Monday, January 19, 2015

Imagining A Peacful and Imaginative Society

I'm sure this is rehashing the old topic of a free culture society; nevertheless, I would like to add more ideas.

Imagine a world of fair laws. A society free of judgment. The ability to obtain and create whatever one desires. A world of respected difference (even if considered immoral by others). A world free of crime and tyrannical ideologies. A world that freely thinks, gives rationalized solutions, and where everyone cooperated as a whole.

This is the type of world I want to live in. Although it is a fantasy, I can live in it inside my imagination.

I remember walking into Walmart today and pretending to mix reality with a little bit of imagination. I walked into the store and thought to myself. Everything is free, now what do I need? Although I could only afford buying a pack of black and grey undershirts, I walked around the store and found myself fascinated over other unessential items I could imaginably obtain. The imagination came to an end when I started comparing prices for the shirts, however.

I also thought up of a couple other scenarios using my imagination:

I used my imagination to picture myself looking up at the stars in my own front yard. I set up a futon with a pillow and a couple comforters. I spent the night stargazing until finally falling asleep. I had no worries and felt at peace. In the morning I pictured myself with one of my legs hanging off the side of the futon and the neighbors walking by telling me good morning or telling me how it was an interesting place I had slept. Knowing how hard it would be for me to get out of bed, I would probably just ignore them and fall back onto my futon. I'm sure in our actual society, this could be considered immature or subject to hostility, but I think it would be great to be able to do this and have no need to feel ashamed, judged or have any though of being hated or harmed. 

I saw a commercial along time ago that was for an Xbox 360 commercial where the entire city was participating in a water balloon fight. I wanted to be in that scenario. I thought about it and imagined what fun I would have. Imagine having the entire nation one day deciding they were going to have a day to have a water balloon fight. I could imagine driving down the freeway and having another vehicle open up their windows and battering my vehicle with water balloons, and as I look over, they are just a simple family having fun. How enjoyable that would be (even though, yeah it could be hazardous). Taking my imagination further, imagine paintballing. Now that would be even more interesting.

I imagined attending college and made learning my career. It wasn't mandatory to do the work or even participate the class. I simple craved knowledge and would spend all day listening to lectures. Occasionally, I would imagine getting excited over a subject I thought I had no interest in and desires to know and learn more. Perhaps one day, I would desire to utilize or apply this knowledge and turn it into a personalized career or help an entity create something for the better of human kind.

I thought of a scenario where I felt too tired to go home and so I knocked on a random person's house and asked if I could spend the night. Then I imagined spending the night in a stranger's home looking at their belongings and wondering what kind of unique lifestyle they have. Then in the morning maybe they would make breakfast for me and I would introduce myself and start to meet new people. 

(these are all my ideas for now, I will add more later)

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