Thursday, January 19, 2023

Things I wish I Could Tell Myself As A Teenager

These are a list of things I would tell myself as a teenager that maybe other teens or adults could learn from:

1 Do not stay with toxic parents. Live with people who allow you to have freedoms and do things you like.
2 Learn about systems. School is a fake system that teaches you garbage. Learn about the real world and how things are actually done.
3 Understand what culture is and how everything you see and know taught to you externally is fake and an illusion made by corporations and systems. Learn to make your own culture and be origional.
4 Build wealth. Wealth means freedom. Wealth means stability. Learn about small business and become an eutrepreneur.
5 Make a bunch of friends. Meet everyone you see. Be down to earth. Honest. And obtain the most accurate information. Accurate information is the information you can question and challenge yourself and come up with your own logical conclusions. Accurate answers will manifest with time, the more mature, information, and experience you obtain. Every individual starts at a low cognitive state, as your brain matures and gains logic, reason, more information, and experience, you'll gain the ability to connect the neural dots and formulate more accurate answers on your own. You have to start at level 1 before you can become an expert.
6 Learn about what you honestly like and don't like without any social, cultural, or external involvment.
7 Practice 1 to 3 things and get really good at it.
Get good at coding, art, crafts, writing, speaking, anything.
8 Learn to critically think. Thinking is a developed skill. Thinking is a skill you have to practice and get better at overtime. Thinking without consiquence or to apeese a system is not truly thinking. It's hive-mind thinking. It's being a follower. Question everything! Become a free-thinker. Learn to be logical or very creative.
9 Get curious to learn about everything. Leave no stone unturned. Get accurate information. Get information from multiple sources, even controvercial sources and learn to use logic and reasoning to understand what could be true and what could be false. The truth reveals itself over time.
10 Learn to be independent and responsible. Rely on yourself and the answers already inside you that you didn't know you already knew. Ask yourself questions and how you think you should respawn and what are the consiquences.
11 Stay connected with friends. Have friends you can trust come over. Make friends with everyone but stay deeply connected with the group of friends you connect and trust with the most. Be with friends that will bring you value and help bring you success.
12 Watch military boot camp videos. Get yourself motivated. Make a list of goals, learn the value of breaking things down into acheivable small steps, and get things done. But a list of acheivments. It can be as small as doing your bed every morning. Set dates for every task and get it done. The more goals you accomplish, the more natural confidence you'll have. Slowly scale your acheivments. The larger the acheivments and doing things others can't, the bigger the confidence and feeling of growth and happiness when you reflect on those achievments. Also learn different management styles like ganban/agile and scrum workforce systems.
13 Learn about the world. Learn about how companies and corporations make their money. Staying in touch with the world will allow to question reality and see fallacies.
13 Learn to eat right. Don't consumer too much sugar. Don't consume too much salt. Drink water everyday. Learn about nutrition. Your body needs protein stay away from yhings that are unnatural to nature and the human body. Organic is the best. Learn about the farming process and how nutrients are found in the soil (stay away from phosphate soil products that have less nutrient density). Don't have too much soy products.
14 Learn to dress in two styles: cadual and formal. Find a style you look good in. Get a variety of female approval from friends your age.
15 Learn about sexuality and biological difference between genders. Learn how they are different.
16 Be hard and honest about how you can improve yourself. Ask yourself questions for every possible ange and dimension. Ask others what they like and not like about you. The answers that hurt are the best answers. Get people to roast you and laugh about it.
17 Learn hygene and how to take care of yourself. Learn to cook, clean...ect.
18 Learn to make deals. If patents want you to do something you don't want to do, tell them to make a deal with you.
19 Help your parents. Do choirs and help around the house in your own free will. Getting on their good side only helps you out.
20 Learn to accept a spicy side you. Learn about consent.
21 Travel. Take a lot of pictures. Make memory albums.
22 Dont listen to anyone if they don't have value or evidence of success and acheivment.
23 Learn to seed and grow things that are useful. Even flowers that keep bugs away.
24 Read college textbooks. At least three pages a day. Learn Psychology, sociology, small business, finance,
25 Learn martial arts and how to defend yourself. Learn how to shoot (by lining up the rear sights and front sights of a weapon. Adapt and control the recoil).
26 Follow nobody. Take their best values and develop yourself.
27 Learn photoshop, about computers, MS word, excel, and maybe learn about Phython or C programming languages.
28 Never stop learning. Never stop growing, Never stop improving. You are the character in your story, its up to you to create the character in your life's story.
29 Try new things. Stay away from things that alter your brain.
30 Lewd only once or twice a day in private where no one can hear you. Self-care is good but do not waste too much of a valuable asset. 
31 Write down ideas. Keep track of your growth if you can. Revisit how your thoughts change. You are always growing. You are tossing out incarnate information and replacing it with new information that makes sense to you in the present.
32 Don't be the sheep, be the sheep dog. Don't be a completely nice person, learn to be balanced and be  your authentic self. Learn to challenge others and have a strategy to win.
33 Strategy, strategy, strategy. Make win-win situations for everyone. Always think ahead and be two or three steps ahead of everyone and of any situation. Learn about risk and healthy risk.
34 Learn about leaders and who runs things and maybe why.
35 Control your emotions, learn to be mentally mature, and know when to strategically back away from losing situations or situations of high risk.
36 Have a mindset to lay a brick a day and overtime something grows into a castle.
37 Listen to good leaders. People with real value. Challenge those leaders also; in your mind and in person with good questions. Try and get into their thoughts and understand their behaviors and how they came to think a certain way.
38 Learn how the wealthy think and how the lower income people think. Learn their differences. 
39 Read good books you can learn from.
40 Learn that when you get involved in something, your taking a risk to getting involved in fallacies, conditioning, and possible risks to yourself.
41 Get involved in things but do so at your own risk. Weigh out the pros and cons first.
42 Get active and participate in physical activities.
43 Realize there will only be one of you in the world and throuout history so you should influence it with your talents that only you have and can provide the world.
44 Learn to be authentic self or controversial self around others. Your authentic personality is what will attract the people who are also authentic. Embrace being the outcast and imperfect. Just be yourself and be sure to talk to everyone. Absolutely don't care what others think, only vaguly keep it mind. Every person is different, every person's experience is different, every generation is different, everyone thinks and sees things differently. Rarely should you care about fitting in. You should never be looking for acceptance or approval.
45 Pay attention to the words and ideas of everyone but make your own final judgment. Never be thick headed and consider what others say.
46 Make a clear stand on your values, morals, ethics, and principles. Don't be a hypocriti. Say what you mean and mean what you say and always remember that actions speak louder than words.
47 Using strategy, sometimes its best to be silent because silence give nobody ammo to use against you and is a strategy to get useful results.
48 Learn about everything as much as possible, fear nothing, and fear no one.
49 Around evil people, build cases for future actions by collecting an array of evidence.
50 Around bullies, build some muscle, show some arm skin, wear muscle shirts, show that you are associated with a bunch of people, show you are not afraid of anyone and that if you have to fight, you will. Identify their parental issues, because it's typically where it comes from. Bullys pick on you because they think you're an easy target. Make friends in the space they occupy. Make friends with the ladies. This is in case you need backup or people on your side. Never show fear. Laugh at them as a joke and if necissary make fun of them. Overall, try to always make win-win situations and make friends with them.They might look up to you for help.
51 Its best to not associate with sociopaths and psychopaths. They are the worst and most dangerous behavioral types.
52 Stay away from toxic relationships and toxic people. If you're not satisfied, find people who will satisfy you.
53 In relationships understand the biological differences between a male and female. Remember to give and take, talk to each other, and resolve every problem that arises. Be sure to respond to their emotional and muti way of thinking. Remember to be honest, be considerate, be sensitive when you need to be.  Stand up for things you think is right. Tell your partner important things in advance about yourself and your interests before you enter a relationship. You can tell them you like to chase ladies and make a lot of lady friends. This will tell her she'd have to make the choice to try and win you over. Once she convinces you, you glue to her as the only important lady in your life. She is your best friend and greatest prize you are absolutely loyal to. You work things out, laugh, and if things go sour you tell her the door is always open and it's her choice to leave. If she leaves she can never come back and you'll find someone new who will work with you, compromise, and build that life-long companionship. However, if she stays, she has to promise to make compromises and to work with you, solve problems, help you overcome obstacles, and if she promises to do these things, you will remain faithful and loyal to her until the day you die.
54 Find stocks or dividen stocks you can invest in to snowball for future growth. Be sure to make use of the dividen reinvestment plan. Let your money make money for you.
55 Don't rely on modern medicine and drugs. They work to make money for corporations.
56 Learn to build and repair things. Use tools responsibly.
56 Get 8 hours of sleep. Blood rinses your brain while you sleep to keep it running clear and smooth. If you don't want to wake up tired, set your alarm clock for 2am and go back to sleep to reset your sleeping patterns.
57 A major secret of psychology I have discovered on my own. Think of things before you fall asleep and when you wake up. Your brain think the most clear at this period of time.
58 Fight for things that make a difference and not for petty things.
59 Learn about the law. How to defend yourself. Learn to build evidence for your case.
60 Learn to relax and distress. Never take your anger out on anyone. The use of anger is ignorence, but being annoyed is the true nature of humans. A person can live a life without being angry but they can't live a life without getting annoyed. Annoyance is what comes before anger. Anger can be controlled.
61 Do not be ignorent, selfish, or a jerk. Be balanced, be authentic. If invasion a female I would say practice logic and emotional intelligence or emotional discipline.
62 Embrace your weaknesses, imperfections, and personal issues. Learn to love yourself and live and appreciate what you have. Realize that life can always get much worst.
63 Learn from observing others. Learn from the stories of others.
64 Learn there is always someone that can help or has information that can help or be useful to you. People are an abundance of resources. Even if you think they're useless or have nothing to offer, there are always hidden treasures within everyone.
65 Never believe you know everything. Chances are you only know a fraction of whats out there. If you know about sample sizes in psychology, you'll understand there are always variables that might not always be unaccounted for. In relation to science, there is always updates and discoveries. In relation to marketing, evolutionary biology, and socio-psychology, things are always changing.
66 Have dreams. Have small dreams and have big dreams. Big dreams can be insane fantasies.
67 Learn to not fear about things you don't understand. Make peace with things you don't understand. The more accurate information and time, you'll learn to understand them. Something can be understood in seconds, some take decades. You might learn to understand something that could be a simple idea that changes all of humanity.
68 Learn your origins. Never be ashamed where you came from. Your heritage survived until now so that you could exist.
69 If you have interests, never be ashamed of it. Own it. Build upon it if you can.
70 Challenge and push yourself by doing reasonable thing you don't like. You'll find growth and maybe learn to like something.
71 Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's a part of learning. Embarrassment is only self-perceived. Nobody feels embarrassed except for you in your thoughts.
72 Avoid self-damaging pit traps. Avoid drugs, crime, and anything that could damage or affect you in the future. Perhaps avoid anything that can damage your reputation (if you believe in it). 
73 Don't overlook the small gifts in life. Learn to appreciate what you have. Learn to recognize the valuable small things in life that give you joy.
74 Help others when you can so that others can win together.
75 If you become a boss or peader of something, always lead from the front, not the rear, and set a good example of yourself for others. Remember it's okay to make mistakes. Apologize and always jeep moving forward.
76 Always do things with safety and security in mind. Being negligent, ignorent, arrogant, and wreckage leads to accidents.
77 Save early, save often (or in incrament buikds/version) with computer progress. Always double or triple check yourself in real life.
78 Learn from your mistakes. Try to remember so you don't repeat the same mistakes twice.
79 Associate names with something you can remember. This helps with memory of names and important things to remember.
80 Experiment. Experiment with different ideas, listening to different music, and recipes with foods.
81 Keep a clean, hygienic, and organized environment. Use Kaizen. An organized person is an organize mind.
82 lf something doesn't exist, create it. Create it on paper, in an illustration, or in a physical product. Never let an idea go to waste.
83 Keep an open eye for malicious activities, things that don't make sense, controversies, supposed illusions, things that are censored, and things that expose the matrix. Systems always have system controllers and you need to be mindful if something is an illusion, conditioning, or psychological-manipulation or not.
84 Never trust media, do your own research and make your own conclusions based on evidence.
85 It's up to you to believe in religion. I'd be more mindful of the Sumerian Mythology.
86 Be friends with your love interest before becoming boyfriend and girldfriends so you get to see how they are like without any relationship influences or images they try to uphold. 
87 Always consider the consequences of your action. Remember that violence breeds violence. Think of yourself as a role model or a person who represents something greater than themselves. Be a good example for others. In life you either make good decisions or bad decisions; bad decisions can haunt, ruin, or affect you for the rest of your life. Always consider the lives your are affecting. Always consider the doors you are closing when you do something bad. 
88 Help other family. Get on their good side. 
89 If you cannot live for yourself, live for others so that their happiness can help your happiness. Also consider to volunteer and help your own community. 

//I'll add more things overtime. 

Photo by Khoa Huỳnh:

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