Saturday, April 27, 2024

Project Mother


I've been reading into a bunch of Nostradamus's predictions for current and future prophecies. According to his writings, there should be a takeover of France by Is!am, a major meteor heading to earth that will cause mass devastation, a long side with war. ... A whole lot of war. There is a major war (possibly WW3) started by the middle east. Around from this war will rise a major middle eastern leader (or antichrist figure) who will unite and convert all the Musl!ms to Is!am and raise a devastating army to invade Europe. There is also the last pope who's going to be called Peter (he will be the next pope after this current one apparently). Rome will be nuked apparently and it will turn Is!amist. After the meteor, the world will have a great global flood where the waters are poison followed with famine. There is also a strange talk about a period of great darkness with unnatural dark skies (possibly a polar shift?). After the West defeats the Is!amic armies that devastate Europe for 27 years, there is a new golden age of peace. (Or so we thought. I guess we read Revelations in the Bible next to see what happens next, because it talks about how the era of peace only lasts for 100 years before more problems arise with more wars). Anyhow, I had to share these findings. I think everyone should look into Nostradamus's predictions. He also interestingly mentions things called androgens ( how males will be like females and females like males alike), plagues with deception and a secret historys, and how people will turn on each other during the plague. All this before a great war started from the middle east and a colossally devastating meteor. One thing Nostradamus makes clear is that there is a lot of time to change before these future events. That is why I'm proposing a new idea for the future. It is called the Mother Project. The Mother Project is called 'mother' for the preservation of Mother Earth. The premise of this project idea is to take all existing predictions and prophecies that have a proven track record of consistency and accuracy and to form a contingency plan to prevent any calamity or disaster from occurring. Using Project Mother, I will break down and address smaller project ideas regarding ever possible scenario regarding Nostradamus's predictions. 

One of the greatest projects or goal ideas is called Project Jenova which is a project to prevent a meteor from hitting Earth. Since it is prophesied by Nostradamus, it should be in humans greatest interest to prevent the meteor (perhaps the known meteor Apotheosis) from hitting or negatively effecting the Earth. This idea not only includes to form a plans, methods, or strategies to prevent the meteor from affecting the Earth, it also wants to add the idea to capture, station, harvest and mine the meteor for its resources by stationing it as a safe orbiting body around the Sun. Due to time constraints and current technological limitations, we might need to expand resource development to achieve success with this initiative. We need a large amount of people on the project, funding, and to build a space vehicle capable of capturing, positioning, stationing, and resource mining the interstellar body. This operation could unite the world and will open the world to life-changing orbital occupations and installations.We will need the man power to operate on the meteor and to build a space-station capable of mining the meteor. This will provide Earth an abundance of Iron and resources to build all sort of amazing structures, technological capabilities, and interstellar vehicles. 

The next project idea is Operation Anti-Christ. This is identifying the ruler who will unite Is!am and cautiously and strategically push them away from positions of power so that their voice is never heard and their fear strategies for power dominance are never used to amass a religious military which inevitably spreads throughout Europe. They should never be given the tools, weapon platforms, and resources to carry out any sort of military expansion into Europe. It's important that this military operation should be stopped before it even begins.

Then there is Operation Quadrant. This operation idea is the removal of the four horsemen of the apocalypse by forming strategic plans and provisions in case of such events. I'd like to think this is the removal of famine, death/war, pestilence, and plague. We can prevent the earth from famine by over producing livestock and agricultural resources both on agricultural surfaces, under grown, and artificially if necessary. I believe we should make it that ever single common household can have chickens with a system that's automated and very simple to maintain. I also believe every household should have a small minimum of a 3 x 3 feet space to operate a simple rotatable hydroponic garden for herbs, fruits, and vegetables for self-sufficiency. Overall, I believe the average citizen with a home should have outdoor or indoor farm as it is a return back o an homage to one's ancestral roots as a farmer. Next, we can prevent war through an initiative to: promote peace, discussion, exposure of corruption and irrational bias or secret agendas, hold bad actors accountable, and introduce a global court system. We can formulate a new liberal world agenda which is based around humans, the human experience, and human developments. With a world court, we can hold the UN accountable for poor decisions, we can expose bad global actors and hidden agendas by publicizing investigations and interceptions of malevolent data. We can prevent pestilence by monitoring animal activities, Biology patterns, animal-migration patterns and natural predator resiliences. If there is a mass pestilence of a creature, we can cull and harvest a certain percent of a critter for resources (with caution to not interrupt environmental habitats). Lastly there is plague. First we would have to protect the water supply in case it were to become acidic for any reason outside our control. We can do this by preparing in advance by having fresh water filtration systems, salt and acid filtration systems, and large underground reservoir systems (It's important that these systems become earthquake proof). Regarding illness, disease and plagues, we need to make a way people can make medicines at home to help themselves stay healthy. We can also have a system which preserves medical equipment and medicines and store it safe locations capable of mass logistical distribution systems and methods. It's important we remove corruptions to investigate, monitor, and gather intelligence on all possible sources for man-made plagues to occur. I also believe it is extremely important we identify, expose, and remove bad actors from positions, especially positions at the greatest levels. I believe the higher they are in position and the worst decisions they've made should be held to the highest level of scrutiny and possibly imprisonment from the most minor infractions. I think it will prove to be important to stop the voices of those who are anti-human, pro-authoritarian-expansionists, and pro-exterminists/ pro-genocide. I also believe we need a pro-humanist expansion and a greater pro-human-interstellar expansion movement. I believe we need more humans who can be educated to the highest standard and quality. I believe they need the most relevant and up-to-date applicable knowledge. I believe they need to be capable of a high or very high standard of intellectual and critical-thinking capability. I also strongly believe we need a balance of both logical and creative thinking individuals (artists with a great imagination are just as important as the best scientists). I greatly believe every individuals needs to understand they can live in their own individual narratives or contribute to the greater development and growth of human progress, creativity, and innovation. The more individuals with a high standard of intellectual-capacity and intelligence, the greater a society will find ways to stop plagues, prevent wars, and perhaps methods to stop natural disasters and even meteors from coming close to Mother Earth. 

Lastly is Project Nightingale which is an idea for the preservation of the idea and values of freedom, family, authentic-organic-natural human life and experience, objective history, philosophy, and critical education. It's my belief freedom will not exist in the future as regimes and subverted ideologies come and go. I believe there should be ways to preserve these values and ideas for later generations to be reminded or, in case of the worst-case-scenario, to learn, share, and explore. Perhaps this can be done through time capsules, perhaps indestructible archives, or perhaps even primitive granite stele. When the idea of freedom no longer exists or has meaning, I believe all life will be a shadow without any light and humanity will turn artificial, purposeless, meaningless, and ultimately face absolute extinction in the distant future.

These are my ideas for Project Mother. Earth is our Mother and we must project her. I fear if we do not protect our original home and let greater evils triumph, then humanity will indefinitely no longer exist in the near-distant future. In conclusion regarding Project Mother, it's important we look at every possible prediction with a track record of accuracy and consistency and prepare for every possible scenario and outcome as it could be a shortcut to preservation and prevent calamities from occurring.



Photo by Dany B.:

Photo by Dany B.:

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Stan's SRC-List and the Reasons for Crimes in the Modern World

    Over the years I have observed crime through the news. To my surprise, there seems to be a lack of open resources to investigate the reasons for crimes in our society. Therefore, I have decided to put together a list of why I think crimes happen or the fundamentals of criminal behaviors. I will call this the SRC-List which stands for Stan's Reasons for Crime-List. It's an extensive list and may require deeper research into psychology, nutrition, and other subjects to fully understand certain elements. Nevertheless, I will add this list and hope that perhaps more people can build off these elements and hopefully build solutions to help prevent crime in the future. If any more ideas come to mind, I'll continue to add them to the list. So far here are my 35 reasons why I think crimes exists in the modern world. 

Stan's list for the reasons for crime: 

1 (child dev) Bad parents (a major contribution to bad children. Parents always immaturely fighting. Children copy parental behaviors. Children have a need to feel the acceptance, care, and attention from parents)

2 (child dev) Bad environment

3 (child dev) Brain functionality (brain issues)

4 (child dev) Neglect (I think leads to a desire for endless attention)

5 (child dev) Abuse (one issue is that a parents displaying violence could normalize the idea of violence for children. This leads to sociopathic, psychopathic, and narcissistic behaviors where individuals build a hard shell over their vulnerabilities, hide their vulnerabilities, and to build a greater image and status over others. Depending on the abuse can lead to moraless behaviors)

6 (child dev) Abandonment 

7 (child dev) Trauma (sometimes leads to isolation, introversion, or moraless behaviors)

8 (child dev) Lack of stability in a household. 

9 (child dev) Parental guidance (teaching right from wrong, morality, and meaning and reasoning for things; proper discipline and a child knowing the reason for being disciplined)

10 (child dev) Learning from gender differences (and deconstruction of fantasy or negative personal interpretations regarding genders to develop functional relationships)

11 Drugs and substance abuse (alcoholism; decay of frontal lobe, cognition, and reasoning. Drugs are the greatest contribution to crime that I am aware of.)

12 Normalization of crime and abuse in one's environment. Moral decay can lead to more darker possibilities. Bad policies enable those who want to take advantage for doing more bad things, possibly for reputation and status.

13 Influences from war (strict discipline, military culture and conditioning influencing family culture. Militant coping with traumas)

14 (teen delinquency) A response (rebelling) from poor behaving, illogical, inconsistent, or irrational parents. Perhaps a response from culture, environment, or lack of real understanding of the real world, experience, and influence from the world in their thoughts. This leads as a gateway to rebellion and delinquency which could continue to more negative behaviors later on. 

15 Malnourishment 

16 Poor water quality

17 Poor food quality from lack of nutrients in the soil.

18 Influences from medications, vaccinations, and medical abuse. 

19 Starvation (lack of food which also decays mental health and ability to reason and be rational)

20 Eating too much salt in foods or the use of bad and unnatural sugars in food such as: unnatural and artificial sugars, aspartame, alcohol sugars, and sugars with BPH. Sugars affect glucose, glucosamine, or glycol levels which affect organs and cause it to build fat and also affect other health conditions. 

21 Brain functionality, brain damage, brain issues (brain chemical imbalance), and mental illnesses can also play a role (as common issue is people having voices in their head possibly from an enlarged pineal gland or hypothalamus. Perhaps it's possible to condition or medicate the voices in their heads). 

22 Poor economic environments or places with no resources. This could cause desperation. 

23 Lack of purpose, goals, and meaning from the lack of life experiences(skills), awareness, and knowledge of the real world and the world outside of culture. Lack of exercise, being part of a community(local or interest-group community), and self-development and personal planning and healthy risks and experimentation. 

24 Lack of personal guidance, self-improvement, and having positive examples or role models. 

25 Lack of emotional intelligence with controlling one's anger or jealousy. Lack of self-reasoning and reflection (not knowing where their anger comes from and how they can control it). 

26 Being a victim of violence, crime, and intimidation can also possibly negatively influence an individual; this perhaps could include becoming victim of an abuse from authority. Being in an environment that normalizes crime, violence, and living in fear (fear creates submission or adoption to circumstance). 

27 Building status, image, and reputation for intimidation value to protect oneself, shield their vulnerabilities, and influence others. 

28 The result of culture and negative culture (especially to be accepted or to fit in socially). Culture plays a large role in society. Negative cultures can ruin a society, especially with iconic figures being role models.  

29 The result of isolation and social rejection (As the saying goes, a rejected member will burn a village to the ground so that they can feel its warmth). 

30 If one lives in a state of injustice or perceived injustice. They might take things into their own hands. 

31 The development of bad habits, prolonged bad habits, and bad habits justified in one's thoughts which can lead to greater bad habits or self-harm or the harm of others. I think this could fall more under mental illness or perhaps the development of mental illness. This can also be seen in psychopathic behaviors where they define their own realities, justifiabilities, ideological reasonings, and interpretations base on their level of thinking, feelings, and observations. 

32 The conditioning of ideologies and leaders and the belief of justifiable irrational behaviors. This can also be the conditioning of victimhood-base ideologies and irrational-tribal ideologies(cults). 

33 The result of cognitive dissonance where one has not matured mentally and learned to critically think, reason, and build an authentic relationship with themselves and reflect on their actions and the quality of their decisions and the consequences of their decisions and actions. One's level of intelligence plays a role in this as a person with low IQ can base their decisions and action on an individual of slightly higher intelligence yet still incapable to be intelligent enough to obtain critical thinking levels which is needed for accurate and effective solutions and answers (an individual who is a nincompoop). I also think a world that is not based in reality and logic requires a supplement for logic which can open an individual to believe any form of ideology and irrational behavior. 

34 The normalization of corruption where one becomes corrupt to protect or gain for themselves. Corruption alters the mind and personal beliefs of an individual in many ways. It opens the mindset to see what else one can get away with and to feel a sense of superiority over others because of one's access to resources. 

35 Perhaps lack of religious values or methods of learning ethical, moral, or group-valued or group-accepted systems. 

Photo by Kindel Media:
Photo by Kindel Media:
Photo by Kindel Media: