Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dating Culture and Dating Early

I believe because of todays society, if one's going to get a life partner, it's perhaps best to find a person before the age of 30. Although I believe the age people should begin dating is strictly in their mid 20s, not to mention remain a virgin until marriage, the way society and mentality is in the US and maybe other parts of the world, it's best to start looking for a partner at the age of 16 - 25. To begin, American culture starts dating really young. Often the dating mindset starts in middle school.  Because of how American society is, is should probably start in high school or at the least college. The reason I believe this, is because later in life when a person is around 25 and going to their 30s, it seems to be almost impossible to obtain a decent partner more-or-less finding a person stable enough to get married with. It seems the girls available at this age, in all respect and most sincere apologies in advance, carry potential baggage, have deep insecurities, could have some sort of perceived problem, might be only interested in the excitement of dating, or have a nonstop desire for lust. I understand why families disagree and dislike the idea of their child dating moreless losing their virginity; however, I believe there can also reach a time in which dating can be too late or become most challenging. It's kind of like digging through a bowl of candy, if you don't get the candy you want quick, you are only left with the less popular ones or the one’s people put back. Also the longer you wait, the less atractive the candy can become. I find this explanation extremely harsh but portrays my message effectively. Nevertheless, I could be perhaps completely wrong. However, it’s how I see things.
Furthermore, I would like to address how I thought things were in regards to dating culture when I was at a younger age. I use to think girls made a bunch of guy friends and picked the one they wanted to seek lifetime companionship with. I thought they use to be disgusted and ignore the guy that purely wanted lustful intentions. Over time, I found this to be wrong. I found many females dated after a single person asks them out. There was no second guessing either. I also found more-than-often dating culture also involves intimacy if the female and male felt a strong sexual feeling towards each other or even enjoyed the time spent with each other on the date. I disagree heavily with this style of dating. I beleive intimacy is a boundary that should never be exploited, especially if the male is a real gentleman. However, there is nothing I can do about this because it’s part of culture. Furthermore, if dating is not done this way then it can be seen as a problem for either partner. The date could be perceived as the other person doesn’t feel the same way about their partner or uninterested in furthering their relationship. I find this to be sad and most unfortunate. Perhaps dating is done this way because of the female insecurities, disparity, desire for lustful intentions, or strong desire or feeling for another person. If I could, I would like to change dating culture for something more decent, elegant, innocent, and that allows people to keep their virginity until marriage.
Explicit, click to show.
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Another reason I believe females should be friends with many other guys and exclude sexual activity is because a female will understand and really know how a guy is like when they are not looking to date. This reveals the potential partner's true personality and qualities. Imagine a geek who has no experience dating who could end up being the greatest husband/ life partner a person has ever had. If a female always goes towards a person who sweeps her off her feet the first moment they meet, how do they know that person will continue to sweep her off her feet years from then. I believe making friends first and choosing a partner is much more effective to find a life partner than todays way of dating. In addition, this form of finding a partner goes both ways for each gender. A guy can choose which female he likes to be his life partner and a female can choose who she likes to be her life partner. Becoming friends allows each to get to really know and understand each other. It also makes the episode of their love confession many times more unexpected, strong, special, romantic, and memorable. 
In conclusion, these are my thoughts on dating culture and why I think it’s necessary to get a life partner early in life.

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