Friday, September 23, 2016

Personal Quotes VI

Personal Quotes VI

This is the continuation of my persona quotes, ideas, suggestions, and beliefs. More will be added to the list overtime.

  •  I think intellectualism is more important than knowledge because I believe it to be the root of knowledge. 

  •   I believe the greatest gift in life is to be intellectual. 

  •   I find writing and doing projects, that just like TV shows, can help push ideas of innovation, that to me is exploration and pioneering. 

  • Never be quick to discredit, even fools can cover valuable life lessons once in a while. 

  • In times of corruption, I believe if one truly has pride for a subject, should they use that pride to stand against corruption? 

  • I question if the wealth class should be as if an example for the lower classes of society. 

  •   I enjoy these two quotes: "Fortune will always come in to a house with laughter". "If a problem can be solved, then it's not worth worrying about it. If it can't be solved, then it's useless to worry about it".

  •  I would love to see Confucianism become westernized. I question how this could be possible if it were ever possible. 

  • Could it be that without intellectualism, no true prosperity, virtue, and harmony?

  •  The challenge and competition when you have friends is to be yourself. I believe real friends accept who you are regardless how crazy, boring, embarrassing, or immature one can be. 

  •  I highly suggest there should be a study on American labor force, specifically how much time people work, how much effort worked, and what people spend money on, how it affects family, what are the valued or lifestyle choices in comparison on different annual salaries, and what are an individual's mental conditions or ideological values in different annual salaries. Then there should be a comparison to that of previous generation, how much time did they work, what was their purchasing power, what was the value of their currency, how much money did they make, what did they spend their money on, how many jobs were there compared to today. Then I would check or compare the rate of wealth class creation. the annual rate of individuals becoming millionaires. How does the economy effect our spending, mental, and working patterns. Then I would analyze homelessness. I would analyze reasons, mental health, addictions, what they spend money on, what are the effects of recovery, the rate, and how many homeless people there are, and their ideological values. Then I would look into alternate lifestyles, such as people living off the grid, living in the mountains and analyze their ideological values, what they spend money on, and their mental health. And, finally, I would return to the analyzed study of the working class and what are the way we can help the labor force and what would be good ideas for businesses to increase work productivity. 

  • Could it be that we could look at the results of our economy by observing the rate of wealth creation, millionaires being created, or by seeing the rate or how much homeless there are? 

  • I came up with an idea I would like to call Immersive Imbalance. Immersive imbalance is when a person who is seemingly bad furthers life and continues to become bad or furthers becoming more bad unless they themselves find somehow to change their moral direction. Often this direction comes after a strong force or stimuli that forces or causes them to change their way. Ideas of such change can come from religion, imprisonment, or legal procedure. Unfortunately, rarely it comes from their own realization. 

  • I figure my quotes could perhaps be useful if not provide insight to the inner-mind of a madman. 

  • I like the saying "fortune favors the bold".

  • Why are morals and ethics important? I believe it's important because it preserves the harmony, peaceful relations, and overall health and prosperity of our society. I also believe a sample overlooking ethics on a public scale can perhaps provide insight on the health and progression of our society, government, and maybe even our economy. 

  • I do not believe in the idea of genetic superiority. With the given correct intellect and opportunity by high quality academics, I believe anyone can achieve a great if not greater intellect, intelligence, or athleticism than those who claim to be of great genetics. 

  • Part of being sincere is being honest with yourself.

  • Could it be that a return of honest could be a return of trust? 

  • Could selfishness be the root to: jealousy, laziness, greed, lust, gluttony, and perhaps revenge? If so, perhaps there should be a balance between our own desires and that of others. 

  • I think greed is not only the desire to horde wealth but it is also the inability to desire to spread wealth and help others. 

  • I feel the need to continue to emphasize the role of harmony in a society is extremely important. Most of the problems I see in western culture extends from how we treat and associate with others. If there is a cultural emphasis on harmony, i think the country would be more open to helping each other and do good. Ultimately working harmoniously along side each other for the good of everyone creates functionality and prosperity. 

  •  An end of prosperity is an end to productive livelihood. 

  • I recommend to respect all people. I recommend to respect everyone from all walks of life (respecting does not mean the removal of common sense or to open one up for potential personal harm), such as respecting the perverted, the irrationals, the criminals, the pedophiles, the elite, the poor or homeless, the substance abused, the uneducated, the mentally deranged, the ideologically incorrect, and so on. Having a respect for these individuals can perhaps come to use in different areas of society and can even open doors for innovative solutions or open opportunity and ideas that can change the world. An example could be to respect the irrationals who could be more fit to do tasks other may not be able to do such as an individual willing to put themeself in harm's way to protect others. 

  • Often there are things i feel that should be correct. I guess an average person can refer to it as a gut feeling. I always consider or perform according to my gut feeling. 

  •  Mental amplitude: changing one's mindset from a central or previous mindset. A good example of this can be when a person takes a nap in the afternoon and their mind feels refresh or changed from a previous way of thinking. Another example can be when one pretends to be in a different environment for a different purpose and mentally change the way they are thinking and how they see or go about things. Another prime example is after watching a movie or reading a book and you pretend to be the main character, thus perhaps changing one's way of thinking. 

  • (maybe) In terms of the religious resolution through punishment, I disagree that a nation should be punished for their ignorance to stand up for what's right, ignorance for not looking into the troubling subjects, for not believing or converting to a specific faith, being in an irrational state of  immorality, or for their conditioning by leaders in mass institutions. I will agree it's wrong, but to be dramatically punished seems to be a bit extreme. Surely, as they grow older they would question their own individual narrative of wisdom and life and grow as greater narratives present itself to them. In addition, I would think there would be a reminder in culture to remind people how logic, rationality, and reason should be the foundation of their society to which they can reflect within themselves sharing a nationalistic endevour and an internal development within themselves. I don't think punishment is the suitable result on behalf of their earthly actions. Perhaps when they leave life and go into the afterlife, they will find themselves where they belong on behalf of their actions and journey through life. 

  • It's in good practice to understand how another might feel or what they are currently feeling.

  • In life anything is possible, that's why it's good practice to question and be prepared for anything. 

  • I think if one is always thinking about things, they are almost never board. 

  • History seems to have generation patterns between parents and offspring. Should we consider a conditional pattern in which one generation is very formal, which would then transition to an offspirng generation with is informal, and from that offspring generation should we transition a return back into being a formal generation so that the cycle of patterns continues? 

  • my own goolage language: Current world conditional relation and personal applicable.
    The stimulus of the conditional relations forgoe narrow circumstances towards narration of dire forthcoming institutionally. Labels becoming adherent on reverse correctional observance trough tubular structures. Errand on unproportionate disenfranchise narration set through institutional correction saturation by substantial design system fallacy.
    Just want to be poetic in voicing my current options that's all.

  •  (random) Things that are important: Cut nails often to prevent spread of bacteria; change shampoos, shampoos with no alcohol and with vitamins to prevent future hair loss; suck in one's stomach and keep the stomach straight/ flat to prevent unnecessary and preventable fat overgrowth; exercise to tone or exercise only to according to what you will use; brush teeth, preferably after every meal (brush, floss, use mouthwash (Listerine), and gargle at the end of the day); stretch every morning, pumps blood in body (I do sumo stretches and high kicks); wash hands often; groom once in a while; I prefer showering every day or after at least ever two days; snack randomly throughout the day (I believe a repetitive three part meal will make the body store fat); go outside often (preferably in the forest where the natural or pollinated air can help one's body); always have a clean environment (clean room, clean mind); and it's good practice to do things and get things done immediately.

  •  Is life about legacy? It's common people leave a legacy for their children; however, what about humanity? Personally, I think if one leave even a slight fraction of a piece of culture behind, they have fulfilled a great amount of legacy. 

  • Referring to entertainment, I believe the culture was at it's best from the early 1990s all the way to around 2014. Most of entertainment I find now in 2016 seem to be a reuse of old concepts or simply do not present significant originality, highly interesting, innovative or fully conceptualized ideas. I would personally love to change this by perhaps influencing the entertainment industry with my own personal ideas, and even open up two possible new and original markets (to which I will keep secret).

  • When one removes mainstream culture from their own life, they perhaps might discover new ideas and question old ones. 

  • Laws seem to build under certain political structures; however, I think what is suppose to come next from a republic system is the simplification of laws. 

  • I think in the future people will move away from mainstream teaching to focus on original conceptualization. 

  • I think it would be a good idea to have a credible agency in the government for body language reading and lie detection. 

  • I dislike the idea that people have to be ruled over. I believe people should have the ability to live to their full potential. Ruling over someone imposes on this idea. If people are given education and taught to be intellectual and to have a mind for critical thinking, there is no limit to what they can achieve, let alone the need to be ruled over.

  • People say millennials feel entitled, and for a lot of millennials they are right; however, the belief that if they get a job settles all their problem is only a start to a more new and perhaps complex problem. Because people nowadays are not retiring and there is no real job growth, millennials are stuck in jobs that on average make less than $30,000 annually. To survive they have no choice but to live with their parents, get on welfare, have more than one job, or live with roommates or a partner. Overall, it's not the millennial's fault, it's the fault of a broken system. As a result, the US has the highest rate of suicide among millennial youth. 

  •  I think a civilization can perhaps be very fragile in a way, because I think when morals become obsolete or completely disregarded, which includes the disregard for law and order, tribalism is reestablished. 

  • In most cases, I find that a bad action has an equal and opposite reaction. 

  • Incremental organism relativity: The philosophical idea that a person is rooted in their reality when there could be a reality higher than their existence, and even a different reality in an increment of that higher existence which is seemingly infinite. A good example is one goes about their life and has their own day-to-day practices and problems. Moving to a higher reality, for example God's reality, he more-than-likely has his own way of existence and perhaps his own problems, incrementing on that idea, there could be a higher power beyond God's that has their own existence and perhaps their own problems, and this incrementation of realities can possibly go on forever. 

  • Having a job doesn't teach responsibility, it teaches you to adopt a mainstream system and to manage debt. Having a job should mean having a starting platform in which one can use to achieve their later goals. 

  • If there is a world war III, the most effective way to eliminate the enemy is to seek and destroy the elites and globalists who make part of the shadow system in one's government. 

  • Important tips: white spots on your finger nails mean you need calcium (drink milk); pale skin could mean you need vitamin D which comes from early morning sun rays; ...

  • People need a relax period where they just sit and do nothing while letting their mind wonder. Much like the zen-like practices of the Japanese where they drink tea by themselves while reflecting. 

  • Having confidence or a big ego feels great for oneself, but perhaps should also be done so in consideration of others. 

  • Behavioral communication (behavioral linguistics): A silent form of communication using body language. A language in which one perceives or conveys messages through body language and responses of others. Many Asian cultures have a glance or a glare which can mean a sign of discontent or for "one to know one's place". Observing cats, the ear gestures, or at dogs, the wagging of a tail are behavioral linguistics. 

  • Perhaps the western culture could use behavioral linguistics to control their children. For example, giving them a cold glare to get them to understand when to control themselves and act accordingly. 

  • I believe that which is created by man is not organically perfected. 

  • In today's culture, I find it difficult to trust male and female genders with each other. I think there should perhaps be personal barriers in which each others should respect. Of course one would have to first have a sense of personal moral values. Nonetheless, I believe in having a friendship (seeing how another truly is and having the ability to act oneself in their true nature without intent of arousal) to learn more about another before proceeding to dating.

  •  Regarding information, ethics, and intelligence, if one generation cannot be helped, move on to the next. 

  •  I think western culture has perhaps a weakness when it comes to truthful absurdities. If something is so outrageous yet is true, it can be disregarded to disbelief. I think the more absurd a situation is, the more it should be critically examined. 

  • I don't see why atheists should have the desire to slander those of faith, after-all those of religious faith, I would hope, stand for what's right and what's good. Although I'm personally not religious, perhaps there's a feeling inside us that has a need to be angry, to blame, have someone or something account for proving the negative experiences we have here on Earth. I think this would be the very start of having faith as one had already unknowingly thought about the role of having a God. If one is courageous enough to take the next step, the next step would be to seek forgiveness for that of the creator and of oneself and others. Thus, the start of the journey to understanding the path to theological thinking and spiritual guidance.  

  • I question where one draws the line with regards to morals and values. Where will society go without absolute morals and values? Is this not an immature thought made by those who have not yet questioned the fabrics of what makes a society function, what makes a civilization thrive, who has not yet sought out a philosophical concept that provides with liberty, virtue, and prosperity, or has the intellect to which understand the decaying nature of tribalism and feudalism? Moreover, if one is given money and power, will it not eventually corrupt? Is it not that absolute power corrupts absolutely? In a world in which no longer has religion to help provide a sense of morals and values, where will society go? Will it become the new tales of Sodom and Gomorrah? How can a society of lawlessness function? Perhaps it can be regarded as a matter of an anarchy form of view. In such a case, is it not that anarchy is subject to the cycles of government. I'm sure many can argue that if it can be kept a certain way or if it's up to the people to keep it alive that all problems will go away. History tells me no system is perfect, and if it is, it's more-than-likely not for the promotion of personal liberty, virtue, and prosperity. Am I incorrect? Perhaps the idea of removing morals and values is a mistake for the premature or immature nonitellectual who unfortunately fails to see the future of such lawlessness. With a hope to not hurt feelings, in which it most unfortunately will, in which I apologize, yet still would like to humbly say if I am wrong for stating such perhaps seeming harsh statement to which I believe to be is truth. As much as I would like more liberty, and even so in the liberal sense, I do believe there can be a system in which allows others to do as they want in a lawful manner that also allows for personal protection by the law and the ability to choose between what is moral and immoral as one furthers the evolution of moral judgment through the coming and wisdoms of age.

  •  I had often thought of making secluded areas in which allows for such an anarchic system/ community to thrive and see how they can maintain sustainability under a limited area. I also thought what if we had secluded areas to test other forms of governments, communities, and societies. Perhaps to keep such societies alive, keep them from an organized rebellion state, or assuming tyrannical power, they perhaps should provide with a tax or something to keep such communities open and to maintain having their liberties and kinds of culture. Is this a good idea?  I suppose we can call this idea "cultural community reserves". This idea will give us an insight to creating new cultures, ways of thinking, and new and perhaps innovative lifestyles. 

  • I think it's only right that we should learn to appreciate the very existence of each other. 

  • I think it's a good idea to appreciate the time spend with one's child or children (especially at their current age), because the grow up fast. 

  • (age comparison) I think it's relevant to say that when one gets older, they get may get more slow; however, compared to a child, it's not only that a child is full of energy and is naturally very fast because of their age, it is also that they move faster but in an irrational manner which often has a disregard personal safety. If one who is old wants to move as fast as a child they simply have to move fast and act quick mastering the agility and endurance of a child, perhaps this may even increase the longevity of one's mental and physical health. Perhaps this is what it means to remain young. 

  •  (maybe) When it comes to children, I often use the term calm down in a manner to which often works, I'm not sure why this is, perhaps the way I say it portrays a sense of understanding or some feeling that it's time to act responsible. It could also be that it may only apply circumstantially. Nevertheless, perhaps it's the way we speak to children that can convey a more deeper meaning or rationalized earning for their cooperation than raising them with the desire for obedience.Could it be to control our children we need to think like a child?

  • I think when engineers build, I think they should also account or design their products for efficiency for maintenance. 

  • I don't think that time heals all wounds, but i do think as time goes on, many thing seem to reset or fade. 

  •  I believe real acts of charity is using your time, resources, ability, courage, or life to help those others or less fortunate than oneself.

  • Ethichood, a shared collective of the use of ethics. 

  • It came to me in a dream to make a business loan company that gave loans at a very low interest but before obtaining a loan one had to provide with a certain amount of hours in a volunteer and charity standard provided by the business loan company. The services this portion of the loan company would provide through volunteering would be helping give donations to the poor, feeding the poor, repairing homes from disasters, making comedic plays for the poor, helping various religious services with their charitable events, provide water for people working in public, giving money to the poor, providing better shelters or even tents to the poor, cleaning trash from locations, making plays and giving balloons or popcorn for the elderly and children with health problems, doing public skits, musical performances, flash mobs, helping on farms, and so fourth. Once the individual has done their hours with the (help of the business loan company of course), they are enabled to have a loan of their choice and perhaps given a bonus if they have done very well. It will be _ that the services provided to obtain such a loan not only builds trust with the company but through their efforts of their charitable services they have provided, they had given more many than any lifetime contribution. I want to call this agency the Confucian Loan Network. "Opportunities paid by tears of happiness"

  • To think of all these quotes and ideas, often I have to go deep into my own consciousness or to the endless abyss of my imaginations and intellect. Sometimes this task can be very difficult.

  • For me Confucianism is not an ideology, it is a beautiful way of life. 

  • To be Confucian, one does not have to act Asian or be defined by a set of cultural values. It is up to oneself to reflect, think, and chooses to show how one can improve society by setting oneself as an example for what is good and right. 

  •  (caution sexuality) I would regard my position on sexuality (sexual fantasy) more of a liberal conservative. This idea is still regarded as one of my own fantasies for I do not desire to implement it in real life unless proven reliable and functional; it is also subjected to individual lifestyle choice. To describe this more thoroughly, I would like to examine and compare different philosophical concept on the subject of sexuality. The sexuality of today's mainstream culture is to date and have sex and to perhaps search partners until finding the right person to marry. My idea would be to seek friendship before finding a person to date using a different and what I would consider more reasonable and friendly method to sexual experience while preserving one's virginity until one makes the ultimate decision for marriage. In today's mainstream culture, sexuality involves penetration with a person one feels comfortable with. When a relationship is no longer desired it can cause problems and internal conflicts; in most cases, life-long affecting. My idea, if proven functional, is that part of having a friendship with another person includes sexual experiences that do not involve penetration. I theorize the use of masturbation (or mutual masturbation), and not intercourse, can be an excellent way to proving with sexual experiences yet maintain a safe deal of self-preservation while deepening and strengthening the bonds of friendship. It's as if having the ability to be completely oneself, including the full trust of one's friends over their one's sexual fantasies and fetishes, and having more of a complete understanding of another to the fullest extent. I also believe this is a good idea for keeping sex for marriage while enjoying the pleasures of life while creating life long friendships, and using intercourse as a means to keep a marriage strong all-while keeping oneself only for the person they want to share their rest of their life with. Yet, I'm sure this is an absurd idea; however, I think it will help to create a more harmonious, friendly, and sexually-liberating society. 

  • I may be wrong but I think there is a natural discipline for children. I think children should grow in respect for their elders. I want to believe that if children grow to respect their elders that perhaps discipline is unnecessary. I am sure children reveal the imperfections of their parents, therefore I also believe parents must be ethical and have a balance of being a mentor and a person of trust in raising their children. I want to believe that if a parent raises their children in ethical practices that their children will develop a sense of civility and understanding of obedience. I think a risk to a child's development is society, culture, and education. If society, culture, and education does not reflect the value of the family then the child could be influenced into a different and perhaps more irrational behavior and frame of thinking. Regarding education, I think parents should find a school that reflects the values they wish to instill in the child, especially when it comes to respecting elders. This is my current thoughts, it may change whenever I obtain children of my own. 

  • It's my perhaps irrational belief that dangerous drugs can have unforeseen life-time mental affects.

  • When one studies psychology one can understand that anything one does in in regard to behavior has been obtained or influenced by culture, environment, and family. I think if one questioned their very nature or why they behave the way they do or do the things they do, it will eventually fall into one of these three categories. 

  • I don't think people should live as if manufactured from a template. I think in general they should be intellectual and to think outside the box, and to question ideas that they think might work and test them. 

  • I think there is a balance when it comes to parents and their children. A balance between a time to bond and a time to be serious and act in a civil and well manner. 

  • Perhaps ignorance has it's time of use, such as when they are put into a situation dealing with irrational behavior or sexual provocation. 

  • (maybe) The practice of being intellectual, passive, and well balance may provide to be effective in a family environment. 

  • I recently learned that Taiwan is the most Confucian country in the world. it is one of my dreams to one day see this with my own eyes. 

  • I think there needs to be more emphasis on convenience in daily life. 

  • I believe the western world should establish a respect for heir ancestors and heritage (whether good or bad). 

  • I think there should be a righteousness before personal gain in today's business. 

  • I think there should always be a curiosity for truth. 

  • It is proper to have a harmonious relationship with everyone you encounter in one's journey in life.

  • (generalization) In times of harmony, harmonious practices, talent, and family. In times of social unrest and conflict, truth, strategy, harmonious teachings, and intelligence. 

  • I believe in a society that acts as a family but allows for individuality while maintaining social harmony. 

  • I believe parents should show compassion for their child so that their child can show their parents filial respect. 

  • I believe people who are complete and have cultivated their sense of being a human-being can then evaluate important positions or positions of power. It would be a plus if there are also of an ethical mind.

  • I ask myself if I practice what I write. My answer never changes as I try to always set myself as an example. 

  • (maybe)I think it would be great if a person is interested in a career choice and a company in their field automatically take them in and try and set a path for them and the field they are interested. After many years of not being involved or gaining experience in a field, a person gradually loses interest. This interest should be used for the next best thing; however, if they never got the chance to try the previous field, that is only talent being wasted. I believe it's this moment desire that should be used for a person to try out a field and have the ability to progress or try something new, unfortunately we do not have such a system. 

  • This is the biggest waste of time, why do I even bother. Yet, why don't I stop...

  • I think people shouldn't live just for the good. All circumstances are part of growing in one's life and I think is best to always be in the moment. Be there for the good as much as the bad, never only desire the good alone. 

  • What do you do when your representatives and candidates in the electoral college is part of the corruption (part of the corrupt shadow party in Washington)? If the electoral college is outdated, then shouldn't there be a voting system to where everyone casts a vote without going to representatives in the electoral college? In addition shouldn't we add states to our voting system who are not attached to the US mainland who are technically US citizens? 

  • Shouldn't states create a voter system to which can come together to do a majority vote and vote out their president or representatives who are not doing as they want or is wildly outside their desired interests?

  • I question if there are more mathematical or better ideas for a more fair voting system. 

  • A good practice is to come up with ideas that are better than the old and test it, then compare it to the old and analyze how much better it is (efficiency, convenience, practicality, fairness, secure ...etc). If it proved to be better in many more ways, perhaps it's best to skip out on tradition and try a new tradition or maybe even try them both. 

  • Never delight in the obscene, respect it and do as you need. 

  • Maybe we should have a test period for laws and political suggestions. 

  • I have changed my idea on taxes to where I believe people should start paying taxes after making $50,000 annually ($25 an hour). I also believe it should be a flat tax system of 15% for all individuals, businesses, and entities. Individuals, businesses, and entities can also have the ability to donate more money to the government if they'd like or contribute to a specific program or cause (this is completely optional and there only for personal convenience). This process is as simple as writing and mailing a check, filing electronically, or even paying the tax amount at a post office. Modern systems should be convenient, simple, stress-free, non-intimidating (no feeling of personal risk as if being subjected to an audit), and fully understandable. If one doesn't pay taxes then the 15% tax will follow the individual and carry over to the next year. If for some reason they don't pay taxes, then they can file a card of reasoning by mail, call over the phone, or talk to a federal tax advisor and talk about their reason which could lead to nullify paying future taxes until they make more than $50,000 annually again (this will be important that they do so; however, if discovered the individual was lying, they can be subject to tax fraud). If the individual refuses to pay taxes and reaches up to $50,000 dollars in tax accumulation, then a federal agency will send the individual a letter and a series of phone calls will be made requesting them to show up at one of their federal tax locations. There they will interview the person and find out why they didn't file taxes and try and provide with a way to consolidate paying these taxes. If three to six months goes by and they still refuse payment, then they will be charged with tax evasion. If they never answer the call after letting taxes accumulate to $50,000 after one to three months, then they can be charged with tax evasion and at that point an officer will go to their home and politely ask them that he or she is to be escorted to the police station where there will be a process of trial and prosecution. Not paying taxes is a simple matter of extreme negligence and does not harm the average law abiding citizen. I would also assume after making $50,000 annually an individual has tremendous financial flexibility to cover 15% in taxes. In times of financial instability such as war, I think it may be a good idea that taxes can jump to higher levels than 15%  to perhaps about 30% or 45% max and also lower from the annual threshold from $50,000 a year to $30,000 a year min. However, it should only be made in strict, extreme, and desperate circumstances that the annual threshold and tax percent can be raised and lowered. It should also be declared that under strict and extreme circumstances, the annual threshold should not go lower than $30,000 and the tax percentage should never raise higher than 45%. It should also be in hopes that the annual threshold should never have to change from its $50,000 standard threshold. To initialize such tax changes during such dire circumstances, changes will be appointed by the beginning of a conflict (meaning war) date to the end of the conflict date,  and will stop immediately under the scrutiny of political corruption. The tax system will resume after corruptions are sought out completely. This would be my own and what I believe is a more reasonable and functional tax plan.

  •  I await the day where the people conduct themselves with unmatched righteousness, goodness, politeness, and kindness to where the very thought makes grown men cry and Gods bow in respect and humility. 

  • I believe there are always things in this world humanity is not yet meant to understand. 

  • I believe the human intellect has not yet understood the organic nature of life though organic nature of how everything comes together all at once (even at the quantum level). I call this idea The Notion of Organic Existance-Comprehension, or simply, "The organic reality".

  • With certainty Jesus is good. Science can prove the existence of a spiritual world. However, what about God? There seems very little to no evidence of his existence. Is God good righteous, justice, ethical, and God-like in nature? Controversially, I find it most unfortunate to state that through the eyes of a human being he is perhaps seemingly ignorant of his creations.I state this as a person who seeks to find justice, do what is logical. I think it's only nature through the human perspective, thinking, and experience. If God were to question his creations, he would know of his position to where he stands and the reasons why they think of him the way they do. If we use feedback as a form of evaluation, like a rating system, his overall all evaluation would indeed be of a low rank. If God was beyond the human comprehension, then surely there would be a rational system for understanding and evolving/changing the human experience to the understanding and terms of the creator. It seems logical to me that if humanity were to understand of God's existence, a father figure would naturally be adopted and those who desire to do what is right would obviously stand for what is right by their father and creator. This also has to do for the desire of human purpose. Moreover, questioning God is questioning his very existence. It's most unfortunate that very little evidence is given to humanity and that most is due to the belief of blind faith. For those who seek the truth through the human-science rational analysis and understanding, further objective evidence is needed. If God does indeed exist, then the gap between his existence and human creationism needs to be bridged and further analyzed and understand so that humanity can further understand their own position and understand the father and creator and how we can become a greater part in serving the father as it can give humanity a sense of purpose and duty. 

  • In the outrageous and absurd idea that humanity somehow finds a way to be at the status of God or the creator, then I believe God and humanity should coexist harmoniously with each other. I believe they should act between friend, family, and with the highest form of ethics. They should be both the teacher and the student, both submissive in respect, humility, kindness, and politeness. I believe humanity at this level should have already mastered the way of rationality, morality, logic, and ethics.

  • I personally would not want to be in such a tremendous position such as the status of king or God. The God level is overly absurd. The idea of being a king less more so. Over the years my idea of ruling or being at a higher position has changed dramatically. Such positions are meant for people of mastery, talents, and ethics of which I consider myself not. 

  • It enrages me and greatly disappoints me that the technocratic-technotronic era in history is wasted to the hi-jacked interest and spoils of the controllers. This could be the point in technology that unites and changes the human world forever. 

  • What comes from human thinking, may not be perfected to the organic nature of the objective reality. I believe humanity has far much to learn before comprehending the full organic functionality of the reality in which they live in. I believe before the full understanding of this organic natural reality, humanity needs to first perfect and conduct themselves ethically or it will lead to immanent disaster. 

  • I... I am an original! <super hero pose>

  • The process of research is the process of discovery, analyzing, asking questions, finding answers, exploration, reaching new conclusions, finding more questions and obtaining more answers, furthering or questioning previous conclusions, challenging it and solidifying the conclusion. Theory, experimentation, testing, analysis, examination, scrutiny, hypothesis and challenging the hypothesis with new findings is a good method of obtaining solid facts. 

  • I think when it comes to offsprings, perhaps it's a matter of not accepting fake, destructive, or selfish ideologies. 

  • I believe in not following anyone. I also find oneself is the best person to rely on. I find it best to do the research oneself and have oneself as the primary source of reliance. The path another follows may not be the same as one's own, even if the similarities they follow is similar to ones own. 

  • I think when a system is counter productive, corrupt, completely dysfunctional, and is working against oneself, it's with strategy to understand the exploits in case of an emergency. However, even though one knows of the exploits, it's with good moral judgment to not abuse one's abilities. 

  • Perhaps sounding controversial outrageous, I question if it would be a good idea if the ethics within Confucianism were to also become part of the ethics in all religions. This does not mean to have it changed, but to adapt the Confucian behaviors of social practices.

  • I write because I feel it's the only way I can affect or change the world. 

  • Don't aspire to be a corporate cog when you could be a driving force. I believe having the ability to create one's own future should be a progression, enjoyable, fun, exciting, risky, and rewarding. If this is not possible then I think it's possible there is a system made for conformity and suppression to liberty or free-opportunity.

  • Shouldn't we question systems of conformity? To who are they conforming to? How would one desire to live and create their own culture? 

  • I believe knowledge shouldn't be restricted, that is unless it is so dangerously devastating that it absolutely needs to be or is common sense; however, even if that is, there should be safe ways to obtaining such information.

  •  Why should anyone have to act a certain way, they should be themselves. It helps that they are ethical; however, even being themselves in an ethical world, others should respect them for the way another is. 

  • Could it be that people feed off of confidential energy? If one is themselves around others (care-free and exaggerated as they want), will others naturally follow? 

  • I believe academic subjects can be structured in a way that caters to psychology to where it is easy to learn. Perhaps different methods can be applied to cater to auditory, visual, and tactile learners. I am also a believe that homework often is unnecessary and could deter from the learning experience. 

  • To that which was once good, never seek to destroy, but to rebuild or reform. 

  • I believe all martial artists are a family, to learn, perfect, and grow in ourselves and our abilities. 

  •  As stated previously, I believe the power of culture can be a force for conditioning. 
  • In extremely dangerous times like these, I wish that humanity would stop and question life, ideology, and existence. 

  •  Perhaps the eyes and ears don't do justice to the potential of one's mind.

  •  If I could desire a grand fantasy, it would be having my own dimension and having the ability to travel between dimensions. 

  • I believe a person doesn't fully mature until their late 20s and early 30s. 

  • I observe the free-will and the ability to do as one pleases that the anarchists of today desire has been part of the American dream since the nation's birth. In addition to this desire it was also included the right for one to protect themselves. I think it's a more matured and logical form that evolved from this desire for liberty. 

  • Life is a series of phases and mental transitions. . 

  •  I may have stated this earlier, but I think people should be balanced between a variety of subjects; subjects that can vary from teenage dreams to heavy politics. 

  • I would like the foundation of ethicology to be Confucian.

  •  In times of stress, humor is often the best medicine. 

  • Could it be that prison inmates are the most fragile mental creatures (that is if they're not completely brainwashed or mental)? Could it be that behind the ignorance and culture, there is a human being that has yet to open up, understand themselves, or see a world far from the life of crime through the use of academics? I propose many inmates are confused about their decisions in life or about life. Perhaps deep inside they do not want to have the life they have, want to be understood, or perhaps feel stuck or that they feel they have no choice. I wonder if it would help if they could find someone sincere to talk with, maybe have a mentor. Perhaps they need a psychologist or therapist (or Confucian) to provide them with objectively useful information and sessions to help inmates understand themselves and the real world around them that's not part of their culture. I do question the academics of criminology to might have failed to provide with useful information to how to stop criminality or criminals from returning to prison. From a psychology perspective, perhaps conditioning them in a more civil and rational environment can provide them with the ability to better themselves and each other. I also ask in general if criminals hasn't passed the mental state of maturity due to the lack of a education or culture. I feel certain that a life of education and knowledge would change their mind after they become very knowledgeable about a specific subject, how the world works, or even engaging in philosophy. Overall, I think it's a good idea to reform the prison system entirely. Maybe inmates can be given a special job after their release from prison. 

  • Perhaps at first children should be taught as if they were irrational until a certain age. At this age they have to start having to prove to be their age and attend to responsibilities. At this age they can then be respected as their own individual person and expected to be a rational human-being. 

  • Before I do something, I like to be mentally prepared. Often I make a plan or schedule to abide by. After I plan and finish doing what I planned, I often continue working on the next thing I have planned. Personally, this helps me bypass the need for motivation. 

  • I think the foundation of humanity's progression is based on innovation and functionality. I believe as humankind progresses, it should build further upon what has been proven to work and not to keep completely static with traditions. 

  • I believe ethics is a primitive sociological necessity. I believe it is one of the first things needed to establish for a functional society.

  • I think if humanity were to venture into the stars as a community in it's current phase it could be dangerous without first establishing a common standard of ethics. As usual, I propose Confucianism to be the best standard for ethics when on an interstellar scale.

  • If I was a lawyer, I would do my best to simplify the law to where people can understand it. I often thought of the use of interactive diagrams, lists, and charts. Perhaps this idea of simplification can be applied to any subject.

  • I believe the more culture or things one creates in their lifetime and share it with the world, the more evidence one has provided that they have contributed to the world. Furthermore, I believe all things should have a value and should be kept, documented, photographed, or have a record.

  • I find it's okay to be wrong. By embarrassing oneself by admitting to be wrong, one learns and grows. For those who think they already know everything and ignore lessons, do they actually learn and grow? Perhaps it's a challenge to be wrong, I find it best to deal with such a challenge by having humility and acceptance of one's error. However, perhaps for those who don't want to be wrong, research and being self taught can be a good way to which one can use to not only help themselves but to also help others learn and grow.

  • When it comes to occupations, could it be that a person who has no interest in a position at all yet is open and willing, have the possibility to be a person of great dedication?

  • Once people stop seeking the truth, the ugly can happen.

  • Would the idea of anti-laws be a good idea? Anti-laws meaning laws that are to forbid or provide limitation of existing laws, or perhaps laws that are strictly forbidden. 

  • Would it be a good idea to establish an agency that tracks down and arrests dangerous cults, mobs/ gangs, and organized crimes?

  •  I wish a business plan is all it would take for a golden ticket for finding funding to make an idea come true and contribute to the economy. 

  • It seems to me many wise and ethical people are the most poor.

  • Words don’t do justice compared to what one holds in their mind, for the mind holds all reasons, explanations, and thoughts one could never put out in the moment.

  •  I think the real evil doers of this world are those who desire to control others. I think these people are the biggest threat to society.

  • (caution: controversial and heavy material) I have no money, life, or girlfriend. I sleep on a couch. I beg God and Jesus to help me but I am only met with silence. I dare say if I should ask the other side. Life is just a blink of an eye. I have so much I want to do, yet I am denied. After being unemployed with a failing government and a society at a state of moral decay, I figure this is how it was meant to be after my entire life has always been this way.  The natural cycle of a person of my lifestyle is to join his brother and sisters as a statistic in the growing numbers of suicide, but I am a coward. Everything is on behalf of systemic failure. Life for me has become a curse. My very existence is also a curse as there is no pleasure in life nor way to obtain the position I desire. Life seems to have become meaningless. No matter how hard I beg God, and Jesus, to which I believe is as real as I see myself in the mirror, I feel as if I have become completely abandoned. For ten years I’ve prayed, attended mass every Sunday, and have devoted moments of my life in relationship with God and Jesus, yet I am still met with silence and no answer. People say get a job, but looking at the world around me, there is no progression or upwards mobility.  Everyone lives kiss-and-hand comfortably and blissfully under $30,000 a year. They work, party, get wasted, delve in sin, and repeat. My vision of life is not the same and for that I feel like I’m punished. I want to make a business. I want to do good in the world, I want to influence the world, I want to help others, I want virtue, harmony, liberty, and prosperity. The world is such a cruel, cold, suppressing, ignorant, and miserable place when it doesn’t have to be. I no longer feel I can influence change, make a difference, or make something of myself, and most definitely I feel as if I cannot make my own dreams come true despite how I yell it to the world. If I had a lethal injection, I wouldn’t hesitate to have a desire to take it. A method of suicide that is as peaceful as an exhausting and graceful sleep, but I am a coward to take my own life by means of brute force. Therefore, I live in a cursed existence, in someone else’s designed reality not meant for prosperity and virtue, but of that of their own personal gain and at the luxury to see others suffer mercilessly without reason. To be simply accepted is what mattered the most to me.

  • If a story is long enough, I think it naturally creates it's own culture. 

  •  I like the quote, "He who does not speak the truth is a betrayer of the truth"

  •  To choose a path, stick to a decision, and go all in without regrets is the fighting path towards success. 

  • A castle is made in section and put together one stone at a time. By this I mean that large projects can be broken down to multiple parts or departments and put together one step at a time.

  • (maybe) Question controversies, inconveniences, and inconsistencies. 

  • (dark poetry) It's me. I'm broken once again. No more air to breath. Begging for attention as the door closes. The sun reverses it's direction leaving the shadows to welcome themselves in. Once more the feeling of their unexpected comfort. Why? Reverse the tempest of thoughts. A demon's voice with power to control. No fear but I lye lifeless as a puppet on marionette strings. Is it really my fault? Deafening nerves as my leg taps nervously on the withered soil. It's been cold for a long time and I only forgot. Surfacing scattered truths that burrow out of our souls and out from the dust and soot, only that we want to overlook it and carry on. Why can't I be smile? why can't I laugh? Is it selfish for me to find happiness? Break me. Tear my heart out. Goosebumps from the feeling I long forgot. A selfless sorrow that comes and goes as the wind. Am I  blind that the signs are around me but I still crawl towards a fake horizon? How can this be? Is the path of darkness the real path or an I tangled by clouded thoughts and emotions? I can't feel my hands anymore, numb has become an extension of my being. A mint breath of the heavy acid of reality. This feeling of meaningless regret to not have the desire to start over. Will I ever be given a second chance? Will the world of projectile words leave me to bleed out as I stare at the delusions of memories and experiences. I find comfort and relief as I watch the colors fade from realization. One dream after another drips off the canvas of life. Time moves fast to tease me as the hour glass of life rapidly declines. No more tears as they evaporate once they fall. I can't wait to not exists anymore. The dampening disembodied voice yells joyfully in my subconscious. Is this a game or have I already failed? Is it because I'm not a coward to choose the path most traveled? If that is fate then I'll wait my turn. 

  • (dark poetry) The feeling of empathy holds my hand. Being so lonely and empty for so long, even the demons take pity to try and hold my hand in comfort. However, I am numb as I cast a shadow of my false reality. A reality with a desire to mask what's truly real. The truth of hopes and lies both hidden in a cradle of words in a journal which has only been opened once. The truth reveals the lies of the foolish and the damned, all of which has been long forgotten like a beautiful painting rotting away in a forsakes manor. The faded canvas of life. Soulless and merciless. I can only foolishly wish for hope.

  • (dark poetry) I watch as the rain pours on the window. Sounds of crying and screams, but I do not mind them anymore. Too many times I've cried. I found myself selfishly crying the loudest. Now I await a fate that betrays me greatly. All I want is for the sun to return. Can I feel the warmth? Damned existence. Before I reveal this secret to mankind, I tear the barrier of my own soul. Bleeding out of my shell. Bring me my horizon. I will wait. Hollowed out. When the day comes of their salvations, I'll continue to wait. All I wish is for my own salvation, but ignored as there is no salvation from a cursed soul. Such a dark secret both bitter and sweet. 

  • (dark poetry) Grey beaches. Like ash but more from a nostalgic feeling of childhood. I forgot what it felt like. Surrounded by strange shadows of my own conscious. They have always been here, but never a response. A long hallway. There is a far reaching door. The feeling of warmth and love? A traps. I fell for once before. No choices. Suffocating on decision. To see myself in a former light but cannot see in a reflection of my present self. Ripples and riptides of distorted familiar sounds. Sounds I forgotten from a past life long lived a very long time ago. Feeling the hand of my childhood self, I deny myself as the world never was the way it was envisioned to be. I pity the child. My subconscious fades to black.

  • (dark poetry) Here is comes the endless wave of fog. Only the damned are welcomed. A place for pitiful reflections and shattered glass. A heart forgotten. I wish i can remember my own right now. A caged animal, only is left inside. I am the beast you cannot see. Once an angel now forgotten. The last of me is now gone, all there is tar and embers. I cannot remember. How I was meant to be. Pull back the curtains you will surprised to see, the slot where a heart once cared with so much love, but now is missing. Rage, hatred, darkness, shadow, unkindness. This is now the new order. The pure authority. I wish i can remember my own right now. how i struggled greatly to keep my head afloat. Will i be like this forever? Shutting out hope and allowing the darkness to pass as it pleases? Like anyone else all i want to be is happy, but I can't do that. Nature of my dangerous existence forbids me. The rules of nature. If there was a chance, could I? Who am I mistaken. It's useless. A worthless and meaningless soul. I foolishly look upon the night sky, wishing, begging for relief from my curse. Please! I beg with tears. But I'm met with the single silence of my own curse's enjoyment. This is the natural existence. Why?! I hit the ground in defiance. No justice nor willingness to listen. I will lay here numb and lifeless mourning the dreams of my own existence.

  • (dark poetry) My conscious floats through the cosmos care-free. Without fear. Carelessly. To be free. No words to describe. Numb and soundlessly. But I feel dead to my own feelings. The revolution of thoughts. My heart no long a place on the inside. Neurons are warning me, but I don't listen. I feel the wind and it feels nice. The sun has never been so brighter. I let go. Will it last forever or is there a bottom? Where will things go from here? Is there more to life? How can this be? This is my new reality. To live in nothingness. Waiting for purpose. Like a river floating through time. It is something new. A graceful tragedy. 

  • I want to believe pure authoritarianism and tyrants, or those with the desire to control everything and everyone is a mental disease.

  • It seems I have an addiction for numbing the pains I hold within myself, the addictions of music and thinking.

  • I may have wrote about this in the past but I came up with the term Central Disconnect (or Relative Disconnect) which is the ability to see things in the third person. Instead of having the mindset shared by others in the moment one can be considering external thoughts as if one is not centered with the same mental aspects as others. This can often be the case for soldiers who come home and feel as if they do not belong. To do this one can focus on an object and focus on themselves and their inmost thoughts. This technique is good for evaluating any situation around oneself; however, it is bad for listening, paying attention, and social interaction as one's mind can be heavily distracted. This ability also may make you seem lifeless or "not home" to others who read your behavior while in the process of this ability.

  • (maybe) I value educated guesses. I also believe one shouldn't have to always solely rely on academics to learn or respond to a subject. I believe that a persons should think for themselves, have the ability to apply logic, use what one already knows, ask questions, or do the research or learn a subject themselves. To also solely rely on science and not discovering a subject oneself is to be contrary to human curiosity, willingness, or desire to know. I agree that if we rely on ignorance with the idea that science already has the objective answer to everything, then the masses may lose the curiosity to learn. 

  • I would love to Americanize Confucianism. I honestly believe it would bring the country closer together. If I could envision this, I would like to envision it as people being more polite, conscious of others, courteous and kind to family and others, respectful to life, caring and sincere to others, more open to different opinions, beliefs, and behaviors without being self directed/affected. I honestly think this combined with going back to the country's Cristian-catholic roots would make this nation unstoppable, virtuous, free, intellectual, intelligent, and prosperous beyond belief and imagination. I think Americanizing Confucianism will bring us to be great friends with allies in Asia and also bring a code of ethics that could eventually peacefully unite the world in a way which is unusually. I believe if there is ever to be an interstellar community, having this code of ethics will bring survival and unity to humanity no matter how distant, spread, or colossal humanity becomes.

  • Psychological tactics I see used in modern political mob behaviors (passive behaviors):
    1. Inverted logics.
    2. Wordplay, where a word conveys an alternate meaning through another's interpretation.They may even ask for irrelevant definitions, terminology, and context.
    3. Using narratives or regulation to intimidate or convey false irrationality in an oponent while conveying a false or inverted narrative.
    4. The use of aggression and irrationality in speech to prevent opponent's speech (volume, interruption, demoralization, accusation, subject changes, falsely interpreted aggression or potential signs of disrespect... ).
    5. To interrupt or change direction from narratives that lead toward logical points, examinations and evaluations.
    6. To maintain dominance in conversation.
    7. The use of numbers for intimidation.
    8. The use groups with specific qualities, values, or features.
    9. The inability to reason rationally in a civilized manner with the undesire to change their own opinion or allow others to challenge a sense of authority.
    1. Objective truths; this requires research and up-to-date facts.
    2. Questioning their logics. Using their logic against them. It helps to be passive, calm, respectable/ well mannered, and positive as much as possible.
    3. There could be a lack of intellectual intelligence and ability to critically think which can be open for counter arguments which can allow for one to push their conversation pieces in any conversation direction even perhaps it's a lie or false.
    4. Having an overall "big picture" can sway their overall opinions in deep self reflection if their ego can somehow become affected. The psychological behaviors of mobs can be commonly found in history.
    5. Loyalty is non permanent if they truly do not believe in their purpose. Common with paid actors.
    6. In today's mobs political operatives can be found being the most voiceterous and well rehearsed in their narratives, seek those who are not the leaders and secretly obtain information and cognition by befriending or blending in as their own. They may not be entirely well rehearsed.

  • (maybe) Could it be that a single experience, habit, occurrence furthers or challenges the mindset to progress or have a unnoticed desire for more deeper, extreme, similar, or relative experiences? Perhaps this is done through the positive effect feeling of an experience.

  • Could brainwashing, cultural conditioning, and technological captivation by social engineering be the greatest weapon of all time? 

  • (In general) I know that in the US our mindset are commonly drawn to either black or white, yes or no, either none to or all, very light or the extremes. I say examine the grey area, discover the middle, analyze and establish moderation. Afterall, the laws of this world operate within parameters and often conveys a sense of balance.

  •  (game) I like Blizzards ideas on how to make games: gamplay first; commit to quality; play nice, play fair; embrace your inner Geek; every voice matters; think globally; lead responsibly; learn to grow. Although I wouldn't keep it for myself, it's definitely worth valuing. 

  • Create things on a smaller scale. If you're an animator, don't do a full animation, just do key sequences to portray a compressed story. If  you can't draw, write a short story perhaps a script can be a good medium. If you don't like to animate, create a storyboard in the scale of a short film. 

  • In a job, evaluate culture and happiness. If you are unsatisfied, then perhaps it time to find a new place to work.

  • I like the quote, "You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life." Unfortunately, I live with people with no desire to live in harmony, but I find ways to be at peace with myself at the same time ignore breezing through the hostility without giving power to those who don't deserve it. I believe  to ignore those who do wrong and behave irrationally. These people are not worth the effort if they don't desire to better themselves. Of course this discipline is a challenge because the desire to respond irrational or perform an act of revenge is extremely tempting, however is also an unethical behavior. This is why it is a discipline. Of course I believe one should find ways to take out their frustrations by productive means. Unfortunately for me options are limited, so I draw and write. 

  • I call this period in history derpnation, because everything is upside down and reversed. 

  • If people do bad, do they only get worst? If people do good, do they become better or simply stay good? If a person was to never die would they eventually be evil?

  • I believe sovereignty is a gem that needs to be protected.

  • A rain of hot burning suns. Or the trace of hot loaded guns. One sleeps, another’s day has only begun. A lost life and replaced by an unfamiliar face. The journey grows cold. Footsteps of a person who once traveled, the foot steps of a person who was once human. Now fates claimed, sealed, and untold. Their brothers tired and yet bold. Their orders careless and yet their duties they hold. One step from the grave. The violent flames untamed. The sweet and putrid smell of burning flesh made by the loss of rationality, reason, and competence. If only it were possible to relive life. How would it be relived then? Revelations to mankind. Death is the greatest equalizer as humanity has many scars.

  • (maybe; unsure) I believe strategy should be utilized ethically, intelligently or in a way which achieves the desired results with the possibility of minimal negative or undesired effects.If it's not possible to prevent negative or undesired effects, I believe the use of ethics and strategy should be well balanced. 

  • The use of strategy obviously requires intelligence and solid or best to one's abilities logic. 

  • I think it's necessary that we live in possible harmony with all living things. 

  • I believe today if you exclude Asians with Confucian cultured backgrounds, one will find there is extremely few western Confucians. I wonder if America was ever to be Confucian would it look like Taiwan's social ethics or would it be a new social behavior or set of norms that is a westernized version of Confucian ethics. 

  • My life has come down to a single stopping point. Only two decisions that may determine the rest of my life. I feel this election is going to be rigged in favor of the corrupt political-globalist establishment. Whoever wins this election will decide the outcome of my next action or even where life will take me. 

  • I want to make something called harmonious silence. A form of association or appreciation which cherishes silent of non-communicative moments. 

  • I believe we need to change the social state of affection in this country from "I don't care" to "let me see what I can do."

  •  (not too sure if I should add this) I agree that female sexuality is almost entirely mentle where men is a simple bodily function. I also agree with the conclusion that most females don't like a feminine male. For those who argue they are true feminists (without being funded by globalists and people with a political agenda), I believe they should spend some time as a convincing male to truly identify how men are really like instead of what they are led to believe. I guarantee their idea of males will dramatically change. Personally, if I may deviate abit about myself, I feel my interest of woman has was worn off. I use to carry the same desire as most males; however, having so many females friends both good and bad (of course no sexual experiences what-so-ever) and that relationships were a bit too demanding and a bit too irrational. Perhaps it's from culture, perhaps I'm a guy who fully doesn't understand what a female wants. Nevertheless, I discovered that I am unfortunately better off by myself or keeping them as friends. Moreover and controversially, I do like the idea that a female takes a role around males and sees life through their perspective to understand the male side of the human species. To do so they would most likely have to approach guys in a way which does not arouse their senses or to which they can accept them as taking part of their male group and natural habitat. From my experience, males will adapt to females as being part of the guy's group depending on her own intentions. If a female chooses to objectify themselves with loose morals, the guys will interpret that. If she keeps to a core values and puts a guy in his place if he in a non desired manner then more-than-likely that will set an example that the approach is not going to be successful or perhaps not worth the effort.

  • I like to see myself as a manly guy, but with his own culture. I like dressing in fashion. I like the Express style modern wealthy New York look. I also like dressing or mixing it with a visual-kei look. A good example of this is a white shirt, grey vest, black pants, a unisex style Japanese fashion skirt (it's not entirely a female looking skirt), and dress shoes. I guess you can say I like incorporating a little bit of femininity in my style. Nevertheless, to judge me base on appearance while dress this way would be entirely misleading. Just for the record, I see myself as masculine as a daring ruffneck jumping off a quad shooting a 12 gauge from a swinging rope off a cliff while landing in an Alabaman swimming hole. Besides I tend to dress this way only in special occasions otherwise I stick to the New York Express-style fashion. I don't think fashion for males is much of a social interest compared to many other countries so it's best if I dress according to what won't subject me to unnecessary attention. However, trying on different styles is very fun. On the negative side it's also very costly.

  • You have your sheep, sheepdog, wolf, and of course the shepherd who tend to his heard. Of course it’s all symbolic. The sheep meaning those who follow. The sheepdog meaning those who protect the sheep. The wolves who are the rulers of fear that love to pray, attack, and consume the sheep. And of course the shepherd who guides and protects both the sheep and sheepdog and brings them home. However, ever so often a magpie shows up to keep the sheep, sheepdog, and shepherd company. Symbolically I would like to think the magpie is unrelated of all the characters and their relationships with each other. It has the ability to fly and roam free with a harmonious nature among all the other animals providing a passive melody or cunning intelligent charm. I would like to believe this is the symbolism of my affiliation with the natural world.

  • Perhaps when one doesn't not enjoy their position in life, they should find something new or to change it. If one cannot, then it is best to adapt a method in which one can keep themselves in good nature and in harmony.

  • If someone who has been corrupt for so long, do they blush at their exposure anymore? 

  • After feeling isolated, torn to shreds, and put down in life, I desire for that moment when I can regain what I've lost and say, "I'm back". 

  • The human mind, subject to various fallacies, objectivities, perspectives, and ideologies. When I think of humanity, I can't help but to think of a person acting and thinking on behalf of culture, experiences, and ideologies. I think when a person thinks above and beyond those variables they see life in a way which is vastly more intellectual. I believe it would be a great achievement if people could raise to this level of thinking and try to improve their world. I question if looking and questioning oneself (one's beliefs, one's attitude, one's ethics, one's behaviors...etc) from within is the only way one can rise to this level of thinking.

  • I believe there are natural brilliant minds with natural talents. The there are people that grow into having a brilliant mind and talents. I believe some that grow in to having brilliant minds and talents sometimes can't do it alone. 

  • Sometimes I ask myself will I ever make happy poetry ever again? 

  • I always wondered what it would be like to be wealthy. I could then examine the ideologies, ethics, and mindsets of those who have everything (or how those mindset came to be). It would take a miracle for me to get to that point. I think the only way to get there is if I had a fully functional business. More-then likely if I were to start my own business, I would focus only on the business, there would be no time for blogging. Nevertheless, I still question if anything I had ever written was of any value.

  • In our world opportunity is taken by opportunists. I wonder if it would be right to seek and give opportunities to those composed of a high sense of ethics, rationality, integrity, sensibility, and honesty. 

  • If one dares it, in times of great evil and corruption, do as those who dwell in irrational thinking and ideology but with the secret intention to do good and eventually to end what is evil and corruption. Thus is the use of strategy. In such dealings, being cautious, patient, evidencial, thorough in criteria (research, investigation, man characters), consistant when leaking evidence (leak slowly), and misleading and convincing to the enemy is of grave importance. There should also be a plan for the proper transition of good or corruption and evil can be given new opportunities. "Perhaps even a single chess piece with the right moves in the right time can change all the rules of the game".

  • My quote from Facebook: "To be wise one can also be highly intellectual as to question the world and the very fabrics of society around them. Eventually this journey of wisdom leads to the conclusion of questioning culture, tradition, systems, human ideological values, and to deepen the understanding of oneself of objective truths. At this deep level of intellectuality one will also discover how life is more precious than they know and that ethics play a huge part in revolutionizing the world to a more prosperous, virtuous, harmonizing, and righteous society."

  • Should liberalism have a limit? Is it possible that if liberalism progresses that it could eventually have the ability for a person to do anything and everything that could be considered dramatically immoral by today's standards? 

  • (Game) Does limitations build value by availability of resources? 

  • I wonder if people grow or transition their life's conditions as they feel more uncomfortable in their current positions in life. Is this the natural cycle for people wanting to move out into the world?  

  • A good general strategy to finding the scale of contingency is to start at the extreme or the overall perspective and to work your way down a hypothetical web of possible outcomes. This strategy is also presented in deducting and reasoning. 

  • Indie game development: steps to having good team skills. 1. provide them with as much information as what you should expect, what you want to do, how you want to do it, and what is necessary to get your role into a routine workflow (it also helps to ask how to come about a strategy for a fully functional team). 2. Let the team know that they can be as brutally honest as they need to be. 3. Learn everything about the game your making (documentation, culture, style/aesthetic, feel). 4. provide with clear references and concepts of what you're going to do and what needs to be down to get the game's desired vision. 5. Stay up-to-date with information. 

  • I wonder if we can make an energy source off bacteria or an endless chemical reaction. 

  • Ambitious Placement: the idea that once a person has made themselves useful in particular field to join and make themselves useful in the race of economic, technological, and cultural innovation as if being part of an ambitious collective. 

  • I like to be mindful for the future (distant future) and to find something the future can find useful from current times. I think it would be wise to address current problems and solutions for current times, yet providing systems or ideas that could prove useful or insightful for those in the future. 

  • The afterlife allows for a new feral beginning. A dimension of unknown physics and visualization. It's likely those who pass will have to learn to think and interact in this new dimension. I am sure that it's possible to establish a fixed connection between the objective reality and the afterlife dimension. I believe that if and whenever the connection becomes possible, it's ethical to only have a communication connection, because it's unknown of the dangers if humans were to traverse into this afterlife dimension. 

  • "The Honey Trap" or "The trap of immoral blackmail" - This is when one enters a workplace with good or usual intent and either becomes corrupt by association or blackmailed by being given something desirable but is also illegal. 

  • A good idea for testing robots is to use something I call Incremental Testing. This is where you don't burn or damage components by setting limits for testing operations. For example if a robot moves it's arm too far and the data picks it up, it shuts down the test immediately. This will save money on components and keep them from being damaged. 

  • I think part of truth is seeking deceptions. 

  • I wonder if it's possible that everything can be hacked or if there's a possibility that there is a way around everything. 

  • Perhaps it's worth experimenting with a team is made up of many personality types who are both extroverts and introverts for a multi-perspective focus and analysis on a specif subject. Perhaps using individuals with different thinking patterns can prove very useful.

  • Make more money by increasing your value in the marketplace. The best way to do this is to learn new skills. 

  • Life is about falling off the horse are picking yourself back up and continue riding onwards. You will always have a moment of distraction, that's normal in life. However, stay focused and always get back on the horse. 

  • Adaptive psychological structures - structures in academics that allows an individual to learn through a structure in relation to a person's psychology or neurological processes. 

  • I believe there are times after an accumulation of new knowledge when philosophy becomes relevant once more for new innovative perspectives of obtaining new objective truths, theoretic, and new considerable developments to mankind. 

  • I believe in liberty and I believe in laws. I believe there should be laws that allow for the flexibility of all life styles conditions, including seemingly immoral ones; by this I mean life style conditions with proven functionality which does not lead to irrationality and moral or cultural decay. I see today everyone lives by a single and similar life style path. For example: Example 1 (standard lifestyle), born > school> work /college> married> grow old> grave. Example 2, an alternate life style could be (nomad): born> travel> school> travel/ sell crafts/ online business/ mobile business> marriage/ travel> grow old/travel> grave. Example 3, living in a town/location with a unique micro culture (undefined): born> school> work (perhaps as a collective if it's part of town's/ location's culture)> marriage> grow old> grave. Example 4, another more known lifestyle is a farmer: born> school> live on a farm> married (still on farm)> grow old (still on farm)> grave. Example 5, is another undefined life style that hasn't been done before, this one includes a lifestyle purposed for an outcome (undefined): born> school> purpose/task> married/single> grow old (designated teacher)> grave. A further example of this lifestyle alternative can be as if a scientific community with a population that raises people in single or multi track education environments and having them choose a position, positioning them for a fixed purpose, or insisting a position they are best at and allowing them to dedicate themselves to that track/ position for the purpose of the scientific integrity. Example 6, Holy life (sanctuary), born> school> dedication to holy life> grow old> grave. Note these are religions not cults with the natural intention for peaceful and harmonious relations. Furthermore, these are very generalized examples but also a thought on new lifestyles that perhaps can be accommodated by current law. 

  • I like the thought when you can't join something, make your own. 

  • I believe there should be laws against occultism. I believe all practices that involve or is related to real black magic and "demonic powers" should be forbidden. By forbidden, I mean removed from culture and looked down by society. In the case one is caught with such practices, they should be subject to fines and to the law if there is any illegal activity. Depending on wealth, academic, or political power, participants should be subject to extreme fines, serve long prison time, and should be thrown out immediately from their positions. I believe this should be part of the oath they take when they obtain their positions in office. Furthermore, if there is magic that is used for good, such as charms, these magics should perhaps be allowed only if it is not a gateway to dark magic practices. 

  • I think the best cure for paranoia is intelligence. I think knowing everything about what one is afraid of allows one to overcome their fears and find solutions (I can only hope their solutions are logical and rational ones). 

  • I feel it is appropriate to say that I do not prize my life. I want to live for the purpose to help others (help others in prosperity, help others get ahead) or if I had a child, I would live for the purpose of raising that child. I think after learning so much and outputting a lot of culture, I feel my life is no longer necessary to cherish. I now believe the next generation is more important. I would also like to include that even though I have stated this before, I also would like to repeat that I don't fear death, instead I fear how I die. 

  • Business: Whenever possible, build platforms for your products. This can create relations and value to your product or company. 

  • Business: start a product small and for a targeted market segment (or a solution to a small solution in the market instead) instead of tackling an entire market all at once. Customer by customer expand operations over time reaching to new market segments. The single customer by customer  model often is the slowest, but the more rewarding solution over time. The slower a company grows the more effective and sustainable it can become over time. Ultimately customer needs are what's most important (customer based).

  • (An over-the-top creative, abstract, and outrageous thought)
    I have come to the conclusion the spirit world or entities of the afterlife could be another form of life that we do not understand. Perhaps much of the alien life in space, but in a dimensional form (or in between dimensions or half dimensional form). Perhaps later in the evolution of technology and human understanding, we can see these entities as part of an alternate form of life and since we can interact with them, we should design systems of laws. If they were to perform or insist harm and evil, I believe we should obtain the ability to put them to trial and if necessary harvest their energy and place them in a battery until their time has been served. If i may be imaginative, more than likely they will not speak a language known to us; however, they could possibly read or mental patterns. I believe we should find ways to harvest their energy and put them to work until they decide to better themselves. 

  • When there is prosperity and population advances in technology, technology in general advances. 

  • (random) It's very sad when a really good person turns to a darker path due to the mistreatment of the world, system, and society. Perhaps such conversions should also bear the desire to change things for the good in the end. 

  • (controversial) If one chooses to be evil or criminal, then that is the path one has chosen. They will live with the consequences. However, I suggest to do so for the end goal to do good or to seek redemption by doing what is right. 

  • (controversial) In times of corruption and evil, the use of strategy is essential in order to expose the enemy, corruption, and evil. Being patient, evidencial, thorough in criteria, and misleading and convincing to the enemy is of great importance. 

  • (highly controversial) I find it reasonable to state that I do not understand God for his actions are illogical. I suppose the logic of God follows either a higher intelligence or are of the properties of unknown-to-human reasons. If none of these applies for human catastrophes in history then I question fallacy and the idea of using the term God and instead using the term Creator instead. I also continue to question the idea of being given free will yet having to use our free will to serve God to which if we do not, we may stand in contempt at the gates of heaven. Although this may sound questionable to the faith, I reassure my only intention is to seek God but with the most logical and objective truths. Even though I can't seem to agree with how God allows or deals with events, I do remain in respect for I believe it is the right thing to do.

  • Would it be a good idea for everyone to develop their own philosophy for life and as they grow they can modify it?

  • In political deception, I discovered incompetence can create a facade to hide an administration's real intentions. 

  • 11/8/16 I am at a point in my life where I honestly am scared for the elections. Today is literally the day that will determine the rest of my life. I also spent the night scavenging the Podesta emails and doing research in the District of Columbia and finding content I don't know what to make of. What I do know that in this period in history the District of Columbia has a dark secret. I find it truly is disturbing. I gave the information I found to Anonymous for analysis and stopped immediately because I don't know if I really want to continue. Nevertheless, what has this world come to electing such strange and deceptive leaders. What can be done to ensure that people truly know the leaders they are electing? 

  • I believe life is not perfect. And having it not perfect makes it realistic. 

  • (11/9/16) Now that the elections are finished, I feel compelled to tell people that I have ran a successful campaign to expand truths provided by independent media and personal research. I have also contributed to a special investigation, even though I feel my contribution were minimal and perhaps insignificant. Regarding my successful campaign, I have spent almost two years spreading information about political corruptions, who are the main heads, exposing mass organization crimes, providing all the evidence, and working almost everyday on multimedia and combating the disinformation providing by the mass media (particularly on linkedIn, Youtube, Twitch, and Facebook). I would say my most successful time of the campaign was during 2016's E3 when I blasted the live streams (which housed tens of thousands of people), network feeds, and comments for upcoming games. I feel I have contributed a great deal of publicity for Drudge Report and Infowars. After the exposure of wikileaks and DCleaks, I have spent a great deal of time also sorting through emails looking for anything interesting. For the most case, I along with reddit and anonymous discovered unknown donations (I think it was $1,500,000 if I remember correctly) and money laundering being moved back and fourth. My attention was mostly on Podesta's Commet Pizza's pedo-ring and Aleister Cowley's secret satanic network (involving spirit cooking). I have never been so terrified, excited, exhilarated, and alive in my life sharing this experience and giving information to what I thought was significant to anonymous on reddit (Brittany and Nicole Pettibone's did the most amazing work) and 4chan. I even thought at times there would be a Fed raid on my little house. I had even seen a black helicopter hover over my house twice which made me feel uncomfortable. I still feel terrified from helping with such secret and classified information. I felt it was the right thing to do. Afteall, I have no job, no income, I felt like I had no future, I've been often ignored, and I want to help with something bigger than myself while caring little of the dangers. No body knows what I am involved in or what I have contributed to and I prefer it to remain this way unless they want to really get to know me. My own family often looks down on me at times, I can only assume my existence has minimal significance compared to the grandeur of others. However, I saw a way in which I thought I could be useful. I knew it wasn't a mistake after doing the heavy research on my own. What led me to believe this the most was personally witnessing the transfer of heavy military equipment Houston's and New Mexico's railroads, and of course the rise in NSA spying, having a controversial health care, the Jade Helm excsersize, the use of Fema centers (closing of Walmarts, stacks of millions of coffins, proof of gas chambers, and even use of guillotines), rise of UN vehicles at the border, the propaganda to bring people across the border from central and south America, the opening for immigrants in Europe and push in the US, the dictator power of the EU, the push for the removal of the constitution (and guns), the scandals involving Bengazi, the repressed military power in the middle east, the rise of ISIS, watching radical capture our military men on seas, the building of Iran's nuclear weapons, the disinformation of the media, cultism used in media, the low term conditioning of the population through cultural and psychological warefare, the push for global warming which was still a theory in the science community, the use of the RFID chip, the desire to push TPP and the North American Union, the urban controversies of chem-trails, vaccines, GMO, radiation leaks, and pollutants in the water, the push for extreme diversity (push for dual gender restrooms), voter fraud, the bankruptcy of Detroit, the UN 2020 and 2030 agendas, the pope's involvement in politics, IRS targeting conservatives, the disrespect to veterans (closing the memorial), the militarization of police, the Bundy ranch conflict and FBI murder, The 9/11 reports, the decrease of economic power, student loans, and decaying qualities of infrastructure, the secret and controversial Builderberg meeting in Dresden, and... ect. However, now that Trump has become president, I feel more at ease and pumped to kick some satanic-globalist ass. I also want to say... Well world,  you should have given me the career opportunity I desired. All I wanted to do is design and make games using the degree from college I had worked hard for to find a career position. You made this internally angry beast that I am. A shinobi no face to society and a colossal monster to want to stand up for good, righteousness, and prosperity. I don't believe a bored hacker is anymore dangerous than any person who is intellectual, has a passion for righteousness, the boldness to contribute themselves to something bigger than themselves, and the dedication to change the world for the better. I feel a person is most dangerous when they have obtained a level of intelligence and intellectuality to which can be used to help shape the very world they live in. Strategy. The willingness to do good and what's right. The ability to help others succeed for freedom and prosperity. The core of my own ethics and Confucian-philosophy. Now, we have boots on the ground and we're making our ways up the shores. With God on our side, we will take back the country and we will bring prosperity and freedom to the world so that we can all one day live freely, happily, and travel among the stars in a cosmic neighborhood or even live freely among the dimensions of time, reality, and imagination. No evil entity, tyrannical leader, or terrorizing force of malevolence will ever stand in the way of an ethical, free, and prosperous humanity. This WILL be the promise of humanity. 倫理と繁栄 . >:,S

  • An example for good is an example for others. 

  • The failure to see the indecency is the allowance of progressive human error. 

  •  It's polite to give credit where credit is due. 

  • List of alt. media:;;;;;;;;;;; .

  • Perhaps one's response in politics is only as good as the quality of information they obtain or seek.  

  • Gandhi: "My life, my message". I believe it's important to have our own identities and our own message to the world.

  • If there's one thing I fell in love with about Def Con, is the freedom to see people with controversial talents and ideas to which they believe can improve or innovate the world. 

  • Hyper pseudo intellectualism- a psychological tactic used by the mainstream media to portray a image of being highly intellectual, more intelligent, and more confident than the average masses. This is a psychological tactic with the use of professional acting and information feeds, like an ear pieces or teleprompter, where talking points and counter arguments can be organized and used to degrade an opponents. 

  • According to Business Insider or Psychology Today, supposedly a trait of a leader is a large lambido/ sex drive. Perhaps I should emphasize the use of personal discipline, tolerance, and restraint. XD

  •  (maybe) I think if people cannot distinguish being polite or kind and flirting, then they should evaluate themselves and their association with another before they open themselves and allow for emotional hurt. 

  • I suppose it's crazy hard for some to admit their own faults and admit they are wrong. I would like to think that if one cannot admit they are wrong, then how can they be honest with themselves more-less others. 

  • In general, perhaps even some controversial ideas may be approached or made with ethical decisions or balance in mind. 

  • I think we should have cheap products as well as a high quality products ,even if it's more costly, therefore we have products for all occasions and consumer spending ranges. 

  • Experiment: establish a polarity or energy circumference (perhaps magnetic field); raise the magnetism levels; alter different frequencies for unique effects; check the results on different materials. Try to influence the experiment for different results. I would like to experiment with moving parts or wrapping things with copper or gold and electronically amplifying them. Perhaps since every frequency has an acoustic pattern, we can use this to record the levels or changes that can occur (perhaps using this as a template or reference for modification for an attempt for different effects)  I also would like to experimenter with items to which may vibrate or posses an acoustical property. 

  • (irreverent) I find it certain that video is the most powerful of physical evidence. If anything involving conspiracy is caught on camera with a visible and undesputable quality, it will be more capable for people to question, debate, or believe it. Perhaps the use of high quality video cameras, live streaming, and portable 3D scanners can help if there were to be a new wave of expedition and exploration where individuals document findings on the mysteries of our planet. 

  • There will always be the sea of reasons, yet it may be difficult to spot the islands of sincere honesty and truth. 

  • I believe the use of psychology, sociology, and ethics can harmonize the world. 

  • A great and almost instant cure for indigestion and stomach problems is to drink one cup of tonic water. 

  •  I always start the day with stretches. I think maybe stretches could be the secret to maintaining a young body at an older age. 

  • I believe children need guidance to learn to be themselves. Obviously this is the balancing role of both a good mother and a father figure. I also believe males should learn to be themselves, perhaps develop a sense of masculinity without taking an example of aggressiveness, and females learning to be themselves and developing a sense of kindness, emphasis on intelligence, and respectful or strong moral standards towards men (or lady-like or perhaps noble lady-like standards towards men). 

  • I am absolutely fascinated by the Mandela Effect. I question this myself and my own experiences. 

  • A man who does nothing, is a man of missed opportunities. Unfortunately being that my life at the age of 28 hasn't started yet because of the inability to find a career job, it's most unfortunately that I fall in this category. 

  • I think social anxieties need strengthening for this I suggest practicing to be social, such as: developing people skills; making fun of yourself at times for fun; getting past what people think of you and becoming free to act however you want, and practice being yourself, analyzing no body's perfect and everyone is unique and original in their own way; search for things that define you or make You you; coming to terms with your faults and accepting them and not being afraid of them (accept the imperfections, everything you have makes who you are; and there is only one of you on the face of the earth so it helps to decorate the world with a little bit of you); pushing the limits of you character by doing things you normally wouldn't do; understanding that everyone's life is different, the way they approach life is different, and everyone doesn't have the same agenda or a guide to life; life passes by fast and if you don't take or look for opportunities, they are going to pass you by. 

  • Being that I have grown up and have had more girls than guy friends, my best thought for a guy to get girls is to unlock their hearts with their honesty, imperfections, and confidence. 

  • Political awareness: Understanding the motives and ideology beneath political action and initiatives. 

  • I came up with the idea to prod possibilities. Examples of this is: calling a company asking it there was a position available: asking a company that you want to make a certain company and see how much they are willing to sell you a product; or calling clients to see if they would be maybe interested in something. 

  • Ted talks notes:  Psychology map: Open to experience - closed to experience, conscientiousness - lack of conscientiousness, extroversion - introversion, agreeable - not agreeable, neurotic - stable.  // Ritual is repeated action and intention. By developing a ritual people develop and anchor of connection which develops long relationships (or a method of emotional healing) which help prevent loneliness. // Loneliness can scramble one's psychology. It can disconnect us from others physically and psychologically. // I found that if I accept my imperfections and become completely honest to about it, the more I can strengthen my self esteem and talk myself back up very quickly. I also believe it's important to get depressed so that when practiced, the depression goes away quickly and you're back up on your feet going at life again. This has worked for me, maybe it can work for others. // practice emotional hygiene; tend to the wounds in your mind with positive talk. 

  • I like the quote: "Your beliefs don't make you a free thinker. The ability to change your beliefs based on new information does." I would also include the ability to create your own beliefs on what you truly interpret, feel, analyze/question, and piece together in your mind, along with the idea to change the belief if it is challenged by a more proven or factualized evidence. 

  •  (controversial) Does sexual intercourse in relationships spoil the uniqueness in further relationships, marriages, and one's fervor in love-desiring and sexual appetites?  What is the comparison between those who keep their virginity until marriage and those who do not? 

  • Using the method honey bees use to make honey, I wonder what would other foods or plants taste like using the same process. Could new foods be created? 

  • I thought it would be great to relive a specific time period in history, could you imagine having the ability to go back in time and communicate with people in a different time period. Having the ability to live in two different time periods or two different alternate realities and have the ability to communicate back and fourth would be pretty cool.That would be a cool feature in the future if it were ever possible. 

  • Although most of my quotes seem like common sense, I still feel the need to address them. 

  • I find the nature of humanity in regard to bodily function to be very gross. I also find the nature of human sexual behavior also a bit disturbing and gross; however, I will respect this because it's what people consider normal/ culturally acceptable. 

  • The irrational entertains in violence, where the good feel pity, disappointment, shame or remorse. 

  • Perhaps there should be more traditions, culture, and value on interaction. 

  • I believe if one always thinks, one's mind becomes fit and well trained. 

  • I believe the proper male identity is the self being who one truly is perhaps stripped of cultural values.

  •  I believe the proper male identity is the self being who one truly is stripped of cultural values. 

  •  I thought I would input my seemingly irrelevant feedback. I've asked men of different backgrounds and found things I should relay regarding males not seeking a relationship or having the desire to be married. 1. The quality of females in regards to personality are found unappealing to males now-a-days. Perhaps it's because of the lack of trade-off when it comes to male desires and perhaps fantasy. By this i may also refer to as the inability for female cooperation or strategy to seek a solution when a male demonstrates flaws and imperfection in relationship. I've spoken to some men who believe it's becoming (or slowly becoming) a female oriented society. 2. Commitment is expensive. The amount of money it takes to raise a child now-a-days is believed to be absurd not to mention the quality of family life has changed since the 50s where there was once the atomic family. The average household makes around $30,000 annually. Examining the costs of rent seems to be what people complain the most (in further examination, it's seems the costs coming from local schools). 3. Certain men look for a desired or what they perceive is the most compatible female personality to which they perhaps may not find. I have spoken to men who says all females are almost the same now-a-days in regard to millennial perceptions (perhaps a lack in personal intellectuality or values). Another example is males of a more analytical mindset look for "more intelligent females" who share the same interests however either can't find them or have no access to meet them. I also talked to much older single church men who worked on a farm who don't like what the world has become, where they were brought up in a way which valued sex after marriage ( otherwise it was a "shotgun wedding"). 4 "Males are seemingly more demasquiline/non masquiline now-a-days (perhaps through the conditioning of culture or lack of parents) and have less of a strong moral and family upbringing which gives them the desire to want a family". Said also by the men who go to church. 5. I've heard that aside having the attention span of a goldfish, Millennial interaction with others are staggeringly low, possibly due to a decaying family sense, use of technology, or desire to socially interact due to their emotional dissatisfaction. 6. And of course as you mentioned "getting the cow for free" where the mainline male uses porn and dating life to satisfy their materialistic and fantasy urges. 7. Looks are commonly important for the primary appeal; however, I also discovered that men also fall in love with females after long periods of association, such as working as partners for a long time in the work place. If males have dissatisfaction in the work place or the females in the work place are already in relationships, married, or are perceived negatively, then there is less desire for this form of association. 8. I apologize in advance for saying that older men dislike "baggage" or "sloppy seconds. 9. Men now-a-days have alternate sexual preferences also perhaps due to culture, family, or environment. The solution, I believe a change in culture, such as new ideas or ways to socially interact, perhaps with the use of social activities, can bring people together and fix this issue.

  •  To teach ethics, one must know and practice ethics by exploring deep within the self. 

  •  I believe everyone should write poetry to express themselves. 

  •  I stumbled upon a video to which I agree, I would see myself as a zeta male. I agree that I will desire companionship when the conditions are less risky.If it becomes to late, then I will be alright accepting that. I find a lot of comfort in my own interests, goals, and silence.

  •  I like the saying "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times." 

  • Should females get married then have careers? 

  • In today's world redirection is the common verbal and psychological tactic in unfiltered debates where a topic is redirected to a more favorable direction to which fits an argument's narrative. The trick is to redirect the conversation using truth and to stay centered on the thesis. If the opponent's logic is illogical, question them on it or even provide an example. 

  • A good way to spot liars are: minimal self-reference, negative language, simple explanation, and convoluted phrasing.  

  • Perhaps out in nature, learning to be primitive is the relearning how to be human or develop the self.  

  • It's with good practice to be mindful of others. This creates social harmony. 

  •   I believe when together, a collective and when alone, intellectual. 

  •  I gladly say i'm like a rogue. I prefer to play by my own rules. 

  • I believe the best weapon for evil is realization of consequence and justice.