Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Personal Quotes XII

Here is a list of ideas, personal quotes, and other things I would like to write about. I will continue to update this list as time goes on. I would have continued on the other Personal Quotes XI but blogger's update button doesn't seem to work again, so I'm starting a new post.

Be comfortable in your own skin. Show confidence by being your authentic self. If others don’t like you, then that’s too bad. Don’t care what others think. Do what you need done.  By listening to others and following others, they are running your life and not you. In the west, if anyone talks over you, raise your voice and don’t back down. Ask the tough questions. Don’t let anyone silence you. Be in control of the situation to a degree. Don’t let anyone demean or lower your worth. You let them walk over you, you agree with them and let them say things you don’t like, your image and status is a risk. Even if they are wealthy or successful, back down to no one.  You know your worth and you are the in the driver seat of your own journey in life. Show them you can critically think so they know what your mind is capable of and that you aren’t an average unintellectual person (if you are an average unintellectual person(if you were to be honest with yourself), catch up on education;  watch videos on history from Sumerian times to modern day; learn about political ideologies; learn about science and physics; get hungry for personally motivated and curiosity driven knowledge; learn as much on your own as possible, youtube videos and text-to-speech PDFs are excellent). Show power in confidence by being your authentic self. Argue with objective logic. In the west don’t show signs of weakness. People in the west commonly mistake politeness, humility, and kindness for weakness because the it’s naturally irrational and always pushes to extreme behaviors. Always be one step ahead. You back down, you lose. Keep moving and pushing forward. The more you push, the more you win. Don’t let anyone take away your time when you need to say something. If they talk over you, keep making moves to bud in until you force an entry point to say what you need. If you say something that’s a mistake, retract and tell them what you really meant to say. Be the stronger authority. Say what’s on your mind with confidence. You make a deep mistake, you apologize and move forward without giving into your own emotions. I usually tell myself to have Ia’s and Enlil’s will power to be dominant and confident.

Should a system/ policy be made where items that are essential to everyone such as house/rent, groceries, gas, and utilities be made affordable and cheap than items that are nonessential which should be priced at an amount everyone is willing to pay for it?

Should we have limited socialist programs in our capitalist representative democratic-republic that improves our quality of living and prosperity? I want to think having free education funded by the federal or local government can be a good idea. I want to believe startup capital funded by federal and local government  for first and second time business owner is a good idea. It’s important to keep it essential and not to go overboard with it. I like to think of it as balancing a pie chart where depending what you are funding, you offset the balance to other programs because the government has a limit to how much they fund these programs so that government is kept small.

What I would change in the United States justice system: When there is a misdemeanor, you don't leave the scene unless it's deemed okay by the police to leave. If it's a simple case where things have been broken in a store or a small conflict, then it doesn’t have to be handled by law. Once the law is involved a resolution needs to be settled or an officer can arrest a person if a law is broken. When the law is broken, people can be held for two weeks, even for minor offenses. It's a innocent until proven guilty system but the two weeks is mandatory. When a person is convicted of minor felonies, they will pay with fines after their sentence. When they are released, they could get house arrest for an additional one or two weeks and community service on top of that after their two weeks being detained. While they are detained, that will be two whole weeks without internet, under a strict controlled environment with no talking, and they can only see their family for one hour a day with an appointment. If they work or go to school, they have to get their loved ones to contact their work or school and explain the situation. While detained, they can choose to give their computer or phone passwords or not. If the evidence doesn't add up in two weeks, they are sent home. If there is evidence, that is when people's detention can be extended to 2 to four more weeks or even when chances of conviction rises. It's critical that the person detained writes a statement of what occurred after the incident occurs and later that evening the incident occurs. This will be used as evidence along with statements of what others who witnessed the incident. If motives aren’t found, the evidence links up, and there is no signs of mental illness, then a person can be released after two weeks. There will be interrogations. Depending on the magnitude of the crime, the interrogation can be relaxed to extremely harsh. During the first three to five days of interrogation, a lawyer will not be present. A person should remain silent if they do not want to present evidence for conviction. Eventually the person will be presented to a court and a judge. A jury will also be present. If it was my system, it would be everyone who has become in association with the law such as those who had ticket violations and misdemeanor in their early life so it doesn't become a burden to those working. All evidence will be presented and the case might be schedules for certain days until a person is convicted or set free, perhaps with a fine for damages. The method is if you have not done the crime and there is little to no credible evidence, then there's nothing to worry about. You do your two weeks detained and you are set free with a fee for being in prison (fairly cheap food and rent costs). If there are more misdemeanors then the magnitude goes up, because every additional action from the original stacks more on your sentence which could lead to more jail times and fines if there are more damage. Overall, everything you do wrong in a case-sequence for that trial, will bite back. Repeated offenders will have twice the harsh magnitude. The third time, they will be treated as an animal and it's likely they will be seen as guilty. In a person's first trial, if a person displays they are absolutely an irrational person then they will be imprisoned and their sentence will be long. A person needs to prove they are not only innocent or not guilty to where it deserves immense imprisonment but that they are also rational and civilized; even if they dislike the judge. I call this the Fair Justice System. There is a belief that those who do crime will always be criminals even if they never do it again. There is also the belief that you do the crime, you do the time; if you are purely innocent, there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, my version of the justice system spills over to other industries. If violence is brought through media, then it's the reason there should be a label on music and movies to not replicate the violence and irrational behavior. Moreover, at the end of a case when found guilty or not the person accused has to apologize to the judge, the jury, the audience, and the people they have committed the action against. If they are set free, they have to promise the judge they will not do it again and they understand that if committed a crime, they carry the label as an ex criminal. On the other hand, if they are irrational and convicted, their sentence in prison will change their life forever. If it's my way, they will be broken down and reconditioned in six months and have to serve in the prisoner branch of the military. The prisoner branch is a separate branch from the military who will do the dirty work. The idea is that if a person has sheds blood, they chose the path of shedding blood to which will now be shed for their country. It is a choice to go here; it may even seem appealing if a person has a sentence for life. The prisoner branch of the military is not a place for the average grunt; prisoners are commonly cannon fire and under extremely strict circumstances. They are heavily conditioned to obey orders and are given the idea of a "rebirth birth". Exiting this branch is made extensive and difficult and a imprisonment soldier has to prove they are willing to contribute rationally to the good of society including turning on those who desire them to return to a life of crime; their allegiance is to the country. A return to a life of crime mean court martial on a prisoner terms. Moreover, those who stay in prison are subject to the minimalist lifestyle of the prison world. First time prisoners see the worst prison conditions. There are prison levels. As they progress through the prison levels towards release, their conditions improve until they enter rehabilitation to which they are conditioned to re-enter society. Their experience in prison is meant to be horrible as they have no rites. Compared to prisons today, there is some security as inmates don't shower together and are commonly isolated. There are periods in which they are allowed to talk but for the most part it's strictly silent. If a prisoner turns on a guard or another inmate, it could mean their life sentence. There is rehabilitation within criminals which will be mandatory. There is no mercy for inmates who lose their minds due to withdraw. Inmates will be supplemented to ease the symptoms of withdraw until they are completely sober. Those who cause trouble extend their stay as they can still break prison laws and commit crime. If there are extreme trouble makers they will go through phases: isolation (savvier behaving inmates are isolated because they are a threat to themselves and others) and then reconditioning (broken down and reconditioned). The level of conditioning depends on them and their behavior. There is access to psychological treatment. It is possible to serve ones time in silence without the harm of other inmates. One can choose to remain in isolation if they desire, there are some decisions on how they can spend their time; how they want to receive meals, and if they want to go outside with other inmates or spend time in their facility or cell. When they reach the higher levels near release, they will be given a more cozy cell which seems more like a shared apartment with a common shared middle space. They will be given opportunities to work for the city. They will also have access to alcohol to celebrate responsively. Higher levels near release will allow them to be given incremental rights and amenities such as access to books and courses where they can learn about subjects and teach each other.
How can people communicate more effectively on a cognitive level to babies and children to teach them and make the aware of basic principles? For example: yes, no, ouch, no ouch, solid, soft, danger, be careful, height, come here, and don’t do that and here’s why.  Also a worthy note is to prepare the house in advance when having children around so they dont cause destruction or get hurt.

(a question I struggle with; abstract) How do you balance price, balance work hours, and supply and demand while also reducing inflation? I think that will come to negotiating with companies to find a stationary set price or method of pricing that’s fair and sustainable. 

To tackle inflation why not make a convention and have the industries battle for a reasonable deflated price for a resource or material? If it’s too difficult, perhaps they can propose methods or strategies all can agree to.

I want to say feminism should be advocated in a way where they act in balance and cooperation with their male counterparts; from what I see instead is their desire for female dominance. I’ve met a few females who are power hungry. It should be that if a female desires to compete with males then they should be given the opportunity and prove themselves as mutuals. If they prove themselves then they should be respected for their positions and have as much status and appreciation as they would a male in their position. This desire for the extreme seems to be dominant in western civilization and should be recognized. I believe balance and respect in this situation is key so that both males and females can see themselves equal and alike in status, respect, and cooperation.

It seems the goal of the church is to not search for the truth but to maintain the status quo, or even to proceed with an agenda. I see priests are silent when it comes to things they shouldn’t and cannot talk about. I want to say it seem deep into the church there is a lot of evidence of that they already know a lot about the truth but do not want to reveal it. Perhaps if they were to reveal the truth it would be perceived as to be an end to their power structure. In my studies about the Sumerian mythology, I learned Yawei came from this group of seemingly ancient astronauts who came here to mind for gold. Perhaps if the truth revealed about Yawei was revealed, people would objectively believe there is a God or Gods and would have to digest the truth. If proven accurate, it would mean it’s possible they could return. It’s also possible that our Earth is unprotected without a space force because who knows what is lurking in the depths of space. Just as European military set sail for colonizing different areas of the world, the same could be happening in the universe and we wouldn’t even have known it. It would be a good idea to have greater or similar weaponry and systems in which to protect ourselves. 

Could it be possible spirits speak through people through their hypothalamus due for the possibility that it is most susceptible to electromagnetic frequency? It’s possible that spirits, good or malevolent, operate in an electromagnetic space or even electromagnetic quantum space where things both exist and not exist at the same time. Perhaps we truly are a buildup of conscious energy when we die.Perhaps knowing more about the quantum realm can give us understanding what actually is the spirit realm and how is it possible things or entities can behave in such space.

I believe it would be a real good idea to have an accuracy rating for those who see themselves with the ability to see into the future. 

Could it be possible that, just like demonic possession where the frontal lobe decays and the hypothalamus increases influencing a personality disorder or, even a secondary personality with an irrational intelligent behavior, could also be the reason that people who talk to deities or get outer worldly information exhibit such behavior as seeing the future or believing firmly in their belief and their god-sent agenda? Could it be with intense interest in a subject such as the bible or news while also having such conditions in the brain allows them to gain the voice and thoughts of the mindset from the literary style or personality they were influenced while reading while also having adaptive information such as the news to mix the two together and claim it was a voice from God when it could of actually been this mental phenomenon.  This would make sense for those who are supposedly profits and messiahs in why they believe so deeply (because they actually profoundly believe) and why they believe they have to provide with information of conduct an agenda to save others. With this mental phenomenon, it could truly be that they really do have voices in their heads and they actually believe what they are saying. This mental phenomenon can also lead to the mental condition of voices in inmates thoughts for exhibit and conduct irrational behaviors. Moreover, perhaps humanity can take advantage of this phenomenon. Perhaps we can listen to supposed profits as a source for critical thinking intelligence. That is why I say we can have an accuracy rating. It could prove to be a valuable source for abnormally intelligent critical thinking information. Perhaps it can help us build nonlinear or webbed strategies to accomplish our goal.

I think if the church could face a major problem in the future, especially as it adopts progressive/ foreign interest influence while also having the truth about Sumerian mythology and where Yawei comes from. It could mean the end of the power structure; however, it could bring about the actual belief in Yawei and perhaps all the deities surrounding Yawei, assuming if Shamash, Ia(Enki), Enlil, and Anu are still alive ("the Gods of old" in Genesis in the Enuma Elis).

I believe there should be medical reformation. I see there is a lot of money being put into the medical industry yet the results are very little compared to other countries like Japan. Cancer itself has been around for a very long time and has accumulated billions. If I were the president, I would investigate the medical world. If proven insubstantial, I would fund research overseas who are more resourceful and effective. It's either that or a new system of recorded process toward debunking hypothesis should be made public and released in a monthly statement of progress or magazine. I as a citizen I see little to no  progress from the western medical industry. I see cost of supplies rising instead. I see more innovation and progress in Asian countries then that here in the US. In such a case, it's important that our medical industry competes with other more effective medical industries and produce progress, updates, and results. It should show and prove where funding is gained and spent, and if funding is worth it.  

Perhaps it might be a good idea to have episodes explaining specific chemicals and how they can influence other different chemicals. It would be great for people to know more about all the chemicals in great detail.The chemicals that are used for explosions should also be made but censored or restricted.

The rise of Neo Fascism- It seems all around the world there is a rise of violent groups. The most recent group in the United States has led me to write this. It seems it's caused by foreign interest propaganda. I'm seeing the movement becoming popularized on ever media station, social media outlet, and liberal medium. There is major money being put into this. Observing foreign interest for the past decade, it's no surprise their goal is divide and conquer. In this they are succeeding along with the destruction of an economy to bring about their outdated old fart irrational agenda. In the recent events they are using strategies that inspire violence as something that is necessary for change. Little to people know it's a Mousselini strategy before world war 2 which is power and conquest through intimidation.  However, this time there is use of more modern strategies. There is the use of conditioning, also known as brainwash tactics, through the use of propaganda such as music, games, movies, shows taking advantage of years of poor education and the removal of logic and critical think. in the academic world, there  is also the removal of wealth and lifestyle class where there is an instruction for how students gain wealth, manage finances, talk about money, and strategies on how to improve their lifestyle. There is also a strategy on emotions and feelings instead of logic; if it feels right, you should do it. On the cognitive level it instigates a desire for anger that in reality is motivated by propaganda. One has no idea how their past was, but it sounds awful therefore it must of been awful, regardless of the where about of their past. They are realistic-feeling illusions that seems to be created with the use of a lot of investment. It is likely some sort of agency is conducting major science to develop the hive mindset to divide and conquer. We also see foreign interest using strategies where they controlled and militized (militarized) authorities to instigate more violence. There is evidence of this through the state; I want to hypothesize perhaps due to banks to protect their investments. There is a lot of evil being done and I don't see much of anyone demonstrating the truth of the matter, because the truth in itself, through labels, seems fictional. Soon the foreign interest, globalists, will have the world where it wants and it will swallow it as if a cornered last stand army defending the Alamo. Unlike Russia's attempt to revive the USSR yet stopped by the people during the collapse of communism, the people in the United States stay dormant and intimidated because of the mass quantity of intimidation. It wouldn't surprise me with the use of such violent mobs, the vandalizing of businesses, and the virus closing businesses because it can't pay rent, it might mean the collapse of the US economy. I believe the president had his chance to go after foreign interest when it was at a surprise advantage, but now they are getting stronger. Chances are they are the hoarders of the global wealth (perhaps by controlling trade as seen in the EU)so resources are abundant; that is if we don't switch to currencies outside their control. Nevertheless, I have a few solutions to weaken the mob. My solutions are to increase the penalties of the crimes. Hold them for weeks in jail; improve cameras or update software for facial recognition (understand that future corrupt leaders can use this also); set all active street cameras on; begin a mass surveillance and decades long campaign to charge people for stealing, looting, assaulting, and even murdering innocent people; those who have murdered should be sentenced accordingly. I would demilitise/ demilitarize the police and train them in a way where they are capable of protecting themselves while serving those who are innocent and are always doing what they can to investigate and arrest the bad guys, instead of acting in a way that serves their paycheck overlords who serve foreign interest which i believe is illegal to begin with (i would also take away civil forfeiture if not directly related to a crime).  If I was the president, I would arrest immediately certain members of the group who are known to be violent and label them a domestic terrorist as it's truly what they are. You cannot be antifascist and yet demonstrate fascist tactics. I would address the simplification of how people are brainwashed and conditioned to obey and taken advantage of and i would also use the emotional strategy against them as they fell for it to begin with. I would get those who were severely beaten to talk against the violent mobs and then drive emotions deeper by having the families talk about their loved ones who were killed by the violent group. I will demonstrate the violence and suffering their actions had caused. Where there is the Yin, there is the yang. It is up to the good to balance the bad and to expose, tell the truth, and show the evidence of what is happening and where it will lead. I would also address that in violent areas, I will release the military and coast guard to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand. Lastly, I would go on a mass global hunt, using every military and covert operation possible, for those who are in foreign interest and to secretly arrest them and bring them to mass trial and to televise it for the entire world to watch how they have been conditioned and used for decades. After this i would have a global summit to address the evil that has befallen the world with evil men and for countries to take back their power and enact laws for this not to happen ever again. I would also have more strict regulation on the CIAas they can be a major player in this dangerous game with double agents. In conclusion, I write these things to improve a country and hopefully the world. I don’t take sides. I believe perhaps original philosophy (meaning philosophy that is new and recently thought up and not related to existing philosophies) and science should not take sides. My desire is to move the human consciousness and behavior forward for incremental human improvements and evolution to where it will one day be prepared to live among the stars (and perhaps controversially and if possible, alternate forms of improved reality).

I came up with a crazy idea of how to ruin a civilization. I figured a person or group is capable of coming up with methods to ruin things, why can't I? Perhaps we can learn from this and use parameters to prevent these things from happening. Therefore, this is how I would ruin a civilization. I would: ruin their water supply; ruin their air quality; spread viruses; destroy their economy; raise their cost of living; poison their food; poison their wildlife; ruin their soil; ruin their climate; put long term harmful chemicals in their products; put mass quantities of unnecessary products in their food to where accumulatively their body cannot support it; make their food artificial; make people fat and ugly; intimidate their seniors; have people feel pain and intimidation in medical systems; get their population dependent on drugs; depopulate the masses to bring down their numbers to controllable levels; make their children into uncontrollable monsters; have authorities intimidate them; make their infants have growth problems with medicines; control their military; control their police; own the majority of their businesses; control their transportation; make their sewage conditions poor; devaluate their currency; support new and controlled currencies; make their utilities expensive and of poor quality; condition their population through propaganda for decades; control their drugs and add more unnecessary substances; make false medial conditions and get millions for fake treatments; buy out their politicians; have their politicians conditioned like soldiers; experiment and use mind control techniques and frequencies; silence oppositions any way possible; intimidate and buy out their leaders; control their media and everything they see, watch, and hear; manipulate their emotions to all extremes; find ways to make and keep people angry; remove them from logic and reason through propaganda and education to make them more manipulatable; ruin or dumb down their education; get people to turn on each other; falsify and distort information; control their religious beliefs; ruin their sexual morality to extreme and unethical levels; ruin their music or promote propaganda; ruin family; make necessary items used in life expensive; make sororities and groups irrational and irrationally ideological; make their homes unaffordable; redesign their environments to look bland and hopeless; spread false information and confusion; ruin their justice systems or get it to where it seems like the justice is corrupt or works towards silencing opposition or agitating demographics and reconditioning them to be angry at society; create and spread false religions and beliefs; control and ruin their political systems; infiltrate their political parties; spread irrational ideologies and make them seen rational; rewrite their history; make things bad seem like good with a compelling emotional excuse; control their business leaders; redesign their building structures to spread irrational messages; promote negative, irrational, or non-inspiring art; make people work service jobs and dependent on controlled companies; get them to never work for themselves; drain their reserves; cause confusion instead of aid in natural disasters; get other countries to turn on them with the use of disinformation; horde a countries money and make it seem like the system is dysfunctional; cause dramatic change for confusion in existing systems; use technology to portray negative or false events; falsify science to produce confusion; have students work hard for a variety of useless subjects then spent their life in debt; have everyone in some way become in debt; have their jobs have intolerable and bland working conditions; purchase their lands; destroy the reputation of popular positive figures; destroy their monuments and historical places; find ways to make crime more rampant to where it is the norm; find ways to black mail and spy on everyone; irrationalify their laws and cause laws to be complex and confusing; tear down systems that are functional and replace them with dysfunctional ones; cause people to turn on each other; get industries to produce poor quality goods; get their authority system to intimidate and harass innocent people; pour negative information to get them to feel hopeless; promote negative and poor fashion ideas; dehumanize their population as if they were just a number; separate their class system to wealth and poor and make the wealthy look down on them; promote a life of bliss and luxury to the poor to agitate them; change their language to control their way of communication; promote hypnotic technologies to dumb down their IQ; promote people to seem as if they are very unintelligent and unintellectual and to follow idols; get people to turn on those more intelligent to promote a hive mind follower mentality; I would get people to rely on programs and centralized sources; I would look to history and past methods to ruin a population; I would activate natural disasters like volcanoes and fires; I would get countries to be threatened to a  new era of war trying to get other countries to form alliances and flexing military muscle, I would try ways to consolidate power by getting countries to secretly join me and donate their reserves and military to me...etc. Perhaps knowing the bad things a powerful elitist groups can do (of which was fun to get irrationally creative for once), will allow intellectual people to see their plans and prevent it; if not, it will allow them to have a field day with these ideas if they can't be stopped. Overall, parameters can be put in place so that these things don’t happen or that once it does happen, it's as if a signal an irrational agenda is happening and every department and area should be secretly investigated. To fight covert enemies, you have to think as they do.

What BLM_is doing is wrong. It’s a form of neo-fascism. Like how Mousselini rose to power by herding people just like today. It’s a tragedy what happened to the man who was killed by the police. I agree the police should not have done this. I also believe the police should not go through military training because when they graduate they are more like soldiers instead of people with a critical thinking mind that is to do what is right and to protect the right people (and have values to stand against corruption and practices they think are wrong within or outside their organization; this is personal principle). I believe they should go through civil training where regular and non-militarized police tactics are instructed. An effective and non-militarized police force who have strength in numbers is a much better strategy. Only the swat team is allowed to be trained in military strategies and mindsets. Moreover, the real problem is in the ignorance and irrational culture by irrational minorities. Globalist- liberal propaganda has brainwashed the masses to believe they have no power, are suppressed, and are victims when in reality it’s all an illusion. There are problems in the system and it is in long term need of reform, however to violence is obviously not the answer. If one knew their history, they would know this. As for being slaves, it’s an unfortunate part of history, but if you use that excuse technically we all our slaves. During the Sumerian period we used to work for the God-kings mining gold. Beyond that, people have constantly been slaves and freed as history unfolds until people have expanded throughout the world. Native Americans capture other native Americas; northern eastern and western Europeans would be conquered, made slaves, until they integrated into the new society. In today’s world we are all slaves of banks, large governments, and corporate elites who determine your worth. If one is not a slave of a system, they might be a slave to their own bad habits, addictions, and sins. Everyone is a slave to one extent or another. This is not a rational argument. What is not being done, is people standing up for the right reasons, rational debate, addressing the suffering the violence has caused; and finding ways to improve. There is an irrational agenda by wolves, many often wolves in sheep’s clothing. The lack of quality education and expansion of intellectual abilities and the promotion of irrational culture has made people into hordes of sheep running off a cliff or into a meat grinder. It’s not too late to stop the chaos. As history shows, the most useful way to win is divide and conquer through secrecy and incremental agitation to those capable to do their agenda.  (  :More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin )

(sexual) I read a student research paper on why everyone should have sex with each other and get rid of morals. I won’t say their name, but I will say they were from a popular University in California. I think they called it something like the Universal Sex Principle or Universal Sex Value System (I don’t remember too clearly it was 4am). The writer who says she’s an anarchist says her idea was to remove sexuality as a moral value. That people can have sex with whomever and wherever they want as long as a person are of a breeding age.  They talked about how open and free people would be if they could have orgies whenever they like. They talked about having government supply locations with condoms. They talked about how abortion should be made free and how people would get fined for having unwanted children. They talked about population reduction. They talked about legal prostitution and how sex could even be used as a currency. They talked about how children could be raised in caring communities if parents aren’t an active presence in their lives. They talked about becoming a polygamous or swinger society where people could get married to anyone regardless of gender, sexuality type, or quantity or partners. Overall, they talked about the return to basic human behavior. I personally believe this culture seems greatly unethical. It would promote incest, rape, and all kind of unethical behaviors and problems. There’s no emphasis on consent, sexually transmitted disease would be rampant, and it’s contributing to an irrational system where personal values would become more demoralized overtime. I believe it could perhaps lead to a modern Sodom and Gomorra.  I think what it would hurt the most are family values. As demonstrated in the Mouse Utopia Experiment, mice performed all sorts of irrational behavior as a contribution to the system they had where due to animal nature didn’t exhibit much ethical behavior (aside from the “beautiful ones” who took the initiative to be more Asexual from all the chaotic sexual activity and to go against the experiment's chaos culture).

I would make a branch of the police only for surveillance where teams observe and collect evidence of crime in heated areas where then the police or swat, when armed, are used to go make arrests.

Perhaps we can learn more about biological formulas of how problems in the body occur. Perhaps this will allow doctors in the future to modify the development of biological problems in the body.

For me the design of this town’s culture is my art form. When I finish I will continue to harness my knowledge and craft. The overall goal is to design the best and most functional culture possible. I guess my art overall is to do what I can to create a better world.

One of the most dangerous things in this world is an irrational individual with a lot of money. Due to their ability to self-finance, they are capable of many dangerous agendas. From what I see from globalists and their irrational agenda and ideology is that they follow things that are of fiction, an illusion, things that don’t exist yet wish exists,  or things they don’t  understand. They take drugs which presents an illusion as they might claim to talk to beings or entities when in reality it is the result of their brain’s reaction on behalf of the drugs.  Drugs are also linked to decay areas of the brain overtime which results in a person who exhibits odd behaviors. Conspirentially and looking at their literature, they claim to talk to entities beyond this world or beings of another origin. It’s my opinion they are willing to be fooled or to believe in anything irrational to seek and obtain any means necessary to obtain more power. This is the fallacy of the irrational human mind when given the wealth and resources beyond measure. I believe measures should be passed into law to prevent the wealth from entering and exhibiting this abnormal behavior and irrational way of thinking.

I want to believe I am the world’s first ethics scientist. My tools are mainly an understanding of psychology, sociology, economics, and related fields necessary to be accurate in hypothesis, study, test, and solutions (this can also include law and social engineering). The goal of an ethics scientist is to how to make systems functional and to make the world a more harmonious place to live and thrive.

I was watching one of Jordan Peterson’s podcast for universal income and I disagree with the argument he proposed where wealth made from business needs to be tricked down to those at the bottom. I believe in the past it did do this when companies operated more like families unit instead of robotic militarized corporation. (I also want to quickly say I often see people talking and thinking too fast. Where are the deep and critical thinkers that spend hours thinking about a subject. Where are the grand zen temple masters capable of deep thoughts and ability to examine, form new ideas, and solutions?) Nevertheless, in relation to the Youtube video I wrote my suggestion. My comment went like this: I disagree with the argument. I believe the problem is actually more fundamental then wealth status of individuals and a distribution of wealth. I think it is a systemic problem. Many people say there is no such thing as a system and that people are free; however, there is a system by culture and corporation which one has to subscribe to in order to obtain resources and currency to be considered free. If one had the ability to thrive without currency then a system can be avoided and objectively leaving freedom to be truly free. Nevertheless, I think the system needs to be revisited. As an ethical scientist, I see that people resort to violence and crime when a situation is seen as unfair, especially for a long time and conditions don’t allow them to thrive. Therefore, I believe revisiting the greater fundamental issue of how the system operates needs to be further examined. My conclusion has led me to the costs of living is very expensive and we are seeing crime on behalf of the result of unfair views. If one looks at history, inflation drives the prices we see today. I also see that lifestyle and working conditions aren’t the same as in the past. When examining work-life, I like to use the expression that people don’t hunt for their family 9-5 hours a day so why work so hard to afford a barely unjustifiable standard of living. I understand that not everyone is of similar wealth statuses, but for those at the bottom, this becomes critical between a life of working hard when you feel you have a chance or reason and the life of crime where it’s better to risk and take. When cities expanded in the 1700 and 1800s, people preferred the farm life; many thought the cities were filthy, crowded, and unsanitary. It wasn’t until prices rose that people needed to go into the cities to get jobs to afford the goods they needed. Time and time again inflation drove pricing of good to increase resulting in the prices we have today and a large contribution to the world we see today with crime. Therefore, I believe the solution is to obtain methods to reduce inflation, reduce the cost of living to what is affordable, and reduce the cost of goods and resources to be balanced with the average and affordable cost of living. This can all be done not thought he stock market  but through a convention where people and companies can come to a price that is reasonable.

I wonder if there could be a Chef Gordon Ramsays for game design. Perhaps that's what this industry needs to produce quality content in games.

Could it be that when people exhibit dismissive behavior, it is a foot hole into their mind as they feel dismissive which can be deducted to avoidance or smirk of hinting a person can’t figure it out, are repressing something, or they give an image as to try to demean the quality of another as a form to elicit a response?

I like the Japanese idea that for experts of a subject, trade, or skill that one should give it their all to produce the best quality of work. I also watched a documentary about a person who makes sand sculptures in Japan and I noted his message to the world was to stick to it. Putting both of these together, it seems to show why people can be so great and amazing at their stills and industries.

Could it be that narcissistic people (or individuals that manipulate) are more susceptible to violent behaviors due to their cognitive pattern/ wiring?

If an extraterrestrial came to me and showed unimaginable technology and showed that they were on my side, I would physically see them as an ally; however, I would remain skeptical of any manipulations because races more intelligent than we are, can more than likely at some point steer us in a direction of their agenda.  

I have the questionable belief that once a person has committed a crime, it will be a feature always part of their life. I agree with the statement that a murderer is always a murderer; even at an old age when they have moved on from the event. If one murders others, they deserve the same. If one kills a person out of defense or to smite the enemy for doing evil or carrying out an evil agenda, then it is morally reasonable as the intent is not violence but to defend. If one does not defend, then they are subject to the desire of the enemy. If one defends, the one who has done wrong for the intent of violence is subject to the consequence of this decision. When one is young, it’s important they reach a level of mental maturity so that it becomes common sense/ logical to not be violent and to do things that are wrong. Those who do not reach this level or mental maturity should be considered capable of violent and irrational behavior. The level of mental maturity, brought through the conceptualization and understanding of ethics and critical thinking, is essential for a civilized, rational, and harmonious society. I want to think that cultures that do not have mental maturity can also bring about the comparison of civility through discipline as another method of maintaining order and rationality despite this being an authoritative model and not an ethicalist model.  I question if the development of mental maturity is brought about using cognition in one’s environment and understating of logic of the world around them. It makes sense that if one is raised in an environment they don’t understand or that is irrational, it influences their behavior and perhaps including mental maturity. This could backup the idea why environment and family is important. When an environment doesn’t reach a level of understating and logic by the child, mental maturity does not develop (mental maturity also should not be confused with being street smart; despite one being more mature than others, it still includes the mental state the person is in due to seclusion of their location and the circumstances they are in. Perhaps this is also why traveling is very important as it expands one’s mental view of the world which perhaps can influence mental maturity).

Add mental maturity to charter of ethics.

When you read things, you gain knowledge but you also regurgitate information. I find relevance on using what I learn to improve the accuracy of my answers. Doing this while also being able to critically think, cross examine, deduct and reason allows me to come up with ideas that are not found in studies or textbooks and also to suggest questions that many from what I’ve come up with have never been asked or critically examined. Learning a little bit about everything allows a person to examine many angles of a topic which is also very important. Perhaps they can even be angles being viewed by the lens of different subjects. 

I think it's important to try, even if one does not succeed. When things are not successful the first time, come back to them later in the future and try again.

After seeing footage of what seemed to be an attack satellite in action from the ISS cam last week (today is June 26) against some sort of UFO or space debris using some sort of light or laser, it seems very possible that Earth is vulnerable from entities in space. The laser-light blast seemed to have vaporized the object or vehicle entirely. A UFO could also be spotted in the background as well flying off as if to had witnessed or escaped the blast. ( – “We Got It Big Time! Did NASA just Film UFOs In a Laser Battle? NEW ISS VIDEO!”)

My new expression I made up for when things happen to me unexpectedly or go wrong, “Nobody’s hell’s like mine”.

Response to Youtube video: I wonder if it's not even a weapon's issue for crime. I suspect people should be taught about ethics in schools to teach people what is right and what is wrong. Japan does this why doesn't the US? Not only that, but have a label or information about entertainment such as music and movies being fictional mediums and not that of reality so that people do not imitate negative culture.

Looking at a friend's situation I want to say don't stay with female that takes advantage of you. Find honest females who care about you're needs and desires; in return you can help her with her needs and desires. //Perhaps it helps to be mutual and to work together, relationships are not meant to be one sided and selfish. 

Justified force for Police: I want to consider the idea that if a person is unarmed, no need for weaponry but to stay alert. If a person is with a weapon that requires to be up close to do harm, then the police should use a taser. If a person is with a ranged weapon, then a pistol is justifiable. If a police officer finds themselves in a situation of high probably harm, then lethal force is justifiable.

I like the idea to build a car problem data base. Just like with the Web MD site where a person can research health problems, there should be a free online database for vehicles where a person can research car symptoms and possible problems.

Looking at California's situation. Perhaps alternatives can be done where life style can start again. Perhaps people can pitch together to purchase land and restart a new civilization.

I unfortunately think the greatest hypocrisy in religion is the lack of desire to get informed, do research, and seek the objective truth of matters. Most of what I see is more of a heard culture. I would emphasize the church to make Cristians very intelligent, improve as a person as well as their faith, and learn about the truth of subjects from as many angles as possible.

***Be yourself. Don’t follow anyone. Learn everything/ most things on your own (perhaps as if it was up to you to put back civilization together). Explore everything, think about everything, and question everything. Leave no stone unturned. Learn how everything works. Become an expert at knowing how systems work. Don’t rely on inexperienced people for data. Perform the mental torture and learn from expert material and people. Learn through manuals, textbooks, and follow the factual evidence. Know why things work the way they work. Is it because of history, ritual, tradition, logic? Think how things can be improved and write it down. Write your best thoughts down on a blog or in a document. Give it a possibility or a window of access to the world to look at and discover it on its own. Moreover, learn what is true and what is false. Not sure? By learning more and giving it time, the truth will reveal itself. Keep in mind about other people’s agendas, hidden agendas, motives, and strategies. Always be two steps ahead of others. Always think ahead. Never get careless and double check your work, progress, and anything that you do. Use logic and common sense. Remember that everything has a consequence or reaction. Be creative when and if you can. Give things 100 % or more. Put your flavor or touch on things. Always have a plan and have doable steps to limit risk of failure and improve chances of success. Take healthy risks and limit negative risks. Know when to make fast decisions. Always improve; improve yourself and improve your talents and skills. Build value for yourself and inspire others.

I think to be tied down to a thought or incident shows you are limiting yourself. The because a mental wall and a weak mental point. You should strive to improve and become a better version of yourself. Tear down what ties you down and limits you from progressing mentally so that you can have no mental walls or barriers and learn more and improve. By being an example of improvement, you can help motivate improvement in others.

I find it best to not let things or people discourage and dissuade you. Try two or three times before moving to the next project. You can always return to it later.

I discovered that wealthy people can find ways to have more than one alias. Why and how still remains a mystery. Perhaps money can buy anything, especially if you give it time.

I think there needs to be security-checkers people. These are people who try to find ways to get into restricted areas and get access to assets. We should have paid occupations who will find ways to get access to assets in a business. Employees are part of the security team and need to call security when times demands it. People need to participate in company security measures. The business needs to find better ways to secure their data and assets and keep up to date on security measures.

I think it's good to think about things for a while and to see how thinks can mold into different ideas. Perhaps an example could be that what if a person said my community dorm idea is like a regular apartment. When I state it's different than an apartment because there are social areas within the structure and shared amenities outside the structure such as a pool, barbecue, and resting area to create a more socializing environment, then it makes sense to them. Maybe the person could then see it from my perspective and then revisiting their idea and invent an apartment complex structure that is seemingly improved creating a hybrid structure where an apartment complex meets or connects at a certain areas to improve social interaction with neighbors instead of always leading to a street. I think it’s also important to note that people are often direct to find what you are trying to say instead of thinking about it in a more lose or imaginative way. I think this way, perhaps more indirect (or perhaps nonconfrontive) way of thinking, could lead to more innovations or inventions. It’s like trying to capture both what the information means to you as well with the other person so that both can share their individual ideas. The result could mean something new worth trying.

I think having a high IQ means nothing if you can’t or don’t use it.

Response to youtube video [DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population]: People are not data. They are people. Each one needs to be respected. They have a story to tell. Extermination is hugely unethical and only exists as a solution for those who are most radical minded. You can decrease their numbers over time through more ethical methods which does not result to extermination. You can give people the responsibility to limit births. There are many positive solutions for this. Highers cost to have children while letting people know the reasons for them to get on board. Improving sexual-reproductive technologies. Expanding landmass and even colonizing different planets. This planet, depending on technological advancements, can support perhaps around 50 billion. There will be a lack of organic nature by this time, but it is possible as long as necessary infrastructure and food production is supported for this many people. The worst case scenario is the collapse of infrastructure which will lead to ruin. The worst case scenario is Calhoun's mouse dystopian experiment, therefore it's important that educational, agricultural, technological, and urban infrastructure is advanced enough to be capable to handle this many people.Also keep in mind there are political entities wanting control so population decline makes it easy for control. I recommend a peak at 10 to 12 billion. I also recommend a families to have a total of four children maximum and not the UN proposed 2 children limit.

In today’s world there isn’t any place it feels like to meet new people to find a relationship. School are ideal places, but they aren’t designed to be social areas. People are busy studying and often working. Most relationships form at a job from what I see. If you try to meet people in public as a guy, it’s common to be seen as a creep or someone looking to cause trouble. I feel as if the only place to find the right people to date is at concerts, events, and conventions.

I feel when people write, they commonly write in a way to feed their ego or glorify themselves. I feel they write what they want their audience to see. I do the opposite. I write out of honesty. Although now I have learned of how dangerous it is to fully expose oneself and that I should never do it because of the ability to be manipulated, or how the information can be used against me, I want to show that I am authentic and not a synthetic-human being. I feel as if I don’t write, when I die I won’t leave anything behind.

I think a system of credit based upon people having to pay for things on time every time to create a credit line that demonstrates you are capable and trust worthy to pay for things is a terrible, lousy, and sleazy idea. If I could improve this system, I would make a three to five times forgivement tolerance where people are allowed to miss three to five months of payment and then have plans in which to catch up. I think that would be a more realistic system. I would also allow for more options. Perhaps have alternate systems to build credit instead of just this one. Freedom is about having decisions, more options are always a good idea. I personally would have a different system in which people can build trust to pay things back, I would perhaps look into having an ethics rating system.

I feel that I have to make mistakes in life. No matter the level of embarrassment, cringe, or how much I want to die inside. Mistakes need to be allowed for me to learn, grow, and improve. Perhaps this is a necessary condition in which for me to grow mentally and develop myself as a self-reasoning, critical thinking human-being.

I unfortunately feel sometimes females only think about relationships, material gain, live too much in fantasy, always think about how others treat them, dwell too much time on their tragic past, and perhaps think about just themselves. I want to be wrong, but I do often see a lot of this in today’s world. Perhaps there should be more emphasis to help others (listen and be there for others), simply find people to be friends (make it initially known you want to only be friends so guys know they have a boundary), build value and achievement for themselves, and overall do something great or that leaves something behind for the world or the next generation.

I believe males and females are the same. We are all human after all. I believe they are the same despite physical, mental, and biological differences. That’s how I am and how I feel the world can improve with its relationship with each other. If we see the other gender in a way that is removed from modern culture, present day ideology, and even politics, we will see each other as equals and mutuals. I want to see the world befriend each other in an intimate and limitless way where people behave with their authentic selves and are accepted for every individual being their own separate and unique person not caring about gender or any differences aside from sharing the mutual fact of being human. I think people can overlook gender differences and come together and unite as one human race.

(sexual) I think the idea of being perverted is outdated. I think it’s part of outdated values as a new generation rises seeing what’s perverted is just another part of normal human emotion and behavior. I think the reason being is people in this more new generation are growing up confident with their bodies and their sexual preferences instead of old school values scolding them telling them this behavior is wrong and not giving any credible reason why. Many people don’t even know why it’s wrong. It’s become part of culture to shame such behaviors without knowing why. It commonly extends from religious values or the idea that demoralizing behavior will lead to pregnancy, prostitution, or terrible lifestyle choices. More than often this isn’t the case as people both genders are often aroused with males having an extended period of arousal and female arousal deriving off of feelings and imagination to which is the reason they enjoy having focused attention. Personally, I believe there is room for ethical sexuality when it comes to the idea of people participating in a seemingly new mutual aroused culture. I believe both genders should enjoy it together because in a way it unites them. I think they should be confident of their bodies, create a culture of consent, and respect each other knowing where their limits are at. Everyone should appreciate their bodily functions and what arouses them. I’d like to think we should appreciate this human quality and enjoy sharing an appreciation of being human.

(adult content in games) I dislike greatly that America has a huge mainstream anti-adult/ sexual culture. It seems anything of an adult nature is of the highest taboo often with savvier punishments despite this being a normal part of human life. If it was up to me, I would make this a normal part of culture, or at the least respect that this is a subject an audience likes and is not to be ashamed of. I think it should be okay for game developers to allow a 18+ modes in their games where their models have an official skin where characters don't wear clothes and yet still be a respected game. I also believe that we can improve and make a system where minors can't touch this material (such as utilizing ages restrictions on their consoles or gaming platforms). Overall, it allows for a lot of freedom of individual choice of what players want to see and experience.

I want to live in a world where men inspire woman and woman inspire men. Both compete to do great things. I want to live in a world were both genders live in androgynous and profound intimate unity. I want both genders to be so united that they overlook each other’s differences and form deeply intimate communities. I want them to be part of a culture that never separates and knows each other’s differences (physiological, psychological, biological, behavioral differences) and moves past it knowing what to expect. I want both genders to understand and move beyond gender differences that they see each other as equals and mutual. I want to live in a world where genders overlook each other’s differences and improving their own behavior toward each another so much that it creates a view that their behavior towards each other is blurred giving the impression they are one human race without a view of gender. Both genders are as if one blurred human collective. Even the view of sexuality is seen as mutual as both genders see arousal as a normal human behavior that could be with anyone and where families can be with anyone.

I have a lot more female friends then male friends. Most of my male friends seem to do things I don't really care for such as smoking and only caring about games or anime. The male friends that are more mature mentally talk about money and goals, but often can be too serious and unfortunately not very active. My female friends seem to offer the right amount of energy, but sometimes they can be a bit too much with their emotions such as being angry for little things such as someone mistreating them or the occasional drama to which I say who cares or that's their business not mine. I haven't found a place where I felt like I belonged so I guess I'm still searching for that perfect crowd. A crowd that has respect but also that energy. A crowd that knows when to be serious and when to be playful. I show these behaviors in my day to day life when I'm by myself, but it would be great to find that perfect group of friends i can just be myself and even grow into being like a intimate family.

I enjoy watching scary videos especially with friends. It's my belief that many mentally ill people are awake at night and are roaming the forests, sewers, and abandoned places. I think this is worth investigating and even apprehending these individuals for better medical treatment. When it comes to ghosts and demons, they might just be real as i do researches on demonic possessions. It is likely that the individua's being posses are affected by some sort of negative entity. It's my belief it's possible that negative-intending electro-magnetic energies/ activity could exist in the form of people exhibiting human behavior on a quantum level. As scientists know in the quantum level objects and people both exist and don't exist at the same time. A dead cat is both dead and alive. Due to some sort of reason or electromagnetic possibility or entanglement, it's possible these forms of existence with perhaps some sort of concentration of electromagnetic energy perhaps done by what was once done though impulses in the brain of both the existing and not existing individual allows them to influence our physical reality. I also conclude the afterlife could exist in this grey area of quantum existence where electromagnetic activity is constantly performing some sort of activity weather it be entanglement, distortion, impulsing, or a random violent behavior like surging water. Perhaps in the electromagnetic area of quantam physics is where we can find an answer to the afterlife and why it exists.

In history there should be evidence that the Egyptians used hypnosis to conduct their surgeries and ancient medical treatments. Perhaps we can use the same use of hypnosis in today's medical industry. Perhaps we can even find ways to treat the possessed and regrow the brain or body by influencing with advanced hypnotic strategies and methods.

I think the notion of dinosaurs and other prehistoric sea organisms becoming oil isn't accurate. Although it is true that dinosaurs and prehistoric organisms turn into carbon when they die, I think oil is actually a byproduct of pressurized, heated, and drenched coal rubbed against tectonic plates. It becomes oil after it is naturally refined by other minerals as it traverses the earth's crust.

I am fascinated by past lives. Could it be possible to transfer our consciousness/ self-entity into another? Could it be true about birth marks? I have a birth mark on my lower chin. I wonder if that is of any significance. Perhaps we should ask children if they had a pastlife.

(strange thought; secret from dream) I think if I die this time around, I would like to grant peoples wishes if they ask for it while I'm deceased. Depending if I get my afterlife agenda in motion and possibly enact a revenge for those who have crossed paths and have not paid me in gold while i was alive, those who are evil and attack innocence's; I will consume their entitles to become strong. Evil entities will fear me as I will be merciless. I shall enact revenge for affecting and tampering in my life and for disrupting or destroying the life I could have had. I shall terrorize and produce such unimaginable terror into their existence that I shall feed off their fear alone. I will be unimaginably powerful and a force that cannot be stopped. I shall use their energy to gain power and give myself power for when or if I reincarnate. I will consume evil and demonic entities in the physical realm and use them to give me more power. Overtime I shall give myself the ability to perform and ability and use it for justice and good. I will not be a king, I shall not be a judge, I will go and remain unnamed. If I reincarnate in a few years from then, then people will have to wait until I'm dead again to be granted wishes. I will do my best to give clues to myself to make sure I know who I am from my previous lives so that I can grow in knowledge. I shall continue building on the knowledge I will give myself. Psychics will always feel my strong power presence when I walk by. They will by in complete shock and surprise as if a king or celebrity. Animals will respect me and if they are mean will be very frightened. Eventually I want to traverse the realm of the physical and the "spiritual"; perhaps even explore other dimensions. Where I see evil, I shall consume them and gain strength and power. I shall command in a way never seen before by any entity or force in the afterlife. I shall be the ultimate strength and justice. There will be a new rule and I shall rule it justly and mercilessly with great unproportional strength. Even the sound of my name will cause a feeling of static.

Although strange, I think it could be possible that strange creatures are being made by extraterrestrials and deployed to our planet. I think it's possible be can stop it from occurring.

It seems when people feel fear after watching a scary movie, when they sleep they have the chance of having nightmares because their cerebral cortex stores those signals from the muscles and recreates those feelings. I discovered the more you know about a subject, the less you are afraid of it and the more you might get interested or excited over it.

I like what Jordan Peterson said, "People can do a tremendous amount of good for themselves and the people who are immediately around them and looking into their own inadequacies and their own flaws and the things they are not doing in their lives and then they can build themselves up as more powerful individuals. If they are capable of doing that, then they are capable of expanding their career. If they are capable of expanding their career and their competence, then they are capable of taking their place in the community as effective leaders. Then they are capable of making wise decisions and unwise decisions when it comes to making collective political decisions. I'm not suggesting in the least. And I’m never suggesting that there's no domain for social action. I'm suggesting that people who don't have their own houses in order should be very careful before going about reorganizing the world."

Due to recent political events with Marxist tearing down statues and having a message to defund the police, I feel the need to say that education is partly the answer when it comes to creating a more harmonious future. The police is necessary. There will always be a reason to have them. Although my belief is the teaching ethics starts in schools, it is not up to politics or government to influence these changes. My philosophy is a person is given the tools through education to improve themselves. Ethics in general should not be influence by politics or government. Many socialist activists believes it's society that has to change and the use of higher level of authority needs to force a change. I believe change should be from within and people themselves should strive for moral improvement. It's this personal moral improvement that will change and improve society and not government.

If logic and reason isn't taught in schools and people cannot critically think and show signs of victimhood and cognitive dissonance then these are the right conditions to create a society that will believe anything that sounds good, seems official, or even sound correct yet are knowingly manipulated because the illusion resides within their undeveloped mind. It also seems very clear to me that these are very advanced psychological strategies. Could this be the doing of IARPA_ who are known for intelligence study cases such as this?

I think it might be a good idea to have a civil division called Civil Defense Force as part of the US military which is a military division for gang deterrence, mob deterrence, fraud and scam deterrence, elite corruption deterrence, and corrupt political forces deterrence. It's a force for civil intelligence gathering, investigation, and combating alternate external irrational political influences.

Perhaps it might be a suggestion that those who are not of American political ideology and use violence as means of change will be drafted into the U.S. military and perhaps as a reserve. Those who claim any sort of equality or irrational political narrative based on politics that are not based on American politics should perhaps be drafted into the United States military.

Law enforcement, government authorities, or any occupation dealing with power and authority need to enforce their oaths. This is a verbal contract to their positions. This should precede their NDAs. It's my belief that principle precedes NDAs and if there are events that are grossly unethical and oversteps principles, then individuals should come forward and expose what is wrong. That is how things improve. 

***Everything is information. We should challenge the information we know to improve accuracy. The more accurate information is, the more we will make accurate predictions. When we have accurate information, we can build our mental library of information. Our library can be used as applicable intelligence. I like the idea that information is accumulative. The more we know the more we can improve, use/apply, and predict. 

The police need to rely on their training and remember their training. A cop that does not comply with their training should have savvier repercussions. I believe the police should not be trained like the US military, they should be trained for civilian interaction and behavior. When they are punished, they should go into something I would call Type 2 training where a police officer who's seen a lot of action and has developed a personality or attitude that it irrational needs to be retrained and reconditioned. It should be in consideration that their training is psychological as much as physical. They need to be deprogrammed from the traumas or metal conditioning they have seen on the force. If I were to build a police force, it would a police force of equal force. A person demonstrates no violence and is rational, then a police officer shows no violence and is rational, but the moment it changes, the police officer changes with it. I also believe strength in numbers. When there is an ongoing problem, numbers should be used for intimidation. When civilians don't comply with demands, there is an incremental buildup of authority. When people don't comply, you start to read their felonies out loud and giving them a time to stop what they are doing before the situation become drastic and leads to arrests. Taking the example for Japanese police, if I could create my own police force, I would get them to address what they will be doing to the individual before they do it. For example, if they were going to have to break into a car, they will state they will break into a car and tell the person inside the reason why they are performing these action. Letting people know what they are doing is wrong and the reason why they will conduct their action is important for civil/ public awareness around an officer. It helps keep the harmony in society and also makes an example. Everything an officer does sets an example. It's important to set good examples. When there is something a police officer does not agree with that grossly impedes moral principles, they should be encouraged to speak up against it in front of their peers and even go to the news if their police force will demonstrate hostility or no logical change. All top police officials should deal with ever issue in the force. I'm also a big believer in freedom and that any laws, regulations, or suggestions that take away from public freedom should be talked about or allowed to let people choose. For example, let people do things that are stupid so that they will learn. If a person wants to hang off the front of a boat, let them. A police officer can tell them why they suggest they shouldn't do that, but ultimately leave it up to the person to decide if they should do that or not. I suppose this would be a good idea to create a culture of suggestions instead of culture of authority. Let people be dumb if they want to but let them know they can hurt others. This will make a society that is responsible and that aren't brainless dummies. If the risks are too high in affecting others, then an officer should step in and order them not to do something.

Personally believe people should have more freedoms and less of an authority structure in law in reasonable situations for example, if a person is in the country side and there are rarely any cars, it should matter too much if a person speeds on that road. I believe there should be priorities for law enforcement to focus on what is more important. If something becomes a problem or gets dangerous, then it should be more of a focus. I believe this focus on priorities will allow people to have more liberties. Systemically, I believe the focus should be more emphasis on personal moral improvement, principles, ethics, and logic. 

Law wise, I do like how Japan has a low crime rate. I believe this is because of their high conviction rate in their legal system. I do believe Japan's high conviction rate is wrong; nevertheless, there is something to be learned. When they stakes are too high, criminals weigh out the worth of doing things illegal. I believe we can use this in our law system. I suggested the five star system in my Ukyochou town idea (also taken from the GTA game series). This system ranges from lenient to moderate severity in laws to extreme severity. I believe we can use this in our law system depending on the crime in cities or districts. We can start will lenient severity of laws where crime rarely happens, to moderate which i think is the level of laws we have today in common areas, to extreme severity in which outlaw system turns into a 99% law conviction rate like in Japan. I believe this formula will create a lawful society and productive society.

I can be awkward and my brain can behave strangely where it’s hard to make logical or grammatical sense with people until I get to know them on a deep intimate level. I become myself when I see them accept me for who I am, when they show no intimidation, and when they exhibit a behavior that I feel is authentic.

I wonder if it’s a good idea for the military to train their members for family life. I think this is a good idea because often military people bring their military structure to the family structure and it ruins family members.  The cycle of strict discipline bring a sense of rebellion in children later in life along with future problems in their adult life. It seems like a good idea to me that military is separate from family life.

Perhaps it’s a good idea to have a hypnotically confident personality when looking for a female.

Here is a list of problems I think is important to note in the world of today: Radical and harmful ideologies; religious dogmas; a society with little to no ethics; radical or illogical political ideologies; poor family structures; outdated, illogical, if not broken systems (laws, infrastructural, social…ect); low quality education; bad law enforcement training; illogical, poor, or outdated laws; wars; lack of financial stability and high cost of living; urban sprawl; lack of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial spirit, motivation, and success; no example of modern success to inspire others; a lot of greed and corruption in politics and business; infiltration with Marxist ideologies; poor security and design of urban utility infrastructures; lack of communities (local communities) and community culture; lack of safety and security for citizens; too much centralization and limited choices for companies and business (freedom is about many choices and not centralization which limits choices and chokes markets; example few companies own everything you eat, watch, do, and so forth. Liberty and freedom is about competitive markets and the ability to have a variety of choices). There are too many large and powerful dinosaur companies/ entities.

(controversial) Could it be that females in this generation are very spoiled? They have access to resources and people that can always spoil them online and in real life giving them all the attention and materialistic desires they want. I often come across females that don’t see love as exciting anymore. By the time they are eighteen to twenty, they have had sex many times and some even grow tired of it. Often this leads to BDSM culture. It seems there doesn’t seem to be anything new in relationships for them. I’ve even seen some females jump from partner to partner to get materialistic values and things that they want. Overall, could this impact their ability to be loyal partners for traditional members of society who desire a wholesome and loyal relationship?

I played a game called Tropico where you play as a dictator. I had to ask myself the question of what would I do as a dictator of a country. I think there would be a lot of things I would do as a dictator, namely the blog post I made a long time ago of if I was a president. I think I would fundamentally change a society, culture, and a way of life to the likes the world has never seen before. I would provide with a country that is an original example of what a society could be like if it could improve to the point of becoming the best society and country in the world taking the best features and qualities of other societies and systems from around the world. Much like how the United States, Japan, and Switzerland demonstrate high levels of freedom, science, and progress, I would make a country that improve upon these qualities taking the best from other great countries to build an empire that stands above them all. The world’s current dictators obtain praise by intimidation, fear, conditioning, or portrayals of power and strength; however, my desire for greatness would come from a different strategy. I would get people to truly praise me for providing them with the freedom and best quality of life they could ever have. The people are the key to an amazing future and society, therefore, I want the people to have the best education, the best form of government which motivates people and build true patriotism, the freedom of expression, and the ability to conduct their own lives as they desire. It’s important that I would have to change the political system to a “capitalist democratic-representative republic”. Because I would be the architect to this political system, I would be the overseer of this system allowing to still be a dictator when needed to change things to ensure that everything is performing correctly. Because a political system is subject to political infiltrations of others ideologies, I would have to ensure that this political system is heavily defended from any external influences; whether global elites, large global corporations, or any global or corporate entity. I would keep my country largely closed from external and global markets and trade until the country expands and develops its industries and infrastructures from within to a level it can complete with the world markets. Once the country gets to a point where its products are superior to that of the rest of the world, then I will open it for global trade. Moreover, I would try to improve all social systems. I would encourage an expansion of the population and use scientific models in which maintain farms and agriculture to maintain an over-demand with a growing population so that people have sustainable food and agricultural resources. I would grow ever food item imaginable so that ever person in society gets fresh food of the highest quality. They will also have a low cost of living so that they can always afford what they need. I would inspire and encourage people to make things and give them the resources in which to make things possible to expand the development of business and local economies. I would also eliminate urban sprawl in society and focus on making a walkable city like Tokyo. Perhaps a bad idea, or at the least controversial to individuals with traditional mindsets and unchangeable values, is that there are some experimental systems I would like to try out also such as my sexual culture system. I believe when the culture is established and correctly implemented using psychology and social engineering, this can improve society making it very intimate to the point collectivism creates a new lifestyle with a set of values that the world has never seen before. This would be my Lomri Mohabbat Sutra idea (or CGNSH). It’s a society in which goes beyond normal human interaction boundaries to bring out the best quality out of every individual and to get society to behave in a way which is naturally united, harmonious, and profoundly collective. To do this, first the subject of ethics needs to be introduced into society. Much like in Japan, schools will have to teach it. This will get people in society to see that they have to strive for improvement so that all of society improves. Moreover, on the subject of education, I would contract the most intelligent people in the world to teach modern and new subjects. People in my society would be highly educated and specialized in specific subjects of their choice. Much like my Ukyochou town idea, I would implement social values and cultural norms that teach people to think critically, improve, and use logic and reasoning. Every person in this society has a purpose. When people are highly intelligent and intellectual, people are a critically valuable asset and resource. They should not be seen as a burden. With the use of ethics, a culture of unity, harmony, and working together to produce great achievements can be accomplished. Perhaps a test of the country’s greatness would be to build stunning structures and products that can inspire its people to be proud of living in this country. I personally would like to create my own space program in which our country takes greater steps to become an interstellar society. I also think by not having social interaction barriers and a great sense of being collective, my vision of society can thrive anywhere without sabotaging each other. I want to build an absolute true sense of achievement in science and technology for my society for people to be very proud of their country. Military is also important. I want to have the best military on the planet and the best defense system on the planet. Even with a small country, having a technologically superior military and one that is highly trained can compete with militaries from all over the world. Ideas for technologies and systems are extremely important. I want to try new and original ideas where other countries come and steal ideas from us. I want a country where we are the first to do something. It’s a goal to make people of our society the most intelligent in the world, a population who is highly specialized, a population of ethics with a personal duty and desire to improve themselves which improves society, the resources it takes to sustain this society, and to tear down systems that are old or block progress and implement updated and functional systems that allow people and progress to move forward. Every system will utilize plans, strategies, science, psychology, safety, and caution to build a near flawless system to the best of our abilities so that it sets an example for the world. We want the world to have an inspiration to be just like us if not constantly surprised at our incremental progress, development, and improvement. It all starts by visiting every area of society, culture, infrastructure, business, system, education subject, and structure and planning. Commonly the information already exists; all we have to do is find it and apply it. It’s critical that we improve as well. If there is one thing that is certain, society is never good enough and everything needs to be updated and there is plenty of room for improvement. As a dictator, it would be very fun examining these areas of society and improving them without going through red tape and bureaucratic barriers. On the subject of economics, we can let the economy run crazy with competition. Let ever company compete with each other. The more choices and decisions for our society, the more option people will have to improve the quality of life. In the event of collusion and corruption, we can let the law handle it or if nothing is being done, I as the dictator and the architect of this country can intervene. Overall, as a dictator I would never sleep as I continue my dedicated career for improvement, vision, and to make the best country that ever existed.

I personally think students in school should have an infrastructure class. I believe they need to know how to build a house; how and where our utilities (water, electric, gas) comes from; basics of how electronics work,  why our traffic system is the way it was designed and overall how most of our infrastructure works. I think it's important for them to have a general understanding of this so that they can be aware of the current methods and concepts used instead of being illiterate to they just exist and go blind of the development of these infrastructures. I also believe we should let them know that their ideas, if good, are important to the development of furthering infrastructure and how they can find ways to improve it; it lets students know that the world around them isn't set in stone and that they also have the ability to impact the world with their ideas. I say this because when i was in school, I thought the world didn't care for my ideas. I thought people older than me were lightyears far more than my own knowledge. I didn't think i could have any influence on the world at all. I thought things were the best they could be and that nothing could be changed. Now I learned that i can put out ideas and see if they catch on. I learned people can learn to the extent of what experts know if they take the time. I also believe ever member of society should put out idea to improve our society and teach those who want to know and learn more or who think they may have a good idea when they haven't considered all the other factors. Regardless how an older generation think how bad the later generation are, it's up to the more intelligent generation to get the later generation up to speed (unfortunately the previous generation refused to teach us millennial and genz and instead mistreated us instead from my experiences. I have seen accusations of this many times in church, neighbors, and even family friends. If it was up to me, I would change that. I’m glad there are educators who do their best to educate the later generations, I believe most have done a great job). Just like with my take on education, we can explain and teach things in a way that makes subjects seem exciting and builds curiosity.  

(controversial; personal) I hate how the world thinks about sexuality. I greatly dislike how everything sexual is absolutely instantaneously labeled as bad, wrong, disturbing, taboo, and something that should be socially avoided. Sexuality is how we thrive as a species. We should respect it because it is a part of human behavior and evolution. If we believe sexuality is wrong because of children then we should look at the psychology that exposing adult sexuality to children does absolutely nothing. They think it’s an adult thing or worldly thing (something they don’t understand that adults do or something they don’t understand that exists in the world) because they do not understand it. At the least they interpret it as some sort of playful behavior amongst adults. It’s also true that they can imitate behaviors when they play regularly so it warrants explaining to them why this behavior is not a child thing and that they will understand later in life. It’s not until their hormones develop in their preteen to teen years that they begin to understand the meaning of such behaviors. I think it’s also the reason it’s important to let them know to respect it and have self-discipline. I’m a witness that most American families rather never bring up the topic or are in shock when their children begin to discover or exhibit such changes and behaviors. Sexuality is a human behavior and it should be taught with self-discipline and respect. Being brought up in a religious household, such topics were taboo and I had to learn everything on my own which got me into trouble. My school punished me severely and in a way that was traumatizing for simply saving two pictures they were deemed inappropriate. My own family shunned such behaviors and so it affected me deeply as to not want a girlfriend for a long part of my life. My teen years were a confusing time in my life and being traumatized by this greatly, I didn’t feel the desire to have a girlfriend so I stuck to playing videogames instead (more than likely the reason I have been mostly Asexual my entire young adult life having female as friends while focusing on things I enjoyed and school). Moreover, examining sexuality in a civil context it seemed most western ideologies extend from religious values. Religion never directed me on sexuality and instead gave an impression that shunned it and that it was a sin. Throughout the old testament sexuality wasn’t shunned. Abraham as well as many kings was said to have had many wives; some even sutors. I believe the story of Sodom and Gomorrah provided people in religion with the idea that sexuality was bad or that Adam and Eve were conceived of natural sin. In the Sumerian mythology, there is a version that Elil flooded the Earth due to his dislike of human behavior where procreation and taboo behaviors were rampant. Commonly in today’s world sexuality is something you do with a loved one yet is still seen mostly as taboo depending on the culture you were raised around. However, it is still seen as socially taboo by the mainstream western audience. Even accidently showing an innocent part of a body on mainstream TV or event is made into a great unnecessary deal with lawsuits and censorship. It should not have to be such an extreme. I think it’s absurd that we have sexuality become a narrative considered taboo and wrong. I believe we should allow sexuality to be a normal part of everyday society. We can allow it to be a casual narrative that if consumers desire this kind of culture, then it’s there for them. We should respect this side of western culture. We don’t have to publicly show it and glorify it. We can teach people to respect it and to have self-discipline so that when they do see it, it’s not a big deal. We are all human and we all eventually see what other people look like without clothes and honestly with online sites how other people conduct sexual behaviors. I believe a natural innocent culture can thrive while also allowing for a sexual culture. Why should be censor and hide a part of natural human behavior? If we create a culture to respect these things and to have personal self-discipline and learn how to handle ourselves when aroused, I believe we can help shape an improved western society.

I had an idea for life after death. If people do come back to life, perhaps it might be a good idea to leave breadcrumbs for ourselves in our next life. Perhaps writing, blogging, or vlogging, about out current life for our next life, we can improve ourselves and make our lives self-aware of each other’s existence.

I think it’s important that old traditions don’t die out. If no one seemingly has interest in them, it’s best to perform the tradition less often; perhaps once every three years.  

(sexual) Not sure if I mentioned this a long time ago but it seems females today commonly don’t want to be responsible to initializing relationships or sexual activity with male partners. They rather let the males be the initializers and conductors of the relationship so that they can be the root of the blame when things go wrong. I see this often with my female friends. I’ve seen females rather let males be the initializers despite how sex or relationship craved they might be for male intimacy. Perhaps this can also be due to other female thoughts or behaviors such as a lack of self-confidence; being unsure of themselves and other thoughts; a desire for resources, material comfort, or security; getting lost in the moment; a desire for attention or to want to be noticed; or the result of a lack or desire of having a male figure in their life. I personally rather have an honest female in my life. I’ve had friends who desired an honest man, but also weren’t honest themselves; I think this is hypocritical. I want a female who is honest about themselves and their sexuality; regardless how disturbing, sloothy, or boring it is. I always enjoy the friends who are open and honest about themselves and their sexuality. Strangely I normally see them not care about sexuality or develop being their true selves after they get married. I honestly find myself becoming much more great friends with others of the opposite gender when they are honest about themselves, their experiences, and what they want. On a more sexual note, I enjoy talking about sex and sexual subjects with my female friends. I can talk to them about sex all day and it never gets tiring. I feel it’s a normal topic and I’m glad if it arouses them. I personally have the ability to maintain sexual discipline which I believe shows maturity and good character and mental maturity. I also feel such intimate topics make us very close. As friends, we know our natural human and friendship boundaries. It’s good to have friends in one’s life you can be comfortable and say things that normally you couldn’t with average people or colleagues. I found that often there is a process in which to enable such a level of intimate friendship. It usually initiates with yourself being honest and talking about your desires and what you really want despite how controversial (it also matters how you say it; it’s also okay if they don’t like you either because you are being honest and your honesty will attract the right people; the people you can be close to and can be yourself around). I think it’s important to lay the ground works when you first meet each other, otherwise later it’s hard to change (to do this, talk to everyone and learn a little about everyone; regardless if you’re shy or not). Moving on, it could be my own experiences and how I was brought up , but part of me thinks it’s also part of mainstream culture which creates a gender division or mental division for young adults to not simply be honest friends with the opposite gender and to crave sex at almost all times. It would be great to adopt a culture where male and females can be great, honest, and extremely intimate friends without any sexual relationship (perhaps to the point they can nap, cook, do choirs, walk, car pool, site see, or even skinny dip as an example and never have any sexual relationship yet maintain each other as great and close friends).

I think mental maturity extends up and recedes in age. When there is more culture it extends. When there is less culture it recedes. When it extends young adults care more about what's popular in games, anime, music, movies, series...etc. When it recedes, I think there is more demand on structure which puts more young adult emphasis on learning, logic, career choices, and more foundational worldly desires. Perhaps striking the right balance of both kinds of metal maturity types can be a good idea. If there's too much emphasis on worldly fundamental values and logical desires then something should be introduced to lessen the structure so that those with creative minds can also develop. I think one idea when mental maturity is extended by culture is to find out what majority of young adults like in culture and use that as a method or tool for them to learn and become inspired.

I think it’s good to know the basics of law. My friend had an encounter with a random intimidating police officer who asked for their ID and date of birth out of nowhere from their police vehicle. My only thought was the cop looking to fulfill their quota or some sort of organization narrative. I told my friend that he should ask the police officer if they have any probable cause to stop them or if they are under arrest and ask if they are free to go. I told him it’s important to continuously say these things until the police officer lets them go. Police intimidation should not be a case and to me seems like corruption. It would be good to one day reach to the bottom of the reason or who ordered this kind of intimidation.

I think there are various kinds of morals: morals by law, morals by culture/ society, personal moral, morals by raw human behavioral (instinctual animal behavior), and religious moral. Some of these tie into each other. I think perhaps learning about the possible kinds of morals will allow people to further understand the evolution in ideological morals and understand how morals are important in human behavior to progress into a system of socio-functionality and harmony.

I think when it comes to information, it's all about accuracy. When you're accurate, you can make realistic assumptions and predictions. A massive disadvantage is when you have inaccurate information because it can lead to confusion, false and inaccurate predictions and poor assumptions. It benefits nobody and overall it's a set back to growth and progress.

I think people should have a sense of mental maturity and an examination if they themselves are thinking too selfishly. I think often from what I see people forget about the needs of other people. It's wise to remember that people have their own lives to live; that life can get crazy; too fast pace; that people need time for themselves; or to redevelop and find themselves. When people need space, it most often is a good idea to give them space ( that is if there isn't suspicion of malicious behavior or a growing distance in a relationship which could be signs of deviant behavior or losing interest in one's partner[the solution is communication and to open up and talk about it no matter now much it hurts if that's truly the case]).

Finding ideas for games is very easy for me. I can collect a bunch of images and concept art pieces from the web that I like and I can visualize a story and I can make up a compelling narrative. I can also take ideas from what I like music, movies, anime, books, and games and use those as a basis for new ideas. As an artist and designer I can feel a story as well. I can make a strong narrative or a music video in my head while listening to an inspirational song or a song that makes me feel something. The same can be said from anime. Anime is a very unique platform because there are many original ideas and moods a director can make you feel. These feelings are a good direction for finding inspiration for a narrative around a game. There are also abstract ways to get inspiration. You can look at forms and abstract shapes to get ideas. For example, you can look at cloud forms and shapes, you can look at shapes and forms, and patterns on ceiling textures, you can even look at abstract art with a certain texture that appears to bring unique patterns, shapes, and forms which gives you strange and unique ideas for creatures. Finally the single most best way to find a narrative for a game is to look no further then yourself. Your childhood, your teenage ideas, and the imagination you had growing up is by far the best place to search for ideas and inspiration. To immerse yourself in an idea, you can act it out or go places. Go to an island and imagine yourself on an island as the character fighting things in real life. Perhaps you could sneak out into the woods at night and sneak around imagining what it would be like on a stealth mission. Perhaps observe ants and how the world would look like in their eyes can introduce strange and unique forms. All these are good ideas for viewing art, design, and storytelling outside the human-casual spectrum and to allow the unknown and mysterious to mold and reshape your creative imagination; this is how original ideas take shape. Your experiences can help impact your creative ideas. Therefore, instead of making game clones based on data, earnings, and analytics. Take the risk and make something unique and take the risk to make something that people have never seen before. With higher risk comes possible higher reward.

People who know nothing, fear everything.

Ia (Enki) was said to command daemons to do his bidding. He called upon the power of the deities and of himself to command the daemons to perform specific tasks. They could be commanded for making someone fall in love with you, to protect someone, or enacting a curse. Daemons are demons before religious influence which later evolved to the more culturally defined demonic entities we know today. According to the Greeks, Jews, and Romans they were entities that had powers but were not human nor Gods. They could be either good, bad, or even both. Before, religion daemons also included angels before the Romans separated the two.

Why is ethics necessary and important? It’s what will save humanity from themselves when society decays to becoming moralless over a long period of time. It’s what will solve the problem of future moral and behavioral decay when society is removed from logic and returns to it’s primitive, irrational, and uncivilized state.

(sexual) My idea of sexual ideology more than likely will not fit in today world, but given the circumstances of which it could evolve to in the future where sexuality could possibly become unethical, I include my own vision for sexual ethics which I want to use as a tool to unite people in ways to help create a more close, liberating, and intimate society.  

(random; controversial; sexual; iteration of my desire for my ideal society)I would still love to live in a world where males and females have no boundaries and see each other as mutual. Even though they know their differences, they see past the biological, physiological, and psychological differences and see each other as complete mutual. Females see males as a mutual to their gender and males see females as a mutual to their gender. They behave as if they are mutual, neutral, and as if the same gender. It’s a society that no longer has boundaries. It’s a society where every individual sees each other as mutual aside from logical age differences. The young need to be protected, taught, and allowed to positively mentally develop. I want to live in a society where society/community and family are important. Modern social boundaries are torn down to create a more close and intimate society. External personal conflicts are internalized for personal improvement of themselves, their own ethics, and behaviors to create a more functional, harmonized, and prosperous society. There is a strive for mental maturity and a pursuit for a more fulfilling, valuable, achieved life in pursuit of happiness and to improve the world. Controversially, I want to personally live in a society that looks beyond the human body. I want to live in a society that does not have the boundary of nudity and sexual behavior. When it comes to nudity and sexuality, I want more emphasis on ethics instead of the modern sexual behaviors and cultures of today. I want it to be an enlightening, fun, casual, common, growing, pleasant experience that unites people and makes people more close in society. I thought my ideas for sexual ethics would be a good idea for this kind of society. It’s a society that takes procreation seriously and allows people to conduct sexual activities with more harmonious and safe methods that does not jeopardize precious potential life; methods that are based on sexual psychology. I want a society that allows and accepts sexuality yet preserves family and family values. Although this idea is controversial, it is used and an example to build a more liberating society with more freedoms. A society where people understand and respect freedoms and understand it is something that needs to be protected with an idea there is a social responsibility tied to it. Moreover, I want an extremely intelligent society that has people who can critically think and places a lot of emphasis on goodwill towards others. My ideal society would be the society I wrote about in my Ukyochou imagination town idea; a town utilizing a capitalist democratic representative republic with elected scholar intellectual and philosophical leaders from the best institutions who live and breathe ethics. A brief summery would be it looks much more like Tokyo but with more greenery and colors and a more unique kind of society where everyone has a specific role, position, or value. I want to make this society close to a society that strives for ethical and infrastructural perfection that always thinks ahead and will be the leading society to go beyond space and our thoughts of how we see reality. A society that prized traditions and aims to create the greatest civilization the planet has ever seen.

When you get involved with any group, understand that you are getting involved things beyond yourself. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. Perhaps it’s best to ask questions and to learn more about something to ensure confidence and comfort in understanding what it is you’re getting involved in.

I think there is intellectual superiority in tackling civil and global problems. I think an extremely good idea is by putting together the greatest minds and resources to focus on the problem. I think this is when real philosophers come into play, people who can critically think outside the average individual mindset. Not only should there be philosophers, there should be other deep thinkers, people who are skilled in that area of the problem, and people capable of delivering the accurate information needed. When it comes to philosophers and deep thinkers, I believe it’s good to utilize both the creative as much as the logical. It’s my belief there is the creative right-brain thinker and the logical left-brain thinker. Philosophy is commonly known as the left brain thinkers; rarely does it use right-brain creative thinkers. The right-brain creative thinkers are the individuals that will come up with unique creative ideas that might involve the unconventional. I think it’s important to utilize as many different kinds of minds as possible. The philosophical and deep thinkers can then use their intelligence and knowledge they have collected and developed over the years to tackle a problem from many angles. They can break down the problem into manageable pieces and find solutions. I also have the idea that AI (artificial intelligence) can also help as it also can be a useful tool in finding combination of solutions that people don’t consider (assuming it is secure from external tampering).

If criminal organizations mold their soldiers or puppets in positions of high powers, it could be that they are left with a critical psychological flaw. Upon examining cults and criminal entities, often they are allowed into their organization based upon initiation crimes. If powerful individuals in our society were to be part of a criminal organization and initialized through crime, which is said to be the element to pin against allies if they were to go rogue, perhaps this can be a psychological striking point in which to get them to cave. If one falsely acts as if the criminal organization is displeased by their lack of conduct and ability to perform and wishes to terminate or expose them, this could lead a powerful member who is part of a criminal organization to cave or bend to the will of its falsely perceived allies.

A good philosopher or deep thinker thinks above and beyond with ever scenario in the middle; realistic or absurd, they leave no stone unturned.  The more knowledge and intelligence they obtain the more tools in their tool kit. [I don't consider myself a philosopher, only a deep thinker.]

Perhaps a positive occupation for an ethical philosopher is examining and predicting how a person is reacting psychologically and latently and the motives behind their behaviors and future decisions.

There seems to be a lack of subjects that lead to logic in schools. Perhaps this is why out door survival, field trips, and looking at how things are made or how animals and crops are produced is necessary. I also think learning the realities of life is important. It’s important to show the realities of war, horrors of what can happen and what has happened in life and to not let it happen again.

Perhaps challenging young students with problems that require to be broken down and needs multiple solutions in necessary in schools. I think there should be clubs with strategy board games and card games after school.

Could marriage or finding a partner in life be linked with IQ? Could it be the more intelligent a person is the more difficult it is to find a partner?

Could ignorance be a factor when it comes to maintaining or losing weight? Can ethics help lose weight with a self-motivation of personal discipline and necessary sacrifice?

I wonder why is it that every time I get a degree or diploma there is no jobs or it feels like I’m on a secret systematic-occupational blacklist.

For people who are extremely irrational (the Karens and irrational people who make entitled tantrums), there should be repercussions for their actions. Perhaps there should be some sort of program for them not to repeat their actions. I suggest perhaps a Civil Management class.

If I were the president or state governor, I would look at the jobs ratio compared to people having jobs who have skills and degrees but cannot find positions in their field. I would would make a stimulus package to kickstart the economy by giving them money to make startups as long as they can provide with a working business plan. From what I see there aren't any investors, grants, or significant soureces of income (banks cannot be trusted obviously); therefore, I think it's a good idea for cities to be given startup grants in return for people to make businesses. There can be an officer that looks and reviews a businessplan and approved it or not. I understand the American dream is to start something from nothing, but at the same time the cost of living is high and there is a lot resting with the ability for people at the bottom to create businesses and to grow and enrich their communities. I personally would like to start a game company starting with smaller games and working toward larger more larger scale projects. I would also address funding for startups by making speeches and through the press secretary. As of the moment, I see the president giving away money to help people, while I would suggest giving money to the startup companies because they can create more economic growth than a person who tempuarily has money. It's like the analogy of giving a man a fish you keep him from being hungery for a day; give them a net and he not only can sustain himself but can also help feed others.

In the case of an economic collapse, i would make an plan where seeds can be handed out to every subdivision. The seeds are stored in government warehouses in case a collapse or famen were to occure. I would also give people written instructions on how to plant and harvest the crops. Moreover, if an economic collapse were to happen I would make it illegal for farms to dump their products and have them maintain distribution for the last sequence of their products and have the products distributed free of charge; if they do not have the reosuced to do so then FEMA can help. I also would suggest farmers to continue planting and distributing products out of principle and not financial gain. If the elements that are missing prevent it from happening, then Fema can help with that also. We can also have a Farmers Aid Inisiative, "FIA", where trusted volunteers from the city go and help farmers who agree with the humanitarian initiative. It is an unpaid volunteer program/initiative out of principle and not financial gain to help maintain distribution of produce and food products. When the government reached a point where it can pay or award the volunteers, their names will all be known to have helped America dring the grestest of worst times.

I think because of urban sprawl we should have diversity of living aesthetics or styles. I beleive we should have small towns and towns that resemble urban-home-farms. I personally would love to see places like Tokyo or the Japanese country side be constructed. We can also allow for tiny home communities. Neverthelesss, the creation of home farms would be an interstig diverse living standard in very urban developed areas.

(Dying and consciousness theory) When one dies I think they will more than likely feel pain as their brain cells shut down and their body goes through a dying process of perhaps sending signals throughout the body. Their bladder empties as their muscle also goes through a process or releasing and tightening. All that remains is a carcass and what I believe is the remains of one's conscious. I think the conscious is released due to frequencies in electromagnetism in some sort of dimensional matter. This could be with the combination of electromagnetism, gravity, other forms of energy, dark matter, and other forms of radiation. It's my idea that there are always frequencies disrupting electromagnetic currents or a type of electromagnetic currency that enables the consciousness to exist. Perhaps that's why ghosts can appear and disappear. If they appear, they are in the form of light or very dark mist/smoke. This could be a form of electromagnetic frequency collecting some sort of material that a property of this dimension or substance made from dimensional material/matter that operates along gravity, dark matter, radiation...ect. If this is true then there could perhaps be a frequency or material that works along with dimensional material that could allow us to interact with the consciousness of individuals who have past. Perhaps there's a frequency or combination of frequencies we can use to talk to spirits or even cancel the activity of spirits. Perhaps there's a way we collect this or combination of makes up ghostly phenomenon and use it as a new battery source. Perhaps studying ghostly or paranormal phenomenon could unlock the next levels understanding our universe. I also believe since there are malevolent spirit, demon,  and poltergeist activity. We should be extremely cautious as there could be more in a dimension or realm of conscious that could negatively interact with our reality.

(maybe) For unique ideas, sometimes it’s not a matter of if you’re right or wrong, it’s the process of trying to develop or find something. It’s the contribution and the attempt to improve what counts or improve on accuracy.

(term) Filial integration - a business term of having a business be more than a business and more like a family.

It's important that we make making money and investing to be not difficult and something that people can do to grow their money. It's important in a capitalist society that people let money flow very freely so that everyone has a lot of flexibility to how they can spend their money and invest in risky ways to build wealth. It's important that when people see others build their money, it encourages them to do the same and build a better life for themselves, their families, and communities. Right now it doesn't seem that way with the lack of career jobs and jobs that actually motivate people to work and not dump their money into the high cost of living abyss. Just like calculating overhead in a business. If you have to too much debt and you can't break even, you won't go anywhere and you'll have to cut back on things or use risky strategies to simply survive. It's likely you wont go anywhere and your chances to lose if far more easier than to gain. However, if you have a fair platform or base, a fair cost of living, in which you can conduct your business you lessen the risk and  allows for slight incremental growth until you reach a point in which you are financially sustainable and able to expand significantly. It's important to have the low cost of living base so that the risks aren't too great when you invest in your own business or try to grow your money though other means. It's important to have a functional or balanced cost of living for people at the bottom so that they can try out financial opportunities to build wealth and do their best to join people at the top. If we do this American's will feel the desire to succeed and be part of something bigger than themselves. I would highly encourage politicians to find methods to lower the cost of living such as rent, food, transportation, and utilities. I don't believe this has to be done with handouts but can be done on a more fundamental level. I know utilities can expand with more competition, farmers can be given government incentives to make prices more affordable for people yet maintain profitable, rent can be lowered by policy or making cost of land more affordable, transportation can switch to full electronic documentation or find ways to lower cost so you don't have to pay $90 to renew registration. Government can also incentivize a new type of car that is more affordable for the lower income person. A car so affordable that it's only maybe around a few hundred dollars to make with bare minimal features. Having a lower cost of living will allow the young generation capable of going out into the world for the first time to have an opportunity to live on their own and gain a sense of independence and to experience a life of independence for the first time which will mature them mentally to understand how the real world works. It seems right now the youngest generation do not have the opportunity to get out and try things on their own for the first time. It takes a while after getting a job to have the ability to actual have an independent mindset to start living life in a way that allows them the ability to have choice and to create growth and build opportunities. The mind numbing bottom corporate job is all they have instead of joining a new brand and growing as part of a company and experiencing to be part of something that contributes to a feeling of self worth and being part of something bigger than themselves. I mean wouldn't it be great to be a teenager after graduation and having a few thousands of dollars (from working or with parents giving them graduation money to start their life) in you hand and to just drive off someplace wherever you wanted and with a functional cost of living you can invest in buying a house or rent at a safe apartment to dramatically build your wealth to purchase or create your own business? I think this is how America should be. Affordable to where a teenager can live on a single full time's wage ($1500-1800) or maybe less and still be able to have enough money to get ahead and do whatever they want with their money. I think this would incentivize them to invest, search for opportunities, try out personal business ideas, and overall build wealth. You wouldn't need to constantly seek advice from consultants and other financial masters from being in a constant fragile financial state and instead you are free to take on risk and try out things without too much burden or worry wondering if you'll be able to make rent that month. I guess the thing to take away from this is to lower cost of living == more financial stability for those at the bottom.

Should people with sexual a philosophy look for others with the same sexual philosophy? For example, do you think players should attract other players (player meaning people with sexual attraction with no intention of a relationship) and they should leave people with other sexual philosophies alone? Should sexual philosophies be a fundamental relationship topic that needs to be discussed before making friends and dates?

I believe we should have more association than just the AFT and NEA. I believe states should have their own educational organizations for state educational standards. I also believe children should never be property of the state and parents should always have freedom of choice over their child's education.

I don't think people are inherently good or bad. I think they are inherently selfish and have to seek methods in which to improve conditions with each other in order to thrive. I also think they are a product of the environment and influences they are raised in and the mental development they undergo.

I wouldn't make a good teacher or commentator because for me to talk about topics I write about goes into deep thought and takes time to for a definite answer i think is a personal believable solution. My brain thinks in regards to many angles and dimensions, including abstract methods to come up with ideas and solutions. My mind isn't straight forward. I enjoy pacing around the room deep in thoughts or thinking before and after i wake up from bed. I also write because I don't have anyone to talk to about such complicated matters. Perhaps if I had practice talking about it with people, I could be a commentator. In the world of today, I believe even mentioning the topics can be harmful as right now people are being killed for ideas, thoughts, and beliefs. I would rather much stay private and talk to people I only trust. I would also rather discuss these topics with people or are highly intellectual and objectively ethical who take time to solidify answers and have a lot of actuate information and understanding surrounding the topics so that I can be more accurate, understand, and learn. As of right now, it's best if i keep my topics private. Perhaps in the future I might have the ability to be more openly expressive.

Some problems require multiple solutions and require to be viewed or identified on multiple higher levels. It might require takeing a few steps back to see the bigger picture. I think schools should teach about solving these kinds of problems.

I believe Americans don't tell each other "don't give up" enough and "try harder to improve" or "try to take it to the next level to improve".

I noticed the language and expression of America is mostly slang, improper, and utilizes modern expressions. I wonder what if America went back to language that doesn't use slang, expression, or improper forms. Would it change the countries mindset? I know without expressions we couldn't relay more extensive ideas, but it could be that language can be the tool for making people think on a more simple or fundamental level.

When it comes to searching for grants, I often greatly struggle. From what I see the federal grant sites are difficult to search, read, and often carry outdated grants. It would be good to have a resource that is dedicated to grants and where people can find the type of grants they are looking for and for the reason they are looking for. Perhaps it can categorize the grants by federal, state, and city, and perhaps even county. If I could influence such a source, I would make a single resource for all grant needs. I would make it heavily known and even advertise it and promote or with commercials and ads to promote business, scholarships, and free financial resources for those who can meet the requirements. One of the requirements would be to show proof every month of progress in saying what you were going to do. If one conducts fraud, they have to pay it back. If there is success, they can apply for more funding. Ultimately i can see this being a resource for new startup entrepreneurs who have limited funds and resources. I believe in this economic climate with high cost of living, it's hard for new entrepreneurs to find any capital to make their businesses and they need resources to improve their communities with jobs and opportunities. If the economy naturally did this then it makes sense that people can make it on their own and provide a sustainable cost of living and can take risky chances. In the world of too day, jobs are limited in areas, career jobs are unstable or nonexistent in requested fields. I believe grants are a window that can help entrepreneurs improve their lives and the lives of others (since banks and loans are not a functional method of finance). I would also like to suggest an active staff agency to help people find what they are needing. I believe in these times of uncertainty and instability, this is the best stimulus to improve our economy and grow wealth, support families, and lift people out of poverty. I believe if we don't do this and keep going the path we're at right now, we will have to wait years for people to build an income to try job opportunities which might still not happen due to the amount of risk involved. Entrepreneurs are the actual life blood of this economy because they make the businesses, create the ideas, and create the competition for the economy to thrive.

(Game) My game design philosophy: 1. Story and Cinematics. I could design a game or levels around it’s story and cinematics taking the themes and incorporating into it’s design. I also like to add a bit of absurdity or mixture using other elements that do not always seemingly mix well. For example, if the player is going through a sewer, they might go into a part of the sewer that has a lover hotel-carnival theme; perhaps the player is going to a part of the mall that has a peer overlooking the ocean. There are many methods in which i can generate unique ideas, such as my abstraction method or method to generate combination of ideas.  Cinematic can be used as well. Imagine a player on a helicopter who is going to an alien invasion, the design can be inspired by the visuals or scene. It's like taking a screenshot or brief video clip and designing a level or narrative around that screenshot or clip. Another idea that I like to use to design a level or game around this idea is to look at a variety of concept art images, images that portray a narrative (something I can see in it) or emotion (some sort of idea, roleplay or scenario that makes me feel something), or a conveyed mental idea or roleplay (being in the space and interacting with the environment). You can design a level around this image. You can also draw a mood from an image to which i will explain next. 2. Mood. When the player plays the game, how should it feel? Is there a desires mood or feeling you want to portray or play/toy/tease the audience with? Is there music you can listen to that can give some narrative to the design? If you were the character, how would you feel or want to feel? Can you role play a scenario and get a feeling? Will listening to the game’s or level soundtrack inspire design ideas? Mood can inspire a theme for an environment or can portray emotion through design. Role play and storytelling can help with designing a mood. Just like with movies, you can use devices to convey mood like story devices, camera tricks, buildups, meaningful pauses, voice acting (if animated), camera filters/ gradients, powerful or unique dialogue, and audio. Can you design out of the box moods? For example, the way you feel after you watch Miyazaki's films. What are ways you can make a person feel a certain way and incorporate that into your design? 3. Game mechanics and features. When designing games, this is the most common method of design. You can read game design books on this topic. Obviously you can and commonly design the levels and games around mechanics and features. This is also a way to test the player and have the player think more critically if they want to progress through the game. Although this is used, there are games that keep pushing the game features. If you play the half-life series, portal, and the old school Zelda and Mario games, you'll find puzzles that consider every angle and scenario the player can use their features, tools, and abilities, and how to mix it up with combinations or in ways you would think the player would have difficulty trying to figure out. In today's world, this form of design isn't done so much anymore because people get frustrated and stop playing games or don’t have the time. However, in the 90s and early 2000s, this is what built the feeling of real accomplishment in games and established communities to help each other. This also taught gamers to developing critical thinking skills and skills in which to constantly persevere and never give up. Overall, consider everything and look at design from as many angles as possible. 4. Character Psychology. When you design the game, imagine or roleplay being the character and the scenarios you have to go through or would choose to be in when faces with circumstances. Imagine how the player will react given the tasks, challenges, and obstacles they encounter. Imagine how they would go about accomplishing the tasks, their attitude, and the places it would lead them due to the character's psychology or circumstances. You can design a game or level around the player’s psychology. I guess an example could be a cat would stay far away from water as possible(even though you would throw in a water level just to see the character overcome a challenge or bear a ridiculous reaction and ways they are going to tackle finding a solution). Moreover, you can also find ways in which the character connects with the player. Often the best characters are relatable to the player. There are also ways you can make your character more human by subtle expressions, movements, and behaviors they can perform that we do in real life that we might not see in a usual game; for example, the character scratching their nose, stumbling, or stuttering their speech. It's good to remember a good character is a character people want to be or want to become like. You can design around a character, their attitude, and psychology. Also when it comes to the player, a good character is a character the player wants to become, be like, or wants to see more of. 5. Personal experiences. This is probably the biggest idea out of all my design philosophies. It is also a design philosophy greatly used in Japan. Your personal experience shaping the game. When old-school Japanese game developers designed games, they used ideas from experiences and real life. The took things from the childhood and teenage years. Things they liked, enjoyed, how it made the feel, and how something looked. You add a little bit of yourself by adding a bit about your own experiences. In today's world we have memes that help people laugh until they nearly pass out from laughter; add that into the game. Even though i stated roleplaying previously, roleplaying has a huge advantage when influencing design. Just like storytelling in films, it can be a powerful tool when you put yourself and your own experiences into a character and the tasks they are faced with. Some personal principles I like to use is to experiment and play with design. I also like to push things, strive for originality, and go above and beyond if not take it to the limits. An example of pushing above and beyond is to make it the next best thing in some form or another; like making a goal to make a game the next funniest game or the most scariest game; never settle for less and keep improving. Lastly you can use analytics and trends when designing a game but that just means you’re copying other games and not bringing new things to the table. A good game stands out. A good game has a level of originality and risk involved. Making good decisions and getting feedback from others is how games will become better. Don’t aim for a casual title, always aim for a masterpiece. That is my game design philosophy. 

(capitalism, socialism, economics) I think many millennials now-a-days would agree that employment conditions today isn't that great. Most jobs now-a-days are dinosaur-corporate low wage jobs and not startups that people can grow with or the next potentially company on the rise to becoming the next multi-million dollar company. I believe people need a job that gives them a sense of purpose, a feeling of status, and something they can be a part of that’s bigger then themselves. It's like people working on a sky scraper and watching the building get taller and taller knowing it's completion was helped being made by their own sweat. Moreover, I believe competition in the economy is what keeps the economy going strong and not like what we have at the moment where everything is dominated by dinosaur companies that centralize, consolidate, and consume the market into latent monopolies. Nevertheless, examining the push towards socialism, I have devised a series of steps to which is why i think people are desiring or pushing for socialism. I think because of the high cost of living at the bottom there is less or indesire to spend or invest in making new businesses. When they do make a business with a good idea, they are either purchased by a large dino-company or pushed to compete in a market in which a dino-company owns the platform to. Companies can't go elsewhere because the potential of reaching more customers to stay alive. Moving on, I think the high cost of living increases risk for people making their own businesses which instead causes the mindset to save money rather than the desire to spend it. This leads to fewer businesses and less competition in the market. It seems jobs, much like food, need to be in balance with population growth. If too little jobs, then you have too much competition in positions and people preferring welfare because they can't find jobs or get tired of the competition. A good economy always has jobs and companies trying to recruit individuals from as many sources as possible whether it be colleges, universities, or employees from other companies. I measure that people coming out of college not having jobs is a good indication of the internal strength in local economies. In today's economic climate Trump says he has the strongest economy. If the economy has been optimal and yet experienced growth since the early 2000s, excluding Obama's era of economics, then it makes sense that it truly is the strongest economy it’s ever had even though it's been optimized and operating at optimal capacity at the same time. However, the economy is still an unseen sleeping giant. Looking at the business dynamics in Tokyo of how many people participating in the business world and looking at America and the lack of comparative percentage of business owners, I can tell there can be a potential for an explosion of business and wealth. To explain further, in business sometimes people use loans and go into healthy debt. Later when they make a profit, they break even, assuming projections are accurate, they can pay their debt and grow their business. The same can be said as an analogy for America. I believe the colossal industrial business making machine is running a quarter from its full potential. The gears to get this machine running is people, specifically entrepreneurs. We need to awake and incentivize people to create businesses. We need to change the scary mindset of failure and to encourage people to participate. I believe we need a renaissance in ideas and to allow the country to take in a little bit of healthy debt. Imagine if half of America became business owners right now at this very moment. There would be a demand for workers. I believe this is a sign of a healthy economy. I believe we need to incentivize business and get people excited as soon as they leave school to try something. I believe we can only do this by lowering the cost of living for those at the bottom where risk is less and breaking even is much easier and doable. I believe we also need to promote entrepreneurs and business ideas. Just like in the 90s with outrageous, stupid, unachievable, and wild ideas, we need to get into a mindset that everything is worth doing at least once (within reason obviously; we don’t need ideas that are potentially dangerous or harmful). We need a capitalist reawakening which can spark the next economic renaissance. Furthermore, if the conditions of working aren't that great, eventually people will dread working and adopt the mindset of not wanting to work anymore or find no worth in what they are doing which could also lead them to one day go on welfare seeing welfare possibly could be more attractive and has more benefits, plus the fact they might not have to work if they can pull additional income allowing them to be sustainable and get what they want without working. I think to work just to feed one’s family or to sustain a living could create a repetitive mundane mindset (I think also this create a desire for excitement or even deviance). I want to think a goal of a capitalist society could be to have people who feel inspired to work, believe in what they do, believe it provides them with self-worth, it gives them purpose, and it grants them the feeling of them being important. I think this goal or narrative can be very powerful to get people to work hard and build community in their company. Moving on, I think economics goes hand in hand with politics and is like a see saw; it's either leaning one way or another. It's either capitalism with a hungry population for business or it's a mundane work force with little to slow opportunity with a lingering desire for socialism because they think capitalism is failing them or will give them the lifestyle they desire. Nevertheless, looking at the bigger picture, it seems poor or mediocre work force conditions shifts slowly from working to relying on the government for welfare and handouts. Perhaps this can be a tool of measurement to see the difference between a strong growing economy and a weak one when we observe the behavior of businesses today and the amount of people companies hire and how they hire them. Examining the current economy and its vast amount of variables to consider, I think that is how I could picture the US switching to a socialism; if not now , sometime in the future. Just like the constant evolution in political cycles, the economy also changes or behaves as a result of politics and law. However, I believe this can still be fixed if we changed economic conditions. Primarily, due to the high cost of living at the bottom, there has to be a resource that people know about that allows them to get the funding for their businesses ideas. If they have to work at a mediocre job in order to save money for a business, it will take too long and there will be an increase in risk if they lose or spend their funding elsewhere or because of the loss of time the industry changes and they lose a trend and therefore miss out on opportunities. This could lead to a lot of potential ideas being lost, thus ways the economy could benefit from up and coming competitive companies. Entrepreneurs perhaps could take loans, but often there is high risk involved or limitations with a person’s financial stability or credit potential. I think government could be a better solution with temporary business grants to simple get the economic powerhouse rolling. In Continuation, I would imagine if an entrepreneur made a product and released it at the right time because of an accurate trend analysis, they could have released a product that could have made millions of dollars which could have supplied jobs many people. It could have been the opportunity to make a company that is stable and supplied income and benefits to many people, but because they didn't have the funding, at that time in history, they held back and it costed them that opportunity. Looking at it from an average person's perspective, when it comes to saving money, why should a person launch a business when they can save it for retirement instead? Launching and investing in opportunities takes risk and when you have a higher cost of living, it makes sense not to invest or fund anything because of the amount of risk and potential to jeopardize personal security. In addition, ideally people could go to investors, but if economic conditions are perceived to be unwelcoming, unbeneficial, or poor, investors will be difficult to find. In Japan businessmen use their contacts and banks for funding. They are easy to approach, make deals, and often help each other. In the US it's often dog-eat-dog. I want to think if businessmen were more approachable and looked or a win-win scenario or operated with the idea to expand and lift other from the bottom to improve their company, network and company potential, I think this would also expand business and overall improve economic circumstances. The next idea I think can help improve economic conditions is the need for less regulation on the market. It's good that there are safety practices and equal hire, but when it comes to regulations, licenses, and certification, I think it could be unnecessary. I think it’s worth considering to look at who is profiting off these regulations and why and not to allow low qualifying excuses as a reason to let unnecessary regulations stay. Many regulations can instead become suggestions for business so that it doesn't limit a company and how they conduct business or hire people. Perhaps Hong Kong can be a good example of this. Another way I think economic conditions can improve are by revisiting the idea of unions. I want to fall under the impression that unions hurt businesses. If a company desires to be greedy, then let them fall under the weight of their own practices. Don't work for those companies; instead compete with them. Another way I think economic conditions can improve is by changing the culture of America. Right now there is a system of being born, going to school, getting a degree, going to college, getting married, working, retiring, and then kicking the bucket. I think this caters to a very toxic cultural mindset. I believe we need to change this and improve on a culture by introducing a new standard of being born, getting a fundamental education, then examining the outlooks of a greater future without relying on college and the usual resources. People need to be educated in how to make a business, when should they consider higher education if most academic resources are available or can be found for free, and what is the likely path they can choose that fit their goals and decisions in life. Considering this, i believe education needs to be reformed to fit a more critical thinking, opportunistic, and goal driven standard for creating personal wealth or sustainability. Another way to improve the economy is to expand infrastructure. Promote demand and training for industries and allow information to fly freely to inspire people. Promote working in every industry and creating business in every industry. Drive the idea of healthy competition and to make win-win deals with competitors. A few examples I think that can help promote involvement in industries can be like playing PSA- ads for more farmers in America or to have government resources of what is in need of demand according to labor statistics, or have a resource where companies can make statistics on how they can pull in graduates to help with their industries. I feel like right now, there is none of that. Perhaps to build an economic empire you have to get people on your side, you have to inspire people to get involved, to get organized and to actively find ways to see how to promote ideas that will capture the attention of a new generation of workers and business owners. In conclusion, these are just some of my ideas. If I wanted to take the time to make more ideas, I would have to dedicate more of my time. Simply writing this brief article was like writing an essay. I could come up with more ideas on maybe changing public psychology or apply the use of social engineering to get people more involved. I could also write more on the use of how data and analysis can help influence our market decisions and focus where we need business and worker influence the most. This is good for now.

As the city limits and human inhabited places expands, I believe there should be forests preservations that should be left untouched. I think the focus should be to build upwards just like Tokyo.

Perhaps I said this in the past, I think it’s possible that categories and labels limits the human mind when developing new ideas. I think we should come up with an idea that is completely made without a focus on genre, category, or label. This allows ideas to be free and open. For example, in games many developers instantly think of the genre first. I think they should focus on the ideas without focusing on genre. Imagine ideas that push beyond a genre perhaps make a new genre of its own. Moreover, I think it’s a good idea to find many new angles or mindset to approach ideas instead of primarily going to ideas people already are familiar with. I think that could lead you to how you can get original ideas.

I think anything can be worded in a way which feels like a decent argument. What you have to look at is if something is on behalf of emotional response or out of logic and reason.

I wouldn’t dare share my blog with anyone, not even loved ones. I would rather someone come across it by accident as if by fate or curiosity. Often when I write, I notice people are looking for things that make them want to congratulate me. This isn’t my goal. I don’t write for fame or to make me feel good. I don’t write on things that are so obvious. Part of my goal is to push my mental capabilities, critical thinking, cognitive skills, and push the limits of my mind and imagination. I want my brain to beg for mercy squeezing every ounce of ideas, knowledge, and deduction from my mental abilities. I also feel what I write is not good enough. I don’t believe my brain is good enough. I strive to have the abilities to see how life works, how the world works in my mind. I want to be extremely accurate and to articulate my thoughts perfectly and extremely fast. I want to know a lot about ever subject in existence. Part of me wants to be the greatest scholar ever lived. I want to be a person who if gifted to improve everything to its most modern perfection. I want to have the luxury to abuse my potential or invent something original for enjoyment. I want to be so intelligent, crafty, and skilled that I can be dangerous and that everyone wants me to help them solve problems. Perhaps selfishly, I want the ability to do what I want, get whatever I want, do it my way, and to do it all myself. Moreover, I write a lot but I feel like my research skills, ability to be accurate in my facts, ability to articulate, ability to deduct and reason logically, and the ability to remember what I want to write isn’t good and is never good enough.

Since the radical Marxist left has a lawyers guild, I believe the other side should have one as well. Therefore people can investigate  the copyright and fair use in Youtube and media, we can stop the political pandering in games and movies. We can end the political strategy of claiming racism as a civil right violation and public health crisis, we can end globalist narratives, propaganda, and narratives. Overall we can end the changes that have changed or damaged the country in the past few years. I would also add to launch an investigation of where the funding for the radical organizations comes from and how to stop it. I would also investigate the intelligence sources from which major actors are pulling their scientific psychological methods from. Is it IIARPA or a foreign psychological intelligence source? There is next level psychological warfare going on and we have to discover the source otherwise it will do in my opinion damage for many decades to come by brainwashing the minds of generations. It will do more damage that what the brainwashing of the media is capable of. For example, imagine what scientific data could reveal in the future about strategies to further cognitive dissonance or next level conditioning methods.

I often have hitomishiri (人見知り) – stranger anxiety, stranger shyness, or first encounter shyness. It takes me a while to warm up. My brain does extremely strange behaviors. I personally would like a person to already know more about me before we meet so that I can be myself and express myself without mental/personal drawbacks. 

If it’s true of having been visited by so many UFOs, I think it could prove to be a good idea that every city should have low frequency EMP laser beams to deter UFOs or push them away by disrupting or interfering their electrical systems.

If you think you can live on an average full time salary wage and find a place to rent for $500 that is secure and you don’t expect to be robbed, to live around gangs, be around drugs, and surrounded by crime, think again. I would say if people could live on $500 a month without being dependent on welfare, it would be great and it could help lower the cost of living, but the reality is that renting in places that are in these conditions isn’t even a solution worth bringing up. Often people pay additional money to get out of these areas. Most places like this are crime centers and places that indocinate you into it’s culture of drugs, crime, and immorality. You will be surrounded with the worst of the worst. People who live in these areas become conditioned to it they don’t even see it or turn a blind eye. So, what can be done to solve these issues? What can we do to make lower income or low cost areas safe? What can we do about the drugs, gangs, and crime? It’s my opinion this is a multi-component problem. In my brief research I found some companies to have Chinese owners, there might not be an incentive to make their complexes safe. I believe to make these places safe to live and a solution for an functional low wage individual to support a sustainable cost of living is to: rebuild family values, ideology, and culture; remove the culture of ignorance and replace it with ethical values of doing good, doing the right thing, being honest, having principle, rebuilding morality; dramatically improving education; improve security; actively get the apartment complex and neighborhood to act as a unit of security; have people armed; create public awareness and have people actively working with police; have people access to local business employment opportunities and resources to start businesses and improve communities; perhaps reduce urban sprawl; and tackling drugs. Drugs are the greatest problem. Where there is drugs there is crime and mental illness. Drugs is the main source of crime and it is critical to find a solution. My greatest suggestion is to legalize all illegal drugs. Turn it into a multi-million dollar market. Create drug market and infrastructure like in Portugal where people can buy drugs, use them in a secure environment, and compete with cartel prices, driving them out of business. We can supply users with a place to stay that is away from the general public and gives them resources to sustain their addictions in trade of labor or services. We can make this a win-win deal for jobs people do not desire. We can also make it illegal outside of these areas which I believe could eliminate crime and gangs almost entirely. The alternate is to continue with the illegal drug crackdown which has been going on throughout modern United States history. I believe it doesn’t work; especially when you have reoccurring drug areas that seemingly has their own micro economy with supply and a demand pooling resources from other states or rural areas, even though unconventional means. Considering this, it appears there is no way to stop it. I believe this is how we make low income and cheap living areas safe. If we can make these places safe, we can have students and young adults a place where they can grow mentally; provide for their families; provide a foundation where they can sustain themselves, without a roommate like in today’s young independent lifestyle, and have a base for them to rise in wealth in society.

I think people should have more free choices. Freedom should always have access to as many choices as possible. Companies should always be competing against each other. Regarding selling home, I believe there should be many ways a person can sell their homes. I would also like to think they can find a way to sell their home without the need for a bank. I also think people should have the ability to not have their money monitored by any institution. If they want to see where the people’s income goes, they can see statistics of companies.

I wonder what it would be like to have a Marxist themed amusement experience. It would be a good opportunity to have people experience and be educated on what it would be like to live in a socialist or community environment. It would be funny to see people to stay in line, be quiet, and if they do something wrong, they get a fun punishment. Maybe they can get lightly spanked on the butt with a rubber rod. It would also be fun to watch employee act in a military way and yell at each other as an act. It would be fun to watch people before and after every attraction to have to salute the creator of the experience. It would also be fun to watch people require papers for every department of the experience. I also would think it would be fun to have actors in the crowd that purposely get taken away as part of the act.

I think we should keep a body count for how many lives the protestors have claimed. I believe this can be a powerful narrative for deterrence. In the future I think having a body count for violent political opponents is essential to relay the truth.

I think in today's world we need matchmakers more than ever. If people are not good at approaching each other and simply talking then having friends to help play match maker or approach others is necessary. Perhaps parents can help play match maker also by introducing family members to others they think are a good match. 

To have a thriving economy, there needs to be as much jobs, if not more, than people. If there are more people without jobs, then there needs to be more businesses and competition. I believe this can be done through stimulus or by lessening restrictions and limitations for businesses. 

I think there should be a saying, "Those with the biggest talk, are often the biggest cowards". 

I think the next step in manufacturing should be to build more durable products. Products capable of taking a beating and still working. It would be great to toss a phone or bash an objects and still have it working. 

I think it's a good idea to not practice what one does not want to become and reinforce what one does want to become with reward. I also think those who have a master, consideration or discipline of themselves, their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, would consider prizing social harmony and personal ethics over their own selfish desires. I know in western society there seems to be more emphasis on the results or consequences of what could, will, or later could happen, but deep down this is a selfish desire.

I like the idea of more rough and tumble play helping fathers enjoy and build a relationship with their children.

I want to be grateful of what I have. I know compared to the more older days everyone, even in poverty, is considerably a lot more wealthy. Everyone has air-conditioning, a fridge, and gadgets and tools that perform advanced tasks. These are all luxuries. Despite having all these luxuries, I can't help but to express that to live in a modern society there are things you need or are expected to have. You need a car, a phone, or at the least a laptop to name a few. These are luxuries you need otherwise you can't obtain the resources necessary to sustain a living. If you don't have a car, you're exposed to dangers found in the streets and busses. If you have no laptop or phone, you lack the tools to obtain information or provide information to others in times when it's crucial. It would be great to have technologies or tools in place, whether free or cost-effective that allows everyone to be on an equal footing. Perhaps more ideas can be if people need a vehicle, why not remove urban sprawl design and return to the average or simple town design? If everyone needs technology why not a more cost effective phone and laptop that is easily affordable with access to internet plans that are suitable for lower-income customers? I want to think there are ways we can get people on an equal footing and allow them to have access to resources they need or are expected to have in a modern society. 

(random)I believe government should be small and limited in power. I also believe that there should be some socialistic programs. For example, I believe education should be free. I would prefer taxes to be paid to intellectualizing, teaching, and giving skills to all member society and taught in as many mediums as possible. I want everyone to have access to the latest up-to-date materials. I think this would be one of the necessary socialistic-like programs i think could be necessary until our society becomes so intellectual and intelligently advanced that it might not be needed anymore and allow institutions to compete again as they once did in the past. I want every institution always trying to outdo the other. I want government funded institutions to provide with the best they can. I want private and public school to provide the best they can. In return, I believe what people do with their talents, knowledge, and what they create will improve society which to me is the greatest return on investment. Another socialistic program I think should be necessary is providing funding to small entrepreneurs who would spend a lifetime saving money in order to start or build a business. I believe people with substantial ideas should have access to financial resources if they can physically prove with certainty it will work. I know America is big on having pride from making things from the ground up. Although, I believe in the same thing, I also believe it's necessary that people shouldn't have to live at the bottom without ever having the opportunity to try something that could forever improve their own life. I also see many people graduating from college with no jobs. It would be a great opportunity to build the economy by giving high achieving graduates access to funding to create a business from the major they studied in. This would create competition and a boost into the nation's economy.

My Youtube comment for Do Real Life NPCs Exist? by Mr.Obvious: I find it interesting the idea that some people are shocked by the quote, "“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Perhaps this gives the illustration of people who are cognitive and those who are not because they have never thought about it before because they live life in a way that doesn't question anything. Once they open their minds to it, then they see the world in a different way where everything is information, has a reason, and is something new they can learn from by being simply curious for answers and a desire to know more.
I think it's a good idea that females who are honestly quick to react with emotions should wait for their emotions to pass (perhaps even ten to thirty seconds). They should let their emotions pass instead of feeling guild, anxiety, anger, or any feeling on belalf of an emotional response. 

I do consider Stefan Molyneux and Hordan Peterson modern philosophers of this time. 

I do want to believe that a society in a properly fair and educated society has more of the ability to govern themselves. Even it it was an all out anarchy or tribalism, they can still govern themselves and have the logic, intelligence, and desire for social harmony to live with each other peacefully while helping each other creating win-win situations that allows everyone to get ahead.
Suggestions for finding relationship partner: Be confident, considerate, honest, make compromises, be spontaneous, a good listener, and be sincere. Be an independent yet a mutual with your partner. Be sure to look at a situation considering their perspective and what they might be thinking if you were in their position. Realize there is a time and place for everything. Be friends and allow 3 to 6 months to persue a relationship. Be honest and tell them if you're interested in a relationship of if they should move on because you don't want to waist their time or get in their way of finding someone. If you are in a relationship, keep in mind you are expected to move on and progress in a organic and natural pace or manner. Being honest and upfront when you meet them is important. Know what you want. Tell them if being in a relationship is something you want to consider after you get to know them better. I think it's a good idea to not hide who you really are to make yourself look good so you are authentic and honest with them; this will allow you to talk about anything with them and be your authentic self. Improve yourself and be authentic and this should attract the right people. Be mindful of the expected gentleman cliches and trap of cultural expectations as it could make you seem as an unauthentic person. When in a relationship or are friends, do things spontaneous. I find it great to have a mysterious side they have yet to have guessing or to yet explore. Talk with them. Talk about anything. The more you slightly approach talk about intimate topics, the more deeper in trust you become; this needs to happen in a way that feels natural. Talk about everything that comes to mind in a relationships. If things go wrong sometimes silence can speak louder than words and distance can allow for you to think clearly. Talk about things before it happens; talk about what could be a conflict before it happens and what you would do about it. This displays mental maturity. Be smart and always try to know more than things. If she knows more about a subject, learn from her and build upon that knowledge. Try to be accurate with what you learn and the information you gather as it could allow you predict things before they happen. Eventually gain enough trust to talk about sexuality and see where your partner stands. If you are loyal and have the discipline to never cheat, be less likely to go out with someone who is honestly more sexually liberal. If you feel you are more sexually liberal or lack the discipline, it's preferred to find a person who is like yourself. That's my suggestion on finding a partner for relationships. 
(sexual) Perhaps building upon the last post about relationships, I want to think that people bring their own values into a relationship. I want to consider there are two kinds of relationship styles. Those with traditional moral and self discipline that are loyal to their partner only and those who are more sexually liberal. I believe those who are more sexually liberal may have a new dynamic to further their relationships style. Before I address the dynamics to further the liberal sexual style, I believe it's important if not critical that when before a relationship occurs, one should be honest with themselves and know themselves and their style of sexuality. I believe people who are more traditional with sexuality should avoid being with those who are more liberal with sexuality unless they are okay with it. I believe those who are more liberal with sexuality should not be with a person who is traditional and loyal. I know that some might argue that love is the reason that people fall out of a relationship, but since love can have so many different meanings, I'll base my understanding in behavioral science. Moving onto the dynamics of liberal sexuality, I believe it should be explained what is possible, what is acceptable, what one is okay with, and what one doesn't like. I believe this should be discussed before a relationship. I want to consider that if an event where a partner becomes sexually active  with another, it could open up facets of a more dynamic sexual style opening up to experimentation based upon what is agreed upon by each other. This could open the sexual dynamic to a more polygamous relationship or experimenting with other forms of social sexuality. I think in time I hypothesize people will fall back to the regular monogamous relationship style as  adding more partners create a new level of social-relationship challenges and changes. Furthermore, I want to believe sexuality can enhance ones relationship if a person agrees to it. Personally for me, I find myself okay with both styles depending upon what my partner(s) are comfortable with or desires.
Despite what you see in movies and in entertainment, there is always new people to meet. Perhaps it might be an idea to never be completely invested into another and to allow yourself to have some independence if things don't go well to prevent you from being hurt or taken advantage of. You can always make new friends and keep your social life going meeting new people by keeping yourself friendly and keeping your social life active and always talking to others. If things don't go well with one person, perhaps get some distance. If your partner does something wrong, you can use silence to make them realize what they did was wrong and that they need to make up for it otherwise you don't trust them or let them in on your thoughts and what you're doing. By not trusting them, you keep to yourself  and place your attention elsewhere until they have the need to address the issue and be honest.
Emphasis is an important part of teaching. Emphasis should be made on highlighted areas that are critical when teaching. If there is one thing I wish a textbook could provide, it's emphasis on the areas that most important. Perhaps teachers should add emphasis as an important tool in their teaching structure. 

I enjoy reading inspirational quotes, wisdom quotes, and motivational quotes. I find it very interesting there is so much information that we can read that can help us improve ourselves mentally.

(teens) When you are young you don’t know anything about the world; you only see what's in front of you and what you have experienced. There are not whereabouts of the threats. There are no whereabouts of the accomplishments of the past that allows you do take part in the presence. Often young people follow others and think they are being unique. If they look at themselves and ask why they like these things perhaps they will acknowledge they are that way because of others (a herd), culture, and more than likely a desire to have their own identity, to know where or what they should be in life, a desire for reputation or recognition as being their own individual, a desire for attention, and a need to feel important. Young are a lot likely to follow others and not to question things themselves. Young people need to be taught logic, critical thinking, and reasoning. They have only been on Earth for so long, obviously those older than them know a whole lot more. It's understandable that adults can be destructive and perhaps even more foolish then the children they raise. It's up for teenagers to question everything, improve themselves, gain a sense of self identity by learning as much as possible, perhaps avoid yet make mistakes, and learn from the best so that they can improve themselves and compete with the best. Teenagers need to be taught that learning history, you see it has taken a very long time to get to understand why we think the way we do, why we live the way we do, how our products have gone decades of evolution, and that nothing is set in stone. One day their textbooks from school will be outdated and inaccurate they could be the person who will improve them. They should understand the businesses around them are owned by someone. They should understand that they too can become an entrepreneur and their own boss and live life in a way that brings them fulfillment. In their careers they can build value for themselves and make themselves worth a lot to companies by knowing more accurate information and skills. I believe it's also good to tell teenagers to give themselves a reason to listen and follow others. Try to be better than anyone else with more accurate information and greater skills. If they are very skilled or more intelligent, learn from them and question them so that eventually you can surpass them. I would also say to teens for them to learn from themselves. Be self-continent and learn ethics. Learn how to communicate effectively. Learn how to be the bigger person and challenge others through words and talent. Learn to protect yourself when it is necessary. Learn to protect your self-worth and standup for what is right and question those who do wrong; use logic and truth as your greatest tool. I believe if one does this before the age of 25, they will be an unstoppable force ready to take on any challenge or goal. Accomplishments build confidence and identity. Don’t be afraid to fail because failure is learning. Don’t strive to be perfect because nobody is perfect. Learn what you truly enjoy and make as much friends as possible. Be kind and ethical to everyone. Find those who are your closest friends and share life with them as much as possible; be there for each other.  If they turn to a dark path tell them what they are doing and let them choose for themselves. Everyone has their own path in life. Surround yourself with people who will be there for you, help you improve, and who provide value in your life. There are many things I’m sure i can add to this post, however I'll leave it up to teenagers to be the intellectual one and find ways to improve themselves in every way imaginable.

Could it be that when there is conflict there is information someone doesn’t know, questions unanswered, or negligence or ignorance that goes unrecognized?

It's important to understand what you believe in outside what others might believe in. If you believe in the same things other believe in that's okay, but be sure to think about the other topics that are personal to your own beliefs. If you follow others, you need to research and follow them, you will never think for yourself and understand what you honestly and personally believe in; that is why we ask why and ask yourself why. Asking ourselves why without any information outside of your thoughts will provide with real answers on how we feel, believe, and understand what we honestly believe in.

I’m hoping that when people read and truly understand everything that I’ve wrote on this blog, they will learn a massive amount of information that will improving themselves that hopefully translates to improving the world around them. I want to challenge others psychologically. I want them to see how I think and my vision of life if it can be improved to its maximum potential.  I want people imaginations to be the limit. I want people to improve on the foundation of my ethics to create the world I wish I could be a part of if it becomes the best it can be. This would be the great legacy I want to leave behind. If possible a legacy that lasts for the rest of human history. 

(invention) It would be great to invent a flash light that will allow you to see in the dark if you have the right special goggles. Perhaps this could prove more cheaper than night vision. I call it tactical invisible flash light.

(military strategy) When you are a lone man, guard an area and hold it down defensively. Offensive strategies gets you killed. "work" in your area and transition after kills. Limit yourself to two entrances only. The more close, the better. I call this the hold-down strategy of attack. Defense and evasion will keep you alive; infiltration, moving forward, and offense can get you killed because risk increases. Often enemy gets the best when they have a defensive position holding down an area. That's when L or kill box strategy comes handy. It's all about where your enemies are, your position, how many enemies, and how many entrances you need to cover. When leaning against corners, be slow when there are no enemies around. and fast when they are. Poke head out very for one second to two seconds with gun focus on potential target. Do not over expose yourself around the corner. Use a tactile mirror when possible. If people are behind enemy fire, "work" on them with suppressing fire. If they have time to aim, then they have taken a defensive position which means you'll have to limit exposure. Transition your weaponry side to side with different hands to hit hard to reach door angles. Going prone is a good strategy at the end of halls as it limits exposure. When too much approach, use evasion to fall back into another limited entry position. As you move forward, look for good areas. Just like playing call of duty and carefully working in an area and carefully, quickly, and quietly transitioning between areas exposing yourself for one second at best. If in a less winning situation, resort to guerilla warfare and unconventional strategies. In large environments, move forward looking for planned cover. Think like the enemy. Hills are your friends, no hills, it better to crawl or hold a position in a trenched area that still offers escape. Use smokes if possible. Otherwise resort to unconventional strategies. When I say use unconventional strategies, it means guerilla or creative warfare where it's everything and anything to win. 

(military strategy) In airsoft, only rush the enemy if it can be done by surprise; if you think the area can get too hot, disappear from the area. In the woods, wear a guilly suit. When you start an airsoft game, find out how many enemies there are, when you can expect to encounter the enemy, then before you encounter the enemy, hold down a small area. Alway be thinking to yourself, don't play reactively. Do your best to know where your allies are and where your enemies are. During a game, carefully move forward slowly checking angles, listening, and looking for movement. Observe and note all possible hiding positions. If there are too many openings and possible areas you can get ambushed (dark areas, holes, hiding places, corners, lookouts,and high places capable of looking in), take your time observing or find a more discrete and unnoticed location. Move up slowly and stay low. Always look into the bg for snipers and high places when in enemy territory. Move fast across open areas. Get down if you hear gun fire. When you hear gunfire or see the enemy, try to know where your enemies are coming from; move around that area using evasion tactics. The goal as a covert operator is to stay hidden, evade the enemy, and hit them from behind. Don't stay too long in a place after an encounter with the enemy. A good strategy is to back around observing the place you once were and pick off the enemies that way. If you feel the enemies know where you're at, move backwards towards somewhere safe and move/evade around the enemy carefully, slowly, or in a hidden way. The best strategy is to move up slowly, stop, listen, conceal, observe, and repeat. When you get into a fire fight, back out strategically, and make your way around. The job of a spec ops or covert operator is evasion, survival, and hitting the enemy from the sides or from behind and being like a ghost meaning silently and invisibly.

I like Patrick Winston's talk video (How To Speak By Patrick Winston) where he uses props, graphics, storytelling, and many other teaching strategies. 

Labor Bottle Neck (labor demand) - when an economy reaches a certain point after being strangled financially and the majority of the companies are large companies and have leverage over the smaller companies where people have high costs of living and not enough jobs do to lack of competition in the labor force creating a scenario of true poverty. The more the population grows, the less job positions there are, the more true poverty increases, the more the subsidies the government will have to provide to poverty. // I believe the solution is more economic competition with more competitive businesses and a goal for a lower cost of living, perhaps utilizing more advancements in technology and agriculture. I would highly recommend to  motivate and incentivize people to start their own business, perhaps by the government to provide grants with tax payer dollars to first time entrepreneurs with serious business plans. I would use this strategy all across America providing with financial services and counselors to help entrepreneur succeed.

What does America mean to me? America, or the United State’s American dream, means a lot of things to me. At the moment, I do not live in the America I want to be a part of. It has it’s pros and cons, but to me there is an extreme amount of things that needs to be improved before I can call America the greatest place on Earth. Therefore, I want to compile a list of ideas on what I think America means to me. America to me is a place that is a place of safety and security. It’s a place where military and border security protect its country and citizens over any other mission. It’s a place where the military and law enforcement is values along with many other occupations dealing with people’s physical lives; including teachers. It’s a place where education competes with the best in the world. The education system doesn’t leave anyone behind and uses the best psychological and sociological strategies to improve education. It’s education system that teaches students to critically think and holds every individual, including the student, with respect and dignity and away from totalitarian strategies. It’s a place where education means something and produces individuals who are intellectual and provide value to society. It’s a place where the cost of living is fair and sustainable so that graduates can leave home for the first time and have the ability to experiment and thrive gaining a sense of independence and self-worth. It’s a place where everyone has equal opportunity to achieve their goals regardless of their limitations. It’s a place where free speech is prized and individuals hold themselves responsible for their actions. It’s a place where ethics are introduced and used to build harmony, unity, and collaboration in society and discourages ignorance, arrogance, and irrational behaviors. It’s a place that is centered around respect for each other and uses negotiation to have win-win scenarios so that everyone gets ahead. It’s a place where individuals goals that help others are greatly prized and motivates  others to aid in the achievement of that goal. It’s a place where businesses and new ideas for products and technologies are created that are desired by the rest of the world. It’s a place that desires competition and collaboration in all markets. It’s a place that considers monopolies an irrational business behavior and pushes for more competitive markets. I want to live in an America where business and work life is balanced with home and personal life. I want people to have hobbies, do what they enjoy at home, care for their families, and to improve themselves whether it would be learning new subjects or skills on their own, participating in community activities, or being productive with their own projects. It’s a country where money is abundant to everyone and is spent almost leisurely. It’s a place where people can choose their lifestyle and not have to live in a streamlined structures procedural way. Everyone has the ability to live how they desire, even if it’s considerably bizarre, strange, or immoral. Everyone is respected for who they are and are not forced to be a certain way. I want to live in an America that has more liberties and less strictness and authority allowing an individual have more freedom. I want to live in an America that prizes individual uniqueness  and talents.  It’s a place that overlooks the weaknesses and awkwardness of others and instead desires to see each other the same and even build people up to be the best they can be in society utilizing positive psychological strategies so that everyone can help build value in society and cater to an overall national patriotic and collective society of strongly united citizens. It’s a place where everyone is equal, where everyone has a voice, everyone respects each other, and where there are not other groups prized above others. It’s a country in which every citizen that provides value or aims to prove value, great or small, is cherished greatly. I want people to create culture, especially new culture, so that every generation is different and unique, yet share a sense of patriotism, national pride, and community. I want people to feel free and respected to introduce new ideas, even if it’s immoral or controversial. I want people to choose how they want to live and pursue that which makes them happy in life and bring fulfillment. I want America to be unique and to have the ability to stand out from the rest of the world by having more liberties, less restrictions, and more opportunities to do things that the rest of the world cannot. I want it to be different from the rest of the world. I want the United States to have the ability to protect itself on an individual level. I want to live in a United States that upholds family and life. I want to live in a United States that is fair, rational, logical, and fights irrational ideologies with truth, logic, and questions.  I want to live in a United States that has less secrecy in places unnecessary and is transparent so that people can trust their government. I also want a small government only capable of handling in affairs that are necessary. I want to live in an America that isn’t afraid of taking risks and experimenting. I want America to be the best in every subject to improve all areas that can be improved upon to the maximum level of improvement. I want America to be the literal land of the free where everyone is free to drive, walk, or ride wherever they want. It’s a place where all forms of transportation is used which also has access to places hard to reach. I believe America should have as much freedom as it possibly can without giving too much potential for abuse. I believe the more choices create the more liberties and possibilities. I believe freedom should also come with responsibility to protect it and not abuse it. I believe people should be accountable of their behaviors are in goodwill for themselves and others. These are just some ideas I have. Overall, I want to live in an America that is safe, prosperous, and constantly improved upon. I want to live in an America whose society is warm, loveing, united, intelligent, intellectual, patriotic, and respectful.  I want to live in an America that is a new shining example for the world. As of now, the country is very far from what I would like it to be. If it was that way, I would be an individual with a great devotion and gratitude in which would be objectionably unshakable. 

Observing commercials from the 80s and 90s, I think we need a return to 90s in terms of commercialism, morality, and mindset. I believe we need to recreate a standard for pop culture and we can do this with modern popular culture and not the pushed artificial commercial culture. We need to re-allow people to reintroduce creativity, originality, and even absurdity into the culture.

I see commercials utilizing pop culture in the 90s, why not education? Why not open a commercial industry for education where companies introduce educational products?

I personally don't care for male patriarchy (male oriented society where the male is always the dominant figure). I want people to live the way they want to live. I prize individual choice and being mutuals in marriage.

 I like the idea to say what you honestly mean (the truth) even if other do not like it even if it becomes confrontational. I like the idea that honest conflict has more social value than dishonest harmony.


(maybe; government) I had an idea for a political ethics advisory board or ethics committee in government. This can be a special small branch of government used to deter war, conflict, and prior conflict engagement; especially if they are instigated by politicians and leaders. If conflict breaks out it is because this team or board has failed to find diplomatic relations or find a conflict unavoidable. If it does find a conflict unavoidable, it will break it down and continue its mission to deescalate the conflict. This team doesn't give up and will do whatever possible to deescalate from conflict if not come up with ethical strategies to resolve a situation. This branch informs the president, congress, and military leaders of ethical decisions, diplomatic solutions, and can attempt to influence the course of action in government. Diplomacy and military conflict deterrence is the goal of this branch. This branch of government carries discussions with countries where conflict might be possible. Pillars of this branch of government is: intelligence, strategy, de-escalation, negotiation, persuasion, and building/ improving relations. There is a heavy use of intelligence from intelligence agencies, there is heavy use of modern psychological strategies (psychology and sociology), there is use of manipulation as a tool as well. It also can utilize unconventional methods of diplomacy with out of the box thinking and strategies. There is a heavy use of logic, reasoning, and understanding how the opponent thinks in order to form a strategy to prevent conflict. There is also a psychological charter on how the agency can conduct steps to control their opponent to have a predictable outcome where they can avoid conflict. This agency is unaffected by progressive ideologies and requires very bright minds with a variety of scientific background surrounding human thinking and behavior. Before members are to join this committee, they must first go through a course. They have to learn ethics and unconventional methods of diplomacy. Part of the course is to go to Asian and learn different mindsets and practices to keep the harmony. The training also goes through courses where their psychology is tested to fully understand their internal way of thinking. If they score high, they can enter this agency. If the government and its agencies are the brain that does the thinking, then this agency is the rational conscious to that brain.

 I believe everyone has a purpose, regardless of identity, belief, or educational and intellectual capability. We need each other. I think those who provide reasons of division without objective logical foundations need to be recognized, questioned, and ignored. To make a society functional requires people to work together in a positive direction to improve the lives of each other with the tasks they are good at, the tasks they can do, or the tasks they are given. I believe people need encouragement. I think this motivates them to continue. I think if a person is congratulated one-on-one, their personal sense of motivation will show in their progress. 

 (sexual) I think sex or an environment where people can express themselves sexually is the realm where individuals are truly equal. They can behave in a matter which arouses and dominates each other as if playing a game. Great mutual sex (sex that is not selfish) where both (or more) parties get the pleasure they want seems to create an environment carefree of expectational realities where status and image doesn't matters and instead allows individuals to express themselves without shame and truly enjoy themselves in a way where people can be truly feel happy, excited, and satisfied in the moment. 

(sexual)I wonder what it would be like to live in a society that normalizes sexual behavior. I think if such a society were to exist would it be productive and satisfactional? I do think this world view is beyond taboo to consider in today's time, but I think it's still might be worth thinking about. We are social creatures; sexuality is in our nature as much as culture and authoritative voices would like to deviate from real human behavior. Exploring Sumerian history, sexuality played a normal roll in the beginning until humanity began to over-procreate. I'd imagine this must of lead to the over consumption of resources and difficult systemic problems. It seems evident that this must of been a huge reason in the ancient times which lead to moral-religious, cultural, and tribal traditions and standards. I think it's worth mentioning the different tribal norms and standards on fertility traditions, nudity, and sexuality among the various tribes of Africa. Moreover, what if such a system existed which allowed people to express themselves openly and sexually? Is it possible people could adopt ethics to where sexuality can build and maintain unity? Could sexuality create it's own useful place in society going beyond the bedroom? Could sexuality be a functional part of society allowing people to maintain productivity, value, and virtue? Although it would be considered immoral by today's standards due to cultural views and religious beliefs, could it be the vision or a discussion for the future? Can a series of sexual-moral laws be made to allow for such a reality? I'd imagine if humanity were to travel to different planets and live among the stars, this could become a considerable solution for colonization. 

I wonder what would happen if there was a service that enacted peoples fantasies for finding a mate. For example, what if a person suddenly appeared at your door and treated you very well or enacted a scene from a  adorable drama where the first impression is unbelievable but as if a manifested fantasy. What if a person was trained to make the moves to get to know you; perhaps this could be a outlandish service in the future for getting people to meet each other.

(religion/ random/ maybe) If i could think of an idea of what i would consider saying to God it would be that times change. People change. Society changes. If he wanted a more functional and perhaps more dedicated religious society, he shouldn't punish people; he will punish the wrong people and build resentment and distrust. He should work with them and negotiate ways to improve themselves and their relations. In the Sumerian period, people loved the Gods because they brought them knowledge, inventions, and improved their lives; it was an objective satisfaction towards the Gods which caused people to dedicate themselves in reverence. Looking at the parent-child conditioning ideology, the idea of punishment should come with reward. It makes no sense to reward the few that do good but punish the masses who are among the wicked. That is like dropping a bomb on innocent people to remove the bad guys and rewarding individual people. Since the idea that God controls heaven and gets to sort out everyone after they die is a belief of religion, it perhaps seems irrelevant if a person dies, but I guess the truth is to question how accurate is that information when religion is a product of ideology and religious evolution.

I believe a device or algorithm (machine learning and AI) can exist that looks at a person's brain functions or neuro pathways as it is examined in a variety of situations and determines if a person has secret malevolent possibilities. Perhaps a test can be performed on a suspect and if a percentage is high showing great signs of neuro activity in parts of the brain that is shared among violent individuals, it could be a good idea for police to investigate somebody. The aim of this device or algorithm is to identify the possibility of a person through neuro activity to see if they can become a serial killer or violent individual. If the possibilities are high, it would be a person either worth investigating or observing.

(sexual) You can prebuild the tension first, this help get the partner in the mood.To get ladies in the mood, this can take 30 mins to an hour. Rub your hands on them. Massage them. Talk sensual and a little dirty to them. Kiss their neck, rub their back and shoulders and leg. Nibble on their leg and shoulder. Rub their cheek and chin. Look into their eyes slowly and smile. feel their hair in a sensual way. After about twenty to thirty mins move to their breast to the their inner legs. Don't go into them directly. Build the tensions and get them comfortable. Make them want or beg you to continue. After you both are comfortable and deep into pleasuring each other orally. The area of skin from the hole to the clit is very sensitive when aroused. Maybe ask them what they want, what they like, and what they would be willing to experiment with. Ask them what they don't like, what is boring them. Be spontaneous. Try different things. If you don't want to ask, observe their body language, facial expressions, and breathing and try to get them to exaggerate. Play with them with your fingers to take it up a notch. Lick the entire surface of the wet area very softly then play with the vaginal skin in a rotating clock motion to find the best sensitive area. Females also like their partner moving their body as they work their magic. When you're done with love making, hold them close and talk about what they liked and what wasn't working. The body is always changing so take the journey to learn about your partner and keep up-to-date with their sensual changes. You can use the information to experiment with more spontaneous and new creative ideas. Creativity, spontaneity, and new ideas in bed keeps the relationship fresh. In addition, I want to say there is casual sex which is mutual; sex more for the ladies; or sex more towards the male interests which is more like casual sex but the lady can do things to spice of the male interest. Then there is the sex that goes outside the traditional sexual limits inviting new partners and involving other interests.

I think selfishness trumps principle eventually because people are inherently selfish by birth, so when you have political leaders who run on principle, they eventually cave in to the wealth offered by corruption. It might be immediate or it might be a very long time. This is done by culture. If the culture and those surrounding become corrupt, it affects a person fundamentally, because one  can only standup for your principles for so long before they become affect by the loneliness and brutality of segregation, feeling of exile, or threat. That is why a single ounce of corruption is needed to be addressed immediately and definitively. Government structures are subject to evolution as they fall and rise and repeat until there is either no on left or a system is put in place which makes a system near permanent. 

(random) People are influenced by the product of culture and narratives they consume, if a person consumes ideas and beliefs that are inaccurate it could affect them in the future (not to mention communication and understanding of seeming controversial subjects), until they themselves override those beliefs with credibility and objectionalism (facts). There might consume literature and ideas that aren't completely accurate but seem accurate and therefore they might produce information that doesn't quite makes complete sense, that is also why things need evidence and to be proven. That is why the science must be accurate.It will be up to them to tear down negative habits of ideology and search for the truth and true facts. 

I think even an idiot with accurate information and emotional appeal can appear intelligent. I think to revel an idiot is to question them based on intellectual capabilities and logic.

I think humanity is still young. I speculate it's as old as around 40,000 years old. It's still has a long time to grow before it reaches its peak performance and capabilities. I believe eventually it will get rid of its dogmas and replace it with methods of improving itself. Instead of relying on religious values, it will replace it with ethics that allow people to coexist harmoniously, thrive, and live out productive lives (I hope that when it evolves it maintains a respect for religious values as it brought so much ability for peace and prosperity). I think humanity will improve itself and technologies will be the solution to allow it to be more free and productive than ever before. I think ideas seemingly taboo or controversial today will mean nothing in the future and people will live the way they want to live. Technology will provide all the means of its ability to live and thrive and do so much more. They will be able to perform abilities our current minds couldn't even imagine. Individuals of the future will look back at current times and consider us primitive and perhaps even obsolete (if they switch the structures of their bodies); that is if we do not destroy ourselves or enable opportunity of ruin.

(strange idea) I was thinking. If the sun affects gravity as it pushes its green zone outwards, couldn't Earth build a resistant force that can push the Earth outward as the sun's green zone is pushed? Perhaps riding the gravitational push of the green zone could lead us closer to mars and maintain sustainability on Earth.

(education) I hypothesize the use of curiosity, story telling, immersion, and perhaps competition are methods I think powerful enough to help even the lower level students learn difficult subjects; just as videogames use this medium for player retention, having fun, and replayability. If we can get psychologists to study this in detail and find functional ways to adopt these game design fundamentals in a functional way where it appeals to the player to want to invest their time to learn and progress further, I think we could make learning fun and perhaps even addicting. I think VR and electronic devices can be a useful tool. Then students can use what they learned in the mediums in their life.

It would be interesting to have the entire bible completed. I think I would also include the Enuma Elish (tablets of creation), tales of Adapa, and the other cuneiform tablet translations to religious scriptures if the evidence is proven objective by science. 

I would do a plan called the Lost at Sea Initiative. Where satellites and commercial planes will pick up on people lost at sea using a mirror reflection (or an emergency mirror).  I would make Emergency Life saving satellites called L.-Sats to where emergency-life saving satellites can pick up on flares and anomalies in the ocean near instantly. I would equip all emergency life rafts with necessary tools such as a solar-water distilleries, extendable spears with attachable knife (to point away from the raft), raft repair kits, sudoku game, paper and pencil, a paddle, and other necessary items that can be crammed into the raft. I would also add a magazine by me with pictures to keep people sane if lost at sea for months. I think psychological health is very important also.

 I think it's obvious that the future of all authoritarians is more control whether it's political leaders, religious figures, or even parents. I want to think it's important to remove this ideology or behavior because for some individuals if it gets worst and reaches an extreme radicalism, it could leads to harm or destruction.

I personally think people should work 30 hours and no more than 60 hours a week. I'm a big believer in work place balance where people should have both time for themselves and time to work for their organizations. I also believe if a person requests to work more, then they should be able to. I don't believe every company should work like this, but I believe if there is to be a more productive and happier society, balance is necessary. In addition, this is one of my ideas along with the idea of decreasing the cost of living for a more balanced and bountiful life and improving the quality of education, and introducing ethics into society.

(Sexual) I think young people don't really have much places to learn about sex, sexual culture, and the ethics and conditions of sex. Young adults may not know about consent or the sexual behavior and the sexual mentality or functionality of the opposite gender. In the U.S. there is sexual education; however, when remembering the quality of sexual education in my high school, it was very poor compared  to what I have learned outside of school over the years. Outside of school there is so much science, culture, conditions, and things to learn about sex and sexual culture that young adults do no know. I think sexual media outlets and websites can be a way for young adults to learn more about sex and sexual culture. Perhaps if there were beginner videos that provide them with the information they should know about sex and sex culture there would be more of a respect towards it rather than the continuous idea of taboo portrayed time again by the older generations. I believe it's important that they realize that much of what they see in entertainment is fantasy. Teaching about the realities of sex and sexual psychology through sexual media outlets can also be used to improve their personal views of sexuality and overall improve their relationships or future relationships.  In addition, perhaps we can also have options in games, music, and movies that can be turned on to allow for sexual content so that younger audience have less access to sexual content despite of the ratings.

I think every building should have an escape chute. It's an invention where you have a container with a shoot that allows people to slide down a shoot like an esophagus to safety. 

"Where there is life, there is death. Life will go on without me. The expectations and weight of the world is hard to bare. I have wasted my life. The world is very cruel and there is no escape. I feel hopeless. I am invisible. I have many regrets and I cannot live with myself. Please forgive me." - A random person's suicide letter that's been translated. I believe a single life is extremely valuable. If I was a millionaire, I would like to take the opportunity to seek those who are at the edge of giving up in life and give them a new opportunity. A new life. A chance to start over. I would primarily target those who I see the most good in. Those who have the most ethics. Those who want more in life and a chance to improve themselves. If they are to dye, let them be reborn as a new identity elsewhere. Moreover, everyone needs each other during very dark times. Often humanity forgets to be human. An example of good needs to be shown. History doesn't show too many humanitarian heroes and figures who give such examples of being the light in the darkness or the person who looks beyond a person's imperfections. We need more people to be the source of goodwill, the example of change, and the person who is capable of shining light in the darkness. If we can change one life from their self-demise, it is an extraordinary victory.   

I think people often elect psychopaths for leaders. Surely there would be a check and balance of their actions. I think they elect psychopaths due to their ability to handle the situation and provide results. However, what would happen if you elect an ethical person who has a desire to learn and improve over time? They may not have instant results, but I hypothesize they will be great leaders over the time they reach the peak of mastery after substantial improvement.

I feel like rage and entitlement share some sort of similarity. Perhaps we can use this as a basis for a psychological approach to teach or condition people to be more ethical. 

I think the United States should always keep on the search for improved technologies and potential industries to pursue industrial revolutions. Perhaps they can have debates on new ideas by collecting the most freshly creative minds and smartest engineers. I also think when there is support and funding for new ideas, technology advances more faster. It's another reason why bright and creative minds should never be wasted. That's why I think great ideas or ideas with the potential to evolve are the leading source for future innovations. Brilliant minds are the priceless resource for an innovating economy. 

I wonder if it's possible to use technologies that influence materials that allow for science-fiction possibilities. What if there was a technology for vibration that allows conductive materials to vibrate into and through each other. We could use this material on the outer coating of vehicles and allow vehicles to go though each other eliminating the possibility to hit each other. Drivers could drive as fast and crazy as they want. Perhaps vehicles could even vibrate at a frequency that does not affect people, nature, or other materials. (For this quick idea, I will call it Invisaplating or GhostTech).

I think future technologies will evolve to where we will have the ability to charge and harness the atmosphere to power all our electronics in the future with a free electro-energy system. The utility industry will have to reinvent itself and look for new opportunities or perhaps expand their industry into selling electricity in space with free-energy transfer systems between orbital stations, perhaps space colony expansion, and other planetary and non-planetary locations in the solar system. 

(invention) Reverse zippers- zippers with two sides, when you push one zipper down, the other goes up. It's so that the fighting force of gravity doesn't revers the pull on the zipper as well as conceals being unzipped in the case your zipper area is exposed.

(parents)I think parents should introduce girls to boys and boys to girls when they are teenager or pre-teenager. I think it's a good idea that they know about sexuality and have a firm belief on their own sexuality, morals, beliefs, and what you expect as a parent from them and how the mainstream ideology (or ideologies) of the world sees sexuality and that they should be liable of their own actions and consequences because that's one thing that makes a person mature. After they know this information, they should be pared up with the opposite gender so that they learn about each other, even if it's for just a day. They should do things together so that they see how different they are and have some first ideas on how to behave around or even talk to the opposite gender. I would like to think this would be the part in life where parents want to have a segment in their teenagers life to grow and to learn things by themselves. I feel the teenager will want to naturally learn more and will come to their parents fro advice so the parents should have rehearsed their part in teaching for this situation because I think it will affect the rest of their relationships in life. //my view on sexuality has been reckt because of school punishing me savierely for just saving two nude pictures when I was in high school and my family being overly fanatical about religion brainwashing that sex is evil at an early age. For many years it motivated me not think about girls or having a family and to focus on other things and to keep my distance and to be more Asexual. I made a lot of female friends because perhaps this mindset influenced myself to be androgynous about genders. This mindset followed me all the way into college where I started to expand my mind and open up to the possibility to having a girlfriend, but having focused more on college and career it still kept me from having a family or a girlfriend; despite having way so too many lady friends. Now that I'm finished with a bachelors, I would like to complete the goal by getting a career or making a career for myself before taking on a life partner. However, it seems females of my age either have a lot of issues, not the qualities I'm looking for, or are simply hard to find. If this is the case, a polygamous relationship style might be worth considering. We will see in the on coming years (if there is a county left). 

(National Defense Study Idea) Revisiting the fall of Rome in a documentary, I wonder what are ways a country like the united states could fall. That is why I came up with the idea of National Defenseology This is the study of how a country can be taken down and how to prevent such occurrences from happening. Perhaps shedding light on how the country can be taken down could leads to ideas on how to prepare or create procedures and conduct operations in case such an event were to happen. I would think when an average person thinks a country falling, it would be due to a military-style takeover, so here are ideas I would think could cause a country like the US to fall or be negatively impacted by a military-style takeover. The military style takeover would probably have an initial operation to control or destroy essential resource. Perhaps it could be resources such as utilities like gas, water, sewage, electricity, or things people need to survive or go about their daily lives with. Destruction of roads and bridges would be a strategic target as it is used logistically to transport resources to make the capitalist system function. The roads are as if the vains in the human body transporting blood and oxygen so that vital organs can function. A military-style takeover would involve the secret or high risk capture of high priority members and people of power. I also think a military-style take over would also involve technological superiority. Technological improvements to deal with potential threats could be quickly adopted and used. Technology can also be used on improving security, surveillance, and dominance for people who willingly become captured and submit. Lastly a takeover of the U.S. would also have to be done swiftly, quickly, violently, and strategically because if citizens self-militarize and mobilize, they could form a fortable fighting force over time due to improve intelligence, communication, training, and strategy. The next style of attack would have to be conducted using intelligence. Intelligence is the greatest tool I think that can be used for if the U.S. were to fall. It can be a more secretive, unnoticed, incremental influence, or disguised way of attack. The greatest tools within intelligence can be change or influence in psychology, society, or essential business or political infrastructures. These changes and influences that can influence a mass transition that later affects many and produces an outcome or desired outcome. A list of ideas to use against the country utilizing an intelligence-style takeover can be by corrupting the laws or corrupting the laws in such a way where it produces a specific, expected, or incorporable-to-agenda outcome. Often corruption from within is done with corrupting it's leaders, corrupting individuals with power, or installing trained operatives to obtain power and control or who can conduct influence strategies. Another use of intelligence is by controlling the population or it's leaders with surveillance. With surveillance, over time, people will become accustomed to it; especially with improving relationships with surveillance with surveillance being a tool for good. The mandatory use of surveillance can prove to be the greatest psychological and information tool that can be used against individuals and institutions, because information on people can be collected and used against them. Information is a useful tool in psychological manipulation. Intelligence and corruption from within can be powerful if there is an incremental change in social ideology, theology, and the implimination of new ideologies. It's possible the more complex a new ideology is the more it can twist the mind of people who think they understand it. This can cause the imbalance of logic and reason and to fall into a corrupt-collective mindset capable of illogical reasoning under irrational leaderships, ideologies, and dogmas. The use of media and social conditioning through culture can influence the behaviors of people.Influencing chaos, confusion, division, and control through deception or fear can be extremely effective. This can be done though corruption, influence, or decay of academic institutions or the warping of culture by irrational narratives to bend logic and reasoning and to produce a person who is incapable of critical thinking, logic and moral reasoning, or self-examination. By affecting a person's ideology at an early age, you an influence their mental development and set them on a foreseeable path later in life. By creating a culture of poor parenting or no parenting, a child can be influenced by culture and led to a path that can lead to accepting irrational ideologies, negative culture, drugs, and potential mental illness. Intelligence-style takeovers can use culture as a massive powerful tool to reshaping society; however, it can also be a hit or miss situation as trends are hard to control. Another strategy is to influence the military. Influencing or using indoctrination in the military could perhaps cause a military transition. The intelligence would have to corrupt it's leaders and those who influence the programs or procedures of the military to influence a change from within. Another strategy would be the use of secrecy in secret societies, pacts, and cults.  This can be valuable for creating operatives for a purpose  that are loyal and that will carry out orders by their superiors. Secrecy would be essential in controlling or installing operatives, agendas, and narratives to takeover, control, survale, or conduct secret operations to influence an outcome that is most desirable in a country. A control over information would also be very critical. I think a communication style takeover would have to control, capture, or remove communications. Communications could be as simple as talking to a person or selectively silencing or secretly silence individuals on a digital medium like the internet or cellphone. The control of such outlets could be used for intimidation purposes to influence an outcome that could influence a greater social outcome. Social conditioning can be done though media outlets, whether mainstream or small outlets made to confuse or decrease a media narrative. The use of silencing or controlling information is essential to influence public view and behavior. Moreover, a control or influence in creating fake science or rationalizing negative ideology can also be a source for indoctrinating institutions. Fake science that can act as a source of information can be used to distract or build credibility for irrational agendas. Another method is to control or influence resources and businesses. If a person can affect or control resource-distribution, they can control the operation of businesses and products. Installing operatives and having corporate control with brands and products people trust, they can influence the markets and tamper with the livelihood of people. An increase cost in a resource could tip the balance of financial stability and even family structure. Corporate control or centralization, perhaps secret centralization, would also be a good tool for controlling resources. Moving on, the use of technology, or secret technologies, once again can be a good method of control, mobilization superiority, deception, survallance, or influencing for expected outcomes. If technological advancements can be kept to malevolent purposes and kept in secret, during a time it can be used it can be used in a way where the opposition is incapable of responding and protecting itself against it. Technology can also incorporate bio-engineering. Bio-engineering or biotechnology surrounds itself in a subject most people do not understand with research hard to source. I think it could be possible to use medical institutions or scientific institution to develop biological creations that could affect the outcome of society. Perhaps an irrational initiative could be launched where products, bi-products, or unregulated/unfamiliar/untested ingredients could negatively impact a society. Perhaps their health could decay over time, it could increases the likeliness of health altering occurrences, or produce an effect on the body where people cannot combat certain conditions or have a formidable immunization. Perhaps it can also tamper with bio-sciences that are unfamiliar and unregulated such as tampering with DNA or other essential bodily components. Referring back to political institutions, humanitarian initiatives would also be a good way to have a secret insurrection or coordinate an orchestrated disaster. Everything is influenced by resources. If population size doesn't have the necessary assets it needs to thrive, it could create a crisis. Moreover, I think the greatest use of an intelligence-style takeover would be with the use of mentally-ill or ideologically-corrupt individuals. I would imagine the worst place these individuals are located are in prisons and secure mental institutions. If society could be negatively impacted, it would be to free criminals who are more likely to produce the chaos essential for an internal takeover. I think a big goal would have to be to take down the population size. This would make the population easier to control and manage. It could be from altering infants with vaccines at infancy to secretly eliminating seniors, to even having the mentally ill stage a bulachevique-style takeover. Getting rid of seniors would also be an idea to eliminate the morals implemented during the previous generational cultures. An intelligence-style takeover could even inflence people's lives through economic conditions or health conditions to have them homeless where overtime mental illness, crime, or dependency in drugs being an issue. When others in society see the increae of poverty, fear, confusion, and opportunities for false information, news, and agendas can be achievable.  With an increase in crime and homelessness, there can be an increase in irrational ideology by negative culture and praying on the poverty class or areas of potential of societal fracturing. Moreover, a culture of power-intimidation would also be another useful tool. If education could decrease in quality and power structures can increase in perceived power through a average person's perspective, institutions that hold some sort of power can be used as a way to intimidate and control people. Moving on, when it comes to agricultural productions, people's health can be affected by adding potentially harmful ingredients or taking away nutrients. Altering, adding, and affecting agricultural production can cause individuals in society to lack minerals, nutrients, and resources for their health, mental health, which in the long term could affect control, management, and overall influence population size.  Another strategy is to do the same with the medical industry where ingredients can be added or removed that can affect an individuals health and mental health. An intelligence-style takeover can use strategies that can come in very complex institutions such as the monetary or banking institution. The use of secrecy and financial control is the ultimate form of control over a thriving and working economy. Not only can the control of currency be used as a potential weapon to leverage an economy, but the various forms in which the monetary system holds can be used as a potential weapon. If the banking institutions desires to transition or add new systems, they can influenced or control the health of an economy. Trade would also be another strategy of control, if it's possible to artificially influence markets, financial leveraging, or set the costs of resources and materials, it's possible that an economy can be affected which would directly influence individual livelihoods and social ideology. Lastly, to go along with controlling academic institutions I think controlling vocabulary and terminology can be a useful tool for control because the language people use affects their thought patterns, ability to communicate, social perception and influence, and ultimately their behavior. Causing a language and thought pattern divide between generations and people could influence society having generations become uncooperative. If a generation can also be corrupted by negative culture, it could also lead an incremental decay for the following culture which I think would allow individuals in society to become easily corruptible and illogical.  The next way to take down a country I would think is through terrorism. This can be done with a group with an irrational ideology, a group with an irrational agenda, or a group who can conduct orchestrated and coordinated efforts to influence change by force. I think there is a variety of ways terrorists can use tools for taking over a country. They could use complex or secret bio-weapons, radioactive agents, or viral viruses to conduct attacks for example. They can obtain nuclear technology and detonate it in highly dense areas or locations that are valuable as an economic resource. They can conduct attacks on exposed power grids. They can conduct attacks on servers needed for the internet to operate. They can be put in positions of power where they can influence people to conduct irrational actions or carry out irrational agendas. They can coordinate direct violent raids utilizing strength in numbers. They can control a corporation and conduct terrorism through mass distribution of harmful products. It could be products that have harmful bi-products or products that can affect consumers over a long duration of time. Perhaps there can be cultural terrorism where they try to influence power and change the culture to fulfill a radical or authoritarian ideology or religious indoctrination. Perhaps they can conduct their actions and carry out their agenda along side the aid of legal professionals or obtain a perceived safety-net perception from the mainstream media. They can conduct operation in silence by poisoning the water supply, setting fires to major institutions or highly flammable areas, or even collectively sabotaging information or discrediting, framing, or sabotageing an individual's credibility to influence a narrative or agenda. They could try to obtain others to carry out their attacks or agenda who are mentally unstable, drug addicts, or psychologically delusional that can be easily manipulated. Perhaps they can corrupt, bribe, or blackmail a person into doing actions. Perhaps they can operate with intelligence and use deception or create a situation where they can deceptionally blackmail, confuse, convince, or manipulate a person to carry out their agenda. Perhaps they can influence the medical institutions and make people dependent on drugs and create scenarios where they can get people to carry out actions in exchange for medical supplies or addiction remedies. I think terrorism can be the most destructive when it works with other terrorist groups and becomes organized. If they get involved with corrupting political and intelligence leaders, they could conduct more dangerous operations with the use of that greater potential to use power. Finally, there is external and global cooperation. If an irrational ideology or agenda is adopted by members of a greater global community, the potential for mass destruction and dangerous operations can occur. Country leaders can form pacts, negotiate and conduct military dominance over other countries. Powerful global elite members can be corrupted, or if they already have irrational ideologies, can fund irrational operations in secret, conduct coordinated efforts to secretly take down competitors, increase wealth and power by consuming or controlling more entities. I can imagine if there were global leaders trying to dominate the world, there would be a great desire to have power or centralized power over trade. I can imagine there would be a secret or obvious initiatives to control or centralize a world bank, precious minerals, and obtain power over global currency institutions that would grant limitless power to those with potential harmful ideologies. I think members desiring to take over the U.S. would be corrupted overtime and soon backed up by a militarized force or perhaps combined forces as a method to obtain more power and control forcefully. Overall, there are many ways the U.S. could be affected negatively or have enemies find ways to take it down. These are a couple ideas I came up with so that the nation can safeguard or install some sort of defense in the case some sort of harmful or potentially threat or threatening situation were to occur.

Currency Transfer Initiative- Create a new version of the United States Dollar that is backed up by gold where we can slowly transfer from the old version of the US dollar to the new version of the U.S. dollar backed up by gold. Perhaps we can make this version of the dollar non-controlled by global banks where it is kept within the United States only. Perhaps these new dollars have a gold marker or strip to indicate it is a golden-backed U.S. dollar. It can be serialized and traced in the case it is used for illegal operations or shipped outside the country. Perhaps the gold on the new "golden-back" U.S. dollar has a gold strip that is worth as much as the dollar in actual gold. Perhaps we can make other versions of the United States dollar that can be backed by other precious metals such as platinum or silver. We can call these "platinum-backs" or "silver-back" dollars. 

(sexual) My thoughts on ERP. ERP stands for erotic role play. There are many forms such as the common text roleplay; the phsyical roleplay; and verbal role play. I've ERPed for years and I enjoy having very intimate friends. ERP is something that comes natural to me. Part of having balance and being honest with yourself is part of respecting, having discipline, and appreciating sexuality. Because it's the digital world, I feel there is less consiquence, and a new opotunity to have fun; of course knowing that the person i'm ERPing with isn't underage. Having done a lot of ERP for fun with so many lady friends, I have made the closest group of online female freinds a person could possibly have. I am extremely close to all my lady friends and I can easily manage feelings that grow toward me by being upfront and honest before meeting someone for the first time. I think it's an experience every person of apropriate age should experiment with. I often see guys who lack the ability to formulize meaningful relationships by understanding the differences between genders. Talking and ERP is a good way to practice understanding the opposite gender to prepare for a meaningful relationship. To help guys, I made a document on how to ERP everyone is free to see it:

(child dev) I wonder if by teaching logic to a child as they grow older if it would cause them to rebel or understand their actions and influence them to make the right decisions. I had this hypothesis that a non-critically thinking child lacks the intellectual and logical mental foundation that the parents could give their children at an early age.

(child dev) For child development, I think there is a proactive and reactive way of teaching or guiding children. The common way to teach a child from my observation is reactive. A child does something or asks a question and you respond. Proactive is you taking some time to teach a child. Making plans for a child to learn something can be a good idea. It can help them develop motor skills and create memories as they continue life.

I’m reluctant to show anyone my blog. Rarely, I’ll have a person surprisingly bring it up and question me on it. One person asked if I’m to be a modern philosopher and I like to respond that “I’m just a free thinker”. I really like that answer because I really don’t want to bring attention to myself if it’s not necessary. I would like to have credit for the things I write about, however.  

Brain computation- I came up with an idea that has to do with mapping out a person’s behavior based on their brain’s neuro-network activities. I had the idea that one day we could calculate the chances or accuracy of a person behavior or reactive behavior based on a situation. I think one of the more important outcomes of this idea would be to calculate the dark or criminal behavior worth investigating if a person’s probability is high or get them the help they need before the behavior gets worst. 

It seems every once in a while you get a person who is a “free thinker” or an “ideas-guy”. This is a person who goes out of their way to come up with original ideas and topics to think and write about. I think having such individuals can help propel humanity forward by having them think of concepts and ideas that have never been brought up before or resurfaced to be improved upon with new ideas. The world seems to be in a box with popular or rhetorical topics and I think it’s important to have people who think outside the box to expand humanity’s level of thinking or to get them to consider new or unfamiliar ideas and topics. In addition, I think what aids a person in having the ability to think vastly outside the box is by knowing a little bit of everything and how things really work. It also helps them knowing how to objectively critically think, have a strong grasp of logic and reasoning, have the ability to be slightly creative in making new or original ideas, have them dive into information that is also controversial to have a maximum amount of views from all perspectives, and to have a balance and never to believe anything 100%. Perhaps I might even include there is a desire to search for the truth and to follow nobody but themselves and collecting information and evidence they can see for themselves.  

In life people are always telling you to work hard. Most of what I see is people working in a mundane job that makes life feel repetitive, meaningless, and there's never enough money being made. I want to think instead of working in a mundane work cycle, why not build something? Build something meaningful something that helps people, something that brings value to your life. I think this is when society and those with the ability to fund ideas come into play so that they can be the support in which allows people build and improve society. People’s lives are limited in this world and it goes by really fast that’s why we need to help each other and help create something valuable and as soon as possible. 

 Could it be that there are radiation doses in the air or wind? Could this be a cause for random or spontaneous cancer? I would imagine the winds of chronoble could travel using the jet stream. 

I think one of the goals of training or proper training is not to develop negative or bad habits. 

Should there be a saying of "please evaluate your logic"? Perhaps this can have people to think about what they said and see if they can rationalize the meaning or logic of their thoughts or statements. 

I think in a corrupt system, you eventually reach a point of no return. That is why it's important to have principles, stand up for what is right, combat corruption by exposing the truth, and maintain order and justice. 

 (My invention; October 26, 2020) I can pop out an invention left and right. One of my more recent inventions is for helping people lost at sea, in the desert, on a deserted island, or maybe even in the jungle. I can see how this idea could help the military also if they get lost anywhere in the world. Although I shouldn't mention the idea because it could/will get stolen by unethical businessmen who are absolutely not creative whatsoever and will look at me as if I am the loser for perhaps losing out on a great opportunity, I'll consider placing my crazy idea on here with the purpose of perhaps saving lives. I would to think this is just an example for one of potentially many great ideas that comes out of my head. I do consider myself abnormally creative considering I have built so much ideas in my head and stored away as ideas on paper. Also, I don't really get much of an audience on my blog so maybe it won't be too much of an issue. It would be great if readers took this as a sample of an idea that's more to come, but who knows and who cares, and maybe this an awful idea. Anyhoo, my latest invention is about making a small addition to the outside of planes, ships, satellites, and perhaps Nasa's ISS. This device is equipped with Ouster’s OS2 Lidar sensor technology that allows light or beam detection to trigger it’s alert systems. This is where individuals on the Earth's surface, at sea, or in very difficult and remote regions can use emergency equipment called an Emergency Mirror or Laser to shine towards a boat, plane, satellite, or the ISS shuttle and signal for a rescue or for an emergency. Perhaps an additional idea to the emergency mirror is a mirror within it to amplify the mirror's strength. The objective is to bend or puncture past the atmosphere (preferably on a clear day). I even came up with a crazy idea that perhaps if an astronaut gets hurled off into space or is maybe one day stranded on a shuttle near earth with some sort of an emergency, this could be an added emergency layer or signaling device they can use to their advantage.Looking at stories that could have benefited from this technology, I would imagine Steve Callahan who was the guy stranded at sea on an unimaginable struggle for survival could have benefited greatly from this information and technology if it were to exist. Anyhoo, I'm light years from ever getting a funding of $16,000, which is it’s current price tag, to make this idea a reality so if anyone steals this idea, be sure to hopefully give me some micro credit for the idea. It benefits humanity. I'm happy with just a simple small mention (even though I doubt they'd do that, nobody is that nice. lol).

I like the thought that if a capitalist country maintains a state of wealth then there should always be ways, opportunities, and resources that one can tap into to create wealth for themselves. I also like the thought that wealth could also be found by coming up with ways to solving problems.

I think if it was up to me and the US was already holding down a territory or had a war with another county where it has to hold down  a territory, I would consider calling it a piece of the United States territory. I wouldn’t mind having an ethical expansionist role if the territory was obtain with logical and proper reasoning and ethicality. I would consider it unethical to expand simply to obtain more territory or to use an excuse for war just to obtain more territory or resources. An example could be after WWII when the US obtained a piece of Germany. I would have called it the US territory of Germany and would make it an extension of the US from that side of the world.

I believe people should invite others for help. For example, people noticing you and telling they could use your help for projects or tasks. I believe a culture of inviting others or asking for help should be something that should be done everywhere.

I wonder if there should be a law concerning greed where people can be sued for having unethically greedy motives. Afterall, it seems the modern culture of corporate-business involves strategies that include an insane amounts of greed and unethically greedy behavior and business practices.

Part of me feels as if after learning about the Sumerian origins, which includes the origins of religion, I can no longer see the church as a righteous entity. I feel the only symbolism it holds is that it’s an ideology that’s fundamentals peaceful but in it contains a level of social control, subtle authoritarianism, and dogma.  If I couldn’t rely on religion in my life, I would switch my belief to logic, science, justice, goodwill and ethics, ethics of myself (such as improving myself as a person to the best of my abilities), and helping humankind.

I believe ethics and goodwill toward others is the solution for a better future and the removal of angry spirits who exist in today world.

(relationships) Could it be that some ladies get too attached to fantasy rather than reality? For example when you don’t like someone but you’re nice to them and they want to be in a relationship with you so they are always trying to catch you with worlds that feed into their fantasy so that they have closure to feel the way they want towards you.

(relationships) I’ve seen time and again as a guy that when you are completely honest with a lady friend, you have a high chance of getting what you want (there is a balance of catering to honesty and to their emotions and psychology). Ladies cold become attached to you and you would have to word things in a way that doesn’t hurt their feelings but lets them know what you want. It’s important to let them know who you are, what you want, and what you’re looking for from the beginning. I Part of love it learning to let go so that you allow others to be happy. Both parties should be honest with themselves, after all both parties are looking for happiness. 

I feel as 2020 closes and Biden is deemed the winner, I feel I must change mentality. Perhaps laying to rest my thought about the presidency, state of this country, and the constitutional republic as a whole. If Biden wins, I will drop all of these views and worry only about myself and those I love. I will also focus on just having fun, improving myself, gaining more confidence, and perhaps go into incognito-silent strategist mode to find outcomes that will benefit myself and my survival.

Part of me wants to put together a document of how the US corruption started in the 1960s and how it developed the industrial military complex, the intelligence industrial complex, and deep state. I want to address how synthetic culture (media, entertainment, and systems [like the federal reserve and global banks]) was made to brainwash the masses and condition the people. How the good never stood up for principle and exposed the corruption. How industries, markets, and silent monopolies became centralized and controlled. It would be great to show the world, especially the future, how the US came to this point in history where the reality of losing this representative republic is a real threat to the nation. How in today’s world violent members of society is having their way, spreading their irrational ideology, and making their way into laws. How the media-outlets are controlled and manipulated to condition society into a reality or to make them believe in an illusion they create through cognitive dissonance and disinformation. How the education is kept at a poor level on purpose for political control as people cannot critically think and develop as self-made intellectuals. How the poor is easily conditioned to follows a negative culture where violence, drugs, ignorance, and prostitution is the norm. I feel all the wrong doings have gone long and far without question leading to the decayed reality of a nation we see today. We will never have a nation of critical thinkers and self-made intellectuals. We will never have entrepreneurs who create more jobs and grow industries. We will never have minds that help develop great technologies and push the bar of human engineering and inventions. We will never have creative minds who think extremely outside the box who push ideas to evolve human thinking. We will never have an ethical society who want to improve society by improve themselves first. We will never have a future where other nations will try to be like us because we have the most liberties, opportunities, and abilities to live life with a lot of meaning, wealth, purpose, and value. If this republic falls, so does this American dream. We will be like every other globalist-elite controlled nation all over the globe. We will have a synthetic culture, with synthetic entertainment, hidden science and systems, and live a life by unrecognized illusion as if a hamster in a cage. There will never be another time period where human will have as much freedom as it did today in this period in history. Humanity will eventually be controlled and suppressed by technology and humanity will eventually die out as a ruined species. I put my bet on being suppressed for so long that the Earth exits the sun’s green-habitable zone and the earth and humanity eventually dies away forgotten in this universe and dimension of reality. Overall, principle is corrupt, truth has failed, logic has failed, and God has failed. We would have to make a choice to die for what we believe in or give-in to the silence and the new reality for the sake of survival; perhaps dreaming about the day when humanity will gain its liberties once again. What’s wrong will be right and what’s right will be for the elites and new authorities to decide.

I wonder if it’s possible to use electromagnetic frequencies to alter, modify, or influence (or perhaps even deinfluence/counter-infleunce) materials. 
 (sexual; made up term for fun) Aiio - Guys who see other females like themselves or complete equals or females that sees a guy like themselves or complete equals regardless of gender differences, gender physiological differences, or gender psychological differences. Both males and females learn the differences between each genders and adapt their behavior as seeing each other as similar. In sexual-relations, aiioship is a relationships where aiio individuals see themselves as sexually neutral and disregard or ignore the differences between genders. They ignore the ideology of mainstream culture to adopt a casual, normification, and harmonification ideology of nudity and sexual behaviors where they see each other as equals, mutuals, and abide by the terms of ethics and consent.

Overtime crazy people get more crazy; in crazy times, crazy people become a lot more crazy.

(crazy idea) In the conspiracy information of communication of higher, lower, or alternate forms of dimensions, I think it would involve communicating with all if not a colossal rang of frequencies that are electro or electro-magnetic all at once because I believe the nature of a dimension is fragmentized in relation to each other. Perhaps this could be due to the idea that in the quantum realm things can both exist and not-exist simultaneously. Also if we observe the nature of an atom, It’s never still. Everything is constantly moving. Perhaps this is due because the milkey-way is always moving or perhaps the universe itself is moving. I think if we were to communicate with other dimensions, we would have to a colossal range of frequencies, all at once, allow it to be dynamic and fluctuate perhaps with the possibility to single out signals simultaneously that we can interpret and understand. An easy way to explain this is looking at our modern military communications that use an encrypted signal (or channels) that changes frequencies ever few seconds or milliseconds (I think it’s 100 encrypted signals a second). Imagine decrypting those hundreds a signals to get clear audio for communication. I think, due to the chaotic nature of reality, we could do the same and find the right frequencies and have them defragmented and organized in a way where we can understand them and that we can communicate effectively. Perhaps an algorithm can search for signal irregularities and single them out as starting points where it can decrypt them and reorganize them in a way that could make sense to us and we can understand. It could also be more challenging when higher dimension don’t communicate the way we do therefore we would have to learn and understand the possibility of higher languages and the way they communicate if other entities were to exist. If we do find signs of entities communicating in higher dimensions, doing this could also prove that dimensions are not bound to time and space and can thrive simultaneously outside of our known understanding. It could also prove that there is no static timeline where one can jump to the future resulting in the idea of a space-time continuum not existing and that it's dynamic. 

***(crazy thoughts) I personally think people in western society always take things to the extreme. I feel like they want more out of life or have a desire for power and influence where they push the bar of having crazy ideologies. It seems the idea of interdimensional beings is a popular topic for those in a scientific class of elites. Although it may be in the realm of conspiracy, supposedly there is an elite class that has said to have broke a surprise communication with interdientional beings. Supposedly a group of these elites hook themselves to a machine where they surprised these interdimentiona beings. They shocked them as if this event should have never had happened. Personally for me, I feel I can correlate this occurrence to the idea of life after death. There have been many instances where people claimed they have died and had contact with a mysterious group of deity figures or loved ones. Being that this is in the mind, what if this phenomenon was linked to this supposed encounter with interdimentsional beings. What if it’s not he result of contact with interdimsnional beings but instead a common shared phenomenon on behalf of a dying-state brain activity. If such a phenomenon was true perhaps they could discover a way to test this. Moreover, if contact or communication of beings of another dimension was true then it might not be reasonable that we should interact with them without first learning their behavior and motives. I believe it’s more reasonable to remain in this dimension until we develop the proper tools and resources to observe and learn more about high dimensions in a safe and proper procedure. As of now, these are not things we should be tampering with despite our level of knowledge, science, and technologies. ***I think instead we should focus on our dimension and the salvation of our species first, because once the Earth leaves the sun’s green-habitable zone, our species will not likely survive and eventually our world and everything with it will cease to exist along with it. Occurrences of life in our universe is extremely rare. Even the planets we can observe who have Earth-like potential doesn’t exist in our time on earth because we are observing a body that existed in a vastly distant past. Moreover, we should first learn everything about our own reality and learn how to replicated it. I believe the pinnacle of understanding our reality and science will give us an infinite number of resources and tools. We would be able to create worlds and solar systems create new homes. We would be able to improve upon systems that govern human interstellar life so that everyone lives long, meaningful, bountiful, fulfilling, and happy lives. And, most importantly, we would be able to create matter from nothing just as the big bank created or solar system. We could be able to one day create our own universes and above that create our own dimension and realities.

***I think we live in an age where those with great wealth spend on irrational ideologies and extreme ideas. If their brains have been tampered with and their frontal lobes decayed, they can be easily susceptible to irrational beliefs and skewed logics. It could also be the thrill of having the power to push to the next extremes out of boredom and perceived fame and power. With great wealth and power comes a sense of responsibility because they become an icon or an example for people without themselves knowing. They have the ability to influence society and systems. If they are conducting irrational ideologies other might follow. Perhaps a solution is to have laws or a system that governs people with irrational ideas, beliefs, and unethical practices due to their mental health because they can influence others. Overall, I think an irrational person with great wealth and power could be a greater threat to society because they have the resources and tools to silence, ruin, manipulate, and influence society.

I think if third party companies or companies in general are profiting from studies, surveys, research or any way observing a person and their data then I believe the person should be paid/compensated for their data.

I think a main reason could be why we do not see life or too much life out in space is because how difficult it is to survive. Even if you’ve lived billions of years in an interstellar environment, it could be that eventually one day all of one’s species will die out; perhaps this is humanity’s true challenge.

I think we will find ourselves at the peak of evil when we are reduced to going back in time living as we did on farm lands in considerable poverty lifestyles with little education while having a silent and technologically advanced overseer-authority-system govern and control secretly over the masses. It would be terrifying to be presented with a false idea or illusion of freedom, wealth, and prosperity when those who truly have control manipulate and control at will. Imagine living in an aquarium where it's very huge. The food is plentiful and you still have to watch out for predators giving the illusion of a complete life with its own set of challenges, obstacles, and events. Imagine this is all you know and you never realize an ocean exists a few feet from your habitat and that the people who insert your food and clean your habitat while you are not present live in a technologically advanced state who control and oversee everything you do for an agenda or pleasure. I feel like that will be the next age of human history if it is allowed to continue going down an irrational path. If such path exists then i feel it will be self-marked for its own eventual destruction.

 Decisions, views, and beliefs are largely based on the accuracy of your information, therefore always work on having the most accurate information and disprove and dispose of information that is illogical.
How do you separate ideology from logic? Survive for a month by yourself in the wilderness with no tools.

I like the saying, "Respect existence or expect resistance". Never force someone to do something they don't want to. Change should come through will, agreement, and negotiation. 

(symbol idea) The Enk - "The fear of Evil". It's a symbol meaning the nature of the reality is evil, dark, violent, grotesque, and full of unimaginable terror and sorrow. This is the symbol of the counter of that. It is not a symbol that represents the light, it's a symbol that light and good will come of it. It's ultimately a symbol of cosuming evil for it's own power. It's a symbol that means no sense of fear, blind courage (cannot comprehend fear)  and strength through will and consciousness in the consumption that evil gives it power to use darkness, terror, and it's own evil against itself and give itself power. The byproduct is harmony, goodwill, and a counter to the nature of reality. It's a symbol that means to consume the evil then which purifies. Where there is evil, it consumes and devours but never satisfied and wants more. It is like a silent creature that waits to infiltrate and consume evil which preserves or creates the good. It's as if a hornet making it's way through a bees nest slaughtering the hive as t entertains itself by it's own power and strength. It cannot be stopped nor understand the language of evil and terror. The simple mention of the Enk will make evil fear. It thrives and often feeds on evil to not fall asleep. It is selfish and entertained as it feeds off of evil. Evil it consumes, it's powers it commands. It cannot be negotiated and is merciless in it's consumption. It is like a great colossal leviathan, it grows strong when there is evil and consumes evil to become more powerful, however it becomes weak, small, silent, near invisible, and sleepy when there is no evil in which to consume. The Enk uses an anchor symbol. This anchor symbol goes back to Alexander the Great destroying relentlessly his enemy Persian armies and being greatest ruler in the conquest of being the chosen person to reshape history and change the ancient world. This symbol ultimately is meant to represents the trident who was a symbol of Poseidon; however, this illustrates how this symbol is really meant to mean Enki or Ia of Sumerian mythology to which it is in reverent for such gifts of consumption, entertainment, and great power.






I believe education should be free if not extremely dirt cheap; perhaps as cheap as $50 to $100 (maybe as much as $250) per class. I also don't believe free education is a human right. I believe everyone should have access to education and I believe doing this paves the path to a greater future. I believe there should be dedicated academic facilities for this that competes against our modern colleges. I also believe the cost of academic books should cost less. I believe there should be an and to the textbook monopoly and make textbooks as cheap as the books found in literature retail stores.

I think in politics in terms of political control, intelligence should be aware of other authoritarian political agendas or agendas seeking to undermine the US and prepare or input provisions in case they happen. For example, control of the media is part of communist and socialist strategies for power. If national intelligence is not doing something to prevent or address that, then they are not doing their job.

(current politics) I think when it comes to babies being born in the US from individuals who are not US citizens, it doesn’t make sense to make them citizens. The idea that one is born on US soil makes them citizens is not smart and leads us to have real nonsensical problems today.

I think people who think they have a high intelligence should write about their life, opinions, and ideas. There might not be another person like them ever again in existence. Also never be married to ideas and opinions. As you age they can change and improve. Individuals that think they are extremely intelligent, should always keep in mind there is always more to learn, improve, and information to render outdated, not true, or useless.

I want to think a person who act as if they know everything hasn’t yet matured mentally because perhaps ignorance prevents them from learning.

I came up with an idea called developmental mindset, primary intelligence mindset, and secondary intelligence mindset. Developmental mindset is the mind you have growing up where it’s learning and experiencing the world. It’s very ignorant due to cultural and social structures because it hasn’t recognized how things work and the systems that make it work. Developmental mindset without cultural and modern experiences causes a person to live a more simplified or perhaps tribal life depending on environment. Primary intelligence mindset is obtaining a mindset where a person knows the basics of systems, social interaction, and has developed a culture understanding due to the culture that surrounds them and their interests. I want to say they would be easily susceptible to emotions and feelings and what makes them feel good. They are easy to follow others and controversial ideas, and ideologies. I want to say they might also be selfish due to the way of viewing the world. They might struggle for self-identity and self-purpose. They might also struggle financially as they have not obtained the knowledge to understand the economic conditions or the functionality of financial institutions in the world that they live in. Secondary intelligence mindset is the mindset that those who have obtained the information, skills, and experiences to improve their intelligence, intellectual abilities, and social interaction abilities. They are individuals who has mentally matured and obtained the necessary information obtained by learning the skills and information using academic subjects such as sciences, technology, systems, and health. They are individuals who have learned the ethics of social behavior and interaction; found ways to improve themselves ethically, academically, and physically; obtained the discipline in time management and personal health; took time to learn about the world around them; and utilized the information, skills, and experiences to influence the world around them.

(modern politics) I think society should be more honest if they are low information voters. Low information voters are individuals who rely on following others, emotional response, and listen to the news without conducting their own non-bias research and obtaining a consumption of information.  

(maybe; sexual) I want to say that when young individuals have not yet developed the physical and biological components to understand sexuality at a young age, their minds have also not mentally matured to understand the importants, variables, and consequences of sexual activity; therefore, I think it is right for parents or perhaps a legal guardian to teach it. If a parent or authority shows repulsion, I think it will affect how a child sexual views sexuality later in life. They’ll act on it seeing it as something bad which affects their ability to communicate or perhaps behave effectively with the opposite gender as they see their hormones as a conflicting force.  My personal belief is that parents should respect sexuality and learn everything about it to explain to their child when the time is appropriate at a pubescent age. They can explain the traditional sexual view, the modern views of sexuality, the type of sexuality they believe in, and the development of their own sexual views and identity. The parents could also lay down the works talking about how they understand sexuality but they have their own rules until their child moves out. For example, no females over in their home; if females are over; no sex in the house, perhaps use a hotel room; keep sexuality private; and so on depending on the rules they agree or determine. Parents should not repulse their child against sex but instead teach them it’s part of life and they should respect it, be disciplined in it, and take the steps to understand the consequences and to use protection.  

(Invention) Noise canceling technology, I think by inverting the waves after recording a sound could potentially cancel the sound frequency. Perhaps using having the sounds to the other sound waves but distant to where it affects the in-between of the sound waves could influence the sound. 

I try to remember things by variablizing them into keywords I can remember. I try not go more than six words. This is a good strategy for individuals who want to remember things with a short memory.


(Authoritarianism) I believe the world of a future authoritarianism if full proof. If the world moves forward in such a direction then it will be flawless and humanity will be ruled, controlled, and guided under a silent, hidden, merciless, and overwatching force. It would be a future where George Orwell could never had imagine. Those at the top will hidden reign supreme and will dominate the objective human matrix as they act as Gods controlling and manipulating humanity for their enjoyment, amusement, and purposes. Those with the power have obtained limitless control and can toy amuse themselves with whatever they want to do with humanity. Logic, truth, ethics, and even religion will be meaningless. If they desired it, they could form kill or harvest factories where people are herded like cattle for sheer amusement. They will be the self-made new Gods and the people who had a chance to stop it failed. It’s not like an average takeover seen in past history. This time, the masses will be suppressed through technological advances, AI, and algorithms which largely already exist today. I feel these forces could have been stopped if given the right strategies, but perhaps it’s human fate. The future will more than likely never know what this society would be like and the idea of real freedom is something they will never understand. Seeing how flawless this new system of suppression and control is, there will never be a society like it ever again in human history. Never again will humanity have the tools to control its own destiny. A humanity of prosperity, improvement, and creative innovation will never exist and humanity will never live to see its real unfiltered raw potential. This is what humanity has chosen. The force existing has performed immaculately. It has conditioned the masses through next level psychological propaganda through modern media, commercial products, and entertainment; it has also controlled education to which now has led us to this turning point in US history. I call this point, the Great Divide or the Great Turning Point of Freedom. Global citizens are no longer in charge of Human’s destiny, the elites are. The elite’s methods are irrational, the ideologies screwed and manipulated by unknown forces or mental effects they do not yet understand. They themselves have ended the organic intellectual human mental evolution utilizing irrational ideologies as a vessel. Humanity will never recover and now will be subject to their will. In the end I believe true history will be unknown, reality warped and scewed, and their thoughts will be whatever they will it to be. It will not be until the distant future when they realized what they have done, but by then it will be too late as their ideologies evolve and forget. Eventually humanity will parish, perhaps as other interstellar or planetary intelligent life has. I think the sun will leave it’s habitable zone, forcing humanity to live elsewhere. Without remembering their past because of a scewed reconditioning of human history, humanity will forget it’s evolution and history of technological advances. It will lose the organic systems and technology of preservation and innovation it could have had if it were to allow itself to thrive. Even if we were to escape our solar system, the demise of our species would still be eventual. Without suppression, humanity could organically make the tools necessary to exist forever. If people believe humanity should have never existed, then perhaps there investigating organic life outside our solar system they will discover that most organic life, let alone any form of intelligent life eventually ceases to exist. It’s survival that is the greatest challenge. Survival that I believe through control and authoritarianism limits humanity to survive. I believe this, this year, the year 2020, is the turning point in which determines if humanity will survive or die as a future species.

Could it be the ultimate code of ethics is to list good and bad values that bring people together and use the good ethics as a way to improve ourselves which in return improves humanity? I would think some of these terms could be constructs of culture. Perhaps exploring the good terms and seeing what terms is necessary and what is not necessary could further improve the state of society as some terms that rely too much on culture can cause effects on society that don't bring it more together. I do my best to lay out the good terms I would keep in the charter of ethics, but it remains to be seen as ethics is not taught in western education.

 I like to think that my philosophy and ideas are grey; it has no taste or flavors. It is foreign to the average reader and strange in terms of abstraction and meaning. There is no culture or trends associated with it. It's not made for commercial or monetary gain. It's follows it's own observation and original works. It's audience can be for whomever wants to learn secrets, learn about supposed truths, or gain self reflection or wisdom. However, ultimately these philosophical ideas, opinions, and beliefs are for me and more-so me alone. Feel free to peek through the hole of my deep thoughts. Ultimate it's a place I can express my unfiltered emotions and ideas.