Sunday, December 19, 2021

Hyper Quanta Reality (HQR)

    I heard we are arriving in a time period where there is no more space on circuit boards to allow electrons to complete their functions within digital devices due to it's condensed and compacted components and materials. Many people believe neural implants and biotechnology is the solution. Although I think it's already possible, I strongly would disagree with taking any sort of implant or augmentation just because it's convenient. So I came up with a more greater technological idea that goes one step beyond this technology. I call it Hyper Quanta Reality (HQR), Quanta Hyper Reality (QHR), or Hyper Reality for short. This technology replaces modern devices and implants to access a greater vision for technology. So, what is this new technology? Imagine a world where you were both in the digital world and in physical world at the same time. Both can be used interchangeably without limitations. You can enter and play a game or relax in physical reality away from technology whenever you wanted. Imagine playing Halo as if it was reality then pausing the game and taking a nap in the sky and on a cloud in objective reality without the fear of falling to your death. It would be a technology you couldn't live without. How would hyper-reality work? Here is how I think it would work and all the required innovative technologies and solutions it would take to get us there. Our circuit boards rely on electrons to work. The current obstacle is that we can make micro devices but there's only so much we can fit on a mother board or raspberry pie. The solution I believe is to go smaller. How can we go smaller than an atom? I believe we can utilize the very fabric of physics and what makes up an atom on the quantum level. Atoms are made up six Quirks and six Leptons; as far as we know today. These quirks and leptons make up the behaviors of an atom. The examination of these quirks and leptons are still being examined today by scientist with perhaps the use of the hydron collider. There is yet a lot of discoveries waiting to achieve any method to create, manipulate, modify, and control the fabric of our reality and physics. I believe one day we will have a tiny pocketable hydron collider device in our pockets in which we can use to manipulate, create, or manufacture a collection of quirks and leptons to shape our reality. This would also mean it could not only be used as a technology in which we can combine the digital reality and physical reality, but a way to create or manipulate time, matter, and other relative forces. Since the operation of such technology is seemingly dangerous, perhaps we would first have to utilize a change in human psychology. I disagree that humans should be controlled by authoritarianism or heavy measurements of control. I believe the best human is a free human as long as their brains are fully functional, highly intellectual, and capable of integral and self-principled ethical and self-regulating behaviors. I believe this can be achieved by providing an individual the best nourishment possible in development, positive human development allowing an individual to mature and mentally-mature with a great understanding of ethics and why ethics is important, a positive development of one's mind allowing them to critically think, have a sense of logic, having a rational understand the world, and to understand themselves and know why they need to internalize and utilize a personal self-principle and disciplined sense of ethics because I believe technology of the future could be catastrophic when used by malevolent actors. Here is an example. I believe in the future fusion technology or even a nuclear reactors will be the size of a small Duracell battery. If that were to be used in malevolent ways, the world or even galaxies could disappear due to critical human error. Moreover, the existence of such technologies would cause humans to conquer energy which would enable them to be utilized in unbelievable ways. Perhaps on a large scale, they would even be able to make and grow their own solar systems or galaxies. Perhaps hyper reality can then be used in a device where it would be able to make the manipulation of atoms possible. I think atoms will be the particles in which to act as pixels in which to create the Hyper Reality system. Humans will have the ability to measure every aspect of the universe and even understand much more beyond it. Hyper Reality in a sense will be able to regrow cells, recreate cellular structure, and essentially conquer death as humans will have the ability to recreate limbs, grow cells, and regrow internal components necessary to sustain their lives for long periods of time, or perhaps even recreate biologic components to create even more improved biological materials, functions, and systems. Moreover, even though we can use QHR to create, manipulate, and modify reality, I believe it is only the first step in a greater step to understand what is reality and what is beyond it. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay