Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Question about God

-10/23/18 Here is a crazy question I thought was worth asking after doing some research.
According to Hebrew text the name of God or the Creator is Yah. Yah comes from Yahowah (yawei) . Yahowah comes from Hayah Howeh Yihyeh (sounds like: haya howei yihiyei); translating to: He was, he is, and he will be; according to the Hebrew book of Enoch. Yah is in reference to many names found in the old testament giving praise to Yah, such as: Yahshua, Yeshua, Isayah...etc (note there is no J in the ancient languages related to the ancient old testament). Yah, Lah, or Iah is also supposedly the God of the moon in Egypt. Just as the old testament names, Egyptians give reference to praising Yah; such as, Yah-hotep, Sit-yah, and Yamose. Yah commonly assimilates with Osirus the God of the dead. It's a mystery if Yah is or how he is associated with Osirus. In the Sumerian cuneiform text, Ya or Ea is a name given to Enki (ð’‚—ð’† ) in Akkadian and Babylonian cultures. Enki (also known as Eridu) is seen as a God of Creation, Intelligence, Crafts, Water, Seawater, Lakewater, Fertility, Semen, Magic, and Mischief. My question is could Enki be the God or Creator that the Egyptians mention and that most Judaic-based religions pray to? Could of the bible taken Enki and mixed it with Egyptian after-life culture to create a hybrid God of the afterlife? Or could it be the combination of Anu, Enlil, and Enki?

-Researching more about the Sumerian Gods, I learned Yahowah was in charge of Eridu where Adamu was created on the orders of Enki. I also learned that after Enlil descended to Earth, he took charge of that which was on Earth forcing a transition of Enki to have domain on and under the waters. That is why he later can be found wearing a fish suit. It's hypothesized for this reason he was became God of the waters gaining the name Poseidon by the Greeks (Mycenaeans, Minoans, Cretians) and Atlantians (modern day Ouadane, Mauritania). Enki or Enlil could also be Vericocha to the South American Indians as they even mention he was the creator of the great floor (if Ia is Enki then it makes sense as Ia has a record of traveling to the southern hemisphere of the globe. It could be the reason for the massive Perubian land drawings (Nazca lines), path of poked holes in the ground, landingstip-like lines that go on for miles, and shaved mountains. The flood is also apparent as it appears the landmass falls straight to the coast without any growth.).

-Could Deivos/Rod be Ia or Enki and Belobog/Chernobog be Enlil in proto-slavic culture? Could Odin, Vili, and Ve be the names of Ia, Enki, and Enlil in Norse? To add to that, could Bergelmir be Noah or Utnapishtim in Norse mythology also?

July 12, 2019
-The Mayan had many Gods but the two that sticks out to me are the main twin Gods called the vuadores; meaning the flyers. They are associated with wind and water and of creation and a great flood. Their resemblance is like IA and Enlil in the Sumerian mythology.
-Could it be that above Anu is another entity or force as the Egyptians explained? Could this be a higher belief of the annuniki?

March 31, 2012 and edited 09/16/22
Could IA (Enki) be Ptah in Egypt? Could Ia also be perhaps Pangu in Chinese (Fuxi is Adapa/Adam; Pan Gu could also be both Anu as well; Enki could also be Nuwa; the supreme three Emperor Gods could also be reference to the Sumerian Gods [Jade Emperor being Anu and Enlil later: Tian Guan also Anu, Di Guan being Enlil, and Shui Guan being Enki. I know it's confusing] I also notice the creation story and God story warping the more it spreads from Sumeria. For example India to China's version of the creation story to Japan). Could Ia/Enki be Vishnu in India (I thought it was Manu but that's more like Noah; Shiva seems to be Enlil; Shati could be Enlil's wife ninlil or ninhersag; Anu is Brahma.)? Could Enki also be Sukiyomi in ancient Japanese mythology (Izunagi could be Anu and their three noble children be: Amatarasu who is Anu or Ningursu,  Sukiyomi who could be Enki, and Suzano which could be is Enlil)? Perhaps Enki is Mak Mak or Fihowa. There is also Vikenatia. These are the three Gods to the Moai in the Eastern Islands of Polynisia (written using rongo rongo script). The Austrialian Aborigionals have a story similar to Japan's story. Another Aborigional Australian culture has a similar story of Pundjel and Pallyan.  Pundjel could be both a mix of Enki and Enlil, Pallyan is Enlil (notice the similarities of Enlil's indecent river story with the bathing girl). Overall there are many storys that are similar; especially with three main dieties. It also seems the mythology changes the further you go from the Sumerian region. The story becomes more fantasy or enchanting the more it goes east. The Story changes a little bit the more you go west. Most include a great flood, coming from the sky or creating the sky, and snakes. If Enki traveled to South America, it seems they entered the Pacific water but went back to Sumeria instead of traveling across the ocean in their fish form. 

February 1, 2022
After reading the stele of Hammurabi (Hammurapi) it seems Yahowah/Yawei could have been under the orders of Shamash because Shamash was given dominium over the Earth perhaps appointing Marduk/ Rah as ruler of the Land. 

To learn about the ancient Gods of ancient Sumeria, you can watch a documentary here:
New Sumerian Clay Tablets Documentary 2018

You can learn more about the Sumerian mythology with this incredible Youtube channel instead of doing the research, reading, and digging through London, Israeli, and LA cuneiform archives: 
Viper TV - Studios - YouTube

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