Thursday, January 29, 2015

Eplicas (mirrored reality theory)

If I may indulge myself into theoretical science, I have come up with a somewhat fantasy theory regarding the topic of dimensions and alternate realities. I call this idea Eplicas. These are alternate realities that extend beyond the idea of infinity. It’s the idea that when one looks into a mirror using another mirror one can see an infinite number of reflections. This concept takes that idea but imagines every version of that reality has a slight change. For example, imagine living one’s life with the only change in one’s version of reality is that a person decided to move their finger slightly to the left. In addition to this idea, imagine that this person moving their finger like this attracts the attention of another person and they decide to look at it. This leads to a changed event. Taking this concept and using this mirrored principle would show that there is essentially an infinite amount of alternate realities that vary in slight changes. Eventually it will lead to an alternate reality in which there is a dramatical change. For example, the guy movies his finger, catches the other person’s eye, the individual doesn't see where they’re going, bumps into a female spilling coffee and later in the future gets married to her. It’s an exaggerated example, but there could be alternate realities with different outcomes. In addition to this idea, I think it's important to mention realities would continue even if a person is deceased or doesn't exist. Furthermore, I have called realities that are vastly different from each other, key realities, much like key frame animation where there is a change of movement in a specific frame. By taking these key realities and listing them out, there will eventually be an array of interesting and unique alternate realities with significant changes. There is also perhaps an infinite number of key realities as well. If I may add more to the idea using labels, I would like to add the idea that each reality has their degrees of dangers depending upon their circumstances and unique events. For example we could label passive or safe realities green realities, moderate passive or somewhat dangerous realities yellow realities and label dangerous and very grim realities red realities. Referring back to the idea of key realities, if we were to take the idea a step further, I think eventually such changes will lead to not only alternate key realities but maybe alternate dimensions as maybe there is a change in the unknown environment related to holding these realities. I call this greater dimensional environment the Eplica Universe or Eplica Library. There could be an infinite number of dimensions as well. There could also be greater dimensions upon those dimensions as well. Perhaps even such that the ideas in one’s mind could be a form of reality housed in an alternate dimension. If I may use my imagination, perhaps this could also one day be our next frontier. To explore Eplicas and maybe beyond. It would be interesting to live in an actual reality we have thought up in our own mind.

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