Sunday, June 18, 2017

How to Defend A Republic from Political Corruption.

The ancient world such as Rome and early European kings seem to had fallen because of political corruption. How can corruption be stopped? I came up with a generic idea. I think that corruption can be stopped when there is a conditioning of healthy mistrust or a counteractive force against politicians testing them to see if they will take the bait for allowing themselves to engaged in political corruption. In our government today, I think this can be done with a covert government agency. An agency we know exists but cannot know how they are seeking to prod and investigate how a politician can or will engage in political corruption. If I could name such an agency, it would be called The Federal Services of Government Corruption and Fraud (FSGCF). The agency does not trick politicians into doing fraud and corruption but tests them to see if they are willing to knowingly engage in corruption and fraud and then use this as a tool to observe or investigate a politician. There can be a verity of methods deriving from psychology. One test can consist to see if they are more susceptible to engage in unlawful, fraudulent, or corrupt actions. Another test can see how well an individual follows ethical-moral decisions. The agency can use a verity of undercover agents and actors to which silently and secretly observe, monitor, and test politicians to ensure the safety, security, and functionality of our country.  For a politician, there shouldn't be anything to worry about if they are not intentionally desiring to engage in corrupt, fraudulent, and illegal actions.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


When I was young I was told to get a high paying job. I noticed many jobs on the lower workforce spectrum does not give you the financial stability, flexibility, and liberty to do what you want. Therefore, I think perhaps the best idea is to emphasize a new culture. A culture of creating things instead a culture of finding a job. Many people work jobs to create capital so that they can create things; however, there is a problem of time. The time it takes to raise capital to create something can occupy one's ability to stay motivated, can pass the period in which a market exists, and can weaken the mindset to stay creative or active and keep a fresh perspective. Should there be a subsidy for creators and entrepreneurs? Should there be an official stable method in which they can get the funding to try new things, create new culture, and create new markets?