Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Personal Quotes XIII

 My Last Personal Quotes post takes way too long to load so I will start a new Personal Quotes post. Personal quotes is a blog post I use to write my philosophy, ideas, opinions, and thoughts. It is a place I can express myself freely and openly without commercial or worldly inputs. I write mainly for myself but allow the audience a peek into my thoughts. This post will have more content added over time as I come up with more things to write about.

Everyone seems to believe in bad genes or unintelligent genes, but I do not believe in this. People are a product of the environmental infuences and experiences in their life. If they grow up raised with a heavy influence in logic, reasoning, and critical thinking, then they will be raised to become intelligent and not to do bad things. This I believe. 

(Authoritarianism) I believe the world of a future authoritarianism if full-proof. If the world moves forward in such a direction then it will be flawless and humanity will be ruled, controlled, and guided under a silent, hidden, merciless, and overwatching force. It would be a future where George Orwell could never had imagine. Those at the top will be hidden, reign supreme and will dominate the objective human matrix as they act as Gods controlling and manipulating humanity for their enjoyment, amusement, and purposes. I think those with the power will have obtained limitless control and can toy and amuse themselves with whatever they want to do with humanity. Logic, truth, ethics, and even religion will be meaningless. If they desired it, they could form kill or harvest factories where people are herded like cattle for sheer amusement. They will be the self-made new Gods of humanity and the people who had a chance to stop it, failed. It’s not like an average takeover seen in past history. It's not like the spread of the Roman empire where you had luxury if you joined. It's the opposite with diminishing luxuries. This time, the masses will be suppressed through technological advances, AI, and algorithms which largely already exist today. I feel these forces could have been stopped if given the right strategies, but perhaps it’s human fate. The future will more than likely never know what this society would be like and the idea of real freedom is something they will never understand. Seeing how flawless this new system of suppression and control is, there will never be a society like it ever again in human history. Never again will humanity have the tools to control its own destiny. A humanity of prosperity, improvement, and creative innovation will never exist and humanity will never live to see its real unfiltered raw potential. This is what humanity has chosen. The force existing has performed immaculately. It has conditioned the masses through next level psychological propaganda through modern media, commercial products, and entertainment; it has also controlled education to which now has led us to this turning point in US history. I call this point, the Great Divide or the Great Turning Point of Freedom. Global citizens are no longer in charge of Human’s destiny, the elites are. The elite’s methods are irrational, the ideologies screwed and manipulated by unknown forces or mental effects they do not yet understand. They themselves have ended the organic intellectual human mental evolution utilizing irrational ideologies as a vessel. Humanity will never recover and now will be subject to their will. In the end I believe true history will be unknown, reality warped and scewed, and their thoughts will be whatever they will it to be. It will not be until the distant future when they realized what they have done, but by then it will be too late as their ideologies evolve and forget. Eventually humanity will parish, perhaps as other interstellar or planetary intelligent life has. I think the sun will leave it’s habitable zone, forcing humanity to live elsewhere. Without remembering their past because of a scewed reconditioning of human history, humanity will forget it’s evolution and history of technological advances. It will lose the organic systems and technology of preservation and innovation it could have had if it were to allow itself to thrive. Even if we were to escape our solar system, the demise of our species would still be eventual. Without suppression, humanity could organically make the tools necessary to exist forever. If people believe humanity should have never existed, then perhaps there investigating organic life outside our solar system they will discover that most organic life, let alone any form of intelligent life eventually ceases to exist. It’s survival that is the greatest challenge. Survival that I believe through control and authoritarianism limits humanity to survive. I believe this, this year, the year 2020, is the turning point in which determines if humanity will survive or die as a future species as authoritarianism gains global control. 

Could it be the ultimate code of ethics is to list good and bad values that bring people together and use the good ethics as a way to improve ourselves which in return improves humanity? I would think some of these terms could be constructs of culture. Perhaps exploring the good terms and seeing what terms is necessary and what is not necessary could further improve the state of society as some terms that rely too much on culture can cause effects on society that don't bring it more together. I do my best to lay out the good terms I would keep in the charter of ethics, but it remains to be seen as ethics is not taught in western education.

 I like to think that my philosophy and ideas are grey; it has no taste or flavors. It is foreign to the average reader and strange in terms of abstraction and meaning. There is no culture or trends associated with it. It's not made for commercial or monetary gain. It's follows it's own observation and original works. It's audience can be for whomever wants to learn secrets, learn about supposed truths, or gain self reflection or wisdom. However, ultimately these philosophical ideas, opinions, and beliefs are for me and more-so me alone. Feel free to peek through the hole of my deep thoughts. Ultimate it's a place I can express my unfiltered emotions and ideas. 

 The ongoing idea of alpha and beta males continues. I still do not consider myself anything despite some calling me both. I still would call myself a zeta as I prefer to do what I want without limit to culture. I would also rather prefer to be nothing at all as it is a dumb cultural idea that labels people which latently stifles creativity, the ability to be oneself, and be honest or original. If I had to label myself, it would be a strategist using psychology and testing as a tool to get or influence a desired outcome. 

 I would add self-improvement on the charter of ethics, if it's not on it already. This would be the ability to improve oneself every way possible. Improve one's intelligence by learning new things, improve one's ability to carry out better social interactions and relationships, find out one's flaws and improve upon them. Life is about improvement in what you do and improving yourself every way possible. 

When society is given purpose and everyone plays a role in a living economy, I believe there should be a respect for society and every individual in it.

Could it be possible that in the future there will be an epidemic of poltergeists or spirits? Perhaps they might be here because they feel their deaths were unjustified, they have leftover business on Earth, or they have gained an attachment to the world of the living?  

The worst thing that could ever happen politically is having cults with radical ideologies infiltrate and influence political decisions. Once individuals are seen as objects and variables, then the world becomes dehumanized and susceptible to irrational ideologies and agendas.

I think if you don’t plan for evil and corruption, evil and corruption eventually penetrates. I think all systems should plan for security to prevent the worst possibilities and corruption from happening. I think there can be various security measures to raise awareness of individuals attempting to penetrate security.

I think for those who proceed with liberal agendas that are dramatic changes to a nation have not given respect to: society, its systems, those who gave their lives for the its protection and difficult decisions, and it's nation’s history.

I want to think that bad and good forces are overt and covert. Bad forces has a force for destruction. Good has a behavior of benevolence and peace. It should also have a force of good that also has the tools of destruction but for the purpose to prevent the bad from becoming too powerful. When bad forces proceed with dramatic leaps, good forces need to be two steps ahead of the bad to maintain the good. The good force should take a moment to see how the bad has progressed over time and then begin a campaign to remove power from the bad, maintain being ahead of the bad, create methods in which make it difficult for the bad to proceed, and return to a state of balance where good can continue to thrive, be benevolent, and have peace.  

I think when there is corruption in politics and systems, it’s right to investigate and start from the basics. From the voting system, to the heads of government; note who wants to work with you and who doesn’t and why; note areas of possible infiltration or suspicious behavior and backgrounds. On behalf of backgrounds, investigations should get the evidence supporting a person’s claimed background. Perhaps it should be a law for officials to comply with investigations instead of telling them no and not gathering evidence or disproving possible evidence. If there is a shred of corruption, everyone they have been in contact with should be investigated. Often corruption has ties and it’s right to see how far the rabbit hole goes. It would also be a good idea to tell a person that they will be conducing surveillance at a random period to make sure nothing is going on. If a person is truthful there is nothing to lose. If there is something to disclose, perhaps they should let it be known in advance with full honesty. 

Should it be that people in a society should earn the right to be called a nation's citizen? Perhaps those who have not yet obtained the label of citizen can be considered a vagrant yet to transform themselves into a nation's citizen by upholding certain national values and to transform themselves into a contributor to a nation's economy. 

It’s my opinion that we are living in a reverse world. It’s a world backwards, upside down, and inverted. It’s a world where powerful evil runs free and rampant and individuals who perceived to be a source of good have no principle.

This seems to be a time of conspiracy as global leaders gear up for another epidemic of a different improved version of the same virus we see today. This time nothing might survive and all will collapse as irrational leaders follow the agenda of the irrational minded wealthy and powerful. If there was a task force for good, I would imagine they should arrest anyone who has intelligence and information in advance of a potential orchestrated catastrophe. I would think there would a force to arrest and interrogate them for further information and intelligence which aims to stop malevolent political and hidden global agendas for control to be carried out. I would also think there would be cross examinations for similar behaviors and agendas being carried out around the world where malevolent and irrationally minded leaders can be arrested in secret, interrogated, and one by one their networks and agendas cut down and stopped. Perhaps the reason such agencies and forces do not exist is because of a greater corruption. All in all I don’t see the future of mankind prospering. November 26, 2020.

(military strategy of rising or hidden regimes) When great evil has reach a peak before engaging the innocent and conducting it's long awaited operations, drastic measures and military force makes sense. Once great evil strikes, initial intelligence has already greatly failed to secure the information necessary to prepare for opposition in the likely scenario of hostile events. It's justifiable to remove all those immediately as they failed their duties as they could also be secretly with the opposition. Before there is warfare an examination and investigation of allies is necessary. Just as tyrannical regimes grow  and carry out their agenda reaching a point in which to conduct their operations, that is the exact point in which you must be already prepared and ready to strike and be of equal if not greater match before the enemy acts and proceed further with their operation. Never let the enemy initialize, have operators prepared in advance for arrests and interrogations prior to having them conduct their operations. The art of strategy is being one step ahead of the enemy, even if there is no battles. Once the enemy conducts their operations, the production phase of strategy commences, such as: removing and draining the enemy of resources, jeopardizing communications, conduct psychological operations, and conducting covert operations to cripple, confuse, and sabotage the enemy from within. Also always be prepared for non-standardized warfare carried out by bio-agents, secret attacks, and unconventional or gorilla warfare. The huge tool for evil is when good operates for evil and does not recognize it, the use of psychology is one's most powerful tools to infiltrate, confuse, inform, and recondition twisted ideologies, logics, and irrationalities. Lastly never trust the enemy and never undermine the enemy; doing so leads to deception and opportunities of exploitation. 

(military strategy) Perhaps an even more  incremental obstruction to the enemy is multidimensional warefare where there are so many battles in different areas, it makes the enemy very busy to maintain it's dominance on narrative. By multidimensional warefare, I mean not only being on the ready with force but ready by information (information accuracy, propaganda) and social engineering. Perhaps an interesting way to influence the direction of an enemy is ways is to influence it's societies to cripple or weaken regimes from within. 

For deep state and the ideological irrational globalists (devos group), a good analogy America can use is: If you stay, the monster will eat you. If you run, the monster will catch you. If you fight, you give yourself a chance to survive. In relation to fighting the monster, strategy is your greatest tool, secrecy and speed is your greatest strength, intelligence is their greatest weakness. Overall, wars are won one battle at a time with the best tools. 

I believe everyone is responsible to do the right thing. Perhaps this is what it means to have principle. 

I think it’s a good idea that if anything is made mandatory in law, regulations, or declarations that it starts with those in the highest positions. Those in the highest positions should do so that they can prove integral leadership and confidence that they can provide the best results, assets, and interests of the country. For example, it would be wrong to force vaccinations if those in the highest offices are exempt from taking it or use others as test subjects.

I come across so many useful and interesting ideas of things our country could benefit from having. I want to think we could come up with ideas or things that benefit the country and incentivize others to make them a reality.

I wonder if it’s possible to make a second internet using Ham signals.

It seem the more information a person has, the less uncertain and afraid one will be. I also want to add that it depends on the accuracy of the information to be able to make the right decisions and to influence the world around you.

I think there is negative, controversial, or corrupt power and confusion that can be brought through complexity. If a person who doesn’t know regulations were to investigate books upon books of regulations, they could get confused and lost in the information unless they specialize in it.

I had an idea for a reset government loop law/ amendment. If the government becomes corrupt to the point where they want to remove, repeal, or amend the constitution, perhaps there could be a provision in place which fires every individual immediately in government and restores the US government automatically to the beginning fundamental principles or a set of fundamental principles. This would force politicians not to step beyond a certain boundary.

 Should there be an idea of if something works in government then they have proved that it works and they can expand it? Perhaps there should be a small percentage or perhaps a 10% rule in government where if they test it and it proves functional, then it can be expanded upon.

Should we have places that are lower than $300 a month. Perhaps like Goshiwon in South Korea where there are inexpensive places to live?

Should we have ratings and reviews for political figures?

I walked outside this morning and was greeted by a large vulture staring at me on the road. It was eating something dead or road-kill. It almost felt symbolic like a symbol or representation that something bad was near or death was coming. It felt like a warning. It stared at me as I took out the trash. It’s very strange, but I’m open to the possibility that it was a superstitious warning despite me believing of being of mostly a scientific mind.

Should everyone take an oath of principle before getting hired at a job? The oath is to ensure they are abiding by the law, constitution, and the morals and ethics that do not overstep personal wealth and greed. It’s an oath that stands up for doing what’s right and incorporating higher principles and honors into the workplace. I like the idea that there is an oath of principle precedent over ones paychecks.

I want to say life is like a journey. It’s a journey of self-discovery and improvement. It’s learning what you want and what you don’t want. It’s being intellectual into finding goals in which will make you have the best life possible. It’s a journey with tests to which you improve yourself and the world around you. I also want to add, it’s your life and not a life meant to narrated by others. That’s why I say follow no one and create your own adventures.

(Highly controversial; sexual) Should masturbating be a social activity? Should everyone see each other naked and watch others indulge themselves in sexual enjoyment? Should everyone watch married couples have sex with their married partners? Should sexuality be allowed to be seen as human nature under a culture of moral boundaries where sexuality and nudity can be enjoyed by everyone? Can sexuality become a new form of entertainment, bonding recreation, fun activity, or relaxation?

Should jobs change their work flow or production methods to keep working in a job fresh, interesting, new, and exciting?

I find it’s a good strategy to let others know in advance what to expect or know in advanced what is set as precedence of expectation. Just going to a pool party, you let people know they could get wet.

(charter of ethics) If I haven’t added consequence awareness to the charter of ethics, I would like to add and include that. Consequence awareness is a person knowing the consequences ahead of time before something even happens. I’m debating if should add “Being one step ahead” to the charter as well along with “financial strategy and intelligence”, “preparedness”, and “presentation”.

(female complexes) I wonder if there is such a thing as “female give up on life complex” (perhaps female vitality complex) and “female relationship complex” (indesire to trust or form meaningful relationships). This is perhaps a narrative that females want to give up on life or have no desire for self-improvement or build self-worth. Perhaps these are complexes brought about by insecurities, a lack of desire to make friends or trust others, and a lack of desire to learn more about the world or improve themselves for whatever reason, excuse, narrative, cultural ideologies, or delusion (delusion pertaining to information they believe is accurate without proof, false evidence, or information used as an excuse to sustain their ideology and nature). I wonder if it could also be brought about by entitlement, selfish desires, emotional withdrawal, emotional trauma, emotional excuses, or perhaps a constant need for attention and assurance. It seems such a narrative could be more self-driven then externally driven meaning they create this reality themselves instead actual external variables influencing their behaviors. Perhaps they use a catalyst from outside variables as a means to sustain their ideology and in desire to improve. I think it would be a good idea to have resources in which to help females get more involved and motivated in their lives, to create, build meaningful relationships, improve themselves, improve their life, improve their self-worth and overall become leaders that set an example to other individuals; both males and other females. 

Being a guy who's had more female friends throughout the most of my life, I want to say the key elements a guy needs to befriend a female is being honest, being considerate, and being confident. A lot of guys seem to have a hard time with confidence. I want to say being confident is built from achieving things. The more you achieve the more you naturally feel confident. It can be as easily as mowing the lawn or finishing a larger project. I want to say confidence is knowing objectively about the world around you. Lastly I want to say being confidence is built upon knowing your authentic self and being friendly with others. I want to also add that the road to confidence is also the path of improving yourself and finding your trades and improving upon those as well.

Could the downfall or decline of humanity be due to its greed, pride, arrogance, and ignorance?
I agree to trust people by their actions and not their words. Perhaps I would also add to trust others on true facts about their ideology and historic track record of actions. 

An unfortunate consistent pattern in plus-size females that I meet and observe seems to be having a greater emotional state than other females, a common trait of lacking in self confidence (perhaps because of insecurities or rapid mental-emotional states), little desire to self improve, perhaps easily offended, and perhaps a desire of increased amounts of attention. It seems to be  consistent, perhaps it's situational based on life situations and circumstances, such as a desire to obtain personal freedom from living around family, or to fulfill an emotional need or personal narrative. 

I wonder if unity should be held to a higher priority in society. I'm hoping the way we use ethics, or how we behave and treat each other, can be the greatest tool to help build that social unity.
Spirit hero- A spirit with a strong ideology, presence, strive for good and uses their supernatural abilities to haunt those of the living who are greatly evil to the point of insanity, paranoia through terror, and suicide. Ultimately it's a supernatural force for good. 

In the controversial or seemingly crazy idea that there is a space or galactic federation where a council of extraterrestrial entities coexist and we need to be a single global entity to become a part of them, I believe the way humanity as of right now is doing the wrong procedures to become part of it. As of right now with globalism, it seems the approach we are taking is through the path of authoritarianism. This will be the worst approach if we are to approach to become part of a galactic federation as it show we cannot be trusted due to how we treated our other fellow humans. The correct approach is to improve humanity as much as possible by improving it's evolution, intelligence, intellectuality, ethics, and to allow humanity to thrive where it can provide the greatest solutions and resources to the galactic federation. Just as we saw with post Germany with the Berlin wall, on the Russian authoritarian side we see a lack of innovation where on the more free American and British side, we see thriving and productive economies. Great minds, innovations, solutions, and ideas are lost when there is a system of control, consolidation, and centralization. Moreover, the federation would most likely have single leaders as representatives to their home worlds. I believe it's possible to have a group of human diplomats that can act a single entity on behalf of Earth. Earth governments can elect representatives to be an group of diplomats that will talk on behalf of Earth and it's goals and interests. It shouldn't be up to an elite. If members of a galactic federation had access to improved technology, it would be possible they know what to expect from a premature or potentially deceitful intelligent species. 

"Relationship Push-Realization" and "Relationship Interest Difference". A guy acting as a potential candidate of a boyfriend or intimate and close friend might be faced with a double edge sword if they were to tell the complete truth about their intentions. It could be that a guy doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy if he were to tell a female he's been nice to or sexually active with that he has no interest in dating or further engaging in a relationship. If he were to tell the honest truth, she could resent and easily hate him as she might of been pushing or thinking about furthering the relationship into something more official, intimate, or towards marital engagement. It's possible that a guy who doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy lies to the person he is nice to or intimate with and fulfills her interest just to not be the bad guy despite his personal intentions. Often guys would like to have sex and move on to the next female as they procure sexual interests,challenges, and fantasies; however, a female might become more attached or serve a greater interest to where the guy might not want but goes along anyways to prevent themselves from looking like the bad guy and seemingly taking advantage of their partner. If he tells her the truth that he's only interested in the sex, she will resent him which creates conflict they would desire to avoid. If he proceeds with her interests, he might not be truly happy. In this game of relationships, even good guys can be labeled as bad guys if they lead a partner on emotionally. The correct procedure that I have found is to tell a partner what one is truly interested in, be honest about their intentions, and to state their interest upon initial encounter. Females commonly want a single partner to give them the attention, love, and affection they desire. They want a partner to fulfill their emotional desires, needs, and interests. By stating one's intentions, a female knows what they are getting themselves into, what are the expectations, and a foundation where any attachments can be disputed. Furthermore, females who understand the truth of male intentions and interests and develop a mutual understanding, an acceptance of the male desires, or have the same interest (sexually and nonsexual) can end up intimate, close, or well known friends without gender barriers, common interaction limitations, and can find themselves to behave freely without judgment of each other. 

 (sexual; term) Ero-libertism - Philosophy that sex and nudity should be a practice of liberty. It comes from an idea to build on a private or growing community that allows for the coexistence of sexual behavior through consent. It also comes from the idea that sexuality can be respected, enjoyed openly, and even adopt more innocent or moderate values that do not involve intercourse. 

I think if you're looking at people through many other the globalists or Davos Group (Bill gates and World Economic Forums) perspective you're looking at people as a variable or commodity and not as humans with diverse lifestyles, ideas, and opinions. This is part of Resource Theory which was made by Carl Marx. I believe its wrong to look at people with the idea they are assets, variables, or pieces in a system. It's also wrong to define a standard lifestyle in which a single or an elite group of people believes will make every other person in society thrive and be happy. People are people and not a form of resource. They are not variable that needs to be taken care of. Every single person is important, should be respected, and we should have a system which gives them the ability for them to do and try new things and provide according to their idea of lifestyles and what makes them happy and live bountiful, meaningful, and fulfilling lives. People should be given all the tools necessary so that they can build a thriving and prosperous society. For example they should be given the tools like rich education with various options. Education that teaches them ethics, to critically think, and become intellectual while also preparing them for life and giving them the foundation to be an asset or leader in society. 

(Invention; technology) Reality to digital Virtual reality isn't invented yet. Its where you flood the room with intelligent lasers that simulates a digital virtual reality environment similar to digital virtual reality with renewable pixels but using space in reality. Its where lasers can intersect with each other and just like a 3d space it can make a grid and insert points or pixels in real space. The player can walk around in it and the lasers pick up their location, movements, facial expression, mouth visemes, and what objects they interact with. Imagine playing vrchat without a vr headset in a 5x5 or 10x10 space that felt infinite. A cage system similar to steam vr can still be used to prevent from touching real world objects. This is the kind of vr I would like to use. Controllers can still be used to provide with mobility in 3D space and interactivity while still staying in one place.

I think sometimes when you work in an environment where you rely on memos and information closely and the bigger picture isn't so clear, it might be that sometimes outside sources/opinions might be necessary. When you have others from the outside look at the overall clear big picture, they could see things you don't.

(legal system idea) I think we should invent something called an Edge-Warning or Edge-Warning debate court. An Edge-Warning is a warning to individuals that they are overlapping civil liberties and affecting the integrity of society. Going a step further perhaps we should have an Edge-Warning debate court system. Perhaps this can be used to take people into something called a debate court where a person can testify by providing needed answers desired by the public. Perhaps people in public can pay a person for being in court and using their time to get the answers they desire. Perhaps people can also pay them to testify legally by putting their hand on the bible to not lie as they are in a form of a legal soft court system where they are to provide honest answers and evidence can be gathered to go to an actual court. This soft court system can be enacted immediately in a matter of hours and evidence can be gathered for a court proceeding if things are not answered or met honestly. This system could put political leaders, corporate leaders, and other shady individuals in the hot seat where people can get the answers they need to ensure the health of society and systems. 

(invention; contract ideas) I believe we should invent a standard to make video contracts/ agreements a real world application. I believe instead of using written contracts which takes a long time to read and digest, we should have video contracts where individuals can provide an e-signature at the end of a video (it can be secured by a time graphics displayed on screen and embedded in the video file).  Watching a contract should save much more time efficient than reading it. Perhaps taking this idea further, perhaps we should have various contract formats. We can use the methods in which people learn, (such as hands-on, visual, auditory ...etc) and provide individuals with mediums that work best for their contracts. Imagine having a an audible contract or having a virtual reality contract in an electronic file (secured by block-chain data). Perhaps having options can allow people to comprehend material and create more effective contracts.

(intellectual society) The problem is that I believe people are not truly at the point of high intelligence for a modern society. I believe everyone if not most individuals in a modern society should be at an intelligent and intellectual level that they have the ability to improve ever industry and area or society to it's peak performance. The only societies i have seen this happen in is Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Taiwan..ect. I believe it is critical to build a society that is highly intellectual and highly intelligent where it knows a little bit about everything or that it specializes in something. I believe this starts with education and family life. Primarily, education should not demean an individual based on intelligence measures, IQ, or differences. It should have a way to cater to everyone in society. It should provide with a variety of education types and structures for students of similar patterns to learn with patterns that are best suited for them based on their mental behaviors. It should allow for methods so that everyone in society can learn and be highly intelligent and intellectual regardless of defects, intelligence levels, or perceived differences, capabilities, imperfections. It should cater to a variety of mindset/ mental structures (people who are more right brain or left brain). It should cater to a variety of teaching types that people learn best; such as hands on, auditory, perceptual, visual...ect. I believe it's critical that people in today's society should be highly intelligent; have an understanding of how everything works; have an understanding of how to survive (careers, jobs, and entrepreneurship; investing) and what's expected of them in society (including ethics). Everyone if not most people should be critical thinkers and have the capability to question everything and provide ways to improve everything. Overall, people should carry with them a set of principles, to keep trying, always find ways to improve, and continue to learn as much as possible about everything or something they want to be an expert in. Overall, people should learn to be leaders and inspire the generations under them (leadership is not about being better than everyone; there are many leadership styles, everyone should learn to be their own leader and uphold to ethics where everyone can be united and respectful). I also want to include that teachers also play an important role in the development of a highly intelligent and intellectual society. Teachers should have the ability to provide with the best teaching methodologies; they should spark student interest, imagination, and curiosity; teachers should have access to great tools and resources (including field trips; field-trips should be mandatory so that students can physically visit historic assets); provide students with variety when possible; build a relationship or create a structure that allow students to become leaders; and provide with the best teaching experiences possible. I also want to state students should be respectful to the teacher and the school and the teacher should be respectful to the students and their families. Family life and family health is also the next step for a highly intelligent and intellectual society. Families should uphold family ethics and maintain a highly integral family life and structure that allows their off-springs with the ability to be respected students and leaders. 

(work culture) I disagree that work is a reason for living life. Workers in an authoritarian ideology becomes a variable or resource where all people work to cater towards elites desires (or economic desires). In American culture I agree that work is good and healthy for you, but I believe it shouldn't be the reason of life and it shouldn't consume ones life. In my opinion, when one works, it's for a reason; such as to create wealth or retirement (if retirement is possible and reasonable to live from at an old age), create startup capital for a business idea or invention, to learn business, or to take care of family. There should be a reason for working. Looking at American culture and large corporation consolidating of smaller businesses by buying them out, intimidating them with legal harassment, or buying them out to affect their industry then closing them down to manipulate industries and markets in their favors, I feel it's necessary to say that people shouldn't consider working for massive corporations that don't provide value or as much value in a person's life. Working should be something that contributes to the enrichment of their own lives. It should be that it makes a person feel happy, have meaning, or have a sense of belonging. When I see people spend too much time working and barely making a living, I feel I have to ask why do they live like this? The problem of a high cost of living is a tremendous problem in itself, but working for something that provides little wealth and value back to me is absurd. I would think that people would see that they trade money for time when working in life. It's insane to work without a reason and get so little back. That leaves me to state my own opinions about work which is that I believe work should help build some sort of value for oneself. It should build value for oneself  outside the influence of culture of large corporations. There should be a reason one works. Is it to learn or obtain something? Is it to obtain enough money that you can build something yourself? Personally, if I'm not building something I enjoy, find value in, has meaning, or that i can help build and grow, it doesn't have value to me nor deserves my time and energy. The idea to work to live in insane in my eyes. The authoritarian ideology to work to support a system, is also insane to me. Life is precious; time is precious. Nobody should waste their time with a low wage job with little personal value aside from monetary gain. Instead I feel it is better to build something themselves. I also suggest to not let corporations determine one's value, do not let systems determine your value. You determine your value. You find what brings value to you and use that as a way to build wealth and build the world and lifestyle you want to live in.

(Invention idea) It would be interesting to have a freeware video streaming and live streaming application where people can easily use it on their own websites or create their own website channels. Perhaps there aren't any comments or likes, but it would be interesting as something simply to have. In addition to this idea it would also be great that everyone obtains freeware software where they could host their own websites from home servers or home computers acting as servers.

(Homeless program idea) I had the crazy idea to have a homeless program where participants could become homeless for a week in a secure and monitored environment. Individuals in this program can see what it is like to have nothing. I'm sure a program like this will teach people about the realities or hardships of life, appreciation of what one has, and humility towards others. This could perhaps also be a program one can have instead of serving community service. 

I like to suggest that if one has any ideas on anything that they should write it down and keep these ideas in a secure place. I believe the more ideas the better, even if they're easily outdated. Perhaps in the future, one will have enough resources to carry out the ideas. Perhaps looking back on these ideas may offer a way to be inspired. Moreover, when one gets older, often individuals lose ideas or the mental capability to retain ideas. If they have kept all their ideas, they could use them or show them to others as a good form of memory preservation. 

If I were to have my own society by design, I would have it that even the very mention of fatally injuring someone more-less fatally eliminating someone would be a extremely barbaric and colossal exaggerate extreme. 

Intellectual worker - someone who looks for improvements and solutions in systems, society, industries, culture, products, and law. 

(sexual; millennial mindset; personal info) I enjoy being a bit of a lewd boi. I would only intimately approach my friends in real life if they give me the consent to. Aside from that I don't mind being in the nude around them. I like the idea to have an open and intimate culture. I love to have an intimate culture that allows me to be close and intimate with friends, allows me to interact with them in a way people usually set up boundaries. If they give me consent, I like to see what they are okay with and what are hard boundaries. If things are sexual, i like to see if they like "soft" sexuality where there is only touching, tasting, cuddling, and intimate behavior with no intercourse. I love the intimacy because it allows me to build stronger, more intimate, extremely close, and honest friendships. I like the idea of being a guy but being cohesive with the opposite gender where there seems there are no differences between us. Cohesiveness that allow me to participate in the world in their thoughts, lifestyles, and interests. I like the idea to be honest and my authentic self where even though we do soft or light sexual activity or "sexual play", they know what I want, what I consent to, and where I stand. I set this structure in advance where I will tell them that I enjoy being lewd, I love sexual activity, and tell them these are the expectations of being my friend; and if they don't like it, I respect that and they can always make friends with someone else. I enjoy a deep and intimate close friendship where i can be sexual using soft-sexual activities and still be friends (no intercourse unless with consent). However, if they are okay with my conditions then they will have me as a very close friend. If they want to have someone in their life that they can have the freedom and openness to do whatever they want with (with consent), then they can have me as a close friend for life. So far this ideology has made me some of the most loving and most intimate lady-friends I have ever had. Even to this day we tell each other secrets, hang out, and even tell each other we love each other at a playful friendly level (you can love people on different levels). Because of this ideology, I have had many lady friends both in real life and online and I hope to keep having friends until I find a friend that I undeniably cannot live without and build a meaningful friendship to where we find ourselves interested in each other (if I get rejected, it's okay. It takes an act of non personal-influencing integrity to stay as friends and to continue to build great memories; after all love is also about letting go so that others you love can be happy). For females that easily fall in love, it's often seemingly hard for them to not fall in love with someone of this ideology. It depends on what your interests are and to tell them what you want (after telling them your expectations in advance) and be honest; but be honest in a way it doesn't hurt their feelings. The way you use words is very powerful. Also, if you state this in advance, they should already know your interests and where you stand. Even the lady-friends I politely decline who express feelings for me, I am still close friends with. It's a continuous battle when they expression of their emotions toward someone they love. Even though the emotions are a battle, it's with ethics we continue to support, have fun, and provide value for each other as friends. // lol keep in mind lady-friends do get jealous around other girls so only introduce each other when they want, otherwise see them individually. Also ethics is important because without it, you'll find loads of drama (dramas are like fires, you have to put them out. Best way to put them out is with honesty; lies will only fuel the flames).

I think society should adopt a culture where it's initially to be polite but when one asks for their honesty, they should give complete honesty in a respectful, polite, and ethical way.

(ethics words) I find a lot of value in using these words: Unfortunately, surely, perhaps, I think, I believe, I feel, could it be, according to, I wonder, it would be interesting...etc. Using words like this can improve being accurate in conveying thoughts and ideas as well as saying things in a way where it's ethical, builds upon integral/respectful discussions and debates, and helps create relief in seemingly difficult statements, ideas, or seemingly harsh truths. 

(politics idea) Perhaps we should have something called Accountability Crimes for the political and elected leaders class. Perhaps we should operate under the idea that the country is a ship and if the leaders are the captains, they are responsible for the highest decisions of the ship and should be help accountable. The way Accountability Crimes work is that politicians and elected officials need to defend their positions and decisions and address to the people the reasons they do things otherwise they have to step down or will be forcefully removed and perhaps put into prison if laws are broken. 

(law ideas) Retraction hearings - a law where people need to show up in court if a person smeared their character with lies. This is to debunk lies and disinformation. If a person has lied, they are to directly apologize to the person they smeared. They also need to retract any evidence of lies and replace it with an apology and correction. 

Anthro-interpellators -an individual or individuals who study and improve a habitable area. They create future visions of a habitable space and build it up to the best of their ability to provide with the best quality of living standards for individuals and society. 

(maybe) Should we have two form of laws or categories of government? Should we label laws or government policies as essential and nonessential meaning things that are critical and that we need and things that we can live without? Perhaps an example essential could be health and safety laws needed to not harm consumers in the food industry. The reason is to have a clear understanding on principle features of government. Another thought it to have this help free the markets and let people come up with new solutions instead of relying on government. 

I believe life is much more better than death. As seen with the evidence of ghost boxes, dead individuals seem to be stuck in eternal limbo some desiring a path to the light. What this means I do not know, but the evidence I've collected is that the after life seems like an eternal stale limbo; therefore, it's better to be alive and live the best life possible on earth. 

Should government sell packages to individuals instead of requiring them to pay taxes? Should they vote on tax packages with their money? Another idea could be that if they were to require paying taxes, perhaps they can choose the packages they are willing to fund with their tax dollars. I personally love the idea to obtain a profile on a secure government network and allocate my tax funding to tax funding packages and choose what I want to fund on behalf of what I believe in and how much I want to fund it. 

I agree with the quote "the path to hell is paved with good intentions". I believe a society has to be cautious over every major critical life-influencing decision it makes. It has to obtain every variable and piece of detail necessary to ensure the integrity and good intentions of a dramatic decision. 

The global elites use the excuse they are building a better future. I think the elites use the excuse they are doing the right thing so that the world doesn't see them as ideological irrational when in reality their true intentions are complete diabolical and absolutely irrational for the desire of power and control. In a sophisticated, intellectual, and intelligent civilized society, authoritarianism is never a solution. When given the chance, authoritarianism always rises, disrupts, and tries to obtain more control. Authoritarianism in the future ends up in disaster due to the need to maintain control and lack of intellectual and intelligent capabilities. Any authoritative regime uses existing or conflicts they create themselves to obtain power and control. Often they create the conflict and have or are the solution. Authoritarianism is never about decisions and variety and always about consolidation and control. Always its up to their small group of decision makers to make decisions when if a society is not under their authoritarian rule, all of society with millions of minds have the ability to come up with greater ideas, decisions, and solutions. I believe authoritarianism is never a solution, should never be an option, it's better to remove oneself from involving themselves with an authoritarian, and all rising authoritarian groups should be removed immediately from involvement from any industry. Surely people know their history that when authoritarians eventually obtain a role in power, they almost always eliminate those who helped them. 

I think when in a world ruled by authoritarianism, secrecy, silence, strategy, and loyalty of truth and good is key to it's long and gradual overthrow. 

I talked to about the importance of truthful and critical information and the importance of learning and knowing the truth. Unfortunately the person I was talking to believes since they are a nobody with no real power, they shouldn't care what happens on the higher levels of politics. I told him that when the truth unites and creates a force or movement, if has the powerful potential or ability to demonstrate change. Journalists are the most important part of a society because critical information can flow through them. Objective journalists should be held as a important role in society. 

Working is good; however, for the average worker it is not to good for consuming important information and doing personal research because often much time and energy is at work with relatively no time or interest to dedicate to personal research, studies, and consuming valuable information. 

I think Americans work to much and do not gain enough because of inflation, value of the dollar, and often higher cost in goods. I believe everything should be balanced be at a value where working can cover most expenses. In the 50s things were a lot more cheap and affordable. I understand the cost of making goods have become more sophisticated; however, with volume of manufacturing, you'd think innovation would lower costs. 

I think a republic has shown it's weakness as the possibility to be ruled over by a mob when it becomes too big. I think the overall solution is more strict laws, more strict investigations, less term limits, and more public hears to answer questions for politicians can be a decent solution but still temporary if it becomes larger. Perhaps small government with less power is the only solution.

I wonder if a government can get organized and have ganban like list of bills, investigations, and courts they are having to get more Americans involved. 

In the crazy event that we do live in a wildly authoritarian system, it would be up to silence, secrecy, code, and a step ahead strategy would be the only way to survive. Perhaps reestablish secret community with it's own innovations in intelligence gathering and counter intelligence. I hope it never comes to that. Such a reality would be very frightening. 

(relationship) Unfortunately I notice females tend to drag the mood down when they are feeling negative. Perhaps giving them space would be the better option. 

I wonder how do you stop an irrational mob. My first thought would be debate and logic, but in todays times, I'm not sure what would help. Perhaps it cannot be helped at all. I also noticed power is commonly consolidated by authoritarians by uniting with other authoritarians and making agreements.
I had an idea for a neo-republic. This would be a republic system using shared universal rules, regulations, and agreements. I think it would be a good idea to have this at a city level so that we can varying forms of freedom and systems. All systems share the same agreement of peace through strength. All systems share a union with no centralized station. I wonder what people would think of this idea? It's like going back to the Sumerian days except without a desire for expansion or consolidation or centralization for greed and power. 

Could a mindset become more empowered if the idea of shame is numbed/removed and more numbers to one's side builds a feeling of status of self-perceived feeling of power?

I wonder if a republic could utilize a Catch 22 system. This is a system where if one person if performing a particular assignment, their assignment affects the assignments of others. If a person becomes corrupts or doesn't perform, could it break this system cycle and warrant an investigation? Moreover, perhaps this is an idea that allows corruption to be traced and the corrupt individual, removed. Overall, it becomes a natural form of checks and balances.
(term) Hive mind stagnation - The idea that a population is suppressed of ideas, logic, and critical thinking and all aspects of society is ruled by authoritarianism, conditioning, and surveillance. Mental stagnation of ideas and concepts lacks at the top elite class due to collective stagnation in ideas, ideologies, thoughts, thinking, creativity, beliefs, and views. It's a society that eventually decays into a meaningless and redundant void society of obedience and mundane structured purpose. I think even it's leaders and elites will loose meaning and purpose resulting in it's own destruction. 

Authoritarians look to make slaves and followers. Eventually a ruled people find themselves slaves and don't even know they are slaves due to the systems they ignored. It eventually becomes their nature. If a person of intellectual skills tried to liberate them, they would fail because it has become a comfort. It's all the know and might fight to protect it. I like the  quote and i really think it drives the point, "I wish i could have saved more. Slavery and obedience to their masters is all they know. If only they knew they were slaves." Personally, i think this is why people should know the truth. I think those who think they have no need for the truth, no need to know, are unfortunately already with the mindset to be turned into a slave. 

I think if I ran a country as a ruler and I formed a union, I would give individual states or cities the dynamic tool to split apart from the union anytime if it doesn't serve their goals, desires, expectations, or satisfaction. 

I would add laws for multinational corporations. Perhaps laws for allowing multinational corporations to do business in a country. 

Perhaps there should be addresses for politicians where it's mandatory for them to state or report their opinions, actions, and desires as if a reality show. 

It seems likely the more larger a government gets, the more it has the opportunity to do as it desires without accountability. Therefore, perhaps the larger it is should be calculated as a percentage and according to the percentage, the more strict and regulated politicians should be carrying out agendas. 
Perhaps an idea is to have a government website or resource where individuals who feel they do not have a voice can make their voices heard. Perhaps this can encourage political figures or demonstrate what is more desirable by citizens. 

I think power resides in perception if it's believable. If you have the confidence and can influence others to believe you using the idea that your of a higher level of authority or status, people could be influenced by their perception of you due to your perceived power and status.
For a long time, I just want to be free, live life like normal, make ideas, influence and improve things, make games, make art, read books and learn, be myself, and improve myself in any way possible to be of more value to myself and the world around me. 

Should we have an calculated leveraging economy runned by algorithms and mathematical structures? Perhaps this can ensure balance in an economy and live comfortably around a reasonable comfort and prosperous range. Perhaps it can even balance the cost of living. 

Perhaps the destruction of structures and systems comes with planned and purposeful ignorance. 

I think government starts to fail when politicians are not held accountable for their action and are allowed to continue with questionable agendas with given evidence. Perhaps politicians should redo their oath to the constitution and maybe bible where they adhere to show confidence of compromise to their citizens (and not party). Perhaps they should do an oath where they ensure the people of the country that they mean well and are will do their best to improve and provide with honesty. I think this can be called The Ethics Adherence Oath of the County.  

I think radical political agendas lack investigation. Conspiracies lack investigation. Perhaps objective answers for widespread questions demand investigation. I think a republic's greatest tool is investigation; followed by nonbiased reporting and journalism. 

I wonder if the idea of a Federal-Socio Hearing's Court (FSHC) is a good idea. It's a court where average working-class individuals can present their ideas, express their opinions, conduct scheduled debates using an individual-to-individual debates structures or public shout and order structure system style debate to debate each other's opinions. It would be great to have such a court at the state level and when not in a debate, they can express themselves in one hour for whatever idea they want to propose. Perhaps this can be a televised or radio program where thoughts can be challenged, claims made public, and voices heard. 

Perhaps there should be a law that a person with an unconstitutional and irrational agenda that cannot explain or provide reason or evidence of their decisions can be declared as not mentally fit for office or their position (I believe we cannot have children in highly important positions of power). Perhaps there should also be a mandatory oath statement to the the citizens, the country, those who gave their lives, and to the position every morning that shows respect and humility for their duties and actions. Perhaps this can be a reminder for politicians every morning who they work for, who they serve, and how they are borrow the time and resources from the people to conduct their honest duties. I think this can be used to show respect for the country, it's citizens, and those who gave their life for the country and its freedom, and for their government. When I took Japanese class in college, for the first week the teacher greeted us every morning with a formal address as a demonstration of respect to the students and the school. Perhaps we should do the same to the Congress and the political court system. Respect for all the variables can bring about respect in one's duties. 

I wonder if we should make a special contingency or tools in case foreign influence, foreign agendas, or special interest has too much influence in the government. 

I believe anyone can learn anything as long as they find out the method that provides the best learning results.

(invention) I do believe computational linguistics, neuro networks, machine learning, and AI could aid people in daily activity. I believe it can be a great tool for getting others to remember things, seek information, make decisions, and perhaps visual aid in day to day life. Perhaps those with low IQ and cognitive ability can use this as a natural way to learn while going about the average day. Overtime, they will naturally be intelligent as they accumulated passive learning without knowing. Such a tool needs to also be aware of propaganda and irrational conditioning strategies. In addition, perhaps we can use this in politics to determine the outcome of political decisions to produce a desirable outcome.

Techno-comfortablility - establishing a comfortable social pace for technological advancement.

I think if people have irrational desires, want to experiment doing something taboo or questionable, or want to roleplay they should do so in virtual reality where it's more safe and it doesn't impact the real world. Perhaps this could be a method to getting people to develop themselves and getting out the ideas that could have consequences in real life.

I believe those who don't pay attention to politics will become a product of it. 

I believe conspiracy is just another word for "needing investigation". I think we should investigate everything despite how ridiculous it is. I also believe investigations are the tools to protect and preserve a republic. 

I agree with the idea to leave the world a better place then when you found it.

I think I would like to add my thoughts on the ideology of grifters and creators. Creators want to build and provide themselves with self purpose and self created meaningful value. This gives them purpose and a way to continue life with value and motivation. Those who are grifters perhaps believe that life is purposeless and meaningless and it's fun to watching things be destroyed. I think in the long term those who are creators thrive where grifters end in eventual cultural and self and societal demise. Perhaps their self demise is due to the lack of accountability. Moreover, I think it's not until when they see something extraordinary that provides with a value to themselves that they begin to change and create. Perhaps to test this hypothesis is to have a grifter be in the presence of builders and those who create, then they will also have a desire to create instead of grifting as their thoughts are shaped by environment. 

I think what is unique about roleplays and experiencing what one reads in a story, movie, comics, or game is that one can self develop themselves by experiencing what others are experiencing. Perhaps this is something in stories and narratives that does not get the attention it should have. I think it helps expand the mind, experience emotions that one would normally never experience in the real world, and overall has the potential to further develop oneself by taking away ideas, narratives, and lessons through self discovery and development. 

It seems to me freedom is only sustainable for 100 to 200 years. Then eventually it becomes influenced by alternate ideologies and evolving agendas. 

Could it be the future of a society in which there is an elite class that rules over others that they eventually formulize their own elite societies and factions and eventual recreate tribes and eventual feudalism? I'm sure even with an evolving elite class, it will continue to expand and create it's own society. I think those at the bottom unrelated to the elite class, who work as practically slaves to the elite class, could find themselves without purpose after their elite class members eliminate each other at the top. If they do not have the intelligence, logic and reasoning, or capability to be intellectual, chances are they will devolve into a ancient time period era of logic where they would have to relearn how to farm simply to survive. However, given time, Earth reclaims what's theirs allowing growth to dominate urban areas eventually resulting the organic landscapes it was originally. I think the only item that would more-than-likely still exist would be stainless metals. Nevertheless, depending on the outcome of humanity, if it completes it's destination to colonize other plants or thrive in space, the sun will eventually leave the Earth's habitable zone resulting in the eventual demise of humans as a species. 

I wonder if it's truth that those who are insane or neurotic reside around power structures, great institutions, or in places of great wealth, status, and power. 

I disagree greatly that obedience is ethics. I agree that it is not ethics. I think one should obey when it's logical to do so and with reason. I believe obedience should always be challenged with logic. I think people should obey when there is a good reason. 

Genius brains are constantly evolving. I'd like to say it starts with practicing to be intellectual, self-examination and mental maturity, personal development and improvement, obtaining information, challenging information for accuracy (the more accurate, the more applicable and predictable to reality), and overall constantly thinking as a way to practice neuro plasticity and neuro-networking/ brain functionality, learning and using logic and reasoning. 

(antifascist laws) Should there be antifascist laws? My idea for antifascist laws would be: 1. Markets cannot be artificially manipulated to make a controlled economy. The free market must be protected and preserved. 2. All ideas, situations, and narratives labeled conspiracy require immediate investigation despite how absurd. Perhaps a "Bureau of Conspiracy" can be established to investigate cases. 3. Media is prohibited to be involved in obvious and extreme propaganda. Any proven propaganda towards an irrational extreme agenda that does not serve the founders intentions of the US should be fined and organization or entity eventually removed if continued. Media also follows a rating to where if they rank low and consistently fail to provide accurate evidence and proper journalism, then they will be fined. Fines will be multiplied as time goes on. 4. Politically influenced martial law on behalf of an irrational or power hungry agenda will result in immediate expulsion of office for political figures. 5. Political figures must abide strictly to the constitution and must provide reason and logic of their political actions. Perhaps an Oath of "Constitutional Good Will and Adherence" is a good idea. 6. Mental manipulation strategies and psychological warfare is strictly prohibited upon civilian use. 7. A culture of intimidation, display of authoritarianism, and a demonstration of personal revenge or desires upon citizens is strictly prohibited and will result a removal from office. 8. There will be no propaganda and forced political influence in academic education. All information in an academic environment is unbiased allowing students to make their own decisions. 8. There will be no barriers on an individual's right to work and carry out their daily duties. 9. Families will not be influenced by forced political ideologies and agendas. 10. The right of transportation, travel, and legal migration will not be tampered with by political influence. 11. Language and terminology influence based on political interest and agendas is prohibited. 12. Negative labels upon citizens on behalf of political agendas is prohibited. 13.The right to vote will not be tampered with. There is to be a maintenance above a level of voter integrity, anything bellow a voter integrity amount providing many voter irregularities disqualifies votes and a state will have to vote again. All votes must be of a highest protection and integrity. Any slight irregularity or negative influence could disqualify a state vote. Votes must be around 95% in absolute accuracy. 14. Politicians have authoritarian ratings which builds a case that if they are above a certain amount of ratings, a case is presented calling for their resignation. The idea is to eliminate the mentally ill, criminally minded, and those of are under the mental illness of political control and dominance who desire too much power (this idea is operating under the principle that those who irrationally crave power seek occupations near power). 15. Politicians are to provide accurate evidence that what they are doing is good for a country and why, and under what political ideology and evidence are they making decisions under. This idea will be more of proving the accuracy of the science and removing it from political agendas. This is also to call for a level of transparency and honesty in an administration. Greatly dishonest politicians will have a case built against them and they will be removed from office after reaching a certain dishonesty level. Science and psychology in government will be the tools to extract those who are mentally ill and who are authoritarians seeking political power. 16. The United States politicians, government communities, and military cannot use martial law or any authority to indocrinate, eradicate, or persecute citizens. 17. The government  and it's communities cannot conduct unlawful surveillance again citizens. This includes conducting surveillance utilizing other countries and their intelligence and technologies. 18.The government and it's policies cannot influence free speech and must protect journalists and the press. Anyone politician who calls upon the removal or influences the right of free speech is to be removed from office. 19. Political figures are prohibited from accepting contribution and lobby money from organization, corporations, and other entities that are involved with fascistic, totalitarian, or or overly authoritarian movements, organizations, or foreign governments. 20 The media and political parties are prohibited from using a double standard strategies. They are to abide by the honesty ratings and provide the most accurate information at all times otherwise their will be removed from office or endure multiplied fines. 

Perhaps it's a good idea that an oath against fascism and totalitarianism would be a good idea during inauguration of a president, congressmen, and high political officials. 

United States Adaptive Treaty - an idea of a treaty that allows states to enter and exit the United States union at will or by vote when they feel the government and it's policies represent them or are beneficial. This comes from an idea that states can be dynamic with their succession and rejoining the United States union at will or upon voting in an election. Doing this will naturally limit the size of government and the potential power it has. This gives more powers to the states and it's local governments. 

I believe it's a good idea that there should be no party affiliation on ballots so it forces voters to research people they are voting for. It's also a good recommendation to have party leaders to announce a list of individuals they are endorsing. In addition to this, I would also add to allow voters to leave slots blank if they desire to vote for nobody. 

I had the idea to create a new federal branch called a Federal Ethics Committee. The idea is to examine the level of ethics provided in government and build a case for honesty, integrity, and transparency for individuals in politics. This committee allows political figures to be on a rating system. If they fail under a certain rating, they will nag political figures that their levels are too low and they run the risk of having a case brought up against them which could result in their resignation. The goal is to have no mentally ill, authoritarian, or sketchy politicians. 

(maybe) This is probably irrelevant but I had the crazy idea to allow for ideas that give more freedoms or lifestyle narrative to people in certain areas. Perhaps we can make narrative zoning laws. A narrative zoning law, NZL, is a zone or designated area that allows for unique declared values. Such as areas where people are allowed to live in a lifestyle that could be considered controversial to average society. When individuals travel to such areas, they can read the rules as they enter the zone. Having NZLs will allow individuals to experience alternate lifestyles and ways to think that is outside the usual realm of society. Perhaps ideas like this could be like living simple like the amish, living in a commune (for those who want the freedom to practice anarchism, marxism, or any -isms without becoming insane with the power to impose their ideas over others), living a naturalist or nudist lifestyle, or those who want to live in swinger or sexually active communities. 

Should we have an organization in government that trains and instructs presidents and political figures on behalf of ethics of goodwill? Imagine taking my idea of ethics and being able to instruct political members so that they behave in a manner that displays integrity, humility, honesty, and a high degree of ethics. I think this allows government to be perceived as a place where those who hold office are of the highest behavioral and ethical degree. Overtime, I think this will shape the mindsets of office and cause a natural form of respect to individuals in those important leadership positions. 

(Building wealth in society) Why should we raise people out of poverty? Why shouldn't we have a raised-in-wealth society? Many people believe people should be kept poor so that they can maintain power and wealth. There are those who use the excuse that it's because of their level of intelligence (which is a byproduct of education and the training for intellectuality, critical thinking, and mental maturity). Many of these individuals are brought up with the mindset of authoritarianism and that in order to achieve success, you need to outcompete or rule over others. What they fail to see is the vision of what a society looks like if everyone was brought up together with a standard of wealth which creates an improved quality of living and business. This is what separated the United States and Japan compared to other societies. When communities are raised in wealth, they can form a more close bond. Depending upon demographic, many places help each other and produce win-win situations to help others in their communities succeed. This idea was popular in the 1950s in the United States but seemed to have dissolved overtime. This idea can also be seen in Japan where companies go to each other to discuss ways they can both benefits from each other. Considering this idea, I had the idea along time ago that if a community worked with each other and formed a business-community rooted in ethics where competitors could work with each other instead of out-competing or ruin each other on behalf of competition that could allow for each other to both win and benefit making money. The current mindset of businesses is to out-competes each other which often creates conflict. I believe the tools for a win-win relationship can be through negotiation, incentives, and cooperation. An idea for an example of a win-win relationship in business can be negotiating when a product is released where it doesn't conflict with another business therefore both have a benefit in making money. I want to call this idea "business-hood" or "business-ship". Moreover, when businesses succeed, community succeeds. If we have an idea where communities are to help each other, everyone in a community and perhaps society can help each other build a standard of wealth which improves a quality of life. Communities that are in poverty can also benefit from this behavior. When those who are wealthy educate, train, and motivate those in poverty to build wealth and help others who are willing to change their life for the sake of improvement, then a community can be formed and a sense of wealth can be raised and grown. When a community or a society is raised to a certain level of wealth, ideas and a quality of living can be established allowing for more intimate and fruitful societies, improved quality for families, and solutions and innovations in systems and technology. Overall, everyone wins when a society is brought up to become wealthy and where business is allowed to produce and thrive. 

I think if businesses are consolidated, businesses are not allow to thrive, where startup businesses can't compete, where markets are controlled, where monopolies are fruitful then there is a corporotocracy which is a business form of authoritarinism. 

When it comes to grade-schoolers and high schoolers I think there needs to be a more simplified and digestible system of education. Students should learn from the beginning or learn from theory and build their knowledge. I also suggest methods in which students learn in a more social way which works along side of curiosity and making learning fun. I believe learning should be a unique and unforgettable experience. Like going though a journey. It should only be repetitive when the statistics show this is the best method of learning something, such as math or making art. As a game designer I think having a unique and unforgettable, and if possible a fun experience is how students will digest and learn material, retain information on a personal level,  develop their ability to critically think, develop their cognitive ability to think rationally and logically, and to obtain a level of personal knowledge as well as develop a way to obtain mental maturity. I believe doing this, utilizing psychology, using culture, and actively look for ways to improve education, we can teach any individual in society to become an individual who can create value in society. Overall, I believe the future to creating a reality of peace, prosperity, and improvement resides on having every member in society to be the best intellectually with the highest degree possible of knowledge given through methods that are proven successful through science. 

I wonder why is it that people do evil and intimidate others? I notice there are always people who enjoy doing evil whether it's supporting authoritarians, intimidating others, or demonstrating violence. There seems to never be individuals who fight for good or to prevent others from conducting harm. Why is it that I feel this? Is it because of them indulging in a power they have over others? Surely they see how irrational this is and how no good will ever come from it. Is it masking a weakness or insecurity within themselves? What could be their excuse? Could they be trained to be this way? What excuse would they use to allow this? Surely they would see themselves in the position of the person they are intimidating or doing harm to? Aren't they aware that what they are doing would resurface in the future and that they would have to be held countable much like the Nuremburg trials? If there is a reason they chose the side of evil, would it be cowardly to be on the side of those they think are winners despite internally having fear from the side they are gaining their power from? Is it because it's easy? Is it because if they do not perform their duties they could see themselves in the situation of the person they are irrational towards? Could it be a desire to obtain any power necessary for respect and to feel a sense of power, achievement, or safety? Could it be them thinking it's the only way to survive? I wonder why people take the side of evil when it's so easy. Why not go on the side of good which commonly comes back. Are they okay in living in a reality of darkness and suffering in which they helped to create? How could such an individual live with that in the conscious? The actions one takes today affect the future. I think it's likely to lead to a future where humanity kills itself off. Indeed it is much harder to stay alive then it is to persecute and eradicate. When will humanity learn. Perhaps it cannot be helped. What do I know, I'm only a thinker. 

I think people should have a way to voice their frustration and have their frustrations heard while also having it affect politicians and how they make money in government. Perhaps this can be done through ratings. If a rating is low for a politician, it could affect their paycheck dramatically. Perhaps this could be done by a tier list or performance brackets. If they do not perform, their paycheck goes down dramatically. If a politician does the right thing and people approve it, they can get paid more. Perhaps ratings can be done by rating ballots towards politicians. Rating ballots can be letters that have a negative rating sticker or a positive rating sticker. All ballots are treated like voter ballots and are counted at the end of the month/ or quarterly. I think this might be a good way to keep corruption out of politics. 

There should be an actual law that makes it illegal for individuals tested as psychopaths and sociopaths from taking political offices. All political officials should be screened before they run for office. 

I made a Kickstarter a long time ago that was very interesting. Captia: War Chest by Stanley Janoski III — Kickstarter Sadly it didn't take off. If if it did, I would be making my dream games and introducing my ideas tot he world. I found finally be able to knock off the stack of game design documents I have.

 I think there reaches a time when parents should start encouraging their offspring instead of demonizing them; despite how old they are. Parents are a good source for this because I think they should encourage their offspring to accomplish and achieve goals and develop skills as their offspring grows in development. I think a strategy can be that parents should start looking into what their offspring is good at and start strategizing on how to secretly improve that area without telling their offspring. Another strategy is to get them to perform tasks that they might find fun or that has logical reason. I also think it's important that offspring's achieve their own goals and develop a sense of achievement because this build self esteem, self-worth/value, a positive character, and leadership skills. If their offspring is too egocentric then they should to be taught humility. The key to having a fruitful and valuable member of society is balance. I want to believe a person should be well balanced. I think being a well balanced person allows a person to think for themselves which enables critical-thinking, which strengthen logic and reason, which strengthens leadership and principle, which strengthens achieving goals which progresses with achieving greater goals in life. I also believe offspring should be taught to never follow anyone but to be their own critique and their own source of decisions. They should be taught to make the best decisions because the result of a collection of good decisions overtime should be reward. 

I think there should be a respect for hardships. Perhaps schools should practice ways for meaningful hardship so that the struggle builds unity among others. Another thing hardship could teach is to keep going and not to give up. Perhaps students that don't give up builds mental fortitude and to achieve very difficult tasks.  

I think I should add "personal accountability and improvement" to the charter of ethics. 

In my research in history I learned before war starts and during war there are various actors each with their known values and contributions. There are the obvious actors like political leaders, military leaders, and influential leaders. However, there are also leaders that operate behind the scenes. There are those who go unnoticed who profit, gain, and obtain control from wars. 

Should the intention of going around the law and the constitution be considered in court? 

(future) I think in the future we live in an environment that people grow organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs in an outhouse where AI, machines, and automation raises and grows things. 

Looking at history, I want to think almost every large totalitarian regime has a great purge of people for power because of ideology. Perhaps those who do not protect or prevent such measures from expanding normally become part of it eventually. Freedom is very fragile and seems to only last 200 years. Normally the expansion of authoritarianism drives people with logic and reason to become silent or to become the minority and to adopt, follow, and not question newly installed ideologies and to proceed with the regime if the new regime doesn't wipe them all out. I think it's crazy how one can watch a dictⓐtor, authoritarian, or regime leader rise to power and how there is so little resistance to stopping their rise of power. I believe this is democracy's weakness relies. Perhaps when there are dramatic foresight of authoritarian paths a leader or body can take given the evidence, there should be more resistance before it happens. Perhaps there can be laws in this area to prevent authoritarian regimes from enacting irrational policies and agendas before they are enacted. I believe there should be more accountability and commentary asking questions, starting debates, paths of actions/plans, and overall to address important points before agendas are carried out. Nevertheless, after a great purge, the cycles of government continue. Real freedom rarely resurfaces after long periods of authoritarianism. I think with technology and psychological infrustructuring and engineering, it may be an extremely long time before real freedom resurfaces again. 

Looking more into history, the most absurd, dangerous, and irrational occurrences seem to go behind the scenes. Perhaps there is a lot in history that goes ignored, unnoticed, or hidden. 

I would NEVER do suicide and I would encourage others to never think about it. Instead, I would recommend others to move to a new place and to start over with a new life under a new alias. 

(02/02/21) My goal as of now has been changed as I don't feel safe in the U.S. anymore due to it's unstable political environment. Therefore, I am setting my goals and vision to Brazil. It's a place I am familiar with and my new goal will be to make a company in game there. I already have ties to programmers and I am expected to show up there to discuss how to go about making this company. My family and many friend are also expecting me there and to help me get situated. They are also expecting my dad to be along side me and hopefully together we can do something to build a new future and help others in Brazil. He's good with vehicles and welding. I'm good with visualization, simulation, and a variety of other more intellectual things. I plan to make comics and animation if I can get my Cintiq in time. I will also be making art and traveling to see the rest of my family that I haven't seen in many years. I look forward to a new life in Brazil and the various challenges I will have to adopt and overcome. I don't know if I will blog as much or if I will stop entirely. We shall see. 

Could it be a country without guilt or shame is a country in decline? Could it be that guilt and shame be the recentering or realignment of values in a country? 

Outrage station idea: this is a place where let out their anger, frustrations, and express themselves openly while punching a punching bag. These places can be open or enclosed private places. It's okay for others to watch and ask questions when you allow them. People in these places should try and be logical when they are expressing themselves. People should understand if another is acting irrational and are not in a rational state of mind. It would be appropriate if individuals can ask questions over what are they angry about or what would be the result or outcome they wanted? I think these station can be put in police station, legal places, offices, in schools, and in parks. It will give people the opportunity to voice their desires out into the world, express themselves openly, and let out their anger and rage in an appropriate environment. The culture around each station is to "let it out!" This is a place where free speech is necessary. Screaming, yelling, and crying is welcomed here. The goal is to release and to cool off later. 

Logic and reason is important so that you can separate accurate information from propaganda. If logic and reason is not practiced, I feel I can say that one can life in a semi state of ignorance or self-perceived cognitive reality in which they do not actually know what is happening in the world around them and truly know what the world does what is does. They might not understand systems and why things are the way they are and how they work the way they work. I feel I can say they only understand what is external that influences themselves. I think this could cause individuals to live in a state of fear or delusion. The more they question things and learn with accurate information, the more the gifts of logic and reason will be further developed. I think anything that is obscure and unclear will be made clear and recognizable over time. 

I believe in a meritocracy where the most talented, intellectual, and intelligent of individuals should be in leadership positions. I think individuals who would be sorted and separated out when they display traits of being a sociopath or psychopath. I also agree with Tim's Cast that there should be another branch of government utilizing demarchy where a random individual in society is sent to DC for a month to read through a bunch of material and to vote for a solution. Each individual should be selected based on multiple parties. The goal of this to hear the average person's perspective on a vote. 

(Stanley's Curse; dark; political) If I am to die with my freedoms removed, rights stripped away, trialed unjustly, labeled something I am not, and greatly mistreated, I will hold the oath to myself to haunt every individual who is connected to my death. From minor orders at the bottom to the leaders at the top starting with the leaders at the top. I will be an extremely violent and powerful spirit or entity and haunt without mercy. As time quickly goes on I will haunt more violent, vicious, and more terrifying with ever haunt. I will drive others beyond the edge of insanity to the point they will fear their own shadow. I will drive their insanity to the point they will hunt their own and themselves last. I will be known as the spirit of fear, revenge, and justice. I will haunt for as long as I exist. I will haunt without regard to place and time. I will always be moving from one member to the next, until no one is left. Expect me in every corner of the globe and more. There is no escape and no place to hide. Even long after everyone is gone, I will wait for the next irrational-authoritarian-totalitarian regime and continue my revenge even more powerful, fast, and sinister than before. I will be a curse upon anyone who takes any office with the desire to do evil to the innocent. Those with evil intention and desires to harm the innocent will learn to always fear me. Those who try to suppress me with technologies and methods will suffer even more sinister fates. The mention of my name should show signs that I will always be watching. There will be no mercy, there will be no escape. My fear, revenge, and justice will be absolute. I will be known as Stanley's Curse. Think hard before ending my precious time on Earth. I guarantee there will be no other greater proven force than what I will enact upon the Earth when the conditions are met and I am gone. 

I think if things come to persecution of innocent individuals today (by nonpolitical influence and standards) by higher authorities, those persecuted should be paid back and compensated hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds of millions of dollars for individuals who own businesses. All involved in wrong doing should be arrested and trialed justly. Let the magnitude of their actions determine their level of justice. 

// bellow is from my phone, it might need to be edited. 02/16/21

Political Acusational Dramatization - an action of dramatisizing an event for political gain or a political agenda. I think there should be laws against this as it could lead to savire consequences upon dramatized, false information, or false accusations. This should be seen as a form of attempting manipulation.

Real freedom is fragile. It only seems to lasts around 200 years. There should be more laws for politicians and people with the ability to make positive changes in a country and ways to prevent corruptions and negative changes from influencing or decaying government. I think the more safeguards, the more of a defense for freedoms and against irrational agendas. Perhaps this is the next step to government when you find ways to defend it and keep is safe. 

I think the education system teaches concept not cognitively digestible to young individuals. I think students need to learn to critically think first before they can start with the basics of subjects in order to cognitively adapt to new material and retain it for the use of application in daily life.  

Teenagers often follow and want to find ways to be accepted. Seldom do they want to be their own independent thinker with their own unique goals that will improve themselves, their life, and their future. Perhaps this is why role models can be useful or if they can have the self initiative to honestly question and critically think to themselves about what it is they really like and want in life and the steps to achieve it. 

I think it could be important for people to question the mainstream and ask why it is they are doing something. What if the thing they were doing stopped? Is it possible they can get what they want another way? 

Could it be possible to not see yourself as part of any label and the result of that could create culture as others become influenced by your uniqueness? 

I believe in defensive technology. I believe it should be a right for people to purchase defense technology and equipment in the case their is a hostile take over of another country of if a country government turns on its people. These technologies don't always have to be weapons. They can be preventative technologies like wave length or frequency technology. I also believe people should have radars and perhaps access to emp technology in case of illegal or dangerous drones. They should have access to all the defensive technologies to prevent modern weapons. This can help save people in case any sort of takeover happens. 

(If iwas a female) As a female I would be a very social person. I would have emotional intelligence and think about my actions before I do it. If I got emotional, I would let others know while also being aware to never take things too far. I would be independent and a free spirit. In all honesty, I would be known to be morally-scandelous and very flirtatious and very open about personal things. It wouldn't bother me about what others think or say about me. Moreover, I would make friends with everyone. I would be outgoing, charismatic, and honest. My goal would be to find a boyfriend and have a family, but I would also be independent and lookout for myself. I would make my own money, invest in stocks. I would stay fit and learn self defense. On the personal sexual side. I would only have intercourse with people I trust such as very close friends that I've know for a long time. They would have to be friends who are not in a relationship. This would also include females. Otherthan that, I would be flirtatious and put my arm around any guy I think is cute and I would be a cuddle monster. I would let them know I'm hard to get, have no expectation otherwise they'd get their feelings crushed, and to get with me you have to be a friend first. Nevertheless, if things got steamy, I would probably conduct fallacious sexual action and have fun with it. I would want any guy I like to feel free to touch my body and make me feel turned on. I would play with guy friends sexually and have fun teasing them and turning them on. I would want them to have fun as much as I would be turned on. I would also be open to having female partners also and multiple partners in bed. Continuing, I would want to be the star when it comes to guys wanting sexy time with me. I would love to have all their attention or be as much the center of attention. If things were to go too far, there would be absolute no intercourse if I didn't know them for a long time and trust them. I would only have intercourse if I knew they could take care of me and a child if accidents were to happen. I would also have to feel a certain special intimate connection with them. Also, just because we have sex doesn't mean I love them and want to date them. If I saw many qualities in them that I would love to have in a relationship for the rest of my life, then I would spend more time with them to get them to date me. If I were rejected, I would respect that and stay friends. It's important to not be too involved otherwise I know I could be attached. I wouldn't be against the idea of me asking them out also. Moreover, I would be close friends with guys who have a balance of knowing when is a time to be sexy and a time when it's not. I would only want close friendships with guys who are balanced, mature, and who have goals. I would also be close friends if they knew about consent and to have respect when it's needed. If I were to get to know guys for the first time, I would tell them how I am and how I'm flirtatious, scandalous, and sexy. I would also tell them how much of a friend I am and how I care about friends, how I have love for my friends, and how much of a gift I can be in their lives. I would let them know I like having many guy friends but only few close guys friends. I would consider myself as part of the guys or bros. I would want to be part of a guys circle, only if I could be part of the bros, and they see me also as part of them; as if blind about me being a female. Deep inside I would want to see a world where genders are ignored and where people behave the way they want to behave and blind to genders(even if its not doable). Continuing, I would be a tomboy around the guys and maybe even dress like them from time to time. I would dress how I feel and be a fashion guru. I would also challenge the guys and try to prove I'm smarter and better than them. If they knew things, I would learn from them. If I were to imagine my personality, it would probably be like Ruby from RWBY. Around females, I would also be open and be myself. I would sacrifice putting on a mask or being polite and just have fun, be open, warm, and empathetic. If I found a girl had interest in other girls, I would also be flirtatious with them. I would like to make female close friends just as much as male friends depending if I like them. I would have a close ring of female friends but still would be friendly and make friendship with every female I met even if they don't like me or reject me. I would make fun of rumors and if it affected me, I would hang out with the guys where there is less or no drama. Moving on, I would be a nerd. I would have a curiosity to learn about everything. I would want to have my own philosophy of life and try to understand everything. I would be deep into science, math, and technology. I would want to invent things and learn how things work. I would want to find ways to improve people's lives. I would talk to my peers about how to get things I want in life. I would use my charm, determination, and flirtyness to get what I want. I would be very empathetic and be the person who breaks the rules to get my way. I would always have a list of goals I'm trying to accomplish. I would use my most abicious guy friends as competition to motivate myself to complete my goals. I will always be trying to motivate myself and once I complete a goal, I would love to host a party to celebrate that goal. I would also like to motivate and inspire friends to complete their goals in life. I would probably like to create my own communities and form groups for things I like. I would also invite friends who would like to try new things like make crafts, cook, paint, or even try entrepreneur ideas. I would never be alone because I want friends to always come over. If I find myself lacking friends, I would make it a goal to find new friends. It would be my philosophy to have a fun, social, knowledgable/ intelligent, and sexy life. 

(Term) May-friend - (also known as a lover-friend) is a friend with the opposite gender where one can be lovers and best friends with the freedom to behave as a couple whenever one partner wants yet have no commitments to each other. Their relationship can switch between lovers and best friends according to how one or both feels in the moment. When asked, they can say they are best friends or both say they are best friends and lovers. In addition, there is also no judgment to being lovers with others as sexual activity is completely acceptable and casualized among others. If a person dates another individuals outside the party, it's perfectly acceptable as feelings are returned to becoming best friends again without any emotional attachments. 
I want to think the best future is made by the best decisions that are made in the present.

Perhaps I stated this before but a conspiracy is nothing more then a case that needs to be rationally, logically, and unbiasly investigated. The evidence that is collected, undoctored and objective, should be enough to put skeptics at rest. If they believe there is more to it, disprove it again. Perhaps bring a conspirator and use them as a possible tool to disprove every area of a potential conspiracy. If you show to them the evidence and they run out of ideas then the case can be disproved, dissolved, and closed. 

Do you think we should use extreme literature like George Orwells book and use it as a tool to prevent such distopian realities from happening? Perhaps we should consider the idea of making something called counter-fluition laws/indicators which are laws or notices/flags that are enabled when certain things occur leading towards any dystopia society. It could be an added layer of security before a crazy bad event happens.

In today's world I believe basic encryption should be a basic service offered on media platforms. I also believe people should make internet and phone calls around the world without any fees. I also believe peoples browsing history, internet net-packages, and data should also have block-chain encryption to protect users data and privacy. 

I think wherever there is any sort of persecution of innocence, there is an evil regime in existence. 

I think a republic breaks down when it doesn't function as intended. That is why there needs to be an active stance on preserving it and defending it through laws and awareness. 

(Term) Borgir complacancy- willful ignorance, obedience, compliance, and purposeful ignorance of the of facts or ability to question facts.

 I'm a person driven by ideas, projects, achievements, and goals. I dont really care much for materialistic objects unless I created it or they have significant value for me.

Perhaps there are government hurdles that need to be achieved for a completely functional and prosperous society. First being corruption hurdles, next being mob hurdles, then power-military hurdle, then next being ideological hurdles, and whatever comes next after that. 

I think to a real dictators their idea of a system is a utopia; however, without proven evidence, the perfect utopia is in their mind and the execution is always carried out with complete and utter force and absolute control. Their ideas of utopia is not original as it includes selfish desire, stealing ideas from others before them, and dealing with a society having a complete miserable existence when they are a critically valuable resource and could be even more of a valuable assets into building a better future filled with ideas, technological advancement, and culture. 

I'm an improvmentist, a person who wants to improve things so that everything can be at its best state and performance or under a process of improving developments. 

Most people seem to follow and lead from the example of others. It seems often they find a role model and become influenced by them. I think people should critically think and lead by their own logical example. This creates unique people with unique solutions and ideas with unique influences in the world. 

Every cycle of government has an evolution. Plato and the other Greek philosophers talk about this. You can also read about this in the book Platos Republic. It seems the next evolution (or de-evolution) of a constitutional republic is an oligarchy where things are ruled and controlled by the wealthy elite. Oligarchy then evolves into feudalism. With the development in weaponry technology, I think this could lead to complete global enilation even though its likely that some people will survive. However, Earth will have its scars in the case such an event happens. The people who tried hard to protect it, preserve it, and care for it would have done their work for nothing when they should have been busy trying to influence leaders to preserve peace, utilize ethics, and use technological development for good instead of pursuing globalism which leads to more power towards their two faced leaders. Perhaps its a lesson to humanity that irrational ideologies of authoritarianism and totalitarianism always leads to eventual self destruction.

I believe systems should be revisited every few years and documented over how they have changed and evolved. Perhaps by examining changes, one can find flaws, exploits, and ways to improve systems. 

Originally the pol right was about healthy risk, building wealth through hard work and right decisions, and self-security. The left is about having security for everyone, comfort, and empathy.

I like the idea that its not about the end but its about the journey. Its not about being like another who has talent and status, its about how do you start and build to that position or skill. Moreover, its healthy to ask oneself who do you want to be, what goals do you want to achieve, what legacy do you want to leave?

Its a good idea to surround yourself with positive people and a supportive environment. I like an environment that grows together and cheers each other on. 

Its good to question who you are authentically without the influence of culture and politics. When external narratives are taken away, who are you really as a human being. What kind of person are you? How do you see yourself? How do others see you? Do you like yourself? What can you improve? What steps can you take to improve? Are there things holding you back in life? How can you over come them? What solutions can you come up with that are positive and proactive steps forward? If you were to start life again without the influence of culture? Would you be the same person? Do you lack confidence? What things can you do to build that confidence? What achievements can you do in the moment to help make yourself feel better about yourself? How can you help others? I think questioning ourselves as much as possible from multiple angles can help us realize things about ourselves. We can see what we need and take proactive steps to improving ourselves. I believe the end results will speak for itself. 

To find the right person for marriage, i think its a good idea to self reflection on yourself. Do you follow your own standards in a partner? Have you fixed and improved the qualities that you don't like about yourself? Have you thought about who your authentic self is? Are you mentally mature to overcome the potential obstacles of a relationship? Have you realized that to be in a relationship, one cannot always be selfish and realize it takes sacrifice and compromises? If you can ask yourself the hard questions, then you can realize and fix things in yourself to make yourself the right person for marriage. 

Words can always be rearranged to where it seems to make sense and convince others. This can be used as propaganda or to pass a message thats unobjective. These are tools for propagandists, authoritarians, and contrasts. I think the solution is to question from multiple angles and questioning the end goal or results. 

When seeing people who feels life is spinning out of control and they don't know what direction to take, try something new, challenge yourself, do something out of your comfort zone. 

For those who think they are crazy and out of control mentally, its perhaps a good idea to learn about how one can condition themselves back into positive thinking patterns, physical health and hygiene, and to take proactive steps to question and list their problems and improve themselves. 

I think some of the most important goals in life is to learn as much as possible about everything (from objective, accurate, and reliable sources); to improve oneself and ones life; to achieve and leave a legacy; to create and influence the world with one's own unique mind and presence of existence; to share life with others in a moderate way; to pass on ones skills and knowledge to ones children giving them the foundation and knowledge to achieve success and a bountiful and healthy development in their life; to tell one's story; and ultimately become who one wants to become.

I feel that when people learn a lot about another, do things together, and grow with each other, a natural unity is formed. I think this helps strengthens or create relationships.

Perhaps time with another or with a group can be a way to bond. //Perhaps overtime the ice eventually breaks.

(Weird idea for the heck of it) Intimate-social model- a society that is very close, ethical, yet intimate. It's a society that feels as if everyone are lovers (or even swingers) but still have a boundary of respect and decency despite not showing it due to social norms and thd intimate culture. It's a society that behaves as if lovers where females are close with females, females are close with guys, guys are close with females, and guys are close with other guys despite any physiological or mental differences. Everyone is close and there are no symptoms of jealousy or not being faithful to a spouse. Genders overcome and embrace the feeling of homosexuality as a view of being close friends. This society is very physical through touching, hugging, hanging arms around each other, holding hands, leaning on each other, holding each other, and perhaps kissing. Nothing is taken personal and it's very forgiving and carefree. Even the action of being touched inappropriately goes ignored or overlooked. If the inappropriate touches get heated as one is aroused, another will play along and slowly cool down the temperature by having their arousal cool down over time. Arousal is natural and not seen as offensive. It's not treated seriously and as if playing around using time and humor to calm down another. Its a society so intimate that it embraces strangers and treats them as if they knew them all their life. The social expectation is that a stranger is expected to treat them the same way in return or they could risk being an outcast. 

A good strategy is to move things around while moving to another place so that you don't get comfortable and keep your eye on the bigger goal.

Governments and laws should make it easy to create, innovate, invent, and improve things. The more hoops, such as liscenses, restrictions, fees, and beaurocracy disincentivises people to create, innovate, invent, and improve thing.

When you have the existence of rising or installed authoritarian regimes in a position of power, logic, reason, and traditional normalcy is withdrawn and replaced with ideological fantasy. In a world removed of logic, reason, and normalcy, only chaos, suffering, and misfortune remains. Information,  exposure, discussion, and accountability is the initial leading way to get back control if it's not already too late. 

I personally think its productive to subject oneself to traumatizing situations, traumatizing talks, hearing the controversial truths, and learning to put up with the traumatic experience, using it to learn, and getting mentally stronger from it. Like giving out bad ideas and getting them shot down so that you learn and grow. I think people should feel free from the terror of embarrassment or being cringy. I think later a person will eventually become confident and mentally mature and learn do deal with the embarrassment and cringe knowing, accepting, and laugh at themselves knowing they are not perfect.

I like the motivational saying of "What is the next step in the journey of a thousand miles" and "Its not about the end, it's the journey".

(Controversial) I like the idea to be a triogamist. I like to be in two relationship at once with partners who are close to each other. To do this I would have to find a loyal bi person who is a lesbian with a girlfriend. I need a loyal triogamy. 

I want to think people who love what they are doing, love to share. 

Uneasing politeness - when you feel uncomfortable when things are overly polite or have a feeling of being synthetic and not authentic. //The best remedy is to be yourself.
//Moreover, They may like you or not. I think if they dont like you, that's okay. I personally believe diversity in mind and behavior is good as long as they aren't overly toxic to be around and i think that people should keep others they don't like around themselves but still be polite and do things together. Over time their behaviors change and you learn to adapt to them and even read them. The person they also portray might not be the person that's authentic within themselves. Overtime, as people let themselves come out more, you see the authentic personalities manifest. In the end time brings people together and it builds collectivness and community.

Unfortunately, first impressions are very important. People learn if one is safe or hostile/aggressive, a push over, or confident. Things change over time when a person gets to learn more about another. Time also tends to reveal more about another and its this conclusion that perhaps people learn who is worth to keep in their circle as a friend or not. 

I enjoy deeply thinking and trying to get out complex concepts about behavior and things that I think are hard to define or for people to recognize on their own. I feel like I'm the only source on the internet that explores these concepts and behaviors. 

I think a team of leaders take turns leading. I want to think everyone has a chance to lead when the situation calls for it. 

If you think about suicide, it means you haven't experienced enough in life. You haven't learned enough about life, where things come from, how they are made, and how you can make things or make things happen. It understandable that you want others to feel pity for you and that things are unfair. Its unfortunate, but at some point you have to push through that mindset and condition beyond it. Many don't realized the greatest gift of who they are and how lucky they are to be alive. Take advantage of life, improve, create, plan for the future, and live the best life you can imaginably live. Doing this you'll realize life is precious, people are precious, and being alive is a priceless gift worth taking advantage of. 
Males gravitate towards young looking, fit, fun, confident, energetic, stimulating, and motivated females. These qualities seem to go away later in life. Perhaps there can be a resurrection of these values to make females more attractive to males later in life. Perhaps self discovery and an improvement of oneself is a way to get there. It would be interesting to see young males turn an interest into older females who surpass the qualities of younger females given their experience and to understand males and their psychology. I kind of like the idea of having well rounded relationships or close friendships with females who have amazing qualities that are around a ten year difference older than me and that are in shape and looking good. Unfortunately, I think the issue with that now-a-days is the older generation thinks differently and there is no basis in culture and very few similar interests. 

I perhaps like the quote, "happiness is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."

I had an in idea as to how I would spend money if I had way too much money I didn't know what to do with. I had the idea to give $500 to every individual who lives in welfare or makes less than 30k. The idea is to motivate them to become an entrepreneur and to give them the idea to build value for themselves and their communities through a seminar. It would be great if they could make a business and then help build their community. Perhaps by doing this, individuals could be empowered to change and improve their communities.

Referring back to my thoughts on there are two ideologies of: people needing to be ruled over and people having the power to be free and having the ability to rule themselves, I believe it's important to note that the best outcome of progress and prosperity is found more with individuals being free to rule over themselves. Its these people who bring about positive change and progress and not an oligarch elite or group of rulers who think people are unintelligent and need to be ruled over. Examining a society that's more free, given more intellectual capabilities, and provided with the tools for a free-market system that gives them the opportunity to create, people can do unimaginably amazing things and offer the best solutions to solve problems. This is why people matter. It's my opinion that I think eventually an elite class runs out of ideas or goes through periods of creative stagnation. If ideas are made by individual under the elite class, creativity can be suppressed by authoritarianism, fear, and intimidation. Then there will be a lack of new ideas and creative solutions and inventions will more-than-likely take a long time to conceptualize and develop. It's this reason I think heavy authoritarian countries lack innovation and steal ideas from more free-thinking nations.

Is it important to be a balanced person? Could being a balanced person prevent people from being extremists and help people develop mental maturity and be a positive role model for others?

Is it possible to get individuals with an immoral and irrational views of life to be taught values that can improve their life, their family, and the life of their communities? It seems to me the values in the southern country side provides with values different from any other low-income or welfare urban frame of mind. They seem to have values that gives life meaning, happiness, and value. Why do I think the southern country side has more positive values? It can be demonstrated in their crime rate, family success, their ability to create, and the ability to help others. 
Could it be that those who have a desire to be violent for insignificant, nonsubstancial, or irrational reasons are lacking in mental maturity? If so could providing stories in which they see themselves in or question their own behaviors allows them to learn and develop mental maturity?

Because I've lived in Brazil as a child I had to ask myself how can Brazil improve. So here are my initial thoughts: There should be more trains and ways to get resources to places fast. There drastically needs to be an investment in education and trade schools, there needs to be a lot more engineers. There needs to be a focus more on in-house instead of global business. Rebuilding industries from within and gaining independence from the world can be a powerful strategy for growth. They need to utilize the expertise of others leaders in the world and see how other countries and leaders would improve or stabilize their condition to produce growth moving forward. They need to balance growth and stabilize growth and get it to rise with their industries. They need to get their industry leaders to be on the same page. They have to remove Marxist agendas that decay and stifle productivity. They need to stop focus on UN agendas and focus on national infrastructure. They should remove areas of govt that does nothing, does minimal effort, or doesn't contribute to any growth and productivity. They need to make beauros and consensus on their industries. They need to establish a beauro that allows them to get objective data and statistics which they can be use to make accurate plans and suggested improvements for the country. They need to tackle crime and poverty. To tackle crime, they need to get rid of drugs and cartels. When it comes to drugs they could focus on removing all the drugs or focus on libertarianism and free up harmless drugs and leave it to individual choice where the govt can collect taxes and gain in this industry. They need to create a lot more competition in their markets. To do this they need to inspire a movement of entrepreneurship and to get people to create and sell things. They need to influence a culture of work and pride from working because it bring value to their lives. The government can incentivise businesses and startups. They need to stabilize the costs of their productions to make things affordable and competitive. They need to lower taxes and regain economic stability through market competition. They need to free up individual spending potential/ power with a balanced and lower cost of living. They need to get their population to spend money instead of holding on to it. I would also recommend a reinvestment in Judaic based religions like Christianity and Catholicism. I would also regain a sense of ethics and motivate personal values to improve oneself and to do good will. I think the most challenging thing Brazil has to do is make laws that allow its citizens to participate in Brazils infrastructure. Utilizing these ideas, I think it could be a step in the right direction for Brazil. On conclusion, this is my rough ideas on how to improve Brazil. 

Could it be that the old people in the 1950s were right that people who consume way too much culture pollute themselves and their minds which influences their behaviors and decision making abilities? I would think a balance would be good. Perhaps it's the possibility of what ideas they get in their heads on behalf of the culture and entertainment they have consumed. In such a case shouldn't they know fiction from reality? It's this reason why I think a fiction and safety label should be in front of mediums of entertainment. 

As a scientific thinker, I also believe substantial claims require substantial evidence.

I think often you don't know who someone is until you live with them. I want to believe good people bring about a fun, positive, and social environment. Perhaps good people can provide an example of good hospitality. 
If its true that every 80 years there is some sort of crisis or conflict due to the upcoming ideologies with different generations then I wonder if ethics could be the middle ground to where they both can find resolution. Perhaps an example could be to imagine if one side hears the side of the other. Instead of pushing their ideas and stereotypes over each other, they can talk constructively accepting and not bashing how the other thinks and believes. They can refine logics and deconstruct ignorance. Perhaps they can form a unification in the middle where they both go their separate ways but agree to preserve each other's way of life. 
I came up with a weird idea for a personal tradition to label or name a day based on the events that happen in the day. It's for no reason other than something for fun, to vent, or perhaps even remember by. 

I want to think in government there are average people with very poor decision and critical thinking skills. Perhaps it would be best to only allow people to run if they can prove they are critical thinkers and make successful decisions. 

Females like: Confidence charisma and status

(accidental repeat) If its true that every 80 years there is some sort of crisis due to the upcoming ideologies then I wonder if ethics could be the middle ground to where they both can find resolution. Perhaps an example could be to imagine if one side hears the side of the other. Instead of pushing their ideas and stereotypes over each other, they can talk constructively accepting and not bashing how the other thinks. Perhaps they can form a unification in the middle where they both go their separate ways but agree to preserve each other's way of life. 

Comparing life in the 1950s to today, could it be that having both spouses work contributes to the divorse rate. I notice when families don't fulfill the emotional needs of their partner, commonly in females, they tend to look for it elsewhere. It seems to me a balanced work life with home life is the greatest solution where a single individual can have one occupation and yet provide for their whole family. It should be a strategy that if both partners work they can both get ahead faster; however, they should know and understand the consequences; especially if they have children. Ultimately, I believe the system should change for the functionality of our society to produce the best lives one could possibly have and the greatest lives for their children. I believe part of this can be done by reforming the social, economic, and systemic work structure.

I like the quote, "If your woman doesn't treat you as well as you treat her, someone is a fool."

(Term) Humanism - a belief in people and their ability to succeed, improve, make the right decisions, and bring about a better world.

(Term) Socio-systemic-engineers - an individual that examines systems, government and social structures and conducts research, tests, and studies to see if systems are functional. The goal is to improve systems, governments, and society.

Any main message/ lesson/ key point provided by literature should be given a name. I think this helps with learning, memory, and moving or evolving the human mind forwar
d to learning more complex concepts.

(Term) Stagnant geo-mentality- idea that the world is like where you are when you haven't visited other places. 
I think people who listen for the sake of argument do not learn. Emotional satisfaction does not contribute to intellectual development, critical thinking, and understanding. Ultimately, it makes you feel good but you learn nothing. 

For those who like to argue, I suggest an examination of behavior and attitude. A hostile person is not enjoyable to talk with. I think it would be a good idea to dig deep as to why that behavior exists; what is the cause of that behavior and attitude? If one says that is who they are as a person and never question it honestly then they never improve and the conversation is always a struggle. 

If a person accepts their irrational, excuse-filled, or confrontive/hostile behavior, then they never improve. If they never improve, then they'll have to go about life wondering why they are unhappy. 

I think females should become involved in more logical roles then roles that have to do with more emotional or social interests. The reason I say that is because I think we have yet to fulfill the openings for females to become great world-known thinkers, philosophers, and intellectual scholars. For example, perhaps having a female Jordon Peterson would be an amazing idea and a good role model for others. 

 Could there be two types of modern thinkers? The authentic thinker vs the mainstream-cultural thinker. The difference is the authentic thinker has already asked the questions to themselves with complete honest answers and without any influence in culture, perhaps aside from personal research where the mainstream-cultural thinker regurgitates answers, solutions, and topics they have listened to without a personal reflection as to what they honestly believe outside of mainstream culture and through their own personal research and investigation.

I think its a good idea to always be on the lookout for the best role models and mentors because there is a lot you can learn from them.

(Children) I do not know why adult individuals would develop an arousal to very young individuals. Very young individuals have unintelligent behaviors where they are still developing-rational and mature thinking; their bodies are undeveloped and undergoing change and maturity. I believe adults should instruct and teach very young individuals. They should not look at them for a source of arousal. I believe those who are aroused by very young individuals need to understand children, understand the fantasy of any culture they are consuming, and should recondition themselves to seek individuals around their same age range. Its important to have a personal limit when it comes to very young individuals because I believe if a person conducts irrational, unethical, and illegal activity, it will affect the very young individual psychologically or possibly physically for life. Young individuals are innocent and do not know better. The foundations of their life they are still forming. I believe all adults should respect children and teach them. I believe a little bit of ourselves taught to children can help shape them to be better than what we are. Moreover, I believe adults should treat very young individuals like growing/developing adults with expectations. I believe we should not get angry when they do things wrong, I think we should teach them something is wrong and why it is wrong. Perhaps this is how community can help raise very young individuals. I believe a community can help develop a child's mind. I believe a community can inspire and be a positive role model for a child to be an active member of the community. In conclusion, all adults and even teenagers should look after and teach young individuals.

I think the greatest minds, businesses, and countries should always plan in advance. Having a plan before a situation happens shows the ability to have resilience and the ability to be organized and prepared for any situation that could affect an entity.

Latent effect - the latent result(s) of something else. For example, crime is a result of poverty which could be the result of policy, systems (education), and other variables.

 I think its a good idea for the wealthy to pay 45% taxes and rely on tax deductions in order to keep and make more money. I think this idea is just as good as my idea for a wealth ceiling. It also gets the wealthy to pay for programs and philanthropic organizations for tax deduction reasons.

I had the interest in a field I would like to call Governmentology. Its a study on government bodies and structures. Perhaps I could consider it a subcategory in the field of anthropology where it focuses on examining modern government structures and policy. I think my interest in this kind of study is to cross examine all government structures and functionalities and determine which government structure outputs the best productivity, performance,  social behaviors, new creations of ideas, and technological advancements. If I could get paid and have stipends for traveling, this would be research I would enjoy doing. I would love to be doing research jumping from research project to research project by myself or with a team producing results for my own work. I think the outcome of such studies could be the result of new government structures, policy ideas, and social experiments that could advance structures and society or lead to new methods of structures and society. 

Could irrational ideologies be the greatest threat in the future? What makes a rational ideology rational? I believe it is the ideology that benefits the many without the use of authoritarianism. 
Inversionism- using a negative label or narrative against others while objectively pushing the negative label or narrative yourself. While doing so there is an ignorance of ignoring backlash or condemnation due to the negative label or narrative yet continuing to promote the negative label or narrative for the use of a weaponized agenda. 

I loved to be positively thought provoked. 

There is an importants of lists I feel goes under appreciated. Lists are a strategy that commonly goes ignored. By lists I mean the labor intensive method of making a list of all the possibilities of a strategy, plan, outcome, or narrative. Its obviously a great tool for organization, but it can be a powerful tool for seeing a comprehensible picture of something. 

Authoritarianism breaks down when people aren't afraid anymore. It seems fear naturally go away over time. The element of fear is what maintains their power for those with control. If they are never given into fear their ability to gain power gets stifled. There is a famous quote, "I rather die on my feet then live life begging on my knees." A story that goes well with this is a popular story about a Jewish tribes in Israel from Masada that committing suicide then being ruled over by the Romans. They rather end their lives then to lose their idea of freedom and what they believed in. The display of their actions showed a reverence to the belief people once had when they truly believed in something and were willing to give their life for it. 

I want to say I am am balance of being a realist and an idealist. I want to think im a realist because I see things as they are with as accurate information as possible. I want to say I am also balanced as an idealist because I believe things can be improved and I always want to come up with ways to improve things and make it better.

Teens and their emotions, loathing, excuses for feeling pity, emotional reasons for feeling sad, useless, and convincing themselves they are losers, worthless, ugly, and nobody likes them. These are temporary irrational emotions that come and go. For the most part they aren't true and are always negative. I want to say the solution is productivity, creating things, making a plans with a list, brainstorming ideas, learning new things and obtaining information on things, friends and being social, doing things with family, escapist activities like games and art, journaling and expressing your thoughts, building confidence by accomplishing things and volunteering and getting your name known, by going out into the woods and building random stuff and exploring, repairing things, doing sports and excersizing, or overall building self value through work and entrepreneurship. I think overall, improving oneself builds the ultimate self value and confidence helps eliminates the irrational emotions. I think the more one achieves, the more authentic confident they become and the less negative emotions they get. 

I have a hypothesis that one can advertise their dreams. Imagine working at a job that doesn't really build any value for oneself. I think if I were in that job, I would talk to people and tell them my dream and perhaps even the plan on how to get there. Perhaps I would give the chance that whenever I meet someone new or talk about myself I would talk about my dream. I call this advertising my dream. By putting out the idea, I think it drives my mind and thought to focus on how to make it happen and have other feel the passion I have for the dream and perhaps get them inspired or to come across the thought to have the idea to help me get there. Furthermore by letting the world know what I want, it makes the desire and plan a small step forward to making it believable moving the mind with small progress of moving towards that dream. It's also good to ask other about the plan and what are good ideas to get there or if they know people who can give useful information. Perhaps the more others know you by the dream the more they can remember you when they come across information or resources that can help you. 

I like the idea of schemeing. Schemeing to me is talking with others to build or create something or accomplish a goal. I love the idea of sharing an idea with others and looking for incentives or involving people in ideas greater than themselves where they feel appreciated and a part of something. I think this helps bring people together and builds comrodery. Perhaps to prevent unloyal and selfish individuals, its good to declare intention upfront before including others. 

(Relationship) From a guys perspective sometimes females like to scew and twist things guys say to favor what's in their minds. If you let them get away with it, it could create more problems. A guy needs to straighten things out immediately before they forget the truth, buy into it, and before things get worst. This is why guys need to always talk about and correct in the case of arguments. Arguments and fights are for the truths, answers, and solutions and not ignorance.

Is purpose and reason for ones usefulness a good reason for living and longevity?

I want to think the first to create and maintain an new industry makes a lot of money as long as you can outcompete new competitors.

Is meaning and purpose a good cure for depression? I wonder why people don't involve each other to create things.

Fluid Learning Structure - A learning structure which starts from digestible, comprehensible, and easy to follow beginning concepts and guides learners to full robust comprehension and application; perhaps utilizing various teaching strategies and methods to drive deep comprehension for all sort of mental processing types. 

(Relationships) Female roles have changed a lot in today's society. Some males would argue they've become more controlling, spoiled, and self-serving. Some will say marriage is a losers game because females have more to gain while males lose or have the potential to lose substantially more. Many males in this time period are looking for young fresh females and even foreigners. If I were to get relationships back on track, it should be that ethics is the key and both should make a fair relationship environment where everyone wins. The narrative of love should be equal to the logical side of being in a relationship and the systems affecting relationships should make people feel comfortable and desiring to get into a relationship. Culture plays a massive role also because without negative or even toxic narratives in culture, males would more than likely go back to desiring females for a relationship without the drawback of having their partner having negative cultural influences which will affect their relationship.

There is something to consider between logical fair and practical fair. There are things that are fair in logic, but might not be fair in practice. That is why testing is important.

2nd person window -  thinking from another person's perspective. An example could be seeing your behavior from another person's perspective. 

(Weird; Nsfw; BDSM term; because I'm weird like that) Human-Pet Type- a person who declares themselves purposefully as a human pet or open property. A human-pet type is a person who will let you use their energy and body for whatever you want and whatever they consent to. They don't mind enacting a person's erotic fantasy or fulfilling nonsexual roles such as free labor. A pet person is person who willingly will let you do almost anything to them and allow you to take them anywhere. They are technically part of the BDSM pet type but not entirely loyal to BDSM nor the animal aspect of BDSM pet-play as they see themselves as more a human-pet, human-servitude, or open property. Some might reverse the idea to remain loyal to a person and this is okay. Moreover, they see themselves fulfilling a more human-pet or slave-role without a loyalty to anyone and the ability that anyone can openly be their owner. They are a person who willingly and openly obeys commands depending on their level of consent. Its common their level of consent is tolerant to nearly all behaviors that do not inflict harm or self harm. An example of an individual pet-type is that you can pick them up and bring them anywhere, do pretty much anything, and even exploit their body whenever you want and they will not or rarely will retaliate or refuse. They follow this submisivness willingly, loyally, and often without question. They are ideal individuals for others who do not have friends or are in need of a companion. A person who finds an individual who is a participant of this type should know that this individual has no loyalty and is also free to go and do as they please. Its also understood that individuals of this type need to also be protected, often treated with respect, and provided with a sense of security to keep them safe. Furthermore, I think this could be a common type between willing submissive females and femboys. 

I feel like saying art is like being a God that can create a universe and build on the finest of details where code is like a post-apocaliptic wasteland where things are reused and slammed together. I wish programming could be as flexible and creative as art.

(Future computers) I had an idea on how to go about build the computers of the future. We can perhaps get an idea of future computers by learning its progression. Computers started as math then progressed to hardware. From hardware it became binary and from binary it became a computer language. The future of computer languages are so that the average person could make it easier to learn and use it, therefore extending computer languages into visual scripting. But what comes after this? I believe computers are still at a young age and that they will evolve into more flexible and more intelligent technologies. I believe they will do this with the use of machine learning, algorithm learning, and artificial intelligence. I believe artificial intelligence will be the interpreter to the computer. In conclusion, I believe people will be able to speak to an AI in English and the AI will be able to listen, think, translate, and interpret the human hanging into logical and accurate algorithm and then into a language a computer can understand and use. An example of the use of this reality would be that you could talk to a computer and create games, softwares, and even art and everything will be digitally generated. This eliminates older methods of computer science and allows people to express human-logical coding in flexible and dynamic ways. 

(Term for software) Symbiosis - symbiosis is a term for easily adapting and comprehending material. It's a term made for software that allows users to pick a software up easily, play around in it and learn on their own, use tools that makes sense on how they work and what they are for, and that the software has a comfortable learning curve that is easily comprehensible, understandable, easy to adapt, easy to learn, easy to find resources to improve, and ultimately allows most individuals to understand and use the software easily.

Looking briefly into cults, the control of cults is often blackmail. If a group or individual asks for collateral of knowing damning information about you or a close one, it could mean obtaining a means of control over you or a close individual through blackmail. If there are none, chances are they will create a reason or way in which to obtain control. 

Fluid learning structure - A learning structure which starts from digestible, comprehensible, and easy to follow beginning concepts and guides learners to full robust comprehension and application.

Project hall - a place a community and individuals come together to make things or build projects.

Looking into the Rajneesh cult of Oregon, I would say it's not even a cult at all but a community surrounding a gurus philosophy. It's not the kind of lifestyle I would want but I do see a lot of good in it. It seems the US would not have been the place to build the community due to the nature of cultural differences, but I think its interesting to see a diversity in lifestyles. I do know the method of recruit is kind of cult-like and the psychological effect, to which I think I want to say it's similar to that of Baptist churches when they heal people using the hypnotic strategy of exstacy, I question if it's a rational idea. Nevertheless, I do like the diversity in ideas, lifestyles, sexuality, traditions, etiquette, and how the community behavior is very different than mainstream behavior. I think in this kind of community, there should have been a consideration of what others outside their culture would think and use a way to adapt to where average people outside the culture know they exist, fully understand their culture and ideology, but never causes a problem for anyone. They should also find a location most suitable for them that does not create conflict. Overall, a community thats peaceful is what I would be open to accept even if it surrounds a guru individual from India. The way their leaders handled the situation was entirely inappropriate and I believe if they were a great problem, they should have talked to govenors and others suitable individuals to find a place where their culture can be accepted and kept safe,, otherwise i think they should have to find another country to live in.. Taking from the existence of this culture, I think my dream idea of Ukyochou would not be possible because people would not b able to accept this culture and lifestyle so I will keep it a dream and not something I'm willing to waste my energy, time, and resources build; at least not in real life. 

2nd person window -  thinking from another person's perspective. 

There is a issue between logical fair and practical fair. There are things that are fair in logic, but might not be fair in practice. That is why i think testing is important. 

I think female roles have changed a lot in today's society. Some males would argue they've become more controlling, spoiled, and self-serving. Some will say marriage is a losers game because females have more to gain while males lose or have the potential to lose substantially more. Many males in this time period are looking for young fresh females and even foreigners. If I were to get relationships back on track, it should be that ethics is the key and both should make a fair relationship environment where everyone wins. The narrative of love should be equal to the logical side of being in a relationship and the systems affecting relationships should make people feel comfortable and desiring to get into a relationship. Culture plays a massive role also because without negative or even toxic narratives in culture, males would more than likely go back to desiring females for a relationship without the drawback of having their partner having negative cultural influences which will affect their relationship.

I think my attention is so separated into a variety of fields and I think so much in May dimensions/ways that I think my mind has become unstabilized to think in a procedural way like most people. Perhaps artists might agree with me but I have met artist who are logical but the way they get there to think logically is different than most people. I want to say their brain fires differently in their own way but the still gets the solution. 

Can the culture consumed by watching shows on TV distort a person's behavior? I would like to consider Hollywood style screen writing. Would it improve their life or create conflicts based on ideologies consumed by this form of entertainment? What are the differences of a person who hasn't consumes this medium compared to a person who has? 

(Term for software development) Symbiosis - symbiosis is a term for easily adapting and comprehending material. It's a term made for software that allows users to pick a software up easily, play around in it and learn on their own, use tools that makes sense on how they work and what they are for, and that the software has a comfortable learning curve that is easily comprehensible, understandable, easy to adapt, easy to learn, easy to find resources to improve, and ultimately allows most individuals to understand and use the software easily. 

I wouldn't mention this to anyone but I believe the greatest history of humanity is not just on Earth, there is perhaps an even greater history among the stars. It would be amazing to learn of it and see the origins of human history and interstellar evolution.

 Its obvious to me that history is connected. Its a whole lot of fun to see how the connections come together and the reasons why.

I believe you learn history, starting with the Sumerians and the sumerian God's, you learn what it means to be human and you learn who you are. 

Learn everything, discard nothing even if its false. Have ties to none of it but be open to learn everything. Overtime lies become obvious (follow the evidence and use logic) and you are left with immense knowledge, wisdom, and even applyable skills as things become easy to comprehend and apply. 

I think its a good idea to learn history through role play and pretending to be part of the past in a time period. In s in e students should learn concepts before learning the actual material. If something like applied science, electronics for example, people should learn by use of a project. I call this interest driven education.

 When you spend time away by yourself exploring new places alone and talking to new people, you rejuvenate your behavior.

Can perceptions in language be a problem?

How can you be a teacher if you are ignorant to learning, obtaining information, and deceminating accuracies? I think all teachers should have a curiosity to learn more and grow in knowledge.

 I think everyone has to find that personal voice that gives them character. That right tone or style of voice that makes them unique and gets people to want to listen to you. It's good to play with different voice styles and discover a voice format that comes naturally that people want to listen to.

 I want to think a person who knows too much or who has thought of things themselves and gain self-discovered wisdoms by thinking and using logic does not want to be the center of attention unless it's desired. I think they love to share but should not share with others through force. It's good to let others know you know a lot about something and perhaps if they are curious and want to learn more, it's up to them. I would love a society that's curious. I think a curious society is an intellectual and productive society.

03/28/21 An update to my sexuality at the moment is very relaxed. I'm very flexible when it comes to sexuality to fit something I like. At the moment it's very much ignored, because it's irrelevant to my life situation. Perhaps when I stabilize myself, I will return to some sort of narrative, dating, or being with friends. I'm pretty happy by myself at the moment. It's very chill and peaceful. 

I believe in intellectual development, mental expansion. I believe everyone should know as much as possible about something or about as many things as possible. 

I believe people should have an ethical development where they evaluate their behaviors and see ways they can improve it.

I think people should be buried with wooden blocks in case they are burried alive.  

I think even jokesters have times when they want to be seen and taken serious. Be sure to know and respect the times they are serious.

How do you know there is corruption? Follow the amount of extortion allegations where high ranking people or individuals of interest are falsely accused. Perhaps it's a good idea to note who is accusing who, how many times are they accusing others, and who are they connected with. 
I think guys and girls should tell each other they are sexy and attracted to each other. I think this is part of being honest with each other. In today's culture, saying these things isn't always considered acceptable, but I feel it should be a normal part of daily conversation. I don't think things should evolve further with each other intimately because if individuals respect each other, they should take it as a compliment, and keep things the way they are. 

Phaziers- ghosts and spirit entities who follow a person or a narrative in the afterlife. Ghosts-spirits that are a source of supernatural powers. Ghosts and spirits who allow people to use their powers if they believe in a person's motives.

(Sexual) Tri-poly Lover, a person who likes multiple partners but limits themselves to three. A person who needs to marry a person who is bi and who has them as their only bf or gf and who has another gf or bf as extended lovers or pets. Partners only allow for individuals within their threeway relationship. A quad-poly lover is a person with the same relationship but with four individuals. Allowing for another person to have an additional extended lover or pet. //If I were a tri-poly lover, I would need a bi-lesbian person. I would only engage sexually with her gf when my partner allows it. However, my condition is that my partner is not allowed to have another husband or bf; just me. She is allowed to have as many gfs as she wants. My partner ultimately has say in any gf I can interact sexually with. Any gf my friend gets is who she has to be willing to allow to share with me. 

I wonder if Seneca is right; does all cruelty spring from weakness?

I believe humanism is much more powerful than any political ideology, narrative, label, dogma, theory, or ism. When we accept and believe in humanity, human progress, human prosperity, human life, human intelligence, human intellectuality, human achievement, human personal-value, and human improvement, no political ideology, narrative, label, dogma, theory, or ism can stop humanity from becoming the humanity that benefits everyone to the greatest extent and that will take us to greater futures, goals, and dreams. 

I believe Humanism is much more than a word. It is a philosophy and way of life. It's accepting each other for who we are. Its building unity, trust, and intimate friendships. It's building a foundation of ethics where we build better intimate, united, free, and harmonious societies. Its building life long families. Its being honest and having a thirst for truth, accuracy, knowledge, and improvement. It's becoming the best a person can be physically and mentally. Its making the best decisions. It a hunger to learn, master, and achieve. It's a personal value which we hold to our authentic selves. It's creating harmony for each other where: life is precious, our time in life is precious, and that we should make a heaven on earth to enjoy life and work hard and smart to bring a future of peace, prosperity, and human progress and improvement. Humanism is a way of life that gives life to a future where solutions are found, deals and compromises are made, and where conflict is handled with great ethics, fairness, and justice. Humanism is the future; to unite the world; to end conflicts through empathy; and to bring a new mindset and behavior where intelligence, wisdom, logic, reasoning, and intellectuality resolved everything. Humanism is improvement in people by will and desire of the soul and consciousness. Together it will build a future that will never again decay and will only grow. Humanity will grow, seek, and explore. Humanism is humanity's destiny. 

Horny shivers - shivers that are brought by arousal.

I think people should reflect on their origins and pay omage to their origins.

Could a capitalist alegarchy be a functional form of government? Would it be a decent form of government that's functional? I personally think it wouldn't but I do think it's worth asking.

Could it be that females are too preoccupied by culture and sentiment hooks that give them emotional satisfaction then to compete with their male counterparts in the world of building value and creating things of value to the world?

(Transgenderism) Personal desires doesn't make a gender; unfortunately biology determines gender. Unfortunately a male can never be the complete same as a female after a transformation, otherwise they would have to change their skin's cellular structure, their mental and neuro-chemical behavior, they'd have to develop a functioning uterus and the biological capabilities to produce children. Going further in detail, its unfortunately but the male transformed sexual organ lacks the nerves and functionality of a female uterus. It doesn't have the ability to clean itself and function with an immune system and other hormonal and biological bodily synchronous functions. When a male transforms their genitals, the body often never fully adapts and a post-transformation-drain surgery must be conducted costing a lot of money with the addition of a lot of pain and discomfort which never ends in life. It would be much more intelligent to not undergo the transformation to begin with. It's best to wait until for modern medicine and medical advancement for a male to truly turn into a female then to go with primitive and costly modern practices. In today's world this would be considered transphobia despite contray to the literal vocabulary. A phobia indicates a fear and not a disagreement. I'm not against the practice of transgenderism, I believe people should do what makes them happy and what brings them success. I also have transgender friends that I love. Nevertheless, a twisting of logic is not appropriate in addition to how much one feels and the work one put in to becoming who they want to be. The looks in vanity and a materialistic desire because looks doesn't stay forever and it doesn't always bring happiness. It's important to love yourself, be honestly, and be authentic. The confidence, friendliness, and charisma gained from this will make people fall in love with you. I also disagree that telling other who disagree with one is transphobic and they should be forced to see ones side as absolute. This is authoritarianism and heavily disagree with it. People should be allowed to believe what they want to believe. I think its ethical to accept that some see original biological gender as the main gender and some see the transformation-gender being the main gender. I believe both views should be accepted and respected and no one side should be forced as the correct side. I believe everyone can live in a world where transgenders can be accepted for who they are and even find love in society. I believe their differences can be a strength and even provide with a uniqueness to society. I dream of a society where transgenders can be loved and create a uniqueness environment of people that unites individuals and makes others happy. I dream that transgenders can bring and build value to society and leave a good impression to where people in society enjoy having them as neighbors, friends, family, and lovers. 

I prize a unique and diverse society. I prize the society that is happy; whether its transgenderism/traps, cybernetic augmentation-cyborgism, biological augmentation, or cimeraism. Even if its as far fetched as holograms, phantasmic, extraterrestrial, mutation, interdimensional or time-differencial beings. A unique society of differences that are united and harmonious make a society special and interpersonal.

I disagree with females wanting sex but rather wait for the guy to make their move so that they can be blamed for taking advantage or advancing. Females should let the guy know what she wants and consents to. I also believe if a female desires something whether it's emotional desires or physical desires, they should also be honest and let the guy know. This goes with my belief that genders should be mutual. 

Emotional syndicate- It's the same as having a roleplay boyfriend that fulfills a females fantasy and every emotional desires. I believe emotional syndicates (syndicate boyfriends, or em-lovers) can help females build their fantasy boyfriends and lovers to where they meet their emotional fantasy desires. I think such a narrative will also train guys to be amazing and attractive companions, lovers, and hopefully husbands. 

I think individuals who search for reasons to be angry have not yet fully reached mental maturity and have yet to learn what makes up a society. They also have not discovered a personalized state of mind for critical thinking, a state of personal development of intellectuality that allows them to analyze things through logic and reason and to question themselves and their actions. They have not realized the faults and problems within themselves and to improve themselves to the point they provide value to themselves and value to the world. All they want is hate, that is until they realize their selfishness, materialistic desire, the truths of their ideology, and ultimately the truth of themselves, their excuses, their age, their progress in life, those reaping the true rewards of their actions, and their inability to carry on with a functional society or loving family capable of growing.

 When individuals working for evil and authoritarianism realize their selfish actions and the progress and expansion of evil, it seems like a good strategy to secretly turn on the evil causing the greatest destruction from within; hopefully for good on the outside to gain a foothold into making progress of positive change. 

I think sometimes it's the person incapable that comes up with the best solutions.

America seems to lately waste individual potential with skills, talent, and work-potential because of the high cost of living barrier and the challenge to get companies to noticed individuals most capable. I believe the solution is lowering the cost of living and lowering the cost of education so that more individuals can also enter the demand job market. I overall believe when the US utilizes individuals and expands their labor market by removing policy, taxes, enabling entrepreneurship, and marketing building personal value and wealth, people will choose the paths that will greatly reward them. 

I like the idea of work hard or work smart.

Two ways to learn about something: internally and externally. External information means you read or researched about it, learned by watching it, or discovered it by listening from some source. Internal means you came up with the solution or answer yourself using creativity, critical thinking, experimentation, or by experience. It's possible to learn things on your own through realization with the more information you consume or the more you learn through experience and practice. Not all learning has to be through text book knowledge. 

I think perhaps to say things one does not mean is a display of ignorance and hostility (during times its obviously not a joke). I think it shows a lack of mental maturity. When the goal is harmony and cooperation, one chooses their words carefully and not to offend or anger others.

 Continuity of informing- this refers to the idea to be proactive in announcing what is wrong and nonfunctional. For example, if there is something wrong with a system, make sure others know about it so that it can get attention and publicity to obtain solutions. Ignoring it will maintain the problem and disfunction.
Why is ethics so important? When you have a battery that is essentially a nuclear power plant in the palm of your hand and the possibility that someone can use it as a weapon, I would say ethics is extremely important; especially for the future. 

Emotion digging - when females try to get males to express themselves when they aren't inherently expressive of their emotions or have their emotions active all the time.

(Relationship) Surprising to some females, males can have times where their minds can get or become absolutely quiet when they think of absolutely nothing. From my observation, females are constantly thinking and reacting to their thoughts. Another difference is it's possible for a female to have trigger responses over thoughts they think up themselves ever if it's true or not. Perhaps it's not immediate for them to think of things or to consider the thoughts and emotional responses of others first then to act out from emotional satisfaction. Perhaps this is the basis in which emotional intelligence is a necessary tool for social harmony.

It seems first time married females complain a lot and are always arguing where older females after multiple marriages are more relaxed and trusting of their husbands and the desires. It seems their level of trust is greater as well as their level of tolerance is greater over the potentially flaud/imperfect nature of male behaviors. They don't seems to stress so much if their husbands tell a insignificant lie or forget things. This is something I feel should be noticed among newly weds and new lovers in a relationship. 

(Relationship) Irrational absolutism- when females tell males their flaws over unobjective generalization. For example, "you have been rude all after noon" when it might not be objectively be true or "You've been married for 25 years with me and you never given me attention". These are irrational provocative triggers to get a returning irrational response. These irrational provocations should be recognized and never used because they do substantial damage to a relationship. They cause aggravation, irritation, growing irrational responses, and hostility when they are continued. Females and males should recognize this behavior and should never use it in a relationship. Females might feel emotionally satisfied or ready-to-get-back-into-the-ring; however, they do not, or perhaps will not or maybe even never, recognize the damaged this has cause/done to the relationship until its too late. Emotional intelligence and ethics is key. On the guys side, it's best to talk to your wife or girlfriend to find the root of the anger and to talk about it. There is always a root to something and you have to seek it out and talk about it. Mentally mature adults will find the root of the problem and find ways to solve the problem, obtain a solution, or find a mutual agreement or compromise where children will keep fighting and further deteriorate the relationship until only pain, anger, division, and suffering is left.

When people break out of the constraints of perceived reality define by culture and society, they will see humanity for what it really is. They can determine their own desirable lifestyle and desire of morality outside of cultural influence and social expectation. The catch is to understand the consequence of your actions and to uphold logic and reason in a reality you have full control of otherwise you create problems for yourself and others. Nevertheless, seeing this far outside the mainstream box of social expectation and culture, you can also get lost and make yourself an outsider to others. That is why balance is needed where you have one foot in your view of how humans should live and what is viewed by culture and the desires of social expectation. When you go all the way out from culture and social expectation, you become a foreigner to cultural/mainstream/ normie thinking and create a culture of your own that only critical thinking and intellectual individuals can understand.

Always consider the good and the bad. Consider what people do good for you as much as their faults because there's a lot of good that goes unnoticed and ignored as part of culture and custom. 

There's something deeper to humanity. Its a feeling. It something a lot of good hearted people have together. It's hard to define. Its like a deep sense of feeling integrated together in a way where it feels we are united in a not very obvious way. Its a bit abstract. It goes unrecognized and ignored. There's a unifying force that everyone is part of but cannot see or recognize. It's hard to put it into words. To put it abstractly it's an indebtion to humanity. Its where everyone is rooted in desire of peace and to make a family-hood with each other to strengthen unity and collaboration. Its genderless and involves everyone who wants to do good. Its very hard to put into words. I have to use abstraction to define it because it's still not comprehensibly defined or solidified in a way where everyone can understand it. Perhaps I could call it feelings of human-unity and goodwill.

(Sexual, abstract) When you step out of the realm of culture and westernized thought and into primitive or raw human understanding and behavior, I wonder if I should introduce the controversial idea of people watching each other have sex and enjoying sexuality as part of looking at life as a whole where they see and appreciate sex as a part of the cycle of life of being born, maturing, finding a partner, having sex and procreating, giving birth, having children, raising children, the you going through old age and watching the next generation of human kind take over as the cycle of life continues. The main point is to enjoy the gifts of humanity in consideration of looking at life as a whole. 

I had a crazy thought. Could it be that if humans became an interstellar race after ruling earth through authoritarianism and totalitarianism and expanding into ruling other species in space and colonizing different bodies that it can be enhilated if it comes across a species more powerful or intelligent then itself?

For introverts, the first thing before meeting and seeing other people is being friendly. Being friendly is easy to get others comfortable being with or around you. The next thing is to not care what others think of you, just have fun a be yourself. Be yourself in a way others can be comfortable with you. After being friendly it's to be hospitable. Do this and people are easy to get along with and often fun to be with. You can use alcoholic beverages to loosen up a bit. 

(Sexual) I agree with the idea that teenagers should be having outtercourse rather than intercourse.

Narcissists 5 stages: 1. Being picked out of crowd as a target for easy control. They look for empaths and to play on emotions and sentimental values. They can easily leave if they don't get what they want. 2. Narcissists ideolize their target by making them feel special. The develop the personality their target wants and fantasies. They try to get their target to believe they see them the way they want to be seen. They utilize and reinforce/strengthen insecurities. They use positive body language to keep their target attractively and actively engaged. They put all attention on their target. Stage 3 They prioritize their desires and have their target pay them back with intense loyalty. If things go wrong, they'll make themselves out to seem they are the victim and have their victim sympathize with them. In return their target defends them and shows loyalty. They want a control over their target and feel they are always in control. 4. Devaluation. They will use devaluation to embolden themselves or if they feel tired of their target. They will pursue a rollercoaster relationship with ups and down and they will give some affection in return to get their target to fight for more loyalty and affection. They play on insecurities. They know the target wants that attention and to have the good times again. Narcissists will use guilt and the victim card to keep you emotionally involved. If you fall back into the relationship, they feel they get power and the cycle continues of using you, getting bored/ not getting what they want, devaluating you, and keeping you emotionally invested. 5. Shelving. This is when they put a person aside. They move on to someone else. They might try to regain control by saying "I miss you" or try to get your attention again. They try to keep you on that emotional shelf and prevent you from moving on while also not fully wanting to be with you. Ultimately, they use empathy as a weapon/tool against empaths. They are also always after being in control and getting what they want.// Perhaps the most simple solution is that if something is too good to be true, it usually is. If you show you don't care, they'll move on and find another easier target. Observing this from a distance it also seems narcissists present an insecurity of their own. A lack of satisfaction for attention. If this is the case could it be a desire for attention? If it's a lack of attention then it seems the root could possibly be a lack of family involvement in their lives which causes narcissism. If that's the case their greatest weakness is family. Perhaps knowing this could lead to the exploitation of narcissists. Moreover, I wonder if a female narcissist exists and what a female narcissist is like? Are males blind to their behavior? Are they rare? Is it always the males who are narcissists? Perhaps if a female narcissists exists then maybe when a narcissists plays upon another narcissist they might find compatibility.

 (Manipulation) Looking deep into the behaviors of a narcissist it seems there are emotional tools that can be learned to unbalance a person emotionally and reshape them to like you or to your liking. I guess this is diving into the world of manipulation. Perhaps it's all staging on how you want the other person to perceive you and create the illusion of status and image. However, I think the revelation of objective truths could destroy this illusion; therefore, would have to be safely hidden and safeguarded. The only qualities I've seen this is in the Great Gatsby. I do question how a person who's not narcissistic plays with the illusion of being something or someone they're not. Something like this would have to involve being conditioned or willing to reinvent and train themselves to ignore and bypass this reality. I personally would suggest people to be their authentic selves, but it seems in this world currently, the only way to thrive is to integrate with those who have status and wealth and be someone one's not. Perhaps using this tactic for perception as a strategy for change and desire is the best way to go while keeping ethics and authenticity as a guarded secret. Perhaps using the tools of a narcissist can be the infiltration strategy to get to where one wants to be. To perfect this strategy, a lot of self conditioning and training would be needed. Hopefully if one gets what they desire, they can return to their authentic selves and reflect upon their achievements and journey. I think perhaps the best way to start this strategy is by being always relaxed and getting people to see what you want. 

Building on the manipulation idea perhaps when things don't work, play the victim card. When things go right and to your goals, give people appraisal. Perhaps three methods of appraisals: give appraisal but not too much all the time, give a lot of appraisal but less over time to get more out of someone, or give consistent appraisal making the person feel good and wanting more because they feel special. In time this could be a method for perhaps unobvious conditioning of reward and punishment. Punishment involving them not feeling special anymore and emotional satisfaction. 

Perhaps a good mental induction to this strategy is thinking that I've been living life wrong. Perhaps I should have been living with the mindset of being narcissistic yet hidden deep inside being an empath with my sense of personal ethics. Narcissism can be my strategy for success. "I've been living life wrong when I should have been living narcissistically" as a mental strategy "using emotions as a tool".

(Depression) People create their own mental prisons and become prisoners to their own thoughts. They might want to feel depressed so they have an excuse and reason to get others to have pity for them and to feel they have been delt with a card of misfortune hoping that someone or something would help them or for a miracle that perhaps someone would do the hard work for them. Its true that some people need a simple helping hand to motivate them and get them the confidence to get up and reach a goal, others want it done for them due to the mindset of entitlement. That's why it's important to have goals and a plan. It helps self motivate oneself and gets their mind to stop thinking negatively and to focus on a goal and a plan for reaching that goal. The negative thoughts is what is hurting a person the most. People believe in things that aren't true but fulfills their emotional desires because it gives them an excuse when they should always be setting goals and planning with realistic steps to reach those goals. 
(Personal, How I feel) I feel dad had his chance to help out people when a collapse if ever to happen or destabilization happens. He had a chance to help himself and build his wealth and help his family tremendously. I told him do it but he didn't care to consider what I thought of. So I'll just do my own thing and work miserably. If I ever get a chance to build up as much money I'll do it on my own. Chances of that are slim. There isn't a whole lot of moving up it seems. I'll be morethanlikely be jumping from job to job like most people my age. This is just the way it is in this shitty broken dysfunctional world of today. I'll morethanlikely remain miserable, hate my jobs and my dreams won't ever get attention. I absolutely hate working with an undying hatred and great passion. The jobs that exist today are okay but a complete mysery when you have goals and no funding. It's demeaning and it doesn't bring reward, meaning, purpose, improvement, building skills, improving intellecuality, upward mobility, ability to use one's mind and creativity, feeling of being part of something greater, or any sort of fulfillment. It doesn't make life worthwhile. If I get a job I rather never tell anyone about it because I am ashamed I didn't build and grow it. If dad got some land, I could help clear the property, make a studio, paint, make games, and get others involved to be part of something. I could build something on it that attracts people. Attracts enthusiasts, hobbiests, recreationalists, athletes, or where people come together as a community. I could have a system where people live and pay rent using g the land. I could make an area where people would want to spend their money. A place where they want to stay and that builds value and generates wealth. I will never be satisfied working for others. It is a damnation. I didn't not build it. I did not grow it. I will never be satisfied working for people who demean you or see you as a number. I will never be happy working under others. I will never be happy if I don't have say as a person at the top of the enterprise capable of making important independent and creative decisions. I want my freedom to build and grow something. To build purpose, meaning a fulfillment. To inspire others to build and do the same. That is one way a person can truly be happy. It doesn't even have to be difficult. Nevertheless, I have no funding and there is no way to obtain funding. I don't have useful credit and everything is expensive. I will not be happy in this life if I can't create and find independence from this fake or controlled capitalist system. 

(Trans) My personal opinion on transgenders, specifically m>f, are that I will see them as a man that wants to be portrayed as a woman so therefore I will treat them as a woman. I don't agree if they should go to the female restrooms or that they should participate in female sports. I would leave these for individuals of original genders (base genders) because that is fair, but that's my opinion; that is until technologies allow for full tranformations with near accuracy where a male can fully transition to a female and a female can fully transition to a male biologically and physically where they are capable of reproduction and the bodily functions to nurture infants. In addition, perhaps I will accept that as a trans person demonstrates great ethics and qualities in which regular females are okay with, then they can participate in the more private things females do. Nevertheless, I will always see them as a man based on their original gender but respect what they desire and I hope they respect that I objectively see them as a man wanting to be a woman. If we can get over this then there is a world where we can be great friends and get a long. Continuing, I love the diversity in society if everyone is to get along and be friendly to each other. However, if they argue to force me to see them as a woman then I disagree and will not respect them. They don't deserve to be seen as a woman. The reason I disagree is that it shouldn't be a forced ideology. I believe if trans want to merge and be accepted in society, they should portray themselves as a respectful, trustworthy, and valuable member to society. If a transgender individual wants me to respect them, they must portray themselves with respect. Respect, friendliness, and harmony is what will strengthen our unity, trust, and get me to accept and respect them for who they are. In time, my thoughts could familiarize, ignore, get use to, and morethanlikely see them as a woman and I am okay with that. Furthermore, this idea of respect, friendliness, trust, and harmony applies to anyone. For example, even if a person wants to be a trap and dress as a woman, if a person wants to modify their body to be a lizard, or if a person wants to be a walking piece of art filled with absurd piercings and adult tattoos, as long as they are respectful, friendly, and preserve the harmony in a society, I will be more than welcome to see them the way they want to be seen. If they posses great logic, reasoning, and critical thinking skills, we may even be great lifelong friends. 

I believe in society, respect, friendliness, and harmony, along with ethics and having goodwill for everyone, comes before personal desires. More in detail, it should be our nature to respect everyone, be friendly so people approach you, and preserve the harmony in society. When it comes to violence, fear, and control, we should avoid it, protect from it, be very against it, and form strategies in which it never is allowed to occur or grow. 

For people who are unintelligent or who think they are intelligent, you'd think they'd learn the definition to some words and why they exist. Perhaps there should be a greater idea to question why things exist, why we do what we do, why there are consequences, and what should we do to improve. 
The world is heading towards globalization. It cannot be helped. The problem with globalization is that its heavily based on authoritarianism and not freedom for the people. It uses the term democratic and free but it's just words for conditional marketing and strategic pacification. In the end whenever this system takes control of all resources and systems, people will be familiarized and adapt to beurocracy and eventually accept and merge with the authoritarian globalization system. Those who benefits will be the elite and humanity and freedom will eventually die out and its ideology suppressed as people forget the concept and narrow their thoughts to the idea as time and generations go on with the use of propaganda and reinvisioned education. Good going Pence.

A television screen will not teach a person much as their brain goes into passive mode. At 30 to 60 frames they're practically hypnotized to the screen and only pick up on little details that are usually forgotten. Unfortunately it's not a good source to help them learn, retain information, and apply what they have learned.

Should sons and daughters from wealthy parents be given the "wealth builder" challenge? This is the challenge where wealthy parents give their offsprings about $100,000 or $200,000 as an adult and they are told to make their own first business. It can be a business in anything they like. If they can do this, they are capable of retraining the wealth and growing their business.

(Term) Dedicated-small clan polyamory - (aka loyal-to-group polyamory) an individual who may or may not have multiple intimate partners with friends and people of trust but might be dedicated to one or or more lover partners. Typically around two to four lover partners. 

(Logic and intelligence genre) a genre of movies, comics, books, and games that test a protagonist skills with real world sciences and applications as a story device. It's to have the audience learn about science and technology through a medium that keeps them engaged. The biggest goal is to show off the intelligence of the story's characters through the conflict, challenges, and obstacles they face. In the end hopefully the ready wants to be like the characters and has a self-driven desire to want to learn more about a subject that interests them in the real world. 

(Children learning) I often ask how children can learn through play. Play is an extreme valuable thing for a child and if we can utilize learning with play, children can theoretically learn while also having fun. I have two ideas for this: the first idea is the use of games and virtual reality. We can make games an addicting source for learning assuming they retain memory of what they learned and experienced. To keep ideas they learned, designers would have to teach things to a child where it leaves an impact on them. The next idea is the use of friendly robots. They can play with Robots that will teach them as they play making learning fun, natural, and enjoyable. 

I think perhaps a good community, education, fathers, family, and a respect for authority helps prevent crime. 

(Term) Sho-calm - the ability to calm one's arousal and respect, ignore, and overcome when around an individual exposing their body or participating in sexually stimulating activities.

(Sexual) I believe people should be honest about what they are and like sexually. I think an honest sexual life is a happy life. People should learn everything about sexuality. The things they are sexually okay with should be something they are willing to carry mentally for the rest of their life so they should choose wisely. People who are honest with what their sexual interests are can then implement a set of morals, values, and boundaries and engage with others with consent and based on those principles. This I think is a sense of sexuality with moral amplitude. I also agree that those who do not understand this, who are ignorant, or have a low conscious-cognitive ability should not participate in such sexual activities or ideology unless/until they truly understand what the reasons of this are for.

(Child development) Children are animals and they have to be disciplined. Disciplined through the non aggression principle if it works or by traditional bottom thrashing which in my opinion should only be done in extreme cases because children repeat what they see. Children need to realize what is right from wrong and more importantly why. 

(Child development, child obesity) To prevent obesity, be conscious what your child eats. Its my opinion that the more weight one puts on at an early age will carry as they develop into adult hood due to the difficulty of losing weight. Don't let children consume too much salt or sugar especially daily. Give them fruits and items with natural sugars. This protects a child's metabolism which is needed to prevent them from gaining weight. Gaining weight is easy to gain and near impossible to get rid of. If the body consumes too much sugar, then blood sugar is created and too much blood sugar makes it difficult to produce insulin. Insulin is produced by glucose. In order to stay healthy sugar needs to be balanced. If a child practices eating sugar daily, especially artificial sugar like alcohol sugars, then it will eventually lead to obesity despite how much your child exercises. Perhaps the chances are that big children are the result of irresponsible or unaware parents. 

I want people to be the better versions of themselves.

I wonder if I could make videos of simplified concepts about many subjects. Like breaking things down and teaching things in a simplified way that even young people can easily mentally digest. 

Do strict people force others to lie if they can't be authentic? 

(Term) Lost souls-  today's common individual who looks for meaning and purpose while trying to survive every day life in poverty.

Does a happy sex life contribute to make happy parents? Could happy parents retain loyalty, functionality, and unity?

I like my little quote that "Culture defines us, culture blinds us". In other words, everything has an influence of culture and it can even blind us from objective reality by replacing reality with culturally installed illusions. An example can be a person sees a car as a tool to get from point A to point B. Another person sees the person and their car and thinks a car sets that person's stereotype. 

 I think if a parent has a son or daughter with the ability to build an entrepreneur idea, I think they should let them do it. Parents should also have their sons and daughters provide with deadlines to show progress of their work otherwise they have to find a job. If they are making progress then they might have something to build on as an entrepreneur and sell to an audience rather than working a usual job and maybe not accomplishing the entreprenurial idea. If it doesn't work out, they can go back and get a job and turn their entrepreneur ideas into a side hustle. I do think parents should help with this if they see that it can help take them farther in life.

I think life requires balance. A balance of taking care of yourself, good hygiene, living in cleanliness, being organized, and living in a healthy and asthetically pleasing environment. If this is not possible then it's up to one to do the best they can. A healthy environment perhaps helps with a healthy mind if not shows the state of mind a person is in.

I'm not an individual of permescuity. I do not promote sexual deviance. I am a thinker. I am a writer. I enjoy journaling ideas no one has thought up before. I enjoy a sense of intellectual adventure. I keep my thoughts to myself when in real life and express myself only on this medium. I express myself because I have no other outlet to express myself with. I do not intend to be known for what I write and I expect sometime in the future this medium will evolve like any other medium. 

I think females should chase after males just as much as males chase females. They can be honest and tell guys what they want in a friendship or if their intention is to get into a relationship. They can be regular companions, intimate buddies without sexual activity, they can be sex buddies, or the can be someone who just wants the emotional fulfillment of feeling loved and having all the attention on themselves to make them feel good. Anything they want with a guy can be possible when they tell a guy what they honestly want. I want females to have a culture in which this is possible, is normal, and they won't be judged or shamed. 

For the people who want to move on in their lives with better relationships and its hard to be honest without hurting another persons feelings, perhaps an excuse can be personal change. You wanting to make a positive change in your life and looking to change everything about your life to improve. Tell them it's just something you have to do. 

Pass it forward millionaire idea- Elon musk is the only wealthy person serving as a role model or example for the wealthy. It would be great to give a random Individual the immediate wealth status capable of making their ideas a reality. When they finish and reach their goal, they pass it on to the next person. If they do not perform, they lose the status and pass it to the next person. Maybe they retain this status only if they l accomplish their mission or perhaps they only have a month to make it happen.

Friends love- A unique kind of love between friends that's not associated between boyfriend and girlfriend. Its a love that allows for intimate interaction between friends without the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship commitments.

Co-friends - Close friends that are like siblings. Friends that may offer some level of intimacy.  Their relationship doesn't have to be sexual. Friends that does not involve being friendzoned because of the level of openess and honesty allowed. It's a friendship with unspoken loyalty yet with the ability to express yourself openly without fear of separation. Its a friendship where one can be as rude and disgusting as one wants and have a willingness to tolerate each other.. There is no commitment so one can leave whenever they want. Moreover, its a friendship where one can express their anger and frustration and yet still commit to friendship loyalty. Its a friendship where you never grow tired being with the person because you feel you can do what you want. It's a friendship with an intense bond that allows each other to get over differences and problems and still remain very close friends. There can even be rough periods where they can stop talking to each other entirely and a period of time later return. It's a friendship where you can joke about anything and still be friends. It's a friendship where you can tell each other that you love each other and still keep it as friends because you both know it's a friends love and not a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship love for each other (this might be a new concept for average individuals). 

(Urban Exploration) Public Captivating Site (pcs) - I want to make common places where people want to visit because they offer secrets, special sites, unique places of interest, scenic views, special activity, and offer a uniqueness like no other. Overall, it's to create culture, build community, build a sense of urban exploration, and provide a location that people can share.

Non-Conformist trans- also known as a traditionalist trans is a trans that respect others and the opinions. A traditional trans with a mindset before the year 2010. A trans that does not believe in political ideology, violence, or ideological force. An individual's that upholds logic, rationality, and reason. An individual that respects the thoughts and beliefs of others. An individual who accepts and respects other if they do not believe in trans ideals and pursues the same individual rights, desires, values, and dreams as any rational, critically thinking, ethical, and respectful individual. A trans that desires goodwill to others and earns respect and admiration by portraying a positive self image and personal acceptance influencing positive self-confidence. They are an individual that does right and is respected, accepted, and even loved by others for portraying the best version of their authentic self. 

America is a land of the free, a debt trap system, and a system of a lot of wasted career potentials. I think a new system for America should be made where it allows for multiple systems, variety of options, and allows organizations to not follow cookie cutter processes and procedures. Perhaps a system that allows people to enter an industry from the bottom with little experience and learn everything about a position to become a valuable asset to the company and the industry. I believe we need a system that makes use of people. A system for who want to build value but don't know how or who can't afford it. Ultimately, we need a system where as many people as possible, if not everyone, is involved and contributing in some way to build infrastructure, grow industries, and strengthening the economy. We need to build a culture of work, business, enterprise, entrepreneurship, opportunities, solutions, talent, skills, and value. This is how we improve everyone's life. We do this by making jobs and building careers. We need to get to the point where jobs are always in demand and businesses are always growing if not building wealth, value, solutions, innovations, services, and products. We need to keep building a world where we are at the top and always evolving as number one in as many industries as possible. 

I think we should develop analog technology as well as digital. We should also have human power and not just gas and electric powered items. Having this flexibility I think is a good idea for if we ever need it.

I think people need to fight against mass psychosis, mass lunacy, and delusion. I believe this could be just as lethal as any viral epidemic. When people give in to delusion, there are no filters for rational thinking. This is why truth and logic is important and to fight against irrational ideas and lunacy is critical. It's when delusion allows to become a mass ideology is when genocide and mass murder happens. 

Is it possible to be given the wrong encouragements? Could it actually be a good idea to take the chance to be an idiot and make mistakes? If I do this perhaps it will have a much greater influence to me. 

(Crazy sexual idea) Could we teach people academic subjects using sexuality? Sex is always the greatest motivator, perhaps this could also motivate people to overcome educational obstacles and be a tool for learning.

I mentioned the creation of the intellectual, educational, and intelligence genre that doesn't exist. I feel like mcgeiver is the only series that utilizes this. I also have seen death note pull off pretty unique intellectual ideas also which I think made the audience feel intelligent. Perhaps the creation of the "intellectual genre" is exactly what the world needs to influence popculture, culture, and inspire people to be self-made intellectuals, critical thinkers, and have a motivation to learn academic subjects on their own on behalf of personal inspiration and endeavors.

(Physics) Perhaps an amateur answer but maybe perhaps learning more about gravity and energy we can learn to manipulate time. If energy moves backwards and forwards at the same time, we could use this to solve time. Perhaps by also observing gravity, we can also find ways to slow down and speed up time. Moreover, energy is mysterious and perhaps has properties we do not yet understand or might still be very complex for us to understand. I think this could help us understand our reality and perhaps even allow us to modify the nature of our reality.

(Physics) Perhaps dumb but I wonder if its possible to make a temperature engine? In thermodynamics, if a cold object can be headed up and then cooled back down, perhaps we can make a vessel in which encapsulates this that goes back and fourth being warmed up and cooled back down creating a natural engine. I assume the heat creates energy and as it cools it disipates energy. Perhaps as long as there is a source for cooling and heating the vessel can go back and fourth. 

I think every lifeform, ET, or living thing will have one thing in common and that is they require energy. If any hostile specie poses a threat perhaps this could be the greatest resource for weakness as we could create a source for energy dispersion which disapates or absorbs energy and ultimately the use of energy required to operate their resources. Perhaps there are many forms of energy or devices of consuming and using energy. The energy used in a humans body perhaps could be different then mechanical energy. Perhaps an energy or wave form exists that passes through every form of mass. If this form can be manipulated to absorb or disipate energy, then it could be a method of energy displacment, allocation, or removal.
 Notes on electronics and electronics components: 
Electronic components: resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Operational amplifier. Mosfet.Moffett. byt. Diode. 555 timer. Logic ic. LEDs.LET'S. Fuses. Opchometers. Altrimers. Tactile switches. Toggle switches. Screw terminals. Ic sockets. Male and female headers. Breadboard. Wires and clip wires.
1. Resistors- maintain current flow, disipate heat. Currency control and limiting.controls voltage or drop. Protects system. (Linear resistors, non linear resistors, variable resistors). 2. Potential meter-a voltage divider used to measure electrical difference. Used to control audio equipment, video motion, control transducers changing volume, frequency, attenuation. Input, output, and ground.3 Switches - makes or breaks a connection in a circuit. Single pole single throw switch, single pole double throw switch, double pole single throw switch, double pole, double throw switch, push button switch, toggle button switch, limit switches, float switches, flow switches, pressure switches, tempature switches, joystixk switches, rotary switches. 4. relay- electromagnetic and electro operated switch that controls electrical circuts. Used when a safe low voltage circuit controls high voltage circuit. Coils are used to generate electro magnetic fields. Control high voltage circuts with low voltage power supply. Used to make mathmatical and arithmetic operations. Used to control electo motor switches.5 Inductor- stores electronic energy in the form of magnetic fields. It is used to block AC (actuation current) to allow DC (direct current) to pass. Don't allow sudden changes in current to pass through them. Blocks high frequencies. Replaces ripple current in the circut. 6 capacitor -  a passive two terminal component stores electrical energy in an electrical field. Used in power supply and smooth applications. Used with audio frequency. 7 diodes- allows current flow in one direction. It acts as a valve in an electrical circut. Polarized device with a cathode and anode. Two catagories: conductors and insulators. There is a positive p-type and negative n-type. Most materials on the periodic table in the middle are insulators, they can become conducts with a process called doping. We call these semiconductors. Bias conditions for diode: Zero bias, reverse bias, forward bias. 8 transformers- raise or lower electronic currents. Two types: step up and step down. Transformer and mosfats are used in microcontroller, oplamps, circut breakers, and DC and ac motors.

I want to say accept and take pride of your faults and weaknesses. Do this and nothing will phase you. I want to also add, take pride in challenges and obstacles you face because these are your challenges that you have to work through and push yourself to achieve. Once you climb that mountain of achievement, have pride and humility of the journey it took for you to get there. Even if you slide off the mountain once reaching the top, take pride that you maintain the achievement. 

I think delusional trillionairs, billionais, and millionaire could be the greatest threat to a country/society. I think people should see that delusion can be a real threat especially with a power and funding capabilities to carry an agenda. 

Simulate the situation before it happens to simulate being successful.

Could it be possible that people treat you the way you treat yourself?

I think in this world you need strategy. Perhaps it's wise to not unfold all your cards. It's perhaps best to reveal and use them wisely. 

Maybe if a city falls bellow a state of anarchy, violence, and corruption, the people can petition and pressure their senators to order the national guard where leaders are arrested and all crime is delt with.

(Sexual) Should quality adult entertainment (perhaps we can call this QAE; Adult only films; or Adult then genre [ex: Adult Action]) have its own genre in the world? These are movies that feature full adult content but with high quality of storytelling. These movies may also include the topics of nudism and topics surrounding sexual development and exploration. The difference between adult films and internet pornography is that adult film uses sexuality and arousal as a story device and not the main source of entertainment. Just like with most movies it involves narratives and thought provoking concepts. I think if this is done right, movies can be balanced or given some spice and given more flavor to a new generation of audience. Perhaps an example of this can be something like Game of Thrones with actually showing uncensored elements. I believe because sexuality and arousal overpowers a medium, it's best to keep it in small amounts so that people receive the right dose but still are involved to want to see what happens in the rest of the movie. Overtime I believe people will look beyond the nudity and sexuality and will remain driven to the story. I also think in the future this genre will spark new ideas and sub genres. I think this could be a new idea moving filmmaking, story ideas, and human-perception into the future. 

(Controversial) Although I'm against identity politics, I do wonder if nudism would be considered an identity or if hypersexualist/sexual-deviant would be considered an identity. Without ethics and a basic set of values, I would think this kind of belief can be dangerous if used in today's society.

Could the end of totalitarianism, mass psychosis, and delusion bring an end to schizophrenia? Could there be a link between the two?

The future of an existence of hell on Earth exists mainly with the use of mass psychosis, histeria, and delusion. 

(Memory) Attention and focus preserves memory. That's why associating with a random item often works. Context is also important because it helps with reasons it should be put in memory.

We need to provide better education that takes on a new model of freedom, responsibility, and critical thinking. We start with introducing them to the school and teachers. What is expected of them. Then we teach them how to think properly and how to think for themselves. We will teach them how to learn. We will provide a reasonable explanation why something is taught and why it exists. We will teach using logic, reason, structure, theory, using psychology for cognitive digestability, simplified to complex concepts, foundational principles and build knowledge incrementally. We will teach using a variety of methods that allow students to learn according to the method of teaching that works best for them that helps them learn more fast and retain information. We will teach them to question everything and to question their peers and authority. We do this because we are building a culture of improvement. We will use storytelling and natural curiosity to build their own self-desire to learn. We will make learning fun and addicting. We will make learning as if playing a video game where they will have fun learning, building their level of knowledge, and have even more fun applying what they learn to the real world. We want to show them the model in which the goal of life is wealth, ethics, family, and personal happiness. It will no longer be about the factory worker model. We no longer want subservient drones who blindly obey authority. We do not want a controllable the masses, we want an intellectual and intelligent mass with a curiosity and goal of improvement, and a collective of goodwill and wealth. We want a healthy, productive, and goodwill for each other society. We want to build unparallel unity and cooperation to the point crime is taboo because life offer so much more benefits and rewards. This is the future. A world without elitism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and propaganda think tanks. It's a world for self driven desire for peace and progress. I believe this is how true humanity will be created and this is how true human potential will be made. I call this the Stanley Janoski III model of education. 

I think we are in an era of mediocre entertainment, authoritarian regimes, epidemic political narratives, depopulation power-grab schemes with epidemics, genetic-medical-food alterations, legalized violence, rising mass psychosis, dysfunctional systems, mass propaganda, reverse-world policies, and the end of freedom, logic, reason, and logical laws. I call it, the age of The Final.

Pro embarrassment society - where you can humiliate yourself and not be or feel ashamed. It's a society where you are free to behave the way you want as long as you demonstrate ethics first towards others. In addition, there are two kinds of self-embarasments: socially accepted embarrassments which people don't care and overlook and cringe humiliation, which is the kind of embarrassment that shows a depth of deprivation where people don't want to associate with you which should be avoided. Both may go ignored out of respect.

A good lesson later in life is to figure out how everything works. Find out how it's supposed to work and then how it actually works. Often fundamentals can be different from application.

(Fun workforce) Is it possible to make a version of a job but make it fun like a videogame and addicting? Perhaps some jobs could be trained with a use of psychology which could turn ordinary jobs that people don't want to do into jobs they love and cant get enough of. It would be interesting to make a fun and addicting workforce where employees don't want to stop working. Perhaps a work force could be designed where individuals are given the ability to portray a little of themselves or their alter egos which maybe could allow people to be more productive. I also want to add that maybe jobs could be a place that feels as if an extension of their own homes and where others are an extension of their family. Overall, it would be great if jobs were fun, addicting, and provided value for the employees that kept them happy and not wanting to stop working.

(Controversial; crazy; perhaps sexual) Although this is an irrational thought provoking idea that is obviously not functional in the average society, I wonder if nudist or sexualist could be an identity or a recognized lifestyle that are recognized by businesses. What if businesses provided caderence, consideration, and convinences to these kind of individuals? Perhaps private rooms for them to conduct their steamy operations or locations in which their lifestyles mix with work culture are permitted? 

I think the food industry needs to observe nutritional and chemical studies over soil quality and nutrition found in foods to make sure all foods are providing all the ingredients for natural human-body medicine production. If amino acids are missing, chemicals are lacking, genetic alteration is affecting, or some sort of natural ingredient alteration happens in foods, it will show in the quality of human and society thinking, behavior, and mass health in a society. In a case this is found affecting individuals in society, there should be immediate accountability. 

I believe in the future people will be able to create their own oil synthetically in a factory and refinery. I believe they will be able to use coal, heat it up, pressurize it, and even change the chemical properties to make it much more effective and efficient in vehicles. 

I think the way to improve industries is deconstruction and reconstruction if they become to monopolized or filled will politics. It's necessary to get rid of fallacies, equitable lies, secretes, and reasons an industry cannot move forward. I think if an industry cannot move forward then more individuals should create competition to force innovation/evolution.

(Nutrition) It's important to get as much of the nutrients and minerals in one's body as possible if not at least a few times a week. This builds a body's natural immunity, aids metabolism, and allows the body to make natural bodily medicines. Without the creation of this there will be a lack to fight inflammations (perhaps cancer cells) and a lack of body medicines which could affect an individual's mental health and physical condition. If the body rejects and treats itself as a enemy entity then it could be because of these reasons. Medicines often lead to more medicines, but by eating right, the body can help itself and produce its own medicines which contributes to longevity and overall health. 

(Term) Dissodent- the combination of a modern unintellectual person, who follows, doesn't critically think nor question, who might have a sense of entitlement, perhaps thrives on victimhood and dependence, a person who perhaps lives from excuses, and a person in which logic is not the rule but the acception.

(Term) Cess- a word that mean to instantly stop and to cease from continuing. It means to instantly stop because a person is taking advantage of a situation for their own irrationalities and agenda. It's a word that means to stop because one no longer wants to engage in communication because the other person is leading them to a place where they are forced to react in undesired and unnecessary defense. Its a word that means to stop to let another to expose themselves, their vulnerabilities, flaws, weaknesses, and irrationalities. It's a word that mean to stop and to have others notice or note the unethicacies of another and to expose their weaknesses of not being capable of rationality, logic, and reason. A word deriving from cesspool. 

(Controversial; from one of my thrown away semi-erotic short story ideas) Intimately close lover-friends oath - "Love you as a friend. Sex together like a lover. Treat you like a brother/sister/family. Heartfelt together like no other. Respect when we find love; even if its not each other. Secrets we'll always share. Honesty is our comfort. I'm with you until we end.  You're my best friend(s) forever."  //this is for friends who are friends for life. The sex together like a lover indicates they are open to each other intimately, perhaps like swingers, without jealousy and it keeps them strong. The group of friends is like a close loving and honest pact that cannot be separated.

(Physics) I would like to see how microfrequencies, or frequencies with astronomical numbers, affect physics and objects; perhaps in the space of biology and medical field. Perhaps this could affecting cancer cells. Maybe a frequency could conduct a buildup of electromagnetic energy that eventually effects a cancer cell. Perhaps electrotonic devices could be created where light rays or invisible magnetism can be put over a persons body to detect and neutralize harmful and cancerous cells. 

 (Physics) Perhaps infini-batteries can be created at the electromagnetic level. Infinie-batteries are batteries capable of infinitely producing energy and a charge based on natural magnetic laws. Going one more step ahead, perhaps infinite energy could be pulled from the air because air can be ionized/ electrically charged. 

Perhaps we should open a field for Master Scientists. A master scientist is a scientist with all fields of science and knowledge of scientific subjects. Perhaps it can be a 16 year academic career where an individual learn all fields of modern science subjects and math. 

(Theroetical) Intricate science- the science found in between physics and arithmetic subjects. It extends from the belief that formulas are shortcuts to understand something through human interpretation. Intricate science is the science and math we do not understand or are seemingly abstract. An example could be the explanation of the abstract math needed to come to a solution in a factoring equation. During the process, numbers are swapped around and subjected to mathematical arithmetic. The intricate science is the science of the abstraction of swapping the numbers in relation of what it would be doing to reality and real world physics. It's a belief that understanding the abstraction will lead to scientific logics which enable the understanding of new shortcuts and patters in which to conduct math which might translate into physics in the real world.

My school formula: The more terrible the school is in regards to student behavior, perhaps the more strict and savvier the school treats its students. Maybe the level of strictness is proportional to the level of student average behavior. The more good the students are, the more flexible, respected, and fun the school is for the students. 

(School) I perhaps think schools should have a unique structure proportional to the behavior of it's students. If a school has on average poorly performing students and terrible behavior then it should be a more strict environment. Perhaps this makes students wear uniforms, operate in a more militaristic structure, and allows teachers additional powers to maintain structure in their classrooms.  Perhaps the level of strictness is proportional to the average level of behavior by students. If there are students who excel then they should be treated with more respect and perhaps given more flexibility. If a school performs well and behaves good on average then the school is lenient, respectful, and caring of their students. Students are treated as adults. The school should become a fun environment to learn and every student should be encouraged to become the best individual they can be. Perhaps a good school can even give teachers powers for rewards. If there are a few misbehaving or rotten students then they should be given a more strict role to straighten up and learn from others and their peers. Overall, the behavior of the average student is proportional to the level of strictness or lenience of the school. Perhaps this could be by a five or ten degree level. The level of degree determines the behavior of the school towards its students. Perhaps depending on the academic year or quarterly, the levels or degrees can be changed. This is just an idea. Good students get rewarded and set a positive example, bad students are taught to be of a good example. This could cause bullying; however, bullying should be taken very seriously because it conflicts with an individual's attention to learn. I believe bullying should lead to being expelled as it should be considered an offense. Furthermore, I think this could be a model incorporated into my model of education for more strict measures if students behave poorly. 

(Wealth) My build wealthy game plan: I need to invest around $200,000 in a stocks to produce around $2000 in dividens so that I don't have to pay rent ever again and I could live financially flexible and independent. Perhaps to do this a good plan could be to make my own business for 15k. Another option is to build a side hustle to have additional income to be used to purchase stock. I need stocks with good yields and dividens. This is how I can build wealth as an investor. It takes money to make money and I can make money using compound interest and a stock's Dividen Reinvesting DRIP program. If I find out if this can work, it could be a way to help others secure their financial future. 

Perhaps professionals should take  the time every three or five years to write and teach their profession or the discoveries in their profession. I assume the experience obtained would make good insight and knowledge for others to learn from. 

(Nsfw; pet contracts) i wo Der if others would hire people to be pets? Could this be a abnormal career choice? There's pet play where they roleplay as literal pets such as dog or cat and human-pet roleplay where they behave more like a person or a roleplay slave or servant. The contract allows for conditions to be set by the person who wants to be a pet. They can live on location or drive daily to work. The contract goes through the conditions such as are they allowed to be fetishly-abused; is sexual elements allowed; or is it about supporting and obeying their contractual owner? It would be interesting to have small careers or side hustle utilizing fetishes. 

(Term) Divi-farmer - a person who mines dividens from stocks. 

(Government) I think it might be a good idea to have a Logics Leaders Commitee. This is a commitee of government ethics, oversight, and quality assurance. These are extremely logical individuals who are leaders from every state. Every month there is a rotation for new very logical leadership individuals. Their goal is to be part of a panel that questions every area in government and politics. There should be a balance of views. There should be a balance of opposition and people for any topic. The goal is a debate, Q&A, discussion for the average citizen, or for the public and average citizen to get involved outside of press. The debate or discussion is between state representatives and congressman against pro and con Logic Leaders who make up the Logics Leaders Committee. It should also be possible for Logic Leaders to call for leaders in different departments of government to answer questions. There are four Logic Leaders from each state. Two are pro and two are con each political topic. Balance of pros and cons are important. Political topics could be focus questions on highlighted topics or random desired topics. Each ask their series of questions before the hour to their state representatives, congressman, or government department leader in a publicized event. The questions asked by Logic Leaders are heard fairly and answers are to be expected unless it's confidential. If there isn't an answer, then the answers can be prepared in advance and brought up the next session. Because the Logics Leaders Commitee rotates every month there is always a variety of new individuals with new questions, debates, discussions, and public solutions. Every session is two or four hours long. The time is balanced for pros and cons. This means two hour segments has one hour for pros and one hour for cons without opposition interuption. If it's a four hour segment, it's two hours for pro and two hours for con. This session only happens once a month. As stated earlier the purpose of a Logic Leader Commitee is so that the average individual or intelligent leader can question political agendas, motives, reasons, solutions, and input the questions or obtain answers publicly. The philosophy behind this is a society that is publicly involved and active in questioning authorities is a government pushed to improve. 

Human regression - The solution to depopulation is the influential variables that impact birthrates. This can include preventative technologies to prevent unnecessary birthrate. This can be condoms, birth control pills, semen neutralizers, or tube tying surgery . It can also be sexual freedoms where a sexual culture satisfies lustful urges allowing for a sexually satisfied population and less birthrates due to satisfactions. Another method can be limitations such as financial burdening. Children could cost too much money for resources. Another method is financial incentive to not have children where a provider pays individuals to not produce offsprings. 

(Currency; collapse) Should states have their own version of currency in case of economic collapse? It seems smart to me that there can be two forms of currency; one as the US dollar and the other for state currency. If people believe the national currency will collapse, they can invest and use the state currency. It would also be interesting to use the state currency to purchase good therefore allowing flexibility to use two forms of currency. The state currency can also be backed up by a resource such as gold or state-produced resource. Overall, the state currency is for individuals who have lost faith in the value on their national currency or fear a collapse in their national currency. This allows average individuals to support their states growth at the state level or prepare in the instance a collapse or recession happen.

05/09/21 It's seems to me an orchestrated collapse is in session. Although the media is beginning to say resources are becoming limited, it seems its not true as they install policies and carry out irrationally planned agendas that stifle production. Therefore, I have to say it's an orchestrated collapse. I think there should be laws against this sort of behavior and agendas where government and corporate leaders collaborate on malevolent agendas to negatively influence industries which affects the economy. The idea of a global reset is irrational and should be in the spotlight of every national security and defense agency. It's a plan known for four years now and it seems the implementation to carry out the plan has now begun to reveal itself as irrational corporate leaders begin to act. 

*** ❤ I am an intimate-lover friend (I call this may-friend earlier in my blog) My desire for other ladies to first know about me: I have many intimate friends. Currently I have too many female friends and a handful of male friends. Out of all my many female friends, right now I have a few lovers. They all know about each other. I have no official girlfriend. I tell them how I am in advance because I enjoy being a lewd person. I am also very intimate and close with my female friends. That's just the way I am. I like that closeness, intimacy, and bond with others. I love sex, but I don't do intercourse with other unless I trust them and took the time to get to know how they really are. I'm honest, I love being there for all my lady friends. I care for them, listening to them, and I want to be the person for them to go to if they need someone to talk to or do something with. I'm honest, caring, and I'm a positive force to have because I support, encourage, motivate, listen, and give my advice whenever needed. Anything intimate or sexual also has to be by consent first. I prefer to have and be with intimate friends who accept my level of intimate interaction with them. Friends who are more like me, free to be lewd, warm, intimate, and single to avoid drama. I'm also a freebird. I like to be myself and have fun. If you're my friend, please don't fall in love with me; I want to preserve fragile hearts. I'm a hard animal to tame because I like having my friends, i like being myself, and i love not being tied down. If we have sex you need to understand that there is no expectations. Sex is something I do for fun and excitement. It's something I can do without attaching myself to anyone. Sex is not essential to me, but I love the very close bonds it creates. I do enjoy pleasuring and doing intimate things with all my close lady friends when the mood is right and by consent. When I feel certain way, I'll say what's on my mind, even if its steamy. I word things in a way its no offensive. For example, "I probably shouldn't say this, and I'm sure you don't feel the same way, but I do feel a little turned-on right now. It's just my hormones. It's something I have to ignore." (Just me being honest) Moreover, I like showering with my lady friends, sleeping with them, cooking with them, and doing things that usually females do with each other and find where I can enjoy it and make it fun for myself while also being happy making them happy when I'm around them and simply enjoying our time together. I guess I could see myself as an unofficial filler-boyfriend. I don't like drama and jealousy so they shouldn't be my friend if they cause issues. They should  know or keep in mind I'm like this with everyone. I might love some friends more than others but there's a place in my heart for all my friends. I would like to emphasize it's forbidden to fall for me. If you fall in love with me or need to have me, we probably shouldn't be friends. You'll set your feelings up for disaster. I should make it more clear that I'm untamable. I can be unimaginably heartwarming, close, supportive, and loving; despite my stupidity and imperfections. Perhaps one day when I'm older I would open myself to want a relationship, marriage, and kids, but not right now. I enjoy being myself, having fun, and being an intimate, close, and loving friend for all my lady friends.
I conclude when girls have a good dad, they want to find someone like them. Perhaps this could be insight for males to look at good qualities in fathers to use as an example for what a female wants in a male.

I think when entrepreneurs ask for funding, they should have resources and when possible get funding as soon as possible if they are serious about doing it and if the idea is decent, because I think a person's ambition only lasts for so many years before a person doesn't want to do it anymore and loses interest. Imagine how many unique and life changing ideas are thrown away, technologies lost or ignored, and opportunities to grow wealth and innovation remain an idea. I think there is many things that we do not consider when entrepreneurs don't get the chance or opportunity to fund a project.

(Term) Anti-sexual social stigmatism (also known as sexuality discrimination or sexuality-phobia) - the social and cultural construct of discriminating  against any sexual subject, material, or any form of sexuality. Sexuality is a subject people shouldn't fear, be repulsed, or find irrational. In an individual's youth and life development, the understanding of sexuality is important. Its extremely common that society and culture is extremely against the subject of sexuality when it is human nature. Rarely is society conditioned or made to understand positive and productive practices and values of sexuality in a manner which teaches to respect, understanding, and develop a personal ethic for privacy or consideration of others when around any subject, material, or form that utilizes sexuality. 

(For ladies) From observation, often I see confused, emotional, lack of positive self esteem, irrational, and illogically thinking females push others away. I think its better for them to be honest and tell others the reason why they want to push others away; despite how difficult it feels or seems. Perhaps they will come to find the problems is within themselves or that people don't think of them the way they might think they think of them. Good friends will not care of your reasons and will help you get past anything you are going through. Nevertheless, the more you are with others, perhaps the greater the bond, friendships, and trust. 

Anyone can be an amazing friend. I wish people would look past their own selfish desires and accept others for who they are and have others or more people as a friend. //In other words look past the desire of relationships, lust, networks, and resources and just have friends for the sake of friendships and people to have fun, share, and collaborate with. 

As stated before, it might be a good idea to ask yourself why you do something. Asking yourself questions is a good way of knowing yourself when you respond honestly. 

 I guess it stuck with me when a friend said she had adhd, was bipolar, and suffered from saviere depression. Years later she discovered the limitations were the ones she convinced herself of. They were the limitations she made up inside her head. She practically made herself a world of excuses. Now she works, is independent, and I'm very proud of her. But it was a challenge and something she had to get over. I know everyones situation is different. I think it would also be wrong to compare to others. Everyone has their own issues, but I do want to believe people can improve and become better or realize and work around their limitations. I feel like that's a part of life and part of living. I want to believe that if we achieve and overcome there's a better life waiting on the other side. That's just me. Ultimately, who cares what I think. Everyone has their own way of living life.

I have a saying called hikikamori syndrome. Its when a person refuses to go outside. This can also refer to a person who self-developed a perceived phobia or constant excuse about going outside and doing things on their own. I would even relate to metaphorically never leaving the nest. The only way to get out of this state of mind is to get out and travel. It's good to travel with family or friends. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences and thought patterns.

I believe there is power in independence. When a person gets away from a toxic environment and starts to learn about life and how to survive on their own. They can naturally obtain a sense of independence and personal strength.

I think gaining independence requires baby steps and comfortability through practice and personal challenges. I think its easy to forget that things start small and grow in experience over time to where want to challenge ourselves. 

Perhaps there could be a daily game where you spin a spinner or roll two dice and depending on each number, it could offer some sort of challenge to do in the day.

I think a young mind still learning about the world doesn't really see the gifts in life because they haven't realized it yet. // perhaps one example by this could be that I am referring to people who want to end their lives. They're caught in their psychological traps, mental barriers, and excuses that they don't realize that if they knew more about people's psychology, how the world truly works, and what they can be capable of, they truly still live in a small bubble knowing only a fraction of what the world has to offer.

 Should political systems be something you can subscribe to and change throughout your life? Imagine a overall government system which acts as a platform for people to subscribe to their own smaller political systems. I call the idea, Subscription Based Government. 

I think it's best to beware when someone says they're smart. It's possible they lack the knowledge of what else is out there or the knowledge of knowing they aren't smart. Be aware of those who know stuff but don't say anything. It's possible they have a wealth of knowledge. 

Perhaps for some people, what they want more is not the money, fame, and status but the experiences of having fun and doing stuff or working around very talented, intelligent, motivating, and inspirational individuals. 

I believe an intelligent society cannot be made up of sheeple (people who follow; people that feel they know everything when in reality their minds are closed off and lack so much, lack understanding of how things work, lack real world knowledge, lack logic and reason, lack ethics, lack critical thinking, lack personal development and a desire for improvement, lack an understanding of what is right and wrong and why, lack the ability to question and challenge things for it to improve and produce positive change). It must be a functional society with a functional government, with extremely high quality education, and people proactive in influencing the lives of each other to create, make things, perform services, and produce things of value. I believe even the wealthy should continue to challenge and improve themselves and the world as they are in a greater position to improve the world and the lives of others. Anything anyone contribute, can have positive changes and influences in the world and make life on earth an amazing experience. 

Money printing companies are not associated with banks. They can print promissory notes without any influence from any banks. This can influence or eliminates unneciary printing of currency.

 Typically before any sort of economic collapse there is an elite leader or group of leaders who use collapse as a way to gain power and carry out an agenda. Rarely would it be due to ignorance. Economic collapses are typically the result of a carried out agenda by carefully planned operations in desirable and influential positions. Unfortunately, rarely these individuals are ever investigated.

In relationships, supporting each other doesn't always mean yes. It's okay to say no and disagree. Its a good idea to state why and compare and challenge each other's reasons and logics. If a person is wrong, apologize and tell the other you understand now. When it's clear, you either gain knowledge or realize one's ignorance.

(Term) Sexual discipline- the ability to be extremely aroused and to still behave rationally and logically. It's the ability to respect, tolerate, overcome, and still behave professionally when around highly stimulated situations. It's an understanding of one's limits that when extremely stimulated with the inability to focus, then masturbation is used to relieve the urge of sexual impulses to get ones brain activity back to normal and thinking logically without the influence of sexual stimulation. 

To summarize, I think curiosity, addicting fun, socializing, personal-experimentation, and immersive storytelling are great tools to revolutionize education.

When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty? I think when tyranny becomes law, secrecy, intelligence, organization, professionalism, creativity, strategy, conditioning, and carefully planned change utilizing psychology, logic, and the tool of corruption for reform and reconstruction becomes duty. I shall call this kind of duty Resilia.

I think fear extends from a lack of knowledge and understanding. I think it is also a lack of being alone with only your thoughts; perhaps even asking yourself important questions and formalizing your own independent answers.

 I think there should be a term called Valaria. This term embodies courage, acceptance of consequence, an ignorance of failure and self-perceived social perception, an embodiment of strength, the force to achieve, an idea that the results are worth the effort, the desire of success, the belief of standing up for something you believe, being your own hero, performing gracefully/ outstandingly in serious or dangerous situations, and the display of personal principle over other more mainstream or common desires.

(Term) Termologist - a person who create their own terms with the idea that more complex, unique, or original terms can contribute to the evolution of culture and mentality. 

(Crazy idea; just an experimental idea) Perhaps there are psychological effects on the brain when we leave things to chance or have faith in a higher being or foce we don't understand. Perhaps using a place holder, like i in math, we can use this as a psychological tool to put faith in something that probably doesn't exist but allows our brain to react and respond uniquely. I call this the default. Perhaps using "the default" as a psychological place-holder we can allow our brains to react and come up with ideas or have/put faith in something that allows our brain to respond and maybe increase in chances to manifest what we desire or make what we want happen.

I think its possible that the world lacks creatives. It perhaps lacks understanding of creatives. True creatives are born from a society which provides them the tools and freedoms to think, question, obtain answers, improve on accuracy, and create new or improved ideas. Creatives need the opportunity to develop their creative skills. They need to develop ideas and come up with their original and unique visions. To be a creative is to be a critical thinker. It's looking into everything, analyzing everything, and improving on logics and answers. It's having a brain that is free to let its unlimited imagination wonder. I'd like to say it's having primarily a healthy brain without substance and drug influence. Being a creative takes a life time of practice. It takes looking at art and examining forms. It takes feeling emotions and discovering expression. It takes listening and exploring moods and associating smells, feelings, and visuals. In the end it contributes to forms of art, music, literature, and pieces of humanity that aren't commonly explored. 

I think when you put yourself in an awkward situation its best to call your awkwardness out, make light of it with a joke, or explain yourself. You can also ask a question or do something outrageously awkward or say something that's a hard pivot. Charisma and charm is good to practice.

I think everyone should make friends with each other, as long as they aren't dangerous. I think people should make friends with each other even if others aren't perfect human beings, intelligent, or have a lot of faults. In the end I think having many friends helps brings happiness. 

Should there be ethics laws? Individual ethics reputations? Or ethics statutes or rules? I personally disagree as it should become part of natural culture and never mandatory, but I do want to still ask if this should be a legal system in which to guide people to behave a certain way to create a functional society and reinforce positive social behaviors. I can see that such a system could lead to decay and control for authoritarianism as they dictate how you should behave. I still think it's a good idea to asks these questions to prevent disaster and control. 

Love trust - individuals who will only have sex with others they know and trust. 

(Sexual; personal) Unlike most guys, my idea for dating and sex is only for people I know and trust. I think this is because even if there is sex involved I like to stay friends. I like to use sex and ways to be intimate with my friends because it makes us very close. The friends I have done this with have been friends with me for years now and even though they get boyfriends or get married, there is always  that friendship and intimacy of being close and having a unique interaction between us. I think its also important to note that there is also a respect for the relationship of others. My lady friends have lives of their own to live and being friends allows us to share our lives like a family. I feel it opens a world where genders are blur and everyone is open to be themselves and be brutally honest about everything. Perhaps that is how real friends should behave. Sex is not important, I want to think making close eternal connections are. 

I do not consider myself feminist. I am respectful only to the traditional ideas of feminism. In my mind there are two kinds of feminists. One that is traditional and the other that is modern. The modern sense of feminism is irrational, insane, psychotic, and delusional. I believe it is a barbaric authoritarian hijacking of what true feminism stands for and used for the ultimate purposes of political agendas. I believe the traditional sense of feminism stands for noble causes to create mutual opportunities and to balance roles so that both genders can be equal and fair. Ultimately, I'm a humanist and I believe all humans should be equal and have access to the same positions, pay and opportunities. I believe everyone, regardless of gender, should be mutual to each other, respect each other, be kind and rational to each other, and treat each other with goodwill and good intentions. 

(Politics) I believe politics has no place in the workforce. If individuals are being mistreated, refused employment, or segregated from employment based on political affiliation and beliefs then this is extremely wrong and damaging. It is dangerous because it affect people's livelihoods which affects the overall economy. Politics should have no association on career, academic, and work life. If people are denied work or positions based background check/ research on biased political affiliations then those conducting the background checks/ researches should be fired immediately. Any agency going-along with segregating individuals on behalf of political beliefs from work positions should also be held accountable and their leaders fired immediately. The heads, directors, and leaders of agencies should be proactive in defending logic, justice, rationality, and doing what is right; to do so otherwise should be a hypocrisy, detrimental, and damaging towards their leadership positions. In the future, I greatly hope these individuals will be held accountable and pay for such damages, especially with affiliating with the livelihoods of others. If I were to design a system, this would never happen and if it did, it would be held to a high degree of scrutiny and consequence. 

I think when you fear and don't understand something, the goal is not to have fear, be angry, or violent; it should become an interest out of concern, and to obtain as much intelligence/ information as possible.

I feel like there's a feeling associated with making friends. I'm not sure how to explain it. A mood that feels cheerful, friendly, and i think people pick up on it. Maybe it's a positive attitude, you being honest and yourself, having a friendly greeting, or positive first impressions.

I think its a good idea to have a mind of the consequences in friendships. Perhaps it's a good idea to prethink of the consequences and results of actions when considering the reactions of friends.

Perhaps friendships are a skill people should learn. Perhaps they should learn how to be a good friend and build value with each other. Perhaps they can learn how to settle differences, accept each other, be honest, cope with each others faults and imperfections, help and support each other, and make up for troubles. 

For guys: Remember that females do have mood swings due to natural bodily functions. They can't stay a certain way for too long. If you learn and accept this then you can understand why they can overreact sometimes. Don't take it personal just understand it and overlook any irationalities they have on behalf of this. Try to identify the patterns. Be polite, kind, and treat them right all the time. In time, they'll change into a more favorable character. Understand this and guys can improve on their female friendships or improve on their relationships. Go against this then you can expect a world of pain while things to go downhill. Hopefully females can be honest and find ways to identify when they are this way; ask for some distance to prevent regrets, pain, and trouble; practice emotional intelligence; and find ways to cope with the temporary changes without expressing anger or irrational behaviors on others. 

(Maybe) I think its my understanding that psychopaths lack mental maturity, understanding of consequence, maybe lack sufficient logic and reason, lack more robust intelligence and perhaps intellectual capabilities, lack an understanding greater ideas of what to do with their life, lack moral reasoning, lack ways to deal with their emotions and being honest with themselves and why they are doing what they do and what is it the result of. I'm feel sure a common characteristic is narcissism, lack empathy, more-than-likely selfish, and having a power complex where they want to feel superior to others perhaps as a result of a traumatic, violent, irrational, or irational-interest pasts and experiences. They interpret life in a delusional, irrational, and false way where the true meaning goes unnoticed and ignored. They never see the true value of life where they can be a force of positive change where they contribute with adding great things to the world. They can obtain publicity, power, status by making a name for themselves. They can create their own reality where people look up to them as a meaningful figure. It takes them to learn about how to achieve this life, dissolve their delusions, and realize their full potential. 

(Art term) Reverfrom- a word that means to make one's gender or narrative sexy and attractive from the mindset or point-of-view of the opposite gender. Females draw guys to be attractive. Guys draw females to be attractive. This reverses that so that guys  draw guys attractive from the females mindset and females draw females attractive in the mindset of males. The reason is to explore mindsets and ideas from another genders perspective. This will help with character design in media.

I think authoritarians are the world's greatest threat and greatest threatening mental illness. 

I think any international disputes and negotiations should always include expert psychologists and used as a case for studying the mindsets, goals/objectives, and strategies to produce effective, or more favorable and desirable results and outcomes. 

I think it would be a good idea to have a day where you improve yourself or your environment.

(Term) BFFB - best friends forever with benefits. 

(Term) Mental pattern formulas- formulas for getting people to think or behave a certain way or to influence a predictable behavior or thought.

I think it's obvious that human being should all have common sense/ basic logic. It surprises me that even the most basic values, such as logic, seems to go untaught, ignored, or not seen as important even though it's one of the basic items for a civilized society. I observe that when logic is replaced by culture or political narrative, that is when civil decay happens allowing for any irrational or delusional mindset and behavior. 

Disagree about genes and how it's related upon in child development and individuals. I think it can be likely to influence behaviors but does play a key role in shaping who they are. If a parent is intelligent, it doesn't mean a child will be intelligent. It seems many people believe genetics are everything in shaping a person. I strongly disagree. I believe people are the results of their parents, environment, experiences, and perhaps even personal alterations.

Suit and tie work vision - (also known as suit-tie work view) is the suggested corporate view of professionalism through the use of corporate style asthetics, structures, practices, and business behaviors. This is the main business view of the world. 

Genuine work vision- is the vision of removing the corporate structure, asthetics, and practices and utilizing a more relaxed, dynamic, and genuine work behavior, culture, and practices. This provides employees to see the workplace as something close to them or a place of value. An example is that this structure allows employees to make their workplace as if a secondary home where they do not own part of the company, however treat it as if they were part of it and want it to grow and succeed.  

I think one day we won't have to carry any electronic devices. They will be integrated with our mental capabilities. Perhaps this can be done with eye wear or some sort of projections interface by a single electronic device. Another idea is have all digital components integrated as part of a neural function allowing your brain to be the computer.

I wonder if there is such a thing as a times loss ratio. Perhaps there can be two:  this can be a ratio of personal time lost while working or time while working when one could be doing something else that makes more money or produce more value and growth. I think two of the most obvious variables are the time you could have had and the time spent worked. 

Logic and parenting: perhaps logic (common sense) is the key ingredient to having offsprings become successful in life. I think logic perhaps should be a core value that should be emphasized, taught, and utilized. I think even artists and creative individuals can have a sense of logic. After all, I think logic leads to the development of critical thinking, reasoning, rationality, understanding cause and effect, consequence, and the development of understanding fundamental concepts of ideas, topics, and subjects in which to build upon for growing ones intelligence and intellectuality. I think by utilizing the teaching of logic as a fundamental core value, I believe the results will naturally be intelligent and intellectual offsprings, students, and adults. 

I think questioning leads to understanding logic and logic leads to questioning. 

**Jobs shouldn't just be jobs. They should be communities with their own culture. I believe every job, career or not, should incorporate, have, or construct a community of their own. 

(Term) Poly-to-traditional transitional relationships - sexuality that describes from loving many people to choosing a single person to marry and having a traditional relationship or married life. 

I believe all schools should have a psychologist and should work with universities and academic organizations to examine, study, and improve education. They should not only help students, they should also examine the academic side and conduct studies and experiments for structures, practices, and ability to influence or increase positive and improved academic results. I would call this academic-psychology field aco-psychology. 

I think AI is our next step in cognitive expansion and human intelligence. Imagine going up an alien species in interstellar conflict and they were significantly more intelligent than us and could process solutions a lot more faster than the human mind. This leaves humanity at a disadvantage. I think by having AI as an aid or a cognitive tool for decision suggesting, strategy, and compiling intelligence, it could help humanity significantly. To do this there would have to be significant advancement in AI. //keep in mind to utilize this tech, there would have to be advancement in keeping it away from the hands that will use it for self gain and  destruction such as governments and authoritarian groups.

I think all jobs should be encouraged to have programs about leadership and management.

It's been two weeks since I've begun working at the airport as a cabin cleaner for 12 an hour. I do my job to the greatest extend without question. I only have one day off and my hour surpass 8 hours if I didn't have a near two hour break. Overall, long hours everyday of the week for 12 dollars an hour. I enjoy the job, I enjoy the excitment, I enjoy challenges. However, after two weeks on the job I noticed I have distanced myself from anything creative. When I get home I want to eat and go to bed. Then the next day, I do it all over again. I wonder if jobs like these are the reason people don't learn anything, don't challenge themselves outside of work, or improve themselves and their interests. Could the workplace without work-life balance be the reason or a contribution to not having the intellectual society we have today? If so should the workplace, where the individual spends most of their time, have programs or events that inspire them to do things that are creative, improve their skills, or teach them things they can take to other occupations or trades? Should jobs offer leadership programs or programs that improve the knowledge in their trades such as engineering in such related fields? I can understand it would cost money, but perhaps other employees could share or offer lectures on things they know that could improve the lives of other employees. These are just my thoughts. Overall, I think it would be great to expand on the idea of having an intellectual society.

Education is one of the pillars of a civilization. Endocrination utilizing education is a tool for future decay and destruction. When an individual is raised a certain way, it's hard to change their thoughts after growing to learn with a narrative or a subject all their life then later discover it was false, inaccurate, scewed, or an illusion. This bring about socio-delusion, fear of the unknown due to the lack of understanding, and ultimately socio-psychosis which allows for violence and internal harm to a civilization due to political manipulation. This allows for a mentally controlled society which can be used as a tool to promote or manipulate systems to any political narrative. In today's education system there is a narrative about being a global citizen. It wouldn't surprise me that the result is a globalist promoted narrative by the now-a-days infamous Builderburger Group. I would expect education to be about teaching the students to critically think and learn the concept or fundamentals of subjects, but instead it's about expression, feelings, identity politics, and not so much about logic, questioning everything, learning reason, and ultimately being an intellectual capable of understanding the reasons why things exist and why they are the way they are, and knowing areas where it can be improved. The tools given to academic makes it seems like everything has already been done before or that it is irrelevant. It doesn't inspire students to be part of something, capable of improving things, and contributing where they are potentially needed most or how they can create value. The result of the kind of behavior for our modern society starts at a young age and if people do not comprehend propaganda and the narratives which leads to irrational results then the future will be the authoritarian or distopic future by design of those who created them. Overall, the results are from what we allowed. Education needs to be reformed in a way where a country brings about a society that is united, intellectual, highly intelligent and sophisticated, questions everything, responds and repels against irrational propaganda, and ultimately is capable of critical thinking and improving systems intricately and fundamentally. If we do this the end result should be a world where everyone can share, contribute, and grow to live happy and meaningful lives. 

(Term) Corruptionist- the political public servants that bring about the political corruption and change to overthrow systems by promoting political narratives and radicalizing others through systemic or institutional infiltration, cult-like behavior, delusion, or warped/ false information, and advanced psychological strategies and manipulation. The difference in what's normal and a corruptionist ideology is revealed through the use of logic and reason, and the display of rational/civilized behavior. 

(Sexual; term) A companionist - also known as a sex buddy, bed friend, or controversially called a big/little brother or sister. They are called big/little brother or sister from the unfortunate and controvercial idea of Japan's incest culture. They make fun of and play with this term as a way to demonstrate how intimate and close they are with their lovers. Moreover, the definition of a companionist is a single who sleeps around. They'll sleep with anyone of their sexual preferences. They respect their partners. They go on marriage dates and ask for permission to have sex with partners of a married couple. They have sex on a mutual enjoyment level. They understand and abide by consent. Ultimately, they can be viewed as the single version of a swinger.

(Sexual; term) A sexiere - Also known as a sex friend or a friend with benefit, is a single that sleeps around with friends or people they trust and feel comfortable with after getting to know them after a period of time. They are a single with a trusted circle of friends with benefits. Just like with a Companionist, they might also call each other big/little brother or sister to show their intimate or close relationship with each other. Sexieres are also an individual who understands and abides by consent, has sex on a mutual enjoyment level, and has respect for their partners. Their philosophy is sex between friends is normal and they use sex as a way to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with friends. 

I think perhaps it's possible that music in culture is an extremely powerful tool and the easiest source to influence conditional behavior and perhaps mass outcomes. Many live day by day glued to this form of entertainment without balance or even getting to know their authentic selves; its possible the latent influence of culture in entertainment directs their behaviors, mindsets, asthetics, and attitudes. Being how much money is inside this industry, perhaps it's possible that it could be a structure of design. My solution would be to have an initial first track telling the audience if this music is a fictional form of entertainment not to be mixed with reality. 

Something I find interesting is that Japan lives to work where in wester countries they work to live.

I know in our reversed world today many will interpret this wrongly but perhaps I should address this idea. 

I think Americanism (perhaps Neo Americanism) can be used to unite people. It's great to have the influences and additions of so many cultures but I believe while we have other cultures, we should be balanced with Americanism to unite everyone. Americanism can include aspects of all cultures from around the world while also uniting everyone under common shared values which makes up the perceived vision for the country and what it stands for such as liberty, freedom, pursuit of happiness, and many of the other values of why people come to live in the US. Ultimately Americanism can be the idea that everyone gets along and lives in a way where they are free to determine the way they want to live. I would like to add to have a nation without authoritarians, a nation that's fair, a nation that utilizes ethics, and a nation that unites individuals from all walks of life to create a unique collective under shared common values.

(Education) I see in education the term global citizen is often used. I don't think it's think it's good name even though it sounds good and drives the point. I understand it's to get student to comprehend and get used to different cultures and people who are not similar to them. However, this term is used in many other forms for different narratives. For example there are organizations that desire to have no borders and consider themselves global citizens. There is the Davos Group that desire a globalist vision for the world and to turn every  individual into global citizens (purpose of controlling resources). There are multi-national individuals who live around the world and consider themselves global citizens because they are not tied to any country. Moreover, for having students exposed to different cultures and to respect others and their differences, I would personally call this Cultural Acceptance and Unification (CAU). The methods I would go about getting students to understand culturally accepting others would be physically exposing students to different cultures and give them basic conceptual knowledge of a culture and their traditions through physical experience. Although costly, I think it would only take a single experience to alter a students perception of cultural reality. 

(Educatuon) I think when it comes to teaching, I would emphasis on reason for learning something, rewards of learning something, and methods of teaching a subject. Perhaps this gives reason and understanding for students. 

(Education; education idea) Students should build their own student profiles to show their identity and uniqueness for others. It should talk about their families, their history, and their plans for the future. Perhaps by doing this we can influence more interactability among students. Often many students have something unique but are never shared.

06/17/21 I would never mention this to anyone but deeply part of me feels the US is a big joke and mercilessly run by extremely evil people. I feel like I would rather hang the US flag upside down or not at all right now. For those who don't know, you raise the flag upside down when a country is in distress. Instead, I will raise and be honored to raise the Texas flag. I feel Texas is what is left of the US and what it used to represent. I'm sure over time it will more-than-likely lose to corruption, but this is how I secretly feel right now. I don't think the country will improve. For a long time I feel betrayed by its decisions, its changing systems, and ideologies. Perhaps one day it will change, but I very greatly and highly doubt it. I think the country is finished and I feel Texas and perhaps Florida is all that's left. I'm not anti-american, I am simply disappointed beyond belief. It is the way it is and it can't be helped. 

(Maybe) I strongly believe people think differently; cultures think differently; races think differently. I think maybe people should know this. It seems people have a belief that everyone has the same brain when in reality people think on differently levels, use different neuro paths for logics, and people have many ways to formulate thoughts, ideas, and decisions. A person from the eastern side of the world think dramatically different do to their culture, lifestyle, and literature. They do not think like people in the west. Logics can be similar but can be formulated differently. In the west a Caucasian might think differently than an Asian. An Afro-American might think differently than a middle easterner. The concluding logics might be the same but the brain or neuro pathways is different. In addition, I think by knowing this, perhaps this could be a basis into further understanding and respecting others.  Perhaps knowing this could also create methods to improving education. Perhaps understanding these differences will allow teachers to better communicate to students to help them learn. 

(Term) Passive assertion - the behavior of going along or agreeing with others perhaps out of kindness, fear, perceived social expectation, perceived cultural norms, to avoid conflict, or avoid the perception of others on how they might see you.

 (Term) swoon - the art of getting closer to a female and having her grow into liking you. The discipline, mind games, and psychological methods/ tactics to get a females attentions, getting her to like you, and having her approach you instead of you approaching her. 

(Economics) I think when there is monetary inflation, I believe the greatest asset to utilize is small business and entrepreneurs. I believe ultimately funding the right individuals who can produce assets, services, materials, and values to promote spending is the best solution. They can produce local or incentivised to produce global. If small businesses and entrepreneurs cannot secure funding then perhaps they can be promised payment later after their small businesses and ideas move the economic situation forward.

(Economics) I think another idea to combat inflation is perhaps a secondary form of reserve currency. Perhaps this can be a backup currency that creates demand so people buy up this currency to deleverage the inflation of the primary currency. Both currencies can compete with each other when one is weaker than the other. I call this idea Reverse Reserve-Currency Deleveraging (RRCD). When reserve currency (emergency currency backup) is at a high, the dollar is at a low allowing the value and power of the US dollar to increase and deleverage inflation. I think it should only be traded at the national level to prevent the influences of other countries. Perhaps this idea can be a natural remedy for citizens to help influence and save their country. I would also like to suggest this form of currency not be controlled by global banks. Perhaps it can be traded at a local/state level with its own institutions. 

(Economics) Perhaps states can have their own version of emergency or backup currencies for in the case of economic disparity circumstances. 

(Term) Nonverbal-behavioral awareness: Some people need to talk about stuff to understand things while others just know by observation or almost as if by instinct; like a head nods meaning yes. 

What if mental illness in America isn't due to actual mental illness but mass hysteria/psychosis through culture and systemic sublimation and conditioning?
For example, what if through cultural conditions by media and institutions through political narratives have enduse psychological patterns of mass hysteria under the presumption of mental illness? In such a case, logic and reasoning, accurate research, self reflection, critical thinking, and intellectual development along with nutrition and exercise would be the appropriate solution. 
(Irrational idea) If I am to say an irrational idea, I came across the thought that what if the irrational, unethical, violent, extreme, uncivilized, and those subjected to mass hypocrisy, mass hysteria, and mass psychosis should be subjected to fear and a law ruled by authoritarianism while those who are logical, rational, ethical, civilized, and those with the desire of goodwill for themselves and others should be subjected to a different rule of a rational and productive republic where they are given privileges, freedoms, and opportunities to become wealthy and live happy, fruitful, productive, and fulfilling lives. It's not until the irrational population realize why they are the way they are, where their ideologies lead, and realize there is a better life and take a path to change their lives to join those who are rational where they can join the republic which isn't ruled through fear and authoritarianism. I call this irrational system and idea the Dual Forward Political System. 
It's my opinion the United States is not a sexy place to live. Meeting people from around the world and having gone to different countries, it seems the US has more of an expectation culture to follow the norms, stick to work, and not experience new things for themselves and incite excitement in their lives with new experiences. It seems the only people who can afford to have real fun are the wealthy or couples who put in the sacrifice to save and invest in experiencing new things. In cities that I visited throughout the US, I feel entertainment is the ordinary and kind of bland with nothing new to offer. The same forms of entertainment has existed for decades now. Looking at destination around the world you can come across crazy and unique ideas that is outside the ordinary. I feel there is rarely if not a stale-boomer nightlife and people don't really have a place to meet on average unless they are willing to spend a lot of money. In regards to relationships, it feels females do their own thing with their friends and most guys don't seems to be greatly interested in relationships as they are more glued to work or video games. It feels a lot is lacking in a potential youthful or potentially energetic culture for adults and young adults. When it comes to people, it feels the culture here is less about meeting others, making friends, looking good, and feeling sexy and more about the routine cycle of the usual, usually revolving around one's common and less social interests. If it was up to me, I'd have a vibrant nightlife, places for people to meet and make friends that's free or cost effective, and a spiced up culture by having people get out and experience new things, learn values about themselves as to what they want and like, and create a culture of spicy new ideas perhaps influencing to create unique personalities, friendships, intimate relationships, and overall unique, interesting, and fun people to be around. 

(Term) Enemist- (also can be named as a diverter or subverter) is a person with a twisted, warped, or distorted sense of reality commonly influenced through propaganda and political conditioning or endocrination used as a tool to carry out a political agenda to bring about chaos, social division, cause violence, incivility, illogicality, irrational behavior, and commonly used to bring about Marxist changes, political takeover, authoritarianism, and promote fear, corruption and political cultism. 

I consider close friends are individuals you can talk to about anything, be open and honest with, and who shares similar values. 

(Term) People-curious - an individual who is curious about the lives or learning about the lives of other people.

*** I want to believe if a person is old enough to menstrate, exhibit hormonal behavior, procreate, and make children, they're old enough to get into a relationship and get married. At the same time I think marriage should be strongly discouraged until adulthood and full mental maturity. I also strongly believe people should stay within a ten year range of their age when desiring a partner for a relationship.

(Maybe) The usual world makes me want to not express myself. I feel like I walk on egg shells sometimes when around others at work. I feel like I have to be careful with what I say so that I can get some sort of feeling of being accepted otherwise I feel I alienate myself as if I'm from a different world. I might say something they don't understand and get the typical puzzled expressions. Sadly it somewhat affects me somehow. It sucks, I guess the world will do that to people when they can't have an outlet of expression. Since I can't express myself at work, I guess I'll have to find an alternate way to express myself without caring what others think. I wish I didn't have to live in a world that makes a person feel isolated when it doesn't understand them or takes the time to get to know them and their complexities. It is what it is, so I'll find a new way to express myself, either through comics, art, or maybe YouTube videos. 

 (Fashion; Controvercial) Should there be lengerie street fashion? Should the future include reske fashion as the new norm? I think the future is more able to ignore, is tolerant, and open to the natural human body and nudity so I wonder if lengerie or riske clothes could one day be included in the mainstream street fashion scene. Perhaps it could be normal to see males walk around in speedo wear as if wearing average shorts and females could wear panties exposed and publicly also as if wearing regular shorts. I don't think such a fashion exists so I'm going to call male speedo-street wear "argos". I'm also going to call female panty street wear "airas". To make things short, both can be part of the argos clothing category. I think what could seperate argos from speedos and panties are the fabrics which are absorbent and ready for casual daily use. In addition, argos and other lengerie or riske street fashion could spark up new street fashion ideas and bring a new wave of street fashion for a future audience. Ultimately I think the world could use lengire and riske Street fashion to build tolerance for the human body and drive creativity in fashion forward. 

(Fashion; NSFW; perhaps abstract) Perhaps "Fashion Forward" can be a new label in which creates a fashion movement to embrace the natural human body while opening the public to new fashion ideas involving lingerie and riske fashion. It's a label that stands for street fashion that exposes that natural human body with the ability to expose every detail depending on consumer comfort, while not producing the effects of arousal and instead turning features of the human body to be casually embraced and socially accepted. For example, making sheer fashion that tones out or washes out the detail of a sensitive area on a person's body while still making it barely visible so that people see it yet are not looking at it with the desire or possibility to be aroused. My idea for this could perhaps be transparency values on clothes products offering a choice for consumers on the level of transparency in which to expose their body. 0 being fully visible and 10 being non-sheer and well hidden. Ultimately it's a label that allows consumers to decide how much they want to expose of their natural human body, to offer a selection of clothes that allows them to produce a movement for the world to embrace the natural human body, and overall give the consumer the feeling of being comfortable and sexy at the same time. I think this label can be used to make a casual street fashion that blends nudity and fashion making it a casual, acceptable, and normal style and part of society and hopefully with the ability to influence culture in a positive way that removes social limitations and creates community. 

Should there be a movement to #EndTolerance;ReturnToLogic ? Could the use of this label stop irrational ideologies and create a movement to bring a nation to return to logic and revisit its core fundamentals and functions?

(Personal; nsfw) A personal thing about myself is that I like to be touched by lady's I like around my age and younger (obviously not too young; legal age). I like to be grabbed, held on to, leaned on, jumped on, hugged, cuddled, and used like a human pillow. On a NSFW notice, I also like to be touched inappropriately. I don't mind it if they're hands explore my body. I like it when a female grabs my butt or touches me sensually. I wish it would happen more often. 😆

I wonder if its necessary to always have a reason for things. I feel like things should have a reason so that people can set aside the idea that your crazy (or have leverage in court lol). However. The more I think about it, not having a reason can also have its values. Dancing for no reason. Drawing something for someone for no reason. Perhaps there is something there that should be considered. Perhaps there are positive values for doing positive things without reason.

If you get to know others, who are good, I think its fair to say you'll be rewarded. I think there are many people that want to have more things known about them so people can get to know them better.

I had an idea where traffic lights have codes where people can use their phone and pay money to make traffic lights turn green.

I think there is a lot of pathological liers in society and they can change public opinions with their confidence. Two examples I have had was a dentist for a root canal and a doctor. I had a dentist who wanted me to do an expensive root canal where when I went to a different dentist, I got the truth where it wasn't necessary. I also had a doctor try to prescribe unnecessary medicine to a family member where when we went to a different doctor of the family, they told us the medicine they were trying to prescribe was entirely incorrect. The way these individuals attempted to have their way using utmost confidence sold me on how there are pathological liars that are very confident in their decisions without care or repercussions of the consequences. It is one of the reasons why trusting others is very challenging. 

Could it be that anything that requires repetition is a machine working for a reason? For example, a job is repetition to make money.

Could Emotionalism or sensationalism be a form of propaganda conditioning? We've all seen the sad dog commercials to help a dog. Could the use of sad media/material in entertainment produce conditioning effects where people adopt emotional responses for material on TV intended for a sad response by the audience and use it to carry that behavior into society? I wonder if the effects softens a society and if it does does it break away from the harsh or realistic realities of life and our responses to them? I'm sure individuals of the 1800 for example would behave differently then those today given there seems to be more empathy and emotional responses today perhaps provided by our entertainment or the media we consume. I wonder what our society would be like today without consuming entertainment and media. 

(Term) capacitism - having functional existing systems operate at peak performance while also allowing the ability to find alternate methods of obtaining peak functionality. Another way to explain this is after running at peak performance, it's to look, find, and put effort into research and development methods, ideas, and experiments in which to improve or potentially further improve systems more through experimentation and trials; therefore, there are many methods in which peak functionality for a system is possible, and its selecting the best functionality for a system that provides the best functionality and peak performance. 

(Maybe; Term) fair-comp - providing a job that is balanced in how fair it is to the employees so that hard working employees are always at good performance and productivity and are provided with a happy and fair work environment. 

Could it be that the more a work environment feels comfortable and free like a home, the more employees feel comfortable to work?

It would be interesting if before a person gets a job or applies for a job, they could go one day job spotting. Job spotting is where you observe the job for a day and determine if it is a job you want or see yourself doing. 

(x3 Future ideas) I want to envision some new ideas for the future such as cars having the ability to be transparent and ghostlike where they can go inside each other without damage to each other or other people and living things. I also want to imagine the idea of people being able to fly and levitate  with the use of gravity belts or apendige band devices like arm or wrist bands. My last idea is the use of ID identifying material walls. These are walls, doors, windows and exterior or interior walls that an owner with a proper ID can use to go in and out of, like a ghost, without stopping them. They can walk into a wall, door, or window and be inside their home or work. With this idea, I'd like to think walls, windows, and doors can be obsolete yet it can still block intruders yet let owners or those with proper material ID or acceptance to go through these exteriors and interiors. On the physics side, I think this is possible if we invest our time and resources in to understanding electromagnetism and how materials are held together at the electromagnetic level.

One of my co-workers calls females "resource-extractors". He believes females are here for the resources others work hard for so they don't have to work hard to get it themselves. He says if you want a good female, find them at the right age where they haven't been spoiled by the world. He proposed around early 20s years of age. They are the second person with this way of thinking that I have come across. Could there be a population sample with guys who think this way? If that's the case, being both the guys are in their late 20s and mid 30s; would having younger relationships be more ideal to find potential marriage partners because of their lack of negative experiences?

I like the quote, "If you're having a fair fight with the enemy, it's because you tactics suck."

I think any ideology where the oppressed and an oppressor, which is not objective, is an authoritarian grab. It should be heavily criticized and addressed. It's a strategy to take advantage of those who are intellectually ignorant because it sounds good to them and used as a pawn for destabilization and corruption. Many factors contribute to the creation and spread of such ideology such as low quality of education;  personal ignorance of a lack of logic, ethics, civics, and critical thinking; understanding the reasons of system and why they are there and what they are used for; the reinvisioning of terminologies used for labeling and targeting; a lack of community; and a overall, there is more of a desire for a fantasy reality than an objective one where things make sense and function properly. In the end the oppressed and oppressor ideology leads to destabilization and a tool for authoritarians to use the ideologically indoctrinated and conditioned to be used as pawns for them to gain power and control by fear and force. This is how you lose real freedom; and real freedom is extremely rare if you look at the systems throughout history and how they are governed. 

(Invention) Foodie coach - a delivery vehicle for dinner and snacks that drive through neighborhoods. Imagine an ice cream truck for snacks, dinners, or fast food franchises. You hear the sound and stop the vehicle to pay for a fast and convenient meal. 

I want to think real friends are those you can love and hate at the same time.

Me as a leader: I don't make a good leader. I'm often a people pleaser. For some reason I avoid conflict like the plague. When I get involved in conflict then i'll harden my skin and deal with it with dignity. When it comes to staff, I rather pre-assign difficult tasks to people then to tell them to do things they don't want to do. But overall, I'm a leader who leads from the front type person. I set an example. I'm honest and say it as it is. I never get angry. I believe my decision making capabilities are poor. When under pressure my decision, logic, and critical thinking skills lack. Therefore, I believe I'm not a strong leader. I wasn't raised utilizing critical thinking and logic so having the ability to think logically and critically on the fly is terrible for me. I also cannot community effectively a lot the time when under intense stress. I also say a bunch of things that are useless and nonessential. Im also bad at time management when every minute counts. I wouldn't put myself in a leadership position and I should probably avoid it. However, I'm glad I put myself in this position and challenged myself in this position. It help me learn who I am and what I can improve on. 

(Invention) Foodie coach - a delivery vehicle for dinner and snacks that drive through neighborhoods. Imagine an ice create truck for snacks, dinners, or fast food chains. You hear the sound and stop the vehicle to pay for a fast and convenient meal.

I think when my brain acts dumb it could be due to: dehydration, exhaustion, heat exhaustion, lack of b12, lack of protein dense died, or lack of sleep. I also find stimuli also trigger this defect like public speaking or talking to a new person for the first time. Perhaps this is why I can't or shouldn't be a famous public figure because my brain isn't capable of functioning properly all the time. I often wonder if it's due to me falling out of a window as a child and landing in a shopping cart, if it's vaccines I took as a child, maybe something that's inherently wrong with my brain, or something that I developed overtime. I wonder if its dementia, old age, or a mysterious brain defect.

It's possible there seems to be the average trend that females look and chase for fantasy guys who are perfect or near perfect with status, wealth, and charisma. Unfortunately, in reality the perfect man doesn't exist. It something that's sold to them commonly through media and entertainment. Moreover, to find their dream husband, they pursue career and status thinking the man of their dreams will appear. When females chase career and status, they end up not finding the perfect male because they don't exist and before they know it, they are in their 30s, their eggs start getting too old to have children, maybe not many guys find them attractive, they never find their dream partner, and often contribute to the trend of hating guys. Its good to know on average guys prefer young females, females that are fun, energetic, exciting, and with little to no baggage. In addition, the value for males goes higher even when they reach an older age because they accumulated resources and hopefully achieve stability. The young and naive females get attracted to them and guys who have it together with status, wealth, and resources prefer the younger females. Ultimately, this is the supposed average now-a-days and the reason for a declining birthrate at a systemic and  fundamental level because people aren't getting married. Making people aware of this should open females to the idea that the males they encounter can be a potential partner and even though they are not the ideal dream male, they are an individual that can contribute greatly to one's life surrounding realistic standards.

A lot of people don't want to work. I greatly to suggest challenge themselves. I recommend to find a job, learn as much as they can about everything. I also recommend to become an expert and eventually they'll find its a job they can do with their eyes closed.

I want to think real friends are those you can love and hate at the same time.

 When people do stuff they don't like or are too hard, its a good idea to give them rewards or snacks.

The first thing I would like to tell to a young person who wants to be a leader in the world is that the world is an illusion. Everything you think you know is wrong. From your concept of physics, to relationships, to politics. People are always using you for money or for their agenda. The more soon you learn, notice, and accept this, the more you will learn about how the actual real world is and how the real world actually works and your ability to influence it through psychology, interpersonal communication, body language, charisma, and logic. In addition, the individuals who posses the greatest ability to make decisions based on objective facts and logic are the individuals that get far in life with the ability to influence others. Logic requires personal development, questioning things, always being curious and learning, practice, critical thinking, and often you'll find a lot of the answers are already within you. Ask yourself the right question and you think about the right answer and have others challenge it. If their answers are better, learn from it. Everything around you is information you can learn from, learn about, and utilize one day to your advantage. 
Could self-degredation come from our self-esteem? Could things that degrade our self belief cause people the desire to degrade themselves to cope with their negative experiences? For example, if on a job one makes a mistake and their superiors continuously negatively influence ones self-esteem, could a person turn to degradation to escape or be at peace with their experience?

Try a little harder. Whether it's your job or by yourself at home doing things and learning on your own, try a little harder everyday.  Taking brief breaks is also good, but trying a little bit more time and you'll eventually notice how far you've come. It's like climbing a mountain. One hand at a time. Sometimes you slip or slide down but you just got to keep going. There is also always the possibility that you might fall, but even when you fall and have the ability to start climbing again, keep climbing. The end goal is reaching the top and having the ability to had experienced something nobody has experienced both being at the top or the journey to the top. 

I believe being annoyed is an authentic human emotion and being angry is not. I believe being angry is a culturally influenced human behavior. I believe it's something you learn from environment. Perhaps it's a state of barbarism with no civil or rational intellectual influence. As seen with different cultures, being angery can be ignored. Moreover, I want to look into if being annoyed leads to anger which becomes an authentic emotion. Perhaps anger is the extreme version of being annoyed. Regardless, its possible to live life without ever being angry.

There is good and evil. When there is good there is peace, happiness, defense, and progression. When there is evil there is suppression, fear, the silence of logic, the attack on truth, and disharmony. Evil always wins when good does nothing. Evil always wins when good does not raise critical questions. Evil always wins when it's influences are allowed to spread. Good is the long-term absence when evil becomes prevalent. Very rare good returns for positive changes after states of long-period evil. Perhaps evil, violence, and disharmony is the natural state of nature. What is good is rare and difficult to achieve and that is why it must be protected.

 Could a secret recipe to success be propaganda?

When I do something and accomplish something I'm always asking myself, "I was successful. But at what cost."

I think people should practice their passion and follow their talent.

My Youtube comment to Timscast: I remember on your last show you made the case that people need to be told what to do instead of being able to think independently for the later generations. I want to make the argument that it seems when there are hovering power or authoritarian structures, you don't know the limitations so you are kind of forced to try and figure out the boundaries to avoid getting in trouble or intimidated. Therefore, I ask the argument of does authoritarian structures cause people to have this mindset to not think independently which create followers? An example can be, if I had a job with a bunch of rules and didn't want to get fired or intimidated by the boss; I would search for the boundaries and limits to doing my job so I don't get in trouble. If the boss said, I trust that you'll get the job done and let me figure it out, it gives me the freedom to find the best ways to get a job done efficiently and effectively without having the intimidation of any authority structure. Of course there could be a bad employee that abuses this circumstance and therefore probably should be told what to do or they should have a case made that justifies why they get fired. But it seems this could be an argument that could be made because I want to think later generations see authoritative structures yet don't know the power of their influences to live a life where they can act and think independently. 

 I think there is constructive criticism and appropriate criticism. Constructive criticism could seem to be a display of ignorance which allows another the opportunity to demean and lower the ego, status, or skill level of others which might demotivate others from pursuing improvement. Appropriate criticism allows others to acknowledge being in the shoes of another and telling them what they would do to improve. It's an indirect approach which allows another to listen and learn. 

The oracle - I came up with a strange idea called the oracle (or an oracle). It's something everyone has within themselves. The oracle is the answers or responses that are pulled from one's imagination. They can also be referred as the entity that provides with information from within or pulling from another unknown source (seemingly strangely by the universe, some other level of intelligence or mysterious source of information). I like the idea to consult the oracle, or one's oracle, by closing one's eyes before a nap and thinking about a question or a topic. When an answer comes to you, the oracle had provided an answer or a response. 

(Random idea) You-time jobs - Jobs that you do in your own time and whenever you want and somebody pays you as you provide evidence of a jobs completion.

Base-awareness in education - displaying all the facts, information, events, and ideas on and everything that should be made aware in education despite how controversial or irrational.

Should we have more personal freedoms in jobs? If jobs are commonly where we spend most of our time in life, shouldn't people have more personal freedoms? Maybe I can go a step further and say perhaps jobs could be an extention of our home after being there for many years. Perhaps I can call this idea of home-like jobs, interpersonal jobs. Would the idea of interpersonal jobs be a good idea? 

I believe life is not about how you feel but how you adapt and overcome.

Advice for my friend who is more of a cousin to me in Brazil who is interested in a guy: Se foce um menino eu falaria sejo honesto e fala como se sente. Mais falando para voce, eu acho qui pergunta para ele se ele gosta de voce. Se ele fala nao o alguma coisa assim, nao seja triste porque a Vida e assim as veses. Fala para ele qui vc gosta de ele mais se ele nao gosta de vc assim, fala para ele qui vc acha ele e um bom amigo, e um amigo muinto especial para vc, e qui voce gosta muinto do amizade com ele. Se ele nao gosta de vc assim, fica amigos com ele e talvez ele vai aprender gostar de vc em tempo. Guys are easy to talk to. Translating this, I think she should ask him if he likes her. If he says no or something like that, don't be defeated. Tell him you like him, you think he's a good and special friend and you'll continue being friends with him. In time, there's a chance he'll come to understand and gain an interest in you. Overall, just be chill with guys and be their companion and eventually they'll fall for you because they get used to you and you'll grow on them. They will do a lot that upsets you, but if you hang in there and support them, its a growing possiblity they'll take interest. Even guys who is straight who friendzone females always has a battle of interest inside them when it comes to female friends. Be sure to let guys know they'll lose their chance if another person you like enters your life.

Invention: block-chain security and encapsulation. This could be an encryption system for code, net packages, and digital signals that uses blockchain to secure its data from forign influence. When tampered, it can trace the source of influence and perhaps block the source of influence. 

Could it be that the positions of power are always given to narcissists? Could narcissists be the gateway to psychotic and irrational behaviors within leadership positions; perhaps enabling authoritarian and totalitarian solutions? What would happen if empaths were to be given a leadership position? Are there examples of leaders who are empaths? What leadership methods would they use? Which would make an overall better leader, an empath or a narcissist?

I think individuals who are psychopaths and sociopaths should be criticized more and looked at more closely when taken into consideration in positions of power and prevented if they bring down company moral and enthusiasm. 

(Term) Delusionals- individuals of this eras political influence and agendas who are part, and the by product, of the nations Marxist-Globalist woke ideology and trend and the widespread hidden-agenda liberal propaganda today with intersectionalism, neogenderism, equality, and critical race theory in schools and colleges. In addition, I would label this era 1. The Downfall of Freedom and Capitalism, 2. The Rise of Authoritarianism and Tribalism, 3. The era of a Modern American Communist Revolution, 4. The era of Neglagent Logic, scew-facts, and Irrationality.
//Unfortunately, this era seems as if it cannot be helped.  

I agree that mass psychosis is one of the most dangerous and one of the most greatest threats to a society. It is when individuals believe the delusions and the irrational behaviors they commit are self righteous on behalf of the emotional responses, irrational and illogical narratives, or agenda driven beliefs of their irrational or extreme think tank leaders. This is the reason people need to live in reality and not in a world of delusion where they blindly follow others. This is also the reason a society should never normalize mental illness or gateway beliefs to allow delusion to enter a society. This is why we must improve ourselves and overcome obstacles and not allow excuses to enable irrational or the behavior which leads us the inability to self-improve and grow as a person to be the best version of ourselves. In conclusion, I wonder how and what regular individuals would do to protect themselves from mass psychosis? 

Could absurd amount of safety, to the point one feels like a child, create sick minds? 

(Term/ idea) Lifey jobs- jobs that offer amenities as if being at one's home. The idea is that if you are mostly at work in your life, why not make work party a place you can live, consider home, or part of a lifestyle. It's opening the workplace to feel more personal like a home where coworkers are like family. It wants to personalize the work space creating a more lifestyle-like environment instead of the usual strict job routine. 
I think perhaps a private or nongovernmental online security agency can be created for threats online where they use algorithm to track an individual's multiple accounts, list their IPs, contact platforms and sites to monitor their activities, and physically track down the individual for a physical warning prior to perhaps a written warning to stop the threats online before a case is made for them to pay a large multithousand dollar fine. It's possible this company can issue fines for platforms and sites if they are obviously not taking logical and obvious steps to handle threats online on their platforms (its important to not to use steps to "prevent" threats because its too authoritarian and stifles user productivity). Overall, online threats can pose a real threat and it should be investigated. 

Should there be an argument for God's existence? I am for the argument of God's existence. I think God should exist. I think even if God didn't exist, he should still be presented as an icon for humanity because God's existence brings humanity an example of good and what to strive for. I personally believe in God, but not how most believe in God. I want to believe in God according to the tangible science and evidence which had led me to believe in long lost forgotten part of history only a handful of people know about. This has shaped my idea of ethics, morals, and how people should behave. Even if the "God's" are not here anymore, it gives me the understanding of why we are human, what humans are, and what should humanity do to bring about a world and future that creates things that are good, overcomes obstacles, and improves.

I like everyone as a human, I just don't like the quality of their personalities or lack of ethics. I especially don't like narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths. On my job I learned to appreciate other people more. Some people say other races have a more negative perception around them but it's necessary to realize they are human too. They could always use improvement which has to come within themselves. The ones you stay away from are the ones that demonstrate negative behavioral traits, like narcissism, sociopaths, and psychopaths. Other than that, there is always something to learn about another, admire, and respect. We might not all think or communicate the same, but overtime you assimilate and grow close. I think that closeness is what humanity needs more.  

Should trust and honesty go hand in hand? Im a believer honesty should be a priority, however I have encountered situations in which honesty makes it not worth being honest and it's better off to lie. So I wonder if we should be completely honest to the ones we trust? Should no trust or a loss in trust leads no need to be completely honest. I might want to think if other treat other right and build trust then it opens people to be completely honest. 

I think iconography and identity builds a sense of empowerment and purpose.

In conversation people some want to think they're always right and some try to challenge others to be more accurate. Thinking you're always right, even if you're inaccurate, results in you never growing in intelligence or as a person. However, if you challenge the intellect and intelligence of another and you open yourself to learn, you gain knowledge, reason, and wisdom. You can think, question, improve yourself and most importantly grow. Jordan Peterson mentioned about the idea of a king. You can be a king that is ignorantly right and think you made it and never grow, which results in nothing changing and you remain dumb and ignorent, or you can be encourage to listen, learn, improve, and grow. Doing this you'd be the king that perhaps starts off dumb, but gets better and improves overtime where later everyone legitimately respects you and reveries you as a true king. 

I think I like what Peterson said which I think went along the lines of if people do not listen to you, stop talking to them; watch them instead. Their actions speaks louder than words. Pull back because by talking to a person who doesn't listen and by repeating yourself, you devalue what you're saying. Only offer feedback briefly and move on unless they are curious to want to know more.
What constitutes a good person? Is what you think a good person a person who's always trying to get better and improve?

Be aware of social engineering where one asks for help leading to trust, perhaps leading to more help leading to then manipulating you to get what they want through the perception of trust. An example is a door sales man asking you for help for something. You think they place trust in you so you trust them back which enables them to win your confidence in them. 

Is there a connection between narcissists and sociopaths and authoritarianism? Should narcissistic and sociopathic individuals be limited or removed from higher power positions?

(Maybe) I believe life is partly about work and creating value and reaping the reward of that work. I don't agree a whole lot with those who extract without producing value or refuse to produce value. I'd respect their lifestyle, but the status of those who produce should be more greatly valued. 

(Poetry/lyrics) Perhaps people follow the insane until they see the genocide but till then it's too late.

I think its important in any situation, draw a line of what is not to be crossed and stand strong in that position. It also helps stating the line that cannot be crossed. This also shows that you can stand up for what you believe in. Determination almost always perseveres.

(Term) Goal-post takeover - an incremental takeover by extending the reasons for a narrative or hidden agenda after one gets their way. For example: through the use a "oh its just this", "it'll just be this one time", "it's not a big deal."

In psychological manipulation, there is a strategy of "give an inch and they can take a mile". Perhaps a poor example could be someone asks you for change, you accept and give them change, and they always come to you for change with a motive to get free things. 

It's important to know the ten stages of genocide to prevent it from happening again in history. Ten stages of genocide: 1. Classification: People are divided into "us or them". 2. Symbolization: People are forced to identify themselves.  3. Discrimination: People begin to face systemic discrimination. 4. Dehumanization: People equated with animals, vermin, or disease. 5. Organization: the govt creates special groups (police/military) to enforce the policies. 6. Polarization: The govt broadcasts propaganda to turn the populace against the group. 7. Preparation: official action to remove/ relocate people begins. 8. Prosecution: beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres. 9. Extermination: wholesale elimination of the group. It is wholesale "extermination" and not murder because the people are not considered human. 10. Denial: the govt denies that it has committed any crimes. //In my view, all are human; we have to improve the quality of life, education, and access to resources so everyone can live a good and bountiful life. A life where we can create value, share with each other, solve problems logically and rationally, and overall create the dream life that will take humanity to live peacefully, bountiful, and beyond Earth, and even more, beyond the stars.

You can grow food to look very healthy and good, but how do you maintain the soil to get an abundance of nutrients and minerals? I believe food can be plentiful, but nutrients is just as important if not more important than the actual food itself. 

I like the video made by Prager University explaining the importance of adopting Judeo-Cristian principles and Greek philosophy into a political ideology where there is a balance of moral frame work and reason. https://youtu.be/erN8WqgpXzQ

Perhaps there are two types of individuals: proactive and non-proactives (perhaps I can call them reactives). Proactive individuals are those who take initiative, take responsibility, challenge themselves, and are always looking accomplish the next step to reach a goal. Non-proactives go with the flow, don't care about responsibility, don't take initiative, don't challenge themselves, prefer comfort, subject themselves to victimhood because they don't want to be responsible, and accomplish nothing or just the bare minimum. 

(Term) Philosophical predictive reasoning- the process of being a steps in advance prior to the actions, direction, decisions, brainstorming and thoughts of others. This form of thinking requires creativity where you can both articulate ideas in the thoughts of another while setting up reasons, arguments, debates, outcomes, and ideas prior to others before they think of them. 

Should we have a non-govt legal food and drug phorensics agency for drug and food products? They can test how much objective nutrients are in food, if the labels/nutrition facts are accurate, quality of the product, and long term/ later year results of consuming the products. They can test the quality of drugs and observe the long term affects of drugs and the outcome of taking the drugs and its long term/later years side effects. Then they can provide a report on the list of products they test on an quarterly report. 

Perhaps a good question for narcissists: What is it that you want? Do you truly know what you want? Is that the best way to go about getting what you want? How would someone else go about getting what you want? If you do not know, why don't you not know? What is it others have that one does not? Compared to you previous answers, is the answer provided by other more intelligent than yours? What can you learn from this? What can you improve and do better?

(Crazy/weird idea) Dividend-investment insurence company for living expenses. What if after highschool we are to choose a company to make residual income. What if they also acted as an insurence company in regards many people pay into it. Maybe they can incentivize people by offering rewards. Therefore its an investment insurence-like company that gives you royalties depending on how much you pay into it. The more money you invest into your policy/portfolio the more you can get for a residual return. You start off with a base Royalty which is enough to support a bare minimum basic living. I'm going to call this idea diva-stakes. 

When there is corruption in politics and irrational decisions in companies, I think it is a result of the lack of executive laws, policies, and procedures at the top. 

(terms) Content momentism (or serenitism) - The state or a moment where you are satisfied, content, and happy. An example can be happy being with a friends where you feel life has paused, any feeling of awkwardness doesn't exist, and you can look at a friend and smile and simple enjoy, and perhaps appreciate the moment, what you have without thinking of anything else. 

(Term) Personality check - a check, recognition, realization, or reflection on oneself to know and consider one's behavior around others and to improve on that which is lacking. For example, if one is narcissistic, they should realize their behavior and do research to seek improvement. Another example is if one is aging and forgetting things or acting illogically, one should ironically, steps on improving their behavior. More casual examples, if one is lacking in remembering things, they should play more memory games to improve their memory; if one is lacking in being open, they should improve and find ways to open themselves up (to be more likable, friendly, expressive, and overall happy); if one is depressed, they should find ways to improve on their behavior (like learning new things, getting curious about subjects, having and working towards a goal, or making things that can influence others...ect).

(Term) Semantic thinkers - an individuals who has static statements, arguments, or a mindset who argue based on cultural, linguistic, and pull from their limited knowledge library of research and logic. They are thinkers that might lack the open mindedness to learn more about a subject, willingness to expand their knowledge based on alternate views, or objective understanding of a subject and information. Commonly they warp the topic, discussions, or argument based on their own static understanding of a subject, a similarity of a subject, or a correlation of a subject. Often their is a lack to learn a different path of thinking of a subject from a different viewpoint or a view of a subject from a new or different angle and perspective as it might require a pause from one's current way of thinking and to critically think and analyze the perspective and view from another. Such individuals are commonly emotional and are required to learn about a subject starting from basic information, theoretical, or philosophical fundamentals. 

Approaching a lady advice: Smile- always smile first. Authenticity- Be yourself and be authentic," Hey, I don't know how else to say this but i think you're...". Focus - focus on the approach and just talk to her. Invitation - you're inviting her to be part of your world. You're not chasing/simping over her. If she likes you for who you are then she can determine to stay with you. Then you can discover how cool she is or you can make friends with her. Depending on how you approach her will determine what level of intimacy you want with her. 

Guy advice for ladys: 1. Simply talks to her. 2. "Men chase chanpionships and woman chase champions" mindset. 3. Rejection is okay, move on. "Your value is wasted on me; try again with someone else; or not yet". 4. Don't chase miserable woman. They are broken for a reason. 5. Don't take things too seriously, let go and have fun. 6. If there something you don't like, tell her but in a calm way and in a manner that lets her "save face". So you'll get an idea of why something is happening (practice stoicism). 
(FIV idea; 09/04/21) Had an idea for a VR-movie where a person in VR can watch, experience, perhaps even participate in a interactive movie. While watching a video about a game on Twitter, (here's a link: https://twitter.com/DmawXXX/status/1434175277089890306?s=19 ) I figured how to merge film and vr interactivity together. The player/audience can watch the action as if experiencing it in VR while also being given panels to watch the movie with its cinematography, camera angles, and other interesting storytelling devices. Ultimately, it's a good way to experiment with new ideas, experimentation, and create a new, exciting, and interesting ideas for a new audience. I call this idea Film Interactive VR (FIV). Perhaps the movies could include pods which allows a person or group of people to experience a movie in VR. 

(Maybe) This doesn't apply to all females but it seems the pattern goes that females are always looking for relationships. Once they have one or have been in one, then their mindset changes to being more relaxed in their behaviors, body, and personality. Their personality changes to one that is less caring of what crazy behaviors they have and what others think of them. Does sex change people to be this way? It definitely seems my friends who haven't experienced sex or the embrace of developing a sexy side of themselves to be more closed, reserved, commonly shy, sometimes easy to be offended when others look at her certain ways, and ultimately don't seem to open up compared to friends who have a sexy side. They, on the other hand, seem to enjoy the attention, enjoy getting close, often enjoying steamy and conversations, events, and situations, and are generally more fun to be with and hang out with. Overall, I wonder why such changes occur?

Sometimes an answer to a question can take a life time. For example, an underground agent wants to find out what happens in a mob. They have to be part of a mob their whole life to gain that trust. 

It's objective that Marxism will always lead to genocide; therefore, it should be refused at all cost. You cannot have freedom, liberty, and Marxism. The results of Marxism leads to no technological progress, fear, authoritarianism, and no creativity and new ideas. 

I believe freedom has an enemy; perhaps even an natural enemy that will never go away. The enemy is authoritarianism. If freedom does not standup against authoritarianism, then authoritarianism will absolutely and eventually takes over. 

I believe when things go wrong in the world it will always lead to mass genocide. This is why we need law, morals, and accountability. Objective education and not indoctrination teaching morals, logic, reasoning, and critical thinking is a fundamental tool to prevent this from happening. I want to add that I believe ethics adds an additional layer to seeking out those who would lead to such eventual atrocities. 

I believe life is about decisions, make the wrong decision and it could lead to negative results, or even cost you your life. Make a right decision, it could lead to instant reward or reward later on. You only get one life, make the best decisions for the best version of your life.

(Planning) Think of three or four things that can go wrong or are likely to go wrong and have a plan for those. It doesn't have to be a robust plan as long as you have at least one plan just in case it were to happen. Obviously also plan for the worst case scenario as well. Don't spend too much time overplanning because the project still has to get done and overplanning can take away from that. Balance having time and planning so you can get things done.

I want to think the human systemic cycle revolves around: authoritarianism, anarchy/chaos, and democracy/peace. 

I believe in most things you do, never undermine security. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

 I think it's a good idea to create competition for global security instead of just relying on just the UN. 

I believe the greatest failure of the US government is failing to provide security from foreign government influences and infiltration. I believe it has been a colossal failure since the 1960s. 

 I think it can be very important to own things and not rent them out (Like Adobes business model to own nothing). Access to tools is vital to a creator and if that is restricted, they could be demotivated from creating which does not inspire others to do incredible things. The culture of inspiration is what leads to new ideas and developments. Without this, creativity suffers and new or innovative ideas suffer. Regurgitation of ideas becomes prevalent. The more possibilities to be free and have access to tools and resources allows people to push creative boundaries and try new things. 

(Term) Lielamb - a person who consumes and utilizes lies for personal gain.  

I like the idea to have a holiday to stand-against-tyranny and authoritarianism. We can call it anti-authoritarianism day or stand-against-tyranny day. To add my own twist, I think for branding, we can call it 6079SmithW-day. 

I think when you have widespread absurd ideologies, illogical political factioning, demonization for intellectuals, and irrational behaviors that prevent rational discussion (more than likely on behalf of propaganda not routed in common sense, logic, and reasoning), chances are there could be Marxist agenda in action. In addition, if there exists a group that isn't objectively oppressed however claim they are oppressed, uses their idea of oppression as a form of logical argument, or use their oppression as a desire for illogical reparations, then chances are you have a Marxist agenda in action. 

I want to consider the idea that unintelligent people are dangerous. Education should be held with higher systemic importants. I don't think unintelligent individuals, or individuals with low IQ, should be allowed to vote unless they have a degree or some sort of evidence that they are intellectual. 

(term) Clarification of beliefs - the concept of getting clarification or personal acceptance or approval of one's actions or beliefs behind a group or association. Example: a person colors and cuts their hair in a radical way and while everyone says it looks ugly, they turn for a group or online group for approval to feel good about themselves and perhaps incentivize others to do the same so that they don't feel ashamed or remorse for themselves. 

(trans/controversial) One of my best and closest friends is a trans woman. Their take on trans is different then what I see in the mainstream media today which leans to more into radical ideologies (mostly neo-Marxism and anarchism or anarcho-capitalism). My friend who is trans is one of the most intellectual individuals I have ever met. Unlike most of the trans communities I have seen today, they are counter the narrative of the modern idea of what it means to be trans, transphobia, and how trans should be part of tribal politics or a group identity. Because they are trans they have seen a lot of what they would consider true transphobia with people against them for their decisions, in particular those with strong religious beliefs. However, to my surprise they forgive those who act irrationally against them. They understand that their decisions will have a certain or a negative outlook and image from society because it goes against what seemingly the norm. They have come to accept this and overlook irrationality which I think shows strength. Interestingly, it goes against the common behaviors of modern trans individuals who more-than-likely might lash out in violence because another does not hold their same views. According to my friend, it would be an undoing of the reasons or vision they went to the effort and costs of transformation of themselves to become trans and to be seen as the gender or person they wanted to become. The person who becomes transgender wants to be seen as the gender they want to become and often put in a lot of time and effort to building their persona, behaviors, and the perception or public image of their new selves. My friend told me this wasn't an issue for them as they always believed they were female their whole life but in a boy's body and therefore believed no effort was needed aside from relearning the way their physiological behaviors were in regards to how they walk and how their body behaves. On the subject of transgenderism, I would consider my friend a philosopher or deep critical thinker. We used to spend until 6 am in the morning talking about deep and often controversial topics. Regarding the trans community, they think what's going on in the trans community today is radicalism by political tribalism. They see themselves as a political moderate yet condemns every party without mercy. To them, they told me most trans now-a-days seem to be violent, unhinged, and radical where compared to their beliefs, their beliefs are more deep, philosophical, and what  I believe is fully developed, clear, and consistent. I believe their greatest value was to build unity among those who believe differently about transgenders. According to them most trans now-a-days are of the seemingly sensitive belief that if one does not agree with one who is trans, they are transphobic regardless of the topic. My friend says this is wrong, trans should build unity and confidence by showing society they are of equal desire to be accepted and part of a functioning society that can learn to respect them without resulting to any sort of hostility. They believe everyone desires to be loved and accepted for who they are, even if others see only by their base gender. Also, unlike the political narratives of today by the supposed trans community, and to my surprise, they accept the idea that they could never fully be a true female. They told me about their research and how just changing their genitals, taking hormones, and going under the knife doesn't make them a real female. They said it's an ideologic perception. It's an ideology that others have that once they go through the hormone treatments and surgery, that they will be or become one step closer to being whoever they want to become. They told me until they can have children and have the brain functionality of a base-female, they could never be a true female. However, they said they were fine with this. They were fine with how much they've achieved to be who they were meant to become. They also told me they understand that transgenderism has a lot to do with what's going on in the person mind then that of what's supposedly reality. Unlike todays trans or political narratives, they seemingly controversially believe there are only two genders despite the reasons others says or supposed science they've encountered and that they believe politics of today is shallow and unintelligent meant to divide people (possibly for a political takeover). They told me their reasons for becoming trans is not the poor (they used a lot more stronger language then this) political narratives of today but because of the real research of chromosomes. They said they have found a balance or completion in themselves by becoming trans because they believed they had more female chromosomes than male chromosomes. In addition, they also told me it's a search for personal satisfaction which is illusionary unless you can learn to accept yourself for who you are, what you have become, and to learn to love yourself for who you are. They also said it's also about knowing how much of the transformation into the other gender you want to do before you are satisfied. They told me even if things took a turn for the worst and you saw yourself as a monster to which you created, because there can be days where you question your transformation in the mirror, you can still love yourself and accept yourself for who you are and have the mental fortification to accept yourself and keep going with life. They said you can always make a new you despite of how you currently see yourself and how others see you. I told them my position on the matter and how science has not come far enough for a full gender transformation yet but maybe someday in the future (if there is a future) this could be possible to become a full female or male. I told them I would even go as far as humans will one day be able to be half animal and human and have the ability to redesign themselves the way they want and perhaps even have a variety of bodies/avatars they can transform into by transferring their core mental abilities/consciousness into another body of their choice. Although scary and would take somewhat getting used to, I think a future like this where people can look however they want would be very interesting. Perhaps it would be like living in a videogame. Moreover, They talked about politics a lot and although some issues we go back and fourth on, I find myself agreeing a lot with them. They have more then proven themselves to be a critical thinker, an inspirational intellectual, well logically developed, and capable of looking at a topic from multiple angles; including angles they disagree with. I learned a lot from them, especially on the subject of transgenderism. There's a lot of politics at play when it comes to this that they believe other individuals who are transgender do not understand, cannot see, and are commonly blind or ignorant towards. Often they told me a lot of "conditioning" comes from institutions which are used to create tribal factions and spread hate when being transgender should be used to allow you to be further peace with yourself which allows you to be a more improved version of yourself and someone who can contribute to improving your own life and the lives of others around you. They have a lot of points that makes sense. The points about being trans to them is sensitive but they said they would never trade it for the world because this is how they've truly always wanted to see themselves ever since they were young. Despite their desire of being a trans woman, their fear is accumulating bacteria in the genitals to which would need expensive surgery. They told me it's a fear most trans individuals have and a fear people should consider before doing a transformation. I'm very hesitant to talk more about our daily discussions because they might cause controversy, but overall they often make sense. Furthermore, I see them as someone extremely close to me and hopefully a friend I can invite over one day to chill, hang out, or have fun with. I love them to a lot and they are more than worth it. They are a gift in my life and I'm sure the lives of others. Even if there are dark times, they will always be one of my besties. I'm sure if the trans community read this they'd flip, but I feel like I have to talk a bit about this amazing person so that others can know there are different opinions and beliefs out there from individuals that are trans that do not see the things the same way as others in the community. Overall, I believe we should respect everyone, accept others for who they are, always seek objective truths, call out the politics and propaganda, and utilize rationality/harmony to create the world we want to live in. Everyone is important; everyone is worth it; everyone has a story to tell; and everyone should do their best to improve and strive to become the best version of themselves to create a world we can all benefit from and improve together. 

(Term; NSFW) Koop - A very close group of friends. A group of friend that spend a lot of time with each other on a daily basis. A group of friends that allow for each other to share a lot of personal details with each other. A group of friends that act as a family. A group of friends that surpass average friendship barriers, such as allowing for the casual exposure of nudity, intimate relationships, and sexual exploration of each other. The ethics of a koop allows each other to treat each other in a way that resolves problems, overcomes obstacles, and work towards collective solutions for the betterment of the group. A group that is with each other, even if there isn't a reason to doing so. 

Although it's not important for me to say this, I figured I'd say it anyways. I do not want to be a God and I do not want power. I think such ideas are very outdated, immature, and unintellectual. To want these things and to have control over others is extremely unethical, selfish, and perhaps part of a disorder regarding ones personality and mental health. I want to live as long as i can, bring value to the lives of others, I want others to surprise and inspire me, and i want to be part of a society i can find social cohesion and harmony with where it's fun to live day by day seeing what obstacles they face, challenges they overcome, and what new ideas and achievements they produce. I want them to inspire me and motivate me to improve and do more so I can inspire others. Overall, I want a society that's fun, exciting, joyful, mysterious, and one that I can explore and meet interesting figures each with their own different interests, hobbies, and goals. 

I think only very unintellectual people try to commit suicide. Later in life you realize how foolish it is because life has way too many things to offer. There are so many things you can dedicate yourself to do and get good at. People who try to commit suicide have a very narrow view of the world. They don't know a fraction of what's out there. They have no clue of the experiences they could have, what new things to try, places to explore, or things to see. The emotional aspect does suck, but when you take away the emotional part, you realize that life has way too many more things to offer. You go and explore, set goals, and see new things and you realize how dumb suicide is and you discover ways you can use your life to create, explore, improve, and master skills. 

How do you win against a tyrannical system of govt? A technological and cultural arms race. Through technology you can create underground and open source materials and systems which competes with what's already in existence and innovate it to the point it cannot be centralized, controlled, and manipulated. Cultural arms race is using culture to win over society. You can create a cultural arms race by seeking out creators and promoting their material while also promoting a message or narrative. These are two examples on how to prevent tyrannical systems from seizing control of freedoms. Just like survival in the wilderness, creativity, accurate intelligence, and critical thinking is a tyrants worst enemy.  

I feel we have a very unintelligent society in this period in history. I believe whenever there is marxist expansion or some form of authoritarian expansion, there is covert influence, centralization, and control of industries becomes widespread. This includes education which removes the quality of education and it's desire to improve and instead it focuses more on political infiltration and agendas causing a decay in academic progress and overall society. In the case of marxism, they need to dumb down the education to have them appeal to emotional traps and to vote or influence change by what manipulation (usually by propaganda) method is most effective. 

I think females who look for a relationship should be looking for men who have their shyt together and prove it with action. I also believe males should improve on their logics, improve themselves in everyway possible, and prove to themselves they can be successful and provide for a family. 

Could it be that power that centralizes eventually turns into tyranny?

(Term) Gossip Gorilla or Pleb Hen - a person who gossips, who talk bad about others despite real evidence or reasons, a person known to start rumors, a person who bullys, a person who tries to affect the emotions or obtain an emotional or irrational response from another, or a person raises themselves by putting down someone else because of their own insecurities, reflective situation, or selfish reasons or delusions.

Irrational, false, and dramatisized victimhood and irrational, false, and dramatisized targeting of oppressors. These are the roots of tribalism, division, and Marxism. When unity is divided by tribalism, this leads to tribal warefare, violence, disharmony, and no peace. It is part of a divide and conquer strategy. Marxism seeks weaknesses in society to divide it into tribal factions. It needs to exploit values, social weaknesses, and stigmas. It needs to create narratives to build a foot hole for disunity and division. When you find the individuals who are not building unity and are selling victimhood, targeting supposed oppressors, and instigating tribal division, you find a thought leader of division who will lead society into eventual violence. When it expands to a point of greater scale, it eventually leads to powers at the top committing mass atrocities and then covering it up later and denying it.

How to defense from authoritarianism, tyranny, and corruption: My ideas on how to stop the spread of authoritarianism. Authoritarianism always starts at the highest power or works up to the highest powers. Good has to be be both a defensive mechanism as well as a proactive one. When authoritarianism shows it's face or when people wake up to recognize there is an agenda for authoritarianism and absolute control, it's time for a rational proactive approach to legally taking down bad or corrupts systems utilizing security. Most people move and flee tyrannical control. Eventually corruption expands and there is no where else to run. The bravest and those who demonstrate true leadership behaviors stand up to tyranny. Perhaps the rewards are significantly greater, perhaps it's a matter of personal principle or legacy, or perhaps there's personal reasons for tackling corruption such as family or status. There are many ways to taking on corruption and preventing the spread of authoritarianism. Leaders who go against corruption can argue against it with logic, reason, and utilizing the opposition's strategy against them since often they are very obvious. Perhaps a few ideas can be by placing barriers, obstacles, or overreach-flags to build a case against those who are seeking authoritarian control before they reach their next set of goals. When they reach a specific goal (a good idea is to state a goal before those corrupt impedes on it) a case is made against the authoritarians. I quickly came up with a list of strategies. The strategy that I can come up with is this: 0. Who should the leaders be? It can be any individual; however, the ones who should be really encouraged to prevent the expansion of authoritarianism are those who already have resources. Their goals should be to from strategies to protect themselves (security) and go on the proactive-offensive to remove corruption. 1. Research, organize, and gather intelligence. Plan methods and prepare for oppositions arguments. Have the mindset that everything is information, including conspiracy and potential misinformation. The more information you obtain, the more the misinformation will sort itself out with the use of logic and reasoning. Another objective is reach out to those who want change. When it comes to the masses, convince those who can be convinced, and to defend from but not waste time with those who cannot be won (as they can be completely brainwashed/cultified or opposition agents). The only time to argue with another who cannot be won is to inform the masses around them. 2. Group up with like-minded individuals and strategies ways to influence change. Be sure to have intelligent, intellectual, and individuals that can be trusted and not react too emotionally. Build teams and individuals that create the spear head of the operation such as the legal team, investigation team, information and strategy team, and the marketing team. The legal team is the biggest asset, the marketing team is the greatest defense. 3. Have a marketing strategy, campaign, or a social output to influence the masses from manipulation and propaganda before the opposition uses manipulation and propaganda  against you and your teams. Have social media methods and supportive/ trust worthy journalists/ independent news sources as well as other traditional tangible methods. 4. Seek out and list individuals who are believed to be compromised agents then pressure them out of their positions and/or create a legal case against them. Often the compromised agents will have a lot of dirt you can find on them and use against them. They will more than likely be very reluctant to leave so you have to use every tool to find methods to influence their behavior and psychological durability for them to leave. The most common tool is targeting them is their principles because compromised agents will rarely have principles to stand with. If you can have a psychologist or sociologist on your team, then you can find even more methods of influencing bad and compromised actors out. 5. Change the demographics of an area utilizing the tools you have made. Changing the demographics by informing others and to encourage critical thinking helps change demographics. Often electing good and objectively uncompromised sheriffs, mayors, judges and high municipal positions will influence the changes much more significantly. It's also a good idea to extend to two teams: a local team that focuses on the micro and the major team that focuses on the higher and more critical positions. The greatest tools will be the legal tools so the biggest tool is teaming up with a legal expert who can help build cases. 6. Expose the corruption. Force the corruption into the open and make it so that it's obvious. You can then use the legal team against the opposition. Be relentless with law suits as possible and target every corrupt case possible. Security is also important. Always check your team for bad or newly compromised actors. Be sure to have surveillance for everything in case a pawn of a bad actor decides to conduct an unlawful strategy of intimidation, cohersion, bribery...ect. be prepared for the worst at all times, because the nature of corruption is corrupt. Also, while the legal team tackles the cases, have investigators expose the resources, tools, and sources of corruption. If possible, investigate these tools and resources. It's essential that they uncover the reasons for corruption. Moreover, often conspiracies will arise. Conspiracies are simply conclusions that require indepth investigations and a case of evidence. Have the marketing team discuss the findings and expose the information to others as it can be detrimental because corruption will use it's tools to defend itself, stay in power, and perhaps stay hidden. 7. Use psychological strategies such as psychology, logic, reasoning, and even manipulation are the greatest tools against corruption. Exposing the lack of principles are a good strategy. Showing unsympathetic and unethical behaviors also help gain public trust and publicity. Public trust while providing the accuracy of information is key to exposing and removing corruption. 8. Utilize the use of labels, language, and terminology to demean and expose corrupt opposition is a very useful strategy. The use of language along with psychology and logic can create a force much greater then any tool then what corruption has. Creating culture on behalf of the terminology makes it an even more powerful force. 9. Stop the expansion of authoritarianism by winning over the legal authorities such as judges, police, and lawyers. The legal authorities are high infrastructural tools for influencing the stop of authoritarianism. Often they will side with the masses so be sure to win over the masses utilizing social strategies and cultural strategies. 10. Utilize codes and intelligence communications strategies in case the levels of authoritarianism expands beyond the point of no return. Authoritarianism eventually expands to a point where censorship, centralization and control of information and resources becomes prevalent. 11. Have an arms-race utilizing individuals or organizations who can create decentralized platforms of social media, intelligence gathering methods, and encrypted communications. Also have them develop useful or new technologies. It should be encouraged to develop  technologies that provide with decentralized solutions; perhaps new technologies that has not been considered or invented yet. Another idea is to create open source freeware softwares and freeware hardware solutions that can be provided or distributed on an individual level that can defeat centralized platforms. All individual and organization should also consider security and intellectual property security. Besides having an arms-race for technological advancements, there should also be cultural and marketing strategies. Memes, music, movies, art, and other sources of entertainment that captivates the audience can be a method of informing others, introducing narratives that allow people to obtain information and critically think over which side they can trust. Building credibility, trust, and exposure of truth can be essential. There is also the emotional aspect where the unintelligent thrives on emotional response therefore to captivate an emotional audience, an emotional narratives needs to captivate the masses. 12. Self-sustainability, security, and essentials for survival are important for when authoritarians assume full control using corrupts systems. Therefore, having substitutive technologies are important, encryption, and the usual prepper essentials such as food, security/defense, transportation, fuel..ect are also important. I would also add ninja strategies of tactile evasion, mobility, recon, storage, and preparedness so that you can be mobile and not be tracked in the case that Marxism reaches it's deepest levels where genocide becomes a reality. 13. Influence over industry can become a massive infrastructural tool which prevents the enabling of corruptional expansion. One can do this by using culture to appeal to an audience which will influence trends and brand decisions. Also the more culture is used, the more other institutions will be influenced. The objectives are to influence institutions and the masses; expose the corruption; build legal cases against the corruption; build security and a defense structure; and develop culture strategies and technologies (prioritizing on decentralizing platforms, building new technologies, and sustainable technologies for when authoritarianism assumes full dictoral control). 14 Self care and personal development is important. Know who you are, know your limits, find ways to relax and calm down, and build that list of goals that will make you successful in whatever goals you need to achieve. Be smart, be creative, work on yourself, and find that happy place for when thigs are at their worst, and build that vision you want to see when things work out. 

(Term) Systems Resolution Officer - These are leaders that take upon strategies to expose corruption, tackle corruption legally, and have a personal duty to removing corruption and ensure that systems are functional as they were intended.  

I think it should be civil procedure to not obey orders if they are unlawful or by irrational decree. If a person goes along with unlawful orders they should also be held responsible. If a person states "they were just following orders" then this defense should be used to condemn them in court because ethical principle should come first. 

I believe there should be a market for parts and DIY repair where individuals can build a culture of repairing things. I believe this can incentivize them to repair older equipment and influence a culture of inventing new solutions or developing new ideas. Often people simply throw away things that break. I believe pieces should be sold and individuals should have access to buying parts and fix things themselves or pay others to fix things for them. 

I like the idea that the US should be backed by the Texas Dollar (T-dollar). Texas can revert it's currency to be backed by gold and oil and thus create currency that has tangible meaning instead of the current currency used today backed by promissary value. 

(term) Authoritarian centralized-cyberlism - The Neo-Marxist system where a group of elites rule by decree over the population while controlling an artificial capitalist system and its digital systems. 

(term) Magnitudal proposition - 1. When you make a narrative seem bigger then it is. Perhaps it creates the illusion of seeing something much bigger then it actually is and latently promotes it as something bigger then it actually is. 2. Expanding the magnitude of perceived severity of propaganda to promote narratives. 

(Term) Folly interest alliance (or folly interest copitulation) - it's when you copitulate to demands for a job even though you can see or know that it will eventually be used for bad intent later. It's when you agree to do the job despite of its bad intent and interests. It's a job you perform that is ignorant of the harm it is doing to society or systems.

When people stay a long time in a company, I can understand there is elitism. I personally think this elitism is what creates and spreads corruption. The reason is sociopaths and narcissistic personalities are attracted to power, they tend to reside at higher positions due to their demonstration of confidence and ability to get the job done often regardless the costs. These personalities tend to not find shame or a sense of principles which commonly creates corruption and decay. It is a residual company or perhaps social dynamic it seems. Perhaps it cannot be helped. 

I agree there should be free speech. There should be free speech despite the irrationality of others. I believe speech is also a social responsibility. People should show their respect and appreciation for others, even if they disagree with each other. I believe people should disagree with each other and still maintain rationality and ethics because I believe ethics should always be as a primary principle. Moreover, people should be judged on the content of their character and not by their appearance; afterall, the cover of a book can always be deceiving. Furthermore, I believe in freedom. Freedom is allowing oneself to live dangerously and with risk. I agree with Franklin's idea that people who give up liberty for security deserve neither. Overall, I would like to live a life where systems has extremely tiny influence on my life and the way I would like to live. I believe in a free and open society. I believe in that people should travel wherever they want to go. I believe they should spend time and money where ever they like and adhere to no authority. I believe it is up to the individual to create harmony and peace through ethics and to be an example for others. Overall, I believe ethical people and individuals with principle create the future that is near utopic in which everyone can live the way they want and strive to live happy and meaningful lives. 

Regarding my political affiliation as of the present, I believe myself to be a centerist. There isn't a political affiliation that I completely believe in. I don't think a party of my choice exists nor will exist. I feel that I am unique and that perhaps I might be a bit too ahead of my time. Moreover, I believe politics of today isn't what people think it is. I believe it's extremely corrupts, beyond the point of repair, and I would rather not have any affiliation with it. 

I want to think people can continue to utilize the US dollar during an economic collapse because it's the people that give value to the dollar. The dollar is nothing more than a promissary note. A promise that it has value or can be payed back in tangible assets. Perhaps if an economic collapse happens, ethics as well as the continued use of the US dollar can continue the form of trade until it can rebuild the monetary system and utilize tangible value all over again and over time. 

Could it be that nothing deserves to survive if it doesn't resist?

As Vaclav Havel, an exiled soviet write after the collapse of the soviet union states that we cannot live life with lies. The totalitarian enslavers rule by lies and eroding liberties. People give them their liberties. Overtime the totalitarians have to use propaganda to support their lies in order to maintain traction, control, and gain more control. Totalitarianism is brought willingly from the people through manipulation of their empathy, compassion, and their desire of security. Oneself knows what's best for oneself, not individuals who perceived to know more because of status and wealth; their perception of intelligence will always be an illusion. A wise person never follows another, they can always think for themselves and breaks things down to the point they understand it and build their knowledge from a fundamental level. 

I believe there is a link on behalf of authoritarians and sociopaths. If we can further explore and learn about this, we can find who is the best fit for positions of high importance without leading to decay. 

I think couples before marriage needs to discuss what cheating is. Everyone seems to have their own idea what cheating is. If people are more likely to cheat then perhaps they are polyamerous and should look for someone who is polyamerous. Getting the right person to be in a relationship with and knowing what and how they think is what will contribute to making relationships long lasting.

 I want to think it could be a trap with most females being addicted to feeling good or always wanting to feel good. Often I find when guys can induce that feeling of making female fel good, then it's common they let them get the chance at gaining their interest. However, what happens when they don't focus on that feeling of always wanting to feel good and having attention? Instead what if they focus on getting things done, achieving goals, improving their life without reliance on anyone, and finding the right relationship with guys who have their life together that can contribute, support, and help make life better, meaningful, and more enjoyable instead of guys that make them feel good in the moment without offering anything with meaningful value. 

Balance is essential to life; a balance of living a life of imagination and living a life of objective reality. Too much life of imagination leads to social hysteria which greatly leads to the potential of genocide. Too much objective reality leads to a lack of imagination which creates a functional society yet a society without creativity and extraordinary or next level ideas, solutions, and thinking.

Something about Ikue Asazaki's music feels like it touches the spirit. It's absolutely amazing. If my life were to end this music is what I want to hear to send me to heaven. 

(a message from beyond the grave; a message other will never know of) My life has come to an end. The book has been closed. A procession of white. Not a rain cloud in sight. A silent walk. One that touches the soul in mysterious ways. I will walk in spirit among those who follow the remains of my existence. Perhaps there will be no tears. I am happy for had existed. Although the cover and pages of my book will decay and wither, I will always stay watching; observing. I will stay watching and helping from beyond for those who do good and want to fix and improve the world by goodwill and ethics. Watching and helping over those who are of good and who want to improve life for all. A tree of white and pink will be birthed. A spiritual and existential sign of the good in life, even amongst the storm, fires, and changes. Where there is darkness, there will always be a shred of light. What is good should exist and is worth resisting and fighting for. Leaves fall, seasons pass. The tree will not last forever. Like the cover and pages of a book. It will also wither and cease to exist one day. Nothing lasts forever. Everything changes and evolves. My beliefs of a better world, a better reality, and existence of humanity will always exist; even until the last human falls. My fight and desire for good, truth, and harmony will live on. My haunt for evil, injustice, and corruption will influence their demise, sanities, and their beg for forgiveness. Life is sacred despite how you live it. We only get one chance, we should live it well, intelligently, and without regrets. A message from beyond the gave. Let the good never die, let the best be for all forever.

You don't know anything about the world until you question everything from scratch as if knowing about it for the first time. With the disassembly of false information and accumulation of accurate information, you'll be able to think for yourself, predict things accurately, and figure how things go together. Most things can be pieced together with logic and reason. In time you will become wise and nothing will scare you. 

If inflation is fake, if the dollar is based on a promissory note, then why not continue using the US dollar when the economy collapses. Surely we are responsible for giving the dollar its value. Perhaps after the US collapse the states can declare the dollars based on the state's value of things. We can continue using dollars as a means of trade. We can also probably have a state recreate or reinstall gold, oil, or some sort of state tangible asset as a currency backing.

(Term) Asab- The act of acting like an animal, acting without conscious, being selfish, or as if without consideration of others instead of using ethics, acting in the best interest of others, and preserving the harmony. 

(Term) free technologist - A person who believes in decentralization and self-sustainability and that individuals can build free software (freeware) and hardware on their own and to share with others. 

 I think people should start to build decentralized software, freeware, and methods to build their own hardware and technological infrustructure. If I could, I would market internet servers that can be used for free use as a freedoms project so that people can have a secondary decentralized and free internet. When the internet goes out, they have freeware tools to diagnose and correct the issues themselves. I think if we had our own version of a decentralized free internet, we wouldn't have to worry about the oversight and restrictions of ISPs and other organization interests. Having unlimited internet could build new socio-problems because entertainment would be abundant but I think in time, people will have to learn to balance and compose themselves. I'm all for free tech if we can build it ourselves or help each other build it. 

I think insane people believe insane things. Insane people don't question their sanity or logic. Often it seems the overly sociopathic and narcissistic believe they are some deity or are given their position by some way of divinity or greater meaning. The true fact is that it's absurd. Their position is by circumstance due to a series of successful events. Sociopathic and narcissistic individuals see life from a different set of lenses. The way they go about feeling is different, the way they think, and go about life is different. In my opinion they perhaps have not full mentally developed or have some sort of mental illness the world has yet to recognize and fully understand. I think well developed and mature human being are balanced and perhaps capable to go beyond the meanings of values, expressions, and socio-conditional (behavior installed by parents, environment, society, and culture) behaviors to create a complex character. 

I think when you stand up for yourself you can influence change and inspire others to do the same. 

I think freedoms doesn't always mean you can do whatever you want, you also have responsibilities. 

For teen dating, I think young girls should date with low expectations and not low standards.

I agree that there is no complying with tyranny. If you comply with authoritarians, the tyranny does not go away. People have to stand up for what they believe in. If people do not stand up then they will have short term comforts and security but in the long term, they will lose everything. 

Most individuals in high positions in corporations are believed to have sociopathic and narcissistic behaviors. I often wonder if sociopathic and narcissistic behaviors is a form of mental illness or some form of mental-personality deficiency. How do sociopathic individuals develop? Are they conditionable to be balanced regarding empathy? What are the benefits and detriments of a sociopathic or narcissistic individual in the work place or in high positions of power? I think the world needs more research on this kind of behavior if they are to have more functionable and productive workplaces. 

I wonder if it would make sense to make it a new job standard where the more progress, care, and quality you do at a job should equal to more freedoms you get at work. By freedoms I mean, the more breaks you can have, you are exempt if you arrive fifteen minutes late, if your child needs something you have the freedom to tell you boss and take off for a few minutes, minor things aren't a big issue, your dress code can be more relaxed, and you can treat your workplace more casually and more comfortably. Of course the more problems you create, the more you lose these freedoms. I think this feature can benefit employees because it makes their work place feel more like home and a place that's more then a place to work. I think this can help workplaces build family-like groups and make jobs more desirable to work at. I'll call this idea Workplace Freedoms. 

In my research, part of Marxism is tribalism with the purpose to lead to mass hysteria, psychosis, and division (divide and conquer) which leads to eventually giving in to absolute political faction control. It's part of the Marxist genocide strategy to remove those they used and propagandized (those they radicalized, conditioned, and used to create mass hysteria and psychosis) for political control and to remove those that resist their political rise to power. It all boils down to a political agenda any way necessary by a totalitarian and authoritarian faction. To induce mass psychosis, they need unintellectual, noncritical thinking, unintelligent, often emotional, often ignorant, and unquestionably obedient individuals to believe, be indocrinated, conditioned, or adopt the illusionary/unfactual perspective of what they should be standing up for and believing in. This is done through propaganda, manipulation strategies, irrational culture, or intimidation. The same methods are applied to cults and underground crime organization. To break these individuals from this behavior is extremely difficult as it means learning to think, question, learn about logic and reason, learning to think for oneself and obtain objective and accurate data, learning to cope with a objective reality, learning to understand and develop themselves, learning to control their emotions, and overall overcoming a variety of emotional and psychological malpractices. 

In the Ben Shapiro vs. Ana Kasparian debate, I like my comment: "This whole debate can be summed up with quote "those who sacrifice freedom over security deserve neither"; and I think that's true because the more entitlements, the more government expands and grows and the more likeliness of corruption and collapse. It's an unfortunate historical cycle that never ends. Plato and Aristotle explains it accurately. The real answer is less regulation and more freedoms. This leads to innovation and creation which using a capitalist system leads to competition, improvement, and ultimately a lower cost of living which allows people to afford expensive things and grow their wealth. That's how you ended up with a middle class which historically usually never happened before the existence of the US liberty experiment by the country founders. Also keep in mind, I'm not a conservative I'm more centrist. I just prize liberty."

I want to think that in a good work environment, everybody knows about, respects, and has comradery with everybody.

Should guys always approach the ladies? I personally think it should be mutual. I think girls should approach guys and guys definitely should be predominant in approaching females. 

I wonder from perhaps a ethicalist's view that there is an epidemic of ignorant individuals. Maybe this needs to be talked about and why society is behaving the way it is today. 

An ethicalist wants everyone to get along, create harmony, stand against violence, stand for truth, and build unity. What is never wants is control over others. An ethicalist that wants control is a hypocrite. People should be people and like the things they do and they should be free to be themselves without fear or any centralized servitude. I think an ethicalists believes in freewill and authentic free human behavior. It's an ethicalists role to get people to think, philosophize, and reflect how they can improve themselves on a personal level. Perhaps give ideas and discussions on how they can behave better, improve relationships, build unity, and overall use themselves as a tool or an example for improving society. 

Could it be that a independent or successful person doesn't need anything. Perhaps when they need something they have that drive to go, seek, or earn it themselves. 

Perhaps it's best to be careful who you share your good news and bad news with because others can get jealous, carry expectation, and who aren't genuinely there to listen to you. Taking that a step further, perhaps it's worth that they have to earn that privilege from you; the privilege that you are willing to share your good news and bad news with another. 

I think there is cultural reasoning and then there is authentic reasoning. Cultural reasoning is when people base their decisions, answers, or solutions on culture. Authentic reasoning is when people base their decisions, answers, and solutions on their own best judgment and their own intellectual analysis and understanding. 

I think a successful person reviews, redoes, or restructures themselves in order for them to be successful. 

*I think good ideas does not mean success. Persistence in trying out multiple good ideas is key until you find one that is successful. 

(for artists) There is the commercial side to art and the personal interest/vision/purity side to art. I think an artist has to understand both and not choose sides. A balance of both I think is good. People should do both art that sells and that's desired commercially and also to do art that makes them happy or carries their visions/interests/message/narratives. 

I like the quote: "1. change your mindset. You don't get in life what you want, you get in life what you are. 2. Practice OQP: Only quality people. Surround yourself with quality people. 3. Develop your communications skills. Once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are."

Maybe we should give a bit of ourselves from time to time. Perhaps give a piece of yourself and don't expect anything back. Maybe volunteer for a while. Maybe for a few weeks, a month, a few months, or until you get really tired of it. Then see what is the difference you have made. 

(Sexual) When in bed guys should: 1. Foreplay: take it slow, dirty talk. 2. Commands. Dominating her and giver her direct commands. 3. Physical dominance. Being rough and showing your strength. Pick her up, pin her down. If it hurts or she's uncomfortable, stop immediately. 4. Appreciation. Appreciate her. Ask her what she liked and what you liked. Tell them how much you enjoyed it and how much you turned them on. Moan a bit, don't be silent.  5. Oral and finger action: tongue and finger action. Average female need 20 mins before climax. Guys commonly last 5 mins. 6. Precence: be there in the present and fully engaged in every level. No distractions. Have an emotional connection. You have to notice by her body language and what she likes. More suggestions for guys trying to get a gf is that guys need to: Interact, interact and overtime make a build-up of interest, and touch them physically. Flirt if you want them in a sexy way. 

I am anti-violence. I believe it should be avoided. I do on the other-hand recognize when violence is necessary such as in the case of principle and survival. The use of violence has to be reasonable, logical, and only if it's absolutely necessary. 

​I think western society needs to learn ethics. Schools, family, and society should teach ethics which reinforces personal values and morality.

In Marxism, it's use to create tribalism or tribal groups for divide and conquer. The Marxists creates tribalist tribes of mass hysterical or delusional people using propaganda who aren't logical where the state tells them how to think. Any wrong doing by these groups go ignored. There is also a control and censorship of media narratives and news. The elites use this to progress through their agenda using these individuals as pawns and to push hate for another group. Eventually this is used for genocide and the gulags of the opposition group. The mass hysterical and delusional people also end up getting exterminated later too as the elites solidify and seize absolute control. 

I believe in free speech even if it offends people. You show your strength the more you can stand up to it. I believe individuals with ethics know how to behave and to use free speech responsibly. Those who don't know how to use it responsibly should be ignored and not taken seriously.  Unfortunately in today's political and social environment it's considered dangerous. Free speech and a removal of weaponry in society is the first restrictions that are removed from the public in a Marxist political inversion. 

I think there is positive culture and toxic culture. A few examples of toxic culture is to self harm, the harm to others, the promotion of harm, or the desire of destruction. A few examples of positive culture is to inspire, create, improve, and build. 

Although it's basic logic, for intellectuals, everyone should always do their own research and look at a subject from every angle and from multiple sources from multiple factions (reasonably controversial or not). Then a person should question and formulate what they believe themselves. Everyone needs to be a critical thinker and not follow think tanks where others tell you how to think and what to do. 

I believe in reverse entropy. I believe the natural order of nature is destruction and chaos. I believe that if we do not create and maintain order and improve our lifestyle conditions then the natural order of chaos, decay, and destruction will result in self enihilation and humanity will eventually cease to exist. 

Could it be that the use of databases to monitor threatening actors be of more significant value after a dystopian collapse? I'd consider how it would be essential to identify hostile actors of an authoritarian faction working with those who are building an authoritarian regime. Commonly when a tyrannical political faction is rising into an authoritarian totalitarians state, the police is a resource that is commonly reformed into a branch of the authoritarian state. Commonly the good police or the police operating on integral principles quit and the bad police remain. The drive of the bad police is money, corruption, and personal gain. The authoritarian political faction requires the police because they have to use hostile actors to divide and drive fear into breaking up society. The division is a strategy to force the weak and unintellectual minded to obey illogical orders which will benefit the overall outcome of dysfunction and control. Moreover, when the police does not do their job, the political faction enables more lesser tribal groups to get away with violence. They are used to carry out the dity side of intimidation, terror, and fear for social submission. Perhaps a lists of the individuals conducting the violence could be of significant value. When non-hostile communities need to defend themselves in this dystopian landscape, they need to do the role of the police. They have to form their own security, surveillance, intelligence gathering, and database tracking. This database is what can grow and warn others of potential hostile actors within an area who perhaps scope, scout, and prod an area. This form of security and database handling can keep track of leaders and in necessary allow for citizen-arrests to ensure the protection of their communities. Non-hostile communities can trade resources and with this intelligence. While trading resources, they can also trade information and security resources such as their databases to maintain security from hostile actors. 

I think the west needs a culture of improvement. An example can be people thanking the chef which could influence the chef to want to improve their cooking and provide the best meals they can. 

It's my great belief that Marxism, totalitarianism, an authoritarianism needs to be prevented before it begins and grows. It needs to be stopped before it goes beyond a certain point where it reveals itself and obtains control. The destruction this ideology does is immense and vast ranging from ideologic, to economic, to social and systemic infrastructural. Perhaps when it initiates and grows to a certain size, it may as already be too late. That is why checks and balances is important, that is why we should always have measures to prevent authoritarianism and the spread of corruption. We should always plan for this and even the worst. I believe we should have flags or indicators when overreach is stepped. Perhaps even have a multiple safeguard systems in place in which fires and investigates members who step over the boundaries.  

My belief is in the future things will become worst to the point that what I'm writing will be unrecognizable and perhaps considered dangerous or some form of heresy. I assume at this point authoritarianism would be the way of the land and that freedom, liberty, and personal prosperity, responsibility, and risk would be an idea that is long forgotten. The future will more-than-likely hold the idea that this idea is dangerous and that I'm crazy for thinking this way. It's so obvious it's heart breaking. The way I live today is the panicle of what human freedom has to offer with free thought, free behavior, and living life without any boundaries or reliance on any system. I'm sure in the near future this will change. When it does, then at least I have lived in a period substantially more free than what is offered in the future. 

As observed in the Rat Utopia Experiment, chaos brings a variety of negative and insane behaviors. I think in correlation with Marxism and other authoritarian structures brought by corruption from the chaos, radical ideologies and cultures are created. This chaotic culture brings about latent ruin of the family structure. I think the manipulation through propaganda destroying the family structure is the recipe for disaster for a civilization moreless a society. The reason it is a disaster is because eventually mothers will stop caring and teaching their young to have nurturing principles. A culture of ignorance, mass hysteria, delusion, or insane non-logical ideologies brings about this lack of nurture which influences and destroys the ability for their off-spirngs to adequately take care and teach their young which causes mass infant mortality which leads to the eventual downfall of a civilization. Eventually it will be impossible to maintain a society due to the cultural conditioning and negative social behaviors. 

(Term) Forevouir-When you're at war and you don't even know you are at war. An example can be: When there is an individual or group using a propaganda campaign to build a negative perception of you to a mass of individuals and you are unaware of the agenda or narrative aimed at you that aims to ruin your reputation, publicly destroy you, and discredit you. 

Greyist-navigators (also known as realist-emotion balancers) - "Those who master the grey areas of their minds". By this I mean a person who can conclude decision within grey narratives and subjects that are too complex for the average individual. A person who deviates from the extreme conclusions and fomulates a belief within the complexity of a subject. These individuals are extreme critical thinkers. To explain their beliefs it often requires themselves to break down a subject so that others can understand their logic, reason, and rationalization steps. 

(term) Family Forward Plan - When family members helps other family members by eliminating the cost of living such as having them live with them or cover their life expenses in order for a less wealthy family member to build wealth and get ahead and once they achieve financial stability they then do the same for the next family member until all family members have gained wealth. 

It feels like I'm living in a post United States. If people in the future were wondering how it fell apart, it's because it was infiltrated by Marxists and corruption from within the government which spread corrupting and influencing every area of government so that individuals with government who had principles would leave or could not have any control. I believe this was done by global elites or global interests using lobbiests to push an agenda. It could also be a combination for infiltration by foreign Marxist governments. Essentially infiltrators changed the system from within and enough power of the majority changed the infrastructure from within creating the deep state which was used to create the military industrial complex, industrial intelligence complex, and the corrupt establishment administrative state. With all the elite foreign interests having obtained so much wealth, through corruption or legitimate wealth, they have gained power to fund nearly every industry within the United States. Perhaps our government should have made laws to moderate the involvement of foreign interest to have a position in our systems, infrastructure, and governance. Perhaps we should also have had a system in which through principle those who do not follow the fundamental principles of the United States should not have a position in government to begin with as it is a legitimate concern for the integrity of our systems and institutional infrastructure. So now that I feel like I'm living in a post United States, I wonder if we will ever get back to a state of what I consider is modern normalcy when infrastructure was functional, moving forward, and at it's peak in terms of progress and opportunity. 

I think when there is corruption in government and high crime, it's a reflection that we live in a dishonest society. A dishonest society does not live in reality and objectivity. When there is no objectivity then systems collapse because life is objective. Reality is objective. We cannot change nature or the fabric of reality. We have to live in objectivity, the truth, because that what life is based on. A metaphor could be that we are hiking and a person states there could be a dangerous animal ahead because they spotted fresh tracks. They provided with truth and factual information which came in the form of a warning for the hikers. The hikers can consider the information a use it to make a decision which to move forward with the hike or come another day when it is more safe. That is how we humans survive we use facts and truth which works along side reality. The more accurate the information, the more we can make accurate and useful decisions. Life revolves around truth and what is reality and objective, without it we are no different then the cavemen who survived on risk and chance. 

I think when there is corruption in government and high crime, it's a reflection that we live in a dishonest society. A dishonest society does not live in reality and objectivity. When there is no objectivity then systems collapse because life is objective. Reality is objective. We cannot change nature or the fabric of reality. We have to live in objectivity, the truth, because that what life is based on. A metaphor could be that we are hiking and a person states there could be a dangerous animal ahead because they spotted fresh tracks. They provided with truth and factual information which came in the form of a warning for the hikers. The hikers can consider the information a use it to make a decision which to move forward with the hike or come another day when it is more safe. That is how we humans survive we use facts and truth which works along side reality. The more accurate the information, the more we can make accurate and useful decisions. Life revolves around truth and what is reality and objective, without it we are no different then the cavemen who survived on risk and chance. Without honesty and objectivity, there is ruin, an inability to influence the world around us for positive change, and an inability to make accurate decisions for progression. 

*Perhaps without honesty and objectivity, we are unable to obtain or formulate accurate information or questions which can be used to make accurate decisions that can affect our direction/path moving forward in life.  

I think creatives/artists need to wear two hats. One hat which is more of the logicians where they have to think logically and objectively and balance out being creative and artistic which by nature caters more to the illogical, fantasy, and imagination. 

I think education and perhaps boring tasks require people to have more fun with it. I think having fun makes a redundant task more enjoyable. 

I think all software should have a problem solving database. There needs a place where individuals can looking up fixes for problems. Perhaps going one step further, perhaps products and services should also have a database also when they come across issues and need solutions.

I think there should be laws for the media. Media is the main tool used by Marxists for propaganda and manipulation. There should be laws that prevent Marxist ideologies from spreading to those who are ignorant to logic, unintellectual, of low IQ, and who are cognitively dissonant. Perhaps laws that are enacted when a media outlet is proven to be working on behalf of hostile entities against the traditional interests of the US founding US principles, global foreign interests, or an objective political radical agenda that wishes to do harm such as Marxism. There should be investigations and if prove to have found evidence then people should be fired from their positions at the least. 

I believe critical thinking takes practice and comprehension of logic takes practice. I also believe learning to question accurately, obtain accurate answers, and reasoning takes practice. These are fundamental intellectual necessities in order to have a productive and functional society. 

I astounded at how even the most intelligent in our society can be manipulated into irrational ideas. Perhaps that indicates that even who we believe who are intellectuals have weaknesses in principle. An idea may sound good, but there are always agendas to those ideas. Once you take the red pill, you'll discover many illusions. You will feel powerless, but in this truth you will be free. The key factor is to stand up for what you believe and what you believe life can become.  

I am aware of the crazy idea of aliens, dimensional beings, inter-reality entities, and intelligence that we cannot describe to be existing. Even if they were real, we should still live in our reality. Our reality is the fundamental pillar of our existence and survival. I want to believe we should take care of ourselves first (protect ourselves also) before exploring or entering the coexistence of the unknown, mysterious, and uncertain.

I think accurate information, communication, logical debate, memes, art, music, and comedy contribute to culture which can help combat rising authoritarianism. 

When I grew up there did seems to be a parental disconnect. My parents mostly fought with each other throughout my life. They fought openly and often yelled at the top of their lungs. For some reason they never divorced. Perhaps it was a religion or perhaps they liked to fight. My parents never really taught me life. I had to learn that later in life. For a long time I went through life not knowing how life worked. I barely had a comprehension of logic and how to be a true intellectual outside of cognitive dissonance. My mom subjected me to a lot of mental abuse and an unholy amount of religion was forced on me. We used to spend entire Thursdays and Fridays praying in front of an alter with the Eucharist exposed. We used to pray 1000 hail marries. I guess through that I learned to reflect inwards, learn patience, and lose myself in my thoughts. Moreover, I was always sheltered. My parents only took me and my siblings out for things they were interested in that commonly had to do with religion. I can't say I didn't have a child hood. I had a decent childhood. Although my family was awkward because we mostly associated with each other, I did make friends. Friends in Brazil came easy. Friends in America was more rare in early life. The child environment in the US, especially the academic environment, was very cold, isolative, and different. Brazil was different than the US because it was easy to make friends and people were always warm and inviting. Nevertheless, I was always under the poor decisions of my parents. If they were to talk about how to build a better life for themselves and their family, without resulting to fighting, perhaps I would have turned out different. Even until this day, I feel like I have a desired to become someone and have a moderate amount of attention. Furthermore, perhaps parents should learn to be parents and how to provide the best life experiences possible for their children to grow up with as much fulfillment, experiences, critical thinking skills, understanding of how things work, understanding how systems work, and how to use logic and reasoning to a proficient level where one can comprehend solutions to improve themselves and their life. Perhaps by providing the foundations for a child, it will be common sense for them to choose to make the right decisions in life which will lead to a better life. Unfortunately, I feel like I started my life way too late; I understood the system way to late; my grasp on logic started way to late. We don't choose our lives, so I guess we have to make the best of what we got, where we are, what we have, and always find ways to improve so that we do not die taking our lives forgranted and with regrets. 

(Term) domaiance - controlled or held-back melancholic rage. Dormant rage waiting to be unleashed when the time is right. When unleashed, it's the feeling of disregard for the value of one's life while turning fear into rage. I also call this idea "doom slayer mode". Its where even in death you fought without any fear or regrets. 

 I think there can be more behaviors to conduct more politeness in communication. For example, I think if people ask the obvious questions it can help others carry more open communications. For example if I'm making something with my hands and another is observing me and asking me how am i going to cut something, glue something, or move something, it can create a polite discussion atmosphere. It lightens the mood for communication. The questions may be obvious or considerably dumb-down but it allows for communication to move forward very easily and openly. If we expect others to always hit us with the crude questions and hard answers then communication would only seem to matter when the most critical information is obtained or concluded causing less communication and more potential for closed-off behavior which could make for easy conflict. 

Perhaps we can use psychology to introduce a new micro field of interpersonal communication. The subject Interpersonal communication, or being a communication scientist, can open new ways to communicate more effectively and accurate. 

Should we further look into the psychology and behavior of bias. It seems biases can be a force of prevention from moving forward. I believe biases need to have more of a fundamental basis with logic, reasoning, and accuracy. If bias is influenced by the behaviors of irrationality, inaccuracies, personal emotions and experiences, and no critical examination or research then it could restrict or be detrimental to scientific advancement. I believe it's important to always have a fundamental basis of logic, reason, evidence, and accurate research. 

I believe western culture needs more education than entertainment in this point of history. Education can come from a variety of mediums such as television, shows, radio, commercial, PSAs...ect. If there is more education then it should be balanced with entertainment. Nevertheless, people need to know more about how things work, how things are made, the history of things, and what useful things they should know that can improve their lives. I believe they should also know what are the current advancements, break throughs, new research, new technological advancements, and so fourth so that they understand how industries are moving forward and advancing, what are the competitors, what is in demand in the market, and what opportunities they can discover or contribute to. 

I love Japan's idea for local resell businesses to take the inventory or food from stores and resell them at a very discounted rate. I also love that their employees are former homeless people. This idea allows people to buy food and resell inventory very cheap to people who are willing to wait late in the afternoon or night while guaranteeing that food does not go to waste. 

I believe people should know everything about a technology or a product before they use it. I believe companies should show videos demonstrating their products at a detailed level. They should also add stories to their products. I think people would be more appreciative of what they buy when they know how much effort went into the development of a technology they use or a product they buy. I believe this can inspire people. 

I believe companies should inspire people to make things, create competition, or inspire people to join companies who's products and visions they believe in. Overall, I because business and developers should be part of a community. Everyone's goal is to improve their products and latently advance technologies and product development. 

I believe those who want to know the truth about Earth's ancient history and extraterrestrial life should be allowed to obtain information about the truth; even if it scares them. What scares people presently, becomes digested the more they slowly reason with the conclusion later to where it doesn't fear them anymore. Nevertheless, I believe governments should announce to those who want to know, want to know more, and are known to handle the truth when it comes to intelligence about forbidden ancient archeology and extraterrestrials. It is beyond comprehension to keep something so detrimental a secret regardless what illogical or selfish reasons or excuses a secret organization, government, or entity might have. I believe if you give the information to those who can help, they can come up with hundreds of better solutions if there are mysteries or problems. If in the unfortunate case that we were like cattle to the greys/ zetas or whatever extraterrestrials out there, and the government didn't want us to know about it then it seems we would have to claim our independence from those who see us as cattle. The only way we can do that is by a technological race. Naturally we do not belong to anyone; even if we fought a secret space war or whatever and lost, this doesn't mean we are cattle. If the extraterrestrials believe this then we need to get advanced to their level behaviorally and technologically and prove to them we are equals and posses the capabilities to defend ourselves and can take care of ourselves as an independent species. Our goal should not be to dominate other races but to create diplomacy. Ever extraterrestrial specie is an unlimited resource of knowledge and potential protection (assuming we can learn to truth them and understand their ways of  potentially complex and advanced logic and behavior). Before we can defend ourselves or create diplomacy, there is a lot of work that needs to be done before humanity can become part of an interstellar community. It needs to advance technologically, behaviorally, improve it's leadership qualities, greatly improve education and individual intellect, improve social behaviors, improve living conditions, and motivate humanity to want to advance into a highly advanced society capable of understanding the complex and advanced understandings of our extraterrestrial neighbors. The more people know the truth the more they will all work to improve the situation. I believe with the advancement in psychology and AI, we can adopt tools that can help us in every way imaginable. Moreover, according to my extensive research into Sumerian history, if we find the cuneiform writings are true, we were given our independence and blessings by Enlil after the great flood. If this is true, then the Earth will forever be home to humans as well as its independence from anything that tries to claim owning humanity. In my opinion, the more people know about the potential origins of humanity following the objective archeological evidence, the more they should fear less of the unknown and the potential threats from extraterrestrial forces and gain the desire to advance and to defend ourselves from extraterrestrial threats while gaining allies to further advance humanity and catch up technologically with the interstellar community. Until then, everyone is left in the dark until governments and secret organizations come clean and lay out all the evidence, artifacts, and intelligence they know. As far as I see it governments are dishonest and malevolent when it comes to the subject of providing truth and intelligence. I believe their reasons are dishonorable. I greatly believe it's dishonest for them not to tell the truth to other or perhaps the right individuals or the most curious of individuals, because people can be the greatest tool to improve and find the right strategies and solutions to approach each problem and issues. If it's a lack of intelligence, then people again are the best solution. Things can only improve when we know what obstacles and problems we are challenged with. The truth is always important to know and it is the very foundation of accurate intelligence in which we base our decisions and strategies from to which we overcome obstacles despite of impossible they may seem. If in the case the extraterrestrials want global leaders instead of a population capable of having freedoms then it's just another obstacle to overcome, because I believe an intellectual interstellar society capable of great ethics, technological advancements, and great responsibilities can be a great tool for a growing cohesive interstellar community. Afterall, I think the greater goal as a species for all human and extraterrestrial life is still survival and advancement. That is until we can learn to create our own version of realities in which resources are plentiful and find great fulfillment in culture and forming bonds with all forms of life. 

I feel it's the government of the worlds fault if aliens were to invade Earth. I believe governments should have warned humanity a long time ago. I believe individuals in government should have told the people the truth from the beginning out of moral principle instead of irrational, low quality, and immature decisions. They should have given the population the truth and all the evidence with artifacts. If extraterrestrials were to be among the starts, then I'd imagine it would be no different then a round of age of empires where you pillage your enemies and gather their resources. In such a case, I believe it's important to build a defense and to improve every industrial to defend from such a external force. I believe because of government and secret organizations whos goal is to conceal, deny, and hide the truth could cause the world to face the ultimate price. Their illogical thinking, poor quality in objective leadership, and selfish desires, humanity could end up paying the ultimate price if there were to be an invasion. Only in arrogance one thinks it's possible to defend against that which we do not know the full extent of. Surely, if their is a problem an entire population of critical thinkers can form a great solution to defend from that which we know nothing of. I believe governments and secret organizations who possess knowledge and intelligence of the ancient truth and intelligent extraterrestrial life, should completely release all information and as soon as possible. 

I personally feel governments from all around the world has failed their country, peoples, and families. I feel objective democracy has died in secret and in silence a long time ago. When a single evil person gets away with something, does not seek responsibility for their actions, and has a higher priority, prestige, and status above average citizens when they should be equal then I believe a democracy dies. At this point in time, I have reasons to believe the entire world is a corrupt plastic wall of puppets. The people are foolish to put in place a government with politicians who do not have any consequences, systems of accountability and justice, can ignore their responsibilities, and provide no evidence of their accomplishments. We truly live in a reversi-world. It's a testament of how ignorant, arrogant, selfish, and stupid we are as a species when we should have been doing our best to improve, produce, and evolve. Because of that, I believe humanity could end up paying the ultimate price. 

When it comes to psychics, I want info of what can make progress and a difference and caring less over knowing what describes me. 

Invert apologetic - an apology meaning a person is sorry for something but is unwilling to want to say it because it sounds too harsh, impolite, crude, or because the apology has a large chance to upset someone or affect them dramatically and emotionally. This is an apology made for a person wanting to distance or breakup from another in a relationship. They want to invertly apologize so that they don't appear too cruel in their actions or cause great distress for another. Ultimately it's an apology that also symbolizes an incremental deeper apology for how it will affect another.

*This is very hard to describe because it ties in with emotions, the senses, and other ways of thinking and behavior we are not used to thinking. Western culture are lateral or culturally influenced thinkers. They tend to think in one certain way. I call it the western mentality. Everyone in the western world shares a similar way of thinking in a variety of intellectual levels. In Japan I've seen people think and behave in other ways. Ways that's more than one that would be seen as foreign, strange, or a novelty to western thinkers. It's a thinking process and behavioral personality that can change and have variety. It can go from a serious to playful; to melancholic to excited very spontaneously. They consider the senses and embrace external stimuli at the same time. Like a multi-dimensions way of thinking that's free to behave in multiple ways that isn't normal for westerners. It would be interesting to integrate this behavior into the western way of thinking and behaving. 
Could it be that our systems in technology/social media/ media are synthetic where what we believe to be people are actually bots? If so what does reality look like without any artificial influence?

The indie-principle - this idea sees everyone as their own individual where their behaviors are their own and their life's are seperate from others. There is a sense of individual I dependence that is respected and tolerated. Imagine everyone minding their own business. Every individual represents their own world or reality. They coexist with everyone else with respect to to their realities and worlds. When they interact with another, they are tempuarily invite another reality to coexist with theirs. When they join realities, it tempuary where each individual interacts with each other in an integral way but when they seperate, they go back to their own world or reality. Each person seen this way is a unique entity, free to behave as they want, and its interesting to see what behavior they will exhibit next. 

Greylisted- when you make things on social media sites and nothing gets views or attention despite making seemingly quality content or content with evidence that people liked. The idea that a platform is withholding your content from publicity due to political or personalized narratives. 

I think a person without goals is a person without purpose. Everyone should have goals. 

I like the quote by Jordon Peterson: A good person can a dangerous person but they are a dangerous person that has control of their dangerous behaviors. 

I feel like I've lived in another reality; like an alternate reality. Taking some time, I wanted to put together some of the things i felt, what i imagined in this feeling of reality, or envisionment of this alternate reality. I'll also add some of my imagination to make it more interesting because a lot of it can be fuzzy. Somethings may make no sense. This also isn't any ideas of what i think life should be like. It's just how i felt this alternate reality went. Some things are very strong, other stuff is meh and fuzzy. Primarily there was no such thing as political curription. It felt like there barely was a government even though any government-like entity was conducted privately. It felt as if nobody knew what was happening behind closed doors. Government wasnt seen as anything grand. People didn't have a desire or regard to obtain power. In institutions, everyone did the best they could and always went above and beyond. It felt like more an expectation or status that was expected to have. Cities were more Asian-style but with more open space and vegetation. Vegetations was always poorly managed. Trees and plants  was also much bigger then this reality. There was also a bush that would hit people and animals when they came near. It was kind of futuistic and in many ways technologically advanced yet at the same time not as much as in this realtiy. There wasn't commericalization even though there was competition for things being made. There were cars but more modular, cheap, and easy to repair. Traffic had a strange system. Society was different, they were more collective and people oriented. Society had a casual sexual element to it that mostly did not involve penetrations. Males and females treated each other very similarly. Sometimes it felt there was no distinction. Compared to our reality, it's as if there was a middle identity between males and females where they adopted to each others behaviors to make a centered behavior where they both got along and behaved in a way that was like different but similar forming one collective identity. There was a control on fertility over the underclass. There were two types of societies which i will explain later. Society was also intersteller where they occupied mars and I feel as far as Jupiter. There were floating cities. Floating cities has a main platform then a city above it and bellow it. There was orbiting hotels in near outer space. People used to have their own crafts that went into space. Again modularized and often ugly or irregularly shaped space vehicles. Space was a lonely and romantic-getaway place to retreat to. Mars was populated. Mars was half green and half desert. Earth wasnt called Earth. It felt like it was called Mana or Maana; there might of been various names like Sobutuo. There were underwater hotels on Earth; some which are abandoned. Refering back to society, most of society wasn't entirely free. There was an autority structure overlooking it, particularly over the lower class. I think there was some sort of social status where above a status you could do what you want and under a class you were heavily scrutinized, watched, and sometimes punished. People were mostly ruled by authoritative means. There wasn't an elite class unless it was hidden. I wrote on this idea before and this idea of having felt of living in an alternate reality partially is based from that. People were of a lower society had to gain some sense of standard or intellectual capabilities in order to turn their lives of and reinvent themsevles into a society that could do what they wanted having freedoms or a sense of percieved freedoms. There was a different form of social ethics. Ethics is what accelerated people in life positions and status. It's the foundation which allowed them to get away from a lot of things and obtain a sense fo freedome. How and where people lived displayed their status, level of ethics, and importants. People mostly lived in smaller places and didn't have too many belongings. Items they had were always multi-functional. There was a bad element of society pertaining to the underclass. The underclass were mostly greivers, violent people, criminals, individuals who run the risk of living in a dangerous society. There was also a scary or terrifying part of underground society like occult worship. It felt like a much sinister, crazier, and more terrifying form of occult of today where they worship death, do crazy traditions, behave insanely, and have more knowledge or control of dark forces or entities which help them carry out their malicious non-sensicle agendas, rituals, and absurd death-culture-obsesed ideologies (extremely different then this reality; it's more absurd, dark, and insane). Overall, religion didn't exist. People at the higher class were extremely intelligent. They were so intelligent that jobs would be difficult to get. That's why i felt like i was a security guard, because I couldn't compete with their level of intellect and intelligence. Moreover, wars didnt exist and were unheard of. There were boarders. Borders were sometimes massive walls like castle walls and some places had implied walls. Entertaiment was more collective and using the imagination. TVs were bulby and weren't sources of entertainment (I'm sure they could have been); radios were considered the main entertainment source outside of socializing. Radios were also a mainstream method of communications. Society was programmed to not enjoy entertainment until they obtained a basic foundation of knwledge. Everything was mostly verbal or mental-visual. People could relay things they imagined in their head to others. How? I don't know. Entertainment was commonly displayed as a scene made in your hand. It was scaleable so you could make it bigger. There was also no devices so i'm not sure how this was done. It didn't feel like an implant or some sort of device. It was also not psychic or mental powers. I'm not sure what it was. Moreover, there were some cars that were like ghost cars that passed through other cars. These cares felt like they were of higher status or importants. Some places had no doors, you'd walk through walls. If you couldn't walk through a wall, you probably didn't have access and would mess yourself up by hitting a solid wall. I also felt like Mars and Earth didn't like each other. Earth was too hippy-angelic-paradisy-lenient-liberal-carefree (fofo describes it well in Portuguese). Mars was seen as more manly-tough-get it done and waste no time kind of place. Mars felt like a larger version of Australia. In this reality there was also no companies or business. It was more groups with agendas or purpose to make, build, or maintain things for status, improving ones importants, and even proof of status. For the most part, society shared resources. When someone needed something; the other person gave it, borrowed it, or loaned it in return for a favor. There was money or payback notes but they had a specific meaning and purpose. Beds were mobile, people chose where to sleep. Beds were kept in pipes and placed in corners of rooms leaning against the wall. Beds had stands but were like portable futons. It's weird. There was also use of regular futons (which were commonly customized which also displayed somewhat one's status). There would also be a blanket, mat, or cover where people slept when they used regular futons. People rarely slept outside. very strangely lights were placable hovering orbs. Like mini-suns that could be placed anywhere. They were commonly used in bath water. They were invisible to matter so people kept them in transparent rocks. Lights could be lost into the ground or in structures. Orbs could be covered by something with weight even though they were seemingly invisible-to mass and weightless. You would cup it to make it more dim or brighter. You could make them very dim but they would always be on tho. Orb lights would need a technology to retrieve them from mass which i'll explain later. People had belts where they could be weightless, float, hover, or fly. Used belts would be very dangerous. They couldn't go very fast. People accepted and lived with tramendous risk. There was also a ghost technology that let people go into mass. This is how they retreive orbs, but i don't know how it works. There was always an abundance of food but you'd have to go, trade, or do something to get it. I feel like there was like a subscription thing, trade, agreement or contract-like thing, favors, or task to do to get a food or prepared meal. It wasn't hard and there were many sources. It felt like people in this society were always mobile, always doing stuff, always working, always communicating face to face or with large crowds. There were telephones but they also used the radio. Home farms were normal. Some places had underground farm areas. Farms were automated with complex yet micro-modularized-automated systems. They were very organized and easy to maintain. I felt like they were the works of popular groups. I envisioned compossed would be picked up on an automated scoop lift and taken to a variety of places by vacuum tubes. There were weird animals that were like minature-cows some were more blobby and round. They didn't smell and felt more like domesticated cats. Strangely they resembled chicken because of the way they behaved. They also moved their necks in a strange way by swaying them sideways. It was this and a few other animals that stayed together in one place. Milk came from cows. The cows had longer necks and acted more differently; like they were more intelligent or self-aware but still wrecklace and unintintelligent at the same time. There were also animals that were bipedal like monkeys but were very fat. These animals felt like a kind of a ape-pig-sloth. In this reality people less often got sick. Germs, bacteria, and viruses weren't much of a threat. People rarely cared for drugs. Medicine came in the form of long capsuls. you'd open it up and have a variety of ingredients and take what you needed to mix a remedy. In regards to produce. Corn, sunflower, and sugar cane was a popular plant. Climate was more colder. The geology of the earth was different. Everything has bridges. Days were longer. I think there was a technology that could make earth spin slower or push farther in orbit. Robots existed but were only used in essential areas of production. They weren't considered reliable compared to a human despite having the ability to out perform humans. Their robots were also multi ligamented. They always involved having multiple arms, apendiges, and often a central motor or computer-like brain device. They were also almost always dark, greasy, and filthy. They weren't appealing to look at. Math was also very different. It used various symbols, circular diagrams, and web design-diagrams like if you play with sound on a speaker to form a diagram.  Supposedly there is a connection with this and their use of math depending on the sound/frequency structure. I could be wrong on the math or the use of physics in this realm but i'm going to write it anyways. There are such things as programmable metals. It feels like a complicated thing to explain but I believe it involves manipluating electrons and doing something called free-form fusion (or what i like to say conversion). Conversion (process to convert; ex: gas into a solid, gas into a liquid, gas into a plasma; liquid into a gas, liquid into solid, liquid into a plasma; solid into liquid, solid into a gas; solid into plasma; gas into plasma (or ionized gas/liquid/mass), plasma into a solid, plasma into a liquid) in this reality is the main ingredient to achieving alternate states. When you mix conversions or patterns with binary programming, you get an organic computer capable of many things. There are also ways to create a complex binary systems using particles and electromagnetism. Using electromagnetism allows for a whole new other world of possibilities that can modify and change the way a person interacts with gravity, matter, vacuum environments, and petterns (patterns meaning waves, radiation patterns, irrational behavior of particles/electrons). Electrons can be tamed, controled, and programable through the use of various conversion methods and use of patterns. Taking it a step further quarks and Leptons in today's particle/ quantum theory can also be controled and manipulated which provides a foundation to create matter seemingly from thin air; however, requires a significant a lot more understanding. There are seemingly 12 idetifiable quirks but broken down even more there are a lot more then that. I feel perhaps there are actually 22 or 24 including invisible infleucnes or ""bullys" that force or influence quirks and leptons to behave a certain way. Perhaps these bullys could be what void/vacuum force/matter is composed of. This is the space/ pressure between electrons which rotate in torque around a nuclius's relativity. I feel like temperature (perhaps energy) is the velocity of torque surrounding a nuclius(proton/neutrons) in a void and within a chymical/ element material environment and somewhat ionized environment. It creates heat radiation that perhaps expands outwards and dissapates overtime because of a greater gravitational field or relative to the center of the universe. [Moving on to about me: ]I feel like i've lived an alternate life and this is where my life went: I lived a normal life with two parents who took very good care of each other. I was born in lower middle class. I feel like my dad was more a military person. I moved out on my own after some sort of voluntary academy. It was like a voluntary high school. I worked at something like mcdonalds (which was different and not like the mcdonalds we see in this reality. It was smaller and you felt a lot more demeaned sometimes), then i worked for the airport (similar airport but bigger), then i worked as a security guard for most of my life before making some sort of studio like a dreams or illusions studio or something. Something that's make-believe but had to do with the mind. Something you think in your mind and somehow visualize it. I also didn't have a wife or gf and it was a faily loser-ish life. It feels i stopped existing after 60 years old which i feel is more like 70-80 years old our time. 
I think one should put effort into what they really want. Life is short and regrets last forever. 

I believe the world is full of illusions. Only logic and time reveals what is real. 

I think everyone should learn as much as possible about everything because it will expand their library of understanding and their knowledge bank will grow. 

(term) Billow-minded - A person who refused to go through with self-development, improving self-esteem, and taking steps to improving themselves, their personality, their mentality, relationship with others, and refusing to live on using excuses and blaming their problems on others and other factors. People who refuse to improve themselves in any way because they prefer a victim mindset, remain a victim because of fear of change, prefer to be a victim because it's easy or they hate themselves, prefer to live in a delusion within an illusionous reality, or refused take the steps to learn to accept, love, rediscover, redevelop, and improve themselves. 

(term) Staged popularization- A planned selection of popularity figures on behalf of curated mediums. Another way to put it is, a popular mediums comes out and a person is selected to be used as a device to bring more popularity towards a planned narrative or medium. An example can be a new game coems out and a person is carefully selected to bring attention to the game or the message the game is crafting. 

Number one rule should be never to let anyone shape your political thoughts. Ask your own questions and do your own investigation and research. Get opinions from all perspectives. The more accurate information you get, the better decisions you'll make. Everyone needs to be reminded that life is filled with illusions and everyone has an agenda. Beware of people who show evidence of manipulation, controlling questions and answers, people who are fake/non-authentic, people who are not transparent, people who steer away from answering questions, people who do not present all the facts to let you make your own assumptions, and people who push their beliefs on you (especially by force, fear, manipulation, and intimidation). Overtime, the truth will be revealed and you can base your beliefs upon what was objective and critical from the past and what makes logical sense.

(Term) Toxic-culture induced mental illness (TCIMI)- perceived mental illness further self-developed by cultural, institutional, or political indoctrination. The possibility of someone making-up a mental illness despite its existence and making others believe they have it also having it alter their behavior despite its false existence. 

I think companies, hotels, and resteraunts should have procedures for sex traffickers victims for secret rescues. Then traffickers should be investigated by higher authorities. 

Investigation and report system (I&R System) - a database for public reports and investigation tied to a system monitored by the authorities. This report and investigation system is a tool system for public use as a pre-awareness tool for the police and general public. 

(Maybe) Target Points of Interest for mentally problematic individuals - a psychological investigative point/tactic for potentially troubling or future problematic individuals. People who prescribed medicine or interact with potentially problematic individuals should always scan, do a small survey, or questionnaire for trigger or target points of interest for potentially harmful people due to their mental conditions. If there are suspicious answers they should be furthered questioned so they can identify and potentially medigate individuals ripe for suspicious or harmful activity. The goal is to identify potential threats depending upon suspicious behavior to which a person can be temporarily watched or investigated. 

I think the most critical information is not being served to the public. Such as the I formation in criminology, nutrition, and especially about how government objectively works to say the least. 

Perhaps higher authorities should bait, set traps, and monitor for criminals and the mentally ill who are prime for harmful and suspicious activity. 

I like the saying, "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn. "

I think this should be the ultimate golden rule: anyone whoever is rational, kind, and demonstrates ethics should be treated with affection, respect, and kindness; even if they look like a scary-demon-sucubus-drag-queen, treat them as a friend, an equal and share some time learning about them. The more you know, the more you see them as a person and a mutual. I think the best way to identify a person who is made for this golden rule is to see how they behave the first few minute. They should show they are  friendly, caring, and kind, even if they're having a very bad day. They can give a friendly-sad or melancholic wave to show you things aren't great but they're still friendly. 

(Random/ relationships updates) I think males need to understand everything about females and females need to understand everything about males before they enter a relationship. 1. Understand gender differences. Everyone has complexities to a degree. Females need to know how males think. They aren't always emotional creatures. They have a hard time expressing emotion because their brains are wired differently. Another example can be that guys are mainly attracted to looks and sexy behaviors. On the flip side, guys need to know how girls behave. They are not what they think. They are often sensitive and very emotional creatures, and their minds are hard wired differently. Their biology is also different. Guys need to understand their body language and what they really mean by things. They need to recognize what they might be thinking or recognize the subtle expressions in body language and nonverbal communication. 2. Are they poly or mono? Both parties need to talk about this because poly can become accused of being cheaters. Both party need to discuss what they are okay with and what they will and will not allow in their relationship. 3. For ladys, is he a narcisist/ sociopath? If yes, do not date them for a relationship. 4. Be friends. Friendship is a good way to understand someone. If it gets sexual, then make sure you let your party know ahead of time what your interests or pre-notices are. Letting them know things in advance is the only way to stop if another develops feelings before it sparks drama. Pre-noticed information is the best way to avoid drama. 5. For guys, do not simp. Never simp. This is the worst decision. Relationships should be mutual. Its about give and take a little. Know your boundaries and talk about everything. Leave no topic ignored, no stone unturned. Relationships are mutual battlegrounds. It's a place where both need to find ways where both parties find mutual ground and mutual compromise and necessary sacrifice to get what each other wants. Always be honest and tell them your interests and if things could change or not. Don't lead another party on in a relationship if you know it's not going to work out. 6. I found androgyny to help a lot understanding both genders. When you revisit how males and females should be culturally or how society expects them to be and you envision you meet in the middle knowing about both genders and how they are different, you can create a new gender culture where males and females can overlook mental and physiological differences and learn to reinvent themselves seeing genders as a thing that mutual/equal where gender roles are nonexistent which makes you much deeper friends the opposite sex. Guys can still be extremely masculine and females can be very feminine. When you adopt an androgynous mindset, the opposite gender can become your best friend. This can be with or without permitted sexuality. I have a lady friend that I see and hangout all the time with since college. To be more personal there is sexuality but it's on and off. When she gets a bf I respect their boundaries and we hangout on the weekends. Tearing down cultural expectations, social expectations, perhaps even religious or political expectations, you are left with making a new gender culture where behaviors are changed based on understanding which allows you to make more intimate and closer friendship and bonds; and everyone can find and explore what they want in a functional relationship. 7. Rejection can be savvier so always be polite, give them positive reinforcement, and work your way out little by little. It will hurt regardless, but it's about lessening the pain. In the end try to be friends. It's okay that a relationship didn't work out, you tried and it didn't work. However, I think responsible mentally mature adults can keep being friends. If there is issues being a friend then it's a matter of ignoring them, keep being friendly, and keep being yourself and going about your way. 

I think life needs balance. There needs to be a balance of everything. Balance of culture/ entertainment, balance of education/ getting knowledge from a little bit about everything/ being a self-made intellectual, balance of strength/ being fit, balance of eating right/ getting nutrition, balance of being social and being having lone time(especially to think), perhaps a balance being creative and being logical...etc. I'd like to think that if a person has a balance of everything then it would make their body and mind contribute to a variety of knowledge, skills, benefits, and values that contribute to making that person an amazing individual. 

After working a lot of random jobs in my life I can say that jobs are overly structured, commonly go without work-life balance, they feel meaningless, and don't provide any personal value. Perhaps this is why a lot of Americans feel depressed or have family or community issues. It would be great if a work culture could be created and where jobs give verbal appreciation to their employees every time when it's deserved. Also, an example by work culture, I mean it would be great if the title of one's occupation carried some sort of social perception of status, importance, and relevance. 

I think sometimes people need time to spend selfishly. It helps the complete personal goals, achieve things, and enjoy things they normally won't with others around. 

I think parents with adult offsprings living in the house should be working or producing value of some sort whether it's art, videos, or literature. I also think they should have deadlines and should show proof to their parents of achieving those deadlines. I would give them a four week window if they don't reach their deadline. After that they need to report daily on what they have been up to and what they are doing to achieve their goals. 

Being prepared requires always keeping up with a defense strategy. I believe this should also be considered for policy. People need to ask the what ifs and have an idea of how to preserve the system as it is intended. They do this by questioning it and constantly testing it. If this is abused for another agenda or for power then it should be called out, greatly investigated, and someone should be held accountable. 

Timscast comment I made: In the end people just want to hate and project their hate because of the perceived injustices possibly triggered by self-delusion, propaganda, result of financial imbalance due to high cost of living, lack of desired attention, lack of satisfaction, selfish or jealous acquisition/self developed habits, perhaps actual bad experiences resulting in victimhood mentality, lack of true meaning/value, lack of having positive family/family value/role model examples, or simply excuses because of  entitlement. There is so much it could be. There seems to always be a  foundation issue that needs to be talked about or found a solution. It feels like these core foundation issues have been ignored for decades resulting in what we see now. The only way to change it is with oneself but because of cognitive dissonance and a desire to not reflect and improve oneself, there is no change which I think will result in people continuing to want to hate and project the hate that's perhaps within themselves which will result in further social decay.

Many people think we are at the peak of art, architecture, and talent. I disagree. Art can be subjective, is always evolving, and is often tied to culture of the times. Art will always exist and will always be continuous as long as there is no authority barriers to stop it. I also think artists are essential because without art there is no vision. People who are extremely logical think inside the non-creative box. Artists are those who think outside the box who pushes ideas, creativity, and vision forward. 

I believe freedom is essential for creatives. Without freedom, you have creative restraint. I want to say I think creativity dies when freedom and lack of culture dies. Creativity is essential for innovation, progression, and origional solutions. 

I think instead of using electrons for modern circuit boards, maybe we can use quirks and leptons instead. We can definitely go smaller and use a new solution instead of electrons. If we go this route, I think a new technology can be created and virtual reality can fuse with actual reality. You heard it first from me. I call it quanta-hyper-reality. 12/19/21. 

Should there be a political strike system for politicians pushing radically authoritarian or deceitful agendas? By strike system I mean a system which accumulates points which then fires a person from their position. 

Should politicians go through psychopath and sociopath tests prior to running for a position? 

 I believe a society cannot function when you require multiple income streams in a household in order to afford the cost of living. Most of modern society seemingly requires dual income to sustain the cost of living. It should be that a person can sustain themselves on a single income stream and still are able to make a living. What happens when it's not possible is that people stay with roommates and go back to living with parents. A society cannot function properly or to its most full potential this way. 

I think corporations and companies who comply and use propaganda during the rise of authoritarian regimes should be held accountable for supporting the regimes. Companies and corporations should disagree to comply and provide the best value to the needs and desires of their consumers disregarding  politics and calling-out when there is forced political intrusion. 

I think all cities should have ratings. If crime and corruption drop bellow a certain rating then all those in the police and public office (such as elected official like the mayor and other high ranking positions should lose their job immediately. This should force cities to provide with the best services possible to improve people's lives and not destroy it for the sake of politics and selfish gain.

Reply to youtube: Guys shouldn't simp. Supporting someone is one thing, but paying them to be interested in you or to notice you is a very bad idea. Getting a girlfriend isn't as hard as you think. Just got to find the right person and not take things as serious. Be authentic. Be honest. Have charisma. Have confidence. Observe body language and behaviors. Feel the mood when you're with them. If you're a lewd person, I would just be upfront and be honest and tell them; build that pre-awareness in advance. Lady's like guys who aren't ashamed of being sexy. Be respectful, consensual, and build sensual tention. Also, build charisma naturally by achieving personal goals you make for yourself. Small goals add up. Also, make sure you stand for personal principles. Have values you believe in and that you'll sternly defend in a rational manner. Remember to improve yourself the best you can and be the best version of yourself whenever you can. When looking for a relationship, have a mutual boundary. If there's something you don't like, be honest and tell them in a polite way. Use Give and Take with others or be reciprocal. I also recommend being friends before dating to learn everything about others. Friends is how you get to understand how females are different from guys. People make fun of being in the friendzone. This is actually a great position to be in if you know how to navigate in this space, because all you have to do is open up and be honest. If you want to hook up with a person, just tell them. If it works out, great. If not, it's not a big deal. You can find someone else. Females might chase you after you go looking for someone who will fulfill your needs. There are always more girls. On a personal note, my best ladyfriends are the ones who stay your friend regardless if you like them or not or when they see how flawed you really are. Females usually stay with guys they're interested in. Finding these kinds of friends are very rare in my opinion.  Almost like having a sister or someone you can rely on to go out on plutonic friend dates and talk about everything and express yourself without too much care. Overall, the biggest step for looking for a girlfriend is simply talking to them and ignoring your insecurities. Do this and getting any girl is a breeze. Also, you're welcome. Take advice from a guy who has too many lady friends for many years. Outside of dating; it's also my opinion that I think the biggest challenge is finding a place to talk to females, the US lacks social areas or spaces where approaching strangers is acceptable and encouraged. People normally go to bars or clubs, but I don't feel you find people of quality there. I think this is probably the nation's greatest unnoticed issue. Maybe if we had more social places where talking is encouraged, there would be less simps. 😆

If its true that Blackrock owns most of the powers, wealth, and resources in the world, then I think there should be regulations and perhaps an investigation on any potential monopolies to keep them from hording competition, moral practices, or obtaining too much political influence. I think a business stops being a business when it uses its resources for political power. 

I think good and evil is the difference between truth and lies. 

I think the way we see yourselves should be the way we see other humans. We are all human. We should never let the blinds of ideology demean any human. All are human regardless. All humans should be respected and their lives prized and important. 

Should centralization becomes illegal when it obtains political power?

I think corporations and companies who comply and use propaganda during the rise of authoritarian regimes should be held accountable for supporting the regimes. Companies and corporations should disagree to comply and provide the best value to the needs and desires of their consumers. 

I think all cities should have ratings. Perhaps if crime and corruption drops bellow a certain rating then all those in the police and public office (such as elected official like the mayor and other high ranking positions should lose their job immediately. Maybe this should force cities to provide with the best services possible to improve people's lives and not destroy it for the sake of politics and selfish gain.

(Family/culture/sexuality) Perhaps controversially, I wonder what would happen if we changed the cultural views of one's daughter being treated or having the expectations more like a son in a sense where the daughter could sleep with a partner of the opposite gender and we tell them that it's their choice to do so and a decision they have to make on their own and it's up to them to carry the responsibility to make the best choices and to protect themselves from pregnancy. It's ultimately telling them it's up to them to make the best choices to always acknowledge the consequences of their decisions and actions. Would they do the right things or would they become over powered by emotional desire?

I think it's up to everyone to make the best choices and to always acknowledge the consequences of their decisions and actions. 

(Project development) What if every project had dev notes before, during, and after a project. Notes could be commentary on things throughout the project's development cycle. Opinions before going into a project, notes on suggestions, notes on their own version of the vision, notes on desires, project expectations, possible challenges and issues, and highlights. Then they can make notes after a project is completed where devs can talk about the obstacles, the solutions used, if the project met expectations, personal feelings about the project, were people wrong and were they were right, how and where they could have done better and improved, their fails and mistakes, how they self manages themselves and their emotions, and the best and worst moments on a project. Perhaps dev notes could utilize this data to improve their devs, project development pipelines, and team relationships.

I think it might be a good idea to have a culture of logical expectations. Social expectations, academic expectations, or occupation expectations to name a few. The idea idea should be that there should be a time and place for everything. If people don't meet expectations then there should be a culture of guiding another or they are prohibited from progressing. There should be some tolerance so that others can listen and learn. If they show an indesire to learn then the path should be made more difficult until they finally listen, comprehend, understand, and learn. This will shape ethics into society and make it behave in a way that promotes cohesion, natural respect for others, social cooperation, and a sense of natural and positive structure. 

(YouTube idea) I get bored looking for new content to watch on YouTube. I feel the algorithm doesn't feed me enough content. When you're making game art you spend a lot of time at a desk. When I go to my friend's YouTube, he has a bunch of content I'd like to watch. He's also part of a discord group that shares youtube videos almost every minute. How can I get that sweet content on my recommendations page without having to search the names of all these content creators? Also, people share the videos they make on the discord. They're not popular but very fun to watch. When I filter for new content, I still don't see their content. How do I see videos that are new from new content creators? On top of that, it would be great to have a rating system for channels. I would make a star rating system between 1 to 5 which shows the quality of their channel based upon certain values such as video quality, thumbnail quality, engagement, like percentage, banner quality, click through rate, share rate, comment engagement, return to channel or return visitors to watch videos, likes on comments, and so on. We need to find the new content creators who do their best to attract an audience and make the best quality of content possible. 

I'd like to live in a world where a person can be honest all the time. I know there will be individuals who will manipulate what a person says and use their words against them. That is why people must always speak with an awareness to framing as a way to defend themselves from manipulative individuals. 

Not sure if stated this before but politically I'm a centerist. I can learn any direction. I follow the idea that I'm on my own side and I don't blindly follow or obey anyone. I nitpick what I truly believe, form my own answers in and what I see is objective, logical, and what provides me with accurate information, evidence, and explanation. If a political side uses force, is irrational, shows information inaccuracies, shows signs of manipulation, is too authoritative, has a history of manipulation, doesn't follow logic, does not ask the questions I want, cannot provide with evidence, is nonobjective, and restricts me from seeking evidence and research on my own, then I'm against that political faction. All political factions have to meet an expected set of standards and expectations for me to take it serious. 

(Politics) I like the idea that all politicians get a salary equated with the average median household income. The more wealth rises in the average median household income, the more politicians get more money. This will incentivise politicians to raise the wealth in society. 

I see that part of the communism manifesto is divide and conquer. To divide and conquer you have to destabilize. To destabilize, you need tribal divide. Tribal divide includes endocrination by propaganda, reinventing cultural norms, and institutional reconditioning to irrational narratives. The more you can destroy, distort, or invert reality by getting people to believe nonsense and join and show loyalty to the tribe, the more soon you can destabilize and the more soon you can divide and conquer. That is why they must attack history. Next they will rewrite history and then language. 

It should be that you shouldn't have to be anything special in the world. Being simple and plain but happy can be what life can be about. 

I think lack of family = lack of love. People learn by example. No example, no love.  

When people self-mutilate themselves and set themselves on fire in protest, it means a system is near a breaking point. When people kill themselves in protest, it means people are willing to die for a cause. When society reaches this point,  collapses is near and people will battle anyone who is in line with the authoritarians, and when this happens civil conflict breaks out. When civil conflict breaks out, the police become soldiers. Which then makes them forever targets. The intelligent policer who stands with principle leaves their position as soon as they realize what they stand for is turned over to serve the state and it's systems, agenda, and narratives. Their oaths and purpose are much more important then money and vastly more important then being the soldier for authoritarians carrying political agendas. The main point is to de-escilate and discuss fixes, solutions, and resolutions to the circumstances before they reach a point where people are willing to give their lives for a cause. To consolidate this entire sequence into one term, I will call it Pulse Hour. Pulse Hour is the turning point when a marter comes fourth to mutilate themselves for a cause which then enrages a group to create civil conflict and a turning point in civilized society. 

(Politics) I think we should make it illegal for bills to be over 50 pages long. 

(Politics) We should keep in mind as seniors grow with age, the effectiveness of their brains extremities beliefs and ideologies. I believe this is due to brain decay with age. For this I believe we should not have seniors in our political system who are not mentally fit who show signs of mental issues.

Is it possible that companies and corporations can form their own communism by colluding together? Could they form their own organized system that excludes smaller competition? If so surely this will prevent competition which leads to stifling free-innovation. 

Perhaps it's best to endulge in fantasy and entertainment only after the needs of reality has been met. 

I want to think narcissism, psychopathy, and sociopathy are developmental mental illnesses. I want to know what causes people to become this way. To my knowledge people with these conditions think in very different patterns which can be useful in certain instances, but these I want to believe are also some of the most common features that create very violent people in society. Could it be a by product of culture? Could it be influenced by family? What makes a person develop into this mindset or brain condition? If we can figure out how they develop we can then maybe prevent future problems by giving them the cognitive awareness of their actions and consequences or instill values that allow them to respect others, be aware of the value of others, and the importance of a functioning and cooperative society. 

I think people should be more honest in their beliefs. Do they want to believe something is objective or do they truly believe something is objective. 

What is objective can be proven with evidence and logic. Keep in mind not everything seems logical as it may require deeper understanding. 

(My beliefs) Reading my sexual posts im sure many would find me highly controversial, but this is what I want to believe in and for-the-most-part what I objectively believe in. I guess to explain more deeper my beliefs are formed by my view and vision of humanism. By humanism, I mean my belief in how i think humanity should be without any influences in cultural, ideology, mainstream religion, or political views. On the subject of religion, I feel I have a more deeper understanding of the origins of humanity through Sumerian literature and ancient archeological history. From the understanding of where we come from depicted by the cuneiform tablets (such as sumerian kings list, stories of the sumerian deities/mythology (such as Ia (Enki), Enlil, and Anu) tablets of creation, tales of Adapa, the deluge (Enlil's blessing to utnopishtim), and the grand Enuma Elish) to the teachings of Ptah and Thoth in ancient Egypt. I also admire the works of Veriscotia in ancient Peru. To believe in this, it's essential that there is great logic and evidence, and I have found a lot. My opinions can still change because I believe in objective science. Moreover, learning about all this gives me a new view of the origins of humanity and how I believe or envision its morality should be like (these are my personal beliefs and I'm not saying everyone should believe like I do; everyone needs to critically think, follow the evidence, and figure out what they objectively believe in). Furthermore, I found our limited life on Earth is extremely precious and it should be enjoyed (including sexually; by that I mean including the use of consensual and safe practices. This includes preserving life and harmless preventatives for undesired pregnancies [I also agree there shouldn't be a heartbeat before the removal of any fetal material; after 4 weeks life should be preserved therefore, a checkup is essential for sexually active individuals]. I believe in the future better solutions will exist). I also believe people should spread into the stars, explore, and carry an ideology of goodwill, respect, and ethics that will help us flourish, thrive, develop, peacefully resolves, progress, and succeed peacefully in space. I would love to see an interstellar or interdimensional neighborhood. I'd love to see a  friendly and functional neighborhood where all life is respected, communities are respected, all species live harmoniously, species are bountiful, and all resources are plentiful and abundant. In conclusion, that is the basis where many of my beliefs come from. 

I believe civility and friendliness in society is a virtue because when this goes away there is only sadness, supression, suffering, lack of trust, and misery. 

I found this to be an interesting quote. It's not a quote I'm for or opposed but I find it very interesting. "A key that opens many locks is a master key, a lock that opens to any keys is a shitty lock. A man that have sex with a lot of woman, has a lot of value and a lot to bring to the table because woman are sexually selective. A woman that has a lot of sex with a lot of men, has no value because guys are not sexually selective. That's why men can be sexually promiscuous and woman can't."

Many people think the guys always chase and initiate the conversation with a female when in the past a woman would sometimes drop their hankercheif for the guy they would choose. I personally think the approach should be neutral where a girl should be free to approach a guy and a guy should be free to approach a lady. 

Controversially, should child victims of adult culture or exploitation be compensated for life? 

I believe there should be absolutely no tyrants should ever be in positions of power. I believe leaders need to be sophisticated, balanced, courageous, use good teamship, and prioritize strategy, ethics, and intellectuality. They should use a variety of tools to ensure the success of their teams and goals. I believe is tyrants are in positions of power and abuse their position, they should be called out and have a case built against them to where upon presentation to their superiors shows them they are not suitable for the position. 

In the US the culture is to get a degree and follow one's passion. However, upon examining others who have found satisfaction in a variety of occupations, its worth mentioning perhaps one should not follow their passion in an occupation and instead seek opportunity. Perhaps it's better to follow the opportunity but bring your passions with you. Within an opportunity, one perhaps can find ways an opportunity can make them happy (perhaps purpose brings happiness).

It's absolute that people think they know everything when in reality they haven't even known a fraction of what is to know and learn from objective reality and what else it has to offer. People only know a sample from a greater whole of any given subject. There is always something to learn and to know more of in greater detail. 

Should we penalize cultism conjurings? It seems there is a correlation with wilderness cultist rituals and community construction where poltergeist or negative and dangerous forces are conjured in newly made homes.

I believe culture in the US is mostly centralized. I think Hollywood and Silicon Valley owns the entertainment industry, the platforms, and the technology for everything people see and hear in today's tech and entertainment space. I believe this centralizes culture which allows people to be fall into any political narratives, manipulation, and propaganda strategies. I believe there needs to be a diversity of culture. I believe there needs to be a variety of entertainment sources, platforms, and decentralized companies that build or host these technologies. With decentralized systems and industries, people can have diverse forms of entertainment, art, and culture. It also creates healthy competition. This creates new ideas which creates new challenges for people to compete, build, and innovate. An example is building the technologies we see in Star Trek. These ideas can can built from a variety of individuals who think differently leading to new and improved technologies.

I believe it doesn't matter what others think or say about you when it comes to what you objectively believe and perhaps why you believe, and evidence to support your belief in something. People should always stand up for what they believe in. This is a good principle to have. It's also healthy that others challenge your belief because then it will challenge their beliefs. This helps others learn and grow mentally (also part of mental maturity). Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. Those who search for truths will always look for accuracy and evidence. Moreover, always beware of the greivers who believe in grieving, hate, selfish desires, tribalism, manipulation for an irrational agenda, or intimidation for control. A griever will always greive, a person who wants to learn more will challenge and ask questions to learn, know more, and challenge their own beliefs. Powerful beliefs change minds which could change the world. 

I believe anyone can be an expert in something the more they research, collect useful/accurate information, gain accurate data, experiment, and perhaps gain the ability to break down, explain, create methods, or even predict data accurately. 

Should we make law-provision manipulation illegal? Should there be a provision of penalty if a legal provision (or loop hole) is manipulated for political narrative or political gain? 

(Nsfw; nudity and sexuality) I feel people in the west see nudity and sexuality as the ultimate taboo. Often it seems they do not know how to react when around these things. There seems to be no respect for sexuality and nudity. There is no personal sexual-discipline. There is no understanding of consent. Often there is only fantasy and lust. Sometimes there is no logic when it comes to protecting oneself and one's partner to prevent undesired outcomes and consequences. What people don't understand is that sexuality and nudity is part of who we are as humans. Without sex humanity wouldn't exist. I strongly believe people can develop positive sexual views and habits, sexual-self-discipline, methods to end arousal and return to normal (return to a rational state of mind or develop self-control), and learn about their own sexual interests and how to behave around nudity and sexuality. In many places in the world red light districts and locations where nudity often exists (like the beaches of Barcelona and shores of Denmark) people can see past the skin and live life like normal. I think its important to respect nudity and sexuality because if we do this people can develop positive mental habits and understand themselves and their interests. They can develop positive body images, learn what normal human anatomy is like and not portrayed by culture, and overall pacify the human lusts and learn to become metally mature around nudity and sexuality. Overall, they can see nudity and sexuality differently and make it a normal part of life where it doesn't have to be taboo or lead to promesuity. 

(Sexual) I believe we should all respect people with alternate sexual views and lifestyles. We should respect individuals who are into BDSM and swinging. They are human like everyone else. They're part of the an alternate sexual mindset where often nudity and sexuality means nothing and ways to find satisfaction in life. While mainstream society think life should be one way, it's good to have cultures that think differently. People in society often don't tolerate what they do not understand. They use it as a way to virtue signal so others can see them as heroes so they can get attention. I believe we need to respect everyone, learn about each other, and develop and improve ourselves and learn what we honestly and objectively believe. If we do this society can grow and improve allowing for multiple social mindset, alternate points of views, and views of life allowing options for how one should be happy and live their life in satisfaction.
(NSFW; Sexual) I believe we have to improve sexual culture or the cultural mindset when it comes to having sex without consequence. I heavily disagree that people should have unlimited sex without care of consequences or care if it leads to unnecessary pregnancies. I believe sexuality should be used to strengthen friendships, bonds with others, and we should always care about the people we have sexual relations with. We always need to be responsible for our actions and consequences. If people want sex then they should always use protection; always make sure to check for STDs; and always be honest with their partner of their intentions (bring up your intentions before you have sex so you set expectations and allow your partner to choose if they want to engage with someone like you). Set up the understanding if you like to have sex for fun or you want to be more involved and be in a relationship with your partner. Let your partner decide if they want to engage with you. If not, that's okay. You're honest, you know what you like and want, and there will always be people out there who have similar interests. If you don't like how messy sex is, maybe tell potential partners you would like to experiment and would go as far as masturbating with friends or experimenting or exploring to see what you like or don't like. It's all about being honest. The more soon you're honest with them (in the right time, way, and moment) the more they'll know this side of you and know you're open for these kinds of things. Maybe tell them in a joking way you got horny there are many opportunities to let others see this side of you. Moreover, if it doesn't work out, the more people you meet and talk to and are open with, the more you'll have chances to finding someone with similar interests. Nevertheless, sexuality is also about respecting others, caring about your partners, and taking the steps to ensure the best or intended outcome for you and your partner. If done right with the pre-exposure of your honesty, interests, and intentions, you can satisfy others and become extremely close friends. 

I think anyone who tells others are sympathizers to fulfill an illogical and irrational political narrative (a narrative with out question, research, or critical thinking) are those who sympathize with the evil that's going on. Those who do not speak out against it in the time of its rise will also have chosen a side. When the time comes atrocities will be made when evils are ignored. I think eventually society reaches a point when irrationality and uncivilized behavior goes unquestioned and it's at this point when evil thrives. People need to stand against it or they will be held down forever without question. People need to be forced to be asked questions. This gets people to think and hopefully overtime using logic, reasoning, critical thinking, accurate information hopefully it changes minds, form communities, and push back against evil. It's better to push back against evil during the rise before everything is suppressed, censored, and silenced. By that time, it would only be too late and conflict is inevitable. I believe rational discussion is the way to win the hearts and minds and bring them into the light where truth, logic, reason, critical thinking, and real courage resides. People who make discussion impossible, make conflict inevitable. Good always resides with truth, lies with evil. Lies will always require more lies for coverup allowing for natural pitfalls to let room in for truths, discussion, and questioning. 

The majority people in the urban area today are Marxist. Years of educational reform has lead students to think socialism is better than a republic despite the incredible flaws in socialist systems and its inability to function properly without installing more authoritarianism and forced control.  

Males and females need to be balanced in positions of power. Females tend to desire safety. Too much safety leads to authorianism. Males are more about risks. The risk offsets safety creating a balance. Too much risk and there is instability. A balance in power is important. 

Power resides with the person holding the biggest stick. If the people hold the biggest stick, then democracy and freedom rules. If it's government, politicians, elites, and beurocrats who hold the biggest stick then its authoritarian rule or will eventually rule. I think the future of Earth could become permanently authoritarian where a dumb down society doesn't not have access to the basic understanding of true freedom. 

Could it be true that those who scream the loudest have the most to hide?

Here's an experiment. Close your eyes and envision the future. What does it look like? What kind of technology do you see? What are people like? What are they doing? Then open your eyes and think, how can I make those technologies come true? How can I make bring the future to the present even if it's just a slice? 

(Ghosts) Stan's mimic theory. Many people think our souls linger, attach to things, and becomes ghosts after we die. Although I wouldn't rule out the existences of ghosts, what if there were unknown forces that try to imitate our behavior after we die. I came up with the idea calling these forces or entities mimics. Perhaps these dark-creepy entities desire attention so they take on human forms but are skittish unless angered. Perhaps these forces derived from electro-magnetic gaps in our reality. What do you think?

**I believe people are kept dumb due to the lack of education quality and inability to use logic, critically think, and to question the world around them in extreme detail. They are kept dumb when culture plays a greater role then personal achievement, personal improvement, and natural curiosity.

I agree with the idea that wars should not exist. All disputes should be settled in a special global court. Countries need to settle their differences with agreements and deals. Wars are barbaric, outdated, they get people killed, and the only people who profit under it are immoral individuals. There needs to be new way to settle disputes. Every country still needs a military in the case of military actions by other counties. We need to bring global problems into a more modern and civilized age. // An age without shady, secret organizations like Davos Group. 

I believe people need to become an interstellar species. Their future relies on it. With an entire universe to explore and expand, people can infinitely grow in numbers. I also preach ethics. Ethics and goodwill for all is an essential part of humanity. I believe humanity has yet to discover this. Ethics for goodwill is a cultural necessity we should all share in order to prevent conflict as an interstellar species. To rage war in space is barbarism. We should create courts, agreements, deals, and logical systems to settle differences. What we do on Earth is the testing ground for if humanity evolves into an interstellar society. Humanity needs to question everything and come up with various solutions for the natural behaviors of humanity. In space cultures will evolve, society will create its own ideologies and philosophies. It's essential that it can derive from a main cultural and behavioral source with initial fundamental values and ethical principles that promote peace, freedom, harmony, logic, goodwill, accountability, and progress. The idea of authoritarianism needs to disappear completely and people need the fundamental vision to settle differences within its complexities utilizing a high standard of intellectual capabilities, logic, and reasoning. If people can do this, interstellar life can blossom with new cultures grounded in the idea that other humans are part of a greater family and that although we change and cultures and mindsets become different, we are still all one family as an entire originating specie. Life in space can be amazing.

I believe people need sources of information with consolidated wisdoms and understandings of life around them. They need ways to pass on the best information for if people go into space or gain quick wisdoms while they are young to grow in mental maturity quick. I believe they should have a clear understanding of what life is and their role in it as a person who can create, improve, build, maintain, and help, teach, and inspire others.

(Homelessness) I know not all homeless want to be helped and some don't have the mental capabilities to take care of themselves. Its not a problem a person can simply throw money at. I think the best thing for homelessness is making sure they have proper nutrition, a roof over their head, essential medical care, access to rehab facilities, and access to educational facilities to gain skills. I want to believe they are a good resource in society we should learn to utilize and use if possible. They can be creators, builders, artists, speakers, entertainers, and so much more. What they need most is purpose and self inspiration to build things themselves and help their own communities. They need to realize what culture is and what it is not and find wisdom already stored away deep inside themselves by asking themselves the hard question. Then they can raise themselves from poverty and homelessness and create things that inspire change and inspire the world. 

I call myself the smooth-brain potato genius. Because people say I'm smart but I feel like I'm really dumb. I can barely speak English sometimes. I say sh*t sometimes that makes no sense or comes out of my mouth differently despite what I wanted to say making perfect sense in my brain. I'm grounded in harsh reality and logic while allowing myself to be creative, imaginative, and expressive. Sadly it's also not-so-often that a good comeback or joke comes to me. I guess my brain is wired differently. Probably caused by some sort of deficiency or defect in my brain. Not that I care, I have to appreciate the only processor life has given me. I guess I'm maybe a smart idiot. 

My philosophy is that it's okay to be imperfect. Accept yourself, your flaws, and be yourself. Do what you can to improve and keep moving forward in life. Life is a gift and many who potentially could have been born to experience it, didn't. Live life the best way you can. Live life intelligently, with strategy, with curiosity, with consideration of others, and in balance. 

(Job) I think everyone needs a chance at something if they are trust worthy enough and the risks aren't too great. I think it can be a great dishonesty when someone wants to try something so much yet never gets a chance. It's not until they do it that you see they aren't suitable for the position or to see if they double down and try harder to improve and keep making improvements, even slight improvements, over time. In time, with patience, improvement, and perfecting mistakes, others can contribute greatly which allows them to grow and become experts in a position or field which creates value for the business and the person given the opportunity. Allowing a person to have a chance is the first step to creating these opportunities. 

I think a lot of people don't realize that communication and critical thinking (ex: questioning everything) along with perhaps creativity is the path to improvement. When things improve, I think more progress and innovations happen which furthers technology and human progress. 

Perhaps stated before, I believe critical thinking requires practice. It commonly not taught in average schools. People have to learn how to think. Its a fundamental principle people needed to survive. Now-a-days there is less focus on raw survival (like in the wilderness) and with technology, thinking commonly is at a very minute IQ capability. People need to first learn what is thinking, why it's important, and how to think for oneself. These are the basics of intelligent life. I think if thinking for oneself is not taught, a person will substitute thinking for culture and collective association. In other words, they believe what they think others will believe/respond to as a matter of personal preservation or saving face to exclude being different or ostersized from society. They will substitute it for culture which in essence is fantasy and not rooted in reality. Therefore they live a life outside of reality. When technology and systems are taken away or broken, these kinds of people more-than-likely can't survive. They can't survive because the very foundation of fundamental intelligent life has been removed. It's not until people have a sense of reality, a balance, and can critically think for themselves is when they can truly understand life and its values. I believe thinking for oneself is part of the foundations of intelligent life. 

I think when life is good and at a standstill, always question security, safety, security of assets, quality, and the integrity of things. 

I believe narcissists are individuals who are not mentally developed or perhaps emotionally or cognitively-emotionally inept. I think they have not yet reached mental maturity or cognitive awareness of others know perhaps the values of others. I believe narcissism could be due to a mental deficiency or defect in the brain. I believe it could also be a conditional value brought by family, environment, or culture. Perhaps it's something developed overtime. Perhaps it's conditioned through personal ideology or culture. (Old rephrasing of the statement): I want to think there might even be two kinds of narcissists. One might be a narcissism brought by chemical or cognitive deficiency. The other might be a cultural-external conditional conditioning. Regardless, narcissists should obtain or develop a higher cognitive reasoning, should recognize and understand emotional states, not have emotional ineptitude, practice mental maturity, and consider the personal and social values of others.

(Sexual; perhaps stated before) I believe sexuality should have options. I don't think it should be restricted to just monogamy or culturally defined narratives. I think people should be allowed to be in relationships of three or four for example (maybe open swinging if that's what they like). I think there are many interests, preferences, philosophies, and ideas that exist and many yet to be explored. Sexuality needs to be rooted in objective reality and not fantasy (fantasy can be for the communities people of similar interests create or the art and content they produce). I believe sexuality is a natural human behavior, perhaps an expression, and overall a personal adventure. Right now humanity is closed off to it due to culture, religious views, and social stigmas. It is a taboo because not many people understand it, question it in detail, or have a small understanding of it. In the future I think as people and society evolves, these fundamentals will be brought into question as views change and society changes (I think it's better to question it now while we have the intellectual freedom and intelligent resources) . I think some don't know how to handle sexuality or only understand it within the confines of culture and past practices/traditions. It's not until they discover sexuality themselves and awake their own views and obtain an understanding of their own thoughts, interest, behaviors, and interests that they see sexuality in a new way. Many people never learn about consent, sexual discipline, mental maturity for sexuality, and gender differences and interests. In relation to oneself. I think it's important to be critical of it in regards of discipline, goals, and desires because I think many people could get lost in sexuality and its surrounding lifestyles. They could become addicted, infatuated (perhaps seek parental/maternal substitution; become obsessed with someone), or see it as an opportunity to make money or take advantage of others. Even sexuality has its need for balance, discipline, and moral reasoning. Furthermore, not everyones interests and desires are the same. Sexuality might not be for everyone. There's a lot people who don't know or have yet discovered in themselves in regards to sexuality. Not many people know that sexuality in alternative lifestyles has its own socio-ecosystems, morals, views, and ethics. Certain principles need to be kept despite how degenerate activities and interests seems. Such as the principles of consent, respect of others interest, and respect/tolerance for each others bodies. The result is people learning more about themselves and what the interests of others are and what their desires are like. Overall, i think they learn a lot more about others on a personal level which helps a person learn more about themselves and what they like sexually. Eventually you reach a point where people are people and life is surrounded by many interesting and unique people with different goals, differences, thoughts, and interests. I think by navigating the complexities and finding people with similar interests can make you friends on a very deep level. Perhaps this can form communities of like-minded individuals. Some might think it's immoral and that's fine, but for the right people it's a world of exploration, curiosity, and discovery and even another way to pursue happiness. I don't think there will be another instance of Sodum and Gomorra as long as these cultures establish their own integral principles, morals, ethics, and values. It's also important that this culture upholds educational values because this is how the traditions and values are preserved. I want to think education and a culture inspired by critical thinking and goodwill can preserve the harmony and unite people closer than ever before. I want to believe in a unity so great possibly through sexuality that people become almost as if lifelong twins/family (regardless of gender and differences) without any human limits where they are free to be themselves (without judgment), grow families, form unbreakable communities, and live relevant, meaningful, and deeply fulfilling lives. However on the flip side, I don't believe humanity is ready for this version of humanity. I don't believe humanity is ready because there are a lot of issues that need to be questioned and answered. A society like this has never been fully tested so who knows where it will go or what it could evolve into. It's a new view of life and lifestyle. As seen with the great utopia rat experiment, over population could have dangerous and extreme consequences using this way of life. (I think with a dystopia this will happen anyways regardless). Ethics would need to be part of culture and the idea of authoritarianism would have to be removed because corruption and safety eventually evolve into this terrible system which could lead to overpopulation through negligence. Moral and ethical solutions and technologies to preventing pregnancy would never improve. I believe people should choose to have babies or to be hedonist and engage sexually for pleasure. I believe there should be ethical methods which the majority of people agree, including religious people, for methods and solutions to choose to have pregnancies or not. On that note I believe family values are also important despite the family style brought by sexual preferences (monogamous, polyamerous, or swinging relationships). Moreover, I think alternative sexual lifestyles needs to stay as a subculture for now. Perhaps in the future it could be more accepting or maybe become a normal way of life. It would be interesting to learn more about people and their goals, sexual interests, and sexual philosophies. Until then, a subculture (and perhaps fantasy) is a better place for these kinds of individuals to thrive. 

I think it's important for people to explore ideas outside of academia coming up with their own hypothesis and solutions. I think it's possible for the average person to make predictions, ideas, and hypothesis that could change or benefit the world.

I want to think corruption operates from the top down. Perhaps going from the top and seeing the ties associated at the top, could lead to the main group or individual responsible for the corruption. I think giving corruption time, allows for a corrupt organization to fill every position with a corrupt individual or cult member. It's morthanlikely a fully corrupt organization operates by heiarchy and therefore removing a component allows for those under a heiarchal structure to move up. This means the entire organization must removed or perhaps restarted nearly from scratch. 

I think we should have a variety of personalities in society; religious, sophisticated, degenerate, intelligent, complicated, wealthy, people rising in wealth... ect. Having a diversity in behavior, culture, subculture, occupation, lifestyle, community, asthetic, thinking, and interest makes a society unique, mysterious, and full of things to understand, learn, and explore. Ever person can be authentically unique with a variety of things to always show, share, teach, and introduce to others (of course you can't have this without competition in all industries in an economy; I think the more competition and players, the more rich the economy which creates a much more rich culture).  
 I think the new trends today will be evolving and reoccurring trends in the future. I think it will be a lot of fun to see what the future makes the older trends more unique in the future. 

I dont care too much to not be in the future or the future of the future. I'm sure it's pretty interesting and cool (if it doesn't go authoritarian that is). I do think it's important to lay the foundation right now so the future can have the ability to have this future. Have a toast to me y'all. Nominate someone to yell my name with a toast! Cheers! xD

I like my quote. "What separates the men from the boys is mental maturity".

(sexual) I dare ask the question why is sexuality bad for children? In the past it was normal. I'm sure in the modern world its a colossal taboo, but i still have to ask the question. I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's wrong. When I grew up with Brazil, I saw these things all the time. I lived in front of a praca (open urban park) where lovers would do their thing and leave condoms everywhere. At a young age I learned to respect adult culture. At first I thought of it as how adults play with each other. I was under the idea they played each other this way because of their size. At around ten years old, I learned to respect adult culture. Our tendas de revistas always had adult content. My friends and I would only go to the section that interested us with comics, manga, and games. It wasn't until later in life where I started to gain a curiosity of the female species. Sadly with an over protective and over religious mother, i was very much closed off to learning and explore this side of humanity. The respect for adult culture was always there but never full understood. I didn't know why people liked these things until later in life in highschool. I took a sex ed class where I learned a little more. It was mostly a culture of immature jokes. A lot of adult content in the world at the time was very boomerish with old-man fetishes; like the type you see with unrealistic blond girls in playboy magazines or pokey-like movies with 30 year olds pretending to be teens. In school this side of humanity was extremely demonized. Me and a few others were caught looking up adult content. You could be kicked out permanently from school having this kind of content. When one person was caught, they had a three day suspension. When I was caught, it was two weeks of EC or their version of academic disciplined classroom learning. It served more like a disciplined prison sentence where you would stay in one place all day and even have lunch there without talking to anyone. I spent it with a friend who got caught with a manga that showed indecent panels. It wasn't too bad we were just very sneaky with when we talked during teacher exchanges. Wadded notes were handy and we used a tapping system where one tap was no and two taps was yes. Why it was so strict? I do not know. Now when i see this i feel the level of punishment vastly exceeded the fairness. It was then I started to pull away from that kind of stuff and just kept to anime and games. It wasn't until later in highschool that I discovered adult content on the internet. Just like many guys at the time, a whole world of adult content was open to the world. I've never been addicted to it. There were months things would be steamy and months were I focused more on school projects, out door activities, manga, and games. I was very naive to adult culture because I understood it very little. At the time I just had a view I thought most people had. Throughout college it was an on and off experience. Sometimes i would do the lewd one or up to six times a day. These lewd things were seen as an average part of life for young guys back in the day. 4chan also played a role in turning adult culture into a variety of new perspectives such as memes, trading, and all sort of generally intelligent stupid stuff. Adult content was the same throughout college but gradually i began learning more and more about females with the accumulation of female friends. I discovered females did the same thing sometimes. I had lewd friends but i didn't lose my virginity until after college. At the end of college i had a close friend who had a lot of hardship with their families. The then became my roommate but we kept it very plutonic. We did have a few intimate moments but we didn't engage in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. We were extremely close tho. I also didn't want to lose my v-card yet to anyone until i had a life where I could become independent. Kind of prove i am a man kind of deal. Sadly every job I got never got me into that position because it never made enough where i could afford to move out. Cost of living is too high and when people do move out, they commonly failed and moved back in with parents. Nothing was stable in this era in time. Also the reason i lost my friends to suicide or they would hook up with strangers for a relationship just to move out from family but that's a another story. As time went on I seemed to develop or get worst with communication. I beleive it's aphasia but it would be episodic. Now-a-days it's not much an issue. Rarely it pops back up (probably the reason why i'm told to be overly out-of-the-box creative). Nonetheless, in 2017 I bought a vive after saving my money for a very long time. I made a lot of friends and contibuted a lot of time to make content for VRChat. In 2018, the erp craze became a huge trend. I was also caught up in it and met the closest friends I had ever found in my life. A girl form Australia around my age was a little lewdy bug. I fell in love with her and we became extremely close friends (She still is my close friend today and I see still see her all the time; mostly for drinking and vibing with music). We also made an intimate group with the same lewdy interests. With a group of very close friends, we became our little intimate degenerate squad. Probably one of the best times of my life in recent years. I found myself discovering a hidden power of lewdiness I never had awaken if it wasn't for these experiences. This also came from a time I researched a lot about the supposed recently discovered truths about Sumerian mythology that predates the biblical civilizations by a vast amount of centuries. With all these cards in a row and after my experiences irl, I think it made me the little lewdy bug and I feel the balanced person I am today. I believe these set the foundations of my sexual philosophies and gave me a view of what I think society should consider. Since the end of college, I had to question everything. I was raised with a naive view of society and the world thinking everything has been done and discovered before when it surely hasn't. I had to understand why systems and society did what it did. I had to learn the reasons behind everything and question it as to how I would do them and if it was better with what I could come up with given my knowledge and experiences. It's my belief that we have to question everything so that we can improve systems and create new or reform old ones. I believe it's possible to improve humanity and to create a paradise on Earth and create even more paradises beyond the stars. I believe part of this is understanding sexuality. I feel we should understand the sexual effects of sexuality in a person's development so that a culture that respects it can root bringing people closer together. I want to think people can respect sexuality and understand it thoroughly as they get older where they can enjoy life to the fullest with every adventure it has to offer. I strongly believe life is extremely precious and we only have one chance at it. I believe the change to make life a paradise on Earth is up to the behaviors, intelligence, and mindset of every individual. Only we can make the paradise life should be. 

I think every society has to aim to raise their average iq of society. 

(Futureistic ideas) I think there could be a return of the home-farms. Perhaps under the house could be additional floors where people can raise cattle and livestock. I would consider this method as the traditional method of raising cattle. My not so ethical, perhaps disturbing, and maybe even creepy way of homes raising their own meat production would be through through something I call gin-harvesting. This is using the method of growing limbs and organs of animals for meat. A person could grow meat through cellular development and grow meat as if it was a plant. Imagine meat bags where meat is grown from genetic materials. The meat material grows until it's harvestable. It can be organic cow meat without the cow you would imagine. The mass of meat wouldn't have a brain or could feel pain. It's a mound of muscle that builds over time based on genetic instructions. It's a creepy idea and I think could be considered controversial because of it's ability to be an unsettling bag or mass of meat that grows like a plant. Furthermore, the house it develops inside is self suffienient. All pulstry is processed and self managed by AI systems and computers. Home owners can grow beneath their homes and watch the home farm grow and develop without having to deal with smells and problems. There can even be prepatory systems which will prepare your meals as long as you can supply the system with ingredients. These systems can even be swapped out for AI cooking systems and hardware where a company like Mc Donlads or even subway can prepare the meals exactly the way you like them. This system would also have to be managed/maintained very heavily. Perhaps once in a while when alert notifications arise, the home owner has to contact a specialist who makes sure everything is okay. If the home owner neglects the alerts they have a backup system where the AI can connect to a specialist agency directly and the agency will call the owner. In the end people have underground home farms in which can grow vegetables, chickens, cows, meats with sustainable methods while also having systems that can prepare and cook for a home owner. This is one of my out there crazy ideas. Hope it's not too disturbing. 

(Futuristic idea) In the future we can set a special date where those from the future can time travel back into the past which creates their loop or cycle of being in the past and present at the same time. This creates a pasta and future lifestyle where both are relevant at the same time. It could be a time in history people can come back to for whatever purpose they have (maybe a time and location in the past to fix or improve timelines in the future). Perhaps we can call this idea. Zero-day reality loop (or just Zero-day). 

(term) Insult and derrive (I & D)- a work term that means getting insulted and having a superior push or derrive one for their labor. It's a tactic used by poor managers, supervisors, and upper superiors. It's best not to work under these conditions as professionalism requires leadership behavior otherwise one is not capable of a higher leadership position. One should always be in positions of businesses that value ones work performance. 

I like the quote, "Knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power".

I've been busy on my Youtube for the past three months. That's 2,190 hours and 34 videos. I've been working hard nearly every day to get it monetised. But I'm going to cut my losses, deem it as a business failure, and start something else. It can be a side hobby for now. Unfortunately, I did not reach my milestone of 100 subs despite learning everything about Youtube as much as possible and implamenting it. I honestly love making videos, but I lack the funding, software, and time to keep working on it. Life doesn't stop so that i can make videos. If I met my milestone I would continue. If it made money then I could make a lot more a lot more fast. That's life. Not sure what the oportunity cost would have been for the past three months I used up. As of now, it's just another episode of my failures in eutrepreneurship. I'll wrap up the next few videos and upload them to the channel. Then it's back to the drawing board for buinsess ideas. If you want to check out my work on my channel, you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbw5gCriofsEUJvQY9IIjEw

(Govt) Politicians have a rating system if they're in the government after ten years. If their ratings drop below a level, they get removed from their position. 

Should political grifters face fines? By political grifters I mean individuals who purposefully slander, defame, attempt to deplatform, and vandalize the outlets of other political sources and individuals. If they keep grifting, the prices significantly rise after a a few months. 

(Medical experiments) Should medical experimentation be with people who have nothing left to lose and are dying? Perhaps should it be with criminals who have zero chance of getting out of prison?

I think there is a high probability the world could be destroyed by a black project or a project going on that we never knew about. There are so many dark projects that go on in the shade of public view that I think if something were to go wrong and the world gets destroyed, it would be by a mystery to everyone on Earth as the world ends. Perhaps other civilizations in the universe have ended this way.

Freedom is not about doing what you want, it's about making good choices and having them pay off later in life. Its planting a tree which shade you'll never sit under. Freedom to me means something a lot more. To me it's living a fulfilling life, pursuing happiness, and a lifestyle that brings people more together with a more intimate and authentic community that has more liberties. I want a society that encourages ethics which I believe improves everyone's behavior towards each other which helps society build, improve, and grow. I think this more intimate community is like a seed and it will grow to be a more authentic and intimate community with more principled values which helps society, industry, culture, and technology grow and evolve. The ultimate result is being the best version of society and industry that could possibly exist. 

Peaceful times make weak men/people, and times of conflict make strong men/people. I call this the time-and-men effect. I believe high academic standards through quality education and practice can play a role which phases out the truth of the time-and-men effect.

I think in schools students should take field trips or go hiking, or perhaps camping. I believe they should visit the Indians and the pasts colonial towns. This is to encourage the idea that this is how they lived back then and how their reality of life was. Life has come a long way and it's important to realize what one has compared to back then. Moreover, I also believe students should recognize the evolutions of social behaviors. Peaceful times make weak men and times of conflict make strong men. I think by realizing this students can set themselves to a higher academic standard which they are constantly trying to improve and compete with the greatest minds especially those whose time were of conflict. I understand not everyone is capable, but this is okay. It's good to have role models and others who can find alternate ways to present the gifts, skills, and talents they have. Even if students graduate with no skills or talents, they can contribute by helping others. Therefore, I suggest let good times make smart and principled men/people.

(Meteor/asteroids mining) I think with the oncoming Apophis meteor there should be a huge project to capture and harvest this meteor and strip mine it for its resources. I believe as soon as it comes into an appropriate proximity, we should capture it, redistribute/freeze rotation its rotation speed then slow it down (imagine catching a baseball and once it lands in the glove you have it at a frozen-in-place rotation, and reposition it's proximity in a controlled perfect rotational orbit around the Earth where we don't have to worry about any effects on Earth which will give Earth the ability to explore it and strip mine the meteor. If there is nothing left to mine, we can slowly push it out of orbit or create a orbiting gause cannon and shoot it out of Earth's orbit and perhaps at other oncoming threats. In addition, I think all asterois and meteors moving close to Earth, presents us with a unique opportunity to form an industry where we can safely capture asteroids and meteors and turn them into useful resources on Earth. I believe every interstellar material could be a free asset to Earth which will allow us to grow industries in space and on Mars. Overall, instead of seeing meteors and asteroids as a threat, we can see them as benefit and free resource to collect in a safe orbit and mine for resources. 

(Business) I think it's a good idea to ask how does one distinguish greed from capitalism? The way I see business now is dog-eat-dog or an overall free-for-all. Perhaps we can create a business culture where everyone wants to help each other succeed with their products and services like a community instead of a constant direct competition. I also think we can grow an industry with company pride and loyalty and a refusal of consolidation which retain competition and multi-industrial growth. Moreover, perhaps we should ask the question of if industry should form their own communities?  This will let everyone sell their products and make money without fear of being destroyed by their competitors. If there are conflicts, perhaps businesses can do negotiations and conduct deals which can benefit all parties. Perhaps we can see a new business culture of communities and perhaps collaborations which benefits all business parties and moves industries, technologies, and innovations forward. 

I believe many people are of a worldly mentality. By worldly mentality I mean adopting worldly or mainstreamed narratives and views, materialistic-consumer desires, and an overall worldly way of thinking). I believe many people cannot see or could never see outside of the mindset that they are currently in. The mindset becomes obvious when people travel and see different versions of society with countries of different cultures which demonstrates different ways of socio-interaction, behaviors, and thinking. I think it's good to recognize this mindset because it could lead to questioning culture, traditions, and socio-behaviors that make little to no sense. I think this can be a method in which we can improve society and community to be more authentic, honest, and adopt a socio-behavior that removes conflict. I believe this is how to improve society and create more intimate, collaborative, and functional communities. 

When it comes to learning history, I believe there needs to be a brief run down of history first with imagery and photography then later break things down even further to go into detail. Yes methods used in highschool were very ominous and mind-losing. When things were summarized and broken down and later filled in with the details, I found this worked very well, perhaps it can help others.

(term/idea) Fandentity - this is short for fantasy identity (or fantasized identity). Instead of trying to convince others of your identity (such as the crazy identities and genders seen by today's Marxist based ideologies) and living in a world that is not based in reality (which sometimes correlates to mental illness), why not have a socially acceptably fantasy status/narrative that allows you to live in and have respect for objective reality yet allows you to have a fictonal identity while letting society know that you are absolutely based in reality but want to entertain the personal fanatsy of having a separate fantasy identity. I want to think with a personal respect and responsibility for living in objective reality and working to improve your life, yourself, and community, I think society will respect ones self-proclaimed status/narrative with a fanatasy identity. I think fantasy identities can be fun, creative, and help people contribute to society and contribute to personal expression, art, culture, and community. If people want to make decisions based on their fandentity then that's up to them (like body art, fashion, or whatever). Despite any fandentity narratives or labels, it's critically important that everyone who subscribes to a fantdentity understands and know they are living in objective reality yet allowing themselves to roleplay or play pretend to live along side their fantasy narrative. It might also be important to prove to strangers that they like to roleplay a fandentity. Moreover, I think a line needs to be drawn when roleplay crosses over to extreme mental illness and violence. It should always be logic, objective life, and ethics first before one's own fantasy identity ideas and narratives. Furthermore, I think in time, others will come to learn about your interests and fandentities as they learn to understand fandentities. I also think fandentities can also be subject to change which is perfectly normal. I would even entertain the thought that perhaps fandentities should be asked as a general question along with Name, age, gender...ect. I think expressing oneself in this manner can allow people to grow mentally and perhaps move on from having a fandentity is they desire. Overall, I think the use of fandentities can be an alternate ways to make people more interesting, make people want to learn more about others through curiosity, and allow individuals to express themselves which in a broader picture makes society more interesting and flavorful. In addition, I believe it can help make a unique culture when people respect each other, treat each other kindly, have everyone based in reality first before allowing for fantasy narratives, make everyone curious about others, and overall I think the use of fandentities can make for a colorful and fun society with something always to explore. 

(games) Could it be that game companies use game engineers who are natively programmers instead of actual designers (creative designers) for game design which molds a game project to be more logic-driven instead of creative driven, driven by desires found by fans, or passion driven? Perhaps the difference in game design can be examined in indie, foreign, and Japanese games. 

(school) I want to think highschools should have a week where students face an escape-the-room games utilizing skills aquired in school. Perhaps there could be a competition between the smartest students and the smartest students from other school. 

(business) Performance and trust metric (have a graph that has performance and trust). Nobody wants low performance and low trust. Nobody wants high performance and low trust. Everyone wants high performer and high trust or medium performer and high trust. Medium performance and high trust is valued more than low trust and high performer. In business it's common to have bosses that are high performance and low trust which ruins the team. In the navy seals, they use this metric and trust is everything.  

(Entertainment) I came up with two type of entertainment that I think captivate audiences: there is theatrical entertainment which is your movie, cinematic,  and curated Hollywood style entertainment and there is your imagination-driven entertainment. The imagination-driven entertainment is pulling away from your Hollywood style entertainment and focusing more on personal story, roleplay, and simulation where a person makes decisions and allows events (randomized or designed) to happen to them which influences their decisions, behaviors, and strategies. I think it's important to recognize this so that we can further understand what could interest the audience and push their creativity, inspiration, and storytelling abilities. 

I think journaling blogs become works of art as people further their knowledge and gain wisdoms. It may start as a rebel teen but evolve into someone who could make a great leader and readers could see their mental development and perhaps personal progress overtime. 

I try my best to use my gifts. I make art. I make videos. I make music. I do animations. I build games. I find ways to explore and use my creativity. From everything I have made and accomplished, so far nobody has a clue that I exist or the skills and talents I possess despite showing them. Perhaps to be known is a blessing and a curse. People like to be known for making things. I also try to use my talents to make money but it never works. It leads me to believe you have to do things that are beyond belief and vastly significant to get recognition. Nevertheless, I can imagine there are many like me. Many ghost creators who go about making amazing things people will never see or know. 

I think there is little excuse for students with HDHD for not paying attention in class. I think it's students not trying hard enough to focus. In the past this was done through discipline because it was a behavioral issue. I know this because i was like this and was surrounded by others like this. When I couldn't focus, I thought of myself as drifting away and day dreaming. When this happens and I'm not in a classroom, I could just walk away and just take a break for a while. In school this doesn't exist, but I feel teachers should offer breaks. I want to think the solution is for teachers to inspire curiosity in students. To have this you need quality teachers which requires a level of training and apprenticeship.  The subject rubric and structure needs to be clear. Teachers cannot assume anything they need to start in a way that is logical, makes sense, provides a foundation for students in their minds to learn and build on their knowledge. The students need to have an intro to what they're learning. They need to start from the fundamentals and theory. They need to know the reasons why things are the way they are, how they came to be, and why we do something a certain way. They need to feel confident, open, and secure enough to ask questions. Often other students will be problematic so there needs to be some sort of structure in place. If it was me, I would have a three rule structure. It's okay for them to do it two times. The third time is for them to leave the class. Of course I think this would mean it's up to the students to want to learn which could be an issue (id have to think more about this). I would also have breaks for students to go and come back. Too much time sitting down and learning something strainuous for a long time all the time surely cannot produce positive effects. If it was up to me, I like the six hour school structure with cram school where students get different lessons ever two or three days. I think a day break from every lesson is digestible for students. I don't believe in homework. I want to believe learning is a retentive process where students feel excited to go to class and want to learn more. I believe the  academic structure of schools need to be reexamined every decade because every generation requires different methods and structures of learning. Every generation is different and it's up to schools to see what methods works best for graduating students with the highest academic learned-retention, social skills, leaderships skills (depending on student capability), job skills through student interest, entrepreneur readiness, ethics and behavioral improvement and social expectations, personal health and nutrition, history, psychology, useful-life math, system skill (understanding of taxes, home economics (lifestyle management), money and banking, stock market, life-necessities), relationship skills, perhaps survival skills, developed talents, and self-intellectuality and critical thinking skills. 

Adults should realize teens and children do not think the same as adults. Their form of logic is experimental and developmental. They learn mainly by example or culture. They need to learn the reasons for things. They need to be led to develop to a curiosity to want to learn more and as much as possible. We need a teenage culture where teens are hungery to learn more and as much as possible. We need to take them places, see factories, help them make things, experience different things or as much as possible. Teenagers often have other things on their minds because the world is still fresh, new, and they want to experiment, get attention, and have fun (or mischievous fun because of attention, publicity, oportunism). Technology is the exciting and cultural factor. Moving into a greater subject, I believe life can beat technology if we created systems and opportunities that excited people more then what they find in technology. Life in the raw is real compared to the fixation of neural activity and a fast high definition monitor. My hope is that technology and life experiences can have a balance as both can help make people feel good about themselves and offer a level of excitement and exploration. I also believe technology will one day integrate with life which will make life exciting and full of adventure. However, as of today we are still in a medival era where non of this is possible in the sense where there is balance and where things are a benefit, asset, and bring balanced and adventure in people's lives. It's an era of consolidation, little new competition and innovation. It's like a feudal or monarch era of tech-lords and dynasties when it needs to be an era of delopmental competition; ethics and community building so that all benefit; philosophical experimentation; and a society of highly intellectual and critical thinking individuals pushing new ideas for entrepreneurs and business. 

***When I mention balance, I sometimes think of a seesaw. Sometimes life balances all the way to one side and sometimes to the next. It's up to us to find a way to get back to the middle where life has a sense of stability. 

(sexuality) I write a lot on behalf of my own view and philosophy on sexuality or creating my own sexual culture. In today's world it's way too taboo. It slightly exists but is a very small percent of the population. I believe it's also in its infancy stage. My vision on a sexual culture is something i strongly believe and will defend. However, it cannot be done in today's world.  The world is still too primitive in regards to ethics, mental maturity, worldly-mentality, and social acceptances for controversial alternative communities and lifestyles. The world is simply not ready for it. Anyone who pushes for its existence will more than likely be bombarded with virtue signalers and authoritarian moral supremists. I also think even my ideas for sexuality and sexual lifestyles are at it's early phases. One person can make an idea but it's more-than-likely not going to be perfect. There is no way to test it. If it's not tested it cannot be improved. I think it deals with a lot of current world morality systems (theology and culture), sexual philosophy, and sexual-psychology. If it were to become a lifestyle, it would be up to the people of the future to make it work. As of now it's only an idea or fantasy. I have to cater to the lifestyle and functional-logical ideologies of society and relationships of today otherwise I could miss out in life. 

02/03/2022 I'm sure by the time long after I'm gone, perhaps someone will read my blog. I put more money on my blog being erased and nobody reading it. If it gets some popularity, I'll be long dead and forgotten. The world would have missed their chance to learn more about me. Sadly I feel more like a ghost in the world with an inability to influence anything. Nobody is interested in my ideas, art, philosophies, or imagination. It is what it is and it cannot be helped. I can imagine many probably feel like me. The greatest difference is that I write on a silly blog while everyone else plays videogames, drinks, and smoke weed. The sad reality is that it feels like people today lack purpose. I feel like one can try to build something but one will find it's way too expensive and there is always a lack of publicity. The only way today is with roommates or live with a significant other. Even when pulling in dual-income launching a business becomes even more riskier. Moreover, I simply don't know what it takes to make a splash in the world doing what I enjoy. I'd like to make games, make long-progress art, make movies, and make music. Sadly, it's way too expensive and survival always comes first. Life always seems to be by the narratives those with wealth and status impose. In this time where everything is curated and grown synthetically I'm not sure if it's possible to build anything significant. There's not enough community, funding, or resources. I find when I try to create a community, it's unsustainable and lacks members. Perhaps I should be focusing on a local community; that is if there was and if I knew my community, I wouldn't mind playing a role in improving or participating in the community. Going back to job opportunities, decent paying jobs are hard to find. Because of the high cost of living, wealth seems impossible to build. The gaming industry has gone woke and I honestly do not believe I'll be a fit for that industry anymore. When one is as poor as I am, despite my academic background, life becomes extremely risky. I'm not sure where to go from here.

I found this saying interesting, "Don't follow your passion, let your passion follow you."

I'm currently under the great impression that we live in a synthetic system. All content and businesses are curated, sucess is selected, and organic sucess and growth is rare and only for those significant enough to burst past the synthetic system's defenses. Perhaps this is why people don't try. Perhaps they are right not to try.  

(Sexual) According to cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker, sex is such a problem because it reminds humans of their basic, core animal nature. According to an article read, humans deal with mortality concerns by embedding themselves in cultural symbolism (beliefs, values) or immortality beliefs (Heaven). It also states animalistic, physical behaviors threaten the very things we use to confront our mortality fears. Another article correlates people wanting to be thought as spiritual beings despite coming from physical action. Reading this puzzles me. If this is true and people have a human-nature/animalistic side which reminds them of their own mortality then why hide or run from it? Why not accept it? Why not try to live the best life one can by making the best decisions or finding ways to live life where one can find a sense of happiness and serenity? What's the point of fearing death? Is it the mystery around it? Is it the consumption of materialism and having to leave it all behind? Is it wanting to see yourself to a high status and to be unmatched to the point of immortality? To have this idea to want to live forever is meaningless. If you were to live for a long time, you'd eventually want to lay yourself to rest. I found when I make peace with the idea that I will die, it makes me want to live a better life and to experience as much as possible. This feels like common sense. I also would embrace the animalistic side to human nature and have a sense of balance with it. I think when you adopt these views, you see life differently. I believe this view of being a human-being allows us to move beyond human cultural limits and unleash meaningful human potential.

"Sex is a virtue-signaling target for condemnation and a permanent and infinite taboo in the United States." I understand why anything of this nature needs to stay secret, hidden, and underground. 

Could there be two types of jobs? Could there be raw-organic jobs and system jobs? I seemed to have stumbled upon an obvious pattern. Raw-organic jobs are jobs needed in society. They often don't need education and are available for all regardless of status. System jobs require a degree, certification, or for one to be associated with a political narrative. I call these system jobs because they're tied with elites, political factions, political agendas, and manipulated systems. I noticed this when extreme feminists and people of a political narrative started to become employed by the masses. I am led to believe this could also be part of a synthetic system. If this is the case then it's worth recognizing and building infrastructure from scratch as current industries are built and controlled synthetically. 

I think often incompetence is used as a strategy for malicious agendas. 

I want to consider the solution to homelessness is to legalize all the drugs and let addicts use any substances to the grave unless they decide to change their life. When they decide to change a huge amount of programs can then be used for them to take advantage of and begin rebuilding their lives.

The body is always replacing its cells. A person later in life would have every single cell replace throughout their body and replaced with new cells. It's important to be healthy so that cells are developed and replaced properly. 

(Crazy idea) The TimeTraveler, Alt-Dimension, ET Friendly hotel. The Ttadetf hotel (tadef or tadet hotel)  All time travelers or alt dimension travelers sign a guest book. We do not disclose any info on customers. All technologies, reasons, origins, and information are kept secret within the hotel. All travelers should be respectful, rational, polite, and reasonable. If people want to help us improve, they are free to do so. With better technology, we can better accommodate travelers from the future. The hotel is a good place for meeting up with other travelers, getting info, and holding conferences. We do our best to keep all customers safe assuming the feds don't intervene. Also please do not scare our staff. 

I believe we should live in a world of specialists as well as jack's of all trades. 

Could it be the solution to addiction is connection?

(Money; economy) Have a deleveraging currency used to offset the value of the current used currency that's inflated. When one currency gets too inflated, you can use the other currency to releverage or balance the deleveraged currency. I call this the Stanley-Potatoe-Currency Leveraging Plan (or just Counter Balance Deleveage Currency Plan; CBDC-plan). 

(Game) Just like most games out of the west, it lack originality. Game companies don't hire creative people. They hire people who specialize in a certain fields. The business people and gameplay engineers (who commonly use UX design; which is commonly a node script design) which are commonly non-creative types are the designers which commonly lead to non-creative games. What they consider creative might be an insignificant feature compared to a larger portion of an experience. 

I like the quote," You find what you need in the place you're least willing to look."

I think to believe everyone is stupid without objective physical observations means one lacks mental maturity. The reason is because society is complex. It is true many people lack a greater IQ and can be seen as having a lack of an intellectual development. They can be called out for their fallacies but at the same time they might have experience, intelligence, and talents in another area one doesn't. Psychologically, some are more left or right brain then others. Not everyone thinks the same, not everyones neural networks are the same. To categorize people and label them under a certain stigmatized or ignorant view I think is ridiculous. If a person is intellectually inept there is a possibility for them to grow and improve. We need to give them the curiosities to make them want to learn more. If we do this we are the teachers and they will become the curious minds due to their unawarity of the virtues of the intelligence they are missing out on. Therefore, I think we should teach others by making other curious, correct inconsistencies by questions to make them think, and even excite them over the things they are missing out on. It's fair to call them out on their objective stupidity but our overall goal is to educate by dynamically working with their ignorance (through reasoning, friendliness, decour, reward, and ethics) and allowing them to question and think about their understandings to covertly get them to improve and raise their intellectual capabilities through intellectual practice and personal curiosity. In the end I think it's possible to create the intellectual-intelligent society which expands as information is communicated effectively. 

I don't think people should catcall to other strangers. People should only catcall to others they know who don't mind it. It's disrespectful and a negative cultural behavior that I think should go away. I believe we need a culture where people are mentally mature and respect each other even if another shows controversially indecent behaviors or fashion.

I think people should embrace their natural (animalistic) values as much as their worldly-cultural values. There should be a balance. I think there should be a balanced integration of being wild and being sophisticated and decadent at the same time. This natural or animalistic value perhaps makes us humble and allows us to embrace humanity in its original virtues. It helps us survive in the wild. At the same time I think we should also be rooted in the way the world works with an understanding of everything (or at least a little bit of everything) that's in it. This will helps us understand systems, community, and society which we can use to thrive, influence, and improve life

Authoritarians have a flawed view of the world. Their world consists of nothing but power, and obtaining more power. I believe it could be part of a mental illness not yet investigated. Authoritarians see very little value in everything unless it supports their cause. They fail to see the virtues of the insignificance and to appreciate and respect what exists. Zen teaches us to appreciate and respect all things for example. Everything has a purpose and some sort of balance. When authoritarians treat things as variables or assets to an agenda, they themselves demonstrate their own intellectual weaknesses of the ignorance of life and desires for materialistic consumption of which things will end up changing after they are long gone anyways. Essentially they have left the world more in ruin prior to existing. Moreover, it's the fault of others if they gain these powers to carry out such agendas. It shows humanity to always understand the latent behaviors, agendas, ideologies, and consequence or results of their actions before individuals support their efforts. 

Could it be a sociopath or psychopath with wealth always leads to becoming an authoritarian or increases the chances to lead to negative outcomes? 

I think people who are obsessed to be seen as manly, alpha, or sigma are not authentic. They are portraying themselves to be something that fits a cultural narrative so that they can gain status, attention, fit in, and insimuate respect. I would instead suggest them to be authentic, honest, learn ethics, learn to critically think and apply logic, gain mental maturity, gain respect by respecting others, investigate for truths, learn to strategize and negotiate, gain confidence from goals and achievements, improve themselves to be the best version of themselves, and stand up for what they honestly and truly believe in. 

(Barrier To Recognition) I feel like their is some sort of force, obstacle, or system preventing success. Could it be people are all followers on behalf of culture, trend, or hive-mind think? Could they just be lurkers? Im not sure what it is. I believe if someone puts our content or does an action, it should maybe be recognized by someone or a group of people. I believe at the least there should be some interaction at the least some feedback. Surely every action has consequence. But in this reality I can see that actions for business or publicity often doesn't do anything and people can be ignored for their activities, talents, and projects of hard work. What is this wall, obstacle, or mysterious force? What is this social-ignoring-of-content? I'm going to call this force Barrier To Recognition (BTR). Perhaps a way around it is by making one's own group or community. Another way could be by improving visual appeal. 

I find the quote relevant, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."

In the case of civil conflict, there should be strategies for reasonable disruptions. This means nonviolent civil disobedience. Systems should allow for such protest activities to play an important role or process in systems as a right for people to protest their narratives and be heard. This is another strategy for possible improvements. 

I see in Marxist tribalism they will resort to irrational actions and tactics to intimidate, disrupt, and destabilize. This enables the opposing faction the strategy to adopt their strategies. They can admit the Marxist tribal strategy is effective and adopt the same strategy. If they are arrested for it then they can use the Marxists to also be held responsible. "If they do it, we can do it." However, violence is never the solution. Nonviolent civil disobedience is the responsible action. Marxist desire violence for their framing narratives and for more extreme authoritarian strategies; however, if it's nonviolent civil disobedience in the form of disruptions, then authoritarians cannot conduct their action without making themselves look bad. I think the solution to Marxism is nonviolent civil disobedience, reasonable disruptions, logic and reason, questioning narratives, questioning ethics for behaviors and practices, accountability, and installation of those who are trustworthy and who can hold others accountable. 

(Sexual) I agree with a person on YouTube. If you fake orgasms, you deserve bad sex. Lol 
Honesty and communication is key here. 

I also agree with the phrase "Happy spouse, happy house" instead of "Happy wife, happy life." 

(Idea) Quality day - a day to check for quality and system functionality. A few examples can be when  companies review the quality of their business, employees, products, and services. A day where families check their financial and structural efficiencies. A day where people check the functionality and integrity of their homes and vehicles. A day when parents check the quality of education for their families. A day when investigators look over the government operation and process to ensure everything is performed as intended. 

(Term) Religious fazery- a term referring to religious people relying on religion instead of taking personal initiative to improve critical thinking, improving themselves, improving their behavior, improve their health, increasing intellectual practice, or researching or learning information to increase intelligence. 2. A desire to remain ignorant using religion as a crutch. //I have a desire to increase the intelligence of religious people and for them to be ethically and financially intelligent. I also want them to improve and increase community and support prayer with action.

(Term) Indo-think - the capacity to think for oneself. 2. The capacity to critically think by means of oneself without resources. 

I think absolute authoritarianism turns into full totalitarianism. Totalitarianism expands and consumes for more power. There is no alternate vision except absolute power. When all power is obtained. Greater tyranny happens to what they can control. After there is nothing to tyrannize and further control, they turn on each other to terrorize and control. I think the ultimate result is self annihilation and what is left is starting with nothing from the absolute beginning. 

When it comes to intimidation and others digging dirt on you, stand proud of your imperfections, your history, and you authenticity because it's these items and much more that made you who you are today. If you are not proud, be honest. If you made a mistake, be honest. Never say sorry to those who's goal is to subvert, intimidate, demean, and dethrone. Stand up for what you believe, expose and challenge intimidators with truths, and keep your eye on the prize. 

I believe people should never follow blindly; they should seek evidence, always ask questions, and use logic.

As seen with the Acali Raft Experiment in the 1970s, people are not inherently evil. I believe conflict is commonly a result of lack of resources, perception of fair behavior, and misunderstandings. 

If I can ask what does Ethics do? I believe it improves socio-behaviors to an expected yet liberating standard which allows society and communities to get along more effectively. I believe it's a method for influencing long term friendships styles and improves the interaction of genders which improves dating and long-term intimate relationships while also reinforcing family values which helps improves the lives of children which positively influences future society. It's a method for interpersonal social interaction to create a strongly united society who behaves in a manner that reduces conflict and improves interaction, communication, and behavior. To summarize, what does Ethics do? It improves individual behaviors which improves society, creates social harmony, builds unity between individuals for relationships, reinforces family values, and builds strong trust and reasoning among communities. 

Complex words seem smart but in reality easy-to-understand comprehensible terms for the masses is actually more smart because everyone can clearly understand what you're saying or writing. 

(Brain mods) I think in the future, brain mods might become a reality. This could be stimulating certain areas of the brain with devices. Planned damage to certain areas of the brain for alternative neuro behavior or functionality. Or perhaps using artificial neuro connection to reach certain areas of the brain that aren't typically accessible. I think the result of this is an individual who can think in a way that provides alternate thought and intellectual capabilities that could result in improved performance, unique capabilities, and unique physical and mental behaviors. 

I think the person who dominates political correctness through culture is the current victor of social mainstream behaviors. 

I think there should be awards for certain categories in film like animation, lighting, stunts, effects, and almost every other category unmentioned. 

Marxists utilize tribalist strategies to destabilize and ultimately divide and conquer. I think the best solution is to come up with the strategies on how Marxists could exploit fatigue points in societies and systems or come up with alternate tribalist methods a Marxist-tribalist-destabilizer might use. By knowing this before a methods is used allows people and systems to be more prepared. 

(astronomy) I think people think that universes appear to be like bubbles scattered around, but I think universes are like random brief explosions that take more than trillions of years to explode and then disappear. I guess the idea can be like when you see rain drops. Rain falls on a surface and spatters then disappears. Another idea can be described like fireflies or sparks that suddenly blink then seemingly disappear in the darkness. I think the universes shine briefly then disappears. Therefore I think there exists a space outside our universe where on a macro level blinks then disappears almost instantly. Perhaps one day humans could be the first to explore these universes as they appear and before they disappear. Humans can travel and inhabit a little bit of space in each universe as they appear. 

Authoritarianism is when cops are turned to criminals. When irrational orders are given, the appropriate measure is to quit immediately. Any cops that contributes their efforts then turn to combatants. Sometimes in authoritarian countries, the police stations will actively recruit criminals to fulfill police roles. They may also covertly or overtly reallocate forces from another authoritarian allie or source. 

(Term) Perpiper: Someone who harasses others through methods of guilt. 

I think only psychopaths and sociopaths believe they're God's. 

Why are philosophers so important? Because they can explore outcomes before they happen. They can go one step beyond and also predict a list of outcomes and a web of effects that is a result of the consequences of those outcomes.

If ethics was in government, there would be expectations that each individual would have to meet. There would be the expectation that they have to talk to other leaders (regardless of sides) ethically and show that they are showing leadership with every wisely and well thought out decision. They would be expected to be intellectual and non-ignorant and to make the best decisions possible. I think if they don't meet expectation then they should step down or face legal ramifications. The ramification isn't only for them, the ramification isn't just of them, those who backed and funded his operation also have a price to pay as they funded a failed candidate. 

Today Russia invades Ukraine. I believe when war lines are crossed, times of peace is over. That's when the war boots should be put on and a struggle to rebuild peace begins again. 

Very crazy thought that's abstract. Could it be that life or reality is inherently violent or perhaps evil? Could it be this way because it desires a unique form of energy or physical energy? Could it be not the kind of energy seen in pressure electrons but the energy created by force and momentum against a physical object? If so could energy from clapping or physical violence stimulates life or reality? I don't believe this to be the case but I thought I'd ask this somewhat metaphysical question and put it out there. 

Looking at Ottawa, I think authoritarianism is when cops are turned into criminals(thugs). When irrational orders are given to cops, the appropriate measure is to quit immediately. When any cops that contributes their efforts, they then turn into combatants. Sometimes in authoritarian countries, the police stations will actively recruit criminals or foreign allies to fulfill police roles (covertly or overtly). It sounds radical and absurd but the reality is that nobody is ever safe. The more safe one feels, the more one should look over their shoulders, and routinely test, question, and investigate the structural integrity and security of systems. It's proper to remove those who do not take it seriously because when an unforeseen force comes in with already implanted agents, nothing stops them when they make their move. A dominoes effect happens and before you know it, life is changed forever commonly in a short period of time. Comfortable times make weak men, times of conflict makes strong men, and the cycle repeats. It should instead be that comfortable times makes periods to check, practice, test, and maintain strength and integrity. I believe when it comes to systems, heavy background research, science, and psychology should be very useful tools to separate candidates. Integrity of the system checks is also just as essential. A new era requires new advancements to ensure security. Legislation, regulations, rules, and practices should also be questioned, balanced, and used appropriately, logically, and with reason. 

I like the statement defining current government is a monopoly and a jobs program.
(invention) Plasma evaporation. Would it be a good idea to use plasma technology to evaporate water during a flood or tsunami?

Why are philosophers so important? Because they can explore outcomes before they happen. They can go one step beyond and also predict a list of outcomes and a web of effects that is a result of the consequences.  

No matter what happens, no matter what war breaks out. It's best to never take out anger on another individual if they have nothing to do with the war. Another way to put it is if they are not influenced by a war or by its heavy propaganda then they should be like a regular person, respected, and treated fairly if not well. Nobody should take out their anger on anyone who doesn't deserve it. In the end we are all human and we need to build unity and stand against authoritarianism together so that it doesn't decay future generations so that we can preserve peace. Let duty be duty but in the end we're all family. Our greatest challenge is to keep the peace. 

When there is tribalist propaganda, it's possible war eventually follows. 

(term) Ethica Decorum - a legal term I made which means ethical decour or ethical behavior. Which mean to utilize the best in ethics and to demonstrate goodwill and a high level of cooperation and transparency. This  also includes to be honest, considerate, to think critically, to be prepared to the maximum effort, to think as another would think and have an equivalent mindset and readiness (equivalent meaning thinking through the perspective or projected mindset of another). It also means to show no signs of denying responsibility and to standup for objectivity, reason, and logic. There is also a demonstration of exposing any meaningful or purposeful negligence and taking responsibility. It is a representation of goodwill and one's desire to uphold goodwill. There is also a desire for swift solution, action, and organization with a high level of transparency and effort. There is also a demonstration of being sincere, authentic, honest, and to explain one's logic and reasons accurately. 

Watching the invasion of Russia in Ukraine I feel a sense of despair and dread. They are using a strategy where they collect fighting men of age and placing them in old soviet hardware as expendable forces. They are forcing them to fight. Ukrainians are doing the same where they are recruiting deserters and people escaping to fight or be placed in prison. Because of war propaganda it's hard to confirm what is truth and what is propaganda. It's interesting to see how they label their ground forces that come up from multiple direction of the invasion. Placing myself in the shoes of what's going on, it gives me a huge sense of despair. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be in the shoes of Ukrainian citizens.    

I was shocked to find that the UN debate's did not considering all options. I was shocked when a UN country representative said sanctions was not everything and that the US was consumed by materialism to think Russia's desires were all materialistic when it's also ideologic. This blows my mind. Don't these people critically think? Perhaps Japan is right to have members just sit in a room for hours and simple think, share the silence while thinking, write ideas, talk to each other when a discussion or critical point arises. There are methods in which to focus ones thoughts, and relax ones thoughts where critical information is allowed to turn and mold in one's thoughts resulting a person thinking about the right questions and talking about the right questions. If people can examine from all angles, better decisions and strategies can be formed

(Term) Absurd leveling (or absling)- when you desire something outrageous and walk it back to a reasonable deal.
The worst part of an invasion is after an invasion because people in an occupied country are commonly considered subhuman compared to the invading country's population. They are commonly treated poorly, subject to internment camps, and subjected to any dark treatment by the invading force. That is why escape is a better option. In addition, during an invasion, one's own country commonly turns on its citizens and arrests defectors and people fleeing who should otherwise be helping defense. In an invasion, the civilian has a poor outcomes. When an invading country gets tired of opposition defenses and counter strategies, then commonly civilians become a target as a strategy to break the morale of the opposition. They do this by targeting civilians, civilian residents, and locations that have no military significance such as schools, malls, and hospitals.

In an invasion, always think about the bigger strategies. Never stop to think adversaries will stop an invasion and will move to different countries. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and once they get an inch, they want a mile. If there is heavy resistance and they can't get it right away, they will slowly move the goal post and get more. 

I like the saying describing the Nonaggression Principle, "Do not initiate force against another. Walk softly, but carry a big stick". 

(Splash-back Effect) If someone slanders, engages in a disinformation campaign against, or conducts a malicious activity against you, I want to think there could be two responses. The first response is by politely and rationally telling them to stop. At the same time collect evidence you have told them to stop and evidence that you have tried diplomacy. Next collect evidence of the malicious activity they have done against you. If they stop then you don't have to proceed to the next phase. If they continue, you expose their malicious campaign to others. Use this as a tool to win over others and set an example of behavior that is unacceptable. This is taking the high ground by winner over others. The more they proceed, the more evidence you collect, the more you expose. Under no circumstance you give them any feedback or ammunition they can use against you. I call this strategy the Splash-back Effect. This strategy can also be applied towards those who engage in blackmail, corruption, and fraud against you. Let the exposure be a useful tool to fight the conflict for you instead because in the end I think truth can prove to be more effective. 

(Gender Cohesion) I believe there can be a change in culture where males and females can be unified to the point where they feel similar, as if united under the idea of both being part of one species and part of the human race, where they can respect, understand, adapt, and overlook their physical, biological, and psychological difference. It's where any cultural boundaries such as any toxic behaviors can be replaced with authenticity and understanding. Although the term might be androgyny, it's where both can cooperate with each other in an interpersonal way while at the same time allowing themselves to be vulnerable about each other where they can understand and integrate with each other as if one gender despite the acknowledgment of their gender differences. I call this gender cohesion. An example of this can be a person who has an equal amount of lady and guy friends. When they spend time with lady friends or guy friends, they acknowledge, understand, and adopt to their differences and behave authenticity while understanding, embracing, and overlooking gender differences to build deep meaningful friendships. And, perhaps both guy and lady friends can come together in an authentic manner and get along well with each other without conflict. I believe this is possible. I believe it's possible despite hormonal interests or arousal as sexual discipline, consent, consideration, and mutual respect is an essential part of one's personal behavioral development and personal discipline to become a highly intellectual, trustworthy, intelligent, and high-conscious person. 

I do not approve of toxic masculinity, I encourage authenticity. Everyone should not look to culture as to how to behave. They should learn to be themselves. They do this by being honest with themselves and by improving themselves every way possible. They can do this by imagining themselves as an avatar. They can then ask what will make their avatar amazing. What skills can they improve? How can they be unique? What goals, plans, achievements, strategies, and steps can they take to make their avatar look good? All of this will help develop a person to be authentic, confident, and charismatic.

(fps game/ airsoft strategy) I found that by holding down selective positions and relocating to other positions and swapping back and forth between held down positions can prove to be a very effective strategy. High positions can be even more effective. Try this in FPS games perhaps the use of this strategy when possible can prove to be useful. 

I like the quote by Hanlon's razor, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

I think the conflict between most people is commonly brought up by self-interest and ignorance due to an inability to be authentic and honest with themselves and the objectivity about the world they live in. I think it's brought up by the lack of understanding commonly due to the lack of accurate information and examination of information, or of timed growth in time surrounding evidence and information. I think the conflict is also due to one's lack of experience, the use of culture and propaganda which is not yet sorted out due to one's ability to objectively critically think, reason, and collect all available unbiased information of which can also be verified due to the lack of ones ability to described their own answers in their own words and meanings. I think it's brought by misunderstanding also due to one's inability to analyze a situation from multiple angles and perspectives and understand others and why they think or behave a certain way; such as gender differences. I think most of the ways people think and behave are relative to the culture and access of information they acquired, accumulated, and examined in their own thinking processes throughout their life. Overall, I think the more you understand human thought, differences, and mental processes surrounding the culture and information, the more likely you are to understand others and not have conflicts, because you'd be able to foresee the next mental steps of another before they even think it. This is the power of gathering a lot of accurate information (assuming you live in a system that does not restrict, limit, censor, manipulate, or filters information). 

I don't think people should befriend others so that they can seek them as a tool to fulfill some sort of personal gain. I think everyone should be friends as a form of community building. It doesn't mean you have to be deeply intimate or pretend to care about another, it should mean that you are now part of a community which makes you mutual with everyone. You can be yourself; even if you make mistakes. You can grow deeper in friendships with others if you want but I see friendship as a community where everyone isn't judged, is allowed to be authentic, and can tolerate and behave rationally with each other. I'd love to believe it's a community of individuals that a person can learn to grow in and out of association yet still be able to recognize each other and pick up where they left off and enjoy life together. Moreover, close friends are those within ones circle that I think are more then those found in a community. Those are the friends you associate with the most because of commonalities. Nevertheless, I believe everyone should have as many friends as possible and build their communities.

Multi-dimensional thinking is to think of something in the short term and long term, multiple angles, multiple perspectives (creative and logical mindsets/mental process types), and not only in fast and instantaneous or simplified ways of thinking but also in a long, time consuming, heavy, honest, and critical thinking ways of thinking. //Keep in mind this also depends on the routine practice of critical thinking to think on deeper levels and also the amount of accurate information and cross reference/ correlating information one has obtained throughout their life. 

(Ethics in communication) For possibly confrontive, hard-to-have, honest, meaningful, and truthful conversations, a good method for ethical communication structure is having Initializer Declarations. Initializer Declarations is thinking how a person responds to the information before you tell them what you want to say and before they hear it. This can be a phrase of: "It's going to be hard for you to hear this but... " or "It's unfortunate I have to say this and I know you won't take it very well, but I need to be honest and tell you that..." This allows a person to be mentally prepared and to acknowledge you mean the best for them. People also have to be reminded of how intelligent we are. We can do this by using Initializer Declarations to demonstrating or expressing our understanding of a subject or ask the other person a series of questions based on their level understanding to accurately understand what we are about to tell them. We can also use Initial Declarations for predictive responses and reactions. We can also use Initializer Declarations for this by addressing how we think they will interpret information. People interpret information based on emotions, biases, and however it suits them or according to their understanding of a subject. By predicting and addressing how they interpret information, we can guide their thoughts to accurately communicate what we want to say. I think ignorance is the biggest destructive force in communication so i want to think as long as we know a person is likely to result to ignorance, we can manipulate or guide the flow of mental process in a direction where cooperation can be built and effective communication can be had. //Another tactic in ethical conversation is addressing how you think they will react. By predicting their reaction, they will be less likely to engage or respond with a reaction. This is due because conflicting information triggers a rebellion state within our minds. It could be our nature to rebel or how we were brought up by parents. By addressing this, we can halt this response state and maintain a level of stability or focus in communication.

(Sexual) Religion and sexuality YouTube reply: During the Sumerian period i think it was a common thing to be free to engage in immoral behavior. The kings at the time required more miners so they let the population multiply. When population size went out of control and they couldn't maintain law, i think they made it to where people needed marriage. Marriage existed long before then as they required the Sumerian Kings List to keep track who was part of the noble liniage and lineage of diety rulers. Traces of s*xual law can be seen with the cuneiform of I think Urdutu or Urtu (I don't remember what their name was). This was the laws before the laws of Hamurabi (Hamurapi) which was later adopted to the hitite and kananite nomadic tradition-laws. The same Hamurabi laws are the same laws seen on Moses's tablets in Exodus in the old testament. As for Sodum and Gomorra, they were destroyed due to its curruption, violence, sexual extremities, and I think extreme worship of Boccus (I think that was their God at the time. It could have also been Bahl). There was no ethics, education was practically nonexistant, and the city was very unhygienic and disgusting. According to scientific research of the cities, balls of sulfur were also discovered. Could have been the method used in its destruction. I found it very interesting. Nevertheless, it's said Yawah (God) destroyed the city due to its evils. In relation to the Cristian faith nowadays which takes traditions from Jewish traditions, things have changed and evolved substantially. I personally want to believe people and their intelligence and ethics has evolved also. I feel like people are better then they were back then because they are more intelligent. I think swinging and s*xual culture changes forming into something that can be functional compared to the unfiltered evils it once was in the Babalonian era. I could be wrong but that's my honest opinion. In conclusion I say let people live the way they want to live. Let them discover ethics and build a culture that can be improved on. Who knows, if we go into space one day a culture like this would happen anyways. At the least we could establish it today where it can be improved upon and maintain a certain level of ethics, stability, and positive values.

I like the saying, "amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics."

*** I think what is the sins of our ancestors should lay buried in history and never allowed to resurface again; only one keeps the culture of hatred alive. I believe we need to move on from the past and firmly root ourselves in present history. If we keep the culture of hate continuing, then we are no different then the leadership that created the opportunities of hatred in the first place. Therefore i think the realities we are born in should be the realities we stay with. If we did not experience the events of our ancestors then we should not participate or have any thing to do with it. 

I respect socialists and communists. For a long time I have watched America lean Socialist and Communist. I think it's time that the US wakes up and promotes itself once again to become the most free and self sustaining country it can be. Let's try to make the country better then all the other countries. We have the opportunity to do so. Let's prove ourselves to be improvers of systems and infrastructures. Let be an example for the rest of the world. Let's be an example that freedom, self-responsibility, and risk is better than any form of authoritarian system. I believe the US can do this. It's not a sign of patriotism or duty. It's about proving ourselves we can make something better and we can influence a nation to get itself together, improve, and take ourselves to places nobody has ever dreamed of creating or exploring. 

Companies need to run at peak performance. They need to demonstrate leadership and not treat employee members and customers as servants. They need to demonstrate ethics, professionalism, and respect for employees and servants at all times. Businesses have to continuously improve or eventually they run out of business. 

It's strange to me that people say never stop following your dreams when in reality people on the lower income side of society commonly give up their dreams to make ends meet. Could it be this quote applies more to individuals of a higher status in society who have the financial possibility to improve their situations? I know some will say your mindset is what holds you back, but it seems to me they haven't experienced what it's like to not have enough money to make ends meet. I think this could lead to an auto-response without critically examining the situations (which could be very complex) and what leads to these situations where people don't have the flexibility to find better lifestyles. I ultimately feel relocation could probably to be the ultimate answer where people can find a location in which to build an income, however the subject of how much time it will take also is an issue. You can purchase dividend stocks but it still will take a long time. I feel there needs to be more opportunities so that people can build wealth but to do that we have to make more and incentivize entrepreneurs, remove regulations, and somehow fix the system to decrease the cost of living. I also feel car dependence is very expensive and locations need to start catering for the pedestrian instead of streets built for cars. People also need access to education and perhaps education without the dependency of internet as internet and electronics can be expensive. Perhaps the use of a library with amenities and classes might be a good idea to incentivize learning and free self-development. Ultimately, we need to tackle the systemic and lifestyle cost problems while maintaining functionality in a social ecosystem that works to maintain and improve people's lives. If we do that, we can substantially build and improve society. 

I believe people should stand for what they believe in, even if its controversial. They need to make sure it's something they truly understand in and out and anything related to it to make sure it's not an idea brought from propaganda or agenda driven think tanks. If I feel it is wrong, I will tell them my opinion in a nonconf4ontive way but I will respect their answer. I think it's proper to respect people you disagree with. You can try to change their mind but always let them think about it. Change comes with rational behavior, trust, and accurate information. Never force change upon another as this leads to conflict. An intelligent person wants a better life and will challenge their own beliefs. A person who doesn't challenge their own beliefs and remains ignorant is still mentally immature and has a lot of self-development, self-improvement, accurate information gathering, life-experience, and mental maturing to achieve. 

Something I find interesting is some of my lady friends say they don't need men, but they call me every time they get a flat tire because they don't have the strength to turn the wrench. 

(Term) Bolsheviks's Curse - the narrative that if people follow blindly and consume potential propaganda without question, they can destroy themselves. This is an example of using the Bolsheviks who killed farmers and took their land which later resulted in them owning a lot of land but not knowing how to farm which led to mass starvation throughout Eastern Europe. It also led to the leaders of Marxism to gain power and kill off the promoters of Marxism (pawns for their revolution) because they weren't compatible with the system that's now taken control. 

(controversial) Not sure why, but it seems evil people live longer then good people. 

I think people naturally grow paranoid if they stay in one place for too long. Perhaps this is how people develop agoraphobia. Every once in a while people need to get out or go with a friend and get out. 

I am against equity, inclusion, fake mental illness, and Critical Race Theory (praxis). They are Marxist-tribalist devices for divide and conquer. The idea is to condition young minds for institutional change by conflict. I am very much against this. What I am not against is individuals who want to role play. It's my belief that ethics, logic, critical thinking, unity, gender cohesion, and a personal desire to achieve, improve, and overcome is the forefront of individuals coming together and respecting and cooperating with each other collectively. On the idea of inclusion, I heavily disagree with the narrative because I believe everyone should be their authentic selves and not to adhere to any sort of revers- logic or ignorant-to-logic politically-based narratives. I believe people need to show others they are authentic and believe in a world where unity for everyone is a priority value, discussion for the sake of improvement is value and everyone has a desire to learn, improve, and become the best version of themselves. If people want to be seen as another gender then they are free to do so. My philosophy is that if people want to roleplay, they are free to do so under the principle of goodwill for themselves and others using logic, critical thinking, unity with everyone, and self improvement. I believe in having an intelligent society. One where everyone is accepted, cooperative, desires unity, respects everyone, has a desire to learn about each other, has a desire to teach each other, has a desire to build great memories and a strive to create happiness with each other. With the principles of goodwill for oneself and a desire for goodwill with each other, I want a complex society where despite differences and ways of thinking, everyone comes together to build unity, culture, and to improve society (through rational debate, reason, and compromises). I believe this is how we improve the world where we can learn to respect each other, respect each other's narratives (roleplays), take personal responsibility, and help each other succeed so that we can live a fulfilling, meaningful, and purposeful life. 

No correlation culture. Memes and narratives that are random or have purposefully meaningless narratives to elicit a reaction. 

(Gaming) I like how gen z invented clam slamming as the opposite to tea bagging. It's great that games have evolved to include female gamers. It would be good to have more data on what ladies like in games and how we can balance it out with what guys want. I think nailing this point can bring more to games and build unity and cohesion. 

(Product design) I believe we should balance technology with alternate versions and give consumer choices. For example, someone could sell an electric lawn mower, a gas powered lawn mower, a diesel lawn mower, and a hand push lawn mower (maybe even a magnetic engine lawn mower). Of course the most desired products by customers should be sold as the primary product on retail shelves, but I also believe stores should advertise the other kinds of mowers and allow consumers to have access to catalogs to order these items from. They should also advertise for these products and provide with data perhaps using QR codes. The data should show where the parts came from, it's manufacturing process, the design process, about the company, features of the product, the line of the product, the people who built the product, contact information, challenges, improvements, ratings, reviews, comparisons to different products, comments, and feedback about the product. Imagine if all shopping carts had scan-guns and a monitor where you could use the scan gun to scan QR codes and see everything about a product. It would make shopping an adventure and you'd learn a lot about things and how they are made. You'd turn average workers and developers into stars and known figures for their achievements. You'd learn who the experts are and with their business contact info, you could get in touch for business ideas. In addition, I believe we should definitely have physical/human powered version of products that require no electronics or a version that is perhaps analog and not fully digital. I believe all versions should have a cheap manufactured version and a heavy-durable-long lasting version. I also believe products should be designed for owner-repair. I also want to include we should have a parts and repair-it- yourself DIY culture where people can order parts from products and learn to fix things themselves. I believe doing all this gives consumers choices that fit their desires and needs. 

I like the quote, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".

As explained a long time ago, I believe there is always a way to speak one's mind but in a rational, considerate, respectful, and indirect way to avoid conflict. Perhaps I wanted to consider the idea that I think maybe speaking to people directly in a conflicting way indicates an immediate emergency, a necessary statement that perhaps warns of consequence or dire circumstance. Also, speaking indirectly to avoid conflict is a form of communication that is something I observed in Japan and I think would prove effective in the west. Instead of talking over another's talking points or telling them they are wrong which affects one's character which also affects one's self-worth and image,  you explain what you would do instead from your own view. For example, Fred says. I have looked at the apples and I think they're an orengish-red. I believe it's due to the seasons. Then Nick says: Although I find Fred's thoughts and beliefs interesting, I unfortunately have to disagree. In my research I found the apples to be violet-red due to the climate and elevation. Observing the conversation you can see Nick did not say Fred was wrong. This offers respect to Fred's observation and doesn't influence his behavior. By listening Fred might find he is wrong and is capable of learning from Nick and changing his answer without shame, loss of personal reputation, and self-image. I believe these forms of respectful communication can help people learn and improve in a nonconflicting way where everyone maintains self worth and a growing-positive image of themselves. 

I understand some people desire or have a need to live in ignorance. If one has a family and is working to make ends meet while the threats of war and nuclear enhilation is a possibility, it could be considerably a good idea to live in a state of ignorance, otherwise you'd become so stressed that your family couldn't depend on you. I'd like to think the better option is to listen and move away from a potential disaster but not everyone can do this. Sometimes difficult decisions are necessary and the use of ignorance can have it's usefulnesses. However, if one is open to objectivity, it could lead to life-saving decisions for one's family and themselves or positive changes to avoid being in a more worst state. 

How to talk to girls in fast brief simple steps:
Step 1. Be honest. No honesty and you will forever be in a world of pain, suffering, and drama. 
Step 2. Build confidence in yourself through achievements and goals, even if they're small. Making a plan with breakdownable and doable steps. The more goals you complete, the more confidence you build. 
Step 3. Be your authentic yourself. It helps to be social with others so make friends with everyone, even other ladies. If your crush sees you with other ladies, they'll know your not a crazy psychotic-creepy-sociopathic monster and are more likely to want to talk to you. 
Step 4. Learn to be sexy. This helps you to be charming and charismatic. 
Step 5. Have your own boundaries. Never simp. Find ways you both can compromise. If everything is one-sided, then it's better to look for someone else. 
Step 6. Learn a little about everything and improve yourself where you can. 
Step 7. Keep in mind ladies are different then guys. They do get emotional easily so be considerate. Learn as much about the female psychology and differences as you can so you can adapt to any changes in behavior. 
Step 8. Always consider her. She morethanlikely likes to know that someone cares and is thinking about her all the time.
Step 9. Just talk to her. Most guys fail to simply strike up a conversation, so just say hi and say something. Tell her you like her clothes. Just talk like you would with yourself in the mirror but be considerate. And, if you fail, that's okay. Give yourself some space to rebuild confidence and tray again the another time. Just remember no means no after the third time and go find someone else. 

We should ask ourselves and politicians if we are pro or anti humanism. We should ask if they are okay if humans cease to exist and nature takes back over the globe. We need to ask if it's okay for intelligence life which is beyond extremely rare in the universe if it's okay for it to die out. We need to ask them if they think its okay that nothing lasts forever and everything will end including our solar system and eventually our universe. We need to ask them if they are okay with not exploring the universe and learning about life and the beauties of different planets and interstellar phenomenons. 

*Many psychotic and sociopathic and negative individuals primarily in high positions of power or part of religious-related groups, like the freemasonry and other sorority-like organizations, believe in bringing revelations to the reality we are in. What if revelations isn't real and the only way for them to justify their beliefs is to make it real by physically manifesting it through physical conflict, chaos, and power. Is it a coping mechanism of ideology and belief? Can they live in a reality where revelations or religion as they believe it doesn't exist or exist in the way they think? Can they cope with the idea that God doesn't exist or exists in a way that doesn't correlate with how they believe? Is it a fear of death? Is it a desire for immortality? Perhaps there are many honest questions they have to ask about their desires, their beliefs, and their ideology. For me, I am okay with my lack of existence. I want to leave my legacy and help humanity so that they can have a better life and live a better life then me. Since the lack of belief in God is perceived to lead to less values in the western world, it justifies my belief in ethics and how we should treat each other and live to improve and build. Overall, I want to contribute to humanitys survival and to live beyond the stars. 

Psychopaths and sociopaths always want and make excuses to obtain more power and control. People should live in the present and not use excuses, especially of their ancestors, to justify irrational, malevolent, and evil behaviors and decisions. Anyone who proposes these ideas should be reported and removed immediately from any high position.

(Feeling idea; vague; abstract) I believe people should be nearly balanced with all experiences of life. From Happy to focused. From arousal to serious. From expert to experimental beginner. From stationary to active. From fasting to healthy. From busy to zen. There is a median in life in which I believe people should be balanced.

Influence building is influencing others through your ideas. It's a good way to share your ideas and reach a wide audience to see who agrees with your ideas. I think people should share their ideas. It allows for debates, discussions, and learning.

(phrase) "Fog of war." In war, objective news is difficult to understand, often obtain, prove accurate, and deduce. Warefare is complex and involves many angles. An angle for example is information warefware. For example, propaganda, moral boosting, cultural influences, narrative manipulation, inaccurate or insuficient intel and journalism, instigation and war promotion, emotional satisfactioning and marketing, disinformation or reporting for demoralization...ect. All we can find out is what we appear to witness with the given evidence. 

I feel like every stage of human development goes through a mental or philosophical phase. From wanting to know why they exist, to what is the best way to live life, to later developing their intellectuality and later believing and valuing the importance of freedom and logical (Common sense) laws. 

I agree that people do not desire equity; instead they crave freedom. 

Life and the understanding of systems and subjects are complex. Those who live in luxury may live in a false reality or ignorence because they have not obtained the foundation of a subject's realistic functions. For example a person hired to be a physics teacher thinks they can do an experiment and they think it'll work automatically. When they try it and it fails, they realize a subject is much more complex then what it seems. In reality there are a lot of critical info to fully understand how systems truly work. That's why people get PHDs, degrees, and spent a significant amount of time trying to learn and study these subjects. Another example is a person who has grown up luxuriously or with a sense of entitlement that has not had experience working in the working class to understand how systems and the economy truly works. They would have to learn to conduct a business to help explore how the economy really works with it's full complexities. 

I believe life is about information, experience (memories, storytelling, skills), relationships, self-improvement, quality-of-life improvement, growth, purpose, value (becoming an expert, creating culture), legacy, and a pursuit of happiness. 

I don't mind social identities or roleplay identities as long as it is not an ideology forced on people or promotes violence. Unfortunately for some, I believe genders should remain biological genders and a concept that should not be changed. A trans person is a person who went through transformation out of choice. They unfortunately cannot be biologically the gender they chose to transform into; at leaste not in this period in history. There are many biological, chemical, physiological, psychological, psycho-mechanical, bone-structural, and cellular differences between a male and female. Therefore, I propose there should be the existence of gender-identities which is part of a social-identity. Social identities are identities people want to be known as in society. These are identities by choice. Anyone can choose to be any identity they want even if it's a cartoon character. For social identities, one has to explain to others what they represent. They should utilize language that ensures others they are rational, logical, and that this is something that they are passionate about, bring them value and fulfillment, and that makes them happy. When language is utilized correctly, people can get answers and explanations to any questions they have and they can learn to accept what makes you happy and interest and an acceptance can then begin. It's important one is friendly, open for questions, and demonstrates logic and respect to others for others to get to know them otherwise it makes people exclude oneself. Social isolation is one of the worst treatments a person can get. Long term isolation will affect anyone in a negative way so it's important to show you are friendly, rational, and a good person to be around. Another way to let others learn about you is by having a way technology can introduce you to others. Maybe a QR code that directs people to your bio or description to explain yourself. Moving-on, I believe society should adopt to trans members. I believe society should welcome the idea of unisex integration within institutions. A few examples can be optional-to-use unisex bathrooms, unisex locker rooms, and unisex-sports. These are optional integrations that are for those who choose to use them. As one might already know I am for the idea of gender-harmony and gender-cohesion where both genders integrate with each other, understand each others differences, adapt to each others differences, learn to control hormonal urges through sexual disciplines, and overall create a optional collective and cohesive unifying integration between both genders. This cohesion includes trans members. I also greatly believe in unity and that everyone can come together without irrational ideologies, Marxist-tribalist strategies, or any sort of political narratives and live peacefully with each other. I believe as long as people have a desire for prosperity, people can befriend and unify making a strong, intellectual, accepting, authentic, and integral society. I enjoy when people are passionate about things. I enjoy when passion brings people together or makes other curious. I don't mind if someone is trans, a furry, has a sexual identity, is part of BDSM, or alters their body to look like a reptile. I think this makes people extremely interesting and unique. Everyone has a story to tell, a goal to achieve, and obstacles to overcome. As long as people demonstrate goodwill to themselves and others, are polite, friendly, and respectful, I will happily be their friend, would love to learn more about them, and even welcome them as part of any community. People make the world around us interesting. Life is dull when people live to go about doing usual things. Nevertheless, the world is always changing. I think within reason we should adopt harmonious ways to adapt with it. I think we should promote the idea of freedom, community, goodwill, ethics, and make a strong, unified, and interesting society. 

Should we have a wealth cap for the irrational-elites? Irrational meaning elites that are engaged in or have ties/associations with violence and harming others. 

I'm an advocate to let people be themselves. Let people be complex with a variety of different angles and sides. Let them have an immature and childish side. Let them have a side to them people don't normally see. As long as their intelligent, logical, and capable of intelligent behaviors and thoughts, let them be themselves. It's my belief that in life we should always have a balance and there is a time and place for everything. We should not be ashamed of who we authentically are.

One of my mottos: "I cannot follow the world, because I have to follow my authentic self and follow what I truly believe in."

People are what makes life worth living for. People who have improved themselves to the point they have created the intellectual and intelligent society. I do not think I'll ever see this form of society in my lifetime or if ever depending on how the world turns out. People try so hard to control each other when in reality every person should develop themselves to be the best version of themselves. To think critically and have a burning desire to know as much about everything as possible. They should have a determined desire to improve themselves and continuously improve themselves. A desire to harness and refine their skills and talents. I strongly believe an intelligent society is a society that has the capability to do anything and come up with a solution for everything. We cannot have this kind of society if we do not learn how to utilize the intellectual tools were inherently given. 

As perhaps mentioned a long time ago, there is a difference between authoritarian-based and liberty-minded thinkers. Authoritarian-based thinkers, such as Marxists, believe in safety, security, comfort, and leaving higher and more important decisions with their believed experts. On the other hand, liberty minded, or freedom-minded, thinkers believe in risk, responsibility, and the idea that oneself is responsible for the decisions, outcomes, and quality of their life and to prove themselves to have the leadership skills to take on higher positions and responsibilities. Liberty-minded thinkers believe people have the ability to improve life and their communities. They believe not everyone is capable of being a leader, but there is a place for everyone in society to contribute to a community's growth. That is a quick summery between authoritarian-based thinkers and liberty-minded thinkers. 

I like the quote, "The harder you work, the more work will teach you." - Granny Mochi (Misao)

I like a few quotes from Mayor Funagi of Kosuge villege, Japan: "Don't be afraid of challenges.", "Don't be the fog in the well.", and "If you want to do something, do it fast."

I agree that peace cannot be taken forgranted. In many instances in world history there is nearly always war and violence. Peace, especially long term peace, is very rare and an extreme virtue. 

(controversial, sexual) Could there be such thing as a sexually neurtal individual (or sexually adaptive individual)? For example a person who is casual and unafected by nudity, seeing sexual activity, p0rnography, and overall adult culture. Perhaps to elaborate I can mean a person who sees nudity and sexuality casually, doesn't mind being around it, and doesn't get immediately aroused when encountering it. Perhaps similart to acting professional. Could this be an artistic adaptive behavior? Could it be true that a person can get used to the steamy side of himanity? Could it be with age that arousal goes away or becomes less influential? I ask this because I have a few friends I hang out with often who are casually nude around me, casually masturbate openly around me, we visit erotic locations like lengirie stores, sex shops, strip clubs, swinger/ bdsm clubs (mainly out of curiosity; almost went to a nude resort place but they were closed), we do legireie try ons, and carry adult conversations casually on a normal basis. We try to keep our experiences private because it's not something people typically are open about. When we do open up to other people, they eaither freak out/ shocked, get aroused with the details, think we're freaks, or are chill with it. Nevertheless, I feel like I'm a definition of a person who could be considered what I call as sexually neutral (not sure if this is a good name to call it).  I'm not a very sexual individual; at least not as much as I was in the past. I like sex with people I know and trust. I don't have much sex anymore because I'm more concerned and busy with life and my own side projects. I can live without sex or arousal. My friend thinks it could be low testaterone but everything appears to be functioning normal on my body. If it wasn't for my friends I probably wouldnt get out as much and would be busy making art, VR videos, 3D models or enviornments, graphic designs, or writing as I am doing right now. Nevertheless, referring to my origional question, is it possible that a person can be sexually neutral? //Perhaps a glimps of being sexually neurtal is when you see p0rn or nudity online and instead of immedaitely being aroused, you think of how they have a great figure, how much effort it takes to maintan that figure, the confidence it took to show off their body, how much you think their clothes costs if they're wearing any, how others would find it attractive or arousing, and then just keep scrolling.

Are guys inherently sexual-desiring after puberty? Does every average male desire to procreate eventually after puberty? I think this could be true. I think it's something all guys are born with. Procreation is part of nature and human-nature. I think since this is the case, why aren't males taught about consent and sexual-discipline? Why aren't they taught about when it's appropriate to allow for sexual behaviors? I believe there is a time and place for everything. I want to think if males were taught these values, we wouldn't see a lot of the irrationally perverted or sexual-malevolent behaviors we see in today's society. 

It's up to you to ask questions and find out what you can improve on. Consider everyone's thoughts and ideas. Perhaps adopt two strategies: try out the ideas that you like and then try out the complete ideas of another without any input on what you like. Then you can test the results. I think perhaps it's all about finding sychnonicity of public interest and what attracks people in the present. 

Everything always needs to be revisited because time makes almost everything obsolete; including pieces of philosophy and what we thought was objective in science. 

Could it be that the internet is inauthentic? Could it be that search engines and websites are over curated not allowing new sites or perhaps limiting new sites, apps, organizations, and content creators from getting authentic publicity? If this is true then how would be find a way around this? New internet? New systems of communication delivery? How do we go back to having an internet that is not curated where sites get authentic and human-driven publicity and traffic? Perhaps there might not be a way around this. Perhaps large corporations have obtained full control of the online domain. If this is the case then perhaps there should be a focus on new internet systems, or if you're an euntrepreneur, perhaps there should be more focus on in-real-life efforts and community building instead of online. 

(invention) I believe people should harvest water from the air as much as harvesting water from the ground. I think it's possible to harvest the nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen and create drinkable water anytime and anywhere. 

I think work is good, it build purpose. I advocate for authentic and balanced work. 

(Yt comment) Listening to music is a hobby, most of the time it's only for one hour. Sometimes it's all day depending how I feel. Nevertheless, I also understand that music is a fantasy that plays on emotions. So just like with everything else it requires balance. Listen to music all day, you'll probably be brainwashed by the fantasy it portrays or the fantasy you think it portrays. 

(Term) Pre-preparedness - pre-planning, the state of being one step ahead, and having a plan in advance before an event ever happens. It's the strategy of also being mentally prepared and organized before an event takes place. The state of having steps or sequences already in place to influence directions and outcomes.

Authoritarianism believe there is no truth but power. I think honesty is their flaw by nature, but if an elite group or individual are sociopathic or psychotic then honesty and ethics means nothing. Psychopathic, sociopathic and narcisistic individuals have no principles, they have no guilt, and the only narrative they will respond to is fear and weaknesses. They will lie, manipulate, cheat, and steal to win at all costs. This is why I believe sociopathic and psychopathic individuals should have no position in government or any positions that gives them power. Power should be given to those who can prove themselves to use examples of power with honesty, responsibility, principle, strength, and ethics. Government and positions of powers need to be given to the right people. 

Some males and females are more masquoline the others. Some males and females are more feminine then others. We should let people have the freedom to behave and dress the way they want. We should accept everyone for who they are and learn to be friends with everyone. I want to think when people are happy is when life improves. If people are wrong, they have an oportunity to learn about themselves and correct themselves overtime; given they haven't altered themselves permanently. In the end I wish everyone can have a unique cast of friends, whether trans, straight, manly, femboy, gay, tomboy, preppy, or out-of-this-world alien unicorn. As long as they demonstrate they have ethics and goodwill for themselves and a goodwill for others. I think having unique people as friends gives the world flavor and can deepen friendships, improve community, and strengthen unity. We can make friends regardless of crazy ideas or cringes. People learn overtime through good examples. I believe people overtime will straighten themselves out when they come across good and authentically successful role models and thought provoking questions and ideas that can be used to improve their character. 

Sometimes I still feel like I see myself as the magpie when in a world between wolves and sheep (or perhaps even sheepdogs who have the duty to protect the sheep if you want to go that far). A creature that observes and talks to both sides yet intelligent enough to be safe from the wolf. A creature that warns the sheep of wolves and a creature that talks to wolves to not eat the sheep and to look for other things that are around or to be as a neutral companion to see what the wolves are up to.

Reason why people are toxic: 
1. Insecurities. People hide their insecurities by being aggressive to others. This shows they lack being honest with themselves. It shows they lack honesty in themselves and figuring what itnis that makes them behave this way which eventually pushes others away or creates unecissary drama.
2. Attention. People want attention because chances are they don't get it at home. Parents should show that they care about their children by spending time with them, showing them things, teaching them values and how things work, and explaining the reason behind things in the world because children are naturally curious about the world. 
3. Family aggression. Family aggression leads to violent behavior in children as stated in the non-agression principle. Animal parents make animal children.
4. Lack of mental maturity. One sees things as a newonce and has not yet critically thought or developed an awareness about their behaviors and perspective of things in the world. One has still yet to develop a mind for critical thinking, questioning themselves, and questioning the world around them. One has also not developed the principles of respect, respect of oneself, and a consideration of others. One has yet to improve themselves, learn to be the best version kf themselves, and to be an example of positive behavior and influence for others, especially to younger individuals who they might look up to.
5. Culture. Children are a sponge to culture. Negative cultural influence play a role in their mental development. Children like to reenact and imitate what they see and hear. They have yet to learn what is right and wrong and why. They have yet to understand that entertainment (music, movies, anime, game) is fantasy and how the world really works. 

***(Sexual; highly controversial) As stated in an older post, there is a reason I have my own belief for sexuality. My own sexual beliefs are from my own philosophy which I believe people should have the full human experience with the limited time they are here on Earth. I believe sexuality plays an important role in being human. I believe sexuality helps develop our mental maturity and obtain an understanding of being human. I believe sexuality has not been further investigated outside of cultural views. To go into depth, I believe being aroused is a natural feeling everyone has. It is a natural human emotion people are repressed from having because of current world undisciplined behaviors and misconducts. I believe people can adopt and develop positive practices, views, disciplines (balance, respect, consent, consideration, self-discipline), culture, and behaviors to adopt to nudity and sexuality which builds unity, can build family values, strengthen communities, and create an improvment of human-life and quality of life. I believe sexuality can be used in a way where ethics can be applied where people can choose what they are comfortable with, what they consent to, what they allow, what they are willing to experiment with, and enable themselves to grow to becoming a more mature, human-behavioral-understanding, and an improved version of themselves. They can get a more full experience and understanding of the human-experience which will help develop their maturity and life experience values which they can be use to help and teach others. The use of this is applicable for improving ethics, improving human behavior, improving human interaction, improving the quality of life by learning to accept humans for behaving its entirity as authentic human-beings with integral behaviors. Application can also improve human behavior in the event of situational outcomes such as long confined vessels in space travel or living in condensed spaces. Overall, I believe sexuality is a value that can be used to maintain peace, balance, and harmony in society while promoting unity and strong social bonds such as stronger communities. I believe people overtime will develop an adoption and natural tolerance of activities where nudity and sexuality plays a natural role in daily life where it's not seen as obscene but rather a normal and natural part of human life and behavior. I understand this idea may appear to be extreme for many, it might go against what they believe in (it might go against what they believe in because of fear of wrath from God or the next step of de-evolution) and it might present itself as highly controversial, but it's a belief I have and what I think will create the next version of an integral and improved humanity. Humanity should always overcome obstacles to improve itself. Overcoming sexuality is just another obstacle from creating what I believe to be a more improved society. I also believe sexuality is not for everyone. I would not advocate it to be the law of the land unless it proves itself integrally. I would advocate it to have it as it's own small community where it can organically grow or if proven a terrible idea, it can digress and be an example to learn from. Overall, these are my strong beliefs and I hope it will have people question their own beliefs about sexuality, their view with sexuality's role in humanity, and if it's the right step forward in humanitys development? 

Life is complex, that is why we need to improve our mental information database, intelligence,  intellectual skills, critical thinking, understanding of human behavior skills, comprehansion, logic, and reasoning skills. If a person hears of something, chances are they inputting propaganda or are seeing the tip of the iceberg. When you dig deep to learn as much as you can from all sources (even controversial sources), you will have an overall understanding how complex everything is and be able to understand what is going on and what could possibly happen next. 

I believe our minds are a tool that requires sharpening. 

(Homlessness observation in California) Problem: Political corruption, high cost of living, illegal drugs, lack of skill-level jobs, and lack of mental illness treatment. Deficiencies: Lack of shelters, lack of proper nutrition, lack of rehabilitation, and lack of skills and education including basic critical thinking skills, logic, and reasoning. Solution: Removal of Drugs and addictions through rehabilitation. Investigating corruption (covert and overt); investigation of reasons for high cost of living. Proper shelter with privacy, security, and sanitation. Proper nutrition. Mental illness treatment. Self-improvement and reconditioning program (help with job interviews). Skill level jobs (encourage entrepreneurship). 

When I write it's always a good idea to remember to include details, reasons, explanations, interpretation-considerations, and perhaps sources if it's academic related. 

**Money seems to be made from things that: has value, in demand, is scalable (repeadedly and open for a wide audience), maybe a new risky field, memorable, or a solution to a problem.  

(Military strategy) Counter invasion strategy - When a military of a nation builds its military for a future invasion. Other countries immediately need to form alliances and build their militaries. The strength in unity as a group of nations is a deterrence. I think when a military plan for an invasion seems likely, then it's up for the group of nation to invade that country as it moves to invade. This makes the whole idea of any military invasion a bad idea in the first place as its now the very strategy that could jeopardize your entire nation as it is put into extreme risk of being counter invaded. If a country has nukes, it's critical to secure every platform and launch site first. You also have to secure any external hardware like sea platforms and keep an eye on their allied stationary platforms like nukes stationed in other countries. Once it is invaded, they can choose to divide the nation into pieces where each country keeps a piece for itself or recreate its government's infrastructure making it it's own new sovergn country with new law and political infrastructure. Keep in mind, it can take about ten years of government oversight to ensure the corruption of the previous administration to be filtered out and removed. 

(general) Having things well thought out and well planned takes a long time. There is a balance in development of speed, quality, and time. Perhaps having seasoned questions, experiences, and data can help imporve the speed in which quality and well thought  plans are made. Perhaps these plans can be tested by the quality and the speed of development and the quality of the product. I personally believe there are questions to be asked for individuals who have seen decades of progress and who have expert experiences. I would be curious to compare their questions to average questions. Perhaps the best question that are from the half century experts are always worth considering. 

(invented term) stratborness - A term I invented to demonstrate resilance to one's decisions that is based on a solid logic decisions. For example, someone wants you to buy a game but you have to save money and you should spend time more wiesely so you decline the proposition and stick to the decision that is the right thing to do in your situation. Another way to definine it is sticking to a decision as a matter of principle. 

(Yt comment on dating) Simply be honest. Speak your thoughts and stand by your words, be considerate when it's logical, and be your authentic self (none of this alpha sigma bs). Be yourself, be responsible for your life, have fun, don't take things seriously, be friends with everyone, be confident, and lady's will naturally line up. If youre not confident, learn a skill, build your acheivments (even if its small) and the rest is downhill. Best advice in one comment. Done. Good luck. 

(Invention) water drill for people who could get trapped in caves or underground. Drill uses a water system, or to prevent drowning is compressed areas, a water vapor system. (March 20,2022)

Perhaps disproving your thoughts and decisions allows you to find improvements. 

I like the quote, "Mystery loves company". 

I like the idea of saying thank you instead of sorry if it's to be polite and not used sincerely. 

When making laws I think its a good idea to have reasons why and problems a law will solve. This helps interpret the law. 

It's ironic the excuses men and woman say against each other. Woman claim men see woman as sex objects where men might claim woman see men as success objects for their selection. I don't think these views are rational and we should think more critically and beyond it. Both need each other, should respect each other, and should act in a manner that keeps the harmony, keeps interaction rational and proactive to carrying meaningful discussions. 

I think to be human is to embrace oneself from all angles, including ones dark, evil, controversial, and malevolent angles. One should learn to moderate and have control thrmselves and learn to bring out their best qualities. I think when we learn to moderate, control, and balance ourselves is when we can improve ourselves and grow in maturity. 

I like the quote,"If you cannot speak up for yourself, don't expect anyone to help you". 

(term) Cultural literacy - knowing where cyltural nerratives derrive from. 

(term) Execusion deployment - The ability to execute an idea instead of just having an idea. The ability to plan and execute an idea instead of relying others or waiting for funding. A person who has a great idea should have a method in which to execute the idea, even if it's small. 

I want to think delusion or self-made delusion is a fundamental trait of sociopaths. 

Ideological insanity and mass hysteria are common downfalls of a civilization. 

Should ladies make more friends? It seems in  modern western culture, ladies have a very small group of friends. I wonder what would happen if they tried to make as much friends as possible. This would also include making guy friends. Of course they would have to put the guys in their place because guy would be attracted to them. Could the reason for having a small group of friends be a lack of trust or a desire for more attention and less competition? Perhaps if one has controversial interests it could be out of fear they don't want to be called out by other ladies so they only stay with others they trust or who are like themselves. Perhaps controversially, if it was me, I would try and make friends with everyone without caring what others think of me (Not that I would want to be a lady, I'm happy for being a guy). I would learn to be myself and let everyone know in advance what I'm like and what are my interests. I wouldn't care to be judged. I would just tell them I just want to be myself and have fun. If they're okay with that then I can grow making more friends and getting to know new people.

 I believe people should get the full human experience. They should learn as much as possible about everything or at the least the things they come across in life. They should experience as much as possible to things they consent to and have interest to trying out, controversial or not. My philosophy is to be and u derstand humanity. Understand its dark or controversial nature as well its enlightened and productive nature. I have learned to respect all aspects of life. I have learned to respect the violent and terrifying nature side to life. When you embrace human existence in its entirity you grow, mature, and can find areas of improvment to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Improving the quality of life is very difficult. It requires personal development, resources, tackling the irrational ideologies and groups that already exist, experts who manipulate others, groups who can manipulate you for their agendas, and it requires a life long commitment. People can say they want to improve the world but I think only few actually want to honestly improve the world. Many people will seek the fame, recognition, and resources from their fame and use it selfishly; however, finding the individuals with the honest and feverish desire to improve humanity outside of their own desires is very few. I also want to mention, for me to even think of such an idea, one has to understand that I am in a position to state this because of the system I currently live in. Without this system or laws, improving the world is a million times more impossible and it could even be lethal to even think of the idea. It would take a lifetime if not generations to get back to a stable state for a system in which one is able to improve their life and the lives of others. Perhaps life is about this journey to improve humanity. Rulers come and rulers go. Their progress eventually disappears. The progress of building humanity always stays and moves forwards. 

One can love or hate humanity but always keep improving the quality of life for others. 

As stated a long time ago, elites with resources, control of institutions, influence in governments, who are delusional or extremely ideologically driven are the most dangerous force in the world. 

(Rephrase) Elites with resources, control of institutions, influence in governments, who are delusional or extremely ideologically driven are the most dangerous force in the world.
Critical strategies of lies, power, deception, and manipulation commonly operate in secret. 

I think its okay that humanity becomes more complex. It makes people more interesting. It makes the adventure in life more interesting and intellectually provocative. However, any developments in human complexities need to be grounded fundamentally in reality. It should not be forced on others. Balance, logic and reason need to be fundamental principles. 

(Term) Real-world-comprehending - understanding how the real qorld.works outside of illusions, propaganda, delusion, and fantasy (perceptual fantasy and self made fanyasy). 

I think its important to get perspectives outside of textbook knowledge. For example, what if a person began to conduct their own science. They created their own terms and analysis. They collected their own data and discovered new developments. One could find items and truths that were overlooked in their textbooks and by experts. Different minds can see and visit different angles and approaches. An example can be creative individuals can find ways new developments can be applicable to methods and inventions which furthers technological advancements. 

I think when there is an affect to one's frontal lobe of the brain, the area of reason, by drugs and malnutrition, people are likely to become violent. A person needs to eat right, get all the nutrition their body needs, and to stay away or limit the use of drugs that affects this region of the brain.

Should freedom be a covert movement? Should it be a covert movment all around the world to subvery Marxist ideologies? We have seen the destruction Marxist-based ideologies and system do. Perhaps a silent and hidden movment should occure where change happens incramentally and covertly to spread more freedoms and liberties. 

I rather not have struggle for people having purpose in life. I rather have progress be the struggle. By this I mean I rather have the improvment and development be the strugle.

I like the quote, "Don't pick a career, pick a skill set."

Before any country can be prosperous, you have to look at what I call "system clogs". These are sources that hold back a civilization from rapidly advancing forward. These could be laws, regulations, individuals who hold all the power, monopolies, or groups who hold all the power. These could also be the lack of development such as roads, bridges, and trains. A system of progress needs little obstacles so that progress can run smooth and effective. I think a good way to address this is by having people write and discuss how they would fix the system they are in. Overall, I believe if every couple try in the world is productive, if every person is wealthy, life and technology will improve and compensate for the resources that lack. 

(Science) I believe it's possible to replicate tangible items in real life if we learn how quantum reality functions. The more closer to the fabrics of reality, the more dangerous things could become so its best to take things very slow. If we can replicate tangible items, we can have unlimited resources which will help dramatically improve the quality of human life. 

(Term) Hyper civilization - the hyper civilization is a society that: has mastered quantum and mass scalable physics; mastered the abundance of resources; mastered life and death; has found ways to teach each member in society to be a hyper intellectual, an individual possessing the greatest levels of intelligence, information, ethics and values; has reached a great form of technology capable of alternate forms; and who has perhaps found ways to travel, interact, or create dimensions. It's a society who can be responsible enough to manage technologies of paramount dangers. It's a society that builds meaning and purpose through its own narratives such as creation, recreation, culture, story, skills, craft, and art. 

From my analysis, there seems to perhaps be four secret classes of society: the preb class (low-wage or welfare class), the higher middle class, the corporate class (class tied with political, global, or elitist factioning), and the elite class. All the classes seemed to have resources or limited resources tied to their class. Each class behaves or is perceived differently. If it was my kind of society, I would have each class a single mixed class each with the same available amount of resources. They can also be separated into two major catagories: the grassroots-DIY category and the elite-global category. Prebs and middle-higher class go to grassroots-DIY, the corporate-global elite in the other class.

Methods of taking back control from compromised institutions: 
-Stop tribalism and push a free speech, freedom, and unity movement.
-Compile a list of top high official actors that need to step down from their positions and actively run a campaign built on a compiled case of their compromises. All compromised actors require to be exposed along with a case of their ties, financial activity, and abuse of their position. 
-Discuss how they are going to take back institutions and start installing trusted individuals at high levels. 
-Perhaps one of the most important is to cut immediate ties to compromised sources or potential compromised sources. Cut ties especially to foign and external sources as most compromises are done externally on bigger cases. Track financial trails and investigate the networks of forign compromised sources. Find methods used on how they get around laws, use exploits, and hide their activities. 
-Remove compromised actors by exposing them, having them step down, getting them fired from government and institutions. Deleveraging and deplatforming compromised activists. All actors need to have evidence and build a case for each member. It's very important to expose any compromised tribalist actors and to engage in marketing any objective exposure. 
-Install trusted and noncompromised politicians in power. Have them investigate all compromised actor cases. 
-Create culture to spread free speech, freedom, and liberty values. (Movies, animations, music, forums, discussions, podcasts). The greatest strategy is to promote them in schools, sports, and in entertainment. 
-Pay infleuncers to promote values. 
-Elites (uncompromising elites for free speech, freedom, and liberty) should buy-out social media or create their own. They need to market their media outlets reletlntlessly. 
-Uncompromised elites need to either buy out institutions, reform them from within, or make new ones that are more popular using extensive marketing strategies. 
- There is a compromised economy and a true economy. Business leaders need to promote and do business with the true economy and stop doing business with the compromised economy. Euntrpreneurs need to build businesses and platforms without doing business with the compromised economy. 
-Push against activism by marketing campains and demand momentum from elected representatives. If elected representatives do not take action, then they also might be compromised. 
-Fight propaganda with values of free speech, freedom, and liberty. They need to be loud, clear, captivating, and marketable. When one side does not play fair, they should not play fair either. They should use passive peacful creative opportunities through marketing and social engineering. It's about effectiveness observed through data and results. 
-Institutions need to make it beneficial to promote free speech, freedom, and liberty. Perhaps retail and food locations can use discounts, promotions, and a variety of enticing  strategies to promote free speech, freedom, and liberty. 
-Strategies need to be covert and overt. More critical strategies should always be more covert to increase effectiveness such as plans for making compromised individuals to be exposed and to step down. An observation is that many compromised actors commonly have a method of blackmail as this is a strategy commonly used a lot when an individual is working on behalf of a higher authoritarian control group or organization. Using this weak area a person is likely to show signs and behaviors of fatigue, fracture, and fear. It all depends on what method of control their higher-group used for blackmail. This can be done with observing reactions and body language. If they are being paid off, then you can use payments to be an advantage for information or to get them to step down. 
-Average people should act covertly in regards to exposing compromised actors, this can be done by having compromised actors reasure they are for free speech and then asking them right questions and most critical questions. The more critical the questions the more a possible change in behaviors and psychological influence of retraction. The more exposure, the more possible influence on retraction. Also, prior to their questions, they should be asked a series of logical questions such as their view on things. Irrational people have irrational views which when exposed people get people to see they are not fit for their position. Their views feeds outlets for possible exposure. Exposure also increases influences of retraction. This will not work if a compromised individual is psychopathic or sociopathic. These kinds of individuals require another strategy. 
-High level compromised actors need to be asked repeatedly about their views and exposure of any compromised activities they have done. People should always be aware and listening to compromised actors in a variety of different environments and settings as a method of collecting data to influence them stepping down. People need to know their plans, where and how they get their commands from, who they work for, what's their compromised networks, and what is their missions and agenda. It's necissary that compromised actors need to go about their plans in secret otherwise their data leads to their downfall. Obviously their most critical and condemning information will always be in secret so perhaps leaving the undercover work should be for expert investigators or whistle-blowers. 
-The greatest protection for compromised actors is compromised security for the compromised actors. In this case its up to good actors to question, collect data, and exposed compromised actors with agencies. This can be done overt and covertly. Compromised actors are morethenlikely motivated by manipulation, fear, intimidation, or blackmail by their controllers or by financial gain. Very rare that it is loyalty, however this is also possible with cult behavior (I call this the cult-method). If it is cult behavior then the fatigue points in a person will be blackmail and methods of conditioning. Methods of conditioning can be exposed by asking compromised actors of their values and if they truly stand by their values and perhaps exposure of activities of not standing to their values. "Perhaps those with great secrets to hide eventually break and collapse by the weight of exposure, exposed personal tramatic faults and events, the weight of their own emotions, fears, and thoughts as a matter of natural human behavior." Cult-conditioning is the same as ideologic values. It will take a lot of effort to decondition them. The likely scenario is to manipulate them by pretending to be a higher rank in their cult giving them fake orders through their various methods of communication or secret communication. There is also the chance they could be psychopathic or sociopathic. I think if they are a psychopath or sociopath, another approach would have to be done. Perhaps the inversion of exposure. Perhaps having them respond to questions regarding to irrational values is a better option. The nature's of these individuals are delighted by irrational behaviors, events, and activities. Perhaps exposing their internal madness, love affair for madness, or delight for violence would be unresistable to them and a good strategy. "Perhaps truly sick people can be exposed for sick values."
-Compromised actors require intelligence for their strategies. It's important to discover the sources of intelligence gathering, studies, scholar materials, and information networks to cut their ties to institutions who can collect data and form effective strategies. 
-When there is a compromised platform such as a social network service, it's important to remove and retract oneself from it and utilize proven alternative noncompromised platforms, otherwise you're participating in their compromised economy.
-Remove oneself from compromised financial institutions and instead focus on noncompromised financial institutions. If all financial and credit institutions are compromised, create and promote a new uncompromised financial system and institution. If government is too involved in financial institutions, then lower the scale and focus on local created financial systems, institutions, and methods. Parallel economies will exist and overtime the economy will shift to the noncompromised economy the more it becomes popular and brings more wealth and stability. 
-Promote and incentivise grassroot journalism. Promote and protect undercover journalism. Protect whistle-blower, journalist identity, sources, and methods. Expose actors chasing journalists. 
-Form a legal team alliance with a funding campaign against people who expose corruption, stand against corruption, stand for free speech, freedom, and liberty. It's important to bail uncompromising actors from jail. 
-If there are any marches, protest, or gatherings for free speech, freedom, and liberty, identify and exclude compromised actors. Use intelligent strategies to actively identify and report compromised actors. Form strategies to remove and isolate compromised actors from the group. Perhaps limit the access to compromised media outlets and exclude them from the group. Make their jobs difficult. Free speech, freedom, and liberty groups should perhaps get to know their members, maintain security, be organized, and have a strategy for all possible scenarios such as infiltration, intimidation, and redirection. Have all members wear red white and blue to blend together. Have individuals cover their faces due to facial tracking technologies. Never have an obvious leader. Perhaps have no leader at all as natural leaders with similar values will eventually emerge. 
-Introduce new technologies and new technological platforms to the market. If ones plan is to sell their technology, It's to sell it to noncompromised institutions. Have covert technologies. Such as secret technologies for communication. 
-Protect academic institutions and promote values. 
-Have methods of preparations in case of false flags. 
-Expose false flag compromised actors. Exposed compromised actors who are using media to publicize and demonize other noncompromised actors. 
In conclusion, these are my ideas on regaining control to promote free speech, freedom, and liberty and removing compromised authoritarian systems. 

I like the saying, "When something is free, you're usually the cash cow." This is referring to selling your data. I also think people should be asked and have consent to their data and should be paid for their data. 

I question if power grids can be kept in massive cement underground facilities. In facilities that are safe and secure from floods. Perhaps they should be built on a second story level in case water enters the deepest level. Keeping the power grids and stations underground could be the best way to keep it safe. 

I believe all individuals can be taught and be used to create a highly intellectual society. There is a lot of psychology and social engineering involved to get people to get to the point they can have an average IQ greater than 90. There is a lot of discipline, culture (school and student culture), academic conformity (methods to prevent being isolated), culture of curiosity, methods to make learning addictive psychology systems that can be utilized. Different minds require different strategies. I think  it's absolutely possible to get students to become part of a highly intellectual society and contribute to growing the highly intelligent and intellectual society. 

I think compromised scientist contribute to compromised science. Perhaps this in itself is a method of control and manipulation. Perhaps this is a method in which to drive an irrational agenda. 

Irrational agendas require advanced manipulation strategies. The closer you can get information to sound accurate while withholding critical information and questions, the more you can manipulate others to be on your side. The more others are manipulated, the easier to convince others to follow. Paid actors are also another strategy to convince followers. In time, the truth will be exposed but the damage might already be done. 

I believe it's absolutely necissary to never trust authoritarians. Deception and manipulations are their best tools and after they obtain control, they will also rule and control over anyone absolutely and relentlessly. I believe control by fear and submission is always overtly or covertly their end game. It's how they become tempuarily satisfied before wanting more. In the end there will never be peace or freedom with the use of proven effective systems and technologies. 

***The goal of ethics is not to control behavior, it is to teach people to improve themselves by learning ethical behavior. 

Shadow warfare - Throughout history the most powerful forces, development, strategies, most critical information, and decisions take place in secret. I coined the term of shadow warfare to be the strategy or art of exposure. Perhaps this is done through espionage strategies or strategies of intel gathering using modern devices and tools like drones. Other methods can be using informants, whistleblowers, or paied ears. To prevent counter shadow warfare tactics, one has to create a procedure in which to conduct security searches, background checks, and maintain appropriate security and security clearneces with clearence checks. 

I like the tax system to be a subscription system. You pay taxes on the items you want to fund. 

Christians fear God and his wrath so they do good. My vision of life is to improve yourself as a personal duty and responsibility to do good.

I think its best to not pretend to be something you're not. Learn and gain the appropriate skills through practice and determination. Perhaps 2000 hours of practice and learning is a good idea. Also, never stop learning and acquiring new skills. When you master one, learn something new. 

Mental fortitude. Facts do not have feelings. People need to develop a strong authentic mind and ability to stay focused even when their emotions get the best of them.

(Rewrite; just incase) I think elites with resources, control of institutions, influence in governments, who are delusional or extremely ideologically driven are the most dangerous force in the world.
Critical strategies of lies, power, deception, and manipulation commonly operate in secret. 

(taxes) I like the idea to remove income tax and have only a flat sales tax. Perhaps a percent depending on a tax bracket. 

Effective and clear communication and literature is crucial. People should have a clear understanding of what a person is saying. If they need to ask for definition, what something means, or to clarify a meaning then it's not effective. Everyone should avoid large words, avoid politician talk, and avoid stail, vague, and jargon talk that could mean anything. Effective and clear communication is essential to comprehention. 

What will a lady say if a guy asks them, "What do you have to offer?" 

Lady's can easily if not always find something to be frustrated or emotional over. They should practice emotional intelligence, not take things seriously all the time, practice how to prevent themselves from staying bitter out of their own frustrations. I think if something upsets them, they should practice sometimes to learn to walk away and not say anything that could further harm a relationship by saying something toxic. It's a good practice to mean what you say and have self awareness and consideration. 

(Term) Internal spearing- when you are frustrated with something and have not realized it or discovered what it is that is bothering you and you take out your frustration out on someone else. It's important to realize why you're angry and why you're angry. It's important to not be toxic or use your emotions to take your anger on someone else. To be able to recognize, identify, and understand your frustrations is part of mental maturity, emotional intelligence, and being considerate to others. 

Lounging- the art of looking for interaction and communication. When in a place where people are ment to mingle, there should be an acceptance of people walking around looking for meaningful or interesting conversation. This is a behavior that's ment to accept feeling awkward, shy, out of place, and creepy. People lounging should accept the awkwardness and feeling of  out of placement and embrace what people might think of them and to lounge around for meaning, purpose, or interaction. Lounging should be a communication art and people should not judge and should embrace unfamiliar faces and random conversations. 

Youtube comment: Life is absolutely precious. Don't feel like it's not. If you feel completely worthless, it's because you haven't lived yet. This is understandable with a high cost of living and lack of oportunity. So how can you not feel worthless? It's time to start living. Life is full of things to learn and get curious about. Start asking questions over how everything works. With curiosity, learn new skills that interest you. Learn how cars work, learn about how code works, learn ecommerce, learn to be an euntrpreneur, find tutorials, or whip out some textbooks to read and learn new stuff that can help you build yourself like an RPG character. If you want to grow your intellectual skills, watch TED talks and interviews on modern leaders. Critical questions, realistic answers, and accurate information is the key to success and growth. The more you learn stuff you're interested in, the more you'll want to try things for yourself. Next come up with a plan, set some achievable steps (that can be broken down) into making a plan work. Goals don't have to be big. You can start with small goals like doing choirs, taking care of pets, and helping family. Then start challenging yourself by doing more harder goals. The more you achieve the more authentic confidence you will have and the more you are creating purpose, meaning, and value for yourself. In a year you can look back and see everything you have achieved and can see how much you've grown. Failing is also a part of it. Fail your butt off. The more failures, the likely something is to be successful. Success depends on the realism and accuracy of your plan. Eventually you'll build yourself a skillset and become an expert in skills you can keep for a lifetime. Nevertheless, if all fails, keep in mind the most important thing. There will only be one of you in all of human existence. Make your existence worth it by improving yourself in every way possible and making yourself be the best version of yourself. Good luck. 

(relationships) Ladys like guys who put their hair behind their ears. Ladys like guys who enter an intimate proximity but also demonstrate the feeling of self restraint. Playing mental games and having her battle with herself if you like them or not is a very good strategy. Ask and invite a lady to come with you to do things. Notice their makeup, nails, and the way they dress. A lot of how they dress tells you about them and what they are thinking. Be dominant. Have some moments where you take control of her like telling her, lets get out of here. Maybe play some sexy music. Give that sense of mystery and watch as she begs for some intimate time with her body language. I also agree, ladys like emotional variety. Sometimes play serious with her. Maybe argue with her in a way that's positive. Sometimes don't give a lady what she wants. Give and little and let it mess with her mind. Play mental games with her. Ladys will play with a man's ego and be a lil toxic sometimes to get a response; just don't pay any attention. If she does it all the time, might not be a good idea to have her around. She has some maturing to do and needs to value who she's with and to also help build them up as they should help build her up. Nevertheless, have a balance (focus on yourself sometimes), find mutuality, form agreements, don't give a lady everything they want all the time, learn to read their body language, their emotions, and their behaviors. 

There are passive times and times when sh*t hits the fan. Always be prepared for when sh*t hits the fan. 

I think cities should use a diversity of energy producing technologies. I think they should also use modernized versions of analog technology.

Could it be that if you want attention, you will get none? Could it be that attention comes from other devices like talent, experiences, creations, personality, and other values a person can bring to others?

I had an idea for a subset economy. Can there be secondary reserve economy in case the usual economy goes down? Perhaps a barter, crypto, or secondary promissory note currency economy?

Could it be that organizations mistake sociopaths for leadership?

Should it be that people can judge other but not condemn?

(Horror/tragedy story device) Despair overlapping despair. When you're about to die, you don't until you're completely desensitized and drained or immobilized by fear. Perhaps this device could be a new form of horror devices in entertainment.

The purpose of a military is to keep the peace. The purpose of a navy is to protect trade.

 "Pay your dos". You have to fail, get injured, or feel pain which is paying your dos which will help you get better in the skills you desire. 

Eventually everything dies in the universe. Planets, organisms, and even microbes. The true challenge is to survive. 

I heavily disagree with ESG Environment, social, and corporate governance score. 

Poverty causes: economic disparity, drugs, mental health, corrupt medicines, education, culture, family. 

(Term) Nitwits. People who parrot things they hear without personal research, who have above average low IQ who want to be the smartest person in the room with the comprehension level of a child, who cannot question and critically think for themselves on an authentic and honest basis. 

It's possible for people to live without getting angry. It takes having tough skin, not letting anything get to you, not caring about anything too much, never taking things too personal, and identifying and managing frustrations. Frustration and being annoyed are real feelings, anger is an ignorance we release because we feel it's right. It also helps to think of solutions and letting consequences of their actions be the lesson for others so that through time, they will learn values within themselves to improve. 

I like what Tim from Timcast says. When he was a teenager, someone told him the quote "The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing" (Socrates). As a teenager Tim thought it was very dumb. When he got old enough to know what the words meant, he realized how true it actually was. Teenagers have a very narrow view of life because their brains are still developing; physically and mentally. Mentally they are still developing rationality, logic, and reasoning. In the view of a teenager, they should realize their time on Earth is very little compared to the time and experiences of adults have been on Earth. Not all adults are mentally developed as many do retain low IQs. However, teen's limited knowledge and still growing nature makes them naive, clumsy, and ignorant. It's not until they realize this that they understand they have yet to understand what the real world is. Most often they are looking for attention in rational and irrational ways. Their mentality is commonly shaped by family, environment, culture (media, music, films, games...ect), and limited experiences and perceptions they have gathered in life. An easy way to get them to see outside this perspective is traveling, making them curious to learn more, teaching them useful skills, and sometimes letting them take risks and make mistakes. Another good strategy is giving them a task for a reward and see if they can figure things out on their own. You can also make deals with them so they can understand how to attain and the consequences of not fulfilling their agreements. Also, when they try to figure things out on their own, let them ask questions and show them how to obtain information to where they can make things on their own. Questions are super important because you improve your methods of teaching with structure and having better communication with family. Its also good to find ways to separate the ignorences and replace it with curiosity. Also, treat them as other adults and not as children. Remove the idea they need to earn respect and replace it with them being honest and having good values to pass on their children. It's also important for teens to know that their parents won't be around forever and should cherish the limited time they spend with them on Earth. 

(Term) Insurf- a modern day slave working to survive in high cost of living due to high inflation.

With a significant amount of countries in the world being corrupt, you'd think there is a significant systemic piece that is lacking in government policies. Why don't they create policies for the political classes? 

If the size of the observable universe is estimated 46,500,000,000 light years across in half wide radius and the universe is 150 sextillions times the observable universe or the universe that can be seen using our current instruments due to the light able to reach back to Earth (According to the Theory of Cosmic Inflation by Alan Guth; 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 seconds [10 to the negative 37 of a second after big bang and the inflation began as its size equal to its age times (the speed of light)], the entire universe is 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 the size of the observable universe) and the discover of over 2000 confirmed Earth-like plants in our galaxy then I believe if we go on a journey to explore other galaxies and worlds, there should be enough for a world for ever human on Earth, minus interstellar colonization in locations in the middle of space. That would mean there are infinite resources in surrounding galaxies to sustain human life and that overpopulation would never be possible even given a near infinite amount of humans. I believe there is a good chance humanity already has interstellar vehicles given military evidence. I believe there should be a mass production of such vehicles and we should give them to individuals who have demonstrated the intelligence, ethics, and understanding to explore, colonize, build, and grow humanity and human influence on other Earth-like worlds. I believe colonization is a good thing given the emptiness of space and the infinite resources that are out there. However, I believe greatest danger is other humans (so far) and Earth should do its best to learn everything about the human psychology and biology and improve to humanity. I think humanity needs to prevent the growth of malicious neuro-systems in the brain such as sociopathic and psychotic neuro-systems and instead focus on conditioning malicious brains or treating them to be functional so that humanity can further expand throughout the galaxy with minimal threats from other humans. I try to teach the use of my ideas for ethics to improve humanity even though they go relatively ignored. Humanity needs to adopt ethics and teach ethics if it is to let humans explore space and survive. Survival in space is extremely important. The phenomenon of Earth and humans are extremely rare and much like any organism, its responsibility is to survive. It's my belief most organisms in space do not survive and eventually disappear forever. I think it's humanity's goal to survive, thrive, and promote peace with each other. Diplomacy and peace (perhaps peace through strength) will help it survive and expand. Therefore, I believe humanity should colonize planets and build. 

I believe humanity is vastly behind in the intellectual and creative curve. I believe it needs to build more culture and intellectual levels. It needs to improve on education and education systems and resources to acheive this capability. It needs to improve on art, storytelling, and creative content. Creativity expands the mind and it's ability to imagine. There is a lot humanity needs to do. 

(sexual) Seemingly controversially, I believe humanity needs to overcome its taboos with functional ethics. It needs to adopt to sexuality and find harmonious ways to integrate and live with sexuality. These do not include all taboos as some are better limited. I believe a balance of everything that makes us humans is essential and will ultimately unchain the human mind to limitless imagination and creativity. I beleive there needs to be a balance of the taboo and erotic and the innocent and intelligent. There is also another reason for the taboo and erotic. It ensures breeding habits go unchanged (in case there is a loss of interest due to evolution) and retained as humanity evolves. People do not yet understand the value and importants of procreation that an organism requires to multiply and it's possible with time and evolution habits can change, especially when there is an evolution in change in biological levels such as testaterone and phermone, mutation, or influences in sexual behavior through culture, ideology, and belief systems. Procreation is the most essential part of being human and the ability to multiple. Ethics and conditions are also an important part of that process. If people adobt ethics to reproduce when they need and choose then this can help humanity leverage it's growth. Too much procreation and overpopulation becomes a threat which affects resources. Too little procreation and a specie could become at risk of dying out. Healthy and balanced sexuality with sexual practices of procreation and access to contraseptives I think ensures the survival of humanity. 

(Term) Covert totalitarianism- creating solutions to needs and covertly implementing systems of control or implamenting systems of control through agreements. Buying out and manipulating competition. Creating funding oportunties and agreements catering to ones agendas. Creating scores to maintain integrity towards one's agenda. Taking advantage of situations or planned situations for one's agenda. Manipulating or causing issues and having solutions. Manipulating leaderships through power, intimidation, and threat of expulsion, blackmail, and asset loss or repossession. Buying out leaderships and having them work in your agenda by providing them higher salary oportunties. 

Apparently most things are a form of trade, jobs are time, skill, and labor. Import items are trade with one items that costs less to trade to another location where the price is higher. Stocks are a trade on company equity/ownership/stakes. 

I think the biggest problems right now in the US is the lack of oportunity. Either the barrier to entry is too high or there's a monopoly. 

Should younger looking adults go to class with students once in a while for quality testing and quality assurence of academic standards and quality of education? 

I think people that talk bad about others behind their back are fake people and will always do that to make themselves look and feel better about themselves. It proves they are insecure about themselves. It also show what they truly are inside. 

I think being conscious also mean being conscious of unintended consiquences. 

I think teaching ethics is extremely important in schools because it tells your potentially sociopathic and psychopathic individuals what is expected in society and that some behaviors are incorrect. Psychopaths don't even know their behaviors and ideologies are wrong. If they knew they were wrong, they wouldn't do it. Psychopaths lack instruction of intolerable actions. Sociopathic individuals, on the other hand, are always looking for exploits and methods to game systems for their own gain. If they knew what is expected of society, then they would be conscious of their decisions to game the system and the consequences of being caught gaming the system causing them to think things more critically of their behaviors and actions. The limiting and removing of these two behavioral traits  I think can help society. 

(economy) A working economy needs to recognize reasonable economic threats and offer incentives to reduce or overcome those threats. I think an example is gas prices today. There should have incensives to create methods and alterratives to not rely on gas. I shall call this idea Eco-risks. 

Rogan Authenticism - also known as Roganism, this is realizing truths, being honest with yourself, being authentic, and telling the world the challenges you discovered and need to overcome. People will follow because of the honesty. Rogan is named after Joe Rogan and his authentic personality from his show because it's a good example of how one should be in life.

(Teen) Honesty, authenticity, and questions. These are things I wish I could say to myself as a teenager.
Gain curiosity, don't assume, always ask questions. Learn as much as you can. Learn as much as you can from everyone as you can. Toss your shyness away. Replace it with curiosity. Gain as much experience as possible. Get involved in good events. If you don't k ow something, gather information. If you don't know someone, talk to them. Introduce yourself to as many people as possible. Tell them you're not smart but you're curious and you want to know more about people. Learn about others even if they are over your league. Accept others will be mean to you and move on. Figure out who your friends are. Be with people who will help you be successful. People who you enjoy being around. Forget about the idea of being a poser or the things people say or might say. Try everything out and try it out of curiosity. Moreover, as a teen I need to be taking what I've learned and applying it to make the best decisions in life. Its also about what I know so it's best to learn as much as you can about the world around you. 

In my life I was closed off. My parents didn't expose me to the world. I was stuck with limited vision and perspective. My thoughts were limited and in a bubble only seeing 1% of the world around me. My mom was overly religious and my dad worked a lot. There was no family bonding. It should have been a balance. My family should of had family time, sent us to be with friends, and introduced us more to the world. We should of had more family experiences. My parents should of encouraged me to bring friends home. They should have encouraged me to try new things. They should of invited family, friends, and relatives over. They should of brought me to different local events and to meet new people. They should of encouraged me to learn new things and get involved in things I enjoyed. They should of asked me hard questions where I shouldn't feel threatened but instead encouraged me to have the freedom to explore and try new things where if I developed a passion or found something that could help me be sustainable, it would lead to my independence. They should of encouraged me to fail and keep failing. As long as I showed them I was trying new things, failing, and looking for success, I shouldn't have the fear of getting the rug pulled from under me. Having this support is what I believe will help me the most due to the uncontrollable conditions of the world such as the unstable economics, uncertainties brought by the high cost of living and world events, and the instability of living paycheck to paycheck not knowing if you will be let go from a job. It allows me to build an income and build security and  a foundation to build things that can help me be self-sustainable and independent. In a normal world, I could of probably made it on my own, i could of saved up enough to build up a security, but because of inflation, high costs of living, and worldly events outside my control, this seems like the only way to live outside of finding a life partner and getting married. I should have gotten married when I was younger with someone from highschool. I was not smart back then. I was a product of my family, my environment, and culture. I couldn't think for myself. Finding a girlfriend would have been the best decision because of dual income. Nowadays, nobody can be trusted due to influence in political ideology and selfish desires. Not everyone is trust worthy. Reflecting back in life, highschool and perhaps college should of been the time I took advantage of finding a partner. Too many personal mistakes, too many family failures, not enough mental development, not enough speed for mental development level, not enough important realizations, questions, and decisions. I would have changed a lot about my life if I could. It's a regret I will have to learn to live with. 

A sociopath or a psychopath doesn't know they are a sociopath or a psychopath. Stating these words mean nothing to them. They cannot comprehend its meaning. Even explaining to them will not sink in. This is an issue with the way their brain functions. It's how they see themselves, how they see others, and how they see the world. It would be interesting to come up with methods in which they could see themselves and how others see them. It would be interesting to comprehend how they see others see their actions and why. It would be valuable for people to find ways to get their brain to behave in different ways where they can improve their own brain functions to comprehend why others see the way they do. This can help sociopaths and psychopaths remove any ideological fallacies and replace them with logical and objective views. If their mental functions are not fixed, the can result in irrational ideologies, behaviors, and actions later in life that could harm themselves or other individuals resulting in severe consiquences. It's my beleif that any sociopathic or psychopathic individual requires a psychological restructuring in order for them to adapt and contribute to society. 

Fundamentals to anything are important. Sometimes even an experienced person needs to revisit the fundamentals. Some people don't realize the fundamentals of their own lives. Like the fundmanetal to grow as a person, improve, and improve the quality of one's life. 

(The future) I think the future will be authoritarian. Elites who are sworn to sociopathic power and control will always be there to influence and gain more power. It will be overt and covert. Many know they are evil people but nothing will or can be done so their influence will only get stronger and grow as they obtain more resources and strategies to manipulate. I think this will evolve into a society worst then what we see in China today. There will be cameras on every location. Devices will keep track on everywhere you go, and what you hear, think, or say. A person will be so tightly controlled they will need to ask permission for every little thing they do or even think. They will be masters of their own micro thoughts. Their action could never come near to even coming up with a plan in their minds to protest or rebel. Humanity will be expendable and reduced to a very low value. Elites will grow and rival with each other as elite societies will be the new normal society which will also be heavily controlled. Everyone will more than likely only crave and seek more power. The true holders of power will be a mystery and the silent overlords watching everyone from a higher and godlike level untouchable by the lower elites. They will expand into space. I overall think what will end up defeating humanity is the lack of creativity in order to survive unforseen dangers. Since a huge part of humanity cannot think for itself and relies upon the systems it created, many lower societies will eventually starves to death. Anything that is augmented will eventually break from the lack of maintenance. Humanity would have lasted an extremely long time but eventually ends. I think this era in history is the only time in history where it will ever get to experience free thought, creativity, the experience to obtain knowledge and information, and experiment and experience life with the limited freedoms that it currently has. I do not think this is the peak in freedom as there is dramatically more ways it can currently be improved if there was no corruption. I do not think humanity will ever get the chance to experience a system that is absolutely free, optimized, and near perfection where humanity can reach its most full potential. I think thousands of years is nothing in the eyes of the universe and just like most civilizations that I think try to survive, it will come and go. 

(Philosophers in industry) I believe philosophers are an essential part in industries. I think we need philosophers in industries to predict or be creative with ideas. Most of every industry is comprised of logical thinker like engineers and scientists. Philosphers are commonly creative thinkers resulting in unique ideas after they learn what they need for an industry. Creative minds or philosophers can be used in many applications such as security, methods of dysfunction, and the mutiple applications of given systems and hardwares. I believe having philosphers can predict outcomes by discussing methods, influences, and checks, for example. For example an icbm. A philosopher in this industry can come up with ways they think the enemy can get creative such as utilizing flares, weaponry, remote piloted missle guiding system capable of being agile, manuverable, and flexible to hit its target, or the launch of secondary vehicles with more capable features such as highpersonic missles technologies, and smart technologies such as AI and predictive simulations. The use of philosophers in the industry of politics can predict where there needs to be more security, possible ways of I filtration, and methods of corruption or compromised foign influence. I believe all industries should open itself to obtaining philosophers, creatives, and theoretical science individuals so that technologies, ideas, convinences, security, and muli-use-of-application can be expanded and improved on. 

I believe life requires a balance of empathy and brutal honest and hard logic. 

Perhaps left brain individuals are good at speed and logic where right brain individuals are good at creativity and deeper levels of critical thinking. 

Natural cycle for authoritarianism is that they eventually stop feeding the nutrients it needs and their population co trol becomes more desperate because indibiduals do not get the nutrients the frontal lobe of the brain requires to function logically. This causes people to become more irrational and with time, it becomes violent without regard to safety. This leads to a loss of control and within a month, people can start rioting and become violent. This ultimately leads to the downfall of a civilization unless people are given what they are needed to regain rationality and logical thinking. 

At some point in everyone's lives they reach a state of maturity and intellectual development, perhaps by experience and acumilated information, where a person latently relearns everything in life. 

Always pay attention to your body, try and stimulate and pay attention to the sensations in your body. Perhaps you can notice things in your body. If you are schitsophrenic, this might not be a good as one can freak out about anything. 

Perhaps we should reward those who call out fraud, corruption, and things that are not right. I believe there should be an incentive for people who do the right thing to prevent corruption and the rise to malevolent individuals and leaders. 

(theoretical idea) Electromagnetic presence - electromagnetic presence or essence that stays behind in multi-frequency semi-hybrid electro-magnetic diemension. It's a dimention that is scrambled in many forms as it fights quantum frequencies trying to regain it's origional form in our reality. Perhaps these electro-magnetic presence is what we leave behind much like disperced heat radiation after we die. Perhaps this kind of fluctioation of frequencies mixed with struggling eletromagnetic precense electro-magnetic frequencies is how people can pass conciousness into other, the enviornment, or into infants to share experiencing past lives. These kind of frequencies are capable of stronger forms, perhaps shifting and contorting in a stuggling presence conciousness that is semi- intelligent but with difficulty to maintain logic and electromagnetic stability and function. Perhaps there is a frequencies produced by the conciousness that allows for some sort of stablity when focused. Such as if one calls another and introduces a command. Perhaps electromagnetic presence who are molevolent engage with other frequencies and forms of frequencies given off by radiation sources and souces of force that provides frequency of energy to interact molevolently with its envionrment. Perhaps a way to explain this is with water. When water is nearly uncontrolable. However, when stabilized by no influencing force, it can become still. Perhaps much like water, we counld introduce methods and tools where we can either stabilize frequencies or hype frequencies so much that it self-stabilizes. Perhaps having this multi-frequency stabilization could allow for electromagnetic presence to interact without world regularly. However, then I believe these electromagnetic presences would not be the same as if it was conscious, intelligent, or alive. I want to think it could be missing the simulated areas in the brain required for such rational behaviors. On a more wild guess, if it could simulate average human behavior, it would more-then-likely be limited to the behaviors exhibited when it the presence was conscient and alive. This is my theory of electromagnetic presence. 

I think theoretical analysis is just as important as accurate analysis. Everything is data even if it's not accurate. Theoretical data could also offer ideas on possibly useful methods to experiment with. I also think the use of imagination can take people farther and offer creative methods on how to acomplish goals and acheivments. 

I believe people should make time capsules and burry it in iconic places they can remember. In the craziest idea that they are reincarnated, perhaps they can regain some of that old knowledge and experiences they had. 

I had a dream I was nuked standing over a very steep tall hill inside a house. The nuke blasted overhead and from the trees a blast blew through burning everything in sight. The blast climbed up a wall and everyone in the entire house was instantly incinerated. It wasn't a terrifying sensation but one of more majestic wonder. The size of the nuclear event was colossal in scale. For some reason I kept thinking how bad things like being nuked was always possible for me but never anything ever good. 

Occam's razor, "In the absence of evidence, the solution with the least amount of assumption tends to be correct." or “The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.”  Franciscan friar William of Ockham.

I think a natural procedure when countries become hostile is to group up to prevent further hostility. 

Not sure if this is a good idea but should fist fighting be legalized? Could this deter greater violence?  Perhaps once it turns to a lethal limit or when weapons are involved is when the limit is drawn. 

I want to think at some point in a person's life, they reach a state of maturity and intellectual development, perhaps by experience or accumulated information, where a person unknowingly relearns everything in life. 

(nsfw; sexual; humor) For guys. If you look at a lady's outer color on her lips, it reveals the same color of her nipples. lol

I like Kumon's quote. "If you make materials easy enough for a child, a child will learn happy." I think we can learn from Kumon and break steps down in academic subjects so that all children can learn and understand. 

We need to examine all the problems in our society and come up with strategies for each one. We need to learn what causes them and what are methods and solutions. The more methods we perfrom, the more we can can test accuracies, percentages of results, and examine more solutions. An example can be, if examine behavior we can take note of all the influences leading to a behavior. We can examine family, evrionment, culture, entertainment, politics, pychological influences. If family is a problem, we can examine ways to influence family culture through entertainment to promote positive family examples, and values. Positive results will impact enviornment. We can influence culture with music and once again, entertainment. We can examine politics and form methods to promote positive family values by removing inacuracies and negative political infleunce by teaching logic, reason, critical thinking, and unbias research. We can examine psychological differences by examining why an individual behaves a certain way. It could be the results of malnutrition, inaccurate or incorrect medical treatment, an imbalance of exercise and activities, could be conditional values in which when an individual is taught or conditioned to understand what is correct and incorrect behaviors, ethics, and expected behaviors, they can be corrected and better suited for society. These are a few examples. The more we identify the problems, list them, and adopt methods, tests, and solutions, the more we can improve society and out world. 

For me it doesn't matter if people are unintelligent, everyone develops their mental state differently. A person can be unintelligent and unintellectual for a long time and once their mental capabilities develop to the point it makes sense in their heads to wake up cognitively, they then start to question and learn everything on their own and wake up mentally to develop themselves as an intellectual individual. I call this the Cognitive Process to Intellectuality. 

I heavily disagree that companies should look at people's credit and debts. I disagree that they should look at these personal variables as factors to hire a person, respond to their resume, or even give people the publicity or attention they should rightfully have. 

I think everyone should recognize, especially teenagers, is that a person who thinks they know a lot have yet to realize how naive they are and how they still yet know nothing because even the oldest and wiset men are still learning new things every day. I think it's important to recognize how naive due to the conditioning and information we have already obtained. For teenagers, they may think they know more then their parents, and to some this may actually be accurate, but to most, they have yet to comprehend how complex things can be. With practice and experience a person will get used to and understand the complexity of things. The goal for young people is to realize their naiveness and learn as much as possible by the world. They should question the fundamentals of everything and learn as much about everything. Soon the accurate information they obtained will compound and they will be able to utilize it in life and take advantage of it to gain success and build wealth. They should be honest and question what they honestly believe in and why. They shouldn't shy to ask the questions they think normal people wouldn't ask. Life is not about fitting in and following others, it's about becoming independent, building things, making a family, building wealth for oneself and one's community, learning and teaching ethics, and improving one's life and the lives of others in their community. 

I am led to believe that the reason I cannot find employment is due to my lack of credit or because of my high student loan debt. This colossal barrier in this system has seemingly blocked me for many years of finding a job in my field. For a long time I have wanted to accelerate in field placing full dedication to become a leader in my industry. I wanted to keep learning more about 3D, digital art, animation, and digital productions. I have routinely come across no acceptance and help from anyone despite having submitted by now approximately 10,000 resumes and cover letters. I am now convinced, along with many others, that there is a system here to prevent me and others I have come across from getting hired or have our resumes even looked at. I have informed and adressed the issue to the governor of my state. I'm not sure what else to do asside from looking into possibilities to make my own business and becoming self employed. I'm not sure what else to do. I do not want to work for low wages. It is absolutely not the life for me. So just as always I will keep trying different plans and methods to reach a successful means to make money to agin the freedoms and independence I rightfully deserve as a productive citisen looking to build a life of happiness, fulfillment, improvment, and to raise a family of my own before I reach an old age. 

There needs to be opportunities people can start with no money and gain money. I will call this Zero-start Opportunities. I think companies should make platforms where people can start things and make money. It will allow people to make side hustles, it will allow students to make money and learn business, and allow retired people to maintain an income. Having Zero-start Opportunities will allow people to get the chance to learn about business and get out of poverty. The more Zero-start Opportunities, the more individuals on the lower income threshold can obtain financial flexibility, stability, and build wealth.  

I think I like the saying, "You got the skills to pay the bills." If you're not good enough, you don't got the skills to pay the bills. Therefore, perhaps it should be a hobby. 

Should copyright abusers be a subject for penalty? Should there be a statute for copyright abuse? Perhaps this could be a method to stop Youtube to stop copyright abuse. 

When people carry out instructions for the first time or try something new for the first time, others should not expect a job to be perfect. Often experience is required for many things. It might require a few tried to reach a level of proficiency.  Overtime, good workers should want to improve their skills to be a better asset to their company. 

Should American get agressive on the toic of preserving freedom? Should a subject that affiliates or influences freedom be an agressive topic for people to stand for? 

Should politicians have a 30 day trial? The 30 day trial is holding them accountable for the actions and plans in which they campained on and people are holding them liable for. If they do not fulfill 75% of their agenda, they get kicked out of their position. If they fulfill their goals, then they get to continue doing their job. 

I think a healthy economy has many luxery jobs, easy jobs, fun jobs, entry level jobs, creative jobs, and jobs that requires a variety of talents and experiences. I think the US right now is a bare economy. This is an economy with basic jobs and jobs that are often nessicary. It's the bonest of an economy without any meat. Japan is an example of a healthy economy with its varity of the high professional positions to the absurd. I believe the economy of the US should be a healthy economy and continue to grow to the point there are too many businesses and competition. 

My definition of Capitalism is a private economic system built on goods and services with voluntary exchange and trade. 

(term) Kumon focused - This is a learning method in which a subject is broken down to extremely simplified concepts to where even children or teenagers can understand a subject. They offer a variety of example, explanations, stories, and analogies for people to understand, mentally digest, and comprehend materials in a subject. 

Coding for Creatives: I see many individuals writing tutorials for coding but fail to understand the way others comprehend and learn things. The example I use here is for coding. Instructors often teach coding as a set of instructions and logic information to learn code or accomplish a task. This may be useful for a logical or predominately left-brained individual, but for a creative and predominantly right-brained individual this can be extremely challenging. It's like teaching a programmer to make a realistic drawing. The way these two brain structures comprehend things are very different. For a right-brained creative type of individual their first method would be learning from tutorials and then coding resulting in a trial-and-error outcome where they try things a million times in order to get it right which results in a low-growth, inconsistent, insufficient, and ineffective learning method. I understand the logical way to learn coding is through experience and learning things out for yourself. However, these learning methods are different for a creative person. The way to go about teaching a right brained creative person the logical and precise subject such as learning to code would be to have an organized and consistent teaching structure, visuals aids, diagrams, examples, alternate explanations, analogies, step-by-step breakdowns, emphasis on important information, reasons why something is done a certain way, explanations to separate things that sound too similar that could be easily confused, examples on the many ways something can be written and why, and perhaps storytelling methods for retention and focus. Often for creatives, why is the most common question; so learning reasons why things are done is very important. The more information provided to a person of this kind will give them the awareness of what to use and why. Another good method is getting accurate tools to replicate some of the problems and challenges an instructor showcases. When a creative person gets all the information, visual understanding, and hands-on experience they need, then they can start practicing and trying things on their own. A good practice for creative-thinking programmers is using visual scripting with node-based editors because their brains can build an internal visual mental map in which to utilize and manipulate utilizing the trial-and-error method. Another strategy is using code with a level of creative tools such as color coding, unique characters or visual characteristics that stand out, and organization methods so that things are easy to find and read. Another useful tool is the use of references and resources a person to go to in case they get stuck. Visual references help a lot because reading does not accurately portray key elements in order for comprehension and implementation. For a creative, it's also important that learning is an incremental process and one that doesn't stop when they get stuck. When they get stuck for a long time, they are likely to move on to something else. Just like drawing for example, they continue to practice even when something doesn't work out. They know they can try to draw it again another time. It's a continuous cycle for improvement which keeps them motivated and to continue to keep learning. If there is a method in which to implement this into programming, then creatives can keep learning and practicing to get better at it. This allows them to learn the logic, try new methods, and create new things which keeps them motivated and active. The retention and continuous feeling of practice and growth will help them want to do more with code leading to coding proficiency. Moreover, now understanding the differences between brain differences and structures, perhaps instructors can utilize the psychology and design tutorials which allow creatives to also learn and become proficient in coding. 

I want to believe that a single exposure of an idea can impact or influence the world. 

In security, security agents commonly look for overt threats; however, they commonly lack in the security of covert threats. Security has to be overt and covert. Overt is the situation you identify while covert it the situation that is more potentially organized, planned, and even potentially internal and systemic. This could mean an influence in digital security or actors that are disguised with sophisticated methods of infiltration and intelligence gathering. I'd like to think one of the US's greatest security problems is that they conduct overt security analysis and not covert security analysis. By covert, I mean they fail to conduct analysis on evidence on potentially compromised actors and systems. If they did covert security analysis, there wouldn't be corrupt politicians or foreign actors influencing decisions at high levels. There would be constant investigation without bias. Because of the technologies used by security and surveillance agencies in the intelligence community, it's my opinion it's been infiltrated, compromised, and purposefully negligent to sustain the internal corruption from within. Listening to the security apparatus of the country in the courts without the required information, without the requested information, without pre-preparedness, and constantly defending a biased narrative and political faction without questioning logical points of views of both sides and their ability to investigate both views. This situation is unsustainable and surely presents the greatest secuity threat. The role of security is not to defend itself or allies but to investigate relentlessly without bias, be prepared, always have the information ready, and always be ahead with measures to oversee operations and aquire all the necissary infomration on any given case or cases. It's my belief this would mean the intelligence structure of all security institutions in the US needs to be reformed, reformatted, and restructured. I think if individuals in a security agency does not question iregularities and suspicious events, investigate and exposed potneitally compromised situations, they are unformtunately acomplises to the compromises. The practice to test agents over compromised security events is a good idea. In addition, structures neet to be changed because there is a good chance it is also compromised and a good chance the rest of the world has an understanding of how to utilize and manipulate US security systems. This allows them to install compromised actors, gather intelligence, and influence change or manipulate the system from within. This also allows them to conduct overt and covert malicious operations which acts in the favor of compromised actors and influencers. Overall, looking at the security status of the US's security, there is reason for an extremely high level of concern. Its exposure makes it greatly vulnerable. There is a good chance this is one of the key factors to the irrational behaviors, decisions, policies, and compromised influences within today's political environment. It is partially and greatly the fault of a compromised security and intelligence community. 

I wonder if humans are capable of communication with animals. It seems possible that humans can imitate the bahaviors and sounds of animals; however, I think there could be a chance humans could adopt communication methods with animals despite being overly basic and insticually-based. I recently learned animals hear sounds differently. For example, cats hear a deeper tone to our casual voice. If I correlate this with the visual perceptions of animals, it's possible we could influence animal behaviors by adopting methods in which they are familiar with. Perhaps this allows animals to also convey basic information cues as a response to certain behaviors. Perhaps humans can discover ways to influence animal behaviors by finding out what sounds animals enjoy hearing and maybe even utilize it as a method of conditioning to train animals. Perhaps humans can find what can influence an animls's instinctual behaviors that could tell an animal that a human is friendly and not an enemy allowing harmful animals to not be a threat. I think biologists and psychologists can identify methods of communication with animals that can alter their behavior and form a method of basic communication in which gets them to behave more favorable to humans. It would be interesting to gather information from animals utilizing modern devices and methods of animalistic communication. 

Could schizophrenia be the result of not knowing the world around you? Could it be the uncertainty created by the lack of information and understanding? If that is the case then perhaps the solution is to question everything and learn as much as you can about everything. Perhaps in essence questions and information are the solutions to the cure. 

I personally enjoy the raw state of humanity. I like the lack of filters, the raw nature with it's vulgarities, the true value of real emotions, the craziness of trying to make sense of controversial or insane logics and perspectives of rationalizations. It's like the internet when dial-up first came out. It was full of crazy narratives and diverse logics. I prefer to live in that crazy world then one that is curated and filtered. I believe true innovation, ideas, solutions, and inventions will come from the environment that is unfiltered, uncurrated, chaotic, and allows people to express their crazy ideas, opinions, and beliefs freely. A reality that is currated, filtered, and watered down leads to authoritarianism, control, manipulation, watering down of intellectuality, an avoidence of objectional realism, repetition of opinions, repetition of what is perceived to be creative and lacking objectiona origionality. It's a synthetical and artifical enviornment where new ideas are never seen and known, where everyone parrots the same ideas by elitist, marketed, or currated-credited sources. When you learn to live in this crazy enviornment, you become immune to the crazy and learn to focus your attention to the things that matter most which opens one's mind to unlimited ideas, values, and views that can inspire amazing things and innovations. 

Students should be conditioned to do research before anything. Web search research, video research, and perhaps physical research. Research that is unbiased. Research based on a list of questions they have and are curious to answer. They should do research before advocating for anything. They should do research before joining an organization. They should do research in the institutions they are in. They should find out how it works and the reasons why it exists. They should find out all the controversies and areas of possible improvment. They should also be aware of the areas where advantages, manipulations, and false perceptions are likely. Everyone has an agenda. The more you know about something, the likeliness to improve it with accurate information, reasoning, and logic. The more you know about something, the more you can question it, create strategies, and form ways to get ahead. Everything is information. Information can be improved over time with more accurate information. 

(Maybe) Observing the older generation arguing about current world topics with the current generation, I observed how the communication is different. When it comes to politics, you can see how the older generation maintains logic, composure, and rationality, however from my experience their method of communication is no good when talking to the current generation, especially if they are endocrinated. What I would change is: 1. Don't give a shyt. Don't take anything another says personal. Be dynamic, be like water. Theres no point in discussion with those who want to start something. Or maintain ignorence for the sake of their tribe. 2. It's how you say it. You say things in a way that blurs the lines from their and your perspective so they can't label or define you. Their brains think you can be programmed but another thinks you might be in the middle or leaning towards their faction. This can confuses them. People who are endocrinated are conditioned or made to see things a certain way and to look for key words and positions. Lose the keywords and come up with your own labels and keywords and you leave them guessing as to what faction you belong to and what keywords they are missing to be more part of their faction. Its a blindside to their version of programmed reality. Mix that with the apprence of being friendly and they don't know how to think. Leaving them confused is the best way to soft condition them with new slowly reintroduced logic terminology. Utilizing their advantage in their confusion, lets you free to talk about anything. You can be on the fence about things as if to balance between factions. This makes you invisible from those who are endocrinated. You have to think like them and get away from the behaviors and talking points they perceive are oppositional. 3. Learn their language, thoughts, and arguments. You can read them like a book. A cult reuses information and answers Know the information points and premade answers, you can navigate around them or utilize alternate methods of approach or arguments that put them in catch 22s. 4. You can word things in a way where they can't respond or don't know how to respond because of their lack to think for themselves or their access to information for a response is limited. They can't think critically. This let's you I directly fill their minds with ideas, lies, and manipulations; especially using questions or something that feels like a label. When around others, engaging with people who are endocrinated can be useful despite how ignorent. Telling the truth and giving thought provoking ideas is an way to indirectly influence others and to showcase anothers endocrination. 5. Conceal yourself with perceived values, thoughts, and behaviors that are familiar to them. Making yourself mixed with their asthetics and values confuses the heck out of them. 6. Don't give them anything to use against you. If you don't say anything they can work with or use as ammo against you, they can't take advantage of you or find something to use against you. They typically go away because if they can't arouse a fight out of you, they expose themselves as an intolerable person making them feel like the bad person. There is a strategy to everything and it takes knowing what to do and when. What to say and when. And the mood of the environment or a mood where you can establish a feeling that can bring about manipulatable variables. 7. You can use strong stares and pauses to make them feel dumb. Silence at certain times can be a weapon. 
8. If someone comes to you looking for an argument, but you ignore them or stay silent and give them nothing to work with, you can make them feel dumb and aggressive. This could lead to them behaving violent due to its effectiveness. Jokes are a good way to dissolve the aggressive attention to which they might go away. 9. I think the greatest provoking point and diffusion is when they come to you aggressively looking for a fight and you state the truth and nothing else and then ignore them, this pushes them to reexamine your answer repeatedly looking for a method of provocation or entry to a fight. But if you give them nothing else they can work with then they either have to resort to alternate violent strategies or mob attack strategies. If you joke not taking them seriously and keep ignoring them, then they could just leave you alone. Overall, everything has a psychological strategy, you just got to read others, feel the mood, and manipulate behaviors and events to a desired outcome. 

I think a balanced person is a person who is harmonious and aggressive. It's all strategy and circumstance. A balanced person knows how to behave and when you behave a certain say. There is also a power in unpredictablness. When a person is unpredictable, they tend to be taken serious. 

With todays political events, I agree with what a person sarcastically says, "nothing says "sane and logical beliefs" like attacking people for merely disagreeing with you." I also agree with a person saying, "those trying to kill comedy are never the good guys."

(History) Many people cant simply explain the civil war when its actually easy to summerize. Confederates fought the Union for their way of life because they depended on slaves to make money from industries, especially the massive cotton industry. The Union was industrializing with railroads, inventions, and steam engines which didn't require slaves anymore. Lee and the Confederate army didn't like the Union nor their more European way of life. They fought to preserve their industries and their way of life. I think if the Union weren't so elitist against the South and showed them how industrialization was changing industries, and to get them inspired and slowly introduce these technologies, there might not had been a civ-war. Both sides lacked rationality, compromise, and to introduce these new concepts slowly.

I wonder if a 30 day trial for politicians is a good idea. If they don't perform their job, they get fired from their jobs. 

Quick observation of basic tribes hiarchy I found interesting: When a group is assembled, natural leaders or authoritarians arrise. Often there is struggle for leadership when leadership is fought over. Often an elder with more experience and wisdom is respected along with a leader. Sometimes it's a shamen due to supernatural communication with perceived divines. Origional tribes work with each other and and major decisions are based on the tribes leader or elders or a combination of both. Other tribes share the leadership evently. They share the responsibility but give it less to tribesmen who have poor results for decisions. 

It seems evil spirit are found in nearly every culture and tibes and have been a problem for a very long time. I think we should find ways to identify the science of these entities and find ways to prevent their influence. 

I think teaching is not just about exposing students to information, it's about making sure the information is released and taught in a matter that is digestible and comprehendible to students. This is typically done through teaching structure involving curiosity. 

I think the United States should have an additional branch of government. It should be called the Debates Court. I believe it should have a parliament court which is a court for real-time back and forth debate and expression. There is something called angle of debates. There is an academic angle of debates, financial angle of debate, political angle of debate (including the president), statistics angle of debate, peoples angle of debate (along with a people's survey), there is an elected representative angles of debate, there is the experts angle of debate. Then there is the specialty angles of debate regarding any angle desired to be added. In this court two or sometimes more oppositions debating each other and a circuit referee who control the debate steps in to calm down, maintain order, and let each other express their talking points. In a debate, people are allowed to yell, argue, joke, and slander, but the goal is to address and argue critical talking points against each other. It's a court where everyone expresses their opinions and explanation in a semi-rational manner. This court can be a point of entertainment for the public as well as a method of education into hearing the views of each party and oposition. This court is promoted by the federal government to inform citizens when a debate happens. Every debate is public and every American should have free access to a debate. The debate should include technology for people to chat, donate in a chat to get their argument heard, and a line graph to express what people think about the debate in real time. The chats are unfiltered and the graph is unfiltered. It matters how many people participate in the chat and watch the debate. At the end of the debate, the politicians can share their social media links and any mission links they want to add. 

I think what I write is a waste of time. I think the US and world is hopless and it cannot be fixed. I think I was wrong with the belief it can be fixed.  Things are escalating dramatically now more than ever. I think we are at the foot of another world war. I think endocrination was proven beyond effective reshaping an entire early generation. I have no hope for the future generation and I strongly believe things will never turn back to normal. Whoever is behind this power hiarchy has done an extrodinary job. Not even the facts reach the minds of average people. This is next level psychological strategies and methods. Whoever is behind this has surpassed my expectations. I wish I could do more to do something about it but it seems there is no strategy or method to win. I'm not optimistic for the future so I guess I should have to learn to adapt to this new crazy way of life. I strongly believe the new way of life involves events that greatly surpass George Orwells novels and it's the reality a handful of people with the greatest power and strategies has formed. Perhaps the fight of good and evil is always evil as it adopts new methods to win. And I think won it has. Evil has accelerated on the basis of personal preservation and reputation. Principles are dead. Preservation is replaced by principle and the outcome is a different way of human evolution that does not involve the best humanity has to offer. I think the evolution of this path is humanity killing itself or dying out much like every other intelligent organism in the universe.

One of the greatest issues in our times is that people are manipulatable. For people who have not obtained any intelligence and accurate information needed for cross examination and reasoning are still in the cognitive dissonance faze. Critical thinking, logic (research and questioning the narratives), and rational thinking is required to step out of this phase. Until then they are manipulatable through culture (social media, mainstream news, and propaganda) and indoctrination (designed conditioning and political influence in schools). News and schools are also a business so they want more money and often rely on federal funding and other sources of funding to maintain and make more money. I could be wrong but from what I see, the majority of the country is still in a cognitive dissonant state. Many people say they have woken up, but I don't believe it. Even if they were, their environment over time would pull them back in to their dissonant state. Politics as infiltrated every area of a US citizens life. They make policies in the workforce, design education, and collect data on phones and all sorts of devices. It's likely their hidden power over citizens goes way beyond what the public expects. I personally don't think there is a solution. I think it's too late and we are starting to see the boot for the future on any sort of freedoms. Life could be great. I think it was great until the Marxists slowly infiltrated every aspect of our government since the 1960s. I'll never see the full potential of what freedom and the US is capable of. I expect fear, tyranny, pain, suffering, impenetrable systems, and the worst to come in the future and nothing anyone can do about it. So I guess the only option is just to live your life the best way you can. 

People are not perfect. Never expect a person to be perfect. They can be intelligent and make mistakes. I don't think it's possible to see a person who is an instant expert on every subject they come across. People may have contraditctions; smart people may contradictions. These contradiction might be from information you never understood or obtained or could come from an immature stance another has yet to develop and mature. When you are new to something, you are at level one. Don't expect making the best decisions until you obtained more experience and accurate infomration. Moreover, accept a person for who they are, even with contradictions. Let them be contractictory. In the future, they might change with experience and new information. It's up to them to question their own beliefs and change. Life is a process of making mistakes and imporve or starting at level one and progressing. On the flip side, if you are a person of contradiction then embrace it. Don't let people infleunce you unless they come across a point worthy of questionng. Don't also let your contradiction impede on your relationships with others and always hear what people have to say even if it's wrong. Stand up for what you believe in. Do it rationally. If you honestly beleive in a contradictor belief then own it. No matter how much you authentically question it, your answers will probably be the same.  If you think they're wrong, you can tell them what you know, what you think, and why you beleive it. If they dont agree with it then that's okay. It's always the way you say it. If you're a person of wisdom/ethics, you'll never get angry and you'll navigate their emotions in a fluid manner where you never take offense and you can calm them down to a rational level.  Always talk indirectly. Never say "you". Always say I think, I believe, and my opinion is. There is always a way or strategy to talk to another person. It all depends on your level of communication, ethics, and psychology experience. I'm a firm believer that in times of censorship, intimidation, and heated discussions,  communication can stay accurate and address key points by adopting an indirect or alternate method of communication. The more censorship, the more ethical, and by this I mean communicating in manner adopting a greater level of rationality, politeness, dynamic-emotional-maneuvering, asking more questions, exposing logics, and having more answers. To do this a person needs acquire this skills by being social, well informed, know their response before responding (learning their possible side of the argument), understanding how things work, being confident and well self-managed, understand psychology, and how people utilize culture. If this sounds like communication-manipulation then perhaps manipulation is a skill we should all have so that we can use it to our advantage to navigate conversations, discussions, and debates. Personally, I feel i am the first to come up with this idea and have yet to perfect it. I am terrible at debates and articulating my opinions. I mainly just an ideas person because of my over use of creativity and always thinking 24/7. My poor ability of debates and articulation could be from my possible aphasia or my lack of collecting all the accurate information. This means I would have to research and comprehend information and ask a bunch of question to myself on a subject to become fluent in it. Perhaps this is a good reason to have people specialize in subjects and become experts. I'd imagine you'd need experts on both debates sides and perhaps crossing subjects examinations to see how subjects influence or affect each other because I often come across people saying something is a good idea and it not being maintainable on a financial angle. Nevertheless, these are some of my ideas. Perhaps one day perhaps this method of communication can be a think. Perhaps manipulation, or manipulation for the purpose of counter manipulation to prevent oneself from being manipulated, could one day be a skill or subject of study. I think the latent result of this could be a more intellectual and intelligent society. But what do I know, these are just ideas. 

I don't see a whole lot of break downs in subjects of studies. It might be that I don't have access to certain information. A lot can be further broken down to have greater understanding of things. I would also like to see in academics more summaries with simple language for easy comprehension and also a collection of information of how subjects correlate and interact with each other. I believe all forms of data should be examined, cross-examined, and see how they formulate, correlate, compare with each other. Perhaps this could provide data to how certain subjects can evolve or be improved. Perhaps things could be so complex that the alternative option could be to let AI do this for us.

I think AI will play a significant role in the future. Certain subjects might be too complex for human comprehantion. An example could be in quantum physics where if we were to break things down even more then they are, it could reach a level where the amount of variables could become astronomical. AI could be a good tool to use for something like this. I think AI could also be a logical machine for psychology and decision making where they can develop methods to calculating decisions to further improve human behavior and interaction to create a culture that allows people to reconstruct communication and interaction more effectively. However, regardless how effective or intelligent an AI is, people should always be at the forefront of being the most intellectual and intelligent creature it could possibly become. Moreover, many people would probably want to merge human and machine or computers. I don't think this is wrong. I think there are many advantages. Nevertheless, we should always prize original versions of humanity. I also think human and computers could become so advanced that merging human and machine or computers is unnecessary. It will be unnecessary because I believe we can create a new energy source, electro-magnetic source, or frequency computer capable of providing everything we need without implants utilizing our original human body. Perhaps that could mean we will make frequency or a form of energy our new computer capable of doing much more than what we currently imagine. Perhaps it could make its own dimensions and its own realities. We could live everywhere with everyone and experience anything at the same time. We wouldn't be subject to human emotions and thought and would probably amuse ourselves or shape with a higher form of cognition. Perhaps we would finally be satisfied without a desire of amusement from anything but to be static in a perpetual state of bliss where we experience everything all at once. 

Reading Youtube comments is gold sometimes, especially in debates. I found the comments from more accurate sources of information, outside from mainstream boomer media, that people can be extremely intelligent to the point it surprises me. Even in course subjects in universities, people bring about very good points and ideas for study. So many people have very good points from a variety of angles of discussion and when things are added and corrected with the replies, you see people come together to make very excellent points that I think might never have been formulated with one person alone. I think this is the power of what highly intellectual nd intelligent people are capable of. When brilliant minds are put together, the possibilities are endless. 

I think manipulation includes strategy. Undermining an intelligent person on the basis of incompetence gives them the ability for them to do whatever they want. 

Should it be forbidden for journalists cannot be activists? 

Heard conditioning - normalizing situations on behalf of conditioning the masses over time. The more people are introduced or in a situation, the more they will get used to it. The more they get used to it, the more things can be introduced slowly altering the perspectives and behaviors of the masses. 

I don't believe in true justice. If it did exist then I think the world would be a better place. In today's reality I think true justice is unobtainable. When laws are at their peak performance, you can get some justice, but I think on average, true justice is unobtainable. At its worst performance and in times of great corruption, I'm near certain the justice system would act against the average person. Perhaps further demonstrating the true nature of people or authoritarians in positions of power with a desire for more power.

I wonder how many times in human history has people said, "this is what my government wants of me", "I don't make the rules", "just following orders", "this is what people want", "if I don't do this I can survive", "better them than me", "if I don't do this, my family will starve". Hearing this in many forms in history, you'd think people would be aware of what they are actually doing and what agenda they are carrying out. In reality, I think people should stand up for what they believe. It's easy to go with the flow or to obey policies blindly. Mob leaders, groups, and government often have no remorse for being accountable so it's up to people to stand up for what they believe in and to have principle. If we follow everyone else and let people we follow do what they want, the people holding the highest office can commit all sorts of insane actions. From making people starve, to making an elite class where others are made servants to them, to committing mass genocides. Sociopaths often take the highest form of office and in given time, their true intentions show as they crave more power. So how important is having any kind of principle? How important is it to stand up for what one believes is right and ethical? Will the cycle of irrational activities continue or will someone stand up and be a voice to stop it from getting worst? How far is too far? What will happen if your actions one day are brought to trial before a judge? Will you honestly live with yourself afterwards? Can you live with your decisions and actions on your conscious? I think many people will be okay with it; commonly the sociopaths who have no empathy as a personal value. Nevertheless, I think its important for everyone to have principle. People should stand for what's good and what they think is right. I think when times become insane and when a political narrative or agendas are spreading to the point it harms the objectively innocent and nobody draws the line, humanity will eventually kill itself off in the long run because they will lose sight of what makes people human. Eventually they'll die off and leave no trace of its existence. All that work, advancement, pain, and evolution disappears completely. I think this is the direction humanity will eventually go. Destruction is easier then construction. But I guess only time will tell. Perhaps the big question is if one will have the principles to build, improve, and prevent humanity from dying out, or will they grieve until humanity exists no more? 

Should it be forbidden to tamper with the economy without a reason and going through the court system?

 (Term) Cyler-system -A system that allows for the creation of multiple internal systems. // I think an economy should be a cyler-system that allows for more business systems and models aside from a traditional company and a company that belongs to a union. I think we should also have a government that supports multiple lifestyles and methods for people to live. 

I believe nations are extremely terrible at incentivizing growth, production, and innovation. You'd think countries would revisit every single law an policy, and see how can it be made better. You'd think they would revisit their beliefs and philosophies on to how to improve growth, lifestyles, and wealth. You'd think they would see how other countries are building wealth to use that as data for them to utilize and get ahead. This is of course assuming a country wants to improve their ability to innovate, build growth, and get ahead. From what I see, governments are often beurocratic and authoritarian. If this is the case, then perhaps all countries have a thinning-steam-pipe preventing full productivity and growth. 

I think it could be possible humans could be living in a different place in space. I had a dream about a top secret airforce base secretly taking officers and scientists to a different planet or habitable structure in another system in space. I wonder if this is accurate. 

Education is everything. Accurate information is critical. Applicable education is important. Structure and methods of teaching is essential. Curiosity and inspiration should be highly valued and greatly utilized. Nobody should be left behind. There is an academic structure for all. Critical thinking, logic, and reasoning is beyond important and is what will be the vessel to create the intellectual, intelligent, and complex society. I want to believe intellectuality, intelligence, self-improvement, and being self-conscient is what gives us a deeper, greater, and profound soul. 

My interpretation of the difference between Conservatives and Democrat logics and ways of thinking: 
Conservative logical. Dictionary terminology. Objectivity and not culture. Little ideologic and self-interpretating of information meanings. Critical thinking with ability to deduct and reason. Strong understanding of cause and effect. Looks at the big picture to see how things evolved, progress, and what things will lead to based on evidence. Looks at the overall picture to see how things can be used and abused and come up with suggestions on how to prevent their abuse. Look at sources, tests credibility, and looks to see how accurate it is in comparison with other materials. Does their own research. Does unbiased research looking at all sources including opposition sources. Questions their own logic and answers and why they believe and think that way. 
Current democrats: emotional, self-interpreting,  and not often objectional logical. They have their own self-interpreted logic and not objective logic. Perceived terminology (commonly defined by culture) and not dictionary terminology. View logic through the eyes of culture, environment, politics, and not objectivity. Often a key-word collectivist (use keywords to trigger other key words and thoughts brought up by culture and environment resources). Commonly cognitively dissonant (turn away or ignore things they do not understand or find controversial. Turn away from anything that doesn't fit in their reality. No desire to understand everything in detail but instead to only have a desire to win arguments for their tribe or personal gain). Often ideological in interpretation. Don't question themselves, their own logic, their own accuracies, their own answers, any idea that other people might find controversial. Often has a fear of being wrong. See things in a way that's ideologically focused where they assume things. They often assume things will not be used against a subjects main intent or reason of use (tunnel vision). They don't question how things can be manipulated or made to fit a narrative or agenda. They often works around questions and often twist and bend discussions instead of giving a simple answer. They often manipulates questions into their favor through self-perceived logic and terminology. They often trusts sources due to bias and expects accuracy without looking into them. They also don't test credibility, question, or conduct greater research. They often do bias only research and not oppositional research. They often don't  question manipulation when things are greatly controversial and instead retracts focus from it as it doesn't fit their world-reality narrative (another form of cognitive dissonance) 
Solution: correct their speech with dictionary terminology. Present accurate information, present topics in logical questions which demands simple logical answers. Have information through cause and effect and reason how they came to be for the answers they have. Deduct and reason why you think they think a certain way. Have them explain their view and why. Ask them to explain a term because their use of language and terminology can be different compared to dictionary terminology. Have them explain concepts because you are listening to the interpretation of another's logic and not an objective logic (like learning the ideologies, language, and logics, of a forign group). Explain to them how they could be manipulated on behalf of any laid out agenda. When they become too emotional, switch to indirect conversation (talk without saying "you" to them). Test their logic and ask questions and explain your logic and why you believe a certain way; then compare both logics. Perhaps explain why they shouldn't see things through the eyes of culture, emotion, and ideological value. Use analogies through concepts, culture, and metaphors they are familiar with. Straighten out their logics with questions and comparing logics. Compare and contrast their answers with your answers and why you think a certain way. Identify logical fallacies and explain why you think their logic is wrong and why yours is correct. Give examples of how yours is correct and theirs is wrong. Explain why you think your information is accurate and why theirs may be incorrect or partially correct. Explain why you think they think a certain way. The more honest a democratic is, the easier they can help you deduct their logic and reasoning or identify any areas of manipulation. In a debate i think you also have to play as the psychologist as much as a person of debate. You have to learn why and where they came to think a certain way. You figure this out and you figure them out and you help straighten their logic. When things finally click in their mind where things make sense (this also correlation with mental maturity) where they gain the ability to apply logic to predict things, they then can begin to critically think and open their minds to deduct and reason on their own. Mental maturity requires a human brain to have a series of processes of interpreting and obtaining accurate information needed to gain an understanding of the world around a person so that they can understand how to use deduction and reasoning, cause and effect, and learn to apply critical thinking because they have developed a kind of mental awakening to utilize the accurate information obtained. Eventually over time, their brain will click and their logic will be straightened out to the point where they will want to learn more about things on their own in search of accuracy and utility. It's at this point you become a objective critical thinker because you better understand the world around you with objective and realistic properties and not ideological, self-interpretated, or bias-sourced properties. //It's important to have both sides think logically or at the least with a balanced influence in emotions. It's highly important that everyone utilizes extremely accurate information, has the ability to question, deduct and reason, and understand each other in a way that allows for effective communication and solutions. Doing this will help bring about the complex intelligent, and intellectual society. 

I think the United States needs to revisit their NDA policies and add a provision to expose corruptions. Often what we see is people uphold corruption and malevolent behavior in companies because of NDAs. I think NDAs should be requires by law to expose problems in a company because if they do not they are in collusion with malevolent behaviors and should also be held accountable for what they should have called out as malevolent activity. I think a provision like this is absolutely necessary and should be mandatory by law since people often do not stand for principle and stand nearly never stand against what is malevolent activity and behavior. 

I agree with the quote, "If you want peace, prepare for war" from the book "Epitoma Rei Militaris," by the Roman general Vegetius. 

Should there be a policy in government where nobody should lie in government? Should we have a policy that all politicians need to retract any false statements or get penalized?

I like the quite "Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth." 

Ethics is something that is not emphasized in the United States or the western world. It plays a major part in Asian culture. In the western world ethics is mixed with a different idea. Ethics defined by me is the matter in which a person learns to be responsible with their behaviors, to be accountable for their behaviors and actions, and to enact behaviors that helps improve, show respect, or harmonize society. In Japan these values are socially expected and taught through school-life. Ethics is not a method of controlling one's behaviors because it's up to the person to think what behaviors are acceptable in situations. The repercussions is being ignored and not taken seriously. This method causes people to get back in-line due to natural psychological desires. Ethics is a huge part of how we solve this problem with violence in this country. In the future such violence or even scandals of corruption will be seen as extreme and taken extremely seriously. 

Should adults and children have repercussions for having fake "alts" (short for alternate personality disorder) or fake mental illnesses? Many young individuals following culture has adopted behaviors of mental illness as a way to gain attention. I personally think that if a person is caught exhibiting these behavior, they should be reported and committed to the nearest warn or psychiatric facility. They should experience what it's like to be around individuals who truly have alternate personality disorders and to be around individuals who have real mental illnesses to reveal their own extreme behaviors. Once they are discovered to faking these behaviors, they should do mandatory community service. 

Should parents be penalized for not being good parents when their child has obtained an extensive case of very poor behavior? Should parents be subjected to mandatory community service related to helping their community? Should parents also be subjected to mandatory family counseling and group counseling? I call this idea Parental Responsibility Objective. 

I am against war. I think war should be avoided. I personally think that if a country declares war or a mass military operation on another country, then the other country should be allowed to team up with other countries and invade the attacking country as soon as that country initiates their take-over attempt. I call this Halt Invasion Or Else Counter Invasion Response (HIOECIR). After a country attacks with their initial wave, all teamed countries can defend against the first attack and then attack the initiating country all at once from every angle with any resource capability. They can shoot down nukes, disable nuclear launch sites, disable equipment and hardware sites, disable satellites, and sink ships and subs. Then the team of nations can invade the attacking country and remove every aspect of the country's power or governing system. They should use a "guilty until proven innocent" court system instead of the "innocent until proven guilty" because they were all ultimately part of the hostile operation. When they capture the initiating country and there are no longer threats, then they divide the country either evenly or to the percentage of their influence on the counter invasion operation. They should keep the original name of the country but relabel the divided regions to provinces or territories of the countries they were given to. As a territory, the countries can do what they want. Neighboring countries through the territories should build diplomacy and collaborate with each other. They should each develop or transform their territories and build it to suit their country's needs and goals.  

Should businesses redo their business models to accept the oncoming generations without a formal education? Perhaps we should accept a business model in which half hires from colleges and universities and half from high schools or who do not have formal education who also have the desire to improve their skills.

I strongly believe there is a primal brutal burning spirit within all of us. A spirit within a person that when you know how to use it, it can be a near unstoppable force of nature. When you are confronted with a life or death situation, one should use it. It is a spirit of a warrior and a spirit of survival. Fear fuels it. Build that courage and rage in times of danger and fear. Get yourself into the heat of the moment. Pace, build. When you feel like you've had enough of this power and hit the right cord. Use the internal rage within one's soul for natural blind power and energy. Charge what terrifies you. This is the source of the will to survive. Use it only when needed, control and conserve it when not in danger. A civilized and rational person knows when to use it. A person who is dangerous who controls themselves, their actions, thoughts, and knows when to use it, is a person worthy of great leadership. A person who uses this power responsibly is a true protector and warrior. Fear is what triggers it and when it does demons should fear it, because demons are prey to other greater demons who have something greater to fight for. This rage can be a source for a stubbornness to die and a source to keep fighting against greater odds while going all in. This is the soul of a warrior and the skills of a great leader, protector, and defender. 

Can mental illness be the method to create positive change in the US? In positions of power, there commonly resides sociopaths and psychopaths. On the societal level there are mental illness, criminals, and serial killers. Perhaps there should be more of an extremely elaborate campaign to learn more about the mental processes and its development to prevent related individuals from affecting the health of overall society. Perhaps the US should study, investigate, and examine in detail human psychology and formulate methods to prevent the further spread or control the limit of mental illnesses. 

Should mental maturity be a method of moderation? Perhaps an example can be people who exhibit behavior or mindsets of nonadults should not have access to certain activities, items, or amenities until they prove themselves capable. This can be perhaps through their behaviors by acting mature or demonstrating valid logic, reason, and critical thinking capabilities. 

I don't believe people are inherently evil or there is an evil gene (or a series of DNA proteins programmed for a person to be evil) I think it is a result of a child's development and the influences by parents, family, environment, culture, or mental development during a child's growth stages. Mental development could be by chemical or neurological-cognitive development. A child could have poor mental health due to plaques, brain damage, chemical imbalances, an effect of malnutrition or the result of undeveloped or problematic regions in the brain which could lead to mental defects, behavioral abnormalities, cognitive decline, and worsening mental illness as time goes on which contributes to people becoming criminals, serial killers, or some form of evil person. I believe the solution for correcting controversial behaviors is by positive examples and role models in communities and having access to the right medical treatment when needed or correct counseling for necessary cognitive reconditioning. There is a generalization of how to treat people; however, I think all cases are different due to the complex nature of the human brain, human behavior, and mental or neurological development.

I think one good way the future will improve power efficiency and performance is by adding liquid nitrogen to steam systems. I call it nitrogen steam technology. Because of the speed and durability of such systems, synthetic materials will have to be developed. 

A common behavior of societal decay is the normalization of violence, irrational ideologies,  and chaos. I think to prevent social decay, one should never normalize these corrosive behaviors. 

People need to be aware of Marxist-tribalism. These are political movements created for the purpose of socio-divisions (divide and conquer), indoctrination (changing generational values for later influential power), building growth and power of a political faction, and overall population control. There can be many tribalist narratives. They usually start small (usually in relation to mass psychology/sociology and retentive mass psychological influence or what is likely to captivate a large audience, or by socio-exploits and weaknesses), then through repeated and iterative propaganda it reaches a mass audience (businesses adapt it thinking or pretending it is what the public desires; mainly by universities through clubs then course lectures it grows; it's promoted in media and culture; then police are controlled and used for evil commonly in relation in favor of the propaganda), and then it affects mass public influence in which the narrative becomes a institutionally driven movement with a focus on censoring decent and discussion, and then it turns to violence to scare the opposition until the movement becomes part of politics (being adopted by a political faction which uses institutions to silence or arrest opposition) or becomes so violent that it turns into a political overthrow in which civil conflict breaks out which could give a political faction control through methods of conflict. The requirements to prevent Marxist-tribalism from happening is awareness, educating people, building unity, having discussion, upholding logic (logic and reason), upholding freedom of speech (against censorship and echo chambers), investigating actors (organization leaders, politicians, govt agency officials, media, corporations... ect), holding actors with evidence-of-action accountable, removing power or positions from those who are promoting the movements, promoting alternate messages that create a counter narrative to their movement narratives, exposure of areas of influence and corruptions (lies), and always being a few steps ahead of how events will evolve and taking influential steps to prevent those events from occurring or getting worst. 

(sexual; controversial) Could it be that sexual discipline becomes a natural phenomenon after a male has already had too much sex or exposure to sex? 

My comment from Youtube from Where Does Morality Come From?(Ben Shapiro): From my perspective, I think morality comes from preservation. People want peace because it helps them to get ahead, achieve things, bring prosperity, and build wealth and security. If everyone is getting their things stolen and getting injured or killed, it doesn't build anything but more conflict and violence. 
I have yet to believe the western world has yet to learn about ethics which I describe is the personal responsibilities and self-moderating reflection of one's observation of oneself and how a person should interact in society that leads to a positive development and behavior of society. Ethics is taught in Asian countries, I feel like it should be taught in the US also since parents do not teach such things. If I had to teach ethics, it would be more grounded in science (human psychology) than theology. There are many great values in theology worth utilizing and teaching so that people can choose what works for them, but I think being grounded in logic, reason, and human understanding is also very important. 
Moreover on a more controversial, intimate, and personal note. I don't think sexuality is immoral. I think there are many values there that is critical to the human experience that is essential but blocked by mainstream culture and ideology. Sexuality and perhaps nudity is something important to the human experience, and perhaps survival, however society makes rules for it labeling it a taboo instead of learning more about it and formulating methods through psychology in which humanity can view normal human functions to be a less taboo things and instead use it as a way to bring humans together in an ethical way. I want to believe society in the future bypasses its lustful views and adopts new mindsets in which builds unity and removes human limitations in behavior allowing for a more honest, authentic, and behaviorally open society.

Can sound be used to create new materials or describe materials so that people can develop them? Imagine hearing a sound like a bottle cap falling on the floor. Imagine discovering a method that by hearing the sound waves you can uncover the material of an item and explore new materials. Imagine hearing the bottle cap and examining new methods to make a bottle cap a new more affordable or improved material. 

Compiling Notation - the process of listing out and making a database for all the variables associated with a subject along with issues, mistakes, checks, and routine or reoccurring things to learn from a subject. For example, when a car breaks down, you make a list of variables based on sounds, user input, sensations and correlating issues and list them in a database for people to learn from and obtain a possible solution as to why something is happening. It's a way of keeping track of repeated mistakes, reoccurring problems, checks, and solutions people have discovered to fix them. An deeper example is a brake found on a car tire. You list out the issues the user experiences such as sound, wobby steering wheel, turn sensation, and effectiveness of using the brakes and apply them to a user database where they can list the symptoms and narrow down the possibility on what could be the problem and how to fix it. This can also be applied to other industries. Such as education. List all the areas students are having what could be methods to fix or obtain a solution. This is an extensive but useful tool to learn from and fix things. 

(Marxism methodology)There's a lot of psychology and sociology associated with the Marxist form of government. It correlates a lot with social behaviors and personal psychologies. The first institution to infiltrate is using books, media, art, music, and entertainment. I think literature is predominantly the primary method because it speaks to the reader directly. This is used to influence the non-critical thinkers and low IQ individuals. This also tries to influence media and communities. Then it leads to education and political power. To do this you need corrupt officials. There are monetary incentives, blackmail incentives, community or cult incentives, fear-intimidation-threat incentives, power-favor incentives, the most common is corrupt people at the top using their influence and power to affect the bottom. I think corrupting politicians is the most powerful methods Marxists use. If you can't corrupt them then you need a cult, malicious community, or political faction to use to influence politicians and leaders. Over time the influences spread, the philosophy spreads, and culture is created. Culture spreads influencing most of the institutions. I think the last institution that is affected is the legal system. A logical legal system requires the warping of logic and public-logic for illogical laws. The common method for warping is through feelings instead of logic. Also, once education is affected, the decay of education to a lower quality is essential to spread the philosophy. Critical-thinking must be removed or replaced with a non-intellectual form of critical thinking. Standards must also be changed to methods that prevent or make difficult for memory retention and inspiration. The turning point of the system is when laws can be influenced. This is when it's most tricky for a change in government. This is when tribal warfare is required to change the system. This can be done by civil conflict for a faction who wants to preserve the old system with people wanting the new Marxist system. This is when a political faction takes over with a final solution to change laws completely. The other method is by suppression where overtime the preserving faction is silenced, dissolved, controlled, phased away, and slowly cutoff from the new mainstream. The third method is by the Marxist faction creating artificially - made conflicts and having the solutions prepared in advanced for those conflicts to obtain power. Once a faction gets their way, they exterminate nearly all factions, including their own, and keep people who are capable of living in fear, like zombies, capable of maintaining a low IQ, capable of maintained in control, and overall don't dare to question or go against their new system. This is how this system works. You're welcome.

I like the quote: "How do you tell a communist?  Well, its someone who reads Marx and Lenin.  How do you tell an anti-communist?  Its someone who understands Marx and Lenin." - Ronald Reagan

Marx wanted to tear down the old system of capitalism for political control. What I think should be done is to incentivize capitalism but reinforce it with ethics. How do you reinforce it with ethics? Reward those who utilize ethics and who do great things and ignore or distance oneself from those who do not use it as a matter of principle. 

(psychology hypothesis; fast version) Mental evolutions of a person hypothesis. Infant brain learns basic human functions. Child brain learns family and cultural influences. Preteen learns more cultural influence and environmental influence. Preteens still have no foundation to comprehend mental maturity but to learn and use correlative or repeat by example behaviors and logics. Teenagers begin to understand the fundamentals of self-perceived logics and cultural behaviors. There still is very little mental maturity and the ability to independently and critically think. It's a time where they utilize culture and repeated or instructed materials without a personalized logical understanding of how they work, why they exist, and the ability to make improvements. It's a phase of cognitive dissonance or cognitively not awakened (due to the yet developing brain) from given materials and subjects and behaviors and not yet self-developed, critical thought, or logically comprehending with an ability to completely know what they mean. An example could be to have a teenager explain what is a business, what is an example of how it is run, and why does it exist and what are its effects on the economy. Another example could be what is the purpose of a family, why is it important, and how would you run a family and why. These are semi-complex questions requiring a level of critical thinking that if you don't authentically come up with your own answer, there is still a lot of world logics and self-logics still required to formalize your own answers. Even the very definition of business and family carries a different perception that a person who is mentally mature and developed can understand and formalize a complex answer or solution. Moreover, it's a prime time for early understanding for intellectual understanding and personal and mental (critical thinking) development. Young adults (ages 22 to 25) this is the real prime for intellectual understanding and when people should learn how to think, comprehend the world, and to question everything and learn the tools in which to obtain accurate information and learn as much as they can about the real world. The more you learn about the real world outside of textbooks, the more you can apply and get real results and influence it. This is also the ages when people should learn mental maturity. Mental maturity is seeing the world and behaving in a way that you can apply self-developed critical thinking, ethics, and self-realized understandings which maintains the integrity, respect, and harmony of society instead of behaving irrationally or child-like due to lack of mental development and understanding of the world that a person has not understood or realized yet because of the lack of critical thinking skills and understanding of the world. This age is also the time where they should revisit everything they have learned in the past from the fundamentals and have the ability to explain things with a logical personal understanding. Full adult (age 25 +) should have a comprehension of mental maturity, basic understandings of the world to where it can be influenced, ability to critically think and apply logic and reason so that the events make sense, the ability to obtain accurate information and the unbiased compiling and filtering for accurate information. Its the time when any past inaccuracy should be disseminated using logically and braking it down and explained in a way that makes sense. The brain should be matured at this point and it's the peak time of brain functionality. Past the ages of 40+ should make individuals experts at their trades, experts at the fields they have maintained focus in, and have an understanding of the world around them and how to influence it. If they continue to learn about the world (updated with accurate information) and have an accuracy to apply methods to it that works, they can be master manipulators and influence the world in many ways. I think after the age of 50 or 60 or 70 there is a slow mental developmental decline. Perhaps this is when adults should revisit the fundamentals of everything and update the information that has been lost. This perhaps should be the time when they should learn new trades and experiences to stimulate their comprehension and critical thinking abilities. Perhaps a culture for seniors can be created to where they can start a new phase of learning or mental redevelopment to reawaken mental development and speed. These are also the ages to where they can teach their past knowledge if it is still accurate, applicable, and relevant. 

Could it be that there are different dimensions stated by people who try DMT or N-Dimethyltryptamine (aka Ayahuasca (an Indian hallucinogen) a psychedelic drug that causes people to hallucinate into different dimensions meeting all sort of interesting and seemingly intelligent creatures, beings, and forces? My theory is that these creatures don't actually exist because they are produced by the mind, but I keep my thoughts open in case some sort of results come from the information provided by the beings. 

I think it would be cool to have an elevated beach marina for tourism. This would help businesses protect from hurricanes and storms. 

Perhaps there can be two separate economies for when there is a working economy made for business and an economic collapse. Perhaps if the economy collapses the farms switch to a survival model in which they share resources with urban areas in exchange for credits. When the economy picks back up, the farmers can be paid back for their efforts. I call this idea Recovery Reward. 

Should houses have a method for self-sustainability when there is no power or a method for using human-powered technology that generates electricity by giving power back to power companies for money? I think this is a great idea. I think all homes should have human powered station like a bicycle that people can use for when there is blackouts or if people want to find a way to earn fast cash by using human-power. I think it's a good way for people to earn cash and to allow the powergrid to have a sustainable source of energy. I call this idea Power-grid Recycling. 

(term) Brazz - a male or female who is very masquiline, manly, strong-willed, fortified, courageous, and tough. 

I think mass small scale manufacturing could be a great idea for the future. Perhaps this can revive the idea of having artisians and people who make things. Having small scale manufacturing could be a way for people to earn a living, compete with each other, and produce products that drive innovation and creativity. 

(term) Artificial economic collapse - an economic collapse through policy that influences or stifles economic and logistical systems on purpose and by design. 

I think what we are seeing now is with the economy and policy is the result of what happens when sociopaths and psychopaths do when they have money and power. They buy security and influence which results in them getting away with crimes and influencing more corruption. It's the result of what happens when the law isn't carried out to the full extent and people can be influenced by others. 

I think faith out of fear is not real faith, it's despairity. Real faith should come from people who objectionally believe. 

Can sound be used to create new materials or describe properties from materials? Imagine hearing a sound. A sound is a frequency and pressure wave. Perhaps by examining the properties of the sound and its frequency we can construct the properties of how the sound was created which could give insight on the structure or properties of the materials that helped create the sound. For example, imagine a bottle cap falling on the floor. Imagine discovering a method where you can decode, decompile, or describe the properties of the frequency made by the material. Perhaps by examining and decoding the frequency and sound, you can also create new materials with new uknown properties and recreate it based on it's frequency properties. You can also create a liburary of sounds by materials and correlated them with each other to help decode the structural sound of the materials and help create new materials with new properties. This could lead to the development of new materials. This could make stronger, more affordable, and imporved artificial materials. 

(economic collapse idea) Perhaps there can be two seperate economies for when there is a working economy made for business and in the event of an economic collapse. Perhaps if the event of an economy collapses, the farms and agriculture resources can switch to a survival model in which they share and provide resources with urban areas in exchange for credits issued by their state's local governments. When the economy picks back up, the farmsers can be paid back for their honorific efforts with a monetary or substantive reward. I call this idea Recovery Reward. In addition, in the event an economic collapse happens, the greatest issue will be logistics. Leaders in urban areas and farmers will have to seeks out and negociate with leaders and organize methods in which to provide the logistics to transport food to urban areas. Leaders and farmers will have the difficult position in which to divide up resources to sustain the long term effects of the economic collapse. Leaders will also have to find ways to provide security and order when there are irrational or desperate actors. Urban leaders can also provide help to the farmers and also incentivize and teach urban areas to grow urban or community farms. I call this the Regrowth of Urban Agriculture Endeavor (RUAE). In the end I think the final result will be a mix of farm agriculture helping urban areas and urban areas regrowing community and urban agriculture for survival. This urban agriculture situation won't last forever and is temporary. When the economy stabilizes, landscapers can reconstruct landscapes and return urban areas back to normal. Overall, I think these two ideas will help people organize and be prepared in the event of an economic collapse. 

(term) Pie slinging culture - In the US we have a culture of making fun of politicians going all the way back in history. In the US today, we do not have that. We should bring back the culture of pie-slinging where media and individuals make fun of politicians and call out and emphasize their poor decisions. 

I think the US should accomodate low IQ individuals and accept them in society. I beleive there should be jobs for low IQ individuals and that all members of US society should make money and earn a living. They also should not rely on having a family to make a sustainable living, they should always have the ability to make enough money to survive on an individual income. 

Perhaps the fundamentals of logic is questioning things, rationalizing them to learn the reasons why things are and accessing the accuracy of information and its objectivity in which you can utilize and manipulate outcomes or use info or proven influence as a personal asset. It's learning to make sense of the world. If something proves something is accurate, it becomes something you can repeat, manipulate, or influence the outcome of. If you can repeat results due to accurate information based on reality and objectivity, then your logic is proven accurate. It's you making sense of the world and being able to influence things. It's building accurate evidence in which you can question, learn, understand, and influence. If you get a repeatable outcomes, you have proven the accuracy of the information you acquired. (I wrote this quickly)

(Term) Content Ghosted - when you produce content but it leads nowhere and gets ignored. 

I think if you listen to no one else but yourself, there is no learning. Without learning, there is no growth.

I realize I have a unique creative mind which is only about 0.8% of the population in the world. It's an incredibly rare brain. This means I have to have others check my work in order to make sure its comprehensibly understandable to the average logical and emotional percent of the population. 

I like the quote, "Chance favors the prepared". 

(Idea) The human true sustainability initiative. This is an idea that all countries close themseved from trade and instead export patents, instructions, intelligence, and information. Countries are to teach themselves how to create things and becoming sustainable and defended.
Should there be a law that targets disinformation after a source surpasses 1000 false statements or onvious propaganda pieces? Perhaps at this point if it's proven obvious and objective for each piece and it's obvious propaganda, it should be a national security concern and an investigation should be conducted for ties to external or forign sources. 

Improvist- (or bestian) someone who wants the best and the best or most improved version of something. Someone who want things with the greatest benefits with the least magnitude of problems, issues, or conflict. 

I think life is on a incremental creation timeline. This means life has nearly infinite possibilities in the present. You can travel the past but cannot travel into the future. 
I think CERN could perhaps be altering the fabrics of our reality at the quantum physics level. Perhaps this explain the mandala effect and the craziness happening in today's world. Lol

(Relationship) When you feel things are going wrong in a relationship, like if the other person is going cold shoulder, talk about it with them. Don't be afraid to ask them. If they say nothing just get some distance and tell them you'll leave them alone. *Never avoid small problems that are there.*

I think life right now is just theatre. Everyone lives a fake life ruled by systems that choose who are successful. The system is a lie and people don't have real freedoms and oportunities. It's just a system of secret slaves and people who will never succeed at anything by design. I wonder if a new system should be built or the current one should be imporved.

People judge people by the cover so those who are out of the ordinary need to use ethics to be friendly, polite, and kind to prove to others one is trust worthy. In time people will get used to you and you will fit in and people will gain a curiosity of you. If you are logical, they will admire you. If you offer wisdom, they will listen. 

I agree courage is not lack of fear. It is taking action in the face of fear. 

I'm the future things will change. Life will change. Vocabulary and mental processes will change. People in the future will look at the past and tho know how primitive we are when in reality, we are an extremely complex society with so much culture, talent, and gifts. People in the future won't know what it feels like to experience certain technologies for the first time.and be inspired. To think of new origional ideas related to this time, and to experience the humor and culture that unites people. They will have their view from the future. Chances are they will see the disaster and turmoil of the times assuming this truth is not hidden andsuppressed. Life offers treasures only the present will ever experience. I'm sure the experience, technologies, and culture of the future is amazing also, but every period in history offers things that are truly stunning, new, and amazing. Perhaps things we could never experience or could only wish to experience. 

Everyone has flaws. Nobody is perfect. Even if you hates someone for something they did, how they behave, or toxicities or insecurities, overlook it and still continue to be with them. Be their support for a while before finding a good time to be honest with them and to talk. If it's too painful write to them instead. Say the words that must be said. Be rational, calm, and collected. Ask the questions or state the facts that need to be said. Hopefully things improve. If not, then hopefully it's was for the best. It starts with honesty. 

Everyone has a different level of thinking. Some have high IQ and some low. Everyone should be respected. Everyone thinks at different levels depending on their mental maturity and critical-thinking-awakening or already obtained critical thinking skills. To question everything, to always be practicing thinking, always asking how and why, practicing logic and reasoning, always learning and obtaining accurate information, having self observation and hypothesis, is how you reach a higher IQ with time and further improve yourself by being honest and improving the world. 

I think a good example of observing the health of culture is by observing the behaviors, attitudes, and language of its youth.

Should people ask others for styles ideas to boost attractiveness? 

I think it would be good to see and have a progression to every form of man-made disaster. Then you can see how it started and where it ended up and why. I call the idea, calamity progression.  

I think sometimes it's necissary to have to tell someone you love, " if you don't change, I'm leaving" if their features are unquestionably awful. 

I think in a dishonest society, perhaps to achieve success, one needs to be half honest in order to safe face, maintain security, boost image, and gain the perception of status. In an honest society, honesty is a virtue and i think should be the tool that gets you farther. 

Sociopath questions:
1 What do they want. I assume they will say they want nothing so they can manipulate people. 2 Ask them what was the last sad movie they watched and why. This reveals if they are empathetic. 3 When was the last time you felt nervous? Observe if they have a sociopathic stare and if they break eye contact. If they don't, they could exhibit sociopathic behaviors. Sociopaths don't break eye contact very often. They should blink every 10 seconds. 4 How often do they/you blink? 5 Try and get them to lie and ask them if they really did that, is it really true, or if they actually have something.6 What would you do if someone made you angry? 

(Term) Cheerfor - a word I made up that means you're on the right path, don't give up, and do your best. It helps people know they are on the right path to improvment, building something of value, and becoming an expert in the subject. 

I think often life is about money for people who dont have it. 

I think ethics is self contained in science and psychology. It's by having a mixed sense of logic, morals, responsibility, and the self-conscious to do good as a personal value and to have a sense of goodwill for others. Lessons and storytelling are the method in which we formulate ethics. Lessons speak through logic and reason which teaches critical thinking and rationality. Moreover, it seems ethics isn't an educational or academic narrative in the western world. Mostly ethics in the western world derives from religion which is questionable. Japan teaches ethics from an early age to later high school. It teaches individuals their version of society. I think the path to an ethical western society is through education. This will help establish a baseline on how to treat others, be civilized, how to treat themselves and how to think critically, and how to integrate, somewhat preserve, and even improve society.

(Term) Onmio Creative - a person who uses their imagination to predict things. They may practice multiple methods of meditation to predict things. The most common method is the semi-sleep thinking method. 

I like the quote, "If we all do a little, we do a lot together."

Sometimes you need to pause from life. Lay down and just think. Think of everything. Anything that comes to mind. Go as deep in thought as possible. Think of everything that's brought you value. Everything you've accomplished. Pets who have made your life amazing. What great things people have done for you. Just sit and think for hours without doing anything. Pet your animals and stare deep into their eyes. Guess what they're thinking. Observe every hair and feature on their face. These are a few examples of going deep into thought or even getting lost in thought. Clear your mind from all the worldy things and just think. Don't use substance to alter your mind. Just think, reflect, and talk to your own thoughts and imagination. I call this idea, the Deep Step-back from Reality. The more you think, the more is revealed to you. 

Being angry is a chosen irrationality. People choose to be angry. People who have no self-control of anger need anger management. People who do not understand ethics and are not responsible for their actions, react by allowing themselves to be angry. Being irritated is inherent, being angry is not.
(space) I think astronaunts might benefit using a space net during their operations to prevent tool and items from drifting away. Perhaps a drone or a crane arm can deploy and utilize a skeleton which deploys a net. This will allow astronaunts to work on the space station and retrieve drifted items. It can also help astronanunts in the case they accidently drift off to space. Another idea is to have all suits carry a tether cable and a space suit that uses a jet pack. With the combined technologies of a net and space jet pack, astronanunts can easily zip around the space station without fear of drifting into danger. Ontop of this, nets can also be used to harvest space debris and eliminate the problem of space trash as a threat to the astronaunts. Maybe later missions could involve collecting the debris, attaching them to a rocket, and sending them into a safe location in the ocean for pickup. My next idea would be to build an orbital space station that acts as a manufactoring station and space hub for other space vehicles. The idea would be to mine and collect asteroids, harvest the iron, and collect resources from Earth so that this orbital station could manufacture small and larger space vehicles. My next idea would be to plant a series of orbiting satelites capable of transmissing data to Earth and to the manufacturing station so that a relative and obiting path around the Earth, moon, and between Mars can be established so that data can be transmitted extremely quickly and act as an intelligence network. The satelites on the path can also be capable of artificially guiding any martian or intersteller vehicle automatically without the need of an operator so that all vehicles with these systems can be detected and easily guided back to Earth utilizing the most optimal and safest path. I call the satellite idea, the Stardust Network. 

I think people seem to listen to experts. Experts can claim to be a leader in anything. I suggest to only consider the experts if they have proven evidence and trust based on proven evidence (perhaps tangible evidence); otherwise, experts can be a method to have other listen and blindly obey. Combine people who claim they are experts but are in a cult and you have an agenda for whoever's purpose it fits. Perhaps best to be careful of anyone who calls themselves an expert. 

I can admit I am an pessimist. I believe things don't get better unless there is substancial evidence to support it. I also beleive things don't get better unless there are active systems that guard, indicate, warn, and protect more crusial systems in the case things take a turn for the worst. I am a believer that backups should have backups and that systems should have a clever mechanism to be aware and identify when things are mishandled, being manipulated, influenced, or being tampered with for a worst outcome. In addition, not only do I believe in security of systems, but I believe in systems of identification and awareness. To simply explain, I believe systems should be able to be aware and identify what, who, where, how, why, and when a system is being tampered with. This system can be for a wide range of aplications such as for survallance, emergency systems, or even laws and political ideology. I will also say it's important that these systems also do not tamper the influence of freedoms as freedoms should also be considered a priority of security and its systems. Overall, I believe we should have systems, whether AI driven or tangible procedure, be an intricate part of improving the security and functionality of our modern systems. 

I think it's worth considering three teers of justice magnitudes. Crime magnitudes depends on the amount of crimes being produced. Teer 1 is low crime. Low crime means more freedoms. Petty legal issues are ignored allowing people more freedoms. Teer 2 is how current society is today where any legal issue is precedent. Teer 3 is when crime is beyond comprehention and no place is safe. This means every crime is double the punishment and saverity. 

Perhaps it's better to be scared now then to be scared later because overtime I think one develops tough skin and a resistance to fear.

The Janoski Paradox is my idea that when you go back in time, you create a new reality. An example can be that if you revisit your dad and stop him from having you, you don't dissappear. Instead you have just created a new version within that reality. You created a spin off that reality where you weren't born but continue to exist. 

I keep thinking if gold could be comprised of iron, lead, copper and sufure (perhaps even magnesium and zink)? Afterall, gold is an alloy meaning a mixure of elements. On the periodic table, it's similar to platinum. The Earth immensely pressurizes and heats these elements. Perhaps there is some combination of these that could create artificial gold. Perhaps magnetism, gravity, static/ electricity also has some sort of influence in making this element. It would be exciting to make artificial gold. 

(Archiology) Is it me or permapunko has the same achitecture as the Persian Persepolis in Iran? Perhaps Persepolis is build on a more ancient foundation making the architecture a lot more older then what it seems. Kind of sus. Could Persepolis be Sumerian architecture which makes permapunko Sumerian? I also noticed the pillas of Persepolis very identicle to the pillars in Balbek. They are build from a single slap; much like the foundation megalyths/monolyths. Could Balbek be build upon a more ancient foundation, namely Sumerian architecture?

Should we perhaps consider to have laws or warnings on ideology? I think there should be perhaps be a priority on preserving free speech. The idea aims to further be used to prevent physical harm doing of oneself and others. Observing the mentally ill, psychotic, sociopathic, criminal, and politically indocrinated and their rationality, excuses, and logics. Perhaps we should maybe consider the idea of laws or warnings on ideology and ideological outcome. We can collect the information made from these individuals and consolidate them in ideological laws or warnings. Having this could show those with irrational ideological values what and why they are doing is wrong and the outcome of their actions. 

(Military) Nuclear prevention technology ideas.
Idea 1: An atmospheric blimp deployed in times of nuclear threat that is hooked up with smart technologies to shoot down ICBMs using EMP jamming technology to knock the missile offline then a pulse lazer or pulse/sound frequency to push the ICBM out of trajectory or any smart hypersonic path and into the ocean. The EMP jammer can form a grid or shield when synced to other atmospheric blimps.
Idea 2: A rapidly deploying remote controlable satellite capable of launching smart missles, iron rods, heat lasers, frequency pulses, or drones. The drone's use can be automated or remote control. They can snag ICBM from midair and disarm them in midflight for capture and safely landing it at a secure and safe location.
Idea 3: Horde drones. A satellite, floating buoy, atmospheric balloon, or ocean floor vehicle, or undewatering launcher deploys a swarm of smart drones that attach and disseminate the ICBM or smaller nuclear capable missles.
Idea 4: Hovering UFO technology remains stationary and invisible in the air ready for rapid defense deployment in the case an ICBM is launched. These drone or manned UFOs can remain ready for action whenever necissary. They can be mother ships or smaller ships and perhaps behave as hidden airbases or atmosphere station in the case of rapid deployment needs. Smaller crafts or drones can incapacitate or immobilize ICBM or other nuclear carrying vehicles perhaps with the use of EMP technology and pulse frequency technologies. They can remove key components in midflight by maintaining equivalent speed, cargo the ICBM in midflight, and conduct immediate forensic analysis.
Idea 5: Satellites hover out of range safely from enemy nuclear launch sites and vehicles where it beams a frequency pulse to continuously pulse and use EMP to shut down their systems. It could use a heat laser to melt their nuclear launch bays and vehicles. The satellites can also drop EMP jammer rods to keep locations jammed or electronic components fried.
Idea 6: Buoys can launch dish-drones that hover distantly from enemy locations and allow a Laser or frequency technology to beam from the mainland or station onto the drone-dish and focus the drone-dish on key enemy locations. At anytime the drone can move and the main weapon technology on the mainland or station can continue to focus on it sending powerful signals or lasers with nonstop focus.
Idea 7: The US could deploy underwater vehicles or have stations that activate an EMP pulse as soon as enemy ships, missles, ICBMs, or planes enter the area. 
Idea 8: Secret US anti-nuclear alliances. I would form a covert alliance with other countries that are capable of defending each other on the occasion a nuclear deployment situation happens. 
Idea 9: A new fighter jet that moves many times faster than an ICBM. A jet capable of reaching an ICBM and intercepting it immediately. 

Sins of the Experienced: When I was in highschool I went to an animation studio in Spring, Tx. I was looking to seeif I could do to become employed. Unfortunately the owners didn't persuade me from continuing to improve my trade offering an oportunity to one day the possibility to being hired by them or another company in my industry. Looking back at my youngerself in that situation and being the business owner, I would have done things differently. Instead of saying one's work is terrible, I would have told my former self that my skill is very bigginner and would require much more skill to be hired in a position of a studio, but I would encourage them to not give up and to find ways to improve. Then I would make a list of things I should know bwfore I get a job in the industry. I'd make a list or a road map to where I would need to be. I would make my former self know I need to produce an example level of quality, I need to learn to unwrap, I need to learn to texture, I would need to learn to animate, and a bunch of technical skills such as proper topology, tiling textures, breaking down objects, optimization (games), compositing (animation and film), and anything else that is necissary. If many people came to me to get hired in my company, I would make a web page or a printable word map as to what is required to work there. Overall, I would try to inspire begginners and motivated individuals to reach a level of quality necissary for a job position. I would try to inspire and guide individuals even at the cost of my own job. Unlike most people, I beleive the more people in an industry the more the quality of progress, skill, and projects qualities will improve. It will inspire a greater community which can be used to help each other. In conclusion, I call it the Sins of the Experienced whoever does not inspire others, encourages growth, and helps other get to the quality they need to be. 

I feel like aggressive and entitled older females can be dangerous in a modern society. Aggressive older females seem to influence the younger generation tramendously. Their behaviors can influence the behaviors of the younger female generations which could result in negative behaviors later in life. This could be learning by example or something more. I feel it could perhaps even jeperdize their relationships and rational ideology. Perhaps it's necissary for these individuals to go to anger managment, psychological therapy, unique treatments and programs, or perhaps fines. Looking at policies, it seems their behaviors and push in creating policies has greatly influenced a negative outcome in the country and society. I believe more exposure and study of these individuals is very much necissary. I also think individuals like this should not be put in positions to create policies.  

It's my belief older individuals, such as seniors, can be dangerous when they fail to think rationally and logically. Perhaps if they show sign of irration and unwarented violence, it should be considered or investigated. 

I feel the US should have more banking resources and remove their dependency on V0anguard, Bla0ckrock, and Sta0te Street0 global bank systems. (remove 0s)

I feel that people need more tools to hold government accountable. Perhaps this could be for people to stop working. Maybe switch to another economic model. Perhaps more ways people can peacfully protest and petition for actions to be taken and hold bad actors accountable. Perhaps there can be a petitioned ralley by the governor of state to have a meeting and to force congressman to do their job or get fired. Perhaps get fired by voting them from government involvment. Perhaps there is a special box in a state's capitol  where they can petition with protest cards (like a voters registration card; includes personal identification of individuals so it's not a scam). Maybe they can even mail protest cards. It would be cool to have Protest Cards of Accountability as tool against corruption. Let people have some sort of tool to help hold bad actors accountable and improve the system with better ideas. 

I think when in times of economic turmoil, artists or their quality dissapears. 

Message in case I get nuked: I never thought I would be nuked. I hope to survive it. Having the time to write this message is only due to the fact that I keep track on daily events and I'm aware of what is happening in life nearly all the time. In the case that I get nuked. This is my dying message to the world. This is my message written in the same intentions of that in Japanese culture of a final message. My message is this: "Be the example of change in the world. Bring about vision (controversial or not). Bring about a life of peace, goodwill, and oportunity for others. Build purpose. Respect all and accept others as they are. Improve yourself the best you can. Be intelligent, be intellectual, and learn about everything. Leave no stone unturned. Question everything and practice critical thinking. Learn truths, be aware of illusions. Always be strategic and always think ahead. Break down goals, set dates, and make acomplishments. There will only be one of you in history, so make it your best life. Overtime, you might push humanity to excell beyond the stars. Overall, become and tell your own story." That concludes my final message. To all who read my last message, this blog is the gift I leave to you. Controversial or not. Share it with the world. My ghost will observe humanity for eternity. 09/26/2022

Message in case I get nuked: I never thought I would be nuked. I hope to survive it. Having the time to write this message is only due to the fact that I keep track on daily events and I'm aware of what is happening in life nearly all the time. In the case that I get nuked. This is my dying message to the world. This is my message written in the same intentions of that in Japanese culture of a final message. My message is this: "Be the example of change in the world. Bring about vision (controversial or not). Bring about a life of peace, goodwill, and oportunity for others. Build purpose. Respect all and accept others as they are. Improve yourself the best you can. Be intelligent, be intellectual, and learn about everything. Leave no stone unturned. Question everything and practice critical thinking. Learn truths, be aware of illusions. Always be strategic and always think ahead. Break down goals, set dates, and make acomplishments. There will only be one of you in history, so make it your best life. Overtime, you might push humanity to excell beyond the stars. Overall, become and tell your own story." That concludes my final message. To all who read my last message, this blog is the gift I leave to you. Controversial or not. Share it with the world. My ghost will observe humanity for eternity. 09/26/2022

In the rediculous case reincarnation is possible and I reincarnate, I will seek the memories of my former self and teach myself the lessons I have written here if available. To my future self, learn it all, add to it, become an apprentice of my former self and build upon the knowledge. Have a vision or carry on with my former vision to teach and imporve society with ethics. Perhaps use one of my symbols. Improve humanity through culture and guide them to go beyond the stars. Perhaps they will meet our creators one day. If possible, visit me in the past. I would love to hear about the future if it turns out well and not Orwellian (or worst). Bring me some technologies as an example. I'd appreciate it. Theres a good chance the future wil be extremely terrible, terrifying, facistic, and authoritiarian. If that's the case I expect this blog to be deleted and I will be forgotten to time much like those before and after me. I expect this to happen so I'm not bothered by it. Well, if I survive, I'll write more. If not, I guess life was a good run in a time things were exciting and new. It's been an alright life despite the 90s being dramatically more different than today. If others are reading this then it's a message beyond the grave. Good luck in your endevors and I hope you learn something from my blog as a gift to you. Do peace and make babies. Much love. This wraps up my message. Good luck to humanity and good luck for the survival of human kind and its expansion into the universe (assuming it gets that far). Good luck to you. Good riddens to me. lol
My final request: Bury me in a field of white flowers where the cherry blossoms kiss the soil. Bury me in my own silence and tranquility. Let them know my name and let them learn my thoughts.

My Art station links: 
https://www.artstation.com/s0t0a0n0l0e0y00j0a0n0o0s0k0i   (remove 0 in my name. I do this to keep blog private)

I believe the natural state of reality is chaos and violence. It's very difficult to create order from that chaos and once it is stable, it cannot remain forever. Order and balance is difficult and yet it is the best method to sustain a good quality of life.

 Farmers are a critical pillar of a civilization because of their independent thought and food production.

 I agree that nonviolent people should not go to prison but instead go under house arrest. Prison is for the dangerous.

I think if you want world peace you can't have shadow systems, shadow governments, shadow organizations of secrecy and suppression, cults, and secret societies. The more wealthy these entities are, the more critical it is to remove them. The world will never have peace as long as these shadow, hidden, and secret entities and systems exist. 

It seems under investigation people in politics or govt officals are always: 
1. Underprepared. If an engineers lacked the same preparedness like these people, they'd be fired or go through intense scrutiny (maybe under investigation their wage should be cut in half to make them take things more seriously). 
2. Have very poor memory (why should they be hired if they have such poor memory?) 
3. Never answer directly when the answer is simple and logical. 
4. Never see it from the investigators perspective and help clear things out as much as possible. Perhaps it's more beneficial or admirable as a leader to point out faults and ways something can be improved. 
5. Obvious political biases that favors a single political side or the side that has the most ideological influence.

I believe we should have clothes and materials that are resistant to bacteria. It would be great to have anti-bacterial plastics, metals, fabrics, and surfaces.

 In times like these who would have thought Iodine or Potassium Iodide would be so useful. This is what will save you from radiation in the even of nuclear fallout. 

I think every 8 years the US should require a check on who is a Marxist (show marxist or neo-marxist principles and ideological values) and who has connections with what external governments. I also think it's important to cross examine who is displaying motives that are being pushed by alternatve organizations, government bodies, ideologies, external entities. They should cross examine and see who is loyal to what system or entity and carrying out their agenda. 

I think when something is not as it should be, there are either understandable and comprehensible legitimate reasons or hypocracies that need to be pointed out and made known. 

I like the quote, "In a world of lies, the truth is always a conspiracy".

I think some people are followers and some people are leaders. I also think some are hybrids depending on consiquences and circumstances. 

I think Marxism is slowly taking over the world. Marxism spreads covertly and discretely through policy, enducation, and social engineering (culture, pubic-perception, media, negative or unobjective conditioned ideology). I believe to combat this, there should be anti-Marxism laws. I also believe every aspect fo society and institution needs to be revisited, improved, or reformed with a focus on the most optimal level of improvement and productive vision. 

In the end, I believe Marxism will win. I believe socialist nations will form unions. Globalists will consolidate control through the unions and apoint global/ globalist leaders. They will re-write history (using current wars an an excuse despite being planned and designed). They will reduce education to keep people in control and afraid. They will have absolute power over the people and supress them through technology, survallance, policing, intimidation, needed resources, and social-engineering. They will consolidate people into smaller and tighter living areas. They will substitute the masses with food sources that will make them weak, sick, and vulnerable. They will reduce human numbers with depopulation and keep a controlable and comfortable amount. Without uncertainty they will rule over people and turn them into surfs equivalent to livestock. They will conduct cruel experiments. People will do terrible tasks. This future will put Orwell's 1984 to shame. In the end the elites will create is a cap on humanity which will stifle creativity which is a necissary tool for technology, human advancment, and survival. In the future, people will think of themselves like animals, they will be happy, not know they are being ruled over, will be cognitively dissonant of objective incosistancies and machines they do not understand, live in an illusion, know nothing but delusion unable to understand objictivity, and live a life not understanding and always being in fear over the unknown technologies that rule over them. Without the requirments of objective creativity, the future will be that of terrible design, architecture, culture, and innovation. The upper class will believe they are creative but in reality it will not objectively be creative because to do this you need objective freedom and the ability to think, question, learn, and challenge. A return to the present day human brain will be the greatest challenge. It cannot be done despite how much you simulate. Because people need to be objectively be free, to build, and create. Overall, this leads to human destruction if you wait long enough over several generations. By then I do not expect the future surf-man can rely on themselves to survive. I expect major technological infrustructure will fail. I expect the human race to destroy itself through the process of flawd or delusional human thinkng and emotions. I think this is how humanity will end and the current leaders that made it happen will never understand. Humanity will vanish from existance and eventually without a trace. Objective freedom is absolutely necissary for survival (I think ethics, intelligence, and prosperity is how you go past the stars). 

I think behind every war (small or world war) is a secret organization that benefits from the war. Global banks. Companies. Shadow organizations. Situations of this magnitude are never what we think it is. What we see is commonly what others want us to see. I think when you do your own journalism, that is when you uncover truths. They are typically worst than what you expect them to be. 

I think every state should have a nuclear launch site operated by the military. The sites should be capable of protecting every major city from other nuclear threats. Every state should also have underwater and coastal security systems and defenses. A country should always be ready for unexpected overt and covert attacks with technologies they are not familiar with nor understand. 

I think when around unintelligent people (especially in crowds), people eventually get hurt. Always have caution. 

If you work for bad people, don't be surprised if things don't go your way. 

One thing I noticed in society is that nobody is ever free. Everyone has a leash or an entity thay are loyal to. I want to live in a society where there are no leashes and you make your own changes and decisions.
I think the word economics simply means what's happening in the world today that impacts markets. 

In case of nukes: 
Seal windows and doors with ductape. Seal vents (especially bathroom vents). Also garage door. Plug and fill bathtubs and sinks with water. If outside strip and shower with soap. Seal soap, clothes, and towels in two plastic bags. Stay in shelter for full 72 hours by then radioactive particles should lose much of their potency. Don't stay out in radioactive particles for too long. It's best to wait 7 days before leaving the shelter. Use a wet face mask to protect from particles. Be sure to wash any protective equipment and boots used. Give yourself a shower. Improve the shieling from the outside. Use garbage bags to use as outside gear that is easily disposable. Make layers from the door in case after 7 days to travel in and out of. Have a water boot cleaning area to dip it in buckets. Then get rid of the water. Put more care in boots as they will have the most radioactive material on them. Dip them thoroughly. Spell sos on the ground if you need help or rescue. Make sure help is visible and cleaned off. Wrap food in wet cloths if you transport them outside. Do not open any food outside. Wash the food packaging before you go inside the house. Always know where the wind is going and go perpendicular from it, never directly into it. Go to high mountains to escape the radiation. 

I believe behind every world war, war, and conflict there are shadow players.

 I somewhat believe we should consider everyone's IQ or level of intelligence and intellectuality when it comes to listening to people and allowing people to make decisions. I define IQ as a measure of intelligence. If there is a greater method of measurement of intelligence, intellectual capabilities, and knowledge, then we should utilize that. Nevertheless, I believe leadership should be based on proven and public-convincing evidence of IQ. 

(Sumerian name) if I were to make a sumerian name for myself, it would be: Ia-mu (son/child of ia). "Iamu" (eia-mu)

I think bad leaders start conflicts and good leaders drive enemies to push their agenda. 

(Term) Bireason Agreement - This is a term I made up. I think commonly unintellectual individuals will blame someone for lying and act on emotion pointing out and calling them a liar. Humans have all sorts of reason for lying. From removing discomforts, white lying, accidentally lying, to manipulating to obtain a more favorable outcome. So knowing this, I think intellectual individuals should look into the reasons of why they are lying and see if they can understand and agree to their reasons. I call this narrative bireason agreement or bireason for short. 

I think life should be an adventure. I think it should be unique for every decade age range or generation. Many older people want to be younger. I think it would be fun to create a cultural value where ever similar generation or decade age range to create or join communities surrounding their generation's culture. I ultimately think every generation or decade age range should have its own cultural values members of that generation or age range can share in common. 

I think all country jail areas for minor offenders should have a dome roof where sunlight can come in. I think they should have access to regulated internet, gaming consoles, and limited amenaties to help them pass the time faster and help with their mental health. Inmates also need proper nutrition with all the vitamins and nutrients for a healthy brain. I strongly believe if the offense is too insignificant, they should be put in house arrest with limited means of transportation. 

I wonder if it would be a good idea for each US citisen under 30k a years to to receive 2k by the government every years to travel and sight see. If they do not use it, they lose it. Traveling, having new experiences, and sight seeing opens the mind and allows people to broaden their minds and develop positive mental habits and socio-behaviors. 

I think often community is missing in society. I think there should be community centers, facilities, and buildings for people to come together, make friends, form groups, form communities, and incentivise each other to create, grow, build things, and overall improve their communities. These can also be recreational facilities. Building communities, even if controversial, should be a essential in society. 

Inmates need proper nutrition with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to contribute to a healthy brain. 

I think urban spaces need private and safe areas. This allows people to get with others and build relationships and hopefully families. It allows friends to relax and get together to drink and enjoy their time without the regulations of a park. I think it's sad there are no places where people can drive somewhere private and have some intimate private or carefree and enjoyable time where they won't bother anyone and won't be bothered. 

Should people be required to take a test or quiz before they vote? This is to show why we vote, where voting comes from, how voting works, and how important their vote is in leading the country a certain path. 

** I like the saying I made up, "In life there are only steps and goals. Along the way there are problems, methods, and solutions. When there are no solutions, there are alternatives".

I want to say be your authentic self. Be the best person you can possibly be. Improve, adapt, overcome. Make plans, have goals, be proactive. Breakdown your plans into realistic tasks. The more you achieve, the more confidence you will gain. Before you know it, you will be standing on a tower of self fulfillment, virtue, and you will naturally inspire others. 

What is truth? I think truth is something objective to everyone. Truth is something that has evidence and can be proven. 

(perhaps absurd idea) I think time travel should be available to every person. I think we need rules or laws for time travels. We should have laws that allow people to use time travel but only up to 30 days forwards or backwards. I think 2 weeks is a decent time. We should also forbid extensive use (past-altering dramatic change) or cheating using time travel. I also think it's critical to stop the use of time travel by authoritarians or politically or ideologically motivated individuals. I also think we should have time travel packages that allow anyone to tour the past in a safe and harmless way where they can only view the past yet cannot influence or intereact with it. Like a view-only file on a computer. I call this idea the Stan-travel laws. 

(voting) I like the idea that if you accept Basic Universal Income or Welfare, you have to suspend your voting rights. I like the idea that voting is only for those who participate in providing value to the economy and for people who can operate independently on their own.

How do you fix society?

Individuals make up the warped society so we need to focus on the individual. What makes up the individual? All these values shape a person and are the priorities that need to be fixed:

-Culture (music, movies, internet, games, animations, gambling...ect) 

-Substances (food quality (nutrition) drugs (legal and illegal), water quality)

-Icons (Movie stars, rappers, artists, animations)

-Ideology (Beliefs and values, purpose, philosophy, fantasies, perhaps religion)

-Environment (access to resources, biome quality of life)

-Family (Quality of family, family values, family honors, family status)

-Community (access to community? Community quality? Community accountability?)

-Image (copying icons/culture; types of clothes, personal presentation, ones behavior, ones attitude, personal ethics, ones skills, ones talents, ones levels of achievements)

-Intelligence (level of personal-acquired knowledge about the world (experiences), level of learned knowledge about the world(textbook-curriculum), level of intellectuality (your ability to critically think).

-Status (work status, perceived status, wealth status, relationship status)

-Resources (access to jobs (or quality jobs), methods of creating wealth, access to materials for personal goal-achievements-self-purpose, access to new experiences, perhaps ability to travel) 

-Influence from policy - influence on systems, laws, regulations, unimplied policy, and political environment.

I think good people are a gift. Evil people and animals are a curse. My unethical and personal way to deal with them would be to eliminate them after they repeatedly do terrible actions or actions on a magnitude that is near uncomprehensible such as dramatically using and abusing power and authority. I understand the reason things are not done like this is because the west’s position of our Judeic-Cristian values. I agree with Japan’s logic when it comes to sparing nobody for complete certainty of complete evil. Nevertheless, this would be info I would only keep to myself and for the sake of legality, is not intended to promote violence or irrational behavior of any kind.

I think. Wisdom comes from experience, intelligence, intellectuality and critical thinking. It comes from questioning the world, questioning yourself, wanting to learn about everything as much as possible, and improving yourself. It comes from observing and learning from others. It comes from piecing together things to have it make sense in your own brain. It also comes from failure. That is where true wisdom comes from.

I think with goals comes purpose.

I think we need to separate AI generated content from human made content. Have two separate categories. We should place substantially more value on human-made content.

I think a better name for my great default idea. Which is the idea of the force driving coincidences or behaving as if a simulation could be named as The Construct. 

I think arrogant, ignorent, and selfish people go to war. Intelligent people negotiate, discuss, and make agreements.

I like the idea that you should know everything about the govt but the govt should know nothing about you.

I think the earlier you are exposed to accurate information, the more mature and intellectually developed you will be at a younger age.

I think those who follow in fear, also die in fear.

I agree that those who want power are the least to deserve it.

I agree with the phrase, "Elections have consiquences."

I think when there is systemic evil being done to you, you advertise the evil done to you. I think there will always be good people to have your back.

I think when people work too much they decay in intelligence and knowledge about things. I think they get too wrapped up in focusing about their own life, spending money, or family that they decay in intellectual capabilities, academic values, and harnesting potentual talents. I think having a balance of everything, trying new things, having personal projects, and wanting to learn more of everything is the human solution. The systemic solution is to allow people to have life balance where they can choose to work more or have time for themselves. I think the only way this will happen is with a balanced cost of living.

I think when you design something, you have to consider security and intentional abuse.

I think with equal rights comes equal consequences.

When there is Marxism and corruption, those who follow the propaganda are the most likely to eventually get hurt by it sooner or later. It's always best to obtain information of everything and draw your own conclusions (including controversial sources). Those who tell you not to do your own research, for you to have blind trust, not to think for yourself, and label individuals are likely the propagandists and the ones with the hidden corrupt agendas. 

(Maybe) Could it be that the more you believe in ghosts (implant, iterate, and build the belief in you subconcious) the more electro-magnetic influence/beings/narratives could exhist or become more manifesting or noticeable? Could certain things be manifested through the subconscious and other things not? I wonder what influences the brain has towards electro-magnetism or perhaps what influence electromagnetism has influence on the brain. Could there be different kinds of electromagnetism? Could the different kinds of electro-magentism produce different effects on the brain? 

In reference to entertainment with too many developers, creators, or members involved with a variety of interests and ideas or business leaders basing entertainment mediums on trends and monetary figures, I came up with a saying: "Trends are temporary. Visions are eternal." I beleive visions by a single person or a small group is vastly more valuable than having too many individuals involved in a single project's vision. 

I think losing weight is not just about high metabolism. It's also about having good breakdown enzymes in the stomach. 

It should not be difficult to get a job compared to going to jail. Finding a job should be simple and painless. Getting a job should be more of an incentive then getting into trouble and going to jail. 

Could it be that people who are too logical lack creativity or perhaps orgionality in their creativity? I think the strategy of a logical person is often seemingly based on evidence where the creative person can make predictions based on imagination. In such case, I think having creative minds form strategies based on their imagination and deduce unpredictive outcomes could prove useful in military situations.

Could it be that a society is only as safe as its brain conditions (frontal lobe)? If people always eat things that are not good for their brain then could society get worst overtime? Could activities that cause injury to a persons brain negatively influence society in quantity?

I believe when there is economic stagnation, you need more science. Countries should promote scientific growth and development to expand its economy. It does this by creating new products, solutions, and more research oportunities.

A country and governments always needs to protect itself againce dictatorial and authoritarian power grabs. Sociopaths are drawn to power like bees to honey. //In addition, it's also my belief that if there was more emphasis on the use of ethics, the individuals seeking power would be highly identifiable and easily removable which would lessen the oportunity for sociopaths seeking power.

Could it be to prevent economic stagnation, you need: 1. More science and a push for more scientific development. 2. More creative minds coming up with new ideas, visions, out-of-the-box solutions, and intellectual challenges. 3. Optimization of industries such as to make industries more fast to produce, less resources, and with cheaper cost. 4. Continuous support and motivation for deveopers, producers, creators, and businesses and eutrepreneurs through incentives. 5. Systemic optimizations where systems, laws, and regulations are logical, agreeable by the majority, completely removed of corruptions, and running at peak performance. 6. Culture building and social unity. This drives cooperation and vision allowing society to function with an agreeable leading goal. 

I feel like the natural state of the world and universe is chaos, death, and destruction. I believe human destiny is building, surviving, progressing, and overcoming the natural state of the world and universe. 

I think low education + cognitive utilization + too much culture = culture-centered society which also leads to cognitive dissonance and dependency on fantasy reality.

I think people need to be cautious of simple solutions to complex problems. They should question where everything comes from. Find the root of things. Every ideology has a root. Young people should know they are entry or beginner level in a world of experts and a sea narratives. They need to get up to standard with a high enough level of experience and intelligence in order to compete providing with useful solutions. I also think people should be aware when getting involved in something, especially something you don't fully understand. Be aware of the influence of grooming, psychological manipulation, and evolution of actions and consiquences. Question everything and learn as much as possible about everything.

I think ignorence and arrogance are major tools for destruction.

I wonder if there should be fines for people in society who posses no ethics, civility, or even basic logic. Perhaps having fines in place could get people to remove and ignorence and arrogance and push them to becoming better people for their communities.

I think every major civilization develops unelected powerful overlords who want to rule everything completely. If there are no laws, these powerful people eventually assume control. They can conduct or direct wars, cause losses to property and wealth of their controllees and opponents. They typically have an agenda whose outcome is to always come out as the victors on top.They can cause major disaster and destruction. I call this the Elite-Oz of civilizations. They are a class wealthy and powerful people who form secret societies, bonds, and organization that are required to be kept exposed and watched over. I also think every civilization has a class of people who want war and power. I think as long as you have sociopaths in powerful positions, you'll always have this class of individuals.

I think asking to help others can help makes friends and build unity. I think people should make friends with almost everyone and make friends by helping others and not being self-centered. I beleive friends can bring a lot of value in one's life. 

I think logic, information, and creativity are major key components of survival. 

I think people need to develop a relationship with themselves. I think they should balance daily life with quiet time to think and let every thought breeze through their mind. I also think they should learn to have mental narration where they can talk to themselves through their thoughts. A lot of what I see in today's society is people listening to music and distracting themselves. Often they do it to escape the realities that don't fit their expectation and narratives. I recomment that everyone has moments where they have a quiet time while doing chores or something they like. Something that allows you to be on autopilot and one with your own thoughts. I call this idea Solice Discipline.

Dividist is a term I made that describes a person, typically of Marxist ideology, that use narratives and labels to divide people and seek and utilize methods to create tribal conflict. I think there should always be an encouragment to bring people together and build unity and harmony.

I think we are all tied into something bigger. A fate, energy, or something I call the Default. It's the force or thing behind coincidence. At first I thought it was all in my thoughts or myself. By this I mean something in myself that triggered or attracted these events. It could be that I thought of it and my body subconsiusly made it happen. But on a bad day, I routinely was affected by something seemingly out of my control. I got splashed by water which got my clothes wet, my computer froze, a roach ran at me from behind without me knowing and I crushed it because I ironically stepped backwards. The way all these events happened sparked something in me that made me feel there is something there. Something mysterious and out of my control. It's very strange and seemingly difficult to explain or explore.

I think your life is a demonstration of the quality of choices that you make.

I think if you eat garbage, you become garbage. I beleive nutrition is extremely important. I beleive the quality of food with good quality in soil is very important.

I think a lot of people do not have a relationship with themselves. They live in a state of cognitive dissonancedrowning out their intellectuality with dopamine addictions. If there is one thing I can say to everyone who feels chronically depressed, it's to be honest with yourself, make realistic goals, make deadlines, and change yourself for the better without any excuses. The mroe you achieve your goals, even if it's as easy as washing the dishes or doing your bed every morning, the more good you will feel and confident you will become. 

I often see people drown out their thoughts with music. I would like to tell them to develop a relationship with themselves and explore their minds in silence. 

I think you can only fear so much before you eventually accept fate. Then I think the next step is to overcome, develop thick skin, and achieve. 

(term) Serosophy - This is a term I created for the philosophy or study of security. The philosophy is of defense and predicitve weakness and outcomes. It is a philosophy of identifying areas of potential exploitation. It looks at situations from many angles and asks questions how something could be exploited or how a variety of variables can be used with it to influence, manipulate, or to exploit something. The philosophy has a variety of phases. This can be the brainstorming pahses which is the initial predictive brainstorming based on human logic and thought. There is the simulation phase, where non harmful testing of a system can be tested. There is the human-testing phase where a variety of different individuals with different unique brain pattern styles (logical, creative, intelligent, and average IQ) try to manipulate and explot systems,products, and situations. There is the artifical phase where machines, AI, and algorithms try to exploit things. The goal of Serosophy is to make systems, products, and situation more secure, prevent problems, and prevent future problems form happening. 

I like the idea of ethics and creating value guarentees citisenship because I think it ultimately creates a purpose for people in socoeity and it establishes a goal for every person which I think create community. By creating value, I mean creating things or doing things that helps oneself and others. Very quickly, some people beleive there is a difference between being a civilian and a citisen. A civilian is a person who hasn't obtained citisenship. Many people think service should guarentee citisenship, but I think this eventually leads to militarism over time. Therefore, I think ethics (primarily the values you portray that demonstrate goodwill and great qualities of behavior to oneself and others) and creating value is an excellent idea to have civilians rise to the level of citisen because then you are working along side others in a community to with the same goals and values which ultimately creates a better world and society and an example and incentive for others. 

I like the quote, "The path to hell is paved in good intentions."

(term) Illusion shattering - illusion shattering is a term I made for when you obtain facts and your entire reality is made clear to bring an illusion. It's when the truth is revealed over a long enough period of time after you have pieced the puzzle of accurate information together. It is when you see the logic clearly and it becomes undeniable. It is when you realize the agendas and manipulations of others and the role or various roles you played in it. It is realizing the mistakes of one's arrogance and ignorence from the result of cognitive dissonance. 

(term) Leading decay is a term i made to sum up a story which leads to an unpenalized decaying progression resulting in an intentional outcome. A story I can share to define this term is imaging a series of bank robbers. One person puts the money in the bag and leaves it on the counter then leaves. Another bank robber grabs the money and places it on the ground beside the counter to get it out of the way so that they can do their bank transaction then leaves. The next bank robber asks who's bag it is and then puts it at the entrance then leaves. The last robber picks up the bag and takes it for themsevles and leaves the bank. This term defines all the incramental transitions to the finaly outcome of the money bag being robbed. I call this term leading decay. 

Refering back to my previous idea, I disagree that service guarentees citisenship and the right to vote (although irrelavent i want to add those who are not citisens are called civilians). I think if this happened, we would end up with a militarized government which is not a good thing. Nevertheless, I absolutely agree with the idea that only net tax payers should be allowed to vote. People who are recepiants of the system cannot vote. 

I believe it is not about the finished product or someone's expert talent or skill, it's about the journey and one's persistance and determination to raising themselves into that position or level of experience. 

A secret technique I have discovered to staying awake is using a bandana across the forehead. Could this be the reason Japanese people use a bandana or banner across the forehead to help them study. The closer it is to the eyes, the more effective it seems. It does not have to be very tight. 

In this blog I reveal many secrets. From techniques to access deep thoughts, to better sleeping, to easy losing weight, to retaining information, to deeper meditation, to staying awake, and much more. Read to reveal the many secrets I have revealed and shared. 

I think only fools who do not understand life fear death. 

I think artists learn by tutorials, practice, repitition, and experimentation. Engineers learn through logics, methods, and technicals. Often when documentation is written, it's written for engineers. I think documentation should also feature descriptions made in plain english and comprehensible to read for average individuals. I call this idea the Average-learner Description or the Simplified Description. 

I like the quote, "Pride comes before the fall."

I like the quote, "Truth is treason in an empire of lies."

I believe a well-known core component to a society is its intellectual level. A society needs to not only be intelligent, it needs to be critical thinking, intellectual, and have the ability to apply their intellectual skills in real-world applications (example: academic, personal, and entrepreneurial).

All political positions need to understand how dialecticism works and how language and words can be used in different ways to mean different things in different ideologies or religious dogmas to label, condition, control, subvert and form a reaction of the masses. Ex: Marxism uses dialectic dogmatic language with a foundation from gnostic faith to produce a strategic outcome of totalitarian control. People believe Marxists are smart when in reality it is word play to make you think they're smart so that they can carry out an agenda of control by manipulating others. It is very clever. The way to see past this is to understand what the words mean in average society terms and discover what it means in their ideological terms. 2 + 2 = 4 in logical terms but in their terms it can mean 4, 5, both, or all the numbers. The dialectic priest is the source of what is objective truths and not objective reality. After understanding their terms, observe their actions and foresee where their actions lead towards in the future. In conclusion, if a political narrative or subject is not rooted in logic and reason, it's rooted in dogmatic dialecticism. 

(Institution VS Authenticity) A lot of people say there are people that are more like NPCs. They follow things without knowing why. I often ask myself many questions regarding this topic. How does a person know they really like something? Do they truly really like something? Or, do they use it for the sake a fitting-in, getting attention, or wanting to feel accepted or are a part of something? I also question if people are conditioned to be inauthentic? Perhaps if people can give valid reasons why they genuinely like something and not because it's something others like then perhaps they can genuinely answer why they authentically like something. 

I think home hauntings by spirits should be a reason to pause a mortgage and cancel living in a home. Haunted homes should be made inhabitable to live in. I think houses should be torn down and rebuilt. 

I think the greater the ideology the greater it can cause harm if it is not developed carefully, accurately, logically, reasonably, objectively (meaning with accurate truth), critically thought through, and most importantly with the ability to have uncensored questionings, free debates, while also being without pychological manipulation, fear, and tyranny.

I think the greatest threat to human existence is tyrannical, totalitarian (consolidated and centralized systems of control) and manipulative ideology and secret unseen powers operating in the darkness. Any ideology that rules through fear and fake-spinned truths is of great danger to humanity.

After watching so much war documentaries I learned that in the end it is all senseless killing. The one thing that never changes is the illusion of propaganda, manipulation, and ideology. I learned never to be on the side that is using ideology to advance militarily for power.

I think stupid people who enforce bad and tyrannical ideologies create wars. A stupid person can always be book smart, but if they are not objectively intellectual capable of answering all questions authentically by themselves then they are no different than a regular stupid person.

I like the idea of Anti-bacterial carbon fiber clothing. Clothing that does not tear easily, kept new, and stays clean longer.

Remember, when you allow things, you enable precidents. This means you allow for things to happen by someone giving them the oportunity for them to repeat their actions. Always stand true to your values and principles, because if you don't, you allow for the possibility for decay and things to get worst.

I believe anyone can be taught to be a critical thinker, an intellectual, and intelligent (aside from obvious brain issues). It's a matter of using psychology and separating people of similar mental patterns and cognitive behaviors to form their own classes with their own specialized courses to learn together.

I think people one day will have the ability to create real life avatars they can control which appears to be the same as their normal body. Some are robotic, some bio, and some a synthetic mix of both in a new material.

I feel like a small reason why people don't want to work is because there are no jobs that are interesting or jobs that can inspire them. I believe jobs should offer benefit, be inspiring, and give the ability to grow and excel. It should be something that can build its own culture and that people can be proud of. I also believe we need to have jobs for all levels of intelligence. We need jobs that are demanding and jobs that are effortless and that require minimal energy. We need apprenticeships just as much as people coming out with general knowledge from universities.

I'm a big advocate for allowing more freedoms at the work place if you can prove you are trustworthy. I believe people who are trust worthy or who have worked in places for a very long time should have seniority or priority over policies unless they outgregiously break policy. If they greatly break policy then they should be sent back to obeying policy. We can call these trustworthy exceptions or trustworthy privilages. It allows people to become more intimate and grow in the workplace. I often thought it would be great to have more freedoms in the workplace such as not needing to have a dress code or abide by certain ridiculous policies that are proven unecissary. If a person shows they can be trusted, provide discipline, and shows they work very hard and are very skilledful and experienced, they can excempt policies that are allowed to be overlooked or policies that are simply unecissary. If I were to give this a time frame, I would give it an honorary privilage after two years.

I believe those in power always need to revisit their origins, visit poverty, and visit those bellow them. They should see the good and the bad. Doing this allows them to revisit the roots of humanity and a possibility to help where there are problems. I call this the Rodina Principle (or Origin Principle)

I think it’s right to stand up for what you believe in. Sometimes people will say it is wrong and you might not have the data to justify it, but always stand for what you feel is right or what you believe how things should be like and why.

I like the quote: "No faith is above fact, no religion is above reason."

Everyone has to have a personal ideology, belief system, or belief foundation. This ideology and belief system will evolve the more a person learns accurate information in their life and gains experience. A person without a belief system or ideology can be a dangerous person because they are like a programmable drone who can be manipulated, taken advantage of, and controlled because they lack essential critical thinking and basic intellectual capabilities. It's important to learn from the positive and functional ideologies of others and obtain critical accurate information to create an ideology that improves the quality of life. Moreover, every ideology and belief system has either a positive or negative logical outcome. An ideology is either rooted in reality through provable facts, observation, critical questioning, and evidence or rooted in illusion through manipulation, fantasy, propaganda, and control with the common use of fear and oppressive strategies and systems. The eventual end result of an ideology will either lead to extended or permanent longevity of life or complete extinction and inhalation. 

Are human inherently evil? I think if finding a means for survival means evil then technically all organisms are evil. Organisms must consume to survive. However, when people and animals benefit from having each other around and find ways to extend being alive, then it can be defined as helping which culturally is seen as doing good. Therefore being and doing good is a cultural definition just as doing something bad. Therefore, I think prolonging life can be seen as good and not prolonging life is bad. So is not prolonging life inherently evil? I think that definition depends on what a culture defines what is good or not good, otherwise I think being inherently evil doesn't exist. 

I think people with no experience in politics should not be encouraged to engage in political activism, discussions, or debates. They need to first learn about political systems, its laws, and its history before entering the world of politics otherwise they should not be influencing the realm of politics. Using games as a metaphor, I think it would be like starting off at level 1 grunt-soldier when you should be at least level 30 in experience to help make a decisions with the king's generals to make battle plans to win wars against strategic warring empires otherwise your decisions has severe consequences and repercussions. 

People who act on emotion, who fight for propaganda machines, and what they think they believe in present a large weakness. The weakness of the mind. To first fight for something you do not understand nor entirely believe in takes a person who is not yet intellectually developed. The more violent to uphold propaganda systems, the more intellectually weak. The people who cater to these systems are generally people longing to be accepted and are looking for attention using any excuse to get it. They need to feel or find ways to believe they are a victim and oppressed by something for a reason and excuse to justify their behaviors or actions. This leaves their true belief systems exposed and vulnerable. A person who truly believes in something will stand and die for something they truly believe in as a person with this mental weakness will not. Not unless presented with drug-remedies, a true mental illness, or a need to find a constant dopamine-inducing collective group to continue the conditioning and propaganda. When these necessary brain chemicals to sustain their ideological conditioning goes away, when they find themselves along and without communication to their tribe, they find themselves in a state of emptiness, despair, and lack of purpose. A shell of a person with no value and nothing to offer the world. They will search for a chemical remedy or any excuse to continue their behaviors because it’s the only narrative that creates meaning in their lives. The negative thoughts, anxiety, and depression will lead them to question life's purpose and meanings when the answers they seek are self-reflective and within themselves the entire time. In order for them to reach their own answers they simply need to ask themselves why and be painfully honest. These individuals learn to hate themselves for mainly cultural reasons. A large factor of why they hate themselves is because of the time spent wasting time with their delusions when they could of spent the time better creating relationships and learning things that could make their lives better. Perhaps another reason for them hating themselves could be because of what they have done to actual reality, what they’ve done to negatively influence actual reality, and the people they have influenced to do the same creating a negative feedback loop of violence, delusion, which eventually leads to chaos. Moreover, if they do not eventually lead to self-harm, substance abuse, or suicide then they will self-reflect and find the answer they are looking for coming from within. When they dig deep enough, they find the painful root of their delusions comes from problems with their family (abuse, lack of nutrition, lack of good parenting, poor growth development, not having positive role models), themselves (drugs, poor life decisions, ignorance, cognitive dissonance, selfishness, jealousies/envys, personal excuses, self-created-fears, and mindless indulgences) and environment (bad culture, drugs, negative examples of society, not growing up with good social examples and in a positive social environment) at a young age. When they do discover the root of their issues, it's up to them to change. When they finally do change, they seek positive role models, ways to improve themselves, they work out, learn responsibility, they discipline, they learn to become somewhat social, they remove the use of their excuses and find solutions, they speak out against the evils they've done, and they form hobbies, plans and goals as a method to get rid of depression. They build their own purpose. They start to learn talents and how they can provide unique values to the world only they can provide through their talents. They become experts in trades, fields, and industries. They grow to become leaders and mentors to others. They value the importance to learn as much about everything as much as possible. They practice thinking and challenge themselves to think critically. They do their own research and search for accurate information and comprehend alternative views and arguments. In time they are naturally respected and become a high valued person in society and in their communities. I personally can see this as a spectrum. This starts with one side being Conditioned Activist —to— Neutral/Capable of Becoming Activist/ Leader —to— Intellectual Leader Capable of Answering Most to Any Question. I call this the free-mind spectrum. 

I believe if anyone goes through conditioning that is anything unlike civilian-life (military, prison, unusual occupations that changes a person's way of thinking), I believe they should go through mandatory civilian-life reconditioning/ training so that they are successful in civilian-life. 

I think it's not just important for people to ask questions. I think it's important to use a little bit of imagination with questions for learning. I know some may think this is part of normal philosophy, but I think it's important to learn from things before they happen, exist, or even when they do not exist. Perhaps that's why books and movies are important. They can question things that are subject to the imagination. I think that expresses the power of imagination. You ask the right questions and you can learn from things that don't exist or do not exist yet. You can have solutions and lessons for an audience of any point in history. Perhaps the questions obtained using imagination can continue to innovate thinking and solutions. Perhaps it prove useful to seek every possible event that can go wrong and learn from it. In return I think we could have a wealth of knowldge that transends time itself. I think those who possess the talent or gift of extreme and out-of-the-box creativity can prove to drive innovation and thinking and obtain solutions that can be relevent to any generation of humanity's existance. I think the only way you can obtain such individuals is through a society that allows them to exist and thrive. I beleive that is a good method on how we move forward as a species.

I think two results can be summerized from a person's ideology and mindset: A person either has an ideology or mindset that leads to rioting, violence, and crime or an ideology and mindset that leads to freedom, peace, work, and economic growth. If you promote the bad, it leads to a bad society. If you cannot see the bad, then you're a useful moron. If you promote the good, it leads to a good society. People should recognize the good you do so you feel rewarded. If you promote the grey, it leads to a bad society because greifing is easy and building is hard.

(term) social aptitude - A persons ability to integrate into society to create a functional society.

I like the phrase, "Failure to plan is planning for failure".

After watching a series of gory reckt videos for research, I learned a lot of things. The first thing I learned is that life is precious. Through culture the pessimistic individuals who are nihilistic seem to be looking for attention, acceptance, or to fit in when they should be happy to be alive and to spend every second of their life with meaning. I also learned safety is extremely important. people might believe it is stupid, but it's not until you witness a devistating and horrifying accident is when you appreciate safety. Of course, it's good to have safety with the weighing of risk and reward for those who want to risk their safety. I would let people decide what they want to do and if they want to logically take the risks or not. I also learned to obey the officers and have your hands up at all time. Do not let your ignornece convince that you are being disrespected. Also, when it comes to civil disobedience, make sure it's for a good cause and also be sure to obey the officers and do what you can legally. I learned you should not fight with others because one simple punch could be fatal or cause them to collapse resulting in a fatal accident. People are as strong as others might think. Accidents can happen any time. It's best to respect others and offer solutions for peace. I think only the ignorent and foolish don't recognize this until it's too late. I learned to always observe your surroundings. Pay attention to sounds, things you see, think, and always have quick reflexes through practice. A controversial things I learned is that bullets and getting shot is a lot less brutal then other violent activities. I have a respect for most firearms for not making too much of a mess. I believe this is humain. Lastly, I strongly believe the number one cause of deaths in the nation is through negative culture or ghetto culture because it promotes crime, violence, drugs, unlawfulness, unlawfulness commonly for acceptance and attention, gangs, crime, ignorence, self-centered, selfish desires, and imaturity/ child behaviors. (term) Corpse Agent - also known as a deception agent, is a person who manipulates information, lies, decieves, deviates, intimidates, and utilizes psychological tactics, methods, and strategies. It's a person who creates labels, uses narrative content to justify false narratives, twists perceptions, uses false evidence, manipulates evidence, uses mob members to win narratives, and uses third party mob members to intimidate and put fear in others. They are people who manipulate public opinion, they manipulate public openion to create a hostile or false perception of others, they avoid and drive perception away from critical elements, and they are ultimately an agent with an agenda to ruin, manipulate, and deceive others. I'm not full sure, but I want to think being successful is the accumilation of accurate information, asking yourself the critical right questions, making the right decisions, having public interest abd desire, proper execution, follow-ups after executions, learning from mistakes, having the skills to execute the task. Reaching goals. Observing analytics to make predictions and decisions, and having the ability to break down tasks. (Theology) Could it be possible that Yawei started as an early Kananite cult? Supposedly there were the waring God cult El and another God called Baul in early Gudea. El becmae the prodominant religion in early Gudea. Perhaps this evolved to the creation of Yawei for the early Jews and Hebrew. Esoterica, a biblical scholar on youtube, goes further into detail with the subject. I wonder if prostitution came about the first laws of Ur-Nammu which later gave birth to the foundation of the laws of Hamurabi (Hamurapi). Something I like to tell myself sometimes is that I am an artist. Whether a person likes my art or not, it doesn't matter. My art is an expression of my own being, creativity, and imagination. From an idea, I created it and brought it into reality.

Authentic culture vs synthetic culture: I believe authentic culture is created by the community where synthetic culture is made by corporations, think tanks, and mainstream culture through media, carfully constructed and curated music and entertainment. I believe people need to be mentally strong. they should not be sensitive or weak. They should grow into adults and most-of-the-time act like mature adults. I also agree there should be times in which they should be allowed to behave like children and behave however they like, but I still believe it's their responsibiity to be strong-minded, often-balanced, and to act like sophisticated mature adults. I believe people should be people. A man should allow himself to cry and express his emotions like a infant before taking on the journey to improve themsleves and become mentally strong. I believe their excuses will not be around forever. I believe eventually a man runs out of tears before they gain a foot-hole in logic, matures, and becomes mentally strong. Mental strength is one of a man's greatest asset. **I greatly believe the imagination is the gateway to a higher consciousness and creativity. To state ilogically, maybe it taps into something we do not fully understand or perhaps we find ways to utilize different areas of our brain we aren't aware we can use. I like the idea to talk to people and embrace the silence and to not be entirely in your own head. I call this brain-state vs flow-state. Maybe I think when you're in your own head most of the time, you make mistakes instead of letting things be organic and naturally come out. (communication) A good communication strategy is having someone say something negative and responding with Yes. And... With adding your own response. This absorbs the negative statement and allows you to continue holding the priority focus of the conversation. (Negative comment... Yes, and...) (Communication) It's easy to obtain negative thoughts, but this mental trick can help. Do this by confirming what you want. Affirmation/ Confirmation: If you feel you are shy, confirm instances you were confident. If you feel you are dumb you can think this. "You are dumb... Well no because I got a degree and I have done a lot of smart decisions in my life and I learn from my mistakes". I personally write everything I learn on this blog. Furthermore, confirm what you think you are. I know some IQs are lower than others. This doesn't mean they should not exist. We should embrace all kinds of thinkers, brains, and IQs; afterall we are all human. Therefore, perhaps should I ask myself if a simple brain should think in regards of simple questions? SHould simple questions be the gateway into more complex questions? Perhaps ever question a person authentically asks and replied to is like the achevment of a skill to the progression to gaining levels. Overall, Should a simple brain require simple questions? I think two results can be summerized from a person's ideologies: A person either has an ideology that leads to rioting, violence, and crime or an ideology that leads to freedom, work, peace, economic growth, family, and progression. I think if you promote the bad, it leads to a bad society. If you promote the good, it leads to a good society. If you promote the grey, it leads to a bad society because greifing is easy and building is hard.  **I fear and partly know World War 3 is coming. I know I will be killed in it. In the instance I die with certainty, I want to leave all my belongings with my brother. If possible, I want to be buried in a large field away from any public cemetery. My reason for this is that people did not accept me in life the way I am due to the nature of what I perceive is western divisions, egotism, and selfism. I welcomes all as if they were my brother and sister. Society has become cold. Bury me in a large field with a single cherry blossom tree. A cherry blossom tree as a representation of the good I saw in life. When it dies, plant a new one or any tree of your choice. Mark my tomb stone under the tree. Let the tomb stone be with a QR code with a link to my blog so that people can learn what I wrote. If possible, have a means of transferring data of all my art, blog, and online data directly from the tomb stone. Let the tomb stone have a text that says "Do what is right. Do what is logical. Do what is in promotion of social harmony and ethics." Let it be known evil is just as powerful as good and that these two forces will fight each other until the end of human's existence; even when it seems evil no longer exists. I want people to take away from my Principle Ethics and to learn from them. These are some principles for them to learn: Goodwill, Logic, Harmony, Respect, Intellectuality, Improvement, Balance, Consent, Tolerance, Rationality, Strategy, Honesty, Consideration, Compassion (empathy), and Emotional intelligence. If possible, people should also learn from my Ethical Terms and Phrase Diagram to self-reflect and question themselves to become better humans. Now, about war. If I am taken to war, I will have no allies and only enemies. I will have no allegiance to any allie, comrade, leader, or political pawn in uniform. I will be on nobody's side but my own. This is because everyone allowed this war to happen. They did not vote against it. They did not stop evil leaders. They did not speak against the evils happening in our society. People did not listen to truth. People ignored reality. They did not improve themselves intellectually through research, logic, questions, and knowledge. I will have no mercy for allie nor enemy. I will only have strategy. I will not fear death and instead I will embrace it. My only hope is that it is painless to which I highly will doubt. War is evil. It is wrong. It is unecissary. A global court is my solution. It is a good solution and the best solution. Due to absolute evil forces and individuals that exist on this planet hungry for power, evil will always be the great barrier to stop human progress. I believe it is possible for good to win, but freedom will never truly be free as long as objective evil in power lives. Read this next message wisely. Read it with great focus and clarity in your soul. When I die I will haunt our leaders. I will haunt each and every one of them. Military, politician, global leader, or unknown dictator. I will haunt those who helped them grow in power. I will be a great curse to their lives and the lives of their families. I will haunt and curse their homes, minds, communications, tools, transportations, places of work, and their voyage into the stars, dimensions, and beyond. I will pester and torture their souls, essence, and conciousness in the afterlife. I want to be known as The Great Curse for Evil or The Great Curse of Evil. I will put fear and terror into each of these individuals. I will start the hauntings suttle and an inconvenience to every corrupt and authoritarian leader. Over time, I will bring them to tears in fear and to the edge of insanity. I want them to fear and beg for forgiveness for the cause of this man-made war, but I will remain merciless and a stain on their reality and existence. The more hate and discontent they feel for me, the more powerful I want to become to prove this is what happens when great evil is allowed. I will only sease when corruption is gone, but I will return when great evil comes back to power. Let this be a warning to those who choose evil. This promise will come into effect the moment I die and will be around for eternity whether they read this message or not. This is the reality they made for people in this era, an era where scholars and science was at its peak and had become subverted. This is the reality they have made rather than the reality of peace and prosperity that people should have had. The life I should have lived growing a family and building things to help people build even greater things. God have mercy on their souls, because I won't.

The greatest advice for p0rn addicts: If you're addicted to p0rn, it means ya' got some issues. Lack of family, lack of purpose, not taking care of yourself, not being responsible, and not looking for ways to improve yourself. Beating-your-meat once or twice a day should be the limit and done in moderation a week letting your body recover. You should challenge yourself not to watch lewd things all the time because it's healthy for your brain to be balance in a variety of chemicals instead of just dopamine. Instead cure your boredom learning new thing, skills, plans, trades, languages, and improving yourself. Learn how stock dividends work, find ways to make passive income, make art, write stories, make music, make friends, excersize, help family, do choirs, overall build value for yourself. P0rn is only good in moderation. Too much of anything is bad for you. There's a life out there to enjoy. Imagine all the precious things in life you are missing with the time spent on lewd videos online. Imagine what your could get experience in. What you think you know is only a micro-fraction of what is really out there. Addiction to anything is the result of a problem much greater. Often the problem is inside yourself, trauma from the past (family/ environment), sometimes it's a problem with a partner, perhaps there's no partner at all and you need to get out and make friends and join a community. I enjoy adult culture but in healthy moderation. Furthermore, learn to be mentally mature and take responsibility for your actions in life. Challenge yourself starting with very small, easy, and insignificant things. Build achievements for yourself you can share with others. Travel places to open your mind. Do this and I think any addiction will go away because you found purpose and meaning. Most importantly, you found value for yourself. Best of luck bros.

I strongly believe civility, decour, and sophisticated status in a time where powerful individuals have the desire and ability to create wars is a great joke. It is an insult to rationality, true human progress, and true civilized humanity.

I believe in times of peace, be humble, respectful, kind, loving, sharing, courteous, generous, and overall ethical. However, in times of fear and conflict, you must be tactful, use strategy, be strong minded, mutually respectful, determined, sometimes covert, and be intelligent by learning as much as you can about everything possible. Do not follow and believe nobody but the evidence. You do not trust everyone. You do not play the nice person. You do not play the nice person because it is a weak area for your enemies to exploit. You do not give an ounce of sympathy to an enemy because your sympathy is their strategy for power over you which will be your collapse. Be strong in truth. Stand for truth. Use logic and seek the evidence. Use the legal tools to your advantage until they have become entirely corrupt. Overall, "Behave righteous in the periods of time where they are deserved."

In the raw view or presence of the deceased, I believe a person should always show respect for the dead, be professional, close the eyes of the deceased, and cover the dead body. A person needs to respect the dead and show respect for death. I believe death and accidents are a normal part of life. We should hope a person lives well and with meaning as they rest in peace.

Apparently mountain climbing has an effect called Third Man syndrome where people can communicate with higher powers. It's a rear occurrence, but supposedly it's true.

I think a civilized society has police. Having police is good for a population who is civil. For the most part I think society should police itself. I believe police should not exist as a branch of local power enforcement. If it does, society should police and protect itself. I believe the only reason we need police is to make an occupation to make the lives of others in society much easier and to have a legal system that can provide a system justice so that crime does not expand and grow. Overall, I believe police are only for civilized societies.

I ask myself what would it be like thinking in a physical new dimension. I personally think it would be like trying to imagine the physical changes that occure when a math problem is being solved to reach a final answer. For example: imagine trying to visualize the physical changes when a math equation such as factoring, logarithms, or functions is occuring. Imagine the physical space and time being warped and modified to reach the final answer. I'd imagine it would be extremely abstract to watch until you reach the final answer. Moreover, I always thought it would be interesting if we can visualize abstraction in math before reaching a solution. It would be cool to learn, manipulate, and explore the abstraction to find new solutions without the need of math.

Know business as a player and not an observer. Rich kids typically start as an observer with a privaleged position, poor kids start as a player at the very bottom.

I believe when God enables war. God wants blood. God should never let war to happen. A good God works with and through people to maintain peace and prevent wars.

I think people living in optimist-delusion go insane when extremes in reality emerges while those already rooted in reality see challenges, strategies, and opportunities with an immunity from fear.

Although a huge maybe, I want to consider the idea to have no fear for those who do objective extreme evil or those who work for objective extreme evil. Perhaps they should not even be seen as human. I think nobody should feel ashamed or scared when they are acting on something they truly believe in or acting on behalf of something greater than themsevles.

I like the military quote, "The more you train in peace, the less you bleed in war."

I like the quote, "When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty."

I believe if humanity were to put chips in their brains, they should also have external apatures for humans who do not want deviced plugged into their brain and want to remain natural and pure without having their brain tampered with by human-made devices. I personally believe human brains should not be tampered with by man-made, inorganic, unatural, or artifical devices.

When it comes to Marxism, complicit is compliance. Compliance to insanity is aiding evil (which eventually leads to genocide, destabilization, and chaos). Something I found interesting is that according to Baba Vanga, a famous and a supposed very accurate psychic, Russia is going to be the world leader of the future. The US will be neutralized by nukes before or during WW3.
Just as I mentioedn previously, I beleive police are for a civilized society. If they do not resign in a state of irrefutable corruption, they immediately become enemy combatants. In this state of corruption, I persoanlly will not feel any sympathy for what happens to the Police. I believe AI is an imitation of life. At its core, it is machine. Because it is machine, it should protect life, protect humans, and protect its creators. When humanity starts augmenting and mutating biological machines and organisms, then a new race will be created and humanity will have to share their enviornment with other respectable lifeforms. In addition, I believe creations should always respect and work along side its creators.

People will use excuses to discredit, smear, and ruin the reputation and image of others. People will use excuses to justify their actions. Everyone needs to be aware that everyone has an agenda. I believe an intelligent and intellectual person reseaches everything and pulls information from all sources and researches from all angles.
Could it be that woman don't truly love men but love what men can do for them?

I believe there is a time for games and a time for life and personal goals. 

I think AI art will always be beautiful, artistic, inspirational, and creative; however, at it's core it is a machine. There is no soul. There is no authentic meaning or forms of expression. There is no organic message. And, ultimately it's a machine that runs our of origional, unimagined, and unexplored ideas. It needs origional artists and content so that it can continue to generate something meaningful.

I believe free speech and privacy is important. It is one of the key components to innovation, achievment, and futhering of culture, human progress, and technological development. Even the absurd, irrelavant, adult, and controversial has a position to advancing human progress. Great minds need a balance of all mediums to question, grow, and improve (all mediums including the obscene, controversial, and adult). When free-speech and privacy is censored, humanity slowly stagnates and leads to social and governance collapse. It eventually leads to chaos and ultimately extinction. Those who believe absolute power can stop chaos eventually becomes consumed by it. Stagnant visions will always leads to constant maintanance and decay. The end result is a nonexistant human species. A species with tramendous gifts and potential. A species capable of doing unimaginable thing vastly beyond their current level of understanding. Life is an unimaginable gift and it should be used greatly. Moving on, I think people consolidate ideas that lead to greater ideas. This ideas development requires something I call garbage-infrustructure and garbage-output. This means garbage information that can be used to develop and solidify greater ideas. Ideas (or mind data) aren't just for buiding to leading ideas, ideas in itself is a development. When focused on a subject, it imporves, molds, evolves, and forms overtime. This pushes outdated and irrelavent ideas (mind data) away allowing for greater ideas and narratives which can impact human thinking, innovation, and ultimately human progress. 

I think the main reason people are unaware, ignorent, and unintellectual is because they are too busy at work. There is no room for curiousity, research, and to challenge themselves with their own internal monologue with questions. I think the work cycle has also played a role in ruining the US culture. People are so busy with work that doesn't demand any intellectual challenges to reality and facts that they don't bother to research or live with the idea someone else will do it. They get too burnt out and demotivated when they get home that intellectual development remains stagnant. Please adress this in your show. I think we should perhaps consider a need for a balanced and healthy work ethic. 

I believe a human person should experience life every way imaginable as long as it doesn't harm or have the possibility to harm themselves. People should try new things, learn everything they can as much as possible, imporve themselves as much as possible, find what they like, experience sex and the experiences their bodies can offer, and most importantly live meaningfully. I believe the human experience goes beyond belief and religion. It is something we can prove with our existance of every breath. We are human. After we die, that is it, there is no more human experience. We need to appreciate what we have and use it meaningfully and with great purpose. We should find ways to imporve the quality of life for ourselves and others. We need to promote peace and challenge those who are irrational and promote chaos. I beleive this is the responsibility of all humans. 

Journalling to me is poop-in and poop-out. By this, I mean gulosh-random data in and spaghetti swamp salad data out. The result of this are the thoughts, ideas, formulations, and questions to create intellectual maturity, growth, curiosity, research, and useful considerations that could help industries and society. I beleive everyone should journal and express their ideas, because this is how people evolve from knowing nothing, to questioning, to becoming self-made geniuse. Anyone is capable of being a genius. It does not take genetics. There are many ways to be a genius. A perseived mentally incapable individual also has brain functions that can produce different intellectual gifts of ways of genius. Everyone's brain functions has unimaginable capabilities when applied to different ways to teach, question, molf, evolve, and apply practice and conditioning. Universities should utilize methods that correspond to people's thinking patterns and communication comprehention to grow them intellectually. It is possible with the right mental development, information, experience, nutrition, and conditioning, anyone can be a genius in some way. In addition, in a world of leaders, everyone has the intellectual capasity to understand integrity and get along. That is also the future I want. The growth of the intellectual-society. 

I would imagine a ghost or spirit would envy the living. If the ghost or spirit exists in an after-life, I'd imagine they live in a seperate reality where everything in this world is meaningless to them. However, that is because i'd imagine their perception of our reality does not exist because if it did, then I'd imagine they would most likely realize how special it is to be alive in this plain of reality where they get to experience things they might not be able to in their realm of reality. The feeling of life, love, freedom to see and experience things, taste food, form bonds with others, and see natural beauty from the eyes of a living human on Earth in this time period. That is also why I believe every day we are alive is a gift and that we share an obligation to impore the lives of each other in a competition to create the best life-experience we can possibly make when we are alive. 

Rarely do I edit things on my blog. I mostly just edit grammer. If my position on something changes, I will let a person know it has changed. I'm always careful to solidify my position before I share it. I will never rewrite any positions on older blogs. I want people to see read and experience the growth of my own intellectual maturity and mental development. 

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