Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Added Personal Quotes II

I will add more quotes over time.

  • I believe wisdom is the utilization of knowledge, experience, and critical thinking. 

  • Knowledge is undoubtedly power as history holds wisdom. 

  • Is it within reason to controversially state if there is no justice, is there no God? 

  • One sees art, I see vision.

  • Men tries to be superman, Superman tries to be a simple man. Isn't humility in simplicity? 

  • Life is undoubtedly a race against time. Nevertheless, I question, does one trade time for money?

  • Understand the patterns of a manufactured culture and seek to create one's own.

  • Although unsure, it's my opinion that a republic is the best form of government. It starts off as a pure democracy; however, a democracy by nature is unorganized, therefore becomes a republic as individuals elect representatives to group with those with similar ideas, thus becoming organized and functional as ideas and decisions are made mutually.

  • Pheonix: Knowledge is...? Me: The collection of experiences and understanding of the self and those of the past.

  • Hamza: Why utopia is impossible? Me: It's not, it's just that everyone has their own version of it which convolutes instruction.

  • Happiness is what we desire to achieve; however, perusing happiness is what truly makes us happy, that is, if we don't find enlightenment first. 

  • I question if it's possible to take away cultural blockades or the obstacles of survival and to live in a way where one is free to express themselves in their talents. 

  • It is the mindset that defines a hero, not his ambition. 

  • (Abstract idea) A dictorial system says that people need to be governing. A democratic system says that people choose how they are governed. I would find it interesting to have a system where people govern themselves. Therefore, I question the idea if we can create a system of ethics and morals that everyone can coexist in harmony in regards to personal progression and their own freedoms. I personally think such a system is perfect for confined, circumstantial, or mass habitation.  If I may also be a geek, I think this is the perfect system for interstellar, dimensional or even hyper dimensional travel. An example of this can be seen in Asian countries where there is a collective society and a society governed by self efforts instead of self-gain. 

  • Often, it seems people live for money because of survival if not the accumulation of wealth or status. A lot of people say money is the root of all evil.  I think the root of evil is not money but man who is the root of money. 

  • Referring to relationships, it seems it's possible for a female to fall in love with her perception of a guy or what she sees in a guy then to really understand or examine what a guy is really like. 

  • While driving around the city, I see a lot of hard working people; however, I question their happiness. I also think and question the system in which they operate. 

  • Under the constraints of survival or such a strict system I dare ask if we are truly free. 

  • In relation to relationships, it seems females are always attracted to guys they have preference too; however, what if a change in preference? Or, to seek those opposite of preference?

  • If I may explain something perhaps abstract and hard for me to explain, I would like to state that I believe it’s possible for a person to be traumatized by an event in which they can be blamed, have done wrong, or at fault and be treated as if done something further criminal by others even though the situation is of lesser degree. Depending on such a situation, I believe perhaps the wrong doing should have equal punishment as the severity of the event. It is wrong to treat the person at fault as if the severity of the situation is much greater. In addition, I also think that emotions should be set aside through the moderation of punishment. I believe there should be rationality when seeing the faults of another. Where there is wrong doing, there is the opportunity to learn, to seek forgiveness, and to have the opportunity to find humility in oneself and to become a better person. I think it’s right for others to treat another with dignity, compassion and rationality for understanding their faults. In doing so, they should understand everyone makes mistakes. It's with good intentions to see things the way the other person at fault sees it by putting oneself in their situation. Furthermore, I believe a thief should not be treated or trialed with the magnitude as a murderer for if so should be labeled as a tyrant. 

  • In life, it's an extremely good idea to talk to everyone and befriend everyone. Even if you discover who’s your enemies or are constantly rejected. I also want to state that having many rejections could hopefully make you feel invulnerable to rejection. 

  • In life I dislike expectation, because if I don’t become what people expect of me, it will lead to a negative self-image, disappointment or contradictory to who I am. I do things because it makes me happy. I don’t do things to please others. Instead, I would rather be appreciated for what I do and create than to be held with an expectation of what I should do or doing something what people expect of me; especially with expectations from what mainstream society is engineered to think what I should do.  

  • One should prize their own weakness and vulnerabilities and use it as a base in which to accept, move forward, and uplift themselves. 

  • Evil often has no face and for that reason, one can find evil by following the footsteps of manipulation, greed, and corruption. 

  • I think it could be important to acknowledge social fabrication where society becomes a machine as people are engineered for specific tasks with the idea of freedom but are only used as fuel in a machine designed to run by those in greater power. It’s without doubt that for me each life has it’s relevance and significance where in a social machine a person feels like a common number. I guess a good idea to help understand is if a person is thrown into the wilderness or an island alone, one will find the significance, uniqueness and how precious their life really is. I believe no one should think of themselves as useless or insignificant. There is so much more meaning in one’s life then being part of the social machine where everyone is fabricated to think and act a certain way. In conclusion everyone’s life is different, unique, important and does not have to cater to the desires and expectation of mainstream social norms. 

  • In life, everything has a balance. This includes the consumption of materialistic goods. I need not state that there is so much more to life than consuming products. I believe the consumption of goods should be for the use of how a goods and products should improve one’s life or be used to perhaps be share and make memories.

  • Wherever there is conflict, it’s always best to find resolution. I believe the foundation to every conflict is due to misunderstanding, mistreatment, insecurities, or habit. Life is short; conflicts are insignificant compared to seeing the world as a whole. 

  • Watching Departures, a film by Yojiro Takita (made in 2009), I have found there is beauty in death. 

  • Failure is not from not accomplishing something, failure is from not trying. Achievement is from what’s been tried that what one has achieved. 

  • Life should be simple, people make it complicated. I believe there is simplicity or a simple solution to everything. 

  • I wish that one day, if a person does good, puts in effort and helps others that he or she will automatically find success. 

  • It would be great to have a system that rewards all those who do good, show civility, and perform wonderful or heartwarming tasks. 

  • In ultimate achievement, happiness. 

  • It’s extremely impressive to see how much man has evolved. In a scene from Castaway, starring Tom Hanks, I remember how excited he was when he created fire. Later on at the end of the film, he picks up a lighter and sees how simple it is to make fire. Reflecting on that scene, I realized how much we take things for-granted. We take for-granted the simplicity of things, the functionality of things, and how much something has evolved from its prototype and primitive stages. 

  • It seems everything starts off as greed but then evolves to the desire for more power which leads to the desire for control over resources. However, if a person has the right morals and knows themselves and they are put into a position of power, they become leaders and future role models. 

  • Look at yourself at the age of 80 and now back at the presence, act now so that you don't have regret.

  • I believe the fundamentals of intelligence is solving problems and finding solutions with the tools one already knows.

  • Give ten minutes to think about any idea. Those ten minuets could make a world of difference. 

  • Perhaps humanity has a pattern. Perhaps long term humanity has a natural order which is to survive, adapt, and overcome, and if there is obstruction in that order, such as tyranny, then that obstruction will eventually be brought down and natural order will return.

  •  I believe in social unity with the development of certain technologies, the cooperation of minds can achieve the unthinkable. 

  • I really like the term less is more. Perhaps one can always make use of the resources or even scarce resources around them. I believe if one can utilize any resource and make use of it, they have a great demonstration of creativity mixed with strategy. I believe in this one's true talent can be seen.  Maybe with such mastery, one can find any resource and make use of it. 

  • In the future, I believe the insignificant details will be of major relevance as individuals prize the tiny details our generation often overlooks. 

  • The process of intelligence is not by obeying commands but by becoming self proficient. A good example of this  is by having the motivation to learn things themselves or from out of curiosity. 

  • I believe by getting people to think for themselves and to think of greater concepts they will naturally want to do what is right and pursue that of which is greater then themselves. 

  • When it comes to wisdom, don't follow or try to be like anyone. Doing so, one has little control, inability to be self understanding, difficulty to think for oneself, and overall no self identity. One should instead find their own path. Start as if a child knowing nothing and slowly find and develop one's path in to understanding the world; in time one will find themselves being the wise-man who teaches the next generation. 

  • Sometimes saying nothing at all can be a virtue. 

  • The intelligent individual asks the relevant questions. 

  • A rational mind in the work environment is professional. 

  • I believe it's essential for social harmony to have consideration for the individuals around a person.  

  • Could it be possible for males who respect woman to not engage in having a relationship because they do not want to hurt offend the other person because they are looking for the person in which they want to stay with their entire life?

  • Kindness should never be mistaken for weakness. It's possible one might think one is being taken advantage of when demonstrating excessive kindness. By openly stating thi, it can help others realize one is doing such an act through kindness and not the allowance of being taken advantage of. 

  • Writing is a good way to overcome fantasies, desires, and any sort of habit. 

  • Habituation leads to desolation as problems become unnoticed. 

  • It's easy to stereotype, assume and judge; however, what happens when one come across another of intellect, there could be much one could learn. In addition to this quote, if one judges another, one will never discover any uniqueness or the hidden treasures that could lye within another. 

  • Information regardless of how absurd could be useful at some point in time. For example, something conspiratorial could be useful when creating a mystery novel. 

  •  Regarding tyrannical leaders wanting one world agendas, it appears they seek to achieve global dominance through fear and control; however, the right way to establish a global community is through the spreading of democracy. When others see how democracy is functional and how society has a functional way of life, they will desire to be a part of this a functional system. Thus, the best and proper way to achieve a global community is by providing an example of democracy for others and methods of peace.

  • I believe there is much more science to discover when learning about static, gravity, and frequency. Perhaps more in-depth, waves (maybe radio waves), harmonics, magnetism, electromagnetism, and maybe the various forms of radiation. 

  • Examining the idea, could it be possible to be ruled by a global mob of elites and those of extreme ideology? How would one prevent such a powerful class?

  • In life their should be a balance. One should understand the values of life and learning from that of being solely attached to idols. 

  • I believe a person should be a little bit of everything. 

  • When one takes pity on another, proceed with cautions towards their possible unforeseen intentions. 

  • I wonder why it's within human nature to fight and not first to find a peacful solution. Is it fear? Is it pride? Is this the product of evolution? What would huamnity be like if there was a instictual ethic for resolution using diplomatic, rational, and peacful means. Can such a social mentality exhists? 

  • I beleive a productive solution for a rational individual in circumtanes of being angry at another is to ignore them or "give them the silent treatment". I beleive this solution is most effective. 

  • I beleive physical violence is most unessiary for it is barbaric, uncivilized, and irrational. I beleive a rational mind resolves through communication, keeping themselves posotive and proving they are of higher standards, or ignoring another person on purpose if necissary (possibly as a last resort). 

  • I would like to imagine a society in which violence is of greater offense and a resolution to violence is dissaccosiation. I beleive if a society removes the threat of physical violence then it will be perhaps a much more coppertive , and cabale of finding less harmful or productive alernatives to resolution. 

  • If one does punishment, then one should also do reward.

  • It's my beleif that an adult should be fully capable of rational desicion (doing what's right). 

  • A good way to lead by example, is to perform, and to perform with the outmost posotive reasoning. I beleive a productive and posotive leader brings out the charism in it's employees and co-workers. 

  • I feel it is with wisdom to listening from everyone's perspective, even if the information is false. Because with all the information one obtain's one can understand and discredit the false information and have the ability to decide for oneself what is true or has the greater possibility of being true. Nonetheless, never center yourself around a single conclusion, seek the motives, sources and understanding of the purposes surrounding the information. Nevertheless, if there are signs or evidence of corruption, always seek the information that is discredited, unmentioned, or from journalistic sources directly. Then one can either disprove the information or further one's understanding. For it's with the disproval of that which is false one will find the truth. 

  • When there is nothing else to live for, live for virtue.

  • Common among old females, nonstop nagging or endlessly complaining is inexcusable. Those who nag present the worst of evils as it demotivates, tortures, and mentally abuses others. Those who nag deserve no attention. 

  • The best solution if one is believed to be in the "friendzone" is to simply be honest. 

  • I do believe females and males can be the best fo friends; however, if a male has urges, it's best to obtain a dedicated sense of moral or mental discipline. 

  • Erotically, I believe it is okay to sexually fantasize about another; however, such fantasies should remain fantasies and should not personally affecting another. This demonstrates a sense of self-discipline. 

  • Never mistreat anyone. Every person is their own story. Everyone is to respected even if seeming they do not deserve it. Respect all. After all that person could the person you could be later relying on, helping you, or put in a position to save your life.

  • It's my opinion that moral discipline is an essential for everyone. This will guide or help others with habits, lustful desires, or the negative aspects of human nature.

  • Respect all religions. Respect all beliefs. Admire one's own belief.

  • Sometimes the best way is the hard way.

  • I believe Confucianism should be taught in schools throughout the country and perhaps later throughout the world. In addition to this proposal, children shouldn’t be taught what to do, but what they think is the right thing to do. Wisdom is self-achieved, not taught. A good way to learn wisdom is through philosophy. Learning to be a Confucian, will give them the tools to obtain a personal sense of wisdom. It is in wisdom that one can be a tool for a healthy society.

  • Wisdom speaks through the silence.

  • I believe helping others or doing what is right when you can is a person and perhaps social obligation.

  • If a person is a worldly inspiration, for example Michel Jackson, it’s best to congratulate and to appreciate him when he’s still alive than when he’s deceased and possibly turned into a symbolic or historic icon. Even if he is an idol that disappoints many when alive, he should be still appreciated, respected, and if possible corrected as a form of humility within himself. I find it relevant that one should be appreciating in what one does if they bring joy to others.
  • I believe its proper to not act through emotions. I also think it’s proper to not appeal to the emotion but to act in consideration to another’s emotions. I believe when approaching emotions, it’s best to tell the truth in the most polite manner possible. In Japanese tradition it’s rude to say no directly. I find this approach very polite. A good way is to approach such an negative emotional response with a sincere and long-rough explanation. An example of this can be also by giving a prelude to the negative explanation. Furthermore, the focus should be on truths and what applies or has affects to the physical world than to cater to an individual’s emotions. Therefore, cater to truths and not so much emotions.
  • Parents are the most critical figures in societies, it is them who need to have wisdom and to be an example for their children and others. The level of importance for a parent is critical and should be more of a priority.
  • I believe all the ideas for entertainment is great and perhaps inspirational; however, I believe there should be a way that average or even people that cannot find ways to easily display their ideas should have a way to be able to show off their ideas. 
  • Care more for the truth or doing what right or needs to be done than caring more about another’s emotions; nevertheless, do so in kind/ sincere consideration of another’s emotions.
  • It is wise, during important situations, to not to make a hasty decision, give yourself some time to think. Think about the pros, cons, affect, consequences, and what decision will be more beneficial in the long run.
  • Highly controversial: I believe sex should be kept until after marriage. In today’s society I believe this has become rare; therefore, I propose that if sexual desire were to arise and if there is no moral discipline, it should be limited to touching and oral only. I believe all sexual penetration regarding the male sex organ into the female sex organ should be prohibited and respected for it is the tools to creating possible life. One can find alternate ways to pleasure those they seek lustful desires with rather than the use of human sexual tools that could mistakenly create possible life. Although I understand such an action is immoral and possibly indecent, I find it a good idea if one doesn’t have sexual-moral discipline. It is possible that after one has sexual intercourse for the first time, it could become an addiction, habit, or a common desire. Keeping sex until after marriage, one will have a connection with their spouse that with age will improve as both partners become better over time. I believe this will help the marriage stay together. In addition, to keep one’s virginity is to keep one’s purity. I believe purity is a virtue for heaven. To be pure, is to keep a promise to oneself that one desires to bind themselves for life through marriage. In conclusion, I believe those without sexual restraint or moral discipline should only use pleasuring acts with the use of touching or oral activities than to use sexual-organ penetrative intercourse. This is my suggestion for those who do not have sexual restraint or moral discipline and to prevent undesired births.

  • Controversial: My regards about female to female intercourse is indeed controversial, because I believe since there’s no essential tools to create potential life, it shouldn’t be considered as much as a big deal aside from moral reasoning. I believe it should be seen as being a part of a sisterhood or hormonal experimentation.

  • Controversial: I question the idea if nudity should be considered indecent when seen in public. I believe certain places should experiment or allow nudity, such as certain swimming pools, saunas, parks, lakes, rivers, out in nature, and possibly around a person’s home or in one’s vehicle. I also believe that perhaps it should be considered in days of high heat or humidity. I believe society should become tolerant of nudity and should have the moral-discipline to ignore it or think nothing of it. There should be a more profound respect, and perhaps respectable admiration for a person’s bare body as it should be seen as a symbol of humility. If one were to show their body out of being lewd or disrespectful to others around them, then they should be covered. Nudity should be a natural thing and not sexually arousing.

  • Controversial: one should make known of their sexual comforts when engaging in sexual activities. Their partner should respect the sexual comforts of another. Doing so shows respect, honesty, and sexual-moral discipline.

  • Speak the truth as a moral obligation. Be the rebel of correction and truth. Do so politely with consideration and respect.

  • I believe it is within moral-discipline to not jump to aggression when one does one wrong. If silence is necessary, than do so. If one can forgive, do so for it is most honorable.

  • I believe it is with respect and civility that one should not raise their voice to another. A problem is sure to have a solution. One can state the level of their aggression without violence or even the lifting of their voice. This is to show civility and respect for others. Nevertheless, I can agree to the possible acception that if one needed to express their anger because of an unimaginable outrage or to state a truth.

  • It is my opinion that profanity is almost always unnecessary. It does however help alleviate stress and tension. If possible, have respect for those around you by not using profanity; especially around children.  

  • Respect and understand what one does not know.

  • That which is unknown should never be feared (used in violence or ignorance) until fully understood.

  • According to conspiracy, if our world is occupied by different extraterrestrial races, then they should come forth and be known. The world should learn, understand, and respect these races; for the world should be a planet for all who do good and have good intentions.

  • My made up theoretical word: Omnivelt – a mental transition over time caused by an unknown force guessing to be some sort of cycle or a product of evolution.

  • Referring to entertainment, I believe that perhaps things should not always considered going to the extreme. I'm sure one can find delight in what's simple.

  • I believe a person should have respect for that which can be considered boring, old, or outdated. The reason being is perhaps because of the understanding of that of a different time period where mentality and perhaps innocence was different. 
  • I think it's a good idea to consider what society in the past considered unimaginable, because that which is evil, terrifying, and saddening today should be considered with great sincerity. For example, a hurricane hits and although it happens frequently, it shouldn't go ignored.
  • For children (not sure; possible theoretical ideas from a male’s position): Give one’s children the goals to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or something big they could be possibly good at. This will give the child incentive (possibly to fulfil a parental expectation early in life). Later in life, suggest them to be whatever they are good at or desire. Don’t demand and push for them to be what you want or what they want. Let them decide. Referring to parents, never fight in front of the children, channel frustrations into something productive. Never say to your children “whenever you need to talk, I’m here.” Instead say nothing. Respect your child and let wisdom speak through the silence. This has the possibility to have the child open up to you without a sense of obligation, allowing the child to talk freely and possibly about anything.  I suggest a good idea would be to take your children places, like go fishing and politely refrain from conversation as if with another respectable individual. When they do speak, reply through wisdom, tell them what you think without imposing on their decisions. Through this they will learn their own sense of wisdom and moral judgment, this will also gain their desire to open up to you and come to you as a parent for advice or guidance. If they make the wrong decision, tell them what you would do in their situation. If it cannot be helped because they refuse to act out of good judgment then allow the child to make mistakes and live with the consequences. After they learn, they will more than likely be sure to desire your help. Be sure to help them pick themselves back up. When a child becomes a teenager and has a change in attitude, distance yourself as the teenager is no longer a child and is their own individual. Keep in mind once they enter the adult world, they should be respected and to be treated as if they are their own individual.
  • Controversial/ afterlife: If anyone with a good heart calls my full name after I have long passed, I will help them or perhaps even grant them a reasonable wish.

  • I believe seeing how far you can push things or doing things because someone lets you can be a mistreatment of moral judgment. The saying by Confucius, "treat people the way you want to be treated" should be taken into consideration.

  • It's with friendship that friends can be as strange, outrageous, and open to doing anything (without the problem of being externally judged (as if being judged by a stranger) or the harming of one's personal image) as they want.

  • It's with moral-discipline to overlook another's flaws, imperfections, habits, and even annoyances.

  • The utilization of politeness can help a person distance themselves from another. This is useful for politely getting personal space or even giving a hint or an indirect response that something is in need of correction.

  • To be a true friend to the opposite gender is to ignore natural male urges or impure thoughts. In addition, one can even find their friendship with the opposite gender deepened when understanding the opposite gender's emotions, preferences, and culture. Instead of pushing away from that which one does not like or find uninteresting, be honest, respectable and embrace the differences of interest rather than reject it. Perhaps later in life, one will find such a connection with one's daughter and will have to learn to embrace such differences later in life.

  • It's my belief any person should act the way they want, dress the way they want, and be seen the way they want. If a male wants to act feminine or a female wants to act masculine, then allow them to do so. Such an image could be because of personality or hormonal experimentation or culture-related trends. In the future, the individual can be self-corrected or subject to personal changes. It's my opinion that as bizarre another may be, one should respect another and treat them as they would treat themselves. I believe such a difference or imperfection in another should be overlooked and respected (because they are their own story). Everyone is human and subject to personal opinions. No one has the right to physically judge another. After all, they are human, we all are.

  • I give myself the ultimate question. What constitutes morality and why do we need it? The only answer I can find is scientific. To prevent chaos, pain, and death we should have morals. This guarantees the survival of a specie. It's my opinion that even animals can have morals. For example, a mother bird doesn't eat her offspring or messes with another creature that is potentially harmful. Therefore, I believe morals are a byproduct of survival.

  • I find it interesting how certain animals, such as a cat for example, is very cautious around objects and creatures they do not know about. They avoid that which they do not know or understand. Once they familiarize with that creature or object they learn to avoid it or coexist with it. I believe this could also be a reference of wisdom for people. We should have caution of that we do not know or understand; however over time we can become familiar with it and learn to understand instead of fearing it. Perhaps this idea will be of use when understanding the mysteries of space and beyond.

  • I believe the world needs philosophers, even after all philosophic possibilities have been discovered, because it's from critically thinking,questioning and thinking beyond is the key to revolutionizing thinking and the creation of more innovative solutions, ideas, and sciences.

  •  Question the conforming society, question the unconforming society, in both seek reason.

  • It is simple to judge or blame those who are lacking in intelligence and reasoning; however, it's with self judgment for one not to teach them. If one is in the position to teach, it's my opinion one should. With a raise in intelligence, a raise in prosperity.

  • If it's possible, I believe both male and female genders should learn to familiarize, socialize, harmonize, and understanding each other (perhaps on a more personal level) to where they can become extremely friends (without the possible need to be in a  relationship) without barriers, divisions, or maybe even differences.

  • My terms list (incase I need them):
    Promotion of good will
    Social harmony
    Non judgmental or judgementless
    Necessary law abiding
    Philosophic and logic Question
    Critical thinking
    Experienced, dedicative and skillful
    Truthful and honest
    Self-vulnerability and insecurity accepting
    Solution maker
    Inspirational and motivational
    Sincere to emotions
    Life Balancing
Necessary loyalty
Positive attitude
Filial piety
Loyalty to spouse
Self governance
Self cultivation
Curiosity for truth
Cherish heritage (good and bad)
Respect for ancestry
Harmonious relationship

Wrong exposing

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