Sunday, December 21, 2014

Relationships and Sexuality

In this  blog post I will discuss relationships and sexuality. I will address relationships first then include sexuality at the end. 

Before I dig into the colossal topic of relationship, I will discuss my perspective of the manifest functions of relationships. Foremost, throughout this topic, I will be referring the instance of relationship regarding to the love of another. I’ll begin by analyzing my perspective of the manifest (obvious) functions of a relationship.

  1. Companionship. Many enter a relationship to be with someone related to personal desire found in another individual.
  2. Emotional fulfillment. To seek emotional fulfilment in being with another or to fulfil a personal condition.Care. It’s possible to be in a relationship to care for a person or to care for each other because of disability.
  3. Possible gain. This could be referring to possible exploitation or gain, such as sexual fulfillment, or financial gain.
  4. Family relations. In some parts of the world relationship partners are chosen by family.

Now that the manifest function is out of the way, l will further examine and state my perspective regarding relationships. I will first start with my own personal experience with relationships.

I was about thirteen when I first entered a relationship. It was with a girl name Gisele. I lived in Brasil at the time and I would describe it as very innocent. I first met Gisele after falling in love with her watching a spice girls performance she did on stage with a group of friends at school. Being that I was very shy, I turned to my friends I shared class with to want to know more about her. Eventually, one of my friends got her attention and brought her to me. Very shy and barely able to speak, I introduced myself and we became friends. Because I was heavily shielded by my mother outside of school life, I kept our friendship by hanging out with her and getting to know her during lunch. After the school year ended, she gave me a kiss on the cheek with gave my first full hearted feeling of being in love. It was the purest experience of love I had ever felt. Sadly the relationship ended after I became home-schooled do to financial instability and later returned to the United States.

My next encounter with love was in high school when I had a crush on a girl named Ashley, after I had followed her in the attempt to be her friend and telling her how I felt, I had discovered her involvement in inappropriate activities regard two men in a single night. I became heart broken and moved on from that experience.

Now that I have establish my own personal history with relationships, I shall discuss what I have learned, observed, explored, and confronted regarding relationships. This is my perspective on the ethics of relationships.

Before I began learning about relationships, I thought relationships and love was a mushy, unimportant, meaningless feeling or a feeling only females shared. I thought love was a topic made up so that others would have an excuse for their inappropriate actions. I was rather immature at the time; however, since then I learned there is so much more one can learn from a relationship.

In life, I believe everyone is their own character on a stage or on the pages of a book. When one interacts with another, it’s as if one is entering on stage and becoming part of a script or being introduces in the pages of another’s book. One is essentially taking on a role in another’s life. The significance or importance of that role varies. Of course the possible reason for entering another’s story or script is because of a desire, or “the desire to be.” As Shakespeare would say.

Moving on to my belief on ethics in a relationship, I believe one should love themselves before seeking a relationship with another. They should understand themselves and why they seek a relationship. There should be more than the phrase, “Because I love them”. Often this is the response to an immature view and the longing for love but not knowing why or how it works. In addition, I think it’s best to have something in common or an interest; therefore, establishing a base to build upon a relationship. Another good idea is to understand what it is the other individual finds in oneself. Surely everyone has a motive in a relationship. By understanding each other in a relationship, one can understand the motives of another and avoid getting hurt in advance. It’s important to understand that rarely there’s a case for love at first sight. In an early relationship at an early age, it’s common for males to normally enter a relationship for pleasure or status. Also at an early age females enter for emotional satisfaction or status. At an ealy age in a relationship, I believe it’s crucial to understand that by stating ones position of liking or having feelings for another, one is being honest, however doing runs the risk and vulnerability of exposing one’s emotions. This could either lead to satisfaction or regret; therefore should be done with extreme caution. Nonetheless, not too often do relationships in an early age last. Often they end in drama, dramatic and life changing results. For example, once rejected one could have the inability to trust another, not desiring future relationships or once having a taste for lust, crave more. However, when in a loving relationship, one will most likely experience changes in one’s personality and changes in the way they see the opposite gender. If I may very quickly add, the use of different chemicals and use of hormones to the brain from the result of stimuli related to the opposite gender, may also result in a person acting irrationally, clumsy or not their usual selves. Thus is in its true statement that love is essentially like a drug by producing the chemicals necessary to seek a mate.

I believe there are many ethics to be utilized in a relationship. To start, I believe both males and females should respect each other equally. Males are not the same as females and females are not the same as males. For example, males see things from a black and white procedural perspective; females see thing from a grey multi analytical and emotional perspective. Understanding the differences will provide insight to the inner thoughts and the differences between a gender’s perspective. Moving on, it’s proper for a male to clean, act more mature, well mannered, be well groomed, and dress decently when seeking the attention of a female.  Females love men that can take care of themselves. If I may add more detail, I have found that some races have preferences. I have found that Latina woman prefer, or don’t mind, manly looking hairy guys; Asian woman prefer well groomed and hairless men. I perceive this to be because cultural traits. Understanding the differences in another will help with one’s own relationship or search of relationship.

Sometimes when one enters a relationship, they find dissatisfaction which results to negative behavior, conflict, and eventually to separation. It’s essential to learn to cooperate, communicate effectively, address mistakes, and seek forgiveness; otherwise the results will lead to more dissatisfaction. For females, I believe it’s important to understand that males do not think on behalf of emotions. Emotional responses may get one’s point across; however, will most likely lead to more confrontation with the male gender. In addition, the biggest issue or push for conflict for the male gender is the excessive use of complaining and instigation. Another thing to keep in mind for males is that females get jealous very easily, it’s best to have caution when around others and avoid unnecessary drama. Furthermore, I believe if there is conflict or confrontation, it should lead to progress, solution, forgiveness and understanding. It's my opinion the base of all conflicts is because of misunderstanding. In times of conflict I think it’s a good suggestion to utilize personal space to clear one’s mind and reflect on mistakes. Understanding one’s mistakes can help them from repeating their mistakes again. Furthermore, I’m a firm believer that time heals most wounds. I think it’s essential to remember that part of a relationship is in consideration to how you treat, act and cooperate with others. Relationship is never one sided. In the event of separation, one shouldn’t fear letting go. There are more individuals that have the ability to make one happy. I believe finding another individuals to be in a relationship with is a matter of compatibility and not of destiny. Moreover, for those in a relationship, it’s right for one to respect another if they already have a partner. I believe it’s great to keep a friendship; however, one should do so in consideration to the other’s partner to avoid unnecessary conflict. Furthermore, by understanding how one’s actions may lead to a partner’s reaction or response in your own relationship, one can prevent conflict or unnecessary drama. This leads me to my next section, honesty.

I have taken the time to write about honesty, because there’s a lot that goes into being honest in a relationship. I strongly believe that honesty is the most important golden rule in a relationship. I believe one should always be honest with oneself and with another when in a relationship. One should be honest when entering a relationship and when undergoing a relationship. The results will always be a relationship in which is true, functional and rewarding. Being honest can be painful, however, it will always benefit oneself in the end. Part of being honest is staying true to oneself. If you disagree with something, state your disagreement and why using a rational answer. It’s a good idea to remember part of being in a relationship is finding fulfillment and functionality with each other. It seems obvious that both members in a relationship should make each other happy. A strong suggestion is one should never let another make one’s decision, think for oneself, walk all over oneself, or force one to do things they oppose. It a good idea that one should still obtain a certain level of personal space or freedom and perhaps a list of goals or desires one wants to achieve in life. One should work with one’s partner in understanding their preferences.  It’s also important to keep in mind the feelings of another person, I do believe it’s wrong to act in an immature manner in most cases. Part of being mature is letting your partner know, and not guess, what and why one feels the way they do. By finding understanding one can find a solution. Furthermore, I believe a great partner in a loving relationship will encourage and help to achieve another’s desires.

Now that honesty is out of the way, I would like to address obsession. There are many females that can become obsessed very easily to things they find attractive. The reason for this is because in females the same part of the brain that responds for attraction also is shared with the same responses for obsession. This is the reason why a female can easily find obsession with a male partner. Controversially, I found if one is obsessed, and one does not share the same feeling with the obsessed individual, there are no other ways to politely address one’s need for personal space. Unfortunately, this only leaves with the sole method to demand them to leave one alone in the most direct way possible, even if it’s not within one’s personality to state such a demand. The reason for this is if one is polite or allows the obsessed individual to gain personal space, this would indicate a motive in which they believe they have a chance of gaining one’s affection. Once an obsessed individual has gained personal space, the only way to get them to leave is with direct confrontation which leads to emotional devastation. It’s wise to understand one cannot satisfy every person. One should respect that others enter a relationship to not feel alone. Nevertheless, one should never be forced to like another. One has the right to find happiness; especially in a person which they feel they can be happy with.

Now that I have given various suggestion and ideas of what I believe are the ethics of a relationship, I will state my analysis on how to find the right person.
  1. Understand yourself. Understand what your preferences, personality types, and what it is you want to find in another person. I highly advise making a list and writing down everything you would like to find in a dream partner.
  2. Understand the differences between a male and female. By doing this, one can avoid future conflicts.
  3. The adventure to finding another person. This can be simple and can be hard. One perhaps already has someone in mind, can physically look for a partner, or make use of a dating site. Another good idea would be to go where you believe you can find someone that caters towards your liking. When you find someone it's important to be yourself, polite, and tell them how you truly feel. In addition the best way to approach a person you like is through a friend, collogue, or acquaintance.
  4. The importance of being honest and being yourself. I believe it’s important to state your intentions and to be as honest as possible so that the other individual sees you for who you really are. If one has defects, one can always improve. I think a good book to help improve oneself is the art of seduction. Confidence is ones most valuable asset.
  5. What to look for in a person. It’s a good idea to have some sort of a foundation. Such as similarities, like similar interests or similar goals.  Another good idea is utilizing zodiac signs, even if one does not believe in them.
  6. Utilizing ethics. It’s essential to use good and effective communication, finding solutions, having self-discipline to ignore what’s negative, having understanding, and be willing to forgive.  It’s also important to be a gentleman. Be kind, collective, cheerful, understanding, and compassionate. It’s best to avoid being creepy; if one is being creepy, it’s best to apologize. I believe being in a relationship is part brain reading. One should learn to understand the patterns of behavior in another so that mistakes can be avoided and instead result in satisfaction.
  7. No means no, yes means yes. Rejection is always going to be one’s greatest fear. I think part of love is accepting rejection. If one is understanding, one can learn from rejections. For me, I think there should be a three tries rule. If one is rejected three times, then it’s a good idea to move on.
  8. Approach methodology. I have thought up various methods on how to get the attention of a person. Weather they work or not is questionable. My first method is to befriend the other individual and get to know them. This allows the opportunity for you to get to know them or try to get their attention to see who you are or gain interest to like you. The second method is pushing yourself onto someone. I consider this the bar man’s approach. This is where an individual approaches another individual and tries to sweep them off their feet.  This would most likely lead to a temporary relationship, however. In this case the art of seduction is a very insightful read. From the bar man’s approach one can further get to know the individual. The next approach utilizes a Romeo and Juliet-like method in which one tries to get the attention of another by using romance. For example, the use of letters, gifts or playing guitar for her. I found the use of gifts to be a good idea to see if anything sparks or not. If nothing sparks at least it was a nice thing to do. Nevertheless, regarding to this previous method, often this is seen as adorable. The following methods are what I have thought up that could be useful. The worst thing that can happen is a situation which could end in rejection or worst, a restraining order. Furthermore, it's important to be creative and cunning. 

Now that I have addressed how to find the right person, I will talk about more of my personal perspective regarding relationships.

I believe one should take a long time in a relationship to get to know what their partner is like. The reason for this is because I don’t believe in divorce and if I enter a relationship, I want to do so with the intention to someday marry them. I’m sure many in the world see it differently where they rather find someone of interest and date them to get to know them; however, in most cases it’s obvious someone ends up getting hurt. To me, it almost feels like a dating game of compatibility. Nevertheless, regarding this belief I use to believe that by having many female friends that I could have the opportunity to choose a person I found the most interest in; however, I learned that this never works. Although I feel I have experienced a lot, I perhaps have relatively no experience being in a relationship; nevertheless, I have found much comfort being by myself and with the company of friends. I often question if I desire a relationship with another when I’m satisfied being by myself. Unlike most people, I find much comfort in my solidarity and ability to strive to achieve the goals I have created for life. If such an occasion were to become reality, where I would find someone of interest and similarities, I would definitely desire to share my life and seek companionship until I reach the end of my time spent on earth.

Now that I have addressed relationships, I shall address sexuality.

I would like to state a caution or digression for those who are under the age of 18, those who I know, and those who are family. The material I will address below is sensitive, personal, possibly controversial and contains sexual material; some of which is about myself. Therefore, I advise those of you I mentioned to not proceed or to read at your own risk.
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