Thursday, March 19, 2015

Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) Chips

I agree that biomechanical technology is an impressive innovation for our generation. I believe it has great potential in the distant future. However, in our present time in history I see more harm than good. The way I see it is that primarily it’s impractical. It seems pointless to implant a device into your body with limited capabilities. The next negative aspect is that it’s in your body. If a more new technology were to come out, it would be a terrible or potentially dangerous idea to try and remove it from the body. Then there is the problem of having it damaged and replaced. Removing it and replacing will most likely be difficult compared to implanting the chip. The next problem that could arise is what if the chip shows harmful effects, such as cancer, bacterial infection or some sort of allergic reaction during the implant phase or the long term duration of having the chip inside a person’s body. My final problem is addressing the controversial topic of the existence of this chip. It’s obvious that many individuals are drawn to the conspiracy of the mark of the beast and how it could lead to being used as a brainwashing device or a device used for monitoring or tracking purposes. I believe because we’re in an age of controversial political agendas, it would be most wise to avoid such an implant because the intentions of such life-influencing and privacy desiring government agencies can be seen as being kept secret and their agendas unknown.

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