad and destructive  it is. Then you total the good category and the bad category. If you subtract the totals you will have the "suggested difference" between the two categories. This number will indicate how good and how bad a situation/ subject is. I believe this is a good idea to use in our government system to weigh the good and the bad and to realize the suggested health of the government's condition. 

  • I believe one should always beware of one actions during dire situations, never react on impulse, it's wise to utilize logic and strategy. 

  • I don't understand why politicians become corrupt for money. Surely they know that if they increase the prosperity of a country the economy will bloom and the value of wealth will increase. This will increase the wealth of their country and their own personal wealth. 

  • I propose the idea for great intensives or rewards for politicians. If politicians are given a reward and intensives for accomplishments with proven objective evidence (untampered), they should be rewarded for doing a service to the country. Perhaps by doing this, they can't be bought out by foreign interests and corruption. However, if there has been disservice or evidence of corruption, then they should have those rewards taken away. In addition,  I would like to also state the refusal of the idea for career politicians and the ability to accept donations/bribes by lobby groups. 

  • I question if ethics is the way to end all that is evil. Perhaps it could be the water that flows down a gentle stream easing past rigid rocks and obstacles.

  • Changing my tune a little, I believe men should be men. It's okay if they are feministic or controversial, however, I believe a man should earn his respect by performing his duty as the provider, protector, and example on behalf of righteous actions for others. I imagine that even the most feministic men should learn how to hunt, shoot, fish, survive in the wilderness and carry the values to do what's right as an example for others. Nevertheless, all men, whether very masquiline or very feministic, should be seen the same and respected equality for it's righteous duty that defines a man.

  • Foremost, I believe in the possibility of the creator and respect and give my humble appreciation even if I can't honestly completely come to believe in his existence without objective (or scientific) evidence. To restate this, I offer my most humble appreciation and respect weather he exists or not. I can't help to fear in the possibility of acting on behalf of a religious movement created by ancient man. Moving past this narrative, I question the idea of servitude. I wonder if it was possible to be a person of great and righteous ethics and of a philosophical mind and to be in appreciation having been created but to not see the creator as a ruler but as an equal. Of course doing so by ethical means is without the desire for power or to be seen as a God themselves. I ask this to question the idea that a creation should not be a slave and instead, just as raising a child, should come to the admiration of the creator as a parent and use them as a possible example for themselves and others to be God-like.

  • I question why is it people desire power, especially when put into positions greater than others. Why is it they crave to be above all others? Shouldn't they respect their position and act with humility to better themselves and others? What would be the point of being a ruler of the universe or to be worshiped like a God? Surely those who live above others are not part of the overall collective experience. I personally would rather live amongst others in harmony and community than to be glorified. I believe those who are glorified above others are either always hated without them knowing or find others lacking in intellectuality from those who could be doing greater as a whole.

  • There are so many secret technological advancements and technologies I wish to one day see for myself before I die. These are the dark projects that are still kept hidden from the average individual. I hope that one day the fog of secrecy becomes removed so that the world can see the truth of our hidden technological capabilities.

  • There are things I try to explain to people that seems so obvious to me, but nobody seems to understand. Could my level of though be at a level that others can't reach? It seems more than often I have to explain and summarize what I know to be able to get another person to think on my level, that is if they don't have the desire to be completely bias. Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong and it is the level of intellectuality, education, or critical thinking that is lacking. However, the level of open mindedness, interpretation, desire to question, and ability to remain unbias is inevident.

  • I believe destructive ideologies are the greatest threat to humanity. Perhaps this is the ethnological subject to which we should study and stop before it becomes a great threat. I'm led to the conclusion it's for this reason we should be aware of cults and groups with the ability to obtain potential weaponized or political power. 

  • I think a person with great intelligence and intellect should act upon their ability and show they have great intelligence and intellect. It think it's best to be aware if someone of great intelligence and intellect acts as if they do not possess it, for perhaps they may have an alternate agenda. 

  • I agree that people shouldn't have to live in a system they do not agree with. 

  •  I fear the loss of this world, what has the possibility of happening today in terms of globalism shouldn't even be part of modern history. 

  • Referring to history, be aware of those that create a threat and offer their own solution. 

  • Is all connected to the truth? Is it possible that all notions aside from the truth deviates to the world of the immoral? 

  • Could it be that people obtain influence when they read or create a personal association with something? If they continuously become influenced by that which is toxic, do they become toxic? Perhaps this is the reference to the subliminal when the subcontinent mind gradually connects to that which a person is influenced by.

  • A republic is eternally sustainable depending on the quality of their laws and reliability of their law makers.

  • The liberal funding pool (LFP): I may have talked about this idea previously, but in case I didn't, I will restate this idea. The liberal funding pool is a place where donors can fund a large pool of money where it can be distributed amongst others in need. To pull money from the pool, individuals need to file applications. The most important pieces of the application is to attach an essay or comprehensive article on what it is the money will be used for. The pool selects randomly and more than often selects individuals who are in need of low amounts of money. The internal system of the pool is done mathematically to ensure proper balance between having donations and funding individuals. Individuals are expected to pay it back in 5, 10, or 20 years, depending on their annual income status;  otherwise future applications for that individual will be ignored. Any funding above a certain amount will require an individual to pay it back in small payments in long durations of time. For example $100 every six months. The higher the amount the sooner the duration and higher the payment a person has to pay back. If there is no payment then an interviewer or investigator will go to the person being funded and interview them and their profile will be made noticeable for others who do not play by the rules. Their future applications will also be suspended until they pay it all back. An additional idea is to have interviewers ho out to the people being funded and personally give them their checks or evaluate how they spent the money and rate their profile. All application for a person who uses the money responsibly will be given either bonuses on their next funding opportunity or will even qualify for greater funding amounts. Moreover, I'm heavily thinking about if this system can work like credit. Instead of getting credit, their ability to show responsibility to pay their amount back, they can get higher amounts physical funding.  

  • My other idea regarding to this is making another online funding pool where applicants can register and file for free $100 on the spot and also have the ability to fund the pool. 

  • I remember when I was young telling my friends I didn't like homework. Now when I reflect to those days, I feel I had a point. No homework and more ability to play. I feel back then if I gained a curiosity for things that I would naturally want to learn more. I feel this is the tactic we should use for our educations system at an early age. In addition to that, I think we should also emphasize on being happy, I want to believe that a happy student is a curious learner. I believe a curious learner can adapt to becoming a self-made intellectual and become a person who finds a subject they are good at or develops an interest to achieve, create, and discover. 

  • Could it be selfish to like or love someone and not allow them their free nature if they do not have the same feelings in return? I personally believe relationships should be neutral in nature. To be heavily involved to the point of one being blind of the others opinions, desires, and sensibilities and perhaps the suffocation or constrictions of another, reveals a lot about one’s faults and even perhaps their own relationship with their own father. I believe if one loves, one lets go. The ability of free choice is that of fate and destiny.

  • I think to make judgements on behalf of emotions is a bad idea. I question if those who think on behalf of emotions if there is another alternative to mental conditioning. Could it be that the use of etiquettes and ethics be the appropriate alternative? I suppose an example of this could be if a person does something wrong and to not scold them but instead apologize for the discomfort of one’s actions to show the disregard or overlooking of another’s faults.

  • I came up with another idea for my own vision of taxes. Foremost, all federal taxes are made completely voluntary. For the federal government, the primary way of making money is by selling laws and plans to the general public. Every person is limited to a max of $1000 as a demonstration of their support to a certain piece of legislation. Consider it like a crowdfunding for laws, regulations, and plans. Another alternative for funding is the government provides services and sells products, such as technology, supplies, and surplus.

  • I think having to pay a static 15% for taxes is a great idea, I think it’s a good idea to keep our government from becoming large and too controlling. However, the idea that anything is owed to begin with, gives me a level of uncertainty and disharmony of mind, as if I owe something to someone. I’m sure there is a way where this can be comfortable and convenient for citizens.

  • I’m in favor of the government to have 99.9% transparency. I believe the only thing that should be secret is military tactics/ planning, training, and ethical global initiatives, such as secret tactics to over throw dictators who could be a potential threat. I believe the public can handle anything the government hold extremely secret, include races that are off world.

  • I believe inside one’s mind, individualistic, and in public, collective.

  • Conspirencially, could it be the consciousness of oneself in alternate realities, dimensions, or in the future share with one in the present?

  • I think it’s crucial to accept others the way they are. Accept their beliefs, faults, or values.

  • I think if those by nature of their beliefs is to harm, stay away from them unless it is strategy to correct them.

  • What happens when you deviate from human thinking? When the mindset of the mainstream and that of one’s desires becomes overlayed by the thought of a higher mindset. As if a ghost observing the masses going about their business. Is it the view of an individual purely scientific-analytical or is of a righteous-mind seeing of what is reality or could be? Perhaps this is what it means to be that of a philosophic mind. Perhaps this can be a metaphor to see with the lens of truth.

  • (Rudimentary/poetic/ philosophical) We are said to have free-will. For those who follow faith and give up free-will, do they have free-will to begin with? Perhaps those who believe in faith give up their free-will to follow faith. Perhaps for those who have free-will that do not follow faith truly have free-will but may not obtain heaven?
  •  I believes those who love, accept the free-will of others. One may not even fully understand another's decisions because their values or morals could be different. I think one's free-will should have the ability to experiment, explore, learn, and discover. Unless if one is already committed to another, one should respect the free-will and decisions of another. I think to overstep this ideal could be considered selfish. 

  •  (Dark poety) Chasing dreams. Living the moment. Uncertain ropes bind us. Shadows all over among us. To envy the dead. The horizon, just a blur. We walk our paths, leaving only foot steps behind. ...The steps of the ghosts of our past. It's uncertain where the road starts or begins. Does it matter? It's all the same as time moves on. Clouds take every shape and form, occupying the space of others that were once there. Forever is an empty word that defies expectation. For those, goodbeyes are all that we know. Who are those who walk among us? The thoughts of those who never were. The soil beneath us is the only chain that connects us. We all suffer, why don't we suffer together.

  • For those who do evil, can you forgive yourselves? Can you find peace? Now, you know true evil. The evil from within.

  • Real philosophers shouldn't have a hard time identifying the world for how it really is. It's systems, corruptions, ideologies, and ways of thinking. 

  • I think one of the greatest sadness is watching life go by. It's bitter sweet when one reminisses on the best experiences of the past.

  • I believe the most powerful thing a country can do is make education affordable or even free if possible. I believe education can be the never-ending gears of creating talent, innovation, and prosperity.

  • I think when an economy is at it's worst there is an increase in the consumption of pleasure activity (activities dealing with the primitive-instinctual), entertainment culture, and an increase in the consumption of pain, stimulants, or stress reliever remedies. At it's worst there is an increase of homelessness, suicide, crime, and addictions. The need for personal value, fulfilment, and the ability to have the ability to achieve one's desires or goals is of vital importance. I coin the term "going grey" where a person enters a state where they become a faceless no one, where the ability to be someone or to preserve one's identity slowly disappears. The only way to save these individuals is to give them purpose and to help them get back on their feet; that is before they commit suicide, become criminal, or be lost to their addictions.  

  • Voices serving injustice. Forms of disfigured. Which one is real? All are the same. Such an irrational fruit, the older it becomes the bitter it gets. In a world of pain. The only real one suffering. Nights are cold. The sun light blinds but never reaches the skin. Where do I go from here? Life is like a petal that withers away. Embrace the storm. Will there be another day? Where can I go? Where can I stay? Life never seems to stay the same. And yet I call for you but hear no voice. Embrace the neo world of inverted prosperity. An ocean view of contradiction. 
  • The evolution of man is the evolution of thought. That is why education is important. 

  • I think it's it's a good idea to not lean too far in unethical decisions. Always have a balance; for example, If one feels sad, angry, or mistreated by the world, try something that you can portray you emotion productively. Try art for example. Create a piece of art that portrays your emotions through drawing, painting, scribbles, or by cutting and gluing pieces of other materials. You can also make crafts, sculpts, welds, and other ways of making and exploring art. Feel free to be a vulgar, macabre, or grotesque as you want. Expression adds value to the artwork. However, as for the balance, display your emotion in something productive and not physically towards others.

  • I would like to think any subject or decision has a grey area which can be explored. I don't think it requires a philosophical mind. I think one can explore this by breaking down and thinking of a subject or decision in sections.

  • I believe the only natural freedoms a slave has is that within it's mind. In it's mind it can be anyone it wants, do anything it wants, and go anywhere it wants. Often dreams can also be a natural escape. Until this is taken from them, their ability to find freedom in imagination is their only escape from the real world. 

  • (rant and weakness exposure) My greatest sadness is that I believe no one will really know how unhappy I am. To vent out a little, I am unhappy that the economy turned out the way it did; how foreign interest or the globalists have their hands in everything and that our government is corrupt and sold out; how I graduated after six years working on my and my parents dime (F*%k student loans) and not being able to get a career job (even when i sent out around 300+ resumes; F&%k minimum wage jobs), having to live with parents because rent is extremely high; not having the ability to go out often, because of a lack of car and money; not having the ability to find a decent life partner that shares most of the same interests I do with my same mindset (I love my friends but I'm not sure I can pick one to spend the rest of my life with, it's a huge commitment); watching myself age and not have any opportunity to better myself by education; feeling insecure and perhaps even afraid about going out in the world exploring ways to earn a decent living; being in a society that for the most part is dishonest, manipulative, ignorant, stubborn, and irrational. I don't ever feel depressed but I can't help but to sometimes have anxieties. I have the strange ability to bypass this emotion as I create my own values in seemingly meaningless projects. Although, I try to stay a realist, sincere, and not show this side of me, I feel sometimes it needs to be vented. It can be seen as a weakness, and for the most part these are problems I can maybe fix. However, economic-government conditions and real-world applications are truly a complete unfortunate disaster that I cannot fix, nor I think seemingly could ever be completely fixed. It truly is a dark, unprosperous, unvirtuous, and sad world. Compared to Switzerland and Japan, the United States seems like a stain on a rug in which the dog has dragged it's butt all over.

  • Violence is believed to never be the answer to anything; however, when looking back at history it seems the only way to preserve and protect freedom is with force. 

  • I question the idea if evil entities or dark forces cause the destruction of civilizations. 

  • I found a quote that I absolutely enjoy. "The trick is to care about everyone while not caring what they think". 

  • I can't help but to think what is the spirit world. If logic and reality/ dimension mechanics are different, then what could the darkness be apart of? Could it be a box, room, or a space without light and every once in a while a tunnel of light appears? How are the physics different and what are the spirit capabilities of our own spiritual self? Can we defend ourselves? Can we form groups to strengthen our defenses? Are we given super natural powers as biblical scripts state or are we subject to the lower creature that is weak enough to be trampled on by more powerful entities? 

  • For some that do not have a root in ethics, perhaps it is their own logic that is warped. 

  • I think it would be an interesting idea to consider or perhaps implement for those of great purpose that do not want to conform or feel like they should belong to the human-economic system. A good example are like those who are academic who live on campus that live their lives for the purpose of their own research, teachings, and development; researchers who live for the sake of their own research and hypothesis; or a person who is highly philosophical that simply want to write and stretch the human mind as far as he can (with proof or tangible evidence). It's my belief that there are brilliant minds that want to dedicate themselves to their own research and development. Individuals that think covering the costs and necessities of life becomes a burden that intercepts their ability to further their own research. It's my opinion that perhaps the more complex subjects become, the more one might feel the need to pull away from the tasks of daily life and earning money to dedicate themselves to their own work for the greater good of humanity. I would like to call these people humanist-self-laborers, who like monks, dedicate themselves to their professions and are aided by the system for the purpose of human development and technological innovation.

  • Perhaps for low wage jobs, their positions are only as good as their instructions. Having a minimum wage job that furthers self development and intellectuality is perhaps what jobs should utilize for the nurturing and development of their employees. 

  • Imaginatively thinking, if I could merge two or take the best qualities of two countries, I would merge Asian countries such as Japan, Taiwan, or Korea and merge them with western countries like Canada or the United States. To be more specific, I think it would be interesting if the west adopted the social manners and personal ethics of Japan and combine them with the liberties of the United States. I feel this could create a diverse-functional mixture of ethics and culture. Nevertheless, it is simply a thought. Mixing cultures can be a dangerous idea.

  • I question the idea of the existence of moral health and subconscious health. Could it be that if one conditions themself from the use of moral decision, the less they recognize or become cognitive to it? Could this also affect the subconscious?  Could it be the more one is thinking dark thoughts or are involved with dark activities, their subconscious health decays? Could this be a mechanism to the corrupt?

  • It seems like a reasonable idea to do research before getting involved in something. 

  • Perhaps there needs to be more originality before things become singularized. For example, if people think of anime when drawing 2D, then anime could be the mainstream art form. I think it's important to be original or try things that are original. If everything becomes expected or mainstream- singularized, there could be a lack in new ideas, uses or creativity, and the trying of new concepts. 

  • I believe after so many generations (ten generations for example), the ideas of the old or maybe pieces of the ideas of the old can become new again and have the same feeling as the idea initially came out.; therefore, doesn't the philosophy of having tried everything truly go away?

  • I personally like the idea or cultural definition of a "man" which is perceptually defined as a person with reliability of their responsibility, ability to survive, skill to do things on their own and harness their own useful-in-daily-life skill sets, and desire to care and provide for their family. I also agree a man isn't defined by how masculine their looks are, how reckless they are, or how fearless they are. I like the idea a man having the ability to choose who and how they want to be. I like the idea a man can have their of fashion sense or even have a touch of femininity. Ultimately, I believe it's the qualities of being a man that defined a man. 

  • I believe the level or capability to hold intelligence is limited to the capacity of our minds. Could it be humanity will need to find a way to expand or compress and manage the capacity to which intelligence can be held in order to push beyond the limits of our intelligence and imagination? 

  • Imagine that for one change, one million unforeseen consequences and interpretations. When there is a systemic change such as the decay of an economy, imagine those who graduate and cannot find career jobs. They may feel betrayed by their own system to which they have trusted and lived under for so long. For a single change, millions can be affected and each may interpret the change differently. Such a sensitive decision can lead to opposition and aggressions. That is why leaders at the top should be as an example for others in society. They should set an example by the actions, behaviors, words, and making logical and knowledgeable decisions. When there is corruptions, there are deceptions. The loss of trust can lead a civilization to slow ruin. 

  • Suggestion for business meetings: Utilize the Japanese business ethic of limited conversation and adaptive overview suggestioning will get you much farther in a meeting than tossing ideas at each other and seeing what sticks. I think inviting people for a meeting and letting people sit there silently, relaxed, pacing, and writing ideas down and ever so often suggest and idea can get farther in business meetings.

  • Diversity in games?: I guess from a marketing perspective it can be useful; however, nobody plays games based on character diversity. And if they do, it won't be for a long time. Live and let learn I suppose. Having personally studied games in psychology and business I would focus on risk with an investment in gameplay, fun factor, originality, personal value, and culture. Those are the tools I believe sell games and have gamers playing for a very long time. It's about the quality of the game along with the quality of marketing the game; however, I think great games continue to sell more by word of mouth overtime continuously. 

  • In social interaction it's said interactions are not about manipulating, deceiving, or acting fake, but making another feel comfortable, relaxed, and happy. I think I'm different ( or possibly controversial), because I believe in being sincere, truthful, empathetic, mindful, and completely myself. Of course being completely truthful can be challenging, hurtful, insincere/rude, and mouth-slipping. I exclude white lies, because telling the truth all the time can be questionable if not counter productive.

  •  Success is not always about the money, there are more important things; like family, personal value, creating culture, and making a difference in the world. 

  • I think the use of stating the obvious, just like in Japanese, should be an interesting idea to be used as a manner of being polite. It's also a good introduction for normal conversation. Unfortunately being as it stands right now, people seem to perceive it as stating something that demonstrate having a lack of intelligence.

  • My quick comment on Youtube: My view is a bit different. I grew up playing games since the NES. Gaming and gamers has changed a lot since then. I enjoyed the non-mainstream culture and connecting with people who had the same interests as I do. I also remember when gaming began becoming mainstream when it use to appear on commercials and ads. I feel after the game cube and xbox, games had become a solid part of culture. After the xbox360, the interest in games started to digress. Everything began to feel corporatey. I wish for those day could return. The days of flashplayer and newgrounds, searching the web for cheat codes, trolling for lolz on 4chan, and once in a while going paintballing and airsofting with friends pretending to be our favorite characters from games. The sad part is that it doesn't feel like a long time ago. Now i see people that have consumed too much culture. You go to their apartment and they have shelves of pop rock bobble head figures. I think it's important that people also create personal value. Learn to hunt, fish, and camp; spend time with family; learn a new skill; travel; volunteer to help the community; excersize and do weights; create art, write stories (even if it's bad grammer or absurdly erotic), and invest time into something you can show and be proud after doing it for a long period of time. That's what life is about.

  •  It seems very hard to get simple funding for one's ideas, I wonder if it would be a good idea if there could be an even more simple solution so that people can get funded and feel empowered and motivated to create culture and prototype new ideas. 

  • I sometimes feel like a monk that spends most of their days writing and reading in their room all day. I want to say like Nostradamus, but that is obviously a bad example. I don't see a whole lot of significance in what I write. It's just a hobby. Sometimes spending all day and even writing articles of ideas that i don't even feel suitable that should be on my blog. I waste a lot of time. :T

  • I had a thought. To live like a samurai. Live every day as if I were to die that day. With that thought in mind, I feel I written enough, made enough art, and put out so much of my own culture, even if nobody ever saw or read what I've done, that if I were to die, it would be irrelevant. I still have a lot that I would like to do, a bucket list, but on the task of things I have already accomplished, I feel thankful that I have had the opportunity to achieved it. Live like a samurai. 

  • I understand that times change, what we do in the present determines the future. If I step on a bug, I have stopped that generation of bugs and potentially millions of generations coming from that bug.

  • I like the quote, "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." - Stephen R. Covey. 

  • I remember how times were different in the 90s. Some of the best times of my childhood. How the world is more different than then. 

  •  It seems when people want something from others, the do whatever they can to get what they want without the nature of befriending them. I would like to bring back the ways of the past where people befriended others like in the wealthy class and after getting to know another person, they would introduce what it is they are looking for or desiring. I also would like to bring back the respect for one's individuality, where a person respects the decisions, beliefs, and activities of another; and may I add gives them free choice to act freely without the need of becoming too involved without the others desire. If there is something I want to emphasize from the late aristocracy era it would be this kind of interpersonal interaction. 

  • I came up with an idea for an invention to level out the playing field in a time for physical conflict. The idea is to have some form of radiations the renders using weapons inoperable by their ammunition. A weapon that could ignite ammunition which levels the battle ground for hand to hand combat only. Although I'm not a violent person or see the need for violence. I do believe this is an interesting idea for a modern form of equalizing defense.  

  • People have different level of cognition. Some have deeper cognition than others. Over time cognition deepen depending on the evolutionary state of ones mind through exploration, question, and realization of the world around them. 

  • I think what constitutes a barbaric mentality is the imposition of pressure and force. 

  • I think it would make a difference if everyone felt a personal responsibility to be well mannered, have class, and have a the ability to be formal, friendly, and presentable. 

  • I think it's in good practice to tolerate or accept by respecting  what can be considered dark or macabre without indulging in it; to see it as a theme or part of culture, like Halloween, and not anything more. 

  • I think the best practice is to accept people for who they are, even if they are irrational. One nested in ethics can tolerate even the most malevolent of individuals. My best practice is silence and being polite.

  • I feel as if I see a lot of the same personality, I think it would be great to have a variety of different personalities. Of course everyone being polite when in conversation and having everyone willing to accepted everyone for who they are. I think it's also important to understand that people go through phases in their life and change. It would be a good idea to accept the changes others go through, because as time goes on we can experience these changes and the emotions that come with these changes. I believe the emotions and feelings of the experiences also help shape our current personalities as well as provide a feeling for our memories. 

  • Rewrite of previous quote: The irrational man needs laws to govern themselves. The rational man need few laws to govern each other. The superior man/ philosopher needs no laws for the logic of nature is obvious.

  • I think there should be perhaps a context for the term human to remind ourselves of our human imperfections. 

  • I believe one of the challenges we face in society is understanding each other in a way that is more than simply recognizing a face and attaching a narrative to a person. I think society should see someone in a way that understand how a person sees them in a personal way as if we were to have known then on a day-to-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute, and second-by-second basis. A society that accepts a person's faults, overlooks differences, learns from another's good qualities, promotes goodness and harmony in each other, and forms a collective with them without the thought of being a stranger or hostile. I have seen such a societies in collective tribes and cultures. I personally want to call this the "cohesive society". If there is a society that I wouldn't mind to join it would be a cohesive society. 

  • I'm sure there will be those who do not understand me and might disagree with my ideas. Although I accept this, I think if they were individulas of certain qualities, they might be more fitting to understand. Qualities such as an individual of: a philosophical mindset, questions the narrative and status-quo, is open minded and critical thinking, and understands the academic subjects to which I use for what I write. I also think the understanding of my current history, experiences, and  background can further their understanding. Overall, with these qualities the comprehension of my literature could present a uniqueness of thought and science, or that of individuality. 

  • When a person embarrasses themselves, it is an opportunity to be a hero for them. The bigger the embarrassment, the greater the act of heroism. Of course, one can also ignore the embarrassment out of humility and kindness.

  • A good strategist always thinks ahead, more so for different outcomes. 

  • I came up with a realization, often if I'm not writing, I'm not myself.

  • I came up with an interesting tradition. For a person to purchase a wine or booze that they never open. The tradition is to keep it until the day they die or achieve unparallel greatness. The unopened bottled carries a message, narrative, depiction of an emotion thesis, or superstition that only favors the purchaser. A long time ago I purchased a wine bottle and saved it until graduation, but till this day never opened it.

  • There are people who do not want to be part of the system, because they do not understand it or agree with it. It’s not something of their design, feel comfortable or see convinience in, and for some it's may be something they may not agree with. To make matters complicated, it could also be that they do not know or understand the laws. It’s my belief the laws should be simplified and comprehensible to all who want to follow it. Overall, not knowing the laws or the system builds uncertainty and possibly an indesire to follow it. I wonder if there can be a system or a simplification to the system to where all can understand and agree to follow it.

  • I believe verbal communication is a single dimensional form of communication. When we communicate in our mind or to ourselves, there's an array of neurological and chemical activity. It's a communication that is a multi-dimensional, because it includes the use of multi-forms from neurons bouncing from different part of the brain as well as using emotional by chemical activity and reactions. If people were to communicate the way they communicate with themselves utilizing neurological and chemical activity, I believe communication between individuals would be beyond current level comprehension which could vastly open our mind to seeing logic, reason, and understanding in vastly new dimension.  

  • I believe the system should be simplified and perhaps revisited for questioning it's logic and reason. I believe all systems such as law, financial, and government should be simplified to where it's possible that a child could understand it. I have the hypothesis that the reason people are poor could also be because the systems to which they live in a far too complex for their comprehension. It could also possibly be illogical and subject to controversy because it's of someone elses design. I believe people should understand the system in it's entirety. I think they should find and share their own solutions to how to simplify it, create different versions, analyze it for questioning , and come up with greater systems to which can either offer choice (by variation) or reform a system entirely and replace it with a more functional, practical, or simplified version. I believe if everyone is involved they will feel part of a unifying force and examine, explore, and discover greater and innovative alternatives. 

  • I believe the system should be simplified and perhaps revisited for questioning it's logic and reason. I believe all systems such as law, financial, and government should be simplified to where it's possible that a child could understand it. I have the hypothesis that the reason people are poor could also be because the systems to which they live in a far too complex for their comprehension. It could also possibly be illogical and subject to controversy because it's of someone elses design. I believe people should understand the system in it's entirety. I think they should find and share their own solutions to how to simplify it, create different versions, analyze it for questioning , and come up with greater systems to which can either offer choice (by variation) or reform a system entirely and replace it with a more functional, practical, or simplified version. I believe if everyone is involved they will feel part of a unifying force and examine, explore, and discover greater and innovative alternatives. 

  •  I remember a different world growing up in the 90s. It was certainly more prosperous than today. An example for that is that rent was more cheap, college had it's prestige, there was a lot of great, informative, and educationally entertaining things to watch on TV, people were more willing to talk and work with each other, careers (dedicating one self to specialize in a job) was a big deal, jobs trained people and didn't require licenses and degrees, schools curriculums were demanding, there was more emphasis on outdoor activities, video games weren't main stream and created a fun, new, unifying fresh culture, there was more of a family-life, people seemed very much involved in everything, intellectual, and did things on their own, money seemed to have more value and people would spend luxuriously, people seemed to be stress-free, relaxed, and less work-a-holics, ...etc. I certainly can't say it was the best time in history compared to what I researched in the 80s and before then. However, from experience and how things felt, it was definite a bit better than today, even without the technological advances. 

  • I remember a different world growing up in the 90s. It was certainly more prosperous than today. An example for that is that rent was more cheap, college had it's prestige, there was a lot of great, informative, and educationally entertaining things to watch on TV, people were more willing to talk and work with each other, careers (dedicating one self to specialize in a job) was a big deal, jobs trained people and didn't require licenses and degrees, schools curriculums were demanding, there was more emphasis on outdoor activities, video games weren't main stream and created a fun, new, unifying fresh culture, there was more of a family-life, people seemed very much involved in everything, intellectual, and did things on their own, money seemed to have more value and people would spend luxuriously, people seemed to be stress-free, relaxed, and less work-a-holics, ...etc. I certainly can't say it was the best time in history compared to what I researched in the 80s and before then. However, from experience and how things felt, it was definite a bit better than today, even without the technological advances. 

  • I surprised how much work I can get done with a half working computer. It's definitely better than a regular average computer; however, being how old the components are, I should be thankful it gets the job done. I suppose this is an example of appreciating what one has. Even if spell check often doesn't work. 

  •  I think a soldier should always do what they're told. I also believe they should have a little bit of flexibility to perform action to which are more rewarding. I also believe they should stop taking orders after they realize how absurdly destructive, largely unnecessary, and outrageously unethical. A soldier should bear in mind what he does on the battlefield will affect him forever.

  • I like the quote, "Resistance to tyrant is obedience to God".

  • Where does moral come from? I believe the answer comes from critical thinking. Perhaps on a level to which favors what's good for oneself and all as a whole. 

  • Who decides what is right or wrong? If it feels wrong do you do it? If you're desire is to do good, then one's ability to do good comes from one's conscious and critical thinking I would assume.

  • I had an idea I would like to call "mental pace". I want to refer it to the pace at which one can think clearly and operate with critical thinking. 

  • I like the quote "Evil is unstoppable as long as good people do nothing".

  • I am amazed at what the Nigel Farage has done against the EU. I think he's a good example for people to get involved and to change that which does not create prosperity for their country. 

  • Is large graphics necessary? Can the use of symbolism in simpler graphics excscersize the imagination?

  • Where does morality come from? I believe it comes from one's conscious and critical thinking with the intention to do good and what is right, not only for oneself but for others.

  • I would like to believe with logic comes reason, with reason comes truth.

  • I think the best way to wake up or realize reality from conspiracy is to step back a see the overall picture and see how far things have changed over a large period of time. Two other good tactics is to challenge the narrative by research and questioning, preferable analyzing both sides of reality and conspiracy, and seeing what are the next future steps to look out for if such conspiratorial cases are true.

  • For celebrities, I suggest it's in good practice to separate career life and private life.

  •  In general, I believe in doing action in advance. I think it's a demonstration to responsibility and respect for others. I also believe in taking actions in advance to prevent possible problems and conflict. 

  • In times of heavy political deception and corruption, I believe the use of strategy becomes necessary for those who want to do good. I coin the deceptive art of camo-reserve-resonance. This art consists of the psychological practice of being on the side of the enemy yet secretly working against them but making it look like one is pushing the enemy's agenda. This is more-than-likely the similar tactic in which was used for corruption to gain power. Overall, such a position is a good position for corruption sabotage and needed information leaking.

  •  I think in times of political corruption, I think it becomes a personal responsibility and duty for all those in appropriate position to leak and sabotage corruption and to do so in complete secrecy. 

  • Perhaps there should be undercover agents disguised as politicians that operate undercover in search for corruption. 

  • I think it's in good nature to respect one's private life. I believe it's good to develop a personal relationship before addressing or inviting another into one's private life. 

  • I think there should be competitions on things averagely ignored. For example: I watched a competition about needles piercing metal on Japan's NHK. I think this can inspire people to participate in average or not-so-common activities. 

  • Could it be a good idea to judge politicians based on their verbal speeches without a visual display of body language? The reason for this is because I think most of what convinces or appeals to the audience is their body language. 

  • I believe a Confucian's nature is submissive, but perhaps unless it's with the use of necessity or strategy.

  •  I question if there is a interactive behavior or introduction that is harmonious, mutual, comfortable, nondestructive to self ego, or leads to instant stereotyping. I'm aware there is the formal encounter and interacting behavior; however, I wonder if there can be more ways to explore an alternative behavior.

  • I do think there should be an emphasis on presentation, I beleive presentation is important. Perhaps even greeting people is a sense of individual presentation. 

  • I believe humanity is still at it's infancy. The way they think, the way they behave, the way they interact, the way they take action. I believe it's after they think beyond their normal capabilities is when they obtain the opportunity to evolve.  

  • I think it is a good challenge or practice for a person to try and think their deepest thoughts.

  • I think the western world has become centralized in a set process of thinking. I think it's mental processes of thinking should perhaps find ways to differentiate through the use of creating their own culture. I believe with other alternative ways of thinking, perhaps we can explore alternate scientific or analytical, or innovative procedures to revolutionize, innovate, or think outside the box in our current industries.

  •  Unfortunately, I'm more persuaded to listen to people when I can guess, measure, or sample  the level of their intellectuality which has to be greater than my own. 

  • When in a position I find unnecessary, I have the ability to retract into my own mind like a turtle into it's shell. This gives me the freedom to think, become unaffected by others, and allows me to center and organize my own thoughts and desires. I also find the world within myself to be more relevant than the external world which presents more as a stimuli to my inner thoughts and character. 

  • I see how the world is and how it came to be the way it is. I understand the nature to society or social engineering. I personally find the world a bit primitive by design as sometimes find the best option is to not to conform. The ability to not conform in certain situations gives me the freedom to be relaxed and to behave in a manner I find suitable to my own individual character and intentions. Another way that I want to state this is by not conforming, it allows me to react in a manner which I can find myself comfortable and relaxed for expectation and stimuli of the world around me. I think this can be a powerful tool. I believe if we conform all the time our values perhaps can become worldly taking away our own natural character and ultimately our ability to fully be ourselves. 

  • As I watch body language and mico-expressions it comes to my attention that there is another world of social interaction and dominance. For example, there are many people that don't understand that when powerful political individuals meet, there is a strategy and battle for dominance in a the way a person shakes hands, where they place their hand, and even how they help others enter a simple door. This cultural product is believe to be the result of what is perceived as asserting power through the use of psychology. Being I believe everyone should be equal with different level of respect, I find the use for power-struggling a bit absurd. In addition, I believe everyone should be submissive in respect to each other as a king bowing to a beggar in respect for his exhistance. 

  • My approach on parenting: I believe learning life should be done incrementally. If I were a father, I would teach my son the world around us. Why and how the world is the way it is, and that having no answers to somethings is also a good thing. I also think it's in good practice to ask my son questions and see what he thinks of some things and how he thinks it work. I believe this may bring curiosity. If there is a chance to teach something educational, I would purposely show or even ask another person to show how something works for the sake of showing my son unique things he can get curious and feel inspired to know more. Ultimately, the end product would be to give him the critical ability to think for himself. I'm sure it would not be an easy task because at an early age they would most likely be wanting to play more than learning. I would hope to try and find a balance to this by bringing him places. I would also want him to develop a sense of self understanding compared to how the world sees things,  so that he can learn how others think and how to react according to his own personal responses instead of the responses expected by those in society. When it comes to faith, I think it would be best to let him decide for himself. I believe him discovering it on his own is more important than me teaching him. Undoubtedly I will be an example; however, it would be up to him to find interest in it. Most importantly, I would teach him morals and ethics. What is right and what is wrong. Why should we do what's right and avoid doing what is wrong (for the sake of social harmony and respect), and to develop their own moral code in which they can perfect on a personal level as they progress and grow into adult hood. I believe these are the needed tools to allow them to grown into becoming an extremely intellectual and well balanced and self-disciplined and moral individual. 

  • Let the nail that sticks out be hammered,  a traditional ideology that although can be seen as restrictive, could be a possible necessity for social structure in a vastly ethical and worldly-different society. I think in a society like Japan, people should follow social order, structure, and restraint. However, I also believe there should be an acceptance and allowance in the separation of other views. Perhaps it's best if there is a an off-scale balance so that society can slightly adjust or caters minimally to the social view which is different in the nature of the traditional ideology of social structure. 

  • A general thought social structure:  When one has too much freedom they can be undecided or wreckless. When one has too much structure, one desires less structural presence and more individual liberties. I think having a balance, and might I suggest a flexible and limited balance of individual choice, is perhaps the best methods to obtaining a necessary structured society that accepts individual liberties and to not feel entirely restrictive.

  • I think if a person suffer depression and learns to embrace depression, that depression eventually either becomes a numb feeling or happens so often that it eventually goes away. When this happens, it seem any time one feels depressed it becomes a feeling long missed and welcomed until it goes away again. Perhaps this is a side effect of age.

  • Could it be that an early style discipline in schools (perhaps like the 1950s) be the shaping tool for adult social life and overall social structure and interaction? Perhaps we should test different methods to shaping social structure and interaction.  Perhaps we should look at Switzerland's, Japan's, and Korea's educational structures that may cater to shaping social structure and interaction.

  • An incomprehensible complex system is a dysfunctional system. There should be more emphasis on simplicity.

  • It seems most western thinking individuals I have come across in my life have a power or superiority complex. I question why that is. I would prefer more of a collaborative or collective effort and an idea that if one succeeds, others also succeed, perhaps this also has to do with cultural values.

  • Unfortunately, I grew up in a religious dictatorship household by my mom, perhaps this has influenced or lead me in to the directions of the values I now have.

  • I like the idea that to think beyond human it the ability to put cultural influences and bias ideologies aside and to create one’s own original perspective.

  • I should keep in mind the quote, “Just do you. If you are not you, then you’re somebody else.”

  • (maybe) Perhaps discipline (fair discipline) for children is necessary because they don’t understand social structure or specifically what happens to society when people do what they want without consequence. If children to teens were continue with this ideology, it could lead to be public disharmony. Much like what I perceive of people of today, I believe a disassociation of consequence for one’s action possibly leads to social deconstruction. Furthermore, I can be wrong and it would be worth testing this idea.

  • Rant: By all means I feel like a broken man. The reason I feel broken is because I feel betrayed by a broken system by having a low standard and quality of living in a poor economic and prosperity environment. Often I'm confronted by a dishonest, fake, irrational, judgmental, unintellectual, and ignoring society which would rather abuse you than to work or help you succeed. And age which takes it's toll on how the world sees you and overall the ability to succeed because of time working against you.

  • I think there should be ways to easily fund new ideas. Perhaps ways in which a persona can obtain capital and pay it back later in a leisurely fashion without going through the analysis of risks. People age quickly and their life spans aren't as long as they may think. I think if people have a great idea, that they should find a means of funding an idea quickly if an idea is considered great, useful, or if one has had a major dream in which they would like to execute that could be something that can further inspire others to do more great things or be useful in the future. If I could have the ability for such an idea, I would make it as if it was a government grant where individual apply and are randomly selected, have to pitch their idea, and if it isn't used for average (such as buying cars, paying rent, or spending on personal unneeded necessities) means then they can continue to do their idea.

  • I believe people need to be made aware of others working for political ideologies or structures aiming to establish their own form of persuasion or tactical conditioning. The best way that I can think of to do this is by questioning them and seeing if they are using any sort of tactic found in the psychological warfare tactics (such as intimidation, deconstructing authority or one’s personal value, manipulation-deception or twisting of information).

  • It’s a good tactic to make a story depicting certain situations so that they won’t be repeated or could create awareness. Moreover, a story that could also be made into a lesson or abbreviation of a situation.

  • Things I wanted to be: An indie game designer and project director, a movie director, a psychologist, a unique style vocalist in an experimental metal band. 

  • I'm not against the western way of thinking, afterall I am a western thinker. I do have an issue with why they think the way they do when they are ignorant or have little to no regard for ethics. I want to build and improve western thinking and create an even more harmonious functionable, and virtuous western society. 

  •  Perhaps strange, but I enjoy watching C-Span for entertainment. 

  •  The life of game production. When in production, you wear a beard and a manly musk. When finished, you wear a suit and sweet cologne

  • I think it's important to have a personal sense of interpretation and intelligence of one's world. It's in vain to learn or follow another's interpretation of life.
  • The ability to critically think or to deduct and reason can be dramatically resourceful in one's own life, they are part of a large array of tool all individuals should have and utilize. 
  •  Never feel inferior of another's intelligence or level of intellect. Learn from these people, become their friend, understand that not everyone's perfect, find and seek the truth, do what's right, question the narrative, and "level up" one's own intelligence and intellect. 

  •  I would think everyone has had at least one dream or perhaps passion.  When it comes to finding one's dream or passion, I would think there is more paths to get to where one wants or where one's passion demands. Working for someone is only one path. 

  • (no reason) Abstract idea: What if a person had a single sided thought dimension. What if life only involved the thought of the existence of oneself; much like a fish. You'd be in a world of many individuals but no concept of society or interaction. All you knew is that those around you that look like you or that you can to some extent interact with, know they are not a threat. To some you might even have an attraction. Nevertheless, life through this irregular or perhaps abstract single entity perspective revolves around what you do and how you behave. I would think the only way to go fourth through this dimension is to learn about everything around you. What is harmful what is beneficial. 

  •  The depths of our intellect can form the tool of our imagination to which can create the vessels of exploration and transcendence. 

  •  I like thinking beyond. A long time ago I came up with a robot/ drone idea that can be sold to the general public. It's a spherical drone, like the one created by Japan's Ministry of Defense. It can hover and fly extremely fast in any direction. I would say with an extremely high acceleration in .5 seconds. It is equipped with VR and 4K live cam transmission by wifi and satellite which also includes night vision, inferred, sonar, audio, movement, and high frequency sound. It can also use a live scan (inferred projection lasers) to map out the environment it is in. Overall this is a drone that is meant to be used to cave mapping, live time global exploration, deep sea exploration, volcanic monitoring, military strategy (for individual squads), military defense, and modern espionage, all in live time. It can land on any surface to charge it's solar battery. I also thought of an idea to have it runned by a small magnetic generator/motor that can also gain speed as it's propelled by wind current. This depends on if the magnet has any effects on the drone's electronics or if it causes undesirable vibrations. It is also equipped with a rotating 360 sensor so that it can dodge projectiles and external surfaces. For military defense, the ability to use high frequency sound and inferred with it's rotating 360 sensor can allow the drone to change positions to avoid getting hit by high speed projectiles whenever in a dangerous or potential combat area. The drone also has the ability to grab and drop small objects. This goes well with my grenade dropping drone idea. I also want the drone to generate tremendous power so that is can lift objects much heavier that itself. My next idea I wanted to add is to give it limited AI. The AI will be based on circumstantial simulated data and, if possible, calculative outcomes. Therefore, instead of having to rely on input commands and remote control(analog and digital), I also want it to execute commands or ask to execute complex commands based on logical algorithms. I think it would also be perhaps necessary to have every drone equipped with a routing/contact number for the drone's operator in case it is lost, broken, or abandoned.

  •  Living life; only one time in existence this luxury is.

  • (random and probably common sense) I wonder if fictional, hybrid, or micro cultures can become a form of mainstream entertainment, community, and even life styles in the future.

  •  (maybe) I find it best to never to say words that are destructive or can put down others. I think it's impolite. I find the truth is only necessary when a person has need of it due to necessary or perhaps heavy circumstances. Minor circumstances are irrelevant. If I have nothing good to say, then I don't say anything at all. In such circumstances, I prefer to keep my answers common, irrelevant, polite, and brief. I think it's with good intention to uplift others and to not talk bad about anyone. Afterall, I believe people choose how they want to live their life. Nevertheless, I personally find it best to glorify in their success, acknowledge or appreciate their hardships, and understand their problems but to not involve oneself personally for it perhaps can be considered none of one's business or to bring a situation of personal involvement which can open the possibility for personal ruin. Instead of getting involved immediately, I prefer to have a situation optional. Always be honest and sincere. If I do not want to do it, then i will state what needs to be said (it's in good practice to speak what needs to be said; i find doing so without eye contact allows me to say anything that will not force me to step back from my position or say something i do not want out of the dramatic atmosphere of the situation). 

  •  (maybe) Money should flow freely. When one performs their passion, money should be easy flowing such as the blood in their veins. I disagree that money should go for taxes or be choked up for the sake of political or systemic  affiliation. I believe one should feel free to spend their money any way they want. I also believe individuals should never have to pay taxes to the federal government. I think a better system would be to let companies over a certain size in revenue pay taxes to the government and do so at a fixed 15% annual rate.
  •  (maybe) If I could perhaps compare or sum up rough ideas to my vision of philosophy, I would like to say it's Confucian in nature; scientific based because of the use of psychology and sociology; functionalistic to ensure realistic, proper testing, and analysis for functionality; and strategic to ensure operations and achieving goals are executed through the use of academics and objective strategy.

  • A proven method of rediscovering life's purpose is to pretend one is dying and upon their last breath consider all that which was with regret and then to wake up and to do that which one regretted doing.

  • I think centering oneself, as in to gather one's thoughts and feelings, is a good way to possibly stabilize one's emotional and psychological state.

  • When it comes to systemic failure that involves an individual's livelihood or means of livelihood, I find it completely unacceptable. In a society filled with academics, there should be no systemic failures. I stand in defiance to a state of systemic dysfunction. I believe something should be tested, analyzed, researched, and made completely functional before it becomes part of a system which deals with any individual's livelihood.

  • I think perhaps we should consider the idea to seek strangers, those who are different, or possibly those who are strange and have an unique gathering of social interaction, purpose, or perhaps a tag-a-long culture where we give these individuals the opportunity to demonstrate what they are like, discover who they are, or get to know them under the shell of their own skin. Perhaps such a gathering could help others create a unique culture to which can be conditioned for freindliness, openess, social acceptance, purpose, and micro diversity. I think this can even strengthen community when presented with a way to gather others. I got this idea in college when i would stay after class with classmates when at first i hardly knew them. We would even gather the strange members of our class and learned more about them. Hanging out with strangers after a few gatherings, one soon gets an idea of how they are like. It's important to get past the few layers of defense to discover the brilliance or blatancy of one's true personality or intellect.

  • Could it be useful if the western world were to slow down in conversation once in a while, or perhaps learn to cherish awkward or moments of silence?

  • (random) I question if minimalism is poverty but with style.

  • I like the biblical quote that if you trust a person with small things, you can also trust them with greater things. Although I enjoy this quote I also seemingly disagree or overthink the idea that if the level of trust needed for greater things can also become of value to the other individual, perhaps it presets an opportunity to be misused. Could it be that a greater quote could be if one continuously trusts a person with small things, perhaps then they can trust them with greater things?

  • I question how one can make their mind sharp. I personally find it is far easier for me to respond sharply to topics of great depth and complexity than to have casual everyday conversations or conversation to which I find seemingly average or irrelevant.

  •  I believe as stated previously, I disagree with the mainstream idea of love. I believe the idea of love is a fallacy and can be used to subject oneself to a position of hypocrisy. Controversially, I believe the idea of ethics can replace the mainstream notion of love, more specifically the socio-interactive notion of love, as a personal civil integrity. 

  •  Curruption in political Structures brief summery analysis points overview: reform culture; control media; instill racial division; instill class warfare; create problems and have your own solutions; control the courts and judicial system; intimidation by fake agendas to push a greater narrative; use advance psychology to condition people through culture; control currency and markets; control; manipulate and limit institutions (dumb down education and religion); create offshore instability and offer agendaed solutions; push ideological warfare where a narrative is found seemingly logical but untrue; lower the aesthetics of design and architecture to seems mediocre (part of psychological warfare); push for compartmentalization and specifications in industries; create requirements for industry such as certifications, degrees, and specifications; install political correctness; invert logic and turn it mainstream logic;  obtain a paid audience that can be a narrative army; allow for mass immigration incase needed for control variation; control votes; have open surveillance; bend laws and regulations for catering for needed narratives,  pay and grow underground and cult-like secret organizations; cater to the minority-less educated class and strengthen their narratives for civil unrests; secretly promote, operate, and grow crime; push for ethnocentric divisions; use incremental and discrete biowarefare for mental retention; allow of secret and controlled radiation leaks; manipulate weather by micro waves and increase sismec activity; push fake conspiracy narratives for less insight of conspiracy listening audiences; make deals with oversea interests; incase persuaded allow for fake leaks to bend narratives; use methods of intimidation, aggravate or to silence others possible using financial or tax methods; promote irrationality and incivility in entertainment; centralize needed institutions; control or monitor transportation; remove personal defenses (fire arms); prepare for unconventional warefare and perform a secret arms race; control and militarize police and security forces; emphasize control by liberal narratives in favor of fairness and equality; centralize malevolent organizations; research, read, and understand history, texts, and operations in the past; take scientific analysis, test, and refine processes to push narratives; control, manipulate, or utilize medicines and vaccination; pressure/ pinch the average American household income; influence the average American family; push or repress a sexualized agenda; impose a gender-infleunced/ gender-confusion narrative; control military, and intelligent, and defensive agencies at the highest offices. 

  •  I would agree to always prepare for the worst case scenario. 

  •  (random) The history of mankind is a dark one. It's one that is unitellectual, controlling by the powerful and wealthy, not for prosperity, unethical, not peaceful, disharmonious, and filled with evils that operate in both silence and in full view. It seems like fantasy the way i would see how the world should have operated. If i could see a world of intellectuality and pro life, virtue, harmony, and prosperity, I would think in the dawn of time, people wouldn't do war with each other and instead embrace ideologies and philosophies that harmonizes different cultures and races, and fixes conflicts without the idea to go to war. Why wouldn't they adapt ways to incrementally build upon a peaceful and functional society and civilization. I can't help but to question the basic principles of human behavior.  What causes war, aggressiveness, and discontent? Where does this idea or feeling come from? Is this feeling objective? Is this part of survival fight or flight? If it is objectively possible for people to live life and not fight with others, then where does this behavior come from?  Why isn't there an instant instinctual behavior for harmonization and seeking solution?

  •  Could it be that the ultimate form of communication are the patterns in our minds?

  •  I would like to think an short overview of my philosophy would be trying to restore, analyze, explore, and study ethics; introduce or emphasize ethics in the western world; emphasize personalizing ethics as the greatest tool for humanity's prosperity and future; an attempt to possibly harmonize sexuality (not for it to be implemented but just to do it); and explore my own thoughts, beliefs, and ideas to help one's self development and overall humanity.

  •  (not sure if i should post this) Some people might tell me I'm very smart, highly intellectual, very talented, but I see myself as the complete opposite. I'm a broken person, I did not live the life I always wanted. If i may allow myself to become pitiful, I would say i was cursed from existence since birth into a world painfully the complete opposite I thought the world should be or how i imagined it. I do not see myself as significant or anything. I just like to think a lot. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact I'm so introverted. I hope that's not confused as being antisocial. I use to have a public face, but now I don't hide it. I rather show others how I really am and have it as a part of my character. I think because of this I am perceived as snobby or very serious. I use to be very lively, dorkey, energetic, geeky and very optimistic. However, as time goes on I feel I have retracted deep into myself. No job, a struggle for self purpose, a race against time, many dreams and not a single way to get there, and don't even get me started on finding a life companion. My world has been reduced into a tiny cube. Where the only windows to the outdoor world is in my imagination, my window, and my PC. After living around the same area for so long, nothing becomes interesting except for the movie theater. I think it would be useful to have a social place that is needless of money where there are activities to do and people to collaborate with. I once had a business plan to make a studio type area for people to make art, watch movies, series, and animations, and compete against each other playing videogames for either a membership fee or that sells art and snacks. Since i could never obtain any funding for any of my ideas despite the hardcore effort of talking to potential investors, talking to banks, or crowdfunding, it was one out of many interesting business ideas I put aside. Being how hard i tried to start something and got no where I had become convinced the free market had become a controlled by some Soros-globalist controlled conspiracy. I have exhausted all my ideas to how to move out from living with my family. Perhaps I feel embarrassed to walk in the light of day being that a person seemingly perceived as talented as me can't even get a clue as to how to move out of their parents to secure a life for themself. I could work a measly minimum wage job despite having a degree, but even then i would still live with parents. If i were to move out on my own those funds would drain rather quickly with the cost of living. If i cannot make over $30,000 annually I simply cannot secure a functional state of living, moreover work on my own projects on my free time such as writing stories and ideas, making art, make game assets, learning more about software, learning to do new things (like cook new things), reading novels..ect . I feel bad to compare myself to other people I know, bu all they do is work and when they don't work they don't do anything but play videogames, sleep, watch TV, or browse the web. It's like they have thrown out self purpose for the sake of earning a living to the point of worshiping money (moreover pure materialism). I can't see that kind of lifestyle for myself. It seems like a terrible or pointless existence. I think i may be frightened to go this direction in life without a career job or a job i find value from. I had worked a minimum wage job for an entire summer where all the employees bounced from one job to another earning less than $30,000 annually. I understand the importance of covering the cost of living, but in a growing economy wouldn't anyone think there would be an abundance or demand for jobs, especially career jobs? Wouldn't there be an abundance of luxury spending money? Wouldn't it open up the opportunity to make your own business despite the amount of risk? Where is prosperity? Who has essentially taken My future away? This is the first things i think about every second of the day from when i wake up in the morning to when I'm sitting awake in bed at night. How could such a reality, world, or existence do this to a person? Time is of the essence and I don't ever intend to ever see justice. The present moment is devastatingly grim. To the point where the traditional ideology of "working hard will get you somewhere in life" is as good as "you have now become a slave to a system by design with little play and little purpose, work hard simply to live with the bare minimum and spoiled scraps for food". It's a system where the sweat falling from one's brow from intense labor is as useless as a meaningless existence. I fear the future for our own children will follow to what will be even more devastating than our own. I dare ask if I'm right,  and if not, what could possibly be deceiving me?

  •  Because I question the political narratives, overall system, and analyze and think about why our laws and political decision go in one direction when I can think of ways that I believe would be better, I conclude the system by design and is not prosperous and virtuous. I have my own vision of what I think the nation should be like which is seemingly different. A nation untampered by political corruption, red tape, control, and foreign interest ; a mix of respectable conservatism and real liberalism; individual freedom and liberty; diverse in terms of lifestyles; freedom of business; mix of cultures, including newly created cultures; a mix of lifestyle ideologies; and a nation harmonious to different ideas, lifestyles, cultures, occupations, and peaceful ideologies. Furthermore, I would like to consider myself a philosopher, but I do not think I would fit such description because it sounds too grand or luxurious. I would consider myself as an intellectual thinker and a dreamer but nothing  more. I would like to inspire others to become intellectual thinkers, create culture, and find their own means of making a business, and creating their own unique lifestyle.

  •  In strategy, I think the person who controls the enemy's logic and decisions has the upper hand. Another way to put this is, the person who forces, dictates, understands, and can manipulate by thinking ahead the enemy's moves has the upper hand.

  •  How to help you become undefeatable: demean and minimize the worth of your life comparing it to what is more important or of greater value. Make peace with yourself and the idea of death. Fulfill any promises or goals you have. Increase intelligence and know everything about the enemy and objective. Strategy. Grow a thick spine, man-up, get God on your side, become fearless, never back down, and no no surrender. It's kill or be killed. 

  •  I propose the controversial idea that possessions happen to people who are unconscious of their actions or are relatively nonintellectual or posses no persona and moral discipline

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