Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Opinion on Politics

For the longest time I have regarded politics to be what shapes and shakes the foundation of the country. It’s part of the institution of government which deals in shared ideologies, agendas, decisions, law and often controversies. It’s natural for everyone to have their own opinions on what is moral, ideal, necessary or justifiable when in the realm of politics. More than often, when one states one’s opinion relating to politics, it’s often scrutinized by another individual with a difference in ideology. I personally keep politics to myself unless asked or see rationality in which I feel able to express my beliefs freely. It’s my personal preference to not associate with those who want to be ignorant, irrational in conversation or are eager to seek argument, because no knowledge or sharing of ideas will come of it. Furthermore, I am certain that if I state the reason I believe in something, I will most likely be sought to one’s irrationality, subject to attack and unnecessary scrutiny. It is my desire to see things philosophically, logically and rationally so that I can understand why another thinks the way they do and see if their logic influences mine. In addition to doing so, I believe there is a mutual sharing or exchange of knowledge which will allow one to come to the conclusion to which political idea is most logical or most desirable.

I feel those making political decisions in Washington have their own idea of what should be done with or without the people in mind. With the over use of term limits I would believe could most likely instigate seniority or a sense of authority. I believe such a case is bad for those desiring to do good. Moreover, perhaps there is a loss in the idea of virtue, prosperity and the idea of serving in something greater than that of themselves. I would presume there would be a change in political ideology which could form different ideals in which one believes is to be the correct way to structure or govern. Along time ago I spoke with other in college, I took notice of their idea of how they believe a society should be governed and what their idea of government was. To my surprise I came across a group of individuals saying they believed that society needed to be governed authoritatively, “people are like sheep and they need someone to take care of them”. I asked them why they believed this way and I was told it was because they believe that society lacked instruction or can be seen as ignorant. This came to no surprise to me, I thought about what they said and the reason why they would think society lacked instruction. I came to the conclusion that wouldn’t it be the fault of institution, primarily education? Perhaps it is the inability to be a free thinker. Nonetheless, surely with proper education a herd mentality or the need to be governed in such a manner would be unnecessary. I also concluded that I believe education is the real foundation of a society. Nevertheless, perhaps a system of education that does not follow too much into political influences for if political figures rule education, they essentially have the possibility to manipulate society. Nevertheless, without education a civilization will most definitely lead to instructional, intellectual and perhaps civil decay.

I would like to take the time to share more of my beliefs and some interesting ideas that I think should be necessary or taken into consideration when it comes to politics. To start, I want to state I am a swing voter and hold no allegiance to any political party. I vote for what’s logical, common sense, and what will uphold the idea of liberty. In addition, I think it’s important to state I desire to get my news from Washington directly through C-span so that I can have a clear understanding on what is going on without the use or relying on popular media outlets. Moving on to today’s political environment, I grow concerned for virtue, prosperity, and the protection of United States, both internal and external. It seems to me much of the decisions and actions made in Washington seem to follow accusations made by conspiracies; moreover, I have grown dissatisfied how things are being runned in Washington. I feel what people consider freedom is more like obtaining permission. If things keep up the way they are, it could most likely lead to negative changes in the future structure of government. This will most likely lead to unnoticed, unforeseen and possibly undesired changes in liberty and prosperity. Now that I have covered my own beliefs I would like to share that I think it would be most suitable for all political institutions to read about Plato and the cycles of government. I think such a read will mold their understanding on what is and what will become of the future of their current decisions. Another reason is that the various ideologies and decisions that have been put fourth today have already been addressed in the past. It seems logical to obtain research and input from the wisdoms of the past. My final idea is more a controversial question. I am unsure if there is a proper answer for it conflicts with political philosophies. Would it be right to let those with a high school diploma or higher degree vote? It could be that those who have no form of education have very little or no knowledge of the functionality or idea of government or the understanding of the reasons behind political decisions? I’m sure one can still be educated without the use of a high school diploma; however, what is to say about others? Within rationality, I think this is something to really think about.

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