Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Getting Out

Stated in a previous post, I described how I was a bit of an introvert. However, an event happened to me that had gotten me to see thing differently, pulling me away from my usual comforts. I see this now as an extremely effective method to get introverts, like myself, to get out of their comfort zone; perhaps getting antisocial individuals to want to go out and socialize; and for the average individual to see their environment in a new perspective and to even look at themselves deep inside and possibly change their perception about the mental environment in which they can also be considered introverts. What is this method you ask? It’s simple. It’s traveling.

By traveling, I got the feel of how small the world really is. When I was living in Houston Texas, I felt insignificant. It felt people were always better than me, in competition with me, or that I was living in a habitat designed for me to be, feel, and live the same way as everyone else. After I traveled, all of that changed. From Houston, we drove all the way to Kingman Arizona to visit relatives. While we were there, we traveled around to Flagstaff, the Grand Canyon, Sedona, through Sadona’s epic scenic route, Lake Havasu and various other places. It was an epic adventure that opened my mind as I enjoyed interacting with the extremely friendly locals, taking hundreds pictures, and feeling free just being myself and having a great time. One of the most notable things for me was how close we were to the sky. When I was in Houston, the sky seemed so distant and vast. It made the world feel colossal in size making me feel tiny and insignificant. In Arizona, it’s as if you could climb a mountain to experience what it’s like to be above the clouds. For some reason this made me feel very comfortable and free. Furthermore, being in a different environment has changed me a lot. Now that I am back in Houston, I realize how much of an illusion it seems to be confined to such a small urban area. In addition to that, I find the people here with somewhat of the same confined-mindset. Reflecting upon how I felt and how I continue to feel, I believe if others were to travel more often, preferably by car, they would get a sense of how small the world actually is, how greatly significant they are, how their urban environment can be seen as somewhat of an confined-institution. By traveling, I believe they can learn things about themselves that can be completely life changing. In conclusion, I believe everyone should travel at least once or twice a year to some place far away from their usual environment; so that they can see and experience new things, meet new people, and learn about uniquely different life styles.

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Governing of Humanity

If humanity is ever to establishing an interstellar community, they would need to rethink their current mindset of how they coexist living with each other. I have come up with what I believe is the best fundamental system for such an idea. I think humanity should be governed by two principles of ethics: the principle of himself and the principles of society. The principle of himself is the set of ethics in which the individual learns to critically think about the understanding of what is right and wrong through their own initiative. They learn a sense of personal-abiding morals in which they utilize to live harmoniously with themselves. The principles of society is the set of universal ethics in which an individual utilizes an understanding as well as a personal moral obligation towards coexisting harmoniously with family and other members of society. Utilizing these two principles, I believe an individual, as well as society as a whole, can govern itself. However, until then the use of morals taught through religious practices is necessary as society has still yet to learn benevolence or to utilize critical thinking for the rest of the good of their species.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Self-driving Cars

For those who’ve seen batman, I’m pretty sure you remember his self-driving auto-fetching vehicles and how it would be there to catch him when he jumps from tall buildings. Reflecting upon this idea, I had a thought of how useful this idea would be to physically have. Imagine driving to work and your family member needs your car. You could simply use a GPS, mobile device, or perhaps even a button on the car’s key chain to remotely activate a retrieve function where the vehicle would return to a designated location, thus allowing the transportation for another member without physically picking them up. Although, self-driving systems for cars using GPS is not new, when it is finally utilized it would be a useful feature to have in any car.

In addition to having cars having the ability to remotely return to previous destinations, when on the road and feeling tired, he or she could have the car automatically drive to their destination, pull over to the side of the road, park itself, parallel park itself, and even fuel itself.

Taking the step further, it would be a great idea to have a reasonable number of taxi-like vehicles or busses where the vehicle can be driven to designated locations on their own. It would be a good idea to have such vehicles run on electricity so that they could have charging stations designated specifically for those vehicles when they are not in use or when required. I think busses with this system would be a good idea for the safety of children getting to school routinely.

Wrapping up the article, I think in the close future vehicles will involve self-driving systems along with regular driving vehicles.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) Chips

I agree that biomechanical technology is an impressive innovation for our generation. I believe it has great potential in the distant future. However, in our present time in history I see more harm than good. The way I see it is that primarily it’s impractical. It seems pointless to implant a device into your body with limited capabilities. The next negative aspect is that it’s in your body. If a more new technology were to come out, it would be a terrible or potentially dangerous idea to try and remove it from the body. Then there is the problem of having it damaged and replaced. Removing it and replacing will most likely be difficult compared to implanting the chip. The next problem that could arise is what if the chip shows harmful effects, such as cancer, bacterial infection or some sort of allergic reaction during the implant phase or the long term duration of having the chip inside a person’s body. My final problem is addressing the controversial topic of the existence of this chip. It’s obvious that many individuals are drawn to the conspiracy of the mark of the beast and how it could lead to being used as a brainwashing device or a device used for monitoring or tracking purposes. I believe because we’re in an age of controversial political agendas, it would be most wise to avoid such an implant because the intentions of such life-influencing and privacy desiring government agencies can be seen as being kept secret and their agendas unknown.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mind Control

I fear mind control is very possible. If our mind is a series of millions of electro-neurological impulses happening simultaneously, then it is indeed possible for one’s mind to be hijacked. I theorize there could be methods to hijack an individual’s brain with the use of light, sound, frequency, or even radio waves, forcing an individual to enter a hypnotic-like state or to be sent false, manipulated and uncontrollable subconscious neurological commands. Perhaps it’s a good idea to start making laws in order to prevent such an event where an organization can utilize mind control technology in order to control their targets. In an age where neurologists are mapping out the brain with precision, it's a good idea to prevent what could potentially be a method for control or even devastation. 


What will happen when the population size becomes unmanageable? How will we manage food production, resources, or possible chaos? Thomas Malthus, in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, theorizes it’s human nature that causes problems because of sexual urges which leads to reproduction, thus causing people to produce more rapidly than food production. I think such problems is worth considering because such a condition is a possibility in the future. Furthermore, is population control necessary? Should there be a reduction in population through survival of the fittest or a terrifying and devastating purge of human life? Not for a second I would consider this a rational solution. I believe the most rational solution lies with the control of birthrates. By limiting birth rates the population size can be reduced to a manageable size without the loss of life or through devastating means. Nonetheless, how would a population submit to such a contradiction? This could be done through ethics, through sanctions or technology. With the use of ethics, the population should understand what is necessary so that overpopulation doesn’t become a problem. This means making the personal decision to limit or to use practices in which leads to zero reproduction. As seen in the past, such practices as that observed in Japan’s population stagnation, there most definitely is a way by personal choice. Another method is to use sanction to prevent a family from having too many children or no children at all. An example of this is high taxes on children being born and penalties for unexpected births. Whether ethics or sanction, such ideas are controversial to the traditional family morality. Lastly the use of technology can also be useful. An example using technology, is that we could find ways to adjust to overpopulation by developing methods to have overpopulation sustainable. Such as increasing production rate of resources or food, colonizing mars, or inventing alternate methods of sustainability by building underground, upwards, or extending beyond normal habital spaces such as living on the sea, under the sea, in the sky, or in space. In addition, I believe when overpopulation becomes an obvious problem, I think the good in people, those with a rational sense, will find a natural solution to how they will want to personally take measures to help with population control.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Alternative to Regulating the Internet

News about the government trying to regulate and control the internet is nothing new. Now it seems DARPA wants to get involved by privatizing, felonizing or monitoring the internet. I believe with control over information of the internet, is the first step in some sort of counter progressive agenda regarding politics. I believe an even better idea is to create another version of the internet in which the government can utilize, control, and provide security for businesses and agencies. I believe they should keep the traditional version of the internet for those who want to continue using it.