Friday, February 24, 2017

The Future of No Future

Get a job! Go work like everyone else! I’m sure people of my generation hear this more often than hearing the birds outside. I find the real truth is what separates informed human being who keep up to date with statistics from brainwashed zombies living in a small world where nothing could ever go wrong. The truth is there are no job. Mc Donald’s and Burger King are always hiring; however, they are not real jobs, despite the belief my generation has. They are job meant for college students looking to pay through college and teenagers in high school.  The dance is the action I coined where people hop from job to job thinking things will get better. The truth is they are in a cycle living pay check to pay check with no real stability or security. They tell me they can work their way up to manager or franchisee. Although franchisee is a good idea because you’re owning a business, people in such positions are still making less than the $30,000 a year threshold. That’s still barely enough to survive. People don’t often consider their life style until they spend a day in the shoes of a higher class six figure individual. Then their lives change forever where they commonly live in a state of envy, dissatisfaction, and discontent. It seems the only way to get to that point is owning a business and risking it all to have it all. I believe living in a minimum wage salary presents a false sense of living and security regardless what anyone says. Nevertheless, it's often the necessary evil where you trade in time and energy of your life simply to survive and perhaps provide for your family. I often see friends in the late thirties still hopping job to job, some have families, many still live with their parents, most still live with roommates. Most of their ambitions is still to work in a higher paying career job after getting a degree in college. It’s my attention that if you are not in college to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or CPA then your college career is a waste. Statistically speaking, the majority of college degrees use to have it’s use but exist for the sake of institutional profit. It has become clear to me that my friends who do this often take an even harder road as they simply try to survive real life while trying to keep focus and hustle-struggle by getting through and finish college. The smart man does a bit of research; I also personally would like to feel the truth is still worth something now-a-days. Drop out rates are high, student debt is high, and there’s a lack of career positions after college as a result of poor or evil-agenda political decisions and a bad economy. Overall, I question if the US will ever see the days like the 80s and 90s when I was growing up. Overall, the struggle is real and working hard seems to sound like a fictional phrase meant to keep people in a fictional reality that things are okay when they are not. The only solutions are less regulation (less reliance on useless degrees), better economy, more jobs, a hard demand for small business (better business loans and sources for funding), and removal of the political cancer which has ruined this once amazing and prosperous country. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a new resume to decorate in an attempt to trick my employer to convince my 3.8 GPA is worth anything.

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