Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fear Warfare


Fear Warfare

    During the battle of Vietnam. The Americans played terrifying audio of spirits in the night jungles. Apparently this was so frightening to the Vietcong that it left a long lasting impression. That's when I came up with the idea of Fear Warfare. The Feudal Japanese used to wear scary helmet and masks as the Vikings looked intimidating and shouted barbarically wanting to appear maddening to their enemies. I figured if wars wanted to be won, perhaps a new kind of tool and strategy could be used to win conflicts on the battlefield. For this I want to reveal my ideas for soldiers to wear intimidating uniforms and strategic disguises to scare the enemy. Imagine being in a conflict and a grotesque-like demon soldier appeared before you with a menacing sound and look. It could strike enough fear in opponents that they might win the conflict without even having the conflict result in a firefight. Fear warfare isn't just about having soldiers look intimidating, but it can also be about battle field strategy, like in Vietnam. Militarys can study what makes other cultures and enemies afraid and use it to their advantage. They can also utilize something I want to call 'fear technology'. From imagery in the sky like the supposed project Blue Beam to mysterious and unidentifiable object flying in the sky floating in mysterious formations. It could be streaking laser orbs hovering very fast on the ground using morning mist to machines that can raddle the ground and use waves to produce eerie mysterious noises with freuqncies that make enemies feel sick. It could also be the use of animatronics with having dead soldiers rise from the ground to intimidating killer robots that stand ten feet tall. Fear technology can lead to great advantages for a modern military to win conflicts. The last idea would be a extremely unethical idea with the use of mysterious creatures and chimeras, but because such creatures could harm the ecosystem of an environment, I would greatly put off this idea. With the use of my idea for Fear Warfare, a new level of strategy, technology, and military advancement can be created to win conflicts.



Photo by Specna Arms:

by Specna Arms:

Photo by Specna Arms:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Efficiency Commission in Governments


Efficiency Commission 

    I believe there should be an Efficiency Commission in governments. This will allow governments to calculate and measure their efficiency and stay on track to progress.

They can stay on track to progress by focusing on:

Cost Reduction: By identifying inefficiencies, the government can allocate resources more effectively, saving taxpayer money. They can also cut non-priority and non-effective programs. 

Performance Improvement: Efficiency commissions evaluate programs, policies, and agencies to ensure they meet their intended objectives. They can also look at their objectives and make sure it's done through logical and most effective methods. 

Transparency and Accountability: These bodies promote transparency by assessing government operations and making recommendations for improvement. They can also hold bad actors accountable. They can also have questionable actors with questionable motives explain their logic and behaviors to ensure they abide by ethical values.  

Modernization: As technology evolves, efficiency commissions help modernize outdated systems and practices.

Public Inquiries: Allow voices to be heard by advocates, activists, average people, and institutional experts. It allows a space for people who want to express their opinions, beliefs, and findings to their government.

Public Debate: A forum for average citizens, activists, and experts to debate ideas or debate politicians and military. This ensures the people voters have hired are doing their jobs accurately and effectively. 

Public Statistics: This allows people to get all the latest and immediate information and data regarding statistics and relative information gathered through government agencies. All the valuable data is exposed and provided to the population in an easy and accessible manner. Anyone can submit a request for insight on data, measurable information, and statistics. This allows experts to present the data in an open public forum.

An Open Rating System: The Open Rating System (ORS) allows citizens to give ratings to politicians, agencies, laws, programs, and government actions through electronic methods. This will allow people to understand their elected leaders, improve their leaders, and incentivize growth, improvement, productivity, and accountability in their elected leaders. It's another layer for the public to have a voice. The Open Rating System also allows the public to interact and vote on laws, actions, and decisions as an extra layer of expression instead of relying on their elected representatives.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki:

Making My Own Modern Civilization for Fun


Making My Own Modern Civilization for Fun

I think people should design a civilization for themselves. Because of this idea I wanted to make my own civilization. Therefore I had to ask myself, if I was a ruler or civilization maker what kind of civilization would I make? I have given it some thought and now I'm going to share my own idea for a civilization. I will divide the civilization into different categories which will hopefully give the vision of how a civilization would be like.

Foremost, all civilization are evolutions of their former civilizations. Since I do not have a former civilization, I have to base it on existing civilizations. Since the world is connected globally, I can get an idea of what I want from different areas of the world I have experience with. 

Although it would be a fun idea to start with an ancient civilization as if starting from nothing, I would rather start with a modern civilization and it's great vision. Having a quick idea I figure I could start with is imagining a new island or land mass forming and I was the first on it. Given I had the resources to start a new civilization from scratch, what would I do and how would I start? What name would I give it? What would it look like? What is the overall vision? Given all the questions and the ability to break it down into categories, I can start building a vision for a new society which is introduced as followed: 

Note: I will update this as time goes on.

The Almaaran Civilization


I would name the civilization the Almaaran civilization. The habitants of Almaara would be called Almaarans or Surins as a fun slang term. 

Geographic Region

Since there is no geographic region to focus on as an example, I could use any region of the world. I would prefer Mediterranean mountainous regions with many cliffs and trees like in Italy or certain areas of Greece. 


The economic style I would have for this civilization is a capitalistic economy where people and their crafts, skills, and labor can build a competitive economy for monetary gain. The economy focuses more on internal trade more than global trade. There would be a great incentive on manufacturing goods and using resources to make products. It will be an economy with a massive focus on people's safety through laws. It would be an mixed economy meaning there are amendments in the constitution which dramatically limit any major interference by government (very regulated by the administrative branch. It mostly means no bail-outs). It wants to be known as a true market economy. 


Government would be a constitutional republic with a founding leader. The government called the Finesia (meaning hiarch; we can use this loosely for the term federal) would consist of four branches: Fa-lil- Legislative branch (congress[House of Representatives and Senate]),El-lil - Executive branch (founder, president, vice president, and cabinet [Secretary of States]), Ju-lil - Judicial branch(Supreme court [other federal courts]),Pam-lil - Parliament branch (house of commons, people's voice, hearings, and inquiries which is also known as the people's voice and debate forum), and lastly the Ar-lil - Administrative branch (responsible for checks and balances, government finances, balanced budgets, balanced cost-of-living, and anything financial or relating to statistics). There is a two social system government called the Eesparta. People are born into the Mantura status and when they demonstrate citizen qualities, they get to progress to the Diva status. Mantra means non-citizen which limits a person and makes them the focus for authority to be nonlinen on them. Anyone in the Mantura status can get out of this status by demonstrating ethics and getting an education that proves they are ready to become a Diva status. A Diva means citizen which gives a person great freedom. A person with Diva status is the same as an American with great freedom and liberty to do as they wish. A Diva status also means you have the intelligence and intellectuality to build things, create things, and that you want to help build the civilization to be the best it can be. It means you have the same values for freedom and liberty and want to help others in your civilization succeed and build wealth, families, and overall contribute to overall progress. You can also lose your Diva status if you do greatly bad and unethical things. This will force a person to follow different guidelines to get a Diva status back. The idea is that in the Mantura status, its run as a socialist system, limited-basic handout program system, and an authority system until you understand the meaning and value of freedom. When you understand the values of freedom, you find a way to obtain the Diva status which enables the lifestyle of true freedom, liberty, and personal responsibility. 

The government is meant to stay small and only for necessary reasons.

The only welfare system there is are for artisans who make things. 

The overall government operates similar to the US government. Due to the Diva status and mastery of ethics, the demonstration of decorum is not always necissary as people put emphasis on personal-authenticity. 

If a person becomes wealthy and does unethical things, they can lose their Diva status and go back into the Mantura status which puts a cap on the money they make with the rest of the money going to special programs or reinvested into different resources by the state or city-state. 


Primarily, the civilization would have states and city-states with it's own laws under the constitution (similar to the US constitution but with more amendments; freedom of speech and privacy being the first amendments). Under the Finesia, the laws would allow states and city-states to make their own laws (the constitution allows these laws to be within reason). Laws are based on logic and reason; there needs to be a logic and reason for everything. Very rarely do they make laws on behalf of fairness. The idea for laws is as if making something set in stone that will last until the end of time. There will be laws that govern: public safety (police, fire, and emergency services), infrastructure(roads, parks, bridges, flood protection, public facilities, and community centers), utilities (sewers, water supply, electricity, and refuse disposal, recycling), fraud and corruption (including holding people or leaders accountable), and regulations (zoning, property maintenance, noise control, and public health). 

Most conflicts for any cases go to a court system. If people want to fight, they are given sparring equipment and made to fight each other. 

The legal system conducts reviews for laws that work in other countries. They craft laws and experiment laws before they turn it into a bill to turn into law. 

Guns are allowed without any regulation. There are laws governing bio-w3ap0ns (chemical w3ap0ns), 3xpl0sives (requires temporary permits), and w3ap0ns of ma$$ destruction like nukes. W3ap0ns are only available to Diva status people. People can carry them anywhere hidden or exposed. In the society, they are seen as average tools. Any criminal occurrence looks at the person and not the tools as a result of crime. 

The cost of living is balanced and maintained so that teenagers can live on their own if they so choose which allows them to seek adventure and build a life. This is because there is a focus on an individual's pursuit of happiness, freedom of variety, focus on convinience, and overall quality of life. 

There is an emphasis on 'the human experience' and that all individuals should have a great 'human experience' while they are alive on Earth. This mainly is for people in the Diva status. This is because people believe life is short on Earth and that they should build the experiences and lifestyles they want as fast as possible. 


There are no taxes for the individual people. All taxes are done by a bracket tax system for businesses. Different level businesses pay different level taxes, generally 15 % from gross earnings. Businesses and not individuals pay tax to the federal government. 

Global entities (like global corporations) pay more tax as they are considered a different kind of business. 


In order to vote, you have to take a test and be part of a civil service. A civil service can be a natural disaster volunteer, community watch (observes and reports crimes in dangerous areas; conducts surveillance operations), joining the police force, joining the military, joining or volunteering for emergency services, volunteering for auditing services of infrastructure and utilities. 

All voting is done by paper ballot with a sophisticated identification system. This system is completely transparent and heavily monitored by average people (called 'auditors') and electronic survallance systems. 


There is a huge focus on well paved roads and bridges.

Traffic laws are only for what makes sense. There are no speed limits. Left lane is for moving slower and right lane is for people in a hurry. The civilization prides itself on more freedoms, and self-responsibility for your own safety and safety of others. 

There is a major industry for recycling where all materials are reused. 

Zoning laws are like in Japan. The difference is that there are more parks and trees, and more space for small lawns and sidewalks. 

Huge emphasis on logistics with trucking, trains, aircraft, boats, speed-rail, and underground vacuum rail. 

Massive agriculture incentive with big emphasis on livestock. 

Large emphasis on education. There is also a balance between family and education. 

My civilization will have a focus on self sufficiency with free energy. This is energy made at people's homes and businesses. Industrial electricity will always be there as backup. Wifi will also be free as communication is important. Depending on a person homes can have gardens with the ability to share community garden spaces and livestock acreage and stalls. 

There is a path that extends and connects to all towns and cities for foot travelers and merchant-peddlers to travel. 

There is a focus on 'quality of life'. This can be seen in the civilzations work force, work-ethic, and academic institutions. The culture believes a happy worker is a productive worker or a proactive creator. 

There is the euntrpreneur ideology that 'if it doesn't exist, create it'. Many grants, fundraising events, and funding oportunities can be used to fund great ideas. The civilization believes life is too short and that ideas need to be tried and made immediately. People need to build and try things fast and fail fast to reach success. 

Individuals in a Mantura status and Diva status live together in the same geographical area. This is to incentivise people to get out of the Mantura status and become part of the Diva status. 


The style for this civilization would be a curvy aesthetic with beveled round edges. It would look as if things were melted together giving off a blend of futuristic yet semi-modern appeal. A good example is the house in the movie Oblivion which features an ipod aesthetic house. Featuring this aesthetic is the use of combinatory colors and a lot of detailed designs that are smooth and swav. The way I imagined it would be a baroque style but instead of European swirls and details, it would be in the style of design by Yoshitaka Amano who is know for their Fianal Fantasy art. An example I can give is the Final Fantasy 13 Logo. The harmonic blend between curves and lines is phenomenal and unique which could also be incorporated into the aesthetic design of the civilization. The combination of blended colors like in the Final Fantasy 13 logo can be the same colors represented in the civilization's flag. 


Traditional clothes are a mix of wealthy Pakistani clothes, Indian clothes, perhaps traditional Russ-Slavic folk clothes, and South Asian clothes (Like the movie Reya). 


Almaraans will have their own writing system with almost all sounds a mouth can possibly make. It will be slightly similar to the Japanese style of words but with much more symbols. The writing system will be made of curvy letters that attach to each other like cursive. Just like Japanese, the way people speak is the same as how people write.

People talk to each other expressively as if talking to themselves in the mirror or as if knowing a person as a brother or sister for years. There is the expectation that nobody will harm another as there is a emphasis on the mastery of ethics. There is also no such thing as political correctness as there is a focus on authenticity and freedom. An interesting idea to mention is that people have communication devices to talk to other drivers in cars to ensure traffic operates smoothly with everyone having a method of staying updated on traffic events.

Social Behaviors

There is a great focus on ethics. People are expected to master a list of ethics before they get out of any school. Mastering ethics will allow them to join the Diva status of society. 

The society prizes and encourages authenticity and good leadership.

The young are expected to take care of the old. There is no real safety net. There is only a welfare program for people who make things like art, music, crafts, and other media and items.

Large emphasis on different lifestyles and how people want to authentically live their lives. 

Personally I would like it to be like the warm people of Brazil, with the ethics of Japan, and the economic progress of the United States during it's periods of economic prosperity.


This civilization centers itself around family. 

This civilization allows for multiple lifestyle and family styles. 

This society encourages family to stay at home, stay connected, and have family help family instead of being kicked out of the home at an early adult age. Family is a large focus with a desire that all members stay united and living in close proximity to each other. 


Grade school students only stay in school for four or five hours. 

There are a variety of school types. There is the Finland style of school, the Asian style of school, and western style of school (European or American). People and students choose the kinds of schools they think will benefit them. 

One kind of school is more like the schools in Finland. Students travel freely throughout the school signing up for classes.

Students need to be self-driven and curious to learn. 

Students are inspired to learn more in classes through quality-high payed specialized teachers. Classrooms are allowed to be monitored by parents, electronically or physically, and teachers are given ratings.

Colleges and universities are the prioritized institutions for learning. High schools are just for the basic information and skills with commonly six-hour school days. 

Parents of student are the only ones who pay for the schools. Schools can also have access to grants by the city-state or state governments.

Schools are competitive with the more successful being the more desirable to get the greatest quality of education with most up-to-date and quality resources. 


There is nothing illegal all media is exposed for the Diva status people. Mantura status people are limited in their access to media types deemed safe. There is a media for everything and everyone that is completely unfiltered and uncensored.

Since online resources are not censored, it's up to owners of resources to make filters and safety tools. Resource owners of online communities and applications are immune to criminal posts by their community and it's up to authorites to do investigative work to find the culprit of criminal posts without support of the resource owners. 


Businesses are incentivized to have six or seven hour work days. This is so that work is balanced with family and personal life. Workers shouldn't work more than eight hours a day. Businesses are also incentivised to have 24 hour businesses if they're greatly successful and in great demand with rotating shifts. All workers should have at least 1 full hour to eat, have a break, and relax. 

Businesses build company culture. A company culture can be represented in the way a worker dresses and the supplies they hold on their person. This can be a way to build pride in one's work. All jobs are seem as the same with verying levels of mental and physical demand.


Since there is no geographic region to determine what resources there will be for trade, I would have stated to focus on the geographic resources. The next resource for trade is academic data and resources. There is also a focus on logistics to move resources around where they need to go. Trade primarily occurs within the country. The cou try allows for periods where it shuts down its ability to conduct global or outside trade to grow its own economy and manufacturing. 

Belief System

People share a belief regarding collective ethics (how they develop themselves, how they behave in society, how they behave towards their family), growing wealth, building families, and being in communities. People believe in creating culture, building value, becoming experts in a trade, and conducting business and engaging in competitive commerce. People believe it's up to them to go get what they want in life and to build the life they want for themselves. They believe in building wealth not just for themselves but for their families, friends, and communities. 

This civilization believes human rights come from the right of the human experience through the gift of human existance. To the religious, it is also given by God or Gods. Their ultimate belief is that humans exist and are granted these rights automatically to live their best lives possible and so that they have the ability to build and flourish. 

People ultimately believe in the human experience and that it is up to them to build the world they want to see, grow, and experience. They believe ethics, personal freedom, self-improvment, and prosperity are the methods to get there. 


All peaceful religions are welcome. Society mainly is neutral with open mindedness. Any potential violent religions require a registration database. Religions adhere to the civil norms of the culture. If they cannot abide by the cultural norms, they are labeled unintegratable and are discouraged to be part of their society. 


The military is similar to the US military. If you are in the Mantura status, you are 'torn down and rebuilt better' through their reconditioning programs. If you're in the Diva status, you are 'built upon your current self to become better'. This preserves the natural intellectual and creative capabilities. 


The prison system is like the system in Norweigh or Finland. 

Prisoners can get jobs to buy things and save money. 

Prisoners, extreme offenders, and repeat offenders are permanently culled by silent hanging in a private dark room. 

All prisoners do their hard time then get reconditioned to be released into society with starting resources. 

Cultural Taboo-norms

Due to a culture and value of authenticity, nudity and sexuality are allowed as they mean nothing important in this culture. The culture sees these behaviors as part of the normal human experience. Through ethics, people are expected to do the right things and uphold a standard and quality of ethics. Because of this a variety of 'alternate lifestyles' can exist. This is what is believed to be part of freedom. All answers can be read in my personal fantasy 'Sexualism' book (which I will keep slightly confidential for now).

The display of skin or 'nudity' is not seen as offensive but a natural human phenomenon. 

Any drug substances that do not produce violent behavior are legal but must be done in special facilities. These facilities allow for rehabilitation programs and trade skill development programs.

Criminals are allowed to be beaten up by the people they did the wrong-doing to. 

Brothel-workers have the same status and respect as average workers. 

As time goes on, I'll build upon these idea. 

Photo by Chait Goli:

Thursday, August 1, 2024

My Building Community Project

My Building Community Project

    I came up with a project idea I want to call community-building technologies. These range from real-time apps to telecommunication-technologies. The primary focus is to revive community in neighborhoods, urban development locations, and rural areas and build real-time communication for those who want to use it. The first idea I have is to use  apps to build real-time text and vocal communication with a focus on 'local' and 'global' communication. 'Local' communication is communication within a limited local range and 'global' communication is a system where there are a bunch communication rooms specializing in a certain topic, subject, or event. I call these apps Range Communication apps. The use of these apps can enhance the human experience with a next level method of human interaction. My next idea is using an app that communicates with other drivers using the same app technology. It uses a sensory-direction, like pointing the camera, to maintain signal with other drivers using the same Range Communication app. The next idea is to allow telephones to access Range Communication capabilities much like the apps. This allows an individual to call a phone number or obtain a text message and access a local telephone chat or global telephone chat dedicated to a certain topic, subject, or event. I want to imagine a vocal twitter but using it to talk to a group of people. I'm sure it would seem like chaos at first but I think over time it can be refined and a method of communication can be adopted where a person will be able to speak in a group chat and even select a single person from the group chat to talk to> Once they are done with their individual discussion, they can pop back in to the main chat channel once more. The next idea I have is allow users to encrypt data in 3D world space or geographic longitude and latitude coordinates where a person can find and access data in real-time using an app or by telephone services. An example of this telecommunication services is a person walking in public and a phone picks up a number on instant message that allows a person to call the number and have access to pinned-encrypted-geographic data. Imagine walking through the city and coming across a number someone made that allows you access a vocal or text message that allows a person to get information. This would be handy for learning about some local information someone left behind. Another idea I had is the use of QR Codes. Allowing individuals to use QR Codes to access certain data or information could be handy. Imagine walking in a grave yard and wanting to know about the story of a person and see all their photos, videos, and achievements. The things you could learn from people would be priceless. My final idea is building a physical community center location in most neighborhoods or around areas people can access to learn what activities local inhabitants are doing, what projects people are working on, and upcoming group events. If there is one take away from this a blog, it would be the usefulness of community centers. It can be a place a person can go to when they are bored staying at home, want others to see them working on their own projects, volunteerable for projects, or to join members of their neighborhood doing stuff that will help build community and allow neighbors to get to know each other. Having a community center will also help dissolve crime as community builds closer connections. Overall, these are my ideas for Community-building technologies and allowing people to have greater communication with each other. 



Photo by ELEVATE: