Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Imagining a Free Culture Society

I recently came up with the name free culture society as a name that reflects the values, views, behaviors and perhaps systems that demonstrate a different social structure of interactions and the acceptance of unusual behaviors (personalized behavioral norms) in society that normally would be contradictory to the standard norms (what is perceived to be considered normal) in society. Sociologically speaking, it’s the reformation of social culture to a more personalized and open structure of social culture. It sounds controversial, but it’ll make logical sense the more I describe it. A free culture society is in need of several condition for its functionality.
  1. The possible elimination of crime.
  2. A change in social mentality and behavior.
The reason I state there needs to be the possible elimination of crime is because having a free culture society can result in possible harm to an individual because of the possibility that one can be care free and make themselves a vulnerable target. I also state the views of society would have to change, because as of the moment, individuals in society, especially in western society, see things in what I perceive as a very individualistic. It's often the result of negative culture or sub cultural influences. For example, prejudices, the use of stereotypes, the use of negative judgment, ignorance, irrationality, or the negative assumption of another. This would have to change into a more ethical, accepting, moral, free thinking, harmonious, common sense, and even out of the box way of social thinking. Although possibly sounding utopic, it is really the a byproduct of social harmony.

To invision this idea, imagine the following scenarios: Imagine having the ability to sleep on a park bench, front lawn or any side walk just because you felt like it. You could sleep there all night and day and not worry about another person stealing from you or doing you any harm. Imagine if you were in need of financial investment to start a business and a stranger was willing to help you, leaving it up to you if you wanted to pay him back or not. Imagine having emotional difficulties and going to a random stranger who was willing to listen and be emotionally supportive. Imagine losing your wallet on the bus and to find out it has been found and turned in. Also upon receiving it, you discover your money is still left untouched inside your wallet. Imagine asking a stranger to sit down with you and having them share food with you. Imagine being able to perform an action you would feel uncomfortable doing in public, yoga for example, and being able to do it without anybody judging you. Furthermore, regarding this idea, imagine acting, dressing, or talking freely the way you wan without being criticized or ridiculed. These are ideas of what I think should be the results of a free culture society. I want it to reflect more on personal wisdom and happiness without the need to care what others think or the desire to judge others. Instead, use it to help uplift and encourage others to do what makes them happy and to feel free to express themselves without any resentment. 

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